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desertbotanicalsblog · 3 years ago
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Did you know? In the 1930’s, Shirley Temple was the most photographed person in the world and millions of girls copied her curly hairstyle. #hair #hairhistory #shirleytemple #silentscreen #talkies #curlyhair New! Desert Botanicals Sonoranshine™️ Propylene Glycol Free Product Line, including➡️sulfate-free shampoo, rich conditioner, leave-in hair serum, and detangler. 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Vitamin nutrition including panthenol for hair rejuvenation, cactus and nut oils for shine, frizz protection and cuticle coating with healthy omega3 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Celebrating hairstylists everywhere for their #artwork, #initiative and #independence! #southcarolinastylist #charlestonstylist #charlestonhair #greenvillestylist #columbiastylist #rockhillstylist #summervillestylist #sumterstylist #hiltonheadhair #mountpleasantstylist #spartanburgstylist #hiltonheadstylist #goosecreekstylist Everything we do is➡️➡️➡️#parabenfree #sulfatefree #crueltyfree 🐰🐭 👨‍🔬Formulated in #scottsdale ⚗️ 🏜Proudly made in #arizona. 🌅 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cis37WjPNeF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kdglam · 4 years ago
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Stay in your own lane they say. I say change lanes anytime You want. Your still in your lane if you switch over. ~𝐾𝐷💋✨ #glammedoutgirl #inspire #woc #blackgirlmagic #schairstylist #florencesc #salonowner #bossbabe #girlboss #southcarolinastylist #southcarolinahair #southcarolinahairstylist (at South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKVn8lVFzkF/?igshid=19ncxa8o4jznd
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gracielamayrink · 5 years ago
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Dia de ir para Wilmington, mas antes passar em Charleston e Myrtle Beach. As Carolinas são lindas! 😊❤️ acompanhe pelo nossasrotas.com.br . . . . . . . . . #northcarolina #southcarolina #charleston #myrtlebeach #myrtlebeachsc #charlestonsc #carolinas #southcarolinacoast #southcarolinastylist #roadtrip #roadtripusa #viagemdecarro #porai #penaestrada #vivaavida #yolo #youonlyliveonce #vivaomomento #seame #sejafeliz #sejafelizhoje #amoviajar #viagem #viagens #viajarfazbem #viajar #viajante #viajaromundo #viajantes #viajandopelomundo (em South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8dCBAaD5uY/?igshid=19quzhdgtuc75
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caffeinatedgoddess38-blog · 6 years ago
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Sunshine YeLLoW with a SpLAsH of CoLoR 💛💓💙💖 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 . 📸 @royalraestyles Get this look with Caffeinated Goddess Extensions premium human hair bundles, frontals, wigs, closures! Link in bio 🤑 . Follow @caffeinatedgoddees38 for hair inspiration, exclusive deals and more! .��� .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #unicorn #unicornhair #colorfulhair #cottoncandy #watercolors #haircolortutorial⁣ #lasvegas #alabamaweaves #vegaswigs #lasvegasweaves #lasvegashair #lasvegasmua #hairlasvegas #customwigsjacksonville #southcarolinastylist #lasvegashairextensionspecialist (at Columbia, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0wc3wxn1QU/?igshid=cvjqbkbj50nb
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curluplipstickanddye-blog · 6 years ago
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My #DOUXGANG fam repping @ilovethedoux this past weekend in New Orleans 💥💜🌻✂️• • To have a brand that embraces who I am as a person, an entrepreneur, & my brand is seriously so incredible. I connect so much with The Doux & to be able to work alongside this amazing team is an absolute dream. Many thanks to my friend & mentor, Maya, & her entire family for accepting me into y'alls world 🌻• • I love all of y'all so much & thank you mostly for letting me shine & #DOUXME 😘🙏🏽💜🌻✂️• • • • • #curlsbysunflowersandscissors #hotgirlsummer #fairycurlmother #80sbaby #curlyhairstyles #ilovethedoux #douxgang #douxgangpro #curlyhair #hairbrained #nycnaturals #southcarolinastylist #columbiasc #haireducation #curlyhairstyles #neworleanshair #neworleans #curlynaturalhair #curlygirls #haireducator #curlygirlsrock #atlantanaturalhairstylist #southcarolinahair #hiphopnation #naturalCURLS (at FrenchQuarter NewOrleans) https://www.instagram.com/p/BztGMMjJ93L/?igshid=vkskcuoxiyiy
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The switch up 🔮👸🏽🌻 I'm so absolutely in love with my rainbow #boxbraids by my amazing salon bestie & sister @daniellepagan 😍 Show Danielle some love & follow her! She's a phenomenal stylist & she's dope at braiding & dreadlocks. Fit by my fave @rubythreadsvintage 💕 #hairbysunflowersandscissors #curlspecialist #loveyourcurls #fairycurlmother #daniellepaganhair #hairbydaniellepagan #rockpaperscissorssc #southcarolinahair #southcarolinastylist #braids #rubythreadsvintage #protectivestyles #rainbowboxbraids #90svibes #americansalon #howtonaturalhair #gocurls #curlyhairmag #cosmoprofbeauty #unicorncurls #respectmyhair (at Rock Paper Scissors Salon)
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esalon · 6 years ago
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#esalonsc #ehairlineproducts #shortcuts #sewins #quickweaves #microlinks #weaveinstallation #sale #eyelashes #just #lashes #nails #products #worldwide #colorhairservices #northeaststylist #southcarolinastylist (at E Salon) https://www.instagram.com/iericablanks/p/BuRsSMZBNnv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ag16sfmhgczs
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banginghair-blog · 7 years ago
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Unleash Your Inner Sexy with Banging Hair Professional Stylist Network ~ Locate a Stylist Near You! www.BangingHair.com #professionalhairstylist #hairstylist #stylistslocator #topstylist #beststylist #alabamastylist #alaskastylist #arkansasstylist #californiastylist #coloradostylist #connecticutstylist #delawarestylist #floridastylist #georgiastylist #hawaiistylist #idahostylist #illinoisstylist #iowastylist #kansasstylist #kentuckystylist #louisannastylist #mainestylist #marylandstylist #massachusettesstylist #michiganstylist #minnesotastylist #mississippistylist #missouristylist #montanastylist #nebraskastylist #nevadastylist #newhampshirestylist #newjerseyhairstylist #newmexicostylist #newyorkstylist #northcarolinastylist #northdakotastylist #ohiostylist #oklahomastylist #oregonstylist #pennsylvaniastylist #rhodeislandstylist #southcarolinastylist #southdakotastylist #tennesseestylist #texasstylist #utahstylist #vermontstylist #virginiastylist #washingtonstylist #westvirginiastylist #wisconsinstylist #banginghair #banginghairstylists
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respectmyhair · 8 years ago
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Shape in curls 🌻✂️ How gorgeous are these coils in my curlfriend Tori!!! Styled her with all @upnorthnaturals Go-2 Hydrating Hair Milk & 8 Oil Defining Gelly. #hairbysunflowersandscissors #curlspecialist #loveyourcurls #fairycurlmother #naturallycurly #curlyhairstylist #beforeandafter #luvyourmane #respectmyhair  #charlottenaturals #coilyhair #charlestonnaturals #naturalhair #devacurlpro #upnorthnaturals #cachoscurlyoficial #southcarolinastylist #healthyhairstylist #devacurl #crwnmag #curlygirlcollective
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thehairvixens · 4 years ago
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Want some long hair??? . We have some long body wave and straight texture frontal wigs. Single knots, for the most natural looking hairline. Pictures is our 26” bodywave texture available now for purchase. Click the picture to purchase now/// . #thehairvixens #getvixed #hairextensions #hairideas #wigs #wigmakers #bodywavewigs #bodywaves #longhairwigs #wiglifestyle #wiglife #singleknotswigs #transparentlace #swisslace #shoponline #shoponinstagram #buyblackowned #lacefrontalwigs #lacefrontals #longhairstyles #hairstylisttribe #southcarolina #southcarolinastylist #southcarolinahair #dopehair #dopehairstylist #weshipfast📦📬 (at South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ58msCDrmR/?igshid=1ed0mhq1w66o2
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desertbotanicalsblog · 3 years ago
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Did you know? Charm schools became popular in the U.S.A. in the 1920's, teaching etiquette, fashion, and personal grooming. #hair #hairhistory #charmschool #johnrobertpowers #modelingschool New! Desert Botanicals Sonoranshine™️ Propylene Glycol Free Product Line, including➡️sulfate-free shampoo, rich conditioner, leave-in hair serum, and detangler. 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Vitamin nutrition including panthenol for hair rejuvenation, cactus and nut oils for shine, frizz protection and cuticle coating with healthy #omega3 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Celebrating hairstylists everywhere for their #artwork, #initiative and #independence! #southcarolinastylist #charlestonstylist #charlestonhair #greenvillestylist #columbiastylist #rockhillstylist #summervillestylist #sumterstylist #hiltonheadhair #mountpleasantstylist #spartanburgstylist #hiltonheadstylist #goosecreekstylist Everything we do is➡️➡️➡️#parabenfree #sulfatefree #crueltyfree 🐰🐭 👨‍🔬Formulated in #scottsdale⚗️ 🏜Proudly made in #arizona. 🌅 Learn more at➡️ www.dbotanicals.com (at Hollywood, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd8yzF7JIvr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kdglam · 4 years ago
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So, Now What ? Yeah whats done is done! There is no undoing what has been done. What are you going to do now? 2021 is here. Im creating the life I want! Abundance of everything that is for me. My mind is in a different space and their is no room for thinking negatively. Mindset is everything. #positivevibes #mindset #glammedout™️ #glammedoutgirl #salonowner #woc #blackgirlmagic #hairstylist #hairstylists #hairstylistlife #southcarolinastylist #florencesc (at Florence, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKUiJGThW0t/?igshid=1o38o32sjwwif
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curluplipstickanddye-blog · 6 years ago
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Let's get back to basics..... 🌻• • Hydrating naturally curly/textured hair is THE most important thing when it comes to living this #naturalhair life. • • When you bring back the basics of haircare that will change your curly hair game entirely. • • The fundamentals of healthy haircare are vital to getting your hair & scalp at its best: - Cleansing & conditioning the hair every 7 to 10 days. Sucka Free Shampoo or One Love Co-Wash from The Doux are my faves. • - Using water soluble stylers & keep your stylers to no more than 2. • • I always use products that encourage moisture in the hair & that's 1 of the many reasons I LOVE The Doux line & rock with my @ilovethedoux family. • • I see a lot of people with natural hair doing the mostest. They struggle with using products that aren't suitable for what their actual hair needs or using too much of products that don't work for their hair. That ends up wasting money & time trying to figure it out in the natural hair aisle streets based off of what so & so is using or following the latest natural hair trend that's all the rave on the internets. • • That creates a vicious cycle of forever being disappointed by the results which in turn makes people hella frustrated with their hair. • • For me behind the chair & when I'm on the road teaching classes The Doux is my go to line. It's made by a professional @ouidoux & consistently gives dope results, makes the hair feel like hair with bounce for days, & it is straight to the point & simplified leaving no need for using more than 2 products for styling. • • Swipe to see my New Orleans hair model Aliyah & her #hairtransformation turning her #curldefinition all the way up 😍 btw she's never seen her curls like this before 🙏🏽🌻✂️• • I used @ilovethedoux Mousse Def & Swag Goo to style her #washandgohair 💜🌻✂️• • • • • #curlsbysunflowersandscissors #fairycurlmother #curlyhairstyles #ilovethedoux #douxgang #douxgangpro #naturallycurlyhair #hairbrained #nycnaturals #southcarolinastylist #columbiasc #haireducation #curlyhairstyles #neworleanshair #neworleans #curlynaturalhair #curlygirls #haireducator #curlygirlsrock #atlantanaturalhairstylist #southcarolinahair #afrohair (at New Orleans, Louisiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzsj4LyJVBy/?igshid=8kory9bb4qwl
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The beginning to healthy hair greatness 🌻 Buh bye relaxed ends, hello healthy curls! I can't wait to see how Cherokee' s #curls transform in the next few months! Thank you Chaiyanne @yungmufasa_ for sending your lil' sister Cherokee to me!!!! #hairbysunflowersandscissors #curlspecialist #loveyourcurls #fairycurlmother #naturallycurly #REALgirlsREALcurls #healthyhairjourney #curlyhairstylist #charlottenaturals #charlestonnaturals #crwnmag #curlygirlcollective #teamnatural #curlyhair #crwnmag #curls #healthyhairstylist #blackgirlmagic #texturedhair #naturallyshesdope #respectmyhair #upnorthnaturals #hairbrained #naturalhair #southcarolinastylist (at Rock Paper Scissors Salon)
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desertbotanicalsblog · 3 years ago
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Did you know? In 1928, Mary Pickford-the star of the silent screen-caused tremendous public outcry when she cut her hair to go to a bob style. #hair #hairhistory #marypickford #silentscreen #hairbob New! Desert Botanicals Sonoranshine™️ Propylene Glycol Free Product Line, including➡️sulfate-free shampoo, rich conditioner, leave-in hair serum, and detangler. 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Vitamin nutrition including panthenol for hair rejuvenation, cactus and nut oils for shine, frizz protection and cuticle coating with healthy #omega3 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Celebrating hairstylists everywhere for their #artwork, #initiative and #independence! #southcarolinastylist #charlestonstylist #charlestonhair #greenvillestylist #columbiastylist #rockhillstylist #summervillestylist #sumterstylist #hiltonheadhair #mountpleasantstylist #spartanburgstylist #hiltonheadstylist #goosecreekstylist Everything we do is➡️➡️➡️#parabenfree #sulfatefree #crueltyfree 🐰🐭 👨‍🔬Formulated in #scottsdale⚗️ 🏜Proudly made in #arizona. 🌅 Learn more at➡️ www.dbotanicals.com (at Canada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcS53GOrkZl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kdglam · 4 years ago
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Happy New Year!! 2021 Has begun there will be no New Year resolutions. I stop making those years ago and just decided to do better than the previous year. Well this year I will set some goals and make some plans then execute them and just be kinder to myself while remembering to celebrate the small wins as well. I Hope everyone stays healthy, safe, prosperous and continue to be a blessing for others. What is a gift/talent given if it is not to be shared with others. #glammedout™️ glammedoutgirl #scstylist #southcarolinastylist #schairstylist #salonlife #hairstylistlife #florenceschairstylist #bringingtheglamoutofallwomen (at Florence, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJkQJsSFp9T/?igshid=8amrkni6f0lj
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