#penelope garica x reader
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years ago
Garica x reader - special
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I'm not sure how often I'll allowed to request, but could you do Garcia x reader? Strong minded and gritty reader that only listens to Garcia or if she asks anything of the reader - @fangedreject 💜
Sitting on your desk, you were reading through some of your papers when you felt someone tap your shoulder and you looked up.
“Don’t sit on your desk I’ve told you this.” Hotch sighed.
“My desk, therefore Hotch, my ass may sit wherever it wants.”
He sighed, crossing his arms as he looked at you.
“And it’s not professional.”
“Neither is the fact that I’m wearing a hoodie but here we are boss man, my ass wishes to sit on the desk.”
Hotch just nodded and walked away and you went back to doing what you were doing.
It wasn’t long until you heard someone walking over and you smiled, setting the paper aside.
“Penny.” You smiled.
“You know you’re not supposed to be sat there.” Garcia scolded.
You hummed a little, propping your foot on your chair and you rested your arm on it as you leant forward a little bit.
“Are you telling me to move?” You whispered.
Garica gave you a sweet smile.
“Yes please!”
Putting your foot down, you slid from the desk and put your chair back the way it was supposed to be.
“Thank you my lovely.”
Garica kissed your cheek and you wrapped your arm around her shoulder as you looked at your watch.
“Lunch time, I’m buying let’s go.”
“Oh yay! Can I choose where we go?”
“Of course you can.”
Hotch watched as you and Garica walked away and he turned to everyone else who had just walked into the bullpen.
“How does she do it?” He asked confused.
“Do what?” Rossi asked.
“Get (Y/N) to listen, they don’t listen to anything we say.”
They all looked to where you and Garica had walked and they all shrugged a little bit.
You and Garcia came back, and you set your coffee on the table and turned to look at her, handing her the bag you were holding.
“Your belongings.”
“Thank you (Y/N)!” She chirped.
She kissed your cheek again and started to walking away before she stopped and walked back over.
“Hm, I suppose I can live without it.”
You pulled your hoodie off and handed it over to her and she beamed brightly at you.
“I expect that back Miss Garica, I will be coming for it later.”
“And it’ll be safely stored away in my office!”
With that she walked away again and you sat down, taking a sip from your coffee as you pulled some things over to you.
“Do we have to be sweet to you like that?” Emily asked.
You looked up, kicking your feet up on your desk.
“You always do whatever she says. If we kiss your cheek will you do that for us?” Derek smirked.
He walked over and you pointed at him making him stop.
“Try it and I’ll drop you so fast you won’t even know what’s happened or what hear it is Derek Morgan.”
He whistled, raising his hands a little as he took a few steps back away from you.
“What’s the secret, what’s does Garcia have we don’t?” Rossi asked.
The whole team stood around you, and you looked at them idly.
“Maybe it’s something to do with how she’s talks to them?” Reid asked.
“No I’ve tried that, didn’t work and then they took my coffee and drank it all.” JJ said.
You nodded your head as you rested your hands behind your hand.
“Maybe it’s something Garcia does?” Hotch asked.
“Keep guessing, you’ll be there all day. I’ve got a meeting so have fun.”
With that, you grabbed your cup, some files and left them all stood there still trying to figure out how she did it.
Nothing they came up with made any sense, so they decided to go to Garcia and ask her directly how she managed it.
“Why does (Y/N) listen to you?” Emily asked her.
Garcia turned around and looked at everyone stood in the doorway of her office.
“You know I’m not sure, I did once ask but they never told me.”
“Come on babygirl, you can tell us. Please?” Derek grinned.
Garcia shrugged a little.
“Sorry lovely, I really don’t know.”
They kept pestering her, even when she went to get a new drinks they kept asking and she kept telling them she had no idea.
Because she really didn’t.
She had absolutely no idea why you listened to her and not them, why you were so different with her but not them.
“Guys please, I really don’t know.”
You walked into the kitchen and set your files on the table and walked over, taking over making her drink as you grabbed a clean cup to make your own.
“Can you make us a drink?” Rossi asked.
“You’ve got arms make your own.”
You handed Garcia her cup and picked up your own, tapping her forehead with your finger as you grabbed your files.
“There you go angel.”
You turned to the rest of the team and narrowed your eyes at them all.
“Stop pestering her. First and only warning.”
With that you walked away again.
“I don’t get it!” Emily huffed.
They all laughed at her and turned to watch you sit down at your desk and kick your feet up again as you grabbed your phone.
You were a great agent, you were good at what you did, but you really were a mystery to them all and they couldn’t figure you out but they still trusted you with their lives because they know you had their backs.
But they needed to know why Garcia was so special
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penelope garcia x stud!reader
primarily penelope and the reader. introduces the team at the end, only mentions hotch, derek and jj by name. brief mention of kevin.
Starting your first day at the BAU, you find yourself trapped in the elevator for hours with a beautiful woman that you can't stop yourself from being attracted to.
Pure Fluff.
Unspecified age gap, but reader is an adult. No use of Y/N.
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"Hold it!" You hear as you step into the elevator. You turn, your back facing the back wall of the elevator. You almost don't hold it, but then, she calls again, "Hold the elevator, please!" 
And, that's when your eyes zero in on her. She's a stand out, if you've ever seen one. Colorful and bright as ever, she reminds you of both a sunshine and a rainbow after a rainy day. You reach out, catching the elevator doors before they could close, willing them to react to you and open up. Her heels clack louder as she puts a pep in her step to catch up, thanking you her entire way there. You don't let go or step back until she makes it into the elevator. She thanks you once again, and you assure her thanks isn't necessary. She turns to you, really, turns to you. 
"I don't think I've ever seen you before," she says, outstretching her hand for you to shake, "Penelope Garcia. My friends call me Garcia. 
You shake her hand as you introduce yourself to her and smirk, "Are you saying you want to be my friend?" 
Garcia smiles and her entire face lights up when she does, "Well, I'm always open to making new friends." 
"Where are you headed to?" You ask. 
"I am going to the BAU." 
Well, this must be fate of sorts. Either that or it was the kindest of coincidences. You were happy for it, regardless. This was your first day training for the reopening of the liasion position. You had been hoping that you would meet someone kind to help you transition into the new job. Your smile overtakes you. 
Penelope looks at you again, like really. Your name bouncing between her ears as she tries to place you. If you were headed there, surely she must have at least heard of you. She knows about all the changes to the unit. Well, the ones that aren't impromtu, anyway. Sometimes, Hotch makes a quick decision that doesn't go all the way through proper channels until after the decision has been made. But, other than that, she knows about it. And, then, it dawns on her. 
"Oh, OH! You're our new liasion!" She puts together, and you nod. "Well, I guess I'm going to have to pay closer attention to BAU pres conferences, now." She says, eyes trailing you from head to toe. Not onces but twice. 
"Ms. Garcia," you say, turning fully to face her, leaning in just a little, "you coming onto me?" 
Her face goes beet red as she giggles, eyes twinkling under her glasses. She opens her mouth to respond, but before she can, the elevator does a psuedo drop before halting completely. It goes dark for a moment, and then the emergency lights come back on. When the lights come back on, the two of you see each other hugging your own corner of the elevator. You kind of fucking hate elavators. 
"Please, tell me this doesn't happen often," you say, breaking the ice. She just shakes her head as she tries to get a handle of her breathing. "It can't be like this for long, can it?" You ask, trying to soothe yourself. She ignores you, still trying to get her breathing under control so she can soothe herself. It takes a lot of mental strength for you to push yourself out of your corner and into hers. You wrap your arms around her, gently, when you cross over and ease the two of you down to the floor. You place her hand on your stomach and model slow deep breaths for her to mimick. It takes a moment for her brain to catch up to the moment, but it does. She follows your league until it works, and she's relaxed a bit. Relaxed enough so that her breathing isn't a source of worry. You give her a gentle smile, then, "No worries. I'm going to just call my new boss and tell him where we are." 
"Good idea, call Hotch." She says, watching as you retrieve your phone from your pocket. Your face drops and so does her heart. Frowning she asks, a little frantic, "What is it? What's wrong?" 
"I don't have service," you mutter, restarting your phone, hoping for it to not be the case. But it is, and you mutter again, "I don't have service." 
She retrieves her own phone from her purse, heart dropping further, "Neither do I." 
You takes a deep breath. You don't know Penelope that well, but you are fairly certain that if you lose your shit, she's going to lose hers. So, you can't. Even though, you want to cry a little. Even though, you are terrified that this metal coffin will become you guys' final resting place. You force yourself to be optimistic, though, for both of your sakes. 
"Okay, it's fine. They'll notice we aren't here, and the generators will start working, and we'll be out of hear in no time." 
No time, has turned into four hours, and it's killing you to not know just how long you're going to be stuck here. But, you guys have found a way to not just pass the time but to keep each other sane. The ultimate question game. Where you combine this or that, would you rather, one must go, where do you stand?, and fact or fiction with the general questions game. It was lighthearted, helped you get to know your coworker, who was becoming forbidden fruit as your attraction started to grow, and most importantly, it kept your mind off the whole being trapping in a floating metal coffin thing. 
"Wine or beer?" She asks. 
"Wine," you say without a second thought. "Would you rather walk a mile of hot coals or swim across a lake of razors and lemon juice?" 
She laughs through a scoff, jaw dropping just so, "What a sadistic question." You shrug, pleased with the dilemna you've created. "You answer," she insists. 
"You can't turn it back around on me," you remind her, "We agreed. It's against the rules." 
She huffs, "I really hate the mile of hot coals, but I am not the strongest swimmer. So, I don't really have a choice, do I?" You shake your head. She huffs, "So, what made you want to join the BAU?" 
"Well, I've always been intrigued by how much the media can sway and swing things. How it can speak to the public and change the way they think, how it can send messages to people, to reach people exactly the way it needed to be reach. So, I worked behind the season, helping to produce a national news show. We reported on a lot, from crime to celebrity scandal to politics. The works. But, some of the messages we were sending, how they were reaching people, it just," you shrugged, "I wasn't happy with what I was doing. I saw first hand how dangerous it could be when the intention wasn't solely to help, and I felt sleazy all the time. So, I changed careers. I wanted to better serve the public. Then, they reopened this position, and I had to apply." 
Penelope smirk, curiousity taking over her as she was geared up to break another rule. "What channel did you work for?" 
"No, it's my turn." You remind her, playfully swatting her thigh, "Stop breaking the rules." 
"You know, I was hoping the first time you spanked would be somewhere more private, but I'll take it." 
You play along, "I mean, can it get any more private that this?" 
There's this brief change in her eyes. Almost lustful, but it is so fleeting. You've seen it before, though. It's happened of the last few hours. She looks away, but you keep your eyes on her. 
"Ask your question." 
You don't know why you don't stop yourself from asking this but, "Do you date women?" 
"Are you asking for a friend?" She asks, looking back at you. 
"Nope, just me." 
She blushes, looking away again, trying to see if this moment is real or if maybe she hit her head when the elevator jumped. She does that a lot. Every time the temperature rises between the two of you, she looks away. It's probably the smart thing to do. Trying to break the fever in the air. She is forbidden fruit, after all. You hate to shit where you eat, but you can't remember the last time you were quite this tempted. Especially in a situation like this with absolutely no prying eyes. With little to nothing to remind you that interoffice romance was a bad idea. And, everything just fueling this attraction you feel towards her. You do something bold. A gentle pair of fingers on her chin, pulling her face back to yours. 
"Answer my question." You demand, softly, even though, you are fairly certain you know the answer. 
"I do, actually," she answers, and you smile like you've just won a prize. 
"Your turn." 
"Aren't you a little young to be asking about my dating preferences?" 
You snort out a chuckle, having been with your fair share of older women. If you were being perfectly honest, the youngest woman you had ever been with -- at all -- was seven years your senior. Beyond that, though, you were grown. 
"I'm old enough to be starting my second career, and be something of a veteran at my old one," is your answer. Though, to be fair, you went to college early. Finished early, too, and you were the youngest producer on your staff but a decent margin. Always ahead of the curve you were, but it didn't take away from the truth of your statement. Or, the implication. You were old enough to know what you liked. You were old enough to be her colleague. You were old enough to be her equal. 
"Your turn." She says, because touche. 
"Are you seeing someone right now?" 
"Nothing serious," she answers, "You?" 
You shake your head, "Nothing at all." 
She smiles, then. You, in her mind, were also something of forbidden fruit. She wasn't opposed to dating a techincal coworker. Obviously, Kevin, but someone in her unit? She couldn't let herself go there. She wouldn't. She didn't want to risk the fallout. Especially not with you. You were so new here; she didn't want to taint your experience with relationship drama. Even if you were the sexiest thing to walk into this building since Derek Morgan. Still, it made her happy to know that her future fantasies didn't have to contend with another. She was mildly selfish that way. 
She was about to respond when the regular lights came on, and the emergency lights when off. Not long after, the lights came back on, the doors opened, and the two of you come face to face with six concerned faces. You stand, hasitly, helping her to her feet the moment you were on yours. 
A blonde comes forward, wrapping her arms around Penelope, holding her for a moment. When she releases her, Penelope gives brief hugs to everyone else, until she reaches a bigger guy. Real buff and pretty, like a model. He hugs her as tight and as long as the blonde had. When he releases her, she merely smiles at the man you know to be Aaron Hotchner. 
"Are you okay?" 
"Yes! I am perfectly fine," She says, "Thanks to this lovely human," she says, reaching back for you, "I found our new liaison." She tells the group. You smile and wave, introducing yourself. They all introduce themselves to you. "If it wasn't for her, I would have lost my mind in there." 
Derek makes sure to shake your hand, "Thank you for taking care of her." 
Your eyes settle on her, and you try to contain your smile. Your eyes give you away, though, as you say, "Always," before Hotch connects you with JJ. You recongized her before she even introduced herself. You'd seen her conferences online before. Her older ones. Hotch informs you that she's going to be shadowing and training you for the next couple of weeks while you find your footing, and that your first case is today. You link up with JJ as the team and Penelope separate. When you turn to glance back at her, you find her looking back at you. You smile at each other, already missing the private bubble the two of you shared. 
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onlyinyourdreams404 · 2 years ago
Flowers for your, Girlfriend? Penelope x GN!Reader
Just some fluff to cheer y'all up as most of us are burned out and ready for summer break (In my case I have to wait till next Thursday)
You walk into the office with flowers, you thought you were alone in the office but it turns out that, that wasn't the case. you start walking towards Penelope's office. you are smiling from ear to ear. you walk past the small kitchen/coffee station in the office and are stopped in your tracks. you back up a bit to see Aaron Hotchner there, looking at you, in a questioning gaze. "Who are those for?" he asks you. you start to panic, you don't know what to say. "Y/N? Who are those for?" he gives you a look of wonder. "Penelope..." you say softly, almost inaudible. "Who?" he asked again. "Penelope!" you say louder, still embarrassed due to the fact that your boss just caught you bringing in flowers for your girlfriend. 'although,' you thought, ' he doesn't know that she is my girlfriend, I could say they are out of courtesy' you start to feel better. "I just thought she could use some to cheer her up seeing as she hates to look over our cases especially if they are quite gruesome." he looks at you, squinting his eyes. THATS when you begin to panic. 'what is he finds out? Would he tell us to break up because we are co-workers?' you are panicking more, so you just look at the flowers to help calm you down. you can feel his eyes on you. "Ok" he says taking a sip of his coffee. As he walks away, you let out a sigh of relief. you calm yourself down and start walking towards Penelope's office. You open the door and place the flowers right in front of her monitors. you turn and search for a pad of paper and a pen. you open a couple of drawers and find a pen and a sticky note pad. you write on the sticky note, "For you, my lovebird" you place the sticky note right in front of the vase. you walk out of there, smiling. you head to your desk to get some work done. around an hour later, the rest of the team starts filing in the door laughing and a couple having coffee cups. you smile and you see Penelope come in the door and get even happier. she looks straight at you and smiles, blushing a bit. the other team members notice y'all staring gat each other and smiling. they start "ooh"-ing and you and Penelope start blushing more, Penelope lightly hitting them telling them to stop. you think to yourself, 'how did I get so lucky to have a girlfriend like her?'
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you wait after work for her to leave her office. you are standing there, looking at all the portraits on the wall. you hear the door open and turn to see Penelope holding the flowers you gave her that morning. you smile and take her hand and kiss the back of her hand. she smiles, giggling. you hold her hand, intertwining your fingers and start walking towards the elevator. you suddenly hear foot steps behind you and quickly let go of Penelope's hand, giving her a look of 'someone is coming up behind us.'. Aaron greets you guys "good evening you guys." he says in his usual tone. all three of you get in the elevator as the doors open. you three are standing there, being awkward. Hotch says something first. "I know you guys are dating, and I'm ok with it." you and Penelope both let out a breath you guys didn't notice you were holding. "Thank god, I'm sorry Hotch, we didn't mean to keep it from you. we just didn't know how to bring it up." you say apologetically. "yea! and we didn't know how you or the rest of the team would react. we are sorry sir.." Penelope adds, looking down. she grabs your hand and intertwines y'all's fingers. "Its ok. Don't worry about it anymore" he says, giving you guys a small smile. The elevator reaches its destination and y'all walk out and out of the building, say your "Good Night's" and such. You and Penelope walk to your car. Y'all get in the car and get situated. you grab Penelope's hand and hold it. You lean in for a kiss, and Penelope closes the gap. You can taste her Strawberry flavored Chapstick. "I love you my lovebird" you say. "I love you too my sugar cube" she says in response. You both smile and head home. you both agree, that was a good day, and that y'all should tell the rest of the team.
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kiwriteswords · 1 month ago
Full of Surprises [Aaron Hotchner x Female Reader] *18+*
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Masterlist (not updated, sorry!)|| Ao3||Word Count: 3k|| AN: I felt like writing smut...but then scrapped all of the rest of this story where I felt like it was trash, but enjoyed writing this half I am sharing! As someone who loves going to clubs...this was fun! Although, I could never picture Hotch there, lol.
Tags/Warnings: female reader, clubbing, alcohol tw, flashing lights tw, flash tw, sexual themes, sexual tension, kinda fade-to-black smut, established relationship, team dynamics, mdni
Summary: What starts out as a simple favor for Penelope Garica turns into a heated night between you and Aaron Hotchner at a club--the least likely place either of you would end up.
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In the subdued lighting of the BAU conference room, Hotch sat with his usual composed posture at the head of the table. The chatter of the team filled the air, a stark contrast to the weighty silence that usually accompanied their more somber briefings. Today, however, was different--it was Penelope Garcia's birthday, and she had a particular request that was bound to shift the day’s usual dynamics.
Penelope, ever the heart of the team with her vibrant attire that seemed to defy the dark nature of their work, clapped her hands excitedly. "Okay, my wonderful band of profilers," she began, her voice bubbling with enthusiasm, "I have only one birthday wish this year, and it involves all of you!" She paused for dramatic effect, her eyes twinkling. "I want us to all go out tonight. Clubbing. Yes, you heard right. Dancing, music, maybe a little bit of responsible beverage consumption," she winked.
A murmur of amusement and surprise rippled through the team. Derek Morgan raised an eyebrow, a grin spreading across his face. "Garcia going wild, huh? I’m in. It’s been a while since I showed you all my moves."
Emily Prentiss laughed, nodding in agreement. "Count me in too. It’ll be fun to see everyone out of the office and maybe out of their comfort zones--let loose a little." Her gaze flitted across the table, a playful challenge in her eyes.
Hotch, feeling a tug at the corner of his mouth, maintained his stoic expression, though internally, he was already forming a list of reasons why clubbing was not an ideal activity for him. He caught your eye from across the table, the hint of a shared secret in his glance. You, understanding his discomfort perfectly, couldn't help but feel a mix of sympathy and amusement.
Penelope’s gaze finally landed on Hotch and you. "And what about you two? This old lady would be heartbroken if her favorite stoic leader and his charming better half didn't come along to watch over us."
You chuckled, leaning back in your chair with a smirk. "Oh, come on, Hotch. How can you say no to that face? Penelope here has only turned twenty... well, a lady never tells. But tonight, we celebrate however many wonderful years Garcia has blessed this earth and our team."
Hotch’s lips pursed slightly, the corners tilting upwards in a reluctant smile. He knew there was no getting out of this one—not without disappointing Garcia, and if there was one person in the office who could melt his resolve, it was her. He let out a sigh, feigning resignation. "Well, it seems I don’t really have a choice in the matter, do I?"
Penelope clapped her hands, delighted. "Oh, this is going to be epic! Hotch on a dance floor, I need to see this."
"I won’t be on the dance floor, Garcia," Hotch replied, his voice low and even. "You know I don’t dance, and I’m not much for clubs."
"But you do have a soft spot for making sure I don’t get too sad on my birthday, right?" Garcia’s voice was teasing, but her eyes were earnest.
Seeing Hotch’s resigned nod, you leaned over, whispering loud enough for only him to hear, "See? It’s impossible to say no to Garcia. Plus, I’ll be right there with you. We can sulk in the corner together."
Hotch turned to look at you, his expression softening. The warmth in his eyes was reserved only for moments away from their grueling work, and it was in these moments you remembered why falling for him had been so easy. "I guess it’s a date then," he said, his voice carrying a hint of something that might have been anticipation, or perhaps it was just resignation dressed up nicely.
As the meeting adjourned, the team’s spirits were high with plans for the evening. Hotch stood up, his movements deliberate and calm, yet you caught the subtle signs of his apprehension. You reached for his hand under the table, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"Remember, it's just one night. We survive facing unsubs; we can survive a few hours of loud music and bright lights," you teased, pulling him towards you gently, “Maybe someone will have too many drinks, and we’ll get to tease them about it forever.”
Hotch nodded, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards ever so slightly as he allowed the wave of birthday excitement to carry him along, “This feels like a call from Human Resources Monday morning.” 
You laughed, “Babe, I think we’ve got that handled, you winked at him with a knowing look. 
When Aaron Hotchner pulled up to your apartment, he felt a mix of reluctance and anticipation about the evening ahead. He was dressed more casually than usual, with a simple button-up and black jeans, which felt almost out of character, given his usual preference for suits. The night air was cool, and the city lights blurred past as he waited for you to come downstairs.
As the door to your apartment building swung open, Hotch's breath hitched in his throat. There you were, stepping out in a dress that could only be described as stunningly bold. The skimpy, lace dress clung to every curve, its short length leaving much of your legs bare to the night. It was a departure from your usual professional attire at the BAU, and it was undeniably alluring.
For a moment, Hotch was frozen, caught between admiration and concern. His eyes traced your form as you approached the car, a playful smirk dancing on your lips as you clearly enjoyed his reaction. Too much, by the looks of it. He managed to regain his composure, though his heart rate refused to settle.
"Wow," Hotch managed to say as he stepped out of the car to greet you. He took a moment, his eyes lingering on you a little longer before meeting your gaze. "You look...incredible."
You laughed, a light, melodious sound that eased some of his tension. "Garcia said to dress up," you said, gesturing to your outfit. "I might have taken it a bit seriously."
Hotch couldn't help but smile, though his protective instincts nudged at him. "Aren’t you cold?" he asked, his tone lightly teasing yet laced with genuine concern.
"Maybe a little," you admitted, "but that's what you're here for, right? To keep me warm?" You stepped closer, reaching up to adjust his collar with a flirtatious touch that sent a shiver down his spine--not from the cold, but from the electric connection between you.
Hotch cleared his throat, his training in maintaining composure hardly preparing him for moments like these. "I'm not sure if I should be more worried about you catching a cold or about having to fend off anyone who tries to get too close tonight," he said, his voice a mix of jest and earnest protectiveness.
"Jealous, Hotch?" you teased, your eyes sparkling with humor and affection.
"Not jealous," he corrected gently, "Just...very aware of how lucky I am." He offered his arm, which you took with a smile, and led you to the passenger side of the car, his hand lingering on the small of your back a moment longer than necessary.
As he drove towards the club, the lights of the city flickered across your face, highlighting your smile. Hotch found himself glancing over at you; the image of you in that dress burned into his mind. 
It was going to be a challenging night for him, navigating this new experience with you by his side, looking as stunning as you did. But, as he felt your hand find his over the console, he thought that maybe, just maybe, stepping out of his comfort zone could be worth it.
At the club, the cacophony of music and chatter enveloped Aaron Hotchner as soon as he and you walked in. The lights flashed in sync with the pounding bass, casting everyone in vibrant hues. Hotch scanned the room, noting his team scattered about, each embracing the break from their high-stress jobs in their own way.
Rossi made a brief appearance, slipping an envelope--likely containing a generous check--into Penelope's hand before glancing around at the pulsing club scene and promptly making his exit. Hotch couldn't help but sympathize with Rossi's swift departure.
JJ was practically glowing as she danced near the DJ booth, repeatedly expressing her excitement about shedding her "mom" responsibilities for the night. Her laughter rang clear over the music, and Hotch felt a genuine happiness for her chance to unwind.
Emily was in her element, moving through the crowd with an ease that came from her years abroad, her laughter mingling with the beat of the music. She danced with a freedom that seemed to energize those around her.
Derek and Penelope were on the dance floor, moving together in a way that was definitely on the edge of what was considered office-appropriate. Hotch watched them for a moment, an eyebrow raised in mild amusement mixed with bemusement, wondering if they were aware of how closely they mirrored the fraternization policy he and you were bound by.
Spencer, surprisingly, had attracted the attention of the bartender, a young woman who seemed quite taken with his awkward charm. Hotch and you exchanged surprised glances, both impressed and slightly amused by Spencer's unexpected prowess in social settings outside of spewing random facts. 
Leaning back against the bar, Hotch took a cautious sip of his drink, the strong alcohol making him wince slightly. "They really don't hold back on the alcohol here," he commented, setting his glass down with a slight clink.
You nodded, a mischievous glint in your eye as you took another sip of your drink. "That's the point of a club, isn't it? To let loose a little?" you teased, the corners of your mouth twitching upwards in a playful smile. Your eyes never leave his over the rim of your glass.
Hotch watched you, a sense of warmth flooding him despite the coolness of his drink. "And what exactly are you planning to 'let loose' tonight?" he asked, the hint of a smile playing at his lips. He knew you well enough to recognize that look in your eyes--it usually meant you were up to something.
"Maybe I'm planning to get you to dance with me," you suggested your voice a mix of challenge and invitation.
Hotch watched as you took another slow sip of your drink, the mischievous glint in your eyes growing as you set the glass down. The neon lights flickered over your skin, accentuating the teasing tilt of your smile. The warmth of the alcohol buzzed through him, dulling the ever-present edge of control he kept so tightly wound.
“Maybe I’m planning to get you to dance with me,” you suggested, voice sultry with challenge, invitation woven into every syllable.
Hotch’s eyes darkened, his focus settling entirely on you. He leaned in slightly, the intoxicating scent of your perfume mixing with the heady atmosphere of the club. "You know that’s not really my thing," he murmured, his voice dropping into a deep timbre, the sound nearly lost beneath the pulsing bass. His breath brushed against your ear, sending a delicious shiver down your spine.
You tilted your head, letting your fingers trail lightly over the back of his hand before curling around his wrist. "Come on, Hotch," you coaxed, your touch like fire against his skin. "When was the last time you danced?" Your voice was low, smooth, dripping with something that sent heat pooling low in his stomach. "And when will you ever get another chance to dance with me like this?"
His jaw tightened as he let his eyes wander over you--your dress, the way it hugged every inch of you, the way the dim club lighting painted you in temptation. He knew what you were doing, and damn it, it was working.
He exhaled through his nose, shaking his head slightly as if to ground himself. But the alcohol had softened the edges of his restraint, and the way you were looking at him--like you knew exactly what kind of effect you had on him--made resistance nearly impossible.
Finally, his gaze met yours again, unreadable, intense. "Alright," he relented, his voice quiet but weighted. "But only because it’s Garcia’s birthday…and because I can’t seem to say no to you tonight."
Your smile was slow, knowing, and you wasted no time, taking his hand and leading him toward the dance floor. The moment you pulled him close, Hotch felt the shift--the static in the air between you, the tension crackling in a way that had nothing to do with the club’s electricity and everything to do with you.
His hand found your waist, fingers splaying over the thin fabric of your dress, your body pressing against his in a way that sent heat licking up his spine. The music pulsed around you, but all he could focus on was the feel of you, the way your body moved against his, fluid and inviting.
"You’re full of surprises tonight," he murmured, his lips dangerously close to the shell of your ear.
You turned your head slightly, just enough that your lips nearly brushed his jaw. "You haven't seen anything yet," you teased, your voice dripping with promise.
Hotch swallowed hard, his grip on you tightening instinctively. It was going to be a long night.
As the music thrummed through the club, Hotch felt the rhythm take over, a surprising fluidity to his movements as he and you danced closely together. The air around them was charged with each beat of the music, intensifying the connection that pulsed between them. The proximity of your body, the way you moved with such confidence and allure, it wasn't just intoxicating--it was overwhelming.
Your hands rested on his shoulders, and suddenly, you were moving in closer, your body pressing firmly against his as you started to grind to the rhythm of the deep bass. Every shift of your hips sent a jolt of desire coursing through him, his hands instinctively tightening on your waist. The heat of the club, the press of bodies around you, it all melted away until there was nothing but the electrifying sensation of your body moving against his.
In the charged atmosphere of the dance floor, as the music pounded around them, you leaned in close to Hotch, your lips brushing against the shell of his ear as you whispered provocatively, "Imagine what I could do to you if we weren't surrounded by all these people." The words, laced with a daring and explicit intent, perfectly captured the electric tension that had been building between you throughout the night.
It was bold, even for you, and it struck a chord deep within him, lighting a fire he was struggling to keep contained..
Hotch’s breath hitched, his body tensing as he processed your words. He turned his head slightly, his eyes locking with yours in a look that was both heated and desperate. The club, the noise, the celebration--it all faded into the background as he reached a critical decision point.
"We need to go. Now," he growled lowly, his voice rough with restraint. His hand slid to the small of your back, guiding you firmly yet gently through the crowd toward the exit. The urgency in his touch left no room for doubt, his intention clear. The rest of the team was too caught up in their own motions to even notice you’d gone. 
As you made your way out of the club, the cool night air hit your flushed skin, but the intensity between you didn’t wane--it only grew. The ride home was a silent, tense affair, each stoplight a test of Hotch’s control as he sat mere inches from you, the memory of your whispered words replaying in his mind.
Once the door to his apartment closed behind you, the restraint he’d managed to hold onto all night shattered. He turned to you, his eyes dark with desire, reflecting a need that had been building since the moment he saw you in that dress.
"Tonight," he said, his voice low and certain, "I'm going to show you exactly what your words do to me." The promise in his voice was palpable, a perfect echo of the tension that had danced between you all night, now ready to be unleashed.
“Is that a promise?” You asked with innocent eyes. You began to walk toward his bedroom, your hips swaying side to side in a way that only made the growing tightness in his jeans more apparent. 
You looked back over your shoulders with a glint in your eyes. One that he felt deep in his groin as you slipped the dress off. To his surprise, you were wearing nothing under the dress. 
Hotch’s mouth went dry, his hands tensing and releasing as you looked pleased with his reaction. 
“What? Surprised?” You mocked, shrugging before continuing your path toward his room. Hotch felt his knees go weak as now the visual of your ass was on full display as you swayed your hips with each stride. 
He began working at the buttons on his dress shirt as he followed you like a man on a mission. His belt went next, likely landing on the floor somewhere between your dropped dress and his bedroom door. 
Inside his room, you had the audacity to crawl--you actually were on your hands and knees crawling to the head of his bed. From his angle, he got a perfect view of the slope of your back, your perfectly round ass, and just how wet you were--lips glistening in the low light of his bedroom. 
“You know,” You said, sitting pretty now on your knees at the headboard, “The quicker you stop wasting time wearing those pants…the quicker you can fuck me.” Hotch wasn’t a stranger to the mouth you had on you--he knew what that mouth could say…what those lips could do. But tonight? Something extra was charged in the air. 
Toeing off his shoes and then quickly making work of his pants and boxer briefs, he made his way over to you with a hint of amusement on his face. He contemplated making you wait…beg? Or fulfill his own needs and yours without the fuss.
Both seemed fun, he thought, so he figured he would see just how long he could hold out. Considering the way his cock ached between his legs, he wasn’t far from begging himself. All he knew was he was glad he went to the club that night. He was even more glad you wore that dress. And to see all you had under it (or lack thereof), for him…he knew he was the luckiest man on the earth. 
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Tag List: @zaddyhotch @estragos @todorokishoe24 @looking1016  @khxna @rousethemouse @averyhotchner @reidfile @bernelflo @lover-of-books-and-tea @frickin-bats @sleepysongbirdsings @justyourusualash @person-005 @iyskgd @hiireadstuff @kcch-ns @alexxavicry
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thankyouivy · 1 year ago
Slick Tongue - Spencer Reid x Fem!reader
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!reader Warnings: SMUT! (18+), oral [f rec], non-con voyeurism? (the team listens in), dryhumping, squirting, overstimulation, dirty talk, begging, HANDS, multiple orgasms, fluff! Summary: Instead of going out with the team for drinks after a stressful week, the only thing he wants to do is bury his head between your thighs. Notes: a gay and a lesbian attempted to write straight smut: this is that attempt. there is a significant lack of munch!spencer content on here and I am willing to attempt to fix that very serious problem. this is literally just 3k words of Spencer being a munch, enjoy! :]
“Reid, are you sure you don't wanna come out with us? I mean, after the last few days we all deserve a little fun time!” the grainy voice of Garcia speaks through the phone as Spencer makes his way into your shared apartment. Spencer chuckles and the ruffle of him taking his coat and shoes off can be heard on Penelope's side of the line. Spencer sets his bag on his desk on the way to your bedroom where he knows you’re waiting for him. “As much as I would like to spend more time with you guys, I have other things I need to atten- …”
You’re lying on your side of the bed, undressed except for the navy blue lingerie set Spencer bought for you in LA when the team flew there for a case, and one of his button up work shirts. This one is light blue and it complements the navy blue of your lacy bra and thong peeking out through the half-unbuttoned shirt. You look up from the book you have in your hand, and smile as you sip your red wine, and then place the glass on the bedside table. Spencer is just standing in the doorway and manages to get out a breathy “Hi,” before Garcia seems to snap him out of the trance he's in. He blinks a few times and looks around for a second before remembering where his coworkers' voice is coming from.
“Reid? Reiddddd??? Are you still there?” She says as he lifts the phone back to his ear. “What? Yeah, I’m still here. What- what is it?”
You giggle at him. Despite being one of the smartest people in the BAU, all of his concentration and genius goes out the window when it comes to you, it seems. Spencer can tell Garica is saying something to him, but he can’t really tell what it is that she’s talking about. “Hey, Garcia- I’m- um I’ve got to go- no it's- nothing wrong! I just have to- I- I’ll see you tomorrow, have fun at.. wherever- bye.” He stammers out quickly, and shuts off his phone and throws it onto the bedside table as he makes his way over to the bed.
It seems in Spencer's delusional state of mind, clouded by the nakedness of his girlfriend, he has forgotten that when you turn your phone off, the call you are on does not automatically hang up, unknowingly leaving Garcia and the rest of the team to listen in on the escapades that follow:
“Hi, baby,” You greet him happily as Spencer reaches your side of the bed and leans down to place a passionate kiss on your lips. “God, I missed you,” he mumbles into your mouth and you smile and hum in agreement into the kiss, running your fingers through his soft fluffy hair.
His mouth moves from your lips to your jaw, placing kisses along the edge of your face to your ear, and then down to your neck where he begins marking you up. You giggle happily as he works on his task.
He pulls away from the kiss momentarily to run his eyes over your body once more. You look absolutely delectable in this set, it's one of his favorites. He bites his lip and runs his hands over your sides and down to your hips. He leans back in to kiss you all while he makes quick work of your bra, unclasping the back and pulling it off as you work on taking off your shirt, it falls off of your shoulders gently revealing your gorgeous bare tits.
You bite your lip and the blush from your cheeks makes its way down the rest of your body, and Spencer groans at the sight of you. “Fuck, you look so good, baby… but in order for me to have any fun, these need to come off…” He says darkly, as his pointer finger slips its way under the strap of your thong and he places kisses along your collarbone.
You gasp as he grips your hips and slides you to the edge of the bed, dropping down to his knees immediately, and making quick work of taking his own shirt off, leaving him in only his work pants. You let him pull your panties down your thighs and off your legs slowly, already panting hard as he watches you open your pretty legs for him, giving him the perfect view of your tiny bare pussy and completely naked body.
“Fuck…” he says breathily as he licks his lips, obviously salivating. “Please baby…I wanna taste you so bad… been thinking about it for days…” He begs on his knees, and you moan at his words. He looks exhausted but eager, and that combination of things usually only means one thing; "Bad day?" you ask as he grabs the underside of your left thigh and places it over his shoulder, "Terrible."
You lace your fingers through his soft hair, and watch as he closes his eyes, tilting his head to the side to give the inside of your thigh an open-mouth kiss.
"Mmmm.. I’m sorry work was bad baby…Y'can tell me everything after you make me cum, yeah?" and then he's groaning, "Fuck yes," nodding his head and sighing happily, before surging forwards and lapping at your cunt as if its the one thing he wanted to do all day.
Immediately your hips arch off of the bed as his lips press against your folds. "Fuck, Spence," you gasp, he parts his lips before dragging his tongue up your centre, circling the tip around your clit, "oh my god," you moan, fingers tangling into his hair to hold him there. This spurs Spencer on further, his body pushes further between your legs, his hands holding your legs apart while he starts to moan into you. “Tastes so fucking good, baby.” He mutters and licks his lips, before licking at your clit softly.
Your view is obscene. Spencer's large veiny hands are gripping your plush thighs, making his arms muscles flex as he holds them open. His gorgeous sharp jaw moves in a steady rhythm, his long hair falling in front of his face as his dark eyes look up at you, completely focused on pleasing you.
Your body feels like it’s on fire. It feels like too much and not enough at the same time. You shut your eyes and tilt your head back as his tongue runs over your pussy over and over again. “Fuck! Spencer, that feels so good!” You gasp out. You can feel his smile against you as Spencer sucks hard on your clit, vulgar noises fill the room as he leans into you, one hand around your hip holding you down and the other pressing against your abdomen. His nose rubs against your clit as he mouths at your opening, and that sends you over the edge. You cum hard and with no warning, letting out a yelp followed by a string of loud moans. Spencer groans against you as he licks you through it, the vibrations just adding to the intensity of your orgasm.
He kisses your thighs when he's done licking up your arousal to help you come down from your sudden high, and then stands to maneuver you onto the bed properly. “You know, the tongue is one of the strongest muscles in the body…and although cunnilingus isn’t the intended purpose of the genioglossus, styloglossus, and hyoglossus muscles, they really do make it easy for me to make you cum.” He speaks as he positions you up against the pillows so you have a clear view of him, and places a pillow underneath your hips to get better leverage. “Speaking of cumming, did you know the average woman can orgasm up 5 times per session? So if you think I’m stopping at one… you must be out of your mind, sugar.” He licks his lips.
Without giving you a chance to reply, he delves back into you, his tongue lapping over you slowly, suckling over your clit which has you shuddering instantly, still sensitive from your previous orgasm. Suddenly you feel his fingers tease at you, you gasp, then whimper with want, desperate for his long fingers to fill you. Without warning he presses two fingers into you easily with the aid of your cum-slicked opening. His gaze traveling up your body as you cry out and clench around him "fuck, baby, so fucking tight and desperate for me, huh?" Spencer mumbles.
He has you panting and whining whilst throwing your head back in no time. Your nails dig into his scalp, hips grinding slowly against his face and fingers as heat starts to form in the pits of your stomach. His fingers fill and stretch you in the best way possible as he works you open. Your orgasm builds again, embarrassingly fast, thighs shaking, back arching away from the bed while he plays with your body.
"Oh, fuck, i'm gonna- I'm gonna cum, baby" you cry out, letting your thighs close around Spencer's body, you feel him smirk against you as he lifts off you momentarily to mutter out a little “yeah? Gonna cum?”
"Mhm! fuck- Ungh- oh god!" you choke out in between your moans, stomach clenching underneath his hand as he doubles down, fingers speeding up slightly and his own moans sending vibrating pleasure straight up your body, "th- fuck, there, stay there,” he makes you babble, gripping his hair as you keep him where you need him. Spencer is revelling in the way his motions pull a string of pretty sounds from you; a mix of moans, whines and whimpers because words are failing to express how fucking amazing you feel.
“Doing so good, sugar" He groans, the heel of his hand pressed into your pelvis, the pressure making you clench around him. "So good," he groans as loud moans spill from your open mouth.
Spencer pulls his fingers out of you but before you can protest he's sliding them straight back in at a slightly different angle, hitting the exact spot you need him to. "Please," is all you can manage as the air gets punched from your lungs by a scream when he starts pressing and rubbing hard over it, knowing how close you are to your orgasm.
Your boyfriend watches your stomach tensing and he feels your knees trembling at his sides, your pussy walls fluttering around his fingers and clit pulsing on this tongue as he flattens it against you, “uh huh, come on, baby," he starts, fully aware of what his words do to you. "So close, I know..." He pauses when you interrupt with a high pitched whine, "cmon, cum for me," he finishes, moving his mouth to suck on your clit and curl his fingers inside you, and it sends you over the edge, your back arches away from the mattress, somehow pushing Spencers long, thick fingers into you even further, and you're done for.
Your cunt floods, wetness gushing from you and soaking the sheets beneath you. "Don't stop," you sob.
Spencer moans loudly as he continues his attack on your cunt with his mouth, greedily trying to lick up everything you’re giving him.
This time, he doesn’t give you a chance to breathe, keeping a steady rhythm of his fingers and mouth as he attempts to get you to squirt again. You loudly whimper and try to squirm away from his grip and relentless stimulation on your poor, swollen, fucked out pussy, but to no avail. He doesnt let up as he pushes your hips down harder, and all you can do is let out pathetic little cries and whines as he overstimulates you.
“I- I can’t again-” you cry out at him. It's all too much; his fingers inside you, the heel of his hand pressing into your folds, his lips and tongue toying with your clit, his free hand exploring your body, the stimulation is making your brain short circuit. He pulls his mouth away from you for a second, “yes you can. Just one more for me, sugar, yeah?” He pants, and then resumes his work when you let out a broken cry.
Spencer feels like he's harder than he's ever been in his life. The sounds you're making, the way you taste, the way you're trembling under his ministrations just spur him on more. The only thing on his mind is how he wants to make you squirt again, the very thought of it makes him lightheaded as he doubles his efforts.
In your haze of overstimulation, you can feel the bed rocking at a steady pace, and you realize Spencer is humping the bed. The thought of him getting himself off on the sheets below him, because eating you out is something he does for his own pleasure and not yours, goes straight to your core and your hips spasm upwards into his mouth.
“Spencer!” you moan, “I’m gonna- fuck-” one of your hands tangled in his curly locks, a silent plea for him to stay where he is as you grind your hips sporadically against his tongue. “Cum on my face, baby.” You could feel his smirk on you, and how it grew when your hips started to hump his face as he increases his pace.
"Uh huh, cum on my tongue," he hums against you, and that sends you hurtling over the edge for the final time. You come harder than before, you let out a scream as your body shakes and your thighs close around Spencer's head, trapping him there while your entire body spasms, eyes clamped shut.
His thumb presses and flicks against your clit as he eats you, and you're sure you black out, thighs practically vibrating from the intensity as your body releases even more cum than last time.
"Oh my god, baby," you barely hear Spencer over the pounding in your ears as your body continues to convulse and spurt liquid. His fingers move at an inhuman pace, desperately trying to milk as much cum from you as he possibly can, and all you can do is scream. When he is convinced you can't give him anymore, he gives one final lick through your folds and slips his head away from you.
Spencer looks incredible, his hair tousled and messy, the bottom half of his face completely soaked with your slick and his cheeks red as he catches his own breath and licks you off his lips. Gently, he slips his fingers from your body moaning softly to himself when your pussy squelches from the mix of ejaculate and his saliva. Strings of your slick connect his fingers together as he spreads them apart. "Were so fucking good for me,” He moans. Looking right at you, he slides those fingers onto his tongue, lips curling around them as he sucks you off them and hums at the taste, “so fucking good”.
After giving your hip a kiss, he lifts himself off the mattress and heads to the bathroom to wipe his face off and run a bath for the two of you. He comes back to find you still completely fucked out and breathing heavily, your body still twitching. He chuckles at you, completely spent and exhausted. “Want me to carry you, sugar?” he asks softly and you just let out a small ‘mhm’.
He picks you up with ease, holding you up by the bottom of your thighs. one of your arms wraps around his neck and the other grabs his face to kiss him deeply, whining when you taste yourself on his tongue. You can't feel his erection against you, but instead a damp spot on the crotch of his pants, which just makes you whine more, hooking your legs around his hips and burying your face in his neck.
He pets your hair and makes his way into the bathroom with you in his arms, placing you into the bath following close behind after making quick work of his remaining clothes. Your back presses against his chest as you both relax in the warm soapy water.
“So, what happened?” You ask in a sleepy mumble as his hands rub up and down your arms methodically. “Hm?” He mutters, burying his nose in your hair. “What happened at work?” You smile up at him, and he just laughs and places a delicate kiss on your lips.
Back at the BAU, Rossi, Prentiss, Morgan, Garcia, and JJ are still in the bullpen, and not out at the bar. Garica’s phone rests in the center of the roundtable as the entire team stares at it, slack jawed. “Well… now we know how he can talk so much without his jaw hurting.” Rossi says, dumbfounded.
The door to the room opens suddenly, Garcia snatches her phone and hangs up the call, that has now gone silent on Spencer's end, as everyone’s heads snap to Hotch.
“What are you all still doing here?” Hotch asks, receiving five immediate “nothing!”’s as they all scramble to collect their things and rush past him out of the room.
More of my stuff can be found here.
~ Ivy 🪴
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maximoffwitch · 3 months ago
She’s the Best Remedy
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pairing: emily prentiss x reader
warnings: slight mention of canon typical violence
summary: when you don’t answer your phone, emily thinks the unsub’s gotten to you. little does she know the only unsub that’s gotten you is the flu.
word count: 2.4k
a/n: so excited to be writing again! and for my fav fbi agent nonetheless :) and btw this is not rly proofread at all so pls forgive any mistakes !
request: not sure which character to choose for this prompt so feel free to choose whoever - it’s nearly winter where i am so it’s flu season and everybody’s got a cold and sniffling. so maybe r catches a horrible cold and is unresponsive to texts and calls because congestion, tiredness, all the symptoms we love so much so character comes to check on them and help them get what they need
As the morning light shone through the curtains, you let out a low groan.
Usually, you weren’t one to object to a slow weekend morning—a relaxing, warm shower and a nice steaming cup of coffee before heading off to do some errands. Mornings with your girlfriend were especially your favorite, when you could just cuddle into her side, basking in her warmth. However, unfortunately for you, neither of those were options today. Emily had been working non-stop this past week on a local case, and on top of that, your body felt like it had just gotten hit by a truck and then run over.
Pulling the covers over your head, you blocked out the light, trying to soothe the pounding in your head. You knew it was flu season, and as a pre-school teacher, you were bound to catch the sickness at some point. You just wish it wasn’t so bad. The occasional sniffles and cough you could handle, but this felt like death was on your doorstep.
You could barely breath out of your nose and your throat was dry as sandpaper. Another groan escaped your mouth, as the ringing of your phone echoed throughout the room. You had no energy to move, let alone talk to anybody, and you needed the ringing to stop, your headache only getting worse as the sound continued. Grabbing your phone, you blindly shut it off before throwing it across the room. Before you could hear it start to ring again, your body gave way and you fell back into a deep slumber.
— — —
On the other side of town, Emily was desperately trying to get a hold of you. Local cases always made her nervous, even more so when she started dating you. Knowing you could be put in danger, both because there was an unsub on the streets of Virginia and because you were connected to her, made her guts twist. However, this case particularly hit home, as the unsub seemed to be targeting women your age who worked with kids–pediatricians, nannies, teachers.
Emily needed to know you were safe; she needed you with her. After asking Hotch if she could bring you in, she stepped away to call you, only to be met by your voicemail. Any other time, Emily would’ve laughed, as she always did, at the ridiculous message you left on your answering machine, but now, she needed to hear your actual voice. Calling again, she was met with the same response. Emily tried one more time, biting her lip when you didn’t pick up, again. Typing out a few texts, she slipped her phone back into her pocket before rejoining the team.
“What’s wrong?” JJ asked, immediately noticing the worry knitted in her friend’s brows.
“(Y/N)’s not answering her phone,” Emily replied as pulled out her phone again to check for any message from you. “And she hasn’t replied to any of my texts.”
JJ frowned, knowing how that was unlike you. You would always respond to calls or texts, especially your girlfriend’s. Sensing Emily’s concern, JJ stood up and placed a soothing hand on her shoulder.
“I’m sure she’s fine. She probably just forgot her phone when she went to the store or something,” JJ said with an assuring smile. “Come on, let’s have Garica track it.”
Emily nodded, liking that idea. The two women made their way through the bullpen and into Penelope’s bunker.
“What can I do for you two lovely ladies?” Penelope chirped, not bothering to look away from the screen, her fingers still flying across the keyboard.
“Pen, I need you to track (Y/N)’s phone,” Emily said. At the mention of your name, Penelope immediately stopped typing and snapped her head around.
“What happened? Is she alright?” The technical analyst’s eyes were wide. From the moment Emily introduced you to the team, Penelope adored you, your bubbly personalities meshing quite well.
“She’s not answering Em’s calls or texts,” JJ explained calmly, ever the level head.
“On it.” Penelope swiveled back around. Emily rang your number again, so the blonde could trace your phone.
As the dot flashed on the map, Emily leaned forward, her eyes narrowing in on the location.
“She’s at home,” Penelope said lamely.
“Her phone is,” Emily corrected, her thoughts already starting to spiral. What if the unsub had kidnapped you? What if he’d hurt you? Or worse…
— — —
Back at your apartment, you had barely moved an inch. It was now nearly noon, and you knew you had to get up at some point, if not only to get some water. Mustering up all of your will and energy, you slipped out of bed and dragged your feet down the hall, steadying yourself against the walls.
After gulping down some water, you leaned against the counter, hanging your head in your hands. You could barely even think about anything other than your bed, the feverous state fogging your mind. As a wave of chills wracked your body, you knew you had to get in the shower and regulate your body temperature. Besides, your hoodie was starting to cling to the thin layer of sweat that coated your body.
Peeling off your clothes and throwing them haphazardly on the floor, you made your way towards the bathroom and into the shower. Somehow, you managed to take a shower–if you could call standing under lukewarm water, your head resting against the cool tile, for fifteen minutes a shower–without falling asleep. With a one track mind, you changed into another pair sweatpants and one of Emily’s old Yale t-shirts, and climbed back into bed, completely ignoring the flashing missed notifications on your phone.
— — —
“Hotch, I need to go over there,” Emily argued as she paced in the roundtable room, where the team was working through existing evidence. “She is not answering any of my calls or texts, and she fits the victimology. I was going to have her come in to keep her safe, but now the bastard may already have her.”
Hotch remained silent, his eyes narrow and stern, as he weighed his options and observed the woman before him. He knew Emily was too emotional to be anywhere near your apartment, especially if it was in fact a crime scene, but he also knew that she was too stubborn to stay away.
“Fine,” he relented, his voice calm and quiet as usual. He turned his stare towards Derek. “Morgan, go with her. And vest up. If the unsub is or was there, I want this done by the book.”
Derek pushed himself out of his chair and quickly followed Emily, who was already out the room and halfway down the stairs.
“Prentiss, wait up,” he called after her as he narrowly slipped through the elevator doors. Seeing the ground level button was already lit up, Derek turned his attention to his partner. “She’ll be okay.”
“You don’t know that,” Emily snapped, still staring ahead.
Derek remained silent, knowing she was right. He knew better than to make false promises, but it hurt him to think of something happening to you.
The two agents made their way over to your apartment, turning on the lights and sirens as they weaved through traffic. Not wanting to make a scene and disturb the rest of the residents, Emily and Derek calmly but quickly made their way into the lobby of your apartment building and rode up to the eighth floor, not drawing their guns until they reached your door.
Emily knocked loudly first. “(Y/N)! It’s me!” She was met with silence. Leaning in closer to the door, she heard no motion whatsoever, causing her insides to twist. “(Y/N)?” Emily tried knocking again. Still no response.
Derek started to back up, getting ready to kick down the door. But before he could even lift his leg, Emily swatted his shoulder.
“Don’t even think about it,” she scolded him, knowing how pissed you’d be if he broke your door. “I have a key, dumbass.”
Derek furrowed his brows as an offended look appeared on his face. “Okay, ouch,” he mumbled, but nonetheless straightened and redrew his gun.
As Emily unlocked the door and entered your apartment, Derek close behind her as he cleared the first room, the silence enveloped her body. It was too quiet; something was off. While Derek was clearing the kitchen, Emily observed your apartment—clothes strewn on the floor, dirty dishes in the sink and on the counter, your unfolded blanket tossed over the side of the couch. The mess was so unlike your usual tidy apartment, and it made Emily even more on edge.
“Prentiss,” Derek called, catching her attention as he motioned towards the hallway. “Bedroom?”
Emily nodded and followed him down the hall. When the reached the cracked door to your bedroom, she moved to enter, but Derek stopped her. “Let me.”
Emily gulped, knowing her partner was looking out for her. If something had happened to you behind that door, she shouldn’t have to be the first one to see it.
Derek slowly pushed the bedroom door open, immediately checking the closet for any sign of you or the unsub. When he turned towards the bed, he noticed somebody was in it, buried under the covers. Cautiously, Derek pulled the blankets back, his gun still pointed at the figure.
You immediately noticed the lack of warmth and the sudden brightness. Groggily, you opened your eyes, ignoring how heavy your eyelids were. You saw a face standing above you, one you recognized.
“Derek?” You croaked, your brain still catching up with what was happening. When you saw his gun pointed at you, you woke up, your eyes widening. “What the hell?”
Hearing your voice, Emily rushed into the room, pushing Derek aside, who immediately lowered his gun, turning on the safety. “(Y/N),” she sighed in relief as she kneeled at the side of your bed, carefully caressing your face. “Are you alright?”
“Besides being bedridden by a nasty flu and waking up to a gun in my face?” You tiredly let your head drop to the pillow, leaning into Emily’s cool touch against your skin. “Just peachy.”
“You’re sick?” Emily asked, another wave of worry washing over her.
“Oh, thank god.” She sat up and pressed a long kiss to your forehead, which had cooled since this morning but was still quite warm.
“Relieved I’m sick?” You quipped, though you lacked your usual sass and playful smirk, too drained for a real conversation.
“Relieved you’re not dead,” Emily deadpanned, causing you to open your eyes and frown.
“Dead?” You frowned, clearly confused.
“Yeah, sweet cheeks,” Derek piped up from behind your girlfriend, where he stood holding your phone. “You weren’t answering your phone, and we thought the unsub took you.”
He tossed the device over to you, narrowly missing your face. As you turned it on, you winced at the brightness, but then your lips parted when you saw the amount of missed calls and texts from Emily, and even a couple from JJ.
“Sorry, Em,” you said sheepishly, offering her a small smile, hoping she wasn’t mad at you for wasting her and her team’s time.
“Don’t apologize, honey,” Emily soothed as she brushed your hair from your face. “I’m just glad you’re here for me to take care of.”
You hummed contently at the thought but then weakly protested when you remembered why she was there in the first place. “Don’t need to stay. Have work and chasin’ bad guys.”
Derek snorted amusedly. “Eloquent,” he teased, earning a glare from Emily.
Turning back to you, she smiled softly. “You’re sick, (Y/N). Of course I’m gonna stay and take care of you.” She said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world, and you felt your body warm—this time not because of your fever.
“I��m sure,” Emily chuckled as she gave your forehead another kiss. “Let me just wrap some things up with Derek.”
You nodded, closing your eyes blissfully. You could hear the two agents murmuring about something–probably Emily leaving work in the middle of a case–but you could barely make it out, as you drifted back asleep, feeling a lot better now that your girlfriend was here.
— — —
The next time you woke up, your head felt a lot lighter and you could tell your body had returned to a normal temperature. As you opened your eyes and saw the sun had long set, you felt a presence weighing down the other side of your bed. Rolling over, you were met with a sight you’d never tire of.
Emily had changed out of her button down shirt and dress pants, settling for some yoga pants she’d probably left here and an old crewneck of yours. She’d pulled her hair back into a loose messy bun and wiped off the light makeup she’d been wearing earlier. You swore she had never looked prettier.
“You stayed,” you whispered as you nudged her hip with your head, causing her to look away from the files she was reading and down at you.
“Hi, my love.” Emily ran her hand through your hair, scratching your scalp. “How are you feeling?”
“Better now that you’re here.” You moved so you could rest your head in her lap, her warmth comforting you. “‘M sorry about earlier.”
“Don’t worry,” she cooed. “I’m just glad you’re alright.”
“Well, tell Hotch I’m sorry.”
Emily couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped her. She knew you felt bad about the whole misunderstanding and were probably embarrassed. She’d tell you later that the team was just as worried about you and just as relieved when it was only the flu. “Okay, I will, honey,” she agreed.
You stayed quiet for a moment, doing your best to breathe through your lingering congestion. Despite the horrible day you’d had and the ache that persisted throughout your body, you knew there was nowhere else you’d rather be than here with Emily.
“You didn’t have to stay,” you mumbled as you traced patters on her thigh.
“Of course I did,” she said, tossing her files onto the side table. “You needed me, so I stayed. Where else would I be?”
You turned your head so you could look up at her, meeting her gaze. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Emily affectionately poked your nose, causing you to scrunch it. “Do you want anything to eat? I made your favorite.”
“Not yet,” you replied as you closed your eyes, the feeling of Emily’s fingers combing through your hair soothing you. “Can we just stay here together for a little?”
“Of course, darling,” she agreed, content to just cuddle with you. “As long as you want.”
Feeling loved and cared for, the illness starting to slowly leave your body, you knew that Emily Prentiss was absolutely the best remedy. Thankfully, she was yours to keep.
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dr-spencer-reids-queen · 2 years ago
A Big Misunderstanding
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.6k
Warnings: mentions of being tortured, your partner is killed because of it, your coworkers blaming you for their death, migraines, deaf in one ear, feeling less than by hotch, fluff at the end
Request by anon: Read the request here!
Summary: You're a new transfer to the team without Hotch knowing about it You needed to escape harassment and tragedy from your other job, so Strauss places you as the new techy girl alongside Penelope. Everyone welcomes you with open arms but Hotch, and it's starting to affect your physical health.
Square Filled: guilty conscience for @badthingshappenbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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This is it. This is the first day of your new career, new life, and hopefully with a new family to call your own. The last one didn’t end up so well for you. You’re hoping to start something new with all new people and a brand-new attitude. You walk into work with your purse slung over your shoulder and enter the bullpen. There are so many people busting their asses, moving about the large area, and doing work at their computers. A black man walks past you with coffee in his hand, and you quickly stop him.
“Hi, where can I find Agent Hotchner?”
“Up the stairs. His office is right in front of it.”
“Thank you,” you smile and walk past him.
Agent Hotchner is sitting in his office looking over one of the files Spencer sent over to him when you knock on the door.
“Come in.” You knock again when you don’t hear anything. “Come in.”
This time you do. Hotch is floored by your beauty when you walk in but he remains stoic. He doesn't want to give away just how beautiful he thinks you are.
“Hi. My name is Y/N. I am here about the technical analyst position available.”
“There is no position available. I’m sorry, you must have the wrong department.”
“You’re Agent Hotchner with the BAU, correct? I was sent here to start with Penelope Garcia.”
“Who sent you?”
“I’m sorry?” you ask when you didn’t hear him speak. You move your right ear closer to him so you can hear better. “Can you repeat that?”
“Who sent you?” he asks more sternly.
“Cheif Strauss.”
Hotch doesn’t say a word and picks up his desk phone to call the Chief. She never told him she would be sending anyone over, and he never requested for a new person to join the team.
“Hello, Agent Hotchner.”
“Chief Strauss. I have Agent Y/N here saying she’s going to be working with our technical analyst. Am I hearing this correctly?”
“Yes, I sent her over there to be transferred.”
“Without talking to me about it?”
“I don’t feel like I have to tell you everything I do. She will be joining your team. I assume you’re perfectly capable of training her?”
“Yes ma’am.” Hotch hangs up and looks at you with a sigh. “The team and I are meeting right now to go over a case. You’re more than welcome to join us.”
You bite your lower lip nervously. You hate coming across as dumb but you really can’t hear what he’s saying when he speaks in a low tone or mumbles.
“I’m sorry, can you repeat that?”
“I said you can join us. We’re about to be briefed.”
He gets up and walks out of his office with a hard look on his face. He hates himself for thinking you’re so beautiful when he’s going to be your boss. Dating you or even thinking about dating you is inappropriate, so he’ll try to keep this as professional as possible. You haven’t even started your first day and you’re already off to a bad start. Still, you chalk this up to a rough start and follow him into the briefing room where the rest of the team is at.
“Team, this is Agent Y/N. She will be starting today as a technical analyst that will be working side-by-side with Garica. Y/N, these are Agents Prentiss, Reid, Morgan, Rossi, Jareau, and our technical analyst Penelope Garcia.”
“What’s your name again?” you ask the blonde and sit next to her.
“Penelope Garcia. You’ll have so much fun working with me. I like to keep it cool in the office,” she smiles.
You can tell you’re gonna get along with her easily.
“Let’s begin,” Hotch says and looks at JJ.
JJ places crime scene pictures on the screen for everyone to see. Some are of a crushed vehicle and others are of victims who have been crushed by a vehicle. Penelope gasps and looks away so she can keep some decency while you look on in curiosity.
“An unsub that kills with his car? I haven’t seen that before,” Emily says.
“Neither have the police in Bend, Oregon which is why they need our help. There have been two victims in the last twelve days. The first victim is Maria Delgado, twenty-three. She was hit on a morning jog. The second victim is Shannon Makely, forty-three. She was stranded on the side of the road when her car broke down.”
“What makes the locals think that they were connected?” you ask, trying to be part of the conversation.
“For one thing, they were both backed over after the initial impact. This wasn’t an accident. Plus, they matched treads in both scenes. They were large wheels for all terrain. Their wounds also indicated a raised bumper, so they’re thinking a large SUV to a truck. When we land, I want a list of everyone who owns a vehicle for all-terrain.”
“What?” you ask and look at his lips to read what he’s saying.
He shoots you an annoyed look which makes you sink into your chair in embarrassment. 
“Garcia, get me the list.”
“Sure,” she nods and looks at you.
“Do they know the make or model?” Derek asks, moving the conversation along.
“No. The tires are made for multiple kinds of vehicles.”
“Were there any witnesses to either incident?”
“No, both victims were attacked in secluded areas.”
“Two tons of metal make a hell of a weapon,” Derek says.
“Serial killers have been known to become rather attached to their vehicles. Bittaker and Norris even gave theirs a nickname. Murder Mac,” Spencer explains.
“Bittaker and Norris were sexual sadists. There's no sign of torture here. This sounds like thrill kills for easy targets randomly selected. We need to think about if they’re not random. We need to see if there is a connection between the two victims.”
“With this type of impact, the vehicle shouldn't be hard to pick out of a lineup. There should be significant front-end damage.”
“Somehow I don't think it's gonna be that easy,” Rossi shrugs.
“Well, I think it's safe to assume our unsub is male,” Emily states. “A big car is phallic like he’s overcompensating for something. Maybe he’s impotent. If the unsub sees himself as physically defective, the car not only gives him the power and control he otherwise lacks, but it also serves as a shield.”
“Maybe a way to avoid physical contact?” Hotch asks.
“Now we’re going in a different direction. Power, control, and female victims equal up to a rape profile.”
“Rape and thrill kills are two very different profiles. What does victimology tell us?”
“Nothing, yet. Shannon Makely was a white, married, commodities trader. Maria Delgado was a Hispanic grad student and a competitive tri-athlete.”
“So far, gender's our only link. Hopefully, the crime scenes will tell us more. Garcia, Y/N, I want you with us on this one. Y/N, do you have a go-bag?”
Hotch sighs in annoyance but Penelope saves the day.
“Come on, I’ll show you where I keep my go bag.”
You don’t mean to be a pain in the ass especially on your first day, but you’re really trying to fit in here. You used to be an active agent that was really good out in the field. You passed every test with flying colors and were up for a promotion within your field.
Until one day when you and your partner went undercover.
You two were captured by a well-known drug lord who was known for torture and gang violence. He knew one of you was FBI but didn’t know exactly which one. He tortured both of you until one of you confessed, but it’s not like you two were going to give the other one up. If only you had told him you were the FBI agent then he wouldn't have killed your partner. Your partner died because of you, and when your team busted in to try and save you two, the explosion from the blast they used shot your hearing so bad you became deaf in your left ear. If you get stressed too much then you start to get migraines and Strauss knows this.
Seeing Hotch behave this way starts a small headache you know won’t go away if he continues. You would have recovered and stayed with your original team if they didn’t harass you every day and blamed you for your partner’s death. Strauss knew it was a problem when you came into her office crying because of them.
You hope this team isn’t going to be like your last otherwise, you’ll have to find a new line of work.
“Are you sure I should come along?”
“You’ll do great,” Penelope encourages.
You and Penelope meet everyone on the plane. They discuss the case some more but you only listen this time. You want to see how each person is just by observing instead of butting in and trying to be like one of them. Plus, you’re not a profiler so you’ll leave this one to the team.
Your only focus is the computers and the technical world. When you were recovering from your accident, you taught yourself how to code and hack since you were bedridden for months. You got to the point where you impressed Strauss with your skills which is why she put you on this team. They don’t necessarily need you but this is the only team she can put you on without having to fire you altogether.
When the plane landed, you and Pen elope set up shop in the police station surrounded by laptops. One of the crime scenes happened near a security camera which is what Penelope is working on. You’re getting that list for Hotch of everyone who owns an all-terrain vehicle and cross-referencing if they still live in the state or not. This is what you like to do post-kidnapping. This gives you a different kind of comfort than being out on the field.
“Garcia, anything?” Derek asks.
“Not yet, sugar. Give me a few more minutes.”
“Y/N, I have a list of suspects PD already has in mind. Cross-reference those who are already on your list,” Hotch orders.
“I’m ready when you are.”
Hotch starts listing off names from your left side so it’s kind of hard to hear him. You don’t want to make a scene and ask him to move so you try your best to put in the right name. Hotch watches as you type in the names and sees you’re typing in the wrong names.
“No, I didn’t say Millie Bael, I said Lily Ball. Are you not listening to me?”
You’re trying really hard not to cry right now and your head hurts so much. Derek sees the look of despair and pain on your face and puts a hand on his shoulder.
“Hotch, take it easy. It’s her first day.”
“Sorry, Lily Ball,” you mutter and type in the name.
After twenty minutes of almost wanting to cry, you narrow down your list to ten suspects. Penelope didn’t find good coverage on the security footage so she is looking into half of the men on the list while you get the other half.
“Look into the history of each suspect. I don’t want any stone unturned, understand?” You’re staring at Hotch’s mouth to read what he’s saying. Ever since becoming deaf, you’ve gotten good at reading lips. “Do you understand?” 
You jump at the sudden change in tone.
“Yes, sir. I will look into the history of each ma and cross-reference them with accidents they might have been in.”
“That’s not at all what I said. I don’t even know why you’re on this team. We never had an issue with having just one technical analyst.”
Tears brim the surface of your eyes but you won’t let them fall. It’s only the first day. I’ll get better. Hotch walks away with a scoff and a shake of his head, and you fall onto your chair with a sigh.
“I don’t know why he’s being so hard on you. He’s never like this,” Spencer says.
Emily, Derek, and Rossi are out right now leaving you, Spencer, Penelope, and JJ alone in the conference room.
“I don’t mean to be this way. I was never like this.” You explain your past to them--the drug lord, getting kidnapped, tortured, injured, and harassed every single day. “I needed out of that job. I was so excited to be put here but Hotch is only reminding me of my coworkers. Hopefully, he’ll ease up on me.”
He didn’t.
For the rest of the case, Hotch continued to be hard on you even when the team defended you. Every little thing you did Hotch criticized, even if what you did was completely right. He always had something to say about something, and by the end of the case, your headache is at an all-time high.
While on the plane ride home, you tried to get some sleep. The migraine plus the stress Hotch is putting on you is enough to send your mind into a nightmare. A nightmare about what you could have done differently to save your partner. Hotch sits in his chair and watches you without anyone noticing him. He knows he’s been hard on you but he hates anyone new coming in and ruining the dynamic between the teammates that are already here.
You gasp awake and scare everyone from the sudden noise, and Hotch’s eyes narrow.
“Are you okay?” JJ asks.
“Yeah. I’m sorry,” you whisper.
“Y/N. When we land, you and I need to have a conversation with Chief Strauss about your future here.”
“I’m sorry,” you say as a tear rolls down your cheek.
“Hotch,” JJ says to defend you. However, you’re already getting out of your seat and going into the bathroom to have some time alone to yourself. “Why are you being so hard on her?”
“Have you not been with her the entire time? She always asks me to repeat myself and she can’t follow instructions.”
“She was in an accident. She used to be a really good agent. I looked her up,” Spencer says.
“Her former team blamed her for the death of her partner, and she became deaf in her left ear after being tortured for information,” JJ finishes.
Now Hotch feels like shit. His face doesn’t give away how he’s feeling but deep down, he’s feeling like the worse piece of shit ever. He tries to talk to you when the plane lands but you escaped to grab your things to get the hell out of there. You’re almost at the elevator when Hotch stands in your way.
“I want to apologize for how I’ve been treating you. I’ve been completely unfair to you without understanding who you are as a person and as an agent. I’ve always been reserved with new people on this team which is something I know I need to work on.”
“I don’t mean to do this on purpose. I’m assuming JJ and Spencer told you what happened to me?”
“Yes. If you’ll accept my apology, I’ll work on making you part of this team as if you started here on day one.”
“That’ll take months, I’m afraid, but apology accepted,” you smile.
Yup, you’re going to be the death of him. Your smile is too damn beautiful not to see in his office every day, and he’s gonna do everything he can to keep it there.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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Aaron Hotchner X Derek Morgan X ADHD Autistic teen reader
Summary: Aaron Hotchner and Derek Morgan interrogate a 14 year old daughter of Unsub who has ADHD and is autistic, she was abused by her father her whole life. A bomb gets set off and she protects them
Third person pov...
14 year old Y/N had been in a small interrogation room for the last hour alone, your probably wondering how she knows that because she's been keeping count in her head.
Early on that day the police came looking for her farther but he wasn't there, instead she got taken to the police station and handcuffed (after she accidentally lashed out when they touched her) she's autistic and doesn't like touch- the police didn't listen when she tried to explain to them.
So here she sits, for the last 5 minutes she has been tapping her foot repeatedly on the floor, she has ADHD and couldn't sit still for long, but she was handcuffed to the table so she couldn't stand up and stim.
She then started humming the same tune over and over and over until a man shouts at her to shut up over the com. "Someone's grumpy" she mutters, deciding to go back to tapping her foot repeatedly.
She was beginning to get overwhelmed with everything. "Can I go now please?" She asks into the room but obviously towards the two way mirror.
She got no response. "Please, I don't like it here" she whispers shouting not going to work she realised, suddenly the door is opened two men walk in.
Y/N tenses, with her dad she doesn't like being around men, angling her body away from them she waits until they speak.
Eyebrows slams a files down on the table making her flinch at the loud sound, the Grumpy looking man just stares. "What- Do you know what these are?" He demands, Y/N shakes her head not looking at the man.
She looks down then shuts her eyes. "N-no I don't please" she cries squeezing her eyes shut not wanting to look at the pictures, they where of the victims died in the bombings that happened.
"I don't like it here" she cries pulling on the cuffs trying desperately to yank them off, eyebrows tries to grab her to stop but she kicks out. "No don't touch" she cries almost in hysterics.
Eyebrows holds up his hands and moved out of reach. "Okay I won't touch you, we won't touch you Y/N" he says teying desperately to calm her down.
Grumpy pants- as Y/N dubbed, walked out of the room putting his phone tk his ear, Hotch calls Penelope. "Yello" "Garica, Y/N L/Ns file does it have anything about mental disorders or anything like that?" He asks confused with the girls strong reactions.
After a few seconds Penelope gets back. "It says here that she is Autistic and has ADHD sir" Hotch thinks "that makes sense, thanks Garica" "your welcome Bossman" Hotch then walks back into the room.
Derek is far away from the girl. "Morgan" Derek walks over. "We forgot one thing that all the victims have in common, they are all neurodivergent in some way" he explains to the man.
They then both look over at the girl, she was back to tapping her foot repeatedly
"Y/N, are you autistic?" Asks Hotch, the girl nods her head. "Yes I am, I tried to explain to the idiots in blue but they wouldn't listen" she says it was the most they heard her say.
"Can I have these off now please?" She asks, her voice quiet like she expected to be shouted at. Derek looks ar Hotch the man nods his head. "Sure" he says and unlocks Y/N hands.
The 14 year old instantly jumps up from the desk, absently rubbing her red wrists, she begins pacing back and forth flapping her hands. The men watch her as she stims.
"We just want to talk to you about your father." Says Hotch, Y/N stops stimming and looked up at them with wide, frightened eyes.
She was small in stature, but her piercing gaze held a hint of strength that took the two seasoned agents by surprise. "My father is a monster" she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
Hotchner and Morgan exchanged a knowing glance. They had seen this before – the child of an Unsub who had been subjected to unimaginable abuse and trauma.
"Y/N does you father treat you well?" Asks Derek carefully, Y/N looks down she nervously rings her fingers as she thinks.
"He doesn't" she confesses. "He hates that I'm different, he thinks it's wrong and tries to beat the 'retardness' out of me" she confesses crying as she paces back and forth in the little space.
Hotch and Morgan eye each other from the corner of their eyes then look at Y/N.
"We know, hes a monster which is why we need to find him" Morgan replied gently. 'But we need your help to find him. We believe he may be planning to harm more people.'
Y/N hesitated for a moment, chewing on her bottom lip as she thought. Then she reached into her pocket and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper. It was a map, with a clearly marked location circled in red.
'That's where he's keeping his bombs" she said, sliding the paper across the table. Hotchner and Morgan looked at each other in shock.
They had been searching for those bombs for weeks, and here it was, handed to them by a scared teenage girl.
They immediately sprang into action, calling for backup and racing to the location. But as they arrived, they realized that Y/N had also been telling the truth about another thing – her father had taught her how to make bombs.
Before they could even process the situation, a loud explosion ripped through the air. Hotchner and Morgan were thrown back by the blast, but they were quickly pulled to safety by Y/N who had shielded them with her own body.
She lay unconscious, her small frame protecting them from the debris, Y/N was rushed to the hospital, and after a few days, she regained consciousness.
Hotchner and Morgan were there, by her bedside, along with a team of doctors and nurses who were amazed by her bravery.
"We couldn't have stopped him without you,' Hotchner said, his voice filled with sincerity, the girl looked up at them and smiled weakly. "Can I be part of your team now?" She asked, her eyes sparkling with hope.
Hotchner and Morgan shared a smile, knowing that Y/N had found a new family in the Behavioral Analysis Unit. Despite the darkness of her past, she had shown courage and strength that they had rarely seen before.
And as they welcomed her into their team, they knew that together, they could take on anything that came their way.
The end!
Hope you liked this one shot sorry for the late update been a busy week but I am now on Christmas break and will update regularly.
As usual sorry for any spelling and grammar mistakes.
Request are open!
Word count: 1204
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hotdilfs11 · 8 months ago
⋯୨୧⋯stressed out(drabble)
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✩pairings: Luke x fem reader
✩summary: reader is stressed out from all of the cases and paperwork so Luke helps her out until...
✩warnings: none ig?
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It was 10 p.m. at night, and I was finishing some paperwork. I was one of the last people in the office, along with Luke. I saw Garcia's bubbly presence walk up to my desk with a big but weak smile on her face. "Hey, are you almost done?” 
I looked up from my desk and shook my head, yes, with a stressful smile on my face. My mind was fully clouded with endless thoughts of wanting someone to corrupt it with filthy and fucked-up things. I needed to somehow relieve my stress with someone, but all I could do for now was think and work. A hand slowly waved in front of my face, bringing me back to reality. “You okay, hun?” Garica says, sounding concerned. 
"Yes, I’m okay; I’m just stressed out,” I groaned. 
"Well, if you want me to wait for you, I can; we can go get some drinks or..."  She suggested it as I was shaking my head. “I just need to go home, but thank you, Penelope. I appreciate you.” 
Garcia walked away with a worried expression on her face. “Goodnight, you guys.” 
As she walked into the elevator, I stood up and started packing my work bag slowly. I looked at Luke and saw him doing the same. “You want to walk out together?” I asked
"Yeah, sure.” I looked away from his honey brown eyes, still feeling his hard stare exploring my body. I looked at him, and he looked away quickly. “You ready?” I asked. He smirked and shook his head, putting his backpack on his shoulder. We walked towards the elevator and waited until we heard the ding! The doors opened. I went in first, and he came in after and stood so close to me that it made my heart race. His cologne was a smoky, earthy scent that gave him a masculine edge that was both bold and refined. I turned my head to admire his intimidating look. His posture, his clothes, and how they wrapped around his perfectly sculpted body. God, I never wanted a person so bad. 
He looked at me with a seductive look, but I didn’t look away, even though he intimidated me. I never looked away; I didn’t want to look away. His eyes wandered through my body until he made his way back up to my lips. He turned towards me as he inched closer and closer to me until our lips collided in hungry passion with his hands on my cheeks. Our legs intertwined with each other as he backed me against the elevator wall. I slowly put my hands in his hair, but he grabbed both of my wrists and slammed them against the wall. He wanted dominance, and I gave it to him. His hands started hurriedly exploring my body. I tried to put my arms down, but all he did was slam them against the wall again. I let out a groan. “Be still for me, baby,” he demanded. I shook my head, trying to catch my breath. 
He held my hands up while he placed kisses all over my neck, sending a harsh chill throughout my body. “I need you, Luke, please,” I moaned. I felt his smile against my neck.
His hands made their way slowly down my body. He made eye contact with me. “You don’t understand how bad I want to rip your clothes off,” he whispered in my ear. The sound of the elevator stopping snapped us out of our lustful trance. When the elevator opened, I saw Garcia on her phone. My eyes widened. “Fuck,” I muttered under my breath. I tried fixing my clothes real quick, and all I heard was Luke giggling. Garcia She looked up from her phone and said, “Oh, hey,” she paused and looked at us. “Oh! Um, sorry, I just forgot something, and I...” 
I quickly looked at her and smiled, “No, it’s okay, Garcia. We were just walking out together.”
Luke nodded his head. 
Garcia walked in, and we walked out. .
∘•···············•∘ʚ ♡ ɞ∘•················•∘
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the-guilty-writer · 2 years ago
omg i am obsessed with the premise of garcia x daughter!reader. if you have any time in the future to write another fic or head cannon on the pairing (or if you want to ofc !!) it would be so amazing
garcia!daughter reader is one that I struggle with writing so it's one I really only do headcanons for. Here is my headcanon on how garica would end up with a daughter!
CW: criminal minds talk, being orphaned, etc.
Penelope knowing that she would adopt a child from the foster care system if she ever wanted kids.
She's also a person who believes in fate so I don't think would actively seek to adopt a child.
But there's a local case and your parents were unlucky victims. You're sitting in the conference room absolutely terrified.
JJ has tried everything to get you to be comfortable but it's just not happening.
That is, until Penelope walks in wearing her cat ear headband.
She starts talking to you and you start to open up just a little bit.
JJ has to make some calls, so she leaves the two of you, and when she comes back you're wearing Garcia's headband and she's braiding your hair and you're humming to a song together.
The social worker comes and you scream bloody murder when they try to take you away from Penelope.
They try everything, but you're clinging onto her for dear life.
So they make an exception to the rules and let Garcia take you home with her, with the excuse that until the killer is caught you'd be safer with someone who works for the FBI anyway.
For the whole week while the team works the case, she brings you to work with her everyday.
She does our hair every morning, packs you both cute little lunch boxes, lets you play with all her figurines, shows you pictures of cute animals, etc.
And when the team finally catches the unsub, Garcia has this realization that you're going to have to leave.
She's secretly really happy that the social worker decided that after all you had been through, they'd have to work super slow to get you to the point where you could be placed in a foster home.
You've grown really attached to her though so it's snail level slow.
It's been hard for Garcia to adjust to having you but the amount of joy you bring her is insane.
She realizes that she can't imagine life without you anymore.
But she doesn't want to admit it.
Until one day there is a case involving kidnapping young girls and Garcia has worked on some hard stuff but this time is hits her so much harder than before.
You get home from school and she wraps you in the biggest bear hug ever.
"Miss Penny why you hug so tight?"
Tears stream down her face as she says "I'm just happy you're home, little one."
"What happens when they make me go to different home?"
"I'm gonna make sure this is your home now."
You light up for the first time since you parents died.
"Really, little one. Really."
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supercriminalbean · 2 years ago
This is who we are.
BAU Team x Nb!Reader
Summary: The team goes to a pride march.
Warning: None, maybe fluff.
Words: 666
A/N: It's trans visibility day, so I wrote this up really quickly, this is the shortest thing I have ever written so enjoy. I love you no matter where you are in your journey, so proud of you, you are doing amazing. Keep it up my lovelies. 
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Your body pumps with excitement, smiling widely as you walk around the streets, looking for your friends. This is your first pride march as an openly Non-binary trans person and you couldn’t think of anyone else you could be more happy to share this moment with. Your eyes are still scanning around the street trying to find where Garica said everyone was meeting. 
“(Y/n), (Y/n) over here” You spin around hearing two younger voices yelling for you. Grinning widely as you see Jack and Henry running towards you followed closely by Spencer, who's wearing a white shirt that's been tie dyed in the bisexual and asexual colours. He's smiling happily as they reach you.
“(Y/n) you made it” Jack grins up at you before him and Henry are running back towards their parents, you and Spencer laughing at them as you follow behind them.  
“I love your shirt Spence” Grinning at him, as your eyes land on his pronouns badge as well as his cheeks painted with his flags.
“Thanks, Penelope helped me make it last night, but I love your jacket, did you make it yourself?” Spencer grins at you. Your denim jacket had a the Non-binary flag painted on the back with the words ‘born this way’ on the back. Some of your favourite pins on the front, your favourite dinosaur pin that Jack got you for your birthday once is amongst your pride pins and badges.
“I did indeed, a few years ago, but I have never had the chance to wear it in public so here I am” Smiling happily as you approach the rest of the team. Where Garcia is applying face paint on Aaron cheek, painting the pan flag. Aaron holding back a small laugh when his eyes meet yours, knowing just how convincing Garcia can be.\
You look around the team, looking at everyones outfit. JJ is just wearing her normal clothes with the Bi flag painted on her cheek, her pronouns badge proudly pinned to their chest. Will standing beside her, arm wrapped around her waist with Henry standing in front of them chatting away with Jack, both of them holding a rainbow flag. Emily is standing beside her, the lesbian flag wrapped around her, the flag painted on both her cheeks. Next to her is Rossi who is wearing the ‘Free dad hug’ tshirt, along with his rainbow sunglasses. Morgan is laughing lightly, as he watches how excited Garcia gets when Hotch asks her to paint another flag on his other cheek, the transgender flag this time. Morgan standing there wearing his bi flag t-shirt, grinning as you stand beside him wrapping his arm around you. 
“I'm next and then Garcia can do you cutie” Morgan laughs, earning a head shake from you.
“Oh I’m guessing I don’t have a choice here do I?” Laughing as a chorus of no’s and nope’s come flying your way with some giggles from Garcia. 
As Garcia starts painting Morgan's cheeks, you grin happily as you finally take in her own outfit. Her sparkly pink and white skirt is paired with a tie dyed t-shirt in the same style as Reids, but instead her colours are the pansexual and transgender flag. Her cheeks are painted with the same colours as Hotch’s. Once she's finally finished painting your cheeks (The Non-binary flag and Pan flag) You all set off to wander down the streets with everyone, enjoying the day of being surrendered by support and love. A lot of people end up running over to Rossi for their free dad hug, Rossi was enjoying it so much, listening to their stories telling them how proud he is and how strong they are. As the day continues the vibes and energy of the day just keep getting stronger. Maybe that's when you realise that your job isn’t just a job, that this is where you're supposed to be. You get to help people and do it in the most supportive group and family ever.
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giantsimpyrat · 2 months ago
I am going to try and start writing again so I am advertising it here. I am in the process of writing an oc x reader slow burn fanfic for Spencer Reid and Penelope Garica. It is called Brain and Bone on Ao3 and I will be giving updates and spit balling ideas here. If you are interested in the fanfic feel free to check it out. I am motivated by others interest, so if you enjoy it let me know! https://archiveofourown.org/works/57979396/chapters/147600511
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literaila · 4 years ago
hopeless reality
BAU team x reader 
request: Hii! I’m in serious need of some angsty sshhiiiit and I love your writing... Could you maybe write some platonic BAU x reader where the reader is the youngest, idk she can be like 20 or something, and a case goes TERRIBLY wrong and she’s injure dying and everyone’s like but she can’t die, she was supposed to outlive us all!
warnings: kinda sad, panicked everyone, hotch basically abandons all of them, some spoliers past season 6, no concrete ending.. 
“I can do it.” 
Those words weren't surprising for any of them. 
As the youngest, Y/N was always looking for new ways to prove herself to all of them. She was used to the staring, and the scoffs people made when they saw her next to the all mighty prestigious BAU team. She was used to people looking at her and wondering if they had picked someone up off of the highway, or if she was a murder just riding along with them. She was used to being undermined and underestimated by everyone. 
Age was a tricky little thing people didn't seem to look past. 
But it wasn't as if she put up with it. When the local police officers were making side remarks about her right behind her back, she didn't keep her mouth shut. Didn't stand there and listen to them expect nothing of her. 
And she enjoyed the looks on their faces when they realized she was listening. She liked the stammered apologies that came out of their mouths while she stared them down. 
She wasn't one to bite her tongue. 
And she had something to prove, to herself and to all of her teammates. She had to show them that she was valuable, that her age didn't affect how much she could do, how much she was willing to do. 
And so, it was expected when she offered herself up like a doll for sale. 
It's what happens during every case. 
This time though, all of her teammates nodded along with her. It was a man closer to her age, only a couple of years older, and she was the most likely to lure him. The most likely to trap him in the prison of being caught. 
“Okay, Y/L/N will go in, Morgan and Rossi follow her in as backup, blend into the crowd.” Everyone awaited Hotch's formal orders, ready to finally be done with the case that had taken them days to solve. “You three need to remember, he's going to be on the lookout for us, he's definitely seen the news by now.” 
The three of them nodded, Y/N already antsy on her feet as she waited to leave. Definitely the most willing to catch him out of anybody else in the room. 
She nodded at the rest of the team, smiling at Garcia’s “See you soon Neptune! Be careful.” from the phone on the table. She grabbed her bag, filled with clothes that would help her fit into the bar scene, and her vest. Just in case. 
She started to walk out the door, trailing after Morgan and Rossi as they got ready to leave when Hotch called her back into the room. 
Everyone else had already left, and her nerves were telling her to continue walking and get to her job, but out of anyone else there, she was used to being pulled back behind. 
“Yeah, Hotch?” 
“You shouldn't hesitate to call in Derek or Dave, this unsub isn't going to stick around if he suspects something. You know that?” 
It took all of her willpower not to roll her eyes at his protective instincts, instead going for a smile, hoping to ease whatever paternal nerves he could be feeling. 
“Course, Hotchner. I know what to do.” 
She nodded at him, choosing not to stay any longer than she had to, saving herself from his double-checking, and reassuring. 
She waved with one of her hands walking out the door. 
Wearing a dress and both a bulletproof vest was extremely uncomfortable. Especially when it was supposed to be discreet. 
Y/N sat in the middle of the bar, sipping on a fake drink, throwing smiles to anybody who seemed to look at her, waiting for the one person she needed looks from to approach her. 
She knew what to expect, an alpha male, expecting her to fall under his wing and go with him home- which of course would be when he would torture and murder her like he did all those other girls -and she wasn't going to let herself slip up when he was so close. 
A couple of guys had come up to her already, asking her if she was new around if she needed some help getting home, if she was lost in a bar like this one. All things that she tried not to show disgust at, smiling and telling them she was expecting someone. 
Though, when she saw him, she knew he would be different. 
He was carrying himself differently. Smirking at everyone else, unlike a normal too confident male would. It was more threatening, like he expected everyone in the room to do whatever he said, whenever he said. 
An alpha male. 
Y/N could tell in almost an instant that this was her guy, and that it was time to put on a show. 
It was an easy catch. The bait pulled him perfectly. 
And she played the part just as expected. 
Laughing at everything he said, smiling at him whenever she got the opportunity, drinking the drink she knew he was planning to spike soon. 
It was a rehearsed part, one she was exceptional at. 
But, when he started pushing her, begging her to come home with him, promising her that he would make it worth her while, she didn't know what to do. 
With the last girls, he had waited longer, drugged them before he even dared to take them home, stayed at the bar with them so that they would be more comfortable with him. 
But it had only been twenty minutes, only a short minute since he had first looked at her. 
He was devolving too fast. 
Y/N smiled, trying not to let the sudden nerves she felt show in her eyes, trying to keep herself comfortable sitting so close to him. 
She looked over to Derek, who was sitting across the bar, pretending to drink while he listened to their conversation. He was looking back at her, giving her a look that she knew was asking if she was okay, if she knew what to do. He was worried too. 
She took a quiet deep breath in. 
“I haven't finished my drink yet,” she said, playing dumb, trying to act like she was innocent enough, trying to test him. 
“I have plenty of drinks back at my place.” 
She giggled, playing with the bracelet on her wrist, looking back over to Derek. 
“It's so early in the night…” She whispered, flaunting her confidence, playing off her “drunkenness” as best as she could while still smiling at him. 
But she could tell that he was getting impatient, and wasn't willing to wait anymore. 
“What game are you playing?” 
And she could hear his real voice. Not the man that went to strange bars to pick up women, but the man who murdered them as soon as he took them home. The man who was planning to murder her. 
She looked over to Derek once more, once too much. 
The unsub was looking with her, glaring eyes meeting Derek’s, and the reaction was written out in front of all of them. 
He had seen Derek on TV. Seen him with the FBI. 
He turned back around, his hand slipping to his pocket. 
“You’re with them huh?” He was whispering, but his voice was demanding, furious. 
And the giggle that came out Y/N wasn't fake this time, just nervous. 
“What are you talking about?” She asked, her feet tapping on the barstool, her body getting ready to run, trying to smile. 
“The FBI.” 
He spat the words in her face. The smile falling from her lips. 
The hand moving to point at her. 
What was it she wondered? 
What was pain? 
“Physical pain inspires the worst kind of helplessness.” 
Ambulances were surprisingly loud. 
Louder than you’d assume. 
They were threatening, and dangerous, and did nothing to help give you hope. 
Derek didn't get scared. He didn't need hope to keep him upright, he wasn't threatened by any of the ambulances that he had seen before, he didn't find them too loud. 
But he was supposed to be protecting her. 
They all knew, going into the bar, before the bar, that it was dangerous. They all knew that there was a strong possibility that she could get hurt. But she was cautious, and she was brave. So he didn't worry. He didn't think he had to worry. Even with an unsub who was known for lashing out, for making big decisions with no thought. Hotch had told Derek, all of them, that this would be harder than normal, that they needed to be more watchful, more careful. 
She’d been laughing with them in the car on the way over. Telling them that if either Derek or Rossi got in the way of her job, she’d disown them as her friends. She’d laughed and joked with them, not an ounce of fear in her eyes, no anxiety resting upon her body.
But he saw that look in her eyes. 
That strange scared look. 
It was unfamiliar, an anomaly to him. He’d never seen her eyes like that. 
She was the youngest, the most daring, the person who offered to do anything that no one else wanted to. 
She laughed when one of them said they were too tired to go out for drinks, offered to watch both Hotch and JJ kids when they were busy. She moved between them like she was mending with them, and she was everyone's best friend. 
She took too many risks, moved too fast, thought too hard. She did everything on a whim, but it was impossible to stop her. Impossible to fade her from the scene. Impossible for anything to scare her like it would any person. 
He’d never had to worry about her before. 
She’d made it clear that she could take care of herself, that she was strong, that just because she was the youngest and most inexperienced, it didn't mean she couldn't do what any one of them could. 
She was so strong. 
And he’d never seen that look in her eyes before. 
Desperation, trepidation. Two things that had never filled his body like in that moment. 
He could see the unsub moving, he could see her worried eyes, her panicked posture. He saw everyone else around them, moving normally, none of them quite as scared as she was. He saw Rossi looking over at him from the bar. 
And he saw the gun in the unsubs hands. 
He wished he had been paying attention more, watching her, checking to make sure she seemed just fine. He wished he had watched the unsub, checked to make sure he couldn't see any weapons on him. He wished that he could’ve done it all over again, asked her to step back, to let him catch the guy. 
And he wished he could’ve been fast enough. 
The unsub had pulled out the gun, had stared at her with his threatening eyes, and she moved back, tried to get away but, she wasn't fast enough, and the unsub was too quick. 
Derek had watched her stumble backward. He watched the pain light in her eyes and the panic fade out. 
She used to tease him about watching everything. 
“We aren't at work, you don't have to profile everyone in the room, Derek.” 
Then she’d pass him a drink. Tell him that it was supposed to be fun, that they all needed a little more fun in their lives. 
But now, all Derek needed was to get her eyes out of his head. 
Her eyes were so desperate and panicked and worried for everyone, for everything. Her eyes were usually so brave and so curious. 
He needed to get them out of his head, he needed this moment to be over. 
He needed to not be sitting in the back of an ambulance with her. 
It was surprisingly loud. 
And scary. 
He’d never been scared like this before. 
Rossi wasn't worried. 
He wasn't. Really. 
He knew her, knew how fast her body would spring back, rejuvenate itself. He knew that she was strong, that she could stand any amount of pain, that when he saw her next she would be smiling, and she’d ask him if this meant they could have a party. 
He knew she’d be fine. 
He wasn't allowed to go in the ambulance with Y/N and Derek. The paramedics assured both him and Derek that only one could go, and Rossi could see the time slipping past them. He could see the clock ticking and he knew that they had to speed things up. 
So, he’d pushed Derek into the ambulance. 
He wasn't worried, so why would he go with her? 
Besides, Derek was scared. He was shut down and focused so much on her, Rossi thought that Derek would have fought him for the place in the ambulance. 
He thought about all the people he’d seen get hurt while working this job. Thought about all the times one of them made a mistake, or someone wasn't quick enough. Most of the time, they were fine. Not many people got hurt on the job. 
There was always a couple weeks of leave, a couple weeks to get themselves back together, but they always came back. 
He hadn't seen too many people die. 
So he wasn't worried. The odds were that she would live. The odds were that she would be completely fine by the time he got to the hospital. 
Because she was strong. She was healthy, had a young body, and more energy than she needed in the first place. 
Rossi thought it might be good for her to slow down. This might be a good experience for someone like her. Someone who takes too many risks, goes out on a whim, and doesn't slow down even when she has the chance. 
This might help her become a better agent. Someone more careful. 
He wasn't worried. 
She’d be fine. 
JJ got the news first. 
Back at the police department, while they were clearing up. She knew that Derek, Hotch, and Rossi all knew. She knew that the unsub had clued into who Y/N was, she knew that Derek and Rossi hadn't been enough to protect her. She knew that Y/N was on her way to the hospital, that she’d been shot in the field. 
They didn't tell her where. Or how she was doing. 
JJ had been here before. She had been in the situation of not knowing, of constant anxiety, of the questions that just bang back and forth in your head until you can get your answers. 
She knew how that felt. 
She looked over to Spencer and Emily, both of them clueless to what was going on, to their friend being brought to the hospital. 
“Have you got the unsub detained?” She whispered, leaving the room, trying to gather all of the facts before she made assumptions. 
“Yes. He's on his way to the police station now.” 
“And no one else was hurt?” 
JJ nodded to herself, feeling relieved at the news. 
The questions were in her head, spinning around. She knew that she wouldn't have any of them answered any time soon. Not until they could get into the hospital and see her. 
“And JJ?” 
Hotch’s voice was the same as always. Demanding. 
“I need you to tell Spencer and Emily.” 
“I’ve got to go.” 
And then she was left. With her news. And her questions. 
And her confusion. 
Of how this could ever have happened. 
Hotch wasn't allowed to have a reaction. He wasn't allowed to think about it. 
He was working. He had to do his job. 
Members of his team had been shot before. 
They all knew the risk there was in going in. They all knew how disguises couldn't hide everything. And they all knew that people got hurt doing the job. 
It wasn't surprising. Wasn't anything new. 
But she had reassured him. She had told him she knew what she was doing, she knew what she was doing. 
He had believed her. 
He could hear his voice in her head, telling all of them that she would do it. Like she always did. Like every other time, she got the chance. 
She never took a step back, never looked at the situation before offering to go. 
It was reckless and stupid. 
No one ever said a thing. When she offered to be the bait, all of them accepted it, expected it. They all knew that she would be the first to jump at the chance to go out in the field. They all knew that she was smart and strong, and she knew what she was doing. 
None of them ever said no. It was so hard to say no to her. 
But she had reassured him, Hotch had double-checked this time, just to make sure she would be safe. He put two experienced agents as her back up, two people that he trusted and knew would protect her. 
“I can do it.” 
She could do it. 
She’d been shot. 
And he felt like blaming himself, felt like being angry, furious at her for offering to go, for reassuring him and lying, and he felt like being angry at himself for letting him go, for not properly preparing her. 
But he didn't have time to ponder those thoughts. 
He didn't have the time. 
He couldn't have a reaction. 
He had a job to do. 
He was working. 
He wouldn't think of it. 
Emily probably knew better than anyone else. 
She was probably most familiar with pain. With hurt. 
She knew how this would affect her, she knew how she would feel. She knew how it would change her even after she was healed. She knew how the scar would never leave her body, and that she would wince every time she saw it. 
No matter how much Emily wished she wouldn't understand, she did. 
She knew what would happen to Y/N. 
If she lived that is. If she was strong enough, if the bullet wasn't stronger than her. If she wasn't too late, if the doctors could save her. If she would stay alive. 
And she would be there this time. 
If she died. If the world was cruel enough to take her away. 
She would have to be with her friends, she wasn't allowed to run away again. She wasn't allowed to go across the world and break alone, she wasn't allowed to turn her back like she had before. Even if she wanted to. Even if running away seemed like the only thing she could do. She would stand by them, and learn what it felt like to have your friend die. 
But she wouldn't come back. 
That was probably the hardest thought. 
If Y/N died, she wouldn't have the opportunity to come back. She wouldn't have the months to heal, the job across the world, she would have the pain of knowing that her friends thought she was dead, but she also wouldn't have any pain. 
She’d be dead. Gone. Forever. 
And Emily knew what that meant. 
It almost killed her to know that. 
When she watched Spencer freeze as JJ told both of them, when she saw the worry in JJ’s eyes, she knew that the only thing she could do was be there for all of them. For her, if she could. And for them, if she had to. 
It was a scary thing to know your friend was hurt. To know that while everything else in the world stayed the same, several hearts were breaking with the knowledge of the pain their friend was in. It was crazy to think that not everyone's world changed. 
It was selfish of her to be thinking of herself, to be avoiding the memories and the thought that came with Y/N being dead. It was selfish to assume she was. It was selfish that she wasn't doing anything to help her friends, to help herself. It was terrible of her not to hope, not allow herself to feel some relief. 
But she had to protect herself. 
Expect the worse, welcome the best. 
Emily was scared. She was scared for Y/N, scared to be there this time, scared to have to hold everyone together like she couldn't before. Scared for the worse to be the reality. For her friend to really be gone. 
She could hear her laugh in her head. She knew that it wouldn't leave. It wouldn't go away until Emily could hear it again. 
She was so familiar with. She was so used to. 
Emily probably knew that better than anyone else. 
38,000 people in America die of gunshot wounds each year. 
An average of 100 a day. 
That's all Spencer knew. 
He didn't know what was going to happen, if she would live, if she would die, if she was okay, if she wasn't. He didn't know what they would do without her, what would happen if she really did die, if the youngest died before any of the oldest could. 
He didn't know how everyone would feel, how he would feel if she died. 
He didn't know what any of them would do without her laughter, without her pushing for them to have fun when work was over, without her running around the office, making everything seem bright when it was nothing but dim. 
He didn't know what would happen. What was happening? 
But he knew
38,000 people in America die of gunshot wounds each year. 
An average of 100 a day. 
He knew that if he could see her, if he had more information about what had happened, he could figure out the probability that she would live. He knew that if he had been there, he would know how to feel, what was going to happen. 
But they were sitting in the hospital waiting room. They couldn't see her yet. 
Derek hadn't said a word. Emily was sitting next to Spencer. JJ was walking around, checking on all of them instead of herself, being as selfless as she could while they were all stuck in a state of panic. 
Rossi was talking to the nurse again. 
There still wasn't any news. 
None of them were sure how she could’ve been hurt, with her vest, and her self defense techniques. None of them were sure how hurt she could be. 
38,000 people in America die of gunshot wounds each year. 
An average of 100 a day. 
Spencer held onto that. 
She wouldn't be one of the hundred. She wouldn't. 
He thought of the sleepovers Y/N, Garcia, and he had. Like children. He thought of how both of them spent the entire night picking on him, trying to make him laugh. He thought of how she always convinced the two of them to come over, told them that it was movie night even if it was a completely random day. 
He hated the thought of not doing that anymore. 
38,000 people in America die of gunshot wounds each year. 
An average of 100 a day. 
She was the youngest. Everyone teased her about it. They all expected her to live for a hundred years, far longer than any of them could. She was the youngest and the brightest and the bravest. She wasn't supposed to die before any of them could. 
38,000 people in America die of gunshot wounds each year. 
An average of 100 a day. 
When she had offered to be the bait, Spencer hadn't felt worried. He didn't even think of her getting hurt, only felt relieved that this case would finally be over, that they could all go home. He didn't worry at all. 
But he should have. 
Because she always did this, she always offered, and no one ever turned her down. The odds were that she should’ve gotten hurt long before this. 
Odds were that she was extremely lucky. 
Except for now. 
38,000 people in America die of gunshot wounds each year. 
An average of 100 a day. 
Spencer didn't know what would happen. He didn't know if she would live, if she would die. He didn't know what would happen. He barely knew anything at all. 
But Derek wasn't talking, Emily was silent, JJ was avoiding the topic, and Rossi had asked the nurse for an update eight times in the last thirty minutes. 
He didn't know. 
38,000 people in America die of gunshot wounds each year. 
An average of 100 a day. 
She wouldn't be one of the hundred. 
She couldn't. 
Before JJ had told her, Penelope knew something was off. 
No one had called her to update on if they had got him or not. Her phone had been completely silent. 
That was off. 
She called her Neptune. 
It was one of the planets that couldn't be seen from Earth. 
She’d always asked where the nickname had come from. 
Penelope had called her that because Y/N was unreachable to her. She held so much, all this brightness, and you could barely even tell from the surface. 
It was a nickname that seemed to fit her more than anything else. 
And she couldn't help but think of it as soon as she got the call. 
Neptune. Her best friend. 
She didn't understand much about profilers, but she knew that Y/N was different from all of her other friends. She didn't know if it was because she was younger, and less experienced, or if she just carried something different to her. 
But it was a smart decision to be her best friend, to depend on her. 
They’d spent nights together, laughing, creating insanity with every sentence, every hour that ticked past on the clock. They’d spent time laughing, and crying, learning everything they could about each other. 
‘Best friend’ was a loose term, one that didn't extend far enough for their relationship. 
And Penelope had known something was wrong, as soon as no one had called her. 
The first thought was that the unsub had gotten away, that he was going somewhere else and they still had to catch him. 
But she knew that wasn't true, because they hadn't called her to help. 
And then she thought that maybe he had been difficult, that maybe it was taking all of the team to help deal with him. 
But, that didn't seem quite right. 
And then she thought of all the other times something like this had happened, when she hadn't gotten a phone call, and there was nothing but silence for a couple of hours. 
And all she could think of, was the day Emily almost died. 
And then the bullet Spencer had taken to the leg. 
And then the stabbing Hotch had been through. 
For Penelope, after those thoughts, she didn't have any choice but to find out where they were. 
So, she hacked their phones. 
It wasn't completely rational, but Penelope had never proved to do things that were rational before. And she was far too protective to not do anything. 
JJ’s phone showed up at the police department they were working from. So did Emily and Spencers. Hotch was somewhere across town. Rossi was still at the bar, and Derek was at the nearby Emergency Room. 
By the time she had gotten to Y/N, she knew something was wrong. 
One of them was hurt. 
When she finally got the phone call, she had already pulled some of her hair out, stalked the news, tried to hack into the hospital's patient list- which she couldn't because not all of it was digital -and bitten off almost all of her nails. 
JJ had told her, just like JJ always did, informing all of them the best she could. 
And they didn't know enough. 
Penelope had no idea how her best friend was, and even though she’d asked over and over, what had happened, JJ didn't have any answers for her. 
It was a stupid situation. 
Penelope hoped she wasn't hurt. That the bullet hadn't gotten anywhere near anything important, that she would live just as Penelope had years ago. 
If she had lived, so could Y/N. 
She was young and strong and she had been wearing a vest, and there was nothing wrong with her, if they didn't know anything it was good. It was good that no one had told them anything. 
That meant she wasn't dead yet. 
And that's all Penelope had to hold onto. 
She called her Neptune. Because she was unreachable. 
She would be fine. 
Her eyes. They looked so scared. Derek was so scared. 
She would be fine. Rossi knew. 
JJ didn't know how this could have happened. 
He wouldn't think of it. He was working. 
Emily knew better than anyone else. 
38,000 people in America die of gunshot wounds each year. 
An average of 100 a day. 
She called her Neptune. 
She was the youngest out of all of them. 
She had to be okay. 
my masterlist here. 
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 2 years ago
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𝙳𝙰𝚈 𝙵𝙾𝚄𝚁: Lending the Other Their Coat w/ Penelope Garcia
a/n: well, this is embarrassing. i don't know what's been going on but it's just like, i've been so tired recently and i was so excited for this challenge :`] after ficmas is over, i may take a break, or just post leisurely than every single day so the quality of my content is what you followed me for! :]
masterlist | ficmas masterlist | AO3
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Much to your defense, it wasn't your fault that it had begun to snow.
Yes, it was cold early in the morning, almost making it impossible to separate yourself from the woman that you were lying next to. As she got dressed you put on something light but warm, the woman going all out with a big wool sweatshirt. You told her she had looked ridiculous, almost like a pillow as your arrived at work together, but now, you weren't so sure that she was as ridiculous as she seemed.
You had sheepishly waddled into Penelope's den, a nervous smile on your face as you enveloped her in your arms.
"Well, hello to you too, sweetness." She giggled, hugging you back as you basked in her warmth. You were sure that she heard the satisfied sigh that you had let out as your head rested on her chest. "I'm so cold, Pen." You whined childishly against her. "I told you it was going to get colder. You should have just matched with me." She sighed in fake disappointment. She would give you anything that you wanted, even if that meant sacrificing her favorite winter article of clothing to make sure that she kept her girlfriend all warm and snuggly.
"Here," She said as she stripped the thick thing off of her. "But it's snowing and we're about to leave." She just shrugged. You must admit that she was already wearing a long sleeve shirt underneath it that could do her some good. She just shrugged, mentioning for you to lift your arms as she pulled it over your head and onto your fuller form. The one good thing about you and Penelope being almost the same size — despite you being bigger than her — was that she always upped her sizes of clothing just so you could wear them as well.
"It's okay, I run cold blooded anyways."
She also just wanted to see you in her clothes.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love
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thankyouivy · 1 year ago
BRO UR LATEST REID FIC WAS AMAZING, you have to write a second part where the team confront/tease Reid for forgetting to hang up his phone 🙏
i’m mixing this with another request I got for the morning after slick tongue.
I hope this is what you were looking for, ngl this was a challenge, which is why it took so long! (also my computer may have broken mid way through writing this so I finished it on my phone which means this is NOT properly proofread or edited OOPS)
warnings: fluff with a bit of suggestiveness but nothing explicit.
Sore - Spencer Reid x Fem!reader
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Morning comes way faster than Spencer hoped it would.
His alarm goes off at 6am, the one he sets for when he's at home with you, that’s quiet enough so it won’t wake you up, but he can still hear it. He reaches over and turns it off, eyes adjusting to the dark room and then turns and gazes at you, still sleeping peacefully.
Your head is rested on his shoulder, nose buried in his neck, and one leg hitched over both of his. You’re practically laying on top of him, getting as close as humanly possible. He smiles lovingly at you and places a delicate kiss on your cheek before carefully slipping his arm out from under you and scooting off the bed, a skill he has picked up since you started dating. He makes his way to the bathroom to shower and get ready, keeping the bedroom lights off to let you continue sleeping.
You are awoken from your sex-induced slumber by the sounds of the morning; your shower running, the morning doves singing outside, anddddd…. Spencer’s phone ringing. You lean over and grab it, checking the number and rubbing your eyes before answering.
“Hey, Penny,” You greet mid-yawn. “Oh my god! Did I wake you up? I'm so sorry! Where's Reid?” She asks quickly. you have a hard time understanding everything she’s saying, and you can tell she’s probably already had her morning coffee… or two.
“It’s alright! I was totally already awake. Spencer’s in the shower, he’ll be at the office in no time im sure.” You answer, sleep still apparent in your voice, with a hint of scratchiness from the strain Spencer caused to your vocal cords last night.
Penelope is saying something, but instead your mind floats to last night's events. You rub your hand over your neck and feel the slight soreness of bruises and the delicate ache in your core burns when you think about last night.
“Sorry - what?” You zone back in, squinting your eyes at the bright iphone screen in the dark room. “I know you got attended to last night, but you don’t have to keep rubbing it in our faces!” She teases and you feel your face heat up as you giggle at her.
You chat with Garcia for a minute before you hear the shower turn off and you suddenly remember why you're on the phone with her at 6 in the morning. “Sorry- what did you need me to tell Spencer?” you say, sitting up in bed.
“Oh yeah, your relationship is like my reality tv and we will be chatting more about your scandalous escapades later. But for now, can you tell him Hotch needs the final witness statements from the last case read over?” Garica answers. That entire sentence sounds like complete FBI gibberish but you get the general idea and promise to relay the info to Spencer before he leaves, and Garcia hangs up with a “Thanks, doll!”
The door to the bathroom opens and Spencer steps out with his toothbrush in his mouth. The light from the bathroom bleeds into the dark bedroom and it makes him look like a God. His hair is damp and messy, he's wearing a towel around his waist, his hips bones and happy trail completely on display. The light from behind him shows off his lightly defined muscles, lean body, and sharp jaw, and you feel yourself going bright red.
“Sorry, sugar, did I wake you up?” He says when he notices you’re sitting up in bed, taking his toothbrush out of his mouth. “No actually, it was Penelope.”
You smile as he walks over to your closet and starts picking up clothes. “What? Garcia called you?” He walks back to the bathroom with his clothes with him to finish brushing his teeth. “No, she called you. Told me to tell you that Hotch needs you to read the witness something-or-other?” You say, slipping out of bed and stretching your arms above your head. “Witness statements?” He asks, smiling at you through the door. “That’s it.”
You know you probably won't be able to fall asleep again after Spencer leaves, so you head to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee after brushing your teeth. Spencer joins you in the kitchen about 10 minutes later, fumbling with his tie. You pass him your cup of coffee and take over, tying it neatly and adjusting his shirt collar as he takes a sip.
He places a kiss on your lips, holding your jaw to tilt your head up with his hand. “Want some breakfast?” you hum happily, arms wrapping around his neck. “Mhmm… maybe not the kind you’re thinking of, though.” He smirks, grabbing your waist to pull you closer and leaning down to kiss you again as you giggle.
“Tempting… but if you show up late again people are going to get suspicious. Plus, I’m still recovering from last night.” You mumble, grinning at him when he goans like a child being denied candy, and just continues kissing you.
When you feel his tongue slide against your bottom lip and attempt to lick into your mouth, you pull away. “Mmmm, Spencer…you need to go…gonna be late…” you say in between pecks. He places one final kiss on your lips before grabbing his stuff and heading out the door with a quick “Bye, baby, have a good day, love you!”
There is something off about the team today.
Spencer can tell.
When he gets to the office, Morgan and Garica spot him immediately. Morgan has that proud-big-brother expression on his face, and pats Spencer on the back before plopping down in his chair, and Garica can’t keep that mischievous look off her face as she seats herself on a spare chair at Derek’s desk.
Spencer gives the pair a confused look, only for Morgan to chuckle at him. “So, nice time last night, Reid?” Morgan smirks.
“Yes, actually, how was the bar?” Spencer responds, confused by the pair’s strange mood, but still engaging in the usual morning small talk while reading over the witness statements like Hotch asked.
“It was fine, I’m sure your night was more eventful than ours, though,” Morgan and Garcia giggle at each other.
Spencer is sure he has never been more confused in his life, but passes it off as the pairs regular unusual banter.
Before he can ask what’s going on, JJ and Emily walk over with coffee, joining the group at their own respective desks.
“How was your night, Spencer?” Emily snickers into her coffee as JJ kicks her leg under her desk and covers her mouth with her hand in an attempt to hide her own smile.
“I- it was fine?” Spencer answers again.
“Just fine?” Another voice asks, as Rossi joins them, knowing smile on his face.
“Okay, enough, will someone please tell me what is going on? is there some new inside joke I missed?” Spencer breaks, the weirdness of the situation overriding his ability to multitask.
“Yes, my night was fine. It was normal, why are you all suddenly interested in what I do when I'm not at work?” Spencer squints inquisitively at them.
“Normal, huh?” JJ giggles, eyeing the rest of the girls, who join in. Spencer gives them a look, bringing a hand up to his face to massage his jaw.
“Something wrong with your jaw, Reid?” Rossi asks with a smirk on his face, and the entire group breaks into a fit of snickers.
“Yeah, it’s just a little sore from- wait.” He pauses, to look around at his friends. “What do you know and how do you know it?” Spencer asks, suspicion evident on his face when the snickers don’t stop.
“Listen, we all can’t be as tech-savvy as me!” Garica grins, and suddenly Spencer remembers. The expression that flashes across his face can only be described as pure terror as he whips out his phone and checks his call history.
Penelope Garica [BAU]
Mobile phone - 2014/01/19
Call Length: 27:34
Spencer glows bright red as the realization hits him like a truck, the laughs from the team getting impossibly louder as he hides his face in his hands.
More of my stuff can be found here.
~Ivy 🪴
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 3 years ago
i loved that penelope x morgan's brother reader and i was wondering if i could request a part 2? where they actually go on that date and later have their first kiss and cuddles?
Penelope x Morgan's brother reader, part two
A/N: Kung-fu panda, please don't sue me, I quoted you but it's cool because I'm not claiming to own it, right?... Right? (the quote is from master oogway if any of you were wondering lol)
Word Count: 602
Warnings: No?
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You were ridiculously nervous for the date, your palms felt sweaty, heart thumping quickly against your ribcage, as you waited for it to reach a reasonable time for you to get ready. You rubbed your palms on your jeans as you rose from your brother’s couch to go get ready (when he found out you were staying in a hotel he insisted you stayed with him). You were ready and out the door within half an hour and another forty minutes, you were at Penelope’s door with some nice wine and a bunch of her favourite flowers.
“I’m just going to put these in a vase and this on the counter and I will be ready,” Penelope said, you gave a nod
“So, where are we off to tonight?” Penelope asked as you opened your car door so that she could get in.
“That’s a surprise,” You reply as you slide into your seat.
“A man of mystery I see,” She chirped, you chuckled, feeling your cheeks flush slightly.
The drive to the restaurant was relatively short, it was a place not too far from Garcia's place, it was a nice restaurant. It offered a variety of foods (you weren’t sure what Penelope preferred, so you made sure to choose a place with variety).
“Oh my god, I love this place,” Penelope cheered when you pulled into the car park.
“I’m glad, I wasn’t sure what you liked - I did ask Derek but he was very… vague,”
“I can imagine,” The pair of you shared various memories of Derek (stupid things he had done from your childhood and idiotic things Penelope had either witnessed or heard he had done). And before you know it, dinner was over and you were both back on your car on the way back to Penelope’s.
“I’ve had a really good time tonight,” You said, looking at Penelope for a moment before turning back to the road.
“I’ve had a good time too,” Penelope said, her smile evident in her voice.
“'Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift - that is why it’s called the present',” You say with a knowing grin.
“Did you just quote kung-fu panda?”
“Yes, yes I did,” You answer with a laugh, Penelope was quick to join in.
“I wouldn’t peg you for a kung-fu panda kinda guy,”
“Hey, I’m a mystery,”
“Well, in that case, I think you should come round mine and we can have a kung-fu panda movie marathon,” Penelope said, you nodded enthusiastically.
“I’m down for that,” You agreed immediately.
The next thing you knew, you were sat in Penelope’s candlelit lounge watching Kung-fu panda. Who knew Kung-fu panda could be so romantic?
Halfway through the first movie, your phone pinged. Picking it up, you saw a message from Derek:
Should I expect you back tonight or tomorrow morning ;)
You flushed red, turning the screen off and turning back to the movie. By the end of the second movie, you had relaxed, cuddling on her couch. Butterflies formed in your stomach at the realisation of how close the pair of you were.
When the credits of the third movie came up on the screen the pair of you sat up.
“I should head back,” You say, Garcia gives a small nod. “But I’ve had a great time and I would love to do this again,”
"Definitely," Garcia agreed with a smile. You bit the inside of your cheek for a moment, eyes flicking down to her lips, hesitant. Seeing this, Penelope smiled, "Kiss me?" You nodded, leaning forward and locking your lips in what would hopefully be the first of many.
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