#pending len tag
misscammiedawn · 2 years
Miss Cammie Dawn Masterpost
Hi all! Welcome to my combination psychology, hypnokink, fandom and personal blog! I post a ton about hypnosis mostly with a side order of mental health stuff because kink and Bad Brain are all that are on my mind.
I had bad experiences compartmentalizing my online presence years back so I keep everything in one place these days. Prevents self-loathing and impulsively deleting blogs when the shame wins. It's an all or nothing deal. Sorry about that.
We are American but born and raised in England. We have red hair. Are in our 30s at time of writing and have been active in the hypnosis community since our late teens. Presently we are prioritizing working with educators at hypnokink events and doing photoshoots where and when I can.
We are transgender, having started social transition in 2019 and HRT in 2020. We identify as transgender and consider it a very large part of who we are. We're not fond of that fact being erased, even if we mostly adhere to the gender binary in terms of our presentation.
We are sex-averse asexual but involved in kink. Our blog is adult only but we're not really that big on overt eroticism. Even the hypnokink smut we write is 100% fluff with no sex scenes.
We are fairly open about our DID diagnosis (noting that we approach our own condition through a lens of psychopathology) and the treatment we are in. We are a system of 5 though we still try to present as a single individual outside of close relationships.
Our tagging system is mostly a switch counter for tracking if any of us are missing to report to our therapist. Though we do answer individual asks on request, pending a member's presence.
We try to do what we can to walk the line between not suppressing our individual expression(s) without glorifying our condition and erecting further divide between parts. I avoid syscourse where I can and typically do not advertise specific things about my parts, we are all "me" just in different lights so I'll never post stuff like individual ages/genders or such. I'm open about the condition but private about the circumstances and manifestations. Please respect that.
Last updated: 7/3/2024 -
I am addicted to tags. If you ever want to find my original content or my fandom posts you will be able to easily here. Just click on the links below and all shall be neatly organized.
Also there are secret tags which are not advertised. Those ones are for me. A little personal treat.
General Tags:
Cammie Posting - tag for a soft and playful girl. Camden Posting - tag for a traumaqueer. Dawn Posting - tag for a flirty and extravagant Fae. Craig Posting - tag for the boy that lives in the heart of a girl. Utility Tag - tag for a survival part who is learning to live.
Original Content:
Artwork Commissions - Any time I pay a lovely creator to do some art for me <3 Cammie Photos - Photos which feature this beautiful ginger in all her glory. Cammie Stories - My hypnosis related short stories. Fictional ones this time, though sometimes inspired by reality. Hypnokink Original Content - My little submissions of audio, visual or written hypnosis stuff. Hypnokink Writings - My personal opinions, info and resources on Hypnokink. Madison and Belladonna - Our series of hypnokink stories slightly based on reality going over a pair falling in love while one navigates their dissociative disorder Media Essays - A tag for my own big lengthy posts breaking down media (sometimes includes reblogs of other people's commentary) Media, Myself and I - Essays on DID representation in media. Photos We Took - We don't often share our proper photography work on Tumblr but sometimes we do and tag them here ReadOnlyMind - External link to my full length stories shared on ReadOnlyMind Scene Stories - Posts where we describe a scene that we did IRL. If I use this tag it is a recounting of real events. Suggestion Suggestions - Ideas for hypnotic scenes. Video Posts - Posts where we are on video. Voiced Posts - Posts where we record stuff and say it with our mouth words.
Personal Topics:
Asexuality - We are a kinky ace. We don't do sex or orgasms but sometimes do horny. BPD Specific - BPD is difficult to live with and impacts our relationships with others DID specific - DID is difficult to live with and impacts our relationships with ourselves. We try to educate on the topic. Mental Health/DID/BPD Topics - Watch Me Post My Trauma In Public Personal Posts - Ones which are just me venting or talking specifically about my life and experiences. Trans specific - This Is My Gender and I am Proud of It.
Meme Tags:
Bites You Bites You Bites You - Cammie has a tag entirely for biting people <3 Camus Posting - One must imagine Sisyphus memeing Fae Posting - Our loyalty lies with the Seelie Court and we must meme about it Puns - Craig likes puns and we put up with it. Shitposting - tag for when we're being silly. We Have To Meme or We'll Cry- Mental health/plurality jokes
Hypnokink Tags:
50 Days of Fetish Masterpost - Easy links to all 50 posts about why I love hypnokink with examples, audios, photos and videos. 50 Days of Fetish - Tag list of 50 different scenes and suggestions in hypnosis that gets me going and reblogs of other folx who participated in the challenge. Community Resources - Educational resources in hypnokink. Community Safety - Topics discussing dangerous topics and predators Con Recaps - Convention recaps for Charmed! and Beguiled Hypnokink conventions General hypnosis tag - General tag for all hypnosis topics. Hypnokink -General tag for all hypnokink posts. Hypnokink Art - Artwork featuring hypnosis. Hypnokink OC - Our hypnokink content Hypnokink Writings - Our posts and essays on hypnokink Hypnosis on Display - Audios, videos, demos and photos of hypnosis. Hypnosis Events - Convention information Hypnosis Fiction - Stories featuring hypnokink.
Thirst Tags:
Hypnokink Art - Did I mention we have a hypnokink? Redheads - We like redheads. We are redheads. Stage Magicians - Stage magic is hot. Do not @ me. Sword Lady Thirst - I just want my chin lifted by a sword so I have to meet their gaze... Vampire Thirst - Cammie Likes Redheads
Friends and Loved Ones:
Daja - Beloved. Double Grinch - Absolute sweetheart. Fellow Secret Mod. EllaEnchanting - Inspiration for asexual hypnokink, cool person and opinion haver. Lady Ru'etha - Goddess, Beloved. Linny Bee - Sweetheart. Hypnokink craft lady. Nath - Incredible writer. Good opinion haver. Metamour. Paperboy64 - Absolute sweetheart. Puppet - Counterpart. Metamour. Fellow Sleepyhead enjoyer. Skaetlett - Inspiration for plurality based hypnofiction. Superb person. Secret Subject - Boss. VTuber extraordinaire and good friend. Sleepyhead - Beloved. TennFan - An inspiration in asexual hypnokink content
Ask Tags:
Cammie Asks - Asks answered while Cammie is fronting. Camden Asks - Asks answered while Camden is fronting. Dawn Asks - Asks answered while Dawn is fronting. Craig Asks - Asks answered while Craig is fronting. Wynn Asks - Asks answered while Wynn is fronting. Ask Memes - Ask based games. We try to link the source but sometimes forget. Hypno Themed Asks - Asks about hypnosis.
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[...] Michael Arruda, a former Montreal police officer and specialist in crisis interventions, has said he is "very concerned" that guards used a spit hood and pepper spray at the same time. The spray creates a burning feeling, but if it enters the mouth, it can create a choking sensation, he said.
"I'm very concerned because there are two different tools for two different intervention strategies that are not supposed to be used together," Arruda said in a recent interview.
Eric Sutton, a criminal defence lawyer who's also calling for a public inquiry into the case, said the information presented might not be the whole picture.
"There might be a a very different perspective from other inmates who may have seen how this started and what transpired," he said. "And strangely, we have no suggestion that anyone has been interviewed but the prison staff, and that's not good enough."
Quebec's coroner's office will have to rule on the circumstances surrounding the death. [...]
Calls for public inquiry, release of video
On Jan. 7, the Red Coalition, a Montreal-based anti-racism group, called for a public inquiry on behalf of Spring's family.
At the time of the altercation, Spring was illegally detained. A judge had ordered his release on Dec. 23, but he and two other inmates were still in custody at the detention centre a day later.
Spring, the group said, was also receiving support with mental health issues at the time of his death.
Since the altercation, a manager and a prison guard have been suspended pending the results of several investigations, including from the provincial police (SQ) and the coroner's office.
Alain Babineau, director of racial profiling for the Red Coalition, has called for Spring's death to be examined through the lens of systemic racism.
The group made several other demands, including the release of any relevant detention centre footage to the family, if it exists, a public coroner's inquiry, an independent autopsy and the creation of a citizens' committee to oversee the Quebec correctional system.
The community no longer trusts the institutions, Babineau said at a news conference over the weekend.
According to the Red Coalition, the death of the young Black man is further evidence of systemic racism in Quebec. [...]
Continue Reading.
(The article itself contains a description of the alleged events according to prison staff, trigger warning for the violence and death).
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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tat-ch · 1 year
Fic stats game
Rules: Give us the links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most bookmarks, fourth most comments, fifth most words, and your fic with the least amount of words.
got tagged by @spinecorset to do this, so here we are 😂 I hope I got these right and it is the first most, second most, etc otherwise these aren't correct 🤣 I mean, i can always correct it if I was wrong ahahaha
Len is cryptic. It's super effective. Mick is confused A mostly canon following piece adding bits and pieces to their relationship and spinning it towards romance but with a positive twist at the end. Finished from Mick's pov, pending Len's pov on the whole thing. (I have plans to finish it one day)
Are you okay? 'Cause I feel fine. This was a very self indulgent piece where I just added Jason Todd, aka the Red Hood, to the Young Justice Universe and gave him the retribution/vengeance he deserved. It's one of the first things I wrote and posted and it's kinda old now? I still like it but I can tell my writing was baby at the time.
Hands wrapped around my soul Oh wow, I'm kind of surprised by this one. This one was originally for a challenge of "One must die" and had to be 2500 words tops. It's set during the length of time where Jason was dead, and Zatanna brings Constantine to the Watchtower because she's certain there's a ghost up there. This is the first part to my Serendipity series, which I love dearly.
There is no such thing as luck Aaaand that's a Big Bang entry. In which Gabriel Reyes isn't exactly human but gets stuck on Earth for a very specific reason.
Trinity A role reversal fic, probably the only one I ever wrote? (I would need to check) In which Gabriel is a bitter vigilante and Jack is... something else. Unfinished because of the whole fandom pairing drama that happened, though I do have some more chapters written for it.
There's actually two, because both are art compilations/fics. One is Family of heart an exchange fic, for... Gen dmbj? iirc. The other is Artwork for From Russia with Love which an art compilation for the series I cowrite with Shaish.
Tagging hmmmm @shaish @lunanoc @kelly42fox @ilgaksu and whoever wants to join in on the fun ✨
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Knock knock, plant boy returns to the Seiryu residence for Robot Consultation(tm)
Once again, Saino was the one to open the door, but this time he at least recognized Len. He stepped back, pointing to his left. "...Theo's in his study, um... It's the door right there...."
[ @poorlydrawnmoriocs ]
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@poorlydrawnmoriocs plamt full grown... he can change it later, of course
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@gameboyheroes​​ asked:  His soft synthetic fingertips tilted her head to look at him. After a short moment to allow her to process what he was doing, Len closed the gap between their lips. A kiss. His first kiss was with the woman he felt such /emotion/ for that he felt he could short-circuit just from being in her presence. He just wanted to let her know that he cared. "I think..." he paused, allowing his CPUs to help form the words to not sound awkward, "I think I love you." -- (( Lenzu ))
Spending time with Len had become commonplace between them, akin to dates in many ways. From cherry blossom viewing, to coffee shop outings, to arcade adventures, nothing was off limits to them and often had Anzu pondering more about the android and how important he had become to her. How much she missed him when he would leave to return to KaibaCorp, and how excited she became when he would waltz back in, yearning for a new experience.
The newest experience had probably been the tamest of all of their excursions, a simple movie at her home, the place void of anyone but them for several hours. It was enough to allow Len and Anzu to sit close to each other upon the couch, the images on the screen flashing of a story that didn’t captivate their attention. Rather, they had been talking intermittently, her hand falling atop of his naturally before her gaze flickered back to the screen.
A romantic comedy, and the main female had barely realized her feelings for the male. It seemed silly to Anzu; how couldn’t she see how much he loved her?
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The thought barely passed her mind before Len’s hand slipped away from hers, his fingers gentle upon her cheeks. Blue eyes shifted to greet green, surprise illuminating the irises briefly. “…Len…kun?” She murmured softly, but the way he tilted his head, encroaching upon her, it was so obvious. Yet, Anzu hadn’t realized he had ever felt such a thing for her.
She hadn’t thought it ever possible.
His lips were soft against hers and widened, shocked eyes fell closed with the small motions. Gentle oscillations, her mouth pressing against his own to relish the sensation. The tension released from her shoulders, hands lifting up to hook on his shoulders, keeping him close even as Len broke the kiss nearly as quickly as he had initiated it. “L-Len…” She barely managed out, any other sound dying to allow his to be uttered out.
Loved her, he loved her.
Her mind began to race, thinking if he even knew the meaning of it. What it felt like, how very human it was to love. Slowly, Anzu smiled and leaned in once more, eliminating the gap between them. Rather than a passive action, she was gentle in the way her lips clipped against his own, nose brushing along his, a brief moment of soft passion before she parted from him, her mouth ajar with breathy words.
“I think…I love you too, Len.” A small giggle rumbled in her throat as she used the tip of her nose to touch his, bringing her forehead to press against his soft skin. “You…You mean so much to me, I just never thought…you would feel the same.”
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yanderechuu · 3 years
do any of the teachers ever notice the things happening to y/n? (i headcannon Mic and Midnight as yanderes that would give advice to 1A lol)
yandere!Class 1A x fem!reader
Summary: Aizawa is the first one you approached in regards to your certain predicament.
Warning: nonconsensual recording
Aizawa suspected something wasn’t quite right by the moment he saw you entering the class a minute before the bell rang, all haggard and teary-eyed, though you tried your best to obscure your disposition. He always knew you to often be in a state of discomfort whenever you were compelled to socialize, especially with your classmates, but now - you looked as if you reached your limit of holding the weight of the world on your shoulders, crashing down all at once as depicted on your crestfallen expression. 
And when you showed up in front of the faculty room, timidly soliciting his presence, his suspicions were only further verified. Even with a pending question regarding subject matters in your mind, you weren’t one to approach a teacher to inquire about it, and if you did it was because the teacher was the one who would ask your attendance; never the other way around.
Present Mic was the first one to acknowledge you. He stood up from his office chair, waving at you comically. “Yo, (l/n)! Having trouble with English again?”
You never had a problem with his subject; he only insisted that you’d come to him in regards to that. “N-no, not really. May I speak to Aizawa-sensei?”
“Talk with me instead!” He enthusiastically spoke and headed over to you. “Come on, what’s the matter?”
“It isn’t your place to ask that when I’m here.” Aizawa interceded, clearly unimpressed by Mic’s antics. He failed to see the latter’s displeased countenance. “(L/n), what is it?”
You avoided eye contact with him, averting your view to the ground - that was alright. You were always like this, and he didn’t mind. Nothing out of place except for the fact that it looked as if you were about to cry any moment now.
“Can we- can we, um, talk somewhere more private?” You asked quietly.
His brows raised in wonder at your request. Nevertheless, he didn’t decline you, only nodding lackadaisically before heading towards the teacher’s lounge, where you followed him suit. He flicked the door tag to ‘occupied’ and entered the room after you, when he told you sit on the three-person sofa situated not quite on the farthest left of the space. Then, he settled himself on the chair across you.
“Well?” He asked, expectantly.
But you had once again your head above a thick cloud of anxiety. You knew that after the event with Momo in the girls’ locker room - where you had injured her against your will because she had been violating your personal space - your homeroom teacher kept a cautious eye on you in case you’d re-enact that incident. And it wasn’t just that incident that made him look at you like you were a criminal on the loose, either. Your classmates found and did a lot of ways to place you in Aizawa’s naughty list just so you wouldn’t snitch on their abusive (they’d call it affectionate) behavior on you.
That didn’t erase the fact that you were nevertheless his student; he cared for you no less than he cared for his other pupils, yet you were just too ignorant in figuring that out. All that mattered to you was that you’d voice out your current concern to him, but with your insecurities holding you down it seemed it would be more difficult than you had primarily foreseen it to be.
“I-I,” you stammered out, fiddling with something inside your pocket, “u-um, you see, t-there’s this, I mean, I can’t-”
He grew increasingly frustrated with your constant stuttering, and although he did understand your shy nature which largely affected your conversational habits, he only had so much patience to deal with it.
“I don’t have all day.” He stated, glowering at your form in mild irritation. “If you’re going to keep doing that, talk to the wall.”
You abruptly halted in speaking after that, only looking down on your lap, staring wide-eyed, grief-stricken at the revelation that perhaps he really did not want to heed any of your words because you were just that bad of a student that he had decided you were not worth much the effort to concern himself with. And maybe he was right - that your words didn’t matter because you didn’t matter; that there were more affairs he better be tending to than yours; that you were only making a big deal out of this when it truthfully wasn’t.
Oh god, you felt like vomiting. Self-deprecation was getting the better of you.
He stood up and sauntered to the exit, not bothering to spare you a glance. “Come back to me when you actually know what you want to say.”
It was a matter of seconds when you ran to him, pulling him back rather harshly by the grip you had on his sleeve. He turned around due to the force to see your head still hung low, avoiding his gaze as always - only, your shoulders were quivering sporadically, and occasional sniffs were heard from your person.
“P-please, sensei...” you voiced out, shaken and horrifyingly delicate. “I-I’m so scared. Please.”
While he looked at you with contracted irises, countenance now alert from your unexpected disposition, you pulled your trembling hand out of your skirt pocket, nervously disclosing to him from your palm a small, black device with a tiny yet prominent lens.
“M-my room,” you heaved, “I-I saw this i-in my room, m-my closet, while- while I was dressing up, and I don’t know how long it had been in there but it probably already caught me bare and-”
You broke down in a flurry misery and shame, allowing yourself to fall to the ground but you didn’t - Aizawa seized you in his arms, his gentle, fatherly arms that could only do so much to console you from the horror of your reality. And he held your head as you cried on his chest, one little thing he could do after ignoring your situation and letting you think that your significance was less than the rest of his other students. At that moment, you were just so little, so fragile, so naïve he’d keep you in his pocket if he could. Why would someone do something as debauched as illegally recording your innocent self?
“I’m sor-sorry,” you sobbed, “I’m really telling the truth, p-please-”
“Shh, it’s okay. I don’t doubt you.” He reassured. Why were you apologizing? Were you that insecure of being a nuisance? No, no, you never were. Not to him. He reached for your hand to take the cursed device. “Since when did you find out?”
“J-just this morning.” You responded.
“Alright. Do you want to rest? This must have taken a huge toll on you.”
But you still had classes ongoing. Then again, you didn’t feel like looking at the faces of the prime suspects who possibly did you dirty, even when you knew that you’d have to eventually interact with them to get notes of your missed lessons. You were so tired from summoning the lot of your courage to confront your teacher regarding your problem, so you probably wouldn’t have the energy to listen to class discussion. Aizawa finalized your decision by pulling you up and guiding you towards the office of Recovery Girl who, after being briefed of your predicament by your homeroom teacher, welcomed you with a warm smile, telling you to make yourself comfortable in one of the beds in the infirmary.
He then made his way to 1A classroom, a newfound swelling of rage and disappointment in his chest, both forwarded to his class and to himself because only now did he realize that perhaps you were often so restless and apprehensive in the presence of your classmates because they did things that made you bury yourself in the deepest parts of your shell as a last attempt to revel in a sense of safety. Your timidity was not entirely derived from your own nature; it was also due to the maltreatment you were receiving from your classmates. Halting his steps by the classroom door, he looked through the glass window, seeing the class focusing on Midnight’s lecture.
Well, not quite. He could tell that your classmates were visibly affected by the lack of your presence, glancing at your desk from time to time as quiz papers were being passed behind - so they were in the middle of a test, he guessed. But that wasn’t his concern.
In impudent manner, he walked in amid Midnight’s talking, disregarding her face’s sudden morphing into vexation as the students gave him a look of confusion.
“Eraser, what are you-” she was rudely interrupted as Aizawa took the test reference papers from her hands. Something about Modern Hero Art History, he read. He faced his class with disdain, stating,
“Until someone confesses their crime of hiding a spy camera on (l/n)’s dorm room, all of you are receiving failing marks on this test.”
Quite suddenly, the class burst into violent upheaval, gasping, perking, some allowing the dreadful news of your situation to sink in, others letting out noises of complaint before actually taking consideration to the main point of Aizawa’s statement. Midnight stared at him in disbelief, but did nothing to stop his measures.
Momo abruptly stood. “I-is (y/n) okay? We should go check on her!”
“No, you shouldn’t.” Aizawa said. “All of you are suspects. You’ve no right to see her.”
“She probably just made that up get back on us for whatever fucking reason!” Yelled Bakugou.
“Yeah?” The male pro-hero disingenuously mused. He then picked up the spy camera and held it for everyone to see, before setting it down the teacher’s podium. “This was found on her closet. Would she risk recording herself naked just to prove that point?”
Noise died down thereafter, setting their sights solemnly at the device, the class collectively having the same thought in regards to the spy camera.
(Why hadn’t they thought of that? It could have been easier to check on you that way, since you almost always confined yourself in the privacy of your own room.)
“So? No one wants to speak up?” Aizawa asked, though expected the silence.
“Aizawa, have them approach you after classes. It’s embarrassing this way.” Midnight intervened.
“Well that’s the point. Get them exposed to the entire class, so everyone could realize how much of a perverted bastard one of these to-be heroes are. Good values, my ass.” He replied, not bothering to filter rather colorful vocabulary. “Where’s your dignity?”
He let a minute or two pass for the perpetrator to reveal themselves, but soon it became apparent that whomever they were refused to admit to their crime, willing to sacrifice the grades of the class for the sake of anonymity. That would be deemed useless, anyway, because Aizawa was already set on figuring out whom they were, no matter the extent he’d go to in order for that to happen. He’d expel them at once.
But he didn’t have the power to expel someone outside of his class.
“I guess that’s it for your test.” He sighed, disgruntled, picking up the small camera and sauntering his way out of the classroom after giving Midnight a look that he was dead serious with marking all of them a failing score. She stared at him in uncertainty, nonetheless abided by his decisions, albeit hesitantly.
Upon ascertaining his absence, Midnight turned to Class 1A, amusement and humor dancing on her seductive countenance.
“Naïve, hormonal teenagers,” she mused, “the closet, really? Couldn’t you have chosen somewhere less conspicuous?”
None of them bothered to tell her that they were truthfully unaware of the incident.
Hagakure Toru, stealth hero, entered your room silently in the nude, the only proof of her movements being a tinier, different spy camera she’d brought along with her. No, not the closet, you might find it again. It looked so painfully obvious on the desk, too, and neither in the bathroom due to its pale white interior. 
But on the pencil holder situated atop your nightstand would do. You barely moved it, anyway, only having its purpose served as a decoration; something to fill the vacancy of the bedside table. After a few adjustments in camouflaging the device with the environment and making sure the lens displayed the area of your space, Hagakure checked its concealment one more time, before mechanically heading outside and back to her own dorm. 
Her body collided almost violently with her room’s door, snapping her out of her trance. 
“H-huh!? Weird... how’d I end up in my room?” She asked, receiving no answer from particularly anyone.
But Shinso Hitoshi could provide her one, if only he weren’t outside, staring at your terrace from five stories down your room, a gratifying smirk donned on his features. Now, the only thing he had to do was dismantle and relocate the gadgets wirelessly connected with the camera Aizawa had confiscated.
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hcpian-blog · 7 years
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Updated my official design for Ryou.
Special thanks to @2dyllic — if it weren’t for the fashion meme thing they put together, I would have never even considered Ryou with glasses, but I love how he looks with the gold-rimmed circular frames so much that I just had to keep them.
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peppersandcats · 3 years
Tagged by @eighteenbelow , and trying to catch up. :D
Three ships:
Hartley Rathaway/Leonard Snart, Hartley Rathaway/Axel Walker, and... mhm, possibly either Axel and Len or Axel and Lisa? (Not as a long-term thing, but as... kind of a can’t-look-away car crash.)
Last songs I listened to:
“Punk Rock Songs” by Patent Pending
“Thanos vs J Robert Oppenheimer“ by Epic Rap Battles of History
“Thunder Road“ by Bruce Springsteen
Currently watching:
>sobs< Flash, Resident Alien, Breeders, and... I think that’s everything I’ve caught in the last two weeks? Oh, Falcon and the Winter Soldier and Mom.
Currently Reading:
Alice Isn’t Dead, the Wastelands: The New Apocalypse anthology, Real Queer America: LGBT Stories from Red States (nonfiction), and far too many magazines and too few comics.
How’s it going:
The cats are okay. My work is supportive, although I am doing more than they ask me to and need to rein that in for my own good. I miss my dog. The LOML and I are getting extremely pandemic-stressed.
I have been dealing with meds adjustment over the last two weeks, and also joint issues in my hands. Writing and knitting are both being difficult.
I am tired and stressed a lot of the time, and trying to take joy in the little things. Birds are visiting the birdfeeder and I can hear a cat snoring right now from across the room.
Last night I had about four hours of sleep, and this morning I nearly picked up the tealight holder that was next to my coffee cup, with the intention of sipping from it. (It was cup-shaped! And contained a bright flickering light! I feel I cannot be held overly responsible for this.)
I feel a bit overwhelmed, but am continuing to step forward.
Tagging: @lessspoons , @isconnormcdavidok , @middlemarching, @mosylufanfic , and all others who would care to weigh in.
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warbyparker · 3 years
Warby Parker x Entireworld Sweepstakes Official Rules
 1. SWEEPSTAKES DATES AND TIMES: The Warby Parker x Entireworld (“Sweepstakes”) begins at 11:59 am Eastern Time (“ET”) on 7/23/21  and ends at 12:00 pm ET on 7/27/21  (the “Sweepstakes Period”). 
2. ELIGIBILITY: This Sweepstakes is open only to individual legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia, at least 18 years of age (or the age of majority in his or her state of residence if greater than 18) on date of entry. Employees of Warby Parker Inc. or Entireworld Enterpises (or “Sponsors”) and employees’ immediate family members (parents, spouses, siblings, children, and grandparents, regardless of where they reside), and members of the same household (whether legally related or not), and their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, parent companies, and advertising and promotion agencies are not eligible to enter or to win. Parties that are under any obligation, contractual or otherwise, that would limit or impair Sponsor’s ability to use the Entry as set forth in these Official Rules, and parties that are under a merchandising or similar agreement that would restrict exploitation of any right related to the Entry, are also not eligible to enter or to win. Sweepstakes void where restricted or prohibited. By entering, you represent that you have read these Official Rules and agree to abide by and be bound by all terms of these Official Rules.
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During the Sweepstakes Period, follow both @warbyparker and @entireworld on Instagram and tag a friend in the comments section below Warby Parker or Entireworld’s Instagram post announcing the giveaway (collectively, the “Entry”).
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5. DRAWING: A total of ten (10) potential winners (“Winners”) will be selected in a random drawing on or about 7/27/21  from among all eligible Entries received (Five winners from @WarbyParker and five winners from @Entireworld). Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. Designation as the Winner is subject to the potential Winner’s proof of compliance with these Official Rules, continued compliance with these Official Rules, and approval by Sponsor. The decisions of Sponsor are final and binding in all matters relating to this Sweepstakes, including interpretation and application of these Official Rules.  
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7. PRIZES: Ten (10) Winners will each receive a pair of Warby Parker x Entireworld Hatcher sunglasses, Warby World Tote Bag, and custom Warby Parker x Entireworld lens cloth (“Prize”). Prize is non-transferable; no substitutions allowed, except at the discretion of Sponsor. All details of Prize shall be determined solely by Sponsor. Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of Prize, pending winner verification. Approximate retail value (ARV) of Prize is $1500.00. 
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lansizhuis · 5 years
Regarding the whole CQL-only fans "vs” the novel fans thing and other MXTX stuff - I have been receiving asks about it since way back but I’ve put it behind my pending bc I didn’t get where it was coming from. However, having to deal with it personally is quite an experience, I guess. This is more of a general thing for the fandom as I’ve observed. Everything I’m going to say here is my PERSONAL OPINION so you’re all free to agree and disagree but I really won’t tolerate online bullying by anyone to anyone.
I personally liked CQL bc they were on point with majority of the casting, production was good (props, costumes, OST, etc), and gave more spotlight to side characters (especially JYL). Of course, there are some aspects I’m not that fond of it either like the acting per se (and that’s bc 1) i was spoiled by zhu yilong and bai yu’s acting in zhenhun; and 2) i understand that they were mostly rookie actors) and some changes in the plot. But this has always been what it’s like to content we consume - we like some things and we don’t like some things. That’s more than fine. We all each have our own takes and aesthetics so of course, we’re going to have differing views. And this goes the same to the novel as well as the other adaptations (donghua, manhua, audio drama). We’re going to find things and people we like and don’t like - that’s normal, that’s fine, that’s more than okay.
You know what’s not okay? It’s when we start on a hate crusade. 
1. “tg for censorship and no [insert whatever] happened on the drama” - Imagine being so privileged and unemphatic to the plight of people living in a place where censorship is legitimately an issue, where they could get jailed, where they don’t have as much freedom on this kind of topics. NEWSFLASH: The REAL PEOPLE who worked on MDZS (the author, the producers, the actors, etc) have more weight on importance than those FICTIONAL CHARACTERS we like. Ground yourself to reality once in a while.
2. “the novel is gross esp since it’s written by a cis fujoshi” - I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware anyone knew how MXTX defined herself? Are you her close friend that knows intimate things about her like her sexuality and how her mind worked? I personally don’t agree with some of her takes like finding it “odd” to have more than 1 gay couple but considering her environment - y’all really think it’s that easy to spot LGBT+ people out in the open? It’s okay if we don’t agree but we also have to try and see through their lens because what’s normal for us may not be normal in other places. I’m not even going to open the can of worms regarding the term “fujoshi” - it’s the digital age, it’s so easy to research the story and history of it and the fandom in general.
3. “i hate [insert whatever] part in the novel/drama/other’s headcanons/fanart/fanfic/etc and it destroyed it for me” - Ayt, cool. No one’s asking you stay and no one’s blocking the exit. Listen, if you really can’t handle something then mute/block that content or if it’s really super bothering you and you refuse to curate your own experience then I really suggest not to join any fandom. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes. Those content we don’t like? I’m 200% certain it wasn’t made for us and that the content creator legit did not have us in their mind when creating it bc thinking in that manner is entitlement already. The most that we content creators can do is tag. Curating your experience is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AND NO ONE ELSE’S. 
PSA: It’s okay to like and dislike something WITHOUT having to justify it. There’s no need to act “woke” for your preferences on fiction. If you can’t differentiate fiction from reality, other people aren’t a danger to you - YOU are a danger to yourself and even more reason for you to curate your fandom experience.
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kucheek · 5 years
I Gave A Homeless Man A Home
[PART 1?] ~pending
requested: yes!
request: LOVE YOUU
Hi!!! Can you please do imagines/ a series based on mrbeast videos where the reader is in a relationship with jimmy so basically fluff?❤️ Btw I love your work!!
pairing: mrbeast aka jimmy x reader
// And here’s the final video I’ll be including the reader in, for this request! Remember, whichever imagine gets the most feedback will be the one I finish writing out. As always, please let me know what you think! //
When Jimmy had expressed his desire to give Chandler’s family friend a place to live, you thought it was renting an apartment or something to that extreme. Not an entire house and furniture included. It was definitely one of the nicest things that Jimmy had done.
One of things you loved about him was how generous he was towards those who were in need. You would think that after one gets as much success at such a young age like he had, they’d become cold and close-fisted. But Jimmy embraced it and used a chunk of his own money plus sponsor money to help others. 
You were looking through the rooms of the house that would soon belong to brother Bobby. Popping back into the soon-to-be living room, the intro to the video was being filmed. 
“Alright, thank you sir,” Jimmy said, grabbing the key before turning to talk to the camera directly, “guys, we just got this house and we’re giving it to a homeless person!” 
The camera switched over to the four others in the room and Jimmy went on, “Chandler’s family friend is in trouble and because of that he hasn’t been able to work much and he’s about to go homeless.” You stood in between Chris and Chandler with Garrett standing directly behind you.
You were just looking absentmindedly at the lens when Jimmy suddenly exclaimed, “not on my watch!” You widened your eyes slightly and raised your shoulders in surprise, giving a small laugh when he threw the key down on the ground. 
Chris immediately bent down to grab it, “that was the key, we need that.”
“So,” Jimmy continued, “we got him this house. We’re gonna deck out this house. We’re gonna give Chandler,” taking out a white envelope he smacked it on Chandler’s chest, “a couple thousand dollars to have fun with him and then at the end of the day he’s going to come to this house and he won’t be homeless. Because his lease is almost up and he has no where to go, so he’s gonna go here.” 
The camera zoomed on Chandler, “Here,” he affirmed, before the camera moved towards you with a strange look on your face staring at Chandler. 
“There’s a lot of money,” Jimmy said, “take that. Go get brother Bobby, get your dad and go have fun. While you’re doing that, we’re gonna take this house we just got, deck it out and at the end of the day we’re gonna give it to him.”
“Why do you keep saying ‘deck out’? Does anyone even say that,” you smiled slightly, looking at Jimmy with your eyebrows scrunched together.
“I don’t know why, actually. It sounds cool, doesn’t it?” he admitted, laughing before clapping his hands together loudly, “team! Huddle!” He put his hand on the middle of all of you, “OK, on the count of three, brother Bobby. One, two, three. Brother Bobby!”
“Alright, Chandler go, go have fun,” Jimmy ushered him out the door and when he left, Jimmy went back towards the camera , “and now that we took care of that, we need to pick out what we’re gonna buy.” 
He moved slightly to make room and pointed to different spots of the room, “I want a couch here, I want a rug, I want a lamp, I want a table.” Chris followed, writing down  everything that Jimmy said from the living room to the kitchen then towards the rest of the house. 
“Time to hit the road,” Jimmy announced, coming back into the living room and clasping his hands onto your shoulders, “time. to. hit. the. road.” He said, giving you small shakes with each word. You reached up and tried to grab his but you only got to his upper arms, “then. let’s. go.” 
Earlier in the day, the guys had gotten a truck to carry everything from the store. Originally the plan was to take Chris’s truck but after some common sense was used, courtesy of you, they realized everything wouldn’t fit comfortably. The first stop of the day was Lowe’s, the boys insisting that they needed a dramatic entrance. You stood to the side, letting out a sarcastic, “wooow,” while they walked towards the camera, “working hard, or hardly working,” you teased Jimmy.
Letting out a scoff, he wrapped an arm around your shoulders in a light headlock, “we have stuff to do, there’s no time for shameless flirting.”
“I’m not flirting,” you protested, trying to get your head out from under his arms, “you wish I was.”
“Not in a Lowe’s!” Chris complained, loudly, “this is a family store.” 
You successfully managed to free yourself and you tried to fix the top of your hair, “this is a hardware store,” you said, with a pointed look in his direction. 
“Same difference.” Chris waved his hand and moved into the aisle over to look for a refrigerator, immediately calling towards both of you, “this one’s not bad.”
“Children, children,” Jimmy placated, moving towards Chris in the appliances. You followed, slightly skeptical that he managed to find one so quickly, “you sure?” You asked, before looking at the stainless steel fridge, “ooh, never mind, this one’s pretty.”
“Okay. No, let’s get it,” Jimmy said, not even glancing at the tag and tapping it slightly, “it’s ours.”
Next was task of finding the microwaves, which was left to yourself and Garrett. It took you a solid ten minutes to find the section after Garrett insisted that we passed them towards the front of the store. 
“That’s the last time I’m listening to you,” you grumbled.
“You’re not even walking!” Garrett complained. After your feet started to hurt from walking around, you grabbed a cart and stood up balanced at the end of it, forcing Garrett to push you. 
“Because it’s your fault we went the wrong way. I told you there was no reason the microwaves wouldn’t be next to the refrigerators.” 
By the time you made it back to Chris and Jimmy, they had already found the microwave. “What took you so long?” Jimmy asked, “we already found the microwave.”
“Blame Garrett,” you said dryly, pointing at him.
“Damn it, Garrett!” Chris said, loudly, holding the microwave, “we have shit to do!”
You hopped off the cart when Chris plopped the microwave inside. After grabbing and reserving a few more things, you were headed towards the cashier where you had originally stored the heavier items for checkout. Jimmy stopped in his tracks and started looking through the large paintings and portraits you passed by, “Jimmy, hurry up.”
“Wait,” He slid one out slightly and used his foot to lightly tap yours, for your attention, “Look, Y/N! Do you like this one? I need a girl’s opinion.”
“Yeah, if you walked into someone’s house and saw this what would you think?” Chris chimed in, cocking his head to the side and staring at the picture. 
“It’s...nice,” you shrugged, “it’s a beach.”
“A nice beach,” Jimmy corrected, sliding it out completely and looking at it for a second, “I think he’ll like it.” 
You playfully scoffed and grabbed the picture, “OK then, let’s go. We have a lot of stops and little time.” After eventually getting everyone to the front, practically prying Jimmy from the portraits, and paying for everything, you were loading everything onto the truck. Or more so, they were loading everything up and you were frowning. So you nearly drop a microwave and suddenly no one trusts you. 
“I can help,” you insisted, handing Jimmy the large picture. He gave you a doubtful look and placed it next to the others, “I think for everyone’s safety, you should just stand there and...” he scrambled for an easy task for you to do, before shrugging, “look pretty?”
“Ugh.” You whined, “this sucks.”
“You’re doing a great job,” Jimmy cheered dramatically, organizing everything inside the truck, his voice echoing, “keep it up!” With half-hearted cheers from the rest of the guys. 
“You guys suck.” You corrected, sitting down on the edge of the sidewalk and setting your elbows on your knee, propping your head on top. 
video timestamp 2.10
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ContourHD 1080p Full HD Helmet Sport Camera Review
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The ContourHD helmet sport camera boasts about it being the smallest and lightest HD wearable camcorder in the world. Contour, the manufacturer, also says the helmet camera is the first to shoot and share 1080p video. The Contour brand began when two extreme sport enthusiasts wanted to share their adventures with friends.
This sport action camera was designed for the outdoor/extreme sport enthusiasts. It's a durable and waterproof camera with an aluminum and fiberglass body. There are several features that allow for easy operation while users are recording action, such as: single button operation (it's made to be worn with gloves on), dual lasers for alignment, and provides the user with superior quality 1080 pixel video.
There are no tapes or wires on the ContourHD and images can be recorded for up to 8 hours. The helmet cam has four settings; metering, contrast, exposure, and microphone sensitivity. The two choices of frame rates are 30 and 60 frames per minute and users have five video resolutions to choose from:
• Full HD - 1080p (1920×1280) • Tall HD - 960p (1280×960) • Action HD - 720p (1080×720) • Contour HD - 720p (1080×720) • Fast SD - WVGA (848×480)
The helmet camera is lightweight (4.3 ounces) and is completely hands-free due to the manufacturers' patent-pending, 'trail mounts "slide and lock" system', that enables users to mount the sport camera virtually anywhere. There are two lasers and a rotating lens to ensure every image is lined up perfectly. Another great feature is that the sport camera is made to power from a removable and rechargeable battery. There is the 'shoot and share' option to immediately share videos.
The software included with the sport camera, Easy Edit, allows the user to import and edit their images and videos and share them with the world. The Easy Edit software adds the ability to 'clip' the user's favorite scenes, tag them and add descriptions and then images and videos are ready to go!
ContourHD 1080p Features
• Full HD Recording (1080p) 1920×1080 pixels • 5 Megapixel Sensor • Internal Microphone • Removable Lithium-Ion Battery: records up to four hours • Aluminum and Fiberglass, Water-Resistant Body
ContourHD 1080p Reviews
More than not, the reviews for this sport camera are extremely positive. Users love the clarity and high-quality of the images and videos and most of them mentioned that it is extremely easy to use. There are many comments on the off/on slide and how easy it is to turn on with gloves on. The only negative comment about use is that it turns off after several minutes of non-use and doesn't warn the user. Users have complained about not realizing that the sport camera is off and believe they are recording when they actually aren't.
Although users love the images and videos, there have been some complaints surrounding the sound quality. Comments suggest that it picks up a lot of wind noise and/or is not able to hear voices over 5 or so feet. There is also an issue with not being able to tell the indicator lights apart.
Despite minor issues, the camera reviews have been extremely favorable about the ContourHD helmet camera. If there are any issues, they are forgotten once users see the exquisite picture quality https://yi.pl/kamery-sportowe/ .
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ContourHD 1080p Full HD Helmet Sport Camera Review
The ContourHD helmet sport camera boasts about it being the smallest and lightest HD wearable camcorder in the world. Contour, the manufacturer, also says the helmet camera is the first to shoot and share 1080p video. The Contour brand began when two extreme sport enthusiasts wanted to share their adventures with friends.
This sport action camera was designed for the outdoor/extreme sport enthusiasts. It's a durable and waterproof camera with an aluminum and fiberglass body. There are several features that allow for easy operation while users are recording action, such as: single button operation (it's made to be worn with gloves on), dual lasers for alignment, and provides the user with superior quality 1080 pixel video.
There are no tapes or wires on the ContourHD and images can be recorded for up to 8 hours. The helmet cam has four settings; metering, contrast, exposure, and microphone sensitivity. The two choices of frame rates are 30 and 60 frames per minute and users have five video resolutions to choose from:
• Full HD - 1080p (1920×1280) • Tall HD - 960p (1280×960) • Action HD - 720p (1080×720) • Contour HD - 720p (1080×720) • Fast SD - WVGA (848×480)
The helmet camera is lightweight (4.3 ounces) and is completely hands-free due to the manufacturers' patent-pending, 'trail mounts "slide and lock" system', that enables users to mount the sport camera virtually anywhere. There are two lasers and a rotating lens to ensure every image is lined up perfectly. Another great feature is that the sport camera is made to power from a removable and rechargeable battery. There is the 'shoot and share' option to immediately share videos.
The software included with the sport camera, Easy Edit, allows the user to import and edit their images and videos and share them with the world. The Easy Edit software adds the ability to 'clip' the user's favorite scenes, tag them and add descriptions and then images and videos are ready to go https://yi.pl/kamery-sportowe/ !
ContourHD 1080p Features
• Full HD Recording (1080p) 1920×1080 pixels • 5 Megapixel Sensor • Internal Microphone • Removable Lithium-Ion Battery: records up to four hours • Aluminum and Fiberglass, Water-Resistant Body
ContourHD 1080p Reviews
More than not, the reviews for this sport camera are extremely positive. Users love the clarity and high-quality of the images and videos and most of them mentioned that it is extremely easy to use. There are many comments on the off/on slide and how easy it is to turn on with gloves on. The only negative comment about use is that it turns off after several minutes of non-use and doesn't warn the user. Users have complained about not realizing that the sport camera is off and believe they are recording when they actually aren't.
Although users love the images and videos, there have been some complaints surrounding the sound quality. Comments suggest that it picks up a lot of wind noise and/or is not able to hear voices over 5 or so feet. There is also an issue with not being able to tell the indicator lights apart.
Despite minor issues, the camera reviews have been extremely favorable about the ContourHD helmet camera. If there are any issues, they are forgotten once users see the exquisite picture quality.
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Hey there! Been quite some time since I’ve posted. It has been crazy busy from moving into my senior year of college, to being a part of orientation weekend, to starting classes, it has been a chaotic 2 weeks. But here I am with another blog post and brand new photos for you guys so here we go.
Four Chord Music Festival: an annual pop punk music festival put on by Rishi Bahl, a ridiculously talented human being, and friends. Seriously though, I don’t know how he does it all. From 6 undergrad degrees and 2 PhD’s to being in his own band and putting on this festival… it’s wild. I’ve been to all of the festivals but the first one and they have consistently topped each other every year. This year, it happened to be the night before classes started so I only stayed for the first 7 hours.
It was cool because this year I happened to become friends with a couple of the bands who were opening the festival. Like I said, I was only there for the first 7 hours, which if you ask me is plenty of time at a concert. While there, I shot Atlantic Wasteland, bloom., Look Out Loretta, Patent Pending, Eternal Boy, and Will Pugh of Cartel. I’ve shot a few of these bands before but it’s always fun to see how my skills have improved since I last shot them. Plus the lighting was great. These are some of my favorite photos, honestly. So, without further ado, read on about the bands I shot while attending Four Chord 5.
First up, we had Atlantic Wasteland, which if you follow my blog, you are very familiar with. I’ve become super close with them and they’ve been the subject of some of my favorite photos recently. And actually, Evan Yester from Hear Tonight (another band I shoot a lot) was filling in on drums for them. I was thrown off at first because I had just gotten to the show not 10 minutes prior and Sam of AW, went on the mic, causing me to run down to the pit to start shooting. The times were a little messed up throughout the whole show but I got used to it. But they were great as usual. They kept the crowd’s attention and kept them on their feet, jamming. They are always a fun band to shoot and watch play. As always, a fantastic set and worth catching a show. If you’re into pop punk, which is the genre of most all bands who played this festival, you will enjoy them. As usual, I tagged their Facebook page above!
Right after Atlantic Wasteland’s set was over, I ran to the second stage because bloom. started playing. They’re a band local to Boston, with members who went to Berklee College. I shot a show of theirs before whenever they came to play at the Smiling Moose. One of their members, Tyler Knatz, is the drummer in Vertigo as well, which is how I know them. They put on a great show also. I noticed the crowd bobbing their heads, as most do at harder core shows, and enjoying the set. They’re on tour currently, but next time they come through, I suggest giving them a go. They’re definitely underrated. Their Facebook page is linked above.
Next up, we had locals, Look Out Loretta, another band you’ve probably seen me post about. Their newest album was released this past spring and the audience knew every word. I even got a few crowd shots during their set, which was pretty cool. For an underground band with a small amount of followers on social media, I’m always impressed with the amount of people they bring in for a crowd. They rocked out as the audience rocked alongside them. Their Facebook page is linked above.
After a small food and caffeine break, I came back just in time to shoot a band I’ve (shockingly) never shot before; Patent Pending, a rock/punk/pop punk band from Long Island, New York. They’ve played almost, if not all, of the last 4 Four Chord Festivals. They have become good friends with Rishi and seemingly, the entire Pittsburgh pop punk scene. I’ve watched them play every time they played the festival, just never shot them. I’m not entirely sure why, but I just never did. Last year, I watched them play a song that, ever since, has been an absolute earworm. Despite being extremely creative, it’s almost too catchy, lol. ‘Hey Mario’, a song with over 2 million listens on Spotify, is their most popular song. It’s on their 2013 album, Brighter and it is great. It’s a song basically about a guy telling his friend that he’s better than the girl he’s chasing after, that won’t give him the time of day. The creative part? It’s all music made to sound like it’s from Super Mario Brothers and it is uber cool. Anyway, they always have known just how to keep the audience’s adrenaline pumping. They were actually the ones to play several extra songs to fill in the time that got misconstrued earlier that day. They were very fun to shoot too. Joe, lead vocalist, jumps like a madman and actually got me my first really dope and clear jump shot that I’m HYPED about. (See below) So, next time you see that Patent Pending is playing in the area, get to that show if you want to have a super fun time. And by the way, if you end being front row, be aware that Joe sweats a lot and you’ll likely get sweat on, hahaha. I had a few drops on my lens, which I found to be very comical.
Next up, we had the man himself… Rishi Bahl and his band, Eternal Boy. In case you haven’t heard of them, they are another local pop punk band I would definitely consider them on the milder end because I’ve come to really enjoy their music. Harder core stuff just isn’t my jam, so if you’re like me and enjoy mild core pop punk, they are for you. They are always great and put on a great set, too. Their most popular song off of their album (under The Spacepimps name), Eternal Boy, ‘Party Foul’ was actually turned into a pale ale beer brewed by Dancing Gnome. I’m not a beer person so I can’t say so myself, but my boyfriend is very into craft beers and was very excited to try it. He loved it… even had 2 while we hung out at the show. Audience members screamed along, and even moshed a bit, while they played. Nothing out of the ordinary for a local pop punk band, really. If you haven’t heard of them or liked their page on Facebook, I linked it above.
Lastly, the vibe was toned down a bit for this next act. Will Pugh of Cartel, from Atlanta, played a little acoustic set. This was a new thing for the festival. In the past few years I’ve attended, there hasn’t been an acoustic act before. I thoroughly enjoyed it, to be honest. Acoustic sets are ridiculously underrated because they are so raw and real. They showcase what the music really sounded like before it became what it was, with just a voice and a guitar. Truly great music can be toned down like this and sound just as great as it does full band. I had never seen Cartel play before, but if I enjoyed the acoustic this much, I’m sure the full band doesn’t/didn’t disappoint. I was worried the crowd wouldn’t react well being that you come to a pop punk show expecting to mosh and act like maniacs. But they seemed to really enjoy the break. It also helps that Pugh has a damn good voice. It was mesmerizing to listen to him play, while I moved around pondering creative shots I could take. That was tough. Having just a man and his guitar makes a photographer’s job a little harder, but I had fun with it. I also think I did a good job also. Pugh put on a great acoustic set and I was thoroughly impressed.
As I said, I only stayed for a bit so I could go back to campus and get editing started. I mean it’s a good thing I did cause even this post took forever for me to put out. However, I was satisfied with what I had seen. It ended on a relaxing note and I felt I got some amazing shots. Bravo to you, Rishi, as always.
Hope you enjoy the shots I took as much as I do. As always, only a handful are featured below and the rest are up on my Flickr page. (Psst… go look. These ones below barely do the bulk justice)
Atlantic Wasteland
Eternal Boy
Patent Pending
Atlantic Wasteland
Will Pugh (of Cartel)
Patent Pending
Four Chord Music Festival 5
Patent Pending
Will Pugh (of Cartel)
Atlantic Wasteland
Look Out Loretta
Look Out Loretta
Eternal Boy
Eternal Boy
Will Pugh (of Cartel)
Look Out Loretta
  Four Chord Music Festival 5 Hey there! Been quite some time since I've posted. It has been crazy busy from moving into my senior year of college, to being a part of orientation weekend, to starting classes, it has been a chaotic 2 weeks.
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goldenfatale-moved · 6 years
Cisco wants the K
ALL 24 KISSES FOR CISCO // @mostlygoodvibes
1: Passionate Kiss
The first time he kisses her like this, it’s mid fight, pouring rain. Cliche if anything, but adrenaline is pumping through their veins and he has her pinned up against a brick wall as the skies flash lightning. She’s left breathless and grinning, even as he smirks and vibes away.
2: Gentle Peck
These are saved for mornings. When the sheets are wrinkled at the foot of the bed and she promises to get up and make coffee, his soft mumble following as she presses her lips against his before slipping free to pad barefooted into his kitchen.
3: Firm Kiss
She asks why he’s here. It’s been months since she saw him last, and he’s bold enough to step forward and kiss her. Closed mouth. But not soft like the one she’d left him with before riding off into the sunset. Sometimes you just don’t need words.
4: Shut-Up Kiss
Cisco talks a lot. Usually she doesn’t mind, but right now he’s ranting about something dumb that H.R. did and it’s easily been several minutes with no sign of slowing down.  Reaching out she tugs him close and kisses him, hoping that will distract him enough and let him relax.
5: Romantic (Tender) Kiss
For the first time in her life, she’s brave. Telling him that she loves him as they sit on the top of Star Labs watching a metoer shower. Lisa pulled him away from the telescope he’d set up just so they could lean back on their blanket, holding hands and enjoying the softness of the moment. 
“I love you…” It slips out, soft and sure, Lisa turning her head to smile at him before he leans in to kiss her, chasing those words with his touch.
6: Teary Kiss
He’s the one that breaks the news to her. Len died a Legend. 
Lisa barely felt her legs give out beneath her, but she felt his arms around her, lowering them to the ground as she cried, fingers curled in his jacket and face buried against his shoulder. It was the most she’d felt in a long time; so many things she’d wanted to tell Len. So many moments she’d hoped he’d see. 
The kiss was soft, wet and tender. I understand your pain.
7: Distract-Someone Kiss
To this day, she only has guesses as to who the Flash is. The clues keep coming together, the more time she spends with Cisco and the team. Only no one ever directly says that the Flash is Barry Allen. 
Lisa caught a glimpse of plainclothes before her vision is suddenly full of her boyfriend. Cisco had panicked, hands cupping her cheeks and kissing her to distract from the face Barry had just whizzed in to grab his suit without realizing Lisa was in the Cortex.
8: Kiss in the Rain
“Goodnight, babe.”
Lisa presses her lips softly against his, ignoring the soft patter of rain that begins to sprinkle down around them. 
He suggests she come inside instead of braving the roads on her motorcycle in the rain that is steadily getting harder. 
9: Underwater Kiss
Is it a kidnapping if he vibes them willingly to whatever island she promised she’d steal him away to? Maybe, maybe not.
Either way they’re relaxing on a beach all to themselves on some earth that isn’t theirs, and Lisa drags him out to the water to cool off. It’s cheesy and silly as he kisses her under the water and Lisa pushes off the sandy floor to break up for air after grinning at him. 
10: Upside-Down Kiss
“Since I’m stuck up here like Spiderman... do I at least get a kiss?”
Lisa didn’t have a way to get him down after they’d decided to tag team the Flash villain of the week. Turns out the woman was going to be dubbed Black Widow, trademark pending. 
Smirking up at him, Lisa reaches out to steady his slowly turning body in the strange vicious rope the meta had produced. “Nerd.” She murmured fondly before pressing a kiss to his lips. 
11: Goofy Kiss
They’re splattered in paint, helmets drawn up and spent guns in hand as they come off the closed course. “That was fun!” Almost as fun as robbing a bank. When Lisa leans in to kiss him, it’s full of smiles and laughter, and the faint taste of paint.
12: Almost Kiss
It’s the first time he’s seen her in years. Since she sped off on a bike and his life once again revolved around Star Labs. 
When Cisco sees her again, she’s got gold in her eyes and a darkness in her voice. A promise of eternity on her lips as she leans in, as if she’ll brush her lips against his again and turn him to gold. 
At the last moment, her breath, warm against his cheek, disappears. 
She’s gone.
13: Hair Kiss
“Your shampoo smells good babe...” Lisa comments tiredly, snuggling into bed with him and burying her nose against the curve of his neck as she spoons him. It’s barely even a kiss, more of a sound as she smiles against his curls, softened by the rum she’d drank earlier. 
14: Forehead Kiss
“Goodnight, Golden Glider....” They’re stuck on another earth, unable to show their faces anywhere in case they clash with their doppelgangers lives. His googles now seem apart of him, just as the golden hue she’s taken on since getting her powers is part of her. 
Lisa barely responds, too tired from running - from fighting for their lives to find a way out of this place. She’s leaned up against his shoulder, both sitting with their backs to the wall, when he kisses her forehead. It’s almost sad, a melancholy cloak that settles over both their shoulders. 
15: Eyelid Kiss//16: Nose Kiss//17: Cheek Kiss//18: Jawline Kiss//19: Collarbone Kiss
Lisa wakes to kisses. Soft ones at the apple of her cheek and as she smiles, humming softly in response to Cisco’s lips against her skin, he moves. They’re brushed lightly over eyelids, cheeks and nose. Slowly following the line of her jaw and then down her neck before he presses one to her collarbone. 
Then the teeth come into play and Lisa tugs him down for a morning that makes him late to work. 
20: Chest Kiss
“I love you... always.” Somewhere between on and off flirtations and stolen kisses they’ve found a sort of domesticity. A balance that they’re both okay with. They’re living their truth, warm and happy in the quiet nights that soften the action figures shadows against his walls. 
Lisa brushes kisses over the faint outline of scar tissue on his chest. 
21: Stomach Kiss
It turns out she’s ticklish, just a spot slightly to her left side and she can’t stop the giggle that escapes when Cisco brushes first fingers and then his lips over her skin inquisitively. 
22: Hipbone Kiss
Hipbones are less ticklish and if anything, Lisa wiggles and moans as he brushes his lips over them. 
The next morning she presses her fingers over the slowly darkening hickies that Cisco left in his wake as she gets dressed, glancing over her shoulder with a fond smile to watch Cisco sleep.
23: Hand/Wrist Kiss
Lisa asks softly, not looking at Cisco. They’re dealing with something far worse - something with big teeth and too much dark energy pulsing through it. Cisco reaches for her hand, entwining their fingers together and lifting it to his lips to kiss the back of. “We got this, girl.”
24: Butterfly Kiss
“Can we just check this off your list of things you didn’t think people did, because honestly... it’s a little weird.” Lisa is struggling not to laugh when he suggests among the new moves they’re planning in the bedroom for the weekend, they try butterfly kisses. The description alone had made her snort, but she was game. 
After a bottle of wine.
They leaned in towards each other, close enough to feel the warmth of breath. 
She tried terribly not to laugh as they flutter lashes at each other, but it can’t be helped. Lisa dissolves into giggles and rolls to the side. 
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