#pencils: scott shaw!
the-gershomite · 9 days
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Looney Tunes #150 -July 2007- DC Comics
"Daffy Duck Behind the Cartoons"
writer: Joey Cavalieri
penciler: Neal Sternecky
letters: Mike Sellers
colorist: Dave Tanguay
"O Martian, What Art Thou?"
art: Peter Bagge
"The Seventh Season of Darkness"
art and color by Bob Fingerman
"Moulin Stooge"
pencil and inks: Scott Shaw
"Office Spaced"
art: Mike Kunkel
"Take Manhattan and Run"
art: Aaron Renier
"Sari, Long (musical) Numbers"
art by Chynna Clugston
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sonicpanels · 1 year
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Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Miniseries) #0
Writer(/potential uncredited layouts): Michael Gallagher Pencils: Scott Shaw! Inks: Jorge Pacheo Letters: Dan Nakrosis Colors: Barry Grossman
Editor: Daryl Edelman
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Meet the Conservation Corps: "Espirit De Corps"
Cover Credits
Art: Scott Shaw!
Story Credits
Writers: Paul Castiglia & Dan Nakrosis
Pencils: Dan Nakrosis with Chris Allan (TMNT characters)
Inks: Jon D'Agostino
Letters: Dan Nakrosis
Colors: Barry Grossman
Editorial Team
Editors: Paul Castiglia & "Dean Clarrain" (Stephen Murphy)
Managing Editor: Victor Gorelick
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browsethestacks · 2 years
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Vintage Comic - Captain Carrot And His Amazing Zoo Crew #014
Pencils: Scott Shaw!
Inks: Scott Shaw!
DC (Apr1983)
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keycomicbooks · 6 months
UNCANNY X-MEN #301 (1993) Scott Lobdell Story, John Romita Jr. Cover Art & Pencils, 1st Full Appearance of Siena Blaze
#UNCANNYXMEN #301 (1993) #ScottLobdell Story, #JohnRomitaJr. Cover Art & Pencils, 1st Full Appearance of #SienaBlaze "Dominion!" Selene, the Black Queen is a prisoner of Trevor Fizroy, who is brutally torturing her. He then calls a meeting of the Upstarts (Siena Blaze, Graydon Creed, Shinobi Shaw, Fabian Cortez, and the Gamesmaster). SAVE ON SHIPPING COST - NOW AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL PICK UP IN DELTONA, FLORIDA https://www.rarecomicbooks.fashionablewebs.com/Xmen.html#301  #RareComicBooks #KeyComicBooks #MarvelComics #MCU #MarvelUniverse #ComicBooks #NerdyGifts #KeyIssue #XMen
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epacer · 1 year
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Scott Shaw, Class of 1968
Page Four, Panel Four of SCOTT SHAW!S ODDBALL COMICS INTRODUCTION, depicting members of Crawford High School's "Underground Film Society" (TwoMorrows, 202?.) Designs, pencils and inks by Scott Shaw! Scott Shaw post of May 15, 2023
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mobius-prime · 5 years
1. Sonic Miniseries #0
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Table of Contents / Next
Don’t Cry for Me, Mobius!
Writer: Michael Gallagher Pencils: Scott Shaw! Colors: Barry Grossman
Ah, the very first story, in the very first issue, of the very first era. This is where it all began, folks. And it’s as generic as it can possibly be. I mean, the comics weren’t intended at this point to become the dramatic, emotional journey through the longest running video game comic ever that they ended up being – this was just the initial miniseries after all – so it’s not exactly unexpected. They did need a stage-setter beginning episode, after all. That said, boy is this the most 90s thing I’ve ever seen.
So, a few important things to note first. I'm listing the writer, penciller, and colorist for each story in each issue, because I find all to be particularly significant. You can clearly see the direction of the comics' storylines change drastically as time goes on depending on who the main writer is, and as for the pencils and colors, the art style of the comics also went through very significant changes as well as some pretty clearly defined "eras" over time, and since I find the different art styles interesting to note, we'll be noting who the main artists are. Here, we begin with Michael Gallagher, who was the head writer at the beginning of the comics' run; our penciller is the apparently very excited Scott Shaw!; and finally, Barry Grossman is our colorist, and remains so for a long time in the early eras.
Anyway, we begin with a very typical encounter between Sonic and Robotnik at the beginning of this story. Robotnik chases Sonic, Sonic throws weapons-grade 90s sass like none other, we get some establishing dialogue that tells us a little bit about what the current situation between them is, meet a villainous goon… the works. Robotnik is using the Mega Muck that made its first appearance in SatAM, which I’m sure has inspired absolutely zero fetishists to do any weird Sonic art in the back corners of DeviantArt. They also do that thing that comics do where the characters just kind of explain exactly what’s happening on panel as it happens:
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It should also be noted that in this first issue, Robotnik has normal human eyes. That wouldn’t really be noteworthy on its own until you see what he starts looking like later. *shudder*
We see the beginning of Antoine and Sonic’s rivalry in this first, rather silly story. Sonic also likes to break the fourth wall quite a bit in these early issues, speaking directly to the reader and often encouraging them to interact with the panels by placing their finger here or there. Pretty cute for a kids’ comic, but they dropped that gimmick early.
As this is the first issue, many characters’ designs aren’t finalized. Rotor is called “Boomer” in the early issues, Antoine is missing his trademark French accent, and Tails and Sally look almost unrecognizable from who they became over the course of the comics:
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The plotline of this first story is very simple and pretty much a stage-setter for how the issues are going to go down. The Freedom Fighters discover a leak in their base, which comes from the trees crying because Robotnik bulldozed a lot of them. (Weeping willows, is the joke.) They go up to investigate, Robotnik attacks, Sonic defeats him with the power of a magic ring, and they save the day. Doesn’t have much impact on the overarching story of the entire run of the preboot, but I include these early issues for a very specific and important reason which I’ll be getting into much later in the story.
Oh No – Robo! No Mo’ Mobo!
Writer: Michael Gallagher Pencils: Scott Shaw! Colors: Barry Grossman
First of all, can I say that that title is absolutely hilarious. I don’t care how cheesy it is – that’s genuinely clever and funny.
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So, this is where the comic lays out the backstory of everything it’s shown so far. A lot of this actually ended up getting retconned, but it still offers a lot of insight, especially into how Sonic himself viewed Robotnik’s takeover. He and his Uncle Chuck ran a chili dog delivery stand, until Robotnik staged his takeover of the world. Interestingly, there is no grand moment of takeover shown – rather, it makes it seem like Robotnik had been spreading his sphere of influence for a while, until it finally overlapped with where Sonic and his uncle lived. Uncle Chuck and Sonic’s dog Muttski were captured and roboticized, and Sonic met Sally for the first time as he tried to stage a rescue. From there – well, I’ll let the final few panels do the talking for me:
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Again, a lot of this was retconned in later issues, but I will still include it all in the analysis as though it’s canon, for reasons that will eventually be explained.
A few more interesting things to note: first of all, we learn that Sonic’s middle name is Maurice. This is obviously very important because it’s hilarious. It wasn’t even retconned either, this is canon information about Archie Sonic.
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Second of all, we get our very first hint at something very important to the plot of later issues. When Robotnik shows up to capture Chuck, Chuck clearly recognizes him. This isn’t elaborated on, yet. Emphasis on yet.
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And finally, in this very first issue we get our first look at Sonic shedding tears. This might not seem significant, especially given the goofy nature of all the events surrounding it, but Sonic as a character has almost never, in any canon he’s been in, cried. He cries I think only once in the anime, which a great deal of emphasis is put on as a shocking and unusual event, and never cries, to my knowledge, in any of the games. He’s meant to be an incredibly strong of heart character, who never gives into despair, and yet here he is, crying over the loss of his uncle. This is something SEGA put strict limits on in much later issues, when they started taking more interest in keeping the plot and characters of the comics in line with their vision, so it’s pretty significant to note, I think.
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As a side note, I decided for funsies to check how much money Uncle Chuck and Sonic were charging for their chili dogs. They made 200 of them and Sonic wants $300 in payment, which means on Mobius, a freshly made and instantaneously delivered chili dog costs a whopping $1.50. Can you freaking imagine? Every person on the planet would be subsisting on those things for that price. World hunger would be solved. At least for those who are willing to eat intestine-wrapped processed junk meat. (I kind of hate hot dogs, sue me.)
Well, so marks the end of the very first issue of the entire Sonic Archie preboot. While there wasn’t much plot to speak of, there were some interesting little tidbits in there. Writer Ian Flynn in particular, in the later years of the comic, loved to bring back ancient characters and concepts from the very first few issues to star in new and improved, and much more serious, roles, so we still have a lot of ground to cover here.
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comicbookcovers · 4 years
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Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew #13, March 1983, Pencils: Scott Shaw!
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soniccovers · 3 years
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Sonic the Hedgehog (miniseries) (Archie) #1
Pencils: Scott Shaw!
Inks: uncredited
Colors: uncredited
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thegeekerynj · 4 years
All Death Metal Review (And nothing from Sweden!)
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Death Metal: Trinity Crisis One Shot 
Writer: Scott Snyder   Artist: Francis Manapul
‘And who are YOU supposed to be? I’ve faced enough Dark Knights that no Batman scares me anymore!
Ha! Then it’s a good thing I’m not a Batman! I’m his MOTHER!’
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Sweet Christmas! That took me by surprise!
Harley kissing Jonah Hex, that was really sweet, and gods awful creepy, and kinda gross,  after the exchange, and some thought…
This is it, Gentle Readers… the Beginning of the End of the Beginning of… Oh, crap, now I’m lost… This is where the story starts rockin’!
The Gang’s all together, and the Black Lantern Bat has determined what they need to do.
The plan? Split up, naturally. That AL-ways works…
When we left them in DM #3, the Lanterns are protecting the Home Base, and taking out the Crisis Energy Antennae on the Earths left in the known Universes, The Flashes are off and running through the Speed Force, trying to find Metron, and stay ahead of the Bathattan who Laughs, while the Trinity (Superman / Antilife, Black Lantern Batman and  Warden Wonder Woman) along with Swamp Thing, Harley, Hex and Jarro, head for Castle Bat, to gain access to the Crisis Earths, where the Crisis Energy is being harvested for Perpetua.
Getting into the Castle involves getting past an army of Dark Knights… and we have a bunch of real winners here! 
Bat Monday - Salomon Grundy in Bat ears, I could have busted a gut laughing, until I thought about what kind of weapon a zombie with Batman’s training could be, and shivered…
Kull, the daughter of Batman and Wonder Woman, corrupted by the Dark Universe…
Ark, the living embodiment of Arkham, with all of the knowledge and abilities of ALL her worst inmates…
Chiroptor, the amalgam of Batman and Chemo (Great Elder Gods!!)… 
And the Pearl, Martha Wayne, in the equivalent of HellBat Armor, complete with her iconic pearl necklace.
This is a real mindscrew for Batman, and the panels depict it, most intently.
One nice thing about Scott Snyder… he is consistent about tying up loose ends. Once we are in Castle Bat, we find out what happened to Barbatos, the Big Bad from Dark Nights: Metal. Not that we were actually wondering, since we got Perpetual, and the Batman Who Laughs, but, like I said, it ties up the package nicely.
Then, we are introduced to the character I have been most happily waiting for… the Robin King, and his Utility Belt of Death!
Gentle Readers, this is the story we have been waiting for, the chapter which tells us what the Heroes Plan of Action is, and where the story has been going, for over 40 years. You see, the opening page of this book tells us where this story began… with Marv Wolfman and George Perez, and Crisis on Infinite Earths!
Not to spoil too much, but Crisis, Infinite Crisis, and Final Crisis, ]well… they have all played a part in getting us to this story. It seems, the “Crisis Energy’ has fed Perpetua while she was trapped within the Source Wall, and, now, she wants it all, so she can recreate the Universes in her image.
Great job, if you can get it…
I can’t say enough good things about this story and artwork, as Snyder and Manapul have put together a really tight, hard hitting bottle / lead story, bringing us to the next step in the saga… 
Jeebus on a popsicle stick, I hope no one lets me down… that will hurt!
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶🌶.5
Death Metal: Multiverse’s End #1
Writer: James Tynion IV   Artist: Juan Gedeon
‘Mr. Rabbit?
Yes, Young Lady?
Thank you for saving me.
What a kind thing to say! It was so scary out there, and you stayed so brave. I don’t think I could have done it without your courage.
You’re really, really soft.
I use a special carrot shampoo.
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Once upon a time, about a million, bazillion years ago in cranky fat man years, somewhere around 1982, Roy Thomas and Scott Shaw! brought Earth-C into the DC Multiverse, the earth of anthropomorphic animals… yes, they brought Super-Hero Cartoon Animals to the Super Hero Universe.
Our introduction to this Earth was Rodney Rabbit, a comics writing and drawing hare, who created the Just’a Lotta Animals comic by day, and was Captain Carrot, a Superman-esque rabbit, who got his powers from super charged carrots, when danger struck.
But, I digress… because I got really excited!
So, we have teams on the 6 Earths, each Earth holding a tuning fork, focusing the psychic pain energy of the population to Perpetual, powering her attempts to recreate the Multiverse in her image. The Earths in play, Earth - 3 (Crime Syndicate), Earth - X (Nazi Earth), Earth - 29 (Bizarroworld), Earth - 43 (Blood League World) and Earth - 50 (Justice Lords Earth) are all worlds of pain and suffering.
Their energy is the right flavor for destroying, and creating.
The heroes, organized and led by the Green Lanterns of Sector 2814 (Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, John Stewart, Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cruz, Simon Baz), are working to take down the Antennae before the energy can be fed to Perpetual to power her Cosmic Undoing. 
So, teamed with the Lanterns, we have Hawkgirl, Kid Flash (Earth-22), President Superman (Earth-23), Wonder Woman (Earth-6) and Captain Carrot, all hellbent on stopping the respective Antennae.
The problem… Each Earth’s inhabitants have been laced into the antennae, to directly feed the psychic energy to it..since the energy is effectively terror, well, what better way to induce some? Of course, this isn’t the only problem to be contended with…
Leave it to James Tynion IV to come up with a way to make a villain creepier than the Batman Who Laughs… How, you ask? Well, take the true polar opposite of Batman, and make him realize HE IS what Giggles says he is, and you have an interesting new ballgame.
You see, while the Batman who Laughs is the Ultimate CORRUPTED Batman, Owlman is the Anthesis of Batman, the purest EVIL to the Batman’s GOOD. And he plans to make sure that he continues to be the True Opposite…
Gedeon’s artwork is rough, but considering the story being told, and the pain portrayed by the characters, it fits, perfectly. Some times, I see Joe Staton and Nic Cuti in these pages, a little cartoony, but that’s not a complaint… The story concentrates a bunch on Guy Gardner and Cap, so, it seems to fit (and the art is reminiscent of the ‘A Guy and his G’Nort’ storyline from 1991). 
All in all, a very good story, and a fantastic use of a truly underused treasure.
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶🌶
Speed Metal #1
Writer: Joshua Williamson   Pencils: Eddy Barrow   Inks: Eber Ferreira
‘Hey, Flash Family, Is it true a Flash has to die in every Crisis?!’
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And the levels of snark from the Darkest Knight have reached Epic Levels!
The first three pages of this issue give us a rehash of everything  having to do with Wally West, since the beginning of the Rebirth Era, from Barry pulling Wally out of the Speed Force, to Barry and Batman finding the Comedian’s Smiley Face button embedded in the Batcave wall, to the events of Heroes in Crisis and Flash Forward.
The action picks up as Barry, Wally, Wallace and Jay leave the Batman’s Vault, in search of Metron’s Chair, with the Darkest Knight hot on their trails. 
In the Speed Force.
With the Darkest Knight’s presence corrupting the Speed Force, Barry and Wally bickering the entire time, I’m reminded of why I hated the post Crisis Flash… Wally wasn’t mature enough to wear the mantle of Barry’s fame.
Sure, he had the speed, he was even faster than Barry, but he was still the same jealous little kid inside, the one who needed to be patted on the head, the one who couldn’t get on with the Titans, even though he was probably the most powerful of them. 
He was just an immature kid, and here, Williamson dragged that all into the foreground once again.
All so Wally West, the King of the Redemption Arc, could have another Redemption Arc…
Sorry, that did me in. 
The rest of the story is pretty good… the art is wonderful, the Jay / Barry / Wallace interplay is really kinda neat, and all the Black Flashes… well, I’m a sucker for Death icons, so a mass of Death Speedsters, well that’s fun with a CAPITAL F!
But, did we need another Wally gets to whine story?
Sorry, this wasn’t the finest arc of the Death Metal Saga.
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶
Death Metal #4 ‘Shot In The Dark’
Writer: Scott ‘Scream King’ Snyder   Artist: Greg ‘The Muscle’ Capullo  Inks: Jonathan ‘Bloodied’ Glapion
“So, ever wonder why you never see A Harley Who Laughs’?’
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And, that Gentle Readers, is the crux of one of those puzzles about this series… Why don’t we ever see more twisted versions of the Villains who infest Earth Prime?
The Robin King (this is the character who rates SECOND on my memorable Characters list, especially with his own One-Shot—— Who’s First?? Time, Gentle Ones in time…) puts the explanation out there, and it is very simple.
And worth the read… But, I digress.
So, Issue 4 picks up with Sergeant Rock describing what has been happening on Earth - Prime, and we finally get to see who has been carrying him around… AMBUSH BUG! Yes, the character that made the Fourth Wall more transparent than an open Anderson window has been carrying Rock around as his own personal narrator…
Which, if you know the Bug, is a joke unto itself.
So, here we go, the ride is picking up steam, and we are now following 6, count’em SIX, separate story lines. A guy could get whiplash, or Bullwhip or some other third rate character… But, I digress.
We have the Trinity storyline, the SpeedMetal storyline, Multiverse’s End, and the Lantern Storyline from the last issue, the Justice League / Legion of Doom story… am I forgetting anything? 
Oh, and of course, the Robin King.
Where to start with this… I guess the simplest place to start is the artwork.
Greg Capullo’s pencils are absolutely wonderful. For anybody who it's to watch the process of drawing I want to watch so he's got a really wonderful touch I recommend Greg Capullo’s Instagram site. As he's drawing pages for these books, he posts the pencils as he finishes pieces of the process . Normally, he has six or seven photo panels showing exactly what he's been doing.  In man cases, this involves crowd scenes, with extensive detail. His work is beautiful, it’s easy to see why he is such a sought after talent.
Jonathan Glapion’s inks on Capullo’s pencils are comparable to Austin on Byrne, and Janson over Miller, Janson over Colan… Enhancing, and not hiding the intricate detail rendered in the pencils, adding that last flash of lightning to bring it all together. The balance struck between them is almost organic, a constant growth between the two, bringing them to levels bordering on the true Classic Art teams of the last 50 years.
I do not make these comparisons lightly
Now, to the story. Scott Snyder is powering a roller coaster with a rocket sled. The coordination between the different aspects of these stories is both intricate and daring. With all the different aspects of this story spinning like plates on sticks, Snyder juggles the plot lines, and what is left to him by the myriad of writers as Emmet Kelly did in the heyday of Ringling Brothers.
His deft touch, and subtle influences are balanced by lace covered sledgehammer blows, leaving the reader reeling, and wanting so very much more.
Scott Snyder, much like Tom Taylor, has pulled out all the stops, cut the brake lines, kicked out the jams, insert favorite euphemism for creating a high speed, non-stop mad ride to Hell!
And, much to my wallet’s chagrin, I am very happy about it.
Now, as it crosses to other books, and other writers pick up the reins, I am sure Snyder will still be the whip hand driving the story, not allowing some of these writers to go too far astray (unless it’s Tom King… then, well Woo Hoooo!)
I can’t say enough good things about this story, or the team creating it. I’m beginning t feel a little biased, but, what the heck.
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶🌶.5
Death Metal: Robin King #1 ‘The Robin Who Would Be King’
Writer: Peter J. Tomasi   Artist: Riley Rossmo
‘Aw! Come on, this is the fun part!
Get up and let’s FIGHT!’
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Games, within games, within games…
So, the Batman who Laughs wasn’t infallible.
And the Robin King is going to be the bigger threat to the Darkest Knight than any combination of the Trinity, Flashes or their cohorts.
At least, that’s my takeaway from this issue.
We continue the story of the Robin King, as started in the Tales of the Dark Universe one shot.  Bruce has grown up, and grown into his sociopathy, and genius. He has used the family fortune to get all the training necessary, and to accumulate all the tools, to begin his reign as the true Evil Overlord of Gotham.
Utilizing his accumulated weapons, he has taken out Commissioner Gordon, Firestorm, Animal Man, Adam Strange Blue Beetle (Ted Kord), and the Red Tornado, all in truly spectacular and extraordinarily grisly fashion.
While the Black Hole Implosion for Firestorm was a particularly well thought out death, I think, so far, the ‘Mortal Coil’ Death, for the Red Tornado was the most imaginative… making his powers totally uncontrollable, while moving him closer to his ultimate dream, to be a real person, before his form totally destroys itself from the stresses of his own speed.
Marvelous! Fantastic! Gross!
Enter the Batman who Laughs, with the proposition to make the Robin King special, one of his own…
But, he’s a Robin, so, off to the Groblin Pit he goes!
Hence, his mistake, and possibly another chink in the boiler plate of his plans… since Bruce Wayne is NO Robin!
Peter Tomasi’s scripting for this issue is simply remarkable. The creep factor he brings to this iteration of Bruce Wayne is almost eviscerating. Reading this was painful to my eyes and psyche, feeling the levels of insanity drip off the page, and scratch across my mind like a little bird’s unnaturally sharp talons.
He really hit all the horror factors.
Then, there was the artwork for this story. Riley Rossmo’s artwork set the mood for this story. His shattered pencil / inks style, which can be distracting, was integral to telling this story. It allowed the Reader to view this story as if it were playing out in Bruce’s mind, its all the fracturing being how he is viewing the world.
For me, this story has been the highlight of the series… thus far. I am anticipating this, which is near the midpoint of things, is setting up the Wednesday Night Episode…so, - 
Tune In, Gentle Readers! 
Same Bat-Time
Same Bat Channel!
The Best Is Yet To Come!
Did I neglect there is a B-story, with Signal, Spoiler, Orphan and Red Robin taking on Quietus, the amalgam of Batman Ras’ al Ghul and Duke Thimas, from another Dark Universe, written by Tony Patrick and drawn by Daniel Sampere?
This story brings in a plot line for ‘What’s happening for the Other Bat-Family Elements’, as they try to find their way through Castle Bat’s myriad streets… 
I am guessing we will start to see more of these stories.
I am completely fine with this, rather than having to recap things later…
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶🌶.5
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geekbroll · 4 years
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Game Show layout by Scott Shaw - Colors by me.   Layouts for "Game Show", a 30-second TV commercial for Post Fruity Pebbles cereal (Kraft Foods/Ogilvy & Mather/Playhouse Pictures) mid-1990s. Pencil art by Scott Shaw! (Original layout art from Scott Shaw on Facebook)   Gameshow Flintstones Fruity Pebbles with Gary Owens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDopGpDbtUE #hannabarbera #theflintstones #flintstones #fredandbarney #fruitypebbles #postfruitypebbles #postcereals #kraftfoods #ogilvyandmather #playhousepictures #scottshaw #garyowens #quarryowens #cartoons #cartooncharacters #cerealmascots #breakfastcereals #spaceghost #gameshow #fruitfight #fruitypebblescommercial #layouts #fredflintstone #barneyrubble #coloring #digitalcoloring    (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-N_RtXBJAY/?igshid=1ielywn03m5oh
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Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew #1: "The Pluto Syndrome"
Cover Art
Pencils: Scott Shaw! with Ross Andru (Superman)
Inks: Bob Smith
Colors: unknown
Story Credits
Writer: Roy Thomas
Pencils: Scott Shaw! with Ross Andru (Superman)
Inks: Bob Smith
Colors: Carl Gafford
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biggoonie · 5 years
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Written by DENNIS “HOPELESS” HALLUM & DONNY CATES Penciled by SCOTT HEPBURN & GEOFF SHAW Cover by SCOTT HEPBURN He’s back, baby! With a reputation like Cosmic Ghost Rider’s, it’s only a matter of time before the law catches up to this flame-headed future version of Frank Castle and tries to put him in chains. Too bad for the cosmic cops that chains are Castle’s new weapons of choice! On the run with a rogue hitchhiker in tow — the young Earth woman named Cammi — Frank must take on one of the biggest crime syndicates in the cosmos! But with his soul hanging in the balance, will he damn the whole galaxy to hell to get what he wants? Plus: A new short story from Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw, the crazed minds who kicked off the madness and introduced Cosmic Ghost Rider in the first place! Collecting REVENGE OF THE COSMIC GHOST RIDER #1-5. 128 PGS./Parental Advisory …$15.99 ISBN: 978-1-302-92170-5
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sfaioffical · 5 years
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Pete’s Café - SFAI In The 90’s In the 90s, many SFAI students worked for and exhibited artwork at Pete’s Café, which was situated on the roof of SFAI’s Chestnut Street Campus. On view January 10 through February 16, The Great Highway Gallery presents a group exhibition featuring several SFAI-affiliated artists, including John Lindsey, Dave Arnn, Daric Cheshire, Colin Chillag, Wren Coe, Diana Coopersmith, Adrienne Eberhardt, Connie Goldman, Jeremy Harper, Gerald Hawk, Cliff Hengst, Scott Hewicker, Johanna Jackson, Xylor Jane, Patricia Kavanaugh, Yasmin Lambie-Simpson, Mario Lemos, Ted Lincoln, Lydia Linker, Linton, Jennifer Locke, Sally Lundburg, Mads Lynnerup, Spencer Mack, J Matt, Alicia McCarthy, Barry McGee, Palmerin Merges, Karla Milosevich, Ruby Neri, Eamon Ore-Giron, Maurizzio Hector Pineda, Will Rogan, Cynthia Rojas, Rocio Santillana, Christian Spruell, Steven Starfas, Keith Tallett, Rafael Vieira, Benji Whalen, Mark Wilson, and more!
Lighting the Council Fire: Paintings of Suiko Betsy McCall (MFA 2009) On view through January 30 at San Francisco’s Zen Center, Suikos writes about Lighting the Council Fire: “Whether with a pencil or paint, these works on paper explore the interaction between a structure set up by an evolving, repeating system and the unpredictable chaos of the spill, smudge, or breath-initiated brushstroke. By engaging the repetitive rhythms of practice, my work also aims to reshape my life as an Artmonk.”
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Image: April Martin, cali fantazies. © April Martin
Cali Fantazies – April Martin (MFA 2019) Cali Fantazies is a multimedia art installation on view at the Museum of the African Diaspora (MoAD) through March 3, 2020. On February 13, April Martin is curating a special event, Cali Fantazies: Righteous Ratchet Joy, where performers from the legendary underground black queer party “Cali Fantazies” will be performing at MoAD. Come witness the magic, allure, and stunts of performers in a not to be missed experience. This event will be a space where queer Black folks can enjoy the many talents of BADASS Black Women. We will shout with joy and make it shower with flowers as beautiful black women pole twerk and booty bounce in a celebration of Black Women. We welcome you to immerse yourself in MoAD’s latest exhibition, groove to the electrifying sounds of DJ Lady Ryan and laugh out loud at hilarious host Ms. Bleu Sugar from Coochieliscious Entertainment as she narrates the mesmerizing performances by Cali Fantazie’s dancers.
This event will be honoring the legacy of queer black club life and the closure Bench and Bar and Club 21, the last remaining black and brown queer clubs in Oakland.
Mind / Body / Spirit / Land – Susanne Siminger (MFA 1987) Please join Susanne for the artist reception on Friday, January 17 at the Gail Van Dyke Gallery in the MarinHealth Medical Center in Greenbrae for the opening of Mind / Body / Spirit / Land: Oils and Water Colors inspired by Our Beautiful Land.
Panel Discussion: Re-Imagining Equity in the Art World 2020, with Katherine Vetne (MFA 2015) On January 18, Katherine Vetne joins local artists Erica Deeman and Indira Allegra, as well as curators Heidi Rabben and James Voorhies to discuss their art practices, concerns and challenges, and where the equity movement might lead in the coming years. This panel is organized by ArtTable, which is celebrating 40 years of women's advocacy and professional development. Katherine will also have work on view at the Catherine Clark Gallery booth at Untitled San Francisco, July 17–19, 2020.
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Image: Michael Jang, Ramones Free Concert, Civic Center Plaza, San Francisco, 1979, gelatin silver print. Courtesy the artist. © Michael Jang
In Conversation: Michael Jang (MFA 1977), Sandra S. Phillips, and Nion McEvoy For the closing of Michael Jang’s California, photographer Michael Jang and curator Sandra S. Phillips are joined by Nion McEvoy for a wide-ranging conversation about the resonances of place, person, and time in Jang’s work. This first retrospective exhibition presents a rare, immersive journey through Jang’s career, from the 1970s to the present, and is curated by Phillips, SFMOMA curator emerita of photography and Jang’s longtime collaborator.
Fresh Focus – Jordan Holms (MFA 2019) Join Jordan Holms on Wednesday, January 14, at 4pm for a meet and greet for Fresh Focus, an exhibition featuring small-size artworks by recent and current MFA artists of the Bay Area.
Spiders from Mars – Ben Venom (MFA 2007) Please join alum, Ben Venom for the opening reception for Spiders from Mars on January 15 at St. Joseph’s Art Society. On view January 17 – February 15, 2020.
Forbidden Illusions – Whitney Lynn (MFA 2007) Whitney Lynn invites you to "forbidden knowledge", anaglyph collages created while an Artist-in-Residence at LightSource SF. On view through February 1, 2020.
Displaced - Spencer Keeton Cunnigham (BFA 2010) Please join Spencer for the closing reception of Displaced at 6pm on February 9 at The Midway Gallery. He is consistently working on new ideas for art whether that is in the form of paintings, drawings, murals and installations that dive deep into topics relating to his personal relationship on Native American rights, cultural representation, social change and activsm. Spencer’s artwork has been on broadcast television, in motion pictures and exhibited throughout the U.S. and beyond. His art can currently be found on display in the Permanent Collection of the Berkeley Art museum, The Crocker Museum in Sacramento and in print form in the permanent book collection at the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian in Washington D.C. Cunningham was also recently inducted into the World Congress of Art History in Bejing China by Art Historian Elaine O'Brien.
Video: A preview of Spencer Keeton Cunningham’s solo exhibition, Displaced, The Midway Gallery, San Francisco. Courtesy the artist.
“Rackets” and “Laminates” – Richard Goldberg (MFA 1987) Opening February 1 at 1pm at Far Out Gallery, this show will feature selections from two recent groups of work: “Rackets” and “laminates”.
The “Rackets” are an ongoing group of wall mounted, mixed media sculptural works. Theses sculptures are made with a variety of found objects and materials which take on new identities and meanings as they are synthesized into a single artwork of rhyming shapes, forms and imagery. Each “Racket” work has its own engaging identity, and story to tell.
Shown alongside of the “Rackets” will be collages that are called “Laminates” These works are 2 dimensional, irregular shaped collages of images, symbols, photographs and other visual material. These shaped collages are then laminated and cut out, to become a kind of flat sculpture with shapes and voids around the perimeter of each collage but also within and throughout the entire composition. They are floated in a shadow box frame which brings out their 3 dimensionality. The “Laminates” were a product of an evolution of ideas and impulses that lead the artist to move on to the more robust 3 dimensionality of the “Rackets”.
Mike Henderson: The Black Paintings + David Simpson: Interference On view through March 28, 2020 at Haines Gallery.
Mike Henderson: The Black Paintings (MFA 1970): Showcasing a body of related works made primarily in the 1990s by recent Artadia Award winner Mike Henderson, the paintings included in this exhibition feature a rich palette of lush blacks, steel grays, and ultramarine blues. Set against the darkness, small shapes of bright blues, yellows, and reds flicker like jewels. Henderson’s experimental films from the 1960s, 70s, and 80s will be shown in dialogue with the paintings. Politically charged and wickedly funny, these remarkable shorts have been screened at museums and festivals around the world. In addition to the exhibition, The Mike Henderson Band will be performing on January 17 as part of UNTITLED, ART San Francisco. Click here for tickets and more information!
David Simpson: Interference (BFA 1956): Acclaimed Bay Area painter David Simpson’s exhibition takes its title from his use of “interference” pigments, which shift in color with changes in light and the viewer’s perspective. Each canvas on view is the result of up to thirty coats of paint, meticulously layered to create a deep, lustrous surface. Now in his 90s, Simpson continues to delight with works of remarkable dynamism, evoking the movement of clouds, or the play of light across water, ultimately offering viewers a powerful space of contemplation.
Shaw & Co. - Richard Shaw (BFA 1965, Martha Shaw (BFA 1966), Alice Shaw (MFA 1999), Virgil Shaw & Friends (Extended through January 31, 2020!) Gallery 16’s exhibition “Shaw & Co.” presents a collection of work by members of the Richard and Martha Shaw Family, plus a plethora of SFAI-affiliated artists—faculty and alums—including Richard Shaw, Martha Shaw, Alice Shaw, Rebeca Bollinger, Mike Henderson, Don Ed Hardy, Bob Hudson, Sahar Khoury, Alicia McCarthy, Jim Melchert, Ruby Neri, Cornelia Schulz, Wanxin Zhang, and more!
BoundarySpan – Aaron Wilder (MFA 2017) A group exhibition curated by Aaron Wilder and featuring the work of alums Michael Arcega (BFA 1999), Jimin Lee (MFA 1997), Paula Levine (MFA 1988), Sherwin Rio (MA 2019), and Desiree Rios (MFA 2017), BoundarySpam reopens on January 27 at the Nathalie and James Thompson Art Gallery at San José State University and will continue through February 21.
Wikipedia:Meetup/San Francisco/Black History Month Wiki-a-thon at Prelinger Library – Niki Korth (MFA 2012) Niki Korth invites you to an afternoon of exploring, discussing, researching, writing, and working together to help improve Wikipedia articles. Attendees are welcome to work on whatever they like and are inspired to from the Library's holdings. For those interested, they will have a concerted focus on working toward closing the diversity gap of coverage on Wikipedia of notable persons of African descent and their achievements and related movements, organizations, events, ideas, projects, and more. Prelinger Library founders Megan and Rick will be present to help attendees find resources from the Library's collections, and there will be experienced Wikipedians present to help Wiki newcomers to get started and answer questions.  A Mediterranean lunch will be served, so please come with both hungry minds and stomachs.
Little Rock, Arkansas
American Veterans of Arkansas – Edward Drew (BFA 2014) The Mosaic Templars Cultural Center Museum in Little Rock, Arkansas has commissioned a year-long exhibition from Edward Drew, American Veterans of Arkansas, which uses 5 x 7 tintypes to profile African-American military veterans who are also Arkansans. “African Americans are fairly underrepresented in most sectors, including veterans and veteran contributions to this country,” Drew said. “I thought it was important tthat I speak to the narrative. Then, being a state in the South, it’s important to show tha the rick history of the Southern states has always coincided with African American contributions.”
Wilmington, Delaware
Midnight Mass – Amie Potsic (MFA 1999) Opening Friday, February 7 at 5pm: The Delaware Contemporary has invited Amie to exhibit a large-scale installation on view January 24 through April with over 250 feet of silk. Amie will be working with the museum's gargantuan atrium space to create a fresh design approach to her work.
Miami, Florida
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Image: Installation view of Self-preservation (with or without applause), a group exhibition featuring work (far right) by Christopher Culver. Courtesy Primary Gallery.
Self-preservation (with or without applause) – Christopher Culver (BFA 2008) On view through January 28, Primary Gallery is proud to present Self-preservation (with or without applause), a group exhibition featuring alum, Christopher Culver.
Chicago, Illinois
Performance - Norman Long (MFA 2001) Please join Norman Long at Elastic Arts on Friday, January 31, for a special performance featuring LONG/ZALEK DUO.
"We the People" is a group exhibition featuring work from Aaron Wilder’s (MFA 2017) collaboration with Guta Galli (MFA 2017) entitled "Sugar & Snails," on view through January 31, 2020 at the Dorothy and Charles Mosesian Center for the Arts in Watertown, Massachusetts.
Dancing In The Bardo and Human Impact: Stories of the Opioid Epidemic - John Christian Anderson (MFA 1972) Dancing In The Bardo is a solo show by alumnus John Christian Anderson, on view through January 26 at the Boston Sculptors Gallery. The group show Human Impact: Stories of the Opiod Epidemic is on view at Fullercraft Museum in Brockton, MA, through May 3, 2020.
Baltimore, Maryland
The Breath of Empty Space – Shaun Leonardo (MFA 2005) On view January 30 - March 15, 2020 at Maryland Institute College of Art: "For the last year I have been quietly finalizing plans for The Breath of Empty Space–a solo exhibition of 6 years of drawing concerning violence by the police and American legal system, being shown together for the first time and curated by the insightful and caring John Chaich. I am proud to finally announce this traveling exhibition for 2020 and hope you can join me to witness the work." —Shaun Leonardo
The Breath of Empty Space will also be on view at Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland, June 5–September 6, 2020.
Budapest, Hungary
Untitled No. 20, From Series Room ‘32’ – Michael Naify (MFA 2017) SFAI alum Michael Naify’s work, Untitled No. 20, From Series Room ‘32’, is featured in PH21 Contemporary Photo Gallery’s upcoming international photography exhibition entitled The self(ie) and the other: Portraiture—on view January 16–February 8, 2020.
Hamburg, Germany
Mother Tongue - Mika Sperling (MFA 2018) Mika's practice is based in photography, and engages ideas and concepts of family. Created during the recommended Olympus Fellowship, "the current project [Mother Tongue] is born out of the idea to include my situation as a new mother into my work. I am using photography, writing and video to search for familiarities between my husband’s and my family. I am documenting the evolving bond to my daughter, the changing relationship to my mother-in-law and that to my own mother." —Mike Sperling Check out this video where Mika discusses Mother Tongue and its familial lineages. Soon on view: Deichtorhallen Hamburg, March 21–June 14, 2020; Fotografie Forum Frankfurt, August 7–September 27, 2020; Foam Museum in Amsterdam, October 23, 2020–January 17, 2021.
Cambridge, UK
The Art of Watching Art – Patricia K. Kelly (MFA 1999) On view January 14–26 at Motion Sickness Project Space, The Art of Watching Art is a group exhibition showcasing a broad range of artworks from artists involved in the invigilation of previous exhibitions in the project space since August 2019, including our very own Patricia K. Kelly.
Do you have an upcoming exhibition or event? If you’re an SFAI alum, please fill out this form to be featured in our next roundup of alumni exhibitions and events.
Top Image Credit: Whitney Lynn, Song of the Sirens, 2019 archival pigment print on Legacy Etching paper, 30 x 40 inches. © Whitney Lynn Studios.
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epacer · 1 year
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"Scott Shaw! presents COMICS FANDOM IN THE FUTURE!" (COMIC BUYER'S GUIDE, 1979.) Gag, script, pencil art, inking and lettering by Scott Shaw! (who had already worked on Marvel's line of Hanna-Barbera comics, including YOGI BEAR.) Scott Shaw, Class of 1968 post of April 16, 2023
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mobius-prime · 5 years
3. Sonic Miniseries #2
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A Crowning Achievement
Writer: Michael Gallagher Pencils: Scott Shaw! Colors: Barry Grossman and Nanci Tsetsekas
So this issue introduces this, uh… crown… thingy.
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The comics really were enamored with the Chaos Emeralds from the beginning, only more the “emerald” part than the “Chaos” part. So every source of power in this universe is some kind of emerald. All of it. Chaos Emeralds, Freedom Emeralds, Super Emeralds… we’re going to be seeing a lot of emeralds, guys. Strap in.
To start off, there’s quite a lot of humor in this issue – as in, less goofy slapstick, more actually clever jokes. It lampshades Sally’s sudden palette swap, for one, and it also introduces their quiet crush on each other.
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It also has this hilarious panel, which is one of my favorites in the entire era. Just something about the ridiculousness of Sally sobbing about Sonic’s death as he’s currently walking on panel not three feet from her really gets me.
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We also have this panel, which in addition to having a delightful “hot air” joke, lets us know that Antoine is at least past college age. If we assume Mobians age at the same rate as modern day humans, and that Antoine went to college at 18 and spent four years there, that makes him at least 22, possibly more if we assume that he probably finished college before joining the Freedom Fighters in Knothole. Since Sonic at this point is supposed to be 15 (I think? He does actually age several years throughout the course of the comic as time passes, so I can’t fully remember his starting age, but I think it’s 15), that’s quite an age difference between the two of them. Again, a lot of the stuff in the early issues was retconned out and later issues show them as children together, but I think it’s still worth noting, if only to recognize how the writers were trying to portray these characters at the very beginning.
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And even though this is a very early issue, we also already see a mention of the passing of time – it’s already been a month since the last issue. Again, seems like nothing special, but these comics just loved having continuity, and linking things together into a big unified timeline, so it’s cool to see the earliest issues starting this off. Also, Sonic is talking underwater again.
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Okay, enough panel-dropping. This is the first issue to have a plot that stretched for the entire issue, instead of being broken up into a couple different shorter plots. The freedom emeralds protect the world from Robotnik… somehow (seems they didn’t do a very good job though, if he’s taken over the world…). But since Robotnik sent a robot disguised as a royal guard to steal them, Sonic, Tails and Antoine all go off to get them back. Most of the issue involves them chasing down various named Badniks and finding the emeralds hidden in ridiculously easy to find places (no one ever said Robotnik was smart), and at the end, the emeralds are restored to the crown, which Sally wears, and then declares that she’ll use its power to defeat Robotnik. Seems a little unnecessary, as she’s already been working on doing that anyway without the emeralds, but who am I to judge?
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