#peggy schuyler x you
Billy, grumpy:
Stu, puppy eyes:
Billy, sighing: AND PEGGY!
They two of them together: THE SCHUYLER SISTERSSSSS
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aanoia · 1 year
Pretty in the Moonlight
Thomas Jefferson x reader
Summary; just missing your boyfriend and him missing you
Warnings; broken glass, cheesy Thomas
Words; idkk
I wrote this forever ago
Requests are welcome and encouraged!
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y’know ur rly pretty, we should go out sometime
r u high again
highly in love with u
u do the cutest things
like what
I smiled at my phone as I sat on my couch. I stared at what my boyfriend of almost a year said to me, happiness blooming in my heart. My phone dinged as another message came through.
Sick Boi 🤒🤧
are you texting him rn
like currently
thomas, r u texting thomas rn
dude he’s smiling at his phone mad hard rn
stop, my heart
i’m not kidding he’s smiling so much
I shut my phone off and squealed, kicking my legs into the air. Fast footsteps came down the hall to reveal the youngest Schuyler sister.
“What is it? What happened?” She asked quickly.
“Come here,” I motioned her over as her sister came behind her. Peggy sat next to me whereas Angelica and Eliza stood behind the couch, peering over our shoulders.
I opened my phone to show them the texts. Big smiles grew on their faces as they read Thomas’ texts, and then Peggy started squealing when she read James’.
“Oh my god, y/n, Jeffersons in love with you,” Angelica commented with a big smile.
“By the looks of it the feeling is reciprocated as well,” Eliza teased and I smiled, hiding my red face in my sweater paws.
Thomas’ sweater. I remember when he purposely ordered it a size too big for him (for my bigger girls who think they won’t fit into his sweatshirt, don’t sweat it, he needs bigger sizes for his big muscles and he likes his sweatshirts big on him as well, don’t worry about that my loves, body positivity) so it’d be baggy on me.
“Omg, you should go see him!” Peggy said excitedly, “When was the last time you left the dorm? You’ve been so busy studying, you haven’t had time to see him. He’s probably so emo about it,” She said quickly and I laughed.
“Okay, I’ll go see him,” I stood from the couch as the sisters dispersed and walked to my room. I put on a pair of sweatpants over my shorts because it was cold outside, and just slipped my slides over my socks. The combo might look horrible but it’s so comfortable.
I stepped out of the door, immediately shivering at the cold night air as I closed it. I could see my breath in the air as I looked at the moon and the stars, slightly smiling at the sight before my eyes. I truly am grateful it’s a sight I get the privilege to see anytime when the clouds aren’t out and concealing its beauty. The leaves on the trees sang as the wind passed through them, every once in a while a leaf would fall, signaling that winter was coming soon.
As I neared Thomas’ dorm room I heard voices inside, the dumbest thing the school’s done was put Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton in the same dorm room. I went up to the door and decided to silently walk in instead of knocking. The boys were arguing in the living room area of the dorm as James was trying not to have a coughing fit on the couch and Aaron was sitting at the island holding his head in his hands. John was nowhere to be found so I assumed he was next door with Laf and Hercules.
I silently walked over to the fridge, waving to Aaron who immediately noticed I was there. I grabbed a glass from the drying mat and quietly pulled the milk from the fridge, I barely paid attention to the fight that was happening as I poured my milk. I turned around and walked towards the island but tripped over something, in an attempt to not step on whatever I tripped on, I dropped the glass of milk. The glass shattered against the ground, successfully catching the attention of everyone in the room.
I gave them a sheepish smile, “Hi?”
“Darlin’, when did you get here?” Thomas asked, frozen in place.
“Like, two minutes ago. Now, where is the broom?”
Aaron pointed to the corner where the trash can was and I nodded as a silent thank you. Before I got the broom, I bent down and picked up the culprit for the tripping. John’s turtle.
“Here, I’ll put him in his enclosure,” Aaron offered and I smiled at him, handing the turtle over to him.
I went to get the broom, but Thomas ran and beat me there.
“Let me get that for you.” He said and I rolled my eyes, grabbing onto the broom, but he didn’t let go.
“Thomas, I made the mess.”
“It’s my dorm, and I’m stronger than you. I win."
I rolled my eyes again and defiantly let go. I began searching for a rag to clean the milk up with as he swept up the glass. Alexander threw something at me and I smiled at the rag in my hands.
“Thanks, dickhead.”
“Anytime, asshole."
After Thomas swept the glass I quickly wiped up the milk. Once I put the rag in the sink arms immediately wrapped around my waist.
“Hello, baby." I said quietly with a smile.
“I missed you.” He whispered in my neck, sending shivers down my spine.
“I’ve missed you too, my love.”
“I wanna go on a walk with you,” He mumbled.
“Okay, let’s go.” I gently unwrapped his arms from my waist and he reluctantly left my side to slip his shoes on.
Once he put them on he opened the door and gestured for me to exit. I did and he followed after me, quietly closing the door so as to not wake anyone. He held my cold hand, warming it up as we walked.
We walked in silence until we sat on a bench, looking up at the moon.
It was quiet until his voice cut through the air.
“Has anyone ever told you that your eyes sparkle in the moonlight?”
I looked at him beside me and smiled, “No, no one has ever told me that. And that's really cheesy.”
He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear (if you have long enough hair for that), “Shame on them. You’re so beautiful in the moonlight. And I love cheese so that's okay.”
“As are you, Thomas, and yes, cheese is delicious.” I responded as his face neared mine.
Our lips met in a soft kiss, his hand touched my cheek. My heart’s rhythm synced with his and our lips moved together perfectly, his thumb gently caressed my cheek, and my arm wrapped around the back of his neck. We pulled back for air, our foreheads resting against each other.
“I love you so much, mon amour.” He whispered.
“I love you too.” I whispered back with a smile.
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umi-teardrop · 4 months
(Based on the conservation I had with Zayn aka @ask-chubby-hamilton while asking them about the lore)
@ask-chubby-hamilton :
-1, 2, 3, 4! Counting every day, I been stuck in here… can someone help me get away? 5, 6, 7, 8! Time is just a hoax in a musically world of characters and historical jokes
Zayn - Creator/Anons:
-You must think that your dreaming
@ask-chubby-hamilton :
-Just tell me what your scheming
Evil Anon:
-You look like you’ve seen a ghost
-But your lucky to have such amazing anons like us
@ask-chubby-hamilton :
-I’m scared to lose myself here
-But there is nothing to fear
@ask-chubby-hamilton :
-I can’t take it anymore! Is that an exit door?
Everyone( @ouioui-lafayettes-askblog , @ask-thomas-jefferson-1 , @ask-james-madison-stuff , @ask-general-washington , @ask-john-laruens , @askh3rculesmu11igan , @ask-aaron-burr1 , @ask-theodosia-blog , @mreynolds-ask-blog , @jreynolds-ask-blog-1 , @ask-susan-reynolds , @e-schuyler-ask-blog , @angelicashuylersaskblog , @peggy-schuylers-ask-blog , @samuel-seaburys-askblog , @that-876girl474 , @martha-manning-laurens-ask-blog , @ask-deborah-sampson ):
-Just your imagination! The exit Is your fixation door after door you find that it is just a chaotic hallucination! You try to find a way out… But your stuck here day after day inside a chaotic hallucinations
@ask-chubby-hamilton :
-A, L, E, X! I don’t know my past tell me if I’m real or I’m just a fake E, N, D, E, R!
The writing on the wall! The vowels and the consonants say save us all
@ask-thomas-jefferson-1 :
-You must think that you’re dreaming!
@e-schuyler-ask-blog :
-it’ll be okay believe me!
@askh3rculesmu11igan :
-You look like you’ve seen a ghost
@ask-thomas-jefferson-1 :
Your lucky to have what’s left of your sanity
@ask-james-madison-stuff :
-and some might call it tragic…
@ask-aaron-burr1 :
-when the fandom lost its magic…
@ask-chubby-hamilton :
-I can't take it anymore
Is that an exit door?
Just your imagination
The exit is your fixation
Door after door, you'll find that it's just a chaotic hallucination
You try to find a way out
But you're stuck here day after day
Inside a chaotic hallucination
@ask-chubby-hamilton :
-Is it an amalgamation of my own fixation?
Door after door, I find that it is just a chaotic hallucination
I’m done trying for a way out
I'm stuck here day after day
Inside this choatic hallucination
-Just your imagination
The exit is your fixation
Door after door, you'll find that it is just a chaotic hallucination
You try to find a way out
But you're stuck here day after day
Inside a chaotic hallucination
Chaotic hallucination (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)
[original song by OR3O from YouTube]
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magoapple · 11 months
The Story of Tonight
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Pairing: John Laurens x Reader
Word Count: 1,345
Genre: Historical au
Warnings: Not really a warning but this not historical accurate and is not about the actual historical person but the Laurens by Anthony Ramos
Summary: You've been friends with the Schuyler sisters for years and they invite you to the winter's ball. At the ball you meet eyes with John Laurens and you know you're helpless.
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You always wore dresses in shades of lavender, making you a sight for all eyes. You were also born into a family of wealth as the only child. Your job was to marry rich and have children. However, you never found yourself interested in any of the men who crossed your path. Angelica told you that tonight would be different, as there was a ball for Washington and his troops.
In your normal life you weren't too acquainted with soldiers, so you gave in to her request and joined the Schuyler sisters at the ball. One big problem was you had no idea what to wear. Sure you had many gowns, but none seemed to pick your interest. That was until your fingers came across a lavender gown with white ruffles at the ends of the corset, sleeves that ended at the elbow and were adorned with the same pearly white ruffles. There were also pearls along the neckline and you knew this was the dress.
After your handmaidens helped you get dress and do your hair into a beautiful low bun with a pearl clip, you could hear the Schuyler carriage pull up to your home. Squealing, you made your way outside, curtsied at the men opening the door for you. As they did, you could see big smiles on Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy's faces. “Ladies I am truly thankful for the invitation.” Angelica smiled and shook her head while Eliza pulled you into the carriage. “Come on Y/N we don't want to be late!”
It did not take long till you all arrived at the ball and were quickly greeted by eligible, some not, men. You and Angelica were both tired of them men just trying to suck up to you two and not be true and honest. While chatting with the sisters you heard some noise and noticed Washington and his troop were now here. You paid respect and turned to curtsy when your eyes fell on a certain soldier.
He had freckles all over his face and luscious brown curly hair. It felt like your heart stopped beating and everyone was frozen. That was until Eliza tapped on your shoulder bringing you out of your trance. "Hm?"
"Y/N you were staring is everything alright?" You quickly blinked and turned to face her with a smile. "Yes, I'm fine just... Do you know who that man is." As you pointed Eliza shrugged but placed her hands on the small of your back. "No, but you should go talk to him he's cute." Before you could you answer she was already walking you towards the man.
You noticed the small group of men around him smile and back away so he could take a step forward. You felt like you couldn't speak and you needed a timer telling you when to breath in and out. All it took was one smile and a kiss on your hand from the man and you were done for. "John Laurens at your service ma'am." So that was his name, come to think of it you did hear about the Laurens and their wealth from your father but never did you think their son would be this breathtaking. "Are you going to introduce yourself m'lady?"
If you weren't embarrassed you were now as you look at his smirk ridden face. "Ah yes my apologies Y/N L/N it's a pleasure to meet you."
"The pleasure is all mine, say would you care to take this over to a less crowded area?" You nodded and laced your arm through his as you walked to a more secluded place. You felt so helpless being near John. You had just met the man yes, but you could already feel the sparks flying. "I must say I have heard of the L/N family but they never mentioned the daughter was as beautiful as I am seeing now."
You knew he had to be a flirt and you also knew your game was not the best. "Well the feeling is mutual. I don't mean to burden you, but I'm not great at communication at least not right now." John had given you look of confusion and you sighed. "Please do not laugh. When I'm near you I feel like the world has stopped and it's just us in it, like my heart is beating so fast I can't feel it."
He took your hands into his and smiled the brightest smile you had ever seen. "Y/N when I look at you I feel this sense of longing I never had before, and I do not want to let it go. I have to be honest with you, I am a soldier fighting in the war where we do not know what will happen. If I'm to court you, and if your father accepts, will you take the possibility of not knowing?"
You understand every bit of his words and held his hands tighter. "I do accept, all I ever wished for was a man who had his life planned how he wanted and was never afraid to do the unimaginable. Only request is you write to me when you can?"
"I'm not the biggest writer but for you I promise to send you letters." A beautiful smile made it way to your face and you couldn't feel any happier than now.
During the week's at war John sent you four letters, and you re read them every day. In reading them it was almost as if you could hear his voice. You learned that Eliza hit it off with Alexander Hamilton at the ball and she was also receiving letters from him. The pair was also getting married the next day.
As the day came you were excited for two things. One, your dear friend Eliza had met the love of her life, and the other was you had believed you did too. John Laurens was there at the wedding, so were the others but you only cared for him.  You knew you weren't to walk with him as the maid or honor, Angelica, and the best man, John, had to walk together. However you gladly waited for him with the same smile on your face from the first night you met.
The wedding was beautiful and so was the reception, especially because you were able to get some time with John alone. "I missed you dearly, have the soldiers been good to you?" He chuckled and moved a stray hair from your face. "Yes, even they weren't I wouldn't stop fighting for what I believe in and neither should you."
You knew what John was talking about, it wasn't like a war but you knew you would have to fight for it. See you wanted to open a library for kids of the unfortunate, where they could learn to read and write. John mentioned in a letter after you told him about how your caring nature was something he loved about you. Love, it wasn't a word you two expressed before but once he wrote it, the word and feeling became a frequent.
"I'm still in the works of convincing my father, but all can be on the side for now because I want to relish my time with you before you leave again."
"I know my dear Y/N, sadly we can't stay long after the wedding, but my dear I promise to write more than I have and I will help win this war to come back to you if you'll have me." You nodded and held his hands. "I will always wanted you John Laurens always. I'll get this library started and when you come back we can get married, have children and show them how beautiful the world can be."
John caressed your cheek and looked into your eyes deeply. "I would love nothing more than a family with you Y/N." As he was leaning in you did as well giving him a kiss goodbye hoping he'd come home to you.
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venbetta · 1 year
Alright I'm eating, I gotta spill out the Hamilton x FNAF bs haunting my brain
To get this over with, Glam Freddy is Hamilton and Monty is Burr. Look, as far as I know, there aren't any other fnaf characters that have a subtle rivalry with each other to this extent... it made sense to me.
Classic Freddy (the original) is Washington, I specifically pictured C. Freddy telling Glam Freddy that "History has its eyes on you" and it just... hit. It hit even harder when I listened to the song again.
Schuyler sisters.. Classic Chica is Angelica, Funtime Chica is Peggy, and Glam Chica is Eliza (look I don't ship Fredica but it grew on me). I think Mariah Reynolds is probably Toy Chica...? Maybe. Idk.
How can I forget Layfette, I think Classic Foxy might be him. Glam Bonnie is Laurens (*sobs*), oh and Mulligan is Funtime Freddy. Chaotic trio...
Jefferson is Funtime Foxy and Madison is Lefty.
And to make this even more interesting (and sadder), Gregory is Phillip. Don't ask me the logistics behind Glam Freddy and Chica having a human child, shut up. Gregory is Phillip and it's gonna make me sad AAAAH.
...Charles Lee is Toy Freddy.
Anyways that's all I have now, I can shut up and go eat my oatmeal.
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froggywritesstuff · 2 years
character list
the title is self explanatory. this is a list of the characters i'll write for. it'll probably change over time, and if you see a character you'd like but don't see them on the list, just ask cause i might've forgotten about them
Eliza Schuyler
Angelica Schuyler
Peggy Schuyler
Maria Reynolds
Alexander Hamilton
John Laurens
Philip Hamilton
Hercules Mulligan
James Madison
Thomas Jefferson
Aaron Burr
Umbrella Academy
Viktor Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Five Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves (Umbrella or Sparrow)
Sloane Hargreeves
Jayme Hargreeves
Stranger Things
Will Byers (non female readers only)
Mike Wheeler
Lucas Sinclair
Dustin Henderson
Eleven Hopper
Max Mayfield
Robin Buckley (non male readers only)
Nancy Wheeler
Jonathan Byers
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
21 Chump Street
Justin Laboy
The Goldfinch
Boris Pavlikovsky
Theodore Decker
Peter Parker (any actor)
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Sprite (platonic only)
Steven Grant
Marc Spector
Layla El-Faouly
America Chavez (non male readers only)
Kate Bishop
Yelena Belova (platonic only)
Riri Williams
Kitty Pryde
Peter Maximoff
Logan Howlette
Wade Wilson/Deadpool
Scott Summers
In The Heights (movie version)
Usnavi de la Vega
Nina Rosario
Sonny de la Vega 
Veronica Sawyer
JD (Jason Dean)
Heather Chandler
Heather McNamara
Heather Duke
John Doe
John Doe
Ride The Cyclone
Noel Gruber (male or nb readers only)
Ocean O'Connel Rosenburg
Mischa Bachinski
Constance Blackwood
Ricky Potts
Paul Matthews
Emma Perkins
Ted Spankoffski
Bill Woodard
Ruth Fleming
Pete Spankoffski
Richie Lipschitz
Max Jagerman
Grace Chasity
Lex Foster
Ethan Green
Hannah Foster (platonic only)
Charlie Spring (non female readers only)
Nick Nelson
Tara Jones (non male readers only)
Darcy Olsson (non male readers readers only)
Elle Argent
Tao Xu (non male readers only(headcanoning him as bi or pan is disrespectful and transphobic))
Tori Spring
Imogen Heaney
Isaac Henderson (platonic only)
Do Revenge
Eleanor Levetan (non male readers only)
Drea Torres
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Bianca Barclay
Xavier Thorpe
Ajax Petropolus
Eugene Otinger
(young) Morticia Addams
(young) Gomez Addams
Lydia Deetz
Tomorrow When The War Began
Ellie Linton
Lee Takkam
Fiona Maxwell
Homer Yannos
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse/Across the Spider-Verse
Miles Morales
Gwen Stacy
Pavitr Prabhakar
Hobie Brown
Margo Kess
Miles G Morales (earth 42)
Miguel O’Hara
Maze Runner
Newt (non female readers only)
The Broken Hearts Gallery
Lucy Gulliver
Nadine (non male readers only)
Nick Danielson
Treasure Planet
Jim Hawkins
Enola Holmes
Enola Holmes
Lord Tewkesbury
Turning Red
Mei Mei
Raising Dion
Nicole Warren
Tevin Wakefield
Dion Warren (platonic only)
Julie and the Phantoms
Julie Molina
Luke Patterson
Reggie Peters
Alex Mercer (non female readers only)
Abbott Elementary
Janine Teagues
Jacob Hill (non female readers only)
Gregory Eddie
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Jake Peralta
Amy Santiago
Rosa Diaz
Love Victor
Victor Salazar (non female readers only)
Benji (non female readers only)
Felix Weston
Pilar Salazar
Lake Meriwether
Mia Brooks
In Treatment
Kurt Kunkle
Once Upon a Time
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Killian Jones
Mary Margaret Blanchard
David Nolan
Henry Mills
Mulan (non male readers only)
Neal Cassidy
Peter Pan
Dash and Lily
Juno MacGuff
Paulie Bleeker
Summer Days Summer Nights
Debbie Espinoza
Frankie Espinoza
Scream (1 through 6)
Sidney Prescott
Billy Loomis
Mickey Altieri
Roman Bridger
Jill Roberts
Charlie Walker
Sam Carpenter
Tara Carpenter
Amber Freeman
Chad Meeks-Martin
Mindy Meeks-Martin
Quinn Bailey
Eddie Brock
Honest Thief
Ramon Hall
Beth Hall
Wild Child
Poppy Moore
Freddie Kingsley
Monsters and Men
Manny Ortega
Marisol Ortega
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Trevor Spengler
Phoebe Spengler (platonic only)
Error 143
Micah Yujin
Abed Nadir
Troy Barnes
Annie Edison
Jeff Winger
Britta Perry
The Obession
The New Girl
Lia Setiawan
Stacey Hoffman
Mythic Quest
Poppy Li
Brad Bakshi
Adventure Time
Princess Bubblegum
Marshall Lee
Prince Bubblegum
Flame Princess
School Spirits
Charley (non female readers only)
Dungeons and Dragons: Honour Among Thieves
Simon Aumar
Disventure Camp
Aiden (non fem readers only)
James (non fem readers only)
Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies
Jane Facciano
Olivia Valdovinos
Nancy Nakagawa
Cynthia Zdunowski
Richie Valdovinos
Ted Lasso
Ted Lasso
Roy Kent
Jamie Tartt
Keeley Jones
Sam Obisanya
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
Noah Diaz
Elena Wallace
Helluva Boss
Stolas (non female readers only)
Verosika Mayday
Hazbin Hotel
Charlie Morningstar
Vaggie (non male readers only)
Angel Dust (non female readers only)
Alastor (platonic only)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (rise + mutant mayhem + tmnt 2007 + tmnt 2012)
The After Party
Yasper Lennov
Space Force
Tony Scarapiducci
Teddy Lobo
Robert Montague Renfield
Bill Hoyt
Amazing Digital Circus
Parks and Recreation
Leslie Knope
Ben Wyatt
April Ludgate
Andy Dwyer
Jean-Ralphio Saperstein
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
Randy Cunningham (18+ people DNI unless requesting platonic stories)
The Earliest Show
Josh Bath
House of Lies
Clyde Oberholt
Mean Girls (movie + musical + movie musical)
Cady Heron
Regina George
Gretchen Wieners
Karen Smith/Shetty
Janis Ian/Sarkisian/Imi'ike (non male readers only)
Damian Hubbard (non female readers only)
Warm Bodies
Peep World
Nathan Meyerwitz
Your Boyfriend
Peter Dunbar
Mark Grayson
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Sabrina Spellman
Harvey Kinkle
Nick Scratch
Rosalind Walker
Theo Putnam
Prudence Blackwood
Ambrose Spellman
High School Musical: the Musical the Series
Gina Porter
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I need to ask the Hamilton obsessed people of Tumblr what things do you want to read? Because I know that there are some great fics out there but it just feels like I've read them all yk?
People I'll write for (all x reader)-
Alexander Hamilton
Elisa Schuyler
Angelica Schuyler
Peggy Schuyler
John Laurens
Marquis de Lafayette
Aaron Burr
And other if the request is motivating
I'll write in the modern era but prefer to write on the past :)
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strawbrry-fields · 2 years
John Laurens x reader, Cpt. 5
Word count~ 1,727 words
Pairing~ John Laurens x reader
Warning~ mention of blood, just a few drops tho. Accidental finger prick.
Note~ Hello! It’s been a minute, but I actually wrote a really long chapter this time which I am super proud of. Also, I am deciding on what the title should be and these are a few I came up with: A Red Gardenia, Red Gardenia, Pale Gardenia, Red Tinted Gardenia, Blood Tinted Petals, A Blood Tinted Gardenia. Please let me know if you like a specific one a lot, and again, thank you for the support! (f/c) = favorite color
•Chapter 5•
It was the day of the Winter’s Ball and you were in Peggy Schuyler’s room doing her hair. You pinned a lock of hair into place, then looked at Peggy in the mirror. “Why do you want me to do your hair and not Elizabeth? She has more profound talent for hair than I do.” Your friend glanced at your face as you rested your head on her shoulder.
“Because it’s much more fun doing each others hair than asking Elizabeth to do it,” she turned her head to face you, “besides, it’s a bonding experience.” You grasped her hand and pulled her up out of the chair, quickly sitting down before Peggy could protest.
“In that case, it is my turn to be made beautiful,” You sat up straight and turned your face to the side, upturning your nose, “I am, after all, meeting someone important.” Peggy giggled at your antics, causing you to slouch back to your normal composure, giggling with her.
Playing with your hair, Peggy asked “Now what to do with these unruly locks?”
“Excuse you, miss but they are not unruly. They are perfect.” You gave Peggy the side eye through the mirror while crossing your arms, a slight hint of a smile appearing. “Regardless, I was hoping to do a twist of some kind with overlapping pieces.”
“Well that sounds manageable. I think I can do that.” As Peggy began to work on your hair, she tugged and twisted, making it extremely difficult to not yelp from the pain. There were a few times where she abruptly pulled so hard, a squeak would manage to slip past your lips. Peggy at long last announced that she was done. “Here, take a look.” She grabbed a hand mirror and put it behind your head, angling it so you could see the hairstyle in the large mirror in front of you. You only needed to observe it for a few seconds to fall in love with how she had transformed your hair.
“Oh Peggy I love it!” You exclaimed as you got up and threw your arms around her, squeezing tightly. “Thank you so very much! I hope you like yours just as much as I like mine.” You backed out of the hug just enough to see her face, her doing the same.
“Oh I do, I love the pearls,” she said while grinning from ear to ear, “now you just need something to put in your hair.” You didn’t quite hear her as you had walked over to her bed, letting your fingers run along the blankets until they reached the fabric of your dress. You examined it, the fabric flowers along the neckline, the (f/c) silk of the skirt, the delicate, golden embroidery on the corset. It was the most beautiful dress you ever had the pleasure of wearing.
“Y/N, did you hear what I said?” You whipped your head to look at Peggy, who was sat at her vanity powdering her face.
You glanced down at the dress and replied with a meek “No.”
“Well I said we need to find something to put in your hair. Something that will compliment your dress well,” Peggy turned to you with a smile, “but let’s put it on you before we figure that out.”
You spun in front of the vanity mirror, watching the skirts of your dress billow and twirl. Unable to contain your happiness and excitement, you laughed, stretching your arms to the ceiling. You slowly lowered your arms, continuing to spin until they reached your hips. Stopping and examining yourself, you felt absolutely beautiful. The layered ruffles by your wrist and the thin pearled necklace that sat on your chest added to your enthusiasm.
A knocking against the door snapped you out of your trance. You turned, seeing Eliza peeking her head inside the room. “Oh my goodness, you look so pretty!” She opened the door further and came to hold your hand. “If all the men are not looking at you by the end of the night, I am no judge of beauty.”
You smiled and grew embarrassed. “Thank you Eliza, but you are truly just as, if not more, beautiful.” Eliza laughed and reached for your other hand.
“Thank you Y/N,” she said while squeezing your hands, “However, I did come to tell you that it’s almost time to go.” With a quick glance towards the door, you hefted your skirts as you both hurried as fast as you could with heels on. The both of you weaved through the sisters’ house, finding your way to the garden where the carriage was waiting for you. When the carriage was in your line of sight, you slowed a bit, a bush with little white flowers caught your eye.
You stopped and asked “Eliza, may I borrow these?” While pointing to the flowers.
“Of course. We have plenty of those flowers I’m sure mother won’t mind it if a few are missing.” Turning back towards the bush, you plucked a few with just long enough stems that they would be able to stay in your hair for the night. While picking the last one, a thorn pricked your finger causing a tiny drop of blood to spill onto the petal. Quickly lifting your finger to your mouth, you sucked to make sure you didn’t get any drops on your dress. Glancing back towards the flower, you noticed that the drop of blood had pooled in the center of the petals. Hearing the Schuylers calling for you, you turned your head away from the bloodied flower and quickly made your way to the carriage.
As you sat next to Peggy, you gestured to the small flowers in your arms and asked “would you mind placing them in my hair?” Peggy nodded and took the flowers one by one out of your arms, delicately placing them in the twist she had made. After all the flowers were arranged, you turned around and gave her a small hug, thanking her while not wanting to ruin the both of yours’ outfits or hair.
The ride to the venue of the ball was short due to it being held close to the Schuyler’s residence. You had told your father and mother that you would meet them at the ball, wanting to get ready with your friends. Your father and mother found it acceptable due to them trusting in the Schuylers to get you to the ball safe. They had, however, asked that as soon as you arrived to come and find them so they knew you were there.
The carriage jostled to a stop, with the door of the carriage to your right opening. A gloved hand reached out to you, leading you down the steps of the carriage and onto the stone walkway. As you waited for the others to be helped out, you glanced around the courtyard. The driveway went around a fountain in the middle, with shrubs lining the road. The building was tall and beautiful, yellow lights peeking out of the windows and streaming onto the darkly lit stone of the stairs. Grabbing Peggy’s hand, you walked towards the steps of the building with your heels clacking and the swishing of your dress being the only things you hear, too distracted by your exhilaration.
You reach the top of the steps, the doors open with hundreds of people socializing and dancing. Grasping Peggy’s arm tightly, you quickly squeeze through the crowd starting the search for your parents. As you walk about the room between the dancers and the people resting, you see your father over by the stairs to the second floor. You quickly rush over to him with Peggy by your side.
“Ah, my lovely Y/N. You look beautiful, darling.” Your father reached for your hand, squeezing it as he pulled you along. “Your mother is just over this way. She’s talking with her friends.” You quickly saw your mother, talking with the women she invited often for tea.
Tapping her on the arm, you made your presence known. “Hello mother.”
Your mother’s face broke into a smile as she turned around and saw you were standing there. Reaching for both of your hands, she pulled you into a gentle hug. “My dear, you look marvelous.” Lifting your head from the hug, you smile slightly at the compliment.
“Thank you, mother, but I cannot take all of the praise. Peggy did my hair.” You turned to your right and linked arms with your companion. Your mother congratulated Peggy on her dress, with the topic of conversation drifting away into chatter. Your attention was slowly moving elsewhere.
Your eyes drifted through the crowds of dancers looking for John. You had hoped to see him here, anticipating to dance with him. Suddenly your eyes caught sight of Hercules, the polite tailor who you knew was friends with John. Turning towards Peggy, you gave her a look and gestured away from your mother. Understanding your body language, Peggy said goodbye to your mother while curtsying. You kissed your mother on the cheek while saying goodbye, then linked arms with your friend as you pulled her in the direction of the tailor.
Meandering through the sea of attendees, you got close enough to Hercules that he had seen you coming his way. Reaching him, you smiled and curtsied with Peggy following suite.
“It’s so nice to see you again Y/N, and in better circumstances,” Hercules bowed with a cheerful grin, “how has your head been?”
“Oh thank you Hercules, it is doing much better.”
“Thankfully, otherwise I would have had to drive you to the hospital in our carriage,” piped up Peggy while gently nudging you. You chuckled, then turned back to the shopkeeper.
“Hercules, would you happen to know where John Laurens is? I know he is your friend so I thought you might know.” As you spoke, you turned your head about the room with Peggy joining you, still searching for him.
Hercules followed your line of direction, while he answered with “I don’t quite know, however he said he was planning on coming. He specifically said that he wouldn’t miss it for the world.” As you slowly took in what your new friend had said, your eyes drifted across the entrance to the building and graced a familiar figure.
~~THIS FAN FICTION IS DISCONTINUED!!! I AM NO LONGER WORKING ON THIS WORK!~~ I deeply apologize for this because I fully understand how frustrating it is to read a fanfic then find out that it is discontinued; but I am rebranding to be able to post more consistently.
~~please let me know through asks, messaging, or comments if you want to be in the Taglist, and thank you for the support~~
Taglist: @froggydobegaytho @disneyanddisneyships @short-potato @lilithizhere @baobao0505 @yourfavstalker25789
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schnitzelsemmerl · 2 months
lams? hamliza? lafham? handre? pegilton (i hope not)?
hihihi :3 is this about how i like those ships???
lams and hamliza is both so sigma love both
lafham are not my fav idk i don't think to ship them?? i see them as like siblings/found family
hamilton x john andre (i assume?) idk im kinda indifferent to them
tbh i hc peggy as bestie of everybody. angelica and eliza already like hamilton we can't have all 3 schuylers thirsting over bro /silly
but tbh ship whatever you want, this isnt hating on anything
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slutformelatonin · 3 months
Aaron Burr x reader drabble.
Reader is a cousin of the Schuyler sisters. ( I had no other ideas lol)
Aaron is an asshole kind of?
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"Where are you off to now?" Your lover snapped. Brushing his knuckles against the door. Shutting what little part you had opened. You knew you were in trouble.
You'd been going out almost every night. Your cousin, Angelica was in town from London. And you were going to make the best of the opportunity. But of course, Aaron wouldn't have you go anywhere near Hamilton without him in arms length.
"Aaron." You said sternly. "Darling," you rephrased with a small smile and a hum. The year was 1800. And new people and places were popping up everywhere. You deserved to be able to live your life. But your lover wouldn't allow it.
"Angelica is in town. You saw in the paper. She's back. And I deserve to see her. You know in your heart that I deserve to see her!" You began to protest. Sliding on your hat. Looking at the black ribbon that adorned the top.
The Schuyler sisters hadn't been the same since the passing of Peggy. She was a firecracker. A snarky and lively girl. Who died to young. You and your whole family had been in morning ever since.
You felt yourself pinched back into reality when you noticed the squeezing sensation of your corset was piercing into uour skin. Your skin was being pulled and pinched in every which way. So, when Aaron gripped your upper arm. Pushing you into his arms as you sniffled into Aaron's neck. "It's just- it's been so so hard since she died. She was so so loved. And I haven't seen Angelica since the funeral." You began to cry harder than before.
"We can go together. I'll make an exception. Just this once. Alright?" Aaron smiled as he opened the door. Humming softly. Placing his hand on the small of your back. Guiding you out of the door.
"Come my love." He smiled. And you knew, just looking at him. That everything would be fine. Hamilton and Burr would make amends and you wouldn't have to worry....
(This might be awful. I was in a rush)
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plant-k1ll3r · 4 months
Hamilton x Maruaders fanfic
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James Potter as Alexander Hamilton
Peter Pettigrew as Aaron Burr
Lily Evans as Eliza Schuyler
Regulus Black as John Laurens
Barry Crouch Jr as Lafayette
Evan Rosier as Hercules Mulligan
Dorcas Meadowes as Angelica Schuyler
Pandora Lovegood as Peggy Schuyler
Hagrid as Washington
Lucius Malfoy as Charles Lee
Sirius Black as Thomas Jefferson
Remus Lupin as James Madison
Bella Black as Maria Reynolds
Tom riddle as James Reynolds
Harry Potter as Philip Hamilton
Draco Malfoy as George Eacker
TW: death, sexual implications, murder, child loss, implications of Wolfstar, Starchaser and Rosekiller. In this, Dorcas, lily and Pandora are close friends but call themselves sisters since they are so close.
Act 1.
“Alexander Hamilton/My shot/ The Story of Tonight”
1971. How does a bastard, orphan become the greatest soldier even though his family dies, his son then he is killed by his first and bestest friend? He doesn’t, unless of course he is James Potter. He walked about the city of London with a determination yet confused look painted over his face. He stumbled over his shoes as they were three sizes too big as well as a few empty bottles of Fire-whiskey on the floor which he tripped over on many occasions. That night he met with Peter Pettigrew just by face planting onto him because he got lost in the restless streets just outside The Three Broomsticks, they both chatted as they strolled in through the doors of the pub. Peter was a fidgety kid with a frail look and an uncertain yet happy smile. James was the opposite he had a grin on his face which screamed confidence, every lady at the pub blushed or almost fainted. Both boys had walked up to a table in the centre of the room where Peter’s friends Regulus Black, Evan Rosier and Barty Crouch Jr were sat. Regulus sat on the table, leaning back as he chugged a bottle of French wine as Remus sat on the chairs surrounding it. Barty sat with a hunched back, and he was drinking what seemed to be a pint of beer. “Petey! Look, Cherie! It’s the scholar of hogwash.” Barty chuckled, strolling up to Peter and hugging him from the side. Everyone at the table nodded to him then their gaze was fixed on James. A chorus of “Who are you?” was sung about the table. “James Potter, and you?” James boasted and gestured his hand to the young men sat at the table. A few names popped up, the pale boy with a vampiric look boasted right back “Barty Crouch Jr”. The boy with messy almost white blonde hair and a tanned face had said “Evan Rosier” just a few seconds later then a mutter from the smaller boy with a french accent and well kept black hair was heard as he introduced himself as “Regulus Arcturus Black” The vampiric boy had a smirk on his face, then he allowed James to sit next to him and he gave him a drag of his joint and the bottle of wine. They spoke for hours before finally being kicked out for singing the same verse over again. It was annoying the people who were sat around them enough that they got kicked out and Peter had left as soon as they begin singing. “Raise a glass to freedom” played through the streets all night as they danced about the streets.
“The Schuyler Sisters/ A Winters Ball/ Helpless”
“If you could marry a sister, you’re famous!” Reggie glamoured. “It’s not a question of fame it’s a question of which one.” James responded smugly. They both spoke while stumbling over they’re own feet, gripping each others waist to stand properly. To their surprise the very sisters they were speaking about walked in, The Sisters. Pandora Lovegood was a lovely girl with a heart of gold. Dorcas Meadows, she was headstrong and didn’t like to speak with people like James (confidant soldiers with a gun attached to their hip and a beer or fire-whiskey in hand). Yet Lily Evans on the other hand was as caring as she was smart, she rarely cared about their status only if they could treat her with respect. The girls had recently lost money from their father gambling it all away and only leaving less than ideal to survive, since then Lily and the others have been hunting for a man. They both immediately spotted James, after Sirius walked off Pandora saw her sister’s blushing and insisted on helping. She walked to James and spoke for about two minutes before they both walked to lily and James heard his head explode in awe. He felt captivated by her hair and eyes both lovely colours. “I’m James Potter, and you?” Lily took a breath as she never realised, she was holding it. “Lily Evans.” James took a breath before repeating her last name. “My sister, I’ll leave you to it”. Dorcas responded before walking off and mingling with the other guests. Every day for at least a year Lily had sent James letters, and he sent some right back. Because of this flirtatious behaviour Lily’s father had called James in and had a discussion with him. After what felt like months, she heard her father say “Be true” the james turned to her smiling and she was helpless. She jumped into his arms, smiling bright as she discovered she was helpless. A fire of jealousy was playing in Petunia’s eyes, but it was blinded by her smile.
“Ten Duel Commandments/ Meet me Inside / That would be enough “
If you paid attention to the tales, you would know that after the war Malfoy was left alone in the woods without a pot to piss in, he said this to anyone who would listen “Hagrid cannot be left alone to decide things. The best thing he can do for the revolution is go home, shut up and take care of those damn brutes he calls creatures.” After that Regulus got mad, eventually leading to an argument and a duel. The rules of a duel are simple. Number one, if the opponent apologises there’s no need for further action. But he doesn’t then that’s when number two plays in. Number two, grab a friend that’s your second they’ll help decide a peace. Number three, have your seconds meet face to face either to negotiate a peace or negotiate a time and place. A common place is right outside Diagonal Alley just before the darker streets. Number four grab a wand and a Healer on sight, have said Healer turn so he can have deniability. Five, draw before the Sun is in the sky, pick a time before dawn. Six, write a note for your family, pray that Hell or Heaven let’s you in. Seven, confess your sins but only to your seconds. Eight, have your seconds negotiate this is your last chance to do so... James was Regulus’s second and Peter was Malfoy’s. They spoke, the only thing anyone could make out was “Hold up, how many muggles died because he is inexperienced and ruinous?” James barked before Peter decided to let the duel commence. Nine, aim directly at their eyes with your wand before summoning all the skill you require and count to ten. Then, fire! A bright glow filled the air as Regulus cast the Stupefy Curse, causing Malfoy to fall back and crack his head on the ground, he stood with a proud stand screaming at Peter. “He’s been hit, yes of course he yields!” Peter grabbed Malloy as he fell to the ground. “I’m satisfied!” The air was filled with the deafening noise of pride and surprise before Hagrid appeared and grabbed James, pulling him inside. “Reggie should’ve cast Silencio on him first, that would have shut him up.” Hagrid sighed before speaking. “You are making this difficult, we need them to trust us so there is no war. Do you want your son to grow up!?” A silence filled the air. “Don’t bring him up.” James turned cold. “Son, your wife needs you alive and I need you alive.” Hagrid was cut off. “Call me son one more time!” James sobbed, angrily yelling before he was discharged home where Lily sat in the living room with a book in hand and her belly showing. She knew for a month, she even sent James a letter but the general never gave it to him because he needed Potter to stay. He needed him to win this war.
“Right Hand Man/Yorktown (The world turned upside down) / History has its eyes on you”.
“Hagrid, sir! Just give me command of a proper battalion then I assure you the Death Eaters will be done.” James boasted, hands firmly pressed onto Hagrid’s desk. “No. I had led a battalion in my youth, and they were all wiped out by the same people who are battling against us now.” Hagrid argued. “That’s different, sir. I may be immature and reckless but I’m a scholar from Hogwarts, I’ve written my way out of Hell itself just please!” James cried back. Hagrid took a deep inhale before shaking his head and dismissing James. That week they all got news that a kid called Lucius Malfoy had been made general of the battalion, many soldiers on their side had been killed or were on the brink of death because he was too scared to go into a proper battle. An argument of attack and retreat was ringing through the battlefield before Hagrid shouts “Potter! Have Remus take the lead instead.” Potter nodded before Lupin begin attacking the enemy side before, they frantically waved a white flag. They lowered their swords and wands before treating the injured and counted the dead. Pure blood, Half-blood and Mud blood all wondered if it really meant freedom. Not yet.
“Dear Theodosia/ Non-stop”
1980. Harry James Potter was born; he was a bundle of joy in his parent's lives. A smile was painted over everyone’s face as soon as they met Harry, and it made James proud. Peter had a daughter too; he named her Theodosia after his wife who had died during childbirth. Which made him darker. “Members of the jury I promise that with enough evidence I can prove my client is indeed innocent “. James tried to prove him point to the jury and judge. An argument had echoed the halls of the court as Peter walked in. “James, a client never proves his innocence just pull your first witness.” Peter gently persuaded “Fine.” James retorted. Pressure was on him; his client was not guilty and yet again they weren’t moved. A bark of “GUILTY!” rang around the hall and James stormed after his client being dragged away in cuffs. Pandora had come home the night before. Her and approaches James, gently trying to console him her and Lily held his hands and tried to console him. “I’m not throwing away my shot! I’m doing this for my country!” James howled at them both as he yanked him hand away. “This is not the war; you can take a break.” Lily gently said. After that James stormed off and walked home. After that day, Potter got a letter. A letter he didn’t want, “Sir, I hope this hadn’t ruined your day, but I have to inform you of this. Regulus Arcturus Black has died, he was fighting against the Death Eaters he’s betrayed and was drowned in the in the cave where the Inferi reside. He was clawed and drowned, whilst Pandora watched and unable to do a thing”. Shortly after that, Dorcas left and headed to Italy as she found a wealthy husband who always paid, it triggered something in James. It wasn’t jealously as he only saw Dorcas as a gossip buddy, it was anger. If her husband even thought about hurting Dorcas, he’d be playing Exploding Snap with the Grim Reaper.
Act 2
“What’d I miss? / Say no to this”
A few months later after all this was dying down, a visitor had come to town from France. Many people had been throwing around a name of “Sirius Orion Black” James had known that name from portraits that Reggie had shown him before his death. He was a heartthrob. Sirius was French, vampiric and a Gryffindor hero. From a family of cruel sadistic rich bastards, he’s a brave Order of the Phoenix member with a heart of gold. He only ever teases people about how terrible they styled themselves or he flirts with every man and woman he sees. “Have you heard!? Sirius Black is here in the city!” Was heard at every turn, making Potter curious as to who this Black was. Eventually he found out, he enjoyed speaking with him but the thought of his power and his ability to make every person swoon with simple grin made him cringe. He boasted his way into the city, drawn by a Thestral pulled carriage and dressed like he was the Tzar of Russia. After the weeks he had been spending with Sirius due to a work situation he was forced to deal with him as they followed the same beliefs, values and they argued so therefore Hagrid made them work together. Lily and Pandora had moved up to their fathers with Harry for the summer when James had met a certain lady who introduced herself as Bella Lestrange. “Hello sir, I know you are a man of honour, but my husband is mistreating me and beating me. I don’t have the strength to go on.” She whimpered. Potter had offered to bring her home just in case her husband wanted to beat her, he wasn’t in so he he gave her a few galleons he had stocked away but before he could leave, she grabbed his hand and led him to her bed. Her legs spread and before he knew it his lips were glued to hers and he was gripping the sheets. A mix of lust and sweat filled the air with a powerful scent, bodies intertwined as they rocked together in a mess of moans and whimpers. James was a mess, visiting at least once a week for that summer when a mister Tom Riddle sent a letter “Dear Mr Potter I hope this letter doesn’t ruin anything for you but if like to tell you this. Next time your fly falls down and you end up naked with a woman every week make sure it isn’t my wife. Bring me a hefty price of galleons and you can keep seeing my whore wife if not I’m telling your wife.” He was screaming inside, how he could have not known!? James immediately grabbed roughly three grand worth of galleons and raced to the Riddle Manor. That’s were he found Bella, her legs were spread, and she lay on the bed as if welcoming him in. He didn’t cave this time, he screamed at her then threw her a housecoat before hiding the letter of money in a drawer telling her to only let Riddle open it before leaving.
“The Room Where It Happens/ Schuyler Defeated”
A while after this happened Potter was promoted to Wizengamot, he was in charge of every wizardry laws. He created the “Do not attack a man, woman or child just because they have ties to the muggle world. That includes if they are muggleborn, half-blood or they enjoy the muggle world.” One day, Sirius and his “colleague” Remus John Lupin, who was another Auror and professor of DADA at Hogwarts had invited Potter to a dinner. A dinner which helped them understand each other as well as discussing where the Wizardry capital would be placed, the capital was still being discussed. The wizardry world in Great Britain could not agree if it should be Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry where Hagrid taught at as the Magical Creatures caretaker after the war , St Mungo’s the wizardry hospital where James and Reggie ended up too many or Diagon Alley the street with many nooks and crannies with wizards and witches from magic flourishing from every fibre. Peter had gotten Potter’s father in laws old job as Head Auror, no one thought Peter could do it, but he proved them right.
“Cabinet Battle #2/ One last time”
An issue was on the table. Beuaxbaxtons was a very prestigious wizardry school in France, they had been allies with Hogwarts since the Triwizard Tournament was created centuries ago, but the Death Eaters were attacking them, and Hogwarts had to act quickly before it was too late. James and Sirius were stood toe to toe in front of a jury of wizards from the ministry of magic when Hagrid began to explain. “We must discuss this; France is on the verge of declaring war against Death Eaters. Do we act immediately and effectively by sending in troops to help them or do we stay out of it? Potter and Black, you must discuss this matter between the two of you. The only one you must persuade is me.” They were arguing for what seemed to be hours, but it began making sense when Sirius had explained this. “When we were at Death’s door and we needed help, Beauxbaxtons had been at our side the entire time! We had signed a treaty stating if they ever needed our help during war we would show up and battle with our souls.” James had enough then explained. “We are still healing our city from the previous war; we don’t have enough power to defeat Voldemort. I say we should stay out of it; they have Durmstrang to assist them.” They had yelled back and forth until Hagrid agreed with James which angered Sirius greatly, after everyone had left it remained only Sirius and James. “Did you forget Regulus? Do you have any idea how I felt that day?” Sirius spat. “He was a strong man, even if he didn’t survive. I assure you I felt the same pain as you” Potter replied. A pause occurred. “Connerie, do I have to remind you? You’re nothing without Hagrid behind you.” Sirius retorted then Hagrid James’s called on Potter. “Daddy’s calling.” Potter was slightly pissed but kept calm and stormed out which left Remus and Sirius by themselves (interpret that as you will, ya nasties). Potter soon got news that Sirius resigned which made him joyous when he found out Black was doing it to run for Head of Magical Creatures made his blood boil. Hagrid had announced he was retiring from his position to have a quiet and fulfilling life had made everyone sob, especially James. A party was held the night Hagrid announced he was leaving; it wasn’t as fun as the nights before it was more of a funeral. There were people dancing and talking about the great memories that were engraved in their memory. All the party did was remind James of everything that was bad. How he cheated on Lily, how vivid the war was in his brain and how Regulus had been mercilessly killed by his own mother. It was nice having Hagrid as his friend, fatherly figure and mentor but it felt greater knowing he was leaving to safe everything else. It was one last time, but it was the one last time with him in a calm mood that hugged you into comfort.
“We Know/The Reynolds Pamphlet”
James was in a bit of bother with the ministry, especially Sirius, Remus and Peter. Those three had been working together for a while but it never caused Potter any harm to his business or image, that was until all three strolled into his office and tried to blackmail him saying they knew what he had done. But they didn’t actually know what it was until James handed Remus a letter, this letter was sent by Tom Riddle, it was his reply on finding out that Potter had intercourse with his wife. The letter was read aloud by Remus in front of the boys stood there. Remus read it out, Sirius only paid attention when he heard Lupin say That was my wife you decided to… “What!?” Black was astonished by it until Potter explained the money, he took out was from his pay checks and none of it splashed taken illegally. “I never spent a penny that wasn’t mine, so there is no reason to sully my good name.” James had no hesitation in explaining himself. “Merlin’s Beard, you really thought that through!” Black spat sarcastically. They agreed to never speak of this again and it never left the room. Until a few weeks later when James had written an essay à the situation. Read by the entire town, eventually Dorcas came back from Italy to stay for the summer at Hogwarts. Little did Potter know; Dorcas wasn’t there for him. He was excited to see her again, he held her tight, but she pushed him off. “I’m not here for you, I know Lily better than my own mind. You will never know another as trusting or as kind, she was right. Your kind will never be satisfied!” Dorcas barked then a chorus of You’ll never be Head Auror now! Was sung by Sirius, Remus and the other Aurors. And they were right, no one would have trusted him to protect their town now.
In a house there lived a fake, yet charming angel named James Potter. This letter he published was not a scheming, horror house, but a novel filled with spells and an enticing sense of lust and tender desire. Written on weathered parchment, etched by the ink from an acid green Quick Notes Quill, the newspaper was written Every student, auror and creature had something to say about it. It was about damn time Lily said something, on s day when Harry was in Hogwarts Lily stormed into James's office. At first, they were civil about it and spoke like adults until James had slipped this in "At least I'm not the woman who trusted Snivellus!" A pause before Lily bite back "At least I'm not the reason our trust was murdered by the man we called a friend! " Peter had betrayed them long before, but James was too loveable and trusts everyone to realise. There was a deafening silence before Lily dug through his drawers until she discovered the letters then threw everything off his desk before casting Incendio which set the parchment ablaze. Tears soaked both their faces, James was riddled with heartbreak and sorrow while Lily felt betrayal because just publicly announced his affair with the enemy's wife and she felt true unfiltered rage. with nothing but James’s panic from reading it to copy, reciting his own lust and gentle praise engraved into the very pages and ink. It was almost as if he copied it from the very life of an angel!! But to Lily that was the complete opposite, she found out that he published the letters from the gossip which spread around the town like a plague.
“Blow us all away/ Stay Alive (reprise)/ It’s quiet Uptown”.
Despite his newfound popularity, he knew that he couldn't let the superficial attention define him. He had to stay true to himself, to the person he was at his core. And as he navigated the complexities of high school life, he found that being true to himself was the only way to truly shine. Quidditch became his life, he left his old friends to hang out with the heartthrob Weasley twins. The setting is at the renowned Hogwarts School of Magic, and it's the beginning of a new school year for the returning senior students. As the students filter into the school grounds, they greet each other like old friends. The atmosphere is electric with the excitement of a new year, and everyone is eager to catch up with each other and hear about their summer adventures. But under the surface, there is tension brewing between two characters, Harry James Potter and Draco Lucious Malfoy. Draco is a quiet person, but he's always had a bit of a temper and he uses his tongue as a weapon. On the other hand, Harry is a popular and confident student who loves to stir the pot just by talking too loudly and letting rumours spread. As the first few weeks of the school year go by, tensions between Harry and Draco begin to escalate. It starts with harmless banter and joking around, but as the days go on, the jibes become increasingly personal and insulting. One day, after a magical defense class, the two students get into a heated argument. They shout insults at each other, and before long, Draco snaps and charges at Harry, his wand ready to cast a spell. It all happens in a flash. Draco's spell is a cursed one, and as soon as it hits Potter, an eerie blue light illuminates the room. Everyone watches in horror as he collapses, unresponsive. The students and teachers rush to Harry's side, but it's too late. He's gone, killed by Malfoy's curse. The guilt and regret weigh heavy on his heart. A tale was told throughout the town, if you ever saw James he’d be looking at a small Polaroid book of photos of his family, talking to himself as he stumbled throughout the town.What hurt more was that James didn’t cry nor scream at his funeral he just smiled as Lily sobbed until she fainted.
Election of 1800/ Your Obedient Servant
Harry James Potter, died at 19. His fate sealed at the end of an oak wand laced with unicorn hair and passion. Questions arouse in the town, who will be elected minister of magic? It wandered, it ran and leaped through every wizard. The Wizengamot committee Potter worked with had always made one question ring in his ears as he worked “Pettigrew or Black?” The two candidates. Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Orion Black. Peter was a candidate due to his efforts to both making the respect grow for animagi and magical creatures. Yet there stood Sirius, he was voted for his presence in the anti- cruelty against werewolves and muggle born wizards (he done this for Remus). This made both young men very famous and debating who should win threw everything in a loop. Everyone in London was asking who he’d vote for the position Black or Pettigrew? Eventually Potter stood in front of cameras, being filmed for millions of wizards to see his vote. “Since everyone is asking to hear my choice, yet I’ve taken a while to decide I’m declaring Sirius Black has my vote. I had only agreed with him once, we’ve fought on about 20,0000 fronts we but when all is said, and all is done… Black has beliefs and Peter has none.” It made no sense how could James endorse his enemy? The man he despised from the beginning. Just to stop Peter from winning. “Dear James, I understand that I barely have beliefs and I fought for your side but what I can’t seem to grasp at is how you can choose that pure blood over me.” Pettigrew wrote in his monthly letter to James; it was a rare thing for him to actually write but he did. “Dear Wormtail, it has been a while but the reason I chose him over you is because you betrayed my trust years ago and you now work with the man, I call an enemy. Not only because he tried to destroy our school in sixth year but because my drunken version slept with his wife not once nor but every week in the summer.” James never yelled or raised his voice but gently explained yet his voice was cracking from rage on how Peter failed to see why he voted for Black even though his reasons were clear as the summer’s sky. “Have it your way, meet at the Black Lake with wands drawn. Bring your best colleague and Healer, deal? “Peter had written, almost a week later James agreed. Fear wasn’t a presence that day, but determination was.
“Who lives, who dies who tells your story?”
The Duel of Destiny? James Potter was a powerful wizard, and he was never afraid to show it. He was also reckless and brash, always seeking the next excitement. so eventually when he found out Pettigrew was trying to drag his name, he couldn't resist a fight. He challenged the most weak and frail man with the biggest heart and wit he knew, to a duel to the death. The two wizards were matched in skill and power, and the duel was long and fierce. In the end, it was James who fell. His body lay lifeless on the forest floor next to the Black Lake, his wand still clasped in his hand. Pettigrew fled the scene, his guilt and despair overwhelming him. He knew that he had killed a great wizard and a great man. Who was his first true friend, might I add! The news of James's death spread throughout the wizarding community, and the grief was palpable. Even those who didn't know him well mourned the loss of such a bright soul. It seemed as though the light in the world had gone out. James's enemy, Sirius Black, was devastated by his death. He vowed to avenge James's destiny and pride. James's death marked the beginning of a dark time in the wizarding world. But it also served as a reminder that even the most powerful wizards can fall to their own hubris. And that sometimes, even the darkest souls can feel remorse and grief. James Potter was a powerful and influential member of the wizarding world. He was a skilled duelist and a talented wizard, but his brashness and recklessness sometimes got the best of him. Despite his flaws, he was a loyal and devoted friend to those he loved and was fiercely protective of his family. When he died in a duel with his first friend who became his enemy, the wizarding world was plunged into a state of shock and mourning. But his wife, Lily, and his political opponent, Sirius, refused to let James's legacy die. They continued to work tirelessly to protect the wizarding world and fight for those who were oppressed. Their efforts helped to bring about a new era of peace and understanding for all wizards and witches. Today, James's sacrifice is remembered as a testament to the power of love and redemption, and as a reminder that even the greatest of wizards can fall victim to their own hubris. Born 27th March 1960 and died 31 October 1981, this made Sirius no regular angel, he was an Angel which weeped…
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my first ever fanfiction was a hamilton fic in which
it was a modern high school au (still my favorite kind of au to this day i love shenanigans and drama i dont CARE)
samuel seabury (The first american episcopal bishop who was featured in One Song (which is a slay as fuck song idc)) was a mormon (i had recently listened to the book of mormon)
samuel seabury (see above) had two alcoholic parents and fed a stray dog that came to his shitty house
leebury (samuel seabury x charles lee. i did not make this up you can look for the name you will find content for it) was the main ship
maria reynolds (some woman alexander hamilton had an affair with who was featured in a different song (which is also a pretty big slay)) punches samuel seabury (see above) in the fact for being homophobic . this was the first time they interacted
the reason for the last thing, if i am aright, was that the last three guys mentioned and peggy schuyler (one of the sisters of eliza hamilton) were playing Spin The Stick because i didnt have any other way for the plot to progress . this was the first fucking chapter/part thing.
there is more but i cannot remember right now
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Eliza & Angelica & Peggy Schuyler “you’re hugging me too tight!” Floof?
pairing: angelica schuyler x eliza schuyler x peggy schuyler (platonic)
warnings: none
summary: angelica comes to america from london to see her sisters
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“Peggy!” Eliza called, glancing around, “Where did you go? I’m pretty sure when Angelica gets off that boat, she’s going to want to see the both of us.”
Peggy sighed and stood beside Eliza, “He was selling chocolate, how could I pass that up?”
“We can buy some after.”
“I bet Angelica would just love to have chocolate as surprise, you know.” Peggy bribed, pointing at the chocolate stand.
The older sister rolled her eyes, and finally gave in.
“Fine, but don’t be long. She’ll be here any moment now.”
“Of course!”
When Peggy got back, the boat had just arrived, and people were coming off it.
“Angelica!” Eliza joyfully shouted, waving at her sister.
“Eliza!” Angelica responded, setting her backs down, “Peggy!”
They threw their arms around eachother, laughing happily.
“We have a surprise for you!” Eliza smiled, winking at Peggy as indication to give her the chocolate.
Peggy did just that, grinning wider at Angelicas happy face.
“Shall we share this at the park?”
The girls nodded in agreement, and they all rushed off to the park.
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46ten · 2 years
Schuyler elopements
The following accounts are from Women of Colonial and Revolutionary Times: Catherine Schuyler (1897) by Mary Gay Humphreys.
Regarding the elopement of Angelica Schuyler and John Church:
“Carter and my eldest daughter ran off and were married on the twenty-third of July. Unacquainted with his family connections and situation in life the matter was exceedingly disagreeable and I signified it to them” [Philip Schuyler to William Duer, pg 191] 
[One can read my speculation about why, (x), considering the above, AH was nevertheless acceptable to the Schuylers]
Regarding the elopement (that I don’t think was an elopement, just a surprising marriage due to SVR’s youth) of Margarita (Peggy) Schuyler and Stephen Van Rensselaer: 
“Stephen’s precipitate marriage has been to me a source of surprise and indeed of regret. He certainly is too young to enter into a connection of this kind; the period of his life is an important crisis; it is the time to acquire Fame, or at least to prepare for its acquisition. It is the Time to engage in a busy life, to arouse the Facultys into action, to awake from a lithargic Inattention, which is generally the consequence of youthful pleasures, and make a figure upon the active Theatre. Instead of this our field has indulged the momentary impulse of youthful Passions, and has yielded to the dictates of Remorseful Fancy.” [Harrison Gray Otis to Killian Van Rensselaer, pg 195]
Regarding the elopement of Cornelia Schuyler and Washington Morton: 
At the Morton home in New Jersey there had been a notable wedding, that of Eliza Morton to Josiah Quincy of Boston. The Rev. Samuel Smith of Princton College performed the ceremony before all the aristocracy of the time....Among the guests was Miss Cornelia Schuyler. The bride had a brother, Washington Morton. He made himself prominent as a lad during the British occupation by losing a darning needle which, being the only one in the neighborhood, accordingly had to be loaned from house to house. He was now one of the young bloods of the time. One of his recent enterprises had been a walk to Philadelphia on a wager. He was accompanied by various young men on horseback and in carriages. That night he gave them a dinner at Philadelphia, and was one of the liveliest of the company. He was of superb figure and very athletic. The admiration of Miss Schuyler and Mr. Morton was mutual and prompt. He followed the young lady to Albany and declared his attentions to her father. His walk had given him much distinction, but it was not the sort likely to win the approval of so strict a disciplinarian as General Schuyler, or the championship of so considerate a mother as his wife. 
The young man’s suit was refused. “He has not taken that place which befitted a married man,” and the General, to make sure of his position, led the young man to the wharf and saw him aboard the New York sloop. Returning home he called his daughter into the library and told her what he had done. “My wishes will be respected? Promise me to have nothing to do with him by word or letter.”
“I cannot.” 
“What! do you mean to disobey me?” 
“I mean I cannot bind myself; I will not.”
The issue was made. What steps were taken to secure obedience do not appear. In time, however, the impatient lover found opportunity to send his love a letter, and one moonlit evening two muffled figures appeared under Miss Cornelia’s window. At a low whistle the window opened and a rope was thrown up. Attached to the rope was a rope ladder, which making fast like a veritable heroine of romance the bride descended. They were driven to the river, where a boat was waiting to take them across. On the other side was the coach-and-pair. They were then driven thirty miles across country to Stockbridge, where an old friend of the Morton family lived. It was Judge Theodore Sedgwick, not unknown  to General Schuyler in Congress and about the troublesome boundary commissions. The affair had gone too far. The judge sent for a neighboring minister and the runaways were duly married. So flagrant a breach of the parental authority was not to be hastily forgotten. Philip and Catherine Schuyler had had had various experiences in kind, but this transcended everything out of fiction, from which in fact it seems to have been carefully copied. It was some months before the young couple was pardoned, by the stern father at least, for the mother’s heart quickly responded to the happiness of her children, even though they had been so willful. As in the case of the other runaways, the youthful Mortons disappointed expectation, by becoming important householders and taking a prominent place in the social life of New York, where Washington Morion achieved some distinction at the bar. [pg 202-4].
A few posts about Washington Morton, x
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froggysaesthetics · 2 years
i got into editing wallpapers and character moodboards and i wanted to post them on tumblr cause i don't know what to do with my life anymore
to request wallpapers:
ask for any character/celebrity
send any specific pictures or let me know if you don't mind what pictures
specify if you want one picture or multiple
let me know if you want any colours or a specific theme you'd like
to request moodboards:
ask for any character
specify if you'd like that character from a specific scene or specific season if they're from a show (did y'all know i know what the word specific means?)
specify any themes or colours
Boris Pavlikovsky (young)
Klaus Hargreeves
Nadine (Broken Hearts Gallery)
Mike Wheeler
Charlie Spring
Eladio Restrepo
Ocean O’Connell Rosenburg
Mischa Bachinski
Jim Hawkins
Constance Blackwood
Jane Doe/Penny Lamb
Veronica Sawyer
Jason ‘JD’ Dean
Emma Perkins
Will Byers (Spiderman au)
Paul Matthews
Frankie Espinoza
Viktor Hargreeves
Tyler Galpin
Anthony Ramos , Anthony Ramos 2  , Anthony Ramos 3 , Anthony Ramos 4
Sofia Wylie
Sophia Anne Caruso
Jasmine Cephas Jones , Jasmine Cephas Jones 2 , Jasmine Cephas Jones 3 , Jasmine Cephas Jones 4
Elliot Page , Elliot Page 2
Ricky Bowen
Phillipa Soo , Phillipa Soo 2
Blackrose (Constance Blackwood x Ocean O’Connell Rosenburg)
Jennette McCurdy
Peggy Schuyler
Wednesday Addams , Wednesday Addams 2
Angel Dust
Joshua Bassett
Micah Yujin
Lili Trifilio
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chloerie · 1 year
(Okay, I’m changing the lore for Series of Unfortunate Events X Hamilton so here it is!)
A Series of Unfortunate Events X Hamilton shit
Okay, so, after the last episode of the TV series, they(The Baudelaire children) managed on their own for like a year or two and after those two years, the Baudelaire children + Katherine(What I call Kit’s daughter) were adopted by the Schuylers and they dyed their hair to look like their adopted parents and changed/switched(In the case of Anna Elizabeth Baudelaire who became Elizabeth Anna Schuyler-Hamilton)their names also the Quagmires were taken in by Philip Schuyler’s sister and did the same thing lol anyways characters and who they changed/became(Technically) their names too
Violet Baudelaire became: Angelica Schuyler-Church!
Anna Elizabeth Baudelaire became: Elizabeth Anna Schuyler-Hamilton!
Sunny Baudelaire became: Margarita “Peggy” Schuyler(Single bitch lol)
Katherine “Kit” Baudelaire became: Catharine Schuyler
Also Alexander is the second son of Count Olaf(First one is Uncle Monty) and his real name is Evan Olaf(In this AU lol) so he became: Alexander Hamilton(-Washington)
Oh, also James Hamilton SR is Count Olaf if you couldn’t tell James JR is Monty
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