#pedragon family
adageyer · 3 days
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The pendragon trinity
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xjulixred45x · 6 months
Can i request headcanons of arthur pendragon(both 7ds and 4koa) with a couple like katherine Howard from six? Maybe they meet eachother from childhood and k.h reader gets a happy ending!
I FUCKING LOVE SIX THE MUSICAL!! And Katherine Howard was so cute! Deal!
Arthur Pedragon SDS/4KOTA x Katherine Howard! Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: female
Warnings:reader had a life similar to Katherine Howard (that is, a life full of neglect, abuse, etc.) but she ends up having a happy ending :3, Arthur from 4kota is a warning himself but Arthur from 7ds is a sweetheart, Angst and Fluff.
Plus: read this while listen this song>
(reader)'s life was always a roller coaster.
His father belonged to one of the richest families in Camelot at the time, but since he was not the first son, he did not receive much of the prestige or inheritance that would have been his.
(reader) lived in a relatively well-off place despite everything, with her parents and siblings.
However, when (reader) was little, her mother died, which led her father to have to ask for many favors to be able to keep the house afloat on his own.
In the end she failed, and (reader) was sent to live with a distant relative in the center of Camelot, where she was supposedly better off.
and to be fair, it was.
because there she met him...
One day, (reader) had left her relative's house to avoid the music classes that were scheduled for that day.
The bad thing is that since she had never been to that part of the city, she got disoriented and lost quite easily.
Fortunately for her, a boy (the same age!) saw that she was having problems and offered to escort her home.
Now, (reader) was a sociable girl, so it was quite easy for her to make conversation with the boy and get to know him a little better.
It turns out that he was practicing how to handle the sword with his brother Kai (a bad btw), but since he got angry with him he took a break.
His father was a holy knight! (reader) didn't understand what they were, but the stories she read about knights when she was bored gave her the idea that it was something exciting.
In the end, the boy said goodbye to her and left the way he came, although at least not without giving his name.
As you may have noticed, (reader) knows Arthur in his time before he had the sword, when he was something like his father's squire.
and definitely after that he started looking for (reader) on his own when he knew where she lived.
They even began to have a rather funny dynamic in which Arthur would try to make her laugh in the last minutes of their peeking (through the windows).
and in general they were one of the few friends the other had.
But when a certain... incident... happened with (reader's) music teacher.
Arthur only arrived to see how some holy knights took him away, but he knew that for some reason (reader) he skipped that man's class...
and when he found out, well, let's just say the music man was lucky Arthur hadn't been there.
Arthur was furious! How dare that pig put his hands on (reader)?
You could say that this determined the dynamics of their friendship during the following years thanks to (reader's) love-struck nature.
While Arthur trained with Merlin and became stronger, (reader) became more popular with men for her beauty and cute personality.
Although of course, it was a double-edged sword.
There would always be someone who would be especially insistent or who didn't understand "no", but luckily Arthur could take care of that easily ;)
When Arthur takes the sword out of the stone, (reader) is the first to run towards him to congratulate him, she even gives him a small kiss on the cheek as a "reward" (Arthur is as red as a tomato at the time, he flatly denies it) .
Thanks to him being king, Arthur and (reader) can't see each other as much as before :( but they maintain communication through letters and try to see each other as much as possible.
low key, (reader) admires Merlin quite a bit at first, it's a hunch (a powerful and beautiful woman in complete control of the situation and her body, you can get the idea).
For this reason, they both talk a lot about the deadly sins and share the enthusiasm.
Now, if in the events of NNT's story (reader) she ends up meeting her "Francis" or worse yet, her Henry VIII, let's just say things are going to get... ugly.
There is no way in which Arthur will not see the giant red flags of either relationship (in a way by seeing certain parallels with the case of the music teacher), so he will be quite firm in his dislike of said relationships. especially with the Henry.
After all, what is a 50-year-old man doing near a teenager? creepy vibes.
Also influencing a little is the fact that Arthur may or may not realize that he likes her (reader), although part of him just wants to say that she is his friend! that she is very kind and pretty and that she sings and dance very well and that her talks about dog breeds is the most beautiful thing he has ever heard....
Oh no--
If we're talking about a scenario in which (reader)'s family arranged a marriage with this Henry, Arthur puts his foot down and may even use his position as king to get (reader) to break the engagement herself (which she happily does).
(Regarding Francis, they would both simply agree to ask Merlin as a favor to use illusory magic and give him the scare of his life. It's super effective).
(reader) was definitely extremely traumatized when Arthur was "killed" in the second holy war. absolutely horrified (even more so by that time they were already dating).
and when Arthur is resurrected by (the power of the script) chaos, let's just say they're both stuck with each other for quite some time...
and that translates into the current relationship they have in 4kota. which is like Katherine Howard's happy ending basically.
(reader) was obviously very marked by the holy war and definitely by Arthur's almost death, so she tends to be around him a lot of the time.
more after the total destruction of Camelot.
They both officially get married! (probably before Merlin left) and overall you could say that their relationship has only become more secure in several ways.
Arthur is still quite protective, but on a much more visible and understandable level, after all (reader) she is his wife, the queen of Camelot, if his enemies try to get to him, one way to do it is through her, so of course The times when (reader) decides to leave Camelot (usually on her family's funeral anniversary) she usually goes with Arthur.
Besides, it's not like Arthur is offering to spend extra time together.
(reader) developed her dancing skills over the years! apart from that he was even able to learn to play several instruments (with extra supervision of course).
from time to time you can hear when (reader) does a little performance for Arthur in the throne room when there is nothing to do and he is bored :3
Although yes, only he can see (the reader) dance, if someone does it, whether by accident or secretly, it is at least a safe pass to the dungeon :)
ARTHUR BRINGS DOGS TO THE PALACE! Canonically, the man is pet friendly, so seeing how much (the reader) loves dogs, there is no way I wouldn't get him at least one.
It would probably be some cute but protective breed, like a Labrador or a Collie.
Arthur acts like he can't stand said dog/dogs very much, but after a week the dog/dogs already have a place at the table next to (reader)😅🤣
Arthur is fine with (reader) not advancing in her studies, honestly it is a lot (for the time) that she knows how to write and read so well, but if she wants to help out with the paperwork aspects, he will allow it! oe will assign someone to guide you through the process until you can do it alone or, if you can, you will teach it to them.
Arthur feels very good teaching (reader) new things.
(If the reader's previous "suitors" are still on the loose or didn't die in Camelot, you can bet Arthur is going to correct that).
(reader) has a fashion sense quite inclined to French fashion, and Arthur doesn't blame her, she looks very adorable in the soft colors.
(reader) may even develop the habit of embroidery to pass the time when Arthur is away, she makes quite nice pieces (Arthur definitely shows them off to "Merlin")
(reader) is not really involved in politics due to her lack of education, and honestly Arthur is grateful that this is the case because he knows that (reader), being the empathetic being that he is, would not like to see a good part of what he does. for the sake of the eternal kingdom, but he knows it will be worth it.
Arthur and (reader) dancing together🥺 it doesn't matter if it's in sds or 4kota, I can definitely see (reader) dragging Arthur to the floor to dance together.
Arthur from sds definitely prefers to dance faster and "funner" things and vary a little from ballroom dancing (actually it's because it makes him nervous)
Arthur from 4kota is fine with whatever style (reader) chooses, but he has definitely learned to 1-improve his dance skills (thanks to reader) and 2-appreciate the closeness that ballroom dancing provides. especially in the throne room.
Either version will not tolerate any attempt to shame (reader) for her "history with other men" and will take it VERY badly.
Arthur from sds will defend (reader) tooth and nail, but if he can't reason with people, he simply applies a *little* bit of violence so they learn not to defame a pretty lady (he breaks their nose) .
with Arthur from 4kota...do I really have to say it? They will be lucky if they are whole after saying such blasphemy in front of him.
Arthur is definitely VERY determined to maintain (reader's) little remaining innocence, they've already been through so much, let them have a happy ending (even if that includes eliminating all races).
In general, no matter what past or "history" (reader) may have, Arthur loves her and sees her as her own person, let things move forward in their time, and will fight for his lady's honor.
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Thanks for the Request ❤️
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xjulixred45x · 10 months
>3> If it's not too late maybe a fluff scenario of 7DS Arthur and Female Reader (Guinevere no not like the loli one) reunion. They were childhood friends long before Arthur became king and were particularly close but before they had to go their separate ways (Guinevere returning to Cameliard) they made a pinky promise to meet again when they're older. qwq
Awwww that's so cute🥺🥺🥺i miss the sunshine Arthur so Bad 😭😭also DEATH TO THE LOLI!!!
7Ds! Arthur Pedragon x Guinevere! Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: female
Warnings: very slight Angst, Comfort and Much FLUFF. Childhood Friends to Lovers trope, Reader has the characteristics of Guinevere from the myths(screw the Loli).
You come from the kingdom of Carmelide, a generations-long ally of the Pendragon. and by extension, from Camelot.
So it was not unusual for your family to go to said kingdom for political reasons or to try to help in the search for the new king/queen, who should be the one worthy to lift the legendary sword.
but you were a little girl, you didn't really understand those things very well at that age, so they let you wander around the kingdom (with an escort) while the adults did what they had to do.
So, on one of those outings, you ran into Arthur (who was trying not to leave behind the one you assumed was his brother).
When Arthur first saw you, he immediately recognized that you were royalty, so he bowed cheekily and apologized for almost bumping into you. and he asked you directly if you were a princess, because of how pretty you were.
He left you a little off guard, but luckily you were able to come back to your senses when your escorts almost attacked him for thinking he was too close, you told them to leave him alone, that he was a friend.
When your escorts took some distance, you and Arthur ended up spending a good part of the day together, learning more about each other and so on, you discovered that his father was a holy knight, that his brother (Kai) was an idiot (he didn't say it, but because of how he described him you didn't like him) and that he dreamed of becoming a knight himself.
It was nice to be able to be with someone your age without having to constantly worry about etiquette and manners.
So from then on, you and Arthur began to see each other almost every day, at whatever gathering your family had, you would go out and go see him, you would catch up and play normal kid things (Arthur especially liked to play to be "the knight who rescues the beautiful princess")
you two would also go on mini picnics! After playing for a while in the forests of the kingdom, you and Arthur would find some firm and more or less clean place (Arthur always insisted that you not dirty your "expensive" clothes) and eat apples :3
You felt good with Arthur because you could finally be a girl and not just a princess of Carmelide. and Arthur felt good about you because you were sweet and kind despite your seemingly privileged position.
They both complemented each other very well.
Although the more time you spent with Arthur and both of them grew up, the romantic tension increased considerably, but neither of them did anything about it, maybe they were just a little afraid of losing the friendship they had been having.
but then Arthur managed to raise the sword on the stone, being proclaimed the new King.
and it was...a shock, to say the least.
Everything was a set of good and bad news in a short time, which did not help the shock much.
On the one hand you felt that Arthur was getting what he really deserved, to be the leader of the kingdom he loved.
but now that the new King of Camelot was present, Carmelide's advisory services would not be necessary (unless there was a great threat of course), which meant that you would no longer be allowed to go to Camelot alone.
They even told you that it would not be appropriate for you to continue seeing Arthur unless they proposed an alliance through marriage.
which was the straw that broke the camel's back. You felt very bad for days.
but at least thanks to that your family decided and arranged for you and Arthur to have one LAST outing before you had to return permanently to Carmelide.
and if it was, you and Arthur kept it calmer than normal, wanting to enjoy each other's company knowing that it would be a while before you saw each other again.
I don't know they said anything romantic as such, but they did make several things clear, they were going to miss each other, Arthur was going to miss sneaking you out, you were going to miss playing with him and having adventures.
At the end of the outing, you asked him for one last favor.
You made him intertwine his pinky with yours and you promised him that you would see him again when he was King and that he would do the same.
It didn't take long for Arthur to do the same, he promised you that even if he were king, he would do everything possible to see you again.
and with that promise in mind, you returned to Carmelide.
Time passed, and you tried to handle the loneliness as best as possible, training yourself to be the best princess possible for the kingdom. your family was satisfied.
although they were definitely taken by surprise when Henrykson and the demons happened.
Your family was alarmed, the kingdom could be in crisis, they would have to train their sacred knights more harshly and, above all, re-establish relations with Camelot and its current King.
Arthur Pendragon.
were you a little nervous? Yes, but was it completely overshadowed by the excitement of seeing Arthur again? YEAH! You wondered how he scammed now after so much time.
and Arthur was no better.
He knew that the first ally he would have to report everything to would be Carmelide, and by extension you, so he was quite impatient to go in person or for you to go to Camelot.
And to kill time he thought about how you would be or how you would be now, how everything will be in your kingdom, how YOU will be.
And when the day of the reunion arrived, both were filled with feelings.
You were the one who had to go to Camelot, which in itself brought back many pleasant childhood memories that helped you be less nervous.
Not only was he the king you were going to see, he was also a friend (and maybe something else).
and when you arrived before Arthur and they were both in the same place... it was like everything stopped for a moment.
Arthur's mind was like: no thoughts, nothing, just you.
and you were absorbing everything new about this "new Arthur" before you, he looked taller, he was in his king's armor, but he definitely gave off a certain kind aura.
You felt like you could relax with him again.
and it was.
Fortunately, Arthur only became even friendlier over time, more mature, he was still someone sincere with a heart of gold. You were grateful that he still had room to see you as a special friend and not just an alliance partner.
and Arthur was not far behind, he saw that you had become more elegant, finer and straighter, but you still had a friendly character destined for people, someone charming.
The comings and goings to Camelot became a constant in your life again and it was honestly beautiful, you could see the changes that Arthur was making in Camelot and he was very happy to have you back.
He talked a lot about his training for the King, sometimes you even helped him as he was better versed in various things related to regulations and etiquette.
He may even talk to you about the Deadly Sins! I mean, few people don't know who they are, but hearing Arthur talk about them so excitedly is definitely something else.
(if you get to know them, they definitely make the typical lovebird jokes 🤣)
I can see Arthur being more open with his romantic feelings at this point.
Of course, in the time that you weren't together maybe one could say that it was just a childish crush, but now that you are together again, and that he can continue to love and appreciate this mature version of you, he can say that he is in love.
now the nickname "princess" or "lady" can be used both ironically and non-ironically xd simply for Arthur You are a princess :3)
And for your part, you cannot say that it is unilateral either.
Arthur loves you and appreciates you regardless of the title and the label, even now that he is THE KING and he SHOULD care, he doesn't, he only cares about you. You can't help but feel very appreciated by him.
even making your own advances (against what your family would consider "appropriate")
you two spent a good time making up for lost time, catching up with each other and so on, and that tension they used to have when they were younger seemed to resurface.
only this time it seemed like they were more prepared for the possibility of being SOMETHING ELSE.
Who knows, maybe a marriage alliance isn't such a bad idea after all.
At least, not if is with YOU/HIM.
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Done! I hope You like it❤️❤️
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xjulixred45x · 8 months
Hey guys! I just wanna tell You that the Requests Will take longer than expected bc this family vacations are VERY fun but it dry me all the energy and i hardly had my phone on me, so i don't know when i'm publishing or when the Requests are Open again.
But at least i Will show You the Request i'm working on in the order that i will be write them and Will be published (the older ones will be published sooner. The newest later).
¡Hola, gurises! Solo quiero decirles que las solicitudes tomarán más tiempo de lo esperado porque estas vacaciones familiares son MUY divertidas pero me quitan toda la energía y apenas tenía mi teléfono encima, así que no sé cuándo publicaré o cuándo Las solicitudes están abiertas nuevamente.
Pero al menos les mostraré las solicitudes en la que estoy trabajando en el orden en que las escribiré y se publicarán (las más antiguas se publicarán antes. Las más nuevas, más tarde).
Choso Kamo x Yui Komori Reader/Lectora.
SatoSugu x special grade Sorcerer! Reader/Lectora grado especial.
Yandere! Nanami x Fragile reader/lectora frágil x Yandere Gojo(adicional: runaway scenario/escenario de huida)
Platonic Yandere Choso Kamo x Kianna! Reader /lectora(Oc)
Fizzmodeus x Pomni! Reader/lectora
Yandere Nanami thinks Darling escape after yelling at them/Yandere Nanami cree que Darling escapó después de gritarle
General Yandere Choso Headcanons
Yandere Gojo Darling lock themselfs in a closet and REFUSE to get out(Drabble? Anon didn't specify)/Yandere Gojo y el meme de "VERONICA!-open the door please-"
Arthur Pedragon King of Chaos x Guinevere! Reader/lectora in 4Kota
Douma! Reader in Hazbin Hotel
As you can see, there are a LOT of requests, from various fandoms, quite randomly, and I will be away for less than a season, so we will have to be patient. I hope you understand. love ya❤️
como pueden ver, son BASTANTES peticiones, de varios fandoms, de forma bastante aleatoria, y estare fuera menos de una temporada, por lo que habrá que ser pacientes. espero entiendan. los amo❤️
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