#pebble stone craft ideas
ecoorganic · 2 years
10 Creative Garden Stone Ideas To Spruce Up Your Yard
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waterbeads1993 · 10 months
Unveiling Elegance: 15 Hidden Marvels of BUM BUM BHOLE 10Kg Multicolour Pebbles for Garden and Home Decor Bliss!
Learn About Water Beads
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FAQs About BUM BUM BHOLE 10Kg Multicolour Pebbles
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neckromantics · 8 months
Spoiling Astarion?
Bringing him back little things that remind you of him whenever he stays back at camp just so he knows you're still thinking of him while you're apart.
Astarion being so used to receiving little gifts from your travels that when you arrive back at camp, he's standing by your tent with his palm outstretched just waiting to see what you've brought him this time. The giddy little grin that's plastered on his face when you fork over the shiniest object you could get your paws on. All varying in degrees of monetary value, for sure, but all with a unique story of their own.
A couple of old coins from an ancient crypt. The entrance of which you'd all stumbled upon when Karlach punched a wall of a cave in victory after a particularly tough battle, only to come back with a handful of bones and cobwebs. The look of shock on her face when the entire wall came crumbling down on the group was enough to have you in stitches, entirely too weak from laughter to stand. You laid beneath the rubble for so long that Gale had assumed you developed a concussion and needed rescuing.
The PRETTIEST, crystal goblet that you'd stolen right from under a rich lady's nose under the guise that you were testing her drink for poison. You'd downed her ale in two gulps the second you exited the building. Was in the middle of patting yourself on the back for being oh-so cunning when you nearly fell on your ass. It was a sick, twisted coincidence that her ale did, in fact, turn out to be poisoned. But, at least you had a spare antidote on you that you gulped down before Shadowheart could find you in such a state. (And make fun of you, no doubt.)
A set of handmade jewelry– not stolen this time, if you can believe it. Wyll had pointed out the small shop to you while the two of you were out shopping for supplies. Said something about how it might be a good idea to pick out a new pair of socks since you'd been complaining about how holey yours had become after so much running around. Which was a good idea, truly– but the second you'd set eyes on the shop window, you knew what you wanted. A matching necklace and earring set, lovingly crafted with silver chain, so very delicate. So very understated that one could almost miss it among the rest of the more garish examples that sat alongside. Three, very small, opalescent stones shone so pretty at you beneath the sunlight that you could hardly look away. You would have given the shopkeep your left kidney just to see Astarion wearing them, but thankfully, it wasn't necessary. (You became so feral in your excitement to hear the very reasonable price that you nearly threw your entire gold pouch at the clerk's head and then kissed him on the mouth.)
You're an eager one. Astarion never has to wait– always receives his gifts before you can so much as slip your travel pack off of your shoulders. He goes real quiet for a moment. Has this far away look while gazing down at whatever it is, turning it over in his palm a couple of times to really study it.
The two of you sit together while you go through the rest of the day's spoils, and he listens while you tell him all about how you found today's special little trinket. Insists you spare no details in how you acquired it. (Unless any of those details are boring, dear. Do spare him of those.)
You know that there have to be some things he enjoys more than others. You know that there has to be some things you've given him that he outright dislikes. There have been a few occasions where he'd poked fun at you for bringing back something silly. Like "The roundest pebble you'd ever seen, Astarion, look at it roll!" or "This drawing of the two of you that you'd doodled on a stray sheet of parchment when you couldn't find anything else no matter how hard you tried!". BUT he has never refused anything you've chosen to bring back for him.
He thinks it's rather sweet that you've dedicated yourself to proving you still think of him when he stays behind. Wonders why you are the way that you are. Sort of loves you to death for it. Definitely does NOT invest in a bag of holding for everything once it all begins to stack up.
Definitely doesn't insist on you taking one half of the jewelry set so you always have a little piece of one another on you at all times. That would be ridiculous. (Earrings or necklace, darling?)
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thlayli-ra · 2 months
Ten Questions for Writers
Thank you @sinderellanightwolf for the tag!
How many works do you have on AO3? 17
What's your total AO3 word count? 968, 068 (Scorched Earth makes up about a third of that number!)
What fandoms do you write for? Wrestling
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Pretty much always. I'll take any excuse to blab on about my fics and the thought processes behind them! Also, I appreciate anyone taking the time to write a comment and want to give a little something back.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Don't know, never looked.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Kinda. I consider Valets co-written as it's a request fic, so the readers had a lot of input and I've talked before about how big a contribution @my-intrests makes to the valetverse. Also Lonely Souls, was a request fic so I got given the bare bones of the story and added on the meat.
What's your all-time favourite ship? I'm more than just a tad feral about Punkintyre, but really it's Punklee, with Underpunk being a close second.
What are your writing strengths? Umm... I have no idea. I enjoy writing suffering? And drama? Not sure, if I'm good at them though... World-building, maybe? I enjoy crafting different AUs.
What are your writing weaknesses? Editing, proof-reading in particular.
First fandom you wrote for? Weirdly enough, it was wrestling, but the first time around when I was about 12 years old. I have an old notebook where I wrote stories about Stone Cold, the Rock... and a self-insert OC called the Pebble. Don't worry, there was nothing sexual but it's still pretty embarrassing!
I am tagging (but there is zero pressure!) @stripeydani @tache-noire @afterdarkprincess
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i-did-not-mean-to · 1 year
Silk and ink
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Commission by @estethell!!! Look how beautiful he is!!!! -> Link
Please go give this amazing artist some love!!!!
Words: 2k
Characters: Ori x OC
Warnings: Nothing, just innocent fluff
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When she had first arrived in Erebor with her two younger siblings, Wai had held very little hope that they’d find a place in this war-stricken, miserable colony.
Besides the ancient inhabitants of the Lonely Mountain, returning to their ancestral home, there were many refugees from near and far as well and, just like Wai and her family, these were looking for a better life out here.
Who could fault them for that with the shadows growing ever longer and darker in territories so remote that the esteemed royalty of Erebor could not even imagine what they looked like?
Pushing aside all thoughts of societal norms and aspirations, Wai kept her head down and worked hard to build a new and better life for her family—she could and would not fail, not when she had gotten so far already.
Wai the Weaver, that was what they had called her in the wide prairies of her native country and—due to her exceptional skill and her reasonable prices—she soon found enough work to occupy her hands and feed her brother and sister at least one warm meal a day.
Moreover, as the weeks turned into months, she managed to unpack her loom and strike up some bargains and exchanges with the local dwarves to pursue her more intimate passion projects—life was good and yet, Wai could not help but feeling that something was missing.
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One day, upon strolling around a rather secluded part of the Mountain proper, she found a lonely courtyard, decorated with a gallery of artworks depicting the heroes having undertaken that foolhardy quest that had ultimately provided a safe harbour for 3 orphans.
Kneeling on the cold ground, Wai touched her forehead to the slippery stone and said a prayer of gratitude. She knew not whether these brave dwarves had even survived or if they had been returned to the cradle of stone from whence they had come, but she was filled with a profound sensation of love at the sight of their stern, resolute faces.
As she walked down the row of expertly painted portraits, her eyes fell on someone who looked much less hardened than the others and a wistful smile bloomed across her face—deciphering the name underneath the stunning work of art with much difficulty, Wai cocked her head in surprise.
“Ori,” she whispered, already stepping closer and lifting a calloused, skilful finger to hover just a breath away from that delicate face that had so captured her attention—he was beautiful in a soft, inviting way, and the half-smile he wore complimented his big, curious eyes perfectly.
“Please be alive,” Wai spoke insistently to an inanimate rendition of a person she had never known; for some reason, she could not bear the idea of the world having been robbed of such a glorious, gorgeous creature. “Please, please, be happy and thriving. You look like you deserve it.”
From that day on, she would steal away with the hard-won results of her wearying and meticulous work, harvesting and processing different materials in long hours of quiet contemplation, to weave and craft while sitting under this specific painting. Somehow, she felt less alone and abandoned here.
“Do you like knitwork?” she asked the painting as she rolled up the fine thread produced by the worms which she had brought all the way from her home onto little spools. “I wonder what you’d say to the fabric of my people.”
Unbeknownst to her, Ori himself was contemplating the same question.
“I wonder what fabric that is,” Dori muttered as they stood on the porch of their little abode and watched a young boy with jet-black hair hasten down the street.
“Why don’t you go and ask him?” Nori said, his eyes twinkling with mischievous glee because he realised that he had captured both his brothers’ attention—he so loved it when he knew more than them.
“I cannot very well go and pounce upon a pebble, don’t be absurd,” Dori replied in a flustered tone that betrayed that he very much would have liked to do just that. “What is he carrying there and where is he going?”
For a long moment, Nori merely polished his nails against his own worn coat and let them stew in their curiosity.
“It’s wool,” he finally informed his spell-bound brothers. “He lives with a woman—too young to be the mother, maybe a sister or an aunt—and she’s made a deal with Dwalin. I say ‘deal’, but it was more akin to a bet.”
“Go on,” Dori pressed when the thieving rascal relapsed into enigmatic silence; Dori was convinced that he merely wanted to annoy his older brother when, in truth, it was Ori’s startled reaction that had distracted Nori from his tale.
“Her brother went and brushed the rams for months to see when their fur would be ideal for shearing and processing,” Nori finally picked up his narration again. “It seems, he’s finally content and so, I venture to say that he’s bringing the wool to that mysterious lady. She’s promised to give the first result of her craft with it to Dwalin and we’re both so impatient to see if those old, grumpy monstrosities will actually earn their keep even in times of peace.”
With a lopsided grin and a shallow sigh, he aimed his final blow, keeping both his brothers in his line of sight. “She’s doing marvellous things, that one. It’s come to my attention that she likes sitting under that piece of vandalism some unknown scribbler has put on the walls of an abandoned courtyard. If you’re really that interested in her fabrics, Dori, I’d suggest you seek her out there and talk to her. She’s more than open to trades, you know? I predict that, very soon, the little lady will have convinced someone to let her crossbreed her own sheep with the local animals to create the best wool of the region.”
“Ambitious little thing,” Dori admitted, searching his memory for that lady—he could not recall ever having seen anyone matching his brother’s description in the halls or the market stalls and he said so rather suspiciously.
“Oh no,” Nori laughed, “she’s very secretive and only those who know about her ever manage to find her. I’m just providing this information to you because you’re my brothers and I love you.”
“Are we talking about the same courtyard?” Ori squeaked into the silence of the standstill in his brothers’ conversation—his face was flushed with shame because he knew exactly which one Nori was referring to, mainly, because it had been him who had done the illegal paintings.
“Yes, she seems to be quite enamoured with it and with that illicit art, of course,” Nori grinned. “She’s not part of society and I doubt whether she has ever seen any of us in the flesh. Who knows? She might think that we’re some kind of ancient kings or revered servants of Mahal?”
“Pah!” Dori exclaimed. “Don’t talk such nonsense! We are clearly none of these things, but yes, one should go and find that lady, if possible.”
“I’ll go,” Ori volunteered and, to his brothers’ surprise, packed his own drawing kit and another shawl before rushing out of the house as if he was afraid that they’d ask him to clean out the whole kitchen with a tiny brush if he didn’t disappear fast enough.
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Humming to herself, Wai let the delicate fabric glide through her fingers like woven water.
Her brother had brought home sturdy wool that was soaking in a tub—giving her a few hours to work on the art of her ancestors in the deserted courtyard—and she felt happier than she had in a long time.
“I think that, if we got to crossbreed the beasts, we’d get some very good wool,” she told the man in the painting in her soft, lilting voice.
His kind eyes and gentle face had become the very symbol of hope and comfort to her, and she came to look at it whenever she could.
“Who are you?” she asked, not expecting an answer, and almost kicking over her loom when an equally soft voice replied to her.
“He is a scribe, a member of the company, and a mediocre artist. He is I, Ori, at your service.”
Wai whirled around and there he was—in the flesh—the pale, copper-haired beauty she had been gazing upon for so long that his breathing, living pulchritude filled her with the immense joy of finding something familiar in a foreign land.
“My brother sends me to inquire about the fabric he’s seen on a young boy,” Ori started and then stepped forward eagerly. “Is this it? Do you make it yourself? Oh…may I touch it?”
Struck dumb by his overwhelming, cautious sweetness and the gleam in his dark eyes, Wai simply motioned invitingly at the loom.
“My name is Wai,” she then whispered. “I am so sorry. It must be strange to find someone talking to your likeness like a demented woman.”
Ori looked up from the swatch, blinking in surprise. “Not at all. Do you like them then, the paintings, I mean?”
“Immensely, they are breath-takingly beautiful,” Wai assured him with a shy bow. “This one especially.”
With a half-smile, Ori cocked his head inquisitively. “I am flattered,” he admitted quietly, “for I am not only the subject of the one you seem to favour but I am also the artist who made all of them. It’s a secret though; you won’t betray me to the others, right?”
He waved at the rest of the gallery.
“He,” Wai pointed at the painted Ori, “is the keeper of my secrets so, in gratitude for this extraordinary gift with which you have graced this oasis of peace, I shall, in turn, keep yours.” She smiled broadly—Ori felt a treacherous blush creep up his neck; he had never known a woman who could grin at him as if he was the most marvellous sight she had beheld in forever.
Then, her gaze fell on his art supplies. “Do you still draw?” she asked curiously, drawing a bit nearer until she could feel the fragrant heat emanating from his warmly clothed form.
“I do,” he acquiesced in a choked squeak.
“I want to offer you something,” she said fervently. “I’ve brought it from my home and I think that you would use it well. May I meet you again?”
Colour rose into her cheeks as she heard herself make such forward and indecent demands, but she gritted her teeth and tilted up her face bravely.
“My brother is a draper,” Ori replied, “and we’d be honoured to welcome you in our home. You can sit there and weave if that would please you.”
“Will you be there? I have grown used to your face—as undignified as that sounds—and it brings me great solace and joy!”
“I shall,” he promised, “and I’d love to be the keeper of your secrets.”
“If that is so,” Wai cheered, “I shall bring you one of the sticks of ancient ink from a faraway land.”
Ori was unsure what made his heart beat like a frantic, startled bird within his chest—the idea of precious ink or the knowledge that he had made a new friend—but he couldn’t help chuckling nervously. “I shall await you impatiently.”
“I have to go wash a whole batch of wool first, but I should be able to call on your eminent beauty tomorrow if that is agreeable to you?”
“Tomorrow,” Ori nodded, visibly dazed and delighted. “Until then, Miss Wai.”
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Once again, many thanks to @estethell for this beautiful piece of art!
Lots of love from me <3
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mimilind · 2 years
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6. Rings
Summary: What could have been, if Galadriel chose differently on the raft with Halbrand, and what led up to his offer.
Part 6 of Perfect Balance of Darkness and Light.
🤍🖤 🤍🖤 🤍🖤 🤍🖤
Pairing: Galadriel x Halbrand
Rating: T
Chapter Word Count: 1100
Parts: [ < Previous Part ] [ Next Part > ] [ Masterlist ]
Full story: [ AO3 ]
🤍🖤 🤍🖤 🤍🖤 🤍🖤
Halbrand has an idea about the ring. Or should I say, rings…
6. Rings
The door slammed shut and Halbrand bustled inside, still in his apron, cheeks flushed from the heat. 
Galadriel looked up and smiled. She found few sights more enticing than her man after a day’s work in the smithy.
“Change of plans!” He grabbed her around the waist and kissed her soundly on the mouth. “We leave tomorrow.”
Bewildered, she pulled back. “What? Why?”
“You will see.” He grinned shrewdly.
“No, I will not see because you will tell me.” She gave him a stern look. “The rings are not finished yet; why would you want to leave now?”
His grin waned. “Must you know everything?”
“I must.” She resisted the urge to put her hands on her hips.
“The fewer who know, the better.” He glanced at the pale stone wall and lowered his voice. “The room has ears.”
“It does not. Why are you so suspicious all the time?”
He shrugged. “It’s how I survive.”
“Well then.” She took his hand. “Tell me outside.”
Sighing in resignation he followed.
She led him to their favorite walk by the river, and when they were at the most secluded part she stopped, looking at him expectantly. “Well?”
“I have a new plan. A better one.”
“We let the elves have the rings.” His eyes gleamed. 
“Whatever for? You put a lot of work into this; drawing the alloy together, shaping the mithril…”
“I’ve realized it’s better to deceive than usurp.” He pulled her closer, his voice becoming low and dark. “Just think of it, Galadriel. There is no way the high king would allow you or I to have a ring when they are finished, and if we try to take one by force there will be unnecessary bloodshed. But what if we…” His voice sank to a whisper, “…craft our own. In secret. A ring to control the others.” He paused. “No. Make that two rings. One for us each.”
It was hard to focus on his words when he stood so near and his breath tickled her ear. “How… can their rings be controlled?”
“Ours will be stronger. A ring forged in fire, alloyed with molten lava.”
“Lava? You mean–”
“Yes. We must return to my land.” He gave her earlobe a nip. 
“What of Adar?” Sneaking her hands around him, she stroked his broad back and shoulders. His masculine scent filled her nostrils.
“I am not worried about him. With Rings… of Power… we control… him… too.” He trailed light kisses down her neck in beat with his words.
She closed her eyes. “And where would we get metals for two more rings?” she murmured breathlessly, running her fingers through his hair. The loose strands were silky against her skin.
“We need gold.” He pulled back. ”… and of course this.” A tiny clump of mithril appeared on his palm.
“You stole it?” she asked incredulously.
“Just this pebble. They won’t notice.” His eyes twinkled impishly. “I exchanged it with a scrap of Númenorean steel from my armor. It makes their rings slightly weaker but when they realize that it will be too late.”
“And for the gold… you want my dagger?” she guessed.
He nodded.
“But I dropped it.”
He nimbly produced an oblong object from a fold in his clothes. “And I picked it up.”  
She could not help laughing. “You thought of everything.”
“Of course.” He smirked. “You should have trusted me from the beginning.”
“Perhaps I should.” Then she pulled his face down to a kiss and they didn’t speak for a long time.
Some weeks later…
The air was hot and dry, the smell nauseating. A clang of metal on metal filled the narrow shaft. Not long ago this tunnel had been used to channel water into the belly of Mount Doom, causing the eruption that had changed the Southlands forever. Now it was a makeshift smithy where Halbrand busily pounded out the alloy he had created, shaping it into rings. In the dull light of the fire his eyes gleamed red. 
Galadriel left the doorway she had been guarding to get a closer look on his work. The rings appeared to be of ordinary gold, but she knew they were anything but. 
“When do you think my people will understand what we have done?” she asked, feigning a calmness she didn’t feel.
“As soon as we put these on,” he grunted and wiped his grimy face. “When we do, the rings will be connected in the Seen and Unseen world, and the elves will feel it.” He put the hammer down and picked up a file.
With the tinny sound of metal filing in her ears Galadriel returned to her post, nervously fiddling with the hem of her once elegant dress. She tried to suppress her unease, but it was difficult in this perilous hiding place right under Adar’s nose, and then of course she worried over the impending treason against the high king and all elfkind. After crossing that line she could never return; nobody would understand she had done it to save the world. 
“I hope this will work,” she mumbled.
“It will.” He held a ring up to admire its luster. “Almost done. Just needs some polishing.”
They stood together at the foot of the volcano under a sky still dark with ash. The ring was cool against Galadriel’s palm when she traced its simple, yet beautiful shape with her finger.
“Two rings to rule them all,” Halbrand murmured, proudly regarding his own, “two rings to find them…”
“Two rings to heal the lands,” Galadriel cut in, “and in the light revive them.”
His brow furrowed. “That is not what I had intended.”
“Then what had you intended?”
“To chain them to us.”
Now it was her turn to frown. “Chain who?”
“Everyone. Adar, the orcs, the elves, the men… Even the dwarves. With the power in these rings we can control all the kings of Middle-earth. Make them our eternal servants.” His gaze had grown bright and eager.
Galadriel met his eyes, looking deep into them. As if they were a mirror of his soul, she saw what he had planned – but she also saw something else. A glimpse of the future. 
“No,” she said, slowly shaking her head.
“It is too late to stop me now, Galadriel.” He clenched his fist protectively around the ring.
“I know. And you will try to get your way, just as I will always try to get mine.” Suddenly she smiled, the distress she had felt since they came here leaving her completely. “Two rings. Two wills. In the end, the world will be as it always has; not perfect, not ruined. In equilibrium.” 
“You…” Halbrand choked, making a grab for her ring but it was too late. She had already put the golden band on her finger. 
“Two rings,” she purred. “Two rings to bring darkness to light, and in perfect balance bind them.”
🤍🖤 🤍🖤 🤍🖤 🤍🖤  
Don’t you just LOVE when Halbrand says Galadriel?
Galadriel… Galadriel… GALADRRRIEL.  *chef’s kiss*
Parts: [ < Previous Part ] [ Next Part > ] [ Masterlist ]
Full story: [ AO3 ]
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
You know what, fuck it.
All 50 questions, go
........................okay..! i'll do c!brick :D
1 : do they have any crafting hobbies?
of course she does! she's a borrower! brick is really good with a needle so she makes a lot of like blankets and tapestries, occasionally clothes too :D andd honestly she'll use anything to make anything,,,
2 : do they wear perfume/cologne? if so what scents do they prefer?
brick doesn't wear perfume because she doesn't know what it is. and if she did, she wouldn't touch it :) (i hate perfume irl too)
3 : do they enjoy cooking?
no, she wants things that need no preparation!
4 : do they enjoy baking?
no for the same reason, but she likes baked goods. then again no one's thrown her into a kitchen before,,,
5 : do they have any tattoos? if so what are they and do they have any meaning?
no tattoos!
(more under cut)
6: if they were badly injured, and for whatever reason couldn't go to a hospital, who would they go to for help?
well she can't go to a hospital at all, so the only thing to do would be to go to c!orchid or c!becky
7 : do they have any unusual fears?
c!brick is pretty fearless because of her cockiness and need to be brave. and if you look deep down inside her she doesn't have anything particularly unusual. i mean.....if being crushed under a hand or squeezed to death counts as unusual to a non-g/t fellow,,,
8 : do they collect anything? if so what and why?
she collects lil pieces of stone when she's outside. sometimes she does stuff with it but there's just a growing pile of pebbles and rubble in the corner of her room. the first lil piece of stone she found was a brick, hence the name :D there's no real reason behind this
she also collects the normal borrower stuff: bits of scrap, matches, string, etc.
9 : when they're sick what do they do to feel better?
she's standoffish as hell so she wouldn't immediately go to c!orchid or c!becky unless she was like dying, so she would stick to herself for a while until caving and maybe asking a human for help. but to feel better, she'll usually just craft something. maybe rearrange stuff in her room (terrible for being sick but mentally it calms her)
10 : do they have any regrets?
not really. being seen by c!becky and eventually meeting c!orchid can sometimes linger in her mind at night but she doesn't exactly regret it, it's just that underlying fear from when she bothered to follow some of borrower code
11 : do they have any addictions?
nope! she likes a lot of things in one serving
12 : do they have a sense of style? regardless of the answer do they believe they have a sense of style?
a borrower's clothing style (and just general style) depends a lot on the material that their human has, and more specifically the stuff they can get their hands on. but from what c!brick gets, she thinks she has a nifty gift for knowing how things will look.
13 : do they enjoy poetry?
she has no idea what that is! if she did, though, she probably wouldn't. she'd appreciate it but it won't hold her interest
14 : do they have a hard time opening up to people?
yes! chatting with her can come kind of easily (more so than actually opening up) but it takes a while for her to warm up to people
15 : what kind of sense of humor do they have? or do they have one at all?
i'm not going to bother thinking of a whole new sense of humor, so my humor. she has my humor.
16 : do they want or have kids?
she doesn't have any, and never wants any
17 : how easily would they be convinced to do something that goes against their morals?
it would take a while, if it ever did work. she does things a certain way and generally she doesn't like ruining that flow! very stubborn
18 : how easy is it to become their enemy?
very easy! even with the newfound friendship with c!orchid & c!becky, brick still kind of sees them like a playful threat. so imagine that but there's no underlying joke
19 : how easy is it to become their friend?
eh, depends. like i said, it takes a while for her to warm up to people, so therefore she doesn't exactly just click with people. and as she likes doing things her own speed, she prefers if people don't try and pry her out of her home or out of her comfort level (which is pretty non-existent considering her whole "fearless" facade. so it'd take a few weeks to be acquaintances, maybe a month for friendship. could be longer,,
20 : do they have a strong connection to their culture?
ehhhh not really. from the start she never really bother obeying borrower code because she knew the danger but also took into consideration how a handful humans don't throw a fit when they see a bug and knew there was some hope.
21 : what is more important to them: friends or family?
friends all the way. she doesn't really have any family because they left her on her own once she reached a certain age and she hasn't seen them, or any other borrower, ever since :)
22 : would they ever betray anyone for money?
money has no value to brick, but she probably would if it did or if she was human,,,,
23 : how would they want to die?
in a fight with a cat. context? nuhuh :)
24 : do they have any enemies?
everyone is kind of her enemy. sometimes in a playful way and other times in a genuine way
25 : do they have a daily/night routine?
as a borrower there isn't a ton you could do to spice up your day. it's either walls, house, or outside. so she kind of follows a routine of borrowing in the late night if she needs something, practicing hobbies during the day and venturing around the house in the early morning. but after she meets c!orchid & c!becky they do more spontaneous things since yk..humans
26 : have they met any of their heroes? did they regret it?
brick doesn't really have any heroes, her life has been independently done for her whole life
27 : has a chance encounter ever had an unexpected effect on them?
c!becky finding her ofc! that turned her life right around :D
28 : are they a #gamer
of course 😎 (no)
29 : if they were real would you be friends with them?
100%, she seems SO cool
30 : if they had the chance to be famous would they take it? if they are famous would they rather they weren't?
she probably would take the opportunity to be famous. just because
31 : what superpower would you choose for them and what would they choose for themselves? if they have one would they choose something else?
i would choose shapeshifting for her and she would choose invisibility!
32 : if they could change one thing about themself, what would it be?
she would change nothing! she is surprisingly satisfied with herself
33 : do they play ttrpgs? if so what kind of characters do they play? or are they more likely to gm?
they don't play ttrpgs but if she did she would get SO invested in acting out things. (tinies playing ttrpgs are my favorite thing ever)
she would probably be some like evil character with a god complex with a terribly high amount of betrayal arcs that are way too packed together to even be surprising anymore,,
34 : how well do they deal with grief?
she hasn't experienced it yet, but she would probably be bad at it and have unhealthy coping mechanisms
35 : do they believe in fate or do they believe that they are in charge of their own destiny?
she believes she's in charge of her own destiny! but there's also a part of her that believes everything happens for a reason, which is a part of her trying not to be so pessimistic about everything
36 : would they ever kill someone? have they already?
she would probably kill someone. not intentionally (maybe) but by accident maybe if she took one of her schemes too far
37 : are they religious? if so do they have a strong sense of faith, are they uncertain, or are they somewhere in between?
she's agnostic (leaning on atheist) with a sprinkle of unsure pantheism (like me :D)
38 : what are their dreams like? do they have any recurring dreams/nightmares?
brick rarely dreams. rarely rarely. when she does she barely remembers it in the morning and just continues on with life, unbothered by any nightmares or dreams she may have had!
39 : would they ever crash a wedding?
for fun, yes. for personal benefit, also yes, but it's more unlikely.
40 : if they found a sword in a stone would they try to pull it out? how would they react to being able to pull it out or not?
she would try and pull it out despite being so small, and DESPITE BEING SMALL, she would complain about it and call it rigged
41 : do they learn from their mistakes?
for about 2.7 days then she does it again :D
42 : can they speak multiple languages? if yes what do they speak and why?
brick speaks english and that's it. they've picked up the general like "hola" and "uno" but other than that she's boring
43 : can they handle stressful situations?
yes! she works really well under pressure, especially if she's yelling at someone :D
44 : who, if anyone, would she trust with her deepest secrets?
nobody. maybe a bug
45 : do they plan in advance or just wing it?
wing it! sometimes she'll make a rough outline for a plan but generally she just goes into it headfirst and hopes for the best
46 : would they lie to get out of trouble?
absolutely. she's really good at it too despite never being in a situation like that,,
47 : would they lie to get someone else out of trouble? even if they would have to take someone else's place?
she would lie to get someone out of trouble if they were close to her. she does like snitching. but she probably wouldn't do it to take their place unless they're REALLY close to this person
48 : how likely are they to go on a quest for revenge?
as soon as someone does something inconvenient to her, she's plotting revenge. this is the only time she plans something
49 : do they have trouble keeping their enemies and their friends straight?
she's small, so it's not easy, but she definitely tries to keep people straight. sometimes it works, but more often than not it doesn't,,,,
50 : what is your favorite thing about them?
ehhh appearance maybe? this is for borrower!brick not the like more non-human brick i have in the works but still i like her appearance a lot! her personality is close behind bc i stole it from techno & george sdhfdgdfjs
wow orchid you really just had me to do that...
t- thanks for the ask :'D
ask game !!
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Elevate Your Home and Garden Decor with us.
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durofillseo · 3 months
Get Creative with Glass Bond Epoxy: Unleash Your Inner Artist and Transform Everyday Objects
The world of crafting can feel limited, especially when it comes to glass. But fear not, fellow creators! There's a secret weapon waiting to ignite your imagination: glass bond epoxy. It's not just a glue; it's a creative catalyst, unleashing a world of possibilities to transform everyday objects into stunning works of art epoxy for floors tiles
Beyond the Glue Gun: Why Traditional Methods Hold You Back
Traditional methods like glue guns might seem convenient, but they often hold you back from unleashing your full creative potential:
Limited Applications, Restricted Ideas: Traditional glues often lack the strength or versatility for complex projects. Your creative vision might be stifled by the limitations of these materials, restricting you to simple repairs or basic crafts.
Fragile Fixes, Fleeting Inspiration: Regular glues form weak bonds that deteriorate over time. This fear of impermanence can stifle your inspiration, making you hesitant to invest time and effort into projects that might not last.
Cloudy Vision, Obscured Beauty: Many glues leave behind a cloudy residue, detracting from the inherent beauty of the glass. This can leave your creations looking dull and unfinished, obscuring the artistic vision you poured into your work.
Introducing Glass Bond Epoxy: A Creative Revolution
Glass bond epoxy emerges as your creative revolution – a powerful tool that offers unmatched strength, versatility, and clarity:
Unbreakable Bonds, Limitless Creations: Epoxy forms a powerful chemical bond that rivals the strength of glass itself. This newfound security allows you to take on ambitious projects, incorporating heavier elements or intricate designs without fear of them falling apart. Dream big and build without limitations!
Crystal Clear Clarity, Unrestricted Vision: High-quality epoxy boasts remarkable clarity, mimicking the look of fused glass. This allows you to create seamless transitions and stunning effects, bringing your artistic vision to life without any frustrating cloudiness. Imagine creating breathtaking mosaics or crafting jewelry with flawless clarity, all thanks to the power of epoxy.
Material Matchmaker, A Universe of Possibilities: Unlike traditional glues, epoxy boasts exceptional versatility. It can effectively bond to a wide variety of materials including metal, ceramic, wood, plastic, and even stone. This opens doors for a universe of creative possibilities. Imagine incorporating natural elements like pebbles or driftwood into your glasswork, or creating mixed-media masterpieces that defy traditional boundaries.
From Ordinary to Extraordinary: A Guide to Unleashing Your Creativity with Epoxy
With glass bond epoxy in your arsenal, you can transform ordinary objects into extraordinary creations with these steps:
Safety First, Spark Your Inspiration: Always prioritize safety when working with glass and epoxy. Wear gloves and eye protection to avoid injuries. Ensure proper ventilation, especially when using certain epoxies that might emit fumes during curing.
Surface Prep for a Flawless Creation: A successful bond starts with a clean and dry surface. Thoroughly clean the areas you intend to bond with rubbing alcohol or a degreaser to remove any dirt, oil, or grease that might hinder adhesion.
Understanding the Cure Time, Plan Your Project: Different epoxies have varying cure times. Carefully read the manufacturer's instructions and plan your project accordingly to ensure optimal results. This allows you to pace yourself and create your masterpiece with perfect timing.
Unleashing Your Inner Artist: Techniques and Project Ideas
The Art of Application: The application technique depends on your project. For intricate details, consider using toothpicks or fine-tipped applicators. For larger areas, use squeegees or palette knives for a smooth, even spread.
Color My World: Explore the world of colored epoxies! Add vibrant hues to your creations or create stunning layered effects for a truly unique look.
Banishing Bubbles, Achieving Flawless Beauty: Use a heat gun (on a low setting and held at a safe distance) to gently move heat over the epoxy's surface. Rising air bubbles will burst, leaving a smooth and professional finish.
Clamping for Security: For some projects, using clamps can ensure a secure bond, especially when dealing with uneven surfaces or heavier elements. Choose clamps appropriate for the size and materials of your project.
Spark Your Creativity with Epoxy Project Ideas:
Mosaic Magic: Transform broken dishes, pebbles, or seashells into stunning mosaics for coasters, wall art, or even tabletops.
Jewelry Wonderland: Create one-of-a-kind pendants, earrings, or bracelets by incorporating glass pieces, metal findings, and epoxy.
Sculptural Delights: Experiment with sculpting techniques using glass and epoxy to create unique decorative pieces or functional art objects Epoxy tile joint filler
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Creative Ideas for Painted Pebble and River Stone Crafts
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laurasmith12-blog2 · 7 months
Luxury on a Budget:Achieve Your Dream Bathroom Goals in Port Macquarie
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Imagine stepping into your own private spa, sunlight filtering through a skylight above, the scent of eucalyptus aromatherapy gently filling the air. This blissful escape doesn't require a five-star hotel; it's your newly renovated bathroom, a luxurious oasis right in your Port Macquarie home.
But don't let "luxury" intimidate you. It's not just about extravagant materials; it's about creating a space that reflects your unique style and pampers your senses. Forget cookie-cutter designs - this is about your sanctuary.
Start by dreaming:
What's your vibe? A calming Zen retreat with natural elements, or a glamorous Hollywood-inspired haven with bold colors and textures?
What can't you live without? Imagine yourself indulging in a deep soaking tub, a spacious walk-in shower with multiple jets, or heated floors for those chilly mornings.
What materials speak to you? Do you envision the cool elegance of natural stone, the sleekness of modern porcelain, or the warmth of sustainable wood?
Now, let's make it real:
Tap into local expertise: Port Macquarie boasts a vibrant community of talented designers, builders, and suppliers who specialize in luxury renovations. Ask around, check online reviews, and find someone who understands your vision and the local resources available.
Be budget-savvy: Luxury doesn't mean breaking the bank. Set a realistic budget and allocate funds wisely. Prioritize your dream features while leaving room for flexibility and unexpected finds. Remember, quality materials and skilled craftsmanship are key to a bathroom that lasts.
Embrace space and light: Port Macquarie homes often have the advantage of beautiful natural light. Make the most of it with large windows, skylights, or well-placed lighting. Don't forget clever design tricks to maximize space, like floating vanities or corner showers.
But luxury goes beyond the visual:
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Indulge your senses: Imagine dimming the lights for a relaxing ambiance, setting the mood with your favorite spa music, or stepping onto toasty heated floors. Consider aromatherapy diffusers, soothing soundscapes, and even a rainfall showerhead for that ultimate spa experience.
Embrace the local touch: Port Macquarie offers unique opportunities to personalize your space:
Imagine natural stone tiles sourced from regional quarries, adding a touch of coastal authenticity.
Picture custom-made timber vanities or shelves crafted by local artisans, bringing warmth and craftsmanship to your bathroom.
Envision locally-made artwork or textiles reflecting the coastal vibe, tying your sanctuary to its surroundings.
Here are some inspirational ideas to get you started:
The Coastal Spa: Think calming blues, greens, and sandy beiges, pebble tile accents, a freestanding tub overlooking a garden, and woven baskets adding a relaxed touch.
The Modern Oasis: Picture sleek lines, bold colors or patterns on large-format tiles, a walk-in shower with a rainfall head and jets, and smart technology features for ultimate control.
The Family Sanctuary: Imagine double vanities for shared routines, a walk-in shower with a built-in bench for little ones, durable materials for busy mornings, and smart storage solutions to keep things organized.
Remember, your dream bathroom is all about you. Don't be afraid to explore local showrooms, browse online inspiration, and create a mood board to visualize your haven. With careful planning and the expertise of Port Macquarie's professionals, you can transform your bathroom into a luxurious escape that nourishes your mind, body, and soul.
Bonus Tip: Don't wait! Start the journey to your dream bathroom today. Remember, it's not just about the final result; it's about the process of creating something special for yourself. Enjoy the journey! contact us.
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decorationinside · 8 months
Textural Delights: Weaving Tactile Magic into Your Interior Design
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In a world dominated by the visual, interior design often neglects the power of touch. But beyond the sheen of paint and the gleam of furniture lies a realm of rich textures waiting to be explored. Embracing texture is not just an aesthetic choice, it's a strategy to elevate your space to a multi-sensory experience, inviting you to engage with it not just with your eyes, but with your hands and soul. The Allure of Texture: Texture is more than just surface deep. It's a quality, a feeling, a story. Rough travertine tiles whisper of ancient times, smooth pebbles evoke the caress of crashing waves, and soft velvet begs you to sink into its luxurious embrace. Every texture carries a unique voice, transforming lifeless spaces into havens of tactile poetry. Layering the Senses: Juxtaposing different textures is key to creating captivating interiors. Imagine the sensation of bare feet on cool marble floors, followed by the plush embrace of a velvet sofa. The contrast sends shivers down your spine, a delightful reminder of the physicality of your surroundings. A Symphony of Materials: Nature offers a rich palette of textures for interior designers. Rough wood, smooth pebbles, cool marble, shimmering shells, velvety wool – the possibilities are endless. Weave these elements into your design like a composer weaves melodies, creating harmonious contrasts and delightful surprises. Beyond the Obvious: Texture isn't limited to walls, floors, and furniture. The play of light and shadow, the carefully placed decorative objects, even the folds and wrinkles of fabrics all contribute to the tactile experience. Consider incorporating texture in every aspect of your design to craft a truly immersive experience. The Emotional Touch: Texture is not just about aesthetics. Different textures evoke different emotions. Rough wood exudes warmth and comfort, smooth marble exudes coolness and sophistication, while velvety fabrics whisper luxury and indulgence. By carefully considering the mood you want to evoke, you can use texture to sculpt the emotional tone of your space. Textural Delights: A Design Philosophy Embracing texture is more than a trend, it's a design philosophy. It's about creating a space that transcends visual stimulation, a space that invites you to fully experience it. By embracing the richness and diversity of texture, you can transform your home into a tactile haven, a place where your soul sings. So, go ahead, explore the world of texture. Let your fingers trace the grain of wood, feel the coolness of stone, and sink into the softness of velvet. Weave a tapestry of tactile experiences in your home, and discover the joy of living in a space that speaks to all your senses. https://cozypronest.com/beyond-black-velvet-mastering-modern-gothic-for-a-home-that-haunts-and-inspires-modern-gothic-decoration-ideas/ I hope this article inspires you to unleash the magic of texture in your own interior design. Remember, there are no rules, only endless possibilities. So get creative, experiment, and let your fingertips be your guide! Read the full article
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cheapesttilessydney · 8 months
Outdoor Tile Patterns and Layouts: Design Ideas for Creating Dynamic and Eye-Catching Surfaces
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Outdoor spaces serve as extensions of our homes, offering opportunities for relaxation, entertainment, and connection with nature. The choice of tile patterns and layouts plays a crucial role in enhancing outdoor surfaces' visual appeal and functionality, transforming them into dynamic and eye-catching features. Explore various design ideas to elevate your outdoor spaces with captivating tile patterns and layouts.
Herringbone: Timeless Elegance
The herringbone pattern is a classic choice for outdoor tile surfaces, renowned for its timeless elegance and visual interest. Characterized by interlocking rectangular tiles arranged at 45-degree angles, the herringbone pattern adds depth and dimension to patios, walkways, and pool decks. Whether using natural stone, porcelain, or wood-look tiles, the herringbone layout creates a sophisticated yet inviting ambience that complements various architectural styles and outdoor settings.
Basketweave: Rustic Charm
Embrace rustic charm and artisanal craftsmanship with the basketweave tile pattern, which features alternating pairs of rectangular and square tiles arranged in a woven pattern. Ideal for pathways, garden borders, and outdoor kitchens, the basketweave layout adds a touch of Old-World charm and character to outdoor surfaces. Enhance the rustic appeal with textured stone or terracotta tiles, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere that invites relaxation and outdoor gatherings.
Versailles: French-Inspired Sophistication
Channel the elegance and grandeur of French chateaux with the Versailles tile pattern, characterized by a combination of large square and rectangular tiles arranged in a symmetrical layout. This intricate pattern evokes a sense of luxury and sophistication, making it ideal for expansive outdoor patios, courtyards, and formal gardens. Choose natural stone or travertine tiles with rich textures and earthy tones to capture the timeless beauty of European architecture and landscape design.
Windmill: Whimsical Movement
Inject whimsy and movement into outdoor spaces with the windmill tile pattern inspired by the rotating blades of a windmill. This dynamic layout features rectangular tiles arranged diagonally around a central square tile, creating a captivating visual effect that adds energy and rhythm to patios, decks, and pool surrounds. Opt for vibrant mosaic or colourful cement tiles to infuse outdoor surfaces with playful charm and personality, transforming them into focal points that spark conversation and delight.
Random Mosaic: Artistic Expression
Embrace artistic expression and creative freedom with the random mosaic tile pattern, where tiles of varying shapes, sizes, and colours are arranged in an organic and eclectic layout. This eclectic approach allows homeowners to unleash their creativity and personalize outdoor surfaces with unique materials, textures, and hue combinations. From pebble mosaics to glass tesserae, the random mosaic pattern offers endless possibilities for crafting one-of-a-kind outdoor spaces that reflect individual style and imagination.
Outdoor tiles patterns and layouts serve as design elements that elevate the aesthetic appeal and functionality of outdoor living spaces. Whether opting for the timeless elegance of herringbone, the rustic charm of basketweave, or the whimsical movement of the windmill, each pattern offers opportunities for creativity and self-expression, transforming outdoor surfaces into dynamic and eye-catching features that enrich the outdoor living experience.
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pebblescostume · 9 months
The Enchanting Pebbles Costume: A Perfect Stone Age Disguise
Are you a fan of the beloved Flintstones cartoon series? Do you want to impress your friends and fellow partygoers with an iconic and unique costume idea? Look no further than the Pebbles Costume, inspired by the adorable character from this popular animated show. In this article, we will explore the world of Pebbles costumes, providing insights on why they are a hit for any occasion and how to create or find the perfect Pebbles-inspired outfit.
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An Overview of Pebbles Flintstone: Pebbles Flintstone is the bubbly, young daughter of Fred and Wilma Flintstone, the main characters from the classic animated series. As one of Bedrock's cutest inhabitants, Pebbles is known for her bright, vibrant outfits and her signature red ponytail hairstyle. Her character exudes both innocence and energy, making her an ideal choice for a delightful costume.
The Appeal of a Pebbles Costume: 2.1. Nostalgic Charm: The Flintstones series has been around for decades, beloved by both children and adults. Wearing a Pebbles costume allows you to tap into the nostalgia associated with this timeless cartoon, appealing to fellow fans of all ages. 2.2. Unique and Recognizable: In a sea of generic costumes, Pebbles stands out as a distinct and charming choice. Her bright green tunic with black spots, orange shorts, and of course, her unique hairdo, make her instantly recognizable among other Stone Age dwellers.Pebbles Halloween Costume 2.3. Versatility: Whether you're attending a themed party, Halloween celebration, or even a cosplay event, the Pebbles costume can be adapted to suit any occasion. With its simplicity and playful character design, Pebbles is a versatile choice that guarantees a memorable impression.
How to Create a Pebbles Costume: 3.1. Ready-Made Options: If you prefer a hassle-free option, various online and offline stores offer Pebbles costumes for purchase. These outfits typically include the signature green tunic, orange shorts, and wig with a red bow, allowing you to resemble Pebbles effortlessly. 3.2. DIY Approach: For those who love crafting or have a limited budget, making a Pebbles costume can be an enjoyable project. Start by sourcing a green tunic and orange shorts, which can be found in thrift stores or repurposed from existing clothing. Accessorize with a black wig or style your own hair into a Pebbles-inspired ponytail adorned with a red bow, bringing the ensemble together.
Nailing the Pebbles Costume Look: 4.1. Pay Attention to Detail: To truly embody Pebbles, remember to add black spots to your green tunic using fabric paint or felt cutouts. These spots are one of the key visual elements that differentiate Pebbles from other Stone Age characters. 4.2. Accessorize with Flair: Consider wearing orange sandals or boots to complement your Pebbles costume. Additionally, try integrating some Stone Age-themed accessories, such as a toy dinosaur or a bone necklace, to enhance the overall look. 4.3. Confidence is Key: Lastly, don't forget to channel Pebbles' cheerful and adventurous demeanor. Embrace her playful spirit and wear your costume with confidence, knowing that your delightful presence will complete the Pebbles transformation.
https://www.pebblescostume.com/ A Pebbles costume offers a unique, nostalgic touch to any event, capturing the essence of the beloved Flintstones series in a charming and recognizable way. Whether you prefer purchasing a ready-made outfit or creating your own DIY masterpiece, paying attention to details and accessorizing thoughtfully will help you perfect the Pebbles look. So, why not immerse yourself in Bedrock's Stone Age charm and enchant everyone with your Pebbles costume?
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The Benefits of Concrete Pathways in Toowoomba
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Concrete paths are an easy and affordable way to provide dependable access around your home. They can be crafted to suit any space and can even be releveled to repair damaged pathways.
The client’s objective for the concrete pedestrian and platform walkways at the new Neil Street Toowoomba Bus Station was to achieve a decorative, bright and up market look and feel. Transitions Honed Concrete was selected as the product of choice to meet this requirement.
Concrete paths are a practical, cost-effective way to access and circulate areas around your home or business. They can be crafted to match the style of your property and can add value and appeal when done correctly. The new Toowoomba bus station in Neil Street utilised Transitions Honed Concrete on its pedestrian and platform walkways to achieve a decorative, bright and up market look for passengers departing and arriving on long-distance Greyhound Australia services. Unlike pavers, which tend to shift and allow weeds to grow between them, concrete pathways are durable, economical and visually appealing. They can also be coloured to suit your specific design preferences.
Concrete paths offer a cost-effective and durable solution to providing reliable access around the home or commercial premises. They can be designed to meet any layout requirements and are able to accommodate stairs or drains. The Team at Griffiths Concrete & Construction can also assist with repairs or re-levelling of existing concrete paths.
While plain concrete is the cheapest finish option, exposed aggregate allows for much more creative design options and creates an eye-catching aesthetic. The pebbly surface makes it nonslip and is extremely hardwearing, and it comes in a wide range of stone colours to suit any style. It is also more durable than other decorative finishes such as oxide, colour sealers or paint. It can even be used on driveways, as it is an acceptable development under Section 9.4.6 of the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme.
Concrete paths are a reliable means of access around your home, and can be crafted to meet specific needs including the addition of stairs and drains. They can also be relevelled and repaired to get them back into shape after years of weathering. Our Team can provide a comprehensive range of concrete solutions for new installation or repairing your existing path or driveway.
This course familiarises designers, civil engineers and practitioners with best practice concrete pathway design based on Australian Standard AS 3727. While the focus is on pathways, the learning outcomes can be extended to other concrete design projects incorporating ground slabs subjected to light traffic conditions.
The construction of a driveway for a house, dual occupancy, bed and breakfast or home-based business is generally considered to be an accepted development under the provisions of Part 9.4.6 Transport, Access and Parking Code in the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme. Please refer to the links in ‘Related documents’ for further information.
Concrete is one of the most durable and low-maintenance surfaces available. Professionally installed concrete pathways are ready to use within a day and can withstand heavy traffic with minimal damage. Concrete specialists can also customize the surface to resemble a variety of different materials, including brick, cobblestone, and slate. This technique, called stamping, is achieved by pressing a stamp into the wet concrete.
A good builder will make sure the concrete is tamped down well. This drives out the air and binding it to the hardcore below. On long paths it’s a good idea to put an expansion joint every 3 metres.
A driveway for a house, dual occupancy, bed and breakfast or home-based business is an acceptable form of development subject to the requirements in Part 9.4.6 Transport, Access and Parking Code of the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme. To determine whether or not a permit is required for constructing a driveway, please refer to the Council’s Development Information.
source https://concreterstoowoomba545092813.wordpress.com/2023/05/13/the-benefits-of-concrete-pathways-in-toowoomba/
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arongerseo · 1 year
Green moss terrarium
Moss terrariums are a low maintenance and beautiful indoor garden that is becoming increasingly popular. Creating your own is simple and easy with the right materials and tools. You will need a glass jar or container, pebbles, activated charcoal, moss, potting soil, decorative elements, gardening gloves, scissors, and a spoon. Start by selecting a suitable container, cleaning it, adding pebbles for drainage and charcoal for air purification, and the moss. Finally, add potting soil, water it with a spray bottle, and add decorative elements. You only need to water your moss terrarium once every three-four weeks, and the moss thrives best in indirect light.
Terrariums are becoming very popular nowadays. People who have limited space are using terrariums to bring a bit of greenery to their homes. Moss terrariums are a great way to create a beautiful and low maintenance indoor garden. With minimal effort, you can make your own green moss terrariums that will add a little bit of nature to your home decor. Here’s how to do it.
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Creating a Lush and Beautiful Green Moss Terrarium for Your Home
Materials and Tools Required
You’ll need to gather some materials and tools to create your terrarium. You’ll need a glass jar or container, pebbles or stones, activated charcoal, moss, potting soil, and any decorative elements you want to include. You’ll also need gardening gloves, scissors and a spoon.
Step-by-Step Instructions
1. Choose a Container: Select a container that is suitable for the moss. Any size and shape can work, but just make sure it has a large enough opening for your hand. The glass jar is the most popular choice, and you can find many different shapes and sizes in your local craft store.
2. Clean the Container: Rinse the container with hot water and soap, making sure that it’s completely clean. It’s important to avoid using harsh chemicals or detergents, as the residue can harm your moss.
3. Add a Layer of Pebbles or Stones: Create a 1.5-inch layer at the bottom of the container with pebbles or stones. This layer is vital to help with drainage and prevent root rot. Ensure the layer is firm and flat.
4. Activate Charcoal: Layer activated charcoal on top of the pebbles. The charcoal can purify the air in your terrarium and prevent mold growth. Spread a layer that is about 1-inch think.
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Creating a Lush and Beautiful Green Moss Terrarium for Your Home
5. Add Moss: The next step is to add the moss. You can order different types online or scout around the woods or park. For a more lush look, pick out some different kinds of moss. Arrange the moss so that it looks natural and covers the entire bottom of the container. Use the spoon to adjust the placement, but be gentle to avoid damaging the moss.
6. Add Potting Soil: Put the potting soil over the moss, filling the container until it’s about one inch below the rim. Ensure that the soil is evenly spread, and be careful not to add too much soil as moss requires less than other plants.
7. Water the Terrarium: Using a spray bottle on the lowest setting, mist the soil and moss evenly. You don’t want the soil to be too wet as the moss might drown. The idea is to moisten the moss and soil so that they will start to grow.
8. Decorate the Terrarium: The last step is to add any decorative elements you wish to include. Try out different color schemes for a terrarium, use stones, rocks, or small toys to give it visual interest.
What type of Moss do I need for a Terrarium? Terrestrial Mosses are best for creating terrariums as they are ideal in low light and require little water. Pillow moss and Cushion Moss are perfect for terrariums.
How often should I water my Terrarium? A moss terrarium requires watering once every three-four weeks, depending on the environment. Check the soil for dampness and give it a light mist when required.
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Creating a Lush and Beautiful Green Moss Terrarium for Your Home
Does Moss need light to grow? Yes. But not too much direct sunlight. Terrestrial Mosses thrive best in indirect light, where it is not too hot, and the light is diffused and gentle. Too much direct sunlight can cause dehydration and cause the moss to wilt.
Can I use tap water? Yes, you can, but you must allow the water to sit for 24-48 hours to off-gas any chlorine or fluoride contaminants. Alternatively, you can use any bottled water, which is safe for mosses.
Creating a lush and beautiful green moss terrarium for your home is easy and affordable. Finding the right containers, filling them with the right layers, and adding decorative elements is a fun and satisfying way to bring some nature into your life. Using these simple steps, anyone can create a stunning and low maintenance indoor garden that will provide a calming effect and a natural element to their home.
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