#peanutbutter and marshmallow fluff
canisalbus · 11 months
machete reminds me of a field of snow so pale and harsh but heart can be melted by the sun's (vasco) rays
They go together like peanutbutter and marshmallow fluff I love them
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velvetineblue · 9 months
NAME : taiyang theodoré tseng .
NAME MEANING : sun / god-given gift / high, elevated, steep
ALIAS : mostly just 'tai' .
ETHNICITY : taiwanese .
ONE PICTURE / ICON YOU LIKE BEST OF YOUR CHARACTER : hmmmmmm... many options asjjaj but this one is one of my fav graphics i've made !!
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a weird, (?) comfort food that he will make is a pb&j sandwich but with strawberry jam or orange marmalade (or both!) and peanutbutter... and he'll add marshmallow fluff if there is some in the pantry, if he wants a sweet treat. : 3
in his vampire verse, he has shadow/darkness manipulation magic, && can shift into a black wolf : 33 he has the capability of shifting into pretty much any nocturnal predatory creature ( yes, including bats asjajj ) but it's a difficult and learned skill, and a wolf is the only one he is practiced at && is good at so far......... he's practicing how to git gud at birds and other creatures of flight because that would be hella useful but. he's not very good at it at the time and can only do it for a short burst jasjajj. these shifting abilities ONLY work at night, though!! only when the moon is out; never in the daytime .
the man who took care of little-tai while his father was in jail ( who is his dad's best friend ) was very frugal, modest in accommodation's, and believed that anything extraneous to be bought for the household, tai had to earn. mostly by doing chores or something else productive with his time. because of this, he grew up without a lot of 'luxuries' that others were accustomed to: for example, there was no internet access in his home; he had to go to the library or his school to use the internet! and he didn't have a cell phone until he was 17, and that's because he saved up money from a summer job to buy his own... and on a similar vein ( perhaps because of this ), he's not as addicted to tech as a lot of other people his age?? he uses social media but in like... low-moderate amounts. he's def not addicted to it and he doesn't use it all that often, comparative to most people in his age/generation group.
jogging / hiking, etc; finding a place in nature that is pretty/cool and hanging out there, enjoying the ambience . . .
he's not extremely mechanically knowledge, but if there is any work he can do himself on his car(s), he rly enjoys when he can do it! the hands-on challenge is fun & it's satisfying to know he did it HIMSELF. he likes cars in general; likes going on drives while listening to music, likes checking out interesting/sEXy/rare models of cars ... even in verses where racing is not a thing he does/did, he enjoys car shows, clubs, shops, etc; he might go them if he's bored and they're around. he luvs his car; it his babie <; 3
pretty much anything to do with animals; he will meet up with someone there so fast!! the zoo, aquarium, dog parks, etc... if there's a chance he can see ( or better yet, inTERACT WITH ) animals, he's on his way— hE'S ZOOMIN!!!!
in his supernatural/SoL verses: he had a very close childhood-friend named Nihat that moved to LA to be in the band: tai half-convinced him to move to LA, but honestly, not really; nihat really wanted to come anyway, he was just waiting for the formal invitation. sadly, nihat ended up becoming deeply entrenched in the vices of the LA music scene and that trouble... ultimately led him to the end of his life ... tai deeply regrets ever inviting nihat to La. the guilt has haunted him ever since. there's a lot more i want to write on that topic but i would accidentally write a novel so i gotta stop there ajsajjj
he regrets not doing more for his mom when she was alive. he was only eight when she passed away, and realistically, ooc, we all know there really wasn't anything he could do for her that could have helped her with her mental health struggles; and even if there was, that wasn't his responsibility to take on; he was a child and should not have had to care for her or worry about her health-- it is the other way around ... but he's never been able to accept that. he has always carried the guilt and regret that he couldn't do more, and couldn't save her... couldn't give her a reason to live, or be enough for her to want to.
ONE PHOBIA YOUR CHARACTER HAS : most of his fears are psychological but... one physical thing that is nightmare fuel for him would be if he was locked in a claustrophobic small space alone, all on his own, for a long time, with no way to exit, and it didn't seem like someone was coming to get him...... . o _ o that would be very near the top in his list of "worst ways to die" asjjajj
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xd3str0yax · 2 years
mike calls eddie a crybaby for fussing over something little like the crusts being on his sandwich or just something small but inconvenient and eddie is absolutely crushed his friend would make fun of him for being overwhelmed (love some hurt/comfort eddie) where nancy/steve kind of swoops in to save the day lol
“Damn it!” Eddie complained as he opened his lunchbag. In his rush out the door this morning, he had forgotten to put the ‘fluff’ in his fluffernutter sandwich. He stared at the fluffless fluffernutter sitting in front of him. How had he forgotten? Its the most important part of the sandwich! He sulked for what seemed like ages before even considering eating his so called lunch
“Eddie, its just a sandwich, dont be such a crybaby.” Mike said, teasingly. He really meant no malice but it still hurt Eddie’s feelings. He whimpered and stuffed the food back in the bag. He felt stupid for being so upset about his lunch but he definitely didn’t feel like eating after mike spoke.
“Hey, boys!” Nancy happily chirped as she walked to the table. She sat down and exchanged greetings with all the kids and scolded dustin as she fixed his misbuttoned shirt.
As soon as she was done she realized something was wrong with the typically flamboyant, boisterous man at the head of the table. “What’s wrong with Eddie?” She whispered to dustin. “His sandwich was messed up then mike called him a crybaby and i think it hurt his feelings.” He whispered back.
“Hey, Eds, what do you have for lunch?” She questioned as she opened her lunch bag. “A peanutbutter sandwich, a bag of crackers, and some celery sticks.” He stated sadly. “You wanna trade? I have a peanutbutter & marshmallow sandwich, a bag of chips, and a salad.” Eddie’s eyes lit up at her words. “Can i have your sandwich?” She nodded and they exchanged sandwiches.
Now that eddie was happy, Nancy leaned over to mike and lightly smacked the back of his head. “Next time, don’t say anything. Okay, smartass?” Mike chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. “Fine but why do you care so much about your girlfiend’s ‘boyfriend’s’ boyfriend?” He earned an unamused look from Nancy as she smacked him again. “Good one, ‘Micheal’.”
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soclonely · 3 years
Important question! When you make a PB&J what kind of J do you use? What kind of J do the clones use? I am a strawberry person myself, but my mother blasphemous and uses Apricot
The Clones and Their Jelly/Jam with Peanutbutter Choices
Echo- Rhubarb Jam. Idk he just gives off the vibes of a man who appreciates a nice rhubarb
Fives- Thimbleberry Jam. its like raspberry but with less seeds and a much yummier taste!
Jesse- Classic Grape Jelly. Leave the baby alone!
Kix- Peach butter for a peach of a medic
Tup- Bacon Jam. Its delicious and savory and you can never go wrong with it!
Dogma- Fig preserve. Old lady energy
Hardcase- Peanutbutter with more peanutbutter. This man hates jelly, jam, and any weird jiggy food(jello and pudding included)
Coric- Cranberry preserves
Bly- Apple Cinnamon butter. He lives and breaths anything fall related!
99- Apricot Jam. Sorry anon your mom is probably 99! Wait though I'm jealous!
Cody- Orange marmalade, clearly
Waxer/Boil- Pumpkin Butter
Wolffe- The man likes strawberry jam!
Boost/Sinker- Toe jam. is that a valid answer?
Hunter- Dandelion Jelly. I have many fond memories of going out, picking them, and canning with my grandmother.
Wrecker- Blueberry preserve
Tech- Lemon Jam. Pucker up baybeeee!
Crosshair- Mayonaise. Don't ask my why but this is a thing and it should be punishable by law absolutely.
Omega- Marshmallow Fluff. Sweet girl
Howzer-Lip puckering blackberry jelly!
Gregor- Wild plum jelly
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kittykaylat1987 · 2 years
The phone in your hand seemed to ring forever before a deep voice answered.
"Hargrove residence."
"Billy, I need you and Steve to help me with something please."
A loud crash coming from the living room made you jump, but the ridiculous laughter that followed reassured you that no one was seriously injured.
"What the hell was that?"
"Can you just get over here? It's not life or death, but I'm struggling. And come to the kitchen door, the living room is filled with people."
Billy whispered something and then sighed.
"We'll be right there."
10 mins later, the sliding door to your kitchen opened and Billy and Steve cautiously stepped into the kitchen. They spotted you leaning against the counter, your head in your hands.
Steve reached you first.
"What happened?"
You looked at him, then at Billy and then back again.
"OK, you know how we're all supposed to have a movie night tomorrow?"
They nodded, having no idea where you were going with this.
"So I figured since it was just gonna be the 8 of us, 10 If Joyce and Jim stopped by, I'd make us a treat."
Billy stepped up to stand next to you.
"Spit it out babe, what's wrong?"
Suddenly a mop of brown curls barreled into the kitchen and wrapped itself around you hugging you like you were leaving and never coming back.
"Whats wrong, Dusty?"
"Eddie said you're married and I said no way you'd want to be married and THEN HE SAID YOU WERE MARRIED TO HIM AND IM SO SAD YOU DIDNT INVITE ME TO THE WEDDING!"
You were trying so hard not to laugh at the boy, given the state he was in.
"Dustin you came to the wedding, you were a groomsman, remember?"
He stared at you. Then like a light bulb.
"OH yeah!"
He turned and ran back into the livingroom.
Steve was first to comment. "What was that?"
Billy interrupted. "Is he stoned?!"
"Okay so back to my story. Long story short I baked the grown ups pot brownies, took a shower and came back down to realize my darling husband gave them to the kids!"
Steve Harrington definitely didn't run to the livingroom to find all 6 kids and a fully grown man child spread out throughout your livingroom debating whether marshmallow fluff belongs with peanutbutter.
Billy couldn't stand it anymore and broke out in laughter, cackling at you.
"Dude! It's not funny! I basically got a bunch of kids high without their consent!"
He hugged you. "It's fine. We've all been high before. It'll wear off soon enough."
"I hope so, I called Joyce to explain the situation and I'm hoping the kids aren't high anymore when they get here."
Turning around, you see your husband standing sheepishly in the doorway. Oh he knew he was in trouble. Good.
You sighed.
"I'm so sorry, sweets. I didn't realize..."
You walked to him, hugging him. "It's ok. I should have said something before I went upstairs." Laying your head against this collar bone, you giggled.
"This whole situation is ridiculous. "
Billy laughed, coming stand next to you, mouthful of pot brownies. "These are fucking delicious!"
Shaking your head, you walked into the living room. Annoyed but happy. These insane individuals were your family and what's a couple more hours of insanity?
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legendlarkpod · 3 years
VERY IMPORTANT ASK: what sort of breads to you recommend for a fluffernutter sammich? my spouse and i are going to try one for the first time and would love some recommendations.
look ok look you first need to decide: do you want a good sandwich? or do you want a Fluffernutter?
If you want a good sandwich, get a peanutbutter with no added sugar. If you like crunch (i like crunch) add crushed peanuts or get a chunky peanutbutter. If it doesn't already have a good amount of salt, a sprinkle of sea salt is nice. Then get a nice soft sourdough- nothing super crusty, but something with a good amount of tang and flavor. The idea is that you want to counter the sugar bomb of marshmallow fluff. I like to toast my bread (because i like crunch) but that is up to personal preference.
If you have decided that what you want is the True Fluffernutter Experience, if you want to surrender to that, then get yourself the softest white bread available. A real Wonderbread type. You want no texture what-so-ever in a True Fluffernutter. Skippy peanutbutter, smooth. No salt, no crunch. Just sweet and soft. It will become a gooey paste in your mouth. You will die a little and be reborn as something else. Something that craves only soft and sweeet. You will chase the high of that first bite for the rest of your life but every bite of fluffernutter afterward will be worse than the last and it will leave you sick and hollow, knowing what true pleasure is, and unable to taste it ever again. But like, in a good way.
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Anybody feeling a little nostalgic from @thisiscrumb’s Peanut Butter and Marshma… Anyone feeling a bit of nostalgic from @thisiscrumb's Peanut Butter and Marshmallow Creme Toast? These swirls are mesmerizing!
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Sìsì, la Nutella. Sìsì, la crema pandi stelle. Ma tanto non c'è la possono fare contro la mia droga preferita da un paio danni a questa parte: fluff. Che come The Stuff del film diventa una dipendenza, se non stai attento. Tipo che ci sostituiranno, invaderanno, se ne abusiamo. Fluff è una crema di marshmallows, signori miei. E la morte sua è col burro d'arachidi (che ti consiglio di preparare in casa, oppure di comprare il jif, magari crunchy così svieni). E dopo questo panino (e uno yogurt e 2 uova, lo confesso) ero talmente new and improved che ho fatto un'ora di cardio. Sul blog trovi diverse idee per sandwich porcosi col fluff, ti metto un paio di link qui sotto: https://pizzakaiju.wordpress.com/2018/05/09/sandwich-slobby-robbie-con-kitkat/ https://pizzakaiju.wordpress.com/2017/12/08/breakfast-of-champions/ #unitiperilfood #dolcefoods #thestuff #fluff #marshmallow #peanutbutter #burrodarachidi #sandwich #eating #instafood #panino #bioshock #magliette #tshirt #nerd #nerdplanet #nerdgirls #nerdygirl #popculture #magliettefighe #ricarica #instagramfood #picfood #cibospazzatura #foodlover #bestfood #sweet #lunch https://www.instagram.com/p/B08IXQxlpvA/?igshid=thos7orwa04t
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justalazytrashpanda · 3 years
Whoever decided to put marshmallow fluff and peanutbutter onto a sandwich was on some good shit I tell you, fluffernutters fuckin slap
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gay-irken · 7 years
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bonus picture to earlier post
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starrys0nder · 6 years
ricky-y2399 replied to your post “important muse question…. how does your muse make a pb&j? kink puts...”
((ricky puts peanutbutter and chocolate spread on one side, and jelly and marshmallow fluff on the other))
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canisalbus · 8 months
i love your ocs peanutbutter and marshmallow fluff
Halva and lokum.
Pasteli and mochi.
Churro and cotton candy.
Werther's and Mentos.
Lehmätoffee ja kettukarkki.
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userlando · 7 years
suit and tie || sebastian stan
Summary: You help Sebastian get ready for the I, Tonya premiere. Warnings: Implications of sex, mild language, fluff. A/N: Once again, dedicated to my peanut marshmallow @babylevines for requesting me this and being my number one cheerleader. So, if you like this one-shot then make sure to thank her! And thank you for reading, in advance. Don’t forget to leave feedback so you can feed my will to write (and live) xoxo
Tags: @babylevines @timemngmtoptimisationproblems @ssweet-empowerment @lxdyred @mizz-kraziii @justhappydays @lisq @funnylau (message me to be added to my permanent taglist!)
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As you walked into the bedroom you shared with your boyfriend, you couldn’t help but stop and lean against the doorway; Arms crossed over your chest as you gazed at the man you loved.
Sebastian was standing in front of the floor to ceiling mirror, buttoning up his black dress shirt while frowning cutely at himself in the mirror. You bit back a smile, teeth sinking into your lips as you took in the bulge of his arms and the swell of his ass. Those black dress pants were doing wonders to his legs, clinging in all the right places and it made you stare.
Sometimes, you really couldn’t believe that he was yours. You couldn’t believe that you got to wake up to his face every day, that you got to hear him talk about his ridiculous theories and tell you how much he loved you. You still had trouble breathing whenever he looked at you, feeling like a million bucks when he’d smile at you. That one smile that was reserved only for you, and no one else.
As if he had heard your thoughts, he looked up at the mirror and caught you staring, the corner of his lips pulling into a gorgeous smile.
“Well, aren’t you one handsome devil?” You playfully asked, breaking the silence in the room as you pushed yourself off the doorway, stepping in.
Sebastian huffed through his nose, buttoning the last button before spreading his arms out by his sides, raising his eyebrows.
“So?” He asked expectantly and you scrutinized him, smiling in amusement.
“Where’s your tie?” You looked around the room, spotting it draped lamely on the bed that you shared with none other than the man who was standing in front of you. With a small giggle, you walked over to pick it up, feeling the silk between your fingers as you looked up at your boyfriend. “Want help?”
Sebastian was looking at you with something in his eyes, something that you could pinpoint exactly what it was. You knew what he was thinking, just by the sly smile that was pulling at the corners of his lips and the way he tucked in his bottom lip between his teeth. He knew you like the back of his hand, he could read your every emotion and you loved it. And you knew him, you knew what the wrinkle in his forehead meant, what the scrunch of his cute button nose meant. You knew that he’d suck in his cheeks if he had something inappropriate in mind, wanting to say it but knowing that it was at the wrong time.
Right now, though, he was glancing between the silky tie in your hands and your face, thinking of how just last night, that tie had been wrapped around your hands as you moaned out his name into the darkness. He’d insisted on using that specific one, not caring if you tore it because nothing is better than having a piece of you with me to the carpet. And it was sweet, in a very filthy and inappropriate way.
“Don’t get any ideas.” You warned him before he could open his mouth and speak, watching as he frowned as he shut his mouth.
You walked up to him, hands coming out to stroke the expensive fabric of his dress shirt as you smoothed out the non-existing wrinkles. The urge to get your hands on him had only gotten stronger from the moment you stepped into the room, and you relished in the heat radiating through his shirt as you stroked his right pec.
“I wish you could ditch work and come to the premiere with me,” Sebastian voiced out his thoughts, eyes never leaving your face as you focused on wrapping the tie around his neck; The tip of you tongue poking out in concentration. “It would make this whole thing so much easier.”
You froze, noticing the slight anxiety in his voice. As you looked up, you caught his eyes and the slight pull of his eyebrows.
“Are you nervous?” You asked gently and you didn’t know if it was your imagination or not, but you could almost feel his heartbeat quicken from where your hands were resting against his chest, holding tightly to the tie.
Sebastian hesitated, “Yeah, I know the movie’s gotten a lot of great reviews so far but that doesn’t stop me from feeling incredibly nervous about whether the fans will like it. Or if I’ll fall flat on my face at the carpet, or even rip Margot’s dress by stepping on it.”
You couldn’t help but smile, not because it amused you, but because your heart was expanding with the love you felt for him. He always tried to put up a front for the public, acting as if he was confident and carefree. But you knew him better than that, and it made you love him even more for opening up to you.
“Okay, first of all... Margot will be wearing a dress that will be nowhere near the floor nor long enough for you to step on,” You paused, bringing a hand up to cup his scruffy cheek, feeling it prickle your palm in a way that made your blood run hot. “And second of all, you’re amazing Sebastian, and I don’t say that just because you’re my boyfriend. I say that because there’s no one else out there who’s more dedicated to your work than you are. You put your heart and soul into every project and that’s what the viewers will see on the screen. So don’t worry, you’ll be amazing as always.”
His lips were pulling into a gorgeous smile as every word of praise tumbled from your mouth, and as you finished your sentence, he couldn’t help but lean forward and plant a kiss to your mouth.
“God, I love you so much,” He let out a meager laugh, shaking in head as if he was in disbelief. “You always know what to say to calm me down.”
You smiled at him, happy that you’d eased his nerves somewhat before returning to the knot you were forming around his throat. The only sounds in the room was the rustle of fabric and the two of you breathing for the next minute, as you worked on tying his tie to perfection. When you were done, you stepped back to admire your handiwork but Sebastian was quick to pull you back into his embrace, falling easily into his arms as he wrapped them around you.
“I love you.” You whispered, closing your eyes and pressing your cheek closer to his chest just to hear the thumping of his heart.
You were digging through a jar of peanutbutter with a spoon, eyes fixated on the screen of the television as you watched whatever was on. The clock was nearing midnight and you felt exhausted, but you were absolutely determined to wait up until Sebastian came home. He had messaged you on the way to the premiere, sending you loads of kissy faces and telling you how beautiful you looked whenever you sent him Snapchats. It had all stopped when he had stopped out on the carpet, so you focused on getting your work done before settling in bed under the covers, relaxing into the puffy mattress.
Almost as if on queue, your phone vibrated where it laid next to you on top of the covers. You let go of your spoon, letting it clank against the rim of the jar as you picked your phone up.
Seba: Hey sweetcheeks, are you still awake? I’m in the car, a few minutes away from the house.
You smiled, re-reading his text before typing out a quick reply.
You: Hiii baby, yeah I’m awake. waiting for you to come back to me!!
You topped it off with the excessive kissy faces, imagining how Sebastian would bring up the message and smile goofily in the dark confines of the backseat. 
Almost immediately, the three dots appeared, indicating that he was replying. He must’ve had the conversation open and just the thought of that made your heart squeeze in your chest.
Seba: Send me a selfie of yourself, need my daily dose ;)
You couldn’t help but laugh at the text, shaking your head. In the early stages of your relationship, Sebastian would text you as much as he could and Facetime you whenever he was at the other side of the country, promoting whatever movie he had been working on. He’d ask you about selfies of yourself and at first you’d found it weird and kind of confusing, your mind immediately going to him wanting to see you in the nude. But you quickly realized that he’d settle for a picture of your face, claiming that it comforted him to see you; Whether it was in real life or on a screen.
A slight buzz pulled you out of your reverie and you looked down at your hands.
Seba: Leaving me hanging, doll?
Usually, you’d send him a picture of your smiling face and he’d reply with loads of silly, different emoticons and more compliments than necessary. But you were still reeling from seeing him in his all-black suit, his beard trimmed and his hair in a swoop just how you liked it. And quite frankly, your body was yearning for him.
So you turned over on your stomach, and brought the camera app up so you could angle the phone directly on your face. You held it at an appropriate distance and made sure to show just the right amount of cleavage in the nightie you were wearing, giving the camera the bedroom eyes before snapping a picture. You gave it a once over and deemed it good enough, sending it with a heart.
Seba: Fuck baby! Wow, look at youl!!
Seba: Are you wearing that silky nightie that I love so much? .
A laugh left your lips and you brought a hand up to crook a strand of hair behind your ear before responding to your boyfriend’s texts.
You: Why don’t you hurry up home and find out? ;)
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ocfooddiva · 3 years
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Last stop for @freddysusa in Victorville on the way back home! I ordered a custom concrete with chocolate frozen custard, marshmallow fluff, and peanut butter. Mom tried vanilla frozen custard with salted caramel. Sooooo goood! 🍦 🍫 🥜 #freddyssteakburgers #frozencustard #concrete #chocolate #marshmallow #peanutbutter #saltedcaramel #sundae #delicious #sweet #foodlover (at Freddy's Frozen Custard & Steakburgers Victorville, CA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVGis0kPcvw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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theadoptionoption · 4 years
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This Day in Boston History -May 14th, 1920- The History of "Marshmallow Fluff" On this day, the Lynn, Massachusetts paper announced that H. Allen Durkee and Fred L. Mower had formed a partnership to manufacture Marshmallow Fluff. The two had pooled their life savings and purchased the Fluff receipie from Archibald Query of Somerville MA. Generations later, Fluff is still a family-owned enterprise, and is still in Lynn. Today, they produce 30,000 pounds of Fluff per work day -- and continue to add to the region's flavor. Comment "Yes" if you like "Fluff-a-Nutter Sandwiches" ! #newengland #fluff #fluffanutter #newenglandfood #boston #massachusetts #Lynn #food #marshmellow #sandwich #peanutbutter #peanutbutter andfluff #anniverssry #history https://www.instagram.com/p/CARATxeBaip/?igshid=1j8hhmsn4jb2z
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TGIF! Treat yo self with DIY Smore you can make anytime 🤤 Spread some Espresso Nib or Classic Salted PB on a Graham cracker, top with marshmallow fluff and finish with sprinkles because duh! In theory chocolate is optional but life is short/hard so probably a good idea to add some 🍫 What's your favorite version of s'mores? . . . . . . . #smores #peanutbutter #sprinkles #treatyourself #tgif #pdxeats #grahamcrackers via Instagram https://ift.tt/2FWUh9I
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