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missterious-figure · 10 months ago
:) Sun's reward
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(Looks like he's collected his prize for winning a little bet)
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amymaleneart · 10 months ago
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Guess I got it done after all!
Here's Sun and Moon being the gorgeous boys that they are, from the Wine and Feathers AU. Thought I give them a try in a bit of my style.
Thanks for the inspiration @missterious-figure
Hope you like them!
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lets-zofifi-stuff · 10 months ago
ok, ok this is something i wanted to post a few days ago but suddenly got hit with the writersblock™ and it got stuck midwork, you know how it is
@missterious-figure @inkydoughnut
(sort of continuation of this)
Moon was the most sneaky harpy in the casino. Even the staff giving him a bell didn’t completely stop him from surprising people, when he suddenly appeared behind their back. He wore it proudly, not only because it was shiny. It was a token of appreciation for his ninja skills. Nobody could outmatch him, not even with the noisy trinket tying the overly long feathers on his head that would otherwise get in the way.
He liked to think he was also the most observant harpy. In the dome there were many convenient trees and bushes to hide in to shamelessly spy on people when they thought nobody was looking. People could be such a bunch of liars when they wanted to appear better, smarter and more important.
(Everything was fake. The people, the environment of enclosure, the games made to suck out as much kash as they could in a promise of wonderful riches. The shows they played for the entertainment of snobbish idiots that had nothing better to do with their time. It was better to keep a distance. It was better to stay in the shadows.)
You quickly became his favorite person to observe. The way you walked and talked, and how carefully you picked out some stupid bird that hurt itself hitting the glass of the dome. You really cared about those hairbrained feather dusters. You were a kind sensitive soul and nothing could hide it. When you carried the animal to the infirmary, it was difficult not to imagine how you could hold the blue harpy instead of some stupid bird, and stroke the feathers of his head, oh so tenderly.
But you were simply too shy to come to them. You were avoiding Sun with the determination worth a better cause. Every time the golden harpy came too close, you would just run away. That was making a situation more challenging, but also frustrating and had to be remedied.
Moon was lying stretched on the cushion, his silver tail casually thrown over the backrest like a silent waterfall, eyes closed, his white and blue chest rising and falling in a rhythm of calm breaths when the solar harpy barged into their shared living space.
“UNBELIEVABLE!” He yelled.
“Atrocious! Absolutely unforgivable! How could they do that?!”
Moon flinched and opened his eyes. “Mhhm? What?” It was early afternoon and he was anything but an early bird.
“The new zookepeer!”
”The cute one?“ the moon harpy smiled dreamily. “Are they still ignoring you?”
”It's not that! I- I gifted them with one of my feathers! I left it for them to find just now! And they were just so adorable with it!”
Sun picked up a pillow from the floor and hugged it to his chest.
”They cuddled it like it was the most precious thing in the world! You should have seen this!“
“Hmm. But you aren't angry about that.“
“Another staff member came and began yelling like they were at least setting the dome on fire!”
“You birdbrain!” Moon hissed, his feathers slightly rising. “They can get fired for that!”
“Do you think it's that bad?”
“What kind of feather was it?”
“The best of my tail of course! Do you think I would give them anything less??”
Moon groaned.
”This stupid worker snitched immediately!” Sun continued puffing his neck feathers in annoyance.“ They took away my gift from them.“ Sun dropped the pillow and kicked it, sending it flying across the room. ”The AUDACITY!“ It slammed against the wall, a few feathers blown out from the impact.
Moon sighted. “What were you thinking?”
“I just wanted to get their attention! They are too shy to even look at me!”
”They are not allowed to dawdle with us. They are here only for the regular birds.“
Sun crossed his hands and tapped his foot on the floor. “So what do you want to do?”
“Nothing?! What do you mean?!” Sun screeched. “I know you are as interested in them as I am.” he hissed.
“That is true. And you are lucky I already made arrangements, before that stunt of yours. Or I would never let you live it down.“
Sun let out an irriteted coo but titled his head curiously. ”What arrangements?“
Moon smiled mischievously. “Just you wait.”
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michaelnordeman · 7 months ago
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Common brimstone/citronfjäril, Peacock butterfly/påfågelöga, Silver-washed fritillary/silverstreckad pärlemorfjäril, White-tailed bumblebee/ljus jordhumla and Sun fly (Helophilus pendulus)/pendelblomfluga. Värmland, Sweden (July 24, 2020).
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kedreeva · 1 year ago
When I first got Stan, I wasn't sure he'd make it more than a few days, but he did. When I first took him to the vet as a baby, they told me not to expect him to make it to maturity, but he did. The last time I took him to the vet, a different vet from his usual vet saw him and had to sort through the list of known health issues to get to what was wrong this time, and was impressed he was even alive, and that was over a year ago. He's beaten a lot of odds, he's gone farther than even the most hopeful of speculation.
Unfortunately, a line in the sand comes for any animal Time doesn't take. For us, that line was him losing his ability to walk, or his ability to see, and both have been slowly worsening over the last year. Today, it has finally come down to the latter, as his vision has gone completely in his remaining good eye. For peafowl, that's a hard-line quality of life factor- it affects their ability to get food and water (which would mean stressful and uncomfortable tube feeding sessions 3x a day), as well as their ability to move into or out of shelter, and their ability to socialize. As they are HIGHLY social creatures, feeling like he's constantly alone would be absolutely miserable for him. I can't put him through that and still call myself a responsible owner, so he'll be going in for his final vet appointment tomorrow afternoon.
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I know a lot of you have loved Stan over the past 7 years, and I know you're going to miss him nearly as much as I will. He's been a Very Good Boy, and this place is just not going to be the same without him.
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weirdenbyferret · 6 months ago
@missterious-figure hey hey hey I drew another thing on the @daycarefriendpickup magma of how I imagine blood and feathers but yn is a peacock as well
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I imagine them being deadly cute so gave them cute accessories lol. Gonna doodle more of how I imagine them but not rn lol
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ninadove · 9 months ago
[Slaps roof of Senticousins]
These bad boys can fit so many trope subversions in them
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ravenwriter16 · 9 months ago
Hello EVERYONE!!!! This is part one of my new series, 'Creative Minds Think Alike!'
In these small snippets I will highlight some of the coolest (at least in my mind) DCA (or other, who knows) content creators!
SO think of these as a HUGE thanks to these creators for all their cool art, stories, and little worlds that they decided to share with all of us! You guys are awesome and I hope to get to your level of talent one day!
You can tell I'm not that good because this is not beta-read!
If you don't like my writing or story idea, then don't read Just a heads up, I will edit or straight up delete a fic episode if the creator I featured took offensive with how I presented them and their AUs. My intent isn't to mock or belittle them or their works
So here you are my fellow void travelers! The pilot fic episode to the series 'Creative Minds Think Alike!'. Featuring the amazing @missterious-figure! Enjoy!
The castle halls at night were truly a gorgeously horrific sight to behold. A person first trekking into this old and magnificent place would surely run away at the first shadow that seemed to move. At least the large windows allowed the moon to grace the hall with its ghostly glow.
Directly across from the windows are rows of doors, each one different from the last and never exactly the same as its neighbors. Each of these doors has a small plaque located either right next to the door, above the door, or on the door itself.
Currently walking down this strange hall is me. Good dawn, morning, afternoon, evening or night (or all of the above). I'm Ravenwriter Archivist number 16. But you can call me Raven if you want!
My boss calls me Ravenwriter16 because he doesn't want to waste breath on my title (His words not mine). I'm one of the many protecters of this castle. A Castle Archivist if you so will. I was given this title and job by none other than the Aligned Society of Creative Minds.
Not by my choice. They were short on time and randomly selected me, basically uprooting my life. For a time I was angry (and can you blame me?) but then I looked into the specifics of my duties and now I'm ready to work.
I'm no expert mind you. I'd just graduated from the academy and starting to get some control over my powers when I was shoved into this. But I love a good challenge!
But enough of this, I'm stalling.
I eye the plaques, scanning them intently. In my hands are two envelopes with containing letters I wrote earlier this week. They were for two of the millions of warriors living in the castle.
Two that I hand selected after spending hours scouring the resident scrolls (there are so MANY). I hope these two were as friendly as their scrolls stated.
After a few minutes of walking this ever-expanding hall, I finally find the door to the first warrior from my two chosen.
The door itself was made from a black natural material, not really wood, not really rock, not really metal. It seemed to morph between those three. It did have gold trimming woven into the strange surface. Above the door was a golden plaque with silver and bronze writing.
I take in a shaky inhale, rolling my shoulders and in turn shaking my wings. My black feathers bristling before settling back down as my wings fold into my back.
I tug at my black hood, making sure it was secured over my head. My eyes dart to my boots and I lift my feet up one by one to inspect them for mud and dirt.
phew...not even a speck.
Steeling my resolve (and accepting my possible death wish) I place my gloved hand on the door. I push the surprisingly heavy door open.
It creaks o it's hinges as it swings inward. the sounds of birds flying and water crashing startles me. I look into the room in awe. It was like someone took every biome known to man and mixed it all together to harmonize in this relm.
There was a desert in the distance to my left and a...a FROZEN WASTE LAND to my right?! Forest and grassy plains, hills and mountains?! This place seems to have it all.
I step inside and gently close the door behind me. To protect my letters I place them in my side pouch as I journey deeper into this world.
While trekking further and further into the room, my surroundings start to shift. Jungle recedes into moss covered, vine strangled stone. I could see stone arches and tapestries that have aged and withered over time.
I reach a clearing. The temple's main room. There was no ceiling exclude for the tree leaves. To my left was more ancient stone that opened up to the jungle more and to my right was a magnificent waterfall.
in front of me was a giant tree. It's roots weaved into a seat, a throne if you will. Carvings grace the wood, but they don't look man made.
My wings spread out in alarm when something brushes against them. Something smooth and cold. Whipping my head to my wings, I freeze and gasp.
A floating glowing orb floats in the air. Bobbing up and down in small movements. It moves closer to my face and boops my nose. My eyes widen and I laugh.
"Well hello there little one." I greet, cupping my hands underneath it. It flies down and rests in my palms. it glows a tad brighter and its color changes to a neon green.
It vibrates in my hand, a sign of its content. I laugh, "Wow. I've read about Relm Holders, but seeing one in real life is-,"
I spin on my heels and face the throne. My checks grow warm and my wings puff up in embarrassment.
Sitting on the throne was an all-black, and I mean pitch BLACK, person with a...a uhm...
"I'm so SO sorry if this comes across as rude but uhm..." I tilt my head pointing at theirs, "Do you have a...square as a head?"
A single white eye with a white line over said eye (acting as the eyebrow) appears on the left side of their face. the eye widens.
"Oh, yeah..." the voice was feminine and held power.
I let go of the Relm holder and it zooms over to the stranger. No not a stranger...this was-
"How do you know my name?" she asks, standing up. She holds the Relm Holder in her hand and I watch as scenes of hooves, horns, antlers, fairy wings (?) swamps, metalic colors shimmering with different color eyes, pass through the orb.
She blows on the Relm Holder and the orb evaporates into millions of fireflies. I follow some of them as they fly in spirals up towards the sky.
I snap my gaze up to her's and nervously laugh. "S-sorry. Allow me to introduce myself..."
I get down on my knee and put a hand on my chest as i bow y head, "I am Ravenwriter Archivist 16. I'm the-,"
"New watcher of the castle?" she asks with a tilt of her head. "What happened to Mr. Honer?"
"He was uhm...dismissed by the council." I risk a glance up at the. i yelp and fall on my bottom when I find how close they are. They look down at me with a raised brow.
"You are jumpy." she states calmly while i try to steady my heart. She offers her hand to help me up and I take it with a small smile.
"Thank you-AAAAAA!"
Hands grab me from behind and lift me up by my armpits. My wings flap in agitation as I'm turned around to face a golden feathered face. small blue feathers and long beautiful red feathers. White eyes shine in delight and mischief as they take in my face.
I stare in shock, mouth open. the being holding me laughs, "A new harpy from our beloved ruler~? Miss you shouldn't have!"
I yelp as I'm shoved into a very fluffy and warm chest. I try to pull away but the being, male I think, was too strong, keeping me in place with ease.
"Sun! Put her down!"
"But you made her for us, my queen! Why would I let go of such a lovely gift~?"
"She's not mine! She's the new Watcher-,"
I'm dropped immediately. I yelp and my wings spread out in pain. I stand up and rub my hip, "Oww..."
"I wish you told me that before I touched the dirty thing." Sun tsks, crossing his arms and swiveling his head to the side with his nose up.
"I'm not that dirty--YOUR TAIL!" My mumbling morphs into awe.
'What?" Sun glances at me with a raised brow. His eyes drift to his GORGEOUS golden tail feathers. "Did you get them dirty?"
I let his insult breeze over, too star-struck by his beauty. He smirks smugly and I hear Missterious-Figuren groan and roll her eye.
When she clears her throat, I shake my head, snapping out of my stupor. I face her, eyes averted and rubbing the back of my neck in embarrassment.
"Please don't feed his ego. It's already too big..." she sighs.
"I'm your creation, darling~." Sun croons, sauntering over to Missterious-figure and draping himself over her. He nuzzles into her neck, his feathers around his neck bristling.
"Uhm," I hold up my two index fingers, "Should I come back later-,"
"No. No this is probably a good time to talk. Peacock Eclipse is out checking in on my smaller boys, and Peacock Moon is trying to get the jump on Centaur Moon...Again..."
I snort but I cover my mouth when Missterious-figure tilts her head. "You okay?"
"Yeah, sorry. That's just hilarious to me...I mean after reading about your inclusive world and all." I nervously chuckle.,
"Cool." She pets Sun's head and he leans into her touch even kissing her palm. "Sooooo, did you come here to introduce yourself or-,"
"OH! Right..." I turn my attention to my side pouch. Some of items clinking together while I search for her envelope.
Sun perks up with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He leans forward to get closer but Missterious-figure slaps him. He gasps and holds his throbbing cheek as he gives her puppy-dog eyes.
She returns his look with a pointed look.
"Here we are!" I pull out the envelope and hold it out to her "This is an introduction letter from me with more of my contact information in case you have any questions, complaints, or concerns about the castle. And there's also some papers that need your signature."
She takes it from my hand and turns to her left. She looks at me and smiles, "I take it you need these back by a certain date?"
My wings puff up as I nod my head, "Yes, but I can convince the council for more time if you're busy-,"
"You don't have to do that...If you'll follow me to my lounge, I can sign these papers and send you on your way..."
"That would be great, thank you." I return her smile with a small one of my own. I go to follow her when she starts walking but a towel flies at me, smacking me in the face.
I pull it off and glare at Sun. He harrumphs and points to the towel, his silver glove shining in the sunlight as well as his feathers. "Clean yourself. I don't want any of your filth getting on the carpet."
With that he turns his back to me and walks after Missterious-figure. I can't help but stare as he swishes his hips, his tail feathers glittering as he walks.
I smack myself in the face with my wings. I shake my head and bite the inside of my cheek. FOCUS!
I wipe my face with the towel to appease the giant...handsome bird man, then follow after the two.
I try not to look around that much. I didn't want to impose more than I already have.
I was happy that Missterious-figure was so opened minded towards this whole...'New Castle Archivist' stuff. But I know I shouldn't take her kindness for passiveness. Her form I saw her in was her...calmer form so to speak. At least that's what I assume.
If she saw me as a threat though...I would be dead in seconds. She was one of the Head Defenders for a reason...
I was too deep in my head that the walk to the lounge blurred by. It was still a ruin temple theme, but now there are couches, plush chairs, red carpet, and even some hammocks.
A small desk was pushed to the side and that's were Missterious-figure was looking over the papers. Sun was draped over a couch, pulling at her pants, trying to coax her into paying attention to her.
I stand awkwardly in the doorway, crossing and uncrossing my arms. My eyes lock onto the window that gave a spectacular view of the grassy planes. I see a herd grazing and is that a yellow unicorn-,
"Sun stop...Alright! This looks fine to me."
I turn my head to her. My eyes widen when she uses a bronze peacock tail feather as a quill. She dips the tip into a golden inkwell then leaves her signature on all the dotted lines the papers required.
She places the quill back into the inkwell and pats the papers so that they were evenly stacked. She turns around and walks towards me, Sun whining that she was out of range of hold.
She holds out the papers for me to take. "I'm impressed with how these all fit in that tiny envelope."
I take the papers with a small thank you, "Yeah, nothing a little compact spell could fix. Thank you again for signing these. I know paperwork isn't the greatest of things to do...."
Missterious-figure shrugs then groans when Sun whines for her again. She looks over her shoulder at the dramatic harpy. "Behave or I'll cut your time short and hand out with Reptile you."
"No~!" Sun whines giving her puppy eyes.
She rolls her eye and looks back at me with a tired smile. I smile back and turn to leave, "Thank you so much for your time."
"Don't mention it."
"If you need anything, feel free to stop by my mushroom."
"M-mushroom?" she blinks at me and I give her a confused stare. "What happened to the Archivist office?"
"Oh that!...I destroyed it...It was too cramped for me..."
"Thank you again, I'll see myself out."
"Stay safe. Some creations are known to sneak out." She sighs, "Especially my moon..."
"Got it." I give her a small bow and make my way out of her room. I wave at the fireflies as they flutter around me. I take one last long look at this magnificent room.
'Maybe working here won't be as bad as I thought..."
I sigh, chuckling to myself as I leave. The doors closing behind me in a soft thud.
That's the end of part 1!
Episode Two is HERE
Episode Three is HERE
Episode Four is HERE
Episode Five is HERE
Episode Six is HERE
Episode Seven is HERE
Hope you've all enjoyed! Part two will be coming soon to a Tumblr near you!
Thank you @missterious-figure for letting me use you and your boys for this. Please contact me if you are unsatisfied with how I represented you in this episode!
Hope you all have a fantastic day/night! Stay awesome!
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rickeajacksons · 2 years ago
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ratkitdetective · 28 days ago
could you draw an agered yellow puppy with a green paci? and maybe other green accessories if you want. thank you!
i had fun ^^
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missterious-figure · 10 months ago
Peacock Sun: Majestic Bastard
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Yet another new au!! Wine and Feathers.
So you just started working as a zookeeper in this half bird dome, half casino sorta thing called the Birds of Paradise. But the birds are definitely not normal. Sun and Moon are performers for the guests. They do dances, tricks, and are even allow to be pet.
When Sun isn't performing, he's either hanging around the bar, wandering around the dome, or following y/n around. Y/n, who has always been obsessed with birds, is Sun and Moons new handler. But the two act rather strangely around y/n...
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julymarte · 1 year ago
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Speaking about white day.....this year's pic is a but different
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swk-mac · 1 year ago
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Them as peacocks yes
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comparativetarot · 1 year ago
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Poetry. Art by Credo quia Absurdum (Tiago Pimentel and Ana Fragateiro), from the Terra Volatile's Expansion Pack.
Alternative card to The Sun.
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weirdenbyferret · 6 months ago
Doodle of how I see blood and feathers ( @missterious-figure ) peacock yn! Technically this has been finished for several days, only just took a picture of it to post it lol
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Again, I imagine them as cute but deadly
I also imagine them as being intersex, and having been expected to have a mix of peacock and peahen feathers but ended up with only peacock feathers lol
Personally, If I were a willing murderer or somethin, I'd want to be cute as fuck so im kinda projecting myself lmao
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sincerely-sofie · 5 months ago
Do you listen to Epic the musical?
I feel like now would be a good time to dig up this old and unfinished “Luck Runs Out” animatic I made for The Present is a Gift ages ago and also mention that I have other animatic concepts for:
An excerpt of "Antinous / Hold Him Down", sung by an Amazonian spider queen who hopes to kill her deity ex-husband after finding out that he ruined a young girl's life in order to preserve order in the kingdom he usurped--- only for it to break into "Just a Man" when she can't bring herself to kill him.
"No Longer You", focused on PMD, sung by that one timeline's Celebi who became the Tree of Life after the original died and therefore became one with time itself, prophesying to dozens of characters from different timelines and sub-AU's.
"Get in the Water", sung by a sun deity commanding the ocean to a mortal ruler who she plans to drown for reducing her mother to a weeping, mindless beast through a spell.
"Ruthlessness", sung by a pair of characters on opposite sides of a war— the first being the leader of an army who was betrayed by the main character, a fellow general, during talks of peace when she poisoned him and his family, killing his wife and son but leaving him alive. The second being the main character's leader, a horrifying technological being that hopes to incorporate every organic being into his database by uploading their minds and discarding their bodies, who appears in a vision to the main character to tell her that her soldiers are about to die, and it's all her fault.
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