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kari-go · 6 months ago
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She's coming for your wives AND husbands
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literaryvein-reblogs · 16 days ago
Word Alternatives: Colours
BLACK atramentous, charcoal, coal, crow, darksomeness, denigration, duskiness, ebony, funereal, jet, inkiness, melanism, melanotic, midnight, niello, obsidian, pitch, raven, sable, singe, sloe, smirch, smoke, sombrous, soot, swarthiness, swartness, tar
BLUE aquamarine, azure, berylline, cerulean, cerulescent, cyan, cyanosis, cyanotic, electric blue, ice-blue, indigo, lividity, midnight, navy, Oxford blue, pavonian, pavonine, peacock blue, robin's egg blue, royal blue, sapphire, turquoise, ultramarine
BROWN adust, auburn, beige, biscuit, braise, bay, bronze, brune, brunette, buff, burnt umber, burnt sienna, caramel, castaneous, chestnut, chocolate, cinnamon, cocoa, coffee, drab, dun, embrown, fawn, grege, hazel, henna, infuscation, khaki, mushroom, ochre, paper bag, pumpernickel, raw sienna, raw umber, roan, rubiginous, rufous, russet, rust, scorch, seal, sepia, sorrel, suntan, sunburn, tan, taupe, toast, umber, walnut
GRAY ashiness, canescence, cinereous, cineritious, dullness, ecru, fuscous, glaucescence, greige, grisaille, gunmetal, hoar, iron, lead, mousiness, oyster, pewter, slatiness, smokiness, steel, taupe
GREEN aerugo, aestival, avocado, beryl, chartreuse, chloremia, chlorophyll, chlorosis, chlorotic, emerald, foliaged, glaucescence, grass, greensickness, ivy, jade, loden green, holly, olivaceous, olive, patina, patinate, pea-green, smaragdine, springlike, verdancy, verdantness, verdigris, verdure, vernal, virescence, viridescence, viridity
ORANGE apricot, cantaloupe, carotene, carroty, ochreous, ochroid, pumpkin, saffron, tangerine, terracotta, Titian
PINK carnation, coral, coralline, flesh-pink, incarnadine, peach, primrose, roseate, rosy, salmon
PURPLE amethystine, aubergine, bruise, empurple, fuchsia, lavender, lilac, lividity, magenta, mauve, mulberry, orchid, pansy, plum, puce, purpure, purpureous, raisin, violaceous, violet
RED beet, blowzy, cardinal, carmine, carnation, carnelian, cerise, cherry, copper, crimson, damask, encrimson, erubescence, erythema, erythematous, erythrism, erythroderma, ferruginous, fire, floridity, floridness, flushing, gules, hectic, henna, incarnadine, infrared, laky, lateritious, lobster, lurid, magenta, mantling, maroon, miniate, port, puce, raddle, rose, rosiness, rouge, rubefaction, rubicundity, rubor, rubricity, ruby, ruddiness, rufescence, rufosity, russet, rust, sanguine, scarlet, stammel, vermeil, vermilion, vinaceous
YELLOW aureateness, auric, aurify, banana, begild, bilious, biliousness, cadmium, canary, chartreuse, citreous, citrine, citron, engild, fallowness, flavescent, flaxen, fulvous, gildedness, gilt, goldenness, honey, icteric, icterus, jaundice, lemon, lutescent, luteous, luteolous, mustard, ochroid, old gold, primrose yellow, saffron, sallowness, sandy, straw, sulfur, topaz, xanthism, xanthochroism, xanthoderma
WHITE achromatic, alabaster, albescent, albinic, besnow, blanch, bleach, bone, calcimine, chalk, cream, cretaceous, eggshell, etiolate, ghastly, ivory, lactescent, lily, lime, milk, pearl, sheet, swan, sheep, fleece, flour, foam, marmoreal, niveous, paper, pearl, phantom, silver, snow, driven snow, tallow, teeth, wax, wool
VARIEGATION (diversity of colors) spectrum, rainbow, iris, chameleon, leopard, jaguar, cheetah, ocelot, zebra, barber pole, candy cane, Dalmatian, firedog, peacock, butterfly, mother-of-pearl, nacre, tortoise shell, opal, kaleidoscope, stained glass, serpentine, calico cat, marble, mackerel sky, confetti, crazy quilt, patchwork quilt, shot silk, moire, watered silk, marbled paper, Joseph's coat, harlequin, tapestry; bar code, checkerboard
variegation, multicolor; parti-color; medley or mixture of colors, spectrum, rainbow of colors, riot of color; polychrome, polychromatism; dichromatism, trichromatism; dichroism, trichroism
iridescence, iridization, irisation, opalescence, nacreousness, pearliness, chatoyancy, play of colors or light; light show; moire pattern, tabby; burelé or burelage
spottiness, maculation, freckliness, speckliness, mottledness, mottlement, dappleness, dappledness, stippledness, spottedness, dottedness; fleck, speck, speckle; freckle; spot, dot, polka dot, macula, macule, blotch, splotch, patch, splash; mottle, dapple; brindle; stipple, stippling, pointillism, pointillage
check, checker, checks, checking, checkerboard, chessboard; plaid, tartan; checker-work, variegated pattern, harlequin, colors in patches, crazy-work, patchwork; parquet, parquetry, marquetry, mosaic, tesserae, tessellation; crazy-paving; hound's tooth; inlay, damascene
stripe, striping, candy-stripe, pinstripe; barber pole; streak, streaking; striation, striature, stria; striola, striga; crack, craze, crackle, reticulation; bar, band, belt, list
mottled, motley; pied, piebald, skewbald, pinto; dappled, dapple; calico; marbled; clouded; salt-and-pepper
Source: The Concise Roget's International Thesaurus, Revised & Updated (6th Edition) More: Writing Notes & References ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
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ochrearia · 4 months ago
And What Can We Do?
RAAAAHH I said I was gonna finish this stupid one-shot even if it killed me. Ough man my stomach huts so bad but the grind never stops. OCHRE WRITING A PROMPT WHERE YS ISN'T ACTIVELY INVOLVED IN IT? CRAZY
BFs in this one-shot: cs!BF (Beefer, mine), wyd!BF (Beef, Karl's), sfa!BF (Peacock, Shed's), Candy!BF (Blue, Slushgut's)
“You know, don’t you?”
Honestly, the Dinaurian coming to him to ask such a random question was the last thing Beef was expecting. He hadn’t exactly talked much to Beefer either, only small passing conversations compared to the ones he’d had with YS, Biff, or Bee. Kind of weird to think about, talking to one version of himself more than another. Nothing about this was normal anyway.
“Know… what?” Beef asked back, genuinely confused.
Beef had been more than happy to keep to himself in what had essentially become a big brother waiting room. YS wasn’t home, but that hadn’t stopped any of them from camping out at his place waiting for him to come back. It certainly didn’t stop them now. Peacock, Blue, Beefer, and him. A whole handful of BFs he’d talked to the least, probably.
Beefer pulled a face, his red eyes flicking between Peacock and Blue carefully before deciding to continue. “You know about YS. I keep seeing you stare a little too long at his back when he’s around. The others not here, they wouldn’t think anything of it. But the rest of us know better.”
Beef blanched, looking between the three. Blue and Peacock were looking almost confused back at the Dinaurian. Slightly unnerved curiosity on how he knew what he did.
“Dinaurian instinct, guys.” Beefer sighed. “The species I am now. From my world they have gone generations now disguising themselves as humans when they aren’t. Using technology to fool the eyes. I guess something about that made it into my DNA, making it so I can tell between humans and fake humans. I know the only human in this room is Beef.”
Well, that sure was a revelation. Beef hadn’t known there was more really outside of Beefer and YS. It was literally impossible to miss with the Dinaurian, and finding out YS was an angel was sheer luck of time and place. Well, Biff had been there too, but it seemed like he was way better at hiding his knowledge.
“Could’ve given a warning before outing us like that man.” Peacock complained with a raised eyebrow.
“We’re all friends here, are we not?” Beefer replied with a shrug. “I need to keep tabs on who knows and who doesn’t. It matters to me that we avoid comments about his lost wings, even by accident.”
“Beef is the only human in this room?” Blue spoke up, confused. “Wait… hold on, ignoring that for a minute, lost wings? He had wings and now he doesn’t?”
“I didn’t know that.” Peacock frowned. “I could tell he was an angel, angels can sense other angels. I had no idea he was Fallen.”
Beefer dragged his hands along his face in exasperation. “Well fuck. Okay. Guess you know now. It was a talking point when I came to him having an episode of body dysphoria. I think that’s what it’s called anyway. Beef, you had to have known that though right? I didn’t just run my stupid mouth?”
“No, I knew. But I didn’t want to say anything, the way I found out wasn’t really good.” Beef confirmed with a grimace. That day had been so stressful, from one breakdown to the next. “I don’t know if I should say my thoughts though. I have a really bad theory.”
“Dude you can’t headcanon real people.”
“That’s- Why is that what you thought I was doing?” Beef huffed. “See you knew he lost his wings. You clearly don’t know the manner of how he lost them.”
“What, and you do?” Beefer countered.
“If he’s Fallen, then it’s a pretty simple conclusion.” Shrugged Peacock. “The wings rot away, harmlessly. Physically harmlessly anyway. The angel has to deal with the loss for the rest of their life. I just don’t understand what the big guy did to get there.”
“Well…” Beef hesitated. Was this his place to talk about? It was only a theory, he wasn’t even sure if he was right. But the way those bumps felt, those were scars of a way more violent injury than just ‘rotting’. “I don’t think his wings rotted. I don’t think he did anything to get there.”
“How could someone as kind as YS end up Falling?” Blue wondered aloud. “Beef is probably right, he didn’t do anything. Everyone keeps talking about the things he’s done to help. He introduced me to all you guys! I don’t think there’s even a little bit of evil in his body.”
“Then how did he lose his wings then?” Peacock challenged. “And how are you so sure he didn’t Fall?”
“You’ve all gotten at least one hug from YS by now right? Have any of you actually thought to put your hands on his upper back? Well, don’t, he hates that and that’s how I found out. But like, before this conversation did any of you do that?” Beef asked.
The three shook their heads, wondering where he was going with this.
“He has bumps on his back.” Beef continued. “Scars of where his wings used to be. His over shirt is loose and wouldn’t highlight them but I felt them. Even for a moment I could tell those weren’t gentle scars. I guess I don’t know what kind of calling card would be left over after an angel’s wings rot but those bumps are violent. That was a traumatic injury. Not something painless, by how he reacted when I asked. I think… I think something ripped his wings off.”
Silence swept the room.
“...No.” Peacock decided almost desperately. “No, no that can’t be right. Angel wings are too strong for just anything to rip them out. That’s something I was told in my own world. That should be a universal thing, very few things are powerful enough to even do that.”
“Well… that’s still a chance.” Beef mumbled.
“There’s always going to be a stronger thing out there even if you think you’re at the top of the food chain.” Beefer hissed sourly. “Humans in my world, thinking they were top shit because they found a way to revive dinosaurs and make them their friends. Then the Dinaurians showed up. And then the Dinaurians were revealed to be fleeing an even bigger threat, a whole planet eater. Turned out that planet eater could be, and was, killed by a human. There’s always something, a way to defeat the ‘invulnerable’.”
“Why would anyone want to do that to him though?” Bue seemed visibly upset by this revelation. “Didn’t he already go through enough? He still hasn’t told any of us how his version of GF died, I’m guessing? Wouldn’t that have been traumatic enough? Why would someone make it exponentially worse?”
“That’s what I want to know.” Beef growled, feeling his anger flare. YS would tell him it wasn’t worth it, but he wasn’t here, and he was going to feel angry. “You didn’t see it. How badly he reacted when I asked one question. I asked what happened to him and it was like the world was fucking ending.”
“Fuck, how much has he gone through?” A loaded question, but now even Peacock was getting a bit miffed. He didn’t care about a lot, but the things he did care about he was fierce to protect. “Losing his girlfriend, not having a Pico, and now this? It’s a miracle he’s even still alive.”
Yeah, yeah it sure is. Beef thought bitterly. Too much had been accidentally revealed in the aftermath of him prodding about YS’s wing scars. Him deliriously breaking down even further to the point he’d called Biff over as backup. They’d cheered him up the best they could, all things considered. And then when he’d calmed down enough, the pure exhaustion made him blurt things neither should have heard him say. Talking about how angels were always cold when Beef had asked why he liked being warm so much.
Talking about I wanted to join her when Biff asked the last time he’d properly slept. I had a plan. Connect all these mes and then I’d be… I can’t now.
Maybe that wasn’t his story to tell. Beef had seen how devastated Biff had gotten hearing about him having a plan, never in his life had he seen the smaller one get so crushed and upset. If that had been his reaction, and how these guys were already acting with these theories… yeah, he couldn’t tell them.
“So then now what?” Blue asked, snapping Beef out of his thoughts. “He never talked about any of this. I don’t think he’d be happy about any of us knowing, but I don’t want to just pretend I’m clueless. Isn’t there something we can do to show support?”
“It sounds like the only time he actually admitted to anything was with me.” Beefer recounted. “Though even then it was indirect. He only actually said he’d lost his wings after I said it first as a theory. And I could tell it made him uncomfortable. That’s why I think making sure attention to it is avoided is probably the best bet.”
“So we’re not gonna tell him we know more than he thinks?” Peacock asked. “That seems really dishonest. If we tell him we can offer support better.”
“He doesn’t want any of us knowing to begin with!” Beef argued. “Only reason any of us know is because apparently this room is full of non-humans and I just happened to open my big fat mouth!”
“I’m still confused about the room full of non-humans thing…” Blue sheepishly said.
“How are you-? You know what, nevermind, that’s not urgent.” Beefer sighed, tail lashing. “Please, by all means tell him you know, I’m sure the distress of that conversation will be worth it. ‘Hey, you’ve been nothing but kind and caring and you do your absolute best to never hurt us, let me just hurt you real quick by telling you I know what you are and let you sit with that discomfort’.”
“Cheap shot.” Peacock countered.
“The options are pain and pain. Just pick one.” Beef grumbled with folded arms. “Either we tell him and he gets upset with us, or we don’t tell him and let him continue to deal with it alone with no direct support network.”
“Well that’s not true.” Blue insisted. “It’s not true! He has a support network, it’s us. We’re still going to be his support network even if we don’t know everything about him. He doesn’t know everything about us and still does loads to help. We can do that too!”
Blue had a point. YS wasn’t all-knowing, he’d said that several times at this point. He knows as much as he can observe, and by how much they all decided to tell him. He’s just another one of them, nothing completely different and overly special and that was okay. YS still managed to be a pillar of comfort and safety for all of them in different ways, why did they think that they couldn’t do the same? He was always so closely guarded of his problems but that didn’t mean they couldn’t be there for him.
“...Okay.” Beefer breathed finally. “Can we all agree on that at least? Just be there for him if anything happens, but we agree not to mention what we know if it’s clear that saying something would make it worse?”
“Fine.” Peacock conceded. “I don’t like the idea of hurting him by accident but I know lying can also cause that. I guess it’s just a lose-lose situation.”
“He’s obviously not ready to talk about what happened to him. We can’t force that, but we can be there for him. If anything else happens…” Beef was trying. He was always so worked up over being soft or vulnerable but YS had been slowly helping him change that. Hell, he was completely open and willing to be those things if the tall one needed it and that had been proven behind closed doors. It was still nagging at the back of his head that he was being embarrassingly protective of him around the others.
“Glad we agree then. That’s what I was aiming for by bringing this up.” Beefer admitted. “Constantly worried about him to be honest. As if I needed more things to worry about considering what the hell’s going on with me, but it’s impossible not to care about the guy.”
At least they could all agree to that statement too. 
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sassyduckqueen · 13 days ago
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 78
Well, I finished this a bit quicker then I thought. Work has calmed down now that the Christmas holidays are over so hopefully I'll have more time. Lies is next and will probably be very loosely based on the episode and then it will be Truth. Anyway, enjoy and I hope everyone had a great Christmas and new year :D
Chapter Seventy-Eight: Gang of Secrets (1/3)
"Young Master, are you ok?" Vernn asked as Luka read over some of the grimoire notes for the sixth time. The sandwich on the side had barely been touched and he had barely left his room. Only really leaving to deal with either an akuma or to use the bathroom. He had told his mother that he was really sick and hadn't even gone to school. The kwamis had noticed that he hadn't even answered his phone or anything. It had been almost a week since he lost Master Mila and Master Fu and while he claimed he was ok, it was becoming clear that he really wasn't. Lady Noir had noticed as well and she let him know that he could open up to her but he didn't. The Kwamis suspected that maybe he felt like he shouldn't but they weren't sure. It didn't help that he hadn't been assigned a new therapist yet. Because of the previous events, Dr Mila had been reported missing and her clients were being assigned new therapists but it was taking its time. Luka couldn't help but feel guilty. He wanted to tell someone she was dead but he also knew it would open a whole can of worms as he would have to explain why there wasn't a body, why she had been killed in the first place and why she wasn't who she said she was. If he had the peacock miraculous, he would easily be able to make a fake and create a story that wouldn't complicate things and that would allow her to have a burial but because Hawkmoth had it, he couldn't do that.
"Young Master?" Nepp asked, flying next to Vernn. Luka blinked and looked over at them. "Are you ok? You haven't touched your sandwich,"
"Hm? Oh," He mumbled quietly before glancing at his sandwich. "I'm not that hungry,"
"You haven't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon, young master," Bennu declared, flying over. "So at least try to eat half,"
Luka sighed before picking up the sandwich and slowly eating it. He knew the Kwamis were right and he wasn't surprised that those three had taken to trying to look after him. It was almost like Toutai, Alpheus and Sir Rene were speaking. Their kwamis had similar personalities. He wondered if Khnurn's kwami was similar to him. Stingg flew over and landed in front of him, making him glance at him.
"Y-your phone has being going off as well," He whispered, making Luka nod and pick it up. Of course, his friends had messaged him and naturally Marinette had messaged him the most. He sighed as guilt began to creep up on him. He hadn't been a very good boyfriend recently. He was barely talking and just claiming that he was ill but she wasn't stupid. She knew something was up. Juleka and his ma knew as well yet he felt like he couldn't tell any of them. How could he explain that he had lost two people without revealing who he is? And it's not like he could risk that. If he told Marinette then Lady Blanche would return and he wasn't going to let that happen. He opened Marinette's text and read it.
11.30am: Hey, I hope you're doing ok and taking care of yourself. It always sucks being sick so maybe I can bring some of your favorite snacks from the Bakery after school if you want. Love you xxx
1.01pm: Lunch time! I'll pop by the Liberty with some yummy snacks. See you soon xx
1.30pm: I'm here! xx 
1.45pm: The captain said you're asleep so I'm just gonna chill with Juleka and Rose. Rest up and get better soon. Miss you xxx
2.42pm: Have to go back to school so I've left the snacks on the side for you. Sleep well and I'll text you later. Love you xxx
6.04pm: Well, school day is officially over and Felix invited everyone to have dinner at his. He's doing a lot better now that he's out of the hospital and he said if you feel up to it, we can drop by and pick you up. Don't worry if you don't though ok? Let me know xxx
Luka sighed as he read through the messages. Marinette had clearly tried to spend time with him, despite him being 'sick' and he had just ignored her all day. He felt guilty and he knew he didn't deserve her. He opened the text keyboard and began to type.
7.23pm, L: Hey sorry I haven't messaged all day. I've being asleep for most of the day so I'm sorry for missing you at lunch. Sadly, I don't feel any better at all. I'll try and be a bit more responsive though so you don't have to worry. Hope you guys had a good time at Felix's and hopefully I can join in when I feel better too. I miss you. xxx
7.26pm, M: Hey we had fun and it's ok. I'd rather you rest and get better then feel you need to message me all the time. Your health is important and if you need to rest then you need to rest ^.^ of course, once you're better, I'm gonna give you lots of hugs and kisses xxx
7.28pm: hugs and kisses sound so good. I wish I could have them now but I don't want you to catch whatever I have. Can't have my favourite melody out of commission now, can I? Are you still working on that dress? xxx
7.31pm: Oh I finished it a couple of days ago and it's being sent off. I can't believe people still want my designs still ^-^ did you get the snacks I left? xxx
7.33pm: Not yet. I'll go get them now xxx
Luka put his phone down and wandered out of his room before finding the snacks she left on the table in a bag. He opened it and smiled as he saw she had put his favorite baked goods in there before he headed back to his room. Juleka was probably upstairs with Rose and he wasn't sure where his Ma was but he went back to his room and texted Marinette again.
7.39pm: Got them. They look yummy. Thank you xxx
7.42pm: No problemo XD I've got homework to do so I'll let you go for a bit and maybe you can eat those snacks if you feel up for it and then relax or rest if you need it. Love you, Lu. xxx
7.44pm: That sounds good to me. Hopefully, your homework won't be too annoying. Love you too, Mari. xxx
He put his phone down before looking at the snacks she had brought. They were all his favorites so he slowly picked one up and began to eat it before the akuma alarm went off. He sighed and put down the pastry before turning to Tikki.
"Time to work," He sighed as she nodded and he looked at the other kwamis. "You lot stay here ok?"
"Yes, Luka!" They chimed as he nodded and swiped his earrings.
"Tikki, spots on!"
~Four Days Later~
"So Luka has being acting odd recently," Adrien declared as Marc, Felix, Ivan, Rose and Juleka sat around him. Mylene had joined them, sitting on Ivan's lap and Marinette was also sat there, frowning as she listened. Juleka had invited her to the 'help Luka' intervention group meeting and while she wasn't going to go originally, after barely talking to him again yesterday, she decided to go. She had being surprised to see Adrien there in the lead but as it turned out, he had a rare day off. For some reason, his father was willing to let him enjoy his day. Adrien had explained he was 'in high spirits' compared to normal. "He's not turning up to school or band practice. He's claiming he is sick yet Juleka, Rose, Ivan and the Captain haven't caught any illness,"
"He's talking to himself a lot," Juleka mumbled. "I hear him at night and he seems to be having more nightmares. He's barely eating and he quit his job as a delivery boy. His boss contacted Ma to see if he was ok as it was unexpected. Ma and I didn't even know he had quit and when she tried to ask him why, he didn't let her into his room. Didn't even open his door and just said he was 'too busy' for it,"
Everyone frowned as all of what Juleka had said seemed extremely out of character for Luka. Marinette seemed to be the most affected as she frowned deeply.
"He quit his job?" She asked, making Juleka nod. "He didn't tell me. I know he hasn't been talking to me a lot but I would have thought he would have told me that but he didn't. I'm worried about him,"
"If he isn't sick then what is happening?" Felix asks, frowning. Despite being his friend, Luka had even stopped visiting him in hospital and hadn't come round in ages.
"He sounds depressed," Marc stated, making everyone look at him. He cringed at their looks but continued. "A sickness that isn't visible. Ignoring family, friends and his girlfriend. Quitting his job. Refusing to go to school or even come out of his room. Barely eating. That sounds like depression to me,"
"Marc may be on to something," Felix confirmed. "Mother went through a very similar thing when Father died. She barely saw anyone and locked herself away but the question is what caused Luka to sink into this depression?"
"Maybe he has lost someone?" Ivan stated, making everyone look at him. "Felix just said it himself. His mum got depressed when his dad died so maybe someone Luka cares about has died,"
"But surely, Juleka and the captain would have grief too," Adrien gasped as everyone frowned but that's when Marinette shook her head.
"Maybe it's someone they don't know,"
"No one close to our family has died," Juleka confirmed. "... but Luka is supposed to be getting a new therapist. Dr Mila has gone missing. Maybe it was that?"
"Yes, I'm on the same page," Felix confirmed. "Maybe he thinks she's dead? He is a sensitive soul after all,"
"Regardless of what it is, we should let him know that he's not alone right now and that we're here for him," Adrien declared, making them nod. "Which brings us to the purpose of the meeting. We need ideas to help cheer up Luka and let him know that we're there for him. Any ideas?"
"Ooh, we could make him some cards and put lovely messages in them and then cover them in glitter!" Rose gasped, making Adrien nod.
"Why don't we write him some short stories?" Marc suggested.
"Or we could write him a song?" Ivan added in, making Marc nod.
"I could bring him some more snacks from the bakery," Marinette smiled. "That way he can eat something,"
"I could ask Uncle Jagged to come say hi," Juleka mumbled. Since he wasn't her dad, she had taken to calling him Uncle instead. He had told her it was ok to see him as her dad as well but she wasn't quite ready for that yet. "Maybe Penny could come by as well and bring Fang with them. Luka loves petting Fang,"
"I could give some math problems to work out," Felix suggested, making everyone look at him. "Uncle says Math problems keep the brain healthy,"
"Maybe no to the maths," Adrien replied as Mylene took out a bracelet.
"We could give him this," She states. "It's a secret bracelet. You hold a bead and give it a secret in your mind then put it together. Once given to the chosen person, they are able to give it their secret and feel lighter but also feel connected to those who gave their other secrets. It may help him with this depression and help him feel like he isn't alone,"
"Oooh that's cute!" Rose declared as everyone else nodded. Marinette couldn't help but nod as well. "We should do all of those things!"
"Though starting with the bracelet may be the easiest since baking goods and writing songs would take a while," Marinette pointed out. "That way he won't feel alone while we make some other stuff for him,"
"Yes, let's do that," Adrien grinned, making the others agree. "He's at home now right?"
"Yeah," Juleka confirmed. "I can text him if you want,"
"Yeah," Adrien nodded as the others nodded. Juleka took out her phone and texted but Luka didn't reply straight away and when he finally did, he said he didn't want to see anyone. She frowned but Adrien wasn't willing to give up. He declared that they would go there anyway. Marinette frowned and shook her head, making him look at her with confusion.
"If he doesn't want company then we shouldn't force it on him," She explained, making Felix nod in agreement. "Like I want him to feel better but his boundaries are important too,"
"I agree with Marinette," Felix replied as Juleka's phone pinged. "Is it him?"
"He said that he'll only see Marinette," She mumbled, making Marinette nod.
"I'll go over and see him," She declared, getting up and leaving the classroom. Adrien frowned deeply, along with Rose, Mylene, Ivan and Marc.
"Well, we can go to the Liberty anyway," Juleka mumbled, causing everyone to nod and leave the room as well. Marinette, however, was already ahead of them and speed-walking to the boathouse. She got there faster than normal and quickly greeted the Captain before going to Luka's room. The door was completely closed, making her frown as usually it was a little open. Enough for privacy but not to be closed off. She walked over and gently knocked on the door.
"Who is it?" He asked, making her frown. His voice was quieter than usual and he didn't listen to her heart song like normal. Usually, he would know she was there before she even knocked.
"It's me," She answered before hearing a shuffle and the door opened. He peeked out, making her frown as she saw his eyes were full of sorrow and red as if he had been crying. "Luka..."
He opened the door and let her in, causing her to step into his room. Almost instantly, he hugged her. She hugged him back as he gently pressed his nose into her neck.
"I'm sorry," He mumbled, making her frown. "I haven't been a very good boyfriend recently. If you don't want to stay here or with me, I understand,"
"Hey, don't talk like that," She gasped, making him look at her. "I'm here because I want to be and I'm not going to leave you just because you're having a bad time. My love is not that shallow or fragile but why didn't you want to see the others?"
"I.. I just can't deal with people right now," He explained, frowning. "I can't help but wonder if being human is worth it,"
"What do you mean?" She frowned. The way he spoke didn't sound like the Luka she knew. He sounded broken. "Luka... what happened?"
"I... I can't tell you," He whispered, stepping away and sitting on his bed. He looked down at his hands. "I wish I could but I can't and it's something I have to deal with alone,"
"You're not alone," Juleka mumbled, making him look up as Marinette looked at her. Rose and Adrien came over as well. "Sorry to interrupt but I was just gonna grab something from my room but I heard that. You can tell us, Luka,"
"No, I can't," He replied, looking up at them. "I'm sorry..."
"Luka," Marinette started but Adrien stepped in his room. 
"Luka, Meleyne has this bracelet that you can tell what's wrong. That way you don't have to hold it all in and you'll be able to get it off your chest," He declared, making Luka frown. "You can tell it your secret and that secret will be with ours,"
"Adrien, don't make him feel like he has to," Marinette scorned.
"But he can't keep holding it back," Adrien gasped as Luka shook his head.
"Adrien, I appreciate the thought but I can't," Luka explained. However, it seems like Adrien wasn't listening. He started going on about how Luka will feel better once he gets whatever has upset him off his chest. Marinette and Juleka noticed Luka beginning to get uncomfortable and tried to get him to drop it but he wouldn't. After listening for a few minutes, Luka had enough. "Adrien! I can't tell you or some stupid bracelet why I'm upset ok?!"
Everyone looked at him in surprise as he snapped before he pinched his nose and tried to calm down.
"Luka, we're just trying to help," Adrien stated but it was enough to tip him over the edge.
"Well, you're not!" He snapped as the lights flickered. "If you want to help then drop it and get out of my room! I don't want to tell you and I can't, so just stop asking and leave!"
"L-leave?" Adrien asked.
"Yes! I only wanted to see Marinette and you still came here! So leave!" He gasped but Adrien didn't move. He blinked, causing Luka to get a bit more annoyed. "I said leave!"
He didn't move again and went to open his mouth.
"Get out!" Luka gasped, clearly annoyed. Adrien frowned and got up before walking to the door. He went to turn to say sorry but Luka was still annoyed. "Just leave me alone, Adrien. I need to calm down and be alone for a bit,"
"Adrien!" He gasped, making Marinette nod and pull Adrien away, dragging him upstairs as Juleka grabbed the door handle.
"Do you want me to stay?" She asked, making him shake his head. She nodded. "Ok. If you need us, we'll be upstairs. We'll keep an eye for akumas,"
He nodded and placed his head in his hands as she closed the door. As soon as she was gone, the kwamis flew out and rushed to Luka as he held his head in his hand. He was holding back tears as he felt guilty and bad for snapping at Adrien. He knew he was just trying to help and that he was simply trying to show that he cared.
"I wish I could tell them," He whispered, making the Kwamis look at each other with concern. "I wish I could explain to them that I'm Anatis and that I just lost two of my friends but I can't. I can't tell any of them any of what happened,"
"I'm sorry, Luka," Tikki whispered as he hid his face in his arms. The kwamis flew over and hugged him. "We're here though,"
"I know," He whispered, nodding. The room went silent as the kwamis just kept hugging him.
~Hawk Moth's Lair~
The window of Hawk Moth's lair opened as he looked over at it. The white butterflies fluttered around him as he sensed the negative emotions of the kids on the Liberty.
"Several fragile hearts that break all at the same time," He declared, holding out his hand. "What a lovely symphony for my akumas,"
A butterfly landed on his hand before he covered it and charged it up with the dark energy. He let it go and watched it fly towards the window before he spun his cane and placed it next to him.
"Fly away, my akuma and evilize them!" He declared as the akuma flew through the window and across Paris to where the Liberty was docked. Adrien was sat on one of the boxes looking down. Juleka stood against the mast. Rose sat next to Adrien, gently rubbing his arm as she reassured him. Ivan and Mylene were sitting nearby frowning as Marinette paced up and down. She wanted to go down and check on Luka but he needed some space. However, she was even more worried. His eyes were red, like he had being crying. He seemed to have very little energy and then there was the fact that he snapped at Adrien. Luka would normally not snap at anyone. Even when he ran away during Christmas or had to deal with Issac and Bob Roth, he didn't snap so she knew for certain that something bad had happened and he probably couldn't talk about it or felt like he couldn't. She wondered if it had anything to do with Anatis, given that he was Anatis' best friend but the clear grief he was going through suggested it was something that had personally happened to him. She decided it was best to open that can of worms though. Who knows what it could lead to?
"Should I go and apologize?" Adrien's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. Juleka shook her head before he looked down at the bracelet in his hand. He took the lime green bead in his hand and brought it to his mouth before speaking to it. "I didn't mean to push him. I'm just worried about him,"
"It's ok, Adrien," Rose reassured as the akuma flew closer to them. Adrien smiled weakly at her before passing it to Rose. She picked out the pink bead as she frowned. "This is so sad,"
She passed it to Juleka who held the Purple Bead.
"I'm worried about my brother," She spoke before handing it to Ivan and Mylene who both held onto the orange bead.
"I thought the bracelet would help him feel less alone," Mylene stated as Ivan agreed before handing the bracelet to Marc. He held the red bead as the akuma flew closer.
"It feels like the story has ended," He mumbled as Felix and Marinette frowned. He looked down at the bead and frowned even more. "It can't end like this. We can't give up on-"
Just as he spoke the akuma entered the bracelet and the butterfly mask appeared around the eyes of Adrien, Rose, Juleka, Ivan, Mylene and Marc.
"Gang of Secrets, I am Hawkmoth. Your friend won't open up to you and reveal his secrets," He stated in their heads as they listened. "Well, I will give you all the power to force him to give them up! All I want in return is Anatis and Lady Noir's miraculous. Do we have a deal?"
"Luka will be our friend," Ivan declared. "No matter what,"
"And he'll keep no secrets from us," Mylene declared
"He'll tell us what's wrong," Juleka muttered.
"And we'll comfort him," Rose added.
"And once we know what's wrong, we'll rewrite what's happened," Marc declared
"And give him the happy ending he deserves!" Adrien concluded before the purple smog took over them. As it did, Marinette and Felix watched in horror. They had felt the akuma try to take over them but something blocked it, stopping them from joining the others. Felix suddenly grabbed Marinette's hand and pulled her off the boat, making her gasp in shock as they ran up some stairs and hid behind the brick wall. Both of them looked at each other before Felix took out his anti-akuma charm.
"Guess it definitely works," He stated before putting it away and taking out his phone. He dialed a number as she took out her phone and went to phone Luka to warn him. He shook his head and held his phone out. He had already dialed Luka's number and put it on speaker.
"Hello?" Luka answered, making Marinette let out a sigh of relief.
"Luka, you need to get off the Liberty now," Felix declared. "Hawkmoth has taken advantage of the situation and almost everyone else has being akumatized,"
"W-what? Is Marinette safe?!" He gasped, making Marinette's heart flutter.
"Yes, I'm here. Felix pulled me off the ship," She answered before they heard a crash and the phone went dead. "Luka?!"
She went to run off but Felix grabbed her arm.
"It is too dangerous," He stated but she pulled her arm.
"Then stay here but I'm helping him!" She gasped, running down the stairs. As she did, she saw Luka jump from the Liberty to the pathway and run off. However, Reverser flew after him with Princess Fragrance and Little Sister holding on to him. Heureux Fin flew after them as Stoneheart stomped after them with Horrificator on his shoulder. She rushed onto the Liberty and went into the area that contained the boat's wheel before transforming and jumping off, running after the gang.
~Luka's Room just before the Akuma~
"Thank you for the hugs," He muttered, looking up at the kwamis. "I'm sorry that I'm not great company right now,"
"It's ok, young one," Longg declared as the others nodded. "You've being through a lot and none of us blame you for your 'not great' company,"
"Thank you, Longg," He nodded, getting up and wiping his face. "I should apologize to Adrien and make sure everyone is ok,"
He went to reach for his door before his phone rang. He frowned and saw it was Felix before answering it.
"Hello?" He stated, a little confused as to why Felix was calling.
"Luka, you need to get off the Liberty now," Felix declared, making Luka frown. He sounded worried and a little scared. He signaled to the Kwamis to hide and turned to his door as they hid. "Hawkmoth has taken advantage of the situation and almost everyone else has being akumatized,"
"W-what? Is Marinette safe?!" He gasped, his mind jumping to the worst case scenario as he came to a stop. He couldn't lose her as well.
"Yes, I'm here. Felix pulled me off the ship," She answered, making relief flood his body. He went to say something but his phone came up with a strange symbol before Little Sister appeared in front of him, causing him to jump back and drop his phone.
"Treasure, we're here to help you," She declared, making him back away as she went to reach for him. However, Trixx summoned his power and created an illusion of Luka ducking from her and running out of his room. "Treasure! You can't!"
She ran after him, leaving the real Luka left in the room as she chased the illusion. He heard several others leaving as well, making him frown before he leaned down and picked up his phone. Its screen was shattered and its display was dead. He sighed.
"At least, she can't use it to get to me," He mumbled before swiping his earrings. "Tikki, spots on,"
He transformed into Anatis and placed the phone on the side before climbing out of the porthole and swinging around the Seine. He frowned when he saw no one around. He was sure Felix had being nearby with Marinette yet both were gone. His yoyo vibrated, making him open it and saw a news reporter of Horrificator and Stoneheart repeatedly slipping over. He frowned before noticing in the background the Eiffel tower bouncing side to side but it seems most people thought it was the akuma. He also noticed a red energy on the floor, making him frown. He closed his yoyo and headed to the scene. By the time he got there, both akumas were huge as Stoneheart had grown from the repeated impact and Horrificator had grown from the fear of the people who had seen him grow in size. Anatis frowned before glancing round and seeing Felix leaning against a wall in an alley. He jumped down and approached him, frowning even more as he noticed Felix was breathing heavily.
"Felix?" He asked, making the boy look up. His nose was bloodied and he looked pale. He rushed over. "What happened?"
"I t-tried to stop them," he coughed, sinking down onto the floor. Anatis frowned deeply as Felix looked at him. "S-sorry. I didn't mean for them to get so big,"
"It's... ok," He replied as Felix coughed. His nosebleed increased, causing Anatis to frown. However, he shook his head and gently placed his hand on Felix's head. His eyes turned silver as he focused on channeling Toutai's ability to heal. Previously to use it, he had to ask Toutai to allow him but he had a feeling that he didn't need to anymore even though he hadn't used it since he passed his test and his spiritual energy wasn't as weak as it was. It was still weak though so he'd only be able to heal him a little. However, Felix pulled his hand away. "Felix?"
"Fo-focus on the akumas," He mutters, making Anatis frown. "I'll be fine soon,"
"Are you sure?" He asked, getting a nod of Felix before he nodded as his yoyo vibrated. He answered it. "Kitten?"
"So someone is having a villain super party and didn't invite us," Lady Noire answered on the other side.
"They're looking for Luka," Anatis sighed, stepping away from Felix. "He managed to isolate all his friends in one go,"
"I'm sure he didn't do it on purpose but as usual, Hawkmoth had to take advantage," She replied in a reassuring tone. "But there's six villains. It's going to be hard to get the akumatized object,"
"I know," He replied, frowning before going silent. Lady Noir asked him if he was still there, making him blink. "Yeah... sorry I was just thinking,"
"Want to share those thoughts?"
"I'm thinking it may be a good idea to isolate one of the villains and get them to tell us where the akuma is," He mumbled. "But while I do that, I need you to keep Princess Fragrance, Fin and Reverser distracted. Stoneheart and Horrificator are currently amusing themselves. I know it's a lot to ask but they could be an issue,"
"You're going to try and get Little Sister?" She asks.
"Yes. She is Luka's sister and I know I can get through to her,"
"Not a problem. Leave the others to me," He could almost hear the grin in her voice. "Good luck, Annie,"
"Good luck yourself, Kitten," He replied before saying bye and hanging up. He typed on his yoyo and found Little Sister through the new reporters. She was unable to use her teleportation as Luka's phone got broken so she couldn't track him or trade places with others now. He put his yoyo away and turned to Felix. "Take it easy ok?"
"I.." He coughed but gave him a thumbs up. Anatis nodded and threw his yoyo, swinging into the city until he found another alleyway. He laid in waiting until Little Sister jumped over it. Taking the chance, he threw his yoyo and wrapped it around her, trapping her. Her phone fell down and he broke it with his foot, making sure she couldn't escape.
"Ha! Bummer for you, bug boy," Little Sister sneered. "I don't have the akuma,"
"I know," He replied. "That was to make sure you couldn't teleport. Since there's no horn this time, you must have another anchor right. Logically speaking, it would be your phone. Anyway, I just want to talk to you,"
"You want to talk to me?" She asked, making him nod. "Too bad! I have nothing to say to you!"
"Then you can listen," He answered, calmly. "Juleka, from what I understand... you've being having some issues with your brother. He's being secretive and distant and I'm sure you're worried about him. I don't know why he's acting that way but I do know he does care about you and I'm sure he's keeping it to himself because he doesn't want to be a burden,"
"He's not a burden!" She growls. "He's the treasure! I must protect him!"
"By becoming an akuma and forcing him to tell you what's wrong?" Anatis asked, making her look at him with shock. "Let me tell you something. I recently lost a couple of friends of mine and it's being hard trying to recover from it but my friends have been supporting me. Not by rushing me and making me tell them everything but by giving me space and offering their support. That's what Lady Noir is doing and I know my other friends like Culpeo and Abeille would do the same. That's why I trust them and am able to work side by side with them,"
He pauses as she looks down.
"Juleka, you don't need the power Hawkmoth gave you to protect Luka. You can reject it," He states, making her eyes widen before she closed them and started to try and reject the akuma. He had gotten through to her but the butterfly mask appeared around her eyes as Hawkmoth talked to her, trying to convince her to keep her powers. "Listen to me. Luka doesn't need an akuma. He needs you, Juleka. He needs his real little sister!"
He pulled back his yoyo, freeing her as she pushed back and writhed as she tried to reject Hawkmoth's power before she finally pushed back, breaking the mask and sending a shockwave. The purple smog covered her again, turning her back to Juleka as she fell to her knees.
"It's ok, Juleka," Anatis replied, kneeling down and gently placing his hand on her shoulder, making her look at him. "You are amazing,"
He helped her to her feet as his yoyo rang. He answered it as she dusted herself down.
"Annie, the gang of secrets is looking for you and Little Sister!" Lady Noir declared as he heard her fighting before she used screech. "I don't know how long I can hold them off!"
"Don't worry. We'll be there soon," He reassured.
"I have a friend with me," He replied. "Keep them busy. I promise we won't be long,"
"You got it, bug boy," She replied, hanging up. He checked her location then picked up Juleka and jumped up before running across the rooftops.
"Where's the akuma?" He asked as they ran.
"In a bracelet. I think Mark was the last one to have it," Juleka explained, holding onto him. He landed on a rooftop nearby Lady Noir, who was doing her best to hold them off. He placed Juleka down and tapped open his yoyo before reaching in and taking out the fox miraculous. "Wait... how did you do that?"
"I connected the yoyo with the miracle box. Only I can access it," He replied, handing it to her. "Perks of being the guardian but I'll bring you up to speed another time. Let's help Lady Noir,"
"Yeah," She nodded, putting it on and greeting Trixx before transforming into Culpeo. Anatis threw up his yoyo as Lady Noir got pinned to the ground by Heureux Fin.
"Lucky charm!" He declared, summoning the magic swarm and transforming his outfit. The swarm turned into a swim ring, making him think as he caught it. He looked around, causing Reverser to light up then Lady Noir and Culpeo before the swimming pool building lit up. Just as Princess Fragrance pointed her gun at Lady Noir, he nodded. "Culpeo, give them what they want but make sure to lure them to the pool!"
"On it!" She declared, jumping up into a high part of the building and playing her flute, charging it up. She threw the orange ball. "Mirage!"
"Lady Noir! No!" Luka shouted, getting the villain's attention before he turned and ran away, causing them to chase him. The two heroes jumped down and helped Lady Noir up.
"Are you ok, kitty?" Anatis asked, making her grin and nod. "I'm glad,"
"Don't worry about me but we better save Luka,"
"It's an illusion," He replied, making her nod before he held up the floatie. "But I do have a plan,"
"I'm all ears," Lady Noir grinned as he quickly explained it before he handed her to the floatie. The three of them nodded and jumped away. Culpeo and Lady Noir headed inside the pool building while Anatis landed in front of the doors. He fought against the villains, only letting Reverser get past him. Reverser chased "Luka" into the pool area and went to capture him but Culpeo jumped at him and pushed him off his glider, causing him to fall into the pool and for the illusion to end. Lady Noir forced the floatie over him, trapping him and allowing him to float up before she cataclysmed the bracelet, freeing the akuma. Reverser turned back into Mark and looked around, confused. Meanwhile outside, Princess Fragrance was about to take Anatis' earrings but everyone turned back into their true selves, causing Rose and Adrien to fall. Anatis caught Rose as Culpeo and Lady Noir ran back out. Culpeo jumped up and caught Adrien before setting him down as Rose thanked Anatis. The akuma fluttered by and he threw his yoyo to catch it.
"Time to de-evilize!" He declared, slamming the yoyo shut before he opened it. "Bye, bye. Little Butterfly,"
Lady Noir smiled and handed him the swim ring, causing him to throw it up in the air.
"Miraculous Ladybugs!" He declared, causing it to burst into the cure and spread all over, fixing everything. He looked up at the cure with a sad expression, wishing it could fix everything that had happened with Fu and Mulan but he knew it wouldn't. Lady Noir gently touched his hand, making him look at her as she held her fist. Culpeo did the same thing.
"Pound it?" She asked, making him smile and place his fist to theirs.
"Pound it,"
~Later at the Liberty~
"I... I found earlier today that Dr Mila had gone missing and a friend of mine... he's gone too," Luka stated, sitting next to Juleka and Marinette as he explained to everyone. "I wasn't sure how to deal with it and was trying to come to terms with it... but I didn't mean to snap. I'm sorry,"
"It's ok," Adrien stated. "I shouldn't have pushed you and I'm sorry. I will do better,"
"Thank you for all understanding," Luka muttered. "I can't promise I'll be ok or that I'll open up but I'll try. I'll try and be a better friend and a better boyfriend,"
He gently took Marinette's hand in his.
"I treasure all of you," He replied, making them smile and continue with the rest of their day. Before long, it was time to go and after goodbyes, the only two left on the boat were Juleka and Luka. He turned to go back to his room.
"Luka," Juleka muttered, making him turn back to her. "You didn't tell us everything, did you?"
He looks to the side, causing Juleka to frown.
"I won't try to figure it out or force you to tell me... but Luka..." She whispered. "I'm your sister and I'm always going to be. That's why it kills me that I can't help you with whatever is making you feel so alone,"
Luka went quiet for a minute and he looked down at the floor.
"You're right. I am alone. More than I've ever being," He replied. "I have to lie and keep the truth from everyone and it is catching up with me,"
"You don't have to lie to me," She whispered, gently placing her hand on his shoulder. "Whatever it is, we can handle it together,"
"N-not this time, Juleka," He replied, gently taking her hand in his. "This is my burden and mine alone. Maybe one day I'll be able to tell you but today is not that day. I'm sorry, Juleka but I can't tell you. I can't risk it,"
"Luka..." She whispered before nodding. "I understand but when you are about to tell me, I will listen,"
"Thank you," He replied, hugging her. She hugged back. Neither of them had noticed their mother watching. She couldn't help but feel guilt for not noticing her son's suffering and sympathy for him feeling that he had shoulder it alone. He was lying to himself, convincing himself that he couldn't tell anyone and it broke her heart in two. She had failed as his mother. He should know he could talk to anyone be it her or Juleka and that no one would judge him yet he thought he didn't have to. She failed to notice the akuma fluttering towards her.
"Lies, I am Hawkmoth. Your son feels like he can't be honest with anyone. Well, I'm giving you the power to bring honesty back into your family and all I want in return is Anatis and Lady Noir's miraculous. Do we have a deal?"
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inaconstantstateofchange · 1 year ago
Inquiring minds want to see your take...8 INT Tav meets Haarlep in the Boudoir.
asjdaksjdasd oh my god okay, well obviously taking massive inspiration from your og: 8 INT Tav
this got... impossibly long. don't blame me, blame the two competing peacocks.
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Raphael rematerializes within the familiar walls of his bedroom, still pinching the bridge of his nose. He normally prefers to arrive at the front hall, to allow his servants to see and feel his presence in their midst, but today… He’ll grant himself an allowance, just this once. A familiar rustle of wings unfurling has him spinning around, looking for the slightest opening to lash out and satisfy even some portion of his wounded pride. He is not kept waiting long. 
Haarlep’s mockingly dulcet voice lilts out of the shadows across the room, eyes alight with glee. “How was the visit with your dear paramour, Unseelie lord?” 
Raphael raises a clawed fist in their direction, discordant notes like distant screams gathering at the tips. Haarlep leans forward with anticipation, the byplay between them familiar if not yet entirely banal. Just before he releases it, tips them over the edge into simple violence that might ease but not soothe the indignity he has suffered today – and every day since meeting that impertinent, irritating girl – a thought strikes him. He grins, slow and toothy.
Haarlep is far too accomplished a fiend to do anything so obvious as blanch, but they do blink twice in rapid succession, a clear sign of their startlement from one who knows them as well as he. It is not often that he misses a step in their masquerade. 
Letting the accrued magic dissipate entirely, Raphael raises his hands to his mouth in an expression of carefree thought, a fine and cutting edge to it that he knows the other feels. 
“Why, how delightfully cordial of you to ask after her, Haarlep. In fact, she has been doing the same, nigh incessantly!” He watches the other’s face with barely-hidden glee, tracking every visible micro-expression. 
Another blink. Confusion. Haarlep doesn’t see the game yet. And, after all, how could they? That girl is absolutely incalculable. Raphael soothes his vexation with the thought that, at least this time, he can make someone else play the victim to her unique form of nescience. 
A brief mantling of the wings. They have determined their gambit then. With a sultry movement of their arm, Haarlep gestures to themself. “But of course! Who could possibly resist such a delicacy in truth? I am glad to hear the little darling has come to her senses and reconsidered.”
Raphael lets them preen, their eyes still watchful behind their long lashes, a moment longer, then claps his hands sharply. 
“That’s settled then. I’ll be just a moment, and then the two of you can get reacquainted.” He lets some portion of his own power rise around him for just a moment. No need to put too fine a point on it. “And, Haarlep? I do expect you to give a more proper welcome to guests of the House in future.”
Haarlep looks away for that moment, a pretense at nonchalance, but Raphael trusts his message has been received. He discorporates himself with a moment’s thought, feeling a malefic cheer rising as he considers the treat in store for him. 
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Haarlep remains where they stand, loath to cede more ground and mistrustful of this turn of their little brat’s whims. They cast back to their first, brief meeting with the subject of his – unwitting and unwilling – current attentions, but nothing materializes that could explain the specific turn of his disposition. She had been too insipid to intrigue, yet somehow survived her visit unscathed where countless others had not. 
Their thoughts are suspended by the familiar metaphysical crackle that heralds the rematerialization of Raphael’s preferred method of conveyance. This time, he does not arrive alone. Held stiff and distrustful within the loose circle of his arms is… her. The moment she sets her eyes on Haarlep, they go limpid and soft.
Raphael speaks, face inscrutable but voice tremulous with his mirth, “See, dear one, I told you I’d had a… crisis of conscience. You’ve worn me down with your keen moral arguments, and I’m prepared to… see sense, and let you speak to Haarlep again.”
Haarlep blinks, genuinely caught off guard for one of the first times in recent memory. What… is going on. 
The girl steps forward, turning back to give Raphael a solemn, approving look, before approaching Haarlep tentatively. It is, however, not with the understandable caution they are accustomed to from mortals, but rather underpinned by something saccharine and soppy. Their well-honed survival instincts prick at them as she opens her mouth, warning them without even a bare moment to flee that whatever comes out of it will be harrowing indeed. 
“I know, Haarlep. I know what you are.” She reached out toward them with  supplicant hands. “You aren’t stuck here. You can be free.”
Haarlep blinks once, then again. “... What.”
She elaborates, but does not in any way elucidate. “I’ve seen this before, you know. It’s not hopeless. Whatever these fey have told you, your nature does not make you one of them. You belong on the Material Plane, with others like you.”
Behind her, Raphael’s face begins to crack into a grin worthy of a true fiend. Haarlep’s distrust is growing exponentially with each passing moment. They paste on a smile and lean forward, “Others… like me. And just what would those others be, little interloper?” 
“Oh, Haarlep…” To his stark disgust, a single tear drips from one eye. Gleeful micro-vibrations emanate from Raphael, propagating a shimmering haze around him. 
She continues on, after a brief pause in which she stares at him mournfully, “A changeling, of course. I’m so sorry you’ve fallen prey to their lies, that you had to find out this way.” 
She clenches her fist, a mawkish determination filling her entire body. “I’ll find a way to free you. I promise.”
[Haarlep.exe has stopped responding.] 
On the resounding heels of the vacuum left by her pronouncement, Raphael vibrates himself into the wall of the next room over. His cackling still reaches them unimpeded.
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d011zk1ll · 7 months ago
Welcome to my blog ♡
My name is Atticus, Felix, Reece or Doll! I use He/They and im an unlabelled trans man!! <3
I have a Discord server! feel free to join, we don't bite <3
here's my meet the artist/author post!
My bluesky ,tik tok, spotify, and Ao3 and fic tag as well as my playlist tags where you can see all the playlist i've made for characters or ships
My Straw Page
My ask box is always open for art asks or random rambles :)) but please don't send gofundme links I'm a minor I cannot help
My current interest is school bus graveyard, all the content from the cool as fuck fanbase and miraculous ladybug and a lot of the AU's made by the wonderful people in the fandom!
I have the basic DNI (listed in this post because I've gotten two asks about it at this point) !! As well as W1lbur, Dre@m etc fans as I know this was once a blog where MCYT were the main focus ♡♡ (Still love cream crew!!)
My Dm's are open if you want to make friends!! Especially my moots!
I'm autistic, have ADHD, depression and anxiety so be warned I may not always be the easiest to deal with but I try ♡
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School bus graveyard
SBG/school bus graveyard: tag(s) for all things sbg! Fic's, playlist, art, Brainrotting ideas
Miraculous ladybug
The ladyblog discord server: An Au where they have their powers still, but Adrienette are online friends! An on going, multi chaptered fic
The History book on the shelf is always repeating itself (And the other tag since I put it under two different ones by accident!!! Agh!!): A future Au ft Emma Dupain-Cheng as Feyline and maneki-neko and Anthea Cesaire as Adalia! Also an on going multi chaptered fic
Could you stay awhile : An Alyanette au where Marinette ended up with the black cat miraculous and Alya, the ladybug. They're a year older in this au, as it happened a year after canon and it's a collection of oneshots
I won't say (I'm in love): Marichat au with Mari hating Adrien, and Chat hating Ladybug. Still a WIP, and the first fic (either chapters on oneshot) will be out sometime soon.
MLB twitter au!: This is basically me being silly! It is CYSAW but i thought it nice to give it it's own tag! :D 90% crack tho
mini comics i've done!
Mao and Scarabella meet their future counterparts (Complete, 5 pages, just sketched no colour)
Kitty blanche (incomplete currently, expected 10 pages, coloured)
And my general miraculous ladybug tag!!
More to be added!!
Mlb x SBG
Two quarters and a heart down : A sbg, MLB crossover. Aiden has the black cat, and Ash the ladybug. Taylor has the fox, Ben has the turtle, Logan has the bee, tyler the peacock and maverick the butterfly :)
SBG X Epic the musical
SBG epic AU: A taylyn centred version of epic the musical, very SBG and Epic-ey. No spoilers yet (official account run by me and two others here)
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badger-bah · 3 months ago
Into The Spiderverse Green Lynx OCtive Pack
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Name: Ace, Kiwi, Moss, Blanche, Bailey, Octave, Juno
Age: 19-24
Birthday: September 2nd
Pronouns: he/him, they/them, it/its, cry/cryp, ze/zir, zap/zap, spike/spikes
Gender: transmasc, invisiboy, genderqueer, gnc, neurogender, xenogender, malewifething, spiderderic, candyspideric, gothiclolitagender, frigispinnic, friguboyfleck, nivacío, alpinegender, hypneiravereus
Orientation: lesboy, lesbian, queerplatonic, demiromantic, mirratract
Other Labels: apricot, alderfangtula, teladen, peacock
Species: human, spiderperson
Roles: absorber, frostling
Front Triggers: cold weather, caramel food, spiders, source/sourcemates, extreme emotion (pos or neg)
Source (if applicable): Into The Spiderverse (oc)
Personality: relaxed, compassionate, emotional, stubborn
Style: gothic lolita, dark coquette, grunge, cutecore
Likes: sylvanian families, bittersweet flavors, fruit, alternative fashion, spiders, mushrooms, spiked accessories, being comfortable, medical dramas, going to the park
Favorites: dulce de leche (food), green and yellow (color), stars (shape), boba milk tea (drink), winter (season), chinchilla (animal)
Dislikes: pressure, sweating, PDA, masking, wool clothing, blood-sucking bugs
Typing Quirk: uses italics, replaces w with two v's, doubles any use of s
Other Info/Quirks: based on the green lynx spider! zap is the spiderperson of Chile. they're generally neutral on the whole superhero thing, though sometimes they feel inadequate about it.
Faceclaim: img 1, img 2, img 3
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chic-a-gigot · 2 years ago
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La Mode illustrée, no. 6, 8 février 1874, Paris. Toilettes de Mme Bréant-Castel, rue du 4 Septembre, 19. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque
Description de toilettes:
Robe de dessous en faye lilas, Jupon de mousseline blanche, garni par devant d'un volant plissé, puis disposé au-dessus du volant jusqu'à la taille en trois grands bouillonnés, séparés par une guirlande de feuilles de pommier. Manteau de cour, en même mousseline, garni d'une haute dentelle; au-dessus de celle-ci, un large ruban lilas, sur lequel sont jetées des touffes de feuilles de pommier. Corsage décolleté. En guise de basques, de grandes coques en ruban lilas, avec branches de fleurs de pommier. Mêmes fleurs sur les épaules.
Robe de satin vert paon. Jupon en tulle de même teinte, bouillonné en lignes diagonales. Tunique en même tulle noir; à droite, trois nœuds immenses, en satin et velours, avec boucle dorée au centre. Corsage décolleté avec berthe et basques à créneaux, bordés d'un câble d'or. Nœuds et boucles dorés sur chaque manche courte.
Underdress in lilac faye, Petticoat in white muslin, trimmed in front with a pleated flounce, then arranged above the flounce up to the waist in three large swirls, separated by a garland of apple leaves. Court coat, in the same muslin, trimmed with high lace; above this, a wide lilac ribbon, over which are thrown tufts of apple leaves. Low-cut bodice. As basques, large shells in lilac ribbon, with branches of apple blossoms. Same flowers on the shoulders.
Peacock green satin dress. Tulle petticoat of the same shade, bubbled in diagonal lines. Tunic in the same black tulle; on the right, three huge knots, in satin and velvet, with a golden loop in the center. Low-cut bodice with berthe and crenellated basques, edged with a gold cable. Golden bows and buckles on each short sleeve.
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pfctipper · 7 months ago
1, 10, and 12 for the violence ask!!
ahh ty for asking!
1 the character everyone gets wrong
i am picky about characterisation and do often find myself being like 'he would not say that' (although that is often bc it's easy for dialogue to end up super anachronistic. people just talked differently in the 1940s) but generally i like seeing different interpretations!
however anytime people draw leckie and web parallels i'm a bit like. hmm
also i think nix can veer off really quickly into a bit of a caricature. i really like @lewis-winters' meta on his drinking. it's not remotely comparable to the military but i went to an insanely high-pressure uni that was 50% private school kids and being alcohol-dependent was just. Normal. it wasn't even interesting enough to be joked about (the other less fun option was to develop an eating disorder)
to me there's something significant in that we only really see him through dick's eyes - he didn't speak to ambrose and doesn't feature much in any of the other men's books, and in the show he almost never interacts with people independently of dick (except the scenes with the german widow) so we don't necessarily get much of a sense of how he behaved around others. so i'm not convinced i quite pinned him down in uprooted and i think the show probably got him a bit 'wrong' too
10 worst part of fanon
oh this one is hard! i don't think there's too much fanon floating around? unless you count stuff the show invented, like web/lieb haha
i have Thoughts on how stanhope nixon gets portrayed in fics (bc he's only in his forties during wwii and also the product of the same environment as nix) but even for me that is seriously niche. blanche and ann sometimes seem to get pigeonholed as the 'sassy female sidekick' too
12 the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
lt peacock! mostly bc i just feel awful for him. we all know what web thought of him but he was trying his best and the scene where all the men are saying goodbye to him and he thinks they're being sincere breaks my heart. tab described him as a 'sincere and by the book officer but not a soldier' and i think it's a really stark reminder that at any other time in history he would probably just have gone and practiced law and not had to try to be a soldier
also the actor that played him has a great jawline
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mouser26 · 6 months ago
Miss Peach Clue on Stage 2024
So for my birthday this year my mom has agreed to go see Clue on stage with me.
But being the kind of people we are we can't just go see Clue we had to dress the parts.
Now for Christmas I got this lovely peach dress second hand from a friend, it was her mom's from back in the seventies and I was given full permission carte blanche to do with it what I wished as long as I shared pictures of the results.
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And I originally joked that I would have to create a Miss Peach character.
But then it was pointed out that Miss peacock in the movie has a more champagne/peachy dress I could probably emulate with the right accessories so that was the route we were going to go.
Except in the last 2 weeks I have learned Miss Peach is actually a clue character.
She originally appeared in the VCR Clue mystery game from 1985 which my family owned.
She made her board game debut in Clue Master Detective the 1988 edition (a significant year to me)
And also appeared in the Clue FX game in 2003
Where she was a detective and her game piece look like this.
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So game on guys this was officially a Miss. Peach project now
First things first I had to switch out the zipper back from this dress because while it did fit. It FIT. No mercy
So out went the zipper in went the corset
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This comes complete with teeny tiny hand stitching because I was not willing to pull out a sewing machine while I was staying at someone else's house.
Also grateful I did not look up the value of this dress prior to doing this replacement it's not overly expensive but it was north of $100
in the end I did have to get replacement lacing because the one that came with the original replacement kit was far too thick and made it impossible to self lace.
Shout out to mysticcityorsets.com for having a wonderfully diverse selection of corset lacing colors at affordable prices and very fast shipping.
So that was the dress done and I had to move on to the purse which I will have to do in a secondary post because I have maxed out the pictures here.
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kari-go · 1 year ago
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Oh they look so much better
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celestiall0tus · 1 year ago
Do you have a list of hero names you use for your aus? I sometimes get them confused with each other...
Well, now we do. Let's go through the lists. The structure of these are as follows: Miraculous - Holder - Superhero Name
Miraculous AU:
Ladybug - Marinette - Ladybug
Black Cat - Adrien - Chat Noir
Bee - Chloe - Queen Bee
Spider - Zoe - Widow
Mouse - Juleka - Souris Blanche
Pig - Amelie - Nacre
Fox - Lila - Volpina
Lynx - Marc _ Sleuthlynx
Dog - Sabrina - Cheri
Rooster - Felix - Ripper
Bat - Mylene - Dread Queen
Tiger - Kim - King Tiger
Goat - Ondine - Faun
Monkey - Bridgette - Harlequin
Raven - Nathaniel - Achlys
Wolf - Alya - Louve Grise
Owl - Max - Noctua
Ox - Ivan - Iron Bull
Horse - Alix - Liberte
Rabbit - Rose - Lapine
Peacock - Nathalie - Mayura
Butterfly - Gabriel - Papillon
Snake - Luka - Viperion
Dragon - Kagami - Ryuko
Turtle - Nino - Carapace
Salvation AU:
Ladybug - Luka - Metal Bug
Black Cat - Kagami - Kuro Neko
Bee - Marinette - Bumblebee
Spider - Nathalie - Black Widow
Mouse - Alya - Muridae
Fox - Marc - Fantastic Fox
Lynx - Lila - Lincina
Dog - Nathaniel - Familiaris 
Rooster - Audrey - Eris
Bat - Felix - Hades
Tiger - Alix - Tigrix
Ant - Tomoe - Ari
Goat - Nino - Sanguine
Monkey - Kim - King Monkey
Raven - Anarka - Sorrowful
Deer - Sabrina - Fawn
Owl - Zoe - Owlet
Ox - Chloe - Crimson
Koala - Sabine - Mama Bear
White Cat - Adrien - Chat Blanc
Rabbit - Rose - Bunella
Peacock - Gabriel - Paon
Butterfly - Colt - Emperor
Snake - Juleka - Vipress
Dragon - Mylene - Draconne
Turtle - Bridgette - Aegis
Absolution AU:
Ladybug - Marinette - Ladybug
Black Cat - Adrien - Chat Noir
Bee - Chloe - Queen Bee
Mouse - Juleka - Whisper
Fox - Lila - Volpina
Rooster - Nathaniel- Scorned
Raven - Marc - Mourn
Deer - Alya- Fawn
Wolf - Alix- Fera
Ox - Ondine - Ira
Rabbit - Rose - Bunelle
Butterfly - Nathalie - Papillon
Snake - Luka - Viperion
Turtle - Nino - Carapace
Paradise AU:
Ladybug - Marinette - Hope
Black Cat - Felix - Cat Noir
Spider - Felix - Araneae
Bee - Chloe - Ambrosia
Spider - Zoe - Widow
Black Cat - Zoe - Sith
Mouse - Nathalie - Dragnet
Fox - Bridgette - Void
Dog - Sabrina - Agape
Rooster - Juleka - Wrath
Pig - Alix - Circe
Bat - Rose - Dread
Tiger - Nino - Aurora
Goat - Luka - Sin
Wolf - Alya - Huntress
Rabbit - Mylene - Luna
Peacock - Amelie - Erinona
Butterfly - Emilie - Echidna
Snake - Adrien - Aspik
Dragon - Kagami - Delphyne
Turtle - Gabriel - Alexiares
Cow - Kim - Siegfried
Swan - Ondine - Odette
Separate Worlds AU:
Ladybug - Marinette - Lady Beetle
Mouse - Alya - Gold Mouse (Biker) Cream (Reporter)
Fox - Nathalie - Vixen
Dog - Felix - Flairmidable
Raven - Luka - Nevermore
Owl - Alix - Snow Owl
Goat - Nino - The GOAT
Peacock - Juleka - Ghoul
Butterfly - Adrien - Iris
Snake - TBA
Dragon - Rose - Cinder
Turtle - Mylene - Chelone
All That Remained AU:
Ladybug - Marc - Scarlet Lord
Black Cat - Felix - Cath Palug
Bee - Sabrina - Aviator
Mouse - Juleka - White Mouse
Fox - Lila - Volpina
Dog - Chloe - Lady
Rooster - Ivan - Talon
Bat - Tomoe - Koumori
Tiger - Adrien - Tigre Rose
Goat - Nino - Ibex
Monkey - Kim - King Monkey
Wolf - Alya - Louve Grise
Owl - Max - Glauca
Ox - Kagami - Senketsu
Horse - Alix - Chevalier
Rabbit - Rose - Bunella
Peacock - Emilie - Hera
Butterfly - Nathalie - Faerie
Snake - Luka - Viperion
Dragon - Mylene - Drakon
Turtle - Socequline - Warden
Cicada - Marinette - Cicada
Chameleon - Nathaniel - Changeling
Swan - Zoe - Valkyrie
Cow - Ondine - Scarlet Cow
Dolphin - Amelie - Amphitrite
Amaranthine AU:
Ladybug - Chloe - Carmine
Owl - Chloe - Minerva
Black Cat - Zoe - Midnight
Dove - Zoe - Atropos
Butterfly - Adrien - Adonis
Snake - Luka - Atropa/ Juleka - Belladona
Mouse - Luka - Atropa
Dragon - Marinette (Nimue) Longg (Guenevere) Marinette and Longg (Mordred)
Fox - Alya - Rena
Siren's Song AU:
Ladybug - Kagami - Lady Beetle
Black Cat - Ivan - Razor
Peacock - Ondine - Siren
Bee - Mylene - Honey Bee
Fox - Luka - Maestro
Butterfly - Marinette - Iridescent
Raven - Adrien - Scourge
Dragon - Zoe - Wyvern
Bat - Juleka - Banshee
Swan - Rose - Venus
Turtle - Chloe - Mariana
Pig - Felix - Aetolian
Mouse - Nino - Director
Owl - Sabrina - Seeker
Robin - Lila - Pettirosso
Shark - Alix - Megalodon
Seal - Alya - Oblivion
Dog - Marc - Eros
Dolphin - Aurore - Sea Breeze
Koala - Nathaniel - Belphegor
Lynx - Colt - Lyncus
Rabbit - Amelie - Artemis
Horse - Emilie - Eleutheria
Ant - Max - Formica
Chameleon - Tomoe - Grandeur
Cow - Gabriel - Hou Yi
Spider - Nathalie - Neith
Dove - Sabine - Chang'e
Tiger - Socqueline - Tiger Lily
Bear - Kim - Otso
Bloody Bug Au:
Ladybug - Alix - Bloody Bug
Black Cat - Adrien - Chat Noir
Ox - Adrien - Tarueau
Bee - Alya - Bomb Bee
Pig - Sabrina - Porcelet
Dog - Rose - Pom Pom
Rooster - Chloe - Gallic Chick
Tiger - Marinette - Lady Tigress
Goat - Marinette - Faun
Black Cat - Juleka - Death Noire
Horse - Felix - Llameri
Rabbit - Luka - Harlequin
Peacock - Nathalie - Mayura
Butterfly - Gabriel - Hawkmoth
Dragon - Mylene - Hydra
Turtle - Nino - Carpace
Snake - Marc - Ouroboros
Mouse - Max - Apollo
Ox - Kim - Minotaur
Monkey - Juleka - Badb
Fox - Nathaniel - Fennec
Tiger - Ivan - Crimson Tiger
Court of Miracles AU
Ladybug - Marinette
Black Cat - Felix
Bee - Chloe
Spider - Manon
Mouse - Jessica
Pig - Chris
Fox - Lila
Lynx - Nora
Dog - Sabrina
Rooster - Aurore
Bat - Nino
Tiger - Fei Wu
Ant - Penny
Goat - Jagged Stone and Luka
Monkey - Bridgette
Raven - Delmar
Wolf - Alya
Owl - Max
Ox - Ivan
Koala - Kagami
Horse - Ali
Rabbit - Rose
Peacock - Adrien
Butterfly - Zoe
Snake - Juleka
Dragon - Mylene
Turtle - Socqueline
Chameleon - Nathaniel
Cicada - Marc
Swan - Ondine
Cow - Kim
Robin - Aeon
Dove - Mireille
Dolphin - Nathalie
Seal - Veronique
Shark - Jalil
Bear - Alix
Baku - Wayhem
Wendigo -
Pixie -
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rankingthehousewives · 9 months ago
Eight years later, or, "I'm not getting older; I'm just getting bolder."
Hi divas,
It's been the better part of a decade since I first posted this list, and a lot has changed: for me, for Bravo, and not least for the various superestrellas herein. I'm forced to fess up to some clunker opinions (Stacey Forsey is not a better Housewife than Vicki Gunvalson; Teresa Giudice is [heartbreakingly, devastatingly] not actually in love with her brother), and a few overall sea changes in the way I conceptualize the show and Bravo in general.
First of all, I underestimated the delight of the Housewives blog/news cycle, which has only refined as an apparatus since the posting of this list. A key component in being a Bravolebrity is one's ability to titillate with delightfully brain-bending headlines (Teresa Giudice 'can’t relate' to Jen Shah’s prison sentencing: 'I would never do something like that.') and to shock and delight with one's antics, public snipes, absurd feuds, and assorted felonies. When I first compiled this list, it was after my first watch of each of series, and I didn't understand that a good chunk of the captivating material occurs offscreen, as a thrilling little adrenaline hit during an otherwise mundane day. If I had to make a list like this again, I'd take that into much more rigorous account.
But I wouldn't make a list like this again, because fundamentally... I really like all of these women now, at least as highly edited TV characters! Shock twist: they're all now tied in my heart! I see them all as rich and necessary players in the show's milieu, and I honestly think that my individual moral judgments of them are totally irrelevant—and, in fact, I think the show works best approached as non-judgmentally as possible. I respect that each viewer will have their own individual lines in the sand as to what is and isn't Too Far, informed by their own personalities and experiences, and I can't ask for carte blanche approval of these problematic women and their problematic ways. But for me, I have genuinely come to appreciate Kyle Richards and Jeana Keough and THE Mary Schmidt Amons, and of course I still love Phaedra and Tamra and Sheree and all of the other beautiful Botoxed gladiators who have taken to the Coliseum (and The Traitors season two) for our collective entertainment.
I think part of what's brought me to this conclusion is that in the current era of BravoCon and celebrity superfans and Peacock exclusives, the social media discourse has gotten increasingly tense, heated, and even abusive—between fans and other fans, certainly, but also between fans and the talent. People frequently direct really cruel messages to the Housewives and other Bravolebrities without thinking of the impacts of those sorts of messages, individually and en masse. I think a ranked list like this one, with its favourites at the tops and least favourites at the bottom, isn't a great format for communicating the nuance of these programs at their best, and for expressing my appreciation for these many strong, interesting, entertaining women who love vaginal rejuvenation and axe-throwing. Basically, I think we're too quick to judge, and I think I judged too quickly.
I still get really sweet messages from readers about this list (please forgive me if I haven't answered yours!), so I won't strip it from the web, even though I disown a lot of the opinions underpinning it. If you're reading this in 2024, or later, just know that I almost universally wish I were kinder and more thoughtful in my appraisals. And, hey, thanks again for reading.
If you're interested in keeping up with me eight years later, I write, produce, and host a podcast with my friend, Josie, called Bittersweet Infamy. We cover infamous non-fiction stories, including an excruciatingly in-depth dive into the Salahis' white house crash with lots of bizarre celebrity cameos, from Shaq to Sugar Kiper to Bai Ling. Three and a half years in, we're revving up for our 100th episode, so we'd love the well wishes.
If that's not your vibe, then please continue to enjoy the weird and wonderful worlds of Bravo—and please, by all means, make it nice.
P.S. RHOSLC kicks ass.
P.P.S. Luann is still my favourite.
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thevampiricnihal · 3 months ago
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I am surprised that Isabella’s racist assertion that Heathcliff looks like the local fortune-teller’s son
(“The cowardly children crept nearer also, Isabella lisping “Frightful thing! Put him in the cellar, papa. He’s exactly like the son of the fortune-teller that stole my tame pheasant. Isn’t he, Edgar?”)
is taken here as a hint that Heathcliff really is the local fortune-teller’s son.
You would think that this is not Wuthering Heights but Kate Chopin’s “Desiree’s Baby”.
I find this to be an interesting reading and would be open to a fanfic with this premise, but I think the line’s intention is more “garden-variety racism” than “secret parentage conspiracy”.
There really are readings as varied as there are readers, especially with this book.
In “Desiree’s Baby” too:
“The baby, half naked, lay asleep upon her own great mahogany bed, that was like a sumptuous throne, with its satin-lined half-canopy. One of La Blanche’s little quadroon boys—half naked too— stood fanning the child slowly with a fan of peacock feathers. Désirée’s eyes had been fixed absently and sadly upon the baby, while she was striving to penetrate the threatening mist that she felt closing about her. She looked from her child to the boy who stood beside him, and back again; over and over. “Ah!” It was a cry that she could not help; which she was not conscious of having uttered.” (italics mine)
We first think that this line is about Desiree’s baby being a quarter Black like “La Blanche’s little quadroon boy”, and indeed that’s the case. But I think if we closely read the short story we can also theorize that Desiree’s baby and La Blanche’s son are siblings, I think it is implied that Desiree’s husband is sleeping with his slave La Blanche:
“And the way he cries,” went on Désirée, “is deafening. Armand heard him the other day as far away as La Blanche’s cabin.” (italics mine)
Why is Desiree’s husband at La Blanche’s cabin? I think he is the father of her child.
This theory that Heathcliff looks like “the fortune-teller’s son” because they are siblings and not just because they are of the same ethnicity reminded me of this line and this implication in this short story.
I wrote my undergraduate thesis about “Desiree’s Baby” and I think the fans of discussing Heathcliff and the “Heathcliff Earnshaw” theory should read more American fiction on race. They play with these ideas even more than Wuthering Heights.
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the-cult-of-russo · 2 years ago
Such a Softer Sin (Part 24)
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
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Warnings: I’m not specifically tagging this one, if you’ve seen the show, nothing will shock you. Smut will happen eventually so minors DNI, thanks.
A/N: I can’t believe there’s only four chapters left lmao Thank you to everyone still reading this story, I love you all!
You felt that excited that you thought you might start bouncing off the walls as you strode through the medical facility. Baby Orion was finally big and healthy enough to come home and you couldn't wait. As you walked into the room he’d been staying in, you saw him finally out of his incubator and in his mothers arms. Leanna gave you a bright smile when you walked in and you beamed at her.
“Do you want to hold him?” she asked as she looked at you and you blanched.
“Oh… oh, no. I don't want to drop him or something,” you muttered with a shake of your head and she burst out laughing at you.
“You won’t drop him. Besides, you need to get your practice in,” she smirked at you and you snorted bashfully, regretting telling her that you’d decided you wanted to try for a baby with Billy. She walked over to you, Orion in her arms, and she held him out to you. You tried to mimic your arms how she had as she placed him in your arms, adjusting them a little as she murmured for you to make sure you supported his head. All you could do was stare down at him, eyes wide as you marveled at him. You’d never held a baby in your life and his sweet little eyes blinked up at you as his feet kicked around. He was so small but he filled you with such joy that you felt you might burst. You briefly thought of Kos and how he’d have loved to have held the pack's first pup, how much it had meant to him. You pushed those thoughts away as quickly as they came, trying to focus on the little boy in your arms. After holding him for a while, you handed him back, still worried you’d wind up dropping him on his head. After Leanna got everything ready, you walked back to the pack house with her where everybody was waiting. Damon had stayed back at the pack house to make sure everything was ready for the baby, frantic as he’d been running around to make sure he hadn’t forgotten something. It felt like an ambush as you walked in, everyone rushing over, cooing over the baby and gushing at how handsome he was. His dad was the first to hold him, tearful as he held him tight. You moved to sit on the sofa, a wide smile on your face as you watched how happy your old pack was, welcoming the baby, all taking turns in holding him before he was placed back into his mother’s arms. 
The door opened and you looked over, surprised to see Billy and Frank walk in.
“We’ve come to see the newest member of the pack,” Billy grinned as Frank made a beeline for Leanna and the baby.
“Can I hold him?” Frank asked with a smile and Leanna looked shocked but nodded eagerly. She handed him to Frank who held him like a pro and it suddenly hit you, remembering that he once had kids. You wondered if he wanted more kids, if it would be possible with Karen or not. 
“Look at him, you did a good job, mom,” he smirked over at Leanna who flushed furiously. He walked over to Billy then who had been hovering, handing the baby to him. It struck you the ease that Billy held the baby, no hesitation like you had as he smiled down at the little boy in his arms. Leanna looked tearful at the sight of the King holding her baby.
“You’re gonna grow up to be big and strong, just like your daddy, huh?" Billy beamed down at him and Damon stood up taller at the complement, looking like a proud peacock and you snorted softly. You were in awe of Billy, watching him with the baby and how soft he could be sometimes. 
“Quit hoggin’ the baby, Bill,” Frank grinned playfully and Billy looked startled for a moment before he gave Leanna a sheepish grin and handed him back. 
“Thank you, Your Majesty, for meeting with us,” she murmured.
“Don’t need to thank me, you’re family,” he smiled warmly and her answering smile was blinding. You gave Leanna a quick hug before leaving with Billy and Frank, Frank saying he was going off to find Karen and leaving you alone with Billy. 
“You were pretty cute with the baby,” you remarked wryly and Billy snorted bashfully, lowering his head. 
“Shut up,” he huffed and you grinned in amusement. It only made you want a baby with him even more seeing him with Orion. You knew he’d be an amazing father, so much love to give a child he wanted so desperately and you hated the worry you held that you might not be able to give that to him. 
Later that day, you found yourself sitting in the waiting room of the medical facility. You were told you wouldn't have to wait long, perks of being the Queen and all, but you were nervous as you sat there. You’d outright lied to Billy, telling him you were going back to spend more time with Orion and you didn't like it. You’d just felt anxious to tell him, already feeling guilty about everything and you didn't want to bother him. You were told you could be seen and you walked to the room they showed you, surprised to see Curtis in there waiting for you.
“Your Majesty, what can I do for you?” he asked playfully and you blinked dumbly at him. You didn't really expect Curtis to be the one to see you and it was a little awkward given his friendship with Billy. While he was Gamma in the pack, he also had medical knowledge from his time working his way up the ranks in the Royal pack. He’d been a field medic for the warriors. You shifted on your feet, the urge to flee the room overwhelming and he looked at you patiently. 
“Whatever you say will stay between us. Patient doctor confidentiality,” he smiled warmly, sensing your nerves. 
“I uh… I’ve never had a heat before and I’m a little worried about it and how it might affect me long term,” you admitted awkwardly and he nodded, looking thoughtful. 
“Have you spoken to Billy about this?” he asked you and you nodded.
“I have but he doesn't know I’m here right now. I didn’t want to worry him,” you replied and he nodded again. 
“I’m not sure if it was to do with the lack of connection with my wolf or not,” you shrugged.
“It could be, it seems plausible. You lost your connection with your wolf when you were a child so it would explain why you never had one,” he mused.
“I know I could wait to see if it happens now I’m connected again, but honestly, I’m just getting really anxious about it all and I know it’s just gonna eat at me. Is there anything you could do?” you asked him warily.
“There's a medication we could try that can induce heat. With you never having a heat before, there's a chance it might not work. It could take a few doses for it to really kick in so I’ll give you one pill today and you can come back tomorrow,” he said as he went over to a cabinet and started rifling around you. It felt some relief at least for being able to try something but you didn't have much hope after he told you it might not work. He came back and handed you a pill and you held it tightly. 
“The pill might make you a little tired so just take it easy. Come by tomorrow so I can check you over and we can give you another one. We’ll keep going until it works but after a week, if you’ve still not been in heat, then we’ll reassess and look at our options,” he smiled kindly and you nodded.
“Thank you,” you murmured.
“It’s what I’m here for,” he smiled ruefully and you smiled at him before you left. 
When you got back to the bedroom, Billy wasn’t there. You walked into the bathroom, glaring at the pill in your hand. You wondered if you should just wait but you didn't want to wait. You didn't know how long you’d be waiting for and if your body was broken then you’d be waiting for nothing. At least this way it would get the ball rolling and if it never worked then you could look at what else you could do instead of wasting time. You popped the pill in your mouth, leaning over to the faucet as you drank some of the water to wash it down. You walked back into the bedroom and sat on the bed, hoping you’d feel it start to work and you were disappointed after half an hour when you felt no different. You weren't sure why you’d gotten your hopes up when Curtis had told you it most likely wouldn't work this time anyway. You just hoped one of the doses would. You heaved a sigh, getting ready for bed before you sat under the covers, leaning against the headboard. It wasn't too long after when Billy walked in and he gave you a smile. 
“I missed you,” he murmured as he undressed and you smiled at him.
“I missed you too,” you replied. He got in bed, sitting next to you as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder. 
“How was Orion?” he asked softly and you felt the guilt hit you full force. He moved his arm from you, moving to look at you with narrowed eyes, clearly picking up the guilt from you. You raked your teeth over your lower lip, giving him a sheepish look.
“I uh… I didn’t go to see Orion,” you admitted, shame lacing your tone. His eyes stayed narrowed, looking at you warily.
“Where did you go?” he asked carefully and you looked away. 
“I went to see Curtis… and he gave me a pill for the heat and I have to go back tomorrow,” you explained. Billy was quiet and when you looked at him, he was frowning at you.
“Why didn't you just tell me?” he asked, sounding a little hurt and it smacked you in the face.
“I didn't want to bother you and I already feel bad about all of this. I know how much you want a baby and the idea that I can’t give you that…” you trailed off with a deep frown and Billy gripped your jaw, turning you to face him. 
“I told you that you don’t need to feel bad about that,” he muttered sadly. 
“I know but I can’t help it,” you admitted. He sighed, leaning over and kissing your forehead sweetly before moving to look you in the eyes. 
“I’ll go with you tomorrow. And you’ll need to be comfortable in your heat so you need to take it easy while you're on the medication,” he murmured and you nodded at him, relieved he wasn't too mad that you’d lied to him. You didn't like it one bit and you were glad you told him now. He shifted to lay down, opening his arms for you and you moved to snuggle into him, head lay on his chest. His hand came to your hair, stroking it soothingly and you hoped at some point this week the medication would kick in. You were a little nervous about the heat if you were honest. It looked like hell, but you had Billy and you knew it was a lot easier to go through with your mate to help you through it. 
When you woke up the next morning, your entire body felt heavy and you groaned, rolling over to find the bed empty. You knew Billy was no doubt busy. You felt a little clammy and hot and you pressed your hand to your face, feeling your skin hot to touch. You sighed with a frown as your entire body started to ache fiercely and then you cried out when it felt like someone lit you on fire. It suddenly hit you then, you were in heat. The urge to mate smacked into you full force and you whined, wolf growling restlessly in your mind. It was clawing at you, making you feel more desperate than you’d ever felt in your life. You felt the tug to Billy like a magnet, needing your mate and you felt like you might die if you didn't have him. You tried to get up but you were in too much pain, feeling far too hot and uncomfortable. You tried to send him a mindlink, unsure if it even worked or was coherent with the way your mind felt fuzzy. You squirmed on the bed, half in pain and half in need as you frowned. It barely took a minute before the door burst open and Billy rushed inside. The door slammed shut and you blinked lazily at him, brow glistening as you whined pathetically. His eyes were dark and you saw his nostrils flare as he caught your scent, a growl rumbling in his throat. You remembered how his scent had affected you during his rut and you could only imagine yours was doing the same to him right now. 
“Billy,” his name tumbled off your lips in a mix of a whine and a moan and he started tearing at his clothes like they’d offended him, frantic and wanting with the scent of your heat surrounding him. He climbed onto the bed, dark eyes wild and desperate but he stilled his hasty motions when he looked down at you frowning and whimpering a little. He blinked rapidly, as if to try and clear the haze taking over his brain. 
“Are you in pain?” he asked, concern lacing his tone even though it was rough and low.
“Yes… please, I need you,” you cried and he watched you with a worried frown before he started to carefully remove your sleep tunic. He pressed his weight against you and it was soothing, bringing you comfort like he was soothing the burning everywhere his smooth skin touched yours.
“Please, Billy. Make it stop, please, I need you,” you whined pitifully and he shushed you softly.
“I’ll take care of you, don’t worry,” he murmured, looking into your eyes for a moment before he pushed into you. You let out a moan of relief, clinging to his shoulders. He was being too slow, too gentle and you arched back at him, trying to get him to speed up in your desperation. 
“Y/N… Sweetheart, slow down, it's okay,” he tried to soothe, gripping your jaw and making your hazy eyes look at him. You frowned deeply, shaking your head with a frustrated whine.
“I don't want slow, I need it harder… faster,” you begged and it was like something snapped in him, like he gave into the carnal urges that were gripping him tightly surrounded by your scent. He started going at you desperately and you moaned loudly, the heat clawing at your skin starting to lessen as your body got what it needed. You were soaked and he was gliding in and out of you easily, the sound of skin slapping skin filling the room with both of your moans. Your fingernails bit into the skin of his back, arching up at him at a frenzied pace as you needed more from him.
“Harder,” you pleaded, making him groan as he obliged and the headboard started smacking into the wall. You felt like you were descending into insanity, so desperate to get your release, to get his release inside of you. His lips crashed to yours and the kiss was all tongues and teeth, needy and sloppy as he rut into you like an animal. His hands were all over you, putting out the fire wherever he touched and you relished in it with high pitched moans. They got higher, louder and more frequent as you felt it rushing over you and you cried out, shattering around him as your body trembled under his. He moaned desperately, fucking into you hard and fast for a moment longer before he gasped, mouth hung open as he filled you up with his release and made your wolf purr. You were both breathless and he kept his body pressed against yours as you came down from your high. You started to feel a little calmer, like the frenzied haze started to lift but you knew it was far from over. You might never have been in heat yourself but you’d seen others go through it and you knew it could last a few days. He peppered your skin with kisses and you closed your eyes, soaking in the affection. 
“Are you okay?” he asked softly, moving to look at you with nothing but concern shining behind his eyes. You nodded, unable to speak right now and he looked at you for a moment longer before he placed a chaste kiss to your lips and pulled out of you. You whined at the loss instantly.
“I just need to go and cancel everythin’ I’ve got scheduled for the next few days, alright? I’ll get some food brought up for us too. I’ll be quick,” he murmured. You nodded again and he gave you another sweet kiss before he got off the bed, quickly dressing himself.
“Stay in the room, I won’t be long,” he warned and he got yet another nod in reply. You knew why he didn't want you to leave and you weren't stupid. It wasn't a great idea for any wolf in heat to just wander around and affect others with their scent. He slipped out of the room and you lay there, trying to clutch onto the calm you felt while it lasted and waited for him to come back.
You ended up falling asleep and you were unsure how much time had passed when you woke up feeling on fire again. You could hear Billy moving around in the bathroom and you managed to stand on shaky legs, wandering to the bathroom and opening the door. Billy looked like he’d just had a shower, a towel around his waist as he turned quickly. You saw how your scent affected him, how his eyes almost rolled to the back of his head, how his cock sprang to attention at a moment's notice. He stared at you, eyes dark and so full of need it made you ache. You took a few steps back and he followed obediently like he was enchanted by you. When you got back to the bedroom, you turned, walking over to the bed before you crawled onto it, getting on all fours and lowering your top half, presenting yourself to him. He let out a long drawn out groan and you felt the bed dip behind you, sighing in relief as you felt his hands smooth up your thighs before they palmed your ass cheeks. One of his hands drifted between your legs where you knew you were soaked for him and his fingers started to tease your clit, making you moan as you pressed your head into the bed. You rubbed yourself against his fingers, needy and wanton and he moaned, moving his fingers from you and making you whine. Your disappointment was short lived when he was pushing inside of you and you both moaned. He grabbed your hips, going at you so hard that the bed was jostling and you gasped, pushing back at him. One of his hands slowly trailed up your back, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake and as he reached your hair, he took a handful of it, pulling you up by it and you let out a needy whine. Your back was now pressed to his front, the angle making you take him in deeper and you felt blissful, your head lolling about and leaning against his. The hand in your hair went to your throat, wrapping around it as the other hand started rubbing your clit, playing you like a fiddle as you writhed and moaned. 
“You like that, sweetheart?” he purred in your ear as he fucked up into you.
“Yes,” you moaned, rolling your hips against him and effectively rubbing yourself on his hand at the same time. The pleasure you felt quelled the raging inferno you felt inside of you and you couldn't get enough of it. 
“My sweet girl,” he moaned and you mewled, lost to the pleasure he was giving you.
“You feel so good wrapped around me like this. All wet and warm, just for me,” he growled and your mouth fell open in a silent moan, his dirty words wrapping around you like silk. 
“All for you, only you,” you uttered deliriously and he moaned, the hand on your throat tightening a little and he rut up into you faster, making you bounce on his cock. 
“You want me to fill you up, sweetheart? Want all my cum?” he asked roughly and you barely noticed you were chanting his name like a fervent prayer as you nodded eagerly. A keening moan left your lips as your climax washed over you, your body shaking in his hold as he growled, easing you through it and chasing his own. He let out a guttural moan as he filled you up with his release, thrusting into you lazily a few more times before he stilled and your body was lax against his. He was panting in your ear, his hands on you the only thing keeping you up. He carefully pulled out of you, easing you to lay down and you felt exhausted. He lay down with you, pulling the covers over you both before he scooped you into his arms, holding you close. You wrapped yourself around him like a snake, desperate for skin to skin contact as you pressed your face into his chest. 
“I love you,” he murmured softly, his hand in your hair. 
“I love you too,” you mumbled into his chest, tiredly as you clutched hold of him. You didn't want him to let you go, wanted to be as close as possible to him. You really hoped the heat would end soon, it was torture and you didn't think you’d cope having to endure this for days on end. While the pleasure wasn’t a bad thing, the burning and aching made you feel weak and you didn't like how out of control you felt to your body's whims. 
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gabenathreversebang · 1 year ago
Reverse Bang 2023 Masterpost (part 1)
Death by a Thousand Cuts
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After Nathalie’s health began to deteriorate due to the use of the miraculous. She found herself stuck in another dimension…
Artwork (archived link)
Fanfiction (archived link)
The King's Guard
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The Kingdom of Lapia is strong and unshakable, just like its monarch. But under the surface, King Gabriel is consumed with grief. He masks it well, but this cold demeanor distances him from his son, leaving it Captain Nathalie’s job to bring them back together. Having known the king since childhood, this should’ve been an easy task for the captain of the royal guard. But will the growing threat of the Akumas -a magic-wielding group they’d both cut ties with- make it impossible? Or could this be what reunites the royal family, and, perhaps, reveal buried feelings? Though surely in this society, a knight could never love her king.
Artwork (archived link)
Fanfiction (archived link)
Of Crisp Days and Crispier Cakes
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Gabriel wants to not be sick. Adrien wants to make a cake. Nathalie wants a chill birthday. Maybe they can help each other. Maybe it’ll be a disaster.
Artwork (archived link)
Fanfiction (archived link)
Painful Circumstances
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As Nathalie’s illness caused by the broken peacock miraculous becomes worse, Gabriel realizes the lengths he is willing to go to for her and just how much she means to him. “It all began with a cough. It was barely a tickle at the back of her throat, one that could go mostly ignored as Nathalie went about her daily life. She didn’t think too much about it at first, believing that in a few days, it would pass. However, when it didn’t and instead only got worse, she still tried to ignore it. She had been doing so well lately, only having the occasional coughing fit. She was even able to walk about the Agreste manor with relative ease, although the robotic back and leg support Gabriel gave her definitely helped with that. But as the days turned into weeks, Nathalie couldn’t ignore the cough any longer. It was persistent, wracking her body with each hacking spasm. She tried to hide it from those around her, not wanting to worry Gabriel or Adrien, but eventually, it became too much for even her to bear.”
Artwork (archived link)
Fanfiction (archived link)
La Nuit Blanche Sur Paris
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During the White Night in Paris, the city is filled with art and the Agreste family will take the opportunity to analyze the past year and plan for the future. Together.
Artwork (archived link)
Fanfiction (archived link)
Fanfiction (Spanish) (archived link)
The Ice Queen and the Tailor
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When a simple tailor loses his beloved fiancée in an unnatural frost, only the mysterious Ice Queen can help resurrect her. But the cost to the tailor-and the Ice Queen-may be far higher than either of them realize.
Artwork (archived link)
Fanfiction (archived link)
Mayura Blanc
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Nathalie decides to have a discussion with Gabriel about his actions as Shadow Moth, leading to a series of events that cascade into a new villain, one more powerful than any other: Mayura Blanc. Hawk Moth and Chat Noir are sent by Bunnix into a world that has been ravaged by a destruction that neither of them understand, but slowly start to comprehend as they travel the wasteland.
Artwork (archived link) (Instagram link)
Fanfiction (archived link)
The Monster Inside Us
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What if Gabriel’s cataclysmed arm reawakened broken magic inside Nathalie from her time with the peacock miraculous? Now they’re both running on stolen time as their curses feed off each other. With the damage spreading through Gabriel’s body and Nathalie’s transformation into a Mayura-like creature, will they find a way to save each another?
Artwork (archived link) (Instagram link)
Fanfiction (archived link)
A Wavering Conviction
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As Gabriel gets closer to accomplishing his goal of bringing Emilie back to life, he begins to have second thoughts. Being Monarch is no longer as appealing to Gabriel as it once was, no matter how much power he has. Instead of denying these feelings, Gabriel instead wants to face them. With the help of Nathalie and the pig miraculous, Gabriel goes on a mission to uncover his true feelings and the reason behind them.
Artwork (archived link) (Instagram link)
Fanfiction (archived link)
On Ice
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Gabriel wants to go ice skating for the first time after his wife’s death. but he doesn’t want to go alone, so he comes up with an impractical yet effective solution and needs Nathalie’s help.
Artwork (archived link)
Fanfiction (archived link)
As We Fall
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A crazed supervillain running around Paris? It’s the new general experience. But dreaming of falling to her death, and with her boss of all people? That’s a little further from normal than Nathalie likes.
Artwork (archived link) (Instagram link)
Fanfiction (archived link)
After Irritation Do Us Start
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It was the most difficult decision of his life, but Gabriel did it. He let go of Hawk Moth. He moved on from Emilie. Now, all he wants is to enjoy life with his son and new wife. Unfortunately, a certain nephew of his seems to be determined to unearth what Gabriel needs to remain buried.
Artwork (archived link)
Fanfiction (archived link)
three minutes till dawn
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Outside, the evening sky glowed with the yellow light of the full moon, spilling over a canvas of black. The light illuminated the room through the skylight above the goddess’ head. It looked as if it were a spotlight made just for her. Or: Devotion was the only thing Gabriel had. Until it wasn’t.
Artwork (archived link)
Fanfiction (archived link)
The Time Between Us
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Nathalie Sancoeur never thought she would find two magical jewels while exploring an abandoned Tibetan temple with her boss, Gabriel Agreste, now imagine her surprise when she also got to see fragments of her future and the people in it. Will she want to change what she saw or will she accept her miraculously tragic fate?
Artwork (archived link)
Fanfiction (archived link)
Something Borrowed, Something Blue
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Nathalie doesn’t understand how it’s come to this. Technically she knows the entire sequence of events; how she’d been stuck as Mayura and then caught by the heroes. It’s just the part in which she’d ended up marrying Gabriel Agreste still makes no sense.
Artwork (archived link)
Fanfiction (archived link)
Osiris Was Heralded by the Stars (You Were Raised by Them)
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Nathalie Sancoeur— a long suffering artefact hunter turned talent agent— has always taken her career very seriously. Gabriel Agreste, on the other hand (a has-been singer with an odd penchant for fashion), relies almost entirely on the drive of other people to begin aspiring for greatness— leaving his few genuine prospects out to dry. This, surprisingly, is a very good combination. (In an emergency, at least— it’s not like she had any other choice.)
Artwork (archived link)
Fanfiction (archived link)
A Melancholic Masquerade
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Stuck at one of the parties of Paris’ most exclusive club as Gabriel’s…something Nathalie Sancouer is doing her best to get through the night despite the people, the gossip, and worst of all her own feelings.
Artwork (archived link)
Fanfiction (archived link)
Is She The Reason?
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The wealthy and popular Gabriel Agreste is struggling with his project for the upcoming art competition at his university. He knows the perfect person to help him, Nathalie Sancoeur, an artist whose work he admires. Gabriel wants her assistance, but there’s an issue; Nathalie can’t stand him.
Artwork (archived link)
Fanfiction (archived link)
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