#pcos meaning
crystaivfdel · 13 days
What is the PCOD problem in females?
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal condition affecting millions of women worldwide. It can feel overwhelming to navigate the world of irregular periods, unwanted hair growth, and weight fluctuations. But fear not; you're not alone! This microblog will shed light on PCOD and empower you to take charge of your health.
PCOS: A Hormonal Symphony Out of Tune
Imagine your ovaries as a well-oiled machine producing eggs and hormones in perfect harmony. In PCOD, this symphony gets a little off-key. Here's what happens:
Cyst Formation: Multiple small cysts (fluid-filled sacs) can develop on the ovaries, disrupting ovulation—the release of an egg each month.
Hormonal Imbalance: PCOS often leads to excess production of male hormones (androgens) by the ovaries, impacting your menstrual cycle and other functions.
The Signs and Symptoms: Are You Listening to Your Body?
PCOS can affect women in various ways; some women might experience all, some just a few:
Irregular Periods: This is a hallmark symptom, with cycles being infrequent, prolonged, or even absent.
Excess Androgen Effects: Increased facial or body hair growth, acne, and male pattern baldness can occur.
Weight Concerns: PCOS can make weight management difficult, leading to potential weight gain.
Taking Action: Finding Your PCOS Doctor
If you suspect PCOS, it's crucial to seek professional guidance. A quick search can help you find a qualified pcos doctor near me.
Remember: Early diagnosis and personalized treatment are key. Your doctor will likely recommend:
Lifestyle Modifications: A healthy diet, exercise, and managing stress can significantly improve symptoms.
Medication: Medications can regulate your menstrual cycle and address hormonal imbalances.
Your PCOS Journey: A Path to Empowerment
PCOS doesn't define you. With the right knowledge, support, and a healthcare team by your side, you can manage your symptoms and live a fulfilling life. Remember, numerous resources and online communities exist to empower you on your PCOS journey.
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allaboutivf · 8 months
PCOS Problem Learn About Polycystic Ovary Syndrome at Indira IVF
PCOS: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a common hormonal problem experienced by women. Watch this detailed video on PCOS in women. For more information, visit!
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sillyandquiteawkward · 10 months
shut the fuck up t is apparently the best treatment we have for pcos they just dont tell you that bc the side effects dont match what a "woman" should be???????? can i sign up any faster for t
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immortalarizona · 24 days
for pride month I am haviiiiing. an itty bitty gender crisis
#ari speaks#it's like. am I a woman?? what the fuck even IS a woman??#bc if “woman” is “person who will bear and birth children” I'm already failing on that front due to medical reasons#yippee for pcos. ig#and then it's like. well then what IS a woman#and is that definition even useful??#like do I believe in the catholic gender essentialism I was raised with??#no. no I do not#but like if there's no Inherent Magic Difference between men / women / etc / then like what the fuck does it mean to be a woman#like am I or am I not or is this even a useful thing to conceptualize???#idk I just feel Disconnected from the Concept of womanhood#like I am a Gal and a Girlie but in the sense that Drizzt Do'Urden is my wife#in that it's not about the Gender it's about like. the Vibes#all I know is the pronouns are she/her#and like. maybe that's all I need to know#maybe that's enough#idk it's just. a Word would be nice. so I know I'm not crazy#maybe quoigender is the word?? for now??#idk it's like. my little queer self who forged her identity in the midst of The Ace Discourse back in 2017 is terrified of being accused of#claiming labels and spaces that “aren't meant for her” or whatever#and it's like. am I Not Cis enough to be here????#like she/her and “woman” is. good enough I guess#I can get by with it#but like.#idk#realizing that I kinda feel disconnected from the whole Gender thing in the same way I feel disconnected from sexuality and romance#and it's like. as a writer. I very rarely actually know what my characters' Genders are#all I know are the pronouns#and like????#[gestures vaguely]
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suzetonic · 1 month
Some doctor told me 10 years ago I couldn't possibly have PCOS and my awful periods were just because I hadn't gotten pregnant yet. Well now that I'm growing an actual beard (without being on T!), maybe they'll take me more seriously.
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rhys-ravenfeather · 4 months
Okay, it's 2024 now, can we please please please stop making a big deal out of women with facial hair?! Pretty please?!
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gxlden-angels · 1 year
I think it's really funny when fundies are also super into the crunchy lifestyle like bestie your whole system is based on a dude with magical powers born from a virgin you can take a tylenol and stop feeding your infant raw milk now
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allaboutivf · 9 months
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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Understanding PCOS Problem in Women at Indira IVF
PCOS in women: Understand PCOS full form and it's complexities in hormonal disorder in women. Learn about its impact and the solutions for PCOS at Indira IVF. For more details, visit now!
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du-hjarta-skulblaka · 2 months
It's pretty hillarious when I have to use my dead name for medical settings or whatnot and Alfie is with me bc we're both gnc enough that like. 80% of the time people assume they're the feminine one
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turtle-ly · 4 months
whoever is the supreme being of the universe hates me specifically
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reallyhardy · 5 months
period kicking my absolute ASS today!!!
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ladyimaginarium · 4 months
Hey y'all uhhhhhh.
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myfriendtheghost · 1 year
hello my friend! i hope you are doing well. i am loving all of the sims updates.
this is cliche and i know it’s been said before, but josh is definitely the type of boyfriend to not be uncomfortable with periods at all. he loves to lounge around with you in your jammies (thinking about that helping hands interview where he talks about jammies). he makes it very comfortable for you, like there’s no awkwardness keeping tampons in his bathroom or bleeding through anything. one night you go out with all the boys, and get up to use the restroom. josh soft grabs your arm and pulls you back down, and you look at him very confused. he leans in close to you and whispers that you’ve bled through your pants, and he feels so bad when he sees your face go red and you struggle to pull your shirt down far enough. josh calms you down, and places his jacket on your lap, so you can tie it around your waist for the rest of the night. once you two get home you walk towards the laundry room to put his jacket in the wash and josh stops you immediately. he knows how much you hate the feeling of bleeding through so he tells you he can take his jacket, and while he’s at it he will wash you pants and underwear too. once he tosses them in the wash, he joins you in the shower. showering with him while menstruating is magnificent. he washes your hair for you, and scrubs your body nice and gently and wraps you in a cozy towel when you get out. josh is just very attentive and in tune with your body, he’s aware that your back is achy, your cramps are uncomfy and your boobs are always sore. he uses this knowledge to his advantage so he always has an excuse to cuddle close to you and watch you eat all of the snacks.-🦦
HI BABY <3 I’m glad u are enjoying my stupid Sims posts HAHA I haven’t played the game in forever and I’m having such a good time
I want Josh to take care of me while I’m on my period sooo bad 😭😭😭 ugh I just want him to pamper me and rub my back and cuddle with me waaahhhh :((( <3 he’s such a sweetie
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spiffy-sea-dragon · 13 days
This shouldn’t have to be said but just because you have a chronic illness doesn’t mean that someone with the same illness will have the same level of functioning.
It affects everyone differently. Please stop judging other people with illnesses in general, including when you don’t have that illness. This is not the illness olympics. Stop comparing whether endometriosis is harder to manage than lupus. If you have PCOS, doesn’t mean you get to judge how much pain someone else is in. We have to dismantle the internalised ableism that we fight every day.
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gxlden-angels · 1 year
I'm only in the introduction and the misogyny is overwhelming. "Are you more friendly or totally PMS-ing?" babygirl if you're PMS-ing most of the time that's not a Jesus-less personality trait, you need to get your ass to a doctor
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flyingcakeee · 20 days
I did it. I bought myself ice cream for the first time in like half a year. I genuinely haven't bought (or eaten) ice cream since October and I got myself birthday cake 🎉
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