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yulbi-cr-gye · 23 days ago
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아드만 여캐들🩷
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dandelionjack · 2 months ago
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yasmin khan
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rebeccaajc93 · 2 months ago
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Fan Theory: Is Police Constable Mukherjee from Wallace and Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl (2024) the daughter or niece of Dr. Marcus Fry and Mrs. Melisha Tweedy from Chicken Run: Dawn Of The Nugget (2023)?
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coffinsandroses · 2 months ago
As much as I'm of two minds on the new Wallace and gromit film, I love Mukherjee green eyeshadow!
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popculturebuffet · 2 months ago
Wallace and Gromit Vengance Most Fowl Review: The Right Comeback (Comission for WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy people! So back in 2021, at the start of my career I took a look at all 5 Wallace and Gromit Films: the 4 shorts and one feature starring the most British heroes of all. It was a nice return to my childhood, a refresher on three fine shorts, a cracking film and... er... matter of loaf and death I guess. You can find that retrospective bellow, including this review. Dont' ask how just enjoy.
It gave me a renewed apprication of how awesome Aardman is, a feeling that only grew stronger covering Pirates, an adaptation that still badly needs a sequel. With that netflix money they can adventure with communists at long last!
Still while I heard rumblings of a new film, I did'nt get hype until it was finally firmly confirmed on the way. I was sure it was happen: Unlike most studios aardman tries not to announce a project unless their actually doing it and the long process means it WILL happen, it was just a matter of when.
Well the when was christmas day for the UK and a few days ago for the US, as we got not only the first full Wallace and Gromit film since Peter Sallis' passed, but the first full length film since Curse of the Were Rabbit, almost 20 years later. So naturally Kev had me cover this one too and even if he hadn't paid me I would've done it. I was excited to do this one and i'm excited to share my thoughts. This was a nice nostalgic warm hug of a film after one of the worst years in my lifetime, and despite it's flaws it's excellent. If you haven't seen it and your interested, go get on it. If your willing to venture forth anyway, join me after the cut.
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Vengance Most Fowl is the first direct sequel in the history of Wallace and Gromit, which is an intriguing change up. Generally Wallace and Gromit tends to stand alone: all the shorts and movies are in the same continuity, but each starts fresh enough usually with some new
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Our heroes are doing to get by. It's a simple setup and part of the series charm: each adventure starts in about the same place but go in such radical directions: needing a renter leads to a jewel heist and a train chase on toy train tracks, sheep sheering leads to fighting a dog robot, baking leads to having to stop a maniacal former model from mudering wallace. It's a logical place, but the series flexiblity is it's strength.
Vengeance Most Fowl follows that formula and despite being a sequel is easily accessible: I'd forgotten parts of the wrong trousers from my 2021 rewatch, but all you really need is laid out in the first ten minutes and what anyone whose seen it likely remembers: Wallace and Gromit foiled Feathers attempt to steal the blue diamond, he got sent to a maximum security zoo (Complete with a fun new spin on the reveal he's in a zoo). It's all the setup we need to get going.
Once we're all caught up the premise is.. familiar and one of the weaker parts of this film: once again Wallace neglects Gromit in favor of some new person. And I was.. so stoked when I found out this was the premise
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Yeah as you could tell from the intro i'm not a huge fan of the last cartoon starring this duo, Matter of Loaf and Death, where Wallace was a massive dick to gromit so he could get laid. So it is mildly tiresome to see this play out a THIRD TIME.
It's also shocking that they execute it pretty decently. Rather than repeat the past entirely they find an interesting lens to put Wallace's neglect through that fits him perfectly and gives us an aseop the world badly needs. When we open the film Wallace's usual reliance on technology has spiked: while he's always had a few inventions for getting up and a button to press for Gromit to get him up, it's now almost entirely automated, with Gromit just doing one or two things versus past versions where he'd be working right along with the machines. Even something as simple and human as giving his worried good boy a pet is now automated.
Instead of the usual conflict of "Wallace is a Moron and Gromit has to endure", it's.. well it's still that but now with a clash of Philosphies: Gromit is fine with a simple low tech life, missing their old teapot, wanting actual pets and content to read or garden. The two have always had this dichotomy: Wallace is all about progress without stopping to make sure his solution to a problem is necessary or safe and Gromit is about moderation, using Wallace's gadgets but being worried when he goes too far as he carries the braincells in this family.
It's beauitfully shown by the inciting incident: Gromit is gardening, something that the film beautifully shows is medative for him: he plants a new tree and while it's hard work, he clearly enjoys it. All Wallace can see is his best friend "toiling" and a problem to be solved. It's the issue with tech these days: it CAN be helpful, as we'll get into and the film presents.. but the problem is when you let it take over where a human touch is needed. Wallace wanting to help Gromit is reasonable: but his solution takes away his peace and destroys his hard work.
That solution is Norbot, a "smart gnome" who follows commands but can do so haphazardly. As a stand in for AI, Norbot is perfect: he looks perfectly creepy, almost like an ai pictures with the glassy eyes, visable mouth hinges and teeth that are simply a bit TOO perfect, even for a lawn gnome. Like Gromit you just never feel.. comfortable when Norbot is on screen. Reece Shearsmith voices the little freak beautifully: way too cheerful and way too squeeky, just enough to be smarmy and uncomfortable but not so much it makes the film unwatchable. It's hard to make a voice JUST annoying enough but Shearsmith does it well. He's still very wallace and gromity, being a lawn gnome, but still feels.. wrong every second you look at him just like an AI Picture.
Norbot is like a simple AI: he's efficent.. but lacks nuance. He makes gorgeous topiary's in Gromit's garden.. but also destroys all his lovely flowers and new trees, with Wallace too enamored by his neighbors praise and the solution to their money woes (They have money trouble due to wallace making too much shit, you may gasp when ready), to notice his best friends despair. While i'm not psyched this dynamic came back the timeliness of this premise and the deft execution helps smooth it over. It's also done in a way that will age well: the idea of technology consuming us has always been an issue long before the terminally online age, and will be a problem forever. We're at a stage in humanity where tech just.. is part of life. We all have a computer in our pockets. We can get anything delivered and robots will continue to get formerlly human jobs. I mean in a year where Garfield saves the day using a drone fleet, it feels nice to have an animated animal hero share the same worries a lot of us, even those like me who are on devices most of their day, have: that we're loosing our humanity. Gromit's always been more human than most of us, always been skeptical and quizical so he fits the viewpoint perfectly. Wallace replaces Gromit as his partner, not thinking that Gromit actually LIKES his job or of his pal, with Norbot.
It gets to the point the poor pooch can't even sleep without the creepy gnome unplugging Gromit's radio so he can masturbate. I'm not exagerating, when Norbot plugs himself into charge it's a mixture of him shouting percentages and orgasming while Gromit and the Audience slowly die inside.
So Gromit jacks Norbot in so he can jack off.. which leaves him open for Feathers. Feathers saw Wallace get some success on the telly, being interviewed by Onya Doorstop, a local reporter whose name is a god tier pun. She's played by comedian Diane Morgan, who not at all concidetanly is most famous for her character journalist Philonemna Cunk.. a character I hadn't heard of till recently, but seems fucking amazing. Onya is more there just for exposition and to move the plot along but it's a neat cameo.
So we get one of my favorite scenes as Feathers must hack the planet.. er Wallace using an arm contraption he built to use the computer at the zoo while the guards asleep. That's fun enough but the return of his flop sweat and his methods send it over the top: he just.. randomly guesses passwords like most hackers would and takes three tries to guess "cheese".. then has to deal with a ReCaptcha that includes the moon under pictures of cheese to click, a gag I just.. I adore it. I adore that callback so much. I also love the little screen celebrating accessing Wallac'es secret files, just the little digital wallace celebrating a job well done.
This being wallace he also made the same fatal mistake as the company that made Krusty dolls and put in an evil setting so Feathers quickly hyjacks Norbot and has him build an army of other norbots off Wallace's skematics so they can go on jobs and steal everything Feathers needs to build the sub for his elabroate escape/revenge/diamond plan. I do wonder what he wants with it: it's not relevant to the story nor a plot hole, Feathers being mildly unkowable is part of his charm, but it is curious. Does he just like it, is he going to fence it? Buy a penguin island? Make his dream film starring meg ryan? Defeat the giant monkey man and save the 9th dimension? We'll never really know.
Now this plan wouldn't work with most fictional characters.. most would be kinda creeped out their robot built his own private army overnight. I mean the excuse is "to do more jobs" but most people can smell a robot uprising coming a mile away. I mean if their mistreated they should but Wallace treats Norbot better than his own dog son and lets him roam the house at night and jack on whenever he needs to. Point is this is suspect. Thankfully Feathers already knows the inner workings of Wallace's mind
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So he correctly guessed Wallace would think nothing of it. What I love here is that once again.. Feathers plays the boys well. He knows them from before. He can't just squeeze Gromit out like last time, so he plays to both's actions: He knows Wallace will just send them out and that Gromit will investigate because he did it the last time Feathers had a scheme. So he has the Norbots lock Gromit up in a shed they build, something Deniable enough that even wallace won't guess. Then he has Wallace put to sleep... with some sleepy choc and builds his grand contraption while Gromit returns too late to do anything and hides it when the cops come
Thus we've come to the cop subplot. The good news is the film introduces PC Mukherjee, a young copper whose fresh faced, eager and makes through reports and when the police get reports of all the theft's she's on the case and excited to have one so big. She's a delight.. probably in the wrong line of work, she'd be better as a freelance detective free of a corrupt system, or freelance police where the system's corrupt but hey you get to hang out with sam and max .. but given this is wallace and gromit police corruption in this world ammounts to the chief being a moron and 10 days from retirement and getting to see said retirement. Mukherjee is a wonderful addition to the cast, investigating the case as it goes on and while figuring out Wallace is the nexus, being suspicious he's not actually behind it.
Sadly this also means we have to talk about Chief Inspector Mackentosh.
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Mackentosh was in Curse of the Were Rabbit and honestly.. I forgot he existed. I was mildly confused when he was announced for the film and he spends the film making me regret they brought him back. I do applaud the film for having the old guard of police as an inept bumbler whose stupidity is crucial to the plot and whose quick to ask his younger protegee to find evidence to nail the first suspect they get in a crime, in this case wallace, the film makes no bones that Mackentosh despite his rep and general support of Mukherjee up till the climax is bad police. In a very soft way because again, this is Wallace and Gromit.
It's just... not fun to watch. Mackentosh's only gag is he's more interested in displaying the blue diamond, his final act before retirement than the actual case, which is on point, but isn't that funny. I've seen this done so much better.
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He just spends the film being dotty and incompetent. There's no rhythm too it and he only stops being grating when we get to the climax.
But we're not there is. Norbot is, but we're not. So Mukherjee takes all of Wallace's stuff while Wallace moans about it and assumes the norbots couldn't have POSSIBLY done this and is slightly cross with Gromit when he dosen't side with him on this. Dude this is the THIRD time this has happened. I'm happy that this time rather than just look sad then go investigate some stuff he's like
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So Gromit once again cleans up his owners mess like the second two shorts, this time taking the necessary step of stealing evidence from the police. and tracking the Gnomes to the zoo.
Here we find out about feather's grand plan: use a submarine to escape... and we also get a truly cracking call back to one of the wrong trouser's best shots: gromit spies on feathers.. feathers looks at the direction.. and this time.. he notices and has Norbot Prime cut down the branch gromit's on. This being a cartoon it dosen't kill him and Norbot being something wallace made a simple hard thunk has restored him to normal. Gromit is forced to take him along and Motorbike to the museum. Speaking of which to get around since the Norbots bricked the van (itself from Curse of the Were-Rabbit), for parts, we get another excellent call back as Gromit unveiled the motorbike from A Close Shave and has been using the sidecar for the gnome detector and now the gnome itself. Given it's one of the slickest thing's Aardman's ever animated it was a welcome return and it's one of the few points in the film they milk the nostlagia.. and it works. Even if you haven't seen a close shave just the neat way the thing looks and Gromit pulling off it's sheet is a great reveal and it's such an iconic bit from that film it more than earned it.
So Gromit heads to the Museum where Constable Wiggum unveils the diamond.... and we get the best gag with this nusance all film: he unveils a turnip. That itself is kinda funny.. but the reveal that when, as is retconned here, he brought in feathers and got the diamond from Wallace he never bothered to check the sack is brilliant. Just pure comedy. So Constable Dumbassatron decides to go arrest wallace not getting that maybe Wallace is as dumb as he is while Gromit goes to get wallace..and is told everything is fine nothing to worry about by Wallace's voice.. and dosen't bother to propertly prepare, gets captured by the Blue Norbots and tied up with Wallace
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This leads to Feathers grand reveal.. and in another nice callback.. wallace still dosen't recognize him till he takes the glove off again. We also get a really lovely shot as Feathers has a norbot fetch their old teapot.. and smashes it revealing the diamond. We get a truly gorgeous shot of it reflecting wallace and gromit's faces.. just amazing stuff I do not know how aardman pulls it off. The film also has a lot of water and it looks beautiful.. it's hard to tell if it's stop motoin or cgi like they used for parts of Pirates, but it's incredible how much they can pull off. This is a GORGEOUS movie and you feel every frame.
So our heroes are left to take the fall and Norbot Prime is around but no real help. Luckily Gromit has taken a masterclass from mcguiver and uses a leafblower to propel them out after Feathers who is having the gnomes flintstone the van for him. Norbot joins them and Muckherjee and Inspector Piggum gives chase.
And the final set piece is delightful, in part because of what they choose for the chase: Narrowboats. Now for my US Readers, which I think is pretty much all of you, like me you probably have no idea what one of those are. It's an old type of boat used for canal transport that in modern times is more of a house boat, a new way of living. Their naturally slow so we get the most hilarous shot as we see just how fast our heroes are really going in their chase sequence. And as a fantatsic payoff our heroes need to use the Inspectors boat to give chase.
Wallace and Gromit has left a very high bar for it's climaxes ever since wrong trousers gorgeous and impressive to this day toy train chase, and Vengance Most Fowl does not disappoint. Norbot cleans up projectiles, our heroes weave and the whole thing is set at sunset (Despite it having been night earlier, just go with it), for extra visual flair. We also get a nice moment as Wallace is down on himself.. but the only way they can stop those gnomes is to reboot them.. and the only way tod o that is for him to do what he's best and worst at: BUILD. Gromit hands him a toolkit and gives him a look that despite his seeming lack of expression screams "I belive in you' I'ts a sweet moment especailly since Gromit spends most of the time with his dad facepalming or shaking his little doggy head. IT's a nice show that while Wallace annoys his doggo... Gromit belevies in his boy, and knows for all his faults Wallace is a genius. A dumbass but still genius.
So he creates a cool boot throwing machine to reboot the gnomes, god what a great pun while the young PC Goes with her gut and overrides her superiors order as she realizes , and sees, Feathers is behind this.
The gnomes are stopped, but Gromit struggles and to catch feathers jumps onto his boat leading to a perfect climax: as gromit hangsfrom a bridge they end up on, he has the diamond... and Feathers demands it... I mean he's clearly not going to let the dog live, but he might but it's not really the point, especially since it's once again bagged we can see Gromit's gambit from a mile away. But it's Wallace's words that just... melt my fucking heart
"Give him the diamond Gromit! I can live without inventing but I can't live without my best pal!"
While it's always been nonverbally clear even in his weaker moments Wallace loves his pooch, it's nice to hear it.. and Gromit's expression with his ears says it all. It's good to show someone you love them, and sometims that says it all.. but you still need to hear it ever now and then. Just know you matter, that your appricated, that your loved... and Gromit gives Feathers the diamond.. then gets dropped suprising no one as feathers escapes... only for Gromit to reveal soon after he has the diamond after the norbots save him. The gesture of defeat feathers give sis great. His slight tantrum before slumping over. He escaped.. but he lost the diamond that killed his parents or something.
This gives everyone their happy ending. Wallace is exonerated, Mackintosh gets to retire not a laughing stock, Gromit finally has the validation he wanted, and Mukherjee not only gets super promoted to Mackintosh's job, but gets a big case to crack.
The ending is very sweet: Once again Gromit is relaxing in his garden... but the place has changed. The topiary norbot has created, and the various norbots are still around with Norbot Prime and two of the others tending to the garden.. but said garden has it's flowers back, it has it's life back. They gently tend to it. Gromit can do as much as he wants. It's a solid lesson: while I don't really trust AI... the truth is technology can be useful.. but as a tool. As something to HELP human expression, to speed things along, help with multitasking etc. IT's shown in AI: AI CAN be used for good things: a friend of mine uses it for 3d modeling so he can draw on the models as he has trouble creating designs from scratch thanks to his disability. Technology can help us.. it just shouldn't own us. Granted I don't think the film pulls off the aseop 100% as we just spent most of the film showing how bad it can go... but it's an aseop I can at least support: that technology isn't inherently bad.. you just can't let it own you. And that's better shown by Wallace repurposing his dog patting machine. Not only does the giant hand now plant a tree to replace the one norbot destroyed earlier in the film.. but Wallace sums up things best "There's just some things best left to humanity" as he pats his dog. Machines can help us be who we are.. but they can never replace us.
Vengance Most Fowl is excellent. I've had many a work that writing about it made me notice more and more flaws... but here all I noticed was all the deft writing, setups and jokes packed into this wonderful film. Is Vengance the Best of the wallace and Gromit quintology? Honestly no, I still give that prize to Curse of the Were Rabbit, for breaking the formula in intresting ways and it's deft pacing and shot work and The Wrong Trousers is right behind it. But it's still a fantastic addition to the canon, a needed cup of tea in these trying times. It's a masterfully crafted film that reminded me why Aardman slaps so hard. It's also a nice showcase for Ben Whitehead, who has voiced Wallace for almost two decades now, but really does sink into the roll. His voice is slightly squeakier, but he really gets Peter Sallis tone down while making the roll his own and hopefully we'll get to see him in the roll again soon. For now this is a fantstic film well worth your time. You can find me on bluesky here and remember: I'm pullin for ya we're all in this together.
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dermondistaufgegangen · 1 day ago
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Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl (2024) Nick Park and Merlin Crossingham
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stpeterslaw21 · 1 year ago
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gurumentor · 2 months ago
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sahbanali · 2 months ago
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o-the-mts · 2 months ago
Movie Review: Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl (2024)
Title: Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl Release Date: December 25, 2024 Director: Nick Park & Merlin Crossingham Production Company: Aardman Animations Main Cast: Ben Whitehead as Wallace Peter Kay as Chief Inspector Albert Mackintosh Reece Shearsmith as Norbot, Shearsmith also voices the other gnomes, who act as henchmen for Feathers McGraw. Lauren Patel as PC Mukherjee Diane Morgan as…
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themovieblogonline · 2 months ago
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Aardman Animations strikes gold once more with Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl, a joyous and nostalgic romp that reintroduces the dynamic duo while weaving in enough new elements to keep things fresh. Directed by Nick Park and Merlin Crossingham, the sixth installment—and second feature-length film—brings back the lovable inventor Wallace, his steadfast companion Gromit, and one of the series' most cunning adversaries, Feathers McGraw. With its sharp humor, intricate visuals, and heartwarming themes, the film cements Wallace & Gromit as enduring icons of British animation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0ZGf2B01uU Nostalgic Yet Fresh: Returning to the world of Wallace & Gromit feels like slipping into a favorite woolly jumper. The characters, humor, and stop-motion artistry remain as charming as ever. Fans of the original shorts will delight in the callbacks to The Wrong Trousers (1993), while newcomers can appreciate the film as a standalone adventure. Feathers McGraw, the scheming penguin from The Wrong Trousers, makes a triumphant and sinister return, proving he’s as crafty as ever. Yet, his reappearance is more than just fan service; it ties seamlessly into a plot that balances familiarity with innovation. A Whimsical Tale with Modern Resonance: The story, penned with wit and precision, delves into themes of technology and its encroachment on human (and canine) connections. Wallace's invention of Norbot, a robotic garden gnome, exemplifies his over-reliance on gadgets—a theme that resonates in today’s tech-saturated world. Gromit, ever the silent but expressive voice of reason, finds himself marginalized, leading to moments of quiet emotional depth amid the chaos. The film's pacing is brisk, with just enough time for character moments before plunging into action. The re-introduction of characters like the gruff Chief Inspector Albert Mackintosh (voiced by Peter Kay) and the eager PC Mukherjee (Lauren Patel) adds a refreshing dynamic. Mukherjee’s sharp instincts and determination make her a standout addition, and her chemistry with the duo hints at exciting possibilities for future adventures. Animation: A Labor of Love: Aardman’s meticulous craftsmanship shines in every frame. The stop-motion animation retains its signature hand-crafted feel, with textures so tangible you can almost smell the cheese. Norbot, the robotic gnome, is a marvel of design, blending comical clunkiness with surprising agility. The gnomes’ antics, particularly during the city-wide theft spree, are a masterclass in visual comedy. The settings are equally impressive, ranging from the cozy chaos of Wallace and Gromit’s home to the grandeur of the city museum and the murky intrigue of the zoo. The film’s climactic chase through canals and aqueducts is a visual and narrative highlight, showcasing Aardman’s ability to combine suspense with humor in seamless harmony. Voice Cast: A Perfect Ensemble: Ben Whitehead continues to embody Wallace with warmth and whimsy, capturing the inventor’s boundless enthusiasm and occasional obliviousness. Peter Kay brings a delightful blend of gruffness and humor to Chief Inspector Mackintosh, while Lauren Patel infuses PC Mukherjee with energy and determination. Reece Shearsmith’s Norbot is a comedic revelation, delivering a mix of deadpan humor and unexpected heart. Diane Morgan’s Onya Doorstep is a scene-stealer, her dry wit adding another layer to the film’s humor. Humor and Heart: As with all Wallace & Gromit films, the humor is a delightful mix of slapstick, wordplay, and subtle visual gags. Feathers McGraw’s icy demeanor juxtaposed with the gnomes’ bumbling loyalty creates countless laugh-out-loud moments. The film also sneaks in clever nods to classic cinema and British culture, rewarding eagle-eyed viewers. But beneath the humor lies genuine heart. The evolving relationship between Wallace, Gromit, and Norbot adds emotional weight, culminating in a poignant resolution that emphasizes the importance of companionship and the human (or canine) touch. Minor Quibbles: If there’s a flaw in Vengeance Most Fowl, it’s the occasional predictability of its plot beats. Longtime fans may anticipate certain twists, and while the film’s charm outweighs this issue, a few more surprises might have elevated the experience further. Additionally, the runtime feels slightly stretched, with a few sequences lingering longer than necessary. Overall: Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl is a triumphant return to form, blending the duo’s timeless charm with a story that feels both nostalgic and contemporary. Aardman’s signature craftsmanship, a stellar voice cast, and a script brimming with humor and heart make this an unmissable treat for fans old and new. Whether you’re a longtime devotee of the series or discovering it for the first time, this feathered tale of vengeance and friendship is bound to leave you grinning like Wallace over a wedge of Wensleydale. Read the full article
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yulbi-cr-gye · 2 months ago
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아드만 여캐들🩷 5명 그리느라 손가락 뿌사지는 줄🫠
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rebeccaajc93 · 3 months ago
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This is the drawing of the new character from Wallace and Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl (2024) called Police Constable Mukherjee.
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news365timesindia · 4 months ago
[ad_1] East Bengal fans and team after Mohammedan Clash (PC: X) Nine-man East Bengal put up a memorable fight for their fans and secured a 0-0 draw against arch-rivals Mohammedan Sporting. This draw earned them their first point of the ISL season, but it was the players’ determined fight that made headlines. Despite the positives, there are a few areas where East Bengal could get better. Here are the key talking points: Nandhakumar Sekar and Naorem Mahesh Singh’s immaturity Both wingers, Nandhakumar Sekar and Mahesh Singh, are key players for the Red and Gold brigade. However, their actions, made in frustration, were unacceptable. In the 28th minute, Nandhakumar received a straight red card for swinging his arm at Amarjit Singh’s face. Frustrated with the call, Mahesh, who was already on a yellow card, kicked a water bottle in anger, earning himself a second yellow. This left East Bengal down to nine players and put the whole team in a tough spot. In the post-match press conference, Coach Bruzon made it clear that he was disappointed with their actions and promised disciplinary measures. He said: “Mahesh is a very important player for us, a captain. But I can openly say that the team needs much more from Mahesh. “His recent performances are not the ones that he was having in former seasons or beginning of the season. The player that everybody is expecting, is not the Mahesh we are getting in reality. Two particular actions from my players for the red card are not okay, and with our players, we are going to take disciplinary actions because we are not happy.”    Fans and their unwavering support With 10 minutes of extra time added, East Bengal’s nine players stood tall, giving everything for over 70 minutes to defend and secure their first clean-sheet of the ISL season. During this period, the fans were fully behind them, showing the true power of the “12th man”! They raised their voices, chanting and supporting each player. Although the crowd showed their displeasure with the referee—bursting firecrackers at one point—several announcements were made to calm things down. After the final whistle, all East Bengal players and staff applauded the fans, acknowledging their unwavering support. For the Latest Sports News: Click Here East Bengal Head Coach Oscar Bruzon in the post-match press conference (PC: Snehasis Mukherjee) Oscar Bruzon’s charisma The first question in the post-match press conference was about the pep talk Bruzon gave the players before the second half. In response, he emphasised the mindset of keeping a solid, compact defence. The Spaniard also shared that his players “fought like tigers” and, even with only nine men on the field, their only goal was to win. This is why they seized every chance to launch counter-attacks. Bruzon noted that his players are starting to understand his messages, which is a positive sign for the future. He also said that he is not used to losing matches, reminding everyone of his past record. With a confident smile, the way the East Bengal coach spoke after the game showed the mentality that is being built within this Red and Gold squad. Improvement of team’s fitness Since the season began, East Bengal players have often been seen as lacking in fitness. After joining the club, Bruzon also highlighted this issue, saying improvements were needed. In the three AFC Challenge Cup matches, progress was clear, especially with how they performed at a high altitude in Bhutan. Yesterday, they proved that their fitness no longer needs to be questioned. For over 70 minutes, all nine players fought hard—without top fitness, this would have been impossible. Apart from forward Dimitrios Diamantakos, the other eight players ran up and down the field together, working as a unit to prevent the ‘Black Panthers’ from scoring.    East Bengal vs Mohammedan SC in the ISL (PC: East Bengal/X) Commitment of foreign players  After losing their first six ISL matches, former players, legends, and many fans questioned the commitment of the current foreign players.
These players are paid large sums of money, yet fans felt their efforts were lacking. Many said that there was a clear lack of intensity and passion to play for the historic badge. However, after yesterday’s match, fans might find it hard to question the players’ commitment. Whether it was Diamantakos, Madih Talal, Saul Crespo, or Hijazi Maher, they all gave their best for the team. Maher, who has faced heavy criticism for his performances, showed true leadership with some vital tackles and clearances. Diamantakos, despite limited opportunities, used his speed and strength to trouble Mohammedan’s defenders. Midway through the second half, Bruzon tried to substitute Talal, but the French midfielder signalled that he would stay on longer to help the team. This showed his passion and urgency to support the team in a challenging situation. Crespo, as always, played with calmness and composure, acting as a connecting piece between the defensive and offensive halves.      Missed chances, not capitalising on the numerical advantage – frustrating night for Md. Sporting Surprisingly, Mohammedan Sporting started the game stronger than their opponents. When East Bengal was reduced to nine men, every Md. Sporting fan expected their team to capitalise on the numerical advantage. However, they struggled to penetrate the final third throughout the match, squandering key opportunities to take the lead. East Bengal’s goalkeeper, Prabhsukhan Gill, also made some crucial saves. In the post-match press conference, coach Andrey Chernyshov expressed disappointment, stating they should have won against nine men and were dissatisfied with the result. He voiced frustration over mistakes in final passes and shots on goal. Several club officials also commented on the lack of quality forwards, highlighting the upcoming January transfer window as a crucial period to strengthen the attack. Nonetheless, they praised East Bengal’s head coach, Bruzon, for his effective tactics to thwart their attacks, despite being down to nine men.    Hence, this performance was a testament to East Bengal’s resilience and fighting spirit. With growing support from fans and improvements on the pitch, the team looks to build momentum for the rest of the season. While ‘Black Panthers’ will aim to resolve their goal scoring issues swiftly to get their season back on track. Also Read: Down to nine men for over an hour, East Bengal salvages 0-0 Draw Against Mohammedan Sporting The post Grit, Fan power and Bruzon’s Pep Talk: Key takeaways from East Bengal holding Mohammedan Sporting to Draw appeared first on Sports News Portal | Latest Sports Articles | Revsports. [ad_2] Source link
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news365times · 4 months ago
[ad_1] East Bengal fans and team after Mohammedan Clash (PC: X) Nine-man East Bengal put up a memorable fight for their fans and secured a 0-0 draw against arch-rivals Mohammedan Sporting. This draw earned them their first point of the ISL season, but it was the players’ determined fight that made headlines. Despite the positives, there are a few areas where East Bengal could get better. Here are the key talking points: Nandhakumar Sekar and Naorem Mahesh Singh’s immaturity Both wingers, Nandhakumar Sekar and Mahesh Singh, are key players for the Red and Gold brigade. However, their actions, made in frustration, were unacceptable. In the 28th minute, Nandhakumar received a straight red card for swinging his arm at Amarjit Singh’s face. Frustrated with the call, Mahesh, who was already on a yellow card, kicked a water bottle in anger, earning himself a second yellow. This left East Bengal down to nine players and put the whole team in a tough spot. In the post-match press conference, Coach Bruzon made it clear that he was disappointed with their actions and promised disciplinary measures. He said: “Mahesh is a very important player for us, a captain. But I can openly say that the team needs much more from Mahesh. “His recent performances are not the ones that he was having in former seasons or beginning of the season. The player that everybody is expecting, is not the Mahesh we are getting in reality. Two particular actions from my players for the red card are not okay, and with our players, we are going to take disciplinary actions because we are not happy.”    Fans and their unwavering support With 10 minutes of extra time added, East Bengal’s nine players stood tall, giving everything for over 70 minutes to defend and secure their first clean-sheet of the ISL season. During this period, the fans were fully behind them, showing the true power of the “12th man”! They raised their voices, chanting and supporting each player. Although the crowd showed their displeasure with the referee—bursting firecrackers at one point—several announcements were made to calm things down. After the final whistle, all East Bengal players and staff applauded the fans, acknowledging their unwavering support. For the Latest Sports News: Click Here East Bengal Head Coach Oscar Bruzon in the post-match press conference (PC: Snehasis Mukherjee) Oscar Bruzon’s charisma The first question in the post-match press conference was about the pep talk Bruzon gave the players before the second half. In response, he emphasised the mindset of keeping a solid, compact defence. The Spaniard also shared that his players “fought like tigers” and, even with only nine men on the field, their only goal was to win. This is why they seized every chance to launch counter-attacks. Bruzon noted that his players are starting to understand his messages, which is a positive sign for the future. He also said that he is not used to losing matches, reminding everyone of his past record. With a confident smile, the way the East Bengal coach spoke after the game showed the mentality that is being built within this Red and Gold squad. Improvement of team’s fitness Since the season began, East Bengal players have often been seen as lacking in fitness. After joining the club, Bruzon also highlighted this issue, saying improvements were needed. In the three AFC Challenge Cup matches, progress was clear, especially with how they performed at a high altitude in Bhutan. Yesterday, they proved that their fitness no longer needs to be questioned. For over 70 minutes, all nine players fought hard—without top fitness, this would have been impossible. Apart from forward Dimitrios Diamantakos, the other eight players ran up and down the field together, working as a unit to prevent the ‘Black Panthers’ from scoring.    East Bengal vs Mohammedan SC in the ISL (PC: East Bengal/X) Commitment of foreign players  After losing their first six ISL matches, former players, legends, and many fans questioned the commitment of the current foreign players.
These players are paid large sums of money, yet fans felt their efforts were lacking. Many said that there was a clear lack of intensity and passion to play for the historic badge. However, after yesterday’s match, fans might find it hard to question the players’ commitment. Whether it was Diamantakos, Madih Talal, Saul Crespo, or Hijazi Maher, they all gave their best for the team. Maher, who has faced heavy criticism for his performances, showed true leadership with some vital tackles and clearances. Diamantakos, despite limited opportunities, used his speed and strength to trouble Mohammedan’s defenders. Midway through the second half, Bruzon tried to substitute Talal, but the French midfielder signalled that he would stay on longer to help the team. This showed his passion and urgency to support the team in a challenging situation. Crespo, as always, played with calmness and composure, acting as a connecting piece between the defensive and offensive halves.      Missed chances, not capitalising on the numerical advantage – frustrating night for Md. Sporting Surprisingly, Mohammedan Sporting started the game stronger than their opponents. When East Bengal was reduced to nine men, every Md. Sporting fan expected their team to capitalise on the numerical advantage. However, they struggled to penetrate the final third throughout the match, squandering key opportunities to take the lead. East Bengal’s goalkeeper, Prabhsukhan Gill, also made some crucial saves. In the post-match press conference, coach Andrey Chernyshov expressed disappointment, stating they should have won against nine men and were dissatisfied with the result. He voiced frustration over mistakes in final passes and shots on goal. Several club officials also commented on the lack of quality forwards, highlighting the upcoming January transfer window as a crucial period to strengthen the attack. Nonetheless, they praised East Bengal’s head coach, Bruzon, for his effective tactics to thwart their attacks, despite being down to nine men.    Hence, this performance was a testament to East Bengal’s resilience and fighting spirit. With growing support from fans and improvements on the pitch, the team looks to build momentum for the rest of the season. While ‘Black Panthers’ will aim to resolve their goal scoring issues swiftly to get their season back on track. Also Read: Down to nine men for over an hour, East Bengal salvages 0-0 Draw Against Mohammedan Sporting The post Grit, Fan power and Bruzon’s Pep Talk: Key takeaways from East Bengal holding Mohammedan Sporting to Draw appeared first on Sports News Portal | Latest Sports Articles | Revsports. [ad_2] Source link
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