#paz visla
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year ago
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im pretty sure this is how the tbobf kicking out scene went like word for word (ok maybe the last panel's what my brother yelled when we watched it)
(support me on kofi! // comms)
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lesbii-enne · 2 years ago
(Part three)
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I am so sorry, this is taking a lot longer than expected.
Part one: Part two:
Translations below
“I appreciate the hospitality of your covert but I do have a job I must get back to. Hod knows if Jawas stripped my ship already.”
I said to the armorer.
She nodded but insisted I stay the night as it was becoming dark. I agreed to stay the night and she summoned alor Vizsla to show me to my temporary quarters.
Neither of us talked as we walked the way to my quarters, once we made it I thanked him. He simply nodded and left, I opened the door walking into the undecorated small dormitory.
Locking the door behind me I began to strip my armor off of my body. I saw another door in the small room, opening it there was a small small washroom equipped with a small tub. Stripping my flight suit I turned the water on and slipped in the warm water soothed my aching muscles. Taking my helmet off and setting it beside the tub I began to wash up, soon after I put a clean set of clothes on.
Dimming the lights I sat on the cot, thinking about all that has transpired today I soon felt tired and laid down, falling asleep quickly.
Waking up I felt a familiar dull ache, it did in fact hurt like Mustafar. Pulling on my flight suit and attaching my armor I made sure to tidy the room before leaving. Walking the halls of the caverns I made my way to the forge. Seeing the Armorer already working, I stood by. Soon enough she put her work aside and turned to me.
“I thank you for your hospitality and kindness, but I must get back to work.”
I bowed my head and turned to take my leave.
I paused and turned back to face the Armorer.
“You are a mechanic are you not? We have use for your skills if you will have us. We will compensate you handsomely and you will be treated with utmost respect.”
I took a moment to think, I could stay and be with my kind once again, have my work respected, and finally have a home. However, I would lose the excitement and thrill of traveling to far off planets seeing so many beautiful sights.
“I have made my decision, I will stay and work for the covert under one condition-”
She cut me off
“You will be free to leave the covert on trips for most anything.”
She nearly read my mind.
I bowed my head once again and said
“Thank you for accepting me into the covert and for this opportunity.”
She nodded.
“Have you any experience in repairing and cleaning weapons as well?”
“I do.”
“Excellent, your help will certainly take some of the stress off of some of the other mandalorians.”
What I didn’t know was that ‘some of the other mandalorians’ was the one and only alor Vizsla.
Several cycles passed since had decided to stay and work for the covert. You were nearly always covered in grease, grime, and oil. alor Vizsla had begun to warm up to me; acknowledging me when I entered a room, letting me clean some of his grimy weapons when they started to work improperly, and allowing me to call him by his first name; Paz.
After working nearly all day on most of the coverts’ weapons including Paz’s overly large and weighted blaster my back was aching. Crazy enough but sitting hunched over a desk cleaning and maintaining weapons all day really makes your body ache. Rolling my shoulders for what felt like the twelfth time in a row on the way back to my dormitory ,I arrived. Walking into the washroom I drew the bath water and began to strip my armor off; my cuirass, pauldrons, shin guards, and other miscellaneous parts, laying them gently under the vanity. Peeling my sweat drenched flightsuit I made my way into the bubble filled tub. Getting ready to take my helmet off I hear the door to the bathroom open. Snapping my head towards the door I saw alor Paz Vizsla. He didn’t move, quickly realizing what had happened he adverted his gaze. I spoke up.
“I will be out in a minute please close the door.”
He swiftly turned away and left, leaving me alone with my thoughts as I removed my helmet and finished bathing. Quickly throwing on slightly more appropriate attire I stepped out of the washroom with my helmet on my head. He stood in the middle of my dormitory looking at his shoes. He heard the door open and slowly looked back up. Stepping out into the halls, he said
“The Armorer requests your presence.”
I nod to him and he begins to walk alongside me. After a painful silence he says
“You’re a woman?”
I tilt my head at him
“Yes, I figured you would have realized rather quickly.”
He said nothing further the rest of the walk, arriving at the forge I walked in
“You needed to see me?”
I said, she turned around with a case of whistling birds
“Yes, while overseeing the target range I heard of a few faulty whistling birds, would you mind taking a look at them for me? The foundlings are to start practice with them soon.”
She spoke
“Oh course, I can take them to the workshop and examine them now if you don’t mind.”
She agreed and thanked me
I took the case in my hands and headed to the workshop. Paz accompanied me to the workshop, making sure I arrived he turned and left to his dormitory not far from the workshop. Observing the weapons for quite some time I couldn’t find anything wrong with it. So, testing it was my next step. Putting the vambrace on, I aimed and fired. As quick as I fired I let out a scream.
The whistling bird wasn’t able to shoot out as it was intended to instead it went the only other way it could go; into my arm. Blood began to seep into the fabric of my shirt. Pulling the vambrace off I could see scorch marks and a hole in the clothing and my arm.
The door slammed open as I stood there holding my arm in pain, Paz Vizsla stood in the doorway, he rushed over to me and took hold, albeit more gently this time, of my arm. Sitting me down on the work table he quickly got gauze, forceps, and bacta-spray from an aid kit. Using the forceps he pulled the painful piece of beskar from my forearm, wincing as he did so he set it aside and whispered to me
“Gar atin’la cyar’ika, gar tayli’bac.”
I recognized most of the words, one I couldn’t quite remember
‘You’re tough —- , you’re okay.’
Pulling the cap off of the bacta-spray he dressed my wound, I clenched my teeth. Once he had finished with my arm he insisted he take over and work on the whistling birds. I tried to protest but he demanded I not work on them any further. I obeyed but refused to leave the workshop, we stayed in the workshop throughout the night and well into the early hours of the morning.
I eventually fell asleep on the counter of the workshop with my helmet still on. Waking up a few hours later I noticed a small bit of extra weight on my back, lifting my head up I noticed it was animal furs. It was rather warm but I didn’t own any animal furs. Looking over I saw Paz still working on the whistling birds. We’re these furs his? He noticed that I was awake and nodded to me.
My face felt suddenly hot, odd. Getting up I stretched and made my way over to Paz I said
“Thank you Paz, you really didn’t have to do this for me.”
He faltered for just a moment and shook his head to me, I assumed he meant ‘no problem’
I figured I may as well bring him food as he helped me out the night before. Warming up a stew in the dorms was harder than you’d think. Walking back to the workshop people started to stir awake, it must have been later in the morning than I realized.
Stepping into the shop I see Paz still working on one of the last whistling birds. Setting the stew down he looked up at me and said
“Thank you cyar’ika.”
My face went hot for a moment again, what did that word mean again?
“Was that an insult?”
I asked
He looked back up at me and said
“Look it’s been a while since I’ve seen or been around other mandalorians, I can’t remember some words, I remember the basics, some words have just been lost to time.”
I laughed nervously, soon after I left to go back to my dorm. Trying to collect my thoughts I paced around the room
‘What is wrong with me?’
‘Am I attracted to Paz?’
I thought
‘Oh no, this is not good.’
‘I should distance myself until I figure out what is going on.’
For the next few cycles I tried my best to avoid alor Paz. Working during the night instead of the day, staying in my room for most everything other than reporting to the Armorer. I tried everything to dissuade myself from him, but I couldn’t seem convince myself that I wasn’t attracted to him.
I groaned into my cot, getting up I would continue to work during the night. It was almost dawn when I left the workshop to head to my dormitory, when I suddenly had my back pressed to the walls of the cavern. Looking up I saw the familiar blue of Alor Paz’s beskar helmet.
“Why are you avoiding me, Verde?”
I swallowed
He leaned his helmet closer to mine, pressing the front of his helmet to mine trapping me in a keldabe kiss. My face ran hot once again, He pulled back.
“I apologize for that, that was inappropriate of me.”
He paused
“Why are you avoiding me cyar’ika?”
There was that word again, I mustered up my courage and said
“I believe I may be attracted to you.”
I realized my words and quickly sputtered out
“ I am sorry I shouldn’t have said that.”
He cleared his throat awkwardly
“Do not worry, that certainly makes things easier.”
Quickly he produced a blue pauldron, the same color as his own armor, from a pocket of sorts.
“I would like to begin courting you, if you’ll allow me to. As a sign of my devotion I offer you a new pauldron with my clan signet.”
I looked at him in shock quietly whispering out
“Yes, I ,, I would appreciate that.”
Heyy, it’s finally done! Look at that I’m so productive! Possibly more to come in the future like the armorer.
alor: leader, boss, basically anyone of higher ‘rank’ than oneself
Gar atin’la cyar’ika, gar tayli’bac: you’re tough darling, you’re okay
Cyar’ika: darling
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violetjedisylveon · 2 years ago
Paz is 99.66% sure dead, that was a pretty final death fight with a good shot of the body and lots of stabby stabbies and kinda reminded me of Quil's death, but, tis Star Wars so he might come back out of no where \ (ツ) /.
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kiwikipedia · 2 years ago
I like the idea that when everything’s said and done Din could remove his helmet again and in fact he tries to! Tries being the key word because each time Paz slams it back down faster than he can take it off
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0funkyducky0 · 2 years ago
𐐪𐑂 Mandalorian🌌💣
𐐪𐑂 Bo-Katan Kryze
𐐪𐑂 Boba Fett
𐐪𐑂 Cara Dune
𐐪𐑂 Dr. Pershing
𐐪𐑂 Greef Karga
𐐪𐑂 Grogu
𐐪𐑂 Mando
𐐪𐑂 Paz Visla
𐐪𐑂 The Armour
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convectionbo · 2 years ago
idk if i need mando ep 8 to come out sooner or later so i can recover from the end of ep7 holy moly
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gwarden123 · 2 years ago
Din is his surname???
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agiroflee98 · 2 years ago
poor ragnar :(
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Sorry for the angst 🥲
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darkstorm2178 · 1 year ago
Mainly I made this video as a dedication to Paz and a conversation between him and his son Ragnar who for me could undoubtedly have been Canon, for Paz his son was everything, the same applies to Ragnar, he was waiting for his father's return, I am a supporter Shipp from The Armorer and Paz always had that connection of a family, both the armorer and Ragnar were still waiting for Paz's return.
The video is in Spanish made by me, it will take me a while to add English subtitles, thank you if you made it this far ✨
@brujitaadinbo First post of the year ✨
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spill-that-anxietea · 2 years ago
I don’t think Djarin is Mando’s first name, I think that the name Din was given to Grogu so that they have a shared name between them, but the name he was given by his birth family is still being used as his surname.
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frishfrosh · 2 years ago
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Im learning to draw his armor so i can do a real illustration.
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lesbii-enne · 2 years ago
(Part one)
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You didn’t mean to stumble across the covert, you merely meant to find new parts for your star cruiser and maybe a new gig as a mechanic.
Part two: part three:
Translations below
You stepped out of your cruiser onto the desert planet. The scorching sun met your helmet as you stepped out and surveyed the land. The sketchy buildings and market were the first to catch your eye.
“This looks like a shit hole,”
Looking back at my star cruiser you say
“Guess we’ll fit right in then, huh shit box?”
Walking through the market of the secluded planet people gawked, not exactly surprising considering most mandalorians have previously been wiped out. Only a few left to scourge the planets and do kriff knows what. You overheard some of the towns people speak of the ‘other mandalorians’ you nearly stopped right there and begged to know where they were. But you didn’t, you had to keep it together, no matter how much you had longed to be with your own kind. You were fine on your own. Kriff sake you hadn’t even seen another mandalorian since the purge. You continued walking; looking through the market you found some parts for your ship, though you did have to haggle a bit since you were a bit cheap.
“500 credits? Kriff no that part is barely worth 200 credits! I could get a better deal on kamino!”
Your voice modulator hummed
The shopkeeper mumbled something like ‘can’t have shit on Kamino.’ but you ignored it. You were lying your ass off but you were good at it.
“Fine I can do 400 credits.”
You handed over the credits and took your parts back to your ship. That part was worth 500 at the least but you got one hell of a discount for it. Seeing your ship in the distance you sped your walking. In a moment you heard shuffling and whipped around to a tall mandalorian in shiny beskar armor charging you. You flung your parts away from you and grabbed hold of your vibroblade and blaster. Aiming the vibroblade towards him swinging at him and catching his breastplate with a screeching noise. Leaving an ugly scar in his armor. Kicking his leg out you fell back landing on the ground with a ‘thud’ and had the air knocked out of you. He kneeled over you and demanded
“Who are you?”
You raised your leg wrapping it around the man’s torso you rolled the both of you over. Now you kneeling over him with your blade held at his throat
“A stormtrooper obviously.”
You could feel the glare of the man through his helmet. You began to get up grabbing him just above the wrist you pulled him up.
“We’ll if you don’t mind, I’m going to get back to repairing my ship so I can get out of this shit hole thanks.”
You could feel his confusion and you turned back again
“Look I’m not trying to hunt you or the ‘other mandalorians’ that I heard about in the market. I just came to this planet to get parts and get back to work fixing ships.”
You began to walk again
“Come to the covert.”
You looked at him quizzically, tilting your helmet a little as you stared.
“I do not really have a choice in the matter do I?”
“Well may I at least put my parts in my ship?”
He agreed. You hauled your various parts back to your ship and put them in a storage unit in your ship. You debated ditching him and getting away from this planet but your ship was in no shape to escape with. You ultimately left your ship and followed the large burly man and you rejoiced at the thought of seeing your kind once again.
The two of you navigated the market and past the small village to wherever the ‘covert’ was. You decided to speak up
“Do I get to know your name or must I call you tin can ?”
He glanced down at you
“Din Djarin, but you may call me Din.”
“Alor Din Djarin?”
“You may just call me Din, what clan do you belong to?”
“I am of the Verde clan, though it isn’t much of a family now as I am the last of the Clan Verde.”
He nodded and the rest of the walk remained silent. You came to the top of a dune and saw the encampment below just past a large glittering lake. You saw children playing in their oversized mandalorian helmets. You two began to descend from the dune and towards the camp. Mandalorians began toward you, alor Din began to push through them until there stood a large man clad in Blue beskar.
Oh look another fic and it’s Paz Vizsla! Yay I have most of part two as a draft right now so it should be out soon. If there are a lot of errors let me know it’s a little late and I just wanted to push out something before I went to sleep lmao.
alor: leader, boss, basically anyone higher ‘rank’ than oneself.
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mrs-mandalorian · 2 years ago
So do Mandalorians fuck with their helmets on??
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kiwikipedia · 2 years ago
I think Bolt Crank and Paz Vizsla should kiss
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0funkyducky0 · 2 years ago
𐐪𐑂 Paz Visla 𐐪𐑂
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𐐪𐑂 Smut 💕 - 𐐪𐑂 Fluff 💝
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littlemissmanga · 2 years ago
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How It All Started
Summary: Things between you and your roommate, Paz, escalate.
Pairing: roommate!Paz Vizsla x fem!Reader
Wordcount: 2.1k | Rating: E (18+ only!)
Warnings: Modern AU, Free Use Arrangement AU, Roommate AU, explicit sexual content, unprotected sex, (un)requited pining, dom!Paz, sub!Reader, Paz is an idiot in love (they both are), little bit of jealous Paz
Hello hello, my loves, and welcome to the start of a brand new series! This will be a drabble series with no strung-together plot but just the opportunity to dabble in this universe whenever I feel like it. We get to explore some different kinks and all the goodness and fluff of a Paz romance. If you are liking the idea of roommate!Paz paired with a Free Use AU, I can guarantee that you will absolutely fall in love with The Roommate Agreement by @bitchin-beskar. As always also a shoutout to @mostly-megan who lets me brainstorm literally months before I put anything on the page.
Without further ado, I present to you the introductory part of The Adventures of Apartment 23C. Please let me know what you think in a reblog or a comment!
masterlist | crossposted on AO3
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gif by @casian
Paz never saw himself as a dom.
Yeah, sure, he liked to be in charge in the bedroom and in previous relationships he’d never been shy to venture into a kinkier direction but overall, he wouldn’t call himself a dom. Hell, he didn’t even know what half of the stuff meant that some of his more adventurous friends threw around. No, for all intents and purposes, Paz would put himself in the category “normal” – whatever that was supposed to mean.
But one Thursday night, he found himself googling “free use meaning” and realized that if he were to tell Boba about what he might’ve gotten himself into, even his most experienced friend would be impressed. So, how had it come this?
It was all your fault, really. Well, kind of.
Maybe not at all.
You had been his roommate for a little over two years now.
Stars, he liked the way your body moved, liked the dips and the curves and your smile and how your eyes shone when you smiled and how you were such a tease because you trusted him. When he first met you, his first impression had been that you were a little … stuck-up, maybe, reserved certainly. And to be honest, you still weren’t super open and outgoing even around your friends.
But you were with him.
You flashed him your panties, called out his big dick energy (not without a nervous stutter, though, which made him grin every time), asked him for advice on dates and complained. Really, it was like any normal friendship. Only that he wanted to fuck you. And when you flashed him your panties one time too many, he was sure you wanted him to fuck you too.
Which he did.
It was more of an accident, really.
It was 3 pm on a Sunday evening, everything was nice and quiet and he was watching a football game when you came out of your room. You were wearing a little silk robe. One, that Paz feverishly tried not to gawk at and instead pretended to have his eyes on the game.
“I need your opinion on something,” you announced shyly, leaning against the doorframe, “As a man.”
Man opinion, he scoffed internally, already feeling his cock twitch because he knew you were about to show him something that would haunt him in his dreams. But he nodded anyway because he was a lovesick idiot who would do anything to just get a glimpse of your bare skin.
And so, you revealed the most delicate baby pink lingerie set made out of lace. His throat got uncomfortably dry and he couldn’t even focus on the point his team made because you were turning around, popping out your ass, posing for him and stars he wanted to feel the weight of your tits in his palms.
“What about it?” He asked gruffly, trying so hard not to sound as jealous as he was.
“Do you think Dreks will like it?” you asked and he hated how genuinely insecure you sounded.
Dreks was the ultimate asshole, of that he was sure. He’d only met the guy once when he had come to pick you up for a date (35 minutes late, which meant that Paz had seen you pacing and worrying for 35 minutes and it broke his heart) and if he’d never had to see him again it’d still be too many encounters.
Dreks was someone you had worked with briefly, a kind of department hopper in your company, someone who thought himself to be more important than he was and who, in turn, was quick to treat people who did not deserve it like absolute trash. Paz had no idea what you found so interesting about your colleague that it deserved a third date.
But before he could rein himself in, the words were already out of his mouth. “You’re not wearing that,” he said, matter-of-factly. He wanted to chide himself immediately because who was he to decide what you wore? Who was he to decide who you dated?
But there was something in your eyes and the way your shoulders relaxed that kind of gave him the impression that maybe … maybe you liked that.
“Oh?” you went quiet, your fingers toying with the thin strap of your bra and Paz allowed himself to really look at you. The lace of the bra was so delicate you might as well have worn nothing and his cock twitched when he realised he could see your nipples through the fabric. He could see so much and yet so little and his mind immediately imagined what it would feel like to run his thick fingers under the cups of the brad, teasing your nipples until you would beg him to take it off and –
“Don’t you want me to wear pretty things?”
He groaned, your sweet voice like heaven in his ears and stars did you even know what you were saying? Did you know what that did to him?
And then you took a few steps closer and his legs opened and you stepped in between and stars, you were so fucking close and he was so hard. When your knee brushed against the inside of his thigh, he could feel his cock twitch.
“Yeah,” he said, reaching out his hand and putting it on your hip, “But only for me.”
He couldn’t really remember what happened then. Only that, minutes later, you were folded underneath him, writhing as he pushed his cock inside you.
“Paz,” you sighed dreamily and he swore he fell in love with the sight of your pussy stretching around his girth, “Paz, you’re so big.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” he soothed you, “just relax for me, yeah?”
You nodded eagerly, head tilted back as the sun fell over your face and he, for all intents and purposes, fucked you into the couch. He was still half dressed, his shirt thrown over the couch and his jeans barely pulled down to his hips. Your panties were still hanging on your ankles and he had not managed to get you out of that bra. Though he did not mind because you still looked like a dream come true.
You felt like a dream too, your walls hot and wet and clenching so tight around him. And then there was the way, you melted into him, you listened to him. Everything he said, you did. You were pliant and eager and so lovely and when he teased you about coming inside “that pretty little pussy”, you actually came right on his cock, overwhelmed tears streaming down your face as you begged him to “please do it, Paz, please please please”.
He came harder than ever before, his cock pumping you full and it satisfied something deep inside him to see the way his come leaked down your thighs and how you opened your mouth for him when he scooped your combined release up, dropping it onto your tongue.
The “good girl” that slipped from his tongue just felt like natural progress, then.
After a few (excruciating) days of not talking to you, Paz realized that as much as he had avoided you, you had avoided him. But hearing your muffled cries, there was no more time to be a coward.
“Are you okay?” he asked, feeling a little awkward standing in your doorway. But he also could not not talk to you. You were one of the most important people in his life, literally, a person he shared his life with.  
“It’s over between me and Dreks,” you sobbed while hugging a pillow to your chest, “Th-That asshole better never show his face again.”
His heart felt a little lighter, knowing that Dreks was officially out of the picture. Though a much bigger part of him was furious at the man for leaving you in such a state.
“Oh,” he shifted on his feet, “Do, uh, do you want to talk about it?”
You shook your head, “I just feel so humiliated and – and stupid and he – I – “
Paz sat down on your bed, knowing you well enough to know that you wanted to talk about it. He sat down, his hands fishing the pillow from your grasp and pulling you into his arms. He could immediately feel you relax, your face nuzzling into his chest.
“I found something was missing in … in our relationship,” you revealed and he hummed, “And when he mentioned becoming exclusive, I asked him if he’d be willing to, uh, indulge me, he laughed at me.”
Paz could not shake the feeling that that missing piece was something rather intimate which already had him panicked thinking of how to steer the conversation in a more appropriate direction. Stars knew if he thought too long about you in any intimate setting he’d get hard as a rock.
Especially now that he knew what you felt like, that he knew what you sounded like, that he knew how pliant you were for him. But then he heard the pain in your voice, how beaten down you felt and he knew there was only one solution.
“I’m gonna beat that son of a bitch to a pulp,” he muttered and stood up. Dreks had always been on thin ice anyway but upsetting you was the last straw. That meagre man would live his last moments in fear, regretting every time he had treated you with disrespect.
“No, please,” your hands wrapped around his bicep and pulled him back down. And he let himself be pulled because it was you. And there was nothing he would not do for you. You were much closer now, still sniffling a little and he became highly aware of how you were only wearing a large t-shirt, your bare legs tangled around his.
“How dare he treat you like that?” he demanded gruffly, “Not liking something is one thing but, uh, shaming you for something you’d like? That’s just an asshole move.”
You nodded eagerly. “It is,” you agreed quietly, splaying your fingers until your fingertips brushed over his jaw, “It just went to show what I was too scared to admit to myself.”
Paz hummed, relishing in your touch. He angled himself towards you, heart skipping a beat in what suspiciously felt like …. hope. “And that is?”
“That we weren’t all that compatible all along,” you whispered, “I have, uh, I have needs and I deserve someone who, uh, who fulfils them.”
“Needs, hm?” he teased you, running his nose along your exposed throat and hearing your breath shudder did things go him, “that wouldn’t have anything to do with what happened in the living room the other night?”
“Maybe a little,” you breathed, your hand wandering up to the back of his neck and you tilted your head, offering yourself to him and stars how did he get so lucky?
“Have you, um, have you ever heard of free use?” you asked him shyly, gasping when he planted a slow kiss on your neck.
He shook his head, still nipping at your skin.
When you did not say anything more, he pulled away.
“Well, it’s, uh,” you took a deep breath, avoiding his gaze and instead looking at the far-right corner of the ceiling, “it’s something that really interests me. And … if you’re amenable, I’d like to try that. With you.”
He still didn’t say anything.
“You know, like a friends-with-benefits kind of thing?”
He knew he should probably say more and he did want to assure you that he wanted to do that. With you. Hell, yes.
But for some reason, all he could do was stare and awe at your courage, at your confidence, at how you were sitting there in your lounge outfit and still looked like the most beautiful person he’d ever seen. Stars, he really wanted to make you come again.
“Let me,” he cleared his throat, sitting up and spreading his legs which was not something he was aware of until he saw your eyes drift to his crotch and there it was again – that cocky continence that popped up whenever he saw you a little flustered. “Let me do some research, sweetheart, and we will talk about it some more, okay?”
“Okay,” you smiled shyly, untangling yourself from him though he still followed you like a puppy when you pulled him to the kitchen, “Dinner?”
And that was how he found himself in front of his laptop, reading some explanatory article on free use and getting hard as a rock at the idea that you wanted that with him. But if there was one thing he knew it was that he would make you come several times a day if he only got the chance.
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