#paying for your food and winning you stuffed animals
Imagine having a sleepover, our parents thinking we were just friends, and having fun, laughing, watching rtc, singing karaoke, reenacting that one scene during noels lament, doing each others makeup, "joke" flirting, just messing around and playing games. Building a blanket fort and telling stories. Snuggling under a warm blanket and kissing each others cheeks, foreheads, hands. Making cocoa or tea or both. dressing up in costumes. Making vague posts on each others Tumblr dot com accounts. Watching the stars, or if its raining dancing in the rain. It would be perfect. Though any night with you would be, my love.
if only man aaaaaaaahhhhhh. i’d love that tbh. i WILL a warn you though that i suck at make-up so yk. be warned
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kayhi808 · 1 month
First Crush - 11
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You just walk into the event site and it's already a win. They gave Abby a paper wristband and she thinks they gave her a bracelet as a gift. It's going to be a fight later when you have to cut that off her.
Bucky leans down to you, "What's the game plan?"
"Maybe we can walk through everything first, to see what they have and see what Abby likes? Is that ok?"
"Sure, whatever you want, doll."
Looking at Abby up on his shoulders, "Let me know when you want me to carry her. Or you can let her walk. She can get heavy."
Giving you an insulted look, "I'm a super soldier. My ruck sack is heavier than she is."
You put your hands up in surrender, "Sorry, Super Soldier." You adjust Abby's backpack on your back and follow them. You weren't sure what they'd have here, so you packed some of Abby's necessities, but you don't think you'll be needing it. There's a section marked off for a dozen or so food trucks, a small stage & tents sent up. Some families where on blankets having picnics. Others were under the tents. "I've never taken Abby to Coney Island or a fair like this before. This is all new to her." You look up at Abby & she is so wide-eyed trying to take everything in.
You stop at the tent of Midway Gallery of Games. You watch people play trying to win stuffed animals & all sorts of prizes. Some of the Agents were yelling & getting rowdy in their competition. You look up and you notice Abby looking frightened & covering her ears. "Baby?" You hold your arms out to her, and she frowns & reaches out to you. "It's ok." Bucky deposits Abby into your arms & rubs her back. "It's a little too loud, huh?" You make your way out of that section & head to the rides. "Ok, this is better. It's quieter out here."
You walk pass the rides, Abby showing zero interest. She has her thumb in her mouth & snuggled into your neck. All the noise and lights were too much for her. You walk a little further and come across a petting zoo. "Abby, look!" You put her down & hold her hand, leading her to the pens.
"It stinky, Mama." Bucky laughs as she scrunches her nose.
"But what are those?"
She squeals, "It's baby duckies!" You let Abby run over to the pen & one of the workers walks up to her with a duckling in her hands and asks Abby is she'd like to pet it. "Mama?" You smile & nod. She's so good & gentle with it. You pull out your phone wanting to get pictures, and the worker takes Abby to a stool to sit & places the duckling in her lap. She's so adorable, You thank the worker & Abby waves goodbye.
"Mama did you sees me? The baby duck sat on my lap!"
"I did, Baby! You were so good with the duckling." And that's how the next half hour goes by. You visit all the babies. PIg, chicken, rabbit, lamb, horses, cows...the baby goats were a little too wild for her. Abby ran to Bucky asking for "upsies".
"I'm ready for a snack. Who wants a treat?" Abby gives you a quick look to see what your reaction is. You raise your hand, so Abby copies you & yells out "Me!" You go to a nearby stand to pick out some lemonade & ice tea in Avenger logo mason jars. You're ready to pay for it, "I'll get it, my treat."
"It's all taken care of. Stark is picking up the tab. The food, rides, games, it's all unlimited."
"That's insane, Buck!" He shrugs and hands you another lemonade. He noticed you were just going to share one with Abby, which you happily take. He grabs a churro for you all to share. He wanted to get one in every flavor for Abby, but you nixed that idea. The last thing you need is for her to get a tummy ache. And you already know you want to get her cotton candy later. That'll be enough sugar to blow her mind.
You take a break to eat your snacks & sanitize your baby after touching all the animals. You bring out the baby wipe & hand sanitizer. Bucky laughs at you, but Abby doesn't care because she now smells pretty, not like the stinky animals.
Now that she's in a better mood, you'll give the rides another round & see if she's interested. She did a round in the jumper house. You're so worried because she's so little and you don't want her to get trampled on, but that's part of being a kid. She fell down & couldn't get back up with all the other kids jumping but she was laughing as she crawled to the wall to get herself back on her feet. She came out of there all sweaty & cheeks pink from laughing.
Then the 3 of you went on the ferris wheel. She didn't want to go until you said you'd all go together & that she could sit in the middle so she'll be safe. She had a tight grip on Bucky's Vibranium arm, but after the first time around, she relaxed and enjoyed it. She could see everything being so high up. Bucky said they could ride it again at night so they could see all the lights and maybe even the fireworks.
The Carousel was next. "Do you want to ride the pretty horses?"
"Oh Mama!" She tries to spin you so she can see her backpack, "It's a unicorn, like i gots!"
Bucky laughs, "You want to ride that one?"
"Yes! I needs to." She jumps up & down. You all wait in line for the next group to enter. Once Abby gets up to the gate, Bucky scoops her up and makes a mad dash to find the unicorn. You hear her screaming with laughter. You try to chase after them. Abby is pointing him in all different directions & giggling. Finally they capture the unicorn for Abby to ride. You take quick pictures of Bucky & Abby with her unicorn. "Mama lookit!"
"It's so pretty! You look like a fairy princess, baby!" There's so much joy on her face you want to break down & cry.
Buck nods over at the horse across from Abby, "Get on."
"No, I don't..."
"Yes, Mama! You needs to!"
"I got her," Bucky resting his arm around Abby's back. "Ride with Abby."
You climb up on the horse as the ride starts and you feel silly and carefree all at the same time. When was the last time you were on a carousel? "Mama, you looks like the fairy QUEEN!"
Bucky looks up at you, "She sure does." You feel your cheeks heat under his gaze.
The ride was over way to quickly. Bucky helps you both off your horses & escorts you outside the gates where Steve awaits you all. "Mr. Captain, you sees my unicorn? I rides him & didn't falls off." Steve so surprised that Abby's even acknowledging him, he laughs.
" You know what? I did. I saw you and your Mama racing up there, and i think you won."
Abby covers her mouth with her hands & giggles, "Mama, I wons you!"
Bucky wraps his arms around you, pulling you back against him, "Did you? Mama was going really fast."
"No, I wons. Mr Captain says so."
"Well, if Mr. Captain says so," Bucky shrugs.
"You guys had lunch yet? Or visited the food trucks?"
"Not yet. Are you hungry Abby? Want to find lunch?" She nods & jumps up and down.
There's so much food and snacks to choose from. The guys end up with BBQ plates and you and Abby are sharing pizza and tacos. You're enjoying your break when Abby stands up on the bench and starts waving, "Frien'! Frien'!" You look around to see who she's calling. "Mama, pretty lady!"
"N'asha! N'asha!" Abby jumps down & runs to Nat. Bucky's already on his feet ready to follow her. Natasha sees her & picks her up and walks her back over. You can see your baby's mouth moving a mile a minute. "But the goat was jumping and jumping. I's so scared, but Bucky lifts me so they can't gets me."
Taking a seat next to Bucky, "Wow! You had some excitement, huh?"
Climbing on the bench next to you, "It was baby but it was big like me. Ands you know what?"
Gulping for air because she's talking so much, "Mama & I race, and my unicorn won. Mr. Captain says I wons her!" Abby claps for herself.
@waywardhunter95 @wintrsoldrluvr @rebeccapineapple @ordelixx @onceithough @crazyunsexycool @thezombieprostitute @ilovetaquitosmmmm @julvrs @unaxv @s-a-v-a-n-a-34 @winterslove1917 @ozwriterchick @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @mrsnikstan @hisredheadedgoddess28 @itsteambarnes @otterlycanadian @purplecolordeer @samsgirl93 @buckitostan @blackbirdwitch22 @littleredwolf @mcucatlady @silas-aeiou @hzdhrtss @florie1 @thecubanator2 @enchantedbarnes @selella
"You won. Not you wons her." You roll your eyes but inside you heart in overflowing with love for her excitement and how everyone is so kind to her. You were so worried about being a single parent and not being able to give your baby the life you wished for her. But you think you'll actually be able to do that. Things are looking up for you both. She's going to remember this day for a long, long time. You both will.
Next chapter
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chukys-mouthguard · 2 months
surprised nobody wrote anything about cowboy rempe at the stampede. he looked 🙃. would love a written concept on bumping into him there and maybe he spills a drink on you but you end up getting dragged away and he catches up to you later on in the night and you end up dancing and maybe he even wins u a goofy prize playing ring toss or a corny game.🤠
step right up
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1.7k words
pairing: matt rempe x female reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none
note: i didn’t not proofread so i apologize for any mistakes 🫶🏼
Spinning around the dance floor, you grabbed a hold of your cowboy hat, holding it tight to your head as you swayed along to the familiar line dancing song. Trying your best to pick up the steps from your friend as she was the expert of the group, always prepared to break out any line dance she can at the drop of a hat.
Throwing your head back laughing you opted for doing your own thing, moving to the music as you sipped your drink. You had forgotten just how fun the Stampede could be; drinks, live music, fair food and games. It was the highlight of the summer.
“Oh shit-”
As you’d done one too many spins you found yourself crashing into a taller boy, towering over you as his chest was smacking you in the face. Your drink spilling all over your shorts, thank god they were black denim and it wasn’t too noticeable.
“I am so sorry, oh my gosh. Are you okay?”
You smiled up at him, laughing as you wiped your hand on your shorts, drying it as best you could though it would do nothing for the stickiness that would remain.
“I’m okay, honest. I’m the clutz not paying attention to where I’m spinning. Are you okay?”
Looking up at him you’d not noticed before how handsome he was. His black denim jacket just tight enough to show off his build, paired with a black t-shirt and blue jeans then topped off with a cream colored cowboy hat. He had a mustache that you’d found fitting on him, though you normally weren’t a fan. Perhaps it just looked good with his choice of outfit for the night.
“Me? Yeah, I’m great, no complaints. Um, sorry about your drink, and your clothes.”
You shrugged it off, little did he know you’d not paid for the drink so you didn’t mind. As the boy went to offer you a replacement your friends were pulling you off into the crowd as a familiar song began playing.
Waving him goodbye he softly smiled, mentally punching himself for not being quicker to speak and get your name. As he watched your figure fade into the crowd he sighed, hoping that somehow he’d cross your path again.
“Matt, dude, you good?”
Ty appeared at the boy's side, offering him a beer as he tried to pinpoint what his friend was looking at. Not seeing anything but a sea of people he gave up, now standing in front of Matt to try and get his attention.
“Sorry, um, yeah. I’m good.”
Matt made a point to keep his eye on you, hoping he’d have another chance to make up for his clumsiness. To get your name and drink order, perhaps even your number. But as he saw you and your friends heading for the door, he knew that window of opportunity was closing.
“Ty, let’s head out, yeah?”
Ty didn’t bother questioning Matt, assuming he’d grown tired of the bar they were at and wanted to make the rounds. Matt’s strides were swift as he maneuvered through the crowd of fairgoers, Ty having to rush to keep up. Unsure as to why Matt was in such a hurry, with it only being eight o’clock and the fairgrounds open until at least one in the morning.
Suddenly Matt came to a halt, Ty finally catching up to him as he followed Matt’s eyes. Seeing you and your friends crowded around a carnival game that surely was rigged. The objective? Knock down the milk bottles without them falling off the pedestal, practically impossible.
“Ohhh, I see. You’ve got your eyes on a girl huh?”
Matt smiled, slightly embarrassed as he tried to shrug off his friend’s comment. Watching you point out a stuffed animal elephant holding a peanut that you so desperately wanted. The only way to win that prize was to be absolutely perfect in the game, but with several drinks in your system, Matt could tell by your first throw you weren’t leaving a winner.
“I spilled my drink on her Ty, I wanted to try and repay her, but she left the bar before I could.”
“Soooo you’re stalking her now to buy her a ‘sorry I’m a tall lanky clutz’ drink?”
Matt shot Ty a glare at his comments, leaning against a nearby building as he continued watching your failed attempts at winning your desired prize.
“Not stalking Ty, simply a man after something he wants. And I hate to say, I want her number. She’s beautiful.”
Ty flicked the brim of Matt’s cowboy hat, rolling his eyes as he found a spot against the wall to reluctantly join him. “Okay lover boy, so what’s your master plan to get her number? Star at her from afar all night and hope she notices your eyes burning a hole in the back of her head?”
You’d handed another ten dollars to the worker, getting another three chances at the prize you’d been listing over. A smile on Matt’s face as he watched your friends giving you a pep talk, laughing at how hard you were working for this prize. Though he admired your persistence for the plush that surely wasn’t worth the money.
“Well, that’s thirty bucks down the drain. I need another drink!”
Matt watched as you and your friends made your way across the path to a new bar, finding a place at the counter to order a round of drinks. Once the game had been available and reset, he walked up to the counter to take his chances. Ty rolled his eyes with a groan as he joined Matt at the booth, praying that he’d somehow get lucky and win so that the boys could get back to drinking.
“I do not come to the Stampede for carnival games dude, and you’re twenty-two years old by the way. Trying to win an stuffed animal elephant for a girl…who if I had to guess-”
Ty glanced back at you and your friends tossing back shots at the bar, turning back to Matt as he studied the baseballs to find the perfect one to throw.
“She’s definitely at least twenty-one, maybe if we are lucky she is older and can get you to act your age for once.”
“Newsflash Ty, she was just playing this same exact game so shut your goddamn mouth for five minutes so I can concentrate.”
Matt took a deep breath, stretching his arm a bit as if he was getting ready to pitch the final game of the World Series. Ty just shaking his head, praying that no one passing by was catching a glimpse at how embarrassing this scenario was becoming.
Matt’s first throw not even close to the tower of milk bottles, a soft chuckle coming from Ty as he tried not to add to his friend’s frustration. Simply giving him some halfhearted words of encouragement as Matt picked up his next baseball.
As you finished your second drink at the bar, you glanced out at the crowd passing by, a tall figure catching your eye at the booth of the game you’d just thrown thirty dollars at. Only for you to realize it was the culprit who had spilled your drink at the previous bar, mainly since he was the tallest man at Stampede and was too hot not to notice.
You watched as he handed over another bill to the worker as he was handed three more baseballs, his friend clearly fed up with having to watch the taller boy failing continuously at the game. Chuckling to yourself you’d ordered another round of drinks for your friends, keeping an eye on the two boys wondering how long they’d keep at it before calling it quits.
The next ten or so attempts continued similarly to the first, only getting slightly better as Matt had managed to knock over a maximum of two of the three milk bottles, though they’d not stayed on the table as was the point of the game. Ty had grown restless as he watched Matt reach in his pocket for another ten dollar bill, patting him on the shoulder as he decided to head over to the bar you were occupying and grab a drink.
“Hey! Is he having any luck over there?”
You smiled at Ty as he shook his head, throwing a shot back before he leaned against the bar to see Matt still trying his darndest to win you a prize.
“Well he’s doing it all for you, you know? He’s dropped like almost fifty bucks all to make up for your ten dollar drink he spilled on you back at the other bar.”
Your eyes went wide as you looked at Matt, seeing him hang his head as he’d thrown away another ten dollars in failed attempts. Needing to put a stop to things before he dropped a hundred dollars trying to win you a no more than fifteen dollar stuffed animal that you did not need in the slightest.
“Hey, cowboy.”
Matt turned to see you now next to him, a smile on his face as you were the last person he expected to see at his side.
“What the hell are you doing over here?”
“Isn’t it obvious, trying my luck at becoming an MLB pitcher.”
You laughed at his sarcasm, seeing a ten dollar bill in between his fingers and quickly reaching for it. Tucking it in the breast pocket of his jean jacket, leaving him with a confused look on his face.
“While I appreciate you embarrassing yourself at this carnival game that is surely rigged just to repay me for a drink…did you ever think of just buying me a drink?”
Matt scratched his head as he’d realized that would’ve been the logical thing to do, despite Ty telling him several times it had only gotten through to him coming from you.
“I mean, that would’ve been the more obvious route to take. But, I wanted to stand out I guess? Be different than just another guy offering you a drink?”
Nodding your head you smiled up at him, his smirk causing you to blush but luckily your cowboy hat hid your cheeks from him.
“And how did that go? Wanting to be different and all?”
“Wanting to be different ran me about fifty bucks.”
He awakedly rubbed his hands together, watching as you reached towards his pocket pulling the ten dollar bill from it and flashing it at him between two fingers.
“Well, lucky for you the drink I like will only cost you less than ten.”
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lovelyghst · 6 months
Your last ask about hungry simon and eating your leftovers just warmed my heart!
Like he would have a field day with me cause I can't eat much in one sitting but get hungry easily and sadly get sick fast if I can't eat.
Just Imagine him always having safe snacks on hand and loving strolling around and getting snacks from vendors and such and he just gets more than half of everything cause you get full so fast
Hear me out
You're always cooking for a football team portion wise and and and him praising the food and just really loving it (not me with a praise kink) and you're just glad it doesnt go to waste and he gets to feel full and satisfied
[one, two, three.]
honestly!! simon has to carry snacks around with him twenty-four/seven. like, bag of pretzels being dwarfed by his giant palm while he’s walking around the house, emptying a large bag of beef/steak jerky every day and a whole carton of eggs every two days.
being eyed by the employees of a store while you try on clothes because food and drinks aren’t allowed in store yet none of the staff want to be the one to confront the six-foot-four, intimidating, hulking man with an apple in his hand as he watches you do a twirl for him.
and you’re so real for the last part! si has manners, undoubtedly, and he won’t hesitate to let you know how much he appreciates you and your hard work; he’d be such a fool not to.
just walking into his home office while he’s working at his desk, bowl of cut up strawberries and kiwis in hand for him to munch on as you find your place in his lap, possibly for a quick nap. bonus points if you cut the fruits up into little shapes or cover them in melted chocolate.
he gives the best hugs; it’s a given, considering his mass, and he could never say no to the sensation of your arms wrapped around his neck, pretty face buried in his collar, and the calming rhythm of your breathing against his chest reminding him that he could use a break, too.
he loves the effort you put in for him when he doesn’t even ask, and he always makes sure to pay you back for it. sometimes it tugs so severely at his heartstrings that, despite never wanting children or anything of the sort, he suddenly wants to make you a parent. only with him, and so fucking bad that it makes him sick.
but anyways my american brain is taking over and imagine going to a state fair or carnival with him, or just any theme park in general. you know he’s already getting in line for a vendor while he still has the prior’s food in his hand. the idea of him carrying around one of those ginormous turkey legs is so silly to me.
you’re going home with the half-dozen giant stuffed animals he won for you at the shooting games while he’s balancing two funnel cakes and an elephant ear in one hand, and your bag, filled with various sweets and memorabilia, in the other as you hike back to the car.
also, in my mind retired simon would still work as a consultant on a nearby military base a few days of the month or whenever he’s needed, and now i’m thinking about packing him nice lunches for those days, and how absolutely adorable he finds it. he’s glad he still has his own desk because the little love notes you leave in his box quite literally have his heart racing and knees buckling.
guys the demons are winning and now i can’t stop thinking about how good of a (girl!) dad he would be. i’m in shambles.
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peachsukii · 4 months
₊✩‧₊ ⎯  your favorite demon slayer takes you to a carnival!
『 ♡ various demon slayer x reader 』
content ; modern au (no demon slaying lol), college age, fluff to the max Happy Sunday, loves! I'm burnt to a crisp after working at the faire today, but wanted to share this sweet little thought on my mind.
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The sun sets over the horizon, a beautiful mixture of pastel hues painted across the sky as the gentle breeze offers relief from the humidity lingering in the air. Soon enough, the sounds of the carnival begin to fill the air - children's laughter, buzzers and music, and the mechanical whir of the rides.
Tanjiro walks with you, hand in hand, throughout the entirety of the carnival, taking notice how your eyes land on a specific stuffed animal at one of the game stands each time you passed the stall. Once you've gotten your first snack of the night, he gently leads you back to said stall to play together. It's one of those water shooting games - whoever can get their target to the top first is the winner! He pays for the two of you before you get the chance to pull out your wallet. And when Tanjiro wins, he's all laughs and smiles as he asks for the plush from the attendant, gleaming with joy when your face lights up with excitement. It's just one more to add to the pile back home, but seeing you smile makes it all worth it - he'd win you every single one if it meant seeing you this way.
When Giyu suggested going to the local carnival for your date night, you were taken aback that he'd want to go in the first place - he's not one for crowds and noise. He assures you that he wants to step out of his comfort zone, and you'll be with him, so he has nothing to worry about. When you get there, you can't help but notice how much his eyes glitter under the various fairy lights and neon signs of the rides, in awe of every little thing around him. It's the cutest thing, spaced out while taking in the moment. Giyu insists on buying you a funnel cake - how can you go to a carnival without eating one? And when he tells you he's never had any, you share it with him while watching the fireworks show at the end of the night, snuggled up on a blanket beneath the spectacle of lights.
You knew better than most people that Tengen was ecstatic during this time of year - flashy celebrations are in his blood, how could he not get excited for carnival season? He plans a date night for the two of you as soon as he knows the date for the carnival in his hometown. As the sun sets, he takes you around his hometown, telling story after story of his life before college and how he 'fell off that swing set at nine!' or 'I used to swim in that creek over there with friends!' It's endearing how he talks about it all like it was yesterday, or that you were there with him. Once you finally get to the carnival, Tengen wants to introduce you to every single person that he knows - old friends from school, his family, and old bosses when he worked here as a teen. They spoil you with affection, offering free tickets and snacks wherever you went. What he didn't tell you is that the firework show is organized by his family - he pulled some strings to be sure your favorite colors were used and that you had the perfect place to lay in the grass to see it.
The moment Sanemi steps foot onto the carnival grounds, he's booking it over to the ticket booth, loading up on the currency to jump on as many rides as possible. You've told him plenty of times that carnival rides are super reckless and will leave you sore, but he didn't care - that only added to his excitement. The thrill of it being dangerous in any circumstance made it that much more desirable for him. He drags you on to each one with him, too - the makeshift wooden rollercoaster, tilt-a-whirl, ferris wheel, bumper cars, and mirror maze...multiple times a piece. Once Sanemi can tell you're worn out, he buys you all the food you want as a 'thanks' for spending time with him. You both plow through hot dogs, ice cream, lemonade, pretzels, and of course, cotton candy to refuel. He knows you're not much of a thrill seeker, but it means the world to him (and he'd never tell you) that you go along with it all, open to trying any and everything by his side.
The thing Genya's most excited about is carnival games! He loves to show off his skills and win you every single prize under the sun - little trophies to signify how much he adores you. When you arrive, he immediately makes a mental list of which games he'd like to play, in what order, and how many tries it'll take to win you the biggest things available. His favorites are dart games and anything to do with shooting - he's an excellent marksmen from being on the archery team at his college, and can't help but show off for you whenever he gets the chance. You're his biggest cheerleader, always hyping him up before a competition, and now with these silly games. By the end of the night, both Genya's and your arms are full of prizes - everything from stuffed animals to small trinkets. The way your smile sparkles under the lights of the carnival is more than worth it to him to show you just how much he cares.
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『 #reis softie sundays 』
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mattyriddlesbitch · 2 months
Ice Cream
Lorenzo Berkshire x Reader
Warnings: Kissing
Fourth week of Jinxed July that @thatdammchickennugget and @finalgirllx are doing.
Could be seen as an AU with no magic, but I didn't plan it that way.
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You and Enzo spent the day at a little festival for the summer. It was hot, but you two had fun playing the little games, winning prizes, going on the rides, and eating food from the vendors. You and Enzo were leaving as the sun was starting to set, an arm full each of little stuffed animals you both won.
“Let’s get some ice cream before we go home.” Enzo suggested with a big smile that you just couldn’t turn down.
“Last one there owes the other a secret!” You said as you took off towards the ice cream vendor.
He called after you as he quickly followed you, reaching you as you started ordering your ice cream, catching his breath with a smile. “That wasn’t fair.”
“I’m sorry.” You fake pouted. “What do you want?” You asked, gesturing to the little menu they had.
“Vanilla.” He said to the lady preparing your ice cream.
“Boring.” You said with a sing-song tone.
“It’s a classic!” He said defensively.
“That’s just a nicer way of saying ‘boring’.” You teased with a smile, taking your ice cream from the lady.
“At least I don’t choose the little kid flavors.” He gestured to your cone with colorful cotton candy ice cream sitting atop it.
“I will not be shamed for having fun and enjoying life.” You huffed before beginning to lick at the ice cream.
He just rolled his eyes with a smile, taking his cone from the lady and paying. He started walking away and you followed behind him this time. He grabbed your hand, guiding you between the crowd to leave so you wouldn’t lose each other. He got you both onto the sidewalk to get home and brought you to his side to walk next to him instead of behind him. You both walked in silence, still holding hands, holding the stuffed animals to you with your other arm as you finished your ice creams, trying to hurry before they melted onto your hands. It was a tad awkward to maneuver, but neither of you wanted to let go of the other’s hand.
 “Let’s go this way. More scenic.” He suddenly said, pulling you to a little dirt trail on the side of the sidewalk.
“It’s getting late, Enzo.” You said, but still made no effort to resist him.
“Now who’s the one not enjoying life?” He smiled as he turned to look at you.
“Fine.” You smiled back, wiping the remnants of the cone from your hand and shirt as he guided you down the path.
It led you down to a small field of flowers and trees, a small untouched part of nature. It was beautiful. You both slowed down to look at it.
“You know something I’ve always wanted to do?” You said, stopping, making him stop.
“What?” He asked curiously.
“I’ve always wanted to run in a field like this, I don’t know why. It just looks fun.” You said, turning your head to look at him.
“Do you wanna?” He smiled back at you.
“What do you think?”
You both put the stuffed animals down by the path. You started running into the field, holding his hand as he ran with you. You both were laughing, feeling the flowers brush against your legs, the warm light from the sunset in the sky. You tripped on a rock, causing you to fall, bringing Enzo with you as you both fell into the flowers, still laughing as you rolled onto your back.
“You okay?” Enzo asked as he looked over to see you looking up at the sky.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Probably have little scraps, but it’s okay. You?” You asked, looking back at him.
He rolled onto his back as well, laying next to you. “I’m okay.”
“You still owe me a secret, you know.” You said, smiling at him.
“Do I?” He smiled back.
“Come on. You know you do. You were last. Tell me.”
He looked up at the sky as he thought for a moment.
“Just pick one.” You said, nudging his leg with your foot.
“You’re incredibly impatient.” He laughed, looking back at you. He stared at you for a moment. “Alright.” He sighed, turning on his side towards you, propped on his elbow. “Here’s one I never told you. I am…completely in love with you.”
You stared back for a moment. “For real? You’re not playing with me?”
“I’m 100% serious.” He said, brushing your hair out of your face, his eyes still locked with yours.
“What if I said that I feel the same?” You asked quietly.
His smile grew. “Then I’d kiss you.” His hand lingered on your cheek.
“Then I feel the same.” You said, smiling back.
“That’s perfect for me.” He said, leaning down and pressing his lips to yours.
You reached up to cup his cheeks, kissing him eagerly. It didn’t take long for his tongue to find its way into your mouth, feeling everywhere he could reach before pulling back.
“I can taste your overly sweet, kid’s ice cream.” He teased.
“It’s cotton candy and I, again, will not be shamed by you.” You scoffed, looking up at him.
He chuckled before kissing you again.
@jeannie-beannie @yourenogoodforme @mixvchelle @helendeath @evaslytherpuff
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Let me know if you wanna be added!
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twiixr4kidz · 1 year
Hii I was wondering if you could make Seven evil exes x reader and it's like their first anniversary hehe thanks!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
matthew patel
he's been preparing for MONTHS
he wants everything to be absolutely perfect
you're gonna come home to the house being covered in rose petals and balloons
the smell of a fresh, homemade meal wafting through the halls
the sound of a hot bath being drawn, filled to the brim with the most delicious-smelling bubble bath
and matthew, with a small gift in hand
in that box may or may not be a specific piece of jewelry you'd been eyeing for like, ever :3
matthew LISTENS
lucas lee
he invites you over and hands you a fancy outfit, perfect for a night out
he tells you to take all the time you need to get ready while he does the same
once you're ready, he will not shut up about how fucking incredible he thinks you look
and then, it's time for the bougiest dinner you've ever eaten
the sky is the limit, and lucas is more than willing to pay for whatever you want
he even gets the most expensive champagne
todd ingram
spoiler alert, he's been writing a song about you since he first began having feelings for you
definitely sits you down beforehand to plan something, except he doesn't tell you that it's for your anniversary
he wakes you up with breakfast in bed and a fresh pitcher of your favorite flowers on your bedside table
he lets you sleep in, but not TOO late - you have a very busy day ahead, full of the most stomach-churningly sweet romantic activities ever (todd's a little bit of a cornball but in the best way possible)
roxie richter
roxie gets so excited the night before that she literally keeps you up until midnight just so she can scream "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY" and pop confetti canons that somehow?? spawned into her hands??
she does let you sleep eventually, but she wakes you up as soon as she sees fit
the entire house is fucking COVERED in the tackiest party city decorations
for breakfast? a cake. that she made. at 3am. (she didn't sleep)
she also wanted to do something fun for your anniversary... by fun i mean a nerf gun fight
plus side, if you win, you get to pick dinner!!
kyle katayanagi
at first, kyle sort of brushes off your anniversary
trust me, he cares. he cares A LOT. but he literally has no idea what to do for an anniversary so him brushing it off is his way of saying "WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO"
the day of, he'll invite you over without saying much
when you get to his house, he (nervously) greets you with some hand-picked flowers and your favorite drink
he's the kind of guy to get you one of those little gift baskets that has things like your favorite snacks, a movie, a comfy pair of pj pants, a stuffed animal, and a little giftcard
at the very bottom, tucked into the folds of the pj pants, is a letter where he expresses how lucky he is to have you in his life
ken katayanagi
ken's a big planner but a bad celebrator
similarly to his brother, he also isn't really sure about what to do for your anniversary
he's probably going to keep it on the simpler side because he doesn't want to overwhelm you
he pays attention to the things you say you like and you want, and he'll pick out a couple that he knew you really wanted
and of course, he's going to treat you to dinner because what kind of gentleman would he be if he didn't??
gideon graves
i've said it once and i'll say it again, gideon LOVES to spoil you
he gives you gifts all the time, and your anniversary is no different
the gifts that he gives on your anniversary are one the more expensive side
he either makes or buys all of your favorite foods for you
AND, when you thought he already did the most, he surprises you with two tickets for a trip to a dream location of your choice, including plenty of fun activities, lots of sight seeing, and LOTS of rest n relaxation
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Baki Head Canons
Your partner takes you out on a date to the fair
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Baki Hanma
Baki is taking you on every ride and to every stand. He is enjoying his time with you since he’s never really had a happy childhood
Expect numerous selfies taken and cotton candy to be eaten until your stomach hurts. Baki wants to do everything. You two will be there from opening until close
Baki is most fond of the carousel since the two of you can ride horses together
You have several pictures on your phone of Baku petting all the farm animals (he loves the cows the most)
Jack Hanma
This isn’t really his scene but he wanted to do it for you. He is sadly too big for all the rides so he watches you enjoy them
But Jack adores the fair food. He is eating every meaty sandwich they have like a carnivore. You giggle whenever he gets sauce all over his lips (it’s kind of cute)
You have to take off guard pictures with Jack since he’s not much of a picture person
Jack will play carnival games to win you a stuff animal if you want one (especially strength games)
Katsumi Orochi
The best boyfriend on this list. It’s all about making memories for him. So you two are going on every ride and enjoying whatever food stands you’d like to try
Katsumi will buy anything you want and he pays for everything. Katsumi takes the best pictures of you for your social media
Katsumi (of course) takes you on the Ferris wheel at night so you can see everything at the fair and all the lights. He tells you that you’re the prettiest attraction (he’s so corny)
Katsumi will win you the biggest stuffed animal he can find and he will carry it for you. He just loves to treat you well (so you don’t ever leave him). His social media is flooded with pictures of you and selfies of the two of you
Hanayama Kaoru
Not really his scene but if you insist, he will go
Hanayama pays for everything but he will not go on the rides with you (he thinks he’s too big). The kids are also terrified of him and he’s not fond of greasy food or sweets
His favorite thing to do is the strength tester game (it’s one of the only things he will participate in)
He definitely treats the two of you to a couple onsen/ bathhouse afterwards to wash all the grime off
Kaioh Retsu
Has no idea what a fair is so you’re showing him a whole new world
Retsu stuffs his cheeks with all the sweet treats and fried food. He’s happy to try every food
Retsu’s face lights up at all the nighttime lights and if there’s fireworks? He talks about his home country and how much he adored the Chinese fireworks. Overall he’s super cute
Why did you bring him here? Now he’s picking carts up and dumping all of the contents into his mouth 😭
Pickle tried to eat the farm animals so you had to take him away from the barns
Pickle picked you up and carried you on top of the Ferris wheel just like the King King Movie. He just dangles you as he admires the lights. It’s kind of sweet but you’re too scared to care about that
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captainremmington-13 · 6 months
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍
𝖈𝖍���𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖎𝖛𝖊
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show!Luke Castellan x daughter of thanatos!reader
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own the image above or any of Rick Riordan’s characters/world-building.
⚠️Warnings⚠️: swearing, mutual pining, kissing, shirtless Luke lmao
A/N: the italicized part is basically a recap/flashback of earlier events
“I can’t say I’m surprised, but I am disappointed.”
You and Luke stood in Chiron’s office in The Big House, trying and failing to look ashamed.
Your day trip had been a success, but now you had to face the inevitable consequences of sneaking out.
You had told Luke to write a note to Annabeth explaining where you both had gone. He had slipped the piece of paper through the Athena cabin window, knowing someone would find it the following morning.
You’d snuck out at the crack of dawn, slipping past the camp borders and heading to the gas station a half-mile away. Luke had then stolen a car, and slid into the driver’s seat.
“Do you know how to drive?” you had asked nervously.
Luke gave you a relaxed smile. “First time for everything. How hard can it be, really?”
Turns out, Luke was a decent driver. He was able to get you both to the Bronx in an hour and a half, without getting into an accident.
As Luke drove, you debated on how to spend the day. After awhile, the winning idea ended up being sneaking into The Bronx Zoo. 
As you looked out the window of the passengers seat, you had imagined what life would be like if you and Luke were normal teenagers. You wouldn’t be spending your days preparing to fend off monsters, or caring for your fellow demigods. You’d probably be in high school, preparing for a career in “the real world”. When you weren’t attending school, you’d be going to the movies, or the the park, or the mall. 
Luke would definitely be popular in high school. His good looks, athleticism, and charm would captivate everyone, just like they did at camp.
Maybe he’d even get a girlfriend. He wouldn’t be so preoccupied with running Cabin 11 and mastering the art of swordfighting if he was a normal mortal teen. He’d find someone who would make him happy, who would love and appreciate him like he deserved.
The thought had made you feel sick.
Neither you or Luke had ever been to a zoo before, so it was a thrilling experience. He had borrowed stolen the wallet of a rude middle-aged man who’d pushed past you to see the vultures better, so you had no trouble paying for food or souvenirs. 
You’d bought yourselves a huge bowl of ice cream and shared it while enjoying the sunny weather. You also dragged Luke to the merch store and bought a stuffed animal that resembled a bat. He’d briefly teased you about it, but your playful threat to make the stuffed animal your new best friend quickly shut him up. You’d also convinced him to get cheesy matching bracelets: yours had silver-colored star charms, and his had the same charms in gold. 
It was one of the best days you’d had in a long while.
After a lovely, monster-free day of roaming around the zoo, you hopped back into the stolen car and headed back to Camp Half-Blood. On the way home, you had fallen asleep, exhausted from your adventure.
Little did you know that Luke had had a difficult time focusing on the road, as he kept sneaking glances at your sleeping form.
And how could you blame him? You had looked so happy, so relaxed, and oh-so beautiful.
“I am glad you made it back safely,” Chiron said, pacing back and forth. “However, you completely neglected your duties as senior campers, which caused quite a bit of chaos. Chris had to take over sword-fighting practice, which resulted in a young child of Demeter having their hair set on fire by a son of Hephaestus.”
Luke winced. “Yikes.“
“Yikes indeed,” Chiron agreed. “I know you two had no bad intentions, but I cannot allow you to get away with breaking camp rules. Therefore, I’m giving you both the task of cleaning the armory. I want it completely organized and spotless. You will be doing this on Sunday, as I need you both to help with combat practices and whatnot.”
“Understood, sir,” you said politely. 
Chiron sighed. “Now, you two need to head to bed. I don’t want you missing curfew and getting in more trouble.”
As you and Luke walked back to Cabin Eleven, you leaned up to ruffle his hair playfully.
“All in all, I’d say that today went well.”
Luke smirked. “Never thought I’d see the day that you became an optimist, angel.”
“Oh hush,” you said, rolling your eyes. “I’m just happy we had a nice, peaceful outing, that’s all.” 
“You know,” Luke said, stopping just before the steps of your cabin. “It was sort of like a date.”
You shrugged, trying to feign nonchalant-ness. “Yeah, I guess so.” 
“Let’s do it again sometime,” he said. “At least, let’s do something fun, just the two of us. We don’t need to sneak out again though, I don’t want Chiron to feed us to the harpies.”
You laughed. “Fair enough. And I agree, let’s do it again sometime soon.”
After you changed into your pajamas in the makeshift changing rooms, you climbed into bed, hugging your new stuffed bat. It was comforting, having something to hold at night. Perhaps it would keep the night terrors away. 
You heard Luke clear his throat softly a few feet from you, and you rolled over to face him. “Yes?”
He gave you a lazy grin. “If you clutch that thing any tighter, the stuffing is gonna pop out.”
“Oh, shut up, Castellan,” you said, giving him a playful glare. 
“Y’know, you can always cuddle with me if you feel lonely at night, angel.”
You stared at him.
“You’re fucking with me.”
“I’m not, angel, I promise.“
How could you possibly resist his pretty brown eyes, looking at you with so much sincerity?
So you climbed into his bed, tucked yourself against him, and quickly drifted off to sleep, still holding your new stuffed animal.
Neither of you had nightmares that night.
𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊 𝕯𝖆𝖞𝖘 𝕷𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖗
“I hate this.”
Luke laughed, brushing a lock of brown curls out of his eyes. He was sweating profusely, as were you. The armory had no windows, which made it heat up like an oven if the doors were closed. 
“It’s definitely not fun,” he said, handing you a sword to place on the rack attached to the wall. “But at least I have you for company.”
“True.” You picked up the rag and spray bottle Chiron had given you, and started scrubbing the grime off of the metal rack. “This still fucking sucks though. It feels like we’ve been thrown directly into Hestia’s fireplace.”
“Yeah,” Luke replied, handing you another weapon. He used the hem of his camp t-shirt to wipe his forehead, briefly revealing his bare torso. It was nothing you hadn’t seen before, but you couldn’t help but feel a bit flustered. 
After a few moments of working in silence, Luke set down the armor he was polishing. He peeled off his shirt, tossing it to the side. 
Gods, was he trying to distract you? 
“Something bothering you?” 
Yeah, he was definitely doing this on purpose.
But you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing you blush. Not so easily, at least. 
“Nope. I’m totally fine.”
“Mhm,” he hummed, walking over to where you were standing. “You sure? You look like you’re burning up.”
You set down your spray bottle, turning to face your best friend. “Yes, I’m doing wonderful. Other than the fact that I want to be done with this punishment as soon as possible.”
“Aw, come on, angel,” Luke said, resting his elbow on your shoulder. This wasn’t unusual for him, he had gotten more comfortable with platonic affection in the past year. You had come to enjoy physical contact with him, even if it earned you some stares. “It’s not that bad.”
“Suit yourself,” you grumbled. “I’d rather be anywhere else in camp but here. Except maybe the attic of The Big House.”
“Perhaps we should take a break,” Luke suggested. “Start again once we’ve rested a bit.”
You immediately sat down, leaning your back against the wall. Luke did the same, looking up at the wooden ceiling. Your legs felt like jelly after cleaning the armory all morning, and the sweltering heat was becoming suffocating. But after a few minutes, you still felt abnormally warm.
“Hey,” Luke’s voice recaptured your attention. “Let’s get you some fresh air. You look like you’re gonna pass out.” 
He lead you out of the armory and behind the building, so you could rest in the shade. The light breeze was refreshing, effectively cooling down your skin. 
Luke placed a hand on your bicep gently. “Better?”
You nod, stepping towards him to lean your head against his chest, ignoring the fact that he was topless. He seemed surprised, but wrapped his arms around you nonetheless. 
“What’s this for? You usually aren’t this affectionate.”
Fuck, had you gone too far? You pulled away and stepped back, avoiding making eye contact. “Sorry.”
“Angel, I wasn’t complaining. I just wanted to know if somethin’ was wrong, that’s all.”
Gods, this was so awkward. Why couldn’t you get words out like normal? It was just Luke you were talking to, not some stranger who thought you were a spawn of Hades’s worst demons. 
Your desire to be physically close to Luke had tripled over the past few days. Perhaps it was because you had been sharing a bed, or because he had initiated physical affection more often than ever, and you had greatly enjoyed it. 
But it wasn’t enough. You wanted to be closer to him. You wanted to be more than his second-in-command. You wanted to be more than best friends.
You wanted him.
Gods, this was cruel. Aphrodite was a heartless bitch for orchestrating this.
You were hopelessly, completely in love with your best friend.
“Hey, you listening?”
There was no point in lying. You’d been lying to yourself about your feelings for Luke for longer than you cared to admit. Besides, Luke would see right through you.
“What are we, Luke?“
He looked confused. “What do you mean?”
“What are we?” you repeated. “Ever since you started calling me ‘angel’, we’ve been acting less like best friends and more like…I don’t know, like we’re a couple.”
Luke took a deep breath. He looked nervous, his usual confident demeanor fading. 
Oh no, had you made him uncomfortable?
“I’m sorr-“
“Don’t be sorry, angel,” Luke cut you off. “I’m the one who should be apologizing. I…I let my feelings cloud my judgement, and I sorta just got carried away with the affection, and I thought you liked it so I didn’t stop-“
“Luke.” It was your turn to interrupt him. “If I didn’t like it, I would’ve told you right away.” 
He looked dumbfounded, his lips curling into a small, confused pout. Gods, he was so pretty. “Oh.”
“So…what exactly are those “feelings” you mentioned?”
You knew the answer, but you wanted a verbal confirmation.
Luke swallowed, his eyes darting around frantically, as if he was desperate to look at anything but you. 
“Angel…you’re my best friend, you know that, right?”
“Yes, I do.”
“And I’m your best friend, right?”
Fuck, was he going to reject you? 
If he did, you were sure you would burst into tears on the spot, or hide in the woods until you withered away and died. Maybe you were being dramatic, but the possibility that Luke didn’t feel the same towards you was enough to make your blood run cold. 
“I don’t want to just be your closest friend anymore. It…It’s not enough. I want to be more than that, I-“
He stopped talking when you stepped towards him, placing your hands on his toned shoulders. He instantly put a hand on the small of your back, sending warm shivers across your skin. 
A sudden wave of bravery rushed over you. 
Fuck it. It’s now or never.
“I love you too, Luke.”
Luke’s baby-pink lips fell open, which made you laugh quietly. He was adorable, especially when he was flustered. 
Finally, he cleared his throat, and his eyes met yours. 
“I love you so much, angel.”
When you kissed him, the world faded away. You didn’t care if the gods disapproved, or if the other campers would gossip about you endlessly.
You had Luke Castellan, and he had you. 
Nothing else mattered.
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taglist: @orionspaperwork, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @marvelescvpe, @lovingjasontoddmakemewanttocry, @louweasleymalfoy, @stars4birdie, @stargurl-battleship, @daughterofthemoons-stuff
Thank you for reading! Pls let me know what you think in the comments!!!
I decided to add one more chapter before diving into Luke’s quest. It will definitely start in Chapter Six, and it’ll probably take up a couple chapters.
Let me know in the comments if you want to be added to the taglist!
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felinecryptid · 1 year
A Local Delicacy
or the fic where hobie stares at pav and misses all the vital information
(please pay attention to the tags ✨✨ no cw's for this one)
"Wha's this thing called again?" Hobie frowned at the small, inflated crisp looking thing.
'It's called a Pani Puri, stop being so difficult," Pav reached up to hit him on the head, failing not so miserably. Hobie wanted to laugh at his disgruntled face. It had been a hot minute since they had hung out. Plus, Miles could probably use a break after the entire 'destabilising the multiverse' debacle. Pav had immediately dragged them to a nearby stall stacked to the top of the colourful umbrella with these Pani Puris, while blabbering non stop about foot traffic.
Hobie supposed some things transcend universes. Like crowds. Stray animals in narrow alleyways. Rude people. Rude cops. His crush on Pav. Capitalism. You get it. Hobie was broken out of his thoughts by the stall keeper handing him a tiny leaf cup. It was 5 centimetres at most.
"What are these for?" Gwen asked.
Pav smiled. Hobie's heart skipped a beat. "For eating. You'll see." He answered cryptically.
"Thoda time lagega beta, abhi kate pyaaz khatam hogaye," The stall keeper started chopping onions at the speed of light, his knife clacking against the ratty wooden board.
"Koi nahi kaka, aap aaram se karo," Pav bounced on the balls of his feet, replying to whatever the stall keeper said, in his sweet voice. Hobie loved when Pav spoke Hindi, there was something so flowy about it.
"What did he say?" Miles asked. Hobie was curious too. He only caught the heavily accented 'time'.
"He said it's gonna take a few mins, he just ran out of onions."
"That cutting board does not look hygienic," Gwen said, as Pav manoeuvered everyone to stand in a loose circle around the vendor.
"Arey bahut saaf hai beta! Very hygienic!" The stall keeper nodded at her, now chopping coriander. Gwen went red. Miles burst out laughing.
Pav looked embarrassed as well, and Hobie wanted to just. Hold him. He'd settle for standing close to him as he tried to sputter out something.
"Bura mat manna kaka, aapko pata hai yeh videshi log kaise hote hain." Pav scratched his neck, flashing a winning smile at the vendor and Hobie felt something stab in his heart.
"Chalega chalega, badi hi gori dikh rahi hai, pata chal gaya yahan se nahi hai." The stall keeper said while arranging the dishes around. "Uske liye kam tikha dun?"
"Gwen, do you like spicy food? Miles?" Pav asked.
"Nope." said Gwen as Miles nodded.
"What about you, Hobie?" Pav turned to him, his deep brown eyes glinting something pretty in the late afternoon light.
"Sure, why no'." Hobie shrugged, a grin inexplicably tugging at his lips. Pav turned back to the man, saying stuff in lilting tones Hobie didn't understand.
The stall keeper nodded, and cracked open one of the crisps, scooping peas and potatoes inside it and adding the green liquid and onions inside it. He swiftly placed it in Hobie's cup.
"Tha's it?" Hobie was unimpressed. This little thing?
"No, bro, you gotta eat it to get more. Put it in your mouth all at once. Don't nibble at it, or it'll get soggy and get all over your clothes." Pav said, entirely shoving his own Pani Puri into his mouth like a visual example of what to do. Hobie looked at the Pani Puri in his cup for half a second more before deciding to fuck it and copied Pav, mouth closing over the stuffed crisp.
Flavours exploded on his tongue. The sweet tanginess, the crunchy onions and the spicy peas; it was nothing Hobie had expected it to taste like and nothing like anything he had eaten in his life. He chewed, feeling the bits of the crisp puri poking all around his mouth, but that was the experience. It felt otherworldly yet somehow fulfilling. Hobie automatically extended his hand for another one.
Gwen got hers, stuffing it in her mouth, with no small amount of trepidation visible on her face. It was valid, considering she started coughing the moment she chewed it, going 'hoff, hoff, hoff!' which Hobie took to mean 'hot, hot, hot!'.
"Goddamnit Gwen, how are you gonna eat dinner with us?" Miles said easily eating the puri without breaking a sweat, his Puerto Rican taste buds used to the level of spice.
Gwen glared at him, face red and sweat dripping. "Can't you cook unspicy food for me?"
"Mami will never let you in again if you eat like a white person,"
"I am white."
"Yeah, and?"
"Hooo- kaay! Calm down children! Gwen, we can go get a kulfi for you later. Miles, stop antagonising Gwen," Pav made a 'chop' gesture at them, shaking his head frantically.
The vendor had plopped another one in his cup and was holding another one in his hand waiting for them to finish bickering. Hobie ate it, only a few drops of the green liquid spilling on his fingers. And the next one as well. And the next one. This street vendor was so fast, the fuck? With only Pav and him at the stall, because Miles was busy with Gwen, the vendor seemed to make three for each one Hobie ate. Pav didn't look bothered at all, scarfing down every one as it came.
"'oly shit, Pavi, ask 'im to slow down, 'M strugglin' 'ere, mate," Hobie managed to speak in between the positive barrage of puris.
"No way, it's part of the vibe, dude, keep up," Pav was way more graceful, easily talking between the Puris, time seeming to favour him and him only.
"Seriously?" Hobie muttered on the tailend of a particularly large Pani Puri. Pav grinned again, his right canine getting caught on his own lip. Hobie was well aware that he had a staring problem, and if he didn't get himself together, Pav will be too.
"Okay, okay," Sometimes Pav looked at Hobie in a way that had him swearing his feelings were requited, and this was one of those looks that made Hobie wonder how he's still standing up straight and not a puddle on the floor like he felt on the inside. "Kaka, thoda ahistha dena, Hobie bhi yahan naya hai."
"Theek, theek, beta," The vendor laughed. "Apke aashiq ko impress toh karna padega."
Pavi choked on his Pani Puri. Hobie turned to him concerned, as he said something in 3 octaves higher than his normal voice.
"Kaka- aashiq nahi hai woh- hum bas dost hain," Pav said, wiping tears from his eyes with his sleeve.
"Meri beti bhi apne bf ko dost bolti hai. Woh dono bhi ek dusre ko aise hi dekhten hain. Usko lagta hai mujhe nahi pata lekin ham bhi toh aapke umar ke the," The vendor winked, and Hobie was sure this conversation was not about anything he could imagine. Why on earth would this random man be winking at Pav? "Aur hum yeh bajrang dal jaise vishwas nahi rakhte, pyaar toh pyaar hota hai na?"
"Ji kaka." Hobie could see Pav's blush that seemed to radiate because why else Hobie would feel flustered too? "Ahem," Pav looked at his wrist like he was looking at the time, except he did not have a wrist watch on. "Kaka abhi hame jana padega- chemistry coaching hai- kitna hua?"
"Itni jaldi? Theek hai, sukhi puri lelo," He said, handing over two flatter crisps. Without the liquid. Hobie felt it was easier to fit this in his mouth after all the other Pani Puris. "Sath rupay hue,"
"Kya kaka, angrez dekhte bhau badha dete ho? Main akele khata toh chalis ka hota," Pav said, his voice taking a complaining tone and Hobie was surprised to find him even more endearing.
"Beta, jab aap dhanda karoge tab samajh mein ayega, abhi apko coaching nahi jana?"
"Han, kaka, din dahade loot lo," Pav said, and Hobie got a sense of defeat from his slouch, as he forked over what Hobie assumed was the price of the Pani Puris. "Let's go, before uncle embarrasses me in front of someone."
"You paid money to your uncle?" Hobie thought it'd be easier to get around in Earth-50101 as time went on, but here he was, getting more questions and no answers as he hung around.
"He's not actually my uncle, I'm calling him that out of respect. It's a cultural thing, don't worry about it," Pav answered, grabbing Hobie's hand as he wove between the forming crowd. Hobie sighed, letting Pav drag him around, his hand warm in Pav's soft palms.
i have nothing to say.
translation (not literal translation bc then id have to explain a shit-ton of grammar, slang and indian pop culture to yall):
Thoda time lagega beta, abhi kate pyaaz khatam hogaye - it's gonna take some time, [I] just ran out of the chopped onions
Koi nahi kaka, aap aaram se karo - no problem uncle, take your time
Arey bahut saaf hai beta! - oh its very clean, kid
Bura mat manna kaka, aapko pata hai yeh videshi log kaise hote hain. - please don't be offended uncle, you know how foreigners can be like.
Chalega chalega, badi hi gori dikh rahi hai, pata chal gaya yahan se nahi hai. - It's okay, she looks very light skinned, [I] assumed she wasn't from around here.
Uske liye kam tikha dun? - should [I] make it less spicy for her?
Kaka, thoda ahistha dena, Hobie bhi yahan naya hai. - Uncle, please slow down [the pace], Hobie is new to this too.
Theek, theek, beta - Alright, kid
Apke aashiq ko impress toh karna padega. - [I know] you have to impress your boyfriend.
Kaka- aashiq nahi hai woh- hum bas dost hain, - Uncle- he's not [my] boyfriend- we're just friends,
Meri beti bhi apne bf ko dost bolti hai. Woh dono bhi ek dusre ko aise hi dekhten hain. Usko lagta hai mujhe nahi pata lekin ham bhi toh aapke umar ke the. - My daughter also claims her boyfriend is just a friend. They look at each other the same [way you do]. She thinks I don't know [about them], but we [adults] used to be your age.
Aur hum yeh Bajrang Dal jaise vishwas nahi rakhte, pyaar toh pyaar hota hai na? - I don't believe stuff like Bajrang Dal. Love is love, isn't it?
Ji kaka. - Yes, uncle. (in this case)
Kaka abhi hame jana padega- chemistry coaching hai- kitna hua? - Uncle, we need to go- It's time for my chemistry tutorial classes- how much [were the Pani Puris]?
Itni jaldi? Theek hai, sukhi puri lelo, - So fast? Okay here's your [aftersnack snack (that's that least complicated way to explain what a sukhi puri is)]
Sath rupay hue, - it's 60 rupees.
Kya kaka, angrez dekhte bhau badha dete ho? Main akele khata toh chalis ka hota - C'mon, uncle, y'all see a foreigner and increase the price? If I was here alone, this would have cost 40 rupees.
Beta, jab aap dhanda karoge tab samajh mein ayega, abhi apko coaching nahi jana? - Kid, when you grow up and have a job, you'll understand, now, don't you have classes to attend?
Han, kaka, din dahade loot lo - yeah, okay, why don't you just rob me,
Some context (you dont need to read this)
kulfi is an ice cream equivalent, usually flavoured with almonds, pistachios and saffron
beta literally means 'son' but its used to refer to any kid who's very young relative to the speaker's age; and also for jokes b/w buddies but that's a different thing
kaka literally means 'father's younger brother ie uncle', but can used to referred to any man who isnt related to you and is about the age of the speaker's parents; there are also other terms depending on by who and how you were introduced to the person
Bajrang Dal - an anti-societal group against religious and sexual minorities(as defined in the indian constitution, do not come at me with politics). Famous in pop culture for being vehemently against valentine's days and premarital eye contact (you think im joking)
The Chemistry Coaching thing is a big deal. Kids have great pride about which institute they go to. The institutes teach accelerated courses for specific competitive examinations, usually in an unethical way. It's considered kinda shameful if you don't go to one. (very dystopian, ik)
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yenqa · 1 year
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APPLE CIDER (bedroom sessions)
Sparkling apple cider. Once a sweet, refreshing drink you could easily enjoy. Now everytime you’re reminded of that cursed drink all you get is the sour memories that came with it. One memory including the fallout of yours and (now ex) boyfriend, Jay's relationship. But, it just so happens Jay is determined to win your heart back once again. Will he be able to restore the sweet taste? Or will apple cider ruin your life once again?
read part one here!
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genre : exes to lovers, written fic, angst, fluff, dual pov (but more y/n, highschool au
featuring : enhypen, chaewon of lsfm, kwon eunbi, ocs : hyun-woo, mrs. lim
warnings : swearing (lots), ignorant parents (only mentioned), crying, food, parties, groveling??? idk, reader has the same bad habits, blood/injuries
wc : 7k
pairing : jay x fem!reader
YENQA : i worked really hard on this and im really happy with the outcome!! i hope you guys like it as much as i do :) also!! everyone thank @yeokii and @redm4ri for proof reading this!!
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000 FIRST HEARTBREAK (prologue)
It was junior year when you first met him. Just last year (2022), Hyun-woo walked up to you in the library with a charming but sweet smile, he sat next to you and introduced himself. At first you were skeptical, unsure of your new friendship. But his stupid cute smile and his enchanting eyes lured you right in.
That night you had left with his number and a smile on your face.
The next few weeks he barely ever talked to you, sufficing with a small wave in the hallways or small talk about classwork. But when spring was just around the corner, that had immediately changed.
Hundreds of messages came through in the span of two months. You two would talk for hours and hours on end about anything really. His sweet smile would stay throughout all those facetimes, sometimes you wondered if his face would fall off if he smiled any longer. 
After months of talking, you figured out you were hopelessly falling for him. And there was no way out. But you also figured he must’ve liked you back—I mean those hundreds of calls weren’t for nothing were they?
At first, they weren’t. He eventually asked you out in May and you dated happily for three months. 
Since he was your first you didn’t know how a relationship should work, or how one should act in it. You thought him ghosting you for weeks on end was normal, and that everyone went through it. Even if it wasn’t normal, he came back to you, showering you in gifts such as stuffed animals and gold jewelry. So, you continued on with the relationship, knowing he would come back to you anyways.
But then, he didn’t come back. It was September and you hadn’t talked to him all August—to say the least you were confused. Where had he been all this time?
The first day of school you had immediately ran up to him, you remembered you had said, “What’s wrong? Why have you been ignoring me all last month?” 
And he laughed.
He laughed straight at your worried expression. 
And you want to cry.
It was all a bet, he said. One that involved completely playing with you to win some money.
You couldn’t cry in front of him, nor could you run away from him like a fucking loser (which you really wanted to do but you wouldn’t want to see the pleasure on his face). All you could do was say “Okay,” and walk away. That’s all you did—So hopefully to him you seemed unfazed. But that facade didn’t last long.
You almost tripped over things or even people on the way to the bathroom, sobbing your eyes out until they had wrung dry.
You were sad—Yes, but you were also frustrated by how stupid you were.
He didn’t even talk to you half the time, he barely even knew what you liked or disliked, he didn’t even pay attention to the kind of jewelry you wore—he bought a gold necklace for you as a loyal silver wearer, and overall you were just stupid. Stupid to fall for the role he put on.
Crying usually didn’t take long for you, usually an half an hour at most. But that day you had sobbed and sobbed in that stupid toilet stall for one hour and you didn’t feel like going back to class with your crusty eyes, so you accidentally skipped your first three periods. 
You remember that day as vividly as possible. Your parents were furious that you skipped three classes—So angry they didn’t even look twice at the dark circles under your puffy eyes or the red tint that had covered your face.
One thing you knew was that you never told them, the only thing telling them would get you was a scolding because you skipped three classes over a boy. A boy who was your “first love”. And as stupid as it sounds, they wouldn’t understand. Honestly you wouldn’t be surprised if they told you that they thought your feelings were just little pranks you were playing on them.
If your parents thought that, everyone probably thought that. So, you put on a happy face for Chaewon, even if she knew you were sad she probably didn’t even care. I mean if Hyun-woo didn’t even like you, who would?
Jay never thought he was stupid. Actually, he found much pride in how smart he was. He was always the kind of person to think before they say something. He was never impulsive—Well until he met you that is. But that didn’t really end well did it?
It made it even worse that nobody seemed to care. Sunoo didn’t even send a sad look his way (which by the way—Was totally deserved even if he did mess up).
“Why the long face, Jay? You lose another cute girl?” Jake teases, a grin appearing on his face. 
“Who was it again? Hyun-woo’s ex-girlfriend?" Sunghoon's smile grows, “Finally played her?”
Jay groans, “Yeah, i did, but i messed up, bad.”
“What- did Hyun-woo threaten to jump you again?” Jungwon's eyebrows furrow, almost worried that Jay would lose in a fight with him—which he definitely wouldn’t.
“God, you guys are so ignorant, think about the poor girl for once.” Sunoo sighs, rolling his eyes at his friend's fuckboy-ness.
Jay almost rolls his eyes at Sunoo's comment. Were you thinking about Y/n when you blurted his secret out? But he knew he had to take accountability, whether he liked it or not.
“No way. Does the Park Jay feel bad about a girl? The Heartbreaker Park Jay?" Jake asks. And Jay wonders why he’s even friends with them. “Okay, I do feel bad. How do you apologize to a girl? Also Sunoo?" 
He tilts his head.
“Never get drunk again.” Jay warns.
He scoffs, “Weren’t you planning on telling her anyways? I just ripped the bandage off for you.”
The group of boys burst into laughter but Jay couldn’t seem to figure out what was funny. “I didn’t come here for you guys to laugh at my misery.”
Niki gasps, “Jay, you’re actually serious about this one? This is a first.”
This time Jay actually rolls his eyes, “No dumbass- I’m just mad I can’t play around with her anymore.” The group seems fully convinced, some nodding their heads in expectancy. Jay’s eyebrows furrow seeing them be so blind to his problem, “I was kidding.” He deadpans, “I’m serious about her.”
His nose scrunches ever so slightly, “Oh. Well then you’re in huge trouble.”
“I know.”
“Okay—But seriously,” Jay asked, “How should I apologize?” A sudden wave of silence washed over them, looking at each other and shrugging.
Apologies, apologies, apologies was what went through his brain that night. What could he do that could fix the mess he had made?
People say real apologies came from the heart, but what even came from the heart? It’s an organ.
Jay’s mind felt like it was about to explode. It’s been an hour but his mind was empty, completely hollow. How could he fix this situation? Well first he could say sorry—Not that you would forgive him easily but it was a crucial part to his fix.
Until it finally clicked.
Last week you couldn’t bear the thought of coming back to school after the party, but here you were, driving yourself to school after a very sad three week mid winter break. A band aid now covering the tip of your finger that you had picked off. And—Of course. You forgot your water bottle again.
You sigh, fixing your silver necklace, you brush your hair behind your hair and open the car to—Oh fuck.
Why did Jay just happen to look like a fucking angel fallen from heaven at 7am in the morning?
And why was Jay here so early at school? You usually arrive much earlier than him.
You compose yourself, walking past him. Holding yourself to not even slightly slow down or look back. 
Finally arriving at your locker you open it, looking at the light pink bag in it, one that you never put in it. Your eyebrows furrow as you pick it up, opening the mysterious bag.
You smile at the small snacks inside. A small bag of your favorite chips and a few of your favorite candies. That smile drops when you see an apple shaped sticky note with familiar handwriting inside. 
Some gasps behind you, you jump,  quickly turning around to see your beloved friends. “Someone’s got a secret admirer?” Eunbi teases, both Chaewon and her walking up to you.
You sigh, “It’s from Jay, do you want it?” You offer to both of them. They both grab it, sharing whatever snacks are in there. 
“Oh!” Chaewon lights up, “Here’s your coffee.” She smiles with guilt. You smile back, gladly taking a sip of the slightly bitter drink to quench your thirst.
“Did the note say anything?” Eunbi pulls out the slightly crumpled sticky note in there. You glance at it, noticing Jay’s very asymmetrical heart.
You unconsciously laugh, quickly covering it up before grabbing the small note, reading it.
To My Apple,
I was stupid to use you to get back at him. Honestly the most stupid thing I would ever do and I deeply regret it. I’m sorry. I know you probably don’t want to see me right now and I understand that you want your space from me. I just want to make it clear, I really do love you and I would never ever do something that horrible to you again. And I'm willing to do whatever it takes to be on good terms even if you don’t fully forgive me for what I did to you. I truly am in love with and honestly I can’t live without you. Fuck I just miss you, you don’t have to respond or anything I just want to make it clear that I’m sorry, and I love you so much.
And your lips tug up just a bit.
“Y/n are you okay? You’ve been quiet since you’ve read that. What’s on there?” Chaewon asks, moving next to you to read from the flimsy paper.
Your eyes widen slightly, “Oh—It’s nothing.” you fumble with the paper a bit, “Nothing important.” 
Eunbi laughs, “You’re such a bad liar, Y/n. But if it’s from Jay then you have to tell us.” Chaewon nods.
“No! I mean, it’s not from Jay. Let’s just go to class?” You smile at them shoving the sticky note into whatever pants pocket you have.
“You’re lucky you have your first period alone Missy.”
Throwing them a cheeky smile, you quickly walk to the nearest trash can, quickly tossing it in before looking around. You make eye contact with Jay and quickly look away again.
God—Why was the universe never on your side?
Though you try to ignore the small frown on his face, it runs through your head all day. Until, suddenly you're walking to your math seat again.
“Y/n you’re lucky that this is the only period I have with you, and that we spend all of lunch with our mouths stuffed” Eunbi groans, unpacking her notebook. She places it down neatly on her desk, before leaning forward to you.
“So, was it from Jay? Weren’t- like apples your thing?”
You let out a sigh, turning around “Apple cider was our thing. And maybe.”
She frowns, “Maybe? Y/n tell me, yes or no.” 
You shrug again, turning back to the front making eye contact with the man himself again.
Does this man ever stop looking at you? Because you were almost certain his eyes were glued onto you. You look down at your notebook, trying to act as unbothered as possible—Which doesn’t really work since you hear Eunbi snickers..
You roll your eyes even though Eunbi can’t see it, she can read you like a book, whispering “If you keep rolling your eyes they’ll fall to the back of your head.”
Leaning back, you whisper, “I don’t think that’s how it works, stay in school Eunbi.”
Getting out of the car the next day you hope and pray to every fucking god you know that you won’t see his familiar face again. But nothing ever seems to go well for you, because you see his sad smile through the window of his car.
You repeat what you did yesterday, walk away as quickly as you can without looking weird. But your legs quickly pick up because of your nervousness, speed walking to the entrance doors instead. You lean on the door, pushing to open it before walking in the same pace to your locker.
Then you finally slow your pace, opening your locker to see another light pink bag.
This time, the same snacks but with a plastic water bottle inside, with a little note saying “Make sure to drink lots of water <3”. You subconsciously smile, fishing out the piece of paper neatly tucked in.
Unfolding the paper, your jaw drops at the pencil writing that manages to cover the whole page.
Apple, my love, I might not be the best at words but I think seeing your lips tug up at my other small note motivated me to write this. Did I ever tell you that your smile brightens up my day? As cheesy as it sounds at night I used (I still do btw) to think about whatever stupid joke I made when we were on a date and how you would laugh happily at it, even if it was the worst joke ever known to mankind. And as embarrassing as it is to admit it I would giggle about it. Before and after we started dating. But you always cover your mouth when you laugh. but you shouldn’t. Your smile makes me feel like everything going wrong in my life will fix itself. When I was with you I had no worries, you made me feel free. But I’ve only brought you worries. I’m sorry. 
Recently, I’ve been noticing you’ve been smiling less and yesterday you forgot to bring your water bottle to school. Please stay healthy and eat well, okay? Even if you hate me, I still care for your health. Don’t skip meals and drink lots of water, please. I’d do anything just to have a five minute conversation with you. I understand that what I did was unforgivable and that you shouldn't trust me again but please, put your trust in me one more time and please come to Azalea park at 3pm tomorrow and I’ll explain everything. I know you're angry but I beg that you be angrier at a closer distance. I’m sorry for the mess I’ve made, and I promise I’ll fix it.
Your eyebrows furrow. Was he serious? Was he trying to publicly embarrass you? Why did you want to go so bad?
Opening your phone to quickly text up Eunbi and Chaewon, who mysteriously hadn’t shown up yet.
bitch jay just wrote me a long last letter abt how hes sorry and how he truly loves me and wants to meet up and make things right????
where tf are yall btw
eunbi mlll
also chae cant drive me so bus it is…
sorry ill be late to school 2day bc doctors lolsies
but r u sure eunbi????
y/n i love u but idk if this is a good idea
wait what did he say
eunbi mlll
but let us see the letter to confirm if hes sincere
im not about to show U guys the letter
Omfg guys i almost giggled reading it. this is Bad.
he said that he would do anything for a five minute talk with me and that he knows im mad at him but to be mad at a close distance???
now… i am Nawt your strongest soldier.
shit if he wrote me that i wouldve folded too
changed my mind i say do it
so…. 2/2 votes yes?
thats kinda nerve racking idk if im ready to face him
eunbi mlll
y/n i am ready to get down on my knees and beg for u to go
you got this girl!
worst case scenario u slap him and embarrass him
or maybe slap him when you get there, saves you the time
Just Kidding!!! Hahaha
Not funny at all.
hate u all
FUCKK now i have to text him and say im going
eunbi mlll 
why not let him suffer???????
ill feel bad
i mean did jay do that when you guys met??
fuck u
You exit your group chat, looking several spots down and spotting Jay contact, wincing at your last messages.
i’ll be at the park by 3. don’t fuck this up park
wouldn’t even think about it 
Why did I agree to this again? 
You glance at the clock, 2:58, I should head out now. 
Sighing you open your door, walking to—From what you can distinguish from his back, Jay. you walk around the bench, brushing whatever dirt was on it and taking a seat.
Jay gives you a relieved smile, glasses framing his face perfectly-
“Glasses?” You blurt, studying the frame of them.
He coughs awkwardly, “Yeah- I um—I got them yesterday, forgot to wear them to school.”
Awkward silence washes over you two. Well was he going to say something or not?
And it’s almost like he can read your thoughts, because he starts, “Look—Apple. I just wanted to apologize in real life. It was a shitty move of me to use you-”
“Yeah- very shitty.” You interrupt, “Sorry, go on.”
“Oh okay, um- it was a terrible decision I made and I totally messed with you at the beginning, and never told you, I’m sorry.”
He pauses, choosing his words carefully.
“And—I regret it so much. I mean, you were the best thing that ever happened to me and I didn’t want to fuck it up, which would’ve happened anyways. I should’ve told you earlier on before I asked you out but I was afraid. Afraid that the only good thing in my fucked up life would vanish. So I ran away from the problem instead of talking to you about it like I should’ve. I’m sorry for running away and I swear, I would never hurt you—ever again. You don’t have to give me an answer yet, but just know that I still love you with all my heart.”
You take a deep breath, Fuck—what do I say? Should I ask him what he had against Hyun-woo?
Deciding to ask, you look at him with a hint of disappointment, “So why? What do you have against him that made you play with me?”
His eyebrows raise slightly, surprised you didn’t slap him and leave. 
“Oh— it’s kind of stupid.” He says, pushing up his glasses slightly.
“I mean he both kinda fucked us over, right? I won’t judge, I hate his guts anyways.”
Jay lets out a breathy smile. “I used to be on the rugby team, remember?”
“Of course I do.”
“Well—I sound like such an egotistical jerk when I say this, but he took the captain position from me by sweet talking his way to the top. It wasn’t mine to begin with, but everyone thought that I deserved it the most, but of course, he took it from me. I wasn’t super mad or anything, I actually thought I was too cocky for um—thinking I deserved the position. It didn’t really help that he also kind of made fun of me any chance he got for not being captain. Blaming me for every loss we had then I just- snapped I guess? I quit then and there and here I am now. Even after I quit he still talked shit about me and I couldn’t really do anything. And I saw you and…” he trails off, “You know what happened.”
You swallow hard, trying to take it all in. “I’m sorry that happened to you.” 
You nervously start picking at whatever skin on your ring finger you could find, looking down so you wouldn’t have to look at his expression.
“It’s not your fault, don’t apologize, Apple. Plus I’m over it.”
He suddenly scowls, grabbing the now bleeding hand. 
“Stop doing this. It’s not good” He pulls out a bandaid from his pocket, carefully placing it around your finger.
You laugh at the sight, “You carry around band aids now?”
“Ever since I met you, yeah.” He slips out and you both go silent.
Was that true? He noticed it?
You clear your throat awkwardly, yanking your hand away after he finishes. “Thank you for the band aid—uh, about your apology, I appreciate it, but I need some time to think about it, if that's okay?”
“Yeah, take your time, I understand.” He gives you a soft smile, which you return. Waving at him while walking to your car.
You sit in the driver’s seat, calling the group chat while backing out.
Chaewon joins first, “So…. How’d it go? Did you slap him? Or did you forgive him?”
Eunbi joins just after, waiting for your answer.
“I don’t know how to feel.” You answer, sighing.
“Hey, you’ll figure it out Y/n! Don’t worry, everything will be fine.” Eunbi gives you a thumbs up with a soft smile.
You nod, returning her smile, and you try to believe it too.
As soon as you were out of view Jay pulled his phone out, noticing the ten text messages from the man himself.
where r u
wait r u two meeting today
so i just want to say sorry for… kinda ruining ur relationship.
anyways.. text me back whenever u can!!
have fun with y/n
hope it goes well
A smile grows on Jay’s face, he presses his contact photo, bringing his phone to his ear.
“Jay! I didn’t think you would answer so soon?”
“It’s been fifteen minutes? I feel like that's a good amount of time to have a conversation.” Did you just want to leave him as soon as possible? Fuck maybe he didn’t have a chance to win you ba-
“Oh! It’s been fifteen minutes? I guess time flies when you’re on your phone right?” Nevermind.
“So! Did you and Y/n kiss and make up? Or was she angry?”
“No, we just talked? Like I said we would?” 
“Are you sure?” Sunoo says in a teasing tone. With that simple sentence, Jay could tell Sunoo was probably giggling to himself about you two meeting up.
“Yes I’m sure? Why would I be lying?” Jay feels the wind pick up some speed, an indication he should go home. He walks himself to the car while talking to Sunoo.
“So you’re telling me, all you did was apologize and she left?”
Sunoo groans, “That’s so boring! Totally thought you would have a movie moment then.”
“I mean the only thing unexpected I told her was what happened with Hyun-woo and me.”
He dramatically gasps, “But you never tell anyone? Why does she get to know and not me?”
“She asked.” Jay shrugs, starting the car.
“But you never told me, I only know that you two hate each other! This is straight favoritism. Can’t believe you.” Sunoo angrily exclaims, deciding to hang up the call.
Jay sighs, driving back home.
Today, you smile as you leave your car. Instead of walking as fast as you can to the doors, you even wave at Jay’s car pulling in. He waves back, a big smile on his face that catches onto yours. You happily walk to the entrance, pushing open the entrance door and walking to your locker.
Getting your first period textbook, and closing your locker, you quickly spot Eunbi and Chaewon walking towards you. 
“Someones happy, did you get a good morning message from your lover?” Eunbi teases.
You take a sip of the coffee Chaewon gave you. “No? Can’t a girl just have a good day?”  You twirl around.
“Okay you’re acting really weird. Is something wrong?” They exchange glances, waiting for your answer.
“Yeah, somethings wrong.” A male voice comes up to you. Your smile immediately drops. Hyun-woo looks at you, standing between you and Eunbi, he grabs your hand dragging you away.
“What the fuck? Get off me!” You exclaim, trying your best to yank your hand away from him. But apparently his rugby muscles could keep you in his hold, but definitely way too tight for comfort. Hopefully you won't get a big ass bruise there.. He leads you to a hallway which is surprisingly empty.
“Can we talk? Y/n?”
You scoff, “Are you crazy? You drag me here and expect me to want to have a civil conversation with you?’ huffing, you turn back around.
“I want to get back together, Y/n!”
You stop in your tracks, turning around at his conflicted face before bursting out laughing. You only laugh more looking at his hurt face.
“Y/n are you laughing? I’m serious! I want you back! And I know you want me back too!” 
You finally stop laughing, taking a deep breath “Gosh you’re funny Hyun-woo. Okay, I’m leaving.” He grabs you again. Does this guy think he’s in a kdrama or something?
“Y/n. I didn’t mean to hurt you, and I miss you. Can we get back together?”
“So… you played me, and you want to get back together?”
“I wouldn’t say played-”
“Oh but I would. And can you get your hand off me? I can feel your odor latching on to me.” Yanking your hand away, you look at him in disgust.
“Y/n please. Can we-”
“You’re insane Hyun-woo. If you haven’t gotten the hint yet—Which I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t, I’m not interested in dating someone who’s a lookalike to the hunchback of Notre Dame. Actually, maybe that would be an improvement to you.” You shrug, walking away. Shivering in disgust at the thought of him grabbing your arm.
How did I even like this guy? Also what is it with men these days? A scowl is very obvious on your face as you walk back to your lockers. Before you get back to Chaewon and Eunbi, someone taps you from behind.
You turn, “I swear to god Hyun-woo if you-”
“Not Hyun-woo, just me.”
You turn to see Jay, a frown present on his face. Your mouth widens slightly and you close it right away. “Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize for that, but are you okay? Why did he do that?” He checks your wrist for any forming bruises. Tsking at the slight red tint on your arm. “I’m fine, Jay. It was for something stupid anyways.” you answer, grabbing at his hands to stop.
“What’d he do?” You can hear the genuine concern in his voice and you know you’ll feel horrible if you don’t tell him.
“He just,” you cough awkwardly, “asked to get back together.”
His face changes slightly, but you can’t tell how, “Did you agree?”
“Oh god no—oh my god I wouldn’t even spare a single thought thinking about it.” You laugh, squeezing his hand slightly. A wave of relief washes over his face, “I’m glad. Call me if he does it again, okay?”
“Am I supposed to be your damsel in distress?”
“I was thinking we could kick his ass together.”
You let out a giggle, “I’ll make sure to let you know then,” waving goodbye, you walking back to your beloved trio.
“Oh my god, I didn’t know the talk went that well, you guys were flirting so hard!” Chaewon whisper-yells.
“We were not flirting.”
“Oh you so were. You literally giggled while talking to him” Eunbi agrees.
“I did?”
“See it was so natural you didn’t even notice! I wasn’t really a fan of Jay but he clearly makes you happy.” Chaewon admits, putting her hands up in surrender from Eunbi’s offended look.
“I don’t know. I mean he did kinda use me. So who says he won’t do it again?” 
“Me, I do. If he does I’ll literally punch him to oblivion” Eunbi and Chaewon start pretend boxing, the bell interrupting their match. They both groan, giving up mid match.
“I’m glad I’m friends with the next Muhammad Ali, but I’m going to go to class now.” You laugh, waving goodbye and walking to your first period.
Your math class gave you time to think about everything going wrong in your life, because who was actually listening to Mrs. Lim’s blabbering? You doodle little hearts in your notebook, now noticing that you hadn’t written a single note and the whole page was just covered in your drawings.
Does this class never end or something? You wonder, checking the clock. 
Twenty minutes left, you internally groan, how is it that time moves so slow during times like these? You bring your hand to your mouth, biting the nail off your ring finger. Feeling a vibration coming from your phone, you quickly take a look at the board, making sure the teacher was still writing before checking it.
whatd i do???
stop biting your nails
i can see you doing it yk
thats none of your business
it’s not
but i still care ya know
oh really?
fine whatever 🙄🙄
The smile that had grown on your face quickly fades the moment you even notice it was there. Why are you folding so easily Y/n? You have to give him a hard time! You sigh louder than you realize, quickly feeling embarrassment when Mrs. Lim stares right at you.
“Is something wrong, Y/n?” Mrs. Lim asks, a cruel eyebrow raised.
Oh, fuck me. “No Mrs. Lim, nothing is wrong.” You smile as sweetly as you can.
“Then I guess you won’t mind answering one of these questions?” She showcases three equations on the board.
Your smile falls slightly, not this shit again, you complain, walking up to the first equation staring at it blankly while she picks the next two students. Holding the marker up and pretending to think, knowing damn well that you hadn’t listened to a single thing she said that day.
Looking over to the person next to you, Jay, seems to already be looking in your direction, a small smile on his face.
“Looks like you need help this time, Apple? What a twist.”
You roll your eyes, “You didn’t even need help last time. But yes, I do. Could you please—like give me the answer or something?”
“X equals four point five seven.”
You finally return his smile, a small thank you coming out as you write it on the board.
After another long twenty minutes the bell finally rings, indicating that school is finally over. Your usual after school routine was, 1. walk to your car with Chaewon and Eunbi (sometimes you hung out, but today you weren’t) 2. Go home (duh), and start your homework,  3. Eat dinner, and 4. Go on your phone until you fall asleep. You didn’t mind this arrangement, it kept you comfortable knowing that you had some free time later in the day. But today, you were dreading it more than ever.
Why? you ask?
Every couple of days, whenever your phone wasn’t doing your boredom justice you put it down for a good three minutes. And those three minutes entirely made up of you staring at the ceiling and thinking. That was the problem. You didn’t want to think about a single thing that happened today. You didn’t want to think about your upcoming tests that only got you nervous before you were about to go to bed or your love life (which it sometimes went to but you always dreaded even bringing up the topic to yourself).
Tonight was one of those nights you would stare at the ceiling.
The topic you always first thought of was what you did earlier that day. But unfortunately for you, half of the day you had thought about you and Jay basically holding each other's hands. And the other half was thinking about if you forgave Jay yet.
You wanted to say you didn’t. That you would have to take at least two weeks after the apology to even think about the apology. But two days after the apology, here you were. Staring into space about how you think he would react to you forgiving him.
I mean you had basically already forgave him, I mean you wouldn’t have squeezed someone's hand you hated, right? And you definitely don’t miss the voice of someone you hate.
Staring at the ceiling clearly wasn’t a good idea. Because you were already grabbing your phone, looking at his contact. Just above it is your group chat with Eunbi and Chaewon. Maybe you should get a greenlight before you decide to call him.
You glance at the clock, making sure it wasn’t too late to text your friends. The clock hits 11:52 as you look at it. Typing out the texts, you wait until the message sends before closing out of the app.
hey guys lawl
r u awake 
pls say Yes!
Luckily, Chaewon answers just a few seconds after you close the app.
hi im awake
is eunbi awake around this time???
no shes never awake past 10 LMFAO
shouldve messaged u privately
wait so what did u want to talk abt
so uh
do u think its weird that i’ve forgiven jay so easily and should i call him.. lowkey miss him
ok but no??
i mean anyone could literally see how hard he tried to make it up to you
and call him!! Yolo
ok Thx!!!!
yw 😘😘
Closing the chat, you look at his caller i.d, noticing how big his smile was in the contact photo you never deleted. Smiling, you look down at the call button, wondering if this was a good idea or not. You hesitantly lift your finger, hovering over the rectangle before clicking it.
The phone rings twice, before he answers.
“Y/n, is everything okay? Why are you calling at midnight?”
“Everything’s fine, don't worry, but sorry, did I wake you up?”
You can hear shuffling on his side of the call, before he answers, “No no, I was awake. Why did you call?”
“Honestly? I just wanted to hear your voice.”
He lets out a low chuckle, “Really? That’s it?”
“I also think I forgive you and I want to be your girlfriend again.”
A wave of silence washes over you two. Not a single sound comes through your phone, not a single shuffling or anything. Maybe you shouldn’t have called him, this was a stupid idea. Who let you make important decisions past ten o’clock?
Until he starts up again. “Wait, really?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
“You don’t have to answer that right now if you’re not ready to, I can wait eternity for you.”
“No it’s okay, That’s my answer. Let’s give this thing another try.”
“Thank you, Apple. I’ve missed you a lot, you know?”
You smile, “I’ve missed you a lot too.”
“Jay, it’s a Saturday.”
He has a huge grin on his face, he very proudly presents what’s in his hands. A bouquet of white and purple roses with a mix of some unknown flower sit in his hands, the brown paper wrapped by twine making him loudly announce every move he’s about to make.
“So? I missed my girl.”
You sigh, rubbing your pried open eyes. “At nine in the morning? I wake up at like eleven.” His smile never falters, not a single bit, “I got you flowers.” Jay says, handing them to you.
“Thank you, Jay. But these are so bright they could literally blind me.”
“I put a lot of thought into this, you know? ‘Made sure to pick the prettiest one for you.” He points to the unknown purple flower. “This is called a Heliotrope.” 
“Is there a meaning to it?” 
“You’ll figure it out.” He smirks. Rolling your eyes, you invite him into your house. placing the bouquet carefully on your desk before inviting him to sit on your bed.
You lay back in the spot you were before you had opened the door. About to tuck yourself back in when you realize you have a guest with you, you toss the blanket open, gesturing for him to lay next to you. Jay gladly accepts, laying next to you. Closing your eyes you feel the dip in the bed  right next to you.
You two both move to get comfortable, finding it best when you’re facing each other, arms lazily thrown over each other.
“Did you just come here to cuddle?” You ask, the words barely coming out of your throat. A soft chuckle comes out of him, you can feel the vibrations of his chest when he says, “Would you mind if I said yes?”
You shake your head no, pulling him impossibly closer. He wraps his arm around your head, softly caressing it until you fall asleep.
Later, you wake up to Jay still sleeping soundly. Checking the time you realize you’ve been sleeping for at least an hour. You grab your phone from the bedside table checking your notifications and social media apps. 
In your peripheral view, the bright purple flowers stand out brightly to you. You quickly switch apps to look up the meaning of the flower.
Pressing enter you read the first box you see.
“In the language of flowers, Heliotrope symbolizes devotion and eternal love.”
A smile grows on your face, Eternal love, I could get used to that.
009 TO DRINK SOME APPLE CIDER (extra timeskip)
Sitting down at your vanity, you look over at Jay to see his familiar dyed silver hair, and a nice dress shirt. You turn back to the mirror.
“Can you believe 2024 is over?” You ask Jay, blending out the eyeshadow you’re putting on. He walks next to you, wrapping his arms around your body, laying down on you. “I’m glad I’ll be spending it with my girl.”
You cover your face feeling the warmth grow on it, slapping his arm, and he quickly pulls away, hissing at the contact. 
“Hey! What was that for?”
“For not letting me get ready.” You jokingly roll your eyes, he quickly kisses your cheek before going back to fix his shirt.
Once you finish you showcase your look, you decide to wear a satin green dress, matching Jay’s dark green shirt. You both look at your full length mirror admiring how you look.
“You look so pretty, Apple.” He says, pressing a soft kiss on your forehead.
You smile when he does that, “You don’t look too bad yourself, Park.”
He frowns, “Don’t call me Park.” he says. You smirk mischievously, “I’m sorry, my big baby.” You tease, pinching both his cheeks. A knock to your apartment door sets you apart. You quickly let his cheeks go, a red tint fills them as you run to open the door. Chaewon and Eunbi greet you two, both holding food of some sort.
Later everyone arrives and the sound of the room grows. Laughter and banter fills the air as the clock continues to click to midnight. 
You stand off to the side, wanting a break from everyone for a little bit, taking a sip of the sparkling apple cider you’ve had in your hands the whole night. You look back up to see Jay approaching you with a smile, showcasing his matching cup.
“We both have apple cider!” He exclaims, gesturing to the amber colored drinks in both of your hands.
“What a coincidence.” You laugh, enveloping him in a hug. “Where have you been all night? I haven’t seen you since Jungwon arrived.”
“Sorry, I was just talking with them. Got caught up and then suddenly it’s minutes to midnight! Couldn’t miss my new year’s kiss with my girl could I?” 
The seconds count down as the crowd of friends all join to count down from ten. 
“Ten!” They exclaim.
“Who said you were getting one?”
“Nine! Eight! Seven!”
“I’ve been hoping for one. Would you like to be my New Year’s kiss?”
“Five! Four! Three!”
“I’d love to.” You respond,  he barely hears it before the friends scream in excitement. 
You close your eyes, smash your lips into his, tasting the sweet apple cider from both of your lips. He smiles into the kiss as the whole apartment celebrates. He wraps his unoccupied hand around your waist, as you wrap yours around his neck, being careful to not spill.
You finally pull away and he looks at you with a love sick gaze. You let out a breathy smile, “Happy New Year, My love.”
“Happy New Year, Apple.”
Giving him a huge hug, you look at everyone chug down their champagne drinks, laughing when Sunghoon spills on his shirt. 
“I love you.” Jay whispers.
“I love you too, Jay. I hope we spend the rest of the year together.”
“Maybe even forever.” He replies.
You look back at him, tilting your head slightly. A huge smile still plastered on your face. “Forever and always.”
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taglist : @jwnghyuns @ja4hyvn @trsrina @redm4ri @badmuni @yeokii @enhastolemyheart @softpia @s00buwu @ox1-lovesick @flwoie @kjrcrz @hsgworld @boyfhee
yenqa © please do not copy, steal or translate.
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cowboy-lover69 · 1 year
Ghostface Valentines day headcanons
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(Minor NSFW ahead 18+ only)
(1,325 words)
Billy Loomis
--- Billy is not a fan of the holiday in general, but he can't just ignore it since he is dating and wants to do something for you.
--- Billy is not good with personalized gifts, unless you guys have been dating for a long time he is not really sure what to get you. Usually he will get you flowers and a stuffed animal or a piece of jewelry
--- Billy likes to take you on a date if he can. Usually it's a restaurant or maybe a surprise window visit to your house at night. Whatever it is on valentines day he likes you to be around you  and tries his best to at least spend a little bit of time with you.
--- on Valentine's Day he likes to surprise you with smaller things outside of his bigger gift and date, whether it's smaller gifts or buying you food among other things. He just likes just seeing your reaction.
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Stu Macher 
--- stu LOVES valentines day, outside of him enjoying the romantic festivities and also gives him the excuse to have a grotesque amount of sex, I mean it’s not like he doesn't already but now he has an excuse. 
--- he likes to plan ahead when getting you gifts. He's not very good at gift giving so he will subtly ask you what you want or at least try to be subtle. If he does not know what to get you he will resort to a stuffed animal. 
--- he likes to take you to the amusement park on Valentine's Day because he thinks it's so much more fun than a normal date, and he likes to win you stuff.
--- stu doesn't really expect that much in return he does appreciate when you get him things though which you often do. Outside of the gifts you usually give him you and he often has sex later at night on the holiday, very special Valentine's Day sex. He will often break out the candles and make everything very fancy when you guys do have sex.
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Mickey Alteri 
--- he's pretty neutral on the holiday but he loves you so he usually ends up doing stuff with you.
--- gift-wise he thinks he knows you pretty well, so he doesn't really ask what you want and just kind of wings it. He doesn't always land the gift. There have been a few mess-ups, but he has a higher chance to get something you like than not.
--- he doesn't go all out of dates a lot of the time he just comes over and you two hangouts. If he does do something outside of the house, you guys go to the theater or out somewhere fun like an arcade. 
--- he's very touchy in general when you guys are dating, but on valentines he's VERY touchy he's practically attached to you on the hip he's always touching you whether he is kissing you or holding you close.
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Roman Briger
--- Roman really likes valentines day, he likes to use it to show off his wealth to you. He likes to feel admired by you.
--- he loves to spoil you on valentines day, he buys you lots of things basically anything you ask for he will buy for you. Even without you asking he buys you many things such as jewelry, stuffed animals, flowers etc.  
--- he likes to keep things more lowkey when you guys go out for a date on valentines day. Well his lowkey is going to the most fancy restaurant in town for a nice dinner. 
--- on valentines day he’s really big on romantic gestures. Like opening the door for you, kissing your hand and generally taking care of you since as much as he wants you to admire him. He also admires and loves you and he wants to show it.
--- sometimes after you guys go on your guy's date, he will book a hotel for a long-interrupted sex session. He would do it at his house, but he likes a spicier feeling of a hotel setting, even though he hates the beds.  
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Jill Roberts 
--- she doesn't like valentine's day that much, she finds the holiday unnecessary since she's not the romantic type well she is just in more subtle ways. She doesnt go all out for the holiday but she's dating you so she decides to participate. 
--- she's very perceptive when it comes to gifting, she pays attention to every little thing you do and say so she's pretty good in the gift department. She never tells you you're getting a gift so she can surprise you, but it never works because you always see it coming, since she gets you a gift every valentines day, but you always act surprised because you know she likes it.
--- she likes dates but on valentines dates she likes to keep it lowkey since most places are very busy and she likes having alone time with you. You guys tend to end up watching a movie and hanging out on the couch. Sometimes she just suggests hanging out at home because she wants to sleep with you but she would never tell you that.
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Charlie Walker
--- charlie likes valentines day since he likes a reason to hangout with more than he already does. 
--- charlie doesn't really get you anything for valentines day besides his love of course. He finds he is a little too broke to really get you anything he would like to get you. If he does get you anything it be small or a handmade gift like a card or flowers he picked etc.
--- date-wise Charlie likes to keep things low-key for Valentine's Day. He often invites you over to binge the stab movies and make out among other things of course but mostly that.
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Amber Freeman
--- amber likes to do things for valentines day. She doesn't really like the holiday herself but she likes the opportunity to treat you to what she can provide.
--- amber near the beginning of your guys relationship around valentines day she would not know what to get you but she would try, at some point she stopped trying to get a good gift for you and started getting pretty stander gifts stuffed animals mostly, but sometimes she still does try and she doesn't always fail.
--- you guys don’t really do anything date-wise for valentines since both of you prefer staying at home and hanging out, maybe even inviting over a few friends to hangout as well as a sort of double date. 
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Ethan Landry 
--- ethan really likes valentines day, but most of the time forgets about its existence until the day of even then sometimes he doesn't remember, until you remind him.
--- he always scrambles to get gifts for you if he doesn't remember to get you one ahead of time, which most of the time he doesn't. Most of the time he gives you something he already owns like a book he likes for some of his clothes.
--- date-wise he never really has anything planned most of the time you guys go to a movie if there's any good ones playing. If there isn't you guys go hangout at the arcade or at home. Since neither of you take the holiday too seriously.
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Quinn Bailey
--- Quinn really likes Valentine's day, she loves the opportunity to hang out with you and treat you and likes seeing you happy.
--- Quinn doesn't really get you gifts specifically for the holiday besides maybe a card, she likes to buy you things when you guys go out on dates for the holiday.  
--- Quinn really likes to take you shopping for the holiday mostly at the mall and she likes to try her best and pay for what she can for you.
--- at the end of the day she takes you home and you two most likely have sex. She finds a good way to end Valentine's Day or at least for her a good way.
the masterlist
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st4rwon · 1 year
dates w skz
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maknae line x reader (separate)
hyung line ver.
warnings: none that i’m aware of!
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jisung 지성
han takes you on arcade dates at least once a month
he is definitely a bit competitive
but likes to let you win just so he can see your pretty smile
both of you have every two player game they have
tried to win you things from the claw machine to impress you
but half the time it doesn’t work
loves to buy you stupid things with the tickets you earn
he’ll buy you stuffed animals, yo-yos, tiny trinkets, you name it
you have a small area on your desk where you keep all the stuff he’s gotten you
“we should definitely name him sam” you said, smiling at the bear jisung had gotten you “what the fuck, no” you shot his a look of disappointment “what’s wrong with sam?” “it’s hyunjin hyung’s english name, there’s no way you’re naming him that” “aww you jealous ji?” you said poking him as his cheeks heated up “whatever, let’s just think of a better name for our child” you giggled at his words “alright you baby”
other members under the cut!
felix 페릭스
picnic dates!! or cafe dates
always comes to pick you up with a bouquet of flowers (each time they are different and they always have a meaning to them) and some chocolates
such a sweetheart
constant compliments
“you look so pretty baby” “ooh that necklace is so pretty! isn’t it the one i got you?”
makes sure you’re enjoying the date and always caters to your needs
“oh you’re not feeling well? well let’s just stay inside then, i’m sure we can still find something fun to do”
makes you smile so much that your mouth hurts
“felix how did you find this place??” you said looking at the beautiful flower field around you. “i have my ways” he giggled “i’ll take it as you like it?” felix questioned “like it? i love it! i get to spend the day with my favorite boy and be in such an amazing place place!”
seungmin 승민
night time dates
seungmin really enjoys the atmosphere at night
it’s quiet, you can hear the insects, and the wind blows just enough to keep you from getting hot
he likes taking you on walks, sometimes around the neighborhood, or around the park
he likes the fact that he is able to see your face illuminated by the streetlights
though whenever he finds you to be a bit too cute he moves away so that his blush is hidden
little does he know that you’ve caught on to this and mentally give yourself a pat in the back for getting the kim seungmin embarrassed
you and seungmin walked hand in hand, walking towards the park that you typically went to. it was by the convenience store so the two of you would typically grab some snacks and go sit in the field. “minnie” you spoke, grabbing your boyfriend’s attention. he turned his head towards you in response, “you look so pretty today” you said grabbing his arm, pulling it next to you. seungmin lifted the mask further up his face, “no darkness for you to hide your blush today” you snickered. “you knew?” he questioned, “of course! i always pay attention to you” you said proudly, but before you could speak again you felt yourself falling forward, you held tightly onto seungmin’s arm. he swiftly pulled you up with both arms, now it was his time to laugh. “maybe most more attention to yourself pretty”
jeongin 정인
100% shopping dates
all the time!
tbh you guys actually don’t buy many things
it’s just fun to be around each other and try of different clothes to see what styles look good
you’ve definitely bribed him to buy matching clothes a couple times
but how could you not? they were so perfect for the two of you!
whenever you go to the mall, you’ll both run around different stores until you get tired and end up in the food court
jeongin is so happy to have someone that loves his passion for fashion just as much as he does
he’ll also keep in mind what your eyes are on, so that he is able to buy them as future gifts
“innie you need to try this on!” you said dragging him towards a rack, “ooh i love the color” he said, picking it up by the hanger. you both walked over to the dressing room and tried on your respected clothing. “looks nice…” jeongin said, as you twirled around showing him your outfit, “but i feel like the color clashes with you, it doesn’t fit your personality. the outfit you put on earlier complimented your skin tone perfectly! it really brought out all my favorite features on you” “really??” you asked surprised, “i thought it pointed out some of my flaws…” you mumbled. “baby you’re flawless in my eyes, and trust me with this. this color suits you really well! lets find some more” jeongin smiled. “let me go change back,” you said turning to the dressing room, “wait you haven’t tried on your clothes yet” you frowned. “it’s okay, i can always shop later. i wanna get something special for you first”
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please don’t spam like posts, repost, translate, or use my work without my permission. all work is fictional and only used for entertainment purposes. © azurez 2023
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bxckkdoor · 2 months
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live while we're young ⋆.✧˚
SYNOPSIS  : when beating your best friend, kai, at too many arcade games leads you to the stuffed animal-filled claw machine; he swoops in to help you win a plushie of your own. PLAYLIST : live while we're young - one direction ; love 119 - riize PAIRING(S) : best friend!kai x gender neutral reader WARNING(S) : none (?)
꒰ note : have you missed the other dates? read soobin, yeonjun, beomgyu, and taehyun's day dates over on saku's blog and their night dates here !! if you're back for todays dates, thanks for tuning in to our summer !! go check out kai's day date on saku's blog <3 enjoy and i'll see you this weekend for the finale !! ꒱
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𖧷 "oo, it's so pretty in here," you say in awe as you enter the room, the rainbow lights on the brightly colored arcade machines. kai, your best friend, who's holding the door, walks in behind you. before he could agree, you rush off to the first game you see.
the arcade is mostly empty. the only people to be seen are tired employees sipping fountain drinks and chatting. you look around and scope the scene, looking for your favorite games.
you bounce between games and machines, gaining tickets. you play against kai in air hockey and beat him by a landslide. kai challenges you to a rematch, and this time, he wins. ignoring how he rubs it in your face, you find more games to battle him in.
𖧷 "oh, come on! i beat you fair and square, didn't i? the rematch was winner-take-all, so i won!" he brags, and you roll your eyes, the playful banter between you always a source of amusement. but you'd never tell him that.
you rush to point at a claw machine, sliding in a few coins. you fiddle with the joystick, guiding the claw to hover above a cute plush penguin. you push the bottom beside the joystick, and the claw descends, clasping the arm of the blue penguin. it comes back up and takes the plush with it. it glides across the top of the machine.
as the plush penguin nears the prize slot, it falls short. you try again unsuccessfully, and after your fourth attempt, you give up. you whine and slump down a bit before you turn to look at kai. "hey, hyuka?"
𖧷 kai looks at you, already knowing what you're going to ask, and moves closer, inserting his coins. he does the same as you, but more methodically. this time, the claw successfully drops the plush into the prize slot. he retrieves it and offers it to you, and you accept it with a victorious smile, hugging it tightly.
"oh my god, he's so cute!! look at his little face; he looks just like you!!" you go into a cuteness aggression, squeezing the cheek of the plush and doing the same to kai.
you get blinded by the adorable face of the plush, and kai begins to pout. you both still stand in front of the claw machine, and he leans against it, observing you. jealousy bubbles in his chest as he watches you baby the cute stuffed animal.
𖧷 "i'm starting to think you like that penguin more than you like me," he jokes, but you still don't look up, reading the plush's tag. you finally speak up, thrilled. "his name's kai, too!"
you look up at him with big eyes, and he leans down to kiss you before he can even question himself. you can't even focus on kissing him back before it's over, and you mentally scold yourself for missing your chance.
he rushes to apologize. "oh my god, uhm, i'm sorry. your cheeks were red, and you looked so pretty with the lights on your face, but i should've asked—"
𖧷 "can i kiss you?" you cut his apologetic rant off, and he stares at you dumbfounded. he nods, and you peck him lightly. once you pull back, kai takes the penguin into his hands and looks at him. "can we have shared custody? he's really cute, actually."
your stomach growls after you walk around the arcade and have a long conversation about your new son. kai giggles under his breath. "wanna get some pizza?" you perk up at his offer and skip over to the food counter.
"as long as you're paying!"
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taglist : @hyukassubi @lun4kazumii
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Hello once again! Ive recently had motivation for writing so.. here! Take some scenarios for RTC Kids on a Carnival Date with the reader! In this AU, the accident has not happened.
Also! My requests are always open, and any character is allowed, but if i feel uncomfortable with the request i will disregard it. Anyways, onto the writing!
TW // Heavy kissing for one of them, and a LOT of fluff.
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Ocean O'Connell
- Ocean would take you on the bumper cars, but you'll be holding on TIGHT to the safety bar. She's a reckless driver.
- You'd play the balloon dart game and win her a stuffed animal and she just overall adores it more than anything. She holds it tight and refuses to go on any fast paced rides in fear of losing it.
- YOU. BOTH. GET. DEEP. FRIED. OREOS. If you're allergic to chocolate, or don't eat junk food, she'd definitely buy you both some healthier snacks like veggie straws and such.
- Walking around holding hands while she drags you around to whatever catches her eye! (I think she's adorable guys.)
Noel Gruber
- He definitely critiques the live bands and food. He'd have his arm around your waist as you guys walked around.
- He'd take you on the Ferris Wheel, and you both laugh and tell jokes to one another. Definitely gazing at him while he stares at the scenery!
- You'd have matching bracelets/henna tattoos too and he'd show the choir at the next meeting and brag about you to them. This guy adores his boyfriend/partner to no end.
- "Do you want to go check out the shops nearby?" "Hell yeah!"
Constance Blackwood
- She'd get you whatever you even show the slightest interest in. Rainbow cottan candy? In your hands, but you're sharing because she deserves it. A necklace from the vendors? Done deal!
- Definitely takes photos of you when you're playing games! She likes being able to look at the pictures when she's down, and it's with her significant other!
- You guys definitely had a sleepover after and watched some silly rom-coms. I feel like Constance would absolutely LOVE Adam Sandler films, and binge them with you.
- "Hey, I saw you look at the jewelry at the small shop in the corner and got you this!" "Awe, you're the best!"
Penny Lamb/Jane Doe
- She takes you on the "horror" themed rides, and you both love that thrill! Anything fast paced that gets your brain going is definitely something you two will do.
- You buy her anything and everything. As a play on her last name, you bought her a cutesy little lamb stuffed animal, and she laughed and kept it close to her the entire day.
- Expect little kisses on the cheek when it feels like it's nobody but you and her in the entire park (despite the obvious crowd). She's not big on PDA in my opinion, but will definitely let you know she loves you.
- "Do you like it?" "The lamb is going to stay with my doll. Thank you for it!" <3
Ricky Potts
- He was iffy to go at first, but you both went on the merry go round mainly, and would sit in the spots that don't move.
- You know sign language and order for him, but he ends up paying and you can't stop him. Well, you could, but it makes him happy to do something in return for you.
- You guys would sit on a bench and he'd explain his Fictional fantasy world, and you'd listen and encourage his creativeness! You don't think it's gross because it's quite sexual, but you do offer ideas for it!
- 'You don't find it weird?' "Of course not! I think it's fascinating!"
Mischa Bachinski
- You guys definitely made out in the corner sheilded away from the crowds. Lets just say you had to hide your neck with your school uniform collar the next day.
- You guys had a competition on who could win the most games, and of course he won. Loser had to do whatever the winner wanted, but there were limits of course!
- You bought him dinner, and he got you a giant stuffed animal from the 'athletic' games. Like hanging off the pole for a certain amount of time. It was a giant stuffed bear with a red bow!
- "I'll carry this for you коханий!" "Awe, thanks love!"
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catindabag · 10 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (47)
Felix: Hey, guys, please settle down and listen to me-
Clemensia: Class Pres, why is your hair bubblegum pink today?
Felix: Well, Clemmie, that’s a funny story. You see, a certain someone happened to steal my very expensive Ravinstill exclusive shampoo and replaced it with pink hair dye-
Androcles: It wasn’t me! I swear on my mother’s cooking that it wasn’t-
Felix: Andie, your mother doesn’t cook.
Androcles: Oh, yeah.😐
Coryo: Let’s just go straight to the point, Class Pres.
Felix: *sighs* Fine. So I’ve gathered everyone here to discuss our upcoming PTA meeting this Friday-
Hilarius: PTA meeting?! With my father?! Class Pres, I’m not sure about that-
Felix: Calm down, Heavensbee! Your creepy old man is not even allowed to go near our school.
Urban: True. He can’t even go near us without Dean Highbottom calling the Peacekeepers-
Hilarius: You don’t understand! My old man will try to sneak into that meeting either way!😫
Coryo: Well, if he does, we can always call the President to punish him indefinitely-
Urban: Or strangle him ourselves for the greater good of Panem-
Hilarius: Hey!😠
Urban: Just saying~.
Sejanus: I’ll protect you from that creep, my Coryo, my love!😍
Coryo: Sure, Babe. Whatever you say.
Io: By the way, Hilari, how many restraining orders does your father have?
Hilarius: 42-
Felix: It’s 77 and counting. But anyway, Dean Highbottom told me to list down the parents who would be attending our PTA meeting this Friday. So-
Livia: Obviously, my ever fabulous mama will represent thee~!😌💅
Pup: Meh Daddy~!😘
Felix: Stop saying “daddy” like that, Pup.
Florus: Both or none. Depends on my crazy dad’s mood.
Dennis: Sorry~. My mama can’t attend this week. She’s too busy running the Capitol black market and trading illegal magazines with Cardew’s mom-
Livia: You lying little shi-
Felix: How about you, Urban?
Urban: Same with Florus.
Felix: And the rest?
Io: Both will come as usual~.😎
Arachne: My pushover big brother will represent me as always.
Androcles: My mama and her camera crew-
Felix: Andie, we’ve talked about this issue before. Your mother can’t bring her camera crew to our PTA meetings again-
Androcles: They’ll pay everyone 20 bucks for a feature.
Festus: Free money?!
Coryo: Free money!!
Persephone: I love money!
Dennis: Oh, yes~. Mah money~.😏
Felix: Fine! But this is the last time-
Gaius: Class Pres, can my crazy grandmother attend for me?🥺
Felix: The one who fought and defeated the rebels with a giant toothpick?
Gaius: Pretty please?
Felix: Sure. She’s a war hero.
Palmyra: Can my unhinged mama and her delicious pies-
Felix: No. Next.
Hilarius: My father-
Felix: He’s banned. Next.
Hilarius: My mother-
Felix: She’s banned too. Next.
Vipsania: My gym instructor-
Felix: Nope. Next.
Lysistrata: My drug- I mean, medicine dealer?
Felix: For legal reasons, no. Next.
Iphigenia: The pizza delivery guy next door-
Felix: Not a parent. Next.
Domitia: My emotional support cow-
Felix: Too hairy. Next.
Apollo: My imaginary friends-
Felix: Not real. Next.
Diana: My cute stuffed animals.🥺
Felix: Sure. Why not.
Apollo: That’s not fair-
Felix: Next!
Coryo: I’ll bring my cousin Tigris. But if Highbottom’s drunk, I’ll summon the ghost of my gorgeous dead dad instead.
Sejanus: My Ma will represent!
Coryo: Will she bring food?🥺
Sejanus: Always, Babe. Always~.😘
Coryo: I might kiss you right now-
Lysistrata: Kiss him, Coryo! Kiss him!
Coryo: Not now, Lizzie!
Felix: How about you, Creed?
Festus: My whole family’s going.
Sejanus: The whole Creed Clan?!
Festus: Yup! Free food is free food.
Pup: Especially when Ma Plinth’s the one cooking it.🤤
Juno: Well, whatever, peasants. My royal daddy will represent for me as usual~.😌💅
Urban: Nobody asked you, Juno~.🙄
Juno: Suck a di-
Felix: How about you, Clemmie? Is your dad going too?
Clemensia: Depends~. If my mom wins their annual wrestling match, then she’ll be the one attending-
Vipsania: Wrestling match? What kind?
Clemensia: Do you truly want to know, Sickle?😏
Vipsania: Yes-
Felix: Nope. We don’t wanna know about that, Clemmie.
Persephone: Well, I think my old man-
Coryo: Wasn’t Nero Price banned from the school grounds last year?
Persephone: My dad was banned?!
Coryo: Yes.
Persephone: What for?!
Felix: Cannibalism allegations.
Persephone: That’s a lie-
Coryo: He literally almost bit off Highbottom’s foot when he found out about the Heavensbee Hall Flooding Incident.
Persephone: He did that to defend me!
Felix: He also bit Professor Click’s hand-
Persephone: He was hungry!😭
Coryo: And stole all of Ma Plinth’s ham sandwiches from her body bag.
Persephone: To be fair, my daddy thought that there was a literal dead body inside her bag-
Felix: Still banned. Next.
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