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postcard-from-the-past · 4 months ago
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Greetings from Payerne, Switzerland
Swiss vintage postcard, mailed in 1899
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opelman · 3 months ago
T-316 - Aérospatiale AS 332 M1 Super Puma by Laurent Quérité Via Flickr: Meeting Aérien - Airshow Super Puma Display Team Swiss Air Force AIR14 Payerne (LSMP) Suisse IMG_3886
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sanchoxreus · 2 years ago
My #predictions for tonights ucl games
Tottenham 2 - Milan 0
Bayern 3 - PSG 2
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weidli · 7 months ago
very fond of that one patent ochsner song that's like. mournful soft thing about watching the planes from the little local airport and seeing the rich people in their furs and carts full of luggage and sleek black limousines and thinking one day one day i'll go too and then i'm never coming back here. any day now i'll go. and then you're like Aha i see what this song is about! Nice. Whats the airport we're doing our yearning at called then. and then it's fuckjng. belpmoos
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mohamedewias · 11 months ago
Liveübertragung Spiel Bayern Munich vs Lazio UEFA Champions League 2024-03-05 elastad dot comElastad GameLiveStream
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usafphantom2 · 6 months ago
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Because it's Obon, retired aircraft No. 2 ✈️✈️
Mirage IVP. It's huge.
Payerne, Switzerland, 2014
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ebooks-bnr · 7 days ago
Cingria Charles-André - La Reine Berthe et sa famille (906-1002)
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Cingria Charles-André - La Reine Berthe et sa famille (906-1002) : La Reine Berthe, pour les enfants de ma génération qui jouaient dans la Tour de Marsens, n’était pas tant une légende qu’une présence vivante. Nous nous attendions presque à la voir surgir au détour des escaliers. Une légende que ne renierait pas Charles-André Cingria. Dans une sorte de préfiguration de la Nouvelle Histoire – où fit irruption l’étude des représentations collectives, des structures de ce qu’un autre appela l’inconscient collectif, des idées, des ensembles sociaux, bref d’une peinture globalisée de la vie quotidienne, si j’ose m’exprimer ainsi – il refusait de trier entre faits « objectifs » et « histoires ». Qu’elles soient même légendes, qu’importe, puisqu’elles retraçaient la vie ! L’histoire positiviste « renaniste », comme il l’appelait, sèche et critique, ne laisse que du vide alors que l’imprévu et l’illogisme fourmillent dans la vie quotidienne. Non qu’il manqua d’érudition : « incollable sur les généalogies » il n’avait rien à prouver dans la connaissance des troubadours et l’histoire du Haut Moyen Âge. Le meilleur écrit historique, écrivait-il, ne devrait-il pas être une suite de citation de sources ? Pour La Reine Berthe et sa famille, les chroniques de Liutprand, l’évêque de Crémone, lui en fournirent la matière sans que Cingria résiste à des digressions aussi intéressantes, souvent, que le fil du récit. Alors qui était la Reine Berthe ? Pratiquement la seule figure féminine connue de l’histoire suisse ancienne que l’imaginaire populaire dépeint en train de parcourir le pays romand à cheval, filant sa quenouille et enseignant les fillettes. Sceptre ou quenouille ? qu’importe ! Épouse de Rodolphe II, roi de Bourgogne puis de Henri dans un mariage politique, elle fut aussi reine d’Italie. Doublement veuve, ses initiatives concernèrent alors principalement la Bourgogne transjurane, comme l’appelle Cingria (la Bourgogne englobait alors selon les périodes une bonne partie de la Suisse, la vallée du Rhône et la Provence). Elle initia ainsi des routes, des églises et des monastères comme la construction de l’Abbatiale de Payerne où sa fille l’inhuma en un emplacement aujourd’hui oublié. Et Charles-Albert Cingria ? Né et décédé à Genève (1883-1954), le futur « aventurier de l’écriture » qui aimait à se définir comme « italo-franc(o)-levantin » , commence par la musique avant de s’intéresser à la littérature.  À 24 ans, ses amis décident sans l’avertir de publier l’une de ses lettres au vu de sa qualité. Succès. Établi à Paris, l’écrivain naîtra vingt-trois ans plus tard, après une arrestation de trois mois en Italie liée à son homosexualité, mais restera inclassable dans son mélange des genres, passant du passé au présent, déroutant par son écriture et son art de conteur émaillé de digressions volontaires. Mais malgré la reconnaissance de ses pairs – citons, entre autres, Ramuz, Stravinsky, Paulan, Claudel (dont il s’éloignera), Cocteau, Max Jacob, Artaud, Satie ou Robert Desnos – il vivra dans une certaine misère. La Reine Berthe et sa famille (1947) que nous publions ici, fut, après notamment La Civilisation de Saint-Gall, un essai sur le plein chant de 1927, et Pétrarque, 1932, le dernier et le plus élaboré de ses écrits historiques. « Son récit de la vie de la Reine Berthe, qui conduit le lecteur dans l'ancienne Suisse, et aussi en Provence et en Italie, au Xe s, est d'une extrême drôlerie, et d'une science confondante. L'enthousiasme, le plaisir du conteur, le goût du détail, les chatoiements de la prose, font de ce livre une expérience mémorable. » (Henri-l-oiseleur, 02 décembre 2015, Babelio.) D'autres en trouveront la lecture moins aisée, mais tous apprendront à mieux connaître la période qui suivit Charlemagne, en Bourgogne, en Suisse, en Italie et même en Provence. Téléchargements : ePUB - PDF - HTML - DOC/ODT Read the full article
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swissforextrading · 7 months ago
Learning lessons from medium-sized Swiss cities
03.07.24 - "La Suisse de A(rbon) à Z(oug): Portrait en 12 villes", a new book published by EPFL Press, eschews the traditional focus on major conurbations. Each chapter is penned by a researcher working in the humanities and social sciences, who provides insights into the city they know best through a dual lens: as both an expert and a resident. This publication, written under the direction of EPFL’s Laboratory of Urban Sociology (LASUR), takes a novel approach to Switzerland’s urban landscape. It deliberately goes against the grain of conventional research in this field, which has long focused on major conurbations and comparisons between large cities. In 2005, a group of prominent architects, including Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron, published Switzerland. An Urban Portrait, a seminal collective work that drew a dividing line between “metropolitan regions” and “quiet zones.” “We chose to focus on these ‘quiet zones’ because they have a lot to teach us,” says Vincent Kaufmann, who heads the LASUR laboratory. Over the years, Kaufmann has organized regular field visits to medium-sized Swiss cities where members of his lab live or that they know very well. It was during one of these trips in 2018, to Payerne, that he came up with the idea for La Suisse de A(rbon) à Z(oug): Portrait en 12 villes, which was recently published by EPFL Press. Fewer than 60,000 residents The book’s four editors, all members of the LASUR lab, brought in experts in the humanities and social sciences, each of whom was asked to write a chapter about a city with fewer than 60,000 residents where they’d lived for a long time. The locations had to span all four of Switzerland’s language regions and be far enough away from Zurich, Geneva and other major urban centers to escape their influence. The following 12 cities were chosen: Arbon, Bellinzona, Biel/Bienne, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Chiasso, Chur, Martigny, Neuchâtel, Schaffhausen, Sierre, Thun and Zug. Each author was tasked with blending expert insights with their impressions as a resident. “This unique approach allows for contrasting interpretations and analyses,” says Maxime Felder, one of the co-editors. Some of the researchers shared their frustrations with various aspects of local life, such as a lack of daycare spaces, while others sang the praises of the place they call home. But behind these subjective portraits lies a vibrant, diverse urban fabric – one that raises a fundamental question: what’s the difference between small and medium-sized cities? Population centers in this size category share similar dynamics. “Lots of things happen and play out within them,” stresses Kaufmann, who describes medium-sized Swiss cities as “social integration machines where a shared rural culture and a strong sense of community make it easier for locals and newcomers to coexist.” Mobility also emerges as a key theme, but not just from the perspective of commuters. In Chur, for instance, there’s a marked difference between the time it takes to travel to Zurich and to reach the valley floors. Switzerland’s urban landscape is far from one huge conurbation. Rather, it’s a web of small cities. Maxime Felder, co-editor of "La Suisse de A(rbon) à Z(oug): Portrait en 12 villes" Reaping the benefits of government decentralization These cities are also home to decentralized government agencies and bodies, such as the Swiss Federal Statistical Office in Neuchâtel and the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland in Sierre. These institutions are the engine room of the local economy, drawing in workers from outside the area. Another common feature is a very specific local identity. In some instances, such as in Chiasso, this identity is linked to the city’s geographical location. In others, it stems from a cultural event like La Plage des Six Pompes, a street art festival in La Chaux-de-Fonds. By shining a spotlight on cities that are often overlooked in conventional academic… http://actu.epfl.ch/news/learning-lessons-from-medium-sized-swiss-cities (Source of the original content)
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aresdifesa · 8 months ago
Le Forze Aeree Svizzere si addestrano ad operare da tratti autostradali Il Consiglio Federale svizzero ha comunicato che il prossimo 5 giugno le Forze Aeree della Confederazione saranno impegnate in addestramento lungo raccordi autostradali. In particolare i caccia bombardieri Hornet decolleranno e atterreranno sulla strada nazionale A1 nel Cantone di Vaud nel tratto autostradale interessato tra Avenches e Payerne. Ovviamente, i tratti interessati saranno debitamente chiusi e sorvegliati al fine di evitare incidenti. Quest’esercitazione serve alle Forze Aeree per verificare la capacità dei caccia bombardieri di operare anche da ubicazioni improvvisate come possono essere i raccordi autostradali. E’ interessante notare che i primi atterraggi e decolli degli F/A-18 saranno seguiti in
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postcard-from-the-past · 2 years ago
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Street scene in Payerne, Switzerland
Swiss vintage postcard
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opelman · 1 year ago
T-316 / 2334 - Aérospatiale (Airbus Helicopters) AS 332 M1 Super Puma by Laurent Quérité Via Flickr: Meeting Aérien Airshow Super Puma Display Team Swiss Air Force AIR14 Payerne (LSMP) Suisse IMG_0338
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codylambertdanafoster · 10 months ago
trookened CEOs crotark saidses hurtiback nba hall of fame joe namath quasimodo payernity pantry
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valloninfo · 10 months ago
A quelques semaines du lancement de la 46ème édition, le comité d’organisation dévoile le programme complet de la manifestation. Pour cette nouvelle édition, Carnavallon se déroulera au Centre des Sports de glace, patinoire de Fleurier. Les festivités débuteront comme à l’accoutumée le vendredi 26 avril à 17h31 avec l’ouverture de la patinoire, des bars et des auto-tamponneuses qui feront le plaisir des petits et des plus grands sur la place extérieure de la patinoire grâce aux carrousels Bergdorf et ce, tout au long de la manifestation. Une première pour Carnavallon ! Les Britchons et la Mystic Vallon’s seront présents dès le vendredi et seront rejoints, le samedi et le dimanche par sept autres guggens venues de Suisse et de France. 300 musiciens feront vibrer les rues de Fleurier tout au long du week-end. La programmation des soirées de vendredi et samedi dès 23h01 se veut plus locale que jamais avec la présence de plusieurs DJ : Kurios, Raph Claw, Rino, Treals, Loca et Vall’ON Dj’s. A noter que les entrées seront payantes dès 21h01 au prix de CHF 15.- le vendredi soir (fermeture à 04h01) et de CHF 20.- le samedi soir (fermeture à 05h01).  Concours du plus beau char Nouveauté cette année et non des moindres, le concours du plus beau char est organisé lors de notre cortège du dimanche, les inscriptions sont ouvertes à l’adresse [email protected], à la clé une journée ludique au Karting de Payerne et Urban Axe à Payerne. Les résultats seront donnés à la suite du cortège à 16h31 à la patinoire. Le cortège des enfants du samedi, dont le départ sera donné à 15h01, annoncé par le coup de canon, se lancera pour deux tours et sera suivi par CarnaKid’s à la patinoire où Dj Planplan, Zebrano et les mascottes feront danser les enfants qui pourront venir chercher leur sachet de bonbons et pourront se faire maquiller par nos deux grimeuses. Le grand cortège du dimanche quant à lui prendra le départ à 15h01 précise pour deux tours également et s’en suivra la tant attendue mise à mort du bonhomme hiver, créé de toute pièce par « La jeunesse du Haut-Vallon », sur la place de Longereuse. À noter que de nombreuses surprises seront dévoilées tout au long du weekend, alors soyez nombreux durant les cortèges et les soirées afin de rien louper ! Le carnaval prendra fin le dimanche à 22h01
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apotheke-kaufen · 1 year ago
Cardio Balance Acheter Vaud ⚠️ Cardiobalance Opinion Vaud  ⚠️ Cardio Balance Farmacia Prix 
 ✅ Site Web Schweiz: https://ch.cardiobalanceoriginal.com/?utm_source=135641 
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militaryleak · 1 year ago
Swiss Air Force Clocks 100,000 Flight Hours with Airbus H135 Light Utility Helicopters
It’s not every day a helicopter operator hits 100,000 flight hours on a single helicopter type. Since 2010, when the country’s 20 H135s became fully operational, the Swiss Air Force has clocked 100,000 flight hours with the multi-mission helicopter type. The helicopters are stationed at several locations in Alpnach, Bern-Belp, Dübendorf, Locarno and Payerne throughout the year. At the Alpnach, Dübendorf and Payerne sites, the H135s are used for pilot training, as well as the training and deployment of certified pilots. At Bern-Belp, the two H135s are available for VIP transport. During recruit training in Payerne, the ground organisation of the militia is also trained on the H135 for work on the flight line, so that upcoming missions can also be carried out in troop service.
It’s not every day a helicopter operator hits 100,000 flight hours on a single helicopter type. Since 2010, when the country’s 20 H135s became fully operational, the Swiss Air Force has clocked 100,000 flight hours with the multi-mission helicopter type. The helicopters are stationed at several locations in Alpnach, Bern-Belp, Dübendorf, Locarno and Payerne throughout the year. At the Alpnach,…
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usafphantom2 · 1 year ago
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IMAGES: Last F-18 Hornet training squad is deactivated in Miramar marking the end of an era
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/01/2023 - 20:11in Military
An air squadron that has been training pilots to fly the F/A-18 Hornets fighters for 50 years was deactivated at the Miramar Marine Corps Air Station in San Diego, California, during a "t sunset ceremony" on Friday, marking the end of an era for the Department of the Navy.
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For more than 50 years, the instructor pilots of the Navy 101 Fighter Attack Training Squadron, or VMFAT-101, "Sharpshooters" have qualified combat aviators and sent them to squads around the world. The " Sunset" celebrates the history of the squadron and the contributions to the readiness of the Marine Corps since its commissioning in 1969, when instructors first taught pilots to fly the F-4 Phantom II.
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“As a former commander of the Sharpshooters, I can attest to the direct impact of the squadron on the operational readiness of the Marine Corps today,” Brig said. General Robert Brodie, assistant commander of the 3rd Marine Air Wing. "VMFAT-101 has shaped a critical element of naval aviation for half a century, and the marines and squadron sailors continue to be instrumental in preserving this combat legacy and transitioning to the next generation of combat aviation."
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The U.S. Marines with the Navy Fighter Attack Training Squadron (VMFAT) 101, Marine Aircraft Group 11, 3ª Marine Aircraft Wing, conduct a mass formation. (Photo: U.S. Marine Corps / Lance Cpl. Samantha Devine)
The ceremony began with a tradition called "Flying the Barn", where 18 F-18 fighter pilots performed maneuvers in formation in front of a crowd of spectators. The "t sunset" ceremony followed and included comments from Brodie and others. Observing were retired squadron commanders and others from the air wing.
The event also included a traditional colorful casing where the honors and awards that the squad received in various conflicts and wars were ceremonially guarded. The squad also received several awards for its safety record flying thousands of hours without accidents.
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Its decommissioning marks the end of an era as the last squadron of the Navy Department to train F-18 pilots
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“Thousands of our crews passed through the corridors of '101',” Brodie said. "They learned air-to-air combat and air-to-ground combat. Many were launched from an aircraft carrier in the middle of the night from a deck."
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Squadron personnel and aircraft will transition to the U.S. Navy Fighter Attack Squadron 323 in Miramar and will continue to train F-18 Super Hornets pilots as Navy Squadrons complete the transition to the new era F-35 fighters. The air wing has two F/A-18 Super Hornets fighter squadrons and six F-35 squadrons.
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The F-18 Super Hornet fighters are scheduled to continue in service until 2030. Meanwhile, the Department of Defense continues to invest in the maintenance of the famous fighter, which, according to U.S. Navy officials, is complementary to the F-35.
Source: The Orange County Register
Tags: Military AviationF/A-18C/D HornetUSMC - United States Marine Corps/U.S. Marine Corps
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work throughout the world of aviation.
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