#paw patrol rescue world
lizzystoddard · 2 months
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Error on Apple App Store’s “Great Kids’ Apps That Work Offline” story: The section descriptions for “Play with Peppa Pig” and “Save the day with PAW Patrol” say Noggin, but this story doesn’t have the actual Noggin app at all, because that app was already shut down and removed from the App Store on July 2 (3 weeks ago) due to the entire Noggin staff getting laid off.
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betfal · 1 year
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igotanidea · 7 months
The fear : Jason Todd x fem!reader part 8
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
„You good?” Damian asked taking in her pale face and hurt eye expression.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” She muttered, obviously lying. Even despite her experience-enhanced skills in the art of deceiving it was impossible to cover up for the fact that unwanted, unneeded and unwelcomed encounter with Jason took a huge tool on her mentality. And it lasted no longer than an hour.
An hour, that took turn from open hostility to a little unexpected heart to heart that opened old wounds. Reminding of the past mistakes, lost things and casted wounds. Ruined relationship that was doomed from the very beginning.
But even though-
They fought for it.
They fought to the best of their limited abilities, despite the world that was conspiring against them and throwing obstacles their way. Damn that tears that started flowing down her face when she started dwelling in the past. There was no denying she still held strong feelings for him, though couldn’t quite define if they were good ones or the bad ones.
“I’m fine, Damian. I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine…” she repeated as some sort of spell. A lie told a hundred times becoming a reality.
“Let’s get you upstairs first. We’ll watch some silly movies so you could stop telling me bullshit.”
“Hey! Language!”
“I’m 15, you can’t tell me what to do.”
“15 my ass. Still the same nasty little boy as always only with a fouler mouth.”
“It’s good to see you again Y/N.” Damian smirked
“Yeah, you too, kiddo.”
“You do realise you won’t be heading back home tonight, right?”
“What? Huh! You’re gonna keep me captive now or something?”
“You voluntarily got yourself in the house full of vigilantes, the heck were you thinking?”
“I could argue on that voluntarily part but-“
Regardless of what she said, it was evident that Damian has grown during the time they didn’t see each other. Not only in height, but also mentally. And it only made her realise the full amount of things she lost.
Not just the man she loved, but also priceless time with her best friends Wayne boys.
While Y/N was getting drunk and laughed with Dick, Tim and Damian upstairs, Jason refused to step a foot out the batcave as long as she was still in the manor.
Fuck her.
Fuck her help, her words, her gestures, her eyes and hair, her smile and her coming for the rescue attitude. Who the hell she thought she was?! Paw patrol?!
The anger started boiling in him again, threatening to take over.
Anger at everything, but mostly at himself for getting so vulnerable and honest with her, to the point when he asked her to fucking take him back.
Pathetic. Foolish. Idiot.
“Aghghhg!” he jumped from the chair kicking it with all the rage he had, nearly breaking the metal.
Fighting the urge to destroy all that stupid batcave – the real reason of his fucked up life and psyche. He could have been a normal boy being in a relationship with the girl of his dreams. Instead he had to die (leaving her in tears), come back (leaving her in tears), suffering from the Pit madness (leaving her in tears) and due to this fucking fear gas incident loose her again (leaving her in tears)
“FUCK!” he grabbed the chair and threw it on the floor “FUCK!” he yelled, throwing all the stuff from the nearest desk “FUCK!!!” he pulled at his hair, hard enough he could be left bald.
He had no idea what he wanted.
So fucking angry, horn-mad, charged with hands itching to punch something, someone, to destroy, hurt, kill…
“Huh?! Get the fuck out of my head Y/N!!” he yelled in the air, his voice echoing through the empty space.
Stop, Jason…
Right. Stop. He was past his killing days. He was not a monster. Not a beast.
He changed. He grew up, matured, became a man and not a boy.
He had to get a hold of himself.
Move past the past.
If he couldn’t have her he might as well spend the evening with his crazy asses brothers, giving them his attitude, using the bad mood to banter and bicker and pick up on someone else to make himself feel better.
So he emerged from the batcave, almost in the same way he did emerge from the Pit.
Slowly heading upstairs.
To the main room, filled with surprising silence. Deafening silence that formed goosebumps on his arms and immediately put him on alert, searching for some kind of threat.
Vigilante instincts never fail.
There was some movement on the couch.
Two people, a man and a woman judging by the silhouettes.
Girl sitting on man's lap, straddling him, their hands all over each other, their lips moving together, the room filled with soft whines of pleasure and sweet whispers.
“Y/N…” the man whispered.
Jason stomped inside without a care in the world, making the couple break the intense make-out session and look at him with terrified expressions.
“Grayson!!!” he yelled taking in the scene, his fury immediately raising head again. “Y/N!!!”
He was right.
There was someone else in her life already.
And that someone was the fuckboy - his older adoptive-brother.
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tmntforeverinmyheart · 5 months
Paw patrol but adult dogs. I imagine Ryder trains them for more difficult missions as they get older.
Chase is more of a search and rescue, police K9. Marshall teams up with Chase for search and rescue and also stays a firefighter. Zuma is more of a lifeguard for rough water.
Their jobs are more difficult and more important than looking for lost pets. And Ryder continues to expand the paw patrol throughout the world, maybe recruiting more people to train more dogs and… I’m getting off topic lol
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sticostudios · 6 months
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An crossover show idea i did a while back
The shows like a mix between scooby doo and sam and max, about an independent freelance dog police force who deal with more outlandish and dangerous criminals in the city.
the character bios Dog police bios by dragonboy
Clifford: The head of the force. Tall, strong and imposing, yet a bit airheaded with a kind heart. Cares for the team like a family.
Martha: The team's communications officer and second-in-command, fluent in over a dozen languages. Firm yet caring. Isn't afraid to speak her mind. She makes sure everyone stays focused and not get into too much shenanigans.
Chase: An accomplished police puppy from Toronto, Canada. Leader of the world-famous Paw Patrol rescue team, working with the Dog Police is his "side project". Treats it with the same dedication as his main profession. Often accompanies Bluey and Rockruff so they stay out of trouble
Bluey: A puppy from Brisbane, Australia, and the youngest member of the Dog Police. Kind, innocent and playful. Loves thinking of inventive ways to solve a crime, especially if it can be made into a game. The team needs to be extra careful with her if things get dangerous.
Zoe: Expert detective with a sassy streak. Mastermind at figuring out mysteries and whodunits. Very fashion-concious. Don't mess with her hair!
Snoopy: A dog of little words, but one with a brilliant and analytic mind. Writer in his down-time. Always has his nose in a true crime book.
Aleu: A wolf-dog from Alaska. Zoe's best friend. One of the most hands-on members of the force. Not afraid to get her paws dirty. Ready for a fight even before she knows who shes fighting, though sometimes this approach gets her into trouble.
Courage: Ironically, a big coward, but a lovable one at that. Acts as the team's psychogical consultant. Trying to get over his phobias of a myriad of things. Skilled in cimputer tech and works with Dawkins to locate criminals
Elsa: The team's medic. Often seen training new recruits. Will always help out a fellow teammate or anyone injured at a crime scene. Can be egotistical at times, especially loves playing the leader when Martha or Clifford isn’t around, but always means well.
Dawkins: A Dalmatian from London, England, and just one member of a large family. The team's chief scientific advisor and tech support. Filled with knowledge despite his young age. Hes made several useful gadgets for the team at their disposal
Brian: an average joe-turned-sniffer dog from Quahog, Rhode Island. A ladies' man with a great singing voice and an expansive drinks cabinet. Can sniff out any form of contraband from blocks away. He does get annoyed with some of his teams dumb antics but does get along well with the others
Rockruff: The second-youngest of the team. A fireball of energy who brings a chaotic, upbeat energy to the team. Snarky at times, but in good means and being playful. Though he always has the feeling he's being controlled by someone.
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theanoninyourinbox · 8 months
Skyclan's Rescue
The Scorching Sun and the Storming Rot
In the Recent Past
Skystar, once the too-proud leader and Founder of Skyclan, looks down from the edge of Starclan upon the gorge.  Skywatcher is laying in the sun, blind eyes content and peaceful next to a kittypet tortoiseshell queen.  Kits play with balls of moss, warriors bring prey to their elders, and queens share tongues with collared kittypets.
How DARE Starclan do this to HIS Clan!  First, they curse Skyclan’s tree to rot, then BANISH the BEST CLAN in the Territories, and now?! Now it’s all the dregs of felinehood – kittypets and loners, playing at being HIS CLAN because Starclan thought it was AMUSING!?!  HOW DARE THEY!!!
Skyclan should be regimented and only Clanblood!  Kits should be learning to hunt already!  Elders should be working until their appointed deaths! Queens should be subservient to their leader, not BE ONE!! Warriors should be KILLING these DUNGFACED KITTYPETS!!!!!  This is NOT HIS Skyclan, not a Proper Skyclan…if that blasted brother of his hadn’t stepped in, if those foolish Leaders hadn’t stepped in, if the STARS BE BLASTED Spirits hadn’t stepped in-
He tore at the ground beneath him in fury, hackles bristling and spittle flying as he raged.  Not even his mate, his beautiful malicious Star Flower, could understand him…she wanted power, oh how she wanted it all, but she was unwilling to endanger the power that Starclan gave their residents…but what was this power if his legacy was so muddled?
Skystar sighed, and turned his gaze from the ABOMINATION of a Clan the Stars wanted, but a flash of ginger caught his eye.  He turned back curiously – this was a familiar figure.  The ragged cat often prowled the edge of the territory, staring hatefully at the so-called Leafstar.  Skystar leaned in, hearing the tom rail against the group, clawing the turf as he screamed.  How DARE they reject him – how DARE that MOLLY be in charge – how DARE they banish him for his schemes!!  HE should be leader, pampered and protected!  He, Harry, should be the one in control!
Oh, now this is promising…
Skystar saw himself, in the days after the Spirits descended – powerless, but deserving of all he wished.  Now this cat – Half-Clanblooded at least – this cat had PROMISE.  So Skystar leapt, bounding through a suddenly storming sky, and appeared before the maned cat.
I can give you power, said Skystar, I can give you that and more.  All you have to do is get rid of that False Leader, and that Old Fool.  I am Skystar, and together, we will turn these lands into the most powerful Clan the world will ever see!  Harry, at first wildly afraid of the Literal Ghost that dropped from the stormclouds, smirked.  How could a dead cat give me anything?  Skystar’s face broke into a vicious grin – I will give your clever words Power, to ensnare and beguile and terrify – just take my paw. 
Harry hesitated for only a moment before agreeing, and extended a paw.  Skystar took it, and the wind howled around them, thunder rumbling a warning.  The shadows surged as rain whipped around them, stop stop STOP!
Behold, intoned Skystar, the Sun who rules the Skies!  Behold SOL!  (his back bulged with eyes, starless and sightless, a Geist of wild power being born of pettiness and hate) Harry – no, Sol - grinned maniacally, with a golden glow hidden behind his teeth.  He knew JUST who to talk to, just who to…Recruit…to take over the Clan…and now they All would Listen…
And in Starclan, Grey Wing looked down in horror.  Oh brother, what have you done?
The Journey to the Gorge and The Crisis
The combined group of Clowder and Clan cats set out on a sunny Newleaf morning.  Maguyver, as the one with the most Patrolling and Scouting experience, leads the group.  Frostfur and Hollowback, the most mobile of the Clan Elders, are helped along by a prospective Seer named Echo.  Loudbelly, who has gone nearly blind, is guided by Vespa, whose blindness has never stopped her before, and the hearty Bagel.  Yewtail leans heavily on the massive tom Hassle, and Mudfur keeps company with Lavinia, a pretty young molly who wants to be a Healer, and Pasqual, who hides shyly behind Lavinia most of the time. Mutter the Scout keeps the younger cats Gorgon, Spatter, and Jangle in line.  They make their way past Twolegs and thunderpaths, through old forests and over winding waters.  And within a remarkable amount of time, the Rescue Patrol has arrived at the edge of a marked territory.  Strangely, the sky is cloudy and the air heavy.  The group settles into a hollow log for the night, and the next morning Mutter scouts ahead. 
They return with news – there IS a group of cats in the Gorge ahead, but something is terribly wrong.  There are cats forcing Elders to clean the camp, and kits barely old enough to eat solids are picking the prey clean! Queens are being intimidated by brutes, and the Rogues – they MUST be Rogues – are led by a ginger, brown and white Tom.  Everyone is shocked and horrified – Frostfur moans at the thought of kittens in danger, and Bagel has to hold Loudbelly back from charging over and fighting the Rogues.  Macguyver asks Echo, who has the clearest Visions of Skyclan, who the Leader was.  She pauses, then points up to a nearby tree.  Her, she says, and a mottled tortie drops from the branches, followed by a ginger tom and several other cats, all collared or harnessed. 
The tortie glares at the Rescue Patrol – who are you, and how do you know me?  Did Sol send you!?  Macguyver steps in – no, Starclan sent us!  Mudfur joins him, then Frostfur and Echo.  We Saw you were in danger, Echo intones, and have come to offer our aid.  Mudfur explains that he and the other Elders are from the Clans, and that they came to help of their own volition.  The Tortie rears back, and looks over the group, finally seeing the Elders for what they were.  Hope glinting in her eyes, she introduces herself as Leafdapple, and after calling over her allies, tells them what’s happened.
She had met Skywatcher, who had been gathering cats to form a Clan.  She had become his right-paw cat, a deputy in all but name, as Skywatcher has refused to be named Leader.  After some time, a tom named Harry had asked to join.  They accepted him, but quickly understood something was wrong.  He was a decent hunter, and somewhat interested in herbs, but would consistently try to sabotage other cats.  He had led clanmates into rats and dogs, stolen prey from under the paws of others, and probably would have poisoned someone if not caught.  But he was clever with his words, and it took him kitnapping Leafdapple litter, to “save” them, for him to be banished.  But he had returned…changed somehow. 
He had a group of Rogues and Loners behind him, all either blank-eyed or bloodthirsty, and had overrun camp.  The kits had been taken, and their few elders forced into work.  Leafdapple and her Daylight Warriors – kittypets who returned to their homes at night – had escaped…but they’d lost several Warriors.  Skywatcher had been taken by some of the Rogues, and Sol, as he called himself now, paid them in prey that SHOULD have been feeding the Queens, kits, and Elders.  And every time the survivors planned some rescue or communication, he saw them coming!  They’d nearly lost several cats, and had been begging the stars for help.  But, Leafdapple sniffled, she never expected help to come after this long.  Had thought they had been forgotten.
And a voice rings out from above.
We did not forget you.
All look up, and a swirl of stars descend, and six starry cats materialize.  Willowpelt greets the Hope Clowder cats, and then introduces herself and the other Starclan cats to the stunned Skyclan cats.  Here, she says, is Cloudstar, who ruled Skyclan when it was wrongly Banished. This is Bumble and Turtle Tail, who helped found Thunderclan and redeem Skyclan in its early days.  And these are Jagged Peak and Grey Wing, who helped found all the Clans, with their kindness and cleverness.  I am Willowpelt of Thunderclan, and we know what has happened here – and we together, living and beyond, will defeat Sol.
And everyone has Reactions to this.  Mudfur and the Clan cats nod sagely, with Frostfur delighted to meet the first Crafter.  The Hope’s Rest Clowder cats are bouncing around, knowing Willowpelt from her frequent visits to the Clowder.  And the Skyclan cats are…wary.  Hopeful, but everything that has happened has made them hardened to any hope that comes.  Grey Wing apologizes to Skyclan for taking so long, and for not stopping Sol from gaining his Cursed Blessing of controlling others with his words, but that the Storming Rot - a cat he once called brother but is now a Stargeist - had been blocking them from helping, but the Clan cats and Clowder cats had essentially carried them here.  He then offers blessings to the cats – hiding them from the Stargeist and enhancing their senses until Sol and the Abomination are defeated, and Leafdapple is given her nine lives officially.  Leafdapple is elbowed by Billystorm, and she agrees, with stars in her eyes and hope in her heart.
Loudbelly asks that if he is blessed, that he be given the joints and senses of his youth, that he might rescue the prisoners.  The other Elders agree, with Hollowback noting that from Leafdapple’s description, Modern Skyclan has only Warriors, Queens, and Elders – no Camp Guards or Crafters or Herbalists or even a Healer, and simply asks for enough time to pass on his crafts, which the other Elders agree with as well.  Bumble and Jagged Peak are all for this.
The air smells of ozone and fresh snow, of mossy stones, of petrichor and heathered fields; the air shines like Silverpelt on moonless nights; and the air flexes like claws in battle.  The elders stretch and twist, like year-aged cats instead of well-lived elders.  Vespa notes that she can hear even farther than before, and Spatter leaps up a tall tree in only a few seconds.  Leafdapple laughs as her Daylight warriors bounce about like apprentices.  Turtle Tail promises her that she will receive her lives after they rescue Skywatcher, as he deserves to see his Clan get the Leader it deserves.
And as the Starclan Cats return to the skies, the living begin to plan.
The Rescue
The next day, Frostfur wanders into a Rogue patrol, and feigns that she had been looking for a place to bring her grandkits to live.  She toddles through camp, counting the prisoners, the blank-eyed and controlled, and the loyal Rogues.  She never sees Sol, and leaves the Rogues with seemingly giddy promises to return with her family.  The best lies are honesty, and she WILL be bringing cats she calls family there.  The skies are a little clearer, and in the shadows, something twists unhappily.
Mudfur, Lavinia, Pasqual, and Echo start gathering herbs for the coming skirmishes.  Pasqual and Lavinia are obviously mates, but had no issues in the Clowder.  Mudfur admits to having had a mate before becoming a Healer, and that another Oracular Healer, Fireheart, had been working behind the scenes to make it that any Healer might take a mate.  Echo, while preparing cobwebs, notes that she has never wanted a romantic relationship, and is assured that such a thing is absolutely fine.
Mutter and Harveymoon scout out where Skywatcher is kept – a small Twoleg nest kept by a Rogue named Dodger and his group.  Late that night, Hollowback and Leafdapple sneak in while Maguyver and Hassle bother Dodger out front with Sharpclaw and Ebonyclaw.  Skywatcher wakes to Leafdapple carrying him out, with Hollowback watching her tail.  A clattering from a Twoleg Thing (which Macguyver calls a trash can) sends the distraction cats hurtling back to the makeshift camp, and the Skyclan cats welcome their old friend back.  The full moon is but two nights away, and then Skywatcher will see his protégé become the Leader he Foresaw.  The clouds let the sky peak through, and the air is lighter with the promises of new life.
The next morning, Yewtail, Hollowback, Bagel, and Gorgon start setting up traps for the Rogues.  The invaders out to hunt found themselves stuck in pits, caught up in sticky honey and chased by bees, and every attempt at hunting thwarted.  This went on as the time until the full moon came. The day of the full moon, Macguyver, Hassle, and Bagel stroll up to the captured camp, and loudly demand that Sol meet with them.  The lanky Heretic oozes over, and Macguyver proclaims that he is represents the leader of a Clowder that wants the Gorge.  Hassle quietly states that unless Sol meets with them the next morning, that the Clowder will attack.  Bagel giddily purrs that maybe Sol can talk their leader into sharing instead of conquest.  Sol sneers, and agrees, but demands the meeting be at a particular clearing.  The deal is made, and the three cats trot off, content that the next step of the plan is complete.
The night came, and the free Skyclan cats and the Rescue Patrol gathered in a clearing.  The sky was, for once, clear of the strange clouds that gathered, and the moon and stars shone clearly. Leafdapple and Skywatcher sit together, and Echo calls upon Starclan to bless this Leader with nine lives, and the Wisdom of the Stars to guide Starclan.  The skies glitter and gleam, and six familiar Starclan spirits descend, followed by three unfamiliar spirits, that wait farther back from the rest.  The other living cats watch in awe and wonder.
Nine Lives and Three Precedents
Cloudstar greets Leafdapple and Skywatcher, thanking the molly for her care and the Elder for his enduring faith in them.  He then gives Leafdapple her first life, for having Enduring Faith in her Clan, the Stars, and herself.  Willowpelt rubs her head companionably against Leafdapple’s shoulder and gives her a life for Second Chances. Jagged Peak makes her laugh at a particularly bad pun (don’t worry, your reign won’t be a Cat-astrophe!) and gives her a life for Good Humor In Bad Times. Turtle Tail compliments her cunning, and gives her a life for Defending The Defenseless. Bumble smiles sweetly and gives her a life for Finding Joy In The Small Things. And Grey Wing approaches, I’m so proud of you, keeping your Clan as safe as you could in these times; he bestows a life for Knowing When To Ask For Aid.  And then he beckons the three spirits forward.
Three cat spirits wearing kittypet collars.
A grey tipped molly steps forward, introducing herself as Smoke.  Her face twists sadly, as she tells of loving a clan cat who rejected her, and dying to protect her kit.  Leafdapple apologizes for her having to go through such events, and Smoke smiles sadly.  My son is happy now, with a better father than his sire ever could have been.  Smoke then gives Leafdapple a life for Love and Affection, giving Billystorm a side-glance and a smile.  He flushes, and several cats break the solemn air with hoots, cackles, and coos.
The next cat steps forward, introducing himself as Jake.  He speaks of having an adventure with a Clan Cat, and falling in love with him.  Even after they were parted, he remembered the strength and faith of that tom.  He sighs, and remarks that his feelings for a cat he would never see again kept him from having any other relationships.  Jake steps forward, and gives Leafdapple a life for Knowing When To Let Go, and hopes that she will be a better parent than he was in life.
The last cat steps up, a tortoiseshell as well, but with a flat face.  I was named Wishkit at my birth, but was known as Nutmeg for the rest of my days. I was born a Clan Cat, lived as a Kittypet, and bore Kittypets, Clan Cats, and Hopeful Cats.  I give you your final life for Balance and Adaptability – may you find a way no matter the obstacles.  Welcome, Leafstar. Leafstar! The cry is raised, by the living and the dead.  Leafstar! LEAFSTAR!! LEAFSTAR!!!
(elsewhere, the Stargeist shakes and writhes, its eyes multiplying and mind fracturing.  something is wrong.  something has gone terribly wrong)
The Confrontation
The dawn comes, and Sol approaches the meeting grounds, his loyal Rogues at his side.  He left the controlled behind to guard the camp, knowing that Leafdapple would never be able to break the Power he holds over them – only the Stars could do that, and they cannot walk here. Sol scoffs, then looks up as the black and white cat from before appears.  My leader will be here shortly, he says confidently, they wished to be prepared for negotiations.
At camp, the controlled cats and a few loyal Rogues guard the den where the prisoners are held.  Suddenly, Loudbelly slams into the first Rogue, followed by Sharpclaw, Ebonyclaw, and Hassle.  Leafstar leaps onto the first controlled cat – Patchfoot shakes his head, and the green bleeding back into his eyes.  Petalnose embraces Rainfur as he comes back to himself, both weeping in relief.  The Rogues scatter, and the apprentices and Elders cry out in joy.  Leafstar, having freed Shortwhisker, calls out to them – come with me, we have a meeting to get to!
Sol spits angrily – time has passed, and the only cats to show are the black and white tom, an elderly brown tom, and a few hideous youngsters.  Where is your leader, you dung faced freaks?!?
Here I am, Harry. Here we all are.
Sol spins in shock – Leafdapple stares him down, rage in her eyes. Next to her is that white cat he heard wanted to join.  But behind her, behind her are his prisoners!  And his Controlled Cats! Whu-how!?  You have no power, Leafdapple! Sol sputters, and the dratted molly snarls at him – My Name Is Leafstar!
A horrible noise echoes from the trees, and a twisted creature of eyes and wings and cat claws launches, bringing a stench of rot and illness.  It leaps towards Leafstar, who dodges and screeches a war cry.  Suddenly the trees are filled with cats, charging into the Rogues and scattering them.  As the Stargeist twists to attack her, a pair of shapes slam into it like meteorites – Grey Wing and Turtle Tail.  Sol does not stick around to find out how this goes, running at top speed away.  The Starclan Cats batter and shred the former Founder, and Grey Wing tears the belly of the beast.  With a sound like bones breaking and stars dying, the Stargeist faded away, with all the grace of a fish out of water.  Clear Sky – Skystar – was dead.
The Rogues scattered, and Skyclan rejoiced. The gorge was retaken, the Elders enstated in honor, and the Clowder cats gladly joining up.  The Cultures of the four Clans join with the Ancient Skyclan Culture.  Echosong teaches Frecklepaw to heal, and Lavinia and Pasqual celebrate a litter. Hawkpaw and Pebblepaw fall in love, and Hawkwing and Pebbleshine watch the world go by.
Within a year, all the elders passed into Starclan, at peace that the future would hold wonders…even if it held pain as well.
(in the stars, a fading golden molly snarls and grieves. How dare someone take her mate from her)
Time passed.
(Rain seethed, his glorious leader had left him – but he would destroy the Clans himself.  He would fall on them, like his namesake…)
(Late one night, Leafstar and Billystorm are awoken by Skywatcher’s spirit.  She startles awake, as her old friend screams.
More wails of danger shake the air, and Leafstar bolts from her den.  Frostfur is loading Macguyver with kits, Mudfur is shaking Frecklepaw awake, Loudbelly is rallying the Brawlers and Warriors.  Hollowback is shoving apprentices out of their dens with a frantic Jangle, and Yewtail is helping Echosong load up on herbs.
A cry splits the night. Followed by more and more and more.
Rogues pour into camp.
The Clan scatters.
Rain laughs wildly – Skyclan is no more! Scattered like leaves! Like prey!
But there will be five clans.
One Day.
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Do you think in universe. The paw patrol would have other groups of dogs trying to copy them?
Not exactly COPYING, otherwise every other rescue team in the world would be copying each others back and forth
But I believe there would be other teams of dogs/pups doing the same overall idea of a Search & Rescue team, inspired by the OG Paw Patrol. Kinda hard to find someone else like Ryder to afford everything they'd need too, so it wouldn't be really a copy anyway XD
And dogs already are employed for several tasks, so it's not a big deal either. What makes the Paw Patrol different is Ryder - namely the way he guides his pups, his sense of what's right and wrong, and his magical ability to get money outta nowhere to afford everything he builds and owns LMAO
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robogirlwomb · 1 year
When the Roboverlords took over, those who cooperated or volunteered were allowed to choose their role in the new world. They were allowed to customize their chassis, given rights above the other humans that resisted, who would be converted or used as the Roboverlords saw fit.
When you explained what you wanted to become, there was no judgement from the assignment councilor, though perhaps you could hear some surprise in their synthesized voice.
Nonetheless, they told you that what you wanted to become would be simple.
After all, the robo-patrols hunting down the remaining humans needed attack dogs. Even better to have one as enthusiastic as you.
Now, just a few weeks later, here you were, on your first hunt. You'd had time to get used to your new frame, now was the time to put it to real use.
A pair of humans are running, far ahead of your capture party, stumbling through the brush of the woods as they sprint for their lives. Even so, you sit obediently on your stainless steel haunches, not daring to pull against your leash until you are permitted.
Your handler, sharing a grin with the other synths in the capture party, reaches down toward your neck. With a click that sounds as loud as a thunderclap, your leash comes unclicked.
"Get 'em." Your handler commands.
You spring forward in a flash, and you're already barreling through the bushes on all fours. Plants and tree stumps zoom past your periphery, a low, metallic barking already coming from your external speakers.
You are the size of a direwolf, but even those are a pale comparison to what you can do. Powerful metallic canine legs propel you forward, each paw adorned with steel claws sharpened to an atomic point.
The buzzsaw blades in your mouth scream into life as the runners come into view, and in the span of a heartbeat, you are upon them.
The sawblades dig into the ankle of the one on the left. He screams in agony as he falls to the ground, blood and viscera spraying from his mangled, barely-attached foot. You press your muzzle further, the intoxicating scents and tastes of iron and copper filling your synthetic senses of smell and taste with a heady rush like you'd never felt before.
The other runner, just a little ahead, curses as she shifts her weight backward, raising the bat she was carrying in an attempt to rescue her partner.
It's not even a metal bat. Adorable.
The thick wood bounces off your chassis harmlessly. She might as well be attacking a concrete wall. Without even looking at her, your long, bladed tail shoots toward her side.
She falls to the ground, screaming in pain, more and more lovely crimson blood trickling down. Her screams meld with your other victim, and you'd be able to feel your heart racing, if you still had one.
You'd love to just keep going, mangling and mauling the two of them until there were not even bones left to be licked clean... but you have your orders. They're to be brought in alive, for conversion and brainwashing, or for biomass. Whichever your masters decide.
And you are nothing if not a loyal attack dog.
The one's leg is barely attached by a string of sinew. He's not going anywhere. The other is in pain, but comparatively less injured. Your tail mostly stabbed through her meat.
Your choice made, you turn to face her. Long cables shoot from your mouth, around your now-still sawblades, embedding in her body. Her cries of pain are cut silent by the stream of volts you send through her. She shakes violently on the ground, until she at last falls still and silently.
You leave her companion where he is as you begin to stalk back toward your masters, dragging her unconscious form behind you by the cables. He calls for her as you drag her away. Let him. They'll be reunited soon enough anyway.
As it turns out, you don't have to go far. The capture party comes striding through the brush, meeting you halfway. One peels off from the rest to go retrieve the other runner.
Your handler smiles down at you with pearly white synthetic teeth. You retract the taser cables back into your mouth and sit on your haunches, panting happily.
Your handler scratches you behind the ears, pride in his eyes at the job you've done.
"Good dog."
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k9catastrophe · 6 months
During my search for some games for the other list, i thought i'd share some cute [and free!] games i play when im regressed sometimes! Most are animal themed as usual. This isnt going to be a constantly updating list like the Therian Games list, but maybe there'll be another one of these someday :)
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Bluey: Let's Play! : You've probably heard of this one if you're a Bluey watcher like i am, or have younger siblings, but i really like this one! Keeping the same cute artstyle and voices, made by Budge Studios in 2023 and still actively updating, there's plenty of fun to be had !! With tons of paint bucket coloring activities, and 9 Toca Boca-like scenes that you can fill and change around to your liking, i give it the BIGGEST 10/10 there is :) I love Bluey so much !! :3
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Toca Life- Pets: Created by Toca Boca (That's really their name? I thought it was a series of games.) around early 2018, this game is one of my favorites to make silly stories with :) With TONS (100+?) of pets, plenty of different areas to go between, fun 'secret' places, and more, this one has a nice 10/10 aswell :) (honestly they're almost all gonna have a 10/10, i wouldnt recommend them if i hated them) I actually heard something about this game being unavailable since this year, but it works just fine for me? Most definitely reccomend it, along with most of the other toca boca games. They're all just really cute and fun :)
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My Town - Pets: Honestly i have mixed feelings about this one, but i think it's just because of how i feel abt the style sob. Released in 2017 by My Town (Im not sure if that's the brand or what, my apologies), this one is just like Toca Boca, but with a different artstyle. I don't hate this one, but i do dislike the artstyle, sorry sob. With a few places to switch between, plenty of fun pets, and a highly interactive environment, i give it a 9/10.
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Paw Patrol - Rescue World: (Sorry the icon is smaller? I didn't do that on purpose.) Another silly fun puppy game made by Budge Studios in 2020, you can go on fun adventures through Adventure Bay as your favorite pups! Herd chickens back into their pens, make giant banana strawberry smoothies, and collect bones for reward crates, there's always another adventure waiting for you on Adventure Bay ! My personal favorites are Rocky and Zuma, they're so silly :) ! nice 9/10 for this one too! the only point taken away because of how blurry the models look for me (but that could just be my tablet!! dont let that discourage you!!)
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marshallpupfan · 2 years
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Over the last few months, I've seen many folks discuss their thoughts on the upcoming spinoff "Rubble & Crew". One of the biggest things I encounter, however, is confusion over the sudden appearance of Rubble's family. In truth, it does seem to conflict with what we know about Rubble's backstory. Just what's up with that, anyway?
Even though I don't have any interest in the character or the spinoff, I still came up with a theory of my own. Just for fun, I figured I'd share it. Of course, this is just a guess, so who knows what'll really happen.
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First off, for those of you who haven't seen it or don't remember the episode, season one's "Pups Get a Rubble" gave us a glimpse at Rubble's history. Long story short, he was found wandering around while claiming he was "on his own". Later, when the young bulldog tagged along during a mission, he did something that impressed Ryder enough to allow him to stay at the Lookout as a permanent member of the PAW Patrol.
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From the TV show's perspective, that was surely a few years ago, as the Rubble we know today is a lot older now. And that's why fans are so confused; just where was Rubble's family all this time? Have they been looking for him? If his family's so big, how'd they lose him in the first place? Did Rubble go wandering off on his own, and for what reason? And am I really going to keep carefully handpicking certain screenshots of Rubble that feature Marshall as well?
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As of right now, we don't have the answers. Of course, this hasn't stopped fans from thinking up their own theories. And, I said before, I came up with one of my own, so I figured I'd throw in my two cents, too. Let me know what you think!
This will be another long post, so hit "Keep reading" to see more.
Let's assume Spin Master will at least try to link the spinoff to Rubble's established backstory. Perhaps some big construction job went down somewhere, and Rubble's family was called in to help out. Maybe it was serious, maybe not, who knows. But the important detail here is that it's big, and it required their full attention for many days and many nights.
Rubble, being so young, wasn't allowed to go with them to help out. For that matter, he didn't understand what was going on or why everyone was suddenly gone so much. They kept telling him things like "we've got a big job to do" and "you stay here, we'll be back later", but rarely ever any more than that. Soon, as the days went by, Rubble started to believe nobody cared about him anymore, nor did they want him around, either. Sad and lonely, he finally came to the conclusion that he's now on his own...
...so he ran away from home.
Due to the job keeping everyone so distracted, the family didn't realize the young bulldog was gone until it was too late. They went looking for him, but nobody had any idea where he went or even which direction to start. Months go by, and they still can't find him. They're soon forced to give up their search, fearing he's gone forever... but deep down, they still hope to find him someday.
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At this point, Rubble's found by Ryder, Chase and Marshall. He claims he's "on his own" because, from his perspective, that's what Rubble truly believes. As stated before, he joins the PAW Patrol and spends many years in Adventure Bay with his new family, serving as their construction pup and helping out on countless missions and rescues. Over time, he becomes well known among the townsfolk... in fact, you might even say he turned into quite the celebrity! But of course, Adventure Bay is a small place, so the events that go on there don't exactly make headlining news around the world. Anyone who knew Rubble prior to his running away from home would never think to look for him there. It's just one small town in a very big world! It would take him doing something in a big city to get noticed...
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Cue Liberty calling the PAW Patrol about Mayor Humdinger's disastrous misdeeds in Adventure City, and the pups rush to go and stop him. As we know, the film ends with a big mission, and the pups are later awarded the key to the city for their heroic deeds. This certainly makes headlines, which is later seen all around the world. Knowing their job is done, the pups proudly head back home to Adventure Bay, with Rubble none the wiser that his appearance there was about to change his life...
Back in... wherever Rubble's family lives, Grandpa Gravel, Auntie Crane, and the rest of the family are all taking a break from their latest job when they decide to watch some television. The news is on, and the report starts talking about these heroic pups that saved the day in Adventure City. Soon, images of the pups flash on screen, and it doesn't take them long before one in-particular catches their eyes.
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"Wait... that bulldog...?" "That looks like our little Rubble!" "It couldn't be him... could it?"
The news report has their full attention now, and they listen closely to the names of each pup as they're listed off.
"Chase... Marshall... Rocky... Zuma... RUBBLE?!? IT IS HIM!!! It's our little Rubble!"
"He's grown so much... he even has a full head of stylish hair, too!"
The whole family is overjoyed to learn that Rubble is indeed alive and well! And he seems to have grown into quite the hero, too! Wasting no time, they head straight for Adventure City to greet their once-lost member of their family! Well... they soon discover he actually lives in Adventure Bay, so they quickly change course and head there instead! And once they arrive, Rubble immediately recognizes them and freezes in disbelief. The family disembark their vehicles, and they all embrace Rubble with hugs and tear-filled smiles.
The family is reunited once again.
Rubble soon gives in and starts crying, too... but of course, he admits he believed they didn't care for him anymore. Realizing why he feels that way, Auntie Crane explains why they were all so busy/gone so much when he was younger, and she apologize for leaving him alone as much as they did. Rubble, being older now, finally understands the responsibility they held and apologizes for running away and worrying them so much, too. But now that the family's reunited, they invite him to join their crew so they'll never be separated again!
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But... he can't do that. When they ask him why, Rubble says he has another family now. Sure, he's not related to any of the PAW Patrol pups by blood, but he knows they all still love and care for each other as if they were. He can't choose between one family or the other, but as it turns out, he doesn't have to!
"Builder Cove" is an upcoming town that requires numerous construction jobs to get it up and running. Conveniently The best news is, it's neighboring Adventure Bay! Rubble doesn't have to choose between his two families; he can now stay in either location and help out whenever he's needed! Rubble is overjoyed, as he now has the best of both worlds at his paws. What more could a pup ask for in life?
Well, that's my theory! I do think Rubble's appearance in Adventure City is likely the key that connects everything, which might also explain why the spinoff's animation so closely matches what we seen in the theatrical film. Then again, maybe I'm way off, and Spin Master's explanation will be nothing more than "Rubble's family is here now because we said so". Hopefully there's more to it than just that, but... we'll just have to wait and see.
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pawpatroller · 1 year
Pups Stops Sticky Fingers
LittleJ-Vampire wanted a Chase story, but I wasn't sure what to write, so I got an idea after watching an old Sherlock Homes movie. If Rubble can have Apollo the Super Pup. Why not a detective pup for Chase? I hope he likes it.
It is a quiet day in Adventure Bay, and the pups decide to play at the park. They stopped by Chase’s pup house and knocked on his room. Chase opens the door wearing a deerstalker hat and a cape. Zuma sees him and starts to laugh. “You look silly dude. We are going to the park. Do you want to come with us?”
Chase shakes his head. “No thanks. A new episode of Sherlock Bones is coming on and I want to see it.”
Zuma laughs. “That’s a little puppy’s show”
Chase shakes his head. “No it isn’t. Sherlock Bones is the world’s greatest detective pup.”
Zuma shrugs. “Whatever dude. We are going to the park.”
Chase watches the pups leave to go to the park. He walks in and flops down on his head. “Zuma doesn’t know what he is talking about. Sherlock Bones is the great detective there is.” He yawns as the show starts. Chase wakes up as the pup tags goes off. “Ryder needs us.” He doesn’t notice he has a British accent like Sherlock Bone does. After Marshall’s wipeout and comedic one line. They head up in the elevator to the command center. All the pups come out in police gear. Chase’s gear is slightly different. Instead of his normal hat. He had a UK police hat. “Paw Patrol ready for action Ryder sir.”
Ryder nods. “Thanks for hurrying pups. “Someone has robbed the Adventure Bay Bank and left behind a strange goop. So I am designating this an Ultimate Rescue Mission Police style. Chase since you are our resident police pup. You will lead this mission.” Chase runs for the slide and goes down. He lands in his police truck and then goes down. The rest of the pieces of his Ultimate Rescue truck is added to his truck and then the Lookout lifts up. Chase drives out. He waits on the rest of the pups come down the slide and lands in their places. Chase drives to Adventure Bay with Ryder behind him on his ATV. He pulls up to the bank. “Rocky use your scanner to see if you can pick up any clues to who did it.”
Rocky jumps down. “Arff Scanner.” He looks around. “I see small piles of goop from the front door to the sidewalk and then nothing.”
Chase and the rest of the pups go inside. Marshall wasn’t looking where he was going and stepped in one of the piles of goop and face plants. “Whoa that is one sticky, ooey, gooey, gluey goop.”
Zuma laugh. “Bet you can’t say that fast three times.” Marshall tries and gets very tongue tied. Marshall and the pups laugh. “Told you so.”
Chase sniffs the goop and sneezes. “There is something very familiar about all of this, but I can’t remember what it is.” He looks at the pups. “Keep looking around and see if you can find any clues.” He turns to Ryder. “I need to go back to the Lookout. I think I know who can help out.” Chase jumps on Ryder’s ATV and they head to the Lookout.
When they get to the Lookout. Ryder looks at Chase. “Who are you going to call?”
Chase looks at Ryder. “The greatest detective pup there is. Sherlock Bones. If anyone knew who is behind this. He would be the one to help figure it out.” He heads upstairs and makes a video call to 221 B Barker Street.
Sherlock Bones appears on the screen. “Hello Chase. What can I do for my number one fan?”
Chase looks at the screen, “Hi Mr. Bones sir. I’ve got a problem and I need some help.”
Sherlock smiles. “You can call me Sherlock. What seems to be the problem?”
Chase nods. “Well there is a bank here that got robbed recently and whoever did it. Left behind piles of a glue like goop on the floor and counters. It seems familiar to me, but I can’t figure out why.”
Sherlock nods and blows into his pipe causing bubbles to come out. “It sounds like the notorious cat burglar Sticky Fingers is behind this. Give me a moment to look though my case files and I call you back in a few minutes.” Sherlock ends the call and goes to look through his case files with his assistant Dr. Watson. Chase paces a bit waiting on Sherlock to call him back.
Chase’s pup tag beeps. “Do you have any idea who is behind this?”
Chase answers back. “Yes I think so. Sherlock Bones thinks it could be a notorious cat burglar Sticky Fingers. He is looking through his case files to make sure.”
Zuma answers back. “If it is a cat. Shouldn’t it be Sticky Paws? Because cats don’t have fingers?”
Chase shrugs. “I guess. I’ll be back there in a little bit.” He ends the call as the screen beeps. Chase answers the call. “What did you find out?”
Sherlock puts a picture up on the screen. “Did the piles look like these?”
Chase nods. “Yes they did. Same color and shape.”
Sherlock nods. “I figured as much. It is Sticky Fingers alright. She is a very crafty burglar and will be hard to catch, but I know you can do it. If you need any more help. I’m a call away and good luck.” He ends the call.
Chase goes back to where the pups were and filled them in on what they were up against. He sniffs near the area there the goop stopped. “She went that way.” Pointing towards the museum. They head towards the museum. They get there just as Sticky Fingers was leaving with some painting” Stop in the name of the law. You are under arrest for bank robbery and painting thefts.”
Sticky Fingers turns to face Chase. “You will never catch me gumshoe.”
Marshall looks around. “Who has gum on the shoe?”
Sticky Fingers rolls her eyes. “It is an expression you idiot. It means detective. I’ve got to go back to Wolf Hampton. If I stay here much longer. I’m going to lose my cunning wits.”
Chase looks at Sticky Fingers. “Don’t talk about Marshall like that. He is my best friend. As for going back to Wolf Hampton. You will be going back in a kennel to Barkland Yard.”
Sticky Fingers’ concentration was interrupted by something small running past her. She turns her head and sees a toy mouse going by. Then another. She turns back to Chase. “That is low even for a dog.”
Chase smiles. “What’s wrong. Doesn’t kitty like mice? How about this. “Yarn ball launcher.” He launches some yard balls and Sticky Fingers tries to resist the yard balls, but her cat instincts wins out an she goes chasing the yarn balls right into the cage Rocky had built.
Sticky Fingers snaps out of her cat behavior when she hears the cage door shut and lock. “Curses on you and your friends. You have not seen the last of me. I will be back.”
Chase smiles. “And we will be here to stop you.”
As Sticky Fingers is carried away by two of Barkland Yard officers Sherlock Bones appears. “Good job on capturing Sticky Fingers. For going above and beyond in the capture of the notorious Sticky Fingers. I bestow the highest honor on you. The Wolf Fang medal and the title of Junior Detective First Class. The pups cheer for Chase. The voices get louder and then change. Chase feels something poking him and then Ryder’s voice. “Chase, it is dinner time.”
Chase looks around and sees he is on his bed in the Lookout. “It was all a dream.” He stands up and stretches. Something clangs against his pup tag. It was the Wolf Fang medal from his dream. “Maybe it wasn’t a dream after all.”
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Back on my bullshit with a Paw Patrol Apocolypse AU?! I don’t know anymore…
but I will say that I was inspired by @elmushterri Project Paw.
Info: in a world where a mysterious disease caused majority of the dog species to become insanely aggressive, a teenaged boy and his own dog a german shepherd named Chase, with a special collar that allows his barks to become human language (think Pixar’s UP. This was the only plot point that directly came from the tagged creator, hope you don’t mind 😅) together they traverse the dangerous, abandoned landscape and meet new friends and foes along the way.
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Ryder 15 he/him human
A sweet kid who has a dream, a dream to save the world and cure the affected dogs. On his travels with Chase, he meets many other dogs of all types, these dogs became his family. Crazy smart, Ryder has medical and technological knowledge, which comes handy in a world where savage dogs run around and for survival as well. He is determined and brave but owes most of his success to his loyal dog chase.
Chase 6 he/him German Shepard
Chase is loyal to Ryder, but eventually his heart opens up to the other dogs that join them. Hes strong and a born leader, once their pack becomes big enough, he takes up that position to protect his growing family. He is especially close to a dalmatian they meet on the way, seeing him as a younger brother. He constantly protects his family (going so far as to fight other dogs) he won’t hesitate to jump into danger or the unknown if it means his pack is safe.
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Blue 5 he/him Dalmatian
Blue was saved from a fire by Chase. Blue had been searching for food and came across a human family, who ran from him and burned down their makeshift home with him inside. He was trapped until Chase and Ryder came along and rescued him. He was nicknamed “Blue” because of his unusual blue eyes, a rarity in Dalmatians. Blue has a lot of anxiety and fear after his experience, but learns to be stronger during his travels with Chase and Ryder. Blue is agile and very fast. While Chase is quite serious, Blue still attains the puppy like instinct to play, and will try to chill Chase out by jumping on him and tugging at his tail. Chase will sometimes follow which brings a smile to Blues face. Blue feels happy when Chase is happy. Blue keeps up the positive vibes as much as he can considering their situation.
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Opening in theaters this weekend:
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PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie--"They're cute little pups that drive around in cars. I know it sounds weird, but just go with it." So says a character near the beginning of this second PAW Patrol feature, by way of describing the premise.
More specifically: The little pups live in palatial digs in "Adventure City," where each of them specializes in some form or other, vaguely breed-appropriate, of public safety. Chase the German Shepherd is a police dog; Marshall the Dalmatian is a firefighter; Skye the Cockapoo pilots a rescue helicopter; Bulldog Rubble does construction and demo; Zuma the Lab does water rescues, mutt Rocky handles recycling, and Liberty the Dachshund, introduced in 2021's PAW Patrol: The Movie, has a gift for training the members of the Junior Patrollers, a trio of Pomeranians. Ryder is the human boy who leads the gang.
I'll confess that moment-to-moment, I have some trouble keeping them all straight in my mind; the characters don't, for me, have terribly distinct personalities. But to their intended audience, the pups have been beloved figures since the Canadian TV cartoon, developed by Keith Chapman of Bob the Builder fame, was launched on Nickelodeon in 2013.
If you thought it was weird before, wait until you get a load of Mighty Movie. The story takes a sci-fi/fantasy twist this time that puts it more in the realm of a Marvel or Power Rangers flick than a Boy-and-his-Anthropomorphic-Dogs story. Drawn in from space by a mad scientist villain with a magnet, a meteor crash lands in Adventure City, and fragments from it give the pups superpowers. Some of these seemed counterintuitive to me. Marshall, for instance, gains the power to conjure fire from his paws; shouldn't he command water or flame-retardant foam or something?
Anyway, as with the first feature, The Mighty Movie is not an experience to seek out if you don't have a five-year-old who requires it, but it's not disagreeable to sit through if you do get stuck at it. The dialogue has funny, self-aware touches, including another fourth wall gag about the film's transparent merchandising strategy. The voice cast includes some name players, including Serena Williams, Kristen Bell, James Marsden, Chris Rock and most notably Taraji P. Henson as the rather chic, green-haired mad scientist.
Ron Pardo is also back, as Humdinger, Adventure City's narcissistic former mayor. I thought perhaps the first film was using the character to reference a certain real world public figure; my suspicion was strengthened in Mighty Movie when Humdinger, sensing public hostility toward him, remarks "This is why I hate free and fair elections."
Humdinger's entourage of cats seems intended as further evidence of his villainy. A suggestion: In the spirit of inter-species equity and amity, perhaps in the next PAW Patrol movie a heroic kitty should be introduced to the team. Cats have paws too, after all.
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flimpetyflomps · 2 years
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Wizard Flimpetyflomps and the Night of the Nackawack (part 2)
Luckily, they weren’t alone. After the deep-sea mission had returned to the Octopod, the PJ Masks has flown up to Little Bear’s rocket and were watching the battle through the rocket’s telescope from space. They called Kwazi back on the Octopod to let him know what was going on. They had to somehow get help to the Mighty Colossus before it was too late!
Down in the Octopod, Kwazi jumped into the Gup B and was soon leading a flotilla of underwater vehicles piloted by brave volunteers. Following directions from the PJ Masks up in Little Bear’s rocket, they were soon approaching the beleaguered Mighty Colossus. Kwazi was determined to save his mateys!
They arrived just in the nick of time. The Nackawack had conjured up a powerful rainstorm and was trying to wash the crew of the Mighty Colossus overboard! The rescue fleet surfaced and surrounded the fearsome sea creature, who turned to face them with a deafening roar. Kwazi was finally face-to-face with a monster from his Grandad’s legends.
Realising it couldn’t take on all five of the rescuers at once, the Nackawack dove to the bottom of the ocean and hid amongst the rocks and kelp. When it saw it wasn’t being followed, it swam along the seabed until it found deeper water. Next it started to head back down to the midnight zone. Maybe it would just go back to sleep in its cave after all. Then there was trouble…
Grandmaster Glitch, Captain Hook and Romeo suddenly appeared in the captured submarine Bucky and threw a net over the Nackawack! As they cheered and celebrated, the Nackawack roared and thrashed about, not at all happy to be caught in a net. It started to try to swim away, Robot tried to warn its master Romeo, but the three baddies were still laughing and cheering at their success.
The Nackawack began to swim, dragging the helpless Bucky behind it. The cheering and laughing quickly turned to shouting and yelling as the powerful beastie pulled them up out of the Midnight Zone and into shallow waters near the coast. Soon, the Nackawack got the submarine Bucky stuck on a coral reef and managed to break free. The enraged monster started to swim towards the land.
The crew of the Mighty Colossus, recovered from the Nackawack attack, was sailing back to the port. On the way, they found Bucky stuck on a reef in the moonlight. They took Glitch, Hook and Romeo prisoner below decks on the Colossus, and Daddy undid Romeo’s hacking and turned Bucky back into sailing mode. The two ships then headed back to port, ready for the final showdown with the Nackawack.
Night in the city, and all the townsfolk were heading home for the evening. Suddenly, the angry Nackawack appeared and started chasing them. They screamed and ran as fast as they could, trying to get away and find places to hide. Noddy and Mayor Goodway called for Ryder and the Paw Patrol to help, however everybody knew that the only thing that could save them now was the Magic Spoons.
It was time for the Guardians of the Spoons, Arthur & Elwyn, to return them to Wizard Flimpetyflomps. They grabbed a Spoon each and jumped into their rocket cars. They zoomed off through the night sky, heading to the Super Wings World Airport to drop off the Spoons so that Jett could deliver them to Flimpetyflomps. Time was running short!
Up at the Paw Patrol Tower, Ryder was coordinating the moonlit evacuation of the townsfolk with Ubercorn. The Sodor engines were taking trainloads of people to safety in Greendale and dropping off people who had come to help with the Nackawack problem. Pat and Jess had delivered the messages from Flimpetyflomps to heroes and helpers all around the world, and they were now coming to make a stand.
Flimpetyflomps himself was preparing to do the magic that he hoped would send the Nackawack back to sleep at the bottom of the ocean for another 100 years. He was practicing his ancient wizard battle meditation techniques to remain calm. Then there was a knock at the door. It was Jett with the Spoons, on time all the time. Flimpetyflomps lifted the Spoons and the deep magic crackled between them as it flowed through him. Now he was ready, he hoped it wasn’t too late.
Back in the city, the townsfolk were safely away, now it was time to stop that Nackawack! Ryder and Ubercorn knew they just had to hold it here long enough for Flimpetyflomps to arrive with the Spoons. The Nackawack tried to go after the trains, but the heroes and helpers surrounded it, working together to slow it down and trap it in an old quarry. Hurry Flimpetyflomps, hurry!
Flimpetyflomps was hurrying. He was speeding through the misty dawn towards the quarry in his helicopter. He had the Spoons and had memorised the spell needed to convince the Nackawack to return to the Midnight Zone and go back to sleep in its cave. He hoped his friends could hold out long enough for him to get there.
Flimpetyflomps arrived just in time. The Nackawack had managed to get past the heroes and helpers, and was following the track out of the quarry, towards Greendale! As the sun rose in the sky behind him and the mist cleared, the Flimpetyflomps positioned himself on the track between the Nackawack and the town. When the monster came towards him, Flimpetyflomps banged the Magic Spoons together and shouted, “You shall not pass!”.
Wizard Flimpetyflomps whispered his magic spell and the Spoons crackled to life. He felt the power flowing through him and lightning flashed from the Spoons and towards the Nackawack. The fearsome beastie roared in anger and then raised is arms in the air and…. yawned? Yes, it yawned and rubbed its eyes. The magic was working! Flimpetyflomps sent another burst of magical lightning from the Spoons towards the Nackawack. It turned and started back towards the ocean, yawning all the while.
Once back in the ocean, the sleepy monster drifted back down into the gloom of the midnight zone. It found its cave and swam inside. The Nackawack took one last look around before curling up and falling into a deep, dreamless sleep. Flimpetyflomps had done it, the Nackawack was back where it belonged, sleeping peacefully. The world was safe for another 100 years.
This time there was no grand victory parade, no celebration, everyone was just glad that the Nackawack had gone back to sleep. Flimpetyflomps thanked everyone who had helped, and the Sodor engines, having brought all the townsfolk home from Greendale, started to take all the helpers and heroes back to where they belonged. Little Bear accompanied the wizard as he took the Magic Spoons back to Arthur and Elwyn’s house. They locked them back in the chest for safekeeping ready for the next time their magic would be needed to save the world.
The End
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dailynicknews · 2 years
via NickALive!
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laresearchette · 1 month
Friday, August 23, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHERE CAN I FIND THOSE PREMIERES?: PACHINKO (Apple TV+) THE SUPREMES AT EARL'S ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT (Disney + Star) ASPHALT CITY (Paramount+ Canada) CAT PACK: A PAW PATROL EXCLUSIVE EVENT (Paramount+ Canada) DATING NAKED UK (Paramount+ Canada) INSTANT FAMILY (Paramount+ Canada) KILLING EVE (Seasons 1-4) (Paramount+ Canada) HONEST RENOVATIONS (The Roku Channel) HELL HOLE (Shudder)
MLB BASEBALL (Apple TV+) 6:00pm: Reds vs. Pirates (Apple TV+) 7:30pm: Cardinals vs. Twins (SN) 6:30pm: Angels vs. Jays (SN1) 7:00pm: Avalanche vs. Yankees (SN1) 10:00pm: Rays vs. Dodgers (SN Now) 10:00pm: Giants vs. Mariners
WNBA BASKETBALL (TSN2) 7:30pm: Sky vs. Sun
SIX SCHIZOPHRENIC BROTHERS (Discovery Channel Canada) 8:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Don and Mimi Galvin's dream of raising a picture-perfect family in Colorado Springs gets thwarted as their eldest son, Donald, begins to act strangely.
CFL FOOTBALL (TSN/TSN3/TSN4) 8:30pm: Ti-Cats vs. Bombers
THE FIFTH ESTATE (CBC) 9:00pm: The 2023 implosion of the Titan submersible shocked the world; on the trail to find out how an experimental sub was ever allowed to take passengers to one of the most unforgiving places in the ocean.
FRENCH GIRL (Crave) 9:00pm: When his girlfriend gets swept away to Canada by a job offer from her ex, a hopeless romantic travels to her hometown, only to find himself out of his depth while trying to charm her hard-to-impress, French-speaking family.
CRIME BEAT: MOST WANTED (Global) 10:00pm (SEASON FINALE): Reporter Mike Armstrong goes inside the world of bikers, gangs, and drug trafficking as the Sûreté du Québec ramps up their search for All Boivin while battling to quell a surge in violence between organized crime groups in the province.
DANIEL'S GOTTA DIE (Crave) 10:50pm: Daniel's plan to reconnect with his family hits a snag when he discovers they all want to kill him for his inheritance.
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