sticostudios · 2 days
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Bluey and Socks 1950
these two are my comfort characters
Just thought of making a cute drawing on teenage Socks and Bluey in more vintage clothing (why is socks taller than Bluey? It’s my head canon lol)
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sticostudios · 6 days
A video game with good writing isn’t always an excuse
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sticostudios · 7 days
I also want to add for people following me, I will not do anything relating to snoot game, wani, or cavemanon related games, I have my boundaries, I don’t support cavemanons shitty anti lgbt behavior or how they mistreated their own fanbase and devs.
I just want to remind people to not defend or support Snoot Game in my replies, reblogs or ask box. There is no defense of Snoot Game that you can push on me that will work on me.
This is a game where, completely unprovoked, the main character stops to preach Nazi "the world is too full" eugenics propaganda. This is a game that paints being queer as a delusion pushed on teens through culture and peer pressure, and will destroy their lives if they don't become normal. This is a game that creates a slur specifically for the black-coded character. This is a game where, in the worst ending, the nonbinary character does a school shooting before committing suicide, and is buried under their deadname, and you're required to see this ending at least once.
This game's fans have doxed me, wrote fantasies about murdering me, and have drawn art mocking me. This game's creators have called me a man, linked to posts about me on Kiwifarms (including my dox), and have told me to kill myself.
I don't care what your personal interpretations of Snoot Game's story are. I don't care what positive messages or personal growth you claim to have gotten from it. If you can't reckon with what this game is and why it was made, you shouldn't discuss it at all.
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sticostudios · 8 days
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My Disney crossover AU idea Somewhere in the west, a huge city known as Rangeside, there lives a young dalmatian teen named, Dylan. wanting to be a hero of the city of Rangeside, sonce sheriff's and military have gone missing due to more and more dangerous criminals showing up, he gathers a group of unlikely heros to protect the city from dangerous criminals
The characters
Dylan Dalmatian: Young sheriff. Aspires to be the hero of Rangeside. Total nerd. Believes that his fate is written in the stars. Can get nervous when things get out of plan. Has a heart of gold. Looks out for his friends more than anything. His knowledge is his greatest strength. 
Lt. Donald Duck: Former naval officer of twelve years and bonafide hero. Born into a rich family. Has a short fuse. Retired to Rangeside after receiving an honourable discharge. Loves his nephews and girlfriend to a fault. If you make him angry, prepare for an unimaginable world of pain. 
Kion: Prince of a far-off nation. Intended to only stay in Rangeside temporarily for a diplomatic tour, until his boat left him stranded (don’t worry, his kingdom knows and are trying to find him). Has accustomed to a more rugged life on the range. At this rate, he doesn’t want to leave the place!
Christine "Bluey" Heeler: A young dog who’s moved from Brisbane, Australia to Rangeside with her family. Kind, innocent and playful. Loves thinking of inventive ways to solve a problem, especially if it can be made into a game. She’s still a kid, so Dylan needs to be extra careful when things get dangerous.
“Little”: Paranoid, self-conscious and very tired. Moved away from his nutjob father. Gets incredibly stressed under pressure. Tries to find a good way out of everything. The town doesn’t pay him much attention, except when he’s running his food cart. That’s what’s given him a name for himself!
Dinah: Motherly, caring and relaxed. Always looks out for her friends. Runs a medical clinic. Acts as the gang’s medic. Has a cure for almost everything, even if it tastes bad. Don’t get on her bad side… really, don’t. She’ll kick your behind from here into a cactus patch if you do. Not to mention she has the ability to grow and shrink depending on what she eats or drinks
Pop: The town’s wise old man, and a former miner. He prefers fresh air to the smell of coal any day. Now retired, he acts as a mentor to Dylan and Bluey. He may be old, but he can still fight with the best of them!
Hope: Railroad worker, daughter of Santa Paws. general flirt. Dylan’s got a bit of a crush on her, but nobody knows if she’ll return the favour. While she's an go getter she's also An expert with mechanics, especially the inner workings of steam engines. She can fix one in less than an hour!
Oswald "The Lucky Kid" Moreno: The town’s outlaw-turned-hero. Has a bunch of kids and a hot wife, living at a local ranch. Expert gunslinger. Knows every type of pistol, shotgun and revolver under the sun. Has a soft side when around his family and friends, but dare cross him and you’ll end up with a bullet between the eyes.
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sticostudios · 12 days
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Bluey and Socks 1950
these two are my comfort characters
Just thought of making a cute drawing on teenage Socks and Bluey in more vintage clothing (why is socks taller than Bluey? It’s my head canon lol)
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sticostudios · 1 month
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in an city filled with crime and villians, 8 teenage ninjas come out of the shadows to bring justice at night
That’s the district 8, Kopa and his close friends Bluey and Dylan along with the others Mei, Louie, Sprig, Gurri and Toulouse
work together to save others from crime that has gotten too much to handle even for the police, they learn to be a team and discover their own destiny
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sticostudios · 2 months
The Cavemanon Files
This documentation is regarding Cavemanon. They are an independent development team that created Snoot Game (the parody of proudly LGBT indie game Goodbye Volcano High) and its spiritual successor, I Wani Hug That Gator!, which released on Steam February 14th, 2024.
The vast majority of this information had been compiled over the past few months by an independent team, and Caliber (ex-Cavemanon developer who worked on Snoot Game, credited as “Spigot The Bear Anon”), has volunteered to be the primary contact regarding this documentation.
Regarding the company’s newest game, I Wani Hug That Gator!, Cavemanon failed to pay wages towards many members of the development team, with the few members who did get paid being forced to sign a potentially fraudulent NDA contract and being offered as little as $50 for their work on a game that is estimated to have made $15k-$20k within a week of its launch. Among the people not paid – wages, royalties or otherwise – includes the creator of the concept, Loanshark, who had begun it as a passion project with his friends before Cavemanon took it over.
Additionally, “Nerd”, the head of Cavemanon and the originator of the Snoot Game idea, is openly anti-LGBT; he has admitted that anti-LGBT messages were fundamental to Snoot Game (and he’s upset more people don’t see it that way), and he has attempted to impose his personal views on the fandom. This has included attempting to assert control over moderation teams of an art server, sabotaging a gay mod for Snoot Game and accusing its creator of being a pedo, and having a Wani character be hastily redesigned a week before the game’s launch after finding out the artist had designed her as a transgender woman.
There’s a whole lot more, linked below, with citations in both links and screenshots. Some names and personal info are redacted for people’s safety.
[ download link ] [ backup link 1 ] [ backup link 2 ]
[ Internet Archive ]
(On a personal note: it’s cold comfort to me that I got doxed for calling Snoot Game transphobic, only to find out later that the guy behind it admitted that was the goal all along.)
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sticostudios · 2 months
The end of online privacy
Now, this isn't something I usually post about from my silly goofy k1nk account (reminder to minors to not follow or scroll this acount).
But I have more followers on here than main, and this is extremely important. Like, scary shit.
This applies to everyone. If you're reading this? It's going to effect you.
I'm sure perhaps some of you have seen around about a this thing going around... KOSA, is one of the ways it's being referred to.
If this shit passes, lemme tell you...
LGBTQ+ adults and minors seeking help and community,
people looking for abortions,
people organizing protests,
anyone using their free speech to voice concerns about injustices, 
Even people reading fan fiction...
And for the purposes of where I'm posting from... people sharing and enjoying their k1nks, wanting to post things with safety and privacy... smut artists and writers, people even LOOKING for smut...
It's all gone. No privacy.
They'll have your face, your name, your age, where you live.
You'll need an ID to use any US-based platform, even if you're NOT in the United States.
Instead of dooming, here's what you can do to stop this shit in it's tracks 👍
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Here is a website where you can sign a letter just by filling out a form, (it takes less than 30 seconds) and where you can call reps.
I HIGHLY suggest leaving calls if you're able, and if you have phone shyness, do this after 6pm, since it will leave messages instead.
I'm shy, but I did it!
Here's another letter to sign, takes less than 20 seconds.
Here is a form you can fill out sharing how the social media has POSITIVELY effected you.
Share all of this with as many people as you can. Our safety, freedom, joy, and protection online is at risk more than ever.
(Here is the thread where I found all of this information.)
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sticostudios · 2 months
Folks, what the Senate voted on was the cloture for KOSA. It's like a prelude, their way of deciding TO vote on it soon. Those many Democrat votes don't even represent whether they would vote for KOSA itself.
It still sucks, but I'm not letting anyone believe it fully passed yet and declare 'DoOm! Time to get the VPNs'. You can still fight this. Call, email, fax (that would really annoy the hell out of them) your senators and representatives.
There. Is. A. Chance.
Keep. Making. Noise!
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sticostudios · 2 months
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upcoming Dorothy de Vil pic
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sticostudios · 2 months
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Kroger Doggo
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sticostudios · 2 months
more about Dorothy De vil
previous post for mor context https://www.tumblr.com/caramel-dalmatian/753363060007272448/dorothy-de-vil
in this AU after Cruella killed the family she decided to take her twisted desires to other targets, over time she slowly but secretly corrupted the British government and drove Camden town into defunct all under the guise of the An Gel corporation
now let us meet our antagonists
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Dorothy, now the brainwashed De Vil she is
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Cruella and cuddles, Cruella has resorted to machinery to keep herself alive
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The De Vilmatians and their bios
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gamble, de Vil casino owner and Dorothy’s love intrest
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De Vil dog henchmen, Cruella robot army types and to add insult to injury, cyborg Delilah
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sticostudios · 3 months
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Strawberry yakult tea refresher
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sticostudios · 3 months
been working on a Bluey apocalypse here’s what I got so far
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sticostudios · 3 months
advice about the twitter art community
as someone is is both an sfw and nsfw artist who’s been in twitter for 3 years, lemme give ya some advice
NEVER join the twitter art community
it’s full of backstabbers and horrible hateful people.
it’s just an cancer that hurts artists mental health
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sticostudios · 3 months
dr. egg
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sticostudios · 3 months
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Dog Polic: Rock and Meow
(Art by anonymous)
The Dog Police must tackle an rock group known as ‘The Meowstic’
Who are using their hypnotic music to get people to do their bidding
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