#paw autism moment
snowthedemonfox · 9 months
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sometimes you just zone out and draw the same character multiple times in a row without realising it
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strohller27 · 5 months
#so I stayed late after work and completely reorganised the back room#my boss was like ‘you can just go through one box at a time and write down everything in it on a piece of paper!’#but like. the boxes were full of a whole bunch of different sweaters in a whole bunch of different colours#and nothing was folded. and we didn’t know what sizes we had#and we DON’T HAVE A FUCKING INVENTORY and it is driving me absolutely positively CRACKERS#so I put on some loud music and organised all the sweaters in the back room by brand style and colour#i basically went autism beast all over that damn back room#and I even got the down jackets out because they’re not on the stupid floor yet#because the back room was so full of shit before I got my little autistic paws all over it that we couldn’t even fucken MOVE in there#so now we can. and I hope my manager is happy with my work.#our boss could probably care less but she doesn’t realise how much she doesn’t deserve me#my coworker deserves me tho. she deserves the world. she should get everything she wants#anyways I had to rant about it.#I’ve been overwhelmed by the amount of shit in the back room for three days straight and I said FUCK that#and this was after a fucken weird day where there was this lady complaining about our pint glasses costing $25#and I think she was trying to make me give her a deal on something because#she kept going back to the $$$$ shit and getting outraged at the prices#and after a few rounds of that she said jokingly ‘i might start spitting at you in a moment’#and like. I know she was joking. but that pissed me the fuck off. do not joke that you’re gonna spit at me#if you do that you don’t get to buy anything you fucking asshole you get security called on you#anyways today was fucken bonkers how was your day?
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dmumt · 1 year
watching everyone jump ship again now that promo week is over meanwhile my feet are quite literally bolted down to the exoplanet ground
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fyrets · 7 months
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bonefall · 9 months
Since the ask box commands to vote Bumble in that tourament (which I did, cuz she was SCREWED over to the extreme) could you talk a whole lot about BB!Bumble's dyspraxia? Since we are talking about the *everything in canon* she got for the High Crime of being a fat foreigner woman and abuse victm in warrior cats, let's talk about the universe where we add disabled to her list of High Crimes but she isnt done dirty as balls(sorry if all this is worded weird)
Plus, I'm personally having issues writing a dyspraxic character (mostly because i kinda suck at absorbing information about things like disability when not using characters as exemples) and you've really helped me in the past with making characters with BPD, so it would be personally useful in character making
(Sorry if I'm rude, I deeply respect your work and it greatly inspires me, especially Clanmew)
All righty! BB!Bumble's dyspraxia!
First off, for newcomers;
In canon, Bumble is called a fat, useless kittypet, before being dragged back to her domestic abuser. She then dies while trying to survive on her own, starved to the point of emaciation before Clear Sky murders her.
A very common fandom response to this is essentially, "shes NOT useless! She could hunt/fight if you taught her!" And a lot of AUs will have her survive, learning how to be Truly Useful with all the same skills as everyone else.
I won't lie; I think that's very disappointing.
You're not refuting the rotten heart of this ideology, you're just doing what DOTC already does with Jagged Peak. You're AGREEING. You're saying she WOULD be useless if she couldn't hunt or fight like a wild cat, giving her Coolgirl Badass moments to haha embarass her bigots, and Actually the only problem here is that they didn't give her a chance.
What if they GAVE her that chance, and she COULDN'T hunt or fight like them? Would it be okay to send the battered housewife back to her domestic abuser? Hopefully fucking not!
Let's be frank; None of the groups in DOTC are starving. Not even after the prey sickness pandemic.
"Starvation Rhetoric" is an excuse, only ever rolled out by monsters like Clear Sky as justification for stealing land, murder, and throwing out cats the groups deem unworthy of life.
Yet, this gets rolled out for Bumble specifically, by the MOOR CATS, who are supposed to be opposing his ideology.
And that's where I'm starting from.
Okay. What if she couldn't perform physically like other cats?
What if she was part of a group that DID have real concerns about not having enough food?
How does Bumble herself cope with her feelings, and her desire to help her friends and contribute to a group that loves her?
Let's go through all that, and attack the heart of the idea. In fact, we're going to be doing a lot of it, with a significant portion of early ThunderClan being disabled cats.
(Thunder Storm has three legs. Bright Storm has asthma. Sunlit Frost loses the use of both front paws and ends up with chronic pain.)
Bumble's Dyspraxia
The first thing to know about dyspraxia (or DCD, Developmental Coordination Disorder) is that it comes in a LOT of different forms. The next thing to know is that it's RIDICULOUSLY common. Some estimates say 5% of the population has it-- 1 in 20 people.
It's heavily associated with autism and ADHD. The "classic" symptoms are general clumsiness and motor control issues, like having a hard time tying shoes. But these are also symptoms of dyspraxia;
Short-term memory issues, but not long-term
Being constantly covered in bumps and bruises
Having a hard time telling lefts and rights
Difficulties holding pencils or writing in general
"Wobbliness" including tripping mid-step or tripping over your own feet
Issues in the acquisition of "muscle memories," being slow to acquire physical skills.
Stuttering and taking long pauses before responding to someone else speaking
Most dyspraxics won't have all of these, these are symptoms. Not a checklist.
My partner describes theirs as like "constantly working with cold hands through a layer of gloves." The stiffness of being in a freezer, paired with the general delay of having a cover over your skin.
Mine is more focused on the mental side, acquiring new skills is unnaturally difficult, my reaction time is delayed, and I stumble into things.
Every person with dyspraxia is different, but what links us is that we're uncoordinated. We can't help it, telling us to try harder or pay more attention doesn't work. We aren't being careless-- our brains don't send signals to our bodies properly.
I'm basing Bumble's off my own. Her mate, Turtle Heart, shows her over and over how to hunt. It never sticks. She tries to pick up battle moves from Thunder Storm to help defend herself from Clear Sky's goons. It doesn't work.
She's really trying, she really is. The Moor group quickly loses patience with her, and Bumble is well aware that she's only tolerated on Turtle Heart's vouch. Her worst fears come true when Tom steals their children, and her mate is killed trying to retreive them.
That messes with her, and makes her believe that she really is worthless and a burden.
ThunderClan was FOUNDED on Thunder Storm's fury, breaking off his supporters to retreive her from exile, and Bumble's struggle with self-worth begins in earnest.
There's one thing she's confident about, and really loves. Bumble is trilingual, outgoing, and confident in her ability to talk to others. That's what she can add, and what she wants to do.
ThunderClan is different. It works with every strength and weakness of its members, and values diplomacy to keep it afloat against the odds. Bumble really is needed, but eventually even her translation work becomes less special as more kits grow up bilingual. Eventually, this too feels taken from her.
And then it's back to square one. Her mate is gone, one of her kits betrayed her, Owl Eyes is a big strong man who doesn't need his mum anymore. She's left with her fumbling paws, taking more from the pile than she puts in.
One can only hope she realizes that ThunderClan was born out of love for her. That it was never about what she could add. She didn't have to confront it in the main story because so much was happening, but as peace settles over the forest, it's time for her to start to unpack that idea.
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daandyli0n · 17 days
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so. decided to draw some more realistic noses. think i did pretty well.
anyway!! the MCI kids in my Rewrite!
fun facts for y'all:
Naomi and Gabi were Liz's best friends before she died.
Baker absolutely loved Bonnie. favorite animatronic. he wanted to be a rock star when he grew up, just like his hero.
Baker never wore shoes anywhere. he also had these Animal Paw socks that his mom got for him that he also wore everywhere.
y'know the saying that's like "Queer people tend to form groups together, even if not all of them have realized they're queer yet"? that summarizes the MCI + Charlie and Cassidy (CC). to give some examples:
Gabi is actually transfem.
Baker and Naomi are aroace, but in different ways. Naomi thinks dating is gross and dreads Valentine's Day. don't get her wrong, getting cards and stuff is nice, but...Christ, can the boys get annoying. she's one of the popular girls, she gets it, but JESUS. Baker? well, for one, the kid's five. but he also just kinda doesn't care in general.
Felix's entire philosophy on gender is "I Don't Give A Shit; Call Me What You Want." kid does Not give a fuck, they've got other things to worry about.
Kelsey is also technically transfem, but never got to really explore that. he has brought the topic up to Cassidy before while they were dead though; "Do you ever have moments where you think you're not a boy?" "I mean yeah, but we're kinda busy trying to kill my dad, Kel-" take this as you will for what that means for Cassidy.
anyway, back to regular headcanons (i mean. if they're my versions of the MCI that are all basically ocs in this rewrite, are they really headcanons?):
Baker and Kelsey were really close to Cassidy, because their brothers (Mike, Jeremy, and Andrew) all knew each other and hung out.
not a single one of these kids are neurotypical. not a one.
Baker is specifically AuDHD (autism + ADHD). to everyone else he's just the most hyperactive kid with a Bonnie obsession in existence.
as y'all can guess, Baker was the youngest :(
Kelsey and Andrew don't have a great home life.
these kids were all friends with Cassidy before they all died.
Baker deals with that "fun" thing where you go into a room and forget why you're there and/or how you got there. it's why Bonnie seems to teleport. it's just because he wanders around and doesn't realize he's reached a place until he's suddenly there. scares the shit out of nightguards, though!
Baker thinks that he's done the coolest thing he could've possibly done; he's BECOME Bonnie. whether that's a coping mechanism for his current situation or he genuinely sees this as an upside is up to y'all.
Baker's surprisingly the least aggressive soul out of the others. he wants vengeance, but he can tell that these nightguards ain't the guy. his "aggression" is just him being a silly little guy, really. he just wants to play with someone!! unfortunately, being in an animatronic makes it much easier to kill someone. poor kid :(
Felix, aside from Cassidy, is the most aggressive. in his eyes, it was the employees' responsibility to keep his safe and from dying. William didn't even try to hide it when he took him. he was in view of the cameras and everything in that suit. and yet no one seemed to notice when he was taken. no one came to stop William from taking him to the back. him killing the nightguards has more to do with bitterness and anger at nothing being done to save him than vengeance against a killer he didn't recognize. he knows damn well who killed him, the kid's just pissed.
Baker recognized Jeremy when he was a nightguard, and didn't attack him the rest of the night. did fuck around with him, though. brothers, am i right?
Gabi really likes hiding under tables so that she doesn't have to talk to people. shy girl, y'know?
Naomi really likes dogs. she kept begging her parents for a dog and, while they promised her one, never got around to getting her a real one. guess how William lured her. Guess.
Naomi, like Susie, was the first of the MCI.
Kelsey liked to draw (and still does, as a ghost. although his drawings after death are less...cheerful, to put it one way)
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runningw-thewolves · 4 months
Stray Kids X Fenrir Post (LONG POST)
(Cause why the Hell not?)
Today I found out that 1) someone made a Fenrir based tattoo sleeve design for Bang Chan and 2) not only has Bang Chan seen it, he has stated he might possibly get it. Now, I am a STAY, a Norse Pagan and a follower of Fenrir. I think you can figure out what my brain was doing processing all this.
(Also; THERE HAS BEEN HINTS TO NORSE MYTHOLOGY IN STRAY KIDS MUSIC VIDEOS!? STAY, do a wolf some assistance and pinpoint me to the videos and moments cause I NEED MY STRAY KIDS NORSE/VIKING CONTENT. Anyways...)
I am very Autistic when it comes to several of my favourite things coming together and creating a *chef's kiss* moment. This is no exception. It's why INK are my favourite band (metal, Emo and horror together? YES PLEASE) and now I have Stray Kids, Norse mythology AND LITERALLY MY FUCKING RELIGION? Holy fuck! *insert brain melt moment from Indiana Jones here*
So, I figured; let's talk about some of Stray Kids past works and Fenrir at the same time. Yep, a Stray Kids Fenrir themed playlist in the format of a Tumblr post by someone with Autism currently losing their damn mind.
Before we begin, let's get everyone acquainted who may be unfamiliar.
The Binding of Fenrir
'The Binding of Fenrir' is arguably the most famous tale involving Fenrir. Fenrir is the eldest child to Loki and Angrboda, his younger siblings being the Midgard Serpent, Jormungandr (who has beef with Thor, to keep it brief) and the future death Goddess, ruler and caretaker of the dead and arguably an important figure in Baldur's tragedy, Hel (or Hela).
Why was Odin interested in Fenrir? For one simple reason; he had been told a prophecy where a large and powerful wolf would kill him. I should point out this part of Odin and Fenrir's story is a very medieval trope of the paranoid king and his son destined to kill him. This case is no different; the downfall of the king is because of his own paranoia. Everything he does to try and prevent his downfall only solidifies it into existence. It's a common belief among many of us Heathens that Fenrir might have never considered going after Odin if Odin had just left Fenrir alone the whole time. Hell, there was the distinct possibility that Fenrir could've likely been an ally to Odin and the Aesir if it weren't for their fear and paranoia.
So, how does Fenrir get bound? Odin and a few others ride to the Iron Wood, the home of the Jotunn and Chieftess of the Chieftains of the Iron Wood, Angrboda, and forcefully take her children from her. Jormungandr strikes and either Odin or Thor (heavily debated) throws Jormungandr into the oceans of Midgard. Hel is immediately exiled from Asgard and sent to what is often dubbed 'Helheim'. Fenrir was kept in Asgard, primarily to keep an eye on him. He was scorned and mocked and treated with fear by the Gods, and no one dare approach him to feed him. Aside from one God; Tyr, the God of Justice. (Also a God of War himself but ssh.) Tyr befriended the young wolf and fed him.
Naturally, Fenrir grew. And very quickly. He soon domineered over the buildings of Asgard and the Gods grew paranoid of his strength and size. It was then decided for him to be bound. They tried on three separate occasions, telling Fenrir it was a game. The first time was some normal, ordinary chains. Fenrir broke those with a single movement of his paw. The second was a reinforced chain. These were a little tougher but they too were shattered. The Gods then got in contact with the Dwarves to create for them a special chain, named Gleipnir. This chain was presented to Fenrir, and its appearance - similar to that of a ribbon or thread - immediately made Fenrir suspicious. He only agreed to have himself bound if one person were to lose their hand should they go back on their word. Tyr was the one who offered (this is a HUGE deal, as Tyr is basically associated with business transactions, oaths and the likes. Loki even goes on to call this out in the poem 'Lokasenna' (Loki's Flyting)). Naturally, Fenrir is bound, he can't break free, Tyr loses an arm. Fenrir snaps at the laughing Gods' ankles and Odin shoves a sword through Fenrir's jaws. Fenrir will only be freed by the violent thrashing of his brother come Ragnarok, to which Fenrir will kill Odin. Some sources also say Fenrir eats the sun and moon, however this is a tricky subject as that act is often attested to two other wolves. There's plenty of theories but for this post, they are irrelevant.
Stray Kids Everywhere All Around The World
Stray Kids first became known by a survival TV show in late 2017. At the time, there was nine members. (For the sake of avoiding drama and cause the matter is done, I will be talking about Woojin but sticking to the facts. Everything from the drama was false (which I learned the hard way and am still trying to learn from); do not attempt to bring up the controversy in reblogs or replies or I will block you.) The members included (in order, starting with team leader then oldest to youngest); Bang Chan, Kim Woojin, Lee Minho, Seo Changbin, Hwang Hyunjin, Han Jisung, Lee Felix, Kim Seungmin, and Yang Jeongin. The group would debut in 2018 with the track "District 9". Upon debut, most of the members would continue using their names except for the following; Minho (would debut as Lee Know), Jisung (would debut as Han) and Jeongin (would debut as I.N.). Kim Woojin left the group in late 2019 around the time of the "Double Knot"/"Levanter" promotions. (Hence forth, Woojin is irrelevant. This is where we shall leave any mention of Woojin hence forth.
Stray Kids would go on to become a pretty big deal, even winning the competition TV show 'Kingdom' (let's not go over the whole MAMA bullshit, that would take a whole tray of paracetamol to get through), leading to the band being noticed by Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman. In the past year, several of the members have appeared or modeled for various designer brands (ignoring the politics of this for now; good on them for their success however).
Bang Chan and Fenrir's Connection
As was mentioned in the TikTok I linked earlier, Bang Chan is the member of the group who was a trainee for the longest amount of time. Chan had been training under JYP Entertainment for seven years by the time of the pre-debut TV show. Chan has mentioned several times in the past the anger and sadness he felt, connecting with other trainees only for them to leave (either from being fired, changing career paths or debuting before him - this was especially noted to be the case with groups TWICE and GOT7, where Chan is friends with members of the groups and even shared a dorm room with members of GOT7). It's not hard to imagine the amount of pressure Chan was under to debut on the survival show. Or the amount of pressure he put on himself and the rest of Stray Kids. This amount of pressure would rear its head when members Lee Know and Felix were eliminated (but would be brought back later and debut with the group). A clip from Felix's elimination gives a glimpse into how hard Chan was on himself.
I will not speculate Chan's thoughts or feelings, but if you dig into it, you can come to some conclusions quickly based on the surrounding context and what we know about Chan and Felix's friendship post-debut.
Fenrir is bound and thus cannot be free to show his true strength and power, held back by the Gods for fear of what or who he could be. In essence, some could argue that this is what made Fenrir stronger and the wolf we know today but that comes with the ridiculous amount of pain and torture the wolf felt. Sure, he became stronger, but at what cost? I would say this is the same question to consider when talking about Chan and Fenrir. Sure, Chan is a wise and strong leader now, but what was the cost? He's made it clear that at one point before debut (and other members have backed this up), he actively avoided connecting with people cause of how many friendships he watched crumble for one reason or another. There's even a clip from a livestream where Chan was noticeably angry with staff and you can see the visible fear and awkwardness from the other members. Again, will not speculate on what any of it could mean, but it does point to something Fenrir and Chan may also have in common. When they are angry, they are
However, it's also important to keep in mind the sort of things Fenrir teaches and encourages from a Norse Pagan/Heathen perspective, so...
Fenrir in Norse Spirituality
A common name attributed to Fenrir is "breaker of chains". When we're talking about what this means from a spiritual standpoint, it means to free yourself from your past, free yourself from expectations or demands of others that holds you down and to let go and live free. For many, this can meaning learning how to cope with mental illness and trauma, learning how to manage (not control) one's anger, how to fuel emotions into actions and remain within the present and not think about the past or the future.
I've also heard many people describe Fenrir as a special kind of 'military boot camp' strict. This is the best way I can describe it; imagine, if you will, that you are a house. Fenrir is the property surveyor (the person who checks houses for faults). Fenrir will go around and tell you everything that isn't sturdy, that has cracks or other faults. Not out of malice, but because if you don't fix this, all it takes is one bad day and your self-worth comes crashing to the ground. Fenrir will even go out of his way to test these parts of yourself, again not out of malice but to make sure you can withstand it. Going back to the house metaphor; imagine Fenrir pointed out your foundations were made with weak cement, so you redo the foundations. Fenrir isn't convinced until he can push into it or stand on it and find it can withstand the weight. (This doesn't go into how our emotions fluctuate daily, but hopefully you get what I'm trying to say.)
Fenrir is also oftentimes seen as an example of justified rage. The rage of youth being mocked by their elders for simply being young. The rage Black people feel when another officer shoots yet another unarmed Black person. The rage LGBTQIA+ people feel when one of their own is killed or assaulted for simply being in love or expressing who they are. The rage women feel when men try to take advantage of or gaslight them into accepting lower. The rage of Indigenous people watching as their lands get bombed, farmed, and in general colonized and ripped of all its worth until nothing remains.
With all these factors in mind, let's finally get to the meet of this. The Stray Kids songs one (like myself) can associate with Fenrir. I will include lyrics, and you're more than welcome to reply or reblog with songs I may have missed. So, without further ado; let's get cracking! (Please note I will be using OT8 songs primarily for this post, again to avoid drama or anyone dogpiling about the controversy.)
'Placebo' (3RACHA original; 2017, Stray Kids original; 2018, re-recorded; 2021.)
"The positive belief that will even heal my wounds Keep going, the Placebo that works on me Honestly, there’s no need to be negative Trust myself, throw away those extra thoughts"
'Placebo' is a song essentially about relying on yourself to get through your challenges, while acknowledging what is currently making you feel weak. The fear and worry about wondering if you will actually make it, but telling yourself you can despite your worries, being your own friends in your darkest moments. Felix's verse I think is almost entirely applicable to Fenrir (Felix even says "drop these rusty chains" - remember, Fenrir was first bound by chains before Gleipnir.)
"Miroh" (original; 2019, re-recorded; 2020)
"Poison, trap, toadstool you can set them up I'll survive in the end, whatever it takes I know your traps, you set them up And I stomp on them tougher There's only one answer, you just have to open it"
"Miroh" (Korean word for 'maze') is an EDM-style song about persevering through the challenges you face, head held high, trusting your instincts and knowing that one way or another you have prepared for this moment and you will make it out the other side. The chorus starts with a line explaining that the narrator (Stray Kids) decided to go into the city (the challenges) themselves and know what is coming, are ready for it and know they can make it through the trial. The song also uses various animal sound effects, including a tiger's roar in the chorus, a hawk's caw and a bird-filled jungle soundscape. (Fenrir is often reported to be associated with swamps and mountains, so the inclusion of wild animal noises fits perfectly here.)
'Red Lights' (2021)
"No matter how hard I try to escape, there's no answer Until I fall asleep in the sun, even deeper I really wanna know, yeah I've already lost control"
This song is performed by Bang Chan and Hyunjin, and according to Genius the song "about compulsion and confusion of ego and about obsession about doing something". One would think, with the sexy sound and concept of the track, it would imply something of a sexy nature. However, it can also be about anything that someone can grow obsessed with. Another person, a feeling, an action, a moment, etc. The line "Tell me you hate me" makes me think of Fenrir talking to Tyr. The music video for the track also heavily features Chan and Hyunjin in chains, so one could also argue the obsession to be the desire to escape from their chains.
"MANIAC" (2022)
"The real self has been released (Yup, yup) Barely holding on (Yup, yup) After blinking once, back Again, back to cosplaying as what society Defines normal to be pow"
'MANIAC' is a song with a visible influence from Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein' as it explores one's individual uniqueness, the expectations of society (which can delve into toxic perfectionism/happiness, conformity etc) and how we as a people have hidden our inner 'maniac' to fit in with the world. Even when in Asgard, surrounded by the Aesir and Vanir, Fenrir was always gonna be Fenrir. Just by his mere nature, he was deemed an outcast for being a larger and stronger wolf than they had encountered before, something that within itself isn't a crime. Fenrir would likely always be looked down upon if he showed discomfort, anger or any sort of negative emotion. In this song, Stray Kids basically asks the listener to open up their true self, live their authentic selves and enjoy the life they've been given, essentially; "shed the chains society has forced upon you."
"BEWARE" (original; 2018, re-recorded; 2020)
"My current state, the way I talk, my actions I know I shouldn't be like this But everything goes the opposite way I want you to understand me I don't know what will happen Again today, I'm barking"
Remember when I talked about Fenrir and justifiable rage and I brought up youth being angry with elders being condescending with them? This song is my 'case and point'. Going back to what I mentioned in 'MANIAC', no matter what Fenrir did the Aesir were likely not going to view him in a positive light. Ask any person who has tried to get on the good side of someone who couldn't care for them and you'll often find descriptions of growing tire, frustration and rage. Sometimes, we are going to encounter this in life - whether it be a boss who treats us poorly, a colleague/acquaintance/friend gossiping or lying about us behind our back, a family member who has expectations for you that you can't reach no matter what you try etc. Fenrir is no stranger to this; he experienced it firsthand living amongst the Aesir. That rage one feels in these moments is a healthy rage, a voice, which you will find is either being encouraged by Fenrir or is Fenrir himself, screaming at you "This isn't right, I shouldn't be treated like this!"
"SCARS" (2021)
"I'll never cry because I know that it'll never change I'll stay standing and endure it in an unknown place There will be many times I'll almost fall, but Alone, I reach out my hand, alone, I stand back up"
Sometimes, when we face hurdles in our lives we will feel sadness, sorrow or despair. If there's one thing I want to end this made tangent about, it's this; you will face challenges and it's OK to not be happy about it. It's alright to cry, to scream and wail and sob, to shed tears, feel fear, embarrassment, etc. It's alright if you need to punch a pillow or cry yourself to sleep. Remember; Chan probably did the same. For seven years. Fenrir probably did too, stuck within his personal Hell. But if there's one thing you should take from both of them, it's that you are stronger than you think you are. You can survive, you will survive. You will see the light on the other side one day; all it requires is fighting through the pain, even if that means crying from the hurt. We don't leave this life unscathed; we all will die with countless scars, both physical and mental. Be kind to yourself, know you are worthy of being alive right now, and you have the strength to push onwards. Carry the strength of Fenrir - and the strength of Bang Chan and Stray Kids - with you and remember you aren't alone fighting against the chains you've found yourself bound in.
(TLDR; an Autistic Norse Pagan loses were mind when were discovers a Fenrir tattoo design for Chan, goes on a long Stray Kids and Fenrir rant.)
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looks at you with my massive autism eyes if reqs are still open, Brian Fluff Please
They ARE still open and of course!! Here’s a series of Brian Hugs with the MH Cast! I hope this is fluffy enough, I can’t tell-
Content Warnings And Tags: Fluff Obviously, Minor And Brief Angst, SO Many Hugs, Cuddle Pile, Just Brian And Physical Touch Being His Love Language, Happy Ending
Word Count: 1.1k words
— —
“So,” Brian grins cheekily, giving Tim a playful nudge. “How was your first Certified Brian Hug?”
“Do all of them bruise your ribs?” Tim wheezes, but a chuckle escapes him when Brian rolls his eyes. “You are way stronger than you look.”
“Thank you!” Brian laughs but gives his best apologetic look a moment later. “I’ll try and give you a warning next time, sorry. Honestly I was just pretty happy to see you.”
Tim stops at that, staring off into space before straightening up and meeting his gaze. There’s something indescribable in it— hopeful almost. “Well uh, I mean, you caught me so off guard that I wasn’t really able to enjoy it while it lasted. Can’t really give an accurate description of how a ‘Certified Brian Hug’ feels unless I get another chance.”
Brian rolls his eyes and engulfs him in another hug, not quite as tight as the last one as to not repeat the events of the last one but no less warm. “Just say you want another hug next time, that was way too convoluted.”
“You got it.” Tim tells him and hugs back. Brian can feel the tension drain from his shoulders and smiles quietly to himself.
Tim had been so wound up the first time he did it, like he wasn’t sure what to do when someone hugged him. Brian makes a mental note to hug him a little more often from now on.
Brian waits until the struggle finally stops, a deep sigh following. “Brian,” Seth glances down at him at last, unimpressed. “Can you let go?”
“I could.” Brian answers but keeps his arms still wrapped around Seth’s waist, preventing him from leaving the couch.
Seth pauses, catching on. “Will you?”
He grins back. “No.”
Seth groans, slumping in his seat. Brian just curls closer until he’s practically sprawled across his lap like an overgrown cat. Seth stares down at him, deadpan. Brian stares back up at him, unapologetic.
“I need to get back to editing.” Seth reminds him.
“You have bags under your eyes, that is the last thing you need to be doing. Right now, you’re gonna watch TV with me until you’re ready to sleep. Unless you want to sleep now.”
“I’m not going to sleep!”
Brian shrugs, getting comfortable. “One of us is gonna yield first.” Brian tells him. “And we both know it’s not gonna be me.”
“You’re the bane of my existence, Brian Thomas.” Seth huffs. When the sound of paws padding into the room catches his attention, Seth speaks up. “Missy! Missy, attack Brian! Get him!”
Missy trots up to the pair of them but immediately lays down, curling at the bottom of the couch. Brian laughs at Seth’s despair.
“See? Even your dog knows you need to sleep.”
“Traitors…” Seth mumbles. “The lot of you.”
Seth shifts, though only to get comfortable. He decidedly doesn’t meet Brian’s smug gaze and grabs the remote to turn on the TV.
“I’ve been told I have terrible hugs.” Jay confesses when Brian wraps his arms around him. It comes out in a rush, almost an apology. “Apparently I’m too boney.”
Brian scoffs, hugging a little tighter. Jay’s breath catches but he leans into it. “No such thing.” Brian tells him. “You fit perfectly. Maybe you just needed the right person to hug you.”
Jay laughs a little but he hugs back, something that feels almost grateful. “Yeah, maybe.”
Arms wrap around him, almost restraining, and Brian yelps in surprise.
“Sneak attack.” Sarah whispers from behind, a grin in her voice, and squeezes as hard as she can. Brian gets the air knocked out of his lungs but Sarah lets up a moment later, allowing him to breathe.
“See?” She says smugly. “Told you I’d get my revenge.”
“Devious, Reid.” Brian chuckles, then quickly grabs and pulls her into a hug while she’s near. Sarah is the one to yelp this time, followed by a grumble of defeat while Brian can’t help but feel proud of himself. “C’mon, you should’ve seen that coming.”
“I should’ve.” Sarah agrees, but hugs back after a beat. “I’ll get you next time.”
“Sure.” Brian tells her. “Want me to let go?”
“Nah.” She breathes. “Give me a minute, finals have been rough and your hugs are magic, I swear.”
“So I’ve been told.” Brian hums and rests his chin on her head.
Brian stands in the doorway, a hard look on his face and his arms crossed. “Alex. Don’t ignore me.”
“I’m not— I’m not trying to ignore you.” Alex grits out, finally turning around to face him. His eyes are a little bloodshot. Brian wonders how long he’s been staring at the computer. “I’m just busy, alright? Leave me alone. I don’t want to talk.”
“Not even about yesterday?” Brian cuts in as Alex turns back around and sees him freeze. “What was that? You know Jay wasn’t doing anything wrong on purpose, why did you snap like that?”
“I don’t—” Alex’s jaw sets. “I want to be alone right now, Brian. Please leave.”
“What? Why are you being so—”
Alex cuts himself off when Brian opens his arms, an invitation. There’s a long pause where neither of them move and Brian isn’t sure if it’ll end well. Then Alex slowly makes his way over to him and slumps into Brian’s arms. He makes no move to hug back at first, only burrowing his head into Brian’s shoulder, causing Brian to tighten his hold.
Brian slowly rubs his back. Alex finally wraps his arms around him, clutching the back of his shirt like a lifeline as he breathes shakily.
“I think,” Brian says slowly, “You should take a break from working on anything right now.”
Alex doesn’t say anything for a while, but then he lets out a quiet, “Okay.” and that’s that.
Jay is tucked into his chest. Tim is curled into his side on one side while Alex has his head on Brian’s shoulder on the other. One of Brian’s hands is tangled in Seth’s hair and the other is being used as a pillow for Sarah.
Brian laughs, unable to stop himself. “I don’t think this bed was made to hold this many people!”
“Tough shit.” Sarah murmurs.
“‘m not moving.” Jay mumbles.
“This is karma for what you did to me.” Seth chuckles.
“This isn’t a fight you’re gonna win.” Alex tells him.
Tim says nothing, but he’s fast asleep and looks so peaceful next to him that Brian knows all the same that he would feel like a monster if he woke him up now.
“Am I being held hostage?”
“Yes.” The four of them answer in unison, and Brian wheezes out a laugh.
There are definitely worse problems to have.
— —
I just really wanted the main six cast being buddies because they mean everything to me… Hopefully this gets you the Brian Fluff you wanted! I tried my best!
Hope you liked it! Feel free to send another request if you want and thanks for the ask!!
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rosrets · 2 years
what are these shadow ideas you speak of 👀
you have no idea what you've just wrought. sorry in advance but no i’m not
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SHADOW TIMELINE. i catalogue this in my mind when i draw him because i’m fucking crazy but i decided to draw it out because the doctors needed more reasons to lock me the hell up. this is essentially going to be me rambling about all my design notes for whenever i draw him + whatever else the fuck because i like to think about him existing a lot and pray for the day we get an actually good shadow spin-off (this will never happen)
baby shadow - was let out of his tube when he was about 10-12 years developed - lived on the ark for 5-3 years with gerald and maria and whatever other scientists were around. - he was totally nonverbal for a while and took classes to learn how to speak, this was great for the scientists though because the biolizard shockingly failed this . shadow was just autistic - really nervous and did not have a lot of confidence for the first like. year of being alive he hated being alone and always clinged onto whoever was closest to him
ark shadow - much more confident after getting closer with maria still quiet and fairly reserved but was not above playing some pranksandjokes. a bit of a trickster - chest fur, claws and quills maintained by maria. she liked cutting his chest fluff into a heart - rarely wore his air shoes on the arc because the sensation of  metal + metal sucks and he wasn’t supposed to skate in the hallways. sometimes wore socks when his paws got cold (often) sa2 shadow - garbage memory. turns out being frozen for 50 years does wonders for brain function - fur is more unkempt, has stopped maintaining himself - extremely bitter and cynical, not an outright asshole though and is not above friendly rivalry even if he’s trying to kill the guy he’s racing. he is also incredibly trusting and loyal, struggling to see when he’s being used (ref. eggman, rouge to an extent) - considerably more smug, all he really remembers is maria dying and the fact that he’s the ultimate lifeform but he doesn’t brag and still keeps to himself. - development of the autism scowl begins - once he remembers everything he very quickly regains his senses, developing immense respect for sonic as an equal, as well as a strong sense of selflessness. promptly fucking dies. heroes - shth05 shadow - doesn’t remember fucking anything and is almost constantly on the verge of like 4 different identity crisises - quills got burnt off falling from earth, as well as an ear shredded when he fell into a tree or something idk. he was put in stasis before it could heal which permently fucked it up - still not maintaining himself - eyes wide and full of wonder. still extremely gullible and easy to manipulate, very trusting. (ref. eggman, black doom) - hardly speaks (more talkative in shth05 though) 06 - onward shadow - remembers everything and its extremely overwhelming but he’s dealing with it - most reserved he’s ever been, very distrusting, rarely lets himself gets close to others and the only people he allows himself to drop his guard down around and be a bit more playful are rouge and omega. rarely sonic but this is only ever heat of the moment and never intentional - hates physical contact, easy to overwhelm if he isn’t focused, autism scowl in full force - very hygienic but still a bit overgrown - newfound fear of attatchment and loss, tends to avoid it at all costs, tending to push people away. still fiercly loyal to those who do gain his trust even if he’s garbage at showing it and prone to focusing on the wrong things extra - brown eyes. they look red or orange under some light. blame sonic prime - he still has tourettes i wasn’t bluffing on that but i don’t think anyone thought i was. his tics are usually pretty subtle and only team dark knows about it - prefers fingerless because he likes to be able to feel the earth directly when he touches the ground. something about chaos power + sensory issues - paw pads glow green any time he’s using chaos power (chaos control, super shadow, etc) - he motified his shoes a few times just to fit slightly better. this is only a note because i keep changing the way i draw them - almost always some kind of tired but insists he does not need to sleep that often because of how his chaos energy works. thjis is NOT true he’s just stupid and has nightmares that he doesn't like to deal with - lives at the casino rouge had in sonic battle - still has a really bad memory from being repeatedly frozen - really fond of snack foods. will rawdog an entire pack of saltines in under a minute if you don’t stop him - prefers skating even despite the speed because the shock from running is overstimulating - hates loud noises but still thinks guns and motorcycles are really cool. he can handle it if he’s the one making the noise - semiverbal . does not like to talk . there are several reasons for this - have i made it clear enough that he’s autistic?  he’s autistic BONUS - super shadow
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- stripes flare out to look more like stars (this applies when he takes off his inhibitor rings as well) - red gets much brighter, eyes glow red + yellow - unstable in this form, it does not come very naturally to him and exhausts him quickly. not able to  maintain it as long as sonic
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infifi3 · 3 months
ok but actually. i know i said this in the tags on ur post but genuinely i love ur faggy infinites i love ur attitude i love how u post whatever u want and put it in the main tags bc u are unapologetically urself when it is so easy to try and fit in. u have the confidence i aim to have for myself and it's so refreshing to see somebody who embraces being Weird <3 i've never engaged because i am unwell about people being aware of me but i've literally been lurking on you and the dog and hog gang for at least a year (i never really spoke much about liking them despite having interest for years) and. just. you're all so chill. the critical thinking, lack of judgement, this world needs more of that shit fr!! i hope u have a great day – good vibes from a transfag autism brained freak (and thank u for ur tags on my essay. i'm so glad other people care as much as me <3)
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I IWISJ I COULS ANSWER TJIS AND KEEP TJIS IM ,MY IMBOX FOREVER RAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO GLAD U LOVE MY BOYSSSSSSS<33333 RAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! i usually try n segment my replys to address every beat but this is so much........ to my liddle tiny heaet........ im ,iteralkly cyinf rnn can you tell????? UIVTBJVJBJVBKJ. this means. the world to me<33333 im glad<33 im glad i can inspire some of that in u<3 like for the longest time i was literally larping as one of the normies :sob: like i get it 100% the want 2 fit in and b accepted esp in fandom is strong but in my case it is utterlly unsustainable 2 follow the crowd. i cant pretend i dont like what i like. i cant pretend to be normal r have normal relationships 2 things r have normal opinions jnkjjkjbjk. and its hard!!!!!! there rlly isnt a real tangible space to be fucking insane and into weird n gross shit n etc in fandom like there is for the sanitized kiddy friendly stuff or the hyper horny stuff, its an awkward middle line 2 tread.(n im wayy too autistic 4 fandom anyways.... lol) and ik im not the only one. i wouldnt b able 2 be so unabashed and real and freaky w/o the support of all the amazing ppl ive met in my little freak circle<3333(IT IS SOOOOOO cheesey n cringe-sounding but im being so fr when i say my weirdoes n infinite the jackal saved my life<3333333333 i literally probably wouldnt even b alive today w/o em<333 thanks 2 all of u for helping me grow stronger btw hehe....)
Every day i choose to be insane and gross and a freak and a transexual faggot and autistic and TOO MUCH !!! for meself obv<3 but also for the ones i love and ppl like YOU!!!!!!!!!! >:D i cant change the world w just my little paws. but i CAN b crazy on main. i CAN show everyone that you dont have 2 be afraid of your own interests for fear of not being accepted in the greater fandom<333 even if these ppl never rlly come out of their shell... theres always someone, someplace out there thatll accept u. theres always more freaks, theres always more faggots<3 even if you never come out and yell it to the world if i could inspire just a tiny bit of this love in ppl thatd be enough for me :)
anyways. lol. kjnobjbiubjk thank you<33 a lot<3333 i mean it<333333 so many words i wish to say in this moment but ik you get it<3 mwamwa<333333333
life is short babey!!! dont be such a stranger okay ^_^
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eeveeas123 · 3 months
My Fakemon Creations! (No visuals/drawings at the moment) 💛Serveepal💛 🩷Inspiration🩷My autism service dog along with the red and white colours of the Canada flag 💜Appearance💜Mostly white with red marks made to resemble the vest of the average service dog, long black eyelashes, black eyes, 4 black paws, red heart on its face, floppy ears, 2 red stripes on each leg, smooth fur, long skinny tail, around the average size for a Labrador Retriever 💚Type💚Fairy/Normal 🤎Pokédex Entries🤎”This intelligent Pokémon loves nothing more than pleasing its trainer, because of its skill range, it is a common service Pokémon” “A bond is crucial for this Pokémon to perform at its best, however, if you are so much as nice to it, it’ll soon grow very attached” ❤️Learnable Moves❤️Baby-Doll Eyes, Body Slam, Calm Mind, Charm, Covet, Dazzling Gleam, Detect, Dig, Double Team, Draining Kiss, Extrasensory, Extreme Speed, False Swipe, Force Palm, Headbutt, Heal Pulse, Helping Hand, Howl, Hyper Voice, Lick, Moonblast, Mud-Slap, Play Rough, Rapid Spin, Return, Swift 🩵Abilities🩵Cute Charm/Clear Body 🧡Other🧡Gender ratio is 50%M 50%F, does not evolve 💛Brainbring💛 🩷Inspiration🩷A mix between a queen, hairless cat and the concept of some people not understanding autistics (I’ll explain soon in its Pokédex entry) 💜Appearance💜Tiny, completely hairless beige body, pointy ears, curly grey tail, red eyes, wears a bright green crown with a red flower gem on it, large sharp claws 💚Type💚Psychic/Grass 🤎Pokédex Entries🤎”This Pokémon has the power to hypnotize people and make them giddy, strangely, it doesn’t work very well on people with a certain neurological disorder” “It can be difficult to raise due to its love of ‘happy’ hypnotism but a trainer’s patience will eventually pay off, it dislikes loud city noises” ❤️Learnable Moves❤️Acrobatics, Astonish, Attract, Bounce, Captivate, Confuse Ray, Confusion, Energy Ball, Fake Out, Flatter, Glare, Grassy Terrain, Heal Block, Hex, Hone Claws, Hypnosis, Lash Out, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Magical Leaf, Psybeam, Psychic Terrain, Rest, Strength Sap 🩵Abilities🩵Unnerve/Telepathy 🧡Other🧡Gender ratio is 50%M 50%F, does not evolve
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csvent-2 · 1 year
[ pocket pals ] there is a serious ableism problem in this community. And I'm talking about the members, not any of the staff. You guys will see an autistic person speak bluntly and misunderstand their tone and you'll think they're dismissing you, belittling you, and being mean, yet you don't ask for clarification and you assume how they are and what their character is. You don't ask them for tone indicators and you just ride on assumptions. You guys just loooooove autism when it's about the TBH creature and when you get to talk about special interests, but the moment a person with autism has a characteristic that affects how they communicate it's suddenly not so cool anymore. The way you people talk about the mods is crazy, the lack of sympathy or well-being is so disgusting, and I seriously hope this community heals from calling everything a "clique" and telling people with autism that they're all sorts of nasty things. this is a species with cat paws for feet man GET A GRIP
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treetownconfessions · 2 months
*me, looking up from nutty's sweaty paws for a moment to read autism killer anon story, giving a nod of dissaproval* That's no good, man...
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general--winter · 1 year
Hello! Prob my first time using tumblr but oh well... i would like to request headcannons for Hilbert/Black/Touya (god he has so much names-) with an s/o that is autistic and has problems with sounds, if you want to you can put it after bw2! <3
author's note: Ah new user! Hello and welcome! He really does have too many names, but I generally refer to the protagonists by their manga names/personalities, so I'll be calling him Black and he's 16 in this. Personally, while I have some experience with sound sensitivity, I am not neurodivergent, so I hope I was able to do justice to the portrayal of this. Please let me know if I made any mistakes and direct me towards resources so I can do better by requests such as this in the future.
rating: general
fandom: pokemon
pairing: black x autistic!gn!reader
word count: 557
warnings: none not covered in summary
summary: Headcanons on Black with a reader who has hyperacusis (sound sensitivity) due to autism
You know, I think Black would actually have trouble picking up on this at first. He’s very scatterbrained and focused on fifteen things at a time. The training regimens for his Pokemon, their diets and schedules, filling out his Pokedex… he is very meticulous about the way he goes about these things. That doesn’t mean he’s not caring about it though. The second he realizes you’re struggling, he’ll be right there by your side to help. He’s incredibly loyal and empathetic to your struggles with overstimulation and will do anything to help you feel better.
So, when you’re watching him train his team, something about the combination of cries from his Pokemon and the sounds of their moves raging against the training models seems to drive knives into your ears. The muscles in your face twitch and clench, and you paw at your ears to try and plug them in any way you can. You really wish you could stay to help Black and give him advice, but you knew it would be bad news if you put up with the torturous noise long enough to put you into an emotionally sensitive state.
This is exactly why you quickly let Black know you were leaving the training grounds to go back to stay in your room in the Pokemon Center lodging. The only answer he gave for now was a noise of affirmation as he continued to work hands-on with his Pokemon. You think you may have pushed yourself a little too far, though. Even after you slipped on your noise-canceling headphones, you could still feel your heart pounding in your chest. It was excruciating, sitting and trying to calm down after going past your limit unintentionally with the noise.
Black, though, would start to think about you when he had a moment. Why had you left so abruptly? Was everything alright? He gathered up his belongings and Pokemon and went to check on you in your room next to his. He caught sight of you wearing your headphones curled up in bed and knew what had happened immediately. He would take a seat on the edge of your bed to catch your attention, showing you a note on his phone. Hugs or no?
If you were to accept, Black would scooch next to you and wrap his arms around you, making sure you’re fully enveloped. He wants to help chase away the bad feelings with good, so rest assured you’re not getting out for the rest of your day. He’ll be your weighted blanket for you! When you’re calmed down, the two of you would spend the rest of the day catching up on reading or quiet work that you need to get done, perhaps taking breaks to watch funny internet videos or an episode of television between tasks.
If you were to deny, he would give you a nod and a smile, leaving the room before coming back with your favorite snack, a water bottle, and as many blankets as he could muster for you to Swadloon swaddle yourself in lieu of your weighted blanket at home. He would take a seat at the room’s couch and open a book or pull out a portable gaming device, plug in his own headphones, and sit by to make sure you were okay and keep you company.
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littlecloudprince · 7 months
Emile and The Autism Bunny
Summary: Emile gets a new plushie! Just in time for a small day!
Warnings: None!
A/N: A bit of a shorter one this time, but still very sweet! Based on the fact that I, too, have an Autism Bunny! I named mine Alvar, but before I settled on that, I was tied between Alvar and the name Emile chose for his Autism Bunny, hence Emile naming his Autism Bunny that name!
"Em, you've got a package!" Remy hollered from the front door, holding a package that the kind mailcarrier had just handed him moments prior. It was wrapped in bubblewrap, with a piece of paper with their address and Emile's name on it. The regressed boy zoomed in, excited that his package had finally arrived. Remy handed Emile the package with a smile, and before he even had a chance to react, the pink-haired boy had already shredded through the whole packaging, holding a light blue tote bag in his hands. He reached into the bag, and pulled out a smaller plastic bag containing the main treat. He excitedly opened it up, and pulled out a yellow bunny plushie with big, floppy ears, paw over its mouth, and the rainbow infinity sign on its chest. The boy squeaked in delight, immediately hugging the bunny tight to his chest.
"Did you get a new plushie, bub?" Remy asked, full well knowing that Emile had ordered it a few weeks prior, the moment it had become available on the website. Emile nodded happily, humming lightly as he studied his new friend.
"Tism Bunny!" he exclaimed, holding the bunny up so that Remy could see.
"Yes, I see that! They're very cute!" the caregiver enthused. Emile wiggled a little, holding the bunny back to his chest, his gaze getting lost in the soft, yellow fur.
"Like me," he muttered thoughtfully.
"Yes, they're cute like you, love!" Remy smiled. But to his surprise, Emile shook his head.
"Like me," the boy repeated.
"Oh, the bunny is autistic like you?" Remy tried again, having noticed the symbol on the plushie's chest. To this, he received a nod.
"Angel!" Emile suddenly piped up after a moment of silence, lifting the bunny up again.
"Are you naming them Angel?"
"Mhm! Up! Up!" the little nodded, before reaching up toward the caregiver. Remy picked the boy up, and plopped him on his hip.
"C'toons?" Emile mumbled around the fingers that had made their way into his mouth.
"Yes, we can watch cartoons, Lovebug," Remy coo'd, "but we should also fetch you your pacifier, hm?" he continued. The little boy nodded, snuggling closer to his caregiver.
Before long, the pair was snuggled up on the couch, Winnie the Pooh playing on the telly.
"Wuvoo, appa," Emile mumbled behind his pacifier, eyes glued to the screen and Angel in his arms.
"Appa loves you too, baby," Remy smiled, gently running his fingers through Emile's curly hair. Truthfully, there was no other place Remy would rather be than right here, right now with his baby. He was sure Emile would agree.
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07170 · 11 months
was walking autism style (staring at ground) and thought no one was around while i walked past a parked motorcycle and so i vaped and I WAS WRONGG A GUY WAS RIGHT THEREE I DIDNT SEE HIM and i like pawed ar the smoke in the air like im so sorry omg im sorry oh my goddd. this is my lowest moment yet.
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