#pavel chekov x you
bearsinpotatosacks · 5 months
I've got to share a star trek idea, call it an idea for AOS 4.
We open on the crew nearing the end of the five year mission. Jaylah’s on the crew, having finished the Academy in record time (Chekov’s still here because this is a fanfic idea not an actual movie).
Uhura goes to Bones after getting dizzy after falling off her chair during a bit of turbulence during a mission. She goes over her symptoms, talking about her feeling sick and exhausted, getting dizzy and weird cravings. He asks her when she last had her period, she says she can’t remember but thinks it's due to stress. It only clicks what he’s on about Spock going through Pon Farr, and how the precautions they used weren't made with a Vulcan (who can't return to Vulcan no less) going through his first Pon Farr in mind. They do some tests and oops, she’s pregnant.
They keep it a secret, she’s going to keep it but she’s not sure how Spock'll take it with his strange relationship with his species now they're endangered and all. To hide the check ups, they start a ballroom/latin dancing club, they're both pretty proficient. Bones even gets to jokingly flirt with Uhura to annoy Spock.
Spock starts to suspect something, he's about to make a logical investigation when they beam down to a planet for a Prime Directive mission and forget everything.
Jim wakes up remembering who he is, in a house he doesn't own, late for a job he doesn't have. Technology is ancient, like something from a noir film. And he can't find his friends anywhere.
He goes about his life and finds out he's an English professor, Chekov is one of his students but he doesn't know him as Captain Kirk, just his pushy but nice professor. When he goes to remind him, he doesn’t know what he’s on about and walks away.
Jim’s car breaks down, he calls a number and Scotty arrives, a mechanic in debt to a local gang who helps him out. It's only in talking to him that he mistakenly wakes Scotty up from his dream and realises who he is. They realise that they've got to wake everyone up to help them get out.
We cut to Bones, who's an ER doc helping another person after they've been beaten up. Whenever someone asks questions, one Hikaru Sulu comes in, slips money in their pocket, and the questions go away. But not Bones. He’s the only person in this damn hospital you can't buy off, but knows this is known, as he's never allowed on these cases, where people come in battered and bruised and they're too scared to say who did it. The closest he's come is with some scottish mechanic, but even he hadn’t said much apart from a debt being owed.
He sighs, signing out, and goes home, another day of not helping as much as he would want, another day of fighting off the growing corruption in this city. Little does he know, that Scottish Mechanic is sitting nearby, watching him leave and following him home with James T Kirk by his side. They’ve found Dr McCoy and now need to wake him up.
They follow him home, see him go inside and get changed into a freshly pressed suit and walk into town, entering a dark club. They follow him and see how he’s treated like the owner, they take his coat, give him a cigar and light it, his drink is already poured by, wait is that Chekov at the bar?
And who is the singer in this bar? Uhura. She crunes a smooth song (i imagine smooth operator by sade) as he sits, smoking in the darkness and watching her every move. When the song's over, she invites him to dance before she sneaks him backstage. Jim thinks of Spock’s suspicions before shaking them off and sending Scotty to try and work on Chekov, succeeding.
Backstage, Bones helps Uhura, who'd pregnant with the owner of the club's baby. One Mister Spock, who owns most of the town, and has everyone in his pocket. Well, almost everyone, she thinks, looking at Dr McCoy as he gives her more iron tablets and tells her to rest.
They talk about how she’s going to get out. There's only so long she can hide this, there's only so much she can throw Spock off the scent with how much Bones questions the people sent into his ER after Spock orders his men to beat them up.
She talks about trying to run but there being nowhere she can go that he won't follow. She wants her career to go further but knows if she stays in the country, she'll be found.
He tells her that he'll keep trying and leaves, just in time too, as Spock walks in, confidence and cold, cool logic oozing off him.
The plot is a little thinner from here. I know we cut to Jaylah, in someone's office, she’s their every woman, their gun for hire, she's the person Spock sends when things get too dark or difficult for his usual men. In this case, he needs her to get Dr McCoy on his side, be that through violence or sex or blackmail, he doesn’t care, he's become a nuisance and needs stifling.
Jim tries to wake Sulu up but gets beaten up, ending up in Bones' care, who he also fails to wake up. Bones sees to Uhura again, but gets distracted when Jaylah talks to him, they get along, he buys into it and ends up going home with him. They start something, she gets him in bed before threatening him, blackmailing him and bringing up his dead wife and daughter, before getting him to swear that he'll leave Uhura alone and get his nose out of Spock’s business.
Jim meets Jaylah outside and, with Scotty’s help, manages to wake her up. They get her on side and get her to play her role and get to Uhura.
When Bones doesn’t show up for the next few days, Uhura knows Spock’s got to him too. Jaylah walks in, Uhura threatens her but Jaylah, under pressure, lies and, after trying to wake her up and failing, offers to help her get out for a price, saying she's gotten tired of it all.
They make a plan, Uhura will meet Jaylah at the docks, Bones will meet them and they'll go together, all three.
Jim realises they’re running out of time, Spock finds out about the plan. Jaylah fights Sulu and manages to wake him up, Jim gsts through to Bones by mentioning how Joanna and Jocelyn are live. But Spock gets to Uhura first, it's only when she tells him she's pregnant that they both wake up and it all stops.
I think there's also some other element to it, maybe if they don't get off the planet in a week or something then they all get trapped there with their fictional memories?
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thesoftdumbass · 2 years
Hiya! Sorry if your requests are not open, or you don’t take requests, or you don’t on here, but if you do take requests boy have I got an idea!
So I’m a Chekhov simp (Pavel Chekhov my lord) and I came up with this half decent idea about Pavel and the reader (gender neutral of fem if possible) both working on the bridge and in a mystery turn of events all those who work on the bridge are called down like super early in the morning; the reader has spent the night (if ya know what I mean) in Pavel’s quarters and chaos ensues as all those who work on the bridge show up in their pyjamas, except the reader who is in Chekhov’s T-Shirt and Chekhov just in his boxers, maybe the two have tried to hide the relationship but now it’s all unravelling before them. Ahhhh I would love this if written but if you don’t want to that is absolutely fine! - Anon
P.S I think you’re a brilliant writer keep up the great work 😊
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my fics! You are absolutely the sweetest and I really appreciate your message 💖💖💖
This is such a cute idea, but unfortunately the last time I took requests, half of them didn’t get written, so I don’t want to get your hopes up for a fic.
I could imagine it though-
Kirk calls the bridge crew down in the early hours while everybody *should be* sleeping, and while the thrown-together outfits and pajamas of those around you are a little messy, yours is garnering quite a few looks.
I mean, even Pavel’s boxers and Starfleet Academy t-shirt is inconspicuous in the crowd after the situation dies down, though you’ve taken your fair share of satisfied looks. On the down low, of course, since the two of you aren’t open about your situationship and you don’t want people asking questions. Damn, you can sure enjoy the view though.
But still, you don’t think your crew mates should be snickering at your outfit. It’s not that bad! Sleep shorts, fuzzy socks, and your uniform shirt really aren’t a bad combo, even if they don’t all match perfectly. Looking down, it seems that you need to wash your gold uniform shirt because there’s a stain and-
Your uniform is blue.
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toboldlygohome · 8 months
Leonard McCoy x Reader
Summary: You are oblivious to all of Leonard's attempts to flirt and all of your friends think it's hilarious.
Character(s): Leonard "Bones" McCoy, James "Jim" Kirk, Spock, Nyota Uhura, Pavel Chekov, Hikaru Sulu
Warning(s): Slightly cringe attempts at flirting, Painfully oblivious reader, Stephen King references
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Leonard was finally ready to move on. The divorce had left him with wounds he wasn't sure he could heal from. He hadn't been interested in dating for years afterward. But for the first time since then, someone had caught his attention.
You were the new head of Archaeology aboard the enterprise. You had been transferred from the USS Celine to assist in the 5 year mission. To say you were new wouldn't be exactly correct, you had been on board for about 6 months already. You had taken to the position well and were already good friends with everyone in your unit, as well as all of the bridge and command personnel.
Leonard knew he liked you the moment you met. You had a firm handshake, a killer smile, and when Captain Kirk asked if you were single, you told him it wasn't his business. Jim's stunned face when you shook his hand and walked away was priceless.
Of course there were far more reasons to admire you other than your ability to take the captain down a peg. You were incredible at your job, finding ancient ruins in the most unlikely of places. You were like a dog when it came to fossils, sniffing them out almost as soon as you landed on alien soil. You were smart and always ready to answer questions. You were also highly tolerant of people's mistakes, something that was slowly rubbing off on him. When you were around, Leonard found he had more patience for stupidity and everyone else noticed as well.
You were kind, you were a great listener, you were hilarious, you were dependable, considerate, honest, cheerful, and you could always be counted upon for some witty banter. Not to mention you were the most beautiful person Bones had ever seen in his life.
That's not to say you didn't have your downfalls too, everyone does after all. You were self deprecating, a little easily distracted, and of course you were the most painfully oblivious person in the universe.
It all started one morning at breakfast. You were sitting in the cafeteria with Jim, Nyota, and Spock.
Leonard had made his decision the previous night while drinking with Jim. Bones wanted to pursue a relationship with you, but he wasn't going to just tell you point blank. He wanted to gauge your interest before taking that leap of faith.
"Mornin'" Leonard said as he sat down beside you. "Jim, you look terrible."
Jim, who was still hung over from the night before, frowned at the doctor. "Gee, thanks. I had no idea."
"You're welcome. Now Y/N on the other hand, you look great this morning," Bones smirked. Jim and Nyota immediately perked up, clearly not expecting him to be so forward (especially not this early in the morning.)
"Thanks Doc," You smiled at him and returned your attention to your oatmeal.
"What's your secret?" Asked Bones upon deciding that your smile was a good sign.
"My secret?" You raised an eyebrow.
"To looking so good every morning," he clarified. Nyota and Jim looked at each other incredulously.
"Ummmm," You thought out loud. "Get good sleep, take your vitamins, and don't get wasted at two in the morning." You patted Jim's shoulder and stood up with your empty bowl. "I better get to the lab, see you guys later!" You grinned.
Everyone bid you a good morning before gawking at Leonard, amusement etched on their faces. "What's your secret? Did you seriously ask 'what's your secret?'"Jim cackled.
"Leonard, you seriously need to up your flirting game." Uhura barely stifled a giggle.
"I know it's been awhile doc but seriously, that was terrible! And I've heard Spock's attempts at flirting," Kirk snickered.
"It wasn't that bad, y'all are acting like I'm some cretin who stole their oatmeal and called it flirting. I called them attractive, get off my back." Leonard rolled his eyes.
"No, you said they looked good. That could be interpreted in, so many ways. As far as flirting goes, that was pretty pathetic." Nyota said.
"I would have to agree doctor, perhaps you could take instruction from the captain or even-" Spock started.
"Shut up and eat your breakfast," Leonard snapped, causing another fit of giggles around him.
Bones sat there, glaring into his eggs, trying to figure out where he went wrong. The more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed that Uhura was right. You didn't realize he meant it in a romantic way. Maybe he was more out of practice than he thought. He was just going to have to give it another shot. Practice makes perfect after all.
The next day, Leonard tried a different approach. Coffee mug in hand, he made his way to your office only to find it empty. He looked all over the labs, nowhere to be seen. It wasn't until made it up to the bridge that he found you deep in a discussion about landing sites for an upcoming mission.
Your head perked up when you saw the doctor come in from the turbolift. "Ahoy, McCoy! We missed you at breakfast this morning." you smiled as he came to stand beside you.
"Sorry darlin', had some gamma shift engineers to patch up." Bones casually passed the mug over to you. "Made you some coffee."
"Really? for me?" You peered into the cup and beamed, "thank you doctor, it's just how I like it!" Jim gave Leonard a subtle thumbs up while you sipped your drink.
Leonard had a good feeling this time. You were happy with the gesture and even Kirk seemed impressed. It felt like a good first step, until-
"First Chekov brings me a croissant, then McCoy brings me a coffee. I'm so lucky to have such great friends. Thank you guys!" You smiled at the two men.
"You are very welcome!" Pavel grinned.
Leonard's mood plummeted almost instantly. While he was glad you got to enjoy a croissant and a coffee, Chekov's untimely generosity made his romantic gesture seem more like a friendly one. He was going to have to go back to the drawing board.
You turned to the captain, cradling your warm cup in your hand. "Is there anything else you need of me Captain?"
"No Commander, I believe you've answered all my questions," Jim said.
"Wonderful! If anyone needs me, I'll be in the lab trying to decode some ancient texts," you took another sip of your coffee before strolling back to the turbolift.
Once you were out of sight, Jim patted Leonard on the arm. Sulu and Chekov were trying their damnedest not to laugh, and failing miserably of course.
Leonard furrowed his brows at the two of them before looking back at Jim's cheeky grin.
"You told them?" Leonard scowled.
"Told them what?" Jim laughed.
"About..." Leonard rolled his eyes and gestured to the turbolift.
"The only ones I told were Uhura and Spock," Jim assured.
"He didn't need to tell us anything, It's written all over your face Dr. McCoy," Sulu said.
"Yes, you get all red in the cheeks and you have this look in your eyes like you've seen the sun for the first time. It is very obvious you are vying for the Commander's attention," Chekov agreed.
"If I'm so obvious, why isn't Y/N picking up on it?" Leonard crossed his arms.
"Maybe you need a new approach, try... I don't know, making up new excuses to spend time with them. Or maybe you could try touching them," Jim suggested.
"Touching them?"
"Yeah, nothing inappropriate or anything. Just little things, like pats on the back, nudging their shoulder. Stuff like that. Might show Y/N you're interested without having to use the words, you know?"
"I don't know Jim..."
"Look, you're a doctor right?"
"I hope that'd be pretty goddamned obvious by now," Leonard glowered and put his hands on his hips.
"And as a doctor, you have a pretty good gauge on if someone's uncomfortable right?" Jim asked, "just try it and if you get the sense they're uncomfortable, just stop doing it. Easy as that."
"Why do I get the feeling it's not going to be as 'easy as that?'" The doctor shook his head.
"Because you are an incorrigible pessimist, Bones." Jim patted his shoulder.
"I'm done here, some of us actually have work to do," Leonard grumbled and trudged to the turbolift.
"All work and no play makes McCoy a dull boy," Kirk beamed.
"Quote Stephen King to me one more time. See what happens." Bones said as the doors closed. Alone in the elevator, he allowed himself to think about where to go from here. Perhaps Jim's ideas weren't so terrible. He rather liked the idea of spending more time with you. He usually talked with you during mealtimes and meetings, but not much outside of that. The touching is what was making him nervous.
He came into contact with people all the time, being a doctor was a very hands-on profession. He just didn't have Jim's level of confidence anymore. It felt ridiculous, he could stitch a man's thumb back to his hand and deliver an infant in the middle of a battle, but he couldn't touch your shoulder? Maybe he'd just skip that step for now. Quality time, that seemed like as good of a direction as any.
He continued bringing you coffee every day, It gave him more time to get to know you and Leonard was falling harder by the minute. He hadn't really looked forward to anything in a long time, but he looked forward to your coffee talks. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough anymore. The chats weren't long enough and you still weren't catching on to his feelings.
It had been a particularly stressful day, it felt like everyone needed something from him and he was in desperate need of a break. The moment things got quiet in the medbay, Leonard snuck away and his feet carried him to the archaeology labs.
It was quiet inside. A few ensigns were at work in their stations, putting together fossilized bones and carbon-dating old tools. Leonard found you in the back of the lab where you were busy decoding some old scrolls. Learning to understand a lost language was no easy task; Leonard couldn't fathom the amount of reading it would take to accomplish such a thing. Still, you seemed ready to take on anything the Captain dished out.
"Commander, I see you're hard at work," Bones smiled and came to stand beside you.
"I see you're not!" You joked and looked up at him from your seat. "What brings you to my neck of the woods doctor? Did I forget about an appointment?"
"Not at all, I was just taking a break and wanted to see how you were doing," he said, hoping you would understand what he was trying to say: that he was thinking of you and wanted to see you out of everyone else on the Enterprise.
"Well I'm really glad you're here Len, because I've just made a breakthrough!" You beamed. "Take a look at this," you motioned for him to look closer.
Leonard leaned in to look at your scroll. "So, you know how I found these papers in a box under the Mofeli excavation right?"
"Mhm, you insisted there must be a basement and you found one," Bones hummed.
"I originally thought the site was a business, that these papers must be some sort of documentation. You know, like land deeds, proof of insurance, perhaps even money. Basically stuff you would usually keep in a lock box, but these aren't ledgers or inventory slips or anything like that at all."
"What are they?" He turned to look at you.
You met his gaze and gave him a grin that could melt the ice caps and outshine Sirius. "They're love letters," you said and his heart hammered his chest painfully. He was only just now realizing how close he was to you. How his hand was resting on your back, how his face was mere inches from yours.
"See, if you look here you'll find this symbol all over the place in these letters. It's the symbol meaning love or lover. I've completed the translation on this one right here." You returned your attention to the paper. Leonard swallowed and glanced at the sheet, trying his damnedest not to stare like some creep.
"What, um... what does it say?" He cleared his throat.
"It says, and I'm paraphrasing here, 'My dearest love, I find words elude me. My heart blossoms for you under the light of the sun and keeps me warm when the light fades. I find not the courage to speak, but many a whim to write. I desire your embrace. I seek your song. I crave your hand. I covet your blazing eyes. One day I-' This part is all faded so I can't make it out, but the last thing it says here at the bottom is 'May our hearts and bodies be intertwined for eternity, and our souls may sing together as one.' Then there's what I assume to be a name at the bottom, but I'm not sure how to pronounce it."
"It all sounds a little sappy to me," Leonard joked in a slightly strained voice. This whole thing with the closeness and the touching and the letter was really affecting him. If you noticed his struggle, you gave no indication, In fact, you seemed perfectly at ease being this close to him.
"Hey, a little sap never hurt anybody," you elbowed him lightly in the side.
"Croakus sap can."
Leonard chucked softly and lightly patted your back before crossing his arms casually over his chest Your easy conversation was already helping him relax again. "so, Commander, you've been down here in your lab for an awfully long time. What do you say we go for a walk to the observation lounge?"
"Sorry doctor, I would but somebody's got to make sure the ensigns don't blow the place up. That, and Spock wants me to finish three more translations by the end of my shift," you explained.
"Of course he does," Leonard huffed.
"But I'm free this evening if that works for you?" You tilted your head.
"Of course, absolutely." Leonard had no idea if that was going to work for him, but he was going to make it work.
"Great, I'll see you then," you said with a surprising amount of enthusiasm.
"See you then. Don't work too hard," he smiled and left you to your translating.
Bones was pleased with himself. He had managed to follow Jim's suggestions and they appeared to work. He'd even managed to secure a date with you later that evening...Well...he hadn't actually called it a date when he suggested it. No matter, Leonard would just clarify all that the next time he saw you!
He never got to make the distinction that your walk was intended to be a date. You had brought a friend with you. Leonard could feel the fear in your ensign companion's eyes. Bones was sure everyone on the goddamned ship knew what he was trying to do but you. It was still a nice night despite the unwanted guest. He learned a lot about where you grew up, your interests, and your favorite films and music. He learned your favorite flower was the iris, your first job was a librarian, he even learned you were in a band during your time at the academy.
The more he learned, the more he liked you. He wasn't even sure if liked was the right word anymore. You had quite a few things in common. Your favorite foods, you liked the same movies, and you enjoyed the same music. You asked him questions that got him really thinking. They were the sort of topics you don't realize you have an opinion on until you start talking about them. But what surprised him most of all was when you asked about his daughter. What sort of interests does she have? How is she doing in school? I wonder if she would like X,Y, and Z. He was always hesitant to talk about Joanna or his ex, but it felt easier with you. Like that wound he had been carrying for so long was finally closing.
Your friendship progressed beautifully, but he felt like you were growing more and more blind to his advances. He had seen you turn plenty of people down before. If you weren't interested in someone, you made it abundantly clear. But you had yet to do the same with Bones. It wasn't just him: Jim, Nyota, Pavel, Scotty, Hikaru, and pretty much everyone else who knew you were puzzled as well. Even Spock couldn't understand how you were so incognizant. It was funny for them at first. They would laugh at every compliment you didn't register, every smile you didn't realize had meaning, every coffee, every walk to the deck, every deep conversation, every breath of relief when you come back from a mission. He was even so bold as to tell you in no uncertain terms that he'd do anything to make you smile.
The laughter turned into looks of pity. Leonard was about ready to give up. Maybe you weren't interested and you just wanted to let him down easy, you were good friends after all. Bones sat at the bar as Jim poured him another glass. Normally he was the one playing bartender, but Jim insisted he take over.
"I gotta say Bones, I really hate seeing you like this." Jim poured himself a drink too. "How did lunch go?"
"I told them they have beautiful eyes." Leonard sighed and shook his head.
"And?" The Captain probed.
"They said 'if only they worked as well as they look,'" Bones groaned.
"Ah..." Jim stared into his drink. He tried to put himself into Leonard's shoes. What would he do if he were in this situation?
"I don't know what I'm doing wrong..." McCoy muttered.
"You aren't doing anything wrong, Y/N just-" Jim started.
"It's something I'm doing, it has to be. Maybe this is a mistake."
"No, Bones it's not a mistake. That couldn't be farther from the truth."
"And how would you know? It's not like you have any problems finding dates," Leonard rolled his eyes.
"Seems like Y/N's not the only one who's oblivious," Kirk chuckled.
"I'm not in the mood for jokes Jim." Leonard took a sip of his whiskey and ran a hand over his face.
"Believe me Bones, I wish it were a joke. There's just no way the two most unaware people are head over heels for each other. I'm waiting for the punch line" James smirked.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Bones scowled.
"Look, just... we have shore leave coming up in a few weeks. Ask them on a date. Like really ask them. Be frank, be clear, make sure there is no way Y/N can misunderstand you. Trust me," Jim squeezed Leonard's shoulder.
"Fine. But if this goes south, you owe me as many drinks as it takes to forget this whole debacle." The doctor downed the last of his glass.
"Bones if this goes south, I'll eat my hat."
"You don't have a hat."
"Point still stands. It'll work, you just have to have a little faith. And lucky for you, I have enough faith for the both of us." Jim winked.
Leonard wished he had Jim's enthusiasm. Officious little prick, he thought to himself...Dammit, now I'm quoting Stephen King.
Shore leave was just around the corner and Leonard was no closer to his goal of asking you on a date. Everyone was running around, trying to prepare the ship for inspection, he still had his normal duties to attend to, neither of you had time for coffee all week, Spock was being especially nitpicky about protocol, and he was anxious about what you'd say when he eventually got around to asking the million dollar question.
Yeah, Leonard was about ready to lose his marbles.
He was prepping the supply storage units, when Spock strolled in for the tenth time that day.
"Dr. McCoy," Spock greeted, startling Bones to the point that he nearly dropped his box of gauze.
"My god man, what the hell do you need this time?" Leonard implored, "don't you have anything better to do with your day than pester me?"
"Indeed I do, doctor" Spock replied.
Leonard huffed and sat down his box, "then what is it, did you miss my face or something?"
"I saw your face only moments ago, I have no need to miss-"
"It was a joke Spock, what do you want?" Leonard pinched the bridge of his nose.
"I came to inform you that I saw Commander Y/L/N coming in this direction." Spock stated.
Leonard raised an eyebrow, "and?"
"It is my understanding you are anxious to speak with them regarding your-" Spock started.
"Your understanding is correct, I just..." Leonard sighed and shook his head.
"Would it help if I told you the odds that they will say yes?" Spock asked.
"Never tell me the odds Spock," Leonard grumbled.
"Then I will simply say, good luck." Spock turned and left again, leaving Bones to decide if he was ready for this. He didn't have time for a decision, because there you were in the doorway with two mugs in your hands.
"Hey, stranger," You laughed. "Looks like I got here just in time, you look like you need some." You handed over the cup and Leonard took it gratefully.
"Thanks," Leonard offered you a smile and took a sip from his mug. It was just how he liked it, right down to the temperature. Together, they retreated to the safety of his office. Once inside, they fell into their usual conversation. He waited until things got quiet, then he decided to go for it.
"So, got any plans for shore leave?" Leonard asked, leaning back in his chair in an effort to appear more at ease.
"No, not really. Maybe I'll visit with a couple friends, catch up on sleep. How about you? got any exciting plans?" You leaned in, resting your chin on your hand.
"Not yet," he admitted. "But I'm hoping to make some."
"Oh? You got someone special in mind?" You hummed.
"Someone incredibly special, yeah." Leonard smiled. So far, so good.
"Oh, well I hope it goes well." You shifted awkwardly in your seat.
"Me too..." Leonard agreed. You both didn't speak for a moment, the distant hum of the warp core did little to tame the silence.
"Hey Y/N... I was thinking maybe we could go to that restaurant you like, you know the one with the really good Chicken Parmesan you're always talking about." He mused, "what do you think?"
"I, um... I think they'd like it" The smile you gave him looked...sad?
"What are you talking about? Who'd like it?" Leonard couldn't possibly be more confused.
"Your special someone?" It was your turn to look confused.
You've got to be kidding me
"I'm talking about you darlin', do you want to go to that restaurant with me, just us, nobody else. You and me. Together." Leonard clarified, meeting your gaze.
You looked positively flabbergasted. He couldn't possibly mean what he was saying, right? There was no way Leonard wanted to... I mean, he was way too good for you! You had been trying for months to get his attention, to no avail. This must be a dream. You're going to wake up any minute.
"I, uh...what?" You blinked out of your daze.
"Dammit Y/N, I'm trying to ask you out on a date!" Bones ran a hand through his hair, exasperation evident in his tone.
"Really? Me?" You asked hopefully.
"Yes!" He replied "Look, it's okay if you don't w-" You suddenly burst into laughter and all the words died on his lips. "What's so funny?"
"Oh, I'm sorry! It's just-" You giggled, "I actually came here to do the same thing..." You said sheepishly as you dug into your pocket "I, um... I got us tickets to see your favorite band. Figured if you said no, you could just take Jim instead." You handed the tickets over to him.
Leonard stared at the tickets in his hand, shock written all over his face. "Sweetheart, are you telling me we've both been dancing around each other for months, when we could have been doing stuff like this the whole time?"
"Seems that way, yes."
Leonard smiled and shook his head. "We're not very good at this, are we?"
"Not at all," You laughed. "Ahoy McCoy? What was I thinking?"
"Points for creativity darlin'," Bones chuckled. He almost couldn't believe things had turned out so perfectly. But in his experience, coincidence didn't exist. "Jim knew, didn't he?"
"He was actually the one who pushed me to come here," you admitted.
"Same. The bastard told me you'd say yes... Guess this was one of the few times I should have trusted him." Leonard concurred.
"So... What now, doctor?" You leaned a little closer. How had he never noticed your eyes before. He knew they were beautiful of course, but the way they were looking at him now made him weak in the knees. Had you always looked at him like that?
"Well, for now we're going to finish up our shifts, wouldn't want anyone to think we're slackers. But later, we're going to meet at the recreation room for a drink, possibly a game of darts. Then we'll see where the night takes us," McCoy smirked.
"How romantic, I can hardly wait for you to sweep me off my feet, they're killing me from all this running around, you know?~" You mused, resting your chin on your palm.
"Now you listen here darlin'. I'm a doctor, not a broom." Bones couldn't hide his amusement when you rolled your eyes at him.
"Well, what if I sweep you off your feet then?"
"You'll have to be careful, you might drop me and we could end up tangled in a whole mess of limbs."
"Oh, I'm counting on it.~" You teased.
Leonard swallowed hard and hid his bashfulness with a sip of his coffee, "Well in that case, sweep away."
You laughed again and McCoy was sure he had never heard a more beautiful sound in his life. He could see a future with you then. He wanted to sweep you off your feet, kiss you until you were breathless, share coffee with you early in the morning, and swap stories until late in the night. He wanted to introduce you to his daughter.
Baby steps.
"I hate to cut this short doctor, but I left the ensigns alone for too long, I'm worried there will be no lab to return to. I'll see you tonight?" You asked, fidgeting nervously with cuffs of your sleeves.
"Don't worry sweetheart, I'm not going to change my mind." Leonard smirked.
You blushed and smiled in relief, "good! Great!" You stood, grabbed your mug, and sauntered happily to the door. You paused just a moment and looked back at Bones sweetly. "See you later, handsome."
"See you later Y/N," replied Leonard. You gave him a cute little wave before hurrying back to the labs.
Once he was alone again in his office, Bones leaned back in his seat and admired the tickets on the desk. He almost couldn't believe how thoughtful you were, but this wouldn't be the first time you gave him an incredible gift. A couple months after you met, Bones had mentioned offhandedly that he missed a particular brand of whiskey from Earth. Despite being light years away, you managed to find some and give it to him. It wasn't even a special occasion, you got it just to make him happy. Leonard supposed he should have realized your feelings for him right then and there. Damn. He really was oblivious.
McCoy wanted to give you something tonight- no, he needed to give you something tonight. Something sweet, something romantic, something that says: 'you're special to me and I need to show it to you because I'm terrible with words'. But where was he going to find something like that on a starship? The botany labs. Flowers make for a great gift on a first date! Maybe if he was lucky, they would have irises growing down there. So what if bouquets are a little sappy?
A little sap never hurt anybody after all.
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anonymousewrites · 4 months
Logos and Pathos (AOS Edition) Chapter Four
AOS! Spock x Empath! Reader
Chapter Four: Ship in Distress
Summary: The Enterprise arrives at Vulcan to find their ships destroyed and a Romulan wants negotiations.
            “Spock,” greeted (Y/N) as they took their spot next to him.
            “(Y/N),” said Spock, nodding to him.
            “Welcome back, Commander, Lieutenant,” said Pike to them.
            “Hello, Captain,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “Captain,” greeted Spock. “Engineering reports ready for launch.”
            “Thank you.” Pike looked around the bridge. “Ladies and gentlemen, the maiden of our newest flagship deserves more pomp and circumstance than we can afford today. A christening will just have to be our reward for a safe return. Carry on.” He sat down and pressed the comms button. “All decks, this is Captain Pike, prepare for immediate departure.” He stopped the announcement. “Helm, thrusters.”
            “Moorings retracted, Captain,” said Sulu. “Dock reports ready. Thrusters, fired. Separating from Spacedock. The ship’s ready for warp.”
            “Set course for Vulcan,” said Pike.
            “Aye, aye, Captain. Course laid in,” said Sulu.
            “Maximum warp. Punch it,” said Pike.
            Sulu pressed a button, but the ship sputtered in a failed attempt to fly forward. All heads turned to Sulu, and (Y/N) tilted their head in confusion.
            “Lieutenant, where is Helmsman McKenna?” asked Pike.
            “He has lungworm, sir. He couldn’t report to his post,” said Sulu as he fiddled with the controls. “I’m Hikaru Sulu.”
            “And you are a pilot, right?” said Pike.
            “Uh, very much so, sir. I’m, uh, not sure what’s wrong,” said Sulu.
            “Is the parking brake on?” suggested Pike, amused.
            “Uh, no, I’ll figure it out. I’m, just, uh…” Sulu trailed off.
            “Have you disengaged the external inertial dampener?” asked Pike.
            Silence. Sulu sheepishly pressed a few buttons and cleared his throat. “Ready for warp, sir.”
            “Let’s punch it,” said Pike.
            This time, the Enterprise leapt into motion and moved to warp speed quickly.
            “Engines at maximum warp, Captain,” said Sulu, turning around to face Pike.
            “Russian whiz kid, what’s your name?” said Pike. “Chankov? Cherpov?”
            “Ensign Chekov, Pavel Andreievich, sir,” said Chekov.
            One of Uhura’s friends, thought (Y/N).
            Their friend had told them about him and his skills. Even if he was a bit awkward at times, he was a hard worker and intelligent. Having him on the Enterprise would be helpful.
            “Fine, Chekov, Pavel Andreievich. Begin a ship-wide mission broadcast,” said Pike. He leaned back.
            “Yes, sir, happy to,” said Chekov. “Ensign authorization code 9-5-Wictor-Wictor-2.”
            “Authorization not recognized,” said the computer due to Chekov’s accent.
            “Ensign authorization code 9-5-Victor-Victor-2,” forced Chekov. Access was granted, and he could begin his broadcast. “May I have your attention, please? At 2200 hours, telemetry detected an anomaly in the Neutral Zone. What appeared to be a lightning storm in space. Soon after, Starfleet received a distress signal from Vulcan High Command that their planet was experiencing seismic activity. Our mission is to assess the condition of Vulcan and assist in evacuations if necessary. We should be arriving at Vulcan within three minutes. Thank you for your time.”
            Pike leaned back and focused on the viewing screen. “Lightning storm…Are those typical for Vulcan?”
            “Not particularly, and not to the degree to warrant a distress call,” said Spock.
            “And earthquakes?” asked (Y/N).
            “The same issue. This is unprecedented,” said Spock.
            (Y/N) and Spock’s heads whipped around to stare at the swollen face of Kirk. He stood on the bridge in non-regulation attire, which wasn’t surprising since he was on academic suspension and not supposed to even be on a ship. Bones and Uhura trailed behind him, having tried to catch him before he burst onto the bridge.
            “Jim, no!” snapped Bones, trying to grab him.
            “Captain Pike, we have to stop the ship!” said Kirk.
            “Kirk, how the hell did you get on board the Enterprise,” said Pike.
            “Captain, this man’s under the influence of a severe reaction of a Melveran flea vaccine, completely—” began Bones.
            “Bones, Bones,” said Kirk, trying to dodge his needles.
            “—Delusional. I take full responsibility,” said Bones.
            “Vulcan is not experiencing a natural disaster. It’s being attacked by Romulans,” said Kirk firmly.
            “Romulans?” Pike groaned. “Cadet Kirk, I think you’ve had enough attention for one day. McCoy, take him back to medical, we’ll have words later.”
            “Aye, Captain,” said Bones.
            “Look, sir, that same anomaly—” Bones tried to drag Kirk back.
            “Mister Kirk,” said Pike, narrowing his eyes.
            “Mister Kirk is not cleared to be aboard this vessel,” said Spock, stepping in officially.
            “Look, I get it, you’re a great orator,” said Kirk, rolling his eyes at Spock. “I’d love to do it again some time.”
            “I’ll remove the Cadet,” said Spock.
            “Try it! This Cadet is trying to save the bridge,” said Kirk.
            “By recommending a full-stop mid-warp during a rescue mission?” said Spock. To his own home.
            “It’s not a rescue mission, it’s an attack,” said Kirk firmly.
            (Y/N) touched his arm. They wanted to hear Kirk out. There was nothing but pure firm ferocity in his aura. Nothing seemed to be indicating lying…It concerned (Y/N).
            “What are your facts, Kirk?” asked (Y/N).
            Kirk turned to them, and relief at someone hearing them out flashed through them. “That same anomaly, a lightning storm in space that we saw today, also occurred on the day of my birth.” His gaze turned solemn. “Before a Romulan ship attacked the U.S.S. Kelvin.” He looked at Pike. “You know that, sir, I read your dissertation. That ship which had formidable and advanced weaponry was never seen or heard from again. The Kelvin attack took place on the edge of Klingon space, and at twenty-three hundred hours last night, there was an attack. Forty-seven Klingon warbirds destroyed by a Romulan, sir. It was reported that the Romulans were in one ship, one massive ship.”
            His logic was sound, and even if he didn’t end up being right, there was nothing indicating deception. Kirk was being absolutely serious and trying to be helpful. (Y/N) was inclined to believe that he had a point.
            “That is a similar situation,” murmured (Y/N).
            “How do you know about that Klingon attack?” demanded Pike.
            “Sir, I intercepted and translated the message myself,” said Uhura, stepping up. “Kirk’s report is accurate.”
            “We’re warping into a trap, sir. The Romulans are waiting for us, I promise you that,” said Kirk.
            “He doesn’t appear to be lying, and Uhura’s reports are unmatched due to her expertise in xenolinguistics,” said (Y/N).
            Spock’s jaw tense as he considered what could be happening at Vulcan. “The Cadets’ logic is sound. We would be wise to consider our options.”
            Pike nodded. “Scan Vulcan space, check for transmissions in Romulan.”
            “Sir, I’m not sure I can distinguish the Romulan language from Vulcan,” said a lieutenant.
            “(L/N), will you step in?” sighed Pike.
            “Sir, I’d prefer to remain free to monitor any other issues,” said (Y/N). They gestured to Uhura and smiled. “Cadet Uhura speaks Romulan excellently. She can handle it; I’m sure.”
            “Can you, Cadet?” said Pike. He trusted (Y/N)’s judgement, but he wanted to know that Uhura had the confidence to do her duty well.
            “I speak all three dialects, sir,” said Uhura, raising her chin.
            “Uhura, relieve the lieutenant,” said Pike.
            “Yes, sir.” Uhura instantly sat down and put on the earbuds to scan the channels.
            “Hannity, hail the U.S.S. Truman,” ordered Pike.
            “All the other ships are out of warp, sir, and have arrived at Vulcan, but we seem to have lost contact,” said Hannity.
            (Y/N) and Spock exchanged a look. That shouldn’t have happened if it was just a natural disaster.
            “Sir, I pick up no Romulan transmission or transmission of any kind in the area,” said Uhura, and (Y/N) frowned as worry flashed through her aura and moved into Pike’s as he furrowed his brow.
            “It’s because they’re being attacked,” said Kirk firmly.
            “Shields up, red alert,” ordered Pike.
            “Arrival at Vulcan in five seconds,” said Sulu as the red alert went up. “Four…three…two—”
            The Enterprise jerked as it came out of warp and was immediately in a cloud of debris.
            “Evasive action!” commanded Pike.
            The Enterprise dove to the side to avoid the remnants of the other starships. Several officers were thrown from their seats, and (Y/N) gripped their station tightly. Spock reached out subconsciously and gripped their arm to steady them.
            A horrifying thought appeared in (Y/N)’s mind. The Enterprise was only intact because it had arrived late. If there hadn’t been the problem before warp, they would have arrived and been ambushed in an instant. If they had been on time, they would be dead debris floating endlessly in space.
            “Damage report,” said Pike as the Enterprise cleared the greatest heaps of debris.
            “Deflector shields holding,” reported an officer.
            “All stations, report. Engineer Olson, report.” While he waited for reports to be sent in, he looked at the bridge crew. “Full reverse, come about starboard ninety degrees, drop us underneath and…”
            Pike trailed off as the screen’s view of the stars was blocked. A large, hulking, squid-like ship moved through space towards them. It overshadowed everything, and its maw was wide and foreboding, like a shark waiting for unsuspecting prey to swim in and be bit to pieces.
            (Y/N) stared in shock. They had never seen any ship like that, not even schematics for something so…huge.
            “Captain, they’re locking torpedoes,” alerted Spock, turning around in his seat.
            “Avert auxiliary power from port nacelles to forward shields,” said Pike.
            Several torpedoes fired and slammed into the hull of the Enterprise. The starship shook, but it didn’t break.
            “Sulu, status report,” said Pike.
            “Shields at thirty-two percent,” said Sulu grimly. “Several decks badly hit.”
            People will be injured or dead, thought (Y/N), heart sinking.
            “Their weapons are powerful, sir. We can’t take another hit like that,” said Sulu.
            “Get me Starfleet Command, (L/N),” said Pike.
            “Captain, the Romulan ship has lowered some kind of high energy pulse device into Vulcan atmosphere,” said (Y/N). “The signal is blocking communications.”
            Pike gritted his teeth, and (Y/N) felt the heat of his frustration. However, he kept a clear head and handled the situation to the best of his ability. “All power to forward shields. Prepare to fire all weapons.”
            “Captain,” said (Y/N), spinning around in their chair in surprise and alarm. “We’re being hailed.”
            Pike nodded tensely.
            On the viewing screen, the face of a tattooed Romulan appeared. (Y/N) felt everyone’s emotions take a darker turn for the negative, but they stared calmly at the person. They refused to let any of their apprehension show.
            “Hello,” he said plainly.
            “I’m Captain Christopher Pike,” said Pike, trying to take control. “To whom am I speaking.”
            “Hi, Christopher. I’m Nero,” replied the Romulan.
            “You’ve declared war against the Federation. Withdraw. I’ll arrange a conference with Romulan leadership at a neutral location,” said Pike.
            “I do not speak for the Empire,” said Nero. He narrowed his eyes as they passed over the bridge crew. “We stand apart, as does your Vulcan crewmember. Isn’t that right, Spock? Or perhaps your Celian officer would answer, correct, (L/N)?”
            Everyone’s gaze flicked to Spock and (Y/N), who looked at each other. They hadn’t anticipated being singled out.
            “Pardon me, I do not believe that you are acquainted with us,” said Spock, quirking an eyebrow as he stood. He moved between the screen and (Y/N) slightly.
            “No. We’re not,” said Nero. “Not yet.” His lip curled. “Spock…there’s something I would like you to see.” Spock furrowed his brow, but Nero addressed Pike again before he could ask any questions. “Captain Pike, your transporter has been disabled. As you can see by the rest of your armada, you have no choice. You will man a shuttle, come aboard the Narada, for negotiations. That is all.” The viewing screen cut off and left the crew alone.
            “He’ll kill you. You know that,” said Kirk, staring at Pike.
            “This is a trap,” said (Y/N).
            “Your survival is unlikely,” said Spock.
            “Captain, we gain nothing by diplomacy,” said Kirk.
            “Going to that ship is going to be futile,” agreed (Y/N).
            “I, too, agree. You should rethink your strategy,” said (Y/N).
            All three stared at Pike, a united front. Pike was undeterred, though.
            “I understand that.” But he turned away. “I need officers who have been trained in advanced hand-to-hand combat.”
            “I have training, sir,” said Sulu.
            “Come with me,” said Pike. “Kirk, you too. You’re not supposed to be here, anyway. Chekov, you have the conn.”
            “Aye, aye, Captain,” said Chekov.
            Pike headed off the bridge with Sulu and Kirk. (Y/N) and Spock only had to exchange a glance before following. They wouldn’t let Pike leave without knowing he had something in mind.
            Pike led the way to Engineering and motioned for Engineer Olson to join the small group he’d created.
            “Without transporters, we can’t beam off the ship, we can’t assist Vulcan, we can’t do our job,” he said gravely. “Mister Kirk, Mister Sulu, and Engineer Olson will space-jump from the shuttler. You will land on that machine they lowered into the atmosphere that’s scrambling our gear. You’ll get inside. You’ll disable it. Then, you’ll beam back to the ship.” The group nodded, and Pike looked at Spock. “Mister Spock, I’m leaving you in command of the Enterprise. Once we have transport capabilities, communications will be back up. (L/N), you’ll contact Starfleet and report what the hell’s going on here.” Spock and (Y/N) nodded. “And if all else fails, fall back and rendezvous with the fleet in the Laurentian system.” His eyes went to Kirk. “Kirk, I’m promoting you to First Officer.”
            Shock rippled through the group, even Kirk himself.
            “Captain, please, I apologize, but the complexities of human pranks escape me,” said Spock, furrowing his brow slightly.
            “It’s not a prank, Spock. And I’m not the Captain, you are.” Pike gazed at Spock for a moment as the facts settled in. Then, he blinked and nodded to the three men he’d gathered. “Let’s go.”
            “What happens to you, sir, when we knock out that drill? Nero will know it’s an act of hostility, and you’ll be stuck with him,” said (Y/N).
            “I guess you’ll have to come and get me,” said Pike. He smiled at Spock in wry amusement. “Careful with the ship, Spock. She’s brand new.”
            Spock nodded curtly, and (Y/N) just stood beside him, tense. Neither approved of Pike’s plan, but they knew there was no other option at this point to try to stay alive and help Vulcan. Pike turned and headed towards a shuttle. He stepped in, and the door closed.
            It was done. The plan was set.
            “Well,” said (Y/N). They straightened and faced Olson, Sulu, and Kirk. “It’s time to follow his orders.” Their gaze went to Spock. “Ready?”
            He nodded. “I’m ready.”
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silversword7000 · 5 months
☀️Pavel Chekov Pool and Beach Headcannons☀️
Headcannons under the cut! Some are x reader but most are general.
He really enjoys swimming! It makes him feel free. Plus it is so different from the activities available on the ship that it is very refreshing to him. However, he didn’t discover his love of swimming until he was in the academy and one of his friends introduced it to him.
He would LOVE to carry you around in the pool. It is literally his favorite thing ever cause he can carry you for hours on end.
He would absolutely race Sulu and Kirk in the pool, he would lose most of the time
He doesn’t like sitting in the sun for long periods of time cause getting too hot makes him uncomfortable so if he is outside somewhere where he can get in the water, he would prefer to be in there.
Kirk and him have frequent splash fights, sometimes the rest of the crew get in on it too.
If someone (Spock) outside of the pool gets splashed then they will all receive a lecture about disturbing others.
He would also love to carry you out of the pool and back to wherever you are sitting (he can be surprisingly strong sometimes and loves showing off for you!) because he wants you to be treated like the royalty you are <3
If someone is not paying attention, he will dive under the water and then pop up behind them to startle them! He thinks it’s so hilarious.
If you don’t remind him to reapply sunscreen, this boy gets BURNT! He will not reapply unless you remind him so make sure to have some aloe on hand if you know he is going to swim without you.
He likes swimming under water with his eyes open. Sometimes he will go to the bottom of the pool and look up for as long as he can, he finds it very calming.
He would absolutely start chicken fights with other people if there’s enough people swimming, much to the dismay of Spock.
He looks really cute when his hair is wet. <3
He has about 5 different pairs of brightly colored swim trunks, his favorite is the blue ones with the hibiscus flowers on them. It makes him get into the vacation spirit even if he is just there for the day.
Sometimes he enjoys to just float on his back around the pool when there is nobody else swimming. He has accidentally hit his head on the side of the pool many times because he easily zones out while doing this.
He LOVES pool parties! Especially ones that have lots of glow in the dark things.
He cannot dive for the LIFE of him. He is the master of belly flops though.
You will always catch him doing flips in the pool anytime he is bored. He is currently trying to beat his record of 9 flips in one breath.
He definitely enjoys the hot tub but only on some days. Usually he prefers the regular pool because there is more space to move around.
Sometimes if he has lots of energy he will swim laps as fast as he can to tire himself out. It also helps him when his mind is racing.
After spending all day at the pool he crashes IMMEDIATELY! He really tuckers himself out so if you don’t make him go shower and he lays down on the bed he will go out like a light!
He prefers going to the pool over going to the beach because it is much simpler and quicker but he does enjoy a good beach day every once in awhile.
If he is at the beach he will take some time to collect a few interesting seashells that he likes or thinks that you would like.
In the past he gave Sulu a seashell that turned out to be a hermit crab. Sulu thought it was hilarious and named it Pavel Jr. His daughter takes care of Junior for him. She has definitely blinged out Junior’s shell at some point. Sulu thinks this is the funniest thing ever and he has definitely told all his friends about it. After every shore leave Pavel gets an update on Pavel Jr. Sulu secretly thinks this is one of the best gifts Pavel has given him, even though it was an accident.
He has absolutely gotten stung by a jellyfish at the beach before because he is an idiot and wanted to touch the pretty jellyfish since he thought it looked squishy.
Needless to say he would not stop complaining about his sting until it went away.
He’s lost his towel at the beach before. It was not fun sitting on the hot sand that day.
He loves playing in big sandbars if they are around, it’s like a mini pool!
He is comically bad at making sand castles. The last one he made just looked like a mound with a stick coming out of the top. He thinks his sand castles are amazing though.
Sulu is a god at making sandcastles. He only makes them sometimes however. If Pavel is around as well he will invite him to help on the castle. This does not go well at all. Sulu doesn’t want to discourage his friend though so some sections of the sand castle end up looking like wonky piles of sand while the others look like a professional sand castle. They have fun though. Sulu’s favorite part is adding in some shells for extra decor! After the last time he doesn’t let Pavel do this step because he ended up destroying most of the sandcastle.
Pavel HATES getting sand in his shorts. One of the main reasons why he prefers the pool. He feels like he can never get the sand fully out and it bothers him immensely.
Also every time he goes to the beach he gets sand all in his hair. This annoys him less but he still dislikes it.
He loves getting ice cream if he goes to the beach! In a way it’s cold reminds him of home. He usually gets a chocolate vanilla swirl if they have it. Otherwise, he is fine with regular vanilla. He can be picky about the cones though. Cones with no flavor are the worst thing ever to him, it is like eating cardboard. He also gets frustrated at cones that fall apart easily, if he loses his ice cream his day is ruined! (Imagine him frowning like this 🥺 at an ice cream cone that fell, that’s what he is like.)
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dira333 · 1 year
Control Yourself - Pavel Chekov x Reader
Prompt: “That is a staggering amount of parmesan cheese.” “There’s no such thing.”
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“This week sucks,” you groan when you slap your tray down on the table.
Pavel looks up at you with something like concern in his bright eyes.
“It’s Monday.”
“I know.” You try to sit down but freeze halfway to curse under your breath. “I forgot the parmesan cheese. This is just typical.”
There’s still a far too long line in front of the replicators. You tap your right foot in a rhythm of annoyance, but the people in front of you don’t pick up their speed. Or let you through.
You drop down at your table a second time, dropping the parmesan on your spaghetti.
“That is a staggering amount of parmesan cheese.”
“There’s no such thing,” you disagree, mixing the cheese and the noodles and pushing a generous amount into your mouth.
“Ugh,” you make a face, “It’s cold already.”
Pavel hides his grin behind his napkin before he pushes his chair back.
“I’m gonna get you a new serving,” he tries to take your plate but you pull it away from him.
“Sit your ass down, it’s fine.”
“You don’t want to eat cold spaghetti.”
“I don’t want you to spend your lunch break standing in line at the frigging replicator. Now sit down and keep me company.”
He follows your order with another grin before he stretches his arms out over the table to take your hands in his.
“What’s gotten into you?”
“Uhuh,” he disagrees, “Don’t lie to me.”
“It’s just a hell of a week.”
“It’s Monday.”
“I’m on my period.”
“Shut up, you just pulled me in a hug last week, telling me that shark week was finally over.”
You groan. “Curse your good memory!”
His grin is growing and he pulls your hands across the table until you’re stretched out, the tips of your fingers pressing against his stomach.
“What are you doing?” You ask.
“Make you tell me the truth. What’s wrong?”
“I have to go back to work,” you pull back your hands and get up, leaving mess hall without another glance back.
“You’re avoiding me,” Pavel greets you when he sits down next to you during dinner.
“I’m busy.”
“You’re always busy. Didn’t mean you couldn’t stop working for a second to greet me when I have to come down for my training with Mr. Scott.”
“You’re not that important,” you snap at him, biting down on your tongue when he sees the hurt flash over his face.
“Shit, sorry, that’s not what I meant…”
“No, I get it,” he tells you, gathering his plate, “I don’t want to disturb you.”
You grab his shirt before he can get away, pulling him back.
“You are that important,” you tell him through your teeth, “Please sit down and let me explain.”
He looks at you, stares at you as if he can look right into the dark corners of your heart before he sits down again.
“Spill,” he says. His voice has lost its usual cheerful tone.
“My heart is doing stupid things around you and I’m trying to get it under control,” you tell him, saying the words in a rush, hoping he won’t be able to understand all of it.
But he smiles and you know he’s heard it all.
“You’re my best friend,” he tells you with that serious voice he normally uses when he has to talk to Mr. Spock.
Your heart drops but he grabs your hand to get your attention back.
“You’re my best friend. You should know me better than yourself.”
“And I shouldn’t have been scared to tell you, or what?”
“You should have noticed that I’ve given up trying to control my heart around you a long time ago.”
“Well,” he leans his head to the side as if he has to think about it, the little drama queen, “If I remember correctly, I did never try to control it.”
“Shut up,” you tell him, stuffing your face with pasta in order to hide your embarrassment and glee. He grins and rubs a circle on the back of your hand, before whispering a challenging “Make me.”
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440mxs-wife · 7 months
The Country Doctor, Chapter 1: A Fresh Start
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Pairing: Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy x F!Reader (eventual). Other Characters are the usual suspects: Jim Kirk, Nyota Uhura. Spock, Montgomery Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov (to be introduced in later chapters.) OMC's Travis Myers and Miles Cooper.
Word Count: 4530
Warnings: Divorce, break-up, ruthless businessmen, mentions of infidelity, but mostly fluffy (for now)
Summary: Fresh off of his divorce, Dr. McCoy receives word that he has inherited a 5,000-acre farm and home in Logan, Montana. Finally, he has an opportunity for a clean slate and to start his own clinic out west and leave his ex-wife behind. Along the way, he'll meet a cast of unique characters, each with a place in his new small-town life. But there could be trouble ahead in the form of a powerful CEO hell-bent on acquiring Leonard's property by any means necessary.
A/N: This idea was posted by @hailbop1701, with a specific list of plot points/dialog to be included. I won't put the list here, because it'll give away too much. Not sure how many parts there'll be, but I hope you like where I take the story.
A/N 2: If you’ve been tagged here, it’s because you’ve interacted one or more times on a McCoy story of mine, or we’re moots. Whether you like or reblog, I am eternally grateful for your support. If anyone else would like to be tagged on any future Karl Urban character postings, or would rather leave the Crazy Train, please let me know. Thank you, and enjoy the show!
"Court is adjourned."
That was the declaration eight weeks ago, when Dr. Leonard H. McCoy sat at a table with his attorney in the Fulton County Courthouse in Atlanta, Georgia. The Honorable Judge Michael Simmons had just pounded his gavel on the bench to signify an end to the McCoy v. McCoy divorce proceedings. Unfortunately, his now-ex-wife, Jocelyn, had the better attorney, which resulted in a somewhat less-than-equitable division of their assets.
At least Leonard was able to keep his vintage pickup truck and the 4-bedroom, 2 bath, ranch-style home he had lived in with Jocelyn. She basically got everything else in the settlement, though, including most of the furniture. She didn't technically need the furniture, since she was moving in with her new boyfriend. However, he had a rental property that needed furnishings, so that's where they went.
Two weeks after the divorce was finalized, Leonard received correspondence from a law firm in Montana, with a request for his presence. The letter did not specify the reason for the request, and when he called the law office, no one was authorized to divulge any information. He didn't want to find himself on the wrong side of the law and besides, he was more than a little curious. Luckily, the law firm had a satellite office in Atlanta, so that's where he attended the meeting.
An hour or so after the meeting ended, a slightly dazed Leonard walked out of the attorney's office with a file folder and a property deed in his hand. The meeting was for the reading of the will for his distant uncle, Walter McCoy. Around 5,000 acres of land in Montana along with an old craftsman-style farmhouse were bequeathed to him to do with as he pleased. There were also various outbuildings on the property, such as a machine shed, a barn with a hay loft, and horse stables.
He had options. There was an Eastern conglomerate, NorthStar Corp, that was willing to pay a more than fair price to buy it from him, lock, stock, and barrel. With what they were offering, Leonard wouldn't have to worry about money for the foreseeable future, if ever. Or, he could make the break from Georgia and his ex-wife with her boy-toy to make a go of it in Logan, Montana. Although Leonard wanted to stay near his mother, Eleanora, he had to consider that this was his chance to start over somewhere else.
When he told his best friend, James T. Kirk, about his inheritance, Jim could hardly contain his excitement. He considered it to be the start to a great adventure and was more than willing to accompany Leonard.
Jim had no family ties to speak of, preferring to live a sort of nomadic existence. He even offered to take turns driving the moving truck the 1,900 or so miles to Montana. "Good music, good snacks, and good company are all we need to get us to our destination, Bones," Kirk told him with a wide grin.
The more Leonard thought about it, the more he warmed up to the idea of starting somewhere new. A place where he wouldn't have to worry about running into someone who knew about the divorce and wouldn't hesitate to share an opinion about it. So, with Jim's help, he cleared his house out of any remaining items, put them in storage, then contacted a realtor to list it for sale.
After only a few showings, a deal was quickly closed, with a $30,000.00 profit in his bank account to show for it. Leonard and Jim loaded up his remaining possessions into the moving van, hooked up a car trailer with Leonard's pickup truck on it, and headed west to Montana. The pair made a few stops along the way, renting a hotel room to rest for the night before hitting the road again the next morning.
The more miles Leonard put behind him, the more comfortable and free he felt with his decision. He wasn't too keen on leaving his mother behind, but she assured him that she would be fine, even encouraged him to take this leap. He made a note to send her a plane ticket so she could visit once he got settled.
Nearly four days and more than 1,900 miles later, Leonard turned into the gravel driveway that led to his new home. It was a charcoal gray with white trim craftsman-style farmhouse with a tall, red brick chimney on one side. The wooden wrap-around porch was accented with white, tapered columns, set on top of the slotted railing framing the area. He appreciated the large windows, which would bring in a good amount of natural light, as well as soft breezes on lazy summer days.
"Well? Is it everything you expected?" Jim asked.
"I didn't exactly know what to expect, Jim. I don't even remember either of my parents ever mentioning an 'Uncle Walter McCoy'. He isn't someone I knew well enough for him to leave me something like this, but I'll do my best to make the most of it. From what I've seen so far, though, at least the outside looks fine," Leonard replied.
"That's the spirit, Bones! Let's go have a look at the grounds, then inside the house. After that, we can start unloading your stuff," Jim grinned as he scrambled out of the truck.
Leonard stepped down from the driver's seat and closed the door. "Sure, Jim. Why not," he muttered to himself. He fished the house keys out of his pocket on his way up the porch steps. The front door was made of solid oak with a dark finish and leaded glass panels arranged in a geometric design. He inserted the key into the lock and tilted his head back. "Here goes nothin', I guess," he murmured, pushing the door open.
At just after 2:00pm, you stopped by the post office to retrieve your mail that had piled up over the last couple of days. Before you left, you strolled up to the counter to chat with your best friend, Nyota Uhura. Her shift was almost over, so she suggested the two of you meet for coffee and a snack at the Java Station Café on Main Street.
While you waited for her at the café, you thought about how you met her and what brought you back to Logan, Montana. Your now-ex-boyfriend, Travis Myers, had convinced you to move with him from Logan to Bozeman. He'd landed a lucrative position as in-house counsel for a large and powerful corporation. You found work at a tech company doing data entry work for a medical office. Not too terribly taxing nor was it what you wanted for a career, but it paid well.
Around the six-month mark of living together in the big city, Travis started coming home later and later in the evening. Missed date nights and other outings were becoming more frequent, with him coming to bed late and leaving before you woke up. Whenever you tried to talk to him about it, he always chalked it up to working late on a big case or project, so you let it go.
The last straw was when the two of you were supposed to meet a few of your friends for dinner. Since he was late picking you up from home, you asked one of them to drive you to the restaurant. From the lobby, you called Travis and told him to meet you there.
Just before you said your goodbyes, you heard, "Come back to bed, baby, I'm cold" in a woman's voice. You were furious, demanding to know who the woman was and how long he had been seeing her. After first denying everything, he ultimately confessed it was his assistant and it had been going on for about six weeks. You felt your world collapsing around you at his admission. Dinner was forgotten while your friends drove you back to the apartment to pack up your belongings.
You couch-surfed for about a month before finding an apartment back in Logan, where you had previously lived with your parents. Because Travis paid for most of the expenses such as rent and utilities, you were able to save up quite a nest egg to cover your new living situation. However, you weren't sure how much longer your savings would hold out, so you decided to look for a job to make ends meet.
The bell above the door tinkled, and Nyota rushed over to your table. After a brief hug, you both sat down and waited for your server to appear and take your order. Uhura was practically vibrating with energy, which meant she had something exciting to share. A few minutes later, with your order submitted, she spilled her secret.
"You'll never guess what happened today!" she exclaimed. "Two men came in today to file a change of address card."
You snorted. "That sounds like something that happens every day around here, Nyota, not that interesting. You're nearly jumping out of your skin about this. What is so compelling about them that has you barely able to sit still long enough to tell me?"
Uhura made a face at you to show her displeasure. "If you can keep from insulting me, I'll tell you," she pouted. You held up your hands in surrender as her cue to continue. "They moved here from Georgia, and one of them has the most tantalizing Southern accent. They were both tall, one blond hair with striking blue eyes, and the other dark hair and hazel eyes. He seemed a little grumpy at first, but Blue Eyes was the more charming of the two," she explained.
"Did you get a look at their new address, the one here?" you asked.
"The one with dark hair listed his name as Dr. Leonard H. McCoy, and his address matched the one for Walter McCoy's place," she replied.
Now she had your attention. Every so often, you drove by the farm, wishing you lived there instead of your small, one-bedroom apartment. You had thoughts about what it would be like to buy the place one day so you could fix it up and return it to some of its old glory. You'd heard through the grapevine that the owner passed away a few months back. It was also mentioned that ownership would pass to his only other living relative.
"I've always thought about that place, what it looks like inside, how I would spruce it up. Wait a minute, did you say Doctor McCoy?" you squeaked.
"And her brain has finally caught up with her mouth," Uhura joked. "I was wondering when you'd catch on to that tidbit of information. That house has a separate office space, ideal for treating patients. Word travels fast in this town, and once folks get to know there's a doctor in town again, Dr. McCoy is bound to need help. You know, with paperwork or coordinating treatment of his patients. Know anyone with those kind of skills?" she grinned.
In addition to your data entry job, you had acquired some basic medical training. The town had a couple of paramedics within the Volunteer Fire Department for the more serious cases. For now, it was enough, but it would be nice for the vacancy to be filled, especially by a handsome doctor. "Hmm. Maybe I should head out that way, introduce myself, see if he needs any help." Beg him for a job, you silently added.
"That's the spirit! If you're done with your coffee, we should drive out there and check things out. You in?" she held out her hand for you to shake.
After draining the last of your cappuccino, you nodded and shook her hand. "I'm all in," you declared.
Leonard and Jim wandered the property, taking in the condition and contents of the outbuildings. Many of the machines and tools were left behind. They noted which items were and were not still functional, to determine what could be easily returned to service or sold for parts. The good news was, the buildings themselves were structurally sound, although at least in need of a new outer coat of paint.
As for the house itself, Leonard was pleased to find a side entrance that led to an office, set apart from the main house. It was perfect for starting his clinic, with a small area that could function as a waiting room, and enough space for a reception desk. He made a note to check in town for a secondhand store to pick up a desk, some chairs and other furnishings.
Jim joked and told him that all he needed now was a pretty receptionist who could also perform nursing duties. Leonard glared at him in response, reminding him that after the way divorce went, he wasn't at all interested in dating. "Just doctorin'," he affirmed. "Maybe fishin', if the winds are just right," he added with a smirk.
A tour of the home's interior revealed hardwood flooring in the bedrooms and living room, while ceramic tiles covered the floor in the eat-in kitchen. There was a separate dining room space between the kitchen and living room. The centerpiece of the living room was a fireplace made with gray bricks and had a dark wooden mantle above it.
Before his arrival, Leonard contacted the utilities and asked for them to be turned on and transferred into his name. That gave Leonard and Jim a chance to determine what worked and what needed repaired. For the most part, the electrical system was in good working order, except for a few outlets that may need replaced or updated.
The water situation was another story. At first, when Jim turned on the high-arching faucet in the kitchen, the white farmhouse sink reflected a light brownish tint to the water. The pedestal sink and clawfoot tub in the main bathroom, plus the sinks in the half-baths were the same shade of brown. However, the more they let the water run, the clearer it became, which helped ease their minds a bit.
Leonard walked back out to the porch to make a mental list of what he'd need to bring the old house back to life and working order. The hardwood floors were in good condition, though they could use a bit of polish applied to them. There were a few non-working electrical outlets that would need an electrician's expertise to chase down the problem. In the bedrooms, there were spots where the wallpaper was peeling away from the wall. Not exactly a fan of wallpaper, Leonard decided it would be better to tear it all down and paint instead.
Overall, the pluses outweighed the minuses, such as the updated appliances in the kitchen and quartz countertops. Leonard could definitely see himself cooking up a Sunday dinner of his mother's chicken and dumplings with a peach cobbler. As an avid reader, he also loved the built-in bookshelves to showcase his personal library of classics. And the side-door entrance to the office space provided a break between his professional life and his personal life.
Jim joined him out on the porch and gazed out over the mature trees that dotted the property. "So now that you've taken the grand tour, what do you think, Bones?"
Leonard thought for a moment before answering. "Think I'm gonna like it here. Let's start unloading the truck," he directed. "Good thing we hit those consignment shops on the way here, or you wouldn't have a bed to sleep in," he jested.
Jim was about to unlatch the door on the moving truck when he noticed a car turning into the driveway. "Welcoming Committee?" he wondered. Leonard shook his head and rolled his eyes while he walked over to stand next to Jim. They both watched as the car rolled to a stop near the front of the truck.
The drive to the McCoy place only took about twenty minutes, which you spent silently reviewing your qualifications. Uhura could tell you were worried about making a good impression, which she was sure you would. She told you not to worry about it, that you were the best candidate for the job, if Dr. McCoy was hiring. "What if he's not hiring, though?" you asked.
"Then we'll have to convince him that he'll need your help, being the only doc in town. There really is no way around it, he will require an assistant," she reasoned. Her response sounded logical, so you accepted it and kept driving out to meet your prospective employer.
Soon your car was pulling into the driveway, where a large moving truck was parked. Upon seeing the two men standing to one side, you had to admit that Uhura was right. They were both strikingly handsome men. The dark-aired man carried a stern look on his face and his arms were crossed over his chest. The blond seemed a little more easygoing, self-assured, bordering on cocky, as if he knew what a good-looking man he was.
As you exited your vehicle, the men had started walking in your direction. "You ladies lost or somethin'?" the dark-haired man drawled. Ohhhh, that accent was enough to make you weak in the knees, you thought. You held on to your open door for balance.
"Yeah, can we help you?" the blond man wondered with a smirk.
When your brain finally rebooted, you responded, "Actually, we were hoping to be of assistance to you, since you're new in town." At this, you introduced the two of you and learned that the blond was James T. Kirk, or "Jim" he offered with a waggle of his eyebrows. His grumpy companion with the dark hair was the Dr. Leonard H. McCoy who now owned the property.
"I think we can manage fine with just the two of us. Good day, la--" Leonard was interrupted by Jim, who pulled him aside.
"Wait a minute, Bones, let's not be too hasty. I mean, these are a couple of gorgeous women who showed up out of nowhere to see us," Jim pointed out. "It wouldn't hurt to hear what they had to say, now would it?"
Leonard pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed in exasperation. He was here to be a physician, to take care of people who need help, not dip a toe in the dating pool. When he looked up, he noticed that Jim had left his side and was talking to Uhura, while you had stepped up in his place.
"Excuse me, Dr. McCoy? I understand that my friend and I just turned up unannounced on your doorstep, and you don't know anything about us. But this is a pretty small town, and I should tell you, it won't take long for people to learn that we have a new physician to replace old Doc Thomas. Therefore, I'm offering you my services. I have some basic medical training, and I used to do data entry for a medical company back in Bozeman," you explained.
"Bozeman? Why on earth would you ever leave there to live here? Not to say that what I've seen so far of Logan isn't simply charming," Leonard added with more than a hint of sarcasm.
"I'll be glad to share that little tidbit of information once we've gotten used to working together," you shot back. "By hiring me, you'll have a well-organized appointment calendar, along with accurate patient files. You'll also have someone who knows how to take and record vitals, which leaves you free to do the doctorin'. So, do we have a deal?" you asked, your hand outstretched.
Leonard took a moment to consider your offer, bold though it was. He had to concede that in a town of this size, word would get around about a new physician and spread like wildfire. He'd probably end up with a huge influx of patients. Even if it was only at first, he might become easily overwhelmed. Patient care was of the utmost importance to him, and if you could make things easier for him, who was he to reject such a proposition?
His lack of response translated to you as a decline of your offer of assistance. As you started to withdraw your hand, he quickly grabbed it and clasped it between his own. "Whoa, hold on there just a minute. All right, you have a deal, but we'll do this as a trial run. A three-month probationary period, take it or leave it," he bartered, fighting the urge to smile.
"Thank you, Dr. McCoy! Three months? That'll be more than enough time for you to decide you can't live without me! In-in the office, I mean," you clarified.
Leonard couldn't help but smile at your blunder. "All right, now that we have that settled, I hope you'll excuse me and Casanova over there with your friend. We have a lot to unload, and I'd like to sleep in my own bed tonight rather than the couch," he stated.
"We can help, if that's okay with you? With four sets of hands, we can be done in no time. Besides, I've always been kind of curious about what the inside of your house looks like," you admitted.
You are one interesting woman, Leonard thought to himself. "Okay, let's get started then. Once we get everything out of the truck, I'll take you on the nickel tour," he winked. He whistled to get Jim's and Uhura's attention, then opened up the back of the truck.
"There, I think that's the last of it," Leonard declared after he removed the final box from the moving truck and placed it on the lawn. He jumped up to grab the leather strap, then pulled down the rolling door until it was flush with the deck. He latched and locked the door, picked up the box, and brought it into his new home.
 Jim and Uhura had taken your car into town to pick up something for dinner, which left you alone with Leonard. During the unloading, you didn't get much of a chance to stop and look around. But now that most of the heavy lifting was done, you seized the opportunity to take in your surroundings.
You were so caught up in admiring the home's features that you didn't hear Dr. McCoy slide up next to you. "If you have your nickel, I'm ready to start the tour," he grinned. You dug in your pocket, which luckily contained the right coin for the price of your ticket. "Ready when you are, Dr. McCoy," you replied, handing over the 5 cents.
Video Conference Call -- Bozeman, Montana
Travis checked his watch to see that he had another ten minutes before his conference call was scheduled to start. He opened the blue file folder in front of him, which was sent from his employer regarding a property they wanted to acquire in Logan, Montana. He sat back in his chair as he thought about how you'd moved there after breaking up with him. Before he could stroll any further down Memory Lane, his alarm beeped to let him know it was time to start the call.
"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen," Travis greeted. He could see the CEO, Miles Cooper, at the head of the table, surrounded by other members of NorthStar Corp's Board of Executives.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Myers. I see you have the file in front of you, so let's begin. We understand that the principal owner of the McCoy property has passed away. As such, we want to move forward and make the new owner an offer to purchase the parcel of land and whatever's on it. The house, barn, stables--everything, down to the last shingle," Mr. Cooper explained.
"My source tells me that the new owner drove all the way from Atlanta, Georgia to check out the property. He is also a doctor, and the town has been without one since the last one died. In my opinion, this could present a problem. He may decide to stay and 'hang out his shingle', as it were," Travis pointed out.
Mr. Cooper leaned back in his chair and rested his steepled index fingers on his chin as he contemplated his next move. As he considered this new development, conversation buzzed around him among the other executives. According to one of the scientific reports he received, there were plenty of reasons for encouraging the good doctor to sell.
The report mentioned the discovery of several veins of copper and silver running beneath the surface. The financial gains from mining those resources would more than cover the initial investment paid to acquire the property. Whether the new owner was aware of these precious metals was unknown, but Cooper needed to act fast before the doctor learned of their existence.
With a wave of his hand, silence returned to the board room as Mr. Cooper had made a decision. "Mr. Myers, I suggest you do your best to convince Dr. McCoy to sell the property to us. I will have a new purchase offer drawn up that's more than fair, and you should strongly encourage him to accept it."
Travis carefully considered Mr. Cooper's words that carried the barest hint of a threat behind them. "Sir, I will present your offer; however, we should be prepared for him to turn it down and decide to become the town's doctor."
"You worry about getting a signature on that purchase agreement, Myers, and I will worry about whether or not a contingency plan will be needed. Before the previous owner's death, this was a working farm, right? Lots of tools, machinery? Farming is considered to be one of the most dangerous professions, you know. Accidents can and do happen. It would be unfortunate if an accident should befall the good Dr. McCoy," Mr. Cooper replied darkly.
There was no mistake in Mr. Cooper's intent this time. "Absolutely, sir. I will find a way to present your offer that will make it difficult if not impossible to decline it."
Mr. Cooper's eyes brightened and a smile graced his face. "Excellent, Myers, I knew I could count on you. I'll send that new offer over to you as soon as I have it and we'll go from there," he stated. "I appreciate your cooperation, Myers, I certainly won't forget it."
"And thank you, Sir. I welcome this opportunity, and I will not let you down," Travis concluded.
"Let us hope not, Myers. I'd hate for you to experience any....negative fallout, should you be unable to close this deal," Mr. Cooper remarked ominously before disconnecting the call.
Travis relaxed in his chair and began to formulate a plan in his mind. A sly grin crept across his face as he thought of the perfect way to get an inside look into the doctor's life.
Of course, it involved a trip to Logan and should he happen to run into you, so much the better. For him, anyway. Though there was a near 100% chance that you would want nothing to do with him. If that was the case, his plan may be a bust before it even gets started.
Especially after the way things ended between you discovering his infidelity. For that reason alone, it was likely your walls of protection against him and his crap were nearly guaranteed to be sky-high. But it was a chance he was willing to take, because he did not want to disappoint his client. Something told him that with a failure of this magnitude, Mr. Cooper was capable of making his life a living hell.
Tags: @marvelouslytrekking @spacedancer1701 @anna-phora @hailbop1701 @writercole @lassie-bird @never--doubt @phoenixisred @wayward-dreamer @erindiggory @strangesgirls @dumpsterhippie @genevablog26 @lokis-deares @medicatemedrmccoy @rooweighton @mamamercurymist @d-doki-doki @malmeansbad @imamotherfuckingstar-lord @ghosttrekkie @noforkingclue @bellestalesoffiction
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hello! may i request something about chekov x reader? maybe the reader wakes up from nightmares and chekov comforts them? thank you have a good day 🫶
thank you for requesting! i am so sorry it’s taken so long, somehow this got lost in my drafts. :( but i hope you enjoy! :)
In My Arms
Pavel Chekov x reader
gender neutral pronouns
TW: nightmares (and possible wrong use of russian)
star trek mastertlist
Tumblr media
“My love. My love, wake up!”
Sharply inhaling, your eyes finally open. Petrified with fear, you stay stiff, unable to move any part of your body.
“Любимая (Beloved), it’s okay, I’m here.”
Finally blinking away the last effects of sleep, you see your partner’s face hovering above you. You realize he has arm wrapped around your torso, the other hand cupping your face. Gently Chekov strokes your cheek with his thumb, offering a small smile in an attempt to comfort you.
You breathe out slowly, finally feeling your body relax as you realize that everything you just went through was all only a nightmare. You blink away the last tears that linger in your eyes, trying to calm your body and mind.
“I’m sorry if I woke you.” You whisper.
Vehemently Chekov shakes his head, laying back down and pulling you close to his chest. “No, none of that, you don’t need to apologize.”
You nod in acceptance, relaxing into Chekov’s warmth and the safety you feel from your lover’s arms around you. You feel his chest rise and fall underneath your head, and you focus on that, grounding yourself as you match his breathing.
“Are you okay?” Chekov asks after a few moments of silence.”
Tilting your neck back to look at him, you nod again. “I’m okay, it was just a nightmare.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Your mind thinks back to the terrors you mentally went through; it had felt so real in the moment, but now it seems so impossible and distant as you relax in your bed with your partner.
“It was just…unsettling. I was lost—I lost you.”
You feel Chelov’s arms tighten around you, pulling you impossibly closer. “I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere, I promise.” He whispers, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
You nestle deeper into your lover’s hold, the comfort of your bed and his warmth and his arms bringing you peace again.
“Will you sing for me?”
You can feel Chekov smile and softly laugh at your request, but nevertheless you hear his gentle voice breaking through the stillness.
“Спи, мла��енец мой прекрасный, (Sleep, my beautiful good boy,)
Баюшки-баю. (Bayushki bayu)
Тихо смотрит месяц ясный (Quietly the moon is looking)
В колыбель твою. (Into your cradle)
Стану сказывать я сказки, ( I will tell you fairy tales)
Песенку спою; (And sing you little songs,)
Ты ж дремли, закрывши глазки, (But you must slumber, with your little eyes closed,)
Баюшки-баю. (Bayushki bayu)
As you drifted back off to sleep, you knew that with Chekov by your side, you were safe, loved, and would never be alone.
a/n: if you want to hear a beautiful recording of the lullaby i used, check out this youtube video!
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allzelemonz · 11 months
Events Masterlist
Main Masterlist
These fics are listed here as well as under the characters and fandoms they are relevent for
Kinktober 2021
Armitage Hux X Male Reader X Kylo Ren
(To be reviewed to standard)
Eobard Thawne X Gender Neutral Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Eric Coulter X Gender Neutral Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Alexsandr Kallus X Male Reader X Mitth'raw'nuruodo
(To be reviewed to standard)
Maul X Gender Neutral Reader X Savage
(To be reviewed to standard)
The Swedes X AFAB Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Mitth'raw'nuruodo X Male Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Henry King Sr X Gender Neutral Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Kinktober 2022
October 1st, Clothed Sex with Douglas Davenport
Pronouns: None mentioned, Marcus calls the Reader ‘Dad’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Reader is a step/adoptive-dad to Marcus, sex, mentions of cum, grinding, allusions to Douglas’ evil activities, nothing is proof-read Summary: Just a normal Friday with the smaller Davenport family, you bring Douglas some snacks and find him stuck in thought. You both decide you have ample time to yourselves.
October 3rd, Sex Pollen with Pavel Chekov
Pronouns: None mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Non-established relationship, but they’re in love, hinted Kirk/Spock and Chapel/Uhura, sex pollen enhances arousal and attraction but no fuck or die, allusions to bad wig Chekov, focus on how cute the Russian is, top reader, bottom Chekov, mentions of Chekov’s love for Russia Summary: The away team gets separated and the Captain orders for exploration in the meantime. Chekov and yourself wander across some strange plants that cause some interesting side effects.
October 5th, Mind Control/Dub/Non-Con with Tom Riddle
Pronouns: None mentioned except in summary Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Dubious consent, non-con vibes, mind control, drugging, Viagra potion, Tom Riddle being Voldemort in the early days, oral sex, anal sex, bottom reader, multiple orgasms, hopeful open ending, not proof read Summary: Tom Riddle met a nice boy at Hogwarts. One he couldn’t let get away. He keeps him away from his work and uses him as he sees fit.
October 7th, Generating Warmth with Leonard McCoy
Pronouns: None mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Non-established relationship, but they’re in love, stranded together, stuck in a cave, McCoy calls the reader “kid,” but he calls lots of people that, riding, hand-job, standard McCoy snark, long set up Summary: When Spock’s away team get stranded a second team is sent to locate them when the ship’s sensors fail. As a part of the rescue team, yourself and Doctor McCoy happen across a cave that needs investigating. A spontaneous collapse of the entrance leaves you both stuck in a freezing cave with limited sources of heat. You have to find a way to stay warm.
October 9th, Toys with Simon
Pronouns: None mentioned; Reader referred to as ‘boy’ and ‘man’ in dialogue Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Toys, grinding, Simon hates dildos and thinks he’s too good for toys, mentions of Negan loving his wives, anal plug, handcuffs, prostate massage, rough sex, both of them are switches but Simon’s more of a top, Negan needs his Lieutenants to loosen up, asexual author that had to do a lot of fic reading to figure out how toys work Summary: On a run with Negan, the Saviors happen across a sex shop and bring home the lot. Being Negan’s right hand, Simon and his S/O get first pick.
October 11th, Cockwarming with Rumpelstiltskin
Pronouns: None mentioned; Reader referred to as ‘Da’ by Baelfire Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut, Tooth Rotting Fluff Warnings: Pre-Dark One Rumple, wholesome father with anxiety, Reader is a Stepdad to Baelfire, mentions/depiction of minor injury, fluff in the beginning, smut is brief and fluffy, top Reader, bottom Rumple, I proof read nothing Summary: A domestic life with Rumplestiltskin before his time as the Dark One. You are the comfort he needs, especially on cold nights.
October 13th, Somnophilia/Waking Up with Edward Nashton
Pronouns: None mentioned; Reader called ‘boyfriend’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Edward being needy, mentions of Riddler stuff, light somnophilia with pre-established consent, multiple orgasms for the Reader, oral sex, riding, rough sex, not proof read, very little dialogue, top Reader, bottom Edward Summary: Edward often wakes you up when he’s feeling particularly needy. The trick is figuring exactly how he wants it. So long as he’s dizzy by the end, all is as it should be.
October 15th, Mating Cycles/In Heat with Spock
Pronouns: None mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Pon Farr, Spock having an animalistic drive, multiple orgasms, () used for custom name and rank, verbal consent is sexy, top Spock, bottom, Reader Summary: Spock has been careful to keep track of his Pon Farr, but it still snuck up on him before you could have your first time as a couple. Now Spock has to ask something very intimate of you.
October 17th, Power Imbalance with Mirror Kirk
Pronouns: He/Him, Reader is referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Mirrorverse runs on sex and blood, Mirror Kirk is mean, switch Reader, sub Reader, dom Mirror Kirk, references to Reader giving oral but it doesn’t happen, hand job, sex as a threat, sex a discipline, mentions of execution and torture, use of the pet name “good boy,” mentions of prior sex partner and Reader, mentions of Reader’s time at the academy, inexperienced Reader, dirty talk, handjob, mentions of grinding, sex Summary: As a Commander aboard the ISS Enterprise you get the occasional privilege of sitting in the Captain’s chair. When the Captain comes to relieve the Beta shift he keeps you behind for some fun, but things don’t go quite how he planned.
Tropesgiving 2022
Wrong Door: The Master X Male Reader
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 1: Enemies to Lovers Pronouns: He/Him Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Moderate Themes Warnings: Canon typical violence, double meaning/implied future intimacy, background Yaz/Doctor, Dhawan Master Summary: The Doctor responds to a distress signal and meets an unexpected enemy with the intention of hurting her and the fam. When everyone’s plans are ruined, a certain Timelord has to improvise.
Pelt: Snotlout Jorgenson X Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 2: One Bed Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: G/Fluff Warnings: Snotlout the flirt, the twins fight, written with a male reader in mind - but it’s never stated Summary: When someone forgets to bring enough blankets for the no-dragon training trip the group ends up having to share the few they do have.
Those Blue Eyes: Leonard McCoy X Male Reader
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 3: Evil Twins Pronouns: He/Him, use of boyfriend, reader called ‘boy’ and ‘man’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Moderate Themes Warnings: Canon typical violence, flirty mirror counterparts, mentions of surgery and death Summary: A mirrored version of Doctor McCoy is on the Enterprise and you have him at phaser point, but things are much more complicated than they seem.
The Prince: Armitage Hux X Male Reader
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 4: Arranged Marriage Pronouns: He/Him, reader called ‘prince’ and ‘man’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Moderate Themes Warnings: Foundation of a queer platonic relationship, marriage for politics, aroace Hux and Reader, asexual bonding, sex/romance repulsion Summary: The First Order needs a strong alliance to beat the Resistance out of your system. Your government agrees, so long as there is a strong tie between the two governments. Armitage Hux receives an order from Supreme Leader Snoke himself.
Free Comics: Stuart Bloom X Male Reader X Barry Kripke
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 5: Love Triangle Pronouns: He/Him, reader called ‘boyfriend’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Moderate Themes Warnings: Barry is an asshole, Stuart stares a lot, Reader enjoys Silver Age DC, mentions/hints towards sex, hint of poly ending, Captain Sweatpants being a good guy Summary: Stuart and Barry are both flirty towards you, but when Barry finds out someone else is flirting with you he feels the need to do something about it. You have no problem laying out their options for them.
Not Your Tie: Oswald Cobblepot X Male Reader
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 6: Clothing Swap Pronouns: He/Him, reader called ‘boyfriend’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: M/Mature Themes Warnings: Oswald stays in the closet to get votes, mentions of sex, Ed knows everything and doesn’t hate Oswald, Oswald isn’t in this very much Summary: After a long night of celebration you arrive at the mayor’s office wearing Oswald’s tie. Luckily for you, Edward is a good friend.
12 Days of AU 2022
Dragons Know Things: Viggo Grimborn X Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Soulmate Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence Warnings: Viking typical violence, minor injuries, hunters are hunters, Reader is an older dragon rider Summary: Shot down during a storm by the dragon hunters, you meet their leader.
The Death Knights: Severus Snape X Male Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Royalty Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader is called ‘sir’ as in the knightly title and acts as a traditionally masculine knight Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence Warnings: Mentions of death and war, arranged marriage, Voldemort still looks human, Snape is still a spy Summary: King Dumbledore’s precious school has fallen to the Dark King Voldemort’s forces, now they celebrate that victory.
Gaslight Hatter: Jervis Tetch X Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Historic Pronouns: None Mentioned *Reader is a cop and the first female cop in America would have just joined the force around this time so there’s no room for pronoun plot holes, use what you want Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence Warnings: Mentions of murder/serial murder, based on the comic not the movie, reader is a cop but a cool one I guess, Reader referred to as an Alice by Hatter, I hope you’ve read the book Summary: 1890s Gotham is facing a new threat after the demise of Jack the Ripper. A madman dressed as the beloved Hatter from a popular storybook who has a pension for playing dress up with the young adults of the city. As an officer working under Inspector Gordon, it’s your job to protect the people.
Necromancer: Milton Mamet X Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Magic Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Zombies Warnings: Mentions of death and zombies, use of ‘biters’ instead of 'walkers’ Summary: When science fails, magic is needed to learn more about the dead.
Navyman: Malcolm Reed X Male Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Modern Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘boyfriend’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: G Warnings: Malcolm’s family is clueless, aquaphobia, mentions of scary/life threatening conditions at sea Summary: In modern times, Malcolm Reed didn’t have any Starfleet to join and is pressured into the Navy despite his fear. His family is proud, but knows nothing about his phobia so you have to help him through it during a storytelling session.
Traditions: Montgomery Scott X Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Holiday Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Alcohol Warnings: Multiple holiday celebration, Scotty’s tree has to be perfect, mentions of scotch, holidays/faiths mentioned specifically: Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule, and Christmas, author celebrates Yule and did research for other holidays Summary: When the holiday season rolls around the Enterprise has an annual party, limited to one night due to the dangers of space. Scotty and the Operations division are in charge of decorations for all of the holidays and it’s time to set up.
Fictober 2023
Street Urchin: Dutch Van der Linde X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 1, Age Play Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ and ‘son’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Age play, role play, begging, slight pain/rough handling, anal fingering, anal sex, prostate massage, biting, neck kissing, dirty talk, teasing Summary: Dutch suggested you pretend to be one of those young street boys while in Saint Denis so he can teach you a lesson.
Big, Not Dumb: Bill Williamson X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 2, Compliments Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Language Warnings: Referenced bullying, referenced crime, fluff, comfort, kisses, cuddling, bashful Bill, use of Bill’s birth name Summary: You get back to camp to find Bill in a bad mood, that simply will not do.
Annoying: John Marston X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 3, Hate Sex Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘man’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Hate sex, anal fingering, anal sex, prostate massage, dirty talk, teasing, mentions of John’s situation with Abigail and Jack, Reader is an asshole, pre-Blackwater, violence, punching Summary: You’ve been sent on a scouting excursion with John to find a good spot closer to Blackwater, John is annoying through the whole ride.
Never Again: Kieran Duffy X Bill Williamson
Fictober Prompt: Day 4, Hurt/Comfort Pairing Type: M/M Rating: T/Language, References to sex Warnings: Referenced/Implied forced prostitution, trauma, mentions of past torture, the tongs, Dutch is an asshole, soft Bill Williamson, mutual pining, hurt/comfort, protective bahavior, hugs, internalized homophobia, Bill is at war with himself Summary: Kieran finds himself forced into something he doesn’t want to do in order to make money for camp, Bill is there to keep that from happening.
Little O’Driscoll Dog: Micah Bell X Kieran Duffy
Fictober Prompt: Day 5, Collaring Pairing Type: M/M Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Smut, fluff, tooth rotting?, repressed Micah Bell, kinky Kieran Duffy, admittance of feelings, established relationship, slow sex, kissing, anal fingering, anal sex, marking, protectiveness, possessiveness, top Micah and bottom Kieran Summary: Micah and Kieran spend their first night in a hotel room, giving them both the opportunity to admit things.
Sit Still: Arthur Morgan X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 6, Dubcon/Frottage Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Slight dubcon, frottage, sex with clothes on, grinding, kissing, neck kissing, marking, low honor Arthur Morgan, dominate Arthur and submissive Reader, sleeping, slight cuddling Summary: With the whole camp noticing Arthur’s darker turn recently, Dutch sent you out to keep an eye on him.
Helping and Teaching: Colm O’Driscoll X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 7, Virginity Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: AMAB, Mention of chest hair Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Colm O’Driscoll has a virginity kink big time, Reader is an O’Driscoll, praise, dirty talk, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, proposition, kissing, grinding, clothed dominant/naked submissive, anal fingering, anal sex, top Colm/bottom Reader, gentle Colm for once Summary: While out on a job with the other O’Driscoll boys, you let slip that you’re a virgin. When this news gets back to Colm, his interest is piqued.
Not a Drop: Micah Bell X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 8, Breeding Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Passing mention of having a kid (but not really talking about it, just dirty talk), Micah being a needy bottom, Reader is confused but supportive of Micah’s breeding kink, multiple orgasms, playing with hair, cuddling, cockwarming, breeding, anal fingering, anal sex, dirty talk, top Reader and bottom Micah Summary: Micah has a bit of a surprising request, he wants to be filled like he’s being bred.
The Map: Bill Williamson X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 9, Kisses Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘man’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/References to sex Warnings: Kisses, fluff, light bickering, spoiling Brown Jack of course, use of Bill’s birth name, established relationship, implied future sex, slight appreciation of Bill’s thighs Summary: Lost in a new area when trying to find a new town, you have a sweet moment with Bill.
Sweet: Kieran Duffy X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 10, Praise Kink Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Kisses, fluff, smut, outdoor sex, praise kink, self anal fingering, anal sex, top Reader and bottom Kieran, statements of love, established relationship Summary: A moment away from camp in which you notice Kieran reacts rather pleasantly to being praised.
Lesson: Micah Bell X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 11, Humiliation Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ and ‘man’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Kisses, smut, outdoor sex, long term humiliation, anal fingering, anal sex, top Reader and bottom Micah, established relationship, jealousy, rough sex Summary: When Micah gets too close with Dutch, you feel the need to remind him of something.
Wake The Bear: Bill Williamson X Micah Bell
Fictober Prompt: Day 12, Somnophillia Pairing Type: M/M Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Smut, sleep sex, slightly dubious consent, insomniac Micah, thicc (™) Bill, clingy Bill, established relationship, kissing, marking, possessiveness, top Micah and bottom Bill Summary: Stuck in Bill’s bear-like cuddles, Micah comes across something to entertain himself.
Trustworthy: Arthur Morgan X Albert Mason
Fictober Prompt: Day 13, Cuckolding Pairing Type: M/M Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Smut, established relationship (Arthur/Albert), fluff, kink negotiation, domestic themes, soft sex, gentle sex, masturbation, exhibitionism, cuckolding, kisses, oral sex, blow jobs, anal fingering, anal sex, cuddling, fantasies come to life, top Charles and bottom Albert with viewing Arthur. Summary: Arthur finds himself thinking of a new dirty fantasy and he is lucky enough to have a sweetheart and friend that are willing to help him fulfill it.
Training The Workhorse: Arthur Morgan X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 14, Orgasm Denial Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Arthur being needy, orgasm denial, kissing, anal fingering, oral sex, blow jobs, rimming, teasing, top Reader and bottom Arthur Summary: Arthur has been overly needy, so you give him just enough attention to ensure he listens.
Rebound: Dutch Van der Linde X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 15, Noncon/Rape Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ and ‘man’ and holds a generally masculine mindset given the circumstances Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Rape, grief, drinking, mentions of Annabelle’s death, unhealthy coping mechanisms, hints of victim blaming because Dutch is an ass, threats, semi-public sex, hand jobs, anal fingering, anal sex, marking, neck kissing, slight cum fixation, vomiting, crying, Dutch is such a bad person in this one dude, shifting perspective Summary: After losing someone he loves, Dutch drinks to forget and gets an idea in his drunken mind when he spots a man he likes the look of.
Flipped: Sean MacGuire X Male Reader X Kieran Duffy
Fictober Prompt: Day 16, Gentle threesome, Double penetration Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ and ‘man’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: threesome, rimming, kissing, anal fingering, anal sex, double penetration, fluff, smut, guys being dudes Summary: Sean’s big mouth ends up with you taking both he and Kieran at the same time.
Dare: The Van der Linde Boys X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 17, Multi Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘fella’ and ‘man’, heavy masculine implication Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: (have you ever been in a men’s locker room and things got a little weird), smut, background relationships, masturbation, hand jobs, kissing, oral sex, blow jobs, dirty talk, facial, cum swallowing, Micah being an asshole, flirting, casual sex, everyone is gay but especially Bill Summary: Drunk Sean wanting to get off prompts a dare to jerk off and last longer than anyone else at the fire. Gay chaos of a sort ensues.
Bruises: Arthur Morgan X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 18, Spanking Pronouns: None Mentioned, masculine implication Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: M/Mild sexual themes Warnings: Mentions of violence and injuries sustained, marking, spanking, bruising, fantasizing, masturbation, anal fingering, cuddling, kissing, aftercare, sex put off in favor of cuddling Summary: Arthur loves being put over your knee but this is the longest you’ve been apart.
At His Lowest: Dutch Van der Linde X Micah Bell
Fictober Prompt: Day 19, Exhibitionism Pairing Type: M/M Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Exhibitionism, epilogue setting, power dynamics, dom/sub undertones, anal fingering, anal sex, bottom Micah/top Dutch, mentions of past grief, Dutch is not mentally healthy Summary: Now that Dutch has reunited with Micah, he has an opportunity he should have taken years ago.
Needy Firsts: Sean MacGuire X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 20, Rimming Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘man’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Kissing, established relationship, begging, Sean is loud, rimming, first time rimming, mentions of prior sex, slight aftercare Summary: After a few days without much alone time you decide to do something with Sean that you haven’t done before.
Sweet Blood: Bill Williamson X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 21, Blood/Murder Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut, violence Warnings: Appreciation of Bill’s size, kissing, gunfight, blood, murder, oral sex, blow job, hint of anal fingering, mentions of bathing together, goofy fluff, Bill is clumsy Summary: After a shootout Bill gets a little show that he enjoys more than he might expect.
Thickness: Bill Williamson X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 22, Intercrural Sex Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Prior failed sex with injury, mention of blood, a lesson in lubrication, Bill’s thighs getting the attention they deserve, intercrural sex, prepping, aftercare, kissing, hand job, soft sex, fluff Summary: After a painful failed attempt at typical intimacy, Bill has an idea that won’t worsen his injury.
Practice Makes Perfect: Abe X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 23, First Time Deepthroating Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Fluff, oral sex, blow job, deepthroating, cum swallowing, domestic-ish, established relationship Summary: After a lot of practice, Abe finally manages to get you down into his throat.
Slow: Kieran Duffy X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 24, Sounding Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Fluff, careful sex, sounding, safe sex for the time period, the fence has a spicy inventory you know he does, communication Summary: A new toy from the fence means testing it out with caution.
End: Micah Bell X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 25, Crying Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘man’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence, language Warnings: Angst, crying, betrayal, Reader doesn’t take Micah’s side, violence, guns, shootout, drinking, Micah doesn’t know how to do emotions, Baylock is a good horse, extreme coping mechanisms Summary: The end of the gang, everything is going Micah’s way. There’s just one little snag that Micah doesn’t know how to handle, something he didn’t know how to account for.
A Dynamic: Dutch Van der Linde X Arthur Morgan
Fictober Prompt: Day 26, Grooming Pairing Type: M/M Rating: M/Grooming, references to sex Warnings: Underage, dead dove, grooming, dark themes, Dutch’s mind is a wasteland, bad father Dutch, groping, head kissing, cuddling, affection Summary: Dutch doesn’t think what he does with Arthur is all that wrong. A/N: Goes without saying this is your extra dead dove warning. This is an interesting dynamic I had read a few fics on and I wanted to explore Dutch’s odd interest in ‘younger women’ that he has in the game. It’s short because it’s gross.
Messed Up: Micah Bell X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 27, S&M Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘sir’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: E/Smut, blood Warnings: Rough sex, rough masturbation, anal fingering, sex toys, anal plug, knife play, blood, marking, dom/sub, bottom Micah and top Reader, aftercare, cuddling, choking, asphyxiation, blacking out, passing out  Summary: After misbehaving before, Micah gets a well loved punishment.
Well Behaved: Colm O’Driscoll X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 28, Daddy Kink Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: M/References to sex Warnings: Colm being sweet, cuddling by a fire, blankets, soft behavior, daddy kink, neck kissing, sensual touching, cozy setting, I wrote this in thirty degree weather because cold Summary: A warm night by the fire with Colm.
Squeeze: Charles Smith X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 29, Breathplay Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Choking, anal fingering, anal sex, cockwarming, kissing, neck kissing, slight aftercare of sorts, birthday presents, fluff, Charles being extra pretty, established relationship, bottom Charles and top Reader Summary: Charles gets everything he wants for his birthday.
Misadventures: Micah Bell X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 30, Failed Date Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘man’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Language, mention of injury Warnings: Fluff, romance, date, picnic, kissing, mention of violence and injury, Micah trying his best Summary: Micah plans a date to make up for being a bad sweetheart, only for things to turn on him all at once.
Boys’ Night: The Van der Linde Boys X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 31, Orgy Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Orgy, threesomes, kissing, anal fingering, anal sex, oral sex, blow jobs, rough sex, voyeurism, exhibitionism, Sean’s drunken mind, marking, viagra-esc tonics, almost everyone is passed around to everyone else, Reader takes both top and bottom roles Summary: Sean has an idea that leads most of the boys in the gang to a damn fun time.
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only-in-december · 1 year
Hi! Here's a list of ten of the weirdest ships I could come up with for Star Trek off the top of my head! (Don't ask why. Just go with it....I was bored.)
The rules are simple, 1) the characters have to either come from the same show, or exist at the same point in the timeline (so for example Chekov x Kira would not be allowed, but Kira x Geordi would....that ship is solely for example purposes and will not be used in the final list.) 2) Characters can be used however many times I see fit. 3) No incest, pedophilia, or other generally icky pairings. And finally, 4) There is no forethought put into whether or not they would actually work as a couple. It's just for fun.😁
Christopher Pike x Sam Kirk
Hikaru Sulu x Spock
Pavel Chekov x Jim Kirk
Beverly Crusher x Worf
Quark x Guinan
Spock x Sam Kirk
Pavel Chekov x Nyota Uhura
Geordi La Forge x Kathryn Janeway
Kira Nerys x Miles O'Brien *EDIT* After many (read 3 or 4) people informed me that this is a real ship (usually in a polycule with Keiko) I rescind this as an odd ship. I apologize. In my defense, I've only watched like...maybe the whole first season of DS9 at most, and so haven't gotten to that storyline. My most humble of apologies to all.
Una Chin-Riley x Montgomery Scott
I don't think any of these are plausible romantic relationships for any of them. But if anyone wants to try and defend any of them, I'd love to see how you think that relationship would work! And if somehow I put a ship that you actually do ship, then I'm sorry! I tried my best to think of pairings that no one would really ship in the genuine kind of way!
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sl-walker · 1 year
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Ad Astra News - 5/21 - 5/27
State of the Archive
Currently the archive is up, running and stable on otw-archive.  Technical issues include: Links from e-mails not landing on the correct subdomain, so if you want to join up, you have to add beta.adastrafanfic.com/[insert validation link] in order to validate your account.  If you don’t want to or can’t, though, just hit me up and I’ll do it from the back end!  Another technical issue is that dates/times aren’t populating correctly on newly posted stories, but that’s a pretty minor thing.  If you see a bug, let me know!
If you do join up and want to post, please make sure you read the Tagging FAQ.
The original eFiction archive will become a static-only monument on September 1st, 2023.
Weekly Challenge # 6
On our chat server that starts with a D, the current challenge is New Homes; between 100 and 700 words of fic about new homes, be they literal places, new ships, new crews or people in general.
Stories Archived
Star Trek: Enterprise
By Jespah
The New House - G - Malcolm Reed/OFC
By @merfilly
The Unquiet End - T - Takashi Kimura/Hoshi Sato
Star Trek: The Original Series
By @beatrice-otter
Undiscovered Stars - G - James T. Kirk/Lando Calrissian (SW x-over) The One Great Choice - T - Cleante al-Faisal, T'Shael, Jasmine al-Faisal
By @merfilly
A Breath of Fresh Air - T - Emony Dax/Leonard “Bones” McCoy Dreams - G - Hikaru Sulu Feelings - G - Spock Introspection - G - James T. Kirk Diplomacy - G - Mara, Pavel Chekov Storyteller - G - Nyota Uhura Serenity - G - Leonard “Bones” McCoy, Julian Bashir (x-over with DS9) So Much - G - Montgomery “Scotty” Scott Enterprise - G Contemplation - M - David Marcus/Saavik Strong Ones - T - Una Chin-Riley/Nyota Uhura A Gift - T - James T. Kirk/Spock One Friend Lost... One Gained? - G - James T. Kirk A Shore Leave to Remember - G - Leonard “Bones” McCoy, Nyota Uhura Necessary - T - Leonard “Bones” McCoy The Sound of His Engines - G - Montgomery “Scotty” Scott Frayed - G - Christine Chapel Sippin' Time - G - Leonard “Bones” McCoy Complications of Empire - G - Kang Farewells - G - Christopher Pike Just One Man - G - Leonard “Bones” McCoy Change of Command - G - Christopher Pike, Robert April Points of Communion - M - David Marcus/Saavik She Would Have Known - G - Spock Acceptance - G - James T. Kirk, David Marcus Memories of Smoke - G - Nyota Uhura Assumptions - G - Spock, Sarek
By @sl-walker
'Cross the River - G - Spock Iron - T - Montgomery “Scotty” Scott & Spock Not Too Soon - G - Sarek, Amanda Grayson, Spock Maps, Rules and Moderation - G - James T. Kirk & Leonard “Bones” McCoy
Star Trek: Alternate Original Series
By @beatrice-otter
Those Left Behind - G - Christopher Pike, Sarek
Star Trek: The Next Generation
By @beatrice-otter
the simple secret of the plot - G - Guinan/Jean-Luc Picard Hope of Thee (The Zombie Remix) - G - Lwaxana Troi, Kestra Troi Processing - T - Data, Deanna Troi Reboot: The Chase - G - Jean-Luc Picard (x-over with Stargate:SG1) Reboot (Legacy) - G - Jean-Luc Picard (x-over with Stargate:SG1)
By @merfilly
Game in Town - G - Q Intimidated - G - Worf Admiral Compensations - T - Jean-Luc Picard Fell For Him - G - Beverly Crusher
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
By @beatrice-otter
Nerys and the Emissary - G - Kira Nerys & Benjamin Sisko In Due Season - T - Prophet/Joseph Sisko (Rape/Noncon) Ornament - T - Kira Nerys, Lupaza
By @merfilly
In a Different World - T - Elim Garak (Mirror)
Star Trek: Voyager
By @sl-walker
Idle - G - Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay
Expanded Universes
By LordMcCoveyCove
Communiques - G The New Threat - M - Tenth Doctor (x-over with Doctor Who)
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ghost-king-kai · 10 months
The Requesting Hall Guidelines
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Welcome to the request guidelines! Here you can be informed of my dos & don'ts, characters & fandoms available, and rules in The Requesting Hall.
Please review (or at least skim through) these rules prior to sending a request to the hall.
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Request Rules
Be sure to keep asks and requests respectful.
Make sure the request is detailed enough for me to write for.
Anons are welcome! (if you'd like a specific designation, feel free to ask)
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The Dos & Don'ts
These are the types of requests I do and don't do.
I Do...
x Male!Reader
x GN!Reader
x Transmasc!Reader
x NB!Reader
Fluff Fics
Angst Fics (Heavily dependent on the topics)
Platonic Fics (Familial, Teammates, Colleagues, Crewmates, Etc.)
Character Concepts for Reader (As long as the idea is feasible)
Oc Requests & Asks
I Don't Do...
x Fem!Reader
x Transfem!Reader
NSFW/Smut (Besides implications)
Triggering Topics (Sexual Assault, Rape, Abuse, Self Harm, etc.)
Fetish Requests
Character Ships
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Characters Available For Requests
The listed characters and fandoms are the ones I am usually inspired to write on the regular or as of right now but that doesn't mean you can't ask if I write for a specific fandom or character that isn't on this list, especially if it's from the list in the Kingdom Directory.
Specify Timeframe
Available for Romantic Requests: Peter Parker (Only Tom & Andrew Portrayals)
Platonic Only: The Avengers (Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Parker, The Vision) [All Together & Individually] The Marvels (Carol Danvers, Monica Rambeau, Kamala Khan) [All Together & Individually] Etc. (there are literally so many characters-)
Specify Adaptation & Timeframe (I mostly do DCAU & Young Justice, though)
Platonic Only: The Bat Family (Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown) [All Together & Individually] Jon Kent (Supersons Comics Series Version) The Team (Dick Grayson, Wally West, Kaldur'ahm, Artemis Crock, M'gann M'orzz, Connor Kent) (Young Justice TV Series) [All Together & Individually]
Persona 5
Specify Timeframe
Available for Romantic Requests: Ren Amamiya
Platonic Only: The Phantom Thieves (Ren Amamiya, Morgana, Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki, Yusuke Kitagawa, Makoto Nijima, Futaba Sakura, Haru Okumura) [All Together] Futaba Sakura Zenkichi Hasegawa Goro Akechi Sophia
Criminal Minds
Specify Timeframe
Platonic Only: The B.AU. Team (Aaron Hotchner, Jason Gideon, David Rossi, Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, Jennifer Jareau, Spencer Reid, Penelope Garcia, Alex Blake, Luke Alves, Tara Lewis) [All Together & Individually]
Star Trek
Specify Timeframe
Strange New Worlds
Platonic Only: The Crew (Christopher Pike, Una Chin-Riley, Hemmer/Pelia, Joseph M'Benga, Christine Chapel, Erica Ortegas, Nyota Uhura, Jenna Mitchell, Spock, La'an Noonien-Singh, George Samuel Kirk) [All Together & Individually] James T. Kirk
Platonic Only: The Crew (Michael Burnham, Saru, Sylvia Tilly, Adira Tal, Keyla Detmer, R. A. Bryce, Joann Owosekun, Hugh Culber, Gen Rhys, Paul Stamets, Jett Reno) [All Together & Individually] Cleveland Booker
Kelvin Timeline
Platonic Only: The Crew (James T. Kirk, Spock, Montgomery Scott, Keenser, Pavel Chekov, Hikaru Sulu, Leonard McCoy, Nyota Uhura) [All Together & Individually]
Resident Evil
Specify Timeframe & Version
Available for Romantic Requests: Leon S. Kennedy
Fair Warning: Fandoms and characters will be added and removed a lot over time. Apologies in advance if a character or fandom you would like to request disappears overnight. Inspiration comes and goes and this section just reflects what and who I am gladly willing to write for at the time.
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toboldlygohome · 8 months
Leonard McCoy x Reader
Summary: Leonard has it bad for you and doesn't know what to do about it. All he knows is that this little crush is getting out of hand.
Character(s): Leonard "Bones" McCoy, James "Jim" Kirk, Spock, Nyota Uhura, Pavel Chekov,
Warning(s): Wounds, Cursing, Slight Angst (Don't worry, there's fluff at the end)
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"Bones.... Bones.... Bones?...............Bones!"
Leonard snapped back to reality and returned his focus to the conversation he was having...well...supposed to be having.
"Seriously Bones, what's with you lately?" Jim raised an eyebrow.
"What are you going on about?" Bones scoffed.
"I've been trying to discuss this report with you and you're not even remotely paying attention to me."
"I'm paying attention!"
"Really? Cause it looked like you were staring at Lieutenant-Commander Y/L/N." Kirk crossed his arms.
"No I was not," Leonard frowned.
"Were too!"
"Was not!"
"Were t-" Jim was cut off by Uhura turning around in her seat.
"Boys, seriously. You bicker like an old married couple. Some of us actually have work to do." She scolded.
Leonard sighed and shook his head. "Look Jim, I was just spacing out. That's. All."
"Yeah, spacing out while your eyes are burning holes into Y/N's back. Sounds an awful lot like staring." Jim laughed
Leonard's eyes darted over to you as you patted Chekov on the back, said goodbye to him and Sulu, and made your way out of the bridge. When he turned back, he found three pairs of eyes watching him with amusement.
"Oh what now?" Leonard put his hand on his hips. "Seriously, do you all have nothing better to do with your time than speculate on where my attention's at?"
"There is no need to speculate doctor, you have your sights set on Lieutenant-Commander Y/L/N. It is perfectly natural, there is no need for you to feel ashamed," Spock said.
"I'm NOT ashamed! I'm a doctor, not some giddy little schoolboy with a crush," Leonard defended.
"Hey, no one ever said anything about a crush. We just said you have a staring problem," Jim laughed.
Leonard sputtered for some sort of comeback. Some way to deny any validity to the things they were saying. But the truth is that they caught him in a lie. He was staring. Bones had been watching as you talked animatedly to Chekov about an experiment you were doing in the botany labs. Leonard imagined it was him you were talking to, him you were laughing with. Just the thought of it made his stomach churn in a mixture of delight and grief.
"Aaaaand now we've lost him," Jim snickered, interrupting his thoughts again.
"Really doctor, it's not that big of a deal. We've all been in your predicament before...well... maybe not all of us." Uhura glanced at Kirk playfully, who shrugged in response. "Y/L/N is a great scientist, and an even greater friend-"
"Yes yes and very beautiful, with eyes like stars!" Chekov added, "Y/N has many admirers, you are not the only one."
"Chekov?" Bones asked
"Yes sir?"
"Stop talking."
"Yes sir." Chekov turned back to his screen.
"Look, Bones you don't have to admit it just yet. You have that whole brooding cowboy doctor thing going on, I get it! Just don't let it get in the way of your happiness," Jim reasoned.
"You are all delusional! Now are you all going to continue turning me into a spectacle, or can we get back to this mission report?" Leonard demanded.
"Whatever the doctor orders. Try to listen this time will ya?" Kirk teased.
Leonard was noticing it more and more. How his eyes searched for you every dinner, every meeting, in the hallways, even in the medbay. And once his eyes found you, they rarely strayed too far.
When you weren't around him, his thoughts always drifted back to you. How nice your hair looked, how fascinating your last report was, how enchanting your voice is, ...how soft your lips look. It was all getting out of hand. He was regularly staying later to finish paperwork because he was too lost in his own head.
Leonard was having one of those moments where his mind was far away, musing about you. He was so spaced out, he nearly didn't notice the tap on his shoulder.
When he turned around and saw you standing there smiling shyly at him, his heart nearly went up into his throat.
"Lieutenant-Commander, what can I do for you?" Leonard asked, finding a smile of his own.
"Can you take a look at my hand please?" You asked, holding one of your hands closed. Leonard noticed some red peeking from between your fingers.
"Oh boy, what did you do this time?" Bones asked as he led you to sit on one of the biobeds.
"You know those plants I picked up from Lainatha?" You asked
"The ones with the purple flowers that smell like a dead body?" He asked as he grabbed his kit.
"What about em?"
"They have VERY sharp leaves," You laughed.
Leonard shook his head and groaned, "Let me take a look."
You winced as you slowly opened your hand, revealing a cut that spanned the length of your palm.
Leonard lightly cradled the back of your hand as he inspected the minor wound. "Damn darlin' those leaves must be mighty sharp to nick you this deep." He murmured. "this plant ain't poisonous, right?"
"Not that I've found, doctor." You laughed. His ears welcomed the sound. He felt his cheeks warm as he admired you. When you laughed or smiled, it was contagious. Even to him.
"Leonard?" You asked gently, breaking from his daze once more.
"Sorry, just thinking that um... We're gonna want to keep an eye on this, just in case you have some unexpected reaction," He returned his focus to your hand. "I'm gonna clean this up, put some bandages on it and give you something to speed up the healing process," Bones explained.
He went straight to work on your palm, handling it as carefully as possible. Luckily it didn't need stitches. He bandaged it nice and tight before giving you a couple hypos to prevent pain and infection.
"I expect to see you here at least once a day, so I can see the progress and monitor for allergies or poison," Leonard instructed.
"Do you always worry this much?" You giggled.
"Only about my favorite patients," he said without thinking. Perhaps it was just a figment of his imagination, but he could have swore you were blushing. Impossible! You? Blush at him?
'In my dreams,' Bones thought.
"I promise I'll stop by," You said sweetly.
"You better. If I don't see you in here by the end of my shift tomorrow, I'm coming after you." He teased accusingly.
"I'm counting on it," You...did you just... wink at him? "Thanks for the help Bones, I'll see you tomorrow!" You lightly patted his shoulder with your uninjured hand and hurried back to your lab.
Leonard slumped in his seat and contemplated the mess of feelings he was experiencing. He wasn't sure if he was ready to love someone again. He wasn't even sure if he knew how to love anymore, but he was sure of one thing. You had him wrapped around your finger and you didn't even know it.
The next day, Leonard strove to keep his mind on work. When his thoughts drifted to you, he would immediately turn his attention to the task at hand. It worked for awhile, but toward the end of his shift he realized he had not seen you all day. You had promised to come in so he could take a look at your cut again, but of course you were nowhere to be seen.
Leonard asked around the medbay, but no one had seen you except for one nurse who claimed you were still in the botany lab. "That's just typical," Bones grumbled, grabbing his kit. "I'm always running around, gathering these officers like a cat chasing chickens."
The moment he stepped into the lab, he couldn't find it in his heart to be mad at you. You were totally engrossed in your work, testing the ph levels in some alien soil.
"How are the tests coming along, Lieutenant-Commander?" Leonard smirked.
You beamed at him, "wonderfully! I'm learning so many new things, it's crazy. I-" Your face fell. "Oh no! Forgot to meet with you! I'm so sorry Leonard," you hurriedly put down your soil container and made your way over to him.
"Yeah yeah you're so sorry, whatever. " He teased. "Get over here so I can see that hand."
The inspection went just fine. Your hand was healing nicely and there was no sign of infection or allergic reaction. He changed the bandages and gave you something for the pain.
"All finished. I still want to observe it, just to make sure it heals nicely... And wear gloves from now on! I don't want to have to keep chasing you around for injuries like this." Leonard quipped.
"Yes sir," you giggled, "I won't forget to come in next time."
"I'll believe it when I see it," he closed his medical bag.
"I mean it! i'm almost done testing all the samples, so I should have ample time for remembering... at least until we visit another unexplored planet." You shrugged playfully.
"Then you'll find some new plant to creatively injure yourself with. Razor sharp leaves... give me a break," Leonard ran his fingers through his hair.
"Oh! that reminds me, I have something to show you. Come on!" You nudged him with your leg and stood up, striding over to the 'plant nursery' as you so lovingly called it. Leonard grinned at your enthusiasm and followed.
"You're sure none of these are poisonous?" He asked
"We don't keep the poisonous ones here, silly."
"But you do have them?"
"What's your obsession with poisonous and allergy educing plants?"
"I wouldn't call it an obsession, a mild concern maybe," Leonard smirked.
"I'm not gonna poison you doctor, I want to show you this!" You proudly presented him with a somewhat unassuming plant. It had a black stem with thorns on it, as well as wide black leaves. On top was a bulb; the kind that usually holds flowers inside. He couldn't for the life of him understand what was so interesting about it, but he was sure he was about to find out if that dazzling smile on your face was any indication.
He loved when you ranted about your work. The joy in your voice was infectious, your ramblings were so passionate, and he always learned something new. He would listen to you talk all day if he could.
"What is it?" he raised an eyebrow at the plant and bit back a smile.
"Don't sound so unimpressed Len, this little guy is one of my favorite plants to date." You crossed your arms. "I found him during our exploration of Conate Ultima-A." Leonard nearly melted when you called the plant a 'little guy.'
"The planet orbiting the red dwarf star?" Leonard clarified.
"Mhm! he's black all over because black absorbs all available wavelengths of light. That's important for a plant feeding off such a dim star like Conate Ultima. He has these big leaves, you see." You lightly touched one of the leaves. "That's also for absorbing light. Not only that, but they've developed thorns to keep herbivores from eating them." You explained.
"Like Earth roses," Leonard smiled at the way your eyes lit up.
"Exactly like Earth roses!" You agreed, "They also have this really unique trait where if you pick the flower, it doesn't wilt. Instead, it sprouts roots at the bottom and you can transplant it!" You beamed "But that isn't even the best part."
"It isn't? Tell me darlin', what could possibly top that?" Bones asked.
"Technically, this is another defense mechanism, but..." You cradled the bulb in your hands. "When you caress the bulb like this," You delicately brushed the sides of the bulb with your thumbs. Slowly, the bulb opened to reveal the brightest yellow flower he had ever seen. It practically glowed against the black leaves. He had to agree with you, this was the best part."
"Wow..." Leonard tried it with another bulb. It slowly opened for him as well.
"I know, awesome right?" You lightly bumped his shoulder with yours.
"What do you call it?" Leonard inquired, pulling his hand away from the plant.
"Well, officially we call it Conate Rosaceae... but I've named this one Leonard." You looked up at him with those gorgeous eyes and he couldn't look away.
"You named it after me?" He asked.
"Yeah, it reminds me of you."
"How so?"
"Well, it's perfectly designed to find light in dark places." You chuckled, "no matter how many times you try to cut it down it just comes back bigger and stronger." You fiddled with your bandages sheepishly. "It has this intimidating exterior that most people try to avoid... but... on the inside, It's the brightest, most breathtaking flower. So bright, it stands out from all the others."
To say Leonard was flattered would be an understatement. He had received compliments before. On his work, his hands, maybe even his hair, but he couldn't recall the last time someone had told him something so meaningful. Bones didn't know what to say; he didn't even know what to do with his hands. This was ridiculous. He was a grown man for crying out loud! But here he was, nervous as a long-tailed cat in a roomful of rocking chairs.
He needed to say something, anything. A simple thank you didn't feel like enough. Nothing about him felt like enough after Jocelyn.
He swallowed.
You made him feel like enough.
"Y/N..." Leonard stepped closer. You looked up at him with those eyes again. Those eyes he loved to get lost in. Your gaze met his and it was like something clicked inside him. Your eyes flickered down just for a moment, but he caught it. His heart fluttered and his blood rushed to his face. It was now or never.
He leaned in.
You leaned in.
There were mere inches between you.
He could feel your breath on his lips.
"Lieutenant-Commander Y/L/N to the bridge," the intercom startled you both apart.
"Dammit Jim..." Leonard slid a hand over his flushed face and sighed, clearly displeased with his friend's interruption.
"The captain always has the most impeccable timing, doesn't he?" You smiled awkwardly, bouncing on your heels.
"That's one way to put it, yes" Bones frowned at ceiling. There was an awkward pause. He could sense your expectant gaze on him, but he could already feel his walls coming up again. The love would start off sweet, sure, but it wouldn't last. It never did. Leonard cared about you- no, that wasn't right, it was more than that. He couldn't bear it if this didn't work out.
Maybe this is for the best.
"Leonard?..." You said softly.
"It's okay Y/N. You'd better get up there, see what he wants," Leonard offered you a terse smile.
You nodded softly, "yes sir, I'll um.. I'll see you later." He didn't miss the disappointment in your eyes as you left.
He was disappointed too, but Leonard was used to disappointment.
Two weeks went by and Leonard seemed to be avoiding you. Your cut had healed, but another form of hurt took its place. Had you done something wrong? Pushed him away somehow? It made you sick to think that your almost-kiss had cost you a dear friend. You had tried to speak with him several times, but he always had somewhere else to be. He was busy immunizing security personnel for an upcoming mission. Your silly affair in the plant nursery was probably the last thing on his mind. Still, you felt incredibly lonely. You missed sharing meals with him, stopping in the hallway to chat with him. You missed his anecdotes about Georgia and his snide remarks about Jim's inability to stay out of trouble.
As much as it pained you to think this way, you wished you could take back what you said in the lab. You wished you had just kept it buried, then none of this would have happened. Leonard would have patched you up instead of Christine, and you wouldn't be left in this weird limbo between friends, lovers, and strangers.
"Lieutenant-Commander?" Spock interrupted your lamenting.
"Oh! I'm so sorry Commander, what can I do for you?" You forced a smile.
"I want to discuss your productivity. Can we speak in your office?" Spock asked.
"Of course, right this way." You led him to your office and shut the door behind you. You already had an idea of where this was going. You had been feeling anxious lately and your work was suffering because of it.
"Should we...have a seat?" You asked awkwardly.
"I do not believe that will be necessary, this will only take a moment." Spock pulled out his PADD. "Tell me, are you feeling well?"
You were a bit taken aback by the question. It wasn't often Spock inquired about your state of being. "I um... yeah, I feel fine. Why?" You lied.
"Your colleagues have informed me that you seem... fatigued during your experiments. I have also noticed your report was full of misspellings and grammatical mistakes, which is unusual for you. Additionally, you appeared distracted and dazed when I approached you just moments ago. Normally you greet me by the door." He slightly raised an eyebrow.
"I'm sorry Spock..." You sighed and sat on the edge of your desk, "I've just been feeling...uneasy I guess."
"Uneasy?" Spock inquired.
"Yeah, my anxiety has been really bothering me lately. I don't mean to worry you." You gave him a half smile.
"Have you spoken with the doctor?" Spock asked. Your stomach sank at the thought.
"I um... no, I haven't."
Spock studied you for a moment, scrutinizing you for any hints as to why you haven't sought medical assistance or counseling when both were readily available.
"I just...don't feel welcome there right now." You met Spock's gaze. A silent conversation passed through you.
"I see." Spock said and looked down at his PADD. "Well, Lieutenant-Commander Y/L/N, I was pleased with your research on the razor-leaf corpse flower. I have kept a watchful eye on your lab access logs and have determined you are due to have two cycles off."
You smiled. For real this time, "thank you Commander Spock. I will use them well"
"I trust that you will. Good day Y/N."
"Good day, Mr. Spock."
Leonard stared at his PADD in frustration. Everything had irritated him lately, even the blinking of the cursor on the screen. His irritation quickly turned into aggravation when Jim barged in unannounced.
"Bones! My good, good friend Bones!" Kirk shut the door behind him.
"What?" Leonard grunted.
"Yeesh, don't sound too excited to see me." Jim sat in the seat across from his desk.
"I'm busy, what do you want?" Bones refused to look at the captain. Maybe if he just didn't look at him, he would go away.
"Can't I just chat with a pal without wanting something from him?" Jim fiddled with a paperweight on the desk.
"Jim." Bones warned.
"You know doctor, it's very unprofessional to scare away patients, right?"
Defeated, Leonard looked up from his work. "What in god's name are you talking about?"
"Y/n" Jim crossed his arms and stared hard at him. Something about his expression put Leonard on edge.
"What about Y/N?" Bones narrowed his eyes at the captain.
"Spock just got done telling me that Y/N, and I quote, 'doesn't feel welcome here right now.' I wonder why that could be."
Leonard huffed and ran a hand through his hair for the umpteenth time that day. "Dammit..."
"What happened bones?" Jim leaned in.
"Nothing happened." Leonard snapped.
"Clearly something happened for you to be so-"
"Nothing happened... that's the problem," Bones clarified. Leonard didn't realize it was even possible to feel so terrible. He hadn't felt this bad since the divorce, but at least with the divorce he wasn't the only one at fault. Leonard had been childishly avoiding you, and now you didn't feel comfortable in the one place you should always feel safe to go. "I'm a goddamned coward, Jim."
There was a long pause between them. Leonard didn't need to tell him what happened for Jim to understand. "What did I tell you about not letting the brooding cowboy act get in the way of your happiness?" The captain teased.
"Not helping." Leonard rested his face in his hands.
"Right, sorry." Jim shifted awkwardly. Bones was grumpy at the best of times, but he always had this undertone of playfulness. He could scold you about missing an exam or tell you your plan is trash, but it would be wrapped up in southern metaphors and clever insults. This was different, this was real. "You...you really love them, huh?"
Leonard nodded.
"Something happened and... now you aren't sure how to take that next step." Jim said.
"Something like that... I thought I knew what I was doing, but now I'm not so sure. I thought some distance would make it clear to me, but I'm more lost than ever... I've made a terrible mistake Jim, one I don't know how to fix," Leonard peered into his coffee mug to avoid the captain's piercing blue eyes.
"Look Bones, clearly you and Y/N are miserable, so why don't you do the both of you a favor and talk to them. I'm sure Y/N will understand if you just...explain how you've been feeling," Jim attempted to reassure his friend.
"I don't exactly have the best track record on talking about feelings, Jim. I'm a doctor, not a psychiatrist." McCoy frowned.
"First time for everything," Jim reached over and patted Leonard's shoulder. "Go make it right. That's an order."
Leonard took a long drink of his coffee, "can't believe I'm taking dating advice from James T. Kirk"
"Like I said. First time for everything."
You had spent the entirety of your day off attempting to read, but you really weren't in the mood for much of anything except sleep. Nyota had stopped by earlier and you greatly enjoyed her company, but the sick feeling in the pit of your stomach hadn't gone away.
You just really wanted to talk to Leonard, apologize for misreading the situation. You handled the unrequited love for years and you'd do it for many more as long as you knew you could still be friends.
You heard a buzz at the door and contemplated ignoring it. It was way past normal visiting hours and you were trying to wind down. Perhaps it was something important. You answered the door, expecting Chekov, Nyota, or maybe even Spock. Instead, you were greeted by an extremely exhausted looking Bones.
"Oh, doctor I um, wasn't expecting you." You said, feeling your heart-rate skyrocket.
"Can I come in?" Leonard asked with that rough, gravely voice you had always loved so much.
"Of course," you stepped aside "Come on in..."
Leonard hesitated a moment before stepping inside. Your room was homey, full of furnishings that were so you, it made his insides churn with affection.
"Len, are you okay?" You asked softly from beside the door, afraid to get any closer.
Leonard watched you for a moment, trying to find the words to say, but one look at you and all of his practiced lines had disappeared for good. All he could say was, "I'm sorry darlin'..."
"You're...sorry?" You asked.
"I've been acting like a kid... I'm sorry I haven't been around. We should have talked about this as soon as it happened."
You sighed. You knew this would be coming sooner or later. You were glad he at least wanted to do it in private. "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have come onto you like that... I scared you off and made things awkward for us both professionally, and as friends-"
"No, no, wait a minute. That's not." Leonard took a deep breath to organize his thoughts. "Y/N, you are so beautiful and smart and dedicated, and funny. You light up every room you walk into."
You swallowed the lump in your throat and wondered if this was a dream. Leonard stepped closer and gave you a hesitant smile. "I'm damaged goods sweetheart. You deserve more than I can give, but it's only been two weeks and I'm a goddamned wreck." Leonard's voice was strained as he poured his heart out to you. "I can deny it all I want, but-" His breath hitched when you placed your hand on his cheek. You could feel the warmth of his skin, the sharp poke of his stubble.
"Leonard, please..." You whispered, eyes pleading with him.
"Please what, darlin'?" He drawled, bringing his hands to your face. He noticed the heat of your blush in his fingertips, he could feel you quiver, eager for him to close the distance.
"Please, just-" His lips were on yours before you could even answer. Your mind was fuzzy. All you could think about was how soft his lips were, how perfectly they fit with yours. His smell was everywhere, it was intoxicating.
He was intoxicating.
He hummed as your fingernails scratched the base of his neck. Leonard pressed you against the wall, desperate for some way to bring you closer. He couldn't remember how to breathe, how to think. All he could do was press his body against yours.
You sighed blissfully against his lips. His hands on your waist were your only anchor to the real world. You clung to him, crumpling his uniform, but you hardly cared. You just wanted him to keep kissing you.
Leonard suddenly remembered to breathe and pulled back, only to press his forehead against yours. Your breathing was shaky and your legs felt weak. You caressed his cheeks once more and placed another soft kiss to his lips, which turned to two, then five.
At last, Leonard pulled you into his chest. He didn't want to let you go just yet. You didn't want to let him go either.
"Darlin'?" He whispered.
"Hm?" You replied, face buried into his neck.
"I love you," Leonard kissed your temple. Your heart leaped in your chest and you held him a little tighter.
"I love you too Len," you whispered softly. Leonard smiled against your cheek and placed another kiss there. "Oh, and just so you know..." You started.
Leonard pulled back to look at you curiously.
"If I ever hear you call yourself damaged goods again, I will kick your ass." You grinned at him.
"Message heard loud and clear Lieutenant-Commander," he chuckled and captured your lips in another searing kiss. Leonard's communicator chimed in his pocket, but he ignored it. There was no code red, the captain could wait. After all, they could have been together by now if it weren't for him. There was a lot of lost time to make up.
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ao3feed-spirk · 9 months
Star Trek IV: The Journey Continued
read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52589551 by Atalanta_714 Five years after the end of their first five year mission, McCoy is grounded and engaged. (Finally!) Uhura is working for Section 31, although she'd rather a job that involves more peace treaties and fewer guns. Scotty is still repairing ships, while Sulu is still mourning the loss of Chekov. And Spock? Last they heard, Spock was living a life of total isolation on New Vulcan. Every year they gather in San Francisco to catch up, but this time, someone's missing. Jim. When no-one can get hold of him, they begin to worry. Turns out Jim was assigned a mission so secret and so dangerous, no-one will tell them where he went, or where to look for him. But the crew of the Enterprise have already lost too much to risk losing more, so they set off to rescue their Captain. Along the way they reunite with old friends, battle devious god-like beings, and maybe even save the Federation from a terrifying new threat... (This is basically how I imagine the mythical Star Trek 4 to look, so it's written as a film script, and also why I didn't think Chekov could be in it. This means this is basically an action movie on AO3. But don't worry shippers! They'll still be a few romantic moments.) Words: 334, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Multi Characters: James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek), Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Nyota Uhura, Christine Chapel, Carol Marcus, Jaylar, Hikaru Sulu, Q (Star Trek), Trelane (Star Trek), Q Continuum Characters (Star Trek) Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock, Christine Chapel/Nyota Uhura, James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy & Spock, Keenser & Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Pavel Chekov & James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy & Spock & Hikaru Sulu & Nyota Uhura Additional Tags: Hurt Spock (Star Trek), Hurt James T. Kirk, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Action/Adventure, Action & Romance, Hurt Sulu, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, crossover with the continuum, space battles & car chases & other action sequences, i wrote this because I want a Star Trek 4, Jaylar has the best music taste, acdc, sequel to Star Trek: Beyond, Adventure, Humor, Uhura is a badass I thinks she deserves more time in fanfics, Past Spock/Nyota Uhura, WARNING Chekov is dead in this fic, RIP Antony Yelchin we miss you x read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52589551
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the-leech-lord · 11 months
Freddy Krueger
The Fifth Floor
Transfem Leatherface
Chop Top
Camp Counselor Jason Voorhees
Harry Warden
Buck from Eaten Alive
Dr Andover from Fear Clinic
Erik Destler (1989)
Catboy! Freddy Krueger
Kamen Rider Den-O
Kamen Rider Build
Kamen Rider Build
Kamen Rider Build Hazard Form
Kamen Rider Grease
Evolt Black Hole Form
Kamen Rider Revice
Kamen Rider Revi
Kamen Rider Vice
Kamen Rider Evil / Kagero
Star Trek The Original Series
Jim Kirk
S’Chn T’Gai Spock
Leonard McCoy
Montgomery Scott
Nyota Uhura
Hikaru Sulu
Pavel Chekov
Genderbend Spock
Star Trek The Next Generation
Jean-Luc Picard
William Riker
Data Soong
Geordi La Forge
Deanna Troi
Beverly Crusher
Wesley Crusher
Q (Anti Stims)
Robert Englund characters
Freddy Krueger from A Nightmare on Elm Street
Willie from V
Blackie from Nightmare Cafe
Buck from Eaten Alive
Dr Andover from Fear Clinic
Smiley from The Adventures of Ford Fairlane
Erik Destler from Phantom of the Opera (1989)
Catboy! Freddy Krueger
Aiko Yumi
Audrey Belrose
Beli Lapran
Jessie Maye
Kyanna Delrio
Lola Rembrite
Nikki Ann-Marie
Tiffany Maye
Kyu Sugardust
Genderbend - Spock
Fursona - Vance
Goth - Tarn
Self Insert - Questionnaire
OC x Canon - Kaon X Cable
Yandere - Erik Destler
Neko - Freddy Krueger
Tumblr Sexyman - The Warden
Crossover Ship - Elsa X Thrax
Niche Interest - Comic Collecting
Hananaki Disease - Flowerfell Frisk
Maid dress - Tohru
Sailor Uniform - Konata Izumi
Scene - TFA Random Blitzwing
Crossover - Star Trek TOS x Green Lantern
Rainbow - Rainbow Dash
Emo - Mafuyu Asahina
Evil Version of a Good Character - Cupcakes Pinkamena
Edgelord - Underfell Papyrus
Gijinka - Parasect
Hetalia - America
Creepypasta - Laughing Jack
My Little Pony - Princess Cadence
Undertale - Sans & Papyrus
Undertale AU - Errortale Sans
Five Nights At Freddy’s - Withered Bonnie
Vocaloid - Big Al
Invader Zim - Gir
South Park - Tweek Tweak
Soul Eater - Death the Kid
Death Note - L
Masterlist Part 2
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reyofluke-ocs · 1 year
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GRADUATION GIFT EXCHANGE -> Sidney Berlin x Pavel Chekov for @dancingsunflowers-ocs
“say it again.”
“i love you, you idiot.”
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