#paste from twitter thread:
dinoserious · 1 year
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hey. hi there. susan 👆 shes called that bc she only had a serial number previously and thinks earth names are fun
also bonus more canon allicon color scheme for that lineart 👇
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harvestmoth · 10 months
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okay last one. au where nothing goes wrong at all ever (a lie) and melia venam gay moment
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fallloverfic · 1 month
Thoughts for people worried about what happens in ENNEAD Season 2, Episode 98 (the newest Korean episode that went up ~5 hours ago as of this writing) and how this will affect Horuseth.
(tldr; I think Horuseth is fine, but spoilers and discussion below the read more)
To sum up part of what happened: we see that Nephthys seemingly loved Seth to some degree before Anubis was born or perhaps even conceived. We don't fully know the details: as Isis indicates at the episode end, there's more to this that we're not seeing (and we'll probably see next episode), because Nephthys was proven honest by Maat's scales when Nephthys testified that she loved Osiris in S01E69.
The implication from S02E97 is that Hathor's mirror made Nephthys love Osiris, and Nephthys' affection/love/memories of love(?) was trapped in the mirror after she looked into it.
We don't quite have confirmation that happened, just Horus putting pieces together, and the implication we're going to either get confirmation/learn more at least in the next episode. Horus has been wrong before and hasn't had the whole picture before, lest we forget in S01E36-7 where he accused Sekhmet of imprisoning Nephthys in the mirror and making, "the fake Nephthys give birth to Anubis. [She] got rid of the real god of peace and provoked the god of war... ...in order to stain the land of Egypt with blood." (If the Nephthys in Heliopolis was never a fake after all, and mirror!Nephthys is just some of her memory/feelings, then yeah, Horus really didn't know the truth of the situation). He might still be right about some part of that, but recent episodes have seemingly indicated that while his intuition was right on points, he didn't investigate enough and came to the wrong factual conclusions about things, because he just trusted his intuition too much. He states as much in S02E97: how he relied overmuch on his intuition, which made him an idiot.
Anyway, on to the "Seth/Nephthys really did love each other and they're gonna get back together so now Horuseth can't be a thing anymore" stuff I see people doomposting about.
Folks do remember Seth loved Nephthys for a really long time, right? Like Seth says as much in S01E48: "I love Nephthys with all my heart". His loving her is not news. It's why the potential idea of her never loving him to begin with/Osiris' involvement hurt so bad.
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If you think Nephthys needed to love him back to make his love for her... real(?) and thus, perhaps, his hurt valid or invalid or I don't know, that's just really strange. He loved her. He was hurt by the idea she never loved him, or never loved him fully, or otherwise lied about it, on top of lying to him about the identity of Anubis' biological father. For perhaps hundreds of years. It's still a tragedy, it's just perhaps more tragic because maybe Osiris really was a liar - like he seemed to be anyway, because he loves manipulating the truth/reality to his whims - and maybe Nephthys really was done wrong, too, by having her affections stolen.
Nephthys maybe loving him back doesn't make anything he went through that night less painful than it already was. More painful, perhaps, but it was already a tragedy. He was already on the road to becoming who he is now. It doesn't change the fact that unfortunately, Nephthys seemingly didn't love him at that point, and had lied to him about Anubis.
One of the few things we knew about Seth/Nephthys prior to S02E98 is that Seth would act angry so that Nephthys couldn't talk to him. In S01E41, Seth tells Osiris during the night of usurpation, "I always just acted angry so that I wouldn't have to hear what she had to say. She was probably afraid of things ending up this way..."
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He already had regrets about their relationship. This just seemingly confirmed his fears (his fear of "being forgotten by them" from earlier in the episode/the previous episode).
People can move on from relationships. I don't personally see how, after everything both Nephthys and Seth have been through in the hundreds of years since what happened in S02E98, that Seth and Nephthys fully can come back to the relationship in the memory in S02E98. Possible, yes. Probable? Ehhh...
Seth might be glad Osiris is a confirmed liar. (If that's true: again, even Isis notes in the episode there's more to what's going on we haven't seen yet). Seth might be glad to know he really was loved. He might hate himself for doubting Nephthys. Seth might hate Osiris more for any number of things, particularly if Osiris intentionally placed the mirror in Seth's rooms to either make Seth fall in love with him or make Nephthys fall out of love with Seth (with the possible idea of making Seth turn to Osiris out of a sense of abandonment or something idk) or at least put Nephthys at risk of getting harmed.
It's been hundreds of years, though (if not more than that). Seth and Nephthys are now very different people, and Seth has a good and improving relationship with Horus. Nephthys saw Seth abuse Anubis (S01E05). Seth trapped Isis in the labyrinth, and Nephthys helped her out. Seth hurt a lot of people and cursed many people. Maybe whatever romantic love she might have had for him, even if she somehow gets it back, hasn't survived all that she's gone through and seen.
Seth's been through a lot, mentally, too. I kind of think he's moved on and after everything he's done, he might be too ashamed to go back to her. Even if it was out of their control that Nephthys stopped loving him, the other stuff still happened.
You don't need to doompost about Horuseth. Nothing has really changed. I say that in the sense that while the idea of Nephthys potentially having loved Seth until the mirror's interference might hurt him, particularly if he discovers Horus hid it from him, Seth is still who he is, he's still done all the things he's done, as king, as a father, as a husband, as a sibling, and he's still got this thing with Horus going.
Remember, in S02E70, Seth says to Horus, "I'm a god of the old generation who needs to disappear, not to mention an evil god who destroyed the country." He already has a lot of self-esteem issues and doesn't view himself highly. One reason he likes Horus is seemingly that Horus sees who he is beneath all that: believes in him as a guardian god, as a powerful god worthy of respect and affection ("My nephew, who dragged me down, is the only one who acknowledges me" - S02E74).
But also Seth did a lot of terrible things and he knows it. Horus is okay with that - to a degree at least, particularly with Seth trying to make amends - but is Nephthys? Nephthys, who gave him the curse bracelet - which nearly killed him multiple times - to make amends? She says in S01E66 she doesn't want him to be purged, and she clearly wants to support him, but that's not the same as wanting to live as his wife/partner again.
If nothing else, what keeps Horuseth together might be Seth realizing this doesn't change all that much about who they are. He could be mad at Horus. I can see him getting furious about this. He might even attack Horus, maybe even badly injure or kill him (but it's possible Horus could be revived, like how Isis revived Osiris, or something about Horus' uniqueness as a demigod/god). Maybe they'll separate and have an eventual reconciliation. But I don't personally believe they're doomed as a couple because of this. There's too many ways for them to stay together or get back together.
People can have past good, healthy relationships and not stay together. Sometimes we just grow out of relationships and into new ones. It happens. Horus makes Seth feel seen and cared for, and he listens to things that seemingly Seth's siblings - even maybe before whatever happened with Nephthys happened - didn't listen to, like Seth's opinions about eating or his opinions on his "duty" to guard Egypt or Seth's status as a god or his relationship with Isis.
Maybe Seth/Nephthys gets back together briefly but Seth goes back to Horus in the end because they don't work or he loves Horus more and his and Nephthys' time apart just doesn't let them work or Nephthys wants to focus on herself for a while. Maybe Seth attacks Horus because Horus hid info about Nephthys' affections. Maybe Horuseth reconciles because Seth realizes Horus genuinely loves him and hid whatever he learned because he genuinely loves Seth or was otherwise afraid of talking or how to explain it, and Seth realizes it's a messy thing to explain. Maybe Horus didn't say anything because, like he was seemingly aware the first time he went into the mirror, mirror!Nephthys/her affection for Seth, can't come out of the mirror anyway, so what's going to change? This is encouraged by the fact that Isis apparently learned all of this and did nothing about it. Even the god of magic - and miracles - hasn't freed mirror!Nephthys, when she possibly had opportunity (or maybe there's another reason we haven't learned yet for why she didn't; point is we don't know much). Seth might look at that and go, "I really hate this, but I guess it's just how things are now, and I'm going to learn to live with it."
Maybe Seth realizes that, despite everything, he genuinely cares for Horus and this isn't going to defeat them. That Horus had his back time and again. Sometimes things being out of our control don't mean we can just go back to how we were. Life happens. He's still got Nephthys' curse bracelet :/
If you, like I, believe Horuseth is real at this point, have faith that it'll continue to be real despite this. Horus is the main love interest, it's a boys love series, their relationship is pretty strong already, and more to the point, Mojito is a good writer. I think they'll be fine.
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there is nothing that i personally enjoy more than the idea of the men in olathe having vague pre-flash connections to each other that they have no real way of knowing or remembering anymore
like nern’s wife was the overly chatty receptionist at terry’s cardiologist, but nern and terry have never realized that they're talking about the same woman when they tell stories of their pre-flash life around the campfire. birdie was friendly with olan’s wife because one of the hoyt girls was the same grade as joey, and they were pals, but birdie isn't lucid enough to remember the last name of his kid's friend, and olan never talks about his wife and kids and wasn't involved enough to have known the names of his daughters' friends, so they have no idea. geese has taught a handful of the younger party members, and the kids/younger siblings of some of the party members, but nobody who knew geese as "mr. thompson" is really gonna make that connection nowadays, and hell if geese is gonna say anything. a bunch of the guys went through ajeet's tollbooth every day on the way to work, but it was such a nothing interaction that they don't really remember him, and he doesn't really remember them, beyond a vague "he's got a familiar face" type feeling. fly and garth used to get into heated internet arguments over anime without ever knowing they lived in the same town IRL and their spirited discussions are always cut short by the other guys before they can place how familiar this back and forth feels
just tiny, tiny things that barely matter in the grand scheme of things, like "you were my neighbor and we never talked but the walls were thin so i always heard your old records" or "our sisters were friends but now they're both dead so we have no way of knowing" or "your favorite coworker was my wife but she’s not around to remember it." possible connections and even possible comfort, (being able to look back on some normal memories, having someone else remember a lost loved one,) but neither person having the context or being stable enough to realize or remember
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uy2 · 18 days
V.II SNAIL: Do you think (Hawkins) is
V.III O’KEEFE: I don’t know what you mean by that hand motion.
V.II SNAIL: A homosexual, he gives me the goddamn creeps. He’s always talking about art and shit. And (unintelligible) with that goddamn ensign.
V.III O’KEEFE: I think he’s just old, my lord.
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liquidluckandstuff · 8 months
Harry gets cursed and his mind breaks
Anyone ever watch yugioh? Remember that duel btw Yami Malek and Mai, and when she lost she got stuck in the sand thing and watched all her friends hang out without her and none of them even remembered her and it was torture for her?
That but Harry except he is in a transparent cupboard and he watches everyone else around him get to experience the love and family he never got. They might make an off handed "oh he's fine" at first but then they never mention him again.
Harry screams and pounds on the door but they don't see him or care to think about him. Harry is breaking by the second until he curls up in a ball and puts his hands over his ears because he doesn't want to hear how happy they were anymore.
He doesn't want to know how peaceful his friends lives are without him. love hurts and its KILLING Him. Meanwhile, Harry is in grimmauld place staring off into the distance while everyone is freaking out trying to undo the curse Harry got from touching one of the
weird dark objects they were supposed to be throwing away. His magic is thrashing in reaction to his inner turmoil. Things are breaking, class is shattering, and ron got thrown clear across the room at one point.
When Harry finally breaks and begs for death or silence, it finally stops. He is in darkness in his own little cupboard in his mind and in the real world his eyes have no light. His soul is stuck and there is nothing anyone can do.
They take care of him as best they can, but Harry is practically a living puppet. He does what he is told and nothing more. Until, in Harry's darkness, he hears someone calling to him. Saying his name over and over like a long lost friend.
The locket is knocking on his cupboard door and Harry think's it is another prank. No. Tom Riddle is pounding, begging, pleading for Harry to let him in. He is trapped too and he hates the dark. Please don't let me be alone at least we can be trapped together
Harry denies and hides and tries to block him out but his heart is too big and it hurts too much. Finally Harry is able to open the door and as soon as he does he finds himself in the real world with the locket suddenly cold in his hand. He gasps as he regains consciousness
and cries once he sees his friends again. The love him, of course they ove him. They are so sorry that he ever had to experience something like that. Harry will never have to be alone again. Harry knows its true with or without him. He can feel tom in the back of his mindholding him tight thankful that he never has to be alone again either.
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flying-hybrid · 2 years
Tomodachi Life switch wishlist (in my opinion):
These are all the features I could think of for a possible future Tomodachi Life switch game! Please feel free to reblog/reply with anything you wanna see that isn't listed :)
- Obviously first, gay marriage Nintendo has gone on record to say that in the next Tomodachi Life game, they will be adding gay marriage to the game. Lets hope they keep their promise and legalize gay marriage on the island.
- Miitopia makeup option One of the best new features Miitopia switch added to the game. I firmly believe we need this option in Tomodachi Life. A majority of players I know make fictional characters, so having the customization options would be huge.
(More under read more)
- Miitopia wigs Wigs, like makeup, is a really good feature from Miitopia switch. I would personally love more wig options for Tomodachi Life, with more modern looks. Having more hair customization option would be amazing!
- More apartment space 100 miis is a lot, but I love making fictional characters for my game, and it ends up adding up fast. Because the switch can handle a lot more, having the limit extended from 100 to maybe 200-300 would be amazing. A 500 limit might be too much imo
- More locations I would really love for more locations for your miis to visit and hang out at. The locations are great, but if Nintendo extends the mii limit, we probably need more locations!
- Updates with new items Due to Spotpass not being a thing on the switch anymore, I feel like Nintendo should give us updates to the game with new items like clothing, etc. Maybe once a month for holidays and such? But just having limited monthly clothes in the store would be ok!
- Online play This is a big one. With streetpass no longer being a thing, I think Nintendo should instead give us online abilities. For example, we could visit other's islands and see the miis in their apartments, and possibly even save them for our apartments! Maybe we could also have an option for our miis to take a vacation at other's islands? For child miis sent off to travel the world, maybe they'll visit the islands of your friends (either from an in game friend system, or your switch friends)!
- Apartment customization The apartments in tomodachi life are great, but what if we had the option to fully customize our apartments by being able to place/move furniture? I would love getting more customization in the game
And that's all! Like I said, please feel free to reply/reblog with anything you'd like to see in a new Tomodachi Life switch game that I missed or forgot! :)
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mobfan893 · 2 years
i’ll never understand fanon shou who is violent and impulsive for funzies and lolz. shou was raised into violence and is therefore indifferent to/unaware of the cause and effect of said violence but to say he’d do it upon his own free Will for fun kind of misunderstands his character..
i mean think critically back to when shou is shown as violent in the show .. it all has purpose and is done to fufill a larger goal. shou did things like burn down mobs house or beat the shit out of ritsu Yes absolutely but it was never because he got a kick out of it but rather because he grew up under the impression that the only way a person can achieve what they want is through force or violence.
shou is incredibly gentle and kind and friend of animals and likes drawjng little monsters and going to the arcade his actions in the show only happened because he felt cornered and wanted control of his life. he’s not a arsonist for fun he’s 13 and wants to live normally and will absolutely fucking live normally no matter what it takes
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Every time the topic of Vegetta and marriage comes up I am forced to see misinformation or even flat out lies about Vegetta's past wedding experience and his relationship with Rubius and I just
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the-tragic-heroine · 2 years
I’m currently preparing for the worst (Twitter shutting down for good) and I know it may not seem like a big deal for most people, but this platform rn is all I have…
I completely failed everywhere else.
Things were going well and just when I thought I was finally starting to become somebody… this happens
My dream has always been for me and my work to reach the world, because growing up, I was always invisible, forgotten, and ignored
So to have all of you guys there with me has been a dream come true
But I’m rly scared of losing it all and failing one more time
I thought I’d graduate college and go on to become a concept artist. Ended up permanently messing up my hand and bullied until I withdrew.
I thought I’d be able to step into a new industry of VR art. The company didn’t make enough and I was let go.
I thought I’d continue to grow my merch brand and shop. I was doing better and better at each event. Then Covid hit and everything stopped. I’m now sitting on bags and boxes of merch I haven’t been able to sell. I haven’t even been able to get accepted in to any cons.
Now… this.
I’m still hanging onto the hope that everything will be fine and it’ll all go back to normal but with people scattering already, I don’t think things will be the same
I’m sorry I don’t have any positive energy left to give rn. I tried my best. Thank you all
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blucifer08 · 2 years
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this may be one of my less cool headcanons but since Naru and Elidibus' relationship happens in the shadows throughout MSQ, they kinda need a place together and i have two different locations i imagine them hanging out in..other than him popping in on her to visit her at random, i imagine he brings her to a place he created on the Moon-- and one weirder place.. That abandoned city near Idyllshire that used to be a Sharlayan colony--for some reason for a long time I've liked the idea that he set up a place for them both there. Sharlayan in some ways parallels Amaurot so I imagine some of the Ascians liking it to some tiny degree so I think maybe he found comfort there among discarded tomes and bookshelves..and thus fixed up one of those abandoned buildings for his own purposes and Naru's. It's nothing special, just a place he can bring her when she can excuse herself long enough to get away. their relationship is all about removing themselves from their responsibiltiies for very short periods of time. so I like this hc, even if there's not really much reasoning as to why he might pick that old sharlayan colony
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resetting37 · 2 years
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Why Lilith Looks Dead and Adam Bleeds Red
Lilith and Adam are subjects of the ELLOCAST project, and given the rush of getting the first trial “out of the way”, Adam and Lilith have weakened organs and are prone to “malfunctioning”. Despite being neglected by the scientists, they were at least monitored from time to time.
When they were about thirteen, however, they were sold to an out-of-town organization in order for the ELLOCAST project to keep their budget and get rid of their more “nuanced” subjects. Despite having a hard time seeing them as real people this organization valued them and protected them (they were expensive, after all ! But what an asset to have)
Lilith runs away from this organization, as she would want to be alone on an island with a small village. Adam stayed behind, making connections and eventually applying what he learned from the scientists into his work with pirates and the likes.
So what does this have to do with “looking dead and bleeding red” ?
Well, without the security of the ELLOCAST project to monitor their wellbeing, Lilith and Adam are sort of left on their own. Lilith, literally alone, kind of has to live with her “rotting organs”, including her skin.
I don’t know I used to figure that Lilith just looked like that ~just because~ but let’s be honest, she stands out immensely amongst the rest of the cast, every one looks like a regular human (with the exception of some having mutated eyes, but that’s about it)
So why doesn’t Adam look like that ? He learned a lot from ELLOCAST scientists when it comes to anatomical related experiments, so he learned how to transplants organs and blood.. including his own. So he replaced his own blood essentially.. which is why his blood is red.
The rest of the ELLOCAST project subjects have clear blood (including trials 2 and 3) so Adam is the weird one for having “normal” blood. When it comes to transplanting blood, he would have his right hand man, Seth, do that for him. Adam can’t perform surgery on himself lol
Seth was also a subject in the ELLOCAST project, but he’s in a later trial and he doesn’t have the same conditions as Adam or Lilith.
Also I think it’d be funny if Adam was the one who took Morgan’s kidney.
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dreamweavers · 6 months
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twin pack Sunny is one of my fav RH dolls, but she's mostly just sat on my shelf since I got her since I was too afraid of messing her hair up. been meaning to do it for a while but I finally restyled her hair! some of it was already kinda messy out of box so I felt a bit better abt restyling it.
I let her hair soak for a while, brushed it out, then braided it. I'm not great at styling doll hair, but I've done this style on a pony before and wanted to try it on a doll. it actually came out cuter than I thought!
she looks kinda weird without her barrettes but I'm kinda apprehensive abt putting them on and accidentally snagging a piece of her hair lmao. maybe I should've done that before I styled her hair... oops! there's still flyaway hairs here and there which does bug me, but I'm reminding myself that her factory hair was also kinda messed up and that this is much more manageable for me since it's not covered in gel.
overall I'm happy with how her hair turned out! now I don't have to worry abt messing up her factory style or dealing with all that gel anymore.
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thymewayster · 2 years
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Really good Twitter thread originally about Elon Musk and Twitter, but also applies to Netflix and a lot of other corporations.
Full thread. Text transcription under cut.
John Bull @garius
One of the things I occasionally get paid to do by companies/execs is to tell them why everything seemed to SUDDENLY go wrong, and subs/readers dropped like a stone. So, with everything going on at Twitter rn, time for a thread about the Trust Thermocline /1
So: what's a thermocline?
Well large bodies of water are made of layers of differing temperatures. Like a layer cake. The top bit is where all the the waves happen and has a gradually decreasing temperature. Then SUDDENLY there's a point where it gets super-cold.
That suddenly is important. There's reasons for it (Science!) but it's just a good metaphor. Indeed you may also be interested in the "Thermocline of Truth" which a project management term for how things on a RAG board all suddenly go from amber to red.
But I digress. The Trust Thermocline is something that, over (many) years of digital, I have seen both digital and regular content publishers hit time and time again. Despite warnings (at least when I've worked there). And it has a similar effect. You have lots of users then suddenly... nope. And this does effect print publications as much as trendy digital media companies. They'll be flying along making loads of money, with lots of users/readers, rolling out new products that get bought. Or events. Or Sub-brands.
And then SUDDENLY those people just abandon them. Often it's not even to "new" competitor products, but stuff they thought were already not a threat. Nor is there lots of obvious dissatisfaction reported from sales and marketing (other than general grumbling). Nor is it a general drift away, it's just a sudden big slide. So why does this happen? As I explain to these people and places, it's because they breached the Trust Thermocline.
I ask them if they'd been increasing prices. Changed service offerings. Modified the product.
The answer is normally: "yes, but not much. And everyone still paid" Then I ask if they did that the year before. Did they increase prices last year? Change the offering? Modify the product?
Again: "yes, but not much."
The answer is normally: "yes, but not much. And everyone still paid." "And the year before?"
"Yes but not much. And everyone still paid."
Well, you get the idea. And here is where the Trust Thermocline kicks in. Because too many people see service use as always following an arc. They think that as long as usage is ticking up, they can do what they like to cost and product.
And (critically) that they can just react when the curve flattens But with a lot of CONTENT products (inc social media) that's not actually how it works. Because it doesn't account for sunk-cost lock-in.
Users and readers will stick to what they know, and use, well beyond the point where they START to lose trust in it. And you won't see that. But they'll only MOVE when they hit the Trust Thermocline. The point where their lack of trust in the product to meet their needs, and the emotional investment they'd made in it, have finally been outweighed by the physical and emotional effort required to abandon it. At this point, I normally get asked something like:
"So if we undo the last few changes and drop the price, we get them back?"
And then I have to break the news that nope: that's not how it works.
Because you're past the Thermocline now. You can't make them trust you again.
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magz · 8 months
[ Original Twitter Thread by @/beelektra ] - Not by Magz, am not Palestinian
Palestinian Foods. (long post)
"🧵 Thread of Palestinian desserts I've grown up around and seen A thing I'd like to add is that I just like to share my culture! I do not want to spread the narrative that our culture is dying, I only want people to see our foods and traditions 🇵🇸
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"As mentioned in the last post, we have knafeh (or kunafa), a buttery dessert made with shredded pastry layers such as cheese and other ingredients like pistacho or cream!"
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"Burbara; which comes from Saint Barbara, fun fact! It's a soup dessert that mainly consists of barley, licorice spices, anise, cinnamon, and fennel powder This is a dessert usually many Christian families have to celebrate Saint Barbara, which is December 4th!"
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"Malban, which resembles a fruit jelly! Made from starch and sugar Specifically, it's made with grape molasses, thickened with starch and flavored with rose water, and stuffed with almonds (or other nuts including walnuts, treenuts, and peanuts)"
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"Khabeesa is simply just a pudding made with grapes, but you prepare it by mixing the grape juice with semolina and nuts + seeds."
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"Mtabbak or mtabba, a crispy dough stuffed with crushed walnuts. It also contains cinnamon, sugar, and syrup. Photo credits go to Bartek Kieżun on Instagram"
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"Tamriyeh, a fried pastry filled with semolina pudding, scenter with mastic and orange blossom water, and topped off with powdered sugar"
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"Ka'ak bi Tamer, which are date paste filled cookies with cinnamon! A dessert made for Eid-Alfitr. It's topped with nigella seeds, and the cinnamon-spiced date paste is the most important part of it all– you can eat it on its own or have it with coffee"
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"+ Ka'ak Asawer, another dessert that can be prepared for Eid-Alfitr. It's translated to bracelet cookies, and they use date paste, flour, anise seeds, sugar, ground cinnamon, and olive oil"
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"Muhallebi or mahalabia, a milk pudding that's made with sugar, corn starch, and fragrant flavorings! It's topped off with nuts, pistachos, and almonds and sprinkled with ground cinnamon or shredded coconut"
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"Rice pudding, which is a common dessert in Palestine, and it's your choice to top it off with nuts or not"
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"Stuffed dates, using medjool dates and cracking them open to be stuffed with goat cheese and pistachios– but you're free to add anything else"
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"Ma'amoul, a buttery crisp cookie primarily made of farina and can be stuffed with (spiced) dates, walnuts, or pistachios. This is another Christian dessert made by Palestinian mothers during the week of Easter Sunday."
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"Halawit Smid, a farina based dessert with added sugar and unsalted cheese. It's preferably served fresh"
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"Namoura cake, aka harissa dessert! It's made with semolina or farina flour, and then topped off with syrup once baked"
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"Qatayef, which is eaten during the month of Ramadan. It's made of farina, flour, water, and yeast blended together– the process is pretty similiar to making pancakes, but only one side is cooked"
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"Since I've mentioned using zaatar for a lot of things, I recently just discovered this but– there's also things such as zaatar cookies!! It's just as implied that the cookies are filled with zaatar, I'd be so willing to make this on my own"
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"Baklava, made from phyllo pastry dough, butter, nuts, basil, and a sweet honey syrup"
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"Aish el saraya, arabic version of a bread pudding. It's basically a layered bread, where it starts from the bottom, then covered with a sweet syrup, cream, and crumbled pistachios."
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"Awwami, it's defined as "crisp donut ball" in English. It's a deep fried dough ball coated with sesame seeds, and dipped in cold syrup water."
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"Halawet el Jibn, a sweet cheese dessert rolled with custard, heavy cream, drizzled rose water + syrup, and garnished with nuts."
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"Lastly, I'd like to add watermelon and cheese– for me, it's like,,,, bittersweet!!! You should totally try it and we also have this during Ramadan"
"Well, that's all I can think of for Palestinian desserts! Here's the first part for general foods, I know I did make a promise for part two
I hope you guys liked this thread, and if you have any opinions please feel free to quote tweet anything on here if I made a mistake, feel free to correct me, it's always appreciated P.S if you're a zionist commenting here I really don't care, just scroll, I'm sharing my culture
One LAST thing. if you want any of the recipes from here, check out this website, the creator (Wafa) shares so many wonderful traditional Palestinian dishes."
[End Quote]
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basementboyfriend · 1 year
Hate when people criticize certain element of a story in a well thought of and articulate way and the consoom only individuals begin explaining its relevance/symbolism/themes/whatever in the most vapid movie summary YouTube channel way like yeah buddy im p sure the person you’re arguing with knows what it was supposed to mean. Maybe they still think it sucked
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