#I literally just copy pasted tthis from my thread on twitter
liquidluckandstuff · 8 months
Harry gets cursed and his mind breaks
Anyone ever watch yugioh? Remember that duel btw Yami Malek and Mai, and when she lost she got stuck in the sand thing and watched all her friends hang out without her and none of them even remembered her and it was torture for her?
That but Harry except he is in a transparent cupboard and he watches everyone else around him get to experience the love and family he never got. They might make an off handed "oh he's fine" at first but then they never mention him again.
Harry screams and pounds on the door but they don't see him or care to think about him. Harry is breaking by the second until he curls up in a ball and puts his hands over his ears because he doesn't want to hear how happy they were anymore.
He doesn't want to know how peaceful his friends lives are without him. love hurts and its KILLING Him. Meanwhile, Harry is in grimmauld place staring off into the distance while everyone is freaking out trying to undo the curse Harry got from touching one of the
weird dark objects they were supposed to be throwing away. His magic is thrashing in reaction to his inner turmoil. Things are breaking, class is shattering, and ron got thrown clear across the room at one point.
When Harry finally breaks and begs for death or silence, it finally stops. He is in darkness in his own little cupboard in his mind and in the real world his eyes have no light. His soul is stuck and there is nothing anyone can do.
They take care of him as best they can, but Harry is practically a living puppet. He does what he is told and nothing more. Until, in Harry's darkness, he hears someone calling to him. Saying his name over and over like a long lost friend.
The locket is knocking on his cupboard door and Harry think's it is another prank. No. Tom Riddle is pounding, begging, pleading for Harry to let him in. He is trapped too and he hates the dark. Please don't let me be alone at least we can be trapped together
Harry denies and hides and tries to block him out but his heart is too big and it hurts too much. Finally Harry is able to open the door and as soon as he does he finds himself in the real world with the locket suddenly cold in his hand. He gasps as he regains consciousness
and cries once he sees his friends again. The love him, of course they ove him. They are so sorry that he ever had to experience something like that. Harry will never have to be alone again. Harry knows its true with or without him. He can feel tom in the back of his mindholding him tight thankful that he never has to be alone again either.
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