#parts are messy. too lazy to clean
superbellsubways · 8 months
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wouldnt leave my mind for months
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highwaydiamonds · 2 years
As someone who hates the sisyphean task of cleaning, how dare my mental health prefer a clean room.
#like come on brain - you could have made this one easier on the rest of me but ( as usual) NO You didn't#did i think about this as i sit in my tidy bedroom where everything just looks a lot cheerier and cozy and happy now that it's clean? yes#did it literally take me DAYS to get it this clean - and by this clean i still have laundry and stuff to do - so it's not perfect#but it looks like it p much is#and while my skin has not been cleared no my depression cured - it certainly is a boost to feel like this is a refuge#i actually want to spend time in her and feel like it's a nice room to be in - awaaaaaaaay from the other people i live with#and lbr - i need a plce to get awaaaaaaaay from them (and ok fine vice versa most likely)#but still - it would be a lot simpler if my brain liked a messy room more- my lazy parts would prefer that- but no#depression brain says -BITCH CLEAN UP - you will be happier and capable of doing some of the things if it's clean#also - you will feel LESS OF THE BAD HORRORS if it is clean#so UGH - FINE i will have to work to keep it clean - I GUESS.#i should reread camus's myth of sisyphus because iirc he didn't talk about dishes or laundry or room cleaning in that#he probably talked about death - been too many years since i read it - i don't remember - probs death and suicide#but not cleaning - he should have talked about cleaning. or wanting to die when you realized living means more cleaning#that would have been way relatable - but anyway - here we are- i'm not dead - and not planning on being so any time soon hopefully#partly because there is shit i still wanna do - but also partly because this room looks p decent and i'm not gonna make it messy#especially not by dying in here when it takes forever to get it clean#moral of the story: cleaning makes you feel like you wanna die but when it's done for the moment you'll be like i'll do that another day#because now the room is clean and dying in there would be a waste of the efforts of cleaning. just appreciate the space - vibe w/ it#and then you realize - ok life is maybe okay - and there's art and books and flowers and sex and chocolate and cute animals#so even if there are sisyphean tasks - and there are many - well do em anyway - brain will like it and then get back to the good stuff#thus endeth the tag saga after a short text post#welcome to how shit is around here sometimes
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rafey-baby · 2 months
sweet treat
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This picture is making me have thoughts about sexy construction worker!Rafe who spends his days lifting heavy stuff and building shit, as he words it when shy!reader inquires about his job since he’s always showing up to the small cafe she works at all sweaty and white shirt dirtied...
hope you enjoy xx
part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5
cw: construction worker!Rafe being flirty and having some improper thoughts about reader, slightly suggestive
wc: 1k
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Every time the golden bell above the door of the coffee shop dings and Rafe's eyes settle on her soft form the edges of his mouth tilt up; offering her a lazy grin as he asks what baked good she’d recommend for him to try that day.
His visits have become something she begins to look forward to, him asking about her day with his raspy voice and big biceps bulging as he leans against the counter; always managing to drag a nervous giggle out of her. She feels like a Pavlov’s dog, her brain tingling and mind buzzing like a bee when the clock ticks away and the time he usually walks through the mustard yellow door approaches.
And he thinks she’s just as sweet as sugar, especially when she smiles at him all bashful, trying to hide the way her eyes round out and her breath gets caught in her throat whenever he leans closer to her, asking what she's doing after this with a slow drawl, lifting his thumb to her cheek and swiping away a smudge of flour dusted over the skin there, lingering for a second too long.
"Messy girl," he'd murmur, purposefully trying to make her blush, being mean.
Slowly but surely, his visits become the best part of her day and she starts to harbor fond, gooey feelings towards the slightly older guy who makes a show of loudly humming in satisfaction when he bites into a raspberry chocolate muffin she’s made, honey dripping from his tongue when he showers her in compliments.
He seems to be pleased when she diverts her jittery eyes from his intense gaze and tries to busy herself with swiping a rag over a spot on the countertop (for the fourth time already), sneaking glances at him indulging in the confectioneries she's practically forcing him to taste test now; whenever she tries a new recipe, she always wants him to be the first to try it. And he's not complaining.
And when he finds out she walks home by herself, even after night shifts, there’s no other option for him but to insist driving her home from then on, because he doesn’t like the idea of such a pretty girl walking alone in the dark, doesn’t like it at all.
She of course denies him immediately, going on about not wanting to bother him and that she’s fine, to which he simply furrows his brows, telling her it actually wouldn’t be a bother at all since he can often work quite late as well, demanding to know what time she gets off that night. And she has no choice but to hesitantly reply, his stern tone almost compelling her to give into his every wish.
It then becomes a routine for them, him waiting for her to finish up cleaning and her mumbling out a soft thank you when he holds the door of his truck open and she crawls onto the passenger side with his palm on the small of her bag guiding her, just resting there, reassuring. He often refers to her as "my passenger princess", making her melt into a puddle on the seat every single time; trying to hide her flustered face from him, but failing miserably.
She often feels rather overwhelmed in the small space of his car, a plum tinge heating up her face whenever she feels his eyes on her, catching her staring at his big hands. She's not sure how he's allowed to have such alluring details; a singular gold ring adorning his index finger, strawberry lips so inviting, it's making her head spin.
Therefore, it’s not really her fault when her mind gets lost in a haze and her brain turns foggy when she notices how his strong arms flex whenever he turns the steering wheel, thumb tapping against the leather. Or when his blunt fingernails scratch at the slight stubble on his face and she wonders how it would feel on the sensitive skin of her inner thighs or-
“You good, Sweetheart?” Rafe asks and she blinks, realizing he’s asked her a question. A question her dazed cerebrum has no recollection of.
“Sorry?” She's embarrassed.
A low chuckle rumbles from his sturdy chest. “What’s on your mind, hm?”
“Oh, um— nothing just tired and…stuff,” she tries to sound convincing, his grin widens.
“Yeah? So you’re telling me you weren’t just checking me out?” His tone turns into something condescending, patronizing.
“What? I— no, no I was just-“
“Relax, I’m just fucking with you,” but there’s a mocking glint in his eyes that indicates she’s not being very subtle. Her face burns.
“Asked you if you were hungry?” He flits his eyes to hers.
“Uh...yeah, sure. I mean, I don’t even remember how long it's been since I ate lunch to be honest,” she starts to ramble, trying to ignore the murky thoughts trying to reach beyond the surface.
“Why don’t you come over to my place then and I could make you something? All I’m saying, is that I’m a great cook, feels unfair to me that you’re always the one filling up my belly with your baking,” he says as his mind starts to concoct a few other ways he could fill up her belly, willing to bet that she’d let him.
He’s not an idiot, he sees the way her moony eyes travel down his features whenever she thinks he’s not paying attention, thinks it's adorable how sheepish she is about it.
However, he’s hesitant about the right way to approach it, not wanting to scare the shy little thing away. But he’s not sure how much longer he can go without having her in the way he wants, in the way he needs.
Therefore, he opts to warm her up with a homemade meal, and afterwards let her have a sweet treat; he'd fuck her dumb, stuff his cock into her tight cunt until tears start to trickle down her cheeks and she's a whimpering mess.
He knows he could make her feel so good, wants to show her just how much she's missing, make her beg for it and wants to be a little mean, but most of all he just wants to make her his.
“Um…okay,” she agrees with a nod of her head. How is she supposed to deny him of anything when he’s looking at her with eyes that resemble dulcet water puddles?
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inkskinned · 1 year
it's just that there's a few more steps you have to take that other people don't have to take, but they don't see the steps, so they think you should be able to hop from moment to moment, a chickadee.
it isn't getting out of bed. it is the weight, the hook in your chest, the anchor. you have to move the anchor first. you have to silence your alarm, but your phone is in your hand, which means now you have to put the phone down, which is too-hard. you get stuck in there for a while, the white screen, mindlessly scrolling. you don't even like this activity, have tried a few other options but - here you are, and time is passing.
you've googled iron deficiency causes depression and if i drink enough water does it help with mental illness and anxiety but no caffiene within the last two weeks, like how you googled am i gay quiz at 17.
it isn't just calling the doctor back, it's the anxiety, it's these little moths in your lung cavities, furious and fluttering. you need to figure out how to capture your fingers from between their nervous bodies. you are an adult, you can say the words yes hi, i'm calling because i need - but you need to practice first. maybe write it down because what if you misspeak, wouldn't that be embarrassing. write it down, but you need to find a pen first. well, actually, your desk is kind of messy. you should get a new pen. you should get a new organizational system. you should try journaling.
your grades in school were always strange. the way teachers would say things like it feels like you're not trying. you could touch stars in the stuff you cared about. well, sometimes. god be willing. homework average zero. oops! your english teacher's wrinkled brow: i know you know this stuff. what the fuck are you doing?
it isn't the showering, it's the mirror before the shower and the soft horrible pull of your naked physique. you have to avoid eye contact completely or else it'll be 93 minutes later and you'll have picked at your skin until every little pore is bleeding. you have to stand up but standing is tiring and also you should have remembered to buy more soap but you never remember anything. maybe get out of the shower and while it's still running and you're still dripping wet, use your phone to take a note. make a note to get your groceries. let the shower run while you stand half-in half-out and get lost in your phone for a moment. come back out when the water runs cold and now you have to sprint to get ready.
your grandmother's frown. you're just being lazy. protestant work ethics in a house that isn't even protestant. she says she just learned different but she means learned better, doesn't she.
it's not that you can't send the email, it's that your hands have been hurting lately and the desk really is messy and also why the fuck would you even care about this thing? doesn't everyone else feel like they're drowning? hi brendon thanks so much for sending! will review and get back to you shortly. but now you're on the internet, close the tab with tumblr on it. go on, close it. feel the little soft vapor of boredom come up and over your eyeteeth and make everything overwhelming and itchy.
literally all you have to do is put on shoes to go outside. you're literally already dressed, that's the hard part of this whole thing. literally just put the shoes on. just... do it! do it! this shit is easy!
it's literally that easy. just stop taking all those stupid invisible steps. stop following your strange made-up rules. times like this, even you're positive you're faking. you just don't want to bother with the cleaning and the cooking and the being-an-adult.
but then - shouldn't you be able to put these stupid shoes on? nobody's even looking. go on kid. life is out there! just take the leap!
get moving.
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kozachenko · 3 months
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Finally decided to play around with my old lineless style again! Also figured out a way to draw Reimu that I actually really like!
Artist's Notes;
I've mentioned in a few earlier posts that I've been wanting to draw in my lineless style again for a while as a way to test what I've learnt from my previous style in regards to lighting. I did the face first and then for a while was thinking about doing a full body illustration of Reimu just to draw her outfit again. I'll talk about the face first since that's the first drawing I did in this batch.
For the longest time I really couldn't find a way to translate Reimu's face into my style. I was able to make her clothes work out well, just not really her face. I did like elements of how I drew her face a few other times, namely the tiny eyebrows and her pupils, but they didn't really feel like Reimu to me, or at least how I imagined her in my head. I then realized that it was less of a problem with the entire face and moreso the eyes, and it took me quite a bit of trial and error to make something that I was happy with. Also, as much as I thought the tiny eyebrows were cute, it didn't really make sense with her character. Like, from what I know about Japanese history, plucking your eyebrows was something that nobles (rich people) would do, and since Reimu is...neither of those things, I decided to just give her some thicker eyebrows instead (I will be saving the plucked eyebrows for another character though, so they will return). After I got to a face I was happy with, my next challenge was the hair. I did the front part first and liked that enough to continue, and then after more trial and error I realized that deep down I was a short-hair-Reimu-is-best-Reimu-truther this whole time because once I gave up on the long hair and gave her shorter hair something just clicked in my brain. And so, after drawing her outfit in again (this time without the yellow tie which is kinda sad but I'll find a way to incorperate it into future designs because it just was not making sense to me in context with the rest of the outfit) and finnicking around with the bow, I came to a version of Reimu's face that I actually liked. I thought that it made more sense for her character to have her cut it short, mainly because she's doing a bunch of Youkai extermination and she has to keep her hair out of her face somehow. I still wanted to make it kinda messy though, as Reimu is probably too lazy to clean it up herself. I think another reason I like it so much is because in Forbidden Scrollery, Moe Harukawa gave Reimu short hair and that really suited her, so I guess that was just a subconcious reason as to why I liked it so much. I also think that the shorter hair helps to separate her a lot from Marisa, as I think Marisa looks really good with longer hair. Speaking of, now I wanna do a drawing of her and Reimu together to really solidify how I draw them (unlike the previous version where it was just them standing). As much as I do like the face, I am concerned if she looks too much like how I drew Keiki now, but that might just be a product of the stylistic choices I made with her eyes and I might just be overthinking it. I am hyperaware of same face syndrome so that's probably the reason I'm so concerned about it lol.
Now for the fully body drawing. I was struggling to think of a good pose for her, so I just took a picture of myself and used that as a reference while still making slight adjustments for readability's sake. This is another case of, "I've looked at this too long and can spot every single issue with it" but this time I'm still happy with the final product mainly because this was a test drive for how I want to develop my lineless style in the future and for what it is I am more than pleased with the result. The main reason I deviated away from my lineless style was mainly because I was having a hard time with the lighting and making it interesting, and I am so glad that I've finally found a way to make it work! I'm especially happy with the clothes, as I think clothing folds are really fun to draw. I was somewhat inspired by the works of J.C. Lyendecker and the way he draws clothes, though admittedly it is not a one to one, since I mainly wanted to try implying the shading of the clothing folds with shapes (I do really want to do a study of his style one day as his art is incredible). So for the sleeves, I drew in a bunch of triangles where I wanted there to be a strong highlight, roughly coloured in the inside, and then blended them all so it looks like a more subtle. On both of these drawings, I also added in a noise filter to give it some texture (as that's what I used to often do with my drawings) and while I do like it, I might want to experiment with making it more subtle in the future, as it's pretty noticeable in both these drawings. Overall, I'm really happy with the lighting and colours of this drawing, and while I could nitpick several aspects of it (her hand holding the gohei looks too tense, I tried making her look like she was standing on the balls of her feet but the positioning of her Gohei's trail of papers ends up making it look weird, and I could've put more effort into the hair and bow and so many more things), this is more of a piece for me to experiment with my style again, and I'm excited for when I get a new idea for a piece, as I really wanna try some more stuff out with this style!
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gojobbg · 22 days
Goji casually sucking his girl's tits while they're lazing on the couch 🫠 he's just a little bit obsessed with them and has to either be touching or kissing them at all times
I swear by boob lover Gojo. He's so needy and gentle, love our man. ty for the prompt, anon <3
reader(f) x bf!gojo
It had to be a Sunday where the both of you had no plans but to decay in the house.
You admitted your laziness at dawn in regards to cleaning the house, claiming it was 'clean e'nuff.' Satoru could only laugh at you, watching you waddle over to the bathroom to wake yourself up. These days were lovely, truly, since the both of you can spend time with one another without having to go outside or engage in consistent conversation. Comfortable silence was a fan favorite in your household.
Adjusting the large, black sweatshirt you stole from Satoru, you make your way towards the sofa. Satoru watched you from the kitchen, amused at watching you swipe the remote control and put on some sitcoms on the tele. "I'll order us some breakfast, m'love," your other half hums from the counter, "I'll get you your usual."
"Thank youuu," you drag from the couch, grabbing all the pillows you could to support your torso while you distracted yourself with the tv. Satoru promptly places the order and quickly saunters over to you, making himself comfy in between your legs. He, too, was in all lazy attire, with a contrasting white sweat set.
He faced you while getting adjust, his platinum locks getting messy in front of his face. You felt his stare, and his movement as his head got closer and closer to your chest. But this was such a Satoru thing that it was just normal to you. You finally felt hands snake around the sides of your body, the callouses on his fingers lifting goosebumps from the skin of your stomach.
His forearms push up the sweatshirt a bit, allowing him to put his head into it. You let out a few giggles but continue watching your show mindlessly. His hands finally reached the under crevice of your mounds, and your breath quickly hitched. As much as you say you're used to it, it always feels so good whenever Satoru loved on your chest.
Most of his hand caressed the sides of your tits while his thumbs lightly rubbed against your sternum. His cold hands were taken by the warmth of your underboob, the part of which Satoru started to kiss. You lift the sweatshirt a bit to give him better access, and emit a few moans when you felt his tongue tease the lining of your right boob.
Satoru's hot breathe made your buds harden immediately, your pelvis beginning to thrust up on his own. He was getting you in the mood and he knew it. He snickered beneath your sweatshirt, "what's wrong, y/n?"
"...Nothing," you murmur, shaking a bit from the sensation of Satoru's love on your chest.
Letting out another laugh, Satoru kisses his way towards your right tit, his lips peppering kisses around your nipple. For your left, his hand begins to gently squeeze it, with his fingers flicking your nipple every few moments. His hands were clamp and so cold, his hand cupping your boob and tugging it upward before letting it droop down again, and repeat.
"Nn-anh..." moans escape your lips, your sudden inability to keep your legs still. You kept bucking up against him, unable to still yourself from the feeling of a pool forming between your thighs.
"Can't keep still huh?" Satoru teases your squirming.
You respond with moans and a string of soft cursing. His tongue finds its way to your nipple, twirling around it as his hot breath worsened your libido. Your eyes were now on Satoru's head tented under your sweatshirt, completely forgetting about the tv.
Your lover finally wraps his lips around your nude-colored bud, with his tongue flicking your nipple in his mouse. You could feel his teeth begin to graze your nipple, but not quite giving it a nibble. He bobs his head as he sucks your nipple up before letting it go, obsessed with the way it bounces back down until it stills.
"They're so perfect," he whispers, his left hand beginning to twist your other nipple between his middle and thumb. "You're so perfect," he groans, his mouth widening to take more of your chest. Voices emanating from the tv were completely clouded by your own moans and the thought of fucking your boyfriend.
He then wraps his hand around your right tit, concentrating your mound and your nipple. He begins to attack it more aggressively, you could feel his saliva beginning to coat most of it. He gently (but impatiently) tugged at your nipple, sucking it to keep it in his mouth without having to let it go.
"God, I can't get enough of you," Satoru mutters, unable to control himself. His twisting of your left nipple becomes stronger, causing you to arch your back from the fine line between pain and pleasure. You yank off your sweatshirt completely from over his head, revealing your handsome boyfriend with your whole boob practically in his mouth.
His eyes flicker up, keeping eye contact with you as his velvet rose lips caging your nipple while his indecent tongue lapped around it. The sounds of his sucking and hummed moans make you bite your bottom lip, trying your best to cum right then and there. You'd be damned if you came before Satoru fucks the daylights out of you.
Satoru lets go of your tit with a pop! and looks down to admire your tits in the light. "Babe..." you let out with a raspy voice. Your moans roughened your voice as your chest heaved hopelessly for more air. "T-take it easy, will ya?"
He raises one of his eyebrows, a sinister smile painting his lips. "You know me, pretty girl. I can't help myself when it comes to your twin beauties."
He brings both of his hands to the sides of your boobs, and squeezes them towards each other. Your nipples almost touched one another with how close they were. With your nipples now close, Satoru licks his lips hungrily before taking them both in his mouth. You twitch under him, unable to stay still again as you felt his tongue dance between the two buds. He took them at the corners of his lips and sucked them up, letting them go just to do it again.
He teased the in between of your mounds, sticking his tongue in the tight crevice they created. He would trail kisses there, and around both of your nipples before giving each nipple their kisses. "Your turn," he whispers to your left boob, squeeze it lightly with one hand while the other begins to rub your right nipple aggressively in the tips of his fingers.
"T-'Toru, I-I'm close," you admit embarrassingly, your hands cupping your cheeks as you continue to thrust up under his weight. "P-please--!"
"Please hold it, beautiful," Satoru requests softly. His crystal blue eyes lock in with yours, lust and hunger welled up in them. His lips were open agape, his lips shiny from his own play. "I want you to cum around my dick."
You shake your head but do your best to hold it in. But you felt your pussy pulse, your body completely warm and in heat. Satoru returns to kneading them, but he keeps sucking and tugging more aggressively on your nipple. For him, it was saccharine sweet like a lollipop. His addiction to your tits was dangerous, as he sometimes doesn't know when to stop.
"Shit-- Satoru, wait!" You plead, your hands finding their way on his head. Your fingers tug desperately at his soft, white locks. But this only entices him to go harder, your nipple beginning to burn between the jaggedness of his teeth. "Sa--to--!"
Before he could continue, the doorbell rang, with the delivery man hollering outside your door. Satoru lets go of your chest, his eyes pained before rushing over to the door. You rush to pull down your sweatshirt and hold your face, attempting to calm you down as your sweet lover comes back in with breakfast and an adoring smile.
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pupyuj · 3 months
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WRITE extremely dom! yujin who gets off on degrading bratty sub! reader (bonus if the do the cuddle cuddle at the end) (g!p is appreciated 💞💞, it's alright if u don't vibe it though)
p.s. - sana maganda po yung araw nyo ‼️‼️ muchmuchmuch love from your ph followers ate ena 💞
long time no drabble but i am here with a mission to get back into the swing of things and not let laziness take over me! 😤‼️ anyways SALAMATTT i hope you have an amazing day too anon (pakisabi na lang sa friends ko from back home na miss na miss ko na sila HAHAHA char) 🥺💕
your troubled loser of a girlfriend with a messy job, dysfunctional family, and deep, dark interpersonal issues that she spends absolutely no time fixing and instead, treats you like trash in the bedroom bcs that’s the only way she can have control of things! 🫢 when she comes home and she doesn't call out to you sweetly... you know something is amiss! especially when you poke your head out of the kitchen and see that state she's in—necktie loose, her blazer hastily thrown to the couch, her shirt a bit wrinkled with two buttons unbound... signs that she has not been very calm on the drive home 😭😭
doesn't share a word with you and just kisses you, but it wasn't the type of kiss that got you feeling butterflies in your stomach! it was the kind that had yujin ripping your apron off of you and dragging you up the stairs really harshly! but ofc only such treatment would be tolerated by an equally psychotic lover... so obviously you loved it whenever yujin got like this 🤭👀 feeling her cock stiffen up as she allows you you explore her body with your hands while you're underneath her... taking her tie off slowly, unbuttoning her shirt and pulling it off, squeezing her breasts.. ah, if looks could kill, that glare yujin was giving would have put you six feet under long ago! 🥴
yujinnie gets a kick out of the sounds of the sluttiest moans that you make while she's ramming her cock against your walls 😍 she remembered a time where you couldn't even take all of her in without tapping out.. now you were just gladly letting her abuse your pussy like this... though yujin can see that it still hurts you in some way, but she's always too petty and annoyed to stop 🤤 putting her underneath your thighs and pushing your hips upward so her cock can reach the deepest depths of you.. yujin herself releasing heavenly sounds from her mouth that you forget just how fucking cruel she could get with her words.. until ofc she gets the composure to speak while she's fucking you 😈
"hmmn.. ha.. good little pet... this is the only w-way to shut you up, huh..? should've known..."
"can't be annoying now, huh? y-you'd love to, right...? but you love my dick too much to act out now..."
"you're just a s-stupid whore, aren't you..? f-fuck!"
well ofc this was the perfect time to embarrass yujin bcs you're just as petty! attempting to move away from her so she would have to chase after you... clawing at her arms to get her to release you from her iron grip.. you were both scared and horribly turned on by the way yujin got increasingly angry until she just snapped, just as you intended 😋 she's grabbing your face, forcing your mouth open and spitting down your throat... making you swallow and grinning widely when you do.. "fucking slut.. you'd let me do anything to you, huh?" it was a rhetorical question, but you nodded anyway... eagerly too! the only thing it did was inflate yujin's ego... as well as intensify her thrusts 🤤
yeah the sex ends with both of you cussing at each other while she dumps her seed inside your womb but your favorite part is the one where yujinnie turns into the usual ahn yujin that you knew: sweet and very very wholesome 🥺 she's leaving gentle kisses all over the painful bite marks she left, she's keeping you hydrated, even cleans up the mess both of you made and absolutely refuses to let you move a muscle 😭 afterwards, the two of you would be tangled up embracing each other and you comfort her about the hard day she had... overall just very sweet after such intense sex 🤭💞
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ohbueckers · 5 days
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TWO CAN PLAY THAT GAME. i’ve been watching you for ages and i spend my whole time trying not to feel it.
THIS IS PART THREE! pairing, paige bueckers x teammate!reader. notes, finally stopped being lazy and went back to edit the lyric part for the chapters so they’re up if you’re curious YAY! also please send me anons i wanna talk to you all and hear your thoughts! it’s gonna get real messy real soon trust.. warnings, sexuality talk-ish?
august, 2022
“you know i’m not eatin’ that, right?”
paige’s voice cut through the quiet of the kitchen as sana set a plate of quinoa and grilled chicken in front of her. she stood back, arms crossed, waiting for paige’s reaction—exactly what she’d expected, if she was being honest.
“yeah, well, you can’t keep eating takeout every day, fool,” sana shot back, raising an eyebrow, daring paige to challenge her. she leaned against the counter, still in the black sweatpants and hoodie she’d been wearing all day. her straightened hair was pulled into a messy bun, stray strands falling into her face as she tucked her hands into her pockets.
paige stared down at the plate, her expression holding all the disgust in the world if it could. her hoodie sleeves were pushed up to her elbows, and her hair was pulled into a low, loose ponytail. “you really expect me to eat this? quinoa, sana? really? that doesn’t even sound appetizing.”
sana furrowed her eyebrows. “spell appetizing. and yes, really.” her tone was deadpan as she leaned further back against the counter, gesturing to the plate with widened eyes, practically saying she wouldn’t move until paige took a bite. “you’re an athlete in recovery. you need actual nutrients, not the junk you’ve been living off.”
paige gave her a look, scoffing. it was like forcing a child to eat their vegetables, except that child is a full-grown adult. “i’ve been fine on takeout.”
“paige, you’ve been ordering pizza every other day.” sana raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to try to justify herself.
paige grinned, leaning back in her chair and propping her crutch against the table. “there’s nothin’ wrong with pizza. you just hatin’ ‘cause i’m still faster than you, even on one leg.”
sana rolled her eyes. she could see the look on her face that told her she’d been trying to get out of this by distraction, and she wouldn’t feed into it. she’d picked up on a lot of paige-coded things since staying with her. “you’re delusional,” sana said, crossing her arms and giving paige a look that screamed ‘i’m not playing.’ “and trying to throw me off. eat.”
paige groaned, spooning some quinoa onto her fork again like it personally offended her. “you really out here actin’ like my mom.”
sana snorted, finally turning around and taking her eyes off of the blonde to begin cleaning up her cooking mess. “i’m trying to keep you alive. big difference.”
“alive is pushin’ it,” paige mumbled, taking a bite, chewing dramatically slow just to make a point. “you still can’t convince me this is better than a pepperoni slice.”
“i’m helping you survive!”
“hey, i ain’t died yet, so i must be doin’ somethin’ right,” paige retorted in her defenses, swallowing as she set her fork down. it didn’t help that the food actually was good, but she was too stubborn to admit it.
“because of me.” sana chuckled. “you’re welcome, by the way.”
paige smiled, watching her move around the kitchen as she crossed her arms. “alright, alright. you really gonna act like you don’t love takin’ care of me, though?”
sana paused at the sink, glancing over her shoulder with an eyebrow raised. “oh, i love it!” she replied dramatically, dishes clinking as she moved them around. “especially when you whine about eating real food.”
“i’m not whining,” paige shot back, always having to have the last word. sana knew paige wasn’t thrilled, but she also knew that beneath the joking and grumbling, she’d appreciated it. the recovery process had been brutal, not just physically but mentally.
paige’s family had gone back to minnesota after staying with her for the first few weeks, and though they still facetimed her constantly and checked in, it wasn’t the same as having them around. since then, it had been mostly sana and caroline stepping up, making sure paige didn’t lose herself in the monotony of rehab and downtime.
sana would never admit it out loud, but she could see it—the toll it was taking on paige. the endless physical therapy appointments, the constant reminders that she wasn’t back to her old self yet, the social media support that was both overwhelming and suffocating at the same time. the internet had been great, really. the love from fans, the constant reminders that people believed in her recovery. but there was always a part of her that felt like she had to live up to those expectations, and sometimes, it weighed her down.
at least sana and caroline were physically there. they didn’t treat her like she was fragile. sana especially didn’t. she teased her relentlessly, challenged her, made her laugh when the weight got too heavy, and most importantly, she didn’t let paige feel sorry for herself for too long. every time she started slipping into that mindset of self-pity, sana was there, pulling her right back out, like she wasn’t going to let her lose herself to the injury.
it was… comforting, but also fucking confusing.
paige glanced over at sana, still working her way through the dishes, her back turned but her presence steady. before she could say anything, the front door swung open, and caroline walked in, holding up a pizza box like a trophy. “guess what’s for dinner?”
paige lit up instantly, her eyes immediately darting to sana, throwing her some shit-eating grin. “see? mama carol knows what’s up.”
sana turned, groaning dramatically as she threw the dish towel over her shoulder. “oh, for the love of—fine.” she began pointing at paige accusingly. “but when you’re waddling through pt tomorrow, don’t say i didn’t try to help.”
paige only grinned wider, blue eyes piercing into her. “don’t worry. if i gotta waddle, i’m taking you down with me.”
september, 2022
the bonfire crackled in the center of the group, flames casting long shadows across the lawn. uconn’s men’s and women’s basketball teams had gathered for some team bonding, a way to meet the new recruits from both sides. everyone was there—players sprawled out on blankets, standing in groups, or clustered around the fire. it was easy, familiar.
for the most part, it felt comfortable. but for sana, it was a little off. not bad, just… different. it felt like every week things had felt more and more different.
she wasn’t sure why. maybe it was because she wasn’t used to this, to being completely part of their world yet. or maybe it was because the entire night, her focus kept drifting to paige.
definitely the second approach.
she stood near the fire, smiling at something one of the guys had said, though her mind wasn’t there. it had been over a month since paige’s acl surgery, and in that time, sana had spent most of august by her side. it had been casual, her staying over with paige and carol out of convenience. but somewhere along the line, it became more than that. but she’d be kidding herself if she said it hadn’t always been more than that, she just felt like she could prevent it for some reason.
it was confusing, this closeness with paige. they’d grown comfortable even. it had snuck up on her, the way things sometimes do when you’re not paying attention. it had been easy to write off at one point, but she wasn’t completely sure it was now. paige was injured, vulnerable, and sana was just being there for her as a teammate, maybe even as a friend. but now?
now… i don’t know.
the guy kept talking, something about the tradition of first night and how everyone gets into it, but sana’s attention wandered again. she didn’t want to be rude, but her thoughts kept circling back to paige. to the way she had looked at her earlier in the night, a glance that had lasted just a little too long.
“you still staying with paige and caroline?” one of the guys—drew—asked her, pulling her from her thoughts. she blinked, turning to find a couple of the other guys from the men’s team sidling up next to her.
the way he said it almost made sana roll her eyes. everyone knew she’d been practically living with paige and carol for the last few weeks, as management had still been getting her sorted into an apartment, and her roommates arranged.
sana gave a half-smile, shrugging. “yeah, for now. i’ll be in my own soon. not that it concerns you, though.” she crossed her arms over her chest, the teasing evident in her tone, although only she would know she wasn’t exactly joking.
“why?” another guy chimed in, nudging drew with his elbow. “you got it made over there. i mean, who wouldn’t want to stay with bueckers?”
sana’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, her patience thinning at the not-so-subtle insinuation that was thrown out. since her arrival, she’d learned that paige’s sexuality wasn’t exactly a secret around campus, not that it mattered to her. it was like everyone assumed they knew paige bueckers more than she knew herself. it didn’t help that sana was new and undeniably attractive, meaning that in the guy’s eyes, paige had already gotten at her.
as much as she wanted to snap, sana caruso was known for self control, even though she wasn’t sure how she did it half of the time. she chuckled, letting out a soft, “it’s not like that.”
“yo, ruso! you coming over, or are you just gonna keep entertaining those clowns all night?” nika’s voice yelled out to her, sharp and teasing as always.
sana’s head snapped over over to find nika standing with her arms crossed, a smirk pulling at her lips. amari was sat down beside her stood figure, and could see the rest of the girls lounging on blankets near the fire—azzi, lou, ice, aaliyah—all of them waiting, watching her from the other side. paige was there too, her expression casual, but there was something in the way she subtly tilted her head, gesturing for sana to come over. it was quiet but intentional, just like paige always was with her.
sana sighed, grateful for the out, and threw the guys a quick smirk. “i’ll catch you later.”
drew gave her a mock salute while the other guy, clearly unsatisfied, just muttered something under his breath. she didn’t care to hear it. even as she made her way across the lawn, she could feel the eyes on her, clutching the cup in her hand a little harder.
“finally!” nika exclaimed dramatically, clapping her hands. paige tapped sana’s ankle with the back of her hand from beneath her, silently telling her to sit. sana looked down, poking her hip with her shoe playfully before taking a seat. it was only a subtle acknowledgment. “i thought we were gonna have to drag you away from the dudes.”
“yeah? me too. it wasn’t easy to get away,” sana replied, sighing out with a fake grin and leaning back on her elbows as she shifted around. paige shifted herself, making room for the girl now next to her, glancing down at her knee still wrapped in the brace. the ache was dull, nothing like those first few days, but it was there. still.
“can we blame them, though?” dorka added with a smirk, eyes darting between sana and paige before they went back to her now assembled s’more. “they’d be dumb not to try.”
sana shot her a look, bringing a hand up to her forehead in embarrassment. “i am not that special, please,” she muttered, though her tone wasn’t entirely convincing.
paige snorted softly, more amused by sana’s humility than anything.
“isn’t there some rule about same-department dating?” caroline piped up, raising an eyebrow. her eyes involuntarily went to paige, who, for one, needed to know the answer more than anything. the question wasn’t mean to stir the pot, but it did serve as a warning. paige’s nothing is gonna happen comment didn’t sound entirely too convincing, and now that some time had passed, the odds of it only worsened. better safe than sorry.
neither of them could afford getting distracted. not with the season approaching.
“nah, no way,” dorka shook her head, licking a bit of melted chocolate from her thumb. “only same team. they’re really strict about funny business.”
the casual comment hung in the air for a moment, the unspoken tension between sana and paige only thickening as their eyes met briefly. paige’s jaw tensed slightly, her smirk fading into something unreadable. sana quickly looked away, pretending to be more interested in the sticks and fire than the way her breath had just hitched.
had that been a problem? had that even crossed her mind?
“okay, but real talk,” aaliyah broke the silence, her tone more serious now. “are you ready for tomorrow? first night’s no joke.”
sana raised an eyebrow, glancing at the group. “i mean, i’ve heard it’s a big deal, but i don’t think i’ve fully wrapped my head around it yet.”
“it’s like the whole school comes out for it,” azzi explained. “there’s skills challenges, the usual stuff. but mostly, it’s just a chance for the fans to meet the new players and for us to kinda show off a little.”
sana nodded, trying to let their words sink in, but she could feel the weight of everyone’s expectations. she wasn’t new to pressure—she’d handled it all her life—but it felt like the first time all over again. her first official appearance at uconn, new fans that would have to get used to her.
paige watched her from the corner of her eye, catching the subtle shift in her posture. it wasn’t much—just a slight stiffening of her shoulders, the way her fingers tapped against her knee—but it was enough to tell her what she needed to know. sana was nervous.
without thinking, paige leaned over, voice low and casual, but with that signature confidence. “you got it though,” she said, tongue darting out to lick her lips as she looked at her. “it’s not like they can keep up with you anyway.”
sana glanced over at her, surprised? something about the way she said it—so sure, so easy—made the knot in her chest loosen just a little. despite it, she smirked, trying to hide the relief in her voice. “you sound pretty confident.”
paige shook her head, eyebrows furrowed as a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips. “we’ve all seen you play. there’s no contest, trust.”
and she meant it.
the rest of the group continued talking about the event, but for a moment, it felt like it was just them, locked in a silent exchange that said more than either of them was willing to admit. paige was right, and somehow, hearing it from her made all the difference.
what the fuck was paige bueckers doing to her?
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Thots of Matt eating reader out after she just shaved??🤭
love the way you think🫠
wrote this late last night, so not sure if all coherent - maybe just rambling brain rot. too lazy to edit it rn
matt murdock x fem!reader, mdni (18+ only!!)
aaaa so okay SO!!1
firstly I gotta say, and I quote forever and always, matt is a pussy eating fiend !! he don't care what you got, he's gonna eat. got a 70's bush? he's gonna chow down. haven't had time to clean yourself up beforehand? again, he's gonna gobble you up. he may have a preference (bc of his senses etc) - but he doesn't let that be known
BUT?? there's something just so addictive about eating you out after you just shaved, when you're all soft and smooth and silky - folds and pubic bone velvety to the touch and free of hair
I feel like it would be even more satisfying and enjoyable for him than usual, and he may even forget about getting you off. like the way your soft folds feel when he sucks them into his mouth, or simply just how good your pussy feels on his tongue
he would take all the time just leisurely licking you out, soft, pleased groans and moans muffling between your thighs - fingers digging into that crease, holding you still to his face. he'd be slow and teasing with it, changing things up without realising - unintentionally edging you. one minute, his tongue would be curled up into your pussy, tongue barely poking inside of you. the other he's on your clit, flicking over it. the next, he's sucking on it. the time after that, licking faint stripes up your slit
he also pays attention to other parts of your body without acknowledging it. maybe he trails kisses between your very inner thighs, spreading soft, open-mouth kisses over your heated skin - giving your poor, sensitive pussy a small time-out. his hands comfortingly stroking down your sides as if to reinforce his love for you
he also def reaches up to cup your tits when he eats you out, just saying ! just him extending his hands up to knead and squeeze them, as if to ground himself from his almost painful hard-on.. WHICH he has most definitely rubbed against the mattress a few times
more thots bc I can't help myself. but he doesn't let you get away, no matter how much you protest and push his head away - all you need to say is that small little word and it will immediately seize his movements. but you won't say it bc you don't actually want him to stop.. and he knows that 
maybe he likes it when you get just shy of overstimulation, when you're moments away from tapping out. when you crush his head with your spasming thighs, or when you make those strangled and choked moans, or when you're just twitching and jolting against his face, or when your grip in his hair tightens, or when you shimmy up the bed, or when your cry half of his name in a breathy whine, or when you cream on his tongue 
lastly, mr. matt murdock isn't about waste around here, so he never wastes a drop !! !! drinks you all up !! EVERYTHING !! since he can't see the messy state of your pussy after, instead, he runs his first two fingers over you - feeling the slippery and soft and puffy, soaked folds coated in spit and arousal. smearing everything around with A COCKY GRIN SLAPPED ON HIS FACE - feeling the literal mess he made of you
also also, he snogs you after to make you taste yourself 🫨
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
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munsoninthedark86 · 1 year
Sleepover With Eddie Munson
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warnings: smuttiness, fluffiness, mentions of sex toys, mentions of taking drugs, period mention. pairings: Eddie Munson x Reader(might be more fem POV but I kept them neutral)
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He panics the first time you come over to spend the night. Eddie decides to clean his room, but it’s too much work that he just decides to change his sheets and take out the trash. Hell, he might even take the dirty dishes out of his room too.
Eddie is a big sweetheart about it. He’ll do anything to make sure you have a good time with him. You can expect this man to literally make the night all about you.
He goes out of his way to buy some toiletries for you and even gets you a new towel, in case you need to shower. Eddie even bought some stuff in case you were to get your period.
If you don’t have any pajamas to wear(or you so conveniently forgot some), Eddie will lend you something to wear. If you suggest wearing his Hellfire shirt, he’ll just about die. Just that and some underwear, and you’ll have him on his knees for you.
Eddie doesn’t really know how to cook well, but he’ll try his best to do so just for you. If you would prefer, he’ll order a pizza. Or he will take you out for dinner.
Any way you look at it, Eddie is going to absolutely spoil you. He’ll light up some incense, put on your favorite album, even let you play his guitar or he’ll play it for you. Eddie wants the whole night to go perfectly well.
Eddie will pull out his favorite and best stash just for you. You’ll be smoking Eddie’s best stuff he can get his hands on. If you want something a little stronger, Eddie will get it for you. You’ll have a great time tripping together, if that’s what you want to do.
If it’s a school night, Eddie will still want you to come over. In the morning, if you were to wake him up with coffee and breakfast, he’d probably want to marry you.
If it’s not a school night, Eddie will stay up late with you and he’ll sleep in the next morning. You can expect to be part of his snuggle pile when you wake up in the morning. And he’s not letting you go.
Eddie gets the best sleep for the first time in a long time. He doesn’t sleep a lot, and he blames most of it on the trauma lived in his life. But with you there, he sleeps like a log.
Of course, if you’re spending the night, Eddie wants to fuck. Even when you don’t stay the night, Eddie loves to fuck. He’s got a pretty high sex drive, but he likes to keep things monogamous when it comes to you.
Eddie stocks up on condoms and lube for whenever you come over. He likes to make sure you know you’ve got lots of options when it comes to having sex with him.
Also, he’s got a nice little trunk with all kinds of goodies. Handcuffs, riding crops, leather restraints, a vibrator…Eddie knows what you like, but the man also has specific tastes as well.
Despite that, Eddie is a big fan of slow and lazy fucking. He’ll throw on a movie and he’ll pump into you lazily from behind while you’re on the couch. Good luck trying to pay attention to the plot.
Once you’re all stoned and feeling giggly and bubbly, Eddie brings you to his bed and he pulls down your pants and underwear. He’ll look at you softly through his big doe eyes, and he kisses a trail down your body.
Be prepared for hours of oral. Eddie loves going down on you and turning you into a complete moaning mess. Tug on his hair, make him grunt and groan against you. He’ll be rutting into the mattress as he brings you to a messy, wet orgasm.
He loves putting on loud music and fucking you so hard that you scream louder than the album he’s got playing. It just makes him feel so proud that he can make you feel this good.
The aftercare is top notch. Eddie will do everything to make sure you feel comfortable and loved afterwards. You wanted to spend the night with him after all, so he wants to make sure you like spending the night.
If you want to have a shower, Eddie might suggest some heated shower sex. This becomes a bit more awkward in terms of position, but he’ll make it happen.
You’ll leave his place with some fresh lovebites and marks all over your neck, chest and anywhere he thought was a good place to leave them. Nobody will ever think that you are available. Only Eddie fuckin’ Munson can touch you.
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 2 months
Okay so hear me out. You know how III has an undercut, right? Well, what if he's... Letting it grow out, now that they're not on tour.. All I can think about is tangling my fingers in the short hair and gently pulling on it as he eats me out like a starved man 😩😩
Something sweet
Let me tell you smth… let me tell you smth!!!!
It’s one of those evenings where you haven’t made any plans. Nothing was on the agenda and you knew that alone lifted a huge chunk of fatigue off of iii shoulders. You always let him take the lead during the first couple of days back home after the tour was finished. He craved the stability of the home waiting for him. Of you always welcoming him back. And while he wasn’t always a clinger, the first days back he embodied your shadow.
Here he was now, on his third nap of the day. Head resting on your chest, body practically covering yours. The show you two had been watching off and on since the morning playing in the background. You felt iii hand move slightly beneath your shirt where he had been aimlessly kneading your breast before falling asleep. He nuzzles deeper into you with a satisfied sigh before blinking up at you.
“How was your nap, sleeping beauty?”, you smile at him, brushing some of his messy hair away from his face. iii shoots you one of his goofy grins. “Always good when I can sleep on you”, he mutters, “Would be even better if it was in you”. You can’t help but chuckle, “Oh, I don’t doubt it”. You also weren’t too surprised to feel his hands slowly moving towards the flimsy shorts you had on.
“Don’t you want to eat first”, you cupped his face, looking over to the side table, “It’s past 3 pm already and we only…fuck”, you wimped at the feeling of iii slowly slipping his fingers up and down your folds. “You were saying, darling?”, the bastard pushed on, and you could hear the smile on his face. “Food”, you breathed out at the feeling of III slowing crawling down your body, stopping to nibble at your exposed skin.
“Now that you mentioned it”, he mused against your hip, “I am hungry”. A strange sort of disappointment flushed through you. But you could wait. His well-being was more important. Just before you could move, iii slipped of the sofa and dragged your hips with him.
“For something sweet that is”, his blue eyes burned into you. “You need proper food”, you tried to argue. “I intend to have a full course meal down here, don’t you worry”, he reassured you, not bothering to fully undress you, just pushing the silky material to the side as he bit onto your inner thigh. A whimper slipped past your lips as that familiar heat burned in your stomach. Your hand pure on muscle memory reached for iii hair.
You loved the clean shaved undercut he had. It was sexy and all but it left little room for you to grasp on. Now you were more than happy that he had gotten too lazy to retouch it towards the end of the tour. You threaded your fingers through his hair, pulling it up slightly. The moan that iii let out again your cunt had you throwing your head back from the vibration it seemed to send down your body.
“iii”, you grinned deeper into him. He hummed in return, clasping both of his hands over your hips as he swirled his tongue over your sensitive bud before continuing to fuck you with it. He seemed to be in every fiber of your body as you arched from the sofa. Grasping for support and once again finding your hands slipping into his hair. “Fuck, please”, you whimpered feeling the tightness slowly climbing up and up.
iii parted your thighs, that threatened to clamp his head between your heat, open, making you cry in despair even more. And then as if it was even possible he pressed into your heat even more his mustache crating that last bit of friction sending you toppling over the edge. You didn’t even get to tell him that you were close as your juices gush all over his face. Any other man would pull away but not iii. Lapping at it like a man starved.
And then his fingers switched places with his tongue and from the way his eyes were burning you know what he was after. “No, iii”, you whined, feeling his two fingers stretching you out. “I can’t”, you mused but it’s too late, his thumb pressed into your still throbbing clitoris as he pumped his fingers in and out. Your toes curled as you cried out his name over and over panting at the rekindled flame.
“Come on, be a good girl”, he grunted while licking his lips, “Don’t you want to be a good girl for me?” You didn’t even know if you were nodding or saying anything. The pressure building and the steady brutality of the way he was fingering you was enough to make you see stars. He leaned to bite down onto your breast, taking your nipple between his teeth and all the mighty tides broke. You grasped for his hand trying to push it away but for no use. Your juices flowed down both of your bodies. “Good job”, iii praised, “Look what a pretty mess you made”, he mused giving your pussy a couple of taps before leaning in to kiss you.
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deangirlsstuff67 · 2 years
Sorry... Not Sorry
Soldier Boy x Reader
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Warnings: Smoking, Male masterbation, Drug and Booze use, Fingering, P in V, Unprotected sex, Orgasm denial, Dirty talk, Language
Summary: You work with the boys to fulfill Butchers mission. Your family, like MM's, were killed by Soldier Boy. The only difference, you aren't mad about it. Your family was terrible and you constantly suffered at their hands. When you all find Soldier Boy, you offer to be his babysitter, only your attraction for the older supe might be too strong to fight.
Masterlist | Patreon
He escaped you in Russia, only to track him to The Legend's house. You aren't a supe so for the most part you hang back when they go fight. Butcher always had a soft spot for you.
When it comes to Soldier Boy however, you willing volunteered to babysit the nuclear powered superhero. Everyone was reluctant at first. You're the youngest of the group, but you weren't backing down. Not this time.
Eventually Butcher agreed, which led you here. Some old man's house who wants to relive the glory days. Any other day I would pretend to listen, just not today. I am on a mission.
I walk towards the room The Legend informed me he would be in. Whatever I was expecting to find on the other side of the door, orgy, some chick giving him head, was not what I found.
His back was facing the door when I opened the handle. Wildly designed silk robe hiding his body from my lust filled eyes. Leg proped up on the bed frame. His whole body moving as he grunts from the pleasure his hand was providing his dick.
A very well endowed dick if I remember Russia correctly.
My body begins to heat, my underwear quickly becoming damp from my own private show, breathing coming in fast shallow pants.
Forgetting he had super hearing, Soldier Boy rips a surprised gasp from me when he speaks into the quiet room, "I can practically smell your sopping cunt from here Pretty Girl."
He doesn't turn or even stop his movements. Though you do notice he has slowed to a lazy rhythm. No longer chasing a quick orgasm.
Closing the door behind you you take one step at a time towards the powerful man infront of you. A man who I'm positive can spit me in half with one powerful thrusts into my heat.
Oh what a way to die.
By now you're standing right behind him fighting the urge to touch him. In a blink of an eye he swings around to come face to face with me.
We are in the middle of a staring contest. Him wondering my next move. Me wondering if I even have the nerve to follow through with anything.
Now or never I guess. This is one way to thank him for saving me. I know he hurt a lot of people and is the ultimate asshole, but to me he's a hero.
With a wave of bravery rushing through my veins, I step up and wrap my hand around his huge cock. My tiny hand barely touching as I begin to slide it up and down his shaft.
Soldier Boy throws his head back from the contact. Long, messy hair shining as te sun hits him just right. What I wouldn't give to run my fingers through it. I know I've got him when I hear a deep moan leave his kissable lips.
"Been a long time since a beauty such as yourself has touched me, Doll."
I still can't speak. His husky voice drips of honey when he's aroused, eye's that were once shining green are now hooded and black with lust. The man's beautiful on any given day, but when he's in a stage of bliss, he's breathtaking.
Strong, long, thick fingers move rapidly inside me as Soldier Boy brings me to the edge again. Pistoling straight into my g spot repeatedly.
"You're stunning when you're fucked out and frustrated, Doll." He removes his fingers from my soaked core, bringing them to his mouth before sucking them clean. My pussy clenching around nothing.
"Mmm... taste sweet." Rolling on top of his naked body I rub my wet center up his length while sinking my tongue into his mouth. Stunned for a moment from surprise before he begins to kiss me back... hard.
Breaking away I lift my body and grab his leaking cock before impaling myself on his perfect dick.
I was right, he's going to split me in half. It burns as he stretches me to my limit. Never had a cock this good. I can feel every vein as I slipped farther down his shaft.
Bottoming out I stay still waiting for my body to adjust. Feeling my velvet walls flutter around him as they fight to accept his size. He shifts slightly sending electricity shooting through my body, another wave of arousal soaks his dick.
"Soldier Boy..."
Laughing he leans up, wrapping a strong arm protectively around my waist as he kisses me sweetly. "Sweetheart I'm balls deep in your sopping cunt right now, pretty sure you can call me Ben." Then he thrusts into me, hitting my cervix.
"Ben..." is all I can moan as he takes control of my body.
"That’s my Pretty Girl. Scream it baby, my names never sounded so sweet before."
His pace quickens sending me into my first orgasm. Clenching him so tight I'm amazed he can still move as he fucks me through it. "Squeezing my cock so good."
Ben watches where our bodies are join, "this pussy is drooling Doll. Making such a pretty mess of my dick." I tighten around him, "oh fuck yes..."
"Got one more in there for me baby girl." It wasn't a question. He brings his rough hands to my bundle of nerves and starts to vigorously rub me there.
My orgasm build fast and hard. Just as I'm think I'm about to be thrown over the edge a new sensation comes over me, "shit... Ben you have to st.. stop. I.. I think I'm go.. going to pee."
He doesn't listen. If anything the statement makes him feral as he double downs his efforts. Then it happens. My body let's go, vision goes white as I scream his name as loud as I can before slumping into his chest.
What feels like hours goes by, but I'm sure it's minutes, before I feel someone gently finger my pussy. Whimpering I hear a dark chuckle beside me.
"That was fucking hot Doll." Ben holds me to his chest as he lazily plays with my pussy and our mess, "I'm far from done with you, sleep for now."
"You should have known better than to try and tease me. Best damn pussy I've had... just might have to keep you now." He gently bites my ear lope.
Through my blessed out haze I weakly smile before whispering, "Sorry... not sorry."
I fall asleep in his warm embrace with his laughter as my lullaby and his fingers bringing small waves of pleasure every once in a while.
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jarofstyles · 8 months
Saccharine- Verboten 9
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It's been a little bit! Here is part 9, please message us what you think!
Check out our Patreon for early access + exclusive writing!
Verboten Masterlist
WC- 2.4k
Warnings- age gap, smut, richrry, best friend's dad, etc
“Sweet Angel.”
His voice never got old. Fingers pried her thighs open, a soft whimper leaving her mouth as she felt his tongue swipe up her messy folds, sensitivity making her jerks before his hands gripped her hips to keep her still. “Uh-uh. None of that. Aren’t you going to let me clean up my mess?” The croon of his sexed out voice made her shiver, splaying her thighs open as she gripped the sheets that had come off the bed slightly. It didn’t matter anyways, they desperately needed a change. 
Once she had opened herself back up, she was met with what she was assumed were praises falling from the older man’s mouth. “Bene, così bene per me. Ho incasinato la mia bellissima ragazza. Lascia che ti pulisca.” His hot tongue followed suit, her eyes rolling back as she resisted the urge to clench her thighs together. 
This was one of Harry’s favorite parts. Getting to see the mess he made of his girl. 5 days into the trip and he had been a menace. He knew that. His attempts to take it easy had been in vain, as neither of them could keep their hands off of each other, but there had at least been an attempt on his end. It was just difficult when their feelings were finally out in the open and Y/N had let down the final wall he had been trying to tip over with his gentle pushing. She knew how much he liked her, and he was relishing in her unfiltered behavior. 
Her shuddery inhale was the sweetest melody, tongue tenderly swiping up again to make sure she was clean of the remnants of their lazy morning sex. A new tradition that Harry hoped would extend back at home. His girl was soft and pliant for him in the dewy mornings. He’d woken up as the golden sun had leaked into their bedroom, the sheer white curtains that slightly hid the view of the city ocean and rock below them being lit a warm orange. A sunrise with the warm Italian breeze drifting through the cracked balcony door hitting his skin as he felt her soft breathing on his chest. 
Y/N had not only spread her wings for him, but let him into her cocoon. A warm, snug area where she could be as giggly and as soft as she wanted. Limbs tangled like yarn a kitten has played with, a pure side to her that many didn’t get to even theorize about. He got to hear her little comments under her breath as they people watched out in public, let her babble about her dreams once she woke, took diligent mental notes about things she had never mentioned before- such as always wishing to go trail riding one day, her love of the particular moss colored green tile in the kitchen that she had fawned over for a bit too long, the skincare routine he had watched a million times before but looking at the brands so he knew what else to indulge in for holidays. 
Harry was a man in love, love so deep that it sort of startled him when he thought about it. While the actual sentiment hadn’t been actively exchanged, he knew it was mutual. It wasn’t any sort of arrogance, but the way in which her feather soft touches caressed his face and arms. How gentle she was with him, her worries of his thoughts and feels. How she kissed him. Languid and syrupy, her soft mewls against his mouth and desire to be as close as possible even when he was buried to the hilt. 
This trip was spoiling him and he was going to take every single moment and marinated in it. When they got back home, they’d have some bumps to go through. 
“H-Harry…” Her sleepy voice moaned, a glance up showing her smile. “This isn’t just cleaning me up.” 
Correct. The older man had been greedy for her pleasure since the first day they’d connected in an intimate way. Y/N’s orgasms, her affection, the taste of her, they were all his willing addictions. A greedy, greedy man he was, constantly taking if she allowed it. She always did. 
“M’Sorry, my love.” He pulled back, pressing a kiss to her swollen clit. “Did a number on you last night… Know you must be sensitive, but you don’t understand how incredible you taste to me.” his fingers kept her spread while his other arm was hooked over her stomach, her hand holding on to his forearm to ground herself. 
Y/N’s eyes glazed over as she remembered how he had taken her the night before. Murmuring things that she didn’t know the exact meaning of in Italian, lighting up her insides as he had taken her under the stars on the loungers on the patio. Lips against her ear as her hands had dragged down his back, the wet sound of their sex and distant music from a party 2 houses over filling the night. He had filled her up and fucked his seed back inside of her, whispering about how that was the only place he wanted his cum for the entire trip and how much he adored her. 
“How do I taste to you?” The breathless question was asked despite her own knowledge of what would happen next. Harry was a man, a man dedicated to her pleasure and easy to trigger when it came to sex. Y/N had been bent over the kitchen counter with her dress bunched over her waist just from purring his nickname into his ear. 
His tongue paused at the top, nose brushing her mound as he chuckled against her puffy cunt. What a question. She knew how she tasted, Harry’s tongue soaked in her having been dipped into her mouth plenty of times- but she wanted to know how it tasted to him. How did he describe the most addicting thing he had ever placed his tongue on? 
“Honey.” He drawled, fingers spreading her open again as he took a look at her. “Sweet, sweet honey. My own brand of addiction. Syrupy and sweet, so sticky. Look how it sticks to my fingers, my love.” He pulled his fingers off momentarily and spread them apart, letting her see the strings of arousal webbed together. It was messy, sloppy, and the both of them seemed to have a like for that sort of debauchery. “The taste of you is my favorite. Do you ever wonder why I can’t drag myself away from between your thighs?” He questioned, pulling his fingers into his mouth with a moan that made her sensitive hole clench around nothing. 
This man, the one who she had to taunt into being rough and dirty with her, had overtaken her in boldness and experimentation. He’d opened up and uncovered the man she had a feeling laid underneath the pristine shirts and kind eyes. The filth had been underlying and Y/N had caught on early on. Birds of a feather and all that. 
“I can’t pull myself away. M’obsessed with how you taste, how you feel… You. You’ve overtaken my mind, my beautiful girl. La mia bella ragazza. Non riesco a toglierti dalla mente. Sono ossessionato.” His last words were muffled as he pulled her clit back into his mouth, Y/N’s eyes rolling back and fingers finding his hair yet again. 
Y/N had been imagining what it would be like to be official with Harry. It had been something that haunted her brain since the day at the pool house. One taste of him and her single burst of confidence had melded into a whole relationship that was beyond her wildest dreams, but this had especially taken her off guard. 
Harry had been attentive before they solidified any issues, but to her surprise it had only gotten better. Now it was clear that a barrier, despite it being clear, was hard acrylic. Giving her a glimpse into the nest of comfort and saccharine he could provide. With the barriers shattered on both ends, Y/N had a feeling she was going to develop cavities. 
Some of her shock had been chalked up to a poor dating poor pre-Harry. She hadn’t experienced fresh flowers delivered daily, candlelit dinners on the balcony overlooking the italian coast that he cooked himself, gelato tinged kisses, body worship, least of all clear communication. Dating in college had been grim to say the least and that had been a bit of a hint that her hunches growing up would be correct. Despite the knowledge that older men were still just men, after all, she knew she craved a different sort of goal. Maturity. She wanted to be spoiled with affection.
Now that she was getting that, though, she didn’t realize how good it could be. 
At first it had made her slightly uncomfortable. The lack of barriers had also introduced a clearer picture of his intentions. Harry wanted to keep her, he’d said so himself, and this relationship was supposed to be for building up their connection. Having his intense stare on her at all times, every single drop of his attention when she spoke, it had made her realize just how half assed her past attempts of dating had really been. He placed his phone face down at the table while they ate, he kept her eye contact, he remembered the tiny things she said. She hadn’t been a fan of clams and he’d made sure to request the dish they had without them, happy to pay extra for a new plate. 
As sad as it could be seen as, how bare minimum people could claim, it was so new to her that it had taken a few days to get used to. 
One thing she definitely hadn’t expected was Harry scheduling them a spa day. A real spa day, with massage and facials and a high class sauna. All of the bells and whistles that had her eyes wide, hand tangled with his and anxiously held to the front of her body as she looked around the expensive facility. They’d had to drive out of the village for it, Harry keeping it a surprise until they’d walked in. 
She’d watched a video on her phone the night prior in bed, showing him a bit as she had said she’d need to get a facial when they got back home for her pores- which he had responded like a true boy about having the necessities for a facial right then- but she hadn’t thought much of it until walking in on marble floors as a boisterous woman greeting Harry in rapid italian. 
Was this how it would always be?
“Questa è tua moglie?” The woman gestured to Y/N making her curious. What was she saying? She’d need to learn italian so she didn’t feel left out. 
Harry’s fond eyes laid on her, squeezing the hand she was holding against her tummy before replying. “Non ancora. Un giorno, se mi avrà.” 
“Oh, che meraviglia.” The woman clapped, looking at Y/N with bright eyes. It must be a good exchange.  “Siamo onorati di averti qui. Lascia che ti controlli”
A bit more chatting was finished up before they were whisked over to locker rooms, Y/N being brought over to the women’s and H giving her a kiss on the lips before taking his towel and robe into the men’s. 
“I apologize, Miss. I did not know you did not speak Italian.” The woman smiled. “We will ask that you rinse off just a bit. There is a selection of soap. Lavender, Oat, Rose, Eucalyptus and the white is unscented. When you are finished, you can leave out the side door and it will bring you to the massage room where Signore Harry will be waiting.”
Y/N thanked the woman, going into the locker room. 
It was spacious and beautifully designed with high-end finishes and luxurious amenities, with a sleek design with soothing lighting, plush seating arrangements, and an opulent ambiance.
White lockers lined the walls to accommodate guests, each of which seemed secured with a digital lock- she would need to use her birthday as a code. She was awful with them. . The lockers seemed large enough to hold double of what she had. Harry had handed her a bad with what she assumed held her clothes and whatever else he would think of as necessary. Considering how closely he had been paying attention to her, she trusted his judgment. 
She placed the soft white robe and slippers, as well as a fluffy towel down once she found one that she liked, taking a look around the area again. There seemed be plenty of grooming necessities including hairbrushes and combs that you could obviously bring home- but the wooden handles showed they definitely weren’t cheap. This was not going to be a cheap activity, not by a long shot. On the wall near the showers were shelves of tiny bottles of shampoos, conditioners, and body washes. Underneath had white mini loofahs and disposable razors- and Y/N had to remind herself not to be a little rat and steal some to bring home. Temptation would be strong. 
It again showed her how well off, wealthy, her now boyfriend? Lover? Was. He had a big house at home, yes, but he wasn’t one to show off besides with his cars and paying for meals. He never flaunted. It had her reminded yet again that she had been plunged into a world she had no idea how to navigate- but she couldn’t say she hated it. She deserved spoiling sometimes. Harry had been trying to tell her that the whole trip, especially after she made comments every time she put on one of the dresses he had bought her at the market. 
This was a whole other way of living. Harry had obviously been one of the more down to earth rich folk, but it still made her a little shocked as she took in the qualities of each thing as she did as instructed. This was no cheap hotel body wash. Was- were the combs Versace?! Taking a look at the golden emblem, Y/N had to scream silently into her fluffy robe as she placed it down on the mirrored vanity, separated by walls to give her privacy. Fuck.
What had she gotten herself into? And how could  it feel so guiltily good? 
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mrkis · 1 year
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⛧ this is apart of my ‘MARK BDAY REQUEST SPECIAL’ event that i will be doing for his bday (wednesday-sunday). requests are OPEN for this.
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REQUEST: ⇢ mark nsfw a to z 🥹🙏🏼
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⛧ WARNINGS: 18+ content, mentions of cum, mentions of toys, mentions of female and male genitalia, mentions of unprotect sex,
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mark would bounce in between two things. one, he would make sure that you're okay and that you're not sore, opting to clean you up with his shirt because he just forgets to grab a towel while whispering about how much he loves you and how good it was. maybe he'd rush to the kitchen to grab you both a bite to eat (it's cereal. he can't make anything else) and he'd sit with you as you fill your tummies, listening to the music that softly plays in the background from his portable speaker.
two, mark would be lazy and exhausted after using too much energy, especially if he fucked you more than usual. he'd wrap his arms around you tightly, not caring about the sweat or the stickiness of it all, he just wants you in his embrace, he wants to feel you still. he'd whisper sweet little nothings, kisses your lips every so often, tells you how much he loves you through slurred speech because he's so tired.
on him, he doesn't really know what his favourite body part is. sometimes he feel as though its his hands, especially with how easily he can make you cum with them. other times he thinks it's his nipples because of how he's so sensitive there and his body curls in whenever you brush over them with your fingers or tongue.
on you, it's your ass. he's an ass man. he would also argue that he loves everything about you (which he does), but he's so easily swayed by your ass that he can't help but touch it every chance he gets. sometimes he'd touch it when there isn't any sexual activity going on, he'll just slip his hand down to rest it there.
— [C]UM.
mark can be messy when he cums, quick too. he gets too overwhelmed by how well you're sucking him in with your mouth or pussy that he can't help but just let himself go. he warns you all the time, a jumbled mess of words about how he's going to cum before he sees it already seeping past your lips or spilling out of your pussy.
his mouth falls open when he cums, eyebrows pinched together, a curse or even a moan falling from his lips. sometimes he whines if it's too much.
mark's dirty secret is that he gets turned on way too much by you. everything about you just makes his cock hard and even when you're doing something so simple as sitting, walking around or scrolling through your phone, he can't help but think how you would look with his cock in your mouth or bent over in front on him as he pounds into you from behind.
mark would be inexperienced when you first meet. maybe he's had his dick sucked a few times by some randoms and he's shared drunken, sloppy kisses with people during parties that he doesn't fully remember, but he's inexperienced in the sex department.
with his background, he thinks he would wait until marriage to have sex with his partner. but upon meeting you, getting to know you and spending so much time with you, he realises maybe he doesn't exactly want to wait anymore. he’s more than happy to give you every part of him.
you riding him and doggystyle are two of his favourite positions. he's an ass man, so fucking you from behind, seeing the recoil of your ass every time it smacks against his hips has him almost cumming on the spot. (and he definitely gropes your cheeks as he fucks you).
when you ride him, he's able to see all of you and he loves that. watches where you're connected, feels mesmerised with the way your pussy swallows his cock. sees your tits bounce, how your facial expressions give away exactly what you're feeling, how the smooth roll of your hips as his mind reeling.
— [G]OOFY.
mark tries to be serious during sex but 70% of the time, he fails. he makes miniature mistakes, tripping over his own feet when he undresses himself, accidentally knocks his forehead against yours, bites down hard on your lip when the kisses gets too rough and hungry. ends up smiling and giggling when it fully dawns on him that he's inside of you, accidentally calls you 'bro' or 'dude' when he tries to dirty talk.
— [H]AIR.
keeps himself neatly groomed or bare, leaning more towards bare when he knows he's going to be fucking you but gets comfortable enough over time to keep the hair there neat. he doesn't really care about hair on you, he's fine with whatever you do and whatever you're comfortable with. mark doesn't judge.
intimacy is important to mark. he needs that intimate connection. wants to make eye contact with you while you're fucking, to see the love and adoration, to know he's not alone in what he feels for you. can get emotional during those moments, especially if everything feels overwhelming for him. wants to hear you tell him how much you love him and he'll do the same right back.
masturbates in the shower or in his bed during the dead of night, making sure everyone's asleep before he does so. also masturbates to relieve the pent up stress he feels from his busy schedules, thinks about you as he's doing it to help him out. he looks at photos of you mainly, but sometimes when he struggles to cum, he'll give you a call just to hear your voice. (he'll maybe get in the mood to ask you to say some things to him)
— [K]INK.
he likes leaving marks, whether that'll be hickeys or bite marks. likes it when you suck on his fingers to keep yourself quiet if you're fucking in the dorms, not wanting anyone to hear how good he's making you feel. sometimes he likes it when you choke him, but he has to be in the right mood for it otherwise he'll panic.
definitely prefers inside the comfort of your own rooms, maybe the shower if he's feeling adventurous. if he had to pick between his room and yours, he would choose yours. he sometimes gets a little awkward and embarrassed while fucking in his room at the dorms while everyone is awake or lingering around, on edge at the thought of getting teased by the members for the sounds.
he doesn't need a lot of motivation to get turned on by you, but he likes it when you show how desperate you are for him. when you whisper in his ear how badly you want to fuck him right now or how hot he looks. gets turned on by the simplest of touches you give him whether that's you touching his thighs innocently or his back/shoulders. likes it when you stare at him while biting or licking your lips.
— [N]O.
turned off by anything that brings you and him pain, he doesn't want you both getting hurt. would have to have a serious talk about things if you want to try something out that includes a little bit of pain.
also gets turned off by the thought of bringing someone else into the bedroom. he doesn't want to share you, he can never bring himself to do it. he's yours as you are his. he'll lose confidence, he'll feel uncomfortable, his mind will race with thoughts thinking that they're better than him.
— [O]RAL.
he's unbelievably good at oral. loves laying between your thighs, moaning into your pussy as he eats you out as if you're his final meal, moaning and drooling because he's just so into it. loves it when you sit on his face too, caging his head between your thighs, raking your fingers through his hair as his hands grip your thighs or your ass.
loves it when you give him head. the image of you on your knees with his cock in your mouth drives him insane and he cums so fast, panting heavily, holding the back of your head or caressing your face.
— [P]ACE.
he can fuck you slow and he can fuck you fast, it all depends on the mood. he does like starting off slow first through, allowing himself to feel every inch of you, allowing you to get use to his size until you beg and plead for him to fuck you faster which he does. gets a random spurt of adrenaline and uses it on you, doesn't stop until you're both satisfied.
doesn't really like having quickies but has gotten used to them over time due to him not really have enough time to pleasure you fully because of his busy schedules and busy days. definitely whines and complains a little if you're trying to tease him or taking to long to get undressed, ends up fucking you half dressed because he needs that release before he has to leave.
— [R]ISK.
he isn't the biggest risk taker although he can have his moments where he's thinking about fucking you or eating you out in a place that he wouldn't usually it. the biggest risk he's taken in your relationship is having you suck his cock and fucking you backstage in a tiny closet at a concert, but that's it. however he has thought about bringing you into the practice room or recording booth when nobody else is around, but that's definitely too risky.
his stamina is always high unless he's exhausted. if he's overworked, he has low stamina. can't go for long, probably stops the second he cums. but when he's not exhausted and filled with energy, he can go for as long as you both can handle it.
— [T]OYS.
isn't opposed to buying toys, but he knows he makes you feel good with his tongue, his fingers and cock. so truthfully, he doesn't really see the point in buying toys. if you wanted one, he would reconsider though. maybe he would buy a small vibrator for both of you to use.
when he's in the moment, he can be a tease. he gets cocky sometimes, especially when he's feeling confident in himself. he'll smirk at you, raising his brow as you touch him, asking him to touch you or something. he'll ghost his fingers over your thighs and stomach, but he won't touch you where you need him the most until you're practically begging for him.
starts off deep, curses a lot, mumbles a bunch of words when he gets too overwhelmed. then deep moans turns into grunts, then grunts somehow turn into high pitched moans when he's getting close to cumming, gets louder and whinier.
"you're so hard, mark" you tease as you dip your hand beneath the waistband of his shorts, feeling his cock grow in the palm of your head and he presses his lips together tightly to not make a sound, leaning his head back against the headboard. "you're so big"
"everyone is home" he reminds you warily despite his hips moving up, fucking into your fist. "they'll hear me"
"then you'll just have to learn to keep quiet" you smirk as you pull his cock out of his shorts, freeing him and he hisses at the cold air that hits his tip, throat feeling tight as you begin to pump your hand.
he whines, "you know i can't be quiet when it comes to you"
— [X]-RAY.
definitely bigger than he'd ever like to admit, makes him feel fuzzy when you tell him how big his cock is. likes to see you struggle to adjust to it.
mark's sex drive is pretty high. he may not think about sex every second of the day, but he's always in the mood to fuck you whenever you feel up for it.
— [Z]ZZ.
falls asleep with his head resting on your chest or on your stomach after sex, likes it when you play with his hair and affectionately stroke his ear. he falls asleep so quickly and easily in your arms, likes to be close with you. even when you're relaxing in bed together, he curl up beside you, head resting against your side with his hand either in yours or touching you for comfort.
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blackboard-monitor · 6 days
how i've finished inktober every year for eight years and counting
Every time I mention around other artists that I finish inktober every year (meaning I draw and ink 31 drawings, one every day in October), I get questions like "how???", so I figured I'd make a post about it on the off chance it's helpful to someone. Please note that all my advice is based on my personal experience and you're a different person so what works for me may not work for you, and you can do whatever you want forever.
What it boils down to for me is two basic rules: 1) keep it simple and 2) manage your expectations.
I started my first inktober in my journal at the time, and because I'm neurotic like that, I've had to do every subsequent inktober in whatever journal I was using at that point.
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The benefit of this is that each journal has had a page size of A5 or smaller, which can be tricky when trying to get in a lot of detail, but on the other hand forces you to limit the size of your drawings to a pretty managable size.
Paper type can also be important! Last year in 2023, my journal was a Moleskine sketchbook (image 1), which was actually designed to handle some degree of wet media, which was a game-changer for me as an ink wash enjoyer. Don't get me wrong, I've been using ink washes in most of my previous journals as well, but inking is a lot nicer when your paper isn't constantly buckling (image 2) or pilling and the ink isn't bleeding all over the place, inclunding through the page (image 3). Pages that stay flat instead of buckling are also a lot easier to scan or photograph, if like me you want to post your art online.
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In short, my inktober paper recommendation is to use a sketchbook no larger than A5, and go for one with nice, thick paper if you intend to use wet media.
I sketch everything with a single 6H pencil that I got from my brother in 2019. Because the lead is so hard, it allows me to scribble to my heart's content without the sketch getting too dark or hard to erase. Sometimes I'll refine the sketch with a HB mechanical pencil, which shows up really nicely on top of the 6H lines, but I may skip that step if I'm feeling lazy or the first sketch is clean enough.
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I've used a variety of art supplies in my inktober drawings. For the most part I've always stuck to greyscale, with the exception of a couple of red or gold accents some years.
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My main inktober tools are a set of Micron fineliners in various sizes, and liquid India ink, which I use with a dip pen and with brushes. I usually mix up a mid-tone ink wash in a small bottle, and use that throughout the month.
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Fineliners pros: portable, require minimal setup, can use on the sofa or in bed or wherever Fineliners cons: creating texture and filling large areas is a lot more time-consuming. In 2021 I did inktober exclusively in fineliner because I was tired and couldn't be bothered to deal with liquid ink, but I ended up spending more time than maybe ever on the drawings because it took so long to add texture with pens.
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Ink pros: you can achieve small details with a dip pen as well as quick texture and fill in large areas with a brush and ink washes Ink cons: can be messy (protip from 2022 Liekki, don't spill ink water all over your laptop), usually you have to sit at a table of some kind, you need to wash your brushes and dip pens, if your paper isn't designed for wet media, it'll buckle or bleed
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Pick your inking tools and techniques based on how much time you have!
Prompts/ideas/subject matter
I've always stuck to the "official" prompt list, because it brings me joy to scroll through the tag of the day on instagram and see how others interpreted the same prompt. Or, rather, it used to bring me joy to do this, until instagram's enshittification stole our ability to look at tags. Maybe I'll have some luck with that on Cara going forward; here's hoping.
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As for ideas, sometimes they come easy, sometimes it's like pulling teeth and I have to enlist all my friends to brainstorm with me (sorry, y'all). When in doubt, draw the first thing that comes to mind when you read the prompt; don't overthink it (like I often do). I like to try to come up with a less obvious interpretation of a prompt, but this is also where I often get stuck and have to harass my loved ones for ideas. Sometimes it helps to relate the prompt to a tv show/book/etc. you're into; I've done quite a bit of inktober fanart, as well as art of various DnD cahracters from games I've played/DM'd. If all else fails, just look at what everyone else is drawing that day.
Time management
Be realistic about how much time you have in a day to work on inktober, and then set your expectations accordingly. If you only have an hour, stick to a size and level of detail that you can realistically finish in an hour. I've done some very quick scribbles in my years of inktober when I've been busy that day.
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My personal philosophy is that I try not to plan too much ahead; I don't do any sketching until day of, and ideally I don't try to come up with ideas for a prompt or at least decide on an idea until the day before at the earliest. Containing each drawing in one day helps me have realistic expectations of what's doable. This does mean drawing late into the night sometimes after procrastinating or struggling to find an idea all day, but it's what works for me.
If your goal is to complete inktober, it's better to do a small shitty drawing in ten minutes than to fall behing by starting something way too ambitious that you'll never be able to finish in a day.
Secret third rule!
Accept the fact that you aren't going to be happy with every drawing.
Inktober was created as an exercise to practice inking. Think of your drawings as sketches, not finished masterpieces. Some of them will be bad, at least in your own eyes. Sometimes you'll put a lot of effort into something that just doesn't work out. For example:
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To quote Joe Hills, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of practice. So you fucked up today's drawing. Tomorrow is a new day – that's the beauty of inktober. "Ever tried, ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better." (Samuel Beckett) Progress isn't linear, either; some years are consistently mediocre, other years it's all over the place with a couple bangers and a couple really shitty ones.
Every inktober I've made drawings I love,
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drawings I'm indifferent to,
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and drawings that straight up suck.
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And I'm at peace with that.
Thanks for reading what turned into a pretty long post, and I hope some of it was helpful. Happy inktobering!
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pinkpigtailsprincess · 4 months
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💿: Hey, U-Go-Girl⋆.ೃ࿔* 🎀⭐️
 ?? . . . documenting files … 𓈒 ݁ ₊ > 💿
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₊˚💿✩; Hey Dolls 2Day we’re gonna be talking about building self confidence/ self esteem and embracing your natural self!! this post is heavily inspired by U-Go-Girl By Lee Hyori Bc honestly that song literally screams CONFIDENCE!! {Long Post Ahead}
DISCLAIMER !! some of this stuff might mo resonate with some folk because of certain circumstances like social anxiety i know bc i literally have social anxiety + agoraphobia and these are also some things ive done to cope with anxiety and stuff like that so don’t even!
⋆🎀˚⊹ PILE 1 ;
Internal > Looking the Part > Baby Steps > Take Up Space > affirmations > body language > Embarrassment
⋆👖˚⊹ PILE 2 ;
External > Cutting People off > Opinions > being desperate > boundaries > compete with your self
₊˚🌺✩ ₊˚⭐️⊹♡ ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
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₊˚🪼✩ 1; Looking The Part !! ୭₊˚
When you Look good you feel good!! it doesn’t matter what you look like when you’re put together + confident you’re automatically attractive!! 🎀 4 instants everyday even on lazy days always make sure you’re
Hair Put together
a cute outfit that YOU like
clean nails
fresh breathe
clean skin
moisturized + smelling AMAZING!!
Hot Tips ! ;
when it comes to Hair + Skincare + Oral Hygiene & Outfit personally i recommend Hair > Oral Hygiene > Outfit because when it comes to hair care certain products in your hair product can also have an affect on your skin and when brushing your teeth + mouth wash and scrubbing toothpaste get all over your mouth and water its messy!
₊˚📟✩ 2 ; Baby Steps !! ୭₊˚
For all my folks out there who are shy/have social anxiety/introverted or just need to get out more baby steps is the way to do it i learned this from the therapist so basically i rank things from least to most anxiety inducing (?) like sitting outside or something and i do the smallest task for about how ever long i possibly can and i keep doing it till i progress and start doing harder things !!
₊˚ 🍭✩3 ; Take up Too much Space !! ୭₊˚ (The wizard Liz Inspired)
Never dim your light to make others comfortable when it comes to confidence and being yourself you gotta be unapologetic about it!! you focus should never be on other people and how they perceive you , that literally none of your business and that’s literally a waste of time and draining your own happiness So where that dress,style your hair this way,showcase your true self and fuck how other people feel that a THEM Problem not Yours!!
₊˚ 💬✩4 ; Affirmations !! ୭₊˚
Affirmations Baby!!! Having daily affirmations is a MUST!! not only boost your self esteem and confidence but they will also bring you out of the mindset that your “below the bar” & help you validate yourself without needing outside opinions!!
What i like 2 do it is keep set of daily affirmations i repeat when i wake up & throughout the day and i like to put them all around my space like put sticky notes of mirrors,keep pinterest boards of affirmations,repeat then while getting ready,making a self concept playlist full of songs that make me feel my best etc.!! (P.S Affirmations tapes are TOP TIER)
. . . DYK?
The kinds of media you consumer can sometimes affect your over all mood,self image & mentality so be mindful of the media you consume when it comes to any form of media !!
₊˚ 🍋‍🟩✩5 ; Body Language!! ୭₊˚
SUPER IMPORTANT!! wether you’re in an active conversation or just walking down the street body language will play a huge role in not only how you feel but will also help you be confident & have people be more attracted to your energy
so what were gonna do is swap all of the awkward body language and swap them out!
Tense Shoulders > Drop & relax your shoulders and put them back
Looking down when walking > Hold your head up head
Slouching > Stop slouching and Keep your make straight
When you wave don’t shake your palm > use your 3 fingers in the middle to wave in an half way down and up motion
Sit in the Duchess Pose basically it putting both of your legs together and slant them 2 the right diagonally !!
STRUT YOUR STUFF!! I can’t stress this enough a good runway strut is always on your side i promise you this!! you gotta act like your a famous super model like naomi,shalom,yasmeen,linda etc. you gotta act like your opening for a runway or something and just be FABULOUS!!
₊˚ 🏩 ✩6 ; Embarrassment !! ୭₊˚
I Fully believe embarrassment is a SOCIAL CONSTRUCT like people who are consider “embarrassing” are literally just being themselves and when people see a person being themself they can’t handle and feel this dire urge to “humble” them and
An example of this comes from one of my favorite movies Legally Blonde!! when elle first stepped foot on Harvard campus people were automatically on her tail for just being herself and what did she do?? NOTHING. and thats exactly what you gotta do view their opinion as INVALID and keep doing you!
“Out of Sight Out of Mind”
Hey! You made it to pile 2 Lucky You!
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⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 Cutting People Off .𖥔˚ 🐬
SPOILER ALERT!! The people you surround yourself with can definitely play a role in how you perceive yourself,your individual opinions,how you think & behavioral action due to peer pressure, sometimes toxic people can seep into your social circle and you might no even notice it
Signs You need to cut someone off!
- never supporting you
- repeating the same toxic behavior
- never being happy for you
- copying everything you do
- never fully apologizing
- trying to bring you down for literally anything
- talking behind your back
- trying to leave you out
- is hypocritical towards you
- is in competition with you
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 Opinions! .𖥔˚ 👙
Again like i said people opinions on you is not a you problem its a them problem especially if it’s a negative opinion it doesn’t matter you don’t need to explain yourself to anyone especially not someone who won’t even take the time to know you before making up stupid assumptions! and you sure al hell don’t need to change to fit in with anyone , you were meant to stand put and thats okay
“No Problem i don’t care You’re you I’m me” - Jang Wonyoung
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 Being Desperate.𖥔˚ 🪸
OH GIRL!! Being desperate is embarrassing for you especially if it’s over someone you have romantic interest in unt unt that simply won’t fly with me! if they’re ghosting you,being inconsistent,telling you one thing but acting another way etc. don’t be desperate for someone like that you deserve someone better! people like this probably don’t care and its silly of you to be desperate for their attention & you’re far too special for that
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 Boundaries .𖥔˚ 🛍️
Always have boundaries and never let anyone over step them, if you set a boundaries in a friendship and they keep crossing that boundaries they don’t care about your boundaries don’t let someone continue to disrespect you & your boundaries
HOT TIP . . .
Don’t laugh at jokes that are at your expense
If someone is trying to embarrass you be upfront with them and tell them how you feel
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 Compete with yourself .𖥔˚ 🌤️
See yourself as your only competition always try to out do yourself not matter what in any category even if its doing something productive one day to have a better day than you did yesterday i adapt this mindset with my blog and my self improvement i need to out do myself all the time im the only person i need to compete with!!
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