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YES. He is emotionally abusing you on purpose if he watches porn and knows it hurts you. 馃 #betrayaltrauma #partnersofsexaddicts #lifecoach #awareness #healing #trauma #psychologicalabuse #emotionalabuse #fightthenewdrug #pornkillslove #recovery #sexaddictiontreatment #pornaddiction #narcissisticabuse #narcabuse #empowerment #mindfulness #mindful #thebutterflynation #youarenotalone #betrayaltraumarecovery #womenempowerwomen #addiction #addict #addictionrecovery #abuse #abusesurvivor #selflove #love #life
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The only person who can control your life is you. 馃 The Butterfly Habit 馃 #betrayaltrauma #partnersofsexaddicts #lifecoach #awareness #healing #trauma #psychologicalabuse #emotionalabuse #fightthenewdrug #pornkillslove #recovery #sexaddictiontreatment #pornaddiction #narcissisticabuse #narcabuse #empowerment #mindfulness #mindful #thebutterflynation #youarenotalone #betrayaltraumarecovery #womenempowerwomen #addictioc)n #addict #addictionrecovery #abuse #abusesurvivor #selflove #love #life
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I am proof. There IS hope!! Finding out your spouse is a sex and porn addict is NOT a life sentence. FLY WITH ME!!! 馃The Butterfly Habit 馃 #betrayaltrauma #partnersofsexaddicts #lifecoach #awareness #healing #trauma #psychologicalabuse #emotionalabuse #fightthenewdrug #pornkillslove #recovery #sexaddictiontreatment #pornaddiction #narcissisticabuse #narcabuse #empowerment #mindfulness #mindful #thebutterflynation #youarenotalone #betrayaltraumarecovery #womenempowerwomen #addiction #addict #addictionrecovery #abuse #abusesurvivor #selflove #love #life
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In a healthy relationship, you can tell each other about anything and everything. No secrets, no lies. 馃 The Butterfly Habit 馃 #betrayaltrauma #partnersofsexaddicts #lifecoach #awareness #healing #trauma #psychologicalabuse #emotionalabuse #fightthenewdrug #pornkillslove #recovery #sexaddictiontreatment #pornaddiction #narcissisticabuse #narcabuse #empowerment #mindfulness #mindful #thebutterflynation #youarenotalone #betrayaltraumarecovery #womenempowerwomen #addiction #addict #addictionrecovery #abuse #abusesurvivor #selflove #love #life
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If any of this is happening to you, you are being abused. And you are not alone...馃The Butterfly Habit 馃 #betrayaltrauma #partnersofsexaddicts #lifecoach #awareness #healing #trauma #psychologicalabuse #emotionalabuse #fightthenewdrug #pornkillslove #recovery #sexaddictiontreatment #pornaddiction #narcissisticabuse #narcabuse #empowerment #mindfulness #mindful #thebutterflynation #youarenotalone #betrayaltraumarecovery #womenempowerwomen #addiction #addict #addictionrecovery #abuse #abusesurvivor #selflove #love #life
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I'm calling BULLSHIT! Porn & sex addiction is NOT a disease! Read why in the image! 馃The Butterfly Habit 馃 #betrayaltrauma #partnersofsexaddicts #lifecoach #awareness #healing #trauma #psychologicalabuse #emotionalabuse #fightthenewdrug #pornkillslove #recovery #sexaddictiontreatment #pornaddiction #narcissisticabuse #narcabuse #empowerment #mindfulness #mindful #thebutterflynation #youarenotalone #betrayaltraumarecovery #womenempowerwomen #addiction #addict #addictionrecovery #abuse #abusesurvivor #selflove #love #life
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If he's not looking at you while you're having sex, ask him why. I know how hard it is to ask...but you are worth knowing this. 馃The Butterfly Habit 馃 #betrayaltrauma #partnersofsexaddicts #lifecoach #awareness #healing #trauma #psychologicalabuse #emotionalabuse #fightthenewdrug #pornkillslove #recovery #sexaddictiontreatment #pornaddiction #narcissisticabuse #narcabuse #empowerment #mindfulness #mindful #thebutterflynation #youarenotalone #betrayaltraumarecovery #womenempowerwomen #addiction #addict #addictionrecovery #abuse #abusesurvivor #selflove #love #life
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Welcome to The Butterfly Nation, an intense hour examining the real-life experiences of the spouses and partners of po-n addicts and/or sex addicts...the forgotten survivors of the sex industry. Join Alison and Sandy, both ex-wives of sex addicts and both Certified Mindful Habit Coaches, as they weave through the complex world of sex addiction from the partner's perspective. With a focus on education and empowerment, they will use their own experiences combined with science, psychology, statistics, and the stories of partners who call in to reveal the truth about sex addiction's real-life effects on partners. JOIN US - we will be silent no longer. We matter - YOU matter - and you are NOT ALONE! Together... WE ARE THE BUTTERFLY NATION!
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The ONLY person who can determine your value is YOU. 馃The Butterfly Habit 馃 #betrayaltrauma #partnersofsexaddicts #lifecoach #awareness #healing #trauma #psychologicalabuse #emotionalabuse #fightthenewdrug #pornkillslove #recovery #sexaddictiontreatment #pornaddiction #narcissisticabuse #narcabuse #empowerment #mindfulness #mindful #thebutterflynation #youarenotalone #betrayaltraumarecovery #womenempowerwomen #addiction #addict #addictionrecovery #abuse #abusesurvivor #selflove #love #life
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When you're married to a porn and/or sex addict, often you're told you're being crazy, over-reacting, or are too sensitive. This is a way for the addict to protect their addiction and has NOTHING to do with you. I'm here to tell you that ALL of your feelings and reactions are NORMAL. You are NOT crazy, you are RIGHT. You are NOT over-reacting, you are SEVERELY TRAUMATIZED. You are NOT too sensitive, you are HUMAN. And, just for the record, if you're being told that every man watches porn, you are being lied to. 馃The Butterfly Habit 馃 #betrayaltrauma #partnersofsexaddicts #lifecoach #awareness #healing #trauma #psychologicalabuse #emotionalabuse #fightthenewdrug #pornkillslove #recovery #sexaddictiontreatment #pornaddiction #narcissisticabuse #narcabuse #empowerment #mindfulness #mindful #thebutterflynation #youarenotalone #betrayaltraumarecovery #womenempowerwomen #addiction #addict #addictionrecovery #abuse #abusesurvivor #selflove #love #life
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It can be extraordinarily difficult for partners and ex partners of porn and/or sex addicts to be able to trust others again. After all, we were living a lie, some of us for 50+ years! We were tricked, manipulated, misled, used...you name it. But something we seem to have in common is that we didn't listen to our own instincts. Some had suspicions about sex addiction, some knew about the porn but not the extent or what it does to the brain of the user, and others like me had absolutely no clue that porn was even being used, ever. My instincts knew something was off but I ignored them because I attributed it to other things. I didn't know this even existed. But now I do. So, as I move forward in my journey, I have begun a new relationship with a wonderful man and I've learned to trust again, although not blindly. I know signs to look for that I was blind to before. I trust him based on two things; my own gut instincts and his actions. And it is beautiful. I'd love to share with you how to reach this place. It is possible with lots of hard work. And it's worth it. www.thebutterflyhabit.com
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Feeling forgotten is very painful. Feeling invisible is even worse. I. See. You. 馃The Butterfly Habit 馃 #betrayaltrauma #partnersofsexaddicts #lifecoach #awareness #healing #trauma #psychologicalabuse #emotionalabuse #fightthenewdrug #pornkillslove #recovery #sexaddictiontreatment #pornaddiction #narcissisticabuse #narcabuse #empowerment #mindfulness #mindful #thebutterflynation #youarenotalone #betrayaltraumarecovery #womenempowerwomen #addiction #addict #addictionrecovery #abuse #abusesurvivor #selflove #love #life
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You are not obligated to endure abuse in any way, at any time, for any reason. There are simply no circumstances in which that is an acceptable outcome. 馃 The Butterfly Habit 馃 #betrayaltrauma #partnersofsexaddicts #lifecoach #awareness #healing #trauma #psychologicalabuse #emotionalabuse #fightthenewdrug #pornkillslove #recovery #sexaddictiontreatment #pornaddiction #narcissisticabuse #narcabuse #empowerment #mindfulness #mindful #thebutterflynation #youarenotalone #betrayaltraumarecovery #womenempowerwomen #addictioc)n #addict #addictionrecovery #abuse #abusesurvivor #selflove #love #life
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Let鈥檚 take a moment of silence to grieve for all of the good men we鈥檝e lost to PORN... may they all someday choose to break the chains and rediscover their true manhood. 馃 The Butterfly Habit 馃 #betrayaltrauma #partnersofsexaddicts #lifecoach #awareness #healing #trauma #psychologicalabuse #emotionalabuse #fightthenewdrug #pornkillslove #recovery #sexaddictiontreatment #pornaddiction #narcissisticabuse #narcabuse #empowerment #mindfulness #mindful #thebutterflynation #youarenotalone #betrayaltraumarecovery #womenempowerwomen #addictioc)n #addict #addictionrecovery #abuse #abusesurvivor #selflove #love #life
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We are not nameless, faceless, or worthless. We are not co-addicts, co-dependants, or overreacting. We are real and we fucking MATTER. - Partners of Porn & Sex Addicts. 馃 #betrayaltrauma #partnersofsexaddicts #lifecoach #awareness #healing #trauma #psychologicalabuse #emotionalabuse #fightthenewdrug #pornkillslove #recovery #sexaddictiontreatment #pornaddiction #narcissisticabuse #narcabuse #empowerment #mindfulness #mindful #thebutterflynation #youarenotalone #betrayaltraumarecovery #womenempowerwomen #addictioc)n #addict #addictionrecovery #abuse #abusesurvivor #selflove #love #life
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Emotional abuse can be so evilly subtle that the abused often don鈥檛 even realize they are being abused. And once it鈥檚 realized, only other survivors can understand how they didn鈥檛 know. 馃 The Butterfly Habit 馃 #betrayaltrauma #partnersofsexaddicts #lifecoach #awareness #healing #trauma #psychologicalabuse #emotionalabuse #fightthenewdrug #pornkillslove #recovery #sexaddictiontreatment #pornaddiction #narcissisticabuse #narcabuse #empowerment #mindfulness #mindful #thebutterflynation #youarenotalone #betrayaltraumarecovery #womenempowerwomen #addictioc)n #addict #addictionrecovery #abuse #abusesurvivor #selflove #love #life
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