scout1787 · 5 months
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WHY DO WOMEN ACT LIKE THEIR MAN WATCHING PORN ISNT CHEATING ON THEM??? And I'm talking about in a situation where the man knows his girlfriend/wife doesn't want him to. I understand some women apparently don't mind, but there's a lot of us that do care! It feels like cheating. And I wish women would stop acting like he just can't help it. If he wanted to stop, he would. It's so sad hearing from women how theyre being destroyed by their man going behind her back and betraying her constantly and then she is eventually so fucked up from it that she starts to tell herself he's just addicted and that he still loves her. HE IS GETTING OFF TO OTHER WOMEN! That's not love. If he loved her, he'd never betray her like that, especially after seeing how much it hurts her. :(
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saifoddowla · 6 months
Porn is bad, Porn has rotted my brain and I need advice
I've been watching porn since the last five or six years. I want to tell how it has affected me in this post. Everyone in my friend circle watches it. I don't remember the last time when I masturbated without porn. I won't say that porn has been a big addiction for me but I can surely say that I have become sexually dependent on it. See More . . .
#pornisbad #nofap #pornisevil #nofapjourney #nofapmotivation #nofapping #pornruinslives #pornaddictionisharmful #pornaddictionruinsmarriages #pornruinseverything #pornisharmful #pornruinsmen #pornisadrug #pornaddictionisreal #pornkillshealthysex #nofapmovement #nofapcommunity #pornruinskids #nofapchallenge #pornkillssex #pornkillslove #pornischeating #antiporn #semenretentionishealth #pornishell #noejaculation #nofaplife #pornruinsminds #pornkillsdreams #semenretention
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fightwithnfc · 1 year
Day 113/800 NoFAP
#NoFAP is Healthy
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Don't let porn affect your finances. Protect your energy kings.
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socialsf · 3 years
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#neighborhoodwalk #outandabout #sidewalkart #ftnd #pornkillslove #true or #untrue #graffiti #streetsofsanfrancisco #faithbased or #publichealth #campaign #wordsforthought https://www.instagram.com/p/CSXgvInhbbZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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shashka76 · 3 years
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soyboyjames · 4 years
Fight the New Drug — Episode Trailer: "The Brain" II Brain, Heart, World Documentary Series
Favorite Lines:
“…Slowly and steadily, science is catching up with the truth. The effects of porn are far more substantial than what you are being led to believe.”
“Young men and women’s lives are being ruined by excessive pornography.”
“Porn has these adverse effects because it’s captivating. It’s enchanting. You’re focusing on this screen right here, and you’re eliminating everything else in the universe. And I’ve said, everything else in the universe is called ‘life.’”
“There is compelling academic research that confirms pornography addiction is every bit as real as drug addiction.”
“…The more pornography people watch, the less strong the link is between the reward system and the prefrontal cortex.”
…Porn can affect the brain. Call it addiction. Call it compulsion. Some people refer to it as the amygdala highjack.
“When you’re deep in the trenches of viewing pornography, stopping it is going to be really, really difficult. The pornography that you’re watching is usually meeting some need in your life. So one of the ways that you can really speed up in the recover process is that you can find better ways to meet those needs.”
Defend your brain. Treasure it… Take care of it. It was made to take care of you.
“Super-Normal Stimulus” …First, figure out what stimulates the brain. Second, create an exaggerated version. And third, the brain will often come to prefer the exaggerated version.
Eventually we prefer the super-normal stimuli, and we ignore what’s normal for what’s exaggerated.
Watch the full documentary
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scout1787 · 5 years
If I didn't block porn-bots I'd have a couple thousand followers! 😕
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fightwithnfc · 1 year
Day 108/800 NoFAP
#NoFAP is Healthy
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He's a smoooth operator.
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One thing leads to another... #Repost from @jen_and_steve_fightforlove with @ming.app . • • •Pornography leads to ➡️➡️➡️ sexual violence and sex trafficking, no doubt about it ❌❌❌ • •🛑stop the demand 🛑 • • •#stopthedemand #pornkillslove #thinkbeforeyouclick #pornographytruth #bealoverandafighter #fightforlove #considerbeforeconsuming #fightthenewdrug #fightthenewdrugmovement #pornlies #ftnd #letstalkaboutporn #loverandfighter #connecttoreality #reallove #chooselove #lovewins #lovecantbeclicked #stophumantrafficking #stoptrafficking #beanabolitionist #quitporn #quitpornography #lovekillsporn #endexploitation #pornharms https://www.instagram.com/p/B486uGGhXkc/?igshid=ku2kosgvwxg4
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Good riddance porn blogs! So glad tumblr is banning you  
#pornkillslove #fightthenewdrug
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foxtrotlatte · 6 years
Unpopular opinion:
But actually it’s not an opinion, it’s fact.
I know the porn bots have been annoying and ineffective, but I applaud tumblr’s choice to delete all adult content. Porn destroys lives and it destroys relationships and it destroys self esteem and it destroys intimacy. Most sex workers are trapped in the industry, NOT because they chose to be there freely, but because they were forced into human trafficking and face death threats when they try to leave. It’s NOT a “victimless” crime; it’s a form of slaverly that harms both the subjects and the consumers. You can learn more from https://fightthenewdrug.org/
In the meantime, thank you tumblr. Tell the truth about the industry, and stop the shit.
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notconforming · 6 years
It’s sexy to be with real people, not computer screens that result in sex trafficking and abuse to both men and women and children 
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twylalapointe · 6 years
What could be more unjust to a person than turning a blind eye to his or her dignity and value by treating that person as an object to be exploited, used, bought, and sold for others' lustful gratification? And it is no less an injustice when such people seem to be willingly handing themselves over to be used and objectified in this way.
Christopher West, Love is Patient, But I’m Not
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