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judiawoods · 2 years ago
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Almost 150 years after the 13th Amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, there are still men, women and children enslaved into labor and commercial sexual exploitation in the U.S. Unfortunately, challenges also exist in gauging the effectiveness of the criminal justice system's response.
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miserydivine · 2 months ago
Building My Brand Live: How Tokens Fuel My Mission
Hey there, fellow shoe enthusiasts! https://www.aliveshoes.com/miserydivine$10 off MDNAJDVKBYN I’m thrilled to share an exciting journey I’m embarking on to create a custom shoe brand that not only stands for style but also champions ethical practices. As I build my brand live, I’ve introduced a unique token system to help pay for fees and purchase products. While customers won’t be able to buy…
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churchofgladtidingsyubacity · 2 months ago
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Rallying to help Leigh fight the good fight of FAITH & SAVE THE CHILDREN!!!
Visit: https://churchofgladtidings.com/
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deceptionexposed · 1 year ago
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stochastique-blog · 9 months ago
Love me
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all the life that happened while I was making plans ☁️🪩✨🎞️
#stoptraffick #thinkoutsidethebox #makelifebeautiful #imperfectishuman #dayinthelife #texasliving #newchapters #readmydiary #makememoriesnotplans (at Houston, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckt8IbGs2uK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iammontewhite · 3 months ago
Disney Employee Among 157 Arrested in Massive Human Trafficking Bust  In a shocking undercover operation dubbed "Operation Autumn Sweep," over 157 individuals were arrested in Polk County, including a Disney employee, as part of a significant human trafficking bust. This five-day investigation revealed the alarming realities of trafficking, with four potential victims rescued and 25 illegal immigrants among those apprehended. Sheriff Grady Judd shares critical insights into this operation and the tragic stories behind the numbers, including the desperate circumstances of those exploited. Join us as we uncover the details of this operation and its implications for our community. Like and share this video to raise awareness about human trafficking! #HumanTrafficking #DisneyEmployee #PolkCounty #GradyJudd #OperationAutumnSweep #Awareness #StopTrafficking
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My guest for this Friday's episode of Buzzing With Marlowe I will be joined with Joel Nest
Talking Vr (virtual Reality) talking how a passion for VR became not only a job but a big stress reliever, and a true encouragement for exercise!! Lastly talking about the benefits of vr with people with disabilities!!!!!!!
#buzzingwithmarlowe #wwe #spotify #youtube #vr #wrestlemania #theory vs cena #finishthestory #romanreigns #codyrhodes #Hollywood
You can follow Joel on all of these links below
Website: https://beacons.ai/ruckupvr
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RuckUpVRGaming
Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/abTZTsRw
https://discord.gg/vxJ3fTMN (main Link)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ruckupvr/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ruckupvr/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ruckup
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RuckUpVR
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ruckupvr
#prowrestling #oldschool #comedyshow #improvcomedy #buzzingwithmarlowe #SexTrafficing #stoptrafficking #laughtertherapy #laughteristhebestmedicine #americanprodigy
#podcastfamily #commissionbroz #sports #wrestling.#spotify #apple #google #wwe #aew #nfl #nba #undisputed #movies #wearebackbaby
And ofcourse you can follow Buzzing with marlowe podcast on all these links below and get money off on these awesome products
Also follow us at all these links below
Also go checkout our Bonfire Shop use promo code Buzz20 and get 10% off
So we got a ambassadorship with Tactical Brotherhood here's a link to checkout and get these awesome merch also
do the promo code Patriot15, they'll get 15% OFF their entire order!
We also have an ambassadorship with Dubby!!!!!
https://www.dubby.gg/discount/BuzzingWithMarlowe?ref=0DkvHp273lVwNS USE Promo Code BuzzingWithMarlowe and get 10% off
Want to create live streams like this? Check out StreamYard: https://streamyard.com/pal/5356928751894528
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judiawoods · 19 days ago
Traffickers deeply understand their victims’ wants and needs, and then manipulate them by promising to fulfill their hopes and dreams. This conversation is based on real experiences of people who were trafficked intimate partners – people who claimed they loved them. Learn what grooming is and what #LoveIsnt at polarisproject.org/loveisnt.
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miserydivine · 2 years ago
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A lil before 6:56 am
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lauravalencia83 · 3 years ago
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💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 El mundo cambia gracias a aquellas personas que como mis compañeras del @frontabolicionistapv #FrontAbolicionistaPV se atreven a soñar un mundo mejor y luchan por cambiarlo, sin importar cuán difícil sea♀️✊🏻 #Gracias compañeras🙏🏻❤ Es un orgullo formar parte del Front y escribir la #historia de las #mujeres junto a vosotras ¡¡Abolición de la prostitución!!🙌 . . . . . . . . #AbolicionProstitucion ❗ #ProstitucionNoEsTrabajo ⛓💶🚺 #SinProstitucionNohayTrata #Feminismo #feministas #valencia #FeminismoParaVivir 👭🏻👭🏻👭🏻👭🏻#jueves #instapic #momentslikethese #MyLifeInPictures #jueves #thursday #inspogirl #Abolition #feminism #stoptrafficking #WomenSupportWomen #fightpatriarchy (en Cortes Valencianas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUvkVuPDhRr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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redsmileyco · 3 years ago
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@love146 #love146 #stoptrafficking #humantrafficking #humantraffickingawareness https://www.instagram.com/p/CgpFTL2LDFO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lisasellsquick-blog · 3 years ago
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#stoptrafficking #stopdrugtrafficking https://www.instagram.com/p/CUC03t7l-0J/?utm_medium=tumblr
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unitaseurope · 4 years ago
18. oktobar - Evropski dan borbe protiv trgovine ljudima
Autor: Ana Krstajić, UNITAS
Širom Evrope, 18. oktobar se, od 2007. godine, obeležava u znaku borbe protiv trgovine ljudima. Organizuju se konferencije, tribine i brojni drugi događaji, kako bi se pažnja javnosti usmerila na opasnosti i posledice jednog od najtežih oblika kršenja ljudskih prava. Usled pandemije virusa COVID-19, nije izvesno kako će se obeležiti ovaj datum, ali je sigurno da je ukazivanje na ovaj društveni problem važnije nego ikada.
Procenjuje se da godišnje u svetu 2,45 miliona ljudi, od čega 1,2 miliona dece, postanu žrtve trgovine ljudima. Ako uzmemo u obzir da Pariz ima oko 2,15 miliona stanovnika, a Rim oko 2,77, mogli bismo reći da svake godine broj ljudi srazmeran populaciji jedne evropske prestonice proživljava zastrašujuću patnju i iskustva.
Najviše njih čine žrtve seksualne eksploatacije, što predstavlja problem o kome se nažalost uporno ćuti. Na drugom mestu po učestalosti je radna eksploatacija, koja je u poslednje vreme u porastu, pre svega zbog aktuelne migrantske krize. Žrtve trgovine ljudima nemaju mogućnost slobodnog kretanja, izbora zanimanja, kontrolu nad svojim životom.
Sve ovo predstavlja teško kršenje ljudskih prava i kosi se sa osnovnim vrednostima za koje se Evropska unija zalaže. Zato je EU proteklih godina uspostavila sveobuhvatni pravni i politički okvir za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima. Važan segment borbe predstavlja i informisanje javnosti i širenje znanja i primera dobre prakse među različitim akterima, što je u srži obeležavanja Evropskog dana borbe protiv trgovine ljudima.
I dok se čini da polako, ali sigurno, ostvarujemo napredak, pojava pandemije virusa Covid-19 stvorila je okolnosti u kojima se trgovina ljudima razvija brže nego ranije.
Od pojave virusa, broj ljudi u lancu eksploatacije je u neprestanom porastu, a najugroženije grupe su sezonski radnici i migranti. Ujedinjene nacije su su upozorile da je Covid-19 uticao i na značajan porast prinudnog rada među decom i da se tokom karantina broj mališana koji prisilno rade povećao za čak nekoliko miliona.
A kakvo je stanje u Srbiji? Prošle godine zabeleženo je 39 žrtava trgovine ljudima, a samo u prva tri meseca ove godine identifikovano ih je 22. Postoji opravdan strah da je 2020. godina koja će pokazati poražavajuće podatke i još brutalniju realnost. Pogotovo kada uzmemo u obzir da su otkriveni slučajevi samo vrh ledenog brega.
Zbog toga je bitno da se za ciljeve Evropskog dana borbe protiv trgovine ljudima ne zalažemo samo 18. oktobra, već i svakog drugog dana. Da širimo svest o ovom problemu, da pokušamo da pomognemo žrtvama, da ih osnažujemo. Upravo je to borba koju UNITAS vodi.
U Srbiji se bavimo prevencijom trafikinga edukacijom, kampanjama, stručnim treninzima. S obzirom na to da se trgovina ljudima sa ulica preselila u digitalni prostor, naš fokus je i na bezbednom korišćenju interneta. Planiramo da se priključimo i programima podrške žrtvama u našoj zemlji. Sličnu strategiju imamo i u SAD, gde od prošle godine direktno radimo sa žrtvama trafikinga, pružanjem kontinuirane psihološke podrške, kao i kroz programe ekonomskog osnaživanja.
Svako od vas može doprineti borbi. Za početak, razgovarajmo o ovoj temi! Zajedno treba da razbijamo tabue da postoji univerzalan profil žrtve i da se trafikeri mogu prepoznati. Ukoliko sumnjate da se neko u vašoj okolini nalazi u eksploatisanom odnosu ili ropskim uslovima, ohrabrujemo vas da pozovete neki od sledećih brojeva:
Srbija Nacionalni kontakt centar za bezbednost dece na internetu 19833
Srbija SOS Telefon +381 11 785 0000
Evropski broj za nestalu decu +116 000
SAD +1 888 373 7888
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hopeandjusticefoundation · 5 years ago
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Repost from @themasteroftrades • NEVER LOSE SIGHT OF OUR CHILDREN! If you can't see your chidren THEY ARE IN DANGER! If you as a parent allow your children out of your sight, you're also the problem! #StopSchoolsandChildGatherings. #TheyAreInDanger #NeverLoseSightOfOurChildren #TheyCantHearUs #LetsGetLOUDER #GetActiveToSaveOurChidren #BountyHunter #RetrievalExpert #SaveOurChildren #protectthechildren #StopChildTraffickingAtAllCosts #TheGreatAwakening #knowledgeispower #ENDHumanTrafficking #stophumantrafficking #endhumanslavery #endtrafficking #stoptrafficking #stoppedophiles #stopedophelia Who wants to put an end to human trafficking? Who is sick of our children being targeted? Who will stand with us and be the eyes that we must have? Who will March with us and stand in the midst of battle? Most of all, who will fight by our side til the end? We have the Operations, We have the numbers, We have the resources, all that's missing is you. https://www.facebook.com/groups/2626822017420787/?ref=share https://www.instagram.com/p/CEg2qDwh8VG/?igshid=92w2ywz3rhh
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Watch "Laughter is the Best Healing!!!!" on YouTube
My guest for this Friday's episode of Buzzing With Marlowe I will be joined with Dave Ebert!!!!! Professional wrestler in the independents that turned into a improv comedian to help bring laughter to women that have been wrongfully used for sex trafficking!!!!
You can follow Dave on all of these links below
@gifts4glory on Facebook/Instagram
@wellversedcmdy on Facebook/Instagram
#prowrestling #oldschool #comedyshow #improvcomedy #buzzingwithmarlowe #SexTrafficing #stoptrafficking #laughtertherapy #laughteristhebestmedicine #americanprodigy
#podcastfamily #commissionbroz #sports #wrestling.#spotify #apple #google #wwe #aew #nfl #nba #undisputed #movies #wearebackbaby
And ofcourse you can follow Buzzing with marlowe podcast on all these links below and get money off on these awesome products
Also follow us at all these links below
Also go checkout our Bonfire Shop use promo code Buzz20 and get 10% off
So we got a ambassadorship with Tactical Brotherhood here's a link to checkout and get these awesome merch also
do the promo code Patriot15, they'll get 15% OFF their entire order!
We also have an ambassadorship with Dubby!!!!!
https://www.dubby.gg/discount/BuzzingWithMarlowe?ref=0DkvHp273lVwNS USE Promo Code BuzzingWithMarlowe and get 10% off
Want to create live streams like this? Check out StreamYard: https://streamyard.com/pal/5356928751894528
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