notconforming · 6 years
“Retired Porn Star Sunset Thomas Escapes Life of Prostitution” – Nevada brothel existence “prison-like”
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Here’s a powerful, heartbreaking, but inspirational story of ex porn performer “Sunset Thomas” (@SunsetThomas) — who was in the porn industry for decades, (she made over 200 films), and who also worked for years in Nevada’s legal brothels.
Now known by her real name Diane, this article shares her story, describing the horrific toll that the sex industry took on her because of how she was so used and abused by the men in her life. (Mostly personally, but sometimes professionally, as those worlds were often connected.) It also shares how incredibly difficult it was for Diane to leave the sex trade.
“Thomas explained to a reporter how many of the men in her life poached off her decades of earnings, first in the porn industry and later in brothels that capitalized off her high profile adult industry name. She said despite the fact she spent over two decades in the profession – her name and face known throughout the world – she has little to show in the way of savings.
“I’m finally out,” Thomas said. “I was tired of the stress and people forcing me to do things I don’t want to do. I’m tired of people trying to pressure me to keep doing it when I don’t have to do it. I want to live a normal life like everyone else.” […]
“The conditions at the brothel where she was working were prison-like with two week, 24/7 lockdowns,” Dr. Martin said. “It was an existence for her that became more and more unbearable, mentally and physically. She wanted to leave, but the money she was making for them was an incentive for them to keep her in it.” […]
Stanley [Diane’s mother] said it was difficult to hear her daughter say over and over again she didn’t want to live that kind of life anymore.
“I heard her cry and say she did not want to do these things,” Stanley said. “But no one would help, until Robert (Martin). She and Robert had been friends for a long time and when she called and asked him for help he went and got her, but she was nearly dead.”
Stanley was referring to Thomas’ poor state of health when Martin retrieved her from Las Vegas, where she had gone into hiding after being beaten and injured by someone she declined to immediately identify. After rescuing Thomas from a bad situation, Dr. Martin nursed her back to health, Thomas’ mother said.”
READ THIS FULL, INSPIRATIONAL, AND MOVING STORY AT THE LINK BELOW: (And please don’t forget to like, comment and share to spread the word and support the cause. Thanks! :-))
NOTE: For some reason the reporter inserted a random short section in the middle of the article that shares a bishop’s opinion on women leaving the sex industry. While everyone is free to practice any faith or none as they choose, Diane has written on her Twitter account that she is spiritual and not religious, so she’s not following the religious aspects of the path that this bishop advises, who is someone who is not connected to Diane.
And to be clear, women in the sex industry are *exploited* by pimps, johns, husbands and boyfriends, etc. So those who are committing the greatest transgressions (“sins”, per the bishop) are not the women in prostitution, who are usually just trying desperately to survive, but the (almost always) MALE EXPLOITERS. It is these men — not the women they’ve exploited — who should be seeking “redemption”, by coming clean and making amends, etc. The bishop does provide some other solid advice, though, about exited women finding a new set of friends for support, who aren’t in the sex industry.
In any case, we wish Diane all the best with whatever path she chooses to take from here on out that helps her to heal and prosper in her new and healthier life.
Go Diane! Well done on your new life! We support you and are grateful for you sharing your story to inform, help, and inspire others! :-)
Please support the cause by following us here at this blog, liking us at Facebook, subscribing to our YouTube channels, and following our Twitter accounts. Thanks! ~~ FACEBOOK: AntiPornography.org – Nonreligious, Pro Free Speech, Pro Healthy Sex & Love ~~ http://www.facebook.com/ENDSexploitation ~~ YOUTUBE CHANNELS: AntiPornographyBlog ~~ AntiPornographyOrg ~~ SayNOtoProstitution ~~ ENDSexTrafficDEMAND ~~ ENDSexAbuseNOW ~~ PornAddictionHelp ~~ SayNOtoSadomasochism ~~ SafeHealthySexNLove ~~ TWITTER ACCOUNTS: @AntiPornography ~~ @ENDSexTraffic ~~ @ENDProstitution ~~ @ENDSexAbuseNOW ~~ @NoSadomasochism ~~ @PornAddictHelp1 ~~ @HealthySexNLove ~~@ExPornStarVLB ~~ Post created by AntiPornography.org Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~
Please make a tax-deductible donation to support the cause if you’re able to. Thanks!
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notconforming · 6 years
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notconforming · 6 years
VICTIM: Viewing child porn isn’t harmless. Viewers “are dads, brothers, sons. This could be your sister”
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Here’s a powerful testimonial from a young woman who was just one of many teen victims of pornographic extortion — by a very sick man who ruined many girls’ lives.
Chansler told detectives he targeted children because adult women were “too smart” to fall for his scheme. Investigators found thousands of videos and photos on his computers, including recordings of girls crying and pleading with him to stop and one girl holding a handwritten sign with a single word: “rape.” […]
For victims, she said, “it’s psychologically damaging. It’s not fair. People think victims of child pornography are not touched. It’s not like rape. It’s just overlooked. … They don’t realize what we’re doing when we have to send those pictures. We’re doing it ourselves. We’re forced to. … We could not say no.”
Reynolds said the people who look at the pictures “are dads and brothers and sons.” She wants to tell them, “This could be your sister.”
They are creating the demand, the marketplace that is being catered to by the child pornography producers and extortionists.
“You’re contributing to it. You can’t be a law-abiding citizen if you’re contributing to extortion,” Reynolds said. “People send out those pictures and make them public because of people who view them.”
Please support the cause by following us here at this blog, liking us at Facebook, subscribing to our YouTube channels, and following our Twitter accounts. Thanks! ~~ FACEBOOK: AntiPornography.org – Nonreligious, Pro Free Speech, Pro Healthy Sex & Love ~~ http://www.facebook.com/ENDSexploitation ~~ YOUTUBE CHANNELS: AntiPornographyBlog ~~ AntiPornographyOrg ~~ SayNOtoProstitution ~~ ENDSexTrafficDEMAND ~~ ENDSexAbuseNOW ~~ PornAddictionHelp ~~ SayNOtoSadomasochism ~~ SafeHealthySexNLove ~~ TWITTER ACCOUNTS: @AntiPornography ~~ @ENDSexTraffic ~~ @ENDProstitution ~~ @ENDSexAbuseNOW ~~ @NoSadomasochism ~~ @PornAddictHelp1 ~~ @HealthySexNLove ~~@ExPornStarVLB ~~ Post created by AntiPornography.org Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~
Please make a tax-deductible donation to support the cause if you’re able to. Thanks!
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notconforming · 6 years
NEW DOCUMENTARY– ‘Hot Girls Wanted’ goes inside the amateur porn industry — and exposes exploitation
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The creators of the ‘Sexy Baby’ documentary on porn’s harms to teens have now premiered the ‘Hot Girls Wanted’ documentary’ — about the exploitative world of teen amateur porn:
“The disturbing world of amateur pornography has been laid bare by a new documentary called ‘Hot Girls Wanted,’ which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival on Saturday.
The insightful look at the world of pornography shows just how easy it is for teenagers, in particular, to get caught up in a sex trade that promises big bucks and fame.
But in a revealing peek into the billion dollar industry, documentary filmmakers exposed how professionally produced films are being made to look like home movies. …
It showed how Craigslist ads which promised free flights to Miami bring in a constant stream of would-be porn stars. During the film, Riley, a 23-year-old ‘agent’ hosts half a dozen young women eager to enter the industry at his Miami home.
He says casually: ‘Every day, another girl turns 18.’
But the brutal world of pornography only gives girls aged 18- to 21 a career span that typically lasts just three months, due to high turnover.
Tressa, an 18-year-old girl featured in the film, admits she was attracted to porn as a way to escape her Texas hometown.”
Ouch. That’s a sad state of affairs. :-(
And by the way, if porn is so great and “empowering,” why is the career-span of these young women only three months?? Very telling…
“Sexy Baby” was a very good documentary and we’re looking forward to seeing and sharing this new effort by these excellent filmmakers who are doing such a great job exposing the harms of pornography. Go anti-porn team! :-)
FULL ARTICLE: (and video)
~ Visit the website for the documentary!
~ Check out and like the Facebook page for this new documentary!
~ Follow ‘Hot Girls Wanted’ at Twitter!
~ Here’s an excellent article on the “Hot Girls Wanted” film and another important documentary that just debuted at Sundance about epidemic rape on college campuses:
“We did actually start this film by going to college campuses and talking to frat boys, to get some background research, and on our sort of checklist of things we wanted to film was this amateur porn world, because all these boys are watching this porn… and it is no mistake that their behavior is aggressive, and that there are all these rapes on college campuses, because this is where it’s starting. This is what they’re watching.”
Exactly! Thanks to the filmmakers for telling it like it is and helping to educate the masses!
~ Watch “Sexy Baby” documentary on iTunes!
Please support the cause by following us here at this blog, liking us at Facebook, subscribing to our YouTube channels, and following our Twitter accounts. Thanks! ~~ FACEBOOK: AntiPornography.org – Nonreligious, Pro Free Speech, Pro Healthy Sex & Love ~~ http://www.facebook.com/ENDSexploitation ~~ YOUTUBE CHANNELS: AntiPornographyBlog ~~ AntiPornographyOrg ~~ SayNOtoProstitution ~~ ENDSexTrafficDEMAND ~~ ENDSexAbuseNOW ~~ PornAddictionHelp ~~ SayNOtoSadomasochism ~~ SafeHealthySexNLove ~~ TWITTER ACCOUNTS: @AntiPornography ~~ @ENDSexTraffic ~~ @ENDProstitution ~~ @ENDSexAbuseNOW ~~ @NoSadomasochism ~~ @PornAddictHelp1 ~~ @HealthySexNLove ~~@ExPornStarVLB ~~ Post created by AntiPornography.org Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~
Please make a tax-deductible donation to support the cause if you’re able to. Thanks!
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notconforming · 6 years
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Porn is the biggest lie ever told. It’s a destroyer of love and connection. Porn steals your money, your marriage, your family, your job, your time, your mind, your self-esteem and your self-control. Take back your life. End the cycle of porn. Resources are available. Reach out.
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notconforming · 6 years
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If you struggle with porn, please reach out or utilize any of the available resources on my blog. Help and Healing are available to you. End the craving, the shame, the guilt, and destruction.
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notconforming · 6 years
It’s sexy to be with real people, not computer screens that result in sex trafficking and abuse to both men and women and children 
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notconforming · 6 years
The #PornKillsLove Movement!
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notconforming · 6 years
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Porn is the ugliest lie ever told.
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notconforming · 6 years
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Ladies and Gentlemen, you might want to take off your trousers and slip into a bathrobe because things are about to get pretty steamy in here.
I’m beyond excited to officially unveil for you the beautiful cover of my upcoming book, “Strangers Assume My Girlfriend Is My Nurse!”
I’m sure many of you temporarily lost consciousness when your eyes fell upon the sheer sexiness of my girlfriend, Hannah, and I posing in such a sultry position, so I’ll give you a minute to regain your strength before I continue. I hope you’ll wipe up your drool and keep reading because I have a few very important things to say about this book.
My name is Shane Burcaw, and I was born with a lovely muscle-wasting disease called Spinal Muscular Atrophy. I’m working really hard to use my time on this earth to create a positive, lasting impact. Specifically, my goal is to change the way society looks at disability. This book is the next step in that journey.
One of the biggest stigmas about people with disabilities is that we are incapable and unworthy of romantic relationships. To give you an example, I run a YouTube channel with Hannah, and every time we post a new episode, people inevitably comment with theories as to why on earth we are dating. Here are just a few of my favorites:
“Don’t get me wrong - he seems like a good dude - but I ain’t buying it. She’s either his nurse or good friend and this is an act, or she’s got a couple screws loose.”
“Ask yourself, would you date him? NO, YOU WOULDN’T. What is the catch here?”
“This [relationship] is abnormal and frankly disgusting.”
Aren’t these fun? Jokes aside, this is but a small indication of the vast and innumerable ways that people with disabilities are discriminated against on a daily basis. I am determined to change that situation.
My strategy is humor. In “Strangers Assume My Girlfriend Is My Nurse” I use funny stories from my life to show readers that using a wheelchair is not some horrid, depressing existence. I’m a person, and my disability should not invoke pity or aversion, but rather, respect and love and kindness, just like we all deserve.
If you personally support that idea, please please please consider sharing this post. My ability to make a difference in this world is solely hinged upon spreading my story to as many people as possible, and YOU hold that power for me!
In celebration of my new book, and to raise funds for my nonprofit organization (which teaches children across the country about disability awareness and pride), I am hosting a HUGE online event scheduled for 8pm EST on November 27th. Entertainment will include a reading from “Strangers Assume”, an open Q&A where you can ask me anything you’d like, never-before-heard stories, and other special surprises! Your ticket purchase will help us provide adaptive technology to individuals living with muscular dystrophy in December 2018.
Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to share this exciting news. Below are all the important links you need regarding my new book and the live event on Nov 27th.
Pre-order “Strangers Assume” - https://www.amazon.com/Strangers-Assume-My-Girlfriend-Nurse/dp/1626727708
Pre-order autographed copy of “Strangers Assume” - https://www.laughingatmynightmare.com/shop
Nov 27th Exclusive Event Tickets - https://www.laughingatmynightmare.com/events
Matt Carr (genius photographer who shot the cover) Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themattcarr/?hl=en
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notconforming · 6 years
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Reppin’ this and my new fighter Tee
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notconforming · 6 years
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This pretty much sums up how we feel about porn.
#FightTheNewDrug #PornKillsLove
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notconforming · 6 years
“The incredible thing is that production firms can act with impunity,” Ito said. “There is no law against coercing women into appearing in porn films, and no government supervision of the industry. But this isn’t just a legal issue, it’s a violation of human rights.”
Typically, women in their late teens and early 20s, are approached on the street, told they have the looks and charisma to succeed in the mainstream entertainment industry, and are rushed into signing contracts that make oblique references to erotic material, or none at all.
When the women object, producers threaten them with fines, sometimes running into millions of yen, or say they will tell their parents, friends or former colleagues abut their new “career”.
In some instances, women who attempt to flee the set of a film are caught, confined to hotel rooms or taken to remote locations where escape is impossible.
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notconforming · 6 years
Not everyones doing it
Whether you feel morally wrong about the subject, or love people and don't want to see them being abused or love your loved one and don't want to see their brain levels out of wack and drive a wedge in your relationship or maybe all of the above, I’m here to reassure you that not everyone is watching pornography, not everyone thinks it’s “normal” and not everyone is accusing you of being a prude if you feel any of these things in your heart, men and women alike. I personally, am not conforming to these social “norms” and see an issue. Have a look for yourself.
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