#partly doing this because i love the picrew
melted-snowperson · 1 year
picrew chain thingy!!
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me fr vs me in my head
@thinkingaboutctommy @paldeanbooper @b0nejaangles @pancakewithamace and anyone else who wants to join!!
using: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/644129
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imagoddamnonionmason · 3 months
Picrew and Alignment Test
I was further tagged by @alypink @frankwoods and @deeptrashwitch to take part in this tag game, so thank you guys! (Also I read through each of yours and I love what you got, I love your ocs, just wanna hug 'em!)
The Picrew links are here and here; the alignment test is here!
As I have already done the BOCW OCs, Jodie and Keith, I will be doing the Modern Warfare OCs this time around, Franca and Nanette!
Modern Warfare OCs
Franca "Major" Lorenzetti
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Chaotic Good- A chaotic good character acts as her conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of her. She makes her own way, but she's kind and benevolent. She believes in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations. She hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. She follows her own moral compass, which, although good, may not agree with that of society. Chaotic good is the best alignment you can be because it combines a good heart with a free spirit. However, chaotic good can be a dangerous alignment when it disrupts the order of society and punishes those who do well for themselves.
Note: Yeaaahh, pretty accurate - she'll follow the law and regulations when it's absolutely necessary, but understands that sometimes these laws and regulations are placed there to help those who don't deserve it. She fights for those who don't necessarily have a voice or are able to fight for themselves. Franca used to get into fights a lot at school, coming home with blood on her shirt and a bust lip, because she'd stand up and defend kids that were being bullied - she carries this kind of chaotic fight with her, even as a medic; she'll fix you up as she then goes to kick someone else's ass. It's partly why she joined 141 - they bend the rules to do what is right, even if it means she's got to get dirty.
Nanette MacTavish
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Neutral Good- A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. She is devoted to helping others. She works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them. Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order. However, neutral good can be a dangerous alignment when it advances mediocrity by limiting the actions of the truly capable.
Note: yeah, again, pretty accurate - she can be a bit feisty when put into a corner about certain things, but generally she tries to live her life as good to others as possible, seeking to help where needed, and understands that rules are in place to keep order. Would she question them? Possibly, but not overtly so that she would cause a fuss (unless absolutely pushed to a limit). She basically thinks 'treat others as you wish to be treated' and tries to do right by people. But, is she fiercely drawn one way or the other when it comes to politics and issues? No, she feels like there are people better suited to fighting those kinds of battles.
This was super fun to do, yet again, and I feel like they're relatively accurate for the internal image I have of their alignments - again, as with Jodie and Keith, I feel like the alignments are a vague base to begin understanding the characters!
As for who I'm tagging? I'm pretty certain that most people I would tag have already taken part in this game... If that's the case, then feel free to ignore me!!
@alexxmason @adlerboi @mctvsh @welldonekhushi
Again, I've seen a lot of my mutuals having already done this and I would hate to pester them with it again-
If you haven't done it though, nor have been tagged, then by all means! Take this post as your inspiration to take part <3
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andorerso · 3 months
sissi hello!! in regards to the post about ocs, i would LOVE to hear more about dani and elijah 💜 (partly bc i love both of those names so so much, always have, and that intrigues me instantly).
hope you're having a wonderful day!
rolling up almost two months later like hiiiiii <3 sorry it took me so long to answer ahfgdchg
but first of all, thank you for asking because I love talking about them, second of all, I'm so happy you like the names because I do too 🥰 well obviously, I wouldn't have chosen them otherwise, but I'm very particular about names and they have to feel right, and this was one of those instances when I almost instantly knew their names, like it was just fate. meant to be. and I think they sound nice together!! anyway, I'll stop ranting about names now
so, the story is urban fantasy, and their tropes are slowburn, mutual pining, idiots to lovers, battle couple, codependency, angstttttt, two sides of the same coin, flirty & awkward, snarky & serious, impulsive & rational, short-tempered & calm
Dani (full name Danielle Preston but she hates being called Danielle) is our leading lady, she's in her mid-20s, and she's the flirty, snarky, impulsive, short-tempered side of the two. she's always cracking a joke, which is mostly a self-defense mechanism, and tends to cover up real feelings with humor, sex and booze. I have such a soft spot for characters who'd rather cut open a vein than show weakness or vulnerability in front of someone, but still deeply care about people and are intensely loyal if you earn it, so she's kinda that archetype. she'd literally burn down a whole city for someone she loves but will never actually say the words. also she's bisexual like almost all my MCs
here's kind of how I imagine her (made with this picrew)
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and Elijah is the more level-headed, serious, all business no fun counterpart to Dani's generally chaotic behavior. he's a couple hundred years old, and not human, but he looks to be in his early 30s. he's very matter-of-fact, goal-oriented, and pragmatic, but he's also very kind to those who deserve it, and can be surprisingly intense and passionate when he actually lets himself feel it (which is not very often, at least not at first). he has a very strong sense of justice, but he kind of follows his own moral code, so he definitely falls into the morally grey category (Dani kind of does too, but Elijah even more so)
here's a picrew for him too
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as for their relationship, it starts as kind of an unwilling partnership and they clash a lot at the beginning because of their different approaches and worldviews, but they eventually form a friendship. Elijah's kind of drawn to her/fascinated by her from the start, because she's so different from him but has a lot of the qualities he admires/wishes he had too. Dani takes a bit longer mostly because she's better at lying to herself lmao. but there's an attraction of sort from the beginning. it's a difficult ride, mostly because they're both stubborn idiots who tend to repress their emotions, just in different ways. she's lost people and is afraid to lose more, and he's just not sure he knows how to allow himself to want things and be a functioning human person, so neither wants a relationship and they're both violently trying to deny any feelings. but the feelings are definitely there. like they're not together but they're deeply devoted but they will never admit it but there's no one else who could possibly compare. those kinda vibes, you know?
some other tidbits/details that I love about them: she loves to antagonize him (mostly in a teasing way) and he's so offended/annoyed at first until he realizes it's her love language. then the annoyance turns into fond exasperation. she's pretty much the only one who can make him genuinely smile and laugh, in fact sometimes he's the only one who actually finds her funny at all lmao (she definitely overdoes it sometimes but he finds it charming). she's a bit of a romantic deep down, and he's very intensely devoted once he commits, so it's the kind of relationship she always secretly wanted but never thought could have. and he's the only person she will tolerate calling her Danielle (it's kind of a turn-on from him).
anyway, I could go on but it's gonna get long very quickly, so this is just the basics. but I love talking about them and I'm always open to more specific questions from anyone <3
also here's a moodboard too because why not
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jacenotjason · 1 year
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i used a picrew by anjubatus on instagram
this is ryan frankly dear, he comes from a universe where eddie and frank are his parents, so in turn, he claimed this aus frank and eddie as substitute parents
it frfr go like
e: im not ready for parenthood!!
f: whats parenthood? (prolly not what he would say but idc)
r: *talking to eddie* too bad, you have no choice!
AYEEE THATS SO COOL!! He just?? Showed up one day I love that
“I’m you kid in another universe so uh whats good”
“What the shit”
And i dont think frank would say “whats parenthood?” I mean he might, he is very dumb, but he’d also definitely do that “Adultery is the process of becoming an adult” bit
I love him very much
Barnaby probably takes most care of him, mostly bc he likes kids and hes rlly good with them, partly bc Eddie and Frank are not at all suited to be parents, and just a smidge because Ryan is from an alternate universe and barnaby is very interested in all the science details.
I also like that he drew cat ears on Frank aa
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4 years, 40 facts about me loving napo... let's go 🏃🏻‍♀️
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...or as @leonscape called it, 40 "Mopoleon" facts?! (picrew link)
the date of our "anniversary", June 19th, is one day after the date of the battle of Waterloo 💀
both our given names are of Italian origin
we're both leo zodiac signs
our birthdays are 8 days apart, in the same month
he's my first otome route ever played
i've only played his route once, in July 2019
i've never seen his dramatic ending
my first impression of him on a teaser tweet of ikevamp EN was that he looks like an asshole, and I didn't like his looks either...
my falling for him was utterly illogical as despite these thoughts I put him on my phone wallpaper a few days later (still before the release of ikevamp EN)
as of right now ao3 says he appears in 59 of my posted works: the total number of fics I have published with him is higher as a few of those are stand-alones in a multichapter fic (napoleon bday prompts 2019 +9, yumeweek 2020 +5, mini requests +4, headcanons +11 ) ...he appears in about 1/3 of all my fics!
we share a hobby of reading biographies! the official ikevamp character sheets state it as his hobby
our height difference is 18 cm
the @xxsycamore blog exists solely because of him, as well as my passion for writing - I started this blog because I wanted to express my love in some kind of creative way, as previously (and for the longest time) I thought my medium would be art instead of writing
despite that, my first ever posted fic is not with him but with Arthur!
I've always loved languages but he had influence over my choice of learning especially french in uni. It's hell but I don't regret it at all
I have a playlist with sleepy-themed songs for him 🥺
birds are my favorite animals (any kind) and he has a pet eagle!!
our mbti personality types are a so-called perfect match! infp + enfj
I don't like black-haired, blue-eyed men because of him, it was my type before him too! (not many such ikemens around but I have a handful of faves like that from other media)
as the fictional napoleon bonaparte is light years away from the historical figure, I thought I wouldn't be interested in learning about him - until I ended up reading multiple books on him, the thickest of which 680 pages... while I don't mix the two in my head, the napoleonic era history (+ russian empire history) is still pretty cool to know imo!
there's hardly any writer around here who hasn't received a napoleon request from me at least once... I'm so sorry...
it is implied in the game that napo has kissed boys (they were taking turns waking him up and they all know of his habit......) which gives me enough reason to headcanon him as bi....like me 🥺
I really suck at completing the bday creation challenges I host for him, as last year I did 0 prompts and the year before that 2....but in 2019 I did 10!
I love making bday gifts. I love birthdays. I don't have the exact number but last year a lot of characters received a bday fic from me but not napo 💀 partly because I was shadowbanned back then!
the only real tradition I have when it comes to his bday is to make homemade crepes since it's his favorite food! but my favorite part is eating them...
I still haven't watched the movie "Napoleon & Me"...
I don't have much napo merch, but I do have the Naplushieon doll which is plenty
I was still in highschool (11th grade) when I fell for him 🥺🥺🥺 it feels like ages ago
I love the song written for the ikevamp stage play and sung by his voice actor Nobunaga Shimazaki, "Lucida", so much you can even find it and play it on my blog... recently some kind soul uploaded the whole version on youtube (I've been waiting for so long....) and I haven't been the same since
my dream napo merch is the clothes hanger with his neck and face so that I can hang my silly little sundresses on him (I'm going to make it on my own actually, just watch)
after having so many random fic ideas for him that will never see the light of day, I accepted the facts at last and now I feel so much better and more chill
I'm currently working on fanart series where I try to post one tablet-drawn art of him every month... I have trouble keeping them simple as desired sometimes but I'm having lots of fun while learning (I still consider myself fairly new to drawing with my tablet)
once I wrote a death anniversary fic for napo!
the best napo song i've discovered so far is Wings by Su!YoON!
I don't know. anything. about his sequel. i just know the cgs. not that is hard to avoid spoilers LMAO
my most favorite napo cg is the 5th bday one (where they're in a field of roses) (it was on my phone's background for a very long time)
my most favorite napo card...that's a trick question but I think the one that is on the left banner in my blog (desktop view)
yes, yes I do want to go to Corsica one day what about it. I have a lot of other dream trip destinations too!
yes, I do love Napoleon cake (It's a russian recipe) (it was my bday cake in 2020)... but so do I love a whole lot of other cakes...!
Fact number 40 is that I love Napoleon a normal amount 😇 nono listen!! I do talk a lot about him, and here I tried compilating facts that are not too cheesy: believe it or not there are days I don't think about him, ok! I never pressure myself to get all the event bonus stories, or to always have a fic ready for him... in a world where im a worrywart about anything and everything, he's my safe place? my chill place? And if I begin to think about the gigantic mass of things surrounding him that are exactly aligning with what I love, with what comforts me, with what traits im looking for in a person, i'm going to get dizzy. So let's end this here with me saying, ily so much Napoleon 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 im such a nunuche sometimes but im your nunuche ‼️‼️
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necroangelz · 4 months
💉🪽 for ask game :33!!
sorry fur responding to this late!! I'm sorry as well fur anyone who sent 🪽 in my inbox, i haven't had the energy to infodump so I've just put them on hold 😞😞 but I'll get to them slowly!
『 💉 』
a kin memory
sharing a small memory from one of my highest IDs, ocean queen Lizzie from empires SMP season 1! i remember standing on the shores of a sandy beach, feeling the waves wash over my legs, im pretty sure i had already transformed into the axolotl queen by then. it was a bright sunny day and it was peaceful. there were seagulls or something. i was mainly focused on the water, how they looked under the sun, their clearness and tranquility, and how they moved with the waves. back when i used to meditate, id focus on this memory because it brought me a lot of peace and happiness ^_^
『 🪽 』
infodump about an oc
now I will be infodumping about a recent oc i made for a roleplay with my partner and friend! her name is Clarion Aria Usher, or just Aria
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picrew linkie. here's a link to her playlist as well
and YES, i do roleplay, so what!? i love writing, and i love collaborating with my loved ones to create a story together. and for the record, i write about 2-4 or more paragraphs per response, depending on the scene and my mood. so i do some serious writing when i roleplay and it's not just some simple one liners with asterisks.
so the roleplay is basically this zombie apocalypse story, where the zombies are similar to the cordyceps zombies from the last of us (that was my idea hehe) and we're still in the early stages of the apocalypse. like, not everything has been destroyed and abandoned yet, and the government is still a thing and they're still trying to maintain control, but they won't be able to keep up a facade of control any longer.
I'm also going to quickly mention Aria's inspirations: her family was heavily based on the ushers from the fall of the house of usher (2023). aria herself was only partly inspired by Fallon Carrington from Dynasty (2017). the media that inspired he will be veeeryy obvious when i talk about her LMAO
okay! so. Aria's family, the ushers, is this super rich and super influential family. as in like, they practically control most of the globe. the Usher dynasty is very big (like, imagine the usher kids from tfothou didnt die and a lot of them had kids or something) and each family focuses on their own industry. media and entertainment, power and energy, medicine, technology, etc. Aria's family focuses on energy (like the Carringtons). so you could immediately understand that Aria's life was privileged and glamorous. she practically had endless money to throw around, her family's name assured she had protection and respect wherever she went, everything was handed to her on a diamond encrusted platter, etc etc.
aria was still encouraged to work for what she wanted, and she did attempt to start her own company rather than work at her father's. but she still struggled with trying to become independent because she's so used to relying on people
because like Aria's a little bitch yk. during the roleplay i plan for her to heavily rely on the other characters and expect her teammates to serve her and always help her, despite not contributing anything herself. i want her to treat her teammates condescendingly, like shit. she wants everything to go her way, because for all her life that's how everything went, but now things aren't like that anymore because her aunt (aunt Victorine... wHWUAJUDHAH /ref) let a virus she was experimenting with break out from her laboratory and infect an entire city.
(okay well, it's a bit deeper than that. certain conditions in the environment allowed the virus to inhabit human bodies and spread so quickly, and these conditions were caused by the actions of the ushers. certain issues in society made it harder for regular people to live well during the virus lockdown, and these societal issues were once again caused by the ushers. so yeah they had a hand in a lot of things, directly or indirectly).
and that infected city is the city aria is currently trapped in. and for lore reasons she has to actually fight to get out of this city because her family dumped her there and left her behind.
so yeah! that's her current situation. i plan that her character arc will involve finally realizing her family's evil, exploitation, and damage, and turning her back on them so she can change for the better :3
oh yeah and Aria's nonhuman cause i thought that'd be cool. her mom is sort of an avian (hey idk what her species would be called) and her name Clarion was inspired by her mother, but she hates her mother so she doesn't use that name. she hates that she looks a lot like her mother. oh yeah and also aria can't fly because she got her wings clipped when she was 18. I'll write something about that someday. it's supposed to be a painful event
anyway I'm going to show some snippets of my writing for aria as a bonus for anyone who's read this far :3
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i don't have much to show for her because we're literally still in the first scene LMAO but I'm excited to see how this goes!
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bakageta · 1 year
In the interest of not having a biglonghuge post become biggerlongerhuger: I'm continuing this writer tag post.
Meet the Writer Tag!
I was tagged by @gallus-rising!
Rules: Make yourself using this picrew and answer the questions below!
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3 Fun Facts about me:
I've had braces three separate times in my life, had my palate widened, had a tooth pulled into place because it was facing the wrong way, and had a permanent retainer placed and fall out a few years later.
I used to play the flute, though now I mostly use my abilities to blow on partly empty bottles and annoy the shit out of my sister.
I've got 3 cats, 1 dog, 1 ball python. They're all idiots and I love them so much. Though I wish they'd stop trying to one up each other with vet bills 😑
Favorite season:
Fall! Everything gets cooler, there's holidays, and also my birthday 🥳
Continent where I live:
North America, on the east coast of the United States
How I spend my time:
Reading, writing, and trying out crafts. I've done some casting and molding with silicone and I'm trying sculpting to make masters for casting. The problem is figuring out what to sculpt...
Are you published?
Nope, I mostly write fanfiction and I'm not much interested in writing original stuff.
Introvert or Extrovert?
Introvert, though when I'm comfortable with people around me, I can get loud
Favorite meal:
My mom's tuna, spinach, and cheese casserole. I've learned how to make it too!
I'm tagging whoever wants to do this!
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briannaswords · 11 months
Hi! It's Minie (@serendipminiewrites) sending from my main! I see you changed your blog aesthetic and it looks absolutely heavenly
Also may I request a few fun facts about Mila from your recent wip?
Thank you, have a good day :)
aaah minie thank you so much!! <33 I didn't think anyone would notice, I just spontaneously decided to change it bc I suddenly decided I want my blog to fully embrace autumn. in late October. 😅
and you want to know about mila!!! yay!!! I haven't really talked too much about 'friends break your heart too' since I literally just finished outlining it so this is a great opportunity for me to ramble, so thank you!! <3
(gonna put this under a read more bc it got pretty long hehe)
so this is what she looks like
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(I used this picrew)
Her full name is Mila Nwaeke and she's from Nigeria. She's sixteen years old, her parents are divorced and she lives with her mum.
She's quite close with her mum, despite her mum having three jobs and working pretty long hours. Because of this, Mila mostly tries to deal with any problems she has herself because she doesn't want to cause her anymore stress.
She's less close with her dad, partly because he now lives two hours away from her, partly because her parents' divorce was a result of her dad cheating on her mum with her mum's friend Clair. He definitely tries to be a caring dad to her and she knows he loves her, but she also feels like he doesn't understand her at all.
She's on the netball team with her best friend Sadie and their mutual friend Jacquie. She's also very musical and plays three instruments: piano, violin and guitar. She actually ends up composing some stuff for her school play and she either wants to do that for a living or go into teaching.
She's extremely close with Sadie as they've known each other for years and, sometimes, she feels like Sadie's the only person who understands her. She's 'popular' at school but it's mostly because she's friends with Sadie, so she constantly feels out of her depth and like she has to be a different version of herself so people like her. I feel like these lyrics from mirrorball by taylor swift explain it perfectly:
I'm still on that tightrope / I'm still trying everything to get you laughing at me / and I'm still a believer and I don't know why / I've never been a natural, all I do is try, try try
She's very hard-working but she's also really hard on herself. She's very selfless too, and always puts other people first (especially Sadie) but because she loves so deeply, it almost destroys her when it isn't reciprocated or worse, when she's pushed away or rejected which may or may not happen in the story ;)
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shootertron-stuff · 1 year
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I recreated my Warhammer 40K characters from my series, On the Taming of Hellhounds, using this Picrew. Horns, when used, are largely symbolic.
Descriptions under the cut.
Blanket warnings for noncon, forced pregnancy, imprisonment, and Warhammer 40K being y'know, grimdark.
Clothilde Nazari: Imperial Fist, kidnapped to be a Black Legionnaire's bride. Was abandoned as a baby and raised as a ganger in the tough underhive of Europa before being kidnapped and brainwashed by the Imperial Fists. Loves children and babies.
Clothilde believes that eating women and girls turned them into a girl, but that's a coping mechanism, because plenty of Space Marines do that and don't turn into girls! Their husband kidnapped them largely because they were unable to transition due to Imperial Space Marines having a "no girls" rule. Every time they tell a quirky anecdote about their life in the Imperium their children and any Chaos humans go "what the fuck".
Farhad Osrid Nazari: Clothilde's husband, a stupid dog. A former Luna Wolf from the Achaemenid Empire, he leads the Vortex Coursers warband and lives off the docking fees his orbital fortress/truck stop town Hellhound's Repose generates.
Has as many names as a Custodes, including "Ludwig Pregnancy Fetish". How? He's a trans man and used the power of technology to get a lot of Space Marines pregnant. Sadly, he loves most of his Space Marines wives more than they love him back, like a dedicated guinea pig owner whose guinea pigs won't let him pet them (because he kidnapped them). Has over 500 children and swears he loves all of them. It's not like Horus Lupercal, who had to love over 100,000 children!
He is pacted with Noropyon, a daemon who resembles a white borzoi with goat horns. He turns into a big dog when excited. It's difficult to tell where Farhad ends and where Noropyon begins.
Currently he is no longer warband leader, because his sons forced him to step down. Clothilde partly controls him through a cursed collar around his neck with a bronze goat bell on it, like Tripitaka and Sun Wukong.
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Shahram Hargush: Farhad's second wife, a Night Sword several decades Clothilde's junior. Due to a throat injury sustained during his capture, he is mute. Reminds Farhad of a scared rabbit. Because he's bonded with Clothilde, Farhad will never "rehome" this adorable fat Space Marine malewife with tits.
Rigel Uven: A Son of the Lion who vanished after trying to kill himself in captivity, not wanting to be used as a Black Legion breeder. Previously, he had been causing problems by "showing attitude" to Clothilde and Shahram, chastising them for being complacent sex slaves. Farhad claims "he was placed in a new home where he can train in martial arts." Spoiler: the truthtelling was very selective.
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Augustine: Clothilde's oldest child, who they love the most. Very big, very fat, akin to the False Knight from Hollow Knight in shape and tragedy. Has many layers, like an onion, concealing his rage towards his father, who sent him to Black Legion boarding school where the other kids did horrible things to him. Put into a dreadnought after falling into a sinkhole and suffering brain damage.
Augustine loves "Armor Piercer" novels.
Odonantus: Clothilde's second child, a brat. His father named him "Orestes" but that got him bullied at boarding school because it happened to be the name of an Iron Warrior (incest) who fucked his mom. Resentful that his mother won't divorce his father and bitter his mother loves Augustine more than him. He wears rainbow suspenders over his power armor, so we all know he's gay.
To Farhad's dismay, Odonantus keeps getting into arguments with his mom :c
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Aelfwine: Clothilde's third child. True to 40K nominative determinism, he is a weeaboo for Eldar who had plastic surgery to make his ears pointy. Unsuccessfully tried to make his brothers read the Eldar Silmarillion, but they fell asleep. Is friends with a daemon inside a Venomcrawler nicknamed "Squoogle".
Carcharis: Clothilde's fourth child, adopted after his birth dad rejected him for having anime eyes and sharp teeth. Has blue hair and pronouns and glues seashells to his power armor. "I'm a dog mermaid!" he says. Has trauma over being rejected at birth which led him to resent his father. Because his teeth grow back if he loses them, he is often careless about his diet.
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Yao and Erlang (name may change): Clothilde's precious Word Bearer twins who live in Space Texas working for a gospel singer-themed warband. They are paired with two sentient barrel drums named Pell and Mell and are popular youth pastors.
One of their favorite acts is "I went to Hell and I know what it's like!" - they don't have to lie. Word Bearers go to Hell every time they travel through the Warp without a Gellar Field.
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Anur: Clothilde's youngest child, conceived spontaneously from microchimeras left by previous pregnancies while Clothilde was travelling through the warp without a Gellar Field. She is a genetic chimera and was born with dog ears and a tail.
Clothilde has to keep her on a child leash because she keeps jumping on people :c
By the time Anur is 13 she has a beard, like a goat. Mom tries to make her feel okay with being a bearded lady!
Faridun: Another one of Clothilde's many children, a masochistic Night Lord. Due to anomalies of the Warp, Faridun became a seasoned veteran, several centuries old, by the time he was reunited with his mother. His body is covered in whip scars. Faridun has trouble keeping his warship neat and tidy and received a scolding from his mom for living in a scary dump with blood on the walls. He promised Clothilde he would practice safe painplay and only torture people who really deserve it.
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Dariush: Clothilde's son who was sent to an Iron Warriors warband called the Fiery Furnaces and subsequently become the iron sugar baby of its leader. Due his his mom being resistant to the idea of female Space Marines (despite being a female Space Marine) and thinking it would make it easier for him, he was assigned male at birth despite being born with a vagina.
Iron Warriors prize eromenoi with Imperial Fists geneseed, and dress them in yellow so everybody knows.
Brunhilde: Clothilde's daughter who is part of an Emperor's Children warband. She breeds show dogs with health problems on purpose for the aesthetic, and is obsessed with cleanliness. Perhaps she was also assigned male at birth despite being born with a vagina.
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Phalaenopis-94: A Selenar gene-witch enslaved by the Imperium, forced to help create new Space Marines. She was Farhad's teacher and one of his emotional supports during surgery recovery. "Phae" would rather have been breeding dogs, as it was her occupation before the Imperium came.
After the Horus Heresy she vanished, not wanting to associated with Space Marines any more. Perhaps she is still alive on a daemon world somewhere...
Valdemar Telles: Farhad's abusive ex-husband, an Emperor's Children marine with the head of a lion. Some time after the Scouring, Valdemar captured Farhad's warband and played marry, fuck, and kill with them until Farhad was the last one standing by the virtue of his storytelling wit and his um, lack of bottom surgery.
Eventually, Farhad killed and cannibalized Valdemar, obtaining his memories and his personality.
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lovelyllamasblog · 3 years
Okay so I found this picrew that let's you make your MC/Yuu, so I made ever one of the EAH transfers at NRC!!!
Here's the original post! Everyone say thanks to @haruyeager for posting it!!!
This is for you @sayuricorner!!!
Please note: Not all of them are completely accurate to the characters. I couldn't do streaks or Hunter's partly shaved head and I could't get Ashlynn's strawberry blonde hair.
OKAY let's go!! They're all below the cut!!!
Part 2 Part 3
Lizzie Hearts
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(I thought the red heart-shaped ahoge was soo cute 🥰)
(Edit: I took off the crown and changed her hairstyle so that I could get her two-toned hair.)
Maddie Hatter
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(Again, not completely accurate since I couldn't get her signature fizzy hair or her hat 😔)
(Edit: I made it into a ponytail instead. Inspiration: fan art by @icant-choosename-help)
Cerise Badwolf-Hood
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(One of the one's I had to redo because I wasn't satisfied with it. It definitely came out better the second time around 😌 Unfortunately, the picrew doesn't offer sweaters like Jamil's.)
(Edit: I did a second one with a braid like in @icant-choosename-help's fan art.)
Ramona Badwolf-Hood
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(I redid hers because I couldn't get the coloring for her hair just right.) (Edit: After a third pass, I am finally satisfied with the final result.)
Coral Witch
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(Since she was never shown in the webisodes, everyone portrays her differently. In some fan art, she has glasses so I gave her some. Also, the red in her hair is for her tail in the books. I also gave her freckles because why not? 🥰)
(Edit: I wasn't satisfied with either of the looks, so I reread her description on the wiki and changed her skin tone to a lighter shade, but kept the red highlights, glasses and freckles. She now feels complete.)
Holly O'Hair
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(The picrew didn't have the right shade of auburn and none of the braids satisfied me so I gave her a ponytail instead.)
Hunter Huntsman
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(Definitely more satisfied with the second pass 😌)
Ashlynn Ella
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(I love her eyes, but I wish could have gotten her hair the right shade of strawberry 🥲)
(Edit: A second pass that came out a bit better than the first.)
Blondie Lockes
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(I know that she changes her hair bow to red, but I really like her in blue)
(Edit: I changed her design to include a mix of dark blue-light blue eyes and a sweater because that's what I imagine her in and to add variety to the designs.)
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yuuto-tsukino · 2 years
Yuuto's Fox Headcanons
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I still haven't found a suitable Picrew for Yuuto's fox form and I don't want to use the same as for Yuriko's but I have a mental vision about Yuuto as a fox.
Yuuto has amber-yellow eyes both in his human and fox forms. Unlike his sister, he never was a victim of blood magic and his skills were never sealed. His eyes changed from blue to yellow when he was about 4 years old and have been like that ever since.
Yuuto's fox is rather small but still bigger than Yuriko's.
Yuuto has two tails.
His fur is mostly white but he has blue ear tips and also in both of his tails. Other than that he has blue on the sides of his head and neck but also on his back, around his eyes, and a few streaks on his forehead.
As a fox Yuuto's teeth are sharp, similar to actual fox teeth.
Yuuto is able to transform partly, only bringing out the ears, tails, and teeth, but usually, he avoids doing that.
Sometimes that can happen if he is drunk. He loves beer but avoids drinking it too much. Yet there are times this happens.
Yuuto has a sharpened sense of smell, and hearing even when he isn't in his fox form and these get stronger after transformation.
Similar to his sister Yuuto can dream walk but he needs some kind of connection to the person. He was able to call Yuriko into his dreams because they are blood relatives but with other people, he has to at least meet them in the real world before he can invade their dream space or lure them into his.
Other than that Yuuto has blue foxfire and he knows how to use it. He has high pain tolerance and he has recently figured out how to use his star pearl but he hasn't actually tried to possess anyone with it.
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ibuki-loves-you · 3 years
(I apologize since this is going to be a lot)
My OC is Ren Suzuki, the Ultimate Fashion Designer. He’s a very sweet boy. Ya know how I said Gina was the love child of Makoto and Sonia? Well he’s probably the love child of Gonta and Mikan. A very very precious boy. He’s pure, innocent, a bit naive and gullible, but overall, a sweetheart. He’s very friendly to everyone, just wanting to…well, make friends! He takes his studies and schoolwork very seriously, never wanting to miss an opportunity to do his best and show his greatest work. He’s very confident and an optimistic hard-worker. He may be sweet and innocent, but he’s not shy. He enjoys being in a large crowd and talking to people about…literally anything! With an outgoing personality, warm demeanor, a compassionate heart, and an innocent mind I think the Ultimate boyfriend would fit him more than the Ultimate fashion designer
Apperance: Ren is a pretty tall guy, being 5’10, with a slim built. He has short, dark brown hair in a wavy combover and ocean blue eyes. He also wears thin round wire-framed glasses
Usual outfit: He wears a blue and white flannel button up with a black tie underneath an unbuttoned navy wool vest, black jeans with a white belt, and black leather ankle boots. He also has two silver studs on each ear and several platinum rings on his fingers
Ren grew up with his two parents and little sister. They have always lived in poverty and always worried about how to provide for the family. His parents were notorious ‘job-hoppers’ and were infamous for jumping around jobs in order to make as much money as possible. Unfortunately, word got around and their reputation got tainted. Almost no one wanted to hire them, which made finding a job and earning money more difficult. Ren realized that in order to support for his family, he had to pitch in and do whatever he could. He was very young at the time, so he couldn’t get a job himself. One day, he saw a broken sewing machine lying outside a neighbor’s lawn. There was sign near it that said “Partly good sewing machine. Take it” which Red happily did. From there, with a bit of tweaking and fixing, Ren finally repaired the machine and began to sew. Sew, sew, sew, til his heart’s desire. He began to make clothes for his little sister, himself, and his parents. He was relied on to create clothes and his family was always grateful for his help. He even made formal clothes for family events/reunions. Even professional interview clothes for his parents whenever they had new job interviews! Ren practically grew up with a passion to design and make clothes and it always stuck to him. Eventually, word got around, this time in a more positive light. He began to sell clothes and take commissions from neighbors. Not only did his family receive nice clothing, but the neighbors around them paid good money for Ren’s creation. His father even pleaded with Ren to apply to Hope Peak’s academy as the “Ultimate Fashion Designer” and use his talent to gain ultimate success in his own life. Ren, at first, declines saying he would rather stay and help his family, but they insisted and practically got down on their knees and begged him to apply. And, of course, they accepted Red with warm arms
His love interest is Mahiru, and finds her very comforting and sensible. He loves her ‘big sister’ attitude and developed feelings for her. Like all men, Mahiru was a bit hesitate about him, but she eventually warmed up. Hajime is a bit frustrated since it’s obvious she favors him over all the other boys on the island. Mahiru always denies it, but her blush whenever he’s around and talking to her just gives it away. Ren gets along well with her, but he has the innocence of Gonta here! He’s too clueless, and oblivious, and realize that she is in love with him, let alone, noticing that he fell in love with her as well. Hiyoko bullies him a lot more than anyone, probably even more than Mikan. But it’s only because she thinks that Ren is stealing Mahiru away from her. (Luckily???) he doesn’t really care or mind what she says. Hiyoko even goes as far as saying he’s gay, but Mahiru snaps at her when she says it. His best friends are probably Nagito, Hajime, Kazuichi, and Mikan. Hajime and Nagito because they enjoy his company. Kazuichi, really because he likes to tease Ren about Mahiru. But he always retaliates by teasing him about Sonia. But he doesn’t mean it. Ren is too pure to notice sexual innuendos or even pick up on what he implies. A conversation between him and Kazuichi would go something like this
Kazuichi: So, Ren! How far did you go with Mahiru? *smirks, winking*
Ren: *smiles sweetly* Oh, very far! We took a long walk together on the beach!
Kazuichi: Eh? No! I mean….did you see her…..body?
Ren: Of course! I see her body all the time! Otherwise, how else would I know what she looks like everyday?
Kazuichi: Man, I mean—
Ren: Speaking of, Mr. Kazuichi, you said you were going to hang out with Miss. Sonia today, no?
Kazuichi: Well….she had to cancel since she was busy a—
Ren: Ooooohhhhh. So I’m guessing you two didn’t go that far like me and Miss. Mahiru did. Right?
Kazuichi: *blushes beet red* DAMMIT!
He also gets along well with Mikan because she’s grateful that ‘he takes Hiyoko’s bullying’ and kinda ‘distracts’ Hiyoko from her. Because he ‘saved’ Mikan, she wanted to thank him by taking off her clothes, until Mahiru overheard their conversation, blushed, and rushed to stop her before Ren could speak. This is how the conversation went:
Mikan: Ummmm…..S-Suzuki-kun?
Ren: Huh? What is it, Miss. Mikan?
Mikan: I…..I just want to t-thank you for keeping H-Hiyoko away from m-me. Ever since you came, s-she’s been t-targeting me less……
Ren: *grins* Oh, it’s not a problem at all, Miss. Mikan! I am just trying to be a good friend to everyone!
Mikan: B-But I feel like I s-should thank you in s-some way…..
Ren: Huh? Miss. Mikan, you don’t need to do that. I don’t need any thanks at all other than being your friend—
Mikan: Let me take off my clothes. Will that make you happy? *fumbles with her apron*
Ren: H-Huh?! W-Why would I want your clot—
Mahiru: *beet red, running to them* *snatches Mikan’s hand* NO! No, no, no! That won’t be necessary, Mikan!
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shifting dr profiles
so partly for my visualization and partly for yours, I went on picrew and made all of my various DR selves. So here we go.
MPHFPC (it's gonna happen ;-;)
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Her name is Ava, she's 23 years old, and her peculiarity is mind control. About 5'7 (because let's be real, being taller than Miss P is the dream), with a british accent. Sassy and cocky, she knows what she wants and when she wants it.
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The name's Bex (the same as my actual name), age 19. Slight French accent, can speak the language fluently. Blunt but friendly, always ready to make you feel welcome and at home in her arms.
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Ah yes, stoic little Lia (short for Cecelia, but if you call her that you better be ready to get your head metaphorically bitten off). At the young age of 27, she's confident and cunning, knows what she's doing and is not afraid to put you in your place. In private, however, she's sweet and loving, always open for a hug if you need it.
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Liv, short for Olivia. 21 years young, caring and bubbly, but she's got tricks up her sleeve and is secretly the most mischievous gal you'll ever meet, even though she hides it well under her innocent facade.
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And our final girl. She's not that confident, seeing as she has to hide her identity lest she be sent to a mental ward, but has learned to build up her walls far enough to only let certain people in. She doesn't have all that many friends even though she's almost 20, but she doesn't find a need for them. She's perfectly fine on her own, thank you very much.
If I end up figuring somewhere else to go I will update this with my looks ;-;
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degenerate-yandere · 5 years
Damon & Ray Headcanons
Woo boy this took awhile to get through, but here it is! Some general Headcanons for my boys to lay some groundwork, I plan on doing some fics for them very soon.
Ray has some double-ups from a previous post, simply because I wanted this to be the comprehensive post with all their information in one spot, if that makes sense.
Anyway I hope y’all enjoy! This was partly for the beautiful @ramwrites​ who wanted some Damon content, and who am I to deny the Queen’s request.
Picrews used: Damon, Ray.
TW: Abuse, kidnapping, yandere, violence, implied murder, drugging, non-consensual touching, stalking, obsessive behaviour, possessive behaviour
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Attraction + Pursuit
Disgust - an ample word to describe Damon’s initial reaction to these newfound emotions that threaten the fortitude of his petrified heart. Every time you cause his breath to hitch in his throat, he’s reminded of just how damn vulnerable you make him; a highly unwelcomed source of insecurity. If Damon hates one thing, it’s being undermined.
As a result of his mounting insecurity, it can be expected that his infatuation, at first, manifests as resentment. Damon will be especially cruel to you - intimidation, bullying, and public degradation are all outlets of his internal frustration. You’ll think he hates you, and maybe a part of him does. He doesn’t feel guilty, no; this is all your fault, you’re the one who makes him feel this way - It’s pathetic. You’re pathetic.
This torment is short-lived however. It’ll come as an epiphany as he towers over you, looking down at your comparatively fragile form. You are pathetic, but more importantly, he isn’t. Damon’s bigger and stronger than you, so what’s stopping him from simply making you his? He’s quick to surmise that he’s entitled to you. All this stems from Damon’s immense ego; an inflated sense of superiority, and a fragile one at that.
As far Damon’s concerned, you need him as much as he needs you. First-hand experience has shown him just how weak and defenseless you are. You need him to keep you safe. He’ll protect you, he likes to keep what’s his intact - unknowing to the fact he’s the exact thing you need to be protected from.
It’ll give you whiplash how fast Damon’s demeanor seems to change. You’ll be lucky to receive a grumbled apology for his past actions. He’ll loom above you nigh constantly, glaring daggers at any who’d approach you. His intimidating presence is enough on its own to isolate you.
It’s important to note Damon’s utter lack of experience. Sure, he’s had numerous flings in the past, but this - this is different. Romance is an alien concept, and courtship is an incomprehensible endeavor. But he tries - he makes an effort to lower his gravelly voice, relaxing his body language and resisting the urge to belittle you. He’ll bring you odd gifts and trinkets, shoving them into your hands with no explanation other than a grunt. You doubt they were acquired through wholesome means. Damon will grumble compliments, ones that, when accompanied with his threatening voice and vulgar verbiage, are often perceived as thinly-veiled threats. He tries, he really does - but his patience is easily waned.
Any inquiries you raise about his insistence on shadowing you are met with a scoff and a disingenuous insult;
“Don’t flatter yourself, sweetheart.”
No matter how many times you ask him, his answer will always be the same - nonchalant and unsatisfactory.
He’ll grow tired if you continue to fear him or try to avoid him. You should be grateful. Damon will resort to threats and manipulation to force you to accept his advances.
Anyone he deems a threat, whether that be individuals he believes might harm you, partners, exes, or even people who simply stare at you too long, will all meet a similar fate - broken, bloodied, and barely recognizable. He likes to take pictures of his hard work, he can’t help but feel a sense of pride as he looks through them. Maybe he’d show you one day, to let you know just how grateful you should be that he’s keeping you safe. There’s a wicked glee he derives from pummeling people for your sake.
Kidnapping is an inevitability; the urge to protect you from those who’d dare to take you away from him, and his selfish desire to own you, will make that decision a definite one.
It’ll be easy - cornering you in some isolated spot late at night, caging you against his built body as he tells you just how long he’s been waiting for this. He’ll overpower you with his abundant brute strength, remarking that the more you struggle, the rougher he’ll be - a promise he makes well on. It’s hard to deny his joy of having you struggle against him, completely at his mercy. It serves as an omen of the life that awaits you.
Post-kidnapping + Punishment
Damon’s captivity is stern and demanding. There is no ’grace period’, no time allocated to allow you to grow somewhat accustomed with the nightmare you’ve been thrust into.
His expectations, as demeaning as they are, are made evident from the beginning. You are to accept his affections, no matter how forceful or rough. You will show him ample appreciation for protecting you, an act which he considers merciful.
Damon is quick to ‘correct your mistakes’, and ensures you never make them again. There’s no restraint, no mercy - but he likes it when you beg anyway.
Punishments are cruel and severe; Taunting you as he holds the cindering end of his cigarette inches above your skin, allowing you to feel the heat emanating from it as you beg and plead - cut short as he presses it against your flesh. Isolation, food deprivation, impassioned beatings -  all serving as painful reprimands.
Behind his anger and frustration lies an undeniable sadistic enthusiasm as he punishes you. Damon loves putting you in your place, he adores holding immense power over you.
Bite marks litter your body, purple patches coat your neck - Damon’s constant, little ‘reminders’ to show you who you belong to. His affection is equally barbaric; his touches leave bruises, his kisses result in bloodied, swollen lips.
Don’t squirm when he forces you onto his lap to place kisses along your shoulder, don’t cry when he tightly embraces you in bed, and maybe he’ll be gentle.
His ego is a possible source of exploitation - worship him, tell him how big and strong he is, confess your adoration, and he may just let his guard down.
If you ever consider escape, pray he never finds you. Damon will yank you by the hair as he tells you just how much you’ve fucked up. A series of harsh punishments follow, to ingrain the fact that you belong to him, that you can never escape him. There’s no painkillers, no warning or care as he begins applying painful pressure to your legs. He’ll ensure you can’t run from him again.
Non-Yandere Headcanons 
Damon found work as a bouncer for a few years, until he was abruptly fired for hospitalizing a rowdy client. As a result, he’s resorted to… less than ethical means of income.
Damon’s birthday is on March 27th, though he isn’t one to celebrate it.
You bet this dude has a motorcycle, and he treats it like his child.
Damon is built like an absolute tank - a brick wall of raw, hard power. He’s proud of his stature.
He tastes, and often smells, like booze and cigarettes - indicative of his poor habits.
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Attraction + Pursuit
Ray’s infatuation, a product of a seemingly inconsequential interaction, is quick to fester into enraptured obsession. He’ll form an emotional dependency, a suffocating need, toward the poor soul he’s latched onto.
He’ll find a desire to satiate his growing obsession, to satisfy the numerous questions about you that weigh constantly on his mind. He can’t approach you directly, the very thought makes his heart threaten to leap from his chest. Instead, he’ll opt to stalk you, just so he can learn everything about you. He’ll become acquainted with your place of residence, rifling through your belongings - perhaps even taking some to keep for himself. You could’ve sworn you had more pairs of underwear.
The more he finds out about you, the more ultimately enamoured he becomes. Ray can’t stop thinking about you. That’s when the drawings begin. They start as idle sketches, cute doodles accompanied by scribbled love-hearts. It isn’t long before Ray is struck with grander inspiration, your likeness becoming a mainstake in his manga. He draws panels upon panels of his love-sick longing; taking you on the romantic dates you deserve, heartfelt confessions of love which reek of shoujo cliche, tender kisses and gentle touches. They line the walls of his room, accompanied by the various photographs he’s taken of you - for reference, of course.
That isn’t the extent of his collection, however. Ray keeps a private stash; the outlet for his more salacious desires. He feels somewhat bad about drawing your perfect form in such disgusting, compromising scenarios, but his filthy needs overpower his consideration.
Ray’s rationality, as middling as it is, only erodes as his obsession grows more unrestrained. He’ll be increasingly emboldened, sending you love letters and anonymous text messages with such detail that they establish…. troubling implications.
His gnawing need for you only grows further. It keeps him up at night, his fingers shakely caressing your clothes desperately hoping it’ll bring him comfort. He wants to rip his hair out sometimes - he just wants to touch you, he wants to love you, he needs you more than anything.
Ray isn’t a violent man, but if anyone threatens his one-sided relationship with you, well - he can’t let that happen. A baseball bat, and the lovestruck conviction to swing it, work wonders at remeding his problems. He doesn’t mean to hurt anyone, he frantically tells himself as he washes the blood from his hands.
He eventually reaches the conclusion that he has to take you. The very thought of you being swept away, abandoning him, is enough to make his decision a certainty. Ray assures himself that it’s what’s best for you - he can take care of you, keep you safe and secure.
Unlike Damon, Ray goes about his kidnapping with significantly more finesse. He can’t stand the thought of hurting you - he’ll instead opt to slip something in your drink, or ambush you with a strong-smelling rag against your nose.
Post-kidnapping + Punishment
You’ll wake up, gagged and handcuffed to his bedpost; This marks the beginning of your ‘relationship’. He’ll try desperately to tell you he won't hurt you, to convince you that he just wants to help you. His fingers seem magnetised to you, itching and yearning to feel you beneath them. The blazing blush across his face, the bashful grin adorning his lips, and the utterly deranged adoration that speckle his eyes betray just how content he is.
He’ll be quick to show you just how much he loves you; flicking through all his artwork of you, reaffirming that it’s all been for you.
Ray is patient, understanding, but completely overbearing. When he sees how terrified you are he can’t help but coil himself around you and mutter reassurances against your skin - even if he’s the very source of your fear
“It’s okay, everything’s going to be okay. I-I have you now, you d-don’t have to be afraid anymore”.
It won’t take long to realize just how needy he is - his touch-starved skin rarely leaving yours. He relishes in your sweet touch, nuzzling against you as his arms wrap around you, his fingers exploring every inch of your flesh. Whines and groans escape him whenever he’s deprived of your addictive touch.
Ray’s insists on feeding you, sitting you on his lap as he plays video games or draws, pulling you close and burying his nose in your hair as he drifts to sleep. His kisses, as rare as they are without your consent, are sloppy and inexperienced - but laced with such a raw, unrestrained need.
Lives for your praise and validation, outright begging for it. His heart swells at any crumbs he can extrapolate. You stared at his artwork? You must love it! You didn’t flinch away when he kissed you? You must want him just as much as he wants you.
Ray isn’t one for punishments, he couldn’t bring himself to willingly hurt his precious darling. If you grow violent or reckless, he’ll simply pin you down and wait out your little outburst.
But if he ever fears you may leave him, or if you ever manage to escape and he catches you - he has no quarrels about doing anything if it means you can’t escape. The thought of you abandoning him makes him completely unhinged. Ray’ll do whatever it takes, even if it means hurting you. He’ll cry and scream, begging you to tell him why ‘you’re making him do this’.
“Y-You can’t leave me! Don’t you get it?! I-I can’t live without you!”
Non-yandere Headcanons
Ray’s birthday is on October 10th, although he never usually has anyone to celebrate with...
Despite his shut-in nature, Ray likes to remain fit. He frequents the gym at his apartment complex (at night of course; less people). He did martial arts during his teenage years, and reluctantly joined his school’s volleyball team. This results in a lean physique comprised of sinewy, surprisingly strong muscles - all the better to restrain protect his darling.
He makes money from his web manga and commissions, as well as working part time at a videogame store. Has a surprisingly good work ethic.
Survives off the college diet of caffeine and ramen - but he’ll try his damndest to change it if his darling is less than receptive of his refined cuisine.
His hygiene… isn’t the best. He’s a firm believer that a shower can be replaced with spraying oneself with copious amounts of cheap, intoxicatingly strong body spray.
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impossibleclair · 4 years
Airbender Ty Lee hcs
OKAY I’m new to the atla fandom but I’ve seen this concept around and I love it SO MUCH so here’s my own take on it!
Ty Lee is descended from the Air Nomads on her mother’s side. Her father’s side of the family is Fire Nation
Her great-grandmother escaped the massacre at the Eastern Air Temple, and went into deep hiding in the Earth Kingdom. She eventually married and had children, and then grandchildren (one of whom was Ty Lee’s mother). Since multiple births ran in the family, there was always at least a few of the kids who got the Air Nomad traits
By the time Ty Lee and her sisters were born, the family had been hiding their Air Nomad heritage for so long that it was simply never discussed
Ty Lee didn’t find out until she was about thirteen. Her grandmother was dying, and she spent a lot of time with her in those final days. The old woman babbled a lot about ‘the old days,’ and the more she listened, the more Ty Lee pieced together. By the time her grandmother died, her head was spinning
She spent a lot of time looking at herself in the mirror, examining her eyes, the shape of her face, thinking about how her hair was so much lighter than Mai’s and Azula’s, wondering how she’d never put it together before
She didn’t tell anyone. Not even her sisters. Partly because she was scared of what might happen if word got out about it, and partly because she wanted to keep it as her personal secret. This was something else she could use to build her own identity, separate from her sisters (even though she knew deep down that it was part of their heritage too)
Though she never talked about it, thoughts of her Air Nomad heritage were never far from her mind. Every flip, tumble and trapeze stunt brought up the vague shape of the question she’d never dared to ask: airbending?
Ever since she started learning acrobatics, she’d been able to feel the air around her, flowing over her, twining through her hands
It wasn’t airbending, she told herself. Just the childish illusion that the air around her was helping her, supporting her leaps, cushioning her landings
Just because there was a breeze when she laughed and a cold gust when she cried and howling wind when she was angry… that didn’t mean anything. It was just coincidence. That was all…
She never dared to try control it. She wants to believe it would work if she did try, but she’d be heartbroken if she tried and found she couldn’t do it. And what if it did work? Then she’d be an airbender in the heart of the Fire Nation. What would Azula say? What would Azula do to her? Maybe nothing. But maybe not
Better to live in ignorant bliss
But there were times that she used it without knowing
Like when Katara and Toph trapped her in the slurry pipeline in The Drill. For a short while there she was being bombarded with rock and water and mud with no way out, but she found if she curled into a ball she could keep a tiny pocket of air around her head so that she could at least breathe
Post-canon, when Ty Lee joins the Kyoshi Warriors, she starts letting herself think more about her heritage and airbending
She does research in her spare time, reading everything she can find about the Air Nomads (not that there’s a lot left, but she tries)
As she learns how to use the fans of the Kyoshi Warriors, she feels the air around her more and more. She learns fast, letting the air guide her motions and mold her practice
Even with the turbulent emotions that follow the events at the end of the series, the mindfulness of the practice brings her a lot of peace
 She starts bending without realising it
Her fan motions start creating huge bursts of wind. The air is more reactive to her emotions than ever before. Eventually she takes out the whole group during a training exercise, and she can’t deny it anymore
She’s an airbender
Suki contacts Aang, who turns up on Appa a few days later. He’s so excited, he’s losing his mind over the fact there’s another airbender. He can’t believe he didn’t see it before!
He offers to teach her all thirty-six forms of airbending, and the ways of the Air Nomads, if that’s something she’d want
A few years ago, she probably would have refused. But she’s not afraid any more. This is a new world, and she’s ready to embrace her freedom
As the Avatar, Aang has to travel a fair bit, but when they’re not travelling, they hang out at the Eastern Air Temple and train together
They fix the airball arena and play a game there at least once a day
The sky bison are long gone (wellll, maybe), but Aang teaches Ty Lee all about them, and when they travel, he teaches her how to fly with Appa
They find materials, and Ty Lee designs and builds her own glider. It’s pink, of course
She switches up her outfit a bit, including a few touches of red and orange Air Nomad fashion to her pink ensemble
(coincidentally her colour scheme becomes the lesbian flag, which she’s quite pleased with)
Aang had to practice a lot in secret, but after a while – once Ty Lee masters airbending – he offers to give her the traditional arrow tattoos of the airbending masters
She agrees
It feels like she’s finally doing her grandmother proud, carrying on her lost legacy
By the way, Mai and some of the Gaang come to visit periodically while Ty Lee and Aang are away training. Ty Lee loves showing off her new skills every time someone visits, and Mai always expresses how proud she is of Ty Lee’s accomplishments (‘I know I said I don’t believe in auras, but even I can tell how pink yours is right now’)
Ty Lee gets her tattoos done between visits from people
When Mai sees Ty Lee next, her hair is short and choppy, still growing back, but she looks happier than ever, wearing her blue arrows with pride
She’s an airbender, and now everyone can know, and she wouldn’t have it any other way
Bonus: I found a wonderful bender picrew (https://picrew.me/image_maker/429812) by @pidgedee​, and obviously couldn’t resist doing a lil Airbender!Ty Lee design (definitely needs more pink but CUTE!)
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Mania, or Annaliese as she prefers to be called (or just Anna, just anything BUT the literal synonym of insanity, (Kaya your naming conventions are strange indeed) (cough* she was named Mania before the Thedian language even existed (btw Thedian is basically just English cus I'm too lazy to make a language and just no) soo oof Kaya didn't know the world mania would end up as a synonym of insanity) *cough), in ECF, is the goddess of hate, but that is a purely figurative title that she was given by some humans she's long forgotten that is too far spread and widely known for her to make people stop calling her such. 
She 5'0 tall and has short black hair and brown eyes as seen in the picrew above.
I'll be calling her Anna for the rest of this post by the way, since even if she's a fictional character I want to abide by her wishes.
A fun fact, I was contemplating giving Anna dissociative identity disorder originally as another one of the goddesses, Harmonia, has Bipolar Disorder (which is easier to write because it does not entail multiple personalities) and I wanted to try giving another goddess a mental illness besides depression (which most of them have), but realized I honestly didn't know enough about it nor understand it that well, and nor could I fit it into her character so scrapped it. And so I didn't want to give her it because I just didn't know how to write it or really describe it. It just didn't make sense for her either.
Also, if you couldn't tell most of my characters have something that's semi-dark about them, that's because I find most characters with darker pasts that influenced them greatly make more interesting characters for some reason, at least in my experience. Not every character has to be dark in some way for them to be good characters (I point to Jaehee who is the least dark of all the Mysme characters I think or maybe I'm wrong because I kind of forget about her a lot...sorry Baehee!) but...meh.
Anyway, Anna has a serious hatred for her body due to it being...well, more childlike in nature. Flat chest, short, not very curvy body in general...just a lot of insecurities and body hatred in general. Anna is also very childlike in personality (despite being billions of years old) but tries to force herself to act more like the adult she's meant to be. She's the shortest of all of her fellow goddess "sisters" despite Xomura being her "younger sister" and she despises that. She lashes out at everyone a lot but tries to be calm and collected most of the time but sometimes she just can't keep her anger from getting out of control. In a sense, she feels like an adult in a child's body whilst suffering from frequent regression to a childlike mindset. 
Anna in a modern AU is basically the same except she is instead overall a NEET who relies on Kaya's huge fortune to like, you know, live. She has no idea what to do with her life in that AU and both her original version and modern au she honestly feels suicidal when she's at her worst. 
Anna tries to act like she is super formal, calm, and collected, but she's not. She has a habit of rambling, she gets mad at people for very little things, she honestly just is something of a child in a lot of ways.
Which is partly Kaya's fault.
You see, Anna was always babied by all of her "sisters", even Xomura, who is YOUNGER than her and technically should be babied more since she is THE YOUNGEST. But due to all of her sisters growing far quicker and taller than her and overall she just always looked like a child, in general, she was babied a lot more and spoiled even. 
She despises Kaya for the fact she never really taught her how to be an adult.
And Kaya honestly never wanted her to grow up.
Anna just never matured.
Anna actually has a love for writing, as it lets her just let out all her thoughts without having to say anything allowed in her childish voice (which she also hates but talking is kind of unavoidable) and she also likes to write stories where she can pretend she has a far more adult-like body. Uh...her perception of an "adult woman body" is kind of uh...skewed.
She dreams of having the definition of a "perfect" body. Like, looking like those women with big boobs and lots of curves that you see in magazines or something.
It's a very fantastical and unattainable dream.
Anna also has a very strange love for macarons. Especially strawberry ones. She just really likes them honestly. 
I'm not sure who Anna would get along with of the Mysme cast to be honest. Zen, maybe??? Yoosung??????? Hmmmmmmm- I really just don't know. 
I think Yoosung might be best. Zen might a little on the nose when it comes to self image issues and while he empathizes with MCs with the same struggle; It is harder for him to help if that MC fixates so much that it's hard for even him to help them. I said Yoosung simply because that idea of him cheering on an MC who has their own passion makes me smile. I think she needs someone who is her own age and treats her with respect instead of treating her like a baby. Our boy Yoosung knows what that feels like, that's for sure.
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