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reasonsforhope · 1 year ago
"Research on a police diversion program implemented in 2014 shows a striking 91% reduction in in-school arrests over less than 10 years.
Across the United States, arrest rates for young people under age 18 have been declining for decades. However, the proportion of youth arrests associated with school incidents has increased.
According to the U.S. Department of Education, K–12 schools referred nearly 230,000 students to law enforcement during the school year that began in 2017. These referrals and the 54,321 reported school-based arrests that same year were mostly for minor misbehavior like marijuana possession, as opposed to more serious offenses like bringing a gun to school.
School-based arrests are one part of the school-to-prison pipeline, through which students—especially Black and Latine students and those with disabilities—are pushed out of their schools and into the legal system.
Getting caught up in the legal system has been linked to negative health, social, and academic outcomes, as well as increased risk for future arrest.
Given these negative consequences, public agencies in states like Connecticut, New York, and Pennsylvania have looked for ways to arrest fewer young people in schools. Philadelphia, in particular, has pioneered a successful effort to divert youth from the legal system.
Philadelphia Police School Diversion Program
In Philadelphia, police department leaders recognized that the city’s school district was its largest source of referrals for youth arrests. To address this issue, then–Deputy Police Commissioner Kevin Bethel developed and implemented a school-based, pre-arrest diversion initiative in partnership with the school district and the city’s department of human services. The program is called the Philadelphia Police School Diversion Program, and it officially launched in May 2014.
Mayor-elect Cherelle Parker named Bethel as her new police commissioner on Nov. 22, 2023.
Since the diversion program began, when police are called to schools in the city for offenses like marijuana possession or disorderly conduct, they cannot arrest the student involved if that student has no pending court case or history of adjudication. In juvenile court, an adjudication is similar to a conviction in criminal court.
Instead of being arrested, the diverted student remains in school, and school personnel decide how to respond to their behavior. For example, they might speak with the student, schedule a meeting with a parent, or suspend the student.
A social worker from the city also contacts the student’s family to arrange a home visit, where they assess youth and family needs. Then, the social worker makes referrals to no-cost community-based services. The student and their family choose whether to attend.
Our team—the Juvenile Justice Research and Reform Lab at Drexel University—evaluated the effectiveness of the diversion program as independent researchers not affiliated with the police department or school district. We published four research articles describing various ways the diversion program affected students, schools, and costs to the city.
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Arrests Dropped
In our evaluation of the diversion program’s first five years, we reported that the annual number of school-based arrests in Philadelphia decreased by 84%: from nearly 1,600 in the school year beginning in 2013 to just 251 arrests in the school year beginning in 2018.
Since then, school district data indicates the annual number of school-based arrests in Philadelphia has continued to decline—dropping to just 147 arrests in the school year that began in 2022. That’s a 91% reduction from the year before the program started.
We also investigated the number of serious behavioral incidents recorded in the school district in the program’s first five years. Those fell as well, suggesting that the diversion program effectively reduced school-based arrests without compromising school safety.
Additionally, data showed that city social workers successfully contacted the families of 74% of students diverted through the program during its first five years. Nearly 90% of these families accepted at least one referral to community-based programming, which includes services like academic support, job skill development, and behavioral health counseling...
Long-Term Outcomes
To evaluate a longer follow-up period, we compared the 427 students diverted in the program’s first year to the group of 531 students arrested before the program began. Results showed arrested students were significantly more likely to be arrested again in the following five years...
Finally, a cost-benefit analysis revealed that the program saves taxpayers millions of dollars.
Based on its success in Philadelphia, several other cities and counties across Pennsylvania have begun replicating the Police School Diversion Program. These efforts could further contribute to a nationwide movement to safely keep kids in their communities and out of the legal system."
-via Yes! Magazine, December 5, 2023
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justinspoliticalcorner · 30 days ago
Matthew Chapman at Raw Story:
President Donald Trump's new chair of the Federal Communications Commission is launching an investigation into National Public Radio and the Public Broadcasting Service, accusing them of illegally engaging in business advertisements, NPR itself reported on Thursday — a move that could lay the groundwork to yank federal funding from public broadcasting. Chairman Brendan Carr, a longtime GOP commissioner who was previously appointed by Trump as the FCC's general counsel and was involved in drafting Project 2025, wrote in his letter to NPR and PBS, "I am concerned that NPR and PBS broadcasts could be violating federal law by airing commercials. In particular, it is possible that NPR and PBS member stations are broadcasting underwriting announcements that cross the line into prohibited commercial advertisements." NPR and PBS, which are not directly run by the government but are regulated in such a way as to keep their content free and open to the public, cannot under law run commercial advertisements; they can obtain corporate sponsorships but are not allowed to specifically endorse the products or services from those companies on air. [...] A majority of NPR and PBS funding comes from corporate sponsorships, but they still rely substantially on federal funding. A lot of federal funding for public broadcasters comes not in the form of direct payments from Congress, but rather grants disbursed from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to local affiliate stations, who then in turn use the money to pay for programming from the public broadcasters.
Authoritarian FCC Chair Brendan Carr opens politically-motivated probe into PBS and NPR by falsely accusing them of “illegally” engaging in business advertisements. Carr is one of the many writers for Project 2025, a right-wing policy book by The Heritage Foundation.
See Also:
NPR: Trump's FCC chief opens investigation into NPR and PBS
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canmom · 7 months ago
Hello! I absolutely love your blog, everything from your festival recounts to animation analysis and programming (one of tumblr's recommended posts was the one where you made your own rasteriser, and I liked your attitude in what I've read so much that I'm gonna attempt to conquer my 3-year-long grudge against using opengl during college and do something similar now that I'm a bit older and have no deadlines :D).
But anyway, I have 2 questions (sorry if there's easily accessible answers, tumblr search is not helping): 1. During your animation nights, does the screen stay black while everyone watches their own video while you provide commentary? I haven't caught any yet but maybe someday! And 2. do you have any youtube channels or just one-off video essays that you like that also cover animation/directors? Or, even programming lol.
Sorry for the long ask have a nice day!
hiii! i'm very touched that you like my dorky eclectic blog <3
For the Animation Nights, I just stream the video over Twitch from local sources on my computer, typically by playing the video in mpv and recording it in OBS. This is obviously not ideal from a video quality perspective, but it's the easiest way to watch video in sync without making everyone download files in advance. Then we all chat in the Twitch chat box (in large part to crack stupid jokes, it's not that highbrow lmao). I've gotten away with it so far!
As for youtube channels, I can recommend...
anime production/history (i.e. sakuga fandom)
SteveM is likely the most sakuga-fan affiliated anituber. He makes long, well-researched and in-depth videos on anime history, usually themed around a particular director or studio.
Pyramid Inu might be my fave anituber - very thoughtful analysis of Gundam, obscure mecha anime and oldschool BL and similar topics. tremendously soothing voice too.
The Canipa Effect does excellent deep dives into the production of specific shows, both western and anime. I appreciate the respect he gives to the Korean animators of shows like AtlA in particular!
Sean Bires's 2013 presentation on sakuga is pretty foundational to this whole subcultural niche, and a great place to get an introduction to the major animator names to know and significant points in the history of anime. unfortunately a couple of the segments got slapped down by copyright but the rest holds up!
animation theory (for animators and aspirants)
I'm going to focus here on resources that are relevant to animation in general, and 2D animation. if I was going to list every Blender channel we'd be here all week :p
New Frame Plus is one of the best channels out there for game animation, describing in tightly edited videos how animation principles work in a game context and analysing the animation of various games. highly recommend
Videogame Animation Study is similar, examining the animation of specific games in detail
the 'twelve principles of animation' (defined by Disney's Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas) remain the standard approach to animation pedagogy; there are various videos on them, but Alan Becker (of Animator vs Animation) has quite a popular series. I haven't actually watched these but many people swear by them! Dermot O'Connor expands the list to 21. Note that some of the terminology can be a little inconsistent between different animators - c.f. 'secondary motion'...
Dong Chang is an animator at Studio NUT, who produces a lot of fantastic, succinct videos on standard techniques in the anime industry, timesheet notations, etc. etc. Studio Bulldog, a small anime studio, are a good complement; they focus more on douga than genga and are generally a bit more traditional.
big topic here, I'm going to focus on game dev and tech art since that's my field. but also some general compsci stuff that's neat
SimonDev - graphics programmer with a bunch of AAA experience, fantastic explanations of advanced optimisations and some of the more counterintuitive aspects of rendering
Acerola - graphics programmer who makes very detailed guides to a variety of effects with a very rapid and funny 'guy that has seen monogatari' editing style. When he's good, he's really good. His video on water is probably the best one I've seen (though I can recommend a couple of others).
TodePond - the most charming, musical videos about recursion and cellular automata you've ever seen. less programming tutorial and more art in themselves.
Ben Eater - known for his breadboard computer series, a fantastic demonstration of how to go from logic gates up to the 6502 with actual hardware. worth watching just for how clean he puts the wires on his breadboards like goddamn man
Sebastian Lague, Useless Game Dev - both do 'coding adventure' style videos where they spend a few weeks on some project and then document it on Youtube, resulting in a huge library of videos about all sorts of fascinating techniques. great to dive into
Freya Holmér - creator of the 'shapes' library, makes videos on mathematical programming, with gorgeously animated vector graphics. Her video on splines is a particular treat.
There are definitely many more channels I can recommend on these subjects, but I'll need to dig into my history a bit - unfortunately I need to rush out right now, but hopefully that should be good to be getting going with!
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dcdreamblog · 1 month ago
I think I see why people are so sure there's more than what you're mentioning with the Metal Men. Reading through some online sources I'm wondering if you can confirm for me the existence of any of these robots that seem to be made in the style of the Metal Men, without necessarily being affiliated
The Robots of Terror
Uranium and Aganthia
The Second Metal Men(such a creative name)
The Metal Women(Wonder if this crew might have just been multiversal travelers)
The All New Metal Men(which might have included Copper?)
Ok well these ones are going to have to be much briefer than I usually like to do my full rundowns considering the quantity you asked for. Unless someone wants a fully explanation of something I talk about here. So, in order and to give you the basics. 1. The Robots of Terror
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(Recreations of the Robots of Terror, housed inside Dr Magnus' personal lab in Hoboken, New Jersey. Barium, Aluminum, Calcium, Zirconium, Sodium and Plutonium) The Robots of Terror were created by an evil robot duplicate of Dr. Magnus. Holding an unhealthy obsession over Tina the Magnus duplicate attempted to use these terrible tinker toys to abduct her and hold the world to ransom with Plutonium's radioactive potential.
2. Uranium and Agantha
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(Inert duplicates of the pair, also on display in Dr Magnus' home laboratory) Uranium was the original test case for the creation of the Metal Men. However the dangerous radioactivity of his material produced a toxic and thuggish personality. Reawakened by an experiment Uranium created Agantha (Silver) as a female counterpart. Seemingly defeating the Metal Men and holding Magnus hostage to create a weapon of mass destruction until the Atom was able to reactive the Metal Men who out fought their two prototype "siblings" and deactivated them one again.
3. I can't really find any specific information about a group calling itself "The Second Metal Men" but if anybody has any interest in what this is referring to, please let me know so I can sniff in the right direction.
4. The "Metal Women" were an ultimately tragic and short lived attempt to create better companionship and a wider mix of gender expression for the Metal Men as a group as Dr. Magnus was worried that his robotic children were becoming poorly socialized having only himself, one another and Tina for company at that time. While the Metal Men themselves saw these Metal Women as romantic targets that wasn't originally the idea, or at least not all of it. While they were effective in the field and may have proven to have some ability in their true social task, they were lost during their first real mission with the group, both their bodies and the Responsometers that contained their personalities. 5. The All New Metal Men
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(An image of this "All New" Metal Men team released by the US Military's applied robotics program. Left to right, Magnesium, Silicon, Copper, Lithium, Aluminum and Zircon) These "All New" Metal Men were neither new nor meant to stand much on their own. They were created by a military engineer named Dr. Chantilly Lace in order to try and corral the real Metal Men and Dr Magnus into playing ball with the US government. This "Copper" is not the same one who is one of Dr. Magnus' actual children but rather a "creation" of Dr. Lace (I say "creation" in that tone because she didn't actually create them herself, simply taking 6 responsometers Magnus had already created and applying them to the metallic solution that makes up the Metal Men's bodies) Most of them, save for Copper, are not longer functional if their Responsometers even still exist and Dr Magnus has said that the particular insult of this little scheme was making one of the robots Copper because the "name" was "up for grabs" (IE, they no longer saw the actual Copper of having any rights to her own identity because she wasn't acting as a superhuman asset the military could co opt)
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thebiscuiteternal · 6 months ago
Could you explain more about the WIC shrinkflation issue? I was advised to apply for the program and now I'm worried about the complications.
Sure thing.
For starters, while WIC is a national program, states can and do implement certain aspects of it differently, so disclaimer that this is coming from a Tennessee viewpoint.
Okay, so.
WIC (Women Infants Children) vouchers are designed to help make sure that babies and toddlers are getting enough nutrition during early development. It usually runs alongside food stamps, but sometimes someone might be eligible for food stamps, but not WIC, or vise versa.
For infants -> pre-solid-food toddlers, it covers formula and baby food, and for pregnant mothers and/or toddlers eating solid foods, it usually covers fruits, vegetables, and certain staple foods.
WIC vouchers are very specific about what you can get with them, especially when it comes to baby food. They will label
Brands (Usually Gerber, Beech Nut, or other approved affiliate brands)
Formula varieties (usually high-vitamin)
Food type (Typically no mixed flavors, i.e. you can get jars of spinach and jars of turkey, but not a jar of blended spinach and turkey. This also trips up a lot of first-timers.)
Age (Baby foods typically come in development stages, so the vouchers will usually say whether you can have Stage 1, stage 2, etc)
Packaging (Whether it has to be glass jars or you can substitute with the mini plastic tubs. Usually pouch foods are not allowed)
Number (i.e. 12 jars of pureed meats or what have you)
Weight (boxes of baby cereals like oatmeal or rice, the size of the formula cans, or the size of the jars)
Some foods will specify whether or not it has to be organic
(Note: The local WIC offices used to send a pamphlet with the vouchers that included pictures of particular packaging to help ESL recipients, but with companies changing the look of their packaging too frequently, this has stopped in a lot of places.)
So, already a lot to look out for, yeah? And weight is usually where things get fucked. As I said in the previous post, companies (especially Gerber) have a really irritating habit where they will up and change the actual weight of the product without informing the WIC office of the change in time for the next round of vouchers (if they bother to inform them at all, instead of the WIC office having to contact them due to complaints). But of course the store knows about the change due to their inventory programs.
As a result, you'll either get:
A: The parent who has already been through this shit and now tries to verify the labels and is upset because they can't find the box with the correct ounce amount anymore (because it no longer exists).
B: The parent who hasn't been through this shit yet and grabbed the same box they got the month previously and is unaware it's now the wrong box until the register refuses to apply it to their monthly voucher.
C: The cashier who has to deal with this day in and day out and is just as frustrated as the parents, especially if they don't have enough experience to know this is the companies' fault, not the parents'.
I should also note that this has been a problem for a long time. It was already happening back when I was still working. But at least back then, you could count on at least 8 months (or even a couple of years) between sizing incidents, whereas Post-Covid, it's accelerated to practically a fuckup (or more) a month. If this month, it's the cereal, next month, it's the formula, etc. A neverending carousel of corporate bullshit. And the companies don't care, because they've already gotten their government subsidy for participating in the program at all, and if the parents have to pay out of pocket for the things the vouchers no longer cover that month, that's just more profit for the company.
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nhaneh · 2 months ago
so the other week my secondary PC had yet another one of those full screen "We're ending support for Windows 10 soon you need to upgrade to a more modern PC to support Windows 11" ads show up and feeling particularly annoyed with that kind of bullshit at the time I decided to have a peek into task manager to see if I could find out what particular executable was behind this bullshit and whether I could do something about it, and well...
It turns out this is all run by one of the four executables that Windows update has sneakily decided to install under /Program Files/RUXIM/, notably either RUXIMICS.exe or RUXIMH.exe
Okay so what does this RUXIM stuff actually do? That's... good question - according to their file properties metadata, and Microsoft, and just about every place on the web i could find, they are part of the Reusable UX Interaction Manager, and are used by Windows Update and is supposedly used to collect data to "keep Windows up to date and performing properly."
There's apparently a number of people who are very insistent on that being the full, entire, and absolute truth of it and anyone questioning why it is there, what it does, or wanting to be rid of it is a complete fool. And also that your Windows PC will quickly and hopelessly degrade in performance, become unstable and break down if you're dumb enough to delete it. Apparently.
But like... why exactly should we be taking Microsoft at their word about any of this, again? You know, the same company who have been actively lying about the hardware requirements of Windows 11 seeing how they allow some of their larger customers to entirely circumvent it? The same company who came up with Windows Recall and still intends to roll out some version of it basically as soon as they can get away with it?
Do these people also genuinely believe it whenever a website shows a popup to tell you how much they care about your privacy even as they ask you to please click that big shiny button to allow them and their affiliates to track your browsing to the maximal extent possible?
Companies lie to you. Silicon valley lies to you. Even your favourites lie to you.
Anyway I decided to forcibly replace all four executables in the RUXIM folder with a tiny little program I built that basically just writes an entry to a log text file listing what date and time it was loaded and what arguments was passed to it and Windows Update is still working so far ¯\_(���)_/¯
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scottoro-ramblings · 25 days ago
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I've been working on a series of tarot card illustrations for the various fantasy races in Dungeon Meshi (I'll post all of eventually) which accompanies mechanics I made to play them in the fantastic indie TTRPG His Majesty the Worm. Each of the Kiths (basically races) in that game come with a few pages of lore about thier culture, so I've also basically interpolated the official lore into a something that works like that for each race, which I'm attaching to each image in this series
In cases like the kobolds where the official lore is pretty light a lot of it is wild speculation. I'm curious what people think, so if you read the section below and have any suggestions or notice any lore inconsistencies let me know!
Pushed to the margins and left to fight for scraps, most kobolds live harsh lives in the Western Continents wastelands. But better to live free than die a slave.
Across the Northern and Eastern Continents there are rumors of a kingdom of talking dogs, and in major ports of these far off places you might even see one of these dog men, tied up in a slaver’s cart or bound in service to a noble with a flair for the exotic. In their homelands of the western continent kobolds are far more common, but still massively outnumbered by tall-men.
Never holding an empire of their own, kobold history, as told in howling sagas under the harsh desert sky, is one of desperate defense and bitter resistance against encroaching human nations. While their chances would be better if they could stand united against their neighbors, kobold society is built around familial clans to which fierce loyalty is the norm, making any greater organization difficult. Especially given that many clans have gotten used to enriching themselves by selling captives from rival clans to slavers.
Origins of Kobolds
Most kobold clans worship some form of the Moonmother, a goddess of light who was said to have given souls to the loyal wolves who guarded her as she shepherded the stars across the sky. With these souls kobolds learned to sing and teach, and could stand equal to the other races.
Naturally this explanation is given little credence among human scholars. Instead they compare the demi-human kobolds to the demi-human monsters that roam dungeons, like fishmen and mermaids, supposing that they were also made by magic in the ancient past and merely escaped into wider world. This conveniently means they’d have no true homeland, further justifying removing them from any contested areas.
Desirable Captives
While the near constant border skirmishes ensured that kobolds were always featured in slave markets, the last several decades have seen increased demand. A well disciplined kobold can be cute and exotic addition to a nobles retinue, with their variety in coat color allowing one to selected for particular styles to to match a beloved family dog. Kobold’s difficulty speaking the Common Tongue is widely considered a benefit as it makes it more difficult for them to conspire with other slaves. Even kobolds who are too old or strong-willed to obey are desired as gladiators, as they always put on an impressive show, fighting tooth and nail once their weapons fail them.
Places which have long have long kept kobold slaves have even started breeding them to suit certain tasks, or meet particular fashions. Despite the health problems these breeding programs can cause, these “domesticated” kobold lineages are highly desirable in the markets. After all a decade less of service is a small price to pay for style and obedience.
Kobold Names
Kobold names tend to relatively short, with sounds that are easy for them to pronounce. Because most humans do not understand Kobold, kobolds in their societies are normally given names which are easier for them to remember and pronounce. While kobolds have names for their clans, they do not introduce themselves with clan names like tall-men do with surnames, showing clan affiliation primarily with clothing style and fragrances.
Personal Names
Adara, Anat, Gefen, Jawdat, Karam, Liron, Lishan, Moran, Ohpir, Ravid, Rotem, Safa, Shamira, Shams, Shav, Simcha,Tamar, Yodan
Assigned Names
Bandit, Bard, Bear, Brute, Chips, Daisy, Hunter, Jaws, Kuro, Leo, Luna, Maron, Maru, Pochi, Quiet, Shadow, Snow, Spot, Velvet
Clan Names
Aidi, Barak, Borz, Colli, Cuvac, Dachs, Dain, Hygen, Laika, Lobito, Malakli, Pila, Saluki, Shai, Shar, Shiba, Tang, Tazi, Tosa, Vizsla
Kobold Kin
Kobolds have largely similar strengths and struggles across their entire population, but do vary significantly in both build and coat. There is incredible variation among them, but they fall into one of the following five categories.
The northernmost group of kobolds on the continent, the Brushwood kobolds inhabit a dry forest where they live as semi-nomadic hunters. Brushwood kobolds have the largest variation in size, and a sizable dewlap which resembles a ruff around their neck. Some clans who live higher up into the mountains have thicker coats to protect them during frigid nights.
Despite living at a subtropical latitude frostridge kobolds dwell in high altitude mountains where heavy snowfall is common. They have sharp wolf-like features and thick coats that offer good insulation during storms. After a difficult past, this group of kobolds has a better relationship with their neighbors than most, and they often ferry messages and supplies from the central coast to inland settlements over the snowy mountains.
The largest group in terms of area controlled, though not population, the sandsea kobolds live in the vast interior desert. Tall for kobolds but whip thin, sandsea kobolds can race across dunes and drylands at impressive speed even without horses.
While historically composed of feuding nomadic clans, 30 years ago they were united by Sultana Shamira of clan Tazi. So far the kingdom of Ardtazi has been stable, thanks to royal warriors keeping a strong boot on clan politics, if not particularly tolerant. The kingdom has recently sent messengers to clans across the western continent offering protection and unity in exchange for tribute, an offer which is being seriously considered.
The southernmost kobold kin, and the only one to hold a coastal territory, midgemire kobolds live as fishermen, lagoon farmers and hunters in a vast swampland. The region is host to swarms of biting flies, but kobolds are able to weather them due to their innate disease resistance. Midgemire kobolds tend to be small, with thin coats, or for a few isolated clans no fur at all.
Due to plentiful fishing and the protection afforded by the insect swarms, this swamp is host to the only proper kobold city. Razrani is a deary place, built on wooden pylons driven into the mud and said to be host to every illness known to human-kind. But it’s also the only place to resupply along the midgemire coast, so business is good. The sailors rarely stay, but that’s how the locals like it.
Kobolds which are the product of generations of slave breeding vary dramatically in build and coat, but free kobolds say they all have an unsettling doughy look around their eyes. What portion of that is genetic and what portion is just the obedience conditioning is anyone’s guess.
Most of these domesticated kobolds pride themselves on their service, and look down on free kobolds. Free kobolds view them as tragic deranged beings, to the point that they kill any encountered during their border conflicts, viewing that as a mercy compared to continued servitude. “Feral” domesticated kobolds, who escaped on their own volition, are given more respect, but still generally considered mind-sick and treated more like pups within kobold society.
*Below are the His Majesty the Worm Game Mechanics, so if you are just here for the headcanon feel free to stop*
Kin Talent: Dogged Resistance
Adapted to deal with the multitude of poisonous beasts and venomous serpents that call the western badlands home, Kobolds are functionally immune to most natural poisons.
You cannot be poisoned or suffer additional wounds from venomous attacks. Additionally you get one free charge whenever you take the rest and recover camp action to cure a non-magical affliction.
Kobolds gain arete by performing the following deeds:
Freeing a captive
Defeating an extremely dangerous foe with teamwork
Having a song composed in your honor
When a kobold accomplishes all three arete triggers, they gain the following talent:
Kobold arete talent: Packbond
Kobolds fight best and fiercest when they have trustworthy allies by their side. In a challenge you can spend a swords challenge card as a minor action to have a guild mate attack, and they can spend their swords challenge cards to have you attack, provided your bond with each other is charged. When you do so you can burn the bond to give your guild-mate’s attack favor.
Kobold role-playing concepts
Kobolds inhabit a world which they know views them as lesser. Some kobolds internalize this.
Many humans think kobolds are cute because of their dog-like features.
Kobolds struggle to speak most human languages, and tend to speak in broken phases even if they can understand it well. This causes many to underestimate their intellect.
The kingdom of Ardtazi offers a chance for kobolds to stand on equal footing to humans, provided they submit to Shamira’s rule. If this kingdom will survive beyond it’s now elderly founder, or if her tyranny is preferable to that of non-kobolds, is a matter of debate.
Most kobolds do not choose to leave their homelands and clans, and fewer still would choose to join outsiders on their quests
Did you choose this life?
What do you think of the clan you left behind?
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eretzyisrael · 6 months ago
Its resident handbook says that its facilities and programs cannot 
•  Partner or work with individuals, organizations, or movements that seek to create a combative political environment, impose one particular political or religious agenda as the truth, or whose core values, strategies, or tactics include antagonizing those with different political views, Jewish people, or Jewish organizations. • Act as a platform or tool (at Moishe House programs or through Moishe House affiliated social media accounts) to impose personal religious or political views on participants or the community. • Endorse, advocate, or serve as a platform for physical harm to Israelis or deny Israel’s right to exist as a secure, democratic Jewish state, including support for or participation in the BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanction) movement.
Kleinman violates Moishe House's written policies.
She is a member of Jewish Voice for Peace Rabbinical Council.. This disqualifies her from any role in a Zionist organization. Indeed the only reason she could want to be a member of such an organization without being a hypocrite would be to poison it from the inside. After all,  JVP supports BDS. JVP has supported Hamas, saying kaddish for terrorists and sponsoring events that called October 7 "resistance" an "self defense."
Even in this video, Kleinman calls Israel's actions in Gaza "genocide."  If you ask her whether Israel has a right to exist as a Jewish state, you can be sure her answer would be no.
The Washington Post does not see that as a reason that she might be fired from a Zionist organization. It didn't even ask Moishe House for their side of the story.  Instead, it takes her at her word that she was fired because she advocates for a ceasefire. 
Why bother checking out the facts, when everyone at the WaPo knows that Zionist Jews are just that evil?
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equus-sims · 1 year ago
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It's official! We've launched our first community gameplay feature.
The Equus-Sims Licensed Breeder Program is an optional gameplay experience for Equus-Sims and surrounding equestrian communities. If you’re passionate about a particular breed and want to build your reputation as a breeder, then this was made especially for you!
This gameplay framework is open to all equestrian simmers and works across different servers and communities. 🥳 You can participate no matter where you like to play the most!
Links & Resources
Official Gameplay Guide: Forum Masterpost | Docs Edition (Mobile friendly version)
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Join us on Discord to share your updates, promote your program, or post program-related ads in our Breeder Bulletin!
Program Enrollment
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sostar252 · 1 year ago
How to make money online?
Making money online involves various methods, depending on your skills, interests, and resources. Here are some popular ways to make money online:
Freelancing: Offer your skills and services on freelance platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr. Common freelance jobs include writing, graphic design, programming, digital marketing, and virtual assistance.
Online Tutoring or Coaching: If you have expertise in a particular subject or skill, you can offer tutoring or coaching services through platforms like Tutor.com, Chegg Tutors, or Skillshare.
E-commerce: Start an online store to sell products. You can create your own e-commerce website using platforms like Shopify or sell on established marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, or Etsy.
Affiliate Marketing: Promote products or services and earn a commission for each sale made through your referral link. Join affiliate programs of companies in your niche or use affiliate networks like Amazon Associates, ClickBank, or ShareASale.
Content Creation: Monetize your content by creating a blog, YouTube channel, podcast, or social media presence. You can earn money through advertising, sponsorships, affiliate marketing, or selling digital products.
Online Surveys and Market Research: Participate in online surveys, focus groups, or market research studies to earn rewards or cash. Websites like Swagbucks, Survey Junkie, and UserTesting offer opportunities for paid surveys and testing products.
Dropshipping: Start a dropshipping business where you sell products to customers without holding inventory. When a customer makes a purchase, you purchase the product from a third party who then ships it directly to the customer.
Stock Photography: If you have photography skills, you can sell your photos online to stock photography websites like Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, or Getty Images.
Virtual Events and Webinars: Host virtual events, workshops, or webinars on topics you're knowledgeable about and charge attendees for access.
Online Courses and Digital Products: Create and sell online courses, eBooks, templates, or digital downloads on platforms like Udemy, Teachable, or Gumroad.
Remember that success in making money online often requires patience, persistence, and continuous learning. It's essential to choose methods that align with your skills and interests and to be wary of scams or get-rich-quick schemes promising unrealistic returns.
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blockchainxtech · 1 month ago
Top 6 Cryptocurrency Exchange Clone Scripts you should know in 2025
In thi Article about Top 6 Cryptocurrency Exchange Clone Scripts you should know in 2025, Read it out.
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What is Cryptocurrency Exchange
To purchase, sell, or trade cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin, you go to an online marketplace called a cryptocurrency exchange. Cryptocurrency exchanges work much like stock exchanges, except instead of issuing or trading stocks, you trade digital currencies.
In simple terms, it’s where Buyers and sellers meet to exchange cryptocurrencies. You can buy cryptocurrency with ordinary money (such as dollars or euros) or swap one cryptocurrency for another. Some exchanges allow you to store your crypto in secure wallets held on the platform.
There are two main types:
Centralized exchanges (CEX)
Decentralized exchanges (DEX)
What is Cryptocurrency Exchange Clone Script
The Cryptocurrency Exchange Clone Script is a ready-made program that simulates the technical features and functionality of popular cryptocurrency exchanges such as Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, or Bitfinex. Compared to developing from scratch, the clone scripts significantly ease and shorten the time required to set up a cryptocurrency exchange network for an aspiring entrepreneur and firms.
These sort of scripts are somewhat equipped with all the basic features to run a cryptocurrency exchange, like user account management, wallet integration, order book, trading engine, liquidity management, and options for secure payment gateways. The whole idea of a clone script is to give you something out-of-the-box that can be customized, thus allowing you to skip the whole painful development process but still be able to modify the script to suit your needs.
Top 6 Cryptocurrency Exchange Clone Scripts
There are many clone scripts for cryptocurrency exchange development, but here are the top 6 of the cryptocurrency exchange clone script.
Binance clone script
Coinbase Clone Script
Kucoin Clone Script
Paxful Clone Script
WazirX clone script
FTX Clone Script
Binance clone script
A Binance clone script is a Pre-made software that is almost ready for use to create your own cryptocurrency exchange platform, along the way simulating Binance, one of the largest and most popular exchanges in the world. This “clone” is a reapplication of some of the features and functionality of Binance, but it can allow for some level of customization depending upon your particular brand and need.
Key Features:
User Registration and Login
Multi-Currency Support
Trading Engine
Multi-Layer Security
Admin Dashboard
Wallet Integration
KYC/AML Compliance
Liquidity Management
Mobile Compatibility
Referral and Affiliate Program
Trading Fees and Commission Management
Live Market Charts and Trading Tools
Coinbase clone script:
The Coinbase clone script is a ready-made solution that allows you to set up a cryptocurrency exchange platform exhibiting features and functionalities similar to the world’s most popular and user-friendly crypto exchange, Coinbase. These scripts are bundled with all the necessary features to run an exchange while still offering ample customization to cater to your branding and business requirements.
Key Features:
User Registration and Account Management
Fiat and Crypto Support
Secure Wallet Integration
Quick Buy/Sell Functionality
Multiple Payment Methods
P2P Trading
Admin Dashboard
Launchpad Functionality
Staking Feature
KYC/AML Compliance
API Integration
Kucoin Clone Script
A KuCoin clone script is a ready-made software solution replicating all functional attributes and operational features of the KuCoin, which can also be customized according to your brand name and business requirement specifications. Fast and feasible for launching your crypto exchange, the idea is to save yourself from the headaches of developing everything from scratch.
Key Features:
Spot trading
Margin trading
Future trading
Crypto derivatives
Advanced security transactions
Escrow protection
User registration
Wallet integration
Advanced analytics
Currency converter
Paxful clone script
A Paxful clone script is a ready-Made platform for opening a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchange for users to trade Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies directly among themselves without any intermediaries. The script replicates the core features of Paxful operated using its server; you can customize it to your brand and business needs.
Key Features:
Secured Escrow Service
Multi Payment Processing
BUY/SELL Ad posting
Real-Time Data
Referrals & Gift Card options
Multi Language Support
Online/Offline Trading
Cold/Offline Wallet Support
FTX Clone Script
An FTX clone script is a ready-made software solution that will allow you to set up your own cryptocurrency exchange like FTX, which was formerly one of the largest crypto exchanges globally before going under in 2022. This script mimics the core features of FTX, such as spot trading, derivatives, margin trading, token offering, etc., so that you can fast-track the launch and operations of your own exchange with customizable branding and features.
Key Features:
Derivatives Trading
Leveraged Tokens
Spot Trading
User-Friendly Interface
KYC/AML Compliance
Staking Functionality
WazirX clone script
A WazirX Clone Script is a pre-made software solution for the creation of your cryptocurrency exchange platform akin to WazirX, one of the top cryptocurrency exchanges in India. The clone script replicating the essential elements, functionality, and WazirX’s user experience enables you to swiftly put together a fully fledged cryptocurrency exchange that would accept a number of digital assets and trading features.
Key Features:
Escrow protection
KYC approval
Trading bots
User-friendly interface
Stunning User Dashboard
SMS Integration
Multiple Payment Methods
Multiple Language Support
Benefits of Using Cryptocurrency Exchange Clone Scripts
The use of a cryptocurrency exchange cloning script entails great advantages, particularly if one is keen on starting an exchange without having to do the full development from scratch. Below, I have listed the primary advantages of using cryptocurrency exchange cloning scripts:
Quick and Profitable Launch
Proven Model
Customizable Features
Multi-Currency and Multi-Language Support
Low Development Cost
Continuous Support and Updates
Why Choose BlockchainX for Cryptocurrency Exchange clone script
In the opinion of an entrepreneur set to develop a secure, scalable, and feature-loaded cryptocurrency exchange clone script, BlockchainX is the best bet. Since BlockchainX provides a full-fledged solution that replicates the features of flagship cryptocurrency exchanges such as Binance, Coinbase, and WazirX, the entrepreneur gets all the additional features required practically out of the box. With the addition of certain basic offerings such as spot trading, margin trading, and peer-to-peer (P2P) capabilities along with more advanced ones like liquidity management and derivatives trading, BlockchainX provides a holistic set of solutions to carve out an exchange rightly fitted for newbies and pros alike.
In conclusion, the Top 6 Cryptocurrency Exchange Clone Scripts in 2025 are high-powered and feature-rich solutions which any enterprising spirit would find indispensable if they were to enter the crypto market very quickly and efficiently. Whether it be a Binance clone, Coinbase clone, or WazirX clone-these scripts offer dynamic functionalities that enhance trading engines, wallets, KYC/AML compliance, and various security attributes.
Choosing the right clone script, such as those provided by BlockchainX or other reputable providers, will give you a strong foundation for success in the dynamic world of cryptocurrency exchanges.
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justinspoliticalcorner · 1 month ago
Dan Friedman and David Corn at Mother Jones:
When Robert F. Kennedy Jr. set out in late 2021 to hawk a conspiracy theory-drenched book attacking Anthony Fauci for his work to limit the spread of infectious diseases, he ran into a problem. Mainstream TV networks weren’t interested, due to Kennedy’s penchant for spreading falsehoods about childhood vaccinations, Covid, and other topics. “Nobody would put him on at that time,” a person who has worked with Kennedy said. “He wasn’t newsworthy, and this was not a subject anyone would talk about.” Thwarted, Kennedy went where his conspiracy theorizing was welcome. The longtime Democrat appeared on far-right Newsmax and One America News Network. He was also welcomed on the even more extreme Infowars, which was run by veteran conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who has peddled outrageous lies, including the notion that the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting that left 20 elementary school students and six educators dead was a hoax.
In a December 2, 2021, interview—conducted by Infowars host Kristi Leigh—Kennedy, in a rambling statement, seemed to liken mask mandates to policies imposed by “Hitler when he went into Romania and Czechoslovakia and Poland.” Kennedy also claimed he was working with unnamed prosecutors to ensure Fauci and others could be “brought to justice” for unspecified crimes. He complained that the New York Times bestseller list was falsely crediting actor Will Smith’s memoir with outselling his book. “That’s another indicia of censorship,” Kennedy said.
Kennedy did not appear again on the program, but this interview was part of an ongoing relationship between Jones and Kennedy. Jones has been heaping praise on Kennedy ever since, and Infowars has extensively promoted Kennedy’s book. Del Bigtree, a prominent anti-vax activist who served as a spokesman for Kennedy’s 2024 presidential campaign and who continues to advise him, has also appeared on Infowars, including a late-October appearance in which Jones interviewed him. Kennedy’s far-right book tour preceded the famous scion’s well-known journey from Democrat to independent to McDonald’s-clutching MAGA loyalist. Along the way, Kennedy cozied up to prominent Trumpists, including Steve Bannon and Tucker Carlson. In July 2021, Kennedy spoke at an event held by the Christian nationalist Reawaken America, and afterwards posed with MAGA stalwarts Michael Flynn and Roger Stone. Mother Jones obtained a picture of the meeting.
These ties may feel like old news, especially after a long parade of weird and troubling revelations about Kennedy—his brainworm, his fondness for messing with animal corpses, his supposed sexting stamina, his suggestion that vaccine foes have it worse than Anne Frank, even an allegation of sexual assault. And Kennedy’s endorsement of Donald Trump, who he once had blasted as a “terrible president,” certainly overshadowed his previous dabbling with MAGA extremists. But Trump’s nomination of Kennedy as Health and Human Services Secretary means his associations face new scrutiny. Two separate Senate panels—the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee and the Finance Committee—are planing to hold hearings on his potential appointment. Only the Finance Committee will vote on the nomination; if successful in that committee, Kennedy would then face a vote in the full Senate. Kennedy’s willingness to affiliate with fringe figures, in particular Jones, is among among the issues Democrats plan to scrutinize, according to Senate aides. GOP senators, on the other hand, are more likely to take issue with Kennedy’s past support for abortion rights.
Mother Jones takes a look at RFK Jr.’s long history of cozying up with far-right conspiracist Alex Jones and his InfoWars outlet.
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randomvarious · 4 months ago
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Today's compilation:
Rare on Air, Volume 1: Live Performances 1994 Singer-Songwriter / Acoustic / Adult Alternative / Alternative Rock
MTV Unplugged, the TV program and album series that casted popular musicians in much more intimate, stripped-down, and acoustic lights, ended up leaving such a big, indelible mark on the 90s that it appeared to spawn a couple other important things as well: one, the female-centered Lilith Fair singer-songwriter boom, and two, an onslaught of radio station compilations.
Pretty much any radio station that was worth their salt during this time period got in the habit of putting out CDs and cassettes that contained performances by artists that were recorded live on air from their own studio. And because most of those studios tended to be relatively cramped, artists were forced to usually just bring in an acoustic guitar and sing.
And sometimes this ended up yielding pretty terrific results. A popular band with a big, catchy hit would stroll in to promote their concert date in town and then they'd play this different version of their song live on air. And if you were a big enough fan of them, you'd have to get your hands on that performance, which radio stations would make easy by including on their own CDs.
But another thing that made these particular CDs extra special is how regionally exclusive they were too. If a band performed live on air for some radio station in Colorado, the likelihood that you'd be able to find it on CD in Pennsylvania would be close to nil. Only record shops within the station's own broadcasting radius would typically stock their shelves with these ephemeral releases, which means that there are probably literally thousands of albums out there, from a long list of different locales, that contain one-of-a-kind, live on-air performances by acts who were popular enough to be invited to go on these radio stations in the first place—a total goldmine to be plundered by someone like me, who has a handful of these types of releases in their own collection from all across the country already 😊.
And all that context now brings us to today's compilation, the first installment in the Santa Monica-based KCRW's Rare on Air series, which makes a bunch of recordings that'd been performed live on air in their own studios up until 1994 a whole lot more accessible than they previously had been. As one of NPR's most well-known affiliates—I have no idea what my own local NPR station's call letters are, by the way 😅—I'm not sure that this series' distribution was limited to just its own broadcast radius, because the North Carolina-based indie stalwart Mammoth Records was the label that actually put this album out. And because the KCRW brand is so revered and recognizable, I have a feeling that this album was sold in plenty of other places outside of southern California too, but I can't say that I know for sure.
But anyway, regardless of how rare and exclusive this album may have been, there's still a pretty formidable list of acts on it, most of whom hail from those adjoined NPR-appealing worlds of singer-songwriter, adult alternative, Americana, roots, and alternative country. We've got Tori Amos, John Cale, Nick Cave, Juliana Hatfield, Beck, Los Lobos, Lucinda Williams, Natalie Merchant, Lindsey Buckingham from Fleetwood Mac, and even co-ed LA punk legends X too.
But guess what? Despite all that apparent starpower, this album actually manages to falter; which really begs the question that rolls around in my mind from time to time: was the 'unplugged' era actually a net good? Because, sure, it'd naturally produce more alternative versions of songs, which record labels would pounce on to sell even more music; and sure, you'd ostensibly get to hear an artist pour more of their 'soul' into their stuff too. But does that really make the song better than the original studio version that came with a whole lot more fuss on it? It's hard to say, but an album like this would seem to suggest, no, not really 🤷‍♂️.
But still, it's not all bad. Lindsey Buckingham sports a hushed, tender voice and picks at his guitar strings unlike anyone else does on this entire album with the folky "Never Going Back Again;" Brendan Perry from Dead Can Dance provides some very full and warm strumming on "The Captive Heart," as his voice comes with some affective reverb on it too; and Natalie Merchant, who'd recently departed popular alt rock band 10,000 Maniacs, indicates the direction in which her own solo sound was heading with the heartstring-tugging and piano-led "How You've Grown," the original version of which appeared on her final album with the band, 1992's Our Time in Eden. Even after she'd left 10KM, their unplugged cover of Bruce Springsteen and Patti Smith's "Because the Night" would deliver them their biggest ever hit, with a peak at #11 on the Billboard Hot 100 in '94, and that success might've helped to solidify her own push towards more of a singer-songwriter style even further. A few years after that, she'd also end up gracing us with one of the single-biggest songs to ever come out of that massive adult alternative/female singer-songwriter era as a whole: "Kind & Generous"—to which I guess I'm bound to say, 'thank you, thank you; thank you, thank you; thank you, thank you; thank you, thank you...'
So, I guess if you were a stan of any of these artists to the point of being a total completist, you'd have to buy this album on the spot if you'd ever come cross it. However, while there are a lot of notably talented names that're sure to have the NPR set classing this album as an instant cop, I'd probably advise them to hold off, because unfortunately, even though these performances are pretty rare and exclusive, I don't think very much of them are actually all that interesting. And actually, maybe this album wasn't as widely distributed as I think it might've been, because for the few highlights that I came across, I can't find two out of three on them on YouTube. And for acts like Lindsey Buckingham and Natalie Merchant/10,000 Maniacs, who've had pretty big and dedicated fanbases over the years, I'm pretty surprised that that's currently the case 😯.
Lindsey Buckingham - "Never Going Back Again" Brendan Perry - "The Captive Heart" Natalie Merchant - "How You've Grown"
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hafsahussein · 2 years ago
How to make money online
There are many ways to make money online, and the best method for you will depend on your skills, interests, and the amount of time you have available. Here are some ideas:
Freelancing: If you have a particular skill such as writing, graphic design, programming, or social media management, you can offer your services as a freelancer on platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr.
Online surveys: You can earn money by completing online surveys on platforms such as Swagbucks, Survey Junkie, or Vindale Research.
Selling products online: You can sell products on online marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, or Etsy.
Affiliate marketing: You can earn a commission by promoting other people's products on your website or social media platforms.
Online tutoring: If you have expertise in a particular subject, you can offer online tutoring services on platforms such as Chegg or TutorMe.
Blogging: If you enjoy writing and have a particular area of interest, you can start a blog and earn money through advertising, affiliate marketing, or sponsored content.
Online courses: If you have expertise in a particular area, you can create and sell online courses on platforms such as Udemy or Coursera.
Stock trading: You can invest in stocks and trade them online through platforms such as Robinhood or E*TRADE.
Remember that making money online requires hard work, dedication, and patience. It's important to do your research and choose a method that aligns with your skills and interests.
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rubykgrant · 1 year ago
(it wouldn't be an interview with a Q and A! Enjoy Sarge being Sarge~)
Q- What did you know about Blood Gulch before you arrived there?
A- I knew it had BLOOD in the name, which was a fitting title for my red-blooded Red Team. I knew there was an opposing Blue Team waiting for us. I knew we had to guard our flag, and kill anything that wasn’t Red, or the approved affiliated colors. I knew… this was supposed to be a special assignment, pretty top-secret, and I wasn’t supposed to discuss that fact with anybody not in-the-know. I guess that was one of the ways the UNSC tricked us all into keeping quiet about what was going on, so nobody would realize it was all just- just a big simulation. Oh, well. Hindsight, 50-50.
I knew I was supposed to have two soldiers with me from the get-go, but there was some kinda mix-up. Figures Grif would be late, but you’d think Simmons would try to be on time! Which for him, is 20 minutes early! So, I had some time to m’self at the base for a while. No big deal, I kept busy! Found some spare parts and a robot kit at the base, and with a little imagination, duct-tape, and Chemical X, Lopez was born!
Q- Did you have a particular purpose or goal in mind when you first created Lopez?
A- Eh, just wanted to make a decent soldier in case the human ones I got stuck with were lack-luster… I might have had a real premonition about that. Though, I did remove a lot of the restrictions on Lopez’s programming. Laws of robotics be damned, my boy was gonna be able to advance his own internal processing capabilities without limits!
Huh. Come t’think of it… I’m not sure if he was ONLY loyal out of obligation to follow orders… the robot kit didn’t have the usual virtual locks built in, I guess because it was meant to be a spare for the computer ghost who forgot he was a computer ghost. The robot would have needed to accommodate for the decision-making of an AI like that. And if I turned off all the protocols that contained the advancements of internal capabilities…
I, uh. Might have accidentally made a robot with free will, but I never TOLD him he had free will. So he didn’t know he had free will.
Q- That’s certainly an unusual situation… did you decide to name your robot before or after he was completed?
A- During. Half way through, I just thought- this thing needs a name. Lopez was the first one that popped into my head… I helped out at a livestock show as a kid. NO, I wasn’t a judge, I made that part up, sue me. I just made sure the animals had plenty of food and water. The man who was the ACTUAL judge, he was named Lopez. Used to let me grab a free Yoo-Hoo from the fridge in the office. If I hadn’t gone into the army, I would’ve liked to maybe do what he did. Anyway, I was feeling sentimental that day, named my robot after a good guy. Sue me!
Q- Then, it had nothing to do with the communication settings for the robot?
A- No… that was an accident. Hey, wait! Even if there was a problem with the voice chip, the fact that I took off all the limitations and program locks- Lopez should have been able to change the settings on his audio functions at any point! He knows how to repair that kinda thing too, he’s done it for our radios and communicators! Has he been speaking Spanish this whole time BY CHOICE!?
… I’m so proud… without anything stopping him, Lopez is just naturally ornery and obstinate… but he’s still loyal even when he’s not forced to follow orders… now, that’s a REAL RED!
Q- Since you value unconventional qualities in members of Red Team, do you still consider Grif, Simmons, and Donut “lack-luster”?
A- That’s not a fair question. What am I, on trial here?
Q- We can skip that if you want… would you rather talk about-
A- Fine, fine, ‘ya twisted my arm! Simmons is… good at agreeing with me. Except for when he doesn’t. Which is… perhaps occasionally a positive trait. To question authority. Except for when it isn’t. Like when it’s MY authority. Except… when I am, perhaps occasionally, WRONG. That boy really stuck to his guns during the whole “Blue Team Tank” incident. Could’ve just nodded his head and dropped the subject when I wouldn’t listen, but he didn’t. Simmons went and proved the Blue Menace was still a threat by finding the tank and defecting to join Blue Team, fought us as a one-man army, and then when he came back, he tried to take over and bury me alive. Like a good and proper Red!
Donut is good at being reliably unpredictable. He’s like a secret weapon. He’s stronger than people think, he’s smarter than people think, and he’s a lot more vicious than people think… and I’m not just talking about his talent for insulting poor interior design. He’s also infinitely more annoying than you’d think it was possible for one person to be, but Donut found a way. That boy is a very… unique brand of chatter-box. Nobody else knows what to do with somebody like that, which is why he’s perfect for Red Team!
Grif is.
Grif… is good at...
He’s very...
Grif is very Grif.
Q- Grif is very Grif?
A- Yes.
Q- Is that… a compliment, or an insult?
A- Yes.
… alright, listen. Grif is… good at… NOT dying. Even against all odds, and my best efforts to use him as a human-shield, or moving target, nothing has managed to actually kill him. Which has turned out to be a GOOD thing. In general, because this means we’re better than the Blues. But it is also… fortunate… that Grif in particular is still around. Because of. Reasons.
Ugh, I might have to take a break, go wash my mouth out with soap.
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feransguide · 5 months ago
How to Make Money Online: A Comprehensive Guide
In today’s digital age, making money online has become more accessible than ever. Whether you’re looking to supplement your income or start a full-fledged online business, there are numerous opportunities available. Here are some of the best ways to make money online:
1. Freelancing
Freelancing is a great way to leverage your skills and earn money. Platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer connect freelancers with clients looking for services such as writing, graphic design, programming, and more. To get started:
Create a compelling profile showcasing your skills and experience.
Start with smaller projects to build your portfolio and gain positive reviews.
Set competitive rates and gradually increase them as you gain more experience.
2. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services and earning a commission for every sale made through your referral link. To succeed in affiliate marketing:
Choose a niche that interests you and has a good market potential.
Join reputable affiliate programs like Amazon Associates, ClickBank, or CJ Affiliate.
Create high-quality content that attracts and engages your audience.
Use SEO techniques to drive organic traffic to your content.
3. Online Courses and Ebooks
If you have expertise in a particular field, consider creating and selling online courses or ebooks. Platforms like Udemy, Teachable, and Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing make it easy to reach a global audience. Steps to get started:
Identify a topic that you are knowledgeable about and that has demand.
Create comprehensive and engaging content.
Promote your course or ebook through social media, email marketing, and your website.
4. Blogging
Blogging can be a lucrative way to make money online if done correctly. To monetize your blog:
Choose a niche that you are passionate about and that has a potential audience.
Consistently create valuable and engaging content.
Use affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and display ads to generate income.
Build an email list to keep your audience engaged and informed about new content.
5. Dropshipping
Dropshipping allows you to sell products without holding any inventory. When a customer makes a purchase, the product is shipped directly from the supplier to the customer. To start a dropshipping business:
Choose a niche with high demand and low competition.
Find reliable suppliers through platforms like AliExpress or Oberlo.
Set up an online store using Shopify or WooCommerce.
Promote your store through social media, SEO, and paid advertising.
6. Online Surveys and Market Research
Participating in online surveys and market research can be an easy way to earn extra cash. Websites like Swagbucks, Survey Junkie, and Vindale Research pay users for their opinions on various products and services. While this won’t make you rich, it’s a simple way to earn some extra money in your spare time.
Making money online requires dedication, patience, and a willingness to learn. By leveraging your skills and exploring different opportunities, you can find the right path for you. Start small, stay consistent, and watch your online income grow over time.
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