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filhasdeumbra · 2 months ago
Perna de Pau
20 momentos durante 20 anos, ou uma tentativa de explorar este personagem enquanto preso no purgatório
a dor não fala a língua da gentileza, mas é fluente em seus gritos
AVISO: O texto a seguir apresenta algumas descrições gráficas e possivelmente perturbadoras
0: O Halloween não é uma festa comumente comemorada no Brasil, e uma cidade pequena e isolada como Sococó da Ema não deveria dar tanta importância para celebrações estrangeiras. No entanto, cidades do interior tem suas peculiaridades, e a de Sococó da Ema é seu fascínio pelo macabro — as festas de Halloween são maiores e mais esperadas que as do Natal. Não que isso te incomode, é claro. Como habitante nativo de Sococó da Ema, você gosta do oculto e sombrio tanto quanto gosta dos doces da Jumenta Voadora (e porque uma mulher tão simpática teria um nome que soa tão mal vai além da sua capacidade de compreensão). Por isso, neste ano, sua fantasia é o produto final de mais de um mês de trabalho: um boneco voodoo em tamanho infantil. Sua mãe ajudou na confecção, mas você tem orgulho de poder dizer que fez quase tudo sozinho. Se soubesse dos eventos que iriam transparecer, você não sentiria nenhuma emoção positiva; Uma hora você e seus amigos estão andando pela floresta, animados com as festividades, e no momento seguinte há uma criança trajando um crânio de jumento correndo na sua direção. Há gritos de susto, e então de dor quando alguém tropeça e abre o joelho em uma pedra, e então… E então do mais puro pavor, quando o branco do osso vai desaparecendo penhasco abaixo, em direção ao rio que seus pais sempre lhe avisaram que era perigoso demais para nadar. Você tem pesadelos com esses gritos por semanas, até, é claro que você se torna o pesadelo: você agora é um filho de Umbra, e seu nome é Perna de Pau.
1: A pior parte de se estar morto (ou, como Dona Morte explicou, em estado de suspensão no eterno purgatório), é que você é incapaz de sentir. Não sentimentos, porque a entidade que os colocou ali provavelmente se deleita com seu sofrimento, mas sim qualquer coisa física. Sejam abraços ou empurrões, a queimação de ter água em seus pulmões ou do sagrado sal, você não sente nada. Nada além da culpa, é claro, porque cada toque nocivo que você tentou infligir em si mesmo em uma busca desesperada por conexão, foi redirecionado e ampliado para os seus amigos. Dói, ver eles sofrendo, mas não tanto quanto dói a falta do seu sofrimento.
2: A cidade renomeou a festa. Agora, ao invés de Halloween, é o Dia da Jumenta Voadora. Há uma certa ironia nisso, no fato que é a homenageada que causou e ainda irá causar tanta destruição, mas você não possui o gosto por drama de Absinto ou a facilidade com metáforas de Bailarina, então não comenta nada.
3: As buscas por você e seus amigos finalmente cessaram, as autoridades perdendo a esperança de lhes acharem com vida ou até mesmo sem. Há muitos lugares para crianças se perderem na floresta, e vocês são uma mera nota de rodapé na festança daquele ano.
4: Constroem um memorial, algo simbólico, algo bonito, algo que cimenta ainda mais a marca da Serpente. Você não consegue sentir que está chorando quando vê seus pais levarem flores para o túmulo vazio, e tampouco consegue sentir o toque de Absinto em seu ombro na tentativa de confortá-lo. Ao invés disso, Sangria fica passando as mãos nas bochechas secas e Violinista inclina a cabeça na direção do toque fantasma.
5: Você costumava odiar sentir dor, o tipo de criança que esperneava pelo medo de tomar uma picada de agulha no posto de saúde.
6: Assim como todos os outros, você está aprendendo a controlar seus poderes. Quando Absinto acidentalmente ateia fogo em você, os gritos de dor de Viúva duram meros minutos antes da sensação ser transportada para um cidadão aleatório.
7: Não é raro que o encontrem observando a luz da Lua de cima do penhasco onde tudo começou, mas é raro que você tenha companhia. A presença de Bailarina não o pertuba, mas vocês nunca foram os mais próximos e depois de sua entrada em Umbra, com sua inabilidade de sentir qualquer coisa física, você só fez se retrair mais. Então é sim, de certa forma, surpreendente que ela inicie uma conversa: “Você sente falta de sentir dor?” ela pergunta. “Você sente falta de saber o que é real?” você retruca, as palavras saindo mais afiadas do que o intencionado. As próximas palavras a saírem da boca da dançarina são outra surpresa, mas dessa vez você arriscaria dizer que uma agradável.
8: Há um animal agonizando na estrada, um tordo que se emaranhou nos fios de luz e telefone e foi eletrocutado, mas não até a morte. Você não consegue não invejá-lo.
9: Suas idas ao penhasco são tão frequentes quanto sempre foram, mas dessa vez a presença de Bailarina é costumeira. Vocês se encaram, a Lua banhando pele que mais parece porcelana, e você sabe que ela teve um dia ruim, que Sangria teve que remexer o sangue coagulado dentro de Bailarina para que ela conseguisse diferenciar o real do ilusório, então você oferece que ela vá primeiro. É fácil se machucar quando você não sente dor, os receios da sua época de humano agora meros murmúrios, e quando Bailarina chora por conta da sensação de ossos quebrados, você sabe que a maior parte das lágrimas são de gratidão.
10: Faz uma década, e a história da Jumenta Voadora foi tão deturpada que agora vendem pelúcias do animal e forasteiros passam dias na cidade para aproveitar as atrações. O memorial que fizeram para você e seus amigos foi esquecido, não passando de troncos de madeira apodrecidos pela chuva e pelo Sol. O aniversário de dez anos atrai mais atenção que o normal, e é assim que um grupo de adolescentes embriagados acaba esbarrando  no pequeno cemitério vazio. A destruição que eles causam não é muita, mas faz Viúva, que criou um certo apego por tudo que representa os mortos, ainda mais os indigentes, chorar. Você e Absinto mal precisam trocar um olhar antes que ele esteja lançando o meteoro em sua direção e os adolescentes estejam uivando de dor no chão.
11: Porta-Voz se tornou ciente de seus encontros com Bailarina, ele não diz exatamente se aprova ou desaprova, então vocês tomam isso como permissão para continuar. Um dia, logo após Bailarina ter deixado sua mente, ele aparece, diz ter uma ideia, algo que ajudaria ambos. Você não sente a dor dele quando ele o possui, mesmo que esteja direcionando com precisão a dor de um pulmão perfurado para o líder de vocês. Ele se desculpa por não poder ajudar mais, mas você se sente grato só pelo fato dele tentar. É uma rara emoção positiva.
12: Você e Absinto estão conversando quando ele menciona por alto o fato de que já se acostumou com a dor de estar em chamas. Você tenta não invejá-lo, ele é seu melhor amigo, afinal, mas o sentimento é impossível de conter. Se ele nota sua distância nos próximos dias, não menciona em voz alta.
13: Viúva tem um favor a lhe pedir, e você não recusaria mesmo se não fosse por uma causa nobre, mas é, e isso torna o “Sim” que sai de sua boca ainda mais fácil de pronunciar. O cadáver que ela ressuscitou, a carcaça de uma garota que não poderia ser mais muito mais velha que a própria Viúva quando vocês morreram, o tortura por 8 dias e 8 noites. Ela provavelmente continuaria por mais tempo, não que você fosse se importar, mas Violinista aparece no oitavo dia e anuncia que o homem para quem você estava direcionando a dor morreu, corda no pescoço. A garotinha morta-viva lhe agradece com o que você imagina que seja o equivalente dos mortos de lágrimas nos olhos.
14: Dessa vez, a pessoa que se intromete em suas sessões com Bailarina é Sangria. Não é tão surpreendente assim vê-la ali, não com a proximidade que ela tem com Bailarina, mas ouvir que ela está lá por você e não pela sua amiga o deixa sim um pouco chocado. Ela manipula seu sangue de tal maneira que você tem certeza que, se não fossem por seus poderes, você estaria agonizando no chão. Infelizmente, isso não acontece, e vocês não cumprem o objetivo daquela noite. Sangria, assim como Porta-Voz fez anos atrás, diz lamentar não ser de maior ajuda, mas você reafirma que ela já fez mais do que o suficiente. A quentura que se espalha em seu peito com as palavras dela é quase tão boa quanto realmente sentir dor novamente.
15: Violinista o avisa com antecedência, mas ainda sim é doloroso ver o caixão com sua mãe ser rebaixado sete palmos. Não é o tipo de dor que você busca faz tanto tempo, mas quase faz você duvidar se vale a pena reconquistá-la. 
16: É estranho como você, de certa forma, sempre esteve ciente disso, mas é só 9 anos depois que você percebe que Bailarina não precisa da sua ajuda como você precisa dela. Ela tem Sangria à sua disposição, e Porta-Voz certamente também a ajudaria, caso ela pedisse, então após se dar conta desse fato, você não consegue entender porque ela escolheu você. Quando vocês se encontram no penhasco, ambos estão no costumeiro silêncio, mas o ar está mais carregado que o normal, culpa das perguntas que pesam (metaforicamente) em seus ombros. Ela o responde antes que você possa vocalizar seus pensamentos: “Eu não gosto de dever favores.” É uma boa resposta, melhor do que se ela admitisse fazê-lo por piedade, e condiz com a Bailarina que você conhece, então você não pensa mais sobre isso.
17: Absinto estava entediado, algo muito perigoso de se estar quando se trata do pirotécnico, e é assim que você acaba com o corpo em chamas transferindo a dor para pessoas aleatórias ao redor de Sococó da Ema. Porta-Voz não fica feliz quando descobre, mas sua bronca não possui real disciplina, não quando ele não consegue parar de soltar risinhos toda vez que gritos ecoam na distância.
18: Você é atingido em cheio pelo conhecimento de que tanto tempo se passou, quando uma prima sua vai visitar Sococó da Ema. Ela era mais nova que você, mesmo que por apenas alguns anos, mas agora ela possui um filho. Você não sabe o que é mais chocante: o quanto ela cresceu ou a criança ter recebido seu nome anterior à Umbra.
19: O que você mais aprecia em Bailarina durante suas sessões, é o fato de que ela sempre inova, além de sempre parecer saber o que você quer sentir naquele dia em particular. O molhado das lágrimas em suas bochechas é tão bem-vindo quanto a dor de ser esfolado vivo. Há dias em que você quase esquece que esses momentos não passam de figmentos de sua imaginação.
20: Quando Porta-Voz reúne todos para anunciar as premonições de Violinista, você sabe com toda a certeza que os gritos subsequentes acompanharão seu sono pelas próximas semanas. Outro pesadelo? Não, você não é mais aquele pré-adolescente assustado, dessa vez os gritos da Garota do Lago serão tão melódicos quanto uma sinfonia clássica. Se você soubesse o quanto teria que esperar para ouvi-los novamente, teria tentado aproveitar mais da primeira vez.
( @stormishcl0ud prometi que ia te marcar ^^)
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averlym · 10 months ago
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"c'mon lin, give me something to work with here- I can't exactly tell all the freshmen to dissect someone if they want to win the phaethon..."
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blorbologist · 1 month ago
Percy & Keyleth: 81
81. Arthas, My Son (Cinematic Intro) by Neal Acree and Jason Hayes
By Percival’s estimate, Keyleth is roughly five hours into Plant Growth when she asks, “Do you think we’re doing them proud?” 
“Well - the Ravenites are proud, but I don’t think they would necessarily be proud of us. Pleased, though? Yes.”
Her sigh is aimed such that it kicks hair out of her face. Efficient. “No, not that - you remember Westruun, right?” Of course he does - Percy nods. “I’ve just - you know - been thinking, because I have a lot of time to think while doing this. And that whole legacy thing kept coming to mind, and I mean -” 
Keyleth inhales sharply. All the plants inhale with her, new growth green leaning towards her as though she is the sun. Reflexively, Percy sucks in a breath too as she says, “Would our parents be proud of us?” 
That breath gets stuck in him. Caught on a rib. “Keyleth, of course your mother would be proud of you.” (There is a reflex to add so proud, but it feels like an echo his weakly beating heart can’t share.)
“I haven’t completed my Aramente, though. And - I guess, I don’t know. So much of what I have done I’ve only done with all your help.”
He gestures to the craggy land around them. In the hours since Vorugal’s death a swift thaw, more dramatic than any spring, has taken the mountains: snow beads with meltwater and sweats rivulets that tear through the white expanse. Beneath lies dry grass and soil so thick with roots even this moisture does not turn it to mud - and as he watches those roots sprout, that grass tremble upright.
“None of us would have thought to give them this,” Percy says. “None of us could have - that’s all thanks to you. You, Keyleth.” Giving it more thought, he adds, “We would probably be up to no good without you. Though maybe there would be less collective jail time.”
She laughs with a little shrug - not quite the gangly gesture he has grown used to. “Thanks, Percy. And sorry to be all, I don’t know, mopey after we killed a dragon again. It’s just… hard, with - you know. Her.” 
Yes. Raishan.
“The staff is probably quite heavy too.” Percival points out lightly. Keyleth reflexively holds the Spire of Conflux straighter - its last wielder had been another Ashari leader, after all. Softly: “I’m sure you will handle it just fine - and your people, too.”
“Thank you,” Keyleth repeats. “And - for what it’s worth - I’m sure all those de Rolos of ages past are proud of you, too. Bringing Whitestone back from the brink and all.” 
… He would beg to disagree. It still feels like he somehow let it fall in the first place - and failed it further by skipping out on statecraft to run around playing hero. By getting himself killed.
“You know what, Keyleth? They would be.”
Usually. Usually he would beg to disagree. But not right now, as buds sprout around his mud-damp boots.
(By Percival’s estimate, it’s been roughly two hours since he kissed Vex’ahlia, so perhaps his perspective is a bit skewed. His parents always had a tender spot for young love.)
Send me a character / pair of characters / AU & a number from 1 to 100 & I'll write a little something inspired by that song!
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ask-de-writer · 1 year ago
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THE FISHERMAN'S LEG (Part 8 of 20)
A sequel to Dee 1/2 Demon
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
10440 words (work in progress)
© 2023 by Glen Ten-Eyck
All rights reserved. This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
Blog holding members of Tumblr.com may freely reblog this story provided that the title, author and copyright information remain intact, unaltered, and are displayed at the head of the story.
Fan art, stories, music, cosplay and other fan activity is actively encouraged.
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New to the story? Read from the beginning HERE.
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The lead oarsman grumbled, “Only eighty six of copper cash? We would have had so much more if Minami had not been along! Pity that the Sea Lion is his boat and he won't let us use it unless he is along.”
While he was counting out the crew's shares, Magistrate Lim asked sympathetically, “Narutsu san, what exactly transpired out there on the water to say such a thing of Minami san?”
They all assumed the proper kneeling of persons before the Tribunal and lead oarsman Narutsu explained, “Good Magistrate Lim, recently he forced iron works of his own making on all the fleet.
“For two years past, we had iron works so good that never did a rope jam or anything work less than perfectly. As the owner, we could not prevent him from doing so for his own boat, the Sea Lion. By the threat of refusing their catch, he made the other boats do so as well.
“None of his iron work functions well at all, and those are the good times. Ratchets do not hold properly on winches, letting line go when it should not, or worse, the whole winch will freeze up and it and time is wasted making it work. Net guides fail to turn, making it difficult to pull in the fish. The pulling block on the crane, needful to lifting the heavy loads of nets with fish, not only froze, the rope slipped off of a pulley sheave and jammed firmly when it was most needed.
“We were working to get the rope loose and back on the sheave when Minami struck it on the side with the iron end of a long boat hook. The force of his strike caused a sharp edge to break the rope in two and completely broke the whole pulling block.
“The slowness of pulling the net in by hand in a tangled heap because the take up roller's pawls would not hold let most of the school get away.
“Worse, he blamed the whole debacle on Dee san and her friends, though it was obvious to us all that it was wholly his fault and no other's.”
Magistrate Lim thoughtfully stroked his neat beard and mustaches for a moment. “Are you aware, good oarsmen, that Minami san owes you all a substantial sum of money? For the last two of years he has been taking in all the catch of every boat that went out on a day without even weighing it. He then paid you all for only the fish that he sold, but not for those that his poor management of the Fish Market allowed to spoil.
“He owes you money for all of the fish that spoiled, nearly a third of the catch. The Tribunal has records of the money that he earned, and how much was lost. We have divided up his arrears by the number of boats out for each fishing day. Due to his poor record keeping, that is the best that we can do.
“Given that, he owes the group of you a total of,” he pauses to consult a sheet in Miko's neat calligraphy, “two of golden cash, of silver cash, one string and twenty two, of copper cash, three strings and nineteen.”
The crew sat in stunned silence. Finally lead oarsman Narutsu, shaking his head in disbelief, asked “Good Magistrate, how can we recover this money? It is our understanding that he has nothing.”
Bowing politely to them, Magistrate Lim replied, “Not quite so, Narutsu san. He has still the Sea Lion. His house, land and the ice house, are joint properties that cannot be seized.
“You have three avenues open to you. First, you may take a lein on the Sea Lion, giving you ownership until his debit is paid from shares of catch. He must have one tenth of the proper share. This will take a few years to pay off.
“Second, you may simply seize the Sea Lion, and write off the balance of the debit. Doing so will give you the boat as it is now and a loss on paper of about one cash of gold, of silver cash, one string. That loss can reduce your Tribute tax for up to three years. Miko san can give you precise details.
“Thirdly, you can continue as you are now, receiving a share of the arrears each time that he makes a payment to the Tribunal on his debit.”
The crew put their heads together, conferring on what to do.
At the Fish Market, a smiling Tanira watched as the girls working for her neatly put the display fish in an ice chest and covered all of the trays with thick blankets.
She offered, “Minara san, Takahara san, thanks to your good help, I have not only had a good day of sales, your backing me up down on the dock was invaluable.” She handed them hand tied strings with six copper cash each. “I did not miscount. Frankly, you girls are worth more to me than this but with all of the problems connected to this, it is all that I can afford.”
The girls bowed, “Thank you so much, Tanira san. Why don't you and young Ichuru come with us and share our evening meal with the Shop of Repairs gang? No charge, of course.”
Young Ichuru san was amazed and delighted by the meal that was brought in to a long table in the Chiasu warehouse. Not only was the food plentiful and tasty, all of the young ladies there treated him with the proper respect due to a grown up!
His mother was also somewhat goggle eyed, but for a different reason. “My word, Dee san, that is a big boat that you are making, isn't it?”
Dee bowed her pleasure as she replied, “It is indeed, Tanira san. It is a full twenty two paces long by nearly six wide. Beam, I think that the width is called.”
“That is amazing, Dee san! It will be the largest boat in Sabo when you are done with it! Even as wealthy as I know that you are, how can you afford so much fine, flawless lumber? But aren't those planks that I see stacked there awfully thin? A hand span wide but only about as thick as a chopstick? How?”
Patsu looked up from the big fish filet that she was tucking into and grinned, “It is dirt cheap, Tanira san! You won't believe this, but those planks are bamboo!”
She waited for that bombshell to go off in Tanira's mind before adding, “We found something in an oldish fold book from Chin. It told us how to make wood soft so that fun things can be done to it. We took it a step further and turn bamboo into bamgoo! By products of making bamgoo give us both a lot of fiber and the glue that we use on all of our boats now, as well as being able to form those thin planks.”
One of the other girls at the table, seeing that Patsu was being free with info but holding back the bamgoo process, chimed in, “We know that those planks are thin, Tanira san, but when we are finished there will be five layers of them. That will be very strong.”
Dinner over, one of the girls gave Ichuru san a toy boat as long as arms. It was made of the same thin bamgoo planks as the big boat that they were building.
As they emerged into the street, they were met by Minami, who was in the company of Constable Canra.
As he was starting to demand, “Where is my din . . .” the Constable tapped him gently with his cudgel.
Reminding him with soft words he stated, “Do not become unruly, Minami san, or I shall take you before Magistrate Lim.”
Minami glared at the Constable but went on, “Where is my dinner, woman? You have been dining with the enemies of all goodness and forgotten your husband.”
Not raising her voice but her anger plain, Tanira retorted, “Your dinner is in the same place that your manners have gone, you foolish man! Buy it out of your catch shares until you learn that courtesy which costs nothing will buy you much!”
“Do you know what those men of mine have done?” He waived a paper at her, snapping, “They have placed a lein on my Sea Lion! They took all but ten percent of my share as a payment on it!”
She nodded, with a shrug, “So, how much did you get?”
He angrily cast two copper cash at her feet! “That is all for a whole day's work!”
Ichuru gathered up the coins and offered them back, “Father sanma, these are yours.”
To be Continued
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blanketorghost · 11 months ago
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Octomer Baby Development: A guide for new parents (Part 2)
Right after your bundle of joy is newly hatched, it may need some special attention that other mer babies may not need. Often clingy and fussy when left alone, Octomer hatchlings have interesting differences that make raising them an entirely unique experience.
0-2 Months:
Your baby has just hatched, and the first thing to note is its absolutely tiny size. Don't fret, as Octomers grow rapidly and will soon surpass your palm. At this stage, octomers can barely crawl around and will cling to their parents' hand for support and mobility. As they get exposed to light, their chromatophores develop and more colored speckles/marks will continue to appear all throught their body.
3-5 Months:
Your child should be slowly introduced to mushed foods instead of relying on liquids. It is recommended to also start introducing them to different kinds of meat, like clams (de-shelled) and shrimp.
An octomer baby is slowly starting to gain stength in all its arms, which include their suckers. They will start crawling around and grabbing things, and though slow in their movements, they have quite a strong grip on things. If parents are worried about their children grabbing onto something potentially dangerous, it is recommended to lather on a thin layer of whale fat onto things so they aren't able to grip it with their suckers.
6-8 Months:
Big developments will be happening around this timeframe, not only your octomer baby will get (and will continue to get) a growth spurt from being about 6 1/2" (16.5 cm) to a whopping 19" (50cm) ! Their appetite will also increase accordingly, so be sure to stock up on plenty of foods like kelp, plankton juice, and crab meat.
Their syphon and ink sac are fully developed, too, so expect a couple of accidental ink spewings from your baby.
9-11 Months:
At this point, your healthy octomer baby will be around 25.20" (64cm) and, if they are a hybrid between any landfolk type, they'll start transforming into their other species type. If that is the case, it is recommended that you start introducing your mer to land and the respective aspects of it, like crawling, breathing air, and, eventually, walking and eating warm foods.
Your baby's chromatophores will also be fully developed, and as such, the distinct markings that they'll have for the rest of their life will be fully visible─though still faded. Their water jet and arms will also be fully mobile and your octomer will start to swim around and even 'walk' upright.
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Yuu especially struggled with this phase.
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snailspng · 10 months ago
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Random PNGs, part 173.
(1. Gas mask dog (?), 2. Glass boots (?), 3. "Lapinou des cendres" by Hélène Loussier, 4. Shark-shaped stapler by Jac Zagory, 5. Penguin soap (?), 6. Pregnant keychain, 7. Halite, 8. Sculpture by Anna Dębska, 9. Stone carved hare (?))
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akanemnon · 1 year ago
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Because of the limited amount of links you can put into a post, you can find the links to each page in these sub-posts:
To be continued...
FAQ under the cut!
Glasses - Frisk Dance - But nobody came - An acquired taste -Smalltalk - All You Can Eat - Page 75 EXTRA - Page 84 EXTRA
Not-To-Do-List - Beach Episode - Salute the Frick - Morning Routine - The Universe is a Hologram - Trick as a Treat - Taste the Painbow - Dungeon Doofus - Tour de Nope - Explosive Start
Fallen down - First steps - Press [C] - Eye opening - Whatstheirface - Acid reflux - Connection issues - Normal Human Behavior
What exactly is this AU about? Twin Runes is essentially a comedic crossover AU between the universes of Deltarune and Undertale. No fancy nicnacs. Just the characters being their chaotic selves. But there might be some darkness lurking up ahead... ____________________
When is the next comic? The comic updates most Sundays at 6:30 PM Central European Time. ____________________
Why is this AU called Twin Runes? The name is more or less a play on the typical naming format of most AU's by featuring the "Runes" part. There are no literal Twin Runes. The whole name is more of a stand in for Undertale and Deltarune as parallel worlds. Hence the "Twin" part. ____________________
When does Twin Runes take place? This AU takes place between a hypothetical Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 of Deltarune. On the Undertale side of things, it takes place post neutral route just as Frisk was about to deliver Undyne's letter to Alphys.
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How many pages are there going to be? The script for this comic estimates that the comic is going to be 137 pages long (if I don't make any major changes). ____________________
Is the Player a thing in this AU? The Player(s) lost control over both human children as soon as Frisk entered the world of Deltarune. Essentially, the reader takes on the role of the Player. You have no influence on the outcome of the story anymore. All you can do is watch. Both Kris and Frisk refer to the Player as "It" and "the THING". ____________________
Is there going to be a Weird Route? Due to the lack of Player, all choices made by Kris are now their own. How to engage in battle all depends on Kris, and not the Player. Because of that, there are NO DIFFERENT ROUTES. There is only one route and that one is based on Kris' choices. Because of the lack of save points, there is no "what-if" scenario. ____________________
When Chapter 3 and 4 are released, will it affect the story? Any chapters after Chapter 3 won't affect the story in the grand scheme of things. Twin Runes created a new timeline so to speak. ____________________
How old are the characters in this story? Frisk appears to be around 9 years old. Kris thinks they're 14. (Both Frisk and Kris don't know their actual age.) Chara died when they were around 10-11. Susie is around 15-16 (she was held back once) Ralsei appears to be the same age as Kris. ____________________
What's up with Kris' and Frisk's hair? The red bits of their hair is more or less a representation of their souls. That in turn is also why Chara doesn't have that feature. They are soulless. It's a stylistic choice. ____________________
What's that thing on Kris' chest? It's a scar they got from tearing out their soul.
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And why do they have weird lines all over their body? Both Kris and Frisk's anatomy resemble that of ball-jointed dolls. They appear just as markings across their bodies. Think of them as elaborate birthmarks. Kris and Frisk are still made of flesh and blood, but are in fact hypermobile. The reason as to why they do is still a little secret :) People here like to refer to these markings as "puppet limbs". You can get a better look at them and the scar in this artwork
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Why does Kris have braces? This is why:
Is old art from your blog part of Twin Runes? Unless stated otherwise, all art that was made priotr to Twin Runes is not canon to Twin Runes. That mainly includes the old asks. __________________
Why is Dark World Frisk green? Frisk changes their main sweater colors with Kris when they enter the Dark World.
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Can other ghosts see Chara? (pre Darkner transformation) No, only Frisk and Kris are able to see Chara. ____________________
IS KRIS NOW FRISK'S COUNTERPART OR CHARA'S???? :) ____________________
So, was Chara in the locket all along? No, Chara possessed the locket to become a Darkner. ____________________
Where are Jevil and Spamton? Are they in Castle Town? The Fun Gang have already fought these two in the previous chapters and added them into their inventory. Outside of that little dream sequence, neither will be making an appearance. ____________________
Is anyone from Undertale Yellow gonna make an apperance? Outside of a tiny cameo from Clover (that has no greater bearing on the story) no one from Undertale Yellow is going to make an appearance. ____________________
Is (insert character here) gonna go to the Dark World/underground? With the way the story is going to play out, only the main group will be heading to this new Dark World. The rest of the story will be taking place there. ____________________
How did you come up with the idea of Twin Runes? Twin Runes is an offshoot of a separate script I wrote. It's a similar concept but turned on its head. The funny moments in that script made me just continue what now is the start of Twin Runes. I pretty much just wanted to see if I am actually capable of drawing a comic to begin with. So... in a way Twin Runes is my first attempt at a comic ever. If I ever finish Twin Runes, then I know I can tackle turning that mammoth project of a script into a comic too. In the grand scheme of things these two projects are sister series. They have A LOT in common and even share similar plot elements. When Twin Runes is over you will automatically also know certain mysteries of The Other Script. ____________________
What is The Other Script? As of this moment I call The Other Script: "Lost in the In-Between". At its core it's an inverse of Twin Runes. I.e. Kris falling into the underground and being aided by Frisk on their quest to return home. The story and jokes are a considerably more grounded than in Twin Runes and so are the characters. Though they do have their moments from time to time. The overall mood of that script is a lot darker in nature and it's a 200+ page passion project of mine. ____________________
Is there x ship in this comic? The focus of the story is not on shipping. If it's in the game it will very likely be mentioned or brought up, but that's about it. ____________________
What pronouns do you go with for the human children? I try to stick as close as possible to the games so I use THEY/THEM FOR ALL OF THEM WITHOUT ANY EXCEPTIONS.
Am I allowed to make fanart? ABSOLUTELY! You are very welcome to make fanart if you feel like it. Please let me know if you do by tagging me, so I can share it with everyone to see so that you get the appreciation you deserve :) ____________________ Can I use the funny faces you draw for memes or for stuff like memes or for profile pictures? That's what they're here for :) ____________________
Am I allowed to translate the comic and post the translation to a different site? For transformative work like this, please ask me beforehand. If I have given you my permission, please link the original work with the proper credit given. ------------------------
Am I allowed to dub your comic? Just like the point above, please ask for my permission first. That is just common courtesy. -----------------------
If I have gotten your permission to create content off your comic (dubbing, translations, etc...), am I allowed to monetize it? NO. I don't make any money off this comic either, as it is purely fan content.
Asks will open for 24 hours after a new comic has been released. Your questions will then be answered over the course of the week.
Try not to submit multiple asks. If necessary, just keep everything in one post.
Keep in mind that I receive AL LOT of asks, so not every question can be answered...
Questions containing spoilers will not be answered on principle. Wouldn't be as fun if the surprise was ruined, right?
Before leaving an ask (mostly for everyone who's new), please make sure to read the FAQ section above. A lot of times your question might have been answered already :>
I love memes and dumb jokes as much as the next guy, but try not to spam
It probably goes without saying, but please stay civil. I want to give everyone the respect they deserve, and naturally like to be treated the same way.
Please be mindful about drawing requests. It is understandable if you're eager to see a certain character drawn in my style, but I do not like to be bombarded by requests. The more it happens, the less likely I am to do it. Be kind and ask nicely.
I don't take unsolicited comic ideas.
Don't use other people's posts that I reblogged to ask me questions! It has happened before and I do not wish to see this!
This isn't an ask blog. The comic has a script that will not deviate. Reader interaction with the characters won't be possible due to the overall "no Player" subplot.
Please do not ask me to put your characters into the story. Like I said, the script is already finished and I'm quite happy with it. Your characters are in better hands with yourself and your own stories. Please have respect for mine.
The submission box is for FANART ONLY!
It is meant for those who do not want to submit their fanart to their own blogs, in case they feel scared or intimidated to do so.
Please wait until the ask box opens. You can read more on how asks work in the section above.
The following are ref sheets of characters that don't have established Dark World forms yet (as of writing this comic). The list will be updated as soon as a new character enters the Dark World. Here you will also find references of characters that might appear as surprise cameos, or maybe even completely new faces...
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lightseoul · 3 months ago
cw. worker!reader, prohero!katsuki, aged-up (25), cussing (bkg-typical), not many warnings needed for this one chat
words. 1.3k (i had to split it so that the chapter wouldn't be a whole ass novel. also for pacing purposes :0)
masterlist | part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 8, part 9
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Your eyes lazily trail the movement of the colleague you speak to at most twice a year as they give a presentation up front, the words they’re uttering slowly turning into a slew of blah blah blah, proper name, place name, backstory like in that TikTok you saw before falling into a fitted sleep the night prior.
Without you noticing, November has finally rolled around, and with it came one of the most important meetings involving Bakugou, Kirishima, and the agency’s department heads aimed at preparing the leaders for the year-end processes and reports.
The very meeting that you find yourself barely getting through at this exact moment.
Tanaka, the said colleague, seems like he’s explaining a pie graph about Dynamight, Red Riot, and their sidekicks’ stats, you think.
You shake your head in an attempt to bring your attention back to what’s in front of you, but your efforts appear to have been in vain as your mind, once again, drifts to the past, and you find yourself mulling over what Mina said two weeks ago.
It’s something that hasn’t left your mind since then, trailing behind you like a damned poltergeist who doesn’t know when to let up.
And as much as you’d hate to admit it, it’s caused considerable confusion on your part, and you don’t like how it may have inadvertently affected how you act around Bakugou, too.
You’re more fidgety, now, and you’ve since beaten your record of how fast you get flustered and stuttery around the man. Although if he’s noticed this humiliating, inexplicable change in your behavior, he isn’t showing it.
At least, not by much.
His gazes have been lingering for a beat too long whenever you stammered your response instead of doing so calmly like you usually do…
You sit up in sudden attention, dizziness instantly hitting you from having been violently pulled from your reverie. You look at Bakugou, who’s staring you down from the end of the table, and scan the area around him, only to realize that everybody has apparently left, leaving the two of you alone in the conference room.
“You weren’t listening, were you?”
You feel yourself flush in embarrassment. Guilty.
He shakes his head in what you think is disapproval, stacking the documents in front of him in a neat pile. You take that as a cue to follow suit, gathering your folders in front of you and hurriedly standing up to beeline out of the room.
The last thing you need is for these glass doors to magically lock you in, too.
But you don’t even get to reach the doorway, ass barely lifted a breadth away from your cushy office chair when he speaks up.
“I overheard you in the breakroom.”
You freeze in your tracks, lifting your eyes to meet his. “What?”
“Earlier this morning. You said—” he pauses, eyes shifting to your rear, “Sit back down, dumbass. Your knees are gonna kill you if you keep this up.”
You’re about to retort with a comeback when it dawns on you that the guy has a point, so you begrudgingly take a seat.
“As I said,” he shoots you a pointed look, “I overheard you saying you didn’t have plans for next week.”
“Next week?”
“Oh, yeah,” you absentmindedly scratch your right cheek. “My family will be on vacation and all my close friends have plans with their relatives.”
One of his eyebrows raises in question, “And you won’t be tagging along?”
You shrug, “I don’t want to impose on my friends, and being with my family on a holiday isn’t exactly the most relaxing experience.”
Bakugou merely hums in response, seeming as if he’s pondering something in his head. Unable to sustain his gaze, you opt for looking around the room instead, suddenly finding the plain, gray ceiling wildly interesting.
A few moments pass before you decide that yes, this silence is going to kill you if you don’t get the fuck out now.
You lift yourself from your chair, “Well, I should get go—”
“Come over.”
As if you’re in a slapstick comedy, you, once again, freeze. “W-what?”
He clears his throat, “C-come over, to my parents’. For thanksgiving.”
You stare at each other for what feels like an eternity before his eyes gravitate toward your rear again, only this time you plop back down before he can order you to reseat yourself.
“I’m afraid I don’t follow…”
He sighs like he’s teaching you basic ass mathematics and you’re not getting it. “The old hag has been begging me to let them meet you ever since, you know…”
The news of you two “dating” broke out. Right.
You mentally slap yourself for forgetting Bakugou had parents who would eventually also catch wind of your silly little dating scandal.
At the thought of meeting the people who raised Bakugou, your throat suddenly feels a bit too dry. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” you manage to get out.
It’s one thing to go and pretend to be Bakugou’s girlfriend in front of the man’s fucking parents, it’s another to do so in this state that you’ve been in ever since that get-together with his friend group. You don’t exactly know why, but you’ve been fundamentally reconfigured since that fated night, and whatever the fuck is causing it, you’re sure won’t mix well with being in the same room as Bakugou’s parents. That, on top of having to act all lovey-dovey with their son around them.
You’re about to defend your case as to why they should just scrap the idea entirely when Bakugou responds.
“It’s either that or she visits us here in the agency.”
Your jaw drops, “Is that a threat?”
He draws his lips in a thin line, shaking his head. “It’s an ultimatum.”
“That’s more or less the same thing,” you counter.
“My mom likes to play with the shitty technicalities,” he retaliates, tone abrasive as ever.
You can only gawk at the guy as he shifts in his seat rather quite uncomfortably.
Is he seriously going along with his mom’s wishes now?
What happened to the ever-notorious Bakugou who just goes for what he wants without minding everyone else?
You study the man for a beat, weighing your options in your head. It’s obvious, which of the two is the wiser option. It’s a matter of going for where there are fewer pairs of eyes watching you and Bakugou’s every movement. But the real question is, why do you have to choose in the first place?
“I don’t understand,” you start, “Why can’t you just tell your mom that we’re not ready to do the whole ‘meet the parents’ thing yet?”
“Why don’t you be on the receiving end of her fucking nagging, hah?” he snaps, voice defensive and loud enough to make you jump.
“Okay, okay,” you immediately concede, tone placating, not willing for this to escalate into a fight. The last thing you need is for somebody in the building to overhear you, think you’re having a lovers’ quarrel or whatever the fuck they call it, and run to the media to gush all about it.
You’ve had enough media exposure to last you for a lifetime, thank you very much.
Chancing one last glance at your boss, you find him staring a hole into the pile of papers directly in front of him, a prominent scowl etched on his face.
His mom’s nagging must be weighing him down more than you thought.
As you study the visibly bothered man, you’re acutely aware of all the fight evaporating from your body, and you eventually find yourself slouching in your seat in what you reluctantly identify as defeat.
“…What’s your parents’ address?”
“Don’t bother,” he almost instantly replies. “I’ll pick you up.”
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tagging. @kitthepurplepotato @katsukis1wife @brunnetteiwik @bunnysaursushii @beab19 @yawnzzzzzzzz @cholios @kashee-h @iluv-ace @lovra974 @chelbyisbord @k0z3me @meeeepsworld @asura-rose @dragonscribble @moonz33 @citrustsuki @deadhands69 @lemuhr @rosemarygalaxy @iluv-ace @eyesforbkg @carpe000diem @shushbruv @matchat3a @ttalgi @bakunianadecorazon @the2ndl @keiscwsz @onlyisaa @aizawa19
˖⁺‧₊ as always, reblogs, replies, and tags are appreciated <3 they make such a huge difference! have a lovely day ( ˘ ³˘)
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floatyflowers · 5 months ago
Dark Disney Villains/Protagonists Masterlist:
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1-Male! Cruella De Vil x Soft-hearted Reader
2-Male! Evil King x Wife! Reader Part 2
3-Platonic Father Tarzan x Reader
4-Platonic Dark! Emperor Kuzco x Child Reader
5-Dark Platonic Male! Maleficent x Child! Reader
6-Dark Male! Ariel x Reader
7- Dark Male Cinderella x Reader
8-Dark Male! White King X Alice's Mother! Reader
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thesimline · 8 months ago
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1700s WOMEN - PART 2
Lace as a luxury was carried over from the 17th century, used as a status simple for the wealthy to flaunt. From the mid-century on it migrated to the neck in the form of delicate chokers, which were a fashionable alternative to traditional jewelled necklaces. As hairstyles became larger hat styles became smaller until they were discarded altogether for a time, followed by extremely large hats that accommodated the curls, plaits and frizzed hair beneath. CC links and reference images under the cut.
You can find more of my historical content here:
1300s ✺ 1400s ✺ 1500s ✺ 1600s ✺ 1700s
1 - Hedgehog Hair & Silk Headband by Acanthus Sims
2 - Eleonora Hair by Melancholy Maiden
3 - Sophia 1790s Hair by In Love with the Regency Era
4 - Rococo Hair & Feather and Pearls Accessory by The Regal Sim (Curseforge)
5 - 1770s Four Curls Tall Coiffure & Rose Crown by Acanthus Sims
6 - 1700s Hair 1 by In Love with the Regency Era
7 - Hedgehog Hair & Bergère Hat by Acanthus Sims
8 - Tête de Mouton & Suburban Shopper Hat by Javi Trulove
9 - Hedgehog Hair & Bow Hat by Acanthus Sims
10 - Small Louis XV Hair (A) by Acanthus Sims | Reminiscence Of Flower Hat by Simsonico
11 - Duchess of Devonshire by Historical Simslife | Cavalier Hat V.2 by Strange Storyteller Sims
12 - Small Louis XV Hair (B) by Acanthus Sims | Ruffle Hat by Acanthus Sims
13 - Diamond Pink Earring v2 by Glitterberry Sims (TSR)
14 - Arthur 1 Earring by Yakfarm
15 - Velvet and Pearl Earrings VER.1 by LIN_DIAN (TSR)
16 - Voiles Face Stars by Kismet Sims
17 - A la Quigley’s Mouches by Javi Trulove
18 - Clara Beauty Marks by The Plumbob Fairy (retired - direct download)
19 - Lace Collar 05 by S-Club (TSR)
20 - Lace Collar with Bell by MysteriousOo (TSR)
21 - Pearl Necklace 201915 by S-Club (TSR)
22 - Genius Eden Choker by Genius666 (TSR)
23 - Frill Choker by Euno Sims
24 - Midnight Choker by Pralinesims (TSR)
25 - Ledé Gloves by Vibrant Pixels
26 - Candy Witch Lisa Gloves by Simsonico
27 - Reminiscence Of Flower Gloves by Simsonico
28 - 1760s Rococo Mules by Simulated Styles
29 - Reminiscence Of Flower Shoes by Simsonico
30 - The Regal Sims Rococo Shoe Recolour by Elfdor
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With thanks to some amazing creators: @acanthus-sims @the-melancholy-maiden @inlovewithregencyera @javitrulovesims @simsonico @strangestorytellersims @glitterberrysims @pralinesims @vibrantpixels @simulatedstyles @elfdor
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pikahlua · 1 month ago
MHA Chapter 431 Part 2 spoilers translations
Rough/literal translations for the second part of the bonus chapter are under the cut.
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1 お茶子ちゃんじゃあねまた明日 おちゃこちゃんじゃあねまたあした Ochako-chan jaa ne mata ashita "See you tomorrow, Ochako-chan!"
2 うん!おやすみー un! oyasumii "Yeah! Good night."
3-4 明日からまた頑張ろう あしたからまたばんがろう ashita kara mata ganbarou Let's do our best again tomorrow.
5 席離れててちゃんと話せんかったな せきはなれててちゃんとはなせんかったな seki hanaretete chanto hanasenkatta na Our seats were far away so we couldn't properly speak.
6 まァでも別に まァでもべつに maA demo betsu ni Well, it doesn't matter,
7 仕事でもよく会うし しごとでもよくあうし shigoto demo yoku au shi since we meet often at work.
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1-2 僕のヒーローだ! ぼくのヒーローだ! boku no HIIROO da! You're my hero!
3 あの戦いを経て あのたたかいをへて ano tatakai wo hete After that battle,
4 私たちはやりたい事ーーやるべき事を見つけて わたしたちはやりたいことーーやるべきことをみつけて watashi-tachi wa yaritai koto--yaru beki koto wo mitsukete we found the things we wanted to do--the things we should do. (Note: She's clarifying that these things they wanted to do they found were things they felt they should do or that they needed to do.)
5 それぞれが選んだ道を それぞれがえらんだみちを sorezore ga eranda michi wo We each had our chosen paths
6 尊重して笑い合う そんちょうしてわらいあう sonchou shite warai au that we both respected, and we laughed together.
7-8 それはとても贅沢でーー それはとてもぜいたくでーー sore wa totemo zeitaku de-- That was more than enough-- (Note: Literally, she thinks "That's very luxurious--".)
9-10 これはしまっておくの kore wa shimatte oku no I'll put this [feeling] away.
11 でも demo But
12 そして緑谷出久を好きになってーーー そしてみどりやいずくをすきになってーーー soshite Midoriya Izuku wo suki ni natte--- And then I came to like Izuku Midoriya---
13 もっと… motto... more...
14 もう少し もうすこし mou sukoshi just a little
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1 話したかったなーー はなしたかったなーー hanashitakatta na-- I wanted to talk--
2 よかった! yokatta! "Thank goodness!"
3 いた! ita! "You're here!"
4-5 お茶子ちゃん おちゃこちゃん Ochako-chan Ochako-chan
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1 いいんだよ iinda yo It's okay.
2 あのっ ano "Uh,"
3 僕は ぼくは boku wa "I"
4 皆尊敬してて みんなそんけいしてて minna sonkei shitete "respect everyone"
5 皆特別で みんなとくべつで minna tokubetsu de "everyone is special [to me]"
6 好きなんだって すきなんだって suki nanda tte "and I love them."
7 ずっとそういうものだって思ってた ずっとそういうものだっておもってた zutto sou iu mono datte omotteta "I was always thinking something like that."
8 んだけど…! ndakedo...! "But...!"
9 今日…なんか きょう…なんか kyou...nanka "today...I"
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1-2 麗日さんともっと話したいって思った うららかさんともっとはなしたいっておもった Uraraka-san to motto hanashitai tte omotta "thought I want to talk more with Uraraka-san."
3 これからも kore kara mo "From now on,"
4 もっとーー motto-- "more--"
5 私は好きに生きたから わたしはすきにいきたから watashi wa suki ni ikita kara "Because I lived how I liked,"
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1 私の大好きなお茶子ちゃんは わたしのだいすきなおちゃこちゃんは watashi no daisuki na Ochako-chan wa "Ochako-chan, who I loved," (Note: You could also read this as "my beloved Ochako-chan".)
2 もっと motto "more,"
3-4 もっと好きに生きてね! もっとすきにいきてね! motto suki ni ikite ne! "live more how you like!"
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1 君とーー… きみとーー… kimi to--... "with you--..."
2 あ a "Ah--"
3 一か月くらい前って…あの日だ いっかげつくらいまえって…あのひだ ikkagetsu kurai mae tte...ano hi da About a month ago...it was that day.
4 デクくんと会う機会がもっと増えたあの日からーー デクくんとあうきかいがもっとふえたあのひからーー DEKU-kun to au kikai ga motto fueta ano hi kara-- Since that day when I had more opportunities to meet with Deku-kun--
5 どう dou "How"
6 かな ka na "about it?"
7 うへ uhe "Hehe,"
8 おお oo "ohh."
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1 うんっ un "Yeah."
2 気が合うね! きがあうね! ki ga au ne! "We're of the same mind!" (Note: You can also read this as "We get along!")
tagline おしまい oshimai End
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baby-ana1 · 7 months ago
Consejos para bajar se peso:
1. Has ayuno intermitente, es realmente efectivo
2. No superes las 800 calorías diarias
3. Todo lo que tenga 0 calorías puedes consumirlo durante el ayuno, así que puedes probar tes, café, jugos light, lo que tu quieras
4. Comprar ropa que te quede pequeña para verte obligado a bajar de peso, ya que si no lo haces, no vas a caber
5. Pasar frío. Es un mito que el calor ayuda a bajar de peso, solo te deshidrataras, pero el frío si ayuda a bajar de peso. Cuando uno pasa frío el cuerpo se ve obligado a quemar grasa para producir calor corporal
6. Si vas a vomitar, preorisa alimentos líquidos, son más fáciles de vomitar
7. Date premios no relacionados con la comida. Por ejemplo: comprárte ese pantalón que siempre quisiste pero que nunca pudiste comprar por que no lo ibas a poder usar, ir a ese lugar que te daba vergüenza por tu peso, etc.
8. Consigue a alguien que tenga el mismo objetivo y ayunen, hagan ejercicio, etc, juntos. Es mucho más divertido y efectivo.
9. Evita lácteos y asucares, es lo que MAS te hará engordar
10. Intenta que tus comidas no tengan variedad de alimentos. Vieron que cuando se llenan al comer, por algún motivo todavía pueden comer el postre? Eso es porque el cerebro manda señales que te hacen comer más en presencia de variedad. Si buscas comer menos, evita esa variedad.
11. Toma mucha agua, entre 2 y 3 litros por día
12. Has al menos 6 mil pasos diarios (parecen mucho pero no lo son)
13. Eviten comer cosas del paquete, no se van a poder controlar
14. Priorizen las proteínas para no quedar skinny fat
15. Hagan actividades que no los hagan pensar en la comida
16. El agua tibia con limón ayuda mucho al metabolismo
17. Evita las yemas de los huevos, un huevo entero tiene 75 calorías, pero la clara sólo 17, osea que la mayor parte de las calorías son por culpa de la yema
18. Usa platos y cubiertos pequeños si tienes alguno, harán creer a tu cerebro que la porción es más grande de lo que realmente es y te sentirás más saciado.
19. Has pilates. El pilates es lo mejor que le paso a este mundo
20. Haste estas preguntas a ti mismo antes de comer cualquier cosa
¿Me voy a sentir bien con mi cuerpo después de comer esto?
¿Realmente tengo hambre o solo estoy aburrido?
¿Me voy a arrepentir de comer esto?
21. Pasar frío puede quemar de 60 a 100 calorías cada 25 minutos
22. Selecciona UN día, solo UN día para quitarte las ganas de todo aquello que se te haya antojado durante la semana. Que sea siempre el mismo. El motivo es que si tienes un día en lo que puedes comer lo que quieras se disminuye la probabilidad de un atracón.
Si te dices "no voy a comer esta galleta hasta que sea delgada" van a pasar las semanas y vas a ver que todavía no eres delgada, lo que significa que todavía no puedes comer la galleta y te vas a empezar a desesperar. Lo siguiente que pasará es que vas a dejar la dieta, porque ya no aguantas las ganas.
En cambio si tienes un día designado para comer lo que quieras, te dirás "no comeré esta galleta hasta el sábado (o el día que quieras)" y al pasar los días veras que el día para comer SI se acerca y sabes cuando es, lo que te ayudará a resistir.
Obviamente, cuando llegue el día, no te comas todo lo que se pase por delante tuyo, come únicamente esos alimento de los que estuviste más antojado en la semana.
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brbsoulnomming · 1 month ago
Heart On Your Sleeve Part 8
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
written for steddiebigbang2024 and belatedly posting here!
The kids leave the next day, after Steve's heart has mostly reformed itself. It's still a little beat up and mangled, but it's clearly a heart again, and it barely hurts anymore.
He doesn't know how he'll ever be able to thank them.
Eddie doesn't call.
His house stops being empty.
Robin's over almost constantly, their hearts in each other's chests more often than not. He can tell Robin's worried about him, and he likes feeling her emotions - it tells him when she's upset, or sad, and he can respond without her having to say anything.
The rest of the kids are over almost as constantly, as though his house has just become the de facto hang out.
He minds it a lot less than he pretends to.
Erica sulks at him, and he can't figure out why until Lucas makes a comment about their heart sharing and she rolls her eyes so hard he's afraid they're going to pop out.
Steve frowns at her, hanging back after the others have gone on into the kitchen.
“That's an extra level of snide, even for you,” he says.
She gives him a look. “You want it directed at you?”
He holds up his hands. “What'd I do?”
Her look only becomes more unimpressed. “You had my brother over for your little healing pow-wow? He wasn't even part of Scoops Troop.”
Never in a hundred years did he think Erica Sinclair would be throwing a fit because she didn't get to be a part of their group heart sharing, but here it is.
“You want to swap?” Steve asks.
Erica scoffs at him. “I don't need your pity heart exchange.”
“It's not pity,” he protests.
This time the look practically burns through him.
“Robin and I do it all the time,” he insists. “It's easier. It means we can understand the way the other one feels without having to figure out how to say it.”
Her eyebrows raise. “And you want to know how I feel?”
Steve holds out his hand in response.
She stares at him for a long moment, then sighs in a far too long suffering manner before she takes her heart out and gives it to him. He exchanges his for hers, and -
“Is it messed up again?” Dustin demands. “Why didn't you tell me?”
He honestly isn't sure if the surge of somewhat affectionate irritation he feels is his or Erica's, and he exchanges what he suspects is a near identical look with her.
Dustin narrows his eyes at them. “What's this look you're doing, I really don't like it on both of you.”
“That's because it's bad news for you,” Erica retorts.
“We're just swapping,” Steve says.
“It's what you do when someone is a little too hard headed and out of touch with their feelings to realize how insensitive they're being.”
That is absolutely not what Steve had been going for, but Erica says it with such superiority and Dustin is looking so contemplative at it that he just sighs and goes with it.
Erica shoots him a smug little look - she knows exactly what she's doing and how he feels about it.
“Mike!” Dustin shouts. “Come here, we're swapping, so you can know that I'm right!”
Steve groans, but there's no stopping it now.
Swaps are called to settle arguments, to prove that this movie really is scary guys come on, for a dozen other reasons until Steve honestly can't be sure who has whose heart at any given moment.
He'd worry about the effects of so much heart swapping, but - the kids seem happy. Sometimes he even catches them just sitting with each other and swapping, and after everything they've lost - who is he to say what's healthy and what isn't?
Steve can't complain.
Well. He can, and he does, but he also knows this is probably the happiest he's ever been in this house, so he doesn't complain too much.
Eddie still doesn't call.
He doesn't answer, either, when Steve calls him. Any of the times Steve calls him.
Steve drives out there, once, stupidly. He's pretty sure he can hear Eddie's music, but the trailer’s dark, and no one answers.
Steve takes the hint after that.
He doesn't let anyone but Robin swap with him for a while, as long as he can get away with. He doesn't really have a name for what he's feeling - he doesn't want to put a name to what he's feeling - and she doesn't make him.
The Hopper-Byers are moving.
None of the party take it well, but it seems to hit Max the hardest.
Or at least, he assumes it does, because she's suddenly not over for a week straight, and Steve knows avoidance when he sees it.
He finds her sitting at the skate park, all alone, but she doesn't protest when he sits down next to her.
“Swap?” Steve asks softly.
Max rolls her eyes. “I'm fine.”
He gives her the most unimpressed look he can muster.
She scoffs, then gives him one right back. “Okay, so, what, you want to feel angry and miserable too?”
Steve weighs his options for a moment, considering how to respond, then decides just to go for honesty. “Yeah,” he says simply. “I'm not here just for the good stuff, Mayfield, I'm here for all of it.”
She looks at him for a long moment, her expression hard. Then she wrenches her chest open.
He pops his open, too, taking his heart out and offering it to her. Steve expects her to take it and put her own in his hand, but instead she shoves her own heart into his chest before he can so much as blink, snatching his out of his hand. He blinks at her, but - yeah, okay, fine, that works.
She is angry, and miserable. She hated Billy, and she's still sad, and El is the only one who really gets her, and she knows that's not true, and everyone leaves, and he hasn't left, and she loves and she hates and she's so tired.
Steve can't really put any of it into words, but he doesn't have to.
He just has to be there.
School starts, and it gets quieter. He and Dustin still have their weekly movie nights, and he plays ball with Lucas, cooks dinner with Max, but Robin's the only one over as much as she used to be.
It's - actually fine, this time. He gets a job at Family Video, and he hangs out with Robin and spends time with the kids and goes on dates, and he's still happy.
Well, except the going on dates bit. Something's missing, something obvious, but he tells himself that's fine, too.
Dustin starts talking about Eddie, a few months into school.
Well, he talks about Hellfire, which Steve doesn't really put together at first, but he's happy Dustin's having fun with his club.
When he mentions Eddie, Steve probes a little, asks how he joined up. Dustin lights up, talking about how Eddie looked out for them starting from day one, even if he's definitely a little scary at times, and Steve -
“Swap?” Robin asks the second she gets to his house later, like she took one look at him and knew he needed it.
They both need it, actually.
She has feelings about Vickie, and he has feelings about Eddie, and they're both complicated and messy and neither of them know what to do about it.
“Ask her out,” Steve tells her.
“She doesn't even like girls!”
“How do you know?”
“How do you know?”
And that's - point, okay, Steve has nothing to counter that. Yet. He just has to start collecting proof.
Robin feels his intentions and gives a dramatic huff, but she doesn't try to stop him.
She won't admit it, but she's grateful.
“Do you regret asking Eddie out?” she asks.
He makes a face. “I mean, I didn't ask him out so much as take him out a bunch of times, realize like halfway through it that's what I was doing, and then he ran the second I made it obvious, so… I guess I regret not actually asking him.”
She considers that. “Do you think it would have changed anything?”
“I don't know,” he admits. “Maybe I could have made it so he didn't feel like he had to run, maybe we could have still been friends? I wish I'd known what I was doing and I'd done it different, but… I think I'd regret it more if I didn't try at all.”
She drops her shoulder against his. “Of course you would. You always go for what you want, it's like you have no fear.”
He has plenty of fear - she's felt it - but not about shooting his shot. She's right; he's a man of action, and he's not sure he knows how to be anything else.
“Ugh, let's stop talking about it. I'm glad he's still a good guy and is watching out for the little shits, end of story.”
It's not the end of the story, but for now, they both let it be.
Dustin calls him to beg him to play in Hellfire with him, and Steve groans audibly.
“Does Eddie know you're asking me?” he asks.
Dustin scoffs. “Of course not, but I have to show up with someone on Friday.”
Steve frowns. “On Friday? That's the championship game. Lucas is playing.”
Dustin groans, and Steve makes a little bit of a face at himself when he realizes the kid sounds almost exactly like him.
“Don't remind me,” Dustin grumbles. “He's the reason we have to find someone in the first place.”
“Lucas asked you to find someone to sub in for him?”
Steve doesn't even need Dustin's heart to be able to tell the silence that follows is guilty as hell.
“Dustin,” Steve says.
“Ugh, fine! Lucas asked us to come to the stupid game. He asked us to get Eddie to move Hellfire so he wouldn't miss the last session.”
“And did you?” Steve prompts.
“Of course!” Dustin says, indignant. “Eddie was pissed. Called Lucas a traitor, said now it was our responsibility to find someone to fill in for Lucas since he ditched us.”
That - isn’t what Steve was expecting at all.
“And instead of standing up for Lucas, you're doing what Eddie says?”
“He ditched us!” Dustin insists.
Steve pinches the bridge of his nose. “Go swap with Lucas.”
Dustin makes an almost incomprehensible noise of protest.
“Swap with Lucas, and tell him what Eddie said. If you guys come to an agreement and you still need a sub, I'll think about it.”
He'd rather watch Lucas play, and that's sure as hell what he's going to do if Dustin doesn't follow through, but if both Lucas and Dustin agree, then he'll sub in.
Not just to give Eddie a piece of his mind about this whole thing.
“You're no help!” Dustin retorts, hanging the phone up.
Robin leans against him. “Are we talking about it now?”
He considers that, then wordlessly takes his heart out and offers it to her. They swap, sitting in silence for a moment as they adjust to each other's feelings.
She's upset. He is, too, though not about exactly the same thing.
“I'm still not mad at him for how things went between him and me,” he says.
“I am,” she replies, sharp and firm. “He made your heart hurt, I still think I should get to kick his ass.”
It's not Eddie's fault, though, not as far as Steve's concerned. Steve was the one that fumbled around without knowing what he was doing, that came on too strong. He didn't get it then, but now that he knows Robin and Will and how difficult things are for them - he understands it better.
But one of the things that made Steve fall for Eddie in the first place was the way he watched out for people. It wasn't the same way Steve did it, but - they were both protective, both willing to take the hits so other people wouldn't have to. It's disappointing to see how he's pitting the kids against each other like this.
He wishes they were still friends, wishes he could call him and ask what was going on.
“If he hurts one of the kids’ hearts, then you can kick his ass,” he says finally, once he's worked through his feelings and felt Robin's support.
It comes back, because it always does.
It comes back, and Eddie comes back, and Steve wasn't expecting that.
There's tension in the boathouse even after everything's been explained, and Steve knows everyone can feel it.
Knows because it's only a few moments before Dustin's announcing, “Hearts out! We'll show you we mean it, right, guys?”
Steve sneaks a look over at Max. He still hasn't gotten a really good look at her heart since after the 4th, but maybe - no, she clearly hasn't shown anyone else here, because she's gone pale, and she looks a combination of pissed and afraid.
“Dustin,” Steve snaps, trying to keep the irritation out of his voice and failing a little. “Did you forget that some of us have hearts that aren't all that reassuring to see?”
Dustin's expression scrunches for a moment, and Steve feels most of his irritation fade away as he realizes that, yeah, Dustin did forget that.
“Oh,” Dustin says quietly. “It's okay, Steve, you don't-”
“No,” he cuts him off, still a little annoyed. “Look, we all know that I'm the one causing doubt here, right? I'll show my heart so Munson knows I mean it and we can get this over with.”
He doesn't want to, but he wants even less for this to put a spotlight on Max.
So he takes his heart out, gets back in close enough for Eddie to see it, says, “We're not lying, man, I promise.”
His heart beats true, true, true in his hands, but Eddie's eyes are going wide and wet as he stares at Steve's heart, and he isn't any less pale.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he whispers. “What the hell happened?”
“Nothing you have to worry about,” he replies, putting his heart back in his chest as soon as he can. “It's not going to happen to you.”
It comes out a little more protective than he'd intended, and it makes Eddie's eyes dart up to his, trying to search for something in there. Steve can't tell what, and he doesn't have Eddie's heart in his chest to help him out.
Strange, how quickly he's come to rely on having that familiarity with those he cares about.
Less strange that Eddie is still someone he cares about.
“Do you want to see mine?” Eddie asks, soft enough that Steve's pretty sure he's the only one who can hear it.
Steve does, is the thing. He really does.
But not like this.
“Do you want me to?” he asks, just as soft.
Eddie looks away, silent enough that Steve knows what the answer is without him saying anything.
“People try to make me show it all the time,” Eddie says, a little bitter. “I'm not trustworthy, you know. I'm not honest. I'm just going to screw them over.”
Steve's quiet for a moment, unsure what to say. He doesn't know how to tell him that Steve's never seen him that way, that all those other people are stupid.
Finally, he settles on, “I still haven't asked.”
Eddie turns to look at him again, his eyes gone molten. “No,” he says softly. “You haven't.”
Steve gives a half shrug. “There you go then.”
This is already written, and my plan is to post one part a day until it's all up here!
Part 9
Taglist (always happy to add more to this if anyone wants): @fairytalesreality @lostonceandneverfound @wheneverfeasible @awkwardgravity1 @theintrovertedintrovert @thewickedkat @ravenfrog @scarlet-malfoy @missmagillicuddy @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @ollyxar @cringe-culture-is-dead-99 @thedragonsaunt @makewavesandwar @cryptid-system @ajeff855 @mae-liz @the-fantastical-asexual @jettestar @warlordess @persnicketysquares @samsoble @my-love-of-books @mydysfunctionallife @dreamercec @holyangelstudentuniverse @breealtair @shunna @xtraordinarally @thatdamnfan @justalittledrainbamage @strangerfolks @disrespectedgoatman @amber-ambience @anxietyfulloption @thepossummoldypasta @irregular-child @th30ra3k3n
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literaryvein-reblogs · 1 month ago
More Unique Expressions of Love
Bèndàn 笨蛋 - [Chinese] “Dumb egg”; it's said like an insult, but everyone knows that it's in jest.
Bogaram - [Hungarian] “My bug”
Buah hatiku - [Indonesian] “Fruit of my heart”
Du bringst mein Herz zum hüpfen - [German] You make my heart hop.
Fragolina - [Italian] “Little strawberry”; if someone is dear to you, you might call them your little strawberry.
Hundra hjärtan skulle vara för få för att bära all min kärlek till dig - [Swedish] A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you.
ʾIn kuntu ʾaʿrifu maʿnā al-ḥub, faḏalika bifaḍlik إن كُنتُ أَعرِفُ مَعنى الحُب، فَذَلِكَ بِفَضلِك - [Arabic] If I know what love is, it is because of you.
Isq aur musq chupaaye Nahiin chupaTe इश्क़ और मुश्क़ छुपाये नहीं छुपते। - [Hindi] Love and fragrance cannot be hidden.
Jigar tala جیگر طلا - [Farsi] “Golden liver”; use this when addressing someone you can’t live without.
Kruszynko - [Polish] “Breadcrumb”
Ma puce - [French] “My flea”
Mausbär - [German] “Mouse bear”
Me traes de un ala - [Latin American Spanish] “You bring me from one wing”; I’m hung up on how much I love you.
Media naranja - [Spanish] “Half of an orange”; refers to your “other half”.
Min guldklump - [Danish] “My gold nugget”
Moosh bokhoradet - [Persian] People can be so cute that they're smaller than a mouse. So small that you can lovingly say “may a mouse eat you”.
Nyingdu-la - [Tibetan] “Most honoured poison of my heart”
PoTHii padhi padhi jag muvaa, pandiT huaa Na koye, dhaaii aakhar prem kaa, padhe So pandiT hoye पोथी पढ़ि पढ़ि जग मुवा, पंडित हुआ न कोय, ढाई आखर प्रेम का, पढ़े सो पंडित होय। - [Hindi] Bookish knowledge is worthless; fall in love and you’ll know everything.
Solnyshko Солнышко - [Russian] “My sun”; one of the most common words used to express affection in the Russian language.
Sötnos - [Swedish] “Sweet nose”
Tá mo chroí istigh ionat - [Gaelic] “My heart is in you”; you are dear to my heart.
Taku kairangi - [Maori] “My finest greenstone”; similar to calling your loved one “my treasure” in other languages, you might call your partner “my finest greenstone” in Maori. It shows the value you find in your significant other.
Tamago gata no kao - [Japanese] Men call the woman they love an “egg with eyes”. While this may not sound appealing, it's a great compliment. In Japan, having an oval, egg-shaped face is seen as very attractive.
Tuqburni تقبرني - [Arabic] “You bury me”; commonly used to express love and that someone would rather die than lose you.
Ywn ghzal عيون غزال - [Arabic] “Eyes of a gazelle”; when eyes are said to be so hypnotic.
Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⚜ More: Word Lists ⚜ Part 1
PoTHii padhi padhi jag muvaa, pandiT huaa Na koye, dhaaii aakhar prem kaa, padhe So pandiT hoye
"Dhai akshar prem ka" - more well-known, colloquially and formally used.
Characters would probably use "akshar" instead of "aakhar".
Thank you to @dusklamp for the added information!
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ask-de-writer · 11 months ago
I would like to thank Delightfully
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@furislupus​ for READING and LIKING
CORAM’S HOPE, Parts 4 to 8 of 8
A World of Sea tale
Science Fiction
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burntheedges · 3 months ago
Pas de Deux Masterlist
Din Djarin x f!reader | 18+ | ~40k words | updates on Wednesdays main masterlist | ao3
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summary: When Din Djarin – principal dancer at Concordia Ballet Company and generational talent in the classical style – suddenly left CBC and joined the Nevarro Ballet Theater mid-season, it shocked the ballet world. You never would have guessed that he would change your life, too.
full fic tags/warnings (spoilers!): modern AU, ballet AU, fluff, angst, flirting, dancing, lots of ballet terms (I’ll define things/link videos/etc. -- see below), misunderstandings, character study, romance, pet names (sweetheart, beautiful), lots of tension, later: smut, kissing, grinding, fingering, p-in-v sex, creampie, each chapter will have its own tags, Din lifts reader (see note below about reader)
a/n: welcome to the Din ballet fic!! I started writing this in April and it’s finally finished! I’ll post a new chapter every Wednesday, there are 14 total. There’s some smut coming but it’ll be a while, folks. See my notes below about reader in this fic and ballet in general. Thank you @katareyoudrilling for being the best beta, as always!! This fic is so much better because of you. 🧡 And thank you to @almostfoxglove for reading over it and confirming I didn't forget all my ballet, lol. 🩰
note about reader: in this fic you’re a ballet dancer, first soloist at Nevarro Ballet Theater company. I haven’t mentioned the reader’s body size or shape (or hair) basically at all, even to the point of avoiding clothing (except for costumes), but I understand the image that goes along with ballet – I danced for almost 20 years. Din does lift you many times. Please feel free to picture whatever you want, but I know that this might seem more limited. You also have a best friend named Adrian who is in the company with you. I never specified age, but to make first soloist most would be in at least their early 20s. Din is 27.
Chapter list and notes about ballet under the cut! Comment or reblog to join the tag list. 🥰🩰
Chapter List
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
** Bonus: Amazing art of Din by @kenobiwanx!! **
Chapter 13 - coming Wed 1/8
some notes about ballet: I will share links to videos and such as much as possible, but here are some definitions to get us started – principal, (first) soloist, corps de ballet, variation, and class vs. rehearsal:
Principal - this is the highest level a dancer (of any gender) can reach in a company. Dancers are ‘promoted’ through the ranks. Principals usually have exceptional technique and artistry and can perform solos, pas de deux (partnering), headlining and/or the most challenging roles, etc. (e.g., the white (Odette) and black (Odile) swans in Swan Lake, both usually performed by one principal). Sometimes dancers are hired directly in as principals (like Din, in this fic). Smaller companies might have 5-6 principals, while larger ones could have as many as 20. Nevarro is somewhere between medium and large and has around 14 principals, including Din.
First Soloist - not every company has this rank, but it’s in between principal and soloist. Nevarro has 4 but they are counted among the soloists (12-14ish total). Soloists are often understudies for larger parts, and first soloists would do the same. In this fic reader is a first soloist, just promoted at the start of the season.
Soloist - this is sort of a middle level, for dancers who are doing very well and have proven themselves capable of taking on bigger roles. Many ballets have multiple roles, including supporting roles in the narrative, for soloists and principals to showcase many dancers’ talents. A smaller company might have 5-6 soloists, and a larger company might have as many as 20. (Larger companies also do more shows.) Nevarro is somewhere between medium and large and has around 12-14 soloists, including first soloists.
Corps de ballet - this is the lowest/starting level in a company. It’s where most would start from and has the largest number of dancers – these are the dancers who come out on stage in large groups or form the background unnamed roles in narrative scenes (like a party). Reader started in the corps and was promoted to soloist and then first soloist.
Variation - a solo dance, usually a piece from a larger ballet (e.g., the Sugar Plum Fairy in the Nutcracker). We say ‘variation’ because there are many ballets that have been choreographed differently by multiple people in the ballet world (e.g., there are famous versions of the Nutcracker by Petipa, Gorsky, Balanchine, Nureyev, Baryshnikov… and more). So there can be multiple variations of a solo from a single ballet, and more can be created or altered, etc. But in general the term just means solo.
Class vs. rehearsal - most companies distinguish between ‘class’ and ‘rehearsal’. Class is for the whole company and focused on improving technique. It’s quick and often repetitive and everyone sort of knows what to do. Most people would have ‘their’ spot at the barre and fall into a typical order for going across the floor. After class, most would go into multiple hours of rehearsal, PT, strength training, etc., depending on whether it was a performance day or not. Most companies are rehearsing for more than one performance at a time, so they might have a longer rehearsal for the show coming up this or next weekend, and a shorter one for another performance a bit farther away. But in the days leading up to a show, that show’s rehearsals would probably take over. This can vary by company. On show days, most would have fewer rehearsals with a 1-2 hour break before the call time to get ready.
Season - companies have 'seasons' which just refers to their plan for shows/schedule for the upcoming year. They might refer to like a fall season and a spring season, or the might have a full year schedule with different parts (fall/winter/spring), or they might have only a spring season that runs into early summer. It depends on the company and the size! In this fic Nevarro has a fall season and a spring season, but they tend to think about it as a full year for contracts/etc. They would have 3-4 big shows planned (think Nutcracker, Swan Lake, Giselle, Onegin, etc.) in each part of the season (so, 3-4 in fall and 3-4 in spring). And then they'd fill in the gaps in the schedule with "mixed programs", which are programs with multiple smaller ballets or pieces that feature a lot of dancers. So a mixed program might have a 20 minute Balanchine ballet, a pas de deux, a full corps piece from a larger ballet, and a piece for like 8 dancers. or something. Mixed programs are often when choreographers-in-residence and on staff get to debut their own work.
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