#part one drawing him until im actually good at it
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liothebiblioklept · 10 months ago
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He's my favorite character and I havent even drawn him that much this is a crime!!! Hes so funny I literally laugh at every joke hes included in I cant think of a single one that doesnt bring tears to my eyes tbh.
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pretend-i-don-t-exist · 1 month ago
sy trying to create a pidw au would be so funny
i feel like he'd actually commit to it to spite airplane. at first, it garnered attention bc it was from the peerless cucumber, notorious critic and biggest pidw hater, so ofc they're all curious how pidw would look like in his eyes. it was surprisingly (well not really, considering the tens of paragraphs peerless cucumber wrote during his rants, all of which have immaculate grammar and spelling— bc ofc he can't let anyone find something to nitpick on his review so they're forced to see the point!) well-written and definitely more plot-focused.
majority of the readers disappeared after the first few chapters, mainly because of the lack of smutty scenes, but those that do remain are very engaged. one of them is airplane's burner account, when he needs to separate himself from his airplane persona. he's really, really curious as to what his hater is doing to his work.
he... he actually likes it. it's not really the novel he envisioned when he was first working on pidw, nor does it contain all the elements of his original draft, but it was good. he likes it a lot better than what pidw turned out to be.
airplane spent so much time contemplating and considering before finally saying fuck it, and dms peerless cucumber to see if he can work as a co-author with him and they can rewrite pidw together. he even sends parts of the original draft (what was left of it, anyway) as incentive!
it takes a long week before even peerless cucumber replies, and by then he has written a novella detailing how much better the original draft was and him screaming very informally at why airplane had to cast it aside.
lol i need money bro im broke af and porn sells, airplane answers.
it takes another week before peerless cucumber finally answers. then live with me, his message reads. no rent. i'll pay for whatever food you want. and whatever bills you have. just write a good fucking novel, i swear to god.
airplane thinks it's a joke, until he receives the address. an actual penthouse. in the richest streets of guangzhou. there is also a request to meet up (seeing as they don't actually know each other, and sy's brothers are very intent on not getting him murdered in his sleep) and airplane, after much, much thinking, accepts.
airplane does not really know what to feel when he finally meets and talks to shen yuan— pampered third son of a very wealthy family, with two protective older brothers and an even more protective little sister— and sy is just. well. he's exactly airplane's type. the beautiful, ice prince who apparently has only shown this much emotion around airplane. sy's meimei had told him cheerfully and then threatened to gut him if he so much as steps a foot out of line. airplane is starting to feel like he's just met a mafia family.
shen yuan's family aside, airplane is actually living his best life. he no longer has to worry about money. he lives in a luxurious (gods he has never seen such a large bedroom before wtf) penthouse without needing to pay rent (!!!) and utilities (!!!) and even food (!!!). he can write as much as he wants. this must be what artists felt like when they're taken care of noble families in exchange for their art.
he does... well. he and peerless cucumber are friends now. they work on the rewrite together. airplane keeps finding out many things, like how shen yuan likes his tea with a lot of honey, dislikes milk chocolate, and prefers drawing over writing. he also runs hot during the night, when he sleeps.
how does airplane know that? well. bros gotta do what bros gotta do. it's a good thing they both like to cuddle.
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majoryeager104 · 2 months ago
my fave anime/manga omg I’ve been wanting to write for it for a while but I’ve had no idea where to start but then I was like ‘I should probably start the way I start everything else lol HEADCANONS!!’
so here’s some Relationship + Random hc’s of some of my favorite AOT characters! If you want a part two or a specific character added in the next one, lemme know!
Featuring: Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Jean, Levi, Hange, and Erwin
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An amazing soldier, but a dumb boyfriend
Like, on the field, fighting, he’s brilliant
its not to say he’d be a terrible boyfriend
im just saying he’d have no idea what to do half the time
like if ur upset he’s just like “um don’t cry 🧍”
*awkwardly pats ur back*
but he’s pretty much clueless otherwise
as you can tell in the series, he’s not good at processing his emotions
and if he thinks he can’t process his OWN emotions, just wait till he tries to process yours
ngl tho it would get to a point where he’s so good at understanding you and how you’re feeling that it’s like ‘stfu Eren you’ve got ur own problems’
like bros so invested in just TRYING that he pushes his own emotions to the side
on a random note
he snores like crazy
if he’s not awake that is bc if he’s awake he’s like being silly at fuckin 1 AM
either talking with Armin, or just yapping
or maybe practicing melee moves in the middle of the floor
or working out
Or snacking
you get the idea
hes also a chocoholic bye-
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sweetest shyest pookiest gf ever
shes got so much emotional depth, but she has a hard time expressing it
but when she does
shell tell you the sweetest thing ever
or like give you the most thoughtful compliment you’ve ever recieved in ur life
and then she’ll get shy and run away
not only she’s like ‘omg why did I say that’
buts she’s also like ‘oh god I probably made them uncomfortable was that weird?’
and then u reassure her like ‘nah that was actually the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me’
and verbally she’s like ‘oh ok 🙂’
but internally she’s like ‘yay 🙂’
on a random note
when she’s nervous in public cos there’s a lot of people
shell subconsciously hold ur hand
it’s not like she’s like scared, bc u know she’s Mikasa
but big crowds make her anxious and the noise gives her a headache
so most times she just prefers hanging out somewhere quiet
like a boba shop or a library
And I also hc that she’s actually really good at drawing and has this sketchbook that she carries with her and draws in when ur at boba shops
And while you’d think it was full of quick doodles it’s actually all ART. (maybe I should do hc’s on each characters art styles if they have one lmao)
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this Barbie is a sweetie pie bitch
honestly he carries the dates tho
freakin loid forger ahh
he’s got most of it written down but he’s also still got some date ideas stored in that big head of his
bc he’s an over thinker and an over achiever so he wants to like maximize the experience ig
like a nerd 🤓
(im sorry im bullying him i swear i love him)
so he plans all these dates, and everything is going well until he’s actually on said date with you
bc he rehearsed a few little one liners and flirtations for weeks on end but upon seeing you he immediately forgot them 😅
so he’s a stuttering blushing mess the whole time
freakin cutie
random hcs
he hates spicy food
it literally makes him cry
but he also doesn’t really like sweets much
so he usually resorts to really simple foods or something savory
basic like him (I’m sorry)
I also hc that he’s self conscious about his forehead (same bro)
hence the thick bangs lmao
but yk what big head big think is what I always say
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everyone knows he’s respectful
A true gentleman
but if you recall that scene with Mikasa in the cadet corps
He’d also be super nervous around u
blushing and smiling
(Ohh my god my heart)
he tries so hard to play it cool
but no amount of flirting and smirking can hide the fact that he’s stuttering and blushing like an idiot
and oh god if you flirt back
he’s like actually gonna pass away 🫠
and I am too bc he’s so cute
random hcs
he talks in his sleep
hes a thigh guy
hed walk on the outside of the sidewalk w u unprompted
he’s reaaaally good at impressions
he once did a killer impression of captain levi
and everyone laughed until they spotted Levi a little ways behind him
and then they had to hold back their laughter while Levi yelled at him for it 💀
he once tried to cut his own hair growing up
and it was so bad that his mom ended up shaving his head
He swears he looked handsome w it tho
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omg this man
no one would ever know you two were together
except for Hange, Miche and Erwin bc they sniff out this shit like crazy
but when yall are alone
he holds your hand like all the time
hes super clingy
but won’t admit it
hes laying on top of you with his arms and legs wrapped around you like a koala
and he’s like “you’re so clingy y/n 🙄”
random hcs!
we know he doesn’t sleep
but what’s weirder is when you wake up and he’s just staring at you
and scares the shit outta you
like Jean he walks on the outside of the sidewalk unprompted
and he’s also a sidewalk karen
like if someone else is walking by he’s giving them a look like “try and move me bitch”
”you can’t”
My stronk scary boi
And because he’s old as rocks I also hc that he probably knits as a hobby
idk why, but I can absolutely see him knitting scarves and shit for Eren and the others (and u ofc)
like its winter and everyone is training and he’s out here passing out scarves he made 😭
Hanged like ”where’d you get all these scarves Levi?”
and he’s just like “mind your damn business”
and his ears get pink when he’s embarrassed so that kinda answers the question
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as a Hange Kinnie I’m not projecting whatsoever 😌
but they’d totally be clingy
in like the most extroverted way
yapping about you to everyone
till Levi tells them to shut up
They’re out there fighting titans like “you know y/n usually kills titans like this”
and Levi’s like “Y/N IS RIGHT OVER THERE”
Brings u pretty rocks
cant flirt to save their life but it’s the thought that counts 😌😌
random hcs!
asks the most random and way too personal questions
“I’m not gonna dignify that with a response” said a shocked and disgusted Levi
Hange absolutely points out animals they see
like, in the middle of a fight they’re just like “CAPTIAN LEVI Y/N!!”
and you both look over scared bc you think Hange is hurt
and they’re just like “LOOK THERES A SQUIRREL! 🤩”
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we know he’s a gentleman
and I see so many ppl making him out like he’s “daddy”
to which I say
hes ‘father figure’ 😌😌😌
he’d actually be an amazing partner though
buys you flowers on a regular basis
dates might not be as often
hes a busy man you know 😏
but he definitely treats you to a date whenever he can
if you’re self conscious
no you’re not 😶
he’s got the most random, deliberate, sweetest, kick your feet and giggle compliments stored up for you
and he’ll tell you all of them if it makes you feel better about yourself
random hcs
another loud as fuck snorer I fear
but that’s heard on the occasion that he actually sleeps
bros obviously a workaholic so
he also forgets to eat
you and Levi have to remind him
when he’s not on the job and completely focused
hes actually kind of scatterbrained and loses random stuff like “where are my glasses” and they’re on his head 💀
he’s so old istg I love him so much
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starburstminibot · 2 months ago
Ok, seeing the post about the playlist, you mentioned how Breakdown only gets his act together after finding out that Bee was carrying
So it got me thinking (and this has actually been in my mind since i first came across the au tbh), but how was it while Bee was like, carrying?? There's the fact that, at first, many of the bots probably don't like Breakdown too since, well, he was not the best bf let's be honest.
Idk, I'm just curious to how things were before Breakcheck came to see the world
(Im going out of town for a week and cant draw so im just answering this with a straight up fanfiction-esk paragraph I’m so sorry wish I could be artistic for you anon)
Long story short: the Autobots are very forgiving but they can also be petty motherfuckers.
I mean they welcomed Megatron among their ranks and treat him (for the most part) as an equal and sometimes even a friend. Of course, Megatron earned that trust after years and years of repentance.
I imagine Breakdown is going through a similar arc. He’s never really been THAT loyal to the Decepticon cause. He just… kinda ended up there and didn’t care enough to do anything about it. He views Autobots as these goody, righteous people that he doesn’t feel like he belongs with. So really… what’s left besides Decepticons (considering yourself a neutral at one point was pretty much a death wish. A faction was the only way to acquire any sort of Energon or medical attention. Something Optimus tried hard to avoid, but the reality was safety in numbers.) the only kinship Breakdown ever felt was with the Stunticons… and they’ve been scattered to who knows where… if they’re even still alive.
Except he did have one friend. A friend he’s somehow managed to keep despite being on opposite sides of the war. He tried to convince Bee to join the Decepticons a few times but it was never with genuine intent. Bee was too good for the Cons; Breakdown knew that. He asked to get a rile out of him more than anything. Of course Bee would retort with his own argument of why BD should defect. He was serious about it… but Breakdown knew his place. He’d already done too much…
Now the war is over. And the leader of his faction doesn’t even believe in the cause anymore. Now, Breakdown’s never been a fan of Megatron anyways, but he sure as hell is pissed off when he abandons them to go be buddies with the Autobots. Maybe Breakdown is a little jealous (Of course, he’d never admit it) That Megatron, possibly the cruelest and most unforgiving of them all, is allowed to be redeemed.
He feels betrayed. All the Decepticons do really… He feels like he was led down a path that would only end in self destruction and at the last moment, the one who was paving the way jumped ship, leaving them all to suffer the consequences alone.
He never even wanted this.
But it’s way too late now. He dug this grave and he’s going to see to it that he’s buried in it. But despite the betrayal, and most of the Decepticons now stabbing each other in the back, trying to claim whatever power they can while holding on to this flimsy cause they can barely call a functioning faction, he still has Bee… who is maybe more than just a friend at this point but that’s a lot of feelings Breakdown isn’t ready to unpack.
And he still runs every time it feels a little too good to be true. Still proclaims his loyalty to the Decepticons because he’s too stubborn to admit he’s on a sinking ship. And he still keeps his distance because he refuses to take Bumblebee down with him when it finally goes under.
And maybe they’ve got a fling going… and maybe the autobots start to catch on. It doesn’t matter though, Breakdown doesn’t stick around long enough to see their sneers.
Until… he finds out Bee’s carrying that is… because damn he may not be the best bot in the galaxy but he’s not a complete deadbeat.
And when it hits him… that he’s going to be a sire… well maybe… he start’s sticking around to see the sneers. He hears the mumbles of disapproval. And boyyy does it make him so angry at first. How dare these holier-than-thou bots. They don’t know him or what he’s had to do to survive. How many comrades he’s lost thanks to them. They don’t know what Bee means to him. They don’t know just how much he loves Bumblebee. How he would lay down his spark for him in a klick.
Then Breakdown questions… Does Bee even know that?
From then on… Breakdown realizes, preserving his ego isn’t worth this. He has a chance now. A real honest chance. To do better… to have the life he actually wants… with the one bot who hasn’t ever given up on him.
He wants it so bad.
So he puts up with the comments and the obvious distrust. Because he’s willing to put in the work it takes to earn it. He’s going to prove how much he wants this. He’s going to prove how much he cares. He’s going to prove he is capable of doing better… and maybe along the way he’ll learn… he’s deserving of better too…
Breakdown is lucky Bumblebee has always been a little spoiled because it didn’t take too much convincing for the autobots to give him a shot. To attempt to accept him into their ranks.
He thought Optimus would be the worst of it. The one who practically raised the bot Breakdown knocked up. And for a while it is. Optimus lectures him every chance he gets. Any small hiccup, any little mistake. He doesn’t go easy on breakdown. Optimus at least pretends to be polite about it, or at least professional.He doesn’t yell, or make unnecessary insults. His words are always very honest (which makes them that much harder to hear) but Breakdown will take it… he’ll sit through it, no matter how hard he has to bite his tongue against saying something he’ll regret. He knows how thin the ice is. But he’ll do it for Bee.
The others are a little more brutal… Elita especially so… they are more sharp with their words (and sometimes their blasters) letting him know just what they think of him.
But no… the worst of all… is Megatron. Because Megatron is probably the only bot in the whole faction who looks at him and empathizes. Breakdown doesn’t want empathy. Especially not from the damn bot who betrayed him. Megatron doesn’t give lectures, he doesn’t verbally or physically abuse him when he steps out of line. He barely even raises his voice. And it pisses Breakdown off more than anything. Sometimes he slips up in front of Megatron just to push his boundaries, just to see if he can break this peaceful facade the ex-brutal-dictator seems to be taking. He’s witnessed the warlord beat bots into scrap for far less… and yet… Megatron won’t. Megatron seems to be attempting to guide Breakdown, to offer a new start to their relationship, and Primus Breakdown wants nothing to do with it. He’d rather be lectured and assigned extra training.
And it takes a long while… longer than Bee’s carrying term, and a little while into Breakcheck’s sparklinghood for the Autobots to really start to come around to him. Optimus’ lectures seem to have a bit of fondness to them. And perhaps Breakdown listens a bit more earnestly and takes to heart some of the genuine advice the Prime gives him. And maybe the sparring with Elita has turned less from a one-sided fight and into an enjoyable workout. And MAYBE… he doesn’t intentionally push Megatron as much, and has come to a realization of his own that his Megatron… is nothing like the one who betrayed him… and perhaps there is more in common between them than he’d like to admit.
And when people look at him now, he’s not just the Con Bumblebee has been sneaking around with. He’s a Sire… and a devoted Conjux…
And maybe this is what he’s always wanted. And he can be deserving of it too.
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enden-agolor · 10 months ago
i fucking LOVE the way you draw/write jesse, as someone with a chubby/buff build i kind of struggle with insecurities about my size but the way you draw him makes me feel very good. idk im describing it badly but i wanted to ask if your design for him is more chubby or muscly?
Dude thank you 🥺🩵 You described it very well.
It really depends on which time frame I'm drawing Jesse in actually.
In the beginning, I imagine Jesse is quite scrawny. I mean did you see his work out routine in the beginning? He was was doing sit ups and punching flowers. He was definitely lacking muscle (but had enough to be able to lift Reuben up and down that ladder) and as the first couple episodes progress, he stays scrawny but progressively becomes more scarred up until the Portal Hallway episodes.
The Portal Hallway episodes, it takes place many months after the events of the Witherstorm. Jesse and his friends are going on many more adventures, really honing their skills that they acquired over the past few months. Jesse is much more built now. He's buff and tough with the true heart of a hero. Although, once he and his friends get stuck in the Portal Hall, that's when things take a really devastating turn for him. Feeling hopeless and lost for weeks on end, he begins to feel withdrawn from the positivity he was feeling before he ended up stuck here. Traumatic events keep occuring, and with these events, Jesse is of course drawn to remember and replay the events of Reuben's death in his head. He keeps the most of these feelings to himself because his group is already feeling so disheartened about their current situation that the last thing he'd want for them is to know that he's breaking emotionally, so he ends up taking less care of himself. He starts eating with the idea that he has to stay strong for his friends, but even those moments are rare. Food is scarce depending on what portal they are in, so when he finds food, he'll take anything that will keep his energy and strengths up.
By the end of it all, he's actually put on a significant amount of muscle. But it's kind of like a 'at what cost?' scenario.
Things get a bit better for him between then and Season 2 where he's eating better again and keeping all that muscle, but once Season 2 comes and goes, and with everything that happens in the Sunshine Institute and the Underneath, he loses a lot of weight.
It's only after Season 2, where he stays in BeaconTown and eventually finds a love life with Lukas when he really begins putting on weight once again. He's done with hero work. He's done with going on crazy life threatening adventures. Now he just wants to live life for himself rather than putting others first. Lukas helps him a lot through this, with body positivity and lots of love and affectionate touch, it's all the reassurance Jesse has ever needed to feel okay with being himself again. So he ends up putting on that happy weight that couples typically adopt over time when they're in a healthy relationship. Lukas treats him so, so unbelievably well. Finally Jesse gets to eat food for himself without the idea of needing to keep himself strong and powerful once he's finally retired. He indulges himself in his sweet tooth and loves to eat cookies, cakes, and other baked goods that Lukas will bake or bring home. He also really enjoys the fact that he doesn't have to eat alone anymore. He loves sitting at the table and enjoying a meal with his hubby. And the best part, which is something Jesse was horribly self conscious about, is that Lukas loves and adores his pudge. He is so supportive of Jesse's eating habits, but he doesn't hesitate to sneak veggies and fruits into Jesse's lunch box for work.
So yeah uh Jesse is chubby, buff and loved at the end of it all 😍
Here's some lil doodles of him I have lying around. The first one is pretty old and could probably use a touch up since now I don't see much of a difference, but you get the point ☠️
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coyle-and-co · 2 months ago
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prime assets plus my oc …. rrgggg
i can’t be bothered to color them all rn because coyle nearly gave me an aneurysm trying to draw him 😓!!!! (plus i don’t do chibi or line art very often majority of my art is line-less but i haven’t drawn these goobers before so i wanted to practice)
oc ramble from here on out!!!
is this all self indulgent? yeah but it’s MY blog i do what i want ……😈
His name is Dolly (nickname)! He’s an ex-pop of some variety (no idea if i wanna make him a prime asset or not because i feel like id breach mary sue territory ((im the only person who cares abt that)) and hgh)…he’s mostly mute due to his mask muffling his voice!! the mask has a tube that goes into his mouth and down his throat to basically force him to breathe <\3
He’s VERY clingy and affectionate to the other ex-pops, specifically Coyle, Franco, & Gooseberry. They don’t necessarily return his affections but they can’t do anything but take it, not like they can kill him, though it’s nice sometimes when he’s not trailing behind them like a lost dog
He’s particularly keen on Coyle, not in a romantic sense (or sexual, or anything really) but he sees him as an authority figure only because he was a cop. Coyle enjoys that part but not when he interrupts his “investigations” to grab his arm or something. He tends to hug him from behind which will scare the shit out Coyle if he’s not paying attention, and he will thrash until Dolly either lets go or he gives up lmao 😭
With Franco, they both don’t really know what to make of each other but Dolly thinks he’s adorable (in a murder-y sense HAHA), usually doting on him or trying to coddle him randomly. Which Franco gets a kick out of unless he’s actually trying to do something then he looses his rag a bit at him (and Gooseberry makes him say sorry) ((he won’t))
Gooseberry is Dolly’s FAVORITE, mostly because out of all the prime assets she’s the most receptive towards his physical affection, always accepting his hugs and doesn’t mind that he follows her around. She is after all a “mother”, so to her he’s just a clingy child. However if he breaks anything in the orphanage she will put him on time out 😓
He’s confused by the reagents mostly, he’s not the brightest and has no idea why they run away from him, however he does tend to hurl explosives at people for shits and gigs so maybe that’s why (he won’t put two and two together)
Pitcher, Pusher & the grunts find him more than a little irritating, mostly because he tends to get in the way of them doing their jobs (murdering reagents)
He’s easily stunned and a good brick to the face will knock him flat for a bit, but he all thinks this is a fun little game </3
Dolly’s whole get up is inspired by the one gimp outfit from the unholy night pack, haven’t figured out a lore reason why he’d wear it other than he’s gay i guess, but he does like to cross dress (much to the disgruntlement of Coyle, who has probably hurled a few slurs at him from time to time, Gooseberry just loves to help him dress up and Franco doesn’t care enough about what he’s doing when he’s not babying him, just assumes Dolly’s a pervert)
i loaf him so….i wanna crush him in my palm…like bug
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sammygender · 5 months ago
thoughts on how the sam & dean part of the fight before sam left for stanford went !
i am addicted to thinking about precanon so thank you for this <33
i think people r generally way too optimistic about how that initial seperation between them went. dean is awful to sam about stanford even years after he left and years after he came back!! hes still very visibly angry about it in s5 which is NINE YEARS after he left in the first place and refuses to even tolerate the idea it was a good moment for sam. i cannot comprehend how people think 22 year old dean had the emotional maturity to even let sam go without a fight, nevermind be supportive about it.
like. theres this amazinggg art on here of sam hitchhiking to stanford and all the comments are like 'erm that black eye would be from JOHN actually!' (side note but it is so funny to me how spn fans decide john hit them based on implication (which i agree w... to an extent...) but dean hitting sam onscreen multiple times somehow translates to 'DEAN WOULD NEVER DO THAT'. erm. okay.) 'nooo dean would've given sam a lift!'
and like. what show are you watching. if dean would've given sam a lift he would've done it to the bus station in moody silence and then locked the doors of the impala so sam couldn't get out to catch his bus to stanford and they would've started physically fighting for the car keys and dean eventually wouldve let sam get them and sam wouldve left. or something. but it would not be some sweet brotherly moment bc that directly contradicts canon <3
i do think the worst of the fight is between sam & john - that's always what's implied in canon - and in my head dean's just standing there stonefaced maybe refusing to even talk to sam until theyre left alone somehow and he breaks. but i also think dean hits sam at some point, will always have the image in my head of sam showing up to stanford w a bloody nose and fending off questions. (internally hes like no my dad didnt do this it was my brother so its fine. <3.) theres a scene like this in one of my fics so im just drawing from that. but. like....
idk how dean/john finds out. if dean found out before john, i think dean probably wouldve run to him about it in an attempt to get sam Not To Go as much as it would be nice if he didnt, so i reckon they have to find out at about the same time. i think sam is unsure what to expect from dean, who of course (as far as we see both in flashbacks and in canon) alternates between genuine care and support and angry, desperate possessiveness. he probably hopes for the best and expects the worst and gets the worst.
there r definitely lots of different ways it could go....maybe sam tells dean and dean tells john. maybe sam tells john without telling dean at all and thats how dean finds out which totally wrecks him. maybe sam tells them both at the same time. maybe sam never tells them and they find the acceptance letter. this is why stanford fight is sooo fascinating. i feel like i could write five different versions of it and all would be possible/interesting.
but whichever way, i just dont see dean as contradicting john. he generally Doesnt Ever precanon, this is established, he admits it himself, thats why its such a huge moment when he defends sam at the end of s1.....sam going on about dean 'protecting him' is 1. more subtle and probably to do with dean being the one to shoulder most of johns emotional baggage than the heller misinterpretation of 'john hit dean but not sam and thats what this means!!!' (tho i am sure dean did genuinely Protect sam sometimes including from physical violence. of course he did. this isnt to discredit that..i just emphasise the Sometimes.). and 2. partially just classic Sam Rewriting History (u always protected me from dad, from lucifer....girl he did those things very little certainly not always. know your worth sam winchester).
so if dean gives sam a very angry lift (to a nearby bus station...there is absolutely zero fucking way hes driving him to stanford and tbh i already find this quite unlikely but possibilities r interesting) its on john's say-so or at least not disapproval. which like. sure maybe. john certainly is concerned about sam's safety even after he kicks him out, checking up on him at stanford etc, id believe that hed want to ensure sam Gets there even if the fight ended up so bad he told sam he couldnt come back. tho hes stubborn and i dont think hed say it. so maybe itd be a case of dean kind of picking up that that's what john wants and complying even though right now half of him wants to never see sam again and the other half wants to tie him to the radiator so he can never leave. sorry i am literally brainstorming fic ideas in this ask answer now.
anyway....SORRY id say long ass answer as always but this is actually INSANELY long......sorry guys im about to embark upon getting tested for adhd and maybe then my rambles will be, while not shorter in length, more cohesive? tldr fandom is wrong dean is an absolute ASS during stanford fight. obviously sam leaving devastates him and how does dean cope with devastation or perceived abandonment do we think?? hm?? he is just as angry as john for the same and different reasons. and thats really so much more interesting than him being Secretly Supportive. <3
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ppnuggiexxx · 2 months ago
Helloo may I bother you for your ratings on the whb demons you think have the best head game?
oooo yess !! <33 ill give some of my insight ,, though i think my opinions may differ from most ! these got kinda long :0 so the rest are under the read more !! ^^ tysm for asking :)) ,, i kinda did it on who from each nation gives best head . idk if this was meant to be a general ask or an actual request 😭😭but if its a request feel free to resend it with characters you might want :3 !!
from gehenna ,, i think leraye and astaroth would be the best with head . leraye is more on the eager side and desperate to please ,, happy to do something good for you and yearning to make sure youre pleasured . the piercing on his tongue would at extra stimulation ,, and his horn is perfect for grabbing and moving him to where you want him .
astaroth is more experienced in the subject ,, interested in re-enacting scenes of those he affiliates himself with . scenes from books often add oral scenes between the main characters ,, hearing their voice read out the scene for him . he’s quick to fulfill the other character ,, treating his partner of the time just how the character would in the book .
from hades i think foras would be best at it overall ,, with barbatos being a close second . foras wants to please you ,, more than happy to . he’d be jealous if it were someone else you were asking ,, unless it be leviathan . in his h-scene we got to see some of it ,, half invisible and using his tongue to prep you . the chains on his horns also are great for grabbing and redirecting wherever you want him to ,, making angling him up more to lick at your clit or move him down to focus more on the rest instead .
from tartaros mammon and valefor would be the best . bimet only falls into the category should you give him a pretty penny for it ,, then we may see what he gave us in his h-scene . for mammon ,, he wants you to want him ,, to yearn for him and have the need to covet him to yourself . hes happy to do what his master wants ,, if it means you wont hold back on your desires .
valefor was more on the softer and gentler side of sex in his h-scene (or i think from when i last read it) . despite knowing mammon has an eye for you ,, he cant help but want to please you himself . he wants you to be the one to come to him ,, to want him to give you pleasure . and he’ll gladly drop to his knees and lay on his back ,, whichever you prefer ,, should you come to him instead .
from abyssos ,, i think they all would be good should they try in a way . not to say theyre not good ,, but bael is overworked most the time and when he gets the chance to enjoy time with you ,, he may fall asleep fast and be sloppy with his oral . stolas has a big mouth a lot to say when you ask him to give you oral ,, but does it nonetheless but with a lot of extra steps (him having a lot to say about the situation) . beelzebub isnt there most the time but when you do he may forget if you planned it at a later time . unless its right then and there ,, he may not be able to help himself but be rough and take a few bites into your thighs ,, hard enough to draw blood . he may get so into it he won’t let you rest until all you can do is have empty orgasm after another . pussy game so strong it makes mfs cannibals 😔👊 and amon ,, he would probably be your safest bet . naberius if you catch him on a good day too ,, being part dog does have it perks at times . <3
for paradise lost morax would be best . say im biased all you want (might be 😿) but he would be the best especially if youre not used to hell’s intensity yet . he could walk you through ,, actually communicate what youre both okay with doing and what feels best for you . though i hope you dont mind his face being covered in partially bloody bandages for the most part . he’ll remove enough to make room for his tongue but thats the most he’ll do . he’s a little worried to scare you off with how mangled his face may be ,, how scarred and charred and broken it may be under his bandages . <//3 though he’ll be gentle and bring you a wonderful orgasm ,, and more if you’re wanting it .
for niflheim ,, beleth would be a good choice tied with andrealphus . beleth is more nicer than belphegor when it comes to pleasure . while belphie would rather sit back and take ,, beleth knows the struggles of being on the opposite side . he’ll be nice about it or rough depending on how you want him to be . he could bring you to an intense orgasm through edging and stimulation to the spots you feel pleasure through most ,, or he could hold your hips down and drive you insane from how many hes already given you .
andrealphus likes to touch you and feel you . he may be blind but he doesnt let it stop him from giving you pleasure however you wish . he takes his time with you ,, going slow and wanting to pleasure you thoroughly . his hands wander you body ,, trying to find whats best for you and what you dont care for . though he knows to focus on the clit for optimal stimulation ,, unless you get more from being fingered . he’ll slip his long and dainty fingers inside and massage them at the top where youll feel most pleasure from .
for abbadon ,, i truly will be biased but i fear ronove would take the crown <3 hes truly so fine i need him carnally 😕 but listennnn ,, i mentioned it in earlier oral hcs involving him and ill mentiomed it again ,, the struggle of seeing him give oral with the ball gag still on would be so fun . it’ll bump into your clit ,, his drool and tongue trying to peak out from the gag to make for messy oral . unless you take it off him and let him give oral that way (nakey) . sitting on his face would be better unless you want to ravaged ,, though that wouldnt be so bad either . he’s like andrealphus where he takes his time though his is more so to edge you through yours to bring you to an intense orgasm that will surely fulfill you lust and his curiousity . he wonders how long until you tap out from him .
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exoticb-utters · 4 months ago
So I know this is out of the blue, (pun intended) but can I request a yandere Hank McCoy fic?
Nothing creepy just Hank being a bit clingy.
Short A/N: Hey! Im aware I didn’t post a chapter yesterday, I unfortunately had a problem uploading a chapter? I guess it never got posted so sorry guys 😭😭😭😭😭
Can’t Get Enough of You
“Flufftober” series. 6 🎃 Clingy Hank X GN Reader ‘Fluff’ Word Count: 565
You knew something was up when you tried to get out of your shared bed before being pulled back into the duvet by strong blue arms.
Your husband’s love language has always been touch, so you simply brush it off with a chuckle. You pressed a sweet kiss to his knuckles before speaking.
“Hank it’s time to get up…” You mummer into his large, calloused hand. You’re answered with a deep huff, his warm breath grazing across your skin.
He finally released, letting you get up and ready for the day. After that, the rest of the morning carried out as usual. That was, until you were on your between-class breaks.
It was like he was always there, baiting his time until you were alone before engulfing you in his embrace. You’d never found yourself opposed to his affection, but you’d have to say, this was strange for him.
When you were making yourself a late afternoon snack, you felt the familiar texture of fur and the warm scent of teakwood.
“What’s up honey?” You asked while cutting some fruit, smiling as you feel him press soft kisses along your neck.
“Just wanted to check in is all…” He said against your skin, causing you to roll your eyes affectionately.
“I think you’ve ‘checked in’ on me about ten times today~” You tease, popping a berry into your mouth.
“I can’t help it when it comes to you…” He replies softly, holding you tighter against his large frame. “Guess I can’t argue with that,” You shrug with a chuckle, holding up a strawberry to his face. “Strawberry?” He hummed in reply, gladly taking the small fruit with his teeth. If you didn’t know any better, it must be one of those days where his…libado gets out of control…
Yes, it’s happened many times before, courtesy of his ‘beastly’ mutation (pun intended). You don’t know exactly how it works, but it’s the only explanation for his clingy attitude.
“No other reason you came down to the empty kitchen then?” You say, still smushed between the counter and Hank. “No…” He mumbles bashfully, knowing he was caught like a deer in headlights.
“Welp, guess I should just return to teaching classes then, huh?” You hum with a knowing smile, knowing how’d he would inevitably react.
You carried your bowl of fruit as you made your way out the kitchen, knowing Hank’s expression was suffering.
This was too embarrassing, he hated bothering you all the time with this but he couldn’t help it!
“I lied…” He sighs just before you could go any further. You stop, looking over your shoulder with a raised brow. “Oh? About what?”
“You know what…” He huffs, pinching the bridge of his nose in embarrassment. “Hmmm, I don’t think I do…” You tease, watching a warm flush blossom across his face.
“Don’t make me say it. It’s…so embarrassing.” He looks up at you with a pleading look. You chuckle at his pout, such an adorable look on such a large man. You couldn’t hold in the affection anymore as you walk back over to him, taking his face in your hands. “Alright I’ll save you the grief…this time.” You smile, pressing a sweet kiss to his lips.
When you part, you realize you’ve made a mistake, seeing Hank’s expression serious as ever, eyes lidded and his focus zeroed-in on you. “…Hank?”
“Do you actually have a class to teach?” He questions without missing a beat.
“No…why do you-AHH!” You yelp, feeling yourself thrown over his shoulder without another thought.
“Good. You wouldn’t have made it back in time anyway.” He snickers, causing your head to whip around to scold him. “HENRY MCCOY.”
I had the pleasure of @moonshinenum drawing some bits of the story, featuring their oc with Hank! I love the fan art 🙌💖💖
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choccy-milky · 6 months ago
A few months back, I asked if it was okay to write using Clora and Seb. Finished the work - thought I'd lost it on my hard drive and a virus scan located it.
Not sure if it's sad or happy, but the basic premise of it is Clora getting frustrated/upset at Sebastian and Sebastian comforting her, Sebastian getting upset at a predicament Clora's in and Clora comforting him, and them both getting frustrated/upset and having to comfort each other.
If you'd rather I didn't post it, that's fine too, but just wanted to test the waters and double check that you'd be okay with it if I gifted it to you via AO3, or see if you wanted a sneak peak of it before posting it.
OMG im so happy you were able to find it and recover the work you did!!😭🙏 AND YES OF COURSE YOU CAN POST IT AAA I CANT WAIT TO READ IT!! you can DM it to me first if you want, but i also dont mind if you post it straight away on ao3!! IM LOOKING FORWARD TO IT SM AAARGHHHA💖💖💖IT SOUNDS ANGSTY WE LOVE THE HURT/COMFORT I HOPE MY HEART CAN HANDLE IT🥺💖💖TY AGAIN FOR USING CLORA AND SEB AND TAKING THE TIME TO WRITE SOMETHING ABOUT THEM😭
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@sunshine-goblin AAA THANK YOU!!! im honoured its your fav fanfic AND ALSO THE LONGEST YOUVE READ BAHAHAA fr, when you say its as long as four books in lotr it rly makes me realize how insane i am😃👍 aw IM GLAD I COULD INSPIRE YOU TO DRAW MORE AND WRITE AS WELL😭 I was curious so i creeped you and everyone go look at their HL blog @sunshines-legacy your MC is so cute and so is your art🥹💖 as for tips on writing a longfic and brainstorming and motivation and stuff, my motivation was my brainrot and unhappiness with the canon story/ending LMAOO, and looking at the story of the game and playing around with what i was unhappy with/what i WISHED could have happened instead, was a lot easier than just coming up with plotlines from scratch. but something i highly recommend is just OUTLINING and making a timeline, one of my fav parts of writing was just putting on some cafe ambience in the background and doing stream of conscious type word documents where id just barf ideas and then worry about making it pretty later....like look at how many versions of the same chapter i have BAHAHA or like different renditions bc i couldnt decide if id wanna keep a scene/what order, so id make a timeline and keep smoothing things out until i was happy with it and whatnot
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brainstorming is defs my fav part of the process and the most helpful part to me. just getting a blank document and writing stuff you want to happen without worrying about how it connects to the story, and then a lot of the times as i was doing that id just keep going and it would kinda tie itself together/id come up with a solution as i was writing / once the ideas kept flowing. so basically : TIMELINES AND OUTLINES I VERY MUCH RECOMMEND, but very low pressure and barebones ones. for example, this is what my outlines/brainstorming look like
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its honestly just me talking to myself LMAO, and a lot of the time ill interject and be like "OH YEAH AND THEN THIS CAN HAPPEN" as the ideas come while im writing BAHAHA. its a super fun process and honestly nothing feels better than just getting hit with that flash of inspo, and since its all very low effort theres no pressure to actually write well and its just a chill fun time AND GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR OWN PROCESS / WRITING💖💖💖it can be difficult but HOPE U HAVE FUN TOO💖💖
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@a-little-lysdexic WAIT REALLY?? LMFAOO OMG THATS CRAZY....SAME BRAIN...🤝🤝...that would trip me up so much if i were you omg BAHHAHA but aside from having similar tastes in names, IM GLAD YOU LIKE MY ART AS WELL, TYY💖💖💖
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THANK YOUUU im glad you're liking it!!! and that its taking over your life BAHAHA💖💖 the video you're thinking of was by @silverxstardust for chapter 13 of my fic, and you can watch the video here! (AND TY AGAIN TO SILVERXSTARDUST FOR DOING THIS!)
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ideas-of-immortality · 8 days ago
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Almost Human
Prologue: Infection, Pages 3-5
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Ramblings Below the Cut
Wow this took me a while. Honestly I've seen so many good posts being like: do you ever wonder if Ben views himself as an alien wearing human skin, and feels less human after all the years of using the Omnitrix.
Also I adhere to the "the main characters will wear different clothes cause if I have to draw the same shirt 60000x im gonna throw myself off a cliff" laws. Ben has an actual wardrobe.
The good thing is his parents fucking care, they take him to therapy and got him some anti-depressants. I went with Prozac cause that's the most common one. Also helps with mood swings. Honestly I don't think Ben developed his "Let's Repress it until it goes away!" Attitude until he was a teen and dealing with the high breed invasion. Hence why you see him being more emotional here.
Also the behavior at the therapist was absolutely me, I hated therapy when I was in middle school and high school. Didn't actually realize how helpful it was until college.
Okay anyways it was a lot of fun drawing the different aliens. And yes I gave Wildmutt paw pads, cause they're adorable!
Can you tell I hate drawing backgrounds? Seriously they're the worst part of doing comics, hence why that second page only has one, and the first page is all backgrounds. I truly do not think I will ever improve on drawing them because of how much I hate them.
That last page is my favorite other than the therapy scene and how nicely Wildmutt turned out.
Before anyone asks, yes that's a halo, he's a fucking martyr and basically a soldier for all of UAF, boy has no sense of self beyond the Omnitrix. It was fun drawing the virus in that last page too. And I of course took liberties with drawing the aliens. I'll never forgive the show for not making Heatblast more... firey.
Anyways hope y'all enjoy these pages!! Next two should come out by Wednesday if I keep to my current pacing. Gonna start moving into the UAF period, since I want this comic to mostly take place within OV.
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dianagj-art · 6 months ago
Is there Oneion facts we can know about?
(the baby boy in question is ten years older than me)
I'm gonna go canon stuff first, then some fun crossover stuff:
The version that I'm using is 35-ish years old (a few years before the movie events), he's been the leader of the resistance for around a decade
He still has all his brothers and loves them very much, would kill and die for them
Way more chill than One is right now, still a beast on combat
One can manipulate vines only using the seeds Draxum makes, Oneion can summon them at will from the ground with little issue
In the story he mostly goes by Leo now, very few people call him One (but lets keep calling him Oneion to avoid confusion)
The protesis he uses is an old one from Raph, but he outgrew it and gave it to Oneion when he lost his arm. It was a bit ridiculously big for him at the time, it's still a *little* too big for Oneion, but by the time he's 40-something (movie events) its gonna fit right in
The scarf he has is not the same One has, but as One's it was a gift from Draxum, he has carry the same scarf the whole apocalypse
Still has a lot of gold accents on his clothes
He's still the best fighter out of the four turtles
He loves being around kids but doesn't, he's afraid of hurting them. He knows he didn't had a normal childhood but is not 100% aware of what part was normal and ok and what part is not, and he rathers not take a chance and do something wrong.
He ends up enjoying teaching martial arts, tho he doesn't like being called sensei, and he wont spar with anyone bellow his level (again, being afraid of hurting them)
Casey Jr becomes the exception to these
Crossover stuff!
he can and will beat the shit out of One, he knows how much One can take so he's not really worried about that
when the apocalypse started he basically lost contact with the multiverse, so no fun crossovers for him. Until by the power of "@intotheelliwoods started doing fanart of Oneion before I even had finished his design" he had access to the multiverse again!
First of his "old frieds" he saw was Poptart and Sprout (2al huggy leos) and first thing he did was to hug Sprout<3 (well, he first kinda yelled at him but I'll draw that some day)
I don't think he has met again with the rest of the separated council? I don't remember if I've stick him in any crossover situations
he loves hugging Poptart, he's teddy bear size<3 and he'll never get tired of calling him his friend and loving him "the way he deserves" because he still hasn't forgive himself for the shitty way he treated Poptart (dont worry about it)
he fucking destroyed the attempt of a slau/2al crossover time line
he says he's fine by it but he keeps bringing up the "jawbreaker" incident, I dont think he got over it, actually
he hangs out with Sprout a lot
something something, being with Sprout makes him feel like a kid again, and it makes Sprout feel like a kid again because Oneion reminds him of Big Leo
Sprout and Oneion have a spa day, they deserve it<3 they also go shopping together. Also, they are not exactly good at cooking but they try and they love working together on the kitchen
Oneion got the "Oneion" nickname by Sprout and Poptart
he stronk. he can lift Sprout with no problem, and even Toast
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if you wanna have a good time scroll down the besties tag on ell's blog or mine (2)
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nova-is-a-writer-now · 6 months ago
Hidden embers
Chapter 3
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Chapter summary: Joel needs help with his yard, you need help with figuring your feelings out
A/N: Im so excited you guys have been liking this!! last chapter was a good one, but this is my favorite so far. I also started a tag list so if y’all want to be part of that comment down here <3 Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: No outbreak AU, Age gap, DBF!Joel, Mean!Joel if you squint, some accidental physical contact lol, sexual tension but no smut
Series masterlist
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“You can’t spend your whole summer doing nothing. You should really find something productive to do while you’re back home.”
Four years of college, every summer break, and most holidays spent working to cover tuition and other expenses—a lifetime of never catching a break until now—and that’s what your mother tells you after just two weeks of "doing nothing"?
You knew this was coming. It was only a matter of time before she decided to insert herself into your life and dictate your every move. It’s nothing you haven’t dealt with before. “I’ve been helping out around the house,” you say, trying to sound casual.
“Oh, sweetheart,” she says with a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes, “that’s not what I meant. You can’t be locked up in here all day. People will think you’re wasting your life away. I’ve been asking around at the town’s pageant commission, and they would be absolutely delighted to have you around to help us organize this year’s Teen Country Queen Pageant.”
There it was. Nothing your mother did was ever for anyone’s interests other than herself. If she had no interest in parading you around her pageant organizer friends, you were absolutely sure she couldn’t care less what you did with your days.
Right on cue, just before you’re about to give her a piece of your mind, your dad walks in. “What’s the long face for?”
“Oh, Hank, great! You can back me up here. I was telling her she needs to find something to do with her days. All this lazing around can’t be good for her. My friends at the—”
“Actually, I was thinking the exact same thing,” your dad says, surprising both of you.
“Really?” you ask incredulously. For all his flaws, your dad has never been one to meddle in your affairs.
“Yeah, Joel has been complaining about his front and back yard looking like shit since Cindy left.”
“Hank! Language!” your mom’s voice rises to that ear-shattering pitch she uses when she’s trying to be stern.
“Sorry, looking terrible since Cindy left,” your dad corrects himself, laughing it off. Sometimes he forgets he can only be that relaxed when he’s alone with you; your mom is a whole different ballgame.
“Um… Cindy?” you ask, drawing a blank on the name.
“The ex-wife. That’s not the point, kiddo. The point is he’s been whining about it for the longest time but is always too lazy to figure out gardening by himself. Then I remembered you were in the gardening club back in high school. It’d be nice of you to offer him some help. Poor man doesn't know how to keep a cactus alive.”
“Dad, that was ages ago. I don’t know if I remember much of it anyway. I only joined for my college applications,” you retort.
“It’s just a few plants and flowers here and there. How hard can it be? He even said he bought everything he should need for it but never got ‘round to actually doing it, so it’s all laid out for ya.”
Your choices were clear: spend however long it took to finish Joel’s yard while pretending you don’t have a massive crush on your dad’s best friend, or run around town with your mom organizing a beauty pageant. The decision wasn’t hard at all.
“I’ll go over and check it out.”
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The walk to Joel’s house should’ve been short—barely a five-minute stroll up the road—but a nasty crack in the pavement had other plans. You were so lost in your thoughts today that you missed it entirely, stepping right into the trap.
Alright, maybe it wasn’t just today. You’ve been in your head ever since you first saw Joel standing at the bottom of your stairs. The way his hands had gripped your arms, steadying you, had left an imprint that you couldn’t seem to shake. And now, here you were, back in that same position, your mind consumed by this man who seemed to be as bad for your sanity as he was for your attention span.
So what should’ve been a walk up the road turned into a drawn-out pause as you sat on the sidewalk, waiting for the sharp pain in your twisted ankle to dull.
About ten minutes later, you finally make it to Joel’s lawn. You brace yourself to climb his porch stairs, pretending your ankle wasn’t bothering you, when you notice his garage door open. You hadn’t seen him from your previous angle, but as you got closer, the view of Joel's back muscles came into frame. And what a view that was. He was leaning over his truck, completely absorbed on whatever needed fixing under that hood.
For a moment, you just stand there, staring at the way his shirt clings to the sweat glistening on his skin. It takes a few seconds to remember that it isn’t socially acceptable to ogle someone from their front lawn, so you clear your throat and take a few more steps toward him.
“Hey” he greeted you, looking up from his work.
“Hey, yourself” you say back, playing it as cool as you could. It wasn’t a particularly hot day, but Joel's face glisten with sweat, as do his arms and you don’t not even want to think about what’s going on under that t-shirt.
“Come to pay me a visit?” he asked with a smirk
“My dad didn’t tell you? I’m your gardener for the day… or however long it takes to make your front lawn and back yard all pretty.”
Joel’s response is a breathy laugh, followed by him dropping his head between his forearms resting on the truck.“My gardener, huh?” he finally brings his eyes back up to meet yours. “Your daddy don’t know how to mind his own business, do he, sweetheart?”
Let’s unpack that. This man didn’t just throw in a new pet name you’d be replaying in your mind at any random moment of the day, but he also said it in that tone he seems to reserve only for you—or so you hoped, at least.
And that other word coming from his lips… you were aware people in the south used it more casually, without the connotation it had in your mind, but the way it sounded coming from him…
Oh, it made you think of a million ways Joel Miller could say the word Daddy in plenty of different contexts.
You quickly drop your gaze, hoping to hide the intense blush creeping up your cheeks. “I uh… I’m afraid not.”
The sound of his boots on the garage floor pulls you back to reality as he steps closer. “You don’t gotta do this, y’know?” His tone shifts, becoming more serious. “It’s no big deal, I’ll get to this mess eventually.”
You look up at him once again, more desperate than you’d like to admit. “Joel, I’ve been cooped up in my house with my mother and her pageant friends for weeks now. Please, give me an excuse to be anywhere else.”
A chuckle. You could live for those, make it your entire profession to earn them. You really need to calm the fuck down and get a grip if you are to spend the entire day around this man.
“Alright, then. If it’ll make you happy, I’m not gonna say no” says before turning back into the garage. He returns with a small crate filled with gardening tools and a few potted plants, setting them down on the grass. “Got most of what you’ll need here. Not much, but it’s a start.” His gaze drops to your ankle. “You doin’ alright? You’re limping.”
You wave off his concern, not wanting to admit just how much your ankle is actually bothering you. “It’s nothing, just a little misstep on my way here . I’m fine, really.” You flash him a smile you hope is convincing enough.
Joel studies you for a moment longer, then nods. “Alright, but if it gets to be too much, you let me know, okay? Last thing I need is you hurtin’ yourself on my account.”
“Deal,” you lie. There’s no way in hell you’re backing out of this now.
He gestures toward the mess of overgrown grass, weeds, and flower beds that haven’t seen attention in who knows how long. “I guess that’s the worst of it. Clearing out the weeds should leave enough space for these plants. Don’t overthink it, I trust your instincts.”
You take your first good look at the pots he brought from the back of the garage. “Oh, daisies! They’re my favorite.” You glance up at him, sweetness lacing your tone.
He pauses, something unreadable passing over his face. “ ‘Course they are.” He says, the corners of his mouth tugging up a bit. “Well, let me know if you need anything else. I'll be working over there.”
With Joel back under the hood, you set to work on the lawn. Despite the dull throb in your ankle, you find a steady rhythm in the repetitive motions—pulling out stubborn roots, digging small holes for the flowers, and patting down the soil around them. It’s oddly satisfying, watching the neglected garden start to come to life under your hands. You’ve always had a knack for taking rugged things and making them pretty.
Every so often, you glance over at Joel, who’s completely engrossed in whatever he’s tinkering with under the hood. The way his muscles flex as he works, the concentration etched on his face and how it makes him look a lot more serious than he ever is when talking to you—it’s hard to not get distracted.
There’s something about him, something that pulls you in despite your better judgment, despite every self-preservation instinct in you. Maybe it’s the way he makes you feel grounded, even when your mind is spinning out of control. It’s such a foreign concept for you, you’ve always been the one who has to defuse tensions, be the bigger person, manage the chaos. It’s never like that with Joel.
You’re careful to keep your ankle steady, not wanting to give Joel any more reason to worry. But as the hours pass and the sun climbs higher, you can feel the strain starting to build. Ever the overachiever, you push through it, there isn’t much left to get done in the front lawn anyway.
By the time you’ve planted the last of the daisies, you’re more than a little proud of yourself. There are still a few bare spots here and there and a handful of marigold pots waiting to be planted, but the lawn is starting to look less like a jungle and more like somewhere you’d actually want to spend time in. You wipe your brow, satisfied.
Joel must’ve noticed you slowing down because he calls out from where he’s working, “How’re you holding up? You thirsty?”
You hadn’t realized how parched you were until he mentioned it. “Yeah, a drink sounds good.”
Joel gives you a quick once-over, his eyes lingering on your ankle for a moment longer than you’d like. But he doesn’t say anything as he leads the way into the house, holding the door open for you.
The cool air inside is a welcome relief from the midday sun, and you sigh as you step into the kitchen. Joel pulls a couple of glasses from the cupboard and fills them with ice water, handing one to you. You take a sip, feeling the cold liquid soothe your dry throat.
You lean against the counter, trying to take some weight off your bad ankle. But as soon as you shift your weight, a sharp pain shoots up your leg, and you can’t hold back the small whine that escapes your lips.
Joel’s eyes snap to yours, his brow furrowing with concern. “You sure you’re alright?”
“Yes, Joel. I’m fine,” you insist, even though you know you’re not fooling him. “It’s just—”
“ ‘S that why you’re whining every time you put weight on it?”
“It’s just a bit sore. Don’t—”
Before you can finish, Joel’s on you in a flash, closing the distance between you. He’s careful but firm as he lifts you effortlessly, setting you down on the kitchen counter. “Let me see.”
“Joel, really, it’s not a big deal,” you start to protest, but the look he gives you silences any argument you might have had.
“Humor me,” he says, his voice low and steady. There’s a note of authority there that makes your heart race. There’s no disobeying him when he uses that tone.
You sigh dramatically, letting him gently take your injured ankle in his hands. His touch is warm, and the way his fingers graze your skin sends shivers down your spine. He inspects your ankle with a seriousness that makes your heart flutter, his brows knitted in concentration.
“This is more than a ‘little misstep,’” he looks back up, his eyes stern and serious. He slowly drops your leg, turning back to reach into the freezer and pull out a pack of frozen peas. He presses it against your ankle, holding it there with one hand while his other hand lingers on your calf.
It doesn’t take long for his thumb to start brushing up and down in a way that feels more comforting than it should. He starts adding a little pressure to his touch, the lingering touch from before turning into a massage up and down your calf.
Your breath catches as you look down at him, the way he’s so focused on taking care of you. The tenderness in his touch is at odds with the roughness of his hands, and the combination is making it hard to think straight. It’s even harder to keep the little sounds his touch arises in you contained, some of them escaping out of your parted lips despite your best efforts.
“Joel,” you start, your voice softer now, almost hesitant.
He looks up at you, his eyes meeting yours with an intensity that makes your pulse quicken. His hand is still on your leg, his face overtaken by a dark expression you hadn’t seen on him until now.
For a moment, neither of you says anything. The air between you feels charged, like something unspoken is hovering just out of reach. You can feel it in the way his grip on your leg tightens ever so slightly, in the way his breathing seems to sync with yours.
And then, as if realizing where his hand is, Joel slowly pulls back. “I should get you back home, let you rest that ankle.”
You frown slightly, the way he spoke such a stark contrast to the tenderness of his touch still lingering on your leg. “I’m alright. I’m gonna have to be kneeling down for most of what’s left anyways, so I won’t be putting any weight on it.”
“No, it’s best if you just go. I’ll sort the lawn out later.”
The words hit you like a bucket of cold water. You’re left staring at him, confused by the sudden shift in his demeanor. Normally, your pride would keep you from asking, but something about Joel makes it impossible to let this go. “Did I… do something wrong?”
Joel pauses, his eyes softening for a split second before his expression hardens again. “No, you're fine. Thank you for your help, but I’m taking you home.”
He doesn’t leave room for discussion as he brushes past you, heading into the living room to grab his truck keys. Your chest tightens, the shame of the moment crashing down on you all at once.
Except… you didn’t do anything wrong. You weren’t the one who was running her hands up and down his body, or pulling him close and throwing him on the counter like it was nothing. He did all that. He made you feel like something more was happening, and now he’s treating you like some desperate girl who threw herself at him, needing to be ushered out of his house as quickly as possible.
The ache in your heart is quickly overshadowed by a fiery rage, building more and more with each passing second. You turn sharply in the kitchen, your mind made up as you march toward the open door leading to the garage.
“Don’t bother,” you snap, your voice cutting through the silence as you head for the exit.
“What?” Joel turns around just in time to see you storming out.
You don’t even answer him, your steps quickening even as pain shoots up your leg with every movement.
“The hell are you doin’? You can’t walk home with that busted ankle,” he calls after you, his tone much harsher than it was just moments ago.
You laugh bitterly, not bothering to look back. This man clearly doesn’t know you and your stubborn ass well enough yet. “Oh, I’ll fucking live.”
Without another word, you push through the pain, taking it one torturous step at a time. Each step feels like defiance, a middle finger to your own pride and to Joel’s sudden coldness. But it’s better this way—better to feel the sharp sting in your ankle than the dull ache in your heart. The whole way home, you curse yourself for being so goddamn stubborn, even as the fiery rage keeps you moving forward.
Tag list:
@yesjazzywazzylove-blog , @untamedheart81 , @mellymbee
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cannibal-walleye · 11 days ago
random question based on the imp and skizz band au because im curious- is the mysterious fourth person ren from when he took over for tango that one ep, technically making him part of the heart foundation?
this might be a wild guess because i dont think ren plays the drums but hey, im jsut asking this based off the fact he could technically be counted as a heart foundation guy
It's not Ren, but I did think of another role for him since you mentioned it! He's gonna be the band's social media manager :D He does most of the posts on things like Insta and whatever else the band uses (haven't thought too deeply about it) and also occasionally just hangs out or jams with them when they're practicing. Outside of that, he's in college for acting, theater, something along those lines, because it's Ren. Obviously.
ALSO! This fic is now also treebark >:) that's right, Martyn and Ren are dating, and Martyn sometimes helps out with recording their performances or records when he has time, but it's more of a side gig than anything, and he only does it when Tango can't. But yeah,, they're boyfriends <3
Anyways, Ren was a good guess, and I'm so glad he's in the au now because I love him, but the secret fourth person was Cleo! Which people guessed pretty much instantly lol. I'm gonna make the promised art of them eventually, as well as give all their juicy backstory (and it actually has a LOT to do with why Imp and Skizz met.. ;) But in the meantime, I kinda hyperfocused on the new artstyle for a couple days and way overextended myself drawing rip, so it'll be a couple days until the Cleo art. That, and I hurt my finger in a cheese grater so it's gonna be a bit slower anyways sads, and on top of those two excuses, I made a whole lineart and then hated it and couldn't figure out what was wrong. so i scrapped it 👍
I think that might've been a bit rambly, but whatever, you're the one who read it so who's the fool now? Ok whatever have a good day, thank you so much for the ask!!!
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regencyrosalie · 6 months ago
Hey there! <3 I really loved the way you write about modern! Anthony and I was wondering on maybe doing something with Benedict?
I was thinking always a modern one, either a xreader or maybe dating! headcanons!
in that case, thanks in anticipation and have a good day/night!!🩷🌸
hi hon ! thank you so much for sending an ask ! im going to structure this like i did for my anthony hc’s, i hope thats okay! im working on a fic rn that’ll be out hopefully soon!
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biblically accurate modern!benedict hcs
- benedict WILL draw you
- he will draw quick little silly sketches of you in funny outfits and hats with exaggerated eyes and show them to you while giggling relentlessly
- but he also has an entire sketchbook filled with accurate and detailed drawings/paintings of you. he gets bashful every time you find a new one.
- may or may not have a caffeine addiction
- when you move in with him he moves his little art corner to a different room so you can still sleep while he works
- will get frustrated and come back into the bedroom and watch you sleep until he gets motivated/inspired again
- he loves dogs, specifically small dogs. chihuahuas are probably his favorite but he wont tell anyone.
- his sleep schedule is HORRIBLE, but it evens out when you live together because he wants to fall asleep with you.
- speaking of, i feel like Benedict is a human heater
- which is amazing during the winter
- but when it’s hot it is actually torture because hes trying to fall asleep practically on top of you.
- and youre like PLEASE get the FHUCK off of me and then he pouts and huffs until you make it work or he falls asleep
- benedict is close with every one of his siblings. but especially anthony and eloise.
- has funny uncle vibes
- especially with the younger siblings. he will sneak them candy and also probably money.
- anthony and violet have yet to find out
- i think he probably likes savory foods more than sweets, but will eat anything you make him.
- i feel like hes fully clothed about 50% of the time. the man despises pants i can just feel it in my bones.
- favorite color is red. he likes the versatility.
- cannot sing. but will sing. and will sing loudly. every shower is a concert.
- probably the closest with his mother
- love language is quality time
- this means picnic dates, movie dates, target run dates, going to the grocery store dates
- will make you handwritten cards and paintings for holidays, and puts sticky notes with sappy notes and bad pickup lines on everything you own.
- other than visual art, i think he has a few other hobbies. he likes movies, in fact, he pretty much likes every movie he watches. cant get into shows though, his attention span is not long enough. he also likes puzzles, and will frame them and keep them hoarded in his closet.
- i think a part of him is still grieving his father. violet was in constant agony after he died, and anthony was busy inheriting everything and dealing with the trauma of witnessing it: so benedict was left to pick up the pieces with the rest of the siblings. ie. explain what happened to the younger ones, try to cheer them up, etc.
- for that reason, i don’t think he ever really processed it completely, and he gets weirdly quiet when he thinks about it too long.
- cant be in anthony’s office for more than an hour at a time, because it used to be edmunds, and all he can think of is how he would pester his father all day while he worked.
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lunarleonardo · 1 month ago
Do you have an idea of what you're going to write next ?
Yes... And No.
The current plan is to write my dragon fic. I looove dragons, and I've always loved fics that make my favs dragons. Hoarding Humans is a good example of that ;P I really wanna do it myself! I feel a little weird directly using the concept of HH (just the idea of a dragon's hoard being humans! i've been obsessed with it ever since!!)... I know there's a whole Inspired tab thing on ao3 but remember I was brought up in the animation meme community trenches. I've seen some very vile things said to ""copycats"" (and it's usually just somebody who took inspiration off of someone elses art style or a certain part of another persons meme @_@ don't get me STARTED on the ragebait...) and I am not in the proper emotional state to handle that right now QwQ
However that doesn't mean I can't write about dragons. I have some ideas in mind-- I've properly conceptualized my go-to fantasy world for AUs like this. I know who the main cast would generally be (DICE! Kokichi rounds up some of his classmates from in game :P so people like Gonta, K1B0, Miu, Kaede, Rantaro. . . maybe Kirumi? I have lore trust me. I'm cooking.) I know the main premise of the story, and it goes into my own bullshit with dragons, because lord knows I ever follow any actual myths or tales (´゚ω゚`) (i read wings of fire that's good enough for me!!!)
I am still trying to learn how to draw dragons in a way I like though. Here's my concept for Maki and Shuichi ^^"
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Overall the chances of this fic happening after HGH, as of right now, are fairly high. This is what I plan to write once I'm done with HGH.
But please, please please keep in mind that I . . . am absolutely horrible with making promises about my fics. I'm so forgetful I forget to even check my notes to see what I've forgotten. T_T my fics would be a tiny bit better than they are now if I actually kept track of wtf im doing. maybe i should make a checklist.
Point is, I don't know if this is what I'll write once HGH is done. I've done some estimating and while, for once, I do not have a concrete ending in mind, I can guess how long this'll be. I think... it might be around as long as M5? Somewhere around that 130k mark. Again!! I'm not sure!! I need to figure out what I'm gonna be doing for the non-Tsumugi half of the "recovery" arc, so who knows what the word count for this is gonna be T_T. MY POINT!! MY POINT IS THAT!!! It could change. By the time I'm done with HGH, I might write this dragon fic. I might write a differeny fic. Or I'll lose motivation to write anything for a bit. Lord I am yapping so I'll move on
Que transition, with all that being said, I do have Other ideas in mind!! Ones I've been sitting on for a while!
ONE. Saimatsu mansion :D I've mentioned it here and there, but the idea is that Shuichi and Kaede are plopped on an island and have to escape. It's one of those more out there ideas G_G and I haven't really descended into my full levels of insanity yet (wait until i start posting my crossover aus /j), but this would be bordering on it. I have some more minor ideas for this one, but I haven't rlly explored it yet :'3
TWO. remember unexpendable? yeah so i. i really really like crossover aus. almost as much as i like giving them superpowers. I was thinking of an Undertale x DR fic where I drop Shuichi into the underground. Undertale is super special to me,, it got me out of a really dark place. My favorite OC of mine (Montserrat<3) is an Undertale OC! So I think it'd be a lot of fun, especially since Danganronpa is basically the reason I'm like?? actually living now XD I got a job because posting my DR fics helped me overcome enough of my social anxiety to get employed. So!! It'd be nice. i also think shuichi and papyrus would get along do NOT @ me also undyne would scare the shit out of him. Anyways I dunno if this would be another oneshot, considering the, uh. length of the game. and how insane i could rlly go if i went into the neutral /genocide route stuff too. I dunno. It'd be fun :P i also have doodles wait
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THREE. I don't know what could and couldn't be used for a plot twist so I'll keep it vague, but basically it's a fic that involves the ENTIRE CAST. A bit of a challenge for myself. Everyone's back! And all of the blackeneds revert to, like... HGH levels of despairs. So it's up to everyone whos still normal to find a way to make them also normal before, uh. things get worse. TV GIRL BLAST 💥 (oh yeah this would be a kaede-centric fic! her pov for the majority. i had a lot of fun writing her during Unexpendable and i miss her </3)
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FOUR. i got really into in stars and time so now i'm even more not normal about time loops. so let's put shuichi in another one! but i wanted to shake it up a bit and really let my less canon-reliant, more creative side flow a bit. It'd also be kind of a message to myself about life... WHATEVER Thats not important. What is important is, hey! I've been watching WAY too many Minecraft ARG analysises than what could possibly be considered healthy for my anxiety, so now I want to sic a bunch of them on Shuichi. this things unfinished because i only have very vague ideas for a few of the loops... but the overarching idea is that even the smallest (but impactful!) change in a choice can lead to an entirely different loop, with an entirely different entity. and during all of the loops, shuichi gets little bits and pieces to the bigger picture, which will break him out of the loops. idk this seems like a big and tiring project so this is more of a "maybe" than the others but i still think it's cool :')
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FIVE. ok this one isn't danganronpa... remember when I said I was super into In Stars and Time? I wanted to write an ISAT fic. Siffrin and Bonnie are so so special to me and i wanted to indulge in that. I haven't rlly been writing in my oneshots though so I don't really have a grip on writing anyone from ISAT,, so. :( i have to spiral into full insanity privately before i can determine what is safe to show the internet /hj
And that is all I can think of off the top of my head. :P These ideas have been brewing for quite a bit, and ones that have actual ideas to them. I dunno which one I'll write first... or even if I'll write them. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Who knows? Maybe I'll break my rules about writing two fics at a time. Just give me time ... and please be patient. I can only write so fast \(_ _)
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