#part of that is that i also sometimes go on spontanous day trips. where i just. drive total of 3.5 hours to buy a box of furbies
skelliko · 6 months
๑-context: a summer activitie with them
๑-featuring: kazutora, chifuyu, Baji, Mikey, inui, shinichiro, Kokonoi, Rindou, ran, mitsuya,
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°- kazutora hanemiya
• exploring abandoned places and going so far out into the city, climbing over fences just to get into the buildings and running from the police or other pedestrians that had caught you trespassing in someone else's property even though it's not like you both are doing anything harmful there. your just enjoying each others company whilst getting excitement in exploring new places that may be even a little dangerous but what's a little fun if you don't 'ball it'
°- chifuyu matsuno
• making hand made jewelry is a cute activity, you had to teach chifuyu how to tie the string right otherwise it'd come loose but after he got the jist of it y'all were making many sets of matching bracelets that you wear all the time in different colours and patterns. though sometimes it gets frustrating when it comes to tying the string and you can't seem to get the loop right or when your fingers accidentally let go of one side of the string and then all the beads fall downwards and both of you end up crawling on the floor trying to recollect every lose bead, but that doesn't happen often.
°- Baji Keisuke
• forest walks, not all the time but sometimes he'd suggest wandering around a forest, picking up weird shaped branches to show you, finding a bug on a leaf and if you don't like bugs then he'd be a nuisance about it and chase you around with the it. but if you have a heart with bugs then hed look around trying to find the coolest looking one specifically to show/give you and he'd dedicate to it even if he does occasionally get a little grossed out by them.
°- manjiro sano/ mikey
• constant motorbike rides! if you have your own motorbike then the both of you will be riding till you reach the end of earth and seeing which one can out do the other. but if you don't then you'd be latched on at the back of his bike and going with the flow of the wind to cool off from the heat. mikey would also try teaching you how to ride a motorbike, he's more patient with you than anyone else so you can take your time with taking in the information so that you know how to switch gears and dont attempt in going through a wall.
°- Inui seishu / shinichiro sano (I couldn't decide)
• due to him being in the bike shop and working on fixing some motorbikes here and there, there'd be trips to visit him holding a sweet, cold treat to give him on his lunch breaks. though when you're teasing him a little too much he'd purposely smear his oil grease stained fingers across your skin to leave a large, black mark and it'd cause a small fit of smiles and laughter but also some small annoyance on your side as you have to scrub the mark off from you by the sink.
°- Kokonoi hajime
• perfect time and weather to go visit new towns and enjoy the beautiful scenery that neither of you thought you could see until now. browsing into small business shops that you haven't seen/been into before and if something catches your eyes that you'd die for to have then Koko would buy it for you in a heartbeat because seeing you smile with light in your eyes at an item makes him want to keep you in that gleaming mood.
°- rindou haitani
• spontaneous night outs where you start the night to be all cozy watching a series with a tub of ice cream to then be all dressed up and sparkly after one text or phone call from rindou mentioning a club is doing a certain theme. the both of you may seem to be there for the party but actually it's the attention you both bring, getting all dressed up is the fun part and most of the time you do it together and have matching outfits or accessories, give everyone around a sight to see and only then do you give your all with the drinks and dancing.
°- ran haitani
• constant need to be in the pool or anywhere that has water, especially on hot boiling days when a 5 minute walk would feel like 5 hours. in the day you'd usually go to an outside pool and enjoy yourselves and then at night you'd have to pamper him since he's still affected from the heat, he has no tolerance. you tend to go to public ones but only those that you know are clean and have decency of others, essentially public pools that kids don't go to.
°- mitsuya takashi
• summer is the perfect time for him to work on summer clothes and you always happen to be his muse meaning you're the one who he always dots down your measurements and your always the one that tries the clothes on and half the time you tend to keep the clothing. if you wear dresses then sun dresses are always something that he enjoys sowing for you, you spinning around as the dress flows and spins with you, he doesn't make those basic ones but rather he puts in a lot of detail just for you, making it adorable and flattering. but if you don't wear dresses or such clothing then he always considers what kind of material he uses, that way for the hot days your not melting and instead you feel more free and feel a breeze.
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baelabong · 19 days
ʟᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴏ (ᴘᴀᴜʙᴀʏᴀ)
ᴋᴀʀɪɴᴀ x ꜰᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ - ᴀɴɢꜱᴛ
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plot: you need to let go
genre: angst
notes!warnings: rina LOWKEY cheating, it was supposed to be sana but like i changed my mind half way oops
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The first time Y/N noticed something had changed, it was a small thing. So small that she brushed it off, telling herself that she was overthinking. It was during one of their usual late-night hangouts, the kind where they'd lie in bed together, talking about everything and nothing. The air was warm, the kind of warmth that made you want to stay up just a little longer, to savor the night before it slipped away.
Jimin had her head on Y/N’s lap, scrolling through her phone as Y/N absentmindedly played with her hair. It was a scene that had played out countless times before, a simple, comforting routine. But that night, something was different. The usual soft laughter that would spill from Jimin's lips was missing. Her responses were shorter, distracted. Y/N had asked her about her day, about a story she knew Jimin would usually jump at the chance to share, but Jimin had only nodded, her eyes glued to her screen.
Y/N bit her lip, trying to push down the pang of hurt. Maybe Jimin was just tired, or maybe she was engrossed in something important. But when she glanced at the screen, she saw that Jimin wasn’t reading an article or responding to a work message. She was scrolling through someone’s social media profile. A girl Y/N didn’t recognize.
Y/N had felt a twist in her gut, but she quickly looked away, not wanting to seem paranoid. She reminded herself that Jimin had friends, and there was no reason to feel jealous. But the image of that unfamiliar profile lingered in her mind long after they had gone to bed, with Jimin’s back turned to her.
Weeks passed, and the feeling only grew stronger. Jimin began coming home later than usual, with vague excuses about work or meeting up with friends Y/N had never heard of before. The spontaneous dates they used to go on, the weekend getaways they loved to plan on a whim, became less frequent. Jimin started canceling plans at the last minute, often with a text message instead of a call.
Y/N tried to be understanding. She knew life got busy, that sometimes they couldn’t spend every moment together like they used to. But the distance between them was no longer just physical. It was emotional, too.
One night, they had planned a dinner together at their favorite restaurant. Y/N had been looking forward to it all week, excited to spend some quality time with Jimin, to try and recapture some of the closeness that had been slipping away. But as she waited at the restaurant, her heart sank with every passing minute. Jimin was late—again.
Y/N stared at her phone, the unease growing with each unanswered call and text. When Jimin finally walked through the door, she looked apologetic, but also distracted. “Sorry, I got caught up with something,” she said quickly, barely meeting Y/N’s eyes.
“What was it?” Y/N asked, trying to keep her tone light. She was used to Jimin’s busy schedule, but tonight felt different. She needed an explanation, something to ease the growing knot of anxiety in her chest.
Jimin hesitated, her eyes darting away. “Just… work stuff. It took longer than expected.”
Y/N nodded slowly, but she wasn’t convinced. “It’s okay. I’m just glad you’re here now.”
But even as they ate, Y/N couldn’t shake the feeling that Jimin’s mind was elsewhere. She tried to bring up funny stories from her day, reminisced about their past trips, anything to pull Jimin back to her, but the conversations felt forced. Jimin smiled and laughed at the right moments, but it didn’t reach her eyes. It felt like she was going through the motions, trying to play the part of the attentive girlfriend, but something was missing.
That night, as they lay in bed, Y/N tried to wrap her arms around Jimin, to hold her close like she always did. But Jimin turned away, mumbling something about being tired. Y/N stared at the back of her head, the familiar scent of Jimin’s shampoo filling the air, but it brought no comfort. All Y/N could feel was the cold space growing between them.
The breaking point came on a rainy afternoon. They were supposed to spend the day together, something they hadn’t done in what felt like ages. Y/N had planned everything, from breakfast in bed to watching their favorite movie, hoping to reignite the spark that had been dimming for so long. But when Jimin walked in, soaked from the rain, her face was pale, her eyes distant.
Y/N hurried over, concern etching her features. “Jimin, what happened? Are you okay?”
Jimin didn’t answer right away. She just stood there, dripping water onto the floor, looking like she had been somewhere else entirely. Finally, she looked up at Y/N, her eyes filled with an emotion Y/N couldn’t quite place. “We need to talk,” she said quietly.
Y/N’s heart sank. She had heard those words before, in other relationships, and they never led anywhere good. “About what?”
Jimin hesitated, as if searching for the right words. “About us.”
Y/N felt a chill run down her spine. She had known this was coming, had felt it in every missed connection, every unspoken word between them. But hearing it out loud was different. It made it real. “What about us?”
Jimin looked down at the floor, unable to meet Y/N’s eyes. “Things… things haven’t been the same, Y/N. I’ve been trying to figure it out, to make sense of it, but I can’t keep pretending that everything is fine.”
Y/N’s breath caught in her throat. “What are you saying, Jimin?”
“I don’t know when it started, but… I don’t feel the same way anymore.” Jimin’s voice cracked, her hands trembling at her sides. “I still care about you, but the love… it’s not the same.”
Y/N’s world felt like it was crumbling around her. She had feared this moment, dreaded it, but nothing could have prepared her for the actual pain of hearing it. “When did you realize?” Y/N asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
“I don’t know,” Jimin admitted, finally looking up. “It was gradual, I guess. I tried to ignore it, to push it away, but… I’m not in love with you the way I used to be.”
Tears welled up in Y/N’s eyes, but she blinked them away, refusing to break down. “Is there someone else?”
Jimin hesitated for a moment too long, and Y/N’s heart shattered. “There is, isn’t there?”
“It’s not like that,” Jimin said quickly. “I never meant for it to happen. I never wanted to hurt you.”
“But you did,” Y/N whispered, her voice trembling. “You’re here with me, but your heart… it’s somewhere else. With her.”
Jimin didn’t deny it. She couldn’t. The guilt in her eyes was all the confirmation Y/N needed.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Y/N asked, her voice breaking. “Why did you let me believe that we still had a chance?”
“I didn’t want to lose you,” Jimin confessed, tears finally spilling over. “I kept hoping that I could find a way back to the way things were, that I could love you the way you deserve. But I can’t.”
Y/N closed her eyes, letting the tears fall freely now. “When did your love for me start to fade away, Jimin? I gave you everything I had, all I wanted was to see you smile.”
Jimin’s heart broke at the sound of Y/N’s anguish. She reached out, wanting to hold her, to comfort her, but Y/N pulled away, shaking her head.
“Don’t,” Y/N said, her voice trembling. “Don’t touch me if it’s not real.”
Jimin’s hands dropped to her sides, powerless to make things right. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I never wanted this. I never wanted to hurt you.”
Y/N looked at her, a mix of heartbreak and resignation in her eyes. “If she’s the key to your happiness, I won’t stand in your way. I’m letting you go, Jimin. But I have one request.”
Jimin’s breath caught in her throat. “Anything.”
“Make sure she loves you the way I have,” Y/N said, her voice cracking with the weight of her words.
Jimin’s tears fell harder now, the reality of what she was losing hitting her all at once. She had known this day would come, but nothing could have prepared her for the pain of actually losing Y/N. “Y/N, I…”
“It’s too late,” Y/N interrupted, shaking her head. “I’ve been holding on, hoping that we could find our way back to each other, but I can’t keep pretending that everything is okay. It’s me who’s wrapped in your arms, but it’s her on your mind.”
Jimin didn’t have the words to make it better. The truth was too heavy, too painful to deny.
“Even if she’s the key to your happiness,” Y/N continued, wiping her tears, “my love for you will never change. But I’m setting you free. Just promise me that she’ll love you the way I have.”
“I don’t want to lose you,” Jimin whispered, her voice cracking with emotion.
Y/N gave her a sad smile. “You already have.”
For a moment, they stood in silence, the weight of their situation pressing down on them. Y/N could see the regret in Jimin’s eyes, but she knew it wasn’t enough. Regret wouldn’t bring back what they had lost.
“I’m hoping it’s still us,” Y/N said, her voice trembling. “I wish this would never end. But I know it’s her who’s your last.”
Jimin shook her head, tears streaming down her face. “I never wanted this.”
“I know,” Y/N replied softly. “Neither did I.”
She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. “I still can’t believe that you’ve chosen her,” she confessed, her heart breaking with every word. “I can see it in your eyes. And it’s hard to fight for what’s not meant to be.”
Jimin reached out, gently cupping Y/N’s face in her hands. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. You deserve so much more.”
Y/N leaned into her touch, closing her eyes as she savored the moment, knowing it would be their last. “I’m letting you go, Love,” she whispered. “I’m letting you go… but I’ll still wait for you.”
Jimin’s heart shattered at the sound of Y/N’s words. She pulled her into a tight embrace, holding on as if her life depended on it. But she knew it was over. She had made her choice, and there was no going back.
As they stood there, wrapped in each other’s arms for the final time, Y/N whispered, “Goodbye, Jimin.”
With that, she stepped back, turning away before she could change her mind. She walked out of the room, leaving Jimin standing there, tears streaming down her face as the door closed behind her.
Jimin stared at the door, her heart aching with the loss of the person she had loved more than anything. But as much as she wanted to chase after her, to beg her to stay, she knew it wouldn’t be fair. Y/N deserved someone who would love her the way she had loved, and that person wasn’t her.
Jimin wiped her tears, a bittersweet smile playing on her lips as she whispered to the empty room, “I’ll never forget you, Y/N. I promise.”
But in her heart, she knew Y/N was already gone.
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
han jisung boyfriend headcanons.
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genre: romance, fluff
word count: 0.6k
warnings: not proofread
song rec: love me harder by ariana grande
please like and reblog if you enjoy :)
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han jisung.
i've been thinking about him a lot recently tbh.
he's such a comforting presence, idk. he understands people in a way other people cannot. perhaps that is down to his own introspection - dwelling and reflecting on himself is a habit he has maintained throughout his life. but with this comes with deep social awareness, which is a talent and skill in itself.
which is why i think he would be a pretty perfect boyfriend. he can read you so well, find out what makes you laugh, what makes you cry, what makes you tick. he can find out the smallest things, the intimate details, and he can find them out very quickly!
his one sole purpose in life is to make you happy. so getting you to smile at him or laugh at his jokes. and if he succeeds? his heart flutters each time without fail, and he feel immensely proud of himself.
he's so soppy with you. just wants to cuddle you and never let go, ever. mornings are hard because thats when be has to leave your grasp and accept that he won't be seeing you for a whole day. that's why nights are his favourite, when he can come home and settle in your arms again, clutching onto you like a koala bear. he can be clingy at times but never expose that little secret to the other members because they will rip him to shreds 💀
totally writing songs about you. i feel like that's just a given, really. he writes about his feelings in such a poetic and eloquent and real way, and when his life starts to become dominated by the feeling of love, he feels he has to capture that and immortalise it in his songs. so writing about how you make him feel, how he cares for you, how he forgot what life wa like without you, in his usual genius way, then he will feel very fulfilled as an artists and a lover.
he's definitely comfortable to ask for your advice on things. he genuinely shares his feelings to you and opens up to you in a way he won't do with anyone else. that's what he views soulmates are for!
appreciates the little things you do for him. he expects no grand gestures or outward declarations of love. rather, little things like taking care of him when he's sick or sending him cute little messages to let you know you're still thinking about him - yeah, that stuff means much more to him.
dates with him would include:
anime dates - his ideal night is just to get his favourite takeaway food, snuggle in his bed with you and binge an anime. it's become a very traditional occurances for you both and it never stops making him feel relaxed and grateful for having you by his side. you guys sometimes talk over whole episodes and have to rewind because you've completely missed a pivotal part of the series.
spontaneous trips - not exclusive for dates but he just loves saying 'yk what, let's go out tonight!' you don't know where or how or why but you end up in the best of places. theme parks, arcades, sometimes you end up in a completely different town or city!
café dates - in more simpler conditions, he finds comfort in ordinary things in life. while he loves going off in spontaneous trips with his favourite person, he also appreciates the mundane things in life. coffee dates may be simple and cliché, but he thinks it's cute, plus a convenient way to catch up during his lunch break.
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hey may i request hanji hcs with hyper/almost as maniac as them reader?
Hello! I know this has taken me an age to answer, but I suddenly found inspiration and wanted to come back to you with my thoughts. I hope you are well and that you enjoy!
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For Hanji this is a perfect scenario, someone who finally understands them on a deeper level and who they can interact with on the same level. For everyone else, especially Moblit and Levi, it’s a little bit more of a nightmare.
Constantly finishing one another’s sentences.
Getting more and more energised as conversations go on, especially if it’s something they’re both passionate about and interested in. Think discussions on science, titans, gardening – the possibilities are endless.
They would definitely go on some day trips together, perhaps for research and to ride horses until they get tired out.
Early mornings, before sunrise to go for a run and then have a coffee or tea to start the day.
Kitchen experiments, especially when planning on hosting a dinner party for the others. Expect food in different ‘fun’ shapes and strange flavour combinations.
Enthusiastic about everything and this rubs off on one another.
Easily able to excite the other even if it’s about something the other has never been interested in before.
Presentations to the Scouts which are a little hap-hazard and chaotic. Lots of moving parts, entertaining elements so people don’t get bored or distracted. It’s kinda loud and a lot at the same time.
But there’s also the other side of this, the fact that Hanji often feels misunderstood and somewhat of an outlier even with their close friends. So having another friend (or partner) as a member of the Scouts with a similar personality type who is also quite hyper is a really big help. It soothes them to have someone to talk to about it and in turn it helps Hanji to manage better with the days where even they know their energy is too high and they need to wind down a bit.
Long conversations over a few drinks in the evening about how to help calm down/soothe themselves in stressful or busy situations.
Talking about how it makes them feel and how others perceive them, a lot of comforting and reassurance is to be found for both in these late-night chats.
When drunk there’s always singing and it’s the type of songs everyone knows the words to so loads of people can join in. But it’s the two of them that take centre stage and manage to pull off incredible (well, considering they’re often drunk) duets.
It does sometimes mean their place gets a little messy or cluttered as they both have to be in the right mood to clean and neither of them will take ownership of this or find they can concentrate for long enough to clean the entire dorm room/apartment etc. Instead, they tackle things one small thing at a time, one draw, one room…one item on a messy agenda. They encourage one another to stick to this one thing and rewards are always present at the end.
All tasks are broken down into small and easy to manage chunks – this makes the processing far more bearable and less over-whelming.
If dating, they are adorable together and can always be spotted in a crowd.
They can be incredibly spontaneous when it comes to random acts of affection, surprises, planning trips for Birthdays etc. But they work best when things aren’t planned too far in advance and they allow the weather, mood etc. to take them.
It’s a relationship where trust and mutual respect is absolutely vital, along with fun – fun is the key.
Having sex for them is usually something that’s a lot of fun, often spontaneous and both up for trying new things within the realms of comfort and consent. It can be serious and soothing when it needs to be and they both try to make it as romantic as they can.
But the fact they can both be a bit clumsy means that candles and other things aren’t usually the best of ideas.
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uldren-sov · 9 months
Infamous ask meme for miss camy 🎤🎶: Do you have headcanons about their friendship and/or romantic relationship (past or future)? What do you imagine some of their best memories are? What do you think some of Seven’s favourite things about your MC were/are? & What does their singing voice sound like? Do you have voiceclaims(s) for them?
tytyy!!! I only have the one comm of Camy so im not going to do what I normally do and add a pic
OUGH. Well with their friendship I imagine that Seven was her one friend for like almost the whole of middle school, I imagine she was teased a lot of pushed to the side a lot due to her unwillingness to open up or engage with others. Which is why she turned hard to music (and I imagine it was kind of her one solace by being so alone.) So the idea that Seven understood that kind of loneliness and had similar coping mechanisms likes meant that she opened up to him and really no one else in those days. I also imagine when they were young they went on like lil adventures, getting into places they shouldn't have; it's not like they had anyone home for them, so might as well explore their neighborhood and beyond. Also imagine that they could have some tropes and probably in MS/HS is when they started sleeping together (literally tho lol) here and there. Camy's parents were always traveling or when a parent was home they were still absent. So she would sneak out on some of the worse nights, the really lonely nights, full of dread and frustration and despair, and find the one other lonely heart she knows will get it. So she'd sneak to Seven's house (sometimes breaking in through his window) and sleepover. And there might have been a time where Seven was like "bro NOT tonight Im having [this month's crush] over 😏" and she's just like ............WHY AM I SO UPSET ABOUT THIS??? THIS SUCKS SM??? IM HAVING A NORMAL REACTION TO THIS, WHATEVER!!!! but texts back like "wow your loss🙄" I think they started their relationship when she was in college and was living in her own place (and they were ROOMMATES) and I think some of their best memories were just impromptu jam sessions at their place, spontaneous plans/trips/concerts that they would go to, and just generally performing together. I THINK some of the most favorite things are just how sure of herself she became, how confident, esp when he knew where she really came from. She's not afraid to do new things, try new things, and she was sure to make sure he was along for the ride. There was never a dull moment and she also about as eager and affectionate as he was.
SOOO gotta preface by saying my taste in music is SO NORMIE so lmao don't judge me I imagine Chaos Anthem is a mix of like 4 parts Paramore, 2 parts Spiritbox, 2 parts In This Moment, 1 part Santana, 1 part Halestorm But her voice is generally Courtney LaPlante (who can sing like this and go v.hard rock too) with a dose of Hayley Williams.
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southeastasiadiary · 11 months
Day Twenty-Eight: All Good Things Must Come to an End; Final Thoughts
The itinerary for this last day was to include a visit to the Jim Thompson House and then my transfer to the airport for the flight home. But since I’d already visited the Jim Thompson House on the day I arrived in Bangkok, I had the entire day to myself.
So, I decided to divide it (like Caesar's Gaul) into three parts. First thing in the morning, while it was still cool (or more accurately, when it was only blazingly hot but not to the point where it would cause you to combust spontaneously), I decided to take a stroll around Bangkok’s Chinatown because my hotel was right in the middle of it.
Here is about one minute of a three-minute stroll through the morning market:
If you want to see the full three-minute clip, you’ll need to go to shared photo album. I’m delighted to bring you the sights and sounds out this market, but not (fortunately or not) the aromas.
Of course, what Chinatown would be complete without a Mister Hotdog directly across the street from a Texas Suki and a shop selling “Authentic Chinese Cuisine”?
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And it’s always nice to be reminded that “We are a part of your delicious.”
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In my walk, I chanced upon a small neighborhood shrine
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that was complete with gifts, which had just been brought there by people on their way to work that morning.
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Then, a bit later, I saw this lovely statue of Confucius
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and a singularly elegant spirit house with a prang on top.
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The non-random part of my walk was my one pre-determined destination: the Wat Traimit,
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Temple of the Golden Buddha.
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Now perhaps, if you’ve been keeping up with this blog, this must be a temple of a golden Buddha since you've already seem more than your fair share of golden Buddhas. Ah, but here’s the difference. All the other golden Buddhas were made of other materials and then covered with gold leaf. This particular Buddha is solid gold, 15’9” high and 12’5” wide, weighing 5.5 tons … of solid gold. In times of invasion, the statue was covered with plaster so that it would look less valuable than it was.
In time, since the statue looked as though it was merely made of plaster, people forgot what was inside. Only in 1955, when there were plans to move the statue from another site to here at the Wat Traimit, did some of the plaster fall off, and it became clear that underneath a shallow façade was a virtual mountain of gold.
And today, if you like, you can buy a pre-packaged bottle of holy water at the temple for only twenty baht.
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After visiting the Golden Buddha, I returned to the hotel for breakfast, a shower, and a brief rest before checking out.
The second part of the day has not yet occurred, but I need to post this entry now while I have access to the Internet. Since I’ve yet to experience Thai massage or, for that matter, any massage in Southeast Asia, I've booked a few hours in a spa this afternoon between my check-out time and my departure for the airport. Thai massage is one of the things that people often talk about after visiting Bangkok, and I have a few empty hours on my hands, so …
When booking the appointment I told them that my spa visit would occur shortly before a thirty-hour flight back home, so I wanted to feel “clean and refreshed but also relaxed.” They assured me they have “just the thing.” (When do businesses not have “just the thing” when you make an inquiry?) I'll be in for a body cleanse and scrub, followed by a gentle aromatherapy massage.
We’ll see how that goes. If you truly want to know, ask me in person sometime.
Now, the third part of my day will be to engage in a bit of post-trip reflection. And I've already given that topic a lot of thought during my walkabout this morning. So, here goes.
This experience in Southeast Asia was one of my long-term goals. You might even say it was a life goal. At least, it was something I'd talked about for years and felt I absolutely needed to do. So, life goal accomplished!
But here's the funny thing about life goals. Once you achieve them, you have mixed feelings. On the one hand, there's a major sense of accomplishment. On the other, it feels as though a milestone in life has now past, and you wonder whether there will ever be other goals that you’ll long for quite that much. Not to exaggerate, but it feels as though a part of your life is now over and that you’ve passed one more signpost on the road toward mortality.
I remind myself that I’d had similar feelings before. When I was very young, my life goal had been to get a Ph.D. and become a college professor. (Seriously. I remember telling people this as early as fifth grade.) Then, when I was 26 and had achieved that goal, I thought, “Well, now what?”
Other goals came along, of course. There was a period when, if people asked whether I had a “bucket list,” I’d say, “I want to do three things. See the pyramids in Egypt, visit Kyoto, and attend the Wagner festival at Bayreuth.” Then, by a strange turn of fate, I did all three of those things within the same six-month period and again thought, “Now what?”
But there was always that Southeast Asia trip left for me to plan. So, now it's over. Okay, now what?
The honest answer is “I don’t know” but also “I’m sure I’ll think of something. I always have.”
As this trip comes to an end, I find myself reminded of that article I mentioned on Day Nine: “The Case Against Travel.” The author’s argument was that people always say they travel because travel changes them, but everyone returns from a trip no different from the person they were before setting out.
So, am I the same person I was before this trip?
But I don’t really think that’s the point. Certainly, there can be zen-like, blinding flashes of insight during a trip, like a flash of gold appearing from beneath a thin façade of plaster. I already mentioned once being in Rome and realizing, “Oh! That’s what Horace meant in his poetry!” and never seeing his works in the same way again. But those experiences are rare.
More often, travel changes you slowly over time. You don’t see those changes in a single day, a single week, or even a single year. Rather it’s like the slow polishing of a stone into a statue. It takes time. It happens almost imperceptibly. And eventually you realize that you actually aren’t the same person you were before. You’ve broadened your perspective, left behind a few assumptions, and made connections between ideas you never would've made before.
That’s a good thing.
No. I'm wrong.
That’s a great thing.
In fact, as far as I’m concerned, it’s one of the best things a person can do.
And I wonder where I’ll go next and how that experience might change me.
I can't wait.
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Hey Mod Akane! I hope you're doing well :) I was hoping to get a romantic matchup for Doki Doki Literature Club, My Hero Academia, and One Punch Man please!
Name: Zachary
Likes/Hobbies: Writing, Reading, Cooking, Learning Obscure Facts, Conspiracies, Meteorology, Astronomy, 80s music (though I like most music), Going on Walks (especially while listening to music), Lasagna (seriously I'm like Garfield when it comes to lasagna), doing a little trolling, being the best person I can be for my loved ones, and being with loved ones for that matter, though I do enjoy a decent amount of alone time.
Dislikes: Being a burden, seafood, fake people, being looked down upon
Personality: I'm a pansexual INFP with he/him pronouns! I'm very eccentric to say the least, I like to go on the road less traveled on and try new things. A walking disaster but I wouldn't have it any other way! I try to be nonconfrontational and work things out, but I won't be a pushover. I enjoy my alone time, but also enjoy being with my loved ones. I like to find a good balance. I try my best to become better every day. I'm not perfect in any sense and do fall into depressive episodes, but I try my best to be at least decent. I'm not the best at communicating, but once I find someone I can trust I open up easily!
Physical traits: Skinny, tall, white with a light tan, with shoulder length dirty blonde hair parted in the middle, green eyes. I usually like to wear a cool jacket or overshirt depending on the season.
Also I didn't know where to put it but I figured it might be important to add I'm the oldest of 9 kids, with 5 sisters and 3 brothers. I don't know if it will be relevant but :p
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I hope your happy with who I matched you up with.
Your Doki Doki Literature Club Matchup Is….
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* The literature club often gets annoyed when the two of you are late too a meeting because you both decided to go on a spontaneous trip to a new store that just opened up
* The two of you make a habit of trying out a new activity every Saturday
* Sayori will often run up to you excited to share with you something new she found on the internet that the two of you can do together
* Sometimes you both will even invite the rest of the club to come along with you guys
* Everyone calls the both of you the eccentric couple due to you both having similar personalities, but people find how the two of you can keep up with each others energy endearing though
* Whenever you want to have some alone time Sayori respects it, but make sure you reassure her it’s not because of her, since sometimes she starts to doubt herself in secret
* Likes that your not a push over because sometimes she doesn’t put her opinion across and she’s glad she’s got you there to be the assertive one in the situation
*Since you both don’t like confrontation, but your more willing to put someone in their place than she is
* The two of you can relate to each other, since you both fall into depressive episodes and it’s reassuring that you both can lean on and understand each other
* You both comfort the other when one of you falls into a depressive episode, since you both understand the signs one of you is going through one without either of you being verbal about that fact
* Even though Sayori shares a lot of things some of the more darker aspects of her life she keeps quiet about, so just like you it takes her time to open up about them, but once you open up to her it encourages Sayori to do the same to you
* She loves tasting anything you cook, especially if it is something sweet
* Will be over the moon if you make her lunch for school
* Anything you write she will read even if it takes her a while to get through it
* She will even take some book recommendations from you, but probably gets bored with reading it and ends up watching the movie at least that’s something
* Happily listens to all the obscure facts you know and happily goes around telling everyone
* “Hey, look what Zachary taught me!”
* Being the oldest one of your siblings comes in handy when dealing with Sayori since she can at times act childish, so it is very helpful to know how to deal with that
* Would love it if you let her wear one of your cool jackets or over-shirts, but won’t ask directly for it and instead opts to tugging on the sleeve of the one your wearing and compliments it hoping you get the hint
* Tries to learn to make lasagna for you, but ends up burning it maybe you can give her some cooking lessons
* She likes to play a few jokes on people herself, so she would happily help you do some trolling, but her laughter does often give it away
* Admires how you always try to be an amazing person and that’s one of the reasons on why she fell for you
* Will accompany you on your walks and if you play some music she starts twirling around with one of your earbuds in her ear making the wire tangle with the other one in your ear
* The two of you spend dates coming up with new conspiracies, especially ones you think could be taking place at school
* Doesn’t really understand meteorology and astrology, but she happily listens to you rant about it even if she does ask some dumb questions she is interested none the less
* But don’t go on about them for too long because she might accidentally end up falling asleep
* Overall, Sayori and you are a really good couple and you both are really lucky to have each other.
Your My Hero Academia Matchup Is….
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* Your spontaneous trips help Momo loosen up a little because usually she likes to stick to what she knows and not try anything new, but once you drag her with you on a few she starts to enjoy them
* She would never join you on them during school time though because she doesn’t want to be late, but if she fails to convince you not to go on them she will write down any notes to give to you if you miss them from being late
* She likes that your on the more the eccentric side because she herself is quite shy and she needs a bit of chaos in her life to bring her out of her shell
* Momo respects when you want some alone time and asks if you want her to stay with you and if you say no she will make you some tea and then leave you alone for the rest of the day
* Sometimes she thinks it’s her fault when she’s going through an insecurity episode herself, so during that time you should spend it with her and just remind her that she’s fine you just like to be alone sometimes
* She will be happy you took the time to reassure her even if she knew that she was just self doubting
* Momo isn’t that big on confrontation either and often tries to play peace maker when people have an argument
* She appreciates when you come to her defence though, since if someone snaps at her she usually becomes at a loss for words when people turn on her like that
* When you fall into depressive episodes Momo doesn’t know what to do, so decides to read up on it thoroughly, so she can better help you
* If you really want her to give you space though she will respect that, but she will check up on you every once in a while to make sure your doing okay
* Is overjoyed when you finally trust her enough to tell her private things and swears to keep them to herself and she makes good on that by never uttering what you told her to anyone else
* She returns the favour and shares things private about herself to you as well
* Will taste test anything you make and makes tea to go with whatever meal you have prepared
* Momo can’t really cook that well, due to usually having her personal chefs do it for her, but she is happy to aid you with the basic tasks of cooking and gathering the ingredients part. Will be very appreciative if you take the time to teach her how to cook yourself
* Will read anything you write and due to her being top in her class she gently points out any grammar mistakes you may have made to better improve your writing
* She can’t give any help on the story telling part though since she is not the most creative person when it comes to that part
* Will listen to all of your obscure facts and recites some she has learnt herself from reading information books and lends some to you in case you want to learn even more obscure facts to tell people
* Likes to hear stories about what your siblings have done now, since she is an only child, so doesn’t know what it is like to have a big family
* Will buy you new cool jackets and over shirts to wear as presents she buys you branded ones as well
* She also gets one of her family chefs to teach her how to make Lasagna to surprise you with it and if it doesn’t turn out quite right she gets the chef to make you some, so she can give it to you
* Isn’t much of a jokester herself, so this is one thing your going to have to teach her and soon she will be making loads of jokes in no time, even if most of them don’t land very well
* Loves going on walks with you it helps calm her down and she does give your music a listen too, since she wants to know more about you maybe you both can swap playlists sometime
* Doesn’t really believe in most conspiracy theories, but will happily listen to one’s you come up with or have researched about, maybe you both can have a debate on why it’s real or not
* Knows a lot about meteorology and astrology from reading them in books, so you can both have conversations about the subjects during one of your dates
* Her knowledge probably won’t be as broad as yours though because that’s not the only thing she researched about and put all of her attention on to
* Overall, Momo is a great girlfriend and the two of you make a good couple even if you both have a few differences you both get along very well with each other.
Your One Punch Man Match Up Is….
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* Always accompanies you on any walks you want to go on because he enjoys them and also wants to make sure your safe
*Because what if you stumble across a monster when going along some unexplored path
* He does like your eccentric personality it’s what makes you unique from everyone else and is something he admires you for
* He can also handle it very well, since most of the people he hangs around are quite eccentric themselves even if they don’t mean to be
* When you want some alone time it is hard for Genos to understand at first, since he thinks there are ways he can help
* But after Saitama explains it to him and he does some analysis himself he gives you your alone time
* When you want to hang out with him again though he’s right outside waiting with a meal ready for you to eat
* Genos is not a massive fan of confrontation, but he will not hesitate to do it when someone has done something wrong or has done something to wrong you
* Even if he isn’t very good at coming up with insults he will still reprimand them as much as he can
* If you ever defend him against someone he very much appreciates it
* Though he does say to let him handle it next time because he doesn’t want anyone doing something to you in anger from your words to them
* When you fall into depressive episodes Genos is unsure how to handle them he becomes overly caring just wanting to make you feel better
* He reads tonnes of books and does loads of research just to figure out the best way to handle it
* He will give you space though once you finally tell him to
* Does get worried though, so Saitama ends up having to reassure him, much to his dismay, that you will be okay during this time
* Swears on Saitama’s life that he will never repeat your secrets to anyone, even if he can sometimes be a bit of a blabber mouth, but he will tread with extra caution to keep your secrets to himself and safe from prying people
* He is quite happy when you finally trust him though
* Even though he is not required to eat if it is something you have made he will gladly try it and give you his opinion on it
* Sometimes he over exaggerates his compliments on the food, since he loves you and wants to make you feel proud of what you have made
* Genos is also not too bad at cooking himself and he will help you in the kitchen to the best of his ability
* One time though he accidentally released to much fire from his hand resulting in the both of you having to evacuate the kitchen
* Saitama still ate the burnt food that was still in the oven after the fire was put out though
* Genos is happy to read any story that you have written and feels honoured when you allow him too
* He does try to give you more ideas on what to write, but most of his ideas aren’t very good
* Genos will listen intently and write down all the obscure facts you tell him
* He even does a data analysis to find some more obscure facts that you might not know, so he can tell you them
* Will help you to look after any of your siblings if you ask him to, hopefully he will get along with all of them
* Any money he gets from being a hero he tries to save it aside, so he can buy you some cool jackets or over shirts as a gift, since you deserve to be treated by him
* Will teach himself how to make lasagna and after many failed attempts he can finally present you with his creation
* Hopefully you will like it
* Doesn’t really understand jokes that much, but will still laugh anyway
* Please laugh at his jokes even if they are unfunny he is trying his best to make you laugh
* He did a whole survey to find out what the perfect joke consists of
* His joke turned out far from perfect though
* Will accompany you on walks to make sure you are safe and because he enjoys spending that time with you
* He will listen to your music and he actually enjoyed it, he doesn’t really listen to much music, but maybe he should start. Hopefully you can recommend him more songs to listen to
* Genos kind of believes in most conspiracy theories if their is evidence that it could exist
* So any conspiracy theories you come up with he is definitely believing because your his lover and he doesn’t doubt you
* Will find out more about astrology and meteorology just for you and does loads of data analysis on them
* Hoping to impress you with his knowledge and to benefit yours about these topics you love to discuss as well
* He loves it when you talk about them to him as well and will always write detailed notes on what you tell him, like your teaching a class of only one student
* Overall, Genos is an amazing boyfriend to have and he appreciates everything about you and will do everything he can to understand your interests and desires even if they are a bit confusing for him to understand straight away on his own.
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peace-coast-island · 2 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Resentment brings trouble, wreaths bring joy
What do we do with leftover holiday decor and fern gyroids? We make wreaths. After all there’s no reason to waste a bunch of perfectly good things like tinsel and pinecones. The holiday season might be over but that doesn’t mean we can’t prepare for next year. Besides, it’s not like we’re drowning in wreaths - there’s just enough for everyone to make at least two. As for the rest of the gyroids, they’re being used for a winter cabin themed set designed by Mabel and Arabella.
Sophea and Shinobu have dropped by with a couple friends to spend the weekend here. The four of them had gone up to Portsmith Summit to deal with something and the camp happens to be on the way back. Since it’s a long trip to Cardamon - where Julie and Shigeo live - Sophea thought it’d be best to take it easy for a couple days. I agree, long trips are a lot less daunting when you break it up with stops along the way, especially when you’re in no rush to get there.
After spending the past couple weeks being a potato by being a hermit at the camp, it’s nice to finally get back into the swing of things with a little event. Traveling’s fun but I’m still a homebody at heart so I often need breaks to kinda get away from it all and not be too overwhelmed. Like I’ve said before, I’m lucky to have friends who completely understand - partly because a lot of them are similar too - so I don’t constantly feel like I have to be “on” all the time and take as much time for myself without feeling bad.
That’s not to say that certain people close to me don’t respect that - I think it’s more like they don’t get it. I mean, I don’t mind when they call me up but it’s annoying when I try to leave and they sorta guilt me into staying longer even though there’s nothing else to say and then they complain that I’m boring them. Also, maybe it’s just me, but as soon as someone says that they want to leave then I’d be like okay and not force them, even if they have nothing going on.
And I know that they wouldn’t want to hear this as I would never say it to their face but as much as I love some of these people they really take a lot out of me. Like I love and support you but we absolutely cannot live together because we’re just way too incompatible and that will negatively impact our relationship. Sometimes the best thing you can do is maintain a healthy distance, especially when you do get along well but your personalities are almost completely opposite.
Anyway, enough about that, the gyroid event’s been a lot of fun. I think I like the way we’re doing events now, just more on the casual side and a bit more sporadic. This event wasn’t really planned and it ended up working out really well so I hope to have more like that. I’m more of a spontaneous person anyway so I don’t really like sticking to rigid planning and feel more comfortable going with the flow. Events take time, energy, and resources, so I don’t want to waste all that on something that might end up being a huge source of stress that accomplishes nothing.
What I’m saying is that I don’t want events to be some big flashy thing, I want events to provide memorable and fun experiences. Even if it’s seemingly mundane, there’s nothing wrong with finding something special in the ordinary.
As usual, Sophea’s been working on a case and Shinobu’s providing her assistance. Her client, Julie, had been reluctant to get some outside help but at Shigeo and Shinobu’s insistence, she finally reached out to Sophea. Part of the reason why Julie was hesitant to reach out was because it was mostly a family affair, which is understandable. However it’s escalated to a point where her estranged father, a powerful lawyer with lots of connections, and her mother’s parents, also some powerful people, have taken things too far.
With the way her family tends to muddle things, Julie figured it’s best to beat them by getting the truth out before they have a chance to warp it. The whole thing really started a couple years ago when her mother got arrested and Julie had to move in with her father. Before that Julie lived with her mother, who was also a prominent lawyer before the arrest. Her parents married young because she got pregnant and inevitably things didn’t work out. Julie mostly saw her father on weekends or when her mother was too busy with work - the latter which became more frequent as she got older and that put a strain on her relationship with her mother.
As for Julie’s relationship with her maternal grandparents, she finds it hard to believe that those people are the ones who raised her mother and uncle. Despite her mother’s flaws, Julie says she understands that she did the best she could, especially when it came to avoiding being like her parents. While she sympathizes with her mother for being under a lot of pressure as the eldest who also happened to be the gifted child, it doesn’t completely excuse her for some of the things she did. One of those things in particular is how she treats her brother, though Julie thinks her grandparents’s brainwashing is mostly to blame.
As one can infer, Julie’s mother grew up in a dysfunctional family and despite her accomplishments and former status, she was never able to escape their influence. Her uncle, Aki, who’s a friend of Shigeo and Shinobu, is considered the black sheep of the family, a topic of ridicule. He’s kind of person who’s considered a failure for not meeting unrealistically high standards, which explains why he doesn’t get along with them. As a result, Julie had this image of her uncle as someone to avoid being like, as in the lowest of the low, someone not worth acknowledging.
It wasn’t until she got to know to him that they don’t really know him at all. Meeting Shigeo and Shinobu furthered that point. Julie finds Aki to be a decent person, he may be a bit hard to get along with and can be exhausting to be around but he’s surprisingly easy to talk to. Shinobu confirms that Aki is indeed a good listener who actually tries to help without being intrusive or offering unsolicited advice, which kinda adds to why most people are baffled by him. Sure some of the things he does are questionable but that’s not much different from anyone else - in Shigeo’s words, he’s just some guy who tries to get by. So it doesn’t make sense why his parents are so determined to tear him down and pit other people against him.
Regarding the incident that got Mia arrested and ruined her life, it’s something that Julie still can’t wrap her mind around. I mean, who can blame her? Julie and her mother were visiting her grandparents and that happened to be the one time when her uncle came over too. That was when Julie started to get to know him as they were both trying to avoid the elders. Her mom was having problems that involved getting into fights with her parents so Aki would take Julie out to save her from being dragged into the conflict.
Then one day Aki texted Julie that he and his friend were stranded on the freeway because of car trouble so she asked her mom if she could take the car. Mia wasn’t happy about it and insisted on driving since it was winter and Julie wasn’t as familiar with the roads. On the way back after picking up the guys Mia and Aki got into an argument and next thing Julie knew, the car went off the road and flipped. She later found out that her mother walked out of the wreck, later confessing that she intended to leave the others in the snow. Aki managed to pull an unconscious Julie out of the car before it went up in flames while his friend, who was thrown out, died from his injuries.
From there, it all went downhill. Everyone had naturally assumed that Mia left the scene because she was disoriented and not thinking straight, which makes sense. So to hear her admit that she intended to flee the scene to avoid getting into trouble, even if it means leaving her own daughter stranded and almost killed, is shocking, to say the least. Though her mother has felt immensely guilty about it, Julie says she doesn’t know if she can ever forgive her. Leaving her own daughter and brother stranded and killing someone - even if it was an accident - doesn’t change the fact that she intentionally did what she did.
Not surprisingly, Julie’s grandparents tried to clean up the mess by pinning the blame on Aki and insisting that Mia was innocent. To make matters worse, Julie’s father, who never got along with his in-laws, took their side, though he dragged his ex through the mud too. Julie ultimately chose to go back to the city to live with her father - the lesser of two evils she said, the alternative being her grandparents - in hopes of putting the incident behind her.
Things didn’t quite work out that way as she found out that acting like nothing happened wasn’t going to help. She and Aki contacted each other in secret, which was how she later met Shigeo and Shinobu, and they went on like that for the next few years. With Aki and Shigeo’s help, Julie got into Mikawa University with a scholarship so that was her ticket out. After spending her first year in the dorms, she later moved into her own apartment.
Julie thought she’s be safe now that she was far away from both sides of the family. And for a while she and Aki were fine, at least until several months ago when her father found out. It wasn’t long before her grandparents found out too and they started harassing Aki, claiming that he was corrupting Julie. For a while they tried to ignore it but the harassment got worse. Eventually they started targeting other people like Shigeo, which Aki felt was going way too far - even more so when Julie herself became a target. Not knowing what to do, Julie turned to her mother for help and she suggested contacting Sophea since she knows things will escalate.
That’s why they went up to Portsmith and now that’s over with, all they can do is wait and see. Sophea mentioned that she worked with Mia in the past and that she was a good lawyer. It’s a shame that things ended up the way they did. Shigeo was aware that Aki didn’t get along with his parents but he never knew it was that bad. Even though he’s younger, Shigeo often worries about Aki like a concerned older sibling because he never lets on how much he’s struggling. Shinobu suspects it’s because he’s never had anyone stand up for him so that’s why he constantly has to prove himself. Sounds like she’s speaking from experience.
Although Julie was reluctant to reach out to Sophea for help at first, she’s glad that she did instead of trying to ignore the problem or deal with it herself. She pointed out that her mother’s family had a bad habit of pretending things never happened and playing the blame game in order to avoid responsibility and given their track record, she does not want to end up like them. Sophea added that it’s clear that both sides of Julie’s family are full of resentful people and sooner or later that’ll backfire on them.
In other words, Julie was lucky to get out when she did because if she stuck with her father, or worse, her grandparents, she’d probably end up like them. So while her mother isn’t perfect, at least she succeeded in making sure Julie didn’t end up like any of them by making sure she could stand up for herself and not be blinded or swayed by arrogance and bitterness.
Julie and Shigeo are still on winter break so they’re in no rush to get home. Aki would’ve come with them but he got knocked out with a cold so Shigeo’s mom has been checking up on him. They say he’s feeling a lot better but still contagious which is why they can’t visit him. Sophea plans to meet up with him in person before she gets back, hopefully by next week when he’s fully recovered.
The weather’s been really cold up here so it’s a good thing they decided to stop by the camp. We managed to collect a bunch of gyroids before shutting ourselves inside and making ourselves cozy by the fire.
Making wreaths has helped us unwind and take our minds off the cold. It’s fun to see what everyone comes up with when decorating our wreaths. And when we were done with that we got started on making furniture. Not surprisingly, Shinobu knows a thing or two about crafting furniture. She really is a jack of all trades. Shigeo mentioned that Aki tried to recruit her several times but she kept declining. They’ve been vague on what Aki does for work so I’m guessing no one really knows, not even Aki himself. All they can really say is that he tries to help people, usually in a roundabout way, and it ends up working out.
Tomorrow looks like it’s gonna be sunny - cold still but at least it’ll be bright - so hopefully we can venture out a bit to collect some more gyroids as well as show the others a bit more of the camp.
Read on AO3
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tillzzy · 8 months
Primary Research - Interviewing people who have previously travelled
Where and when did you travel
How was your overall experience - accommodation wise
What would you say was missing when you were travelling? (e.g experiences etc.)
What websites did you use for booking accommodation and why?
How did you find social interactions when travelling?
How did you meet people?
Were there any challenges when it came to socialising?
Eastern Europe, Summer 2023 - stayed in mainly airbnbs and hostels but travelled as a couple
Very positive - prices were quite competitive against hostels as a couple per night. Loved travelling, was really easy, took trains, apps and internet made travelling straight forward
Ability to get local knowledge, relied heavily on Lonely Planet and trip advisor, but having a local's advice or guidance to get local secrets and favourites. Met some local people when in Prague and they suggested places to visit we had never heard of even after doing our own research
Hostelworld - hostel experience , Booking.com - good for hotels and rewards, Airbnb - easy and was cheap in some cases
with locals people were nice but were aware that I was a tourist so the connection wasn't really there. Interacting with other tourists was more common and also more friendly
Through activities like pub crawls and hostels but it was all tourists and travellers
Sometimes people weren't very welcoming or weren't open for socialising from time to time - language barrier sometimes was an issue
Vietnam, December 8th- 23rd (2 weeks)
Accommodation was one of the best parts of the trip, super cheap, lots of availability, especially in the cities like Hanoi, Saigon, Hoi An. (Could book on the day no problem, if one is sold out there’ll be another 10 with space) left room for spontaneity and took pressure off planning. Super social, I did stay in the touristy ones so can’t speak for the others
I would say the only thing missing was maybe more daytime activities, most of the events arranged by the hostels were night stuff (pub crawls, games nights, lots of drinking) which was fun but would’ve liked more tours, day meet ups etc
 I used Hostelworld for pretty much every booking cos the app is super easy to use and mainly because it’s super social (made for backpackers to meet people etc) they have a section where u can see who’s staying at the hostel at the same time as u and join group chats, arrange meet ups etc. Rlly good for solo travellers. If Hostelworld was booked up I would use Booking.com but bit more complicated to use and no social aspect
Personally I found it rlly easy especially cos Vietnam is a long thin country so everyone’s either going North to South or other way round (end up doing the same journey as everyone). Also in general if people are staying in the well known, social hostels they’re there for the reason to meet people & socialise. I booked a private room one night cos I needed some me time, staying in a room with 10/15 people every night can be a bit draining but everyone respects peoples privacy cos we’re all in the same boat, dorms are there to sleep and if we wanna socialise properly would just go to common room
^ pretty much answers this question, but I met pretty much everyone just in the hostel common room, people from my dorm, sometimes on the buses, and sometimes on nights out. I would say the most time I met people was in the hostel events
 I guess the only challenge was if you meet a big group of people it’s hard to wiggle in, cos they would be travelling as a group to have fun with each other as opposed to going alone and forming ur own travel friends.
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barksbog · 5 years
when you REALLY just need to drive a long time and be somewhere else away from all the people but it´s december and you live in the alps so it´s cold as fuck and you can´t sleep in your car.
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dragonqueenofice · 2 years
Hii i saw ur valentine's day event sooo i want to request 8 + ayato 💕💕
“I’m Sorry” Kiss with Ayato
Notes: So i’ve finally made up my mind to pull on Ayato’s banner so I’m going to be writing for him totally not to coax him into coming home in one ten pull. Y/n is enby
Warning: Ayato’s personality here is pieced together from voicelines about him, if this turns out to be ooc after his release then my apologies.
Valentine's Day Writing Event (Closed)
Word count: 730
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Ayato is a very busy man. As the head of the Kamisato clan, he has to work hard in order to keep up appearances and to keep everything together. He’s always been busy, even before all the mess after the traveler fought the Raiden Shogun herself. Though he always made time to terrorize his sister, hang out with Itto, and time for you.
It was nice receiving special treatment from Ayato himself, him inviting you to extravagant dinners or even just a simple trip to a small boba shop in Inazuma City. Ayato was unpredictable, some days it would be a spontaneous decision to take you along with him as he goes about his work. Sometimes he would meticulously plan out a dinner date, but regardless of how spontaneous it was, Ayato would make sure to see you at least once per day.
However, ever since the mess of the Traveler coming to Inazuma, you barely saw him. Turns out, trying to keep together a nation after its leader had a fundamental change in ideology is pretty difficult. Ayato's plate was fuller than it's ever been, and you rarely even caught a glimpse of him. You understood fully well that he's got a lot to do, but not even sparing a glance and a "hello" when you passed him on the street was starting to make you upset.
It was one of the few days Ayato had off. He'd managed to lower his work enough to just, relax for a day, and all he wanted to see you, even if it were just for a moment.
     Thoma and Ayaka had been insisting that Ayato take a day off for weeks now. Ayaka had been the first one to start talking about it, but after one time where she found her brother passed out on his desk, ink from his pen pooling on the paper beneath him, she began pushing for him to break even more. Once Thoma started pushing too, Ayato finally caved, and he also requested a few things. And people. Well, one person.
     Thoma was sent to Inazuma City to get some boba from the shop Ayato liked, one he's taken you to before, and on his way he saw you looking upset and lingering near the shop. Thoma waved to you and said "Oh! Y/n, Lord Ayato has summoned you to the Kamisato Estate!" And he began conversing with the shopkeeper, trying to lower the price as low as possible as you began walking to the Estate.
     Once you arrived, the servants at the Estate were giving you directions to Ayato's room, muttering things like "The Young Master rarely left his room all day" and "the only thing he's asked for, aside from food, was them" as you walked past. You wondered why Ayato would summon you when he hasn't given you even a single glance recently, though after these thoughts came a wave of guilt. Ayato has always been a busy man, and after all Inazuma's been through of course he'd be flooded with work. Even after this guilt a part of you was still upset at Ayato. Your hand reaches out to the sliding door in front of you, supposedly leading to Ayato's room.
     You lightly slide open the door and hear the tatami mats crunch under your weight. You see Ayato, pacing in the middle of the room. He was wearing a slightly disheveled hayori and his hair was messy, along with the bags under his eyes, it was clear he hasn't been sleeping. The second he spotted you he walked over with a smile evident on his face, "Ah! Darling there you are! My apologies for not seeing you recently," he took your hand and gave it a kiss, "I've been so swamped with work that Ayaka and Thoma had to force me to stay in bed today." He pulled you into the room and closed the door. Ayato cupped the side of your cheek, and stared lovingly into your eyes, "Darling, you've no idea how much I've missed you, just being in your presence is already improving my day." He pressed his forehead against yours and you moved to give him a kiss. The two of you were too busy being too adorably in love to hear Ayaka and Thoma giggling on the other side of the wall after hearing just how sweet Ayato gets for you.
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Spsps Ayato please come home please. Also this was way softer than my other "I'm sorry" kiss writings and I think the fact that my Spotify playlist played like all of the cute love songs I have in it has something to do with that -Dragon Queen
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could i get F, I, O and S for Karmagisa?
A to Z ask meme
F is for fights Do they bicker a lot? About trivial things? How do they make up after a large fight?
Well I feel like they get past beating the shit out of each other at least.
I feel like Nagisa learns to assert himself more, so you get basically a constant stream of bickering. But I also feel like it's their weird way of showing affection for each other.
They usually fight about really dumb things and it's usually out of proportion because they're both incredibly stubborn when they want to be.
I think they do have nasty fights sometimes, usually ones that have built up over a long period of avoiding the issue finally coming out. I don't think it would get physical ever though, aside from Nagisa yeeting a pillow at his head or something. But they certainly yell at each other. And then proceed to not talk for days until someone cracks.
Ultimately I think their communication improves, but it's never exactly the BEST. And usually, they just need some time to feel angry with each other before wanting to resolve anything. I'd say it's about equal who takes the first step, dependant on what actually happened. They can both (eventually) admit when they're wrong at least.
Stalemate is broken by rock paper scissors.
I is for illness Do they care for each other when they're sick?
Nagisa's definitely better at it. He might show annoyance if he perceives it to be Karma's own fault, but he's pretty caring. I feel like Karma's kinda clingy when he's sick, so Nagisa's not going anywhere even if he wanted to.
Karma... I feel like he takes the opportunity to tease Nagisa whenever he's sick. Make fun of him for looking like shit etc. But when it comes down to it he'll play nurse. Even if it involves strange 'cures' his parents tended to favour.
Though, Nagisa strikes me as the type who doesn't ever want to admit he's too sick to do work. He's determined to be there even if it's the apocalypse. Karma's had to straight up restrain him a couple of times.
O is for outsiders What do other people think of their relationship? Have they ever been walked in on?
I think 3E have mixed reactions. Some are generally supportive/indifferent. Some are a little surprised. Others maybe a little concerned. Especially Sugino. Like, he'll never be outright rude to Karma or anything, he doesn't even not like him. He just... wants to make sure Nagisa's happy.
He tries to give Karma some kind of shovel talk. It doesn't really go down how he expected it to. Threats don't really suit him though. At least Kayano's there to do that part. Is she happy for them generally, in spite of everything? Yes. But she's also scarier with Sugino. Sorry Sugino. But hey, his name is literally 'friendly person' so.
Nakamura makes many jokes at their expense. Karma, not knowing about her actual crush on Nagisa, fires back that she's jealous.
I feel like their senses are probably too good for them to be walked in on really. Though, there are probably times where maybe they look all casual, but they were definitely up to something.
If we talk 3E timeline, I think Korosensei would be into it. Like, he'd mourn his lost ships, but I think the plot twist drama would be too interesting. They'd probably fake break up at some point, and it depresses him so much the class actually get pretty close to killing him.
S is for secrets Do they keep secrets from each other? Do they plan surprises?
I don't think they have intentional secrets. They just don't naturally talk about certain things with each other. No matter how close they are otherwise, I don't think they're ever the type of couple who tell each other literally everything. And they probably keep other people's secrets from each other.
Karma's definitely more spontaneous, so maybe he's more into surprises. He probably learns pretty quick that Nagisa doesn't like them that much, though, and so just tells him if, say, he feels like going on a trip somewhere.
They try to sneak up on each other sometimes for fun. It never ends that well.
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letterstotheflre · 3 years
my drug is my baby
summary: sirius is glad he was patient enough with you and takes part of what he has been craving most
warnings: daddy kink, a smidge of religious references, dacryphilia, overstimulation, fingering and oral sex (fem receiver), innocence/corruption kink
word count: 3.2k
a/n: i kinda hate this now but i think it’s because i read it too many times, idk || i think it's a universal experience to not being able to cum from your own fingers... right?? and we all know that sirius has a crying kink... also i think it’s so hot when they make you thank them for letting you cum, sue me!!
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Sirius Black liked to believe he was a patient man when he needed to be.
He was known for being reckless, always jumping into the next adventure without much thought, ready to follow James wherever he went. Most of the time he spoke without thinking, especially if he knew his comments would make his parents red with rage. Sometimes he didn’t even mean what he said, he just spewed whatever progressive or controversial opinion he had in hopes of making his mother’s heart stop beating.
He revelled in making rash decisions, somehow always ending up being benefited by them. He never gave much thought to anything: always doing his homework last minute yet somehow still getting top marks, taking some jokes too far, never taking into consideration other people’s safety unless they were close friends.
Some may call him selfish, but he liked not having to put too much thought into every single action. He spent most of his childhood walking on eggshells, afraid of saying the wrong thing and being punished or worse, Regulus taking the beating for him. But now that he finally escaped the Black family, he enjoyed the freedom that came with leaving Grimmauld Place.
He enjoyed breaking rules and creating chaos. It made him feel mighty, knowing he had the power to make all of those choices, still coming out on top, and see how they affected certain people. Most applauded him, revered him for being so spontaneous and adventurous; others couldn’t stand him, complaining about his mean jabs and sometimes harmful pranks.
Yet he knew how to wait for the things he deemed important or worthy. He knew that it was best to wait for Euphemia’s cherry pie to cool down before eating it, to wait for three days after the full moon to make a werewolf joke to Remus, to wait a few hours after James lost a Quidditch match to suggest a quick trip to The Three Broomsticks. And he knew it was best to wait for you.
Good things come to those who wait, that was his mantra. Of course, most of his restraint when it came to you was because he cared deeply about you and your comfort, but his conscience also drove him to keep his hands to himself. Every time his hands were about to go under your skirt, every time he heard your breathy moans when he kissed your neck, every time you looked at him with pouty lips begging for a kiss and his fingers craved to squeeze your neck, he took a step back. He felt so guilty for tainting something that in his mind was so pure, so he just held you close and peppered your face with kisses until you giggled.
But the thought of you being so untouched and how bashful you looked when he teased you or someone made a sexual comment made him want to ruin your innocence. Something inside him craved to see you tainted, to have you writhing under him as he rolled his hips against yours while you clutched his shoulders. He wanted to take that holiness you had and turn it into something so sinful that there was no way for you to ask for redemption.
And when you opened the door and took the first step, who was he to deny you?
He dragged everything out. Since the day when he taught you how to touch yourself, he wanted to make you wait for every sexual act that followed. He wanted to see how long it would take for you to beg him for some relief.
So today during a lecture when you looked at him with glazed over eyes and begged him to help you relieve the strange ache you felt in your stomach since you woke, he decided to be benevolent and give you some relief. He swiftly moved his hand under your skirt (thanking God that most of your closet consisted of that particular piece of clothing and dresses) and pushed aside your underwear before his fingers made way between your dripping folds. He didn’t enter you, just played with your clit until you had to bite the back of your hand to muffle your moans.
But when you whispered a small “thank you, daddy” and pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek, the only thing he wanted to do was take you back to his room and press you to the bed until your legs shook and tears ran down your cheeks. His eyes quickly scanned the classroom to make sure no one saw or heard anything, shoulders tense because of your words. All he could see were students with their own glassy eyes as they listened to whatever the professor was talking about. Fucking tease, Sirius thought.
And now, as he watched you on your knees and clutching his leg, lips pouty and cheek nuzzling his jean covered thigh, he was thankful for being patient enough.
“Please, Sirius, they’re back,” you said. He knew exactly what you were talking about, but played dumb as one hand petted your hair. “What’s back, baby?”
“The tingles,” you explained.
“And you need me to fix it, hm?” A small taunt was evident in his tone. “Your hands aren’t enough anymore, right bunny?”
Your cheeks warmed up at the implication, nevertheless, you shook your head. You still managed to make yourself cum, but the way Sirius could play with your clit like an experienced musician and how his big hands moved your hips along his jean covered leg would never compare to your dainty digits. The thought of his big fingers inside of you was enough to increase the tingles, and your hands pressed down on your stomach trying to soothe the pain.
“Please, Sirius, it hurts so bad,” you whimpered.
“Use your words, angel. Be good,” he said. You looked up at him with watery eyes, your mind already slipping and not letting you form too many coherent thoughts. “Please, daddy,” you sniffled.
He kept petting your head. “What do you want, angel?” He asked, looking almost bored with the situation as he listened to your pleads. “Anything,” you whined.
He shook his head, mocking disappointment. “You know you have to ask for what you want, puppy.” Even though he wasn’t angry, honestly a little amused at your desperation, his voice was stern, trying to engrave his rules in your fuzzy brain.
Your hands squeezed his leg, “I need you… down there.”
“You need to be clearer.''
You closed your eyes. You hated being so crass, but Sirius certainly had no qualms about it. “I need you… in my pussy,” you got out. But it wasn’t enough, not for Sirius who longed to ruin every aspect of your innocence. “What do you want, baby? D’ya want my fingers or my tongue?”
“Both,” you whined. Bingo, he thought with a dark smirk that would’ve sent shivers down your spine if you weren’t absolutely drenching and desperate for his touch. “Up you get, puppy,” he said, “lay on the bed f’me.”
You got on the bed right next to him, your head laying on one of your fluffy pillows. Your dress rode up a bit with your movements, but it didn’t really matter, and you pressed your legs together trying to relieve some of the tension while you waited for Sirius to do something. He simply watched you, taking in the image of you wriggling in place and toying with the rings he bought you for your birthday.
You felt a soft touch on your calves, and it gave you a fluttering feeling in your stomach. Sirius’s hands were moving slowly up your legs, nudging them apart without needing much force since you complied immediately. You were about to burst, ready to scream at him to just get on with it, but decided to keep quiet.
One of his hands made its way to the edge of your dress, swiftly going under it and his fingers slightly grazing your clothed pussy. Your hips bucked at the soft touch, but then just as quickly as it came it was gone. “No, come back!” you implored, reaching for Sirius’s wrist but being too slow.
Sirius arched one eyebrow, “What was that?”
“I’m sorry!” you cried out, “M’sorry, I just need you so bad. It hurts.” But Sirius remained where he was, arms now crossed over his chest as he looked at you. His eyes were full of disappointment and you wanted to cry, “What’s gotten into you today? You were so demanding in class before, so bratty, I don’t think you deserve it at all.” He was stretching the truth, you were by far the least bratty person he had ever been with, but he couldn’t help himself when he saw how much his words affected you.
A few tears fell at his words, “No, no, m’not bratty. I’m a good girl, daddy. I promise I’ll be so so good, your best girl! I won’t ask for anything more, m’sorry.'' You were saying anything you could to convince him that you were still his good girl, his angel.
Your lips were quivering and your chest was heaving with sobs you tried to keep inside; babbling apologies and trying to convince him that you would never act like this again, and he finally took pity on you. His hands gripped your ankles and opened your legs so he could lay comfortably between them. He could see a dark patch on your lavender underwear, and he huffed out a laugh with a slightly amused shake of his head. “I forgive you, bunny, but you’ll have to take everything that I give you. D’you think you can do that f’me?”
You nodded eagerly, choking a small ‘thank you’ as you tried to control your breath. He grabbed the ends of your dress and bunched it up over your waist, not bothering to take it off. He licked a strip over your underwear and the combination of his warm tongue with the friction of the cotton cloth was enough to make you mewl.
Sirius could not deny that he had been craving to taste you once more after he licked your fingers clean that day, and now only getting a smidge of your taste from what seeped through your underwear drove him insane. He needed to taste you completely, so he quickly pulled them off and pocketed them in the back of his jeans.
He used his fingers to spread your folds wide open, staring hungrily at all the slick that had gathered. “Oh puppy, look at the mess you’ve already made,” he crooned. “Y’re dripping, d’ya really need me this bad?”
“Yes, so so bad. Please, daddy.” He was so close, his warm breath hitting your wet folds and making you tremble in anticipation.
You watched, using your elbows to raise yourself a little, as he slowly started to take his rings off. “Hold ‘em for me, bunny, don’t want them to get dirty,” he said as he slid his chunky rings into your fingers. The metal dangled a little because of the size difference, so you closed your hands to keep them from falling.
Finally, his tongue made contact with your clit and you sighed in relief. It was followed by a moan when he started to suck on it, making sure to swirl his tongue all around before slurping. He looked like a starved man that finally came into contact with some sweet fruit, moving his head around your pussy to have you gushing on him. The ache in your tummy was slowly decreasing, now replaced with a nice fluttering feeling.
Your whines and moans echoed through his ears, resembling the most beautiful angel choir he had ever heard. He pulled away for a moment, “I’ve been waiting to taste you for days, puppy. S’better than I remembered.”
The more he pushed his tongue inside you, the more your legs shook. You involuntarily closed them, your pillowy thighs acting as earmuffs around Sirius’s head. He let them rest there for a few seconds before pushing them open once more, adding more fervour to his movements, eager to drink your sweet ambrosia.
Your closed fists went to his head, and you opened them a little to grip his hair, trying to ground yourself. “Gonna cum, daddy, can I?” You breathed out. Sirius just hummed, sending vibrations that were enough to make you let go. You tried to close your legs once more, but his shoulders prevented you from doing so. You felt like you were floating, your brain shutting off for a few seconds before returning to earth.
But Sirius didn’t stop moving his tongue, one of his fingers circling your hole before entering you slowly. Just one of his fingers felt like two of yours, even though you knew it wasn’t an accurate comparison. The stretch this time burned more than when you touched yourself, and you whined while shaking your head. “Too much, s’too much.”
Sirius paused for a moment so he could press your legs to your chest with one hand while the other kept moving in and out of you. The sudden switch in position made you gasp, but not as much as when Sirius thrust his fingers hard. “Are you dumb? I told you you had to take everything I gave you. D’you want to make me mad again?”
More tears fell when he curled his fingers, expertly finding that spongy spot inside you that pumped white heat through your veins. The way they twisted resembled a musician fiddling with a harp, your needy whines accompanying them like the main act. “No no, I can take it” you gasped, drowning in bliss as his fingers kept hitting the perfect spots.
You were already so close, Sirius giving you no respite as he quickly pushed his fingers. Your hand gripped his arm, fingertips digging the ink-covered skin. “C-close,” you whined, eyes rolling back and mouth open as you felt the tension ready to break.
“Going to make more of a mess, angel?” he grumbled, and you tried to nod as much as you could in your constricted position. Sirius chuckled, “Dirty little thing. Go on, I’ve got you.”
You whimpered brokenly as he pulled another orgasm from you. It felt like his fingertips were scrapping your insides to drag it out, and your feet dangled in the air as you swung them while trying to grab his wrist to stop him from moving.
Sirius couldn’t tear his eyes from you, with your pretty tears dripping down your cheeks and your chest heaving with small sobs from how good you felt. For him, all for him and only ever for him, because no one had ever touched you like he has and no one else ever would. “You look so pretty like this,” he cooed. “God I love your tears, baby, look how hard you make me.”
Your eyes moved down his body—when had he taken off his shirt? His tattoos splayed over his toned muscles made you clench around his fingers. You adored the small drawings that covered most of his body, they looked so beautiful on him and you just wanted to cry even more at how pretty your boyfriend was. When your eyes moved lower, following his previous instruction, you could see there was already a bulge in his pants that you knew was his cock, and your mouth watered at the thought of it just resting against his stomach like it did the first time you sucked him.
“I wanna feel you,” you cried while stretching your hands to touch him. He let you, your soft palms going over his chest and grabbing his shoulders so you could pull him down. “Kissie,” you breathed, letting his lips hover over yours for a second before kissing you hard and messily. His tongue played with yours and it only added more fuel to the fire inside you.
A moan broke you apart when his fingers resumed their pace, “P-please, no more” you babbled, the stimulation too much to bear.
“How are you gonna take my cock if you can’t take my fingers, hm?” He asked and you whined, his fingers burying themselves up to his knuckles and making your eyes roll back once more. Your mouth was dry from being constantly open, whimpers and moans constantly escaping from the open cavity. “Come on, one more, I know you have it in you. My good girl aren’t you?”
The squelching sounds were so dirty and they rang through your ears,  yet even through your fuzzy mind you could discern the important words, “Y-your good girl,” you managed to get out with a smile, glad to be praised by him.
His other hand pressed down on your legs even more, and now you could see the way the digits moved in and out of you, a slight sheen coating the skin every time they came out. “God, you were right, bunny, you are tight,” he grunted, “I don’t think I’ll ever fit, m’gonna break you.”
At that, your eyes widened. “No no, you’ll fit, daddy!” But he just chuckled at your desperation, “M’gonna break you in half, angel. Do you want that? Do you want me to split you open?”
A small chant of ’yes’ and ‘please’ echoed through the room. You could feel another wave coming, ready to wash over you as your toes curled in anticipation. It was like you were dangling on the edge, your hands holding on for dear life as you tried to hold on, and your moans grew louder and louder with every thrust Sirius gave.
Your clenching walls around his digits were warning enough for him, and he kept his eyes on your form as you struggled to keep it at bay, waiting for his permission. He watched as your ring clad fingers scrambled to the sheets, gripping them tightly as your head moved from side to side. “That’s it, bunny, let go f’me” and with one harsh thrust, you slackened the hold you had on your release and finally let go.
If you felt like you were still on your body you would’ve screamed. A white heat engulfed you as your vision grew hazy, your hips raising of their own accord and aiding Sirius in dragging your orgasm out. You looked so beautiful like this, a sweaty sheen on your skin and now tangled up hair sticking to your forehead. Sirius leant down, tongue cleaning the fallen tears before they dried, and you couldn’t help the moan that escaped you.
He grabbed your face, squishing your spit covered cheeks. “What do you say, angel?”
With a shuddering breath, you looked into his stormy eyes as he cleaned your release from his fingers with his tongue. “Thank you, daddy.”
You tried to lower your legs, but Sirius kept them in place. You stared at him, confused, yet he was staring at your puffy cunt, all shiny and stretched out for him. A smirk covered his lips as he finally looked at you, “I think y’re finally ready for m’cock, angel.”
TAGLIST: @ildm4ev @capsmischief @dracosafety @dracoxgeorge @roonilwazlibswhore @lovelylupinx @sarcasmismyon1ydefence @marxy-06 @remusjlupinisdead @mattefic @artisancowbells @zzzfour @emmaev @gxtitobxby @sam-hollandsgirl —if you want to be tagged tap here
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carelesswispe · 3 years
heya! can I request how Dimitri, Edelgard, Claude, and Yuri would court their crush? headcannons and fluff please :") also if there a character limit? (if you can't do Yuri, please replace him with Ashe) ty in advance </3
- 🍙
thank you for requesting! i had a lot of fun writing this ask and sorry if this took a little longer than expected ;; nevertheless, i hope you enjoyed this, jelly filled donut anon!
>genre: fluff with some angst if you squint (mostly for dimitri and edelgard's part)
>warnings: slight mentions of fighting, slight spoilers for the events of fire emblem three houses, some angst
>pairings: dimitri x reader (gn), edelgard x reader (gn), claude x reader (gn), yuri x reader (gn)
Hh he's the loml
I feel like he would only start to court anyone after the five-year timeskip due to the guilt of the tragedy Duscur and the pent up emotions he’s kept bottled up. The fact that he hasn’t overcome his trauma would probably give him the need to distance himself from the one he has feelings with <\\3
Of course, no one’s able to resist the pull of love and despite his irrational thoughts that tell him to distance himself from you, the thoughts that tell him to stay with you were stronger, the feeling that you give him was like a breath of fresh air in the suffocating miasma of his guilt and trauma which gave him the strength to carry on.
But once the war is finally over and he’s sorted out his feelings for you, the first thing he would do is to see you; to finally let you know how he feels...and maybe even propose you to stay by his side forever--
As for courting you, after so many years of killing and brutal murder, I think that Dimitri would be quite awkward in expressing his feelings for you, after having bottled them up for so long.
He would get flustered easily from the little things you do or say to him but still deliver the smoothest compliments as if it was second nature. Just like he always has in the academy, if not, smoother.
If you were to bring this up to him, he would try to deny it with a flushed face, causing him to be hyper-aware of the little things that he used to say with a nonchalant attitude from then on...how adorable
Dimitri is probably not the most romantic man with having basically no experience with relationships and all and would resort to consulting, albeit after much pestering, Sylvain for relationship advice.
It was quite cute though, seeing this grown man trying to be romantic but failing, looking like a teen with his first crush. Although, that may not be far from the truth.
Of course, after failing to pull off any of the ridiculous date ideas Sylvain proposed to him for the umpteenth time, Dimitri decided to do things his own way, even if it meant stumbling around like a newborn deer.
Dimitri’s idea of a romantic date is probably a bit odd...after all, this is coming from the same man who thought that a dagger is a great parting gift. He would take you to shop around for things you might like, wanting to show you that he would grant you anything you desired. And...while he’s at it, he might buy you a weapon of your liking--
After shopping, he’d treat you to a meal while you’re at it. Although he may not care for the flavours of food, seeing you eat your favorite foods with a delighted expression is enough to make the food that much more appetizing.
Being a king, Dimitri would most likely be very busy, filling up paperwork and all and so going out often isn’t something he could afford to do. In order to make up for that, the free time that he does get is all spent with you. Even for a little while, being with you does take away some of the stress that comes with the amount of responsibility on his shoulders.
Whether it be sharing a cup of tea or simply enjoying yourselves in each other’s company, Dimitri is satisfied to spend any time with you
Similar to Dimitri, I feel like Edelgard wouldn’t want to think about feelings of love so soon as long as she hasn’t fulfilled her mission since she wouldn’t want to let her emotions to obstruct her conquest at all, as baseless as those worries might be
However, this doesn’t mean that she would be able to control these feelings of hers with perfect success. After all, try as she might, she’s still a human
Even though she can deny her feelings for you, she can’t deny the comfort your company gives her
Having tea together or even just spending any amount of time with you gives her the break she needs from her burdens she’s imposed upon herself and in times like these, it reminds her of the people she wants to be stronger to protect
Conversations with her mostly consist of her plans and motivations for her cause but outside of that, she also enjoys being able to indulge herself in some much needed rest and she feels like she could share anything with you.
Well, perhaps not her family history but she finds herself revealing the sides that she hid from the public.
Occasionally, she would vent out her feelings of frustration to you, perhaps impersonating and imitating the words of the person who had irritated her
Even if it’s for a little while, she finds herself being able to act like a child or to let loose without fear of being judged around you and it reminds her that she’s not alone in this conquest of hers. And that fact alone comforts her. If you’re by her side, even the rockiest of roads seem like a cake walk as long as you’re here for her.
After the war, she would subtly propose a future with the two of you where you and her could pave the way for the new future of the empire. And when you don’t get what she’s hinting at, she would just throw whatever inhibitions she had out of the window and just tell you in a more direct fashion
Although she fears rejection, she’d rather say out her feelings than to keep it trapped for any longer.
As the emperor, Edelgard is very busy. Despite this, for some reason, she finds herself sneaking away from Hubert’s unrelenting supervision from time to time just to spend time with you.
She finds herself giving the pettiest excuses to go on a date with you whenever her tight schedule has even the tiniest opening.
To her, spending time with you reminds her that she is not only Edelgard Von Hresvelg, the Emperor but El.
However, on occasions where she is unable to slip away from her aide’s watchful eye or whenever she has to go on a trip where she will be away from you for long periods of time, as soon as she is freed from her duties, she will immediately come see you, hopefully plan a vacation together away from all her responsibilities, even for a little while.
Speaking of vacations, this will be a regular occurrence between the two of you. Such vacations range from going out of the empire for some sightseeing to a simple staycation, relishing in each other’s company.
Unlike the previous two, I feel like Claude, although not necessarily looking for a relationship before the timeskip, he wouldn’t be too opposed to the idea if he falls in love.
But maybe if it's before the timeskip, the relationship between the two of you would be more casual than anything, just enjoying the moment rather than looking into the future. Of course, he would like to spend the rest of his days with you but it's more of a matter of whether that could be possible or not due to the uncertainty of the future.
Dates before the timeskip would consist of fun little lunch dates in the cafeteria, hanging out to the library afterwards.
Most of your dates together were spontaneous, Claude being the one to initiate it first.
Like you two could be chilling, minding your own business, being content in each others’ presence one minute and pranking the entirety of the monastery in another.
Every time the two of you got together, everyone started to go on full alert mode, fully expecting an explosion somewhere or something along the lines of that. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time…
After the timeskip, dates with him don’t really change much...on the surface. In reality, Claude puts more effort into each date, not that he hadn’t before.
It’s just that now, the more time he spends with you, the more certain he is that he wants you to stay by his side, forever.
These dates were comparatively tame as compared to before the timeskip, with him being more mature and responsible now, not wanting to take unnecessary risks now that he’s seen many of his followers come and go, he wouldn’t want you to be like them.
Expect calm candlelit dinners for most of the dates since he tries to reserve the evening for you, maybe going on a stroll around the kingdom, checking up on the state of his citizens with you.
Right, speaking of dinners, during dinner, he would tell the most interesting stories of times when he left the kingdom for important matters and you weren’t able to come along, often bringing home a trinket of sorts which reminded him of you.
I feel like on these trips, he would just pick up random stuff that caught his eye and thought you’d might like, looking forward to seeing your expression upon receiving his gift to you. He gets a little too excited sometimes and goes...overboard, buying WAY too much. On the bright side, now that you got him all fired up, he’ll do his best to rush home to you.
As much as possible, he invites you to go with him to the many many festivals in the kingdom just so that you wouldn’t get bored with just eating out with him. (not that you ever would) and plus, he enjoys seeing the different stalls and booths set up with you.
Yuri is quite hard to get close to since he’s the leader of the underworld and all. And even if you do, he puts up a ridiculously high wall when he feels as if you take an interest in him in something other than a friend.
All these years of distrust had given him no choice but to surround himself with various walls. And should you try to break down these walls, he would panic and distance himself from you, anything to make you realise that he shouldn’t be the one to receive your affection. Classic romance novel moment
Of course, you persist and stay there for him anyway, maybe only just pushing it but not to the point where it gets uncomfortable for him. After the years, going through tough situations with you by his side especially when he needed it the most, without realising it, he had a spot for you on his previously cold heart. Maybe it had always been there, maybe not, he didn’t really know anymore.
When you two finally go out together, it comes out as something that was going to happen anyway to the other members of the Ashen Rats Wolves who, don’t even bother to act surprised, come on, even Constance saw it coming, Yuri, you didn’t fool anybody.
Dates with Yuri are always new and exciting, going out on undercover missions together, travelling across Fódlan. Yuri tries to discourage you from coming along because of the danger of each one of his missions but the more he refuses, the more you insist so after a while, he gets the hint that he won’t be able to stop you and eventually just invites you whenever he has to go on long missions without having you finding out about it on your own.
As much as he cares about each and every single one of his subjects in the underworld, being the lord of the underground isn’t exactly the most relaxing or safest job out there and sometimes he just needs a break from all that. Luckily, you’re there to give him some peace of mind. Just by having you by his side, he feels as if he’s transported into another world, a reverie away from all the dangers of his job. Even a protector needs someone to protect him, you know? And he trusts you. He trusts that you would always be there to protect him. Since you were there for him through thick and thin all this time.
You both got each other’s backs
(i wrote WAY too much for Yuri since man i had a wild Yuri phase and i still do and i am just RELIVING IT as i write this)
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twiceinadream · 3 years
Twice React- Cockwarming Alpha S/O
Requested: Yup
Request: Can u do omega twice cockwarming for alpha reader 🧑🏾‍🦯
a/u: Hey, everyone! Long time no see, I’ve missed you all so much and I hope you can forgive me for being gone so long. My life has been insanely busy these last few weeks so I hope you enjoy the first thing I’ve written in nearly a month. I love you all and thank you so much for all the love and support! And remember to stream “Alcohol-free”!
Category: NSFW and Fluff
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Nayeon wouldn’t exactly call herself an “exhibitionist”, but then again, she couldn’t say she hated where this was going. You and your girlfriend had agreed to hold Twice’s weekly movie night at your apartment as the two of you spent all evening setting everything up for the girls. And it wasn’t until everyone was nearly ready to start did you pull Nayeon onto your lap and a blanket over her legs. She could feel your hardon through your pants as you snaked a hand between the two of you, pushing your pants and boxers down to let your erection breath. A challenging smile grew on your girlfriend’s lips as she moved her underwear to the side, letting you slip in as she sat back down. Stifling a moan as a jump scare jostled the both of you, making her sink further down onto your cock as she tried to maintain a neutral expression. Doing everything in her power to try and ignore the way your alpha-hood pulsed inside of her as she was forced to endure the next hour and a half filled with you.
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“Stop moving.”
It had been a few weeks since you and your girlfriend had done anything spontaneous. Your mate just didn’t think it would also involve her members. Jeong bit her lip as the grip she had on your arm tightened even more as you made a show of getting up slightly to fix the blanket you had draped over you and your girlfriend. A playful smirk covered your face as Jeongyeon resisted the urge to hit you as the jostling you caused made her stifle a moan. Your cock nestled nicely inside of her as the rest of her members continued to watch the show playing on the tv. Blissfully unaware of the evil you were conducting on their second eldest Unnie.
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Planning trips was hard and you had to commend Momo for all the work she did by herself. So you decided to pay her back the best way you could. A persistent blush covered the eldest Japanese woman’s face as she tried her hardest not to show any indication of what was going on as she moved onto your lap the first half hour into the flight. Ignoring the weird but mysteriously knowing look the flight attendant had given her when the plane had hit a bit of turbulence and she had to bite her finger to stifle the groan that threatened to spill out. You couldn’t help but chuckle lowly as Momo scowled, “Y/N, please.” You just shrugged before continuing to watch the movie that was playing on your phone. But after having you inside of her for the better part of an hour she had finally had enough as you rutted your hips into her. Finally bringing over the edge as she shuddered on top of you, silently releasing all over your lap before she slumped back into you. A cocky smile growing on your face as you whispered into your mate’s ear, “Welcome to the Mile High Club, Momoring.”
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“Oh god…”
Sana couldn’t exactly remember what had caused you two to end up in this position but she found herself on her knees in the middle of the living room with a blindfold over her eyes. She could hear you unzip your pants as the strong scent of your alpha-hood greeted her nose as you placed the tip of your cock to her lips. The corners of her lips curled up into a small smile as you pushed into her mouth. Her tongue rubbed along the underside of your shaft as Sana made a move to bob her head forward, but you stopped her with a hand threaded lightly into her hair, “Not yet, baby.” You could see her eyebrows knit together in confusion as you just kept yourself there, and as time passed you could sense your mate’s neediness as her fists furled and unfurled repeatedly against her thighs. You finally had enough of your own self restraint as you jogged your hips forward. Sana met you halfway as one of her hands came up to play with your balls while she took you down to the root, enjoying the feeling of you shallowly fucking her throat as the hand in her hair tensed as you came.
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“Patience Jagiya.”
It wasn’t necessarily Jihyo’s fault she had been so busy these past few weeks, she and her members had a comeback to prepare for and all. But that also didn’t mean you were exactly an angel either. This whole thing started out innocently, it went from your girlfriend sitting next to you on the couch, to her hand on your thigh, then somewhere after that you found yourself buried inside the tight walls of your mate’s heat as she peacefully read a book while perched on top of you. You could feel her clench and unclench around you, testing you, you hated it. Your hands were practically fisting the couch cushions as she continued to rock her hips ever so slowly. You could tell Jihyo was enjoying every second of her sadistic teasing as you whimpered into her ear, “Baby, please.” She just shook her head, “No, you were bad and brats get punished.” You let out a scoff that was cut off by the high pitched moan you let out as she dropped into your lap, making your cock dribble some cum inside of her. “You’re mean.” Jihyo just smiled as she got off you, your hard cock glistening and throbbing in the cool air of the room. “And you’re a brat.”
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“Don’t even think about it.”
Mina was okay with letting you have control. But sometimes when she wanted something, she was gonna get it. Labored breathing filled the bedroom as you collapsed on top of Mina, a satisfied smile on both of your faces as she trailed her fingers along your back. Drawing meaningless circles across your shoulder blades as she felt you soften side of her, you made a move to pull out but your mate stopped you as she suddenly flipped your guy’s positions so that she had you pinned beneath her. A look of surprise on your face as Mina sat up on your lap, “Don't move.” You raised an eyebrow in confusion before she began gyrating her hips, a shocked gasp leaving your mouth as you made a move to stop her. “W..wait.” But the Japanese woman simply ignored you as she could feel you attempt to get hard again, “I said, ‘Don’t move.’.” You whimpered as you could feel yourself growing to a second climax, a pained moan leaving you as you weakly came inside of your girlfriend. A pleased smile grew on her face as she kissed your nose, “Goodnight, Y/N.” She laid back down on top of you, your cock still inside of her as you shrugged, ‘Tomorrow morning should be fun.’
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“What if someone sees?”
Going to the beach on a hot summer day was a good idea. Or so Dahyun thought it was. The two of you had arrived early enough to find a small secluded spot on the far side of the beach that was blocked by a small cliff, leaving the two of you in your own little world as you held Dahyun to your front as she peacefully read her book. You spent the last two hours placing kisses along her neck and your hands inching closer to the inside of her thighs, and you could tell your actions were starting to affect her by the way her thighs were rubbing together and her scent was building. A frustrated groan leaving your mate as she threw down her book, “What do you want Y/N!?” You smiled coyly, “I just wanted to see if you wanted to have a little fun?” Your girlfriend’s eyebrow raised in interest, “What did you have in mind?” Dahyun was now filled to the brim with your cock as you had her sit back against your chest, her breath stuck in her throat as she tried to stay as still as possible, “By ‘fun’ I didn’t think you’d mean this.” You smiled coyly, “Well, what did you think I’d suggest?” She shrugged, “I don’t know, Marco Polo?” You let out a laugh that made you bounce slightly, causing Dahyun to rock on your hips as she let out a squeal. “Oh god.” You sat back as your hips finally stilled, “There’s more where that came from. We have all afternoon, Dahyunnie.”
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“Kinky.” (I slightly apologize for the amount of puns in this)
Chaeyoung was always done for a little exploration. She just wasn’t expecting it on a train to Busan. The two of you were on a midnight train and things were quite monotonous in a train car all alone together, so the two of you decided to spice it up. It didn’t take long for one thing to lead to another as Chaeyoung was lowering herself onto you, her ass stretching to accommodate the small amount of discomfort you caused as she sat flush on your lap. And that’s all the two of you did for the majority of the time until your girlfriend began to get squirmy on top of you, her anal walls clenching around you when you decided it was time to give her what she wanted. Ensuring that no one else was around you bent your girlfriend over the train seat as you railed her into the padding. Your combined moans filling the train car as you bottomed out inside of her and came, your reached a hand around to play with her clit as you felt her walls contract around you again. Content sighs leaving your lips as you sat back into the seats.
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It was understatement to say that nine people alone wasn’t a lot of people. But it wasn’t enough that Tzuyu had to sit on your lap to “make room” in the jacuzzi. It had happened so fast that you barely registered what your girlfriend had done as she innocently sat onto your lap. Only it wasn’t so innocent since she had freed your alpha-hood from your bathing suit and pushed the bottom of her bathing suit aside and took you inside of her. Your breath caught in your throat as Tzuyu grinded down into you ever so slightly as your hands flew to her hips, trying your best to resist the urge to take her then and there. But you held back as you continued your conversation with Jeongyeon and Momo about new cafés opening up around the city. You almost forgot you were a cock deep inside your mate as she began moving up and down suddenly to splash Nayeon and Chaeyoung who were opposite her, making you grip on her hips tighten as you felt the knot inside your stomach come undone as you suddenly came inside of her. A surprised look took over both of your faces as she turned around to stare at you in disbelief. A dark blush covered your cheeks as you buried your face into the back of her hair, Tzuyu was totally gonna make you pay for that later.
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seriouslysnape · 3 years
Moonlight Dip
Neville Longbottom x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Sexual content (super brief).
Word Count: 2,588
“We’re going swimming.”
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Hogwarts was always desolate and quiet at this time of night. The only person who was supposed to be stirring was Filch, Mrs. Norris, and possibly Professor Snape keeping an eye out for any students who had grown bold enough to break curfew. Most students didn’t bother trying to sneak around the castle at night. Not because they were afraid of getting caught, but because if they DID get caught, they’d have to deal with Filch’s overly strict behavior. Honestly, that was a punishment in and of itself. 
Which was why Neville just couldn’t seem to figure out why you were leading him through the dark corridors, moving like a woman on a mission. You had crept into his dorm around midnight or so, pouncing on his bed and shaking him from his gentle slumber. You barely waited for him to wake up before you were whisper-shouting at him that you had somewhere for the two of you to go. He never minded a surprise visit from you, but he also wasn’t very keen on attempting to slip out undetected. Still, his curiosity won out.
“Hey, uh, flower?” He whispered, not knowing where Filch might’ve been.
“Yes, Neville?” You whispered back, peering your head around the corner to check for anyone coming. 
“Where are we going exactly? And why are you in your robes?” He questioned, feeling a bubble of nervousness in his chest.
Truth be told, Neville felt a little underdressed. He was clad in his pajamas bottoms and an old t-shirt that he only used to sleep in. You looked back at him with a smile, his heart leaping at how beautiful you looked under the illumination of the Lumos you had uttered from your wand. Neville had learned to be more spontaneous after he had begun dating you. You were as sweet and respectful as anyone, but you definitely had a wild side that sometimes shaved some years off of Neville’s life. He wasn’t sure what to think of it at first, but over time he found that he loved all of your silly shenanigans. Even the ones that had gotten you both in hot water before. 
“I told you, Nev. It’s a surprise!” You answered, squeezing his hand that was interlaced in yours, “It won’t be a surprise anymore if I tell you.”
Neville made a puzzled, yet thoughtful look as he racked his brain of possible ideas. He thought that maybe that you were daring to venture to Hogsmeade for a late night snack. Every now and again, you’d convince Neville to help you with sneaking into Honeydukes after hours to snag a few treats (don’t worry, you always left the right amount of money on the counter to pay for it). 
However, his theory was proven wrong when he realized that you were taking him past the courtyard and in the general direction of the Quidditch field. He was glad that it was well into spring now, and the nights were warm with the days. You didn’t play Quidditch though, and neither did he. So he couldn’t fathom why you were headed that way.
“The Quidditch fields are always dark this time of night. There’s no way we’ll be able to see.” Neville pointed out, mumbling under his breath when he almost tripped on a loose rock. 
You turned to look at him again, another smile plastering on your face. 
“Then it’s a good thing that we aren’t going there.” You replied.
Sure enough, you kept walking towards your desired locating, keeping your antsy boyfriend in tow. About the time that Neville had given up on trying to figure out where you were taking him, his question was answered. The lake was always so pretty at night, and tonight was no exception. The moon was only a phase away from being full, but still offering enough light to where the two of you could somewhat see. The reflection bounced beautifully off of the dark lake, creating glittering ripples in the water when it was agitated from it’s still position.
You let go of Neville’s hand once you were standing on the bank, crouching down to untie your shoelaces. Neville stood still, his arms at his side rather awkwardly. He wasn’t picking up on your plan just yet.
“I didn’t know that you like to fish.” Neville said aloud, not bothering to whisper anymore since there was no chance that anyone would be out here.
“I don’t.” You giggled, removing your shoes and socks.
Neville’s eyebrows raised, still oblivious even as your fingertips worked at untying the cord around your robes. Well, he WAS oblivious, until it was literally right in front of his face.
“Then why are we- oh my God, what are you doing?” He cut himself off when your robes fell to the grass, revealing your bra and knickers underneath.
Neville was glad that it was mainly dark outside, because his sudden deep blush would’ve been painfully obvious otherwise. You smirked at the bashful boy who was frozen in place, unsure of what he was supposed to do.
“We’re going swimming.” You announced, reaching for his hand again. 
Except he didn’t take your hand. He wasn’t on board with this idea at all.
“Oh no. No, no, no. I draw the line at swimming naked!” He rattled off, taking a step away from you.
You weren’t offended in the slightest, and you were even rather amused at his skittish behavior. This was nothing new to you.
“I’m technically not naked.” You reminded him calmly.
“You’re in your knickers!” He hissed back, his eyes widening as he actually took a second to look at the lacy material.
“Exactly. Which equals not naked.” You returned, fighting the urge to burst into laughter.
“Nope!” He protested, sitting down on the grass instead, “I’ve defended us for getting caught sneaking off for Chocolate Frogs and breaking into the library at 3 o’clock in the morning. But I will not try to explain why we were in the lake naked.” 
Neville seemed adamant about staying put where he was. He was tempted to get up and leave, but there was no shot in hell that he was going to leave you out here by yourself. He was perfectly fine with sitting off to the side and observing from a safe distance.
“You see me in my underwear all the time, Nevy,” You said, not really believing that the lack of clothes was what he was timid about, “Is it the ‘nakedness’ or the critters that sometimes live in the lake?”
Neville was frightened of a lot of things, and while he tended to love animals, aquatic animals were an exception. Fish and water-based bugs freaked him out for some reason that even you didn’t quite understand. The only animals that lived in and around water that he liked were frogs and toads. The only aspect of the lake that he might enjoy (aside from seeing you wet and half-naked) were the plants that were undoubtedly growing below the surface.
“Maybe both...” He murmured, resting his forearms on top of his knees that were pulled into his chest, “Regardless, I’m staying right here.”
You shrugged your shoulders, believing your intuition that said that he’d be in the water with you in less than fifteen minutes.
“Suit yourself.” You told him before making a graceful entrance splash into the water.
He watched as you plunged in, your entire frame disappearing under the water that looked black due to the inky color of the sky. Neville felt his nerves get fired up when you went under, a slight anxiety in his gut that you might not come back up. The lake wasn’t super deep by any means, only coming up to just below your hip. Neville knew that it was possible to drown in any depth of water, which was why he became a bit on edge.
Thankfully, though, you emerged from below the water before he could get too worked up. He watched with interest when your hands swept your wet hair backwards, slicking it on your head. 
Neville had always found you pretty. He thought you were the most beautiful girl on the planet. While he always thought that you looked stunning, there were still times where it was much more clear to him. For instance, early in the morning when you’ve just woken up is one of his favorites. Or right before a Gryffindor party on Friday nights when you’ve taken extra time to get spiffied up. Seeing you always made his heart beat with a little more purpose. It reminded him of how much he cared for and loved you. 
And this moment now really had him swooning.
His eyes studied as water droplets dripped from your frame, soaking into your underwear and gliding down your beautiful skin. It created a shiny gleam over you, bringing out all of his favorite parts of you. He must’ve fallen into a lusty daze, because he felt himself snap back into reality when you called to him.
“You sure you don’t want to get in?” You spoke, letting your fingertips trail over the surface of the lake.
Neville shook his head in response. 
“I’m good here, tulip. Promise.” He said, still not sure if this was something he wanted to do. 
You never pressured Neville into doing things he didn’t want to do. You never wanted him to be uncomfortable around you or associate discomfort with spending time with you. However, you knew that Neville was a worrier. He was an avid overthinker and sometimes just let his nerves get the best of him. You encouraged him to live a little more, without thinking about every single possible outcome of a situation. It’s great to be cautious and aware, but life without taking some risks could be...boring. You just didn’t want Neville to grow old with you and wish he hadn’t let his head get the best of him.
You swam out towards the middle of the lake, but not so far that you couldn’t see or hear Neville. You floated on your back and played with things that you found on the mushy, sandy floor of the lake. Neville maintained a conversation with you, but found himself feeling tempted to join you. It was just swimming. It wasn’t like the two of you were trying to blow up the lake or anything. 
“How does...how does it feel?” Neville asked, stifling a giggle at how you were bouncing on your feet with your head lolled to the side to get water out of your ear.
“It’s nice. It’s not warm by any means, but it feels good.” You told him, wringing the excess water from your hair, “Changed your mind?”
Neville chewed the inside of his cheek, but he was warming up to the idea.
“I don’t even have a pair of swim trunks with me.” He argued.
You motioned towards your own body with a look of hilarity.
“Oh, and I’m wearing my swimsuit? It doesn’t matter, love. Just take off what you have on.” You instructed, getting hopeful that he was actually going to do it.
Neville stood from where he sat, stripping down to his boxers at a snail’s pace. He folded his clothes neatly, setting them next to your robes that he had also folded previously. He dipped his foot into the water, expecting it to be much colder than it actually was. It was a lukewarm temperature, something that would be refreshing on a hot summer day, but far too freezing for a frigid winter day. For his moderate spring night, it was perfect.
Neville didn’t love how the bottom of the lake felt on his feet. It was a mix of a squishy, gelatinous feeling. You reached for his hands excitedly, taking them as he waded out to where you were standing.
“So, what do you think?” You wondered, careful not to freak him out too much,
“It feels...nice. I don’t think I’ve ever been in this lake,” He admitted, “How did you even come up with this?”
“Well, you told me once that your Gran used to have a little pond behind her house that you liked to swim in during the summer. You said you enjoyed it and I thought maybe this would be something you’d like too,” You explained to him, suddenly feeling insecure about this whole thing, “I know it’s probably not the same or as fun.”
Now things really started to make sense. Neville felt the cage of butterflies flutter all into his belly whenever you did something sweet for him. Especially when it was something with sentimental value. 
Neville had undeniably fallen in love with you. Not because of your witty personality or the random adventures you liked to take him on. Those things were plenty great, and he cherished those things with everything he had. But that wasn’t what made him decide that you were his future. 
It was the pureness of your heart.
He fell for you more and more each time you did something for him. Whether it was as small as you combing your fingers through his hair when he was asleep on your chest in the common room, or as big as the time you devised a plan to throw a surprise birthday party for him at his Gran’s house. No matter what it was, you never hesitated to spend your energy, time, and love on making him happy.
“I did always like that pond, flower. But...you want to know something?” He said smoothly, with just the faintest hint of shakiness in his tone, “This is a lot better.”
He pulled you in close at the sight of your brightening eyes, bringing you down with him as he sank down to his knees under the top of the water.
“Oh, yeah? Why’s that?” You pressed on.
“Because you’re here.” He mewled, pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
His descent of kisses trailed down to your nose, to your cheeks, to your lips. His kisses were never rushed in moments like this. They weren’t ever in a rush to get to the point or so rough that he didn’t have a chance to feel it. He liked to take his time with you. He liked to savor you.
“I love you, Nev. I really do.” You professed once he pulled away from you.
“I love you, petal,” He returned, going to kiss you again, but stopped when he took a big swash of lake water to the face.
He let out a startled gasp at how he was totally soaked now. It dripped from his hair, droplets rolling to the tip of his nose before falling off back into the lake. He caught your mischievous expression, your cheeks puffed out as you fought your laughter.
“Really funny, doll.” He sputtered, nonchalantly reaching around to your back and unclasping your bra with one hand. He managed to whip it off of you with ease, leaving you completely naked on top.
“Neville!” You squealed, “Give it back! That’s my favorite one!” 
Neville teased you as he held your bra high in the air above his head, chuckling as you struggled (and failed) to get it back.
“Don’t worry, love bug. I’ll take good care of it. But if you want it...” Neville paused, shimmying past you and waddling further out into the lake with a sneaky, yet innocent sneer on his face;
“You’ve got to come and get it.”
Tags: @lupinsslut @writingscape @msmimimerton​ @thefilmcity​
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