#parque industrial
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San Martín promueve su Parque Industrial en una zona estratégica
El municipio puso en marcha la comercialización de parcelas del Parque Industrial San Martín. Es para empresas que quieran reubicarse o radicarse en la ciudad. Tienen tiempo hasta el 2 de agosto. El Parque Industrial tiene 75.000m2. Está dividido en 20 lotes que van de los 2.600 a los 7.500m2, informó el municipio. Y su ubicación, explicaron es estratégica y está sobre el Camino del Buen Ayre y…
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La gobernadora electa impulsará estrategias para el desarrollo económico de la región oriente de Morelos Margarita González Saravia, próxima gobernadora del estado, compartió su proyecto de reactivación económica con empresarios y directivos de la Cámara Nacional de la Industria de la Transformación (CANACINTRA) en Morelos donde aseguró que buscará la atracción de inversiones para generar…
#Cuautla Hoy#Desarrollo Económico#Economía#Margarita González Saravia#Morelos#Noticia#Parque Industrial
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El compromiso de nuestros empleados permite que Aerocentro Sport Club avance más cada día
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Participa Luis Nava en inauguración del Parque Industrial FINSA Querétaro III
Al acompañar al Gobernador del Estado, Mauricio Kuri González, en la inauguración del Parque Industrial FINSA Querétaro III, el Presidente Municipal, Luis Nava, aseguró que la tranquilidad que vive Querétaro hace la diferencia para que empresas e inversionistas apuesten por nuestra ciudad y abonen en su crecimiento, desarrollo y mejor calidad de vida para todas y todos. “Me da mucho gusto que…
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El programa de internacionalización de pymes del Norte Grande tuvo su cierre en Misiones
El gobernador Hugo Passalacqua acompañó el cierre de la primera edición del Programa de Internacionalización PyMEs “Norte Grande Exporta”. Este encuentro, realizado en el Parque Industrial y de la Innovación Posadas (PIIP), se enmarca en una iniciativa de promoción de exportaciones para PyMEs de las provincias de la región. El programa “Norte Grande Exporta” culminó su primer ciclo este martes…
#Economía#Hugo Passalacqua#Misiones#Parque Industrial y de la Innovación Posada.#Programa Norte Grande
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Gobernadora Marina del Pilar dio banderazo de inicio de obra del 'Parque Industrial Natura' en el sureste de Tijuana, BC
Con proyectos como el Parque Industrial Natura, Baja California reafirma su posición como líder nacional en innovación, sustentabilidad y desarrollo integral. TIJUANA – Como resultado de las nuevas inversiones promovidas por la actual administración, la gobernadora Marina del Pilar Avila Olmeda encabezó el arranque de obra del Parque Industrial Natura, un proyecto innovador que transformará el…
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Generará IV Parque Industrial de Vymsa 14 Mil Empleos
Generará IV #ParqueIndustrial de #Vymsa en #RamosArizpe 14 Mil Empleos
** Coloca Gobernador primera piedra del Parque Industrial Vynmsa en Ramos Arizpe Ramos Arizpe, Coahuila de Zaragoza / Com Soc / Noviembre 7 de 2024.- Al señalar que Coahuila es una gran potencia nacional en desarrollo económico, el gobernador Manolo Jiménez Salinas colocó la primera piedra del IV Parque Industrial de Vymsa, donde invertirá cerca de 4 mil millones de pesos con la generación de 14…
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A valorização do património é incentivo na Beira Baixa
Rasgada perspetiva mais alargada e interessante do ponto de vista turístico, foi apresentada recentemente em produção multimédia pela RTP, num documentário que é um apelo à exclusividade do território da Beira Baixa, captando os testemunhos de cientistas e locais, evidenciando esta narrativa de resiliência. Por conseguinte, em conteúdo turístico singular para os olhares de quem procura…
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#alojamento#castelo branco#férias na quinta#Naturtejo#onde ficar#Parque Natural#património industrial#património natural#património tecnológico#Tejo Internacional
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Parque Industrial Algorta en Rio Negro: 15 millones de dólares en inversión y 300 puestos de trabajo es una realidad.
El primer parque especializado en el sector de Construcción de Viviendas en Uruguay se está desarrollando en la localidad de Algorta en el Departamento de Río Negro, en un predio de 15 hectáreas en el que anteriormente funcionaba un aserradero. El proyecto es desarrollado por la constructora Eternal, una empresa argentina de capitales extranjeros que tiene también operaciones en Colombia, Estados…
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#15 millones de inversion en Parque Algorta#300 puestos de trabajo en Rio Negro#Algorta Rio Negro#Lafluf#Lafluf Parque Algorta#Parque Algorta#Parque Industrial Algorta
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Un trabajador herido muy grave en accidente en el Parque Empresarial de Alhama de Murcia
El Centro de Coordinación de Emergencias 1-1-2 Región de Murcia a las 06:52 horas recibía una llamada dando aviso de que un compañero lo ha encontrado en el suelo inconsciente y sangrando por la cabeza, en el Parque Empresarial en Alhama de Murcia. Al lugar se ha movilizado una Unidad Móvil de Emergencias de la Gerencia de Urgencias y Emergencias Sanitarias 061 y Guardia Civil. Personal…
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San Fernando firma fideicomiso de Parque Industrial
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Llega a Colón empresa Chang Sung Corporation
En el municipio trabajamos duro para construir una dinámica económica, que permita condiciones de inversión y mayor generación de empleos; aseguró el presidente municipal, Manuel Montes Hernández. En el marco de la ceremonia de apertura de la empresa Chang Sung Corporation, en el Parque Industrial Aerotech; el alcalde Manuel Montes dijo: “celebramos la llegada de empresas responsables,…
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Common historical misconceptions:
Suits and ties were not used by everyone: they were mostly used by people of high status on formal occassions.
Daft Punk represent some of the earliest androids registered outside fiction, they were not two humans in suits (this is still disputed)
Similarily, Miku Hatsune was an "anime" character at first, the first sentient personalities of Miku date from 2026.
The "Old City" of Niork in Usamerica was actually built in the 2230s around the JFK Spaceport, the ruins of old Niork are in the Manhattan Swamplands.
Similarily, the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building are later reconstructions. The original Statue of Liberty did not have the shield with the emblem of the Joint Chiefs.
The Joint Chiefs did not refer to an alliance of "chiefs" in charge of Usamerican "states", but rather to the pre-socialist military dictatorship.
Bioengineering allowing for animal features is only registered from the late 21th century onwards. Findings previous to that are understood to be caricatures.
"Anime" art was made for general entertaiment, thus the stylization: it did not reflect a lack of knowledge of anatomy. The 'animation renaissance' of the 22th century is heavily disputed.
Open surgery was not 'primitive' or 'painful': it was a complex procedure with anaesthesia and other processes to avoid suffering of the patient. Widespread internal biotechnology arrived only on the 22th century.
The First Space Race did not end because of 'incuriosity' or 'astrophobia'. While political factors were important, technological developements such as Single-Stage-to-Orbit spaceships came only by the late 21th century.
While it is true that live meat was commonly consumed in the industrial era, it was not hunted or butchered at home by individuals such as Gauchos, but rather produced by ranching. Widespread artificial meat arrived only in the 22th century.
The current Socialist Interstellar is not a direct continuation of the original Socialist International, there were several interludes on which did not exist as such, particularily the Neoliberal Interlude of 1991 to 2089. The oldest continously socialist country is Cuba, now part of the URSAL.
There is no evidence that Batman existed. His introduction to the superhero genre as a 'powerless' hero was fictional, and not based on a real person, despite several claims.
However, Espaiderman is identified to be a real person: Pedro Parques, who lived in Baries, Argentina during the late 21th century, but he did exist as a Usamerican character previously.
#the anime thing is supposed to be a reference to byzantine icons: they look simplistic to us because they were heavily stylized#to byzantines they would have looked masterful because they were done in the right style. there are many other such cases.#cosas mias#and yes. the current capitalist period is just a brief interlude#and yes. some of these are wrong on purpose.
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Sean bienvenidos, japonistasarqueológicos, a una nueva entrega de arqueología nipona, una vez dicho esto pónganse cómodos qué empezamos. — En la publicación anterior estuvimos hablando de las ruinas de Yoshinogari, que datan del período Yayoi (300-250) pero en este caso del Yayoi tardío y se localizan en la prefectura de Saga. Esta vez vamos a profundizar un poco más en dicho yacimiento. En la década de 1928-1986 y hasta el presente se han estado hallando restos arqueológicos nuevos. Pero las excavaciones y las investigaciones empezaron en 1928, esta fecha corresponde a la era taisho, también se realizaron excavaciones en Fukuoka la prefectura vecina, principalmente ligados a dos temas, la agricultura y la innovación industrial. En la prefectura de saga, se encontraron vasijas del periodo Yayoi, hasta del periodo Nara, hay que entender que el lugar ha podido ser utilizado en periodos históricos simultáneos, desde la prehistoria hasta nuestros días, como ya mencionamos anteriormente, el yacimiento se localiza cerca del mar de Ariake. A 3 kilómetros nos encontramos las ruinas de Mitsunagata, que estaría cerca de la puerta del parque arqueológico. - En la década de los años 50, se desentierran en las zonas de cultivos, ataúdes de tinajas. En 1928 aparecen: brazaletes de conchas y cuencos de vidrio. Pero no será hasta la década de los años 70 cuando se hacen excavaciones a gran escala, inclusive prospecciones, al noreste de Yoshinogari en las que se encontraron, espejos de bronce y armas de hierro. Se hallaron restos de edificios que se creen que son almacenes de piso elevado. 1980-1982, se excavó arroz carbonizado, esto nos permitirá saber cuál era la dieta y la procedencia del mismo. En 1986, por motivos industriales y por el canal de agua en la prefectura de Saga que comunica el río Chikugo, hasta el río Kase, esto desentierra restos de fosos y huecos de postes de madera. — Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones, que pasen una buena semana. - 日本の考古学者の皆さん、日本の考古学の新しい記事へようこそ。そうは言っても、気を楽にして始めましょう。 — 前回は、弥生時代(300~250年)、今回は弥生後期、佐賀県にある吉野ケ里遺跡についてお話しました。 今回はこの預金についてもう少し詳しく掘り下げていきます。 1928 年から 1986 年の 10 年間と現在に至るまでに、新しい考古学的遺跡が発見されています。 しかし、発掘調査が始まったのは大正時代にあたる1928年で、隣県の福岡でも主に農業と産業革新という2つのテーマに沿った発掘調査が行われました。 佐賀県では弥生時代から奈良時代の器物が出土しており、先史時代から現代に至るまでの同時期に使われていた可能性があることは、前述したとおりです。有明海の近く。 3キロほど離れたところに、遺跡公園のゲート付近にある三長田遺跡がある。 - 50年代の10年間に、栽培地域で壺の棺が発掘されました。 1928年に貝殻のブレスレットとガラスのボウルが登場しました。 しかし、吉野ヶ里の北東で測量を含む大規模な発掘が行われ、青銅鏡や鉄製の武器が発見されるのは70年代の10年になってからである。 高層倉庫とみられる建物跡が見つかった。 1980年から1982年にかけて焦げた米が発掘され、その食性や起源を知ることができます。 1986年、産業上の理由と、筑後川から嘉瀬川につながる佐賀県の水路の堀と木の柱穴の遺跡が発掘されました。 — 気に入っていただければ幸いです。今後の出版物でお会いしましょう。良い一週間をお過ごしください
Welcome, Japanese archaeologists, to a new installment of Japanese archaeology, having said that, make yourself comfortable and let's start. — In the previous post we were talking about the Yoshinogari ruins, which date from the Yayoi period (300-250) but in this case from the late Yayoi and are located in the Saga prefecture. This time we are going to delve a little deeper into said deposit. In the decade of 1928-1986 and up to the present, new archaeological remains have been found. But the excavations and investigations began in 1928, this date corresponds to the Taisho era, excavations were also carried out in Fukuoka the neighboring prefecture, mainly linked to two themes, agriculture and industrial innovation. In the prefecture of saga, vessels from the Yayoi period to the Nara period were found, it must be understood that the place could have been used in simultaneous historical periods, from prehistory to the present day, as we mentioned above, the site is located near of the Ariake Sea. 3 kilometers away we find the ruins of Mitsunagata, which would be near the gate of the archaeological park. - In the decade of the 50s, coffins of jars were unearthed in the cultivation areas. In 1928 they appear: shell bracelets and glass bowls. But it will not be until the decade of the 70s when large-scale excavations, including surveys, are made northeast of Yoshinogari in which bronze mirrors and iron weapons were found. Remains of buildings believed to be high-floor warehouses were found. 1980-1982, charred rice was excavated, this will allow us to know its diet and origin. In 1986, for industrial reasons and for the water channel in Saga Prefecture that connects the Chikugo River, to the Kase River, this unearths remains of moats and wooden post holes. — I hope you liked it and see you in future publications, have a good week.
#日本#韓国#考古学#遺跡#佐賀県#九州#歴史#先史#新石器時代#文化#吉野ヶ里遺跡#地理#弥生時代#有明海#唐津市#鍋岳遺跡#ユネスコ#Japan#Korea#Archaeology#Ruins#Saga Prefecture#Kyushu#History#Prehistory#Neolithic Age#Culture#Yoshinogari Ruins#Geography#Yayoi Period
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Louis Tomlinson says he has stopped comparing his fame to that of the other One Direction musicians
In an interview with g1, the musician comments on career changes, competitiveness in the music industry and the Brazilian remix that transforms his 'Kill My Mind' into funk.
Former member of the British boy band One Direction, Louis Tomlinson will perform three shows in Brazil in May . It will be the third time that the musician performs in the country, an experience that, according to him, is always chaotic — and "in the best possible sense". This is what the singer told g1 , in an interview held at Allianz Parque, where he will play in São Paulo, on May 11th .
The shows are from the "Faith in the Future" tour, in which Louis focuses on his latest album, released in 2022. The setlist also includes songs from the album "Walls" and, of course, hits from One Direction.
A craze among children and teenagers in the 2010s, the pop group was formed from the TV show "The X Factor" and lasted six years, disbanding in 2016. Since then, the musicians have pursued solo careers. A fact that, in Louis' eyes, is inevitably competitive.
“Your only frame of reference is to compare yourself to the other members,” said the Englishman. "You start to think, 'If they're getting it, why am I not getting it?'"
On Spotify, the number of monthly listeners between artists differs greatly. Divorced boy band's most popular star, Harry Styles has around 58.2 million. Next are Zayn Malik (27.3 million), Niall Horan (17.3 million), Liam Payne (5.7 million) and Louis (2.9 million).
But if success metrics like this were once a burden for the musician, today they are no longer, according to him, who also made a point of reiterating that he was always proud of his friends.
g1 - What is the main difference between Louis Tomlinson from X Factor, in 2010, and Louis Tomlinson today?
Louis Tomlinson - There is a lot of naivety in the boy who appeared on the X Factor. I really didn't know what I was getting myself into. I didn't know how that would land me sitting here. I definitely had no idea what I was getting. I think I feel much more fulfilled. More confident. It took me a while to have enough courage to say: 'I'm creative, I'm a singer, I'm a songwriter'. Now, I'm just internalizing all these feelings. When you grow up in a place like Doncaster, where I grew up, it takes a while to believe all these things. Because you only watched it from afar, on TV or radio. So, when you become one of these people, there is a whole process until you believe and understand everything.
g1 - And what is the biggest similarity?
Louis Tomlinson - Probably my appearance (laughs). Well, I hope my fans don't correct me here. I like to think I've always had a pretty lovely relationship with them. I think that's the only constant thing.
g1 - Do you know any Brazilian singers or bands?
Louis Tomlinson - We were talking about Anitta today. And um... Fresh? Fre? Fresno? I'm learning. I hope [the confusion with the band's name] didn't come off as disrespectful, it wasn't my intention.
Do you have any recommendations for me? I picked up some tips today. What do you have for me?
g1 - There is a Brazilian musician called FP from Trem Bala. He did a remix of 'Kill My Mind'...
Louis Tomlinson - How cool! So far, you have made the best recommendation. Definitely.
g1 - Can I show you?
Louis Tomlinson - Of course!
g1 - What's up? Did you like it? Is there anything you would like to say to FP do Trem Bala?
Louis Tomlinson - Yes, it's a good vibe . Fun. Very fun. Thanks for doing a remix of the song.
g1 - This is your third time in Brazil. What comes to mind when you hear things like 'playing a show in Brazil', 'Brazilian tour', or simply 'Brazilian fans'?
Louis Tomlinson - Chaos. And in the best possible sense. I totally love it.
Live experiences are defined by the most chaotic moments. And coming here and always feeling this energy is as if from the first drum beat, the fans were already there. It's a really triumphant feeling.
g1 - In musical terms, how was the experience of creating 'Faith in the Future' compared to 'Walls'?
Louis Tomlinson - I felt much more fulfilled, confident. I had more understanding of what I wanted to do and how to do it. [On the first album], there was the factor that I left One Direction. It was like my head was a mess and there was so much to think about... I had no clear direction. I needed to go through the experimentation phase to truly understand who I am as an artist. This took time. Throughout my creation of 'Walls', I had that happening, but I was in a clearer, more concise place going into 'Faith in the Future'. And I think that made [the second] record better.
g1 - You recently created 28 Clothing, a fashion brand. What is your relationship with this sector?
Louis Tomlinson - I've always had a very funny relationship with fashion. Without a doubt, I'm interested in clothes, always have been. Since I was young. But there is a level of haute couture that goes far beyond my understanding.
You know, I like to dress well. Branding is something I've always wanted to do. It is also intertwined with one of my [greatest] passions, football. Football and fashion have been connected for as long as a game has been a game. The fashion of the people in the stands and everything... I think it's a very interesting thing and, certainly, a culture that I was already part of when I was younger. So, the brand helps me tell my story.
g1 - You once mentioned that you felt a little uncomfortable and more competitive at the beginning of your solo career. He said he was a little upset because he kept comparing his level of success to the other members of One Direction. Do you still feel this way?
Louis Tomlinson - No, I don't. In truth. But I think anyone — and obviously, there's not going to be many people who can relate to this — but anyone who's been through a similar situation...
Being in a band and going out on your own will always mean that your only frame of reference is comparing yourself to the other members. That's literally all you have.
I think it's a matter of maturity, actually. It took a long time for me to look at it for what it was. Because that's where the petulance begins. You start to think, 'If they're doing it, why can't I do it?'. And that becomes a little toxic. Unfortunately, that's the nature of the music industry. She is naturally competitive. We are all competing for places. But now I see it in a very different way. And like I said, this requires maturity. I also needed to be successful on my own to get through this. To get over it. Now it comes back as a confidence that I feel to be saying these things. Oh, and just to reiterate, because it's important: while I felt competitive, or more competitive than I am today, it wasn't like I wasn't immensely proud of everything the boys were doing. It was more about reflecting on my own situation. Just about thinking, 'Oh, I wish I had some of that.' Now, I feel like I'm in a very, very different place. And it's a more pleasant thing to feel, because being very competitive is not always the most pleasant feeling.
g1 - I imagine you hear questions like this all the time, right? Is it peaceful for you?
Louis Tomlinson - Yes, everything is fine. As I mentioned before, I understand the obvious public interest in One Direction. This is obvious. And you know, I appreciate that these things are interesting. I suppose [they are].
g1 - Lastly, what is your favorite song at the moment and why?
My favorite album is Paolo Nutini's latest. It's great, incredible. He's an incredible vocalist, maybe he's my favorite singer. It is indeed an inspiring album.
And favorite song... I can't remember the name, but it's by The Libertines, a band I've liked since I was young.
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