#parner news
snebleps · 1 year
On todays news: i tried crushing an egg in my palm. Couldn't do it.
Noodle arm syndrome strikes again
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mjtwinflamesoul · 1 year
Susan Elsa explains Twin Flame Souls in Video
Dear Readers and Spiritual Students I am back and blogging few planned things, and singing for energetic healing of Twin Flames once again, very soon (in progress Secret Project). Yes, Music and Voice does transfer energies best and can ignite your TF Aura by just listening, so we are on that, a special TwinSoul Pop Project. Let me state clearly that we own the Copyright to this New Genre and…
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canisalbus · 1 month
hello :) !!
regarding the last ask, In the modern au would vasco go clubbing/out a lot?
I’m not the best at thinking about others ocs but I take him as a social butterfly, especially in your arts he’s very extroverted :) also, what do you think their date spots would be like?
hope your feeling well !!! sorry for the druid ass advice but eating fruit when it’s cold is very wonderful :) trust.
so happy your alive btw haha. don’t eat bugs .
Hmmh, I don't know if Vasco would be into clubbing either. He's without a doubt a lot more extroverted than Machete and typically handles social events pretty well. But just because he's easy to get along with and generally likes people doesn't mean he wants to be surrounded by strangers 24/7. I think he thrives when he has his core group of friends and family within arm's reach. He likes company but more often than not his favorite pastimes are pretty chill and casual. The older he gets, the less he appreciates loud and high-energy environments.
Vasco is passably outdoorsy, and he loves to relax with some low-stakes hiking, walking and occasional horseback riding. He can go alone and enjoy the peace and quiet just fine, but ideally he likes to share these activities with someone. Machete enjoys getting a little bit of fresh air, but he doesn't do anything too extreme and prefers to leave any horses out of it (still scared of horses, as you may remember). As for dates, they aren't terribly adventurous. Machete is into museums and art galleries and local history, and Vasco gets more out of the experience when he's with him. Vasco loves long drives and has a snazzy car so I'd imagine they do little daytrips pretty often and longer roadtrips when they have a bit more time in their hands. They have a handful of trusty bistros and cafés that they tend to revisit, and every now and then try new ones. Maybe throw in an occasional picnic in there too. Sometimes they team up with Ludovica and her parner, or one of their siblings. But a lot of the time they're happy just staying at home and doing their own thing, together or separately but in close proximity. They don't necessarily have to go out to have quality time.
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lifeless-discodancer · 3 months
You know how sometimes in DE fics when Kim transfers to precint 41 he and Harry don't get partnered together but instead Kim gets parnered with Judit and Harry stays with Jean?
Something i've never seen before is Judit becoming Harry's partner and Jean becoming Kim's wich like i get it, it sounds like the worst possible outcome but i think it would be so funny to read because on one hand we have Judit who has been working at C wing for only two months and who, based purely on the small amount of knowledge we have about her personality, is probably the epitome of the boring cop archetype, getting paired with Harry who will not leave her rest or leave her alone and will probably drag her into a bunch of weird shit and stereo investigations; and on the other, funnier hand we have Kim who above all appreciates a professional work relationship and who is also the number one champion of the holding grudges contest, and Jean who is honestly a huge asshole, incapable of forming any relationship that isn't codependent and who already left a weird (bad) impression on Kim by not doing his job for days and subjecting him and two other people to watch his public break up with Harry (also he came second in the holding grudges contest).
So this leaves us with:
Judit in the same position as the little girl who gets sat next to the loudest boy in class with the hope that she will be a good influence on him, except that she's not a little girl she's an adult cop with kids of her own that keeps getting asked to babysit other adult cops probably because she's the only woman in the unit. And i'm not saying this in a "Judit is the team mom" sense but in a "her workplace is so fucking misogynist" one. [Actually, now that i think about it this could be a good opportunity to explore the sexual harasment she experienced at the hands of her last partner, as well as her experience and the expectations her superiors and coworkers have of her, and the ones she has of herself, because she's the only woman in a male dominated workplace and (and a female cop on top of it (notice the emphasis on cop)) that she can't really fulfill because of the kind of person she is (a very normal, passive and tired kind of person). Also i think Harry would work nicely as parallel to her last partner. Where's the fic about it?]
Kim and Jean who already started on the wrong foot back in Martinaise even if none of them knew it at the moment. For them i can only imagine the most passive agresive partnership to ever exist but probably at the start of it they were doing their best to keep things civil. Jean was trying because, even if he thinks Kim is "bewitched by the shitkid", he's working with a decorated police lieutenant and, at least in his own mind, he's a very professional officer and he has to leave a good impression of himself and the C wing (he's definitely not doing that); Kim was trying because at first he didn't have much of an opinion on Jean (he swears) and, since he was complaining so much about Harry's work he thought Jean would at least have a good work ethic and be professional, also he too wanted to leave a good impression on his new coworkers. Of course the niceties went to shit the second one of them opened their mouth to say something that wasn't completely work related (it was like a game of chicken for days, weeks maybe, who will be the first to set fire to this perfectly normal, totally no filled with masked mutual annoyance, work partnership (it was Jean)). After that they argue like a couple of old ladies, and sometimes Kim thinks "maybe Jean is not that bad" but then Jean says something rude, or ableist, or homophobic or just something about Harry that Kim can't agree with, and then he dislikes him again, other times Jean thinks "maybe the lieutenant and i are finally understanding eachother" but then Kim will start lecturing him about something with the most condescending tone, or he'll drive his car like he's being followed by a missile, or give him a nasty side eye when he sees him taking drugs or even worst, he'll defend the shitkid when he's "rightfully" mad with him, and then he dislikes him again. This keeps for the entire duration of their partnership.
Harry is probably just a bit bummed out because he and Kim won't be partners anymore but he will try his best to not say that to Judit (he's a feminist after all), still he has to recover quickly from the disappointment since he has some real shit to worry about now (Shit like: I have to pay rent to my landlord?!!? How do i get into my bank account? Do i even have a bank account? Wait, who's my landlord? And other questions you would probably have too if you ever got amnesia that severe). He complains to Judit about not having Kim as a partner and Judit is rightfully offended but doesn't say anything (poor woman give her a break). He spends the entire duration of that partnership dragging Judit around Jamrock in side quests while she tries, unsuccessfully, to get him back on their current cases (he does not listen to her because he's a shit feminist), still he comes around to finish the original cases eventually (Harry apologizes a lot for not listening to her, Judit tells him it's fine because she's honestly so tired and it's so awkward(if she goes home to find even more work she's going to implode)). I think that with some time they would figure out how to work together, more or less, and they would have a pretty stable partnership.
Idk how to end this. I just thought it would be a fun idea and suddenly i blacked out and woke up with a small esay in front of me. I hope you enjoyed this.
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im-notbean · 1 year
Headcannons of; Quackity x Greek! Male! Reader
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On god bro. I just really want somebody who speaks Greek on the QSMP. So in orderto cure this fantasy of mine I have now created this, sorry if you dont like the fact that Y/N is greek but I had to do it. Sooner or later okay-
⚠︎ Warning ⚠︎
Some cultural things you might not understand
Might not be accurate to the cannon QSMP
This post has both Q!Quackity and CC!Quackity
Grammar mistakes
Characters might be a bit off to you
Mentions of Homophobia
Author kinda pools info about greek food-
If anything bothers you from above please, don't read!
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・Your accent>>>>>>
・I'm sorry but he just loves it, especially when you pronounce certain words.
・Like saying yogurt and bread shit like that you know?
・If you say Alex in greek he gets scared- (Άλεξ [Álex] might not be accurate lol)
・Praise. Him. In. Greek.
・He get's so mad if you don't, goes full on Mexican on your ass-
・Quackity definitely respects your boundaries, so he'd ok with you not wanting to be public about your guy's relationship
・Especially with Twitter and shit (I refuse to call Twitter "X")
・Makes the funniest jokes and yall know those corny ass pick up lines
・Like "I wish you were my Xbox, cause I wanna play you all~~ night ♡"
・He definitely does those daily
・He can't cook for shit, so you have banned him from the kitchen
・It's always akward explaning that to your parents...
・Quackity loves it when you cook for him
・Especially Greek deserts (I'm just gonna fanboy over greek food for a hot minutes)
・Like tiramisu or like those almond cookies
・Incase you don't know what I'm fanboying over, Tiramisu is an Italian dish so I'm not gonna go over it in much detail
・Basically a layered desert with espresso innit
・Baklava is one of the MOST iconic Greek deserts, it's layered with phyllo pastery, melted butter, and nuts!
・The most common are pistachios and walnuts by the way and theirs a layer of cinnamon-orange syrup pored over it once it is baked!
・Loukoumades are the Greek version of fried dough, their normally topped with honey, cinnamon, and walnuts.
・He loves then sm
・If yall decide to make your relationship public, he wants you to decide how to do it.
・I personally believe you take over his stream one day as his "Special Guest"
・A cooking stream because y'know- it's iconic
・Your baking a classic greek disk.
・Gyro (Pronouced Yee-ro by the way)
・Basically Gyro is a dish that is a mix of lamb and beef (sometimes chicken too) that is made to fill pita bread.
・The sauce that is paired with is called tzatziki (it's really fucking good.) it normally has tomatos and onions and paied with greek fries.
・So your cooking the meat and stuff and Quackity just comes up behind you and you turn around right cause you know he's their
・So quickly, you bend down and kiss him.
・A little smooch before you kick him out th kitchen-
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・You guys met on the train to the island.
・He tried talking to you but he seriously could not understand you, it wasas if you were speaking another language.
・When the government had paired people up, you didn't get a partner :(
・You also didn't really want an egg either, but you didn't mind babysitting them!
・Phil is so greatful for this-
・Quackity had heard about your egg sitting and decided to leave Tillin (I think i butchered this ngl) in your care
・Tillin loved you, she also liked the fact that she could understand you and offered as a translator.
・When Quackity came back he was surprised to see his own child translating what you were saying
・Once the new members joined you were assined partners with Tubbo (I am not sure if the new members have assigned parners ngl so...also are we getting new members today?)
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・(Not even joking- ANYWAY LMAO)
・So y'know how Tubbo can get info out of Curchuro (prob butchered that again lol)
・You can do it also, sence your the only person on the server who can speak greek and not English he thinks the info he tells you is safe.
・You get Tillin to translate to Tubbo about what Curchuro tells you >:D
・Quackity learns about this and then he realized what the fuck is happening
・The he realized one day, you were gone.
・Along with the eggs.
・He never realized how much he liked you until you left...
・Quackity tried looking for you and the eggs
・But he never got far
・Tubbo also tried to help look for you, to no avail
・Not gonna lie, you and Phil got locked in a cage togther 😂
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
another parners in crime au ask
so remy is more willing to forgive the others, after he brakes and spills the secret he’s been keeping for all this time would things go back to how they used to be? but with reader vary distrusting now and possibly debating if they should try to leave again with or without remy (he seems happy now…they just want him to stay happy) i can see remy eventually trying to convince reader to stay, that this really is the best place for the two of them and that even if they tried to leave again they’ll need a better plan then the had last time
also you mentioned reader had a trama that made them hesitant to kill, do they still have nightmares about said trama? if so im picturing them going to remys room late one night and knocking on his door to shyly ask for snuggles just like they did when they and remy were kids
That is what I was thinking. Remy would want the two of them to stay, after reaching an agreement with the platonic yan X-Men. He knows he and Reader need help, need food, need shelter, and the X-Men will give that to them freely. They'll even be their family. They just- can't leave. Not without one of them, and they can't leave for good. Which Remy doesn't like being tied down or forced to do anything, but he's not risking Reader getting hurt or having their enemies find them. So, he tells himself, this is a necessary evil...
Reader does still have nightmares about the incident. They sometimes dream Remy never made it back with them. A lot worries Reader, so when their dreams are worse than usual, or a new horrible nightmare pops up, they go into Remy's room and ask him if they can stay. He never says no, and he's snuggling them close and stroking their hair and letting them listen to his heartbeat, anything to calm his friend...
(The event that traumatized Reader? They accidentally killed someone. It came out of left field, they didn't realize they used too much force, and actually killed someone. It was a bad person trying to hurt them, but it still haunts them...)
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voidtongued · 8 months
I assume youre not much of an oc type of person, but did you have any like backstory or smth planned for Rev Tal?
Oh buddy you have no idea how wrong you are about me not being an oc person. I have a spreadsheet of like 40-ish ocs. This here blog voidtongued used to be a full on warframe roleplay blog but. most of my rp parners went inactive in terms of the writing aspect (we still chat and play the game and talk about how much we miss role-playing from time to time but a lot of us are. adults with full time jobs now and it makes it difficult to do that)
ANYWAY. Short answer is yes. Long answer is beneath the cut lmao
Rev Tal is a Venusian-born Tenno, raised by people who would later become some of the first Solaris. They were on the Zariman Ten-Zero, and after the void jump accident their possible existences diverged into The Operator and The Drifter. Blah blah, events of the game story quests with some minor canon divergence (Rev Tal being far warmer to the Grineer in any situation because they recognize the average Grineer trooper as a brainwashed soldier and as much of a victim as they are, etc), and slowly began to develop an intense distrust bordering on hatred of The Lotus. After the events of The Apostasy Prologue, they effectively renounced the Lotus and became a full-time Arbiters of Hexis operative Tenno, preparing for the coming Sentient invasion.
Things... Changed after The New War, with the apparent death of The Operator, a rift opened to Duviri, where the Drifter had been. Drifting. Surviving. Trying to find a way out and back into the reality they were "originally" from. The Drifter learned how to navigate the Void's reality and unreality, and has had dealings with the Murmur that left them changed and bitter. During the events of The New War, the Drifter and the Operator met face-to-face and realized that they were technically two parts of a whole individual, now styling themself Big Rev to differentiate from the child Rev Tal had been.
Big Rev is the best of both worlds - The Operator's energy and drive to succeed tempered by The Drifter's perspective and adult emotional maturity.
I've written two fics on ao3 from. forever ago. regarding Rev Tal's story - How to Make a Martyr and Voidtouched. HTMAM was written after I finished the Sacrifice iirc and was determined to un-fuck the in-game depiction of Rell and TMITW in Chains of Harrow, and Operation Hostile Mergers was the impetus for me writing Voidtouched (iirc Hostile Mergers dropped like, while I was writing it and I went back and reworked some things? it's been like three+ years i do Not remember). I was gonna write more, but I got busy with school and life and my brain, computer, and hands decided to explode and I had to take an extended break from the game. I'm back now though, and very behind, and I keep toying with going back to what was going to be the third installment in Rev Tal's story, the Guardian's Song, which would've gotten into their backstory more formally, but with the number of things that have changed with TNW and the Duviri Paradox and now Whispers in the Walls and eventually Warframe 1999. I'd have to do a LOT of reworking and i dont. wanna.
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@heropartnerweek Week 3! Day 3: Villains
Hero: Clare (Chikorita/RT ; Eevee/Explorers ; Fraxure/GTI ; Marshtomp/Super)
Partners: Giovanni (Squirtle/RT) ; Blixer ([Shiny] Chimchar/Explorers) ; Elec (Jolteon/GTI) ; Muñeco (Braxien/Super)
Villians: Stan and James (Houndoom and Miltank) + “Lord” Hater and “Commander” Peepers ([Shiny] Manetric and Sableye) [RT] ; Crow and Becky (Gengar and Weavile) [Explorers] ; Popple and Rookie (Scraggy and Typhlosion) [GTI] ; Descole (Zoroark)
By god this took forever to draw. But here we are! Some of the original adversaries all these Heroes and Partners go up against during their stories! A wide swatch of personalities, motives, and intimidation among them all. I won't go into any of them here, but it was very nice to at least hammer out some new designs here. I've only drawn like. Two of these guys before (not counting the heroes and parners).
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toxictac · 5 months
So been a bit, kinda laze around to upload this drawing but yeah
so i been playing fallout new vegas and having fun with it so i decided to draw my character (and weirdly put her an actual name, very unlike me fr)
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so here she is miss scar, gonna make a little section of her lore
So a little backstory, she was a small child from one of the trives caesar legion took over, she was taking very early from her mother (who would be used as slave) through out her young years her younger years, she struggle to fit into the legion, however with time she learn her natural way to lead people and her good luck in some scavenger runs she was foced into by the legion, gain her some favor with her legionare captors she usually was help and help people the legion may have consider weak or a waste of reasurces, like the sick, the old and the disable; often times taking reserves discritely from legioners to give to them or making sure to keep the legionare captors out of their bad side however even with what is far more "cozier" life than other slaves like her, she always took herself the desire to liberate her and her found family out of the reaches of their captors, often distracting the legionares as the more mecanicaly minded figured out how to take their collars off (eventually finding ways of turing them off) it however not be untill the battle of hoover damn with a far less guarded legionare camp, she and fellow slaves would resolute into a escape attempt, in which many slaves died but a small group with her was able to escape running off the legions reach they would find the remaince of what once was a circus, there they would burn their physical and mental ties with the legion, taking on new roles and names, becoming a caravan of traveling merchance with a circous astetic to protect their identeties and distance themself from the atrocities they linger while on the captivity of the legion after a long while they would travel toward west establishing many parnering trades with other caravans, as they eventually return many year after to the mohave dessert
so after all that backstory some final notes
most of my new vegas characters exist after the events of new vegas (around 20 year or so after), so similar to this scar would have been 14 or so when she fled the legion so she is a lot more older than my other characters
another thing, she calls herself scar but her original name with her captors "jokingly" called her was "Femela", mostly to ridiculise her, however she decided the name miss scar for two reasons, first because they are taking on roles she decided on a far more intemidating name than her companions that would also lead to intrigue for custumers (so like an easy conversation starter) but also secondly (and secretly) because the scars that she hides under her distint dress, almost as a reminder of what the legion did to her
distincly she would have a .44 pistol, and while not a fighter she is suprisingly lucky and even more charismatic often using her talk to command and missdirect others with little difficulty
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phxntomhives · 5 months
Tokyo Aliens spoiler/theories about chapters 41
No, I have not found any english translation of them.
I am sorry.
But I was able to find the scan in another language so I will just look at the pictures and make hypothesis because I am starving for content, ok?
What does this mean? That I am just speculating! Nothing more nothing less, I could end up being correct (doubt) or I could be jumping to very wrong conclusion.
But if you are starving like me: here is the meal.
Chapter 41
Meimei has probably brought Shou to where the auctions are held (hopefully Akira is there too) and she is confirming her identity to enter.
She chats with an alien in a locker and it spit (?) a suitcase containing something that looks like a portal.
She gives Shou some moral support before he touches the portal. When he does it, a black hand comes out and pulls him inside. Shou tries to oppose to it, but ends up inside anyway.
He is floating into space when this alien appears and catch/capture him.
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Shou looks into the alien's eye (?) and everything goes white.
He "wakes up" on the floor back in location he was before with Meimei. She ask Shou some stuff and then tease him about something. Then she pulls out two masks and Shou doesn't look happy about it.
While they keep on chatting, Shou thinks of Amamiya (I think he remembers when Amamiya told him that he would have been a good parner with Akira?).
They probably decide to move somewhere and Meimei say that there is no need to tell it to Amamiya.
He may be tired due to the meeting with the alien and Meimei piggy-back him THIS IS SO CUTE PLS
I think she drops another verbal bomb because the chapter ends with Shou being litteraly o_o
Hopefully when Shou said "A few minute later, I died" in chapter 40 he meant something about this new alien he met? He did go full blank so maybe the alien went "I'll kill you now" and just refered to that??? Copium.
The two masks are one with a horse and one with decoration resembling a butterfly. I think the butterfly mask will be used by Meimei and Shou will use the horse one. It would be nice if they were alien masks or had some kind of power to hide/change the aspect of the wearer, it is an illegal auction they are trying to enter.
Without text I can't say much more :(
Anyway chapter 42 is next let's see what it bring us!
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I’m not a Taylor Swift fan, but I have been seeing videos about her lately all the time. Looks like her new love interest is REALLY problematic.
I have seen so many people from different minorities talking about this, literally he has not left a group without insulting them.
But I have seen one video that was really interesting and true. They said TS isn’t saying anything or even bothered because she’s not a part of any of these groups, nor does it fit in her public activist persona. Celebrities don’t care about the history of the people they are dating at all. Let’s say this person insulted feminism or cats for example, she would consider it immediately. I can give you many examples from what celebrities show interest in.
But because the insult doesn’t effect her directly, it’s all forgotten. This doesn’t only apply to her, sooo many celebrities are the same. They’re not what they show to the public, it’s all a show that brings them money while people are being crazy about them.
I think people are mostly confused and cannot accept this relationship, or any other problematic relationship, is because they cannot comprehend and understand why the person they admire would be with someone problematic. The image they have of this person and the ideal persona they think the celebrity has wouldn’t do that, and it just causes confusion and hurt.
No celebrity is worth the admiration or the respect. Maybe Meryl Streep, but I may be wrong, you never know with celebrities and rich people.
Taylor Swift as a phenomenon and a singer is like a black hole for me. I've heard only 2 of her songs in my entire life, I wasn't interested when she was just a country barbie and I don't follow her now either. However because she is so big, a real superstar I know a few things, like she is jumping relationship to relationship and always write a whole album about the breakup. I also heard abot her new beau (I have no idea who he is).
I agree with you, however it’s more complex in my opinion. A celebrity doesn’t have to express their opinions in every cases, in fact I wish more of them would practice silence sometimes. Her personal involvement makes this trickier but just the fact that she doesn’t speak up about every causes it’s not bad in my eye.
I don’t really know about this guy but in general she or every other celeb has the right for privacy and don’t owe with their private life for the fans. No matter who the celeb, their partner will be scrutinized for anything. This is how fandoms work unfortunately. Most of the cases not the new parner is problematic but the fandom. In generally speaking.
This is the same with HC or everyone. They think Taylor is this and that, because that is her public and stage persona but I heard she is a real mean girl in reality.
Ohhh no honey, Meryl is horrible (and it’s painful for me because I loved her). She allegedly knew anything about Weinstein and I have this unsettling feeling that she knows so many other things as well. 😩 Of course she is still talented, Kramer vs Kramer and Out of Afric are some of my favorite movies and I will continue to watch them, but I stopped watching her new stuff. I am not interested anymore.
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yushox · 10 months
Winx Club headcanons
Specifically season 1&2 girls.
A awkward teenager at first, not much from cannon is changed. Eventually she grows into her more confident princess status. The major change is that she is energetic as heck, possibly due to neurodivergency, she's always doing something and often infodumps topics she likes on anyone willing to listen.
Sexuality - unlabeled / queer
Gender - feminine but still queer, She/Her/Spark/Sparks
She is also polyamorous.
Later in her early adulthood after a couple of years trying out her luck with him she decides to just be friends with Sky and has a queerplatonic (w/benefits) relationship with Stella instead.
The token IT girl, all attention is on her wherever she goes. At the start of Alfea she doesn't exactly know how to properly make friends or how to fit in due to being previously homeschooled, but she quickly adapts and learns, being a social butterfly helps her with learning what it's like to have friends. She loves gossip and most definitely has neurodivergency or a learning disability of some sort. She also has a prosthetic leg (up to her thigh) due to a childhood accident that made her afraid of heights. She is albino but is naturally resilient against UV radiation.
Sexuality - bisexual
Gender - cisgender, She/Her
She is also polyamorous.
Later in her early adulthood she and Brandon get engaged, but Brandon is also perfectly okay with Bloom tagging along despite not being in a relationship with her.
The most feminine girly-girl in the group, her mother was a witch so she has some "witchy" abilities. She is also vegan and herbivorous. She comes from a relatively poor family and studied in Linphea College low-income division. Consequently she grew up with a certain resilience and frugality. Now after fighting tooth and nail to get into Alphea, she uses half of her Alphea stipend to pay for Mieles education so that her sister doesn't have as much of a difficult time with her education as she did. She is still the mom of the group, a follower of rules and very spiritual. She is neurotypical, and most definitely latina, heavily freckled and plus size.
Sexuality - Heterosexual
Gender - Cisgender, She/Her
She is monogamous and values loyalty to her partner, she also dislikes hurrying with relationships.
Later in life in her early adulthood she starts planning on settling down with Helia, she appreciates that Helia respects her not wanting to hurry their relationship. She finds much more enjoyment in a relationship by taking things slowly.
Our resident spunky party girl, a jokester that will bite back if you make fun of her short height. She is much smaller than the rest of the girls. Ironically she is introverted just like Techna, but she doesn't let that deter her from socialisation. She is the most low-income girl in the group, the only reason why she was admitted to Alfea was because her previous special education school noticed that her fairy magic was developing much faster than her peers and that she needed experienced mentors to help her learn how to control her magic before it could go awry and seriously harm her. She also likes dark magic... for some reason that would not be known untill much MUCH later in her life. She possibly has either or both anxiety and PTSD, and she is definitely neurodivergent. And it's not news that she is Asian, specifically Chinese.
Sexuality - pansexual
Gender - cisgender, demiboy, She/Her/He/Him, tomboy
She is the one who is most likely to not be serious about settling down with anyone, she generally dislikes the idea of choosing a parner for the rest of her life.
Later in her early adulthood she becomes Aishas "roommate", wink wink nudge nudge.
The most introverted of the group, a total homebody. She largely does her own thing, she studies a majority of her lessons in Alfea online, only coming out to lessons that require physical involvement. It is very logical and can be quite insensitive at times, it also has difficulty understanding sarcasm and humor. Although being very stoic and not understanding emotions she still gets upset from being misgendered, overwhelmed or generaly hurt in anyway. It either has autism, ADHD or both. Tecna is nonverbal most of the time and can use both the sign languages of Zenith and the common English, she also incorporates technology to help her have a voice whenever she can't speak and the other person doesn't know sign language, she can't lip read as faces scare her. It is mixed race but appears as caucasian, she is also a descendant of a extinct pixie species only native to Zenith. Except for its head and upper torso nearly 40% of its body is replaced with cyborg parts that she maintains by herself. Much like all other people on Zenith Tecna has a high tolerance for cold temperatures but has more difficulty in warm temperatures.
Sexuality - aroace
Gender - agender, possibly also transgender, She/Her/It/It's/use her name/don't refer to her
Even simply friendship is a difficult concept for her, she doesn't mind romance or trying it out but any close relationships die out as quickly as they come, except for the Winx group and Timmy. It also eventually figures out enough about romance to be wildly protective of Musa against Riven and understands Aishas sadness about Nabu.
Later in early adulthood Tecna lives with Musa and Aisha in a separate room where it can spend multiple days just doing whatever technology or programing stuff, and if she feels like it then she chats with Timmy, though more than likely they would just have a gaming session instead of having any conversation, though she doesn't mind just listening to him talk.
A sporty gym girl, she has also trained in some close combat fighting styles and incorporates this knowledge in her fairy-form battles. But most of her physical aptitude comes from more than excellent swimming capability. This has resulted in her being incredibly muscular at early age. Being a princess just like Stella and Bloom she can also be considered as the most diplomatic of the group and despite not exactly liking being a princess she understands her position well and knows her place on the grand scheme of things. She takes her princess status surprisingly seriously, caring immensely about her people. She is a siren descendant and has gills and retractable razor sharp claws. She also has fought some sea monsters native to Andros and is immensely proud of the scars gained in these battles. She is black but it must be remembered that on Andros being black is considered as Earths Albino, except on Andros these people are treated like royalty or just high status for their rarity.
Sexuality - Bisexual
Gender - Cisgender She/Her, intersex
She dislikes the concept of arranged marriages and plans to abolish this rule when she eventually gains reign on Andros.
In early adulthood she was engaged to Nabu and was halfway done with marriage planning when tragedy struck and Nabu fell into a coma with a high possibility of never waking up. Eventually after living with Musa for several years she gained some feelings for the smaller woman and started a queer relationship with her, not wanting to try settling down seriously with anyone as her heart is forever loyal to Nabu.
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kleefkruid · 2 years
chain of events:
A few months ago, in an unnecessary attempt to impress my new partner I make a fancy holiday meal on like, a tuesday
parner is actually impressed, says it's one of the best things they have ever eaten (thanks, family cookbook!)
A while later, I get invited to the holiday party of their housemates. My partner proposes we make the recipe
forward to last week, I get hospitalised twice, all the recovery etc etc
I realise I wont be able to physically make the meal, I'll have to instruct and other people will have to do it for me. This is no problem for everyone else of course
oh, and I find out theres actually 5 more people coming, making it 10
conclusion: I (me!) have to instruct 9 people to make a meal that's created by a French chef
I'm gonna look like this
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chowtrolls · 1 year
I think in a spur-of-the-moment late-night-stroke-of-genius, i figured out WHY Plutos revived Festur
Plutos inherited the same necromancy powers his ancestor has, only his are amplified and much stronger due to having been necromancied himself. (dont tell him he doesn’t know) Plu, in the past, has only actually revived two trolls- his moirail, Parner, and Carina. Both of them came back “wrong.” Think Pet Semetery.
Plutos also can see ghosts- in fact, a major part of his character is that he simultaneously loathes and loves the ghosts that surround him. He feels a very strong inclination to protect them, often forcing others to respect the dead despite his low caste giving him NO authority to make highbloods obey. Plutos had brief run-ins with Festur’s ghost and thought the scenario was sad. Festur’s poor soul bound to Riptid, Rip not even able to remember him…Plu thought he could give Festur the chance to make things right. He interjected himself into their lives to try and right the wrong Festur had done. Plutos also wanted to prove to his ancestor that he COULD do it right! He could revive someone and not mess it up!! So, with Hantos’ help…they took a blueblood off the street, and forced Festur’s ghost into them.
After Festur was revived, he stayed with Plutos until he was settled in his new body. Until Hantos forged him documents Then he bolted. Fear of the Empire catching wind that he was alive again, fear of Plutos forcing him to face his past.
Plu went back to filming for his paranormal investigation grubtube shows with his undead freaky moirail. Just a blip.
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flightfoot · 2 years
I just noticed that the black cat is no longer side by side with the ladybug one in new miracle box and since Tikki said the box represent the guardian mind, does that mean LB doesn't consider CN (subconsciously?) as her equal parner since even before guardianships? because that mindset must be started somehwer before.
Depends on where the Black Cat is supposed to go, I suppose. I think it's over on the side? Which yeah, would seem like weird placement, given that the Ladybug and the Black Cat are supposed to be a pair. And yeah, even in season 3, I suspect Chat's fears about being replaced had some merit to it - or at least, that him falling from being "Ladybug's partner" to being "one of Ladybug's team members" was. Which I mean... he IS one of the Miracuteam members, so that's not totally wrong, but it's not totally right either. Because Ladybug and Chat Noir are supposed to be a duo, not "main hero and sidekick".
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
Well, Danneel looks awful. I shouldn’t be surprised but I am consistently shocked at all the money she wastes just to look like…that. Lifeless, cheap and outdated. Jensen looks so annoyed in the picture where she’s clinging to his wrist for dear life. And it’s so telling that in group photos they always put people in between them as a buffer.
I knew this was a work engagement the moment I saw that it was a Reba concert. Those two are very rarely seen together outside of work engagements. No one even got a photo of the two of them at ACL. He didn’t even show up for that politicians birthday bash that he helped fund (Danneel’s name was listed first of course) despite never having trouble getting out of New Mexico for the weekend before. And I’m sure it wasn’t Jensen’s idea to invite Danneel along for a night out with the Big Sky cast/crew considering she was never invited when he did work for The Boys (not even SXSW in Austin, practically in her backyard).
While I agree that Danneel's style is beyond trashy, I thought she looked quite beautiful in the first pic, that is until I saw the second pic. She had an eyebrow lift, it's obvious and she's slowly starting to morph into Mickey Rourke. Her hair and cheap vibing extensions look like they haven't been washed in centuries. Truly sad.
In the group photo everyone was next to their parner except for Danneel who was the odd one out as Jensen went right next to Reba.
Danneel's outfits screams desperate cries for attention so I really wonder how Jensen treats her if she feels the need to basically put on a freak show to be visible. Something is off about this couple, I wish I could put my finger on it.
Oh, I agree with you, Jensen looks in a fowl mood in both pictures which is odd because he was in a fun context even if this was just a work event.
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