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crazy idea.
just... just consider for a second...
joel smallishbeans as purpleds dad
(aliens man)
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Why not. (please only send characters from fandoms I know (check my introduction post to see what fandoms I'm a part of)
If anyone wants me to say my opinion on a character with this bingo

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New AU idea.
Wilbur finally returns to Quesadilla island, he decides to find out what's been happening in the island later, for now his priority is Tallulah.
Thankfully Phil messages that Tallulah is with him and he'll let will surprise her with his return so he isn't saying anything to her.
Wilbur hurries over and beelines to hug his daughter as tightly as possible without hurting her.
Tallulah cries.
After a few minutes of just hugs Tallulah finally pulls away and signs "Papa! I have a twin now!"
"You what now!?" he exclaims.
Phil sighs "Come down to the basement, we unfortunately still need to keep her locked up as she isn't a conscious player yet."
He goes downstairs and sees an almost spitting image of his daughter with bits and pieces of random code still floating around her "Okay, I need an explanation."
"This is one of those code monsters," Phil answers "they later begun taking the shape of our children, this, double Tallulah, is one of them. But for some reason she has been trying to get out of whatever programming she's been forced into. She's not quite there and can't communicate with us reliably, but as far as we've found, she's safe to be around as long as we keep her safe and secret here where the other code monsters can't see her and try to do something to her for straying from them."
Wilbur makes an understanding noise "And she is Tallulahs twin because?"
"I mean, look at her, minus a couple of details, and ignoring the bits of code floating around her, she is a spitting image of Tallulah," Phil chuckles "and Tallulah really likes her and even helped her breake away from her coding even more."
He thinks "Okay, if it makes my daughter happy, I'll adopt her... I'll name her Vienna."
Vienna has been listening to the conversation, as soon as Wilbur names her, she sparks and all the codes flutter away completely. She has become a real egg now, finally she weakly signs "Hi papa." before passing out in her cell.
[Vienna has joined the QSMP server]
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My bby Kaleidoscope!Sans aka Confetti.
This is most definitely not his officiall outfit, not even close. He just wanted to wear something ✨different✨ for a change.
I'm in the beginings of redesigning my Sanses, so it'll be a while until all of their official redesigns will be released here on Tumblr.
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Yoo, Isekai Shikkaku - the first ever Isekai anime that actually caught my attention :O
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Past recall!sans almost kills his own brother, because insanity+magic overflow+just bc he can..
most :P
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Neglectful SBI au where Tommy is desperate for his family's praise, but one day the qsmp codemonsters appear and immediately start attacking Tommy first.
His favorite teacher [insert name] hides him and signs his exam report with all "A's" before making Tommy get out through the window and run home.
He gets his praise. Only then his family learns that barely anyone survived in Tommys school, a student managed to slay the monsters, but it was too late. The reporter doesn't say any names, but amongst the dead is Tommy's favorite teacher.
When Tommy learns of his teachers death he takes it very hard, especially because the teacher practically raised him in a way. Now his family's praise doesn't feel worth it.
Tommy saves and keeps that report card dear to himself for the rest of his life.
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Silly Billy lyrics translation
Original lyrics > Latvian > back to English
I'll make
You say
How Proud
You are of me
So stay
Just long
Enough to see
My way
My way
Ka tu
Mani atcerēsies
Kaut tik
Lai spētu no tevis
Tell me
Right now
That you
Will not forget me
Just stay ("Paliec" to make grammatical sense)
Longer ("Ilgāk" to make grammatical sense)
Only so
That from you I
Could leave
Could leave
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I've been cooking for a couple of days :D
Spoiler warning: For BNHA fans, s7ep11 for anime only watchers, ch362 for manga only readers, don't read this post further unless you've seen the episode.
So, I've been listening to fnf Silly Billy lately, and it made me think of current canon Bakugo meeting Izuku from a world where Bakugo didn't survive the war. In this case the alternate Izuku would be the Silly Billy.
For this alternate Izuku it all went downhill when his classmates failed to reach him during the vigilante arc. So Bakugo didn't get to appologize and izuku continued his vigilantism.
The exhaustion coupled with still not being there in time to help Bakugo survive meant that Izuku broke and was unable to continue fighting.
Edgeshot still sacrificed himself, but it was a few seconds too late, by the time Edgeshot was done Bakugos body was already entering decomposition stage.
Loosing the two most powerful students caused the heros to ultimately lose the war.
The alternate Izuku was unable to cope with Bakugos death and let Shigaraki take his quirk.
Or alternatively
At one point Monoma blinks and Shigaraki was touching Bakugo for that short moment.. it was long enough to disintegrat Bakugo. Izuku saw it happen. All that was found remaining of bakugo was some ripped out hair so Izuku and Bakugos parents decided to make memorial necklaces.
In this alternate ending Izuku defeated AFO but was too exhausted to also defeat Shigaraki, however he didn't lose OFA, it just lost most of it's power.
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I'mma just add Latvian into the mix :D (I'll try to also translate literally if possible xD)
Chayanne - Čajans / best LV translation: "Tējkanna"
Tallulah - Talūla / best LV translation: "Grebta" or "Izgrebta"
Ramón - Ramons
Dapper - Dapers / "Žirgtais" or "Smukulis"
Leo/Leonarda - (the same), "Leons" is grammatically a male name.
Richarlyson/Richas - Ričarlisons/Ričars
Pomme - Poma / "Ābolīte" or "Ābele" or "Ābola"
Empanada - Empanāda / "Pankūka" or "Panija"
Sunnysideup/Sunny - Saule/Saulīte/Saulainā / "Vēršace" (vēršacs literally translates to bullseye, but in reality that's just how Sunnysideup eggs would be called in latvian)
Pepito - Pepīto / apparently this also translates to "Džiminījs"
Chunsik - Čunsiks (im unsure how to translate this to Latvian as it translates to "spring food"/"pavasara ēdiens" for me)
Trump/Trumpet - Tramps/Trompete
Tilín - Tilins / "Šķinde" or "Svilpe" or "Svilpis" (Šķinde sounds evil to me bc "inde" means poison. Svilpis is just plain hilarious bc the last three letters sound exactly like what y'all think it sounds like, definitely a name worthy for bigQ's egg)
Juanaflipa - Džoanaflipa
Bobby - Bobijs
Hope - Cerība (I can't turn this one into a nicely sounding latvian form so I had to simply translate)
In honor of QSMP Language Day, this is a list of how would you spell each Egg’s name in russian (at least how I would do it):
Chayanne – Чаян
Tallulah – Таллула
Ramon – Рамон
Dapper – Даппер
Leo – Лио
Richarlyson, Richas – Ричарлисон, Ричас
Pomme – Пом
Empanada – Эмпанада
SunnySideUp, Sunny – СанниСайдАп, Санни
Pepito – Пепито
Chunsik – Чуншик
Trump, Trumpet – Трамп, Трампет
Tilin – Тилин
Juanaflippa – Хуанафлиппа
Bobby – Бобби
Hope – Хоуп (fun fact: we actually also use russian word for hope as a name – Надежда/Nadezhda)
Несколько рандомных скриншотов для счастья :D

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I'm done with hiding this boi.
Name: Confetti
AU: Kaleidoscope!Sans
Type: Outcode; Parasite(hosted)
Age: irrelevant; adult
Pronouns: He/Him (host body: He/Him)
Parasitic strength: just a slight bit stronger that Fresh parasite, nearly unnoticeable difference.
Residence: Antivoid
Occupation: Provider of a safe space for everyone in the multiverse
Description: Basically a glitter bomb with a serious "no physical contact" warning plastered all over him because any physical contact causes psychedelic symptoms, the effects of the symptoms can get worse or lethal depending on how long the physical contact was happening (fun fact: given enough time this effect can go up Errors strings). Confetti can self destruct like a glitter bomb, especially if agitated or in danger, and as long as one piece of his glitter, no matter how small, survives, he can easily reconstruct himself, consumption of any of his glitter would parasitise the consumer, but the relationship would be more symbiotic, he and his current host are in love so they both mutually decided to stay in the antivoid and avoid any dangerous situations. He can consume any glitter-like particles or tiny items like rings, earrings or others, and yes, he can be shaken like a salt shaker and regurgitate any item he has consumed.
Likes: Glitter, fashion
Dislikes: Danger, clowns
Fun facts: he is holosexual; his corner of the antivoid is called "chill zone" and features blanket forts, beanbags, pillows and other things of that nature, making his antivoid a perfect place for meetups or even dates, there is also a strict no violence policy in his place; he can't really teleport outside the antivoid, it would exhaust him too much and cause self destruction; self destruction means that the host body and mind gets unalived; confetti never really had his own au, he gained sentience as a tiny piece of birthday confetti and had his first host that same day, in panic he ended up in the antivoid and self destructed from exhaustion, after a really long time a piece of his glitter ended up being consumed by his current host who was thankfully level headed enough to not panic.
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Hazbin Hotel Idea
❗Spoiler warning ofc (ep. 8)❗
Now that we learned that Charlie's whole redemption schtick works, with Sir Pentious having gone to heaven.
Assuming heaven doesn't try bs like not allowing hell to know that redemption does work. It's then safe to say Charlie would definitely get visitors.
So, imagine the following scenario, Charlie goes missing, idk how or where, i didn't think that far, but i assume it's something to do either with some overlords in hell or more likely - heaven.
I got this image in my head that in this scenario, the hotel staff (+Angel Dust (tho he's pretty much staff as well at this point)) also have a lot of respect for Charlies work.
So imagine, Charlie returns, only to see the hotel cast working diligently to upkeep the hotel in her name, this includes even Alastor who has temporarily taken Charlies place in her absence to act as the owner of the hotel. The cast even try their best to share Charlies sentiment of redeeming the hellions, though probably with lesser and varying success.
Imagine how grateful and proud Charlie would be to see her family do this work in her name.
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Winx Club headcanons
Specifically season 1&2 girls.
A awkward teenager at first, not much from cannon is changed. Eventually she grows into her more confident princess status. The major change is that she is energetic as heck, possibly due to neurodivergency, she's always doing something and often infodumps topics she likes on anyone willing to listen.
Sexuality - unlabeled / queer
Gender - feminine but still queer, She/Her/Spark/Sparks
She is also polyamorous.
Later in her early adulthood after a couple of years trying out her luck with him she decides to just be friends with Sky and has a queerplatonic (w/benefits) relationship with Stella instead.
The token IT girl, all attention is on her wherever she goes. At the start of Alfea she doesn't exactly know how to properly make friends or how to fit in due to being previously homeschooled, but she quickly adapts and learns, being a social butterfly helps her with learning what it's like to have friends. She loves gossip and most definitely has neurodivergency or a learning disability of some sort. She also has a prosthetic leg (up to her thigh) due to a childhood accident that made her afraid of heights. She is albino but is naturally resilient against UV radiation.
Sexuality - bisexual
Gender - cisgender, She/Her
She is also polyamorous.
Later in her early adulthood she and Brandon get engaged, but Brandon is also perfectly okay with Bloom tagging along despite not being in a relationship with her.
The most feminine girly-girl in the group, her mother was a witch so she has some "witchy" abilities. She is also vegan and herbivorous. She comes from a relatively poor family and studied in Linphea College low-income division. Consequently she grew up with a certain resilience and frugality. Now after fighting tooth and nail to get into Alphea, she uses half of her Alphea stipend to pay for Mieles education so that her sister doesn't have as much of a difficult time with her education as she did. She is still the mom of the group, a follower of rules and very spiritual. She is neurotypical, and most definitely latina, heavily freckled and plus size.
Sexuality - Heterosexual
Gender - Cisgender, She/Her
She is monogamous and values loyalty to her partner, she also dislikes hurrying with relationships.
Later in life in her early adulthood she starts planning on settling down with Helia, she appreciates that Helia respects her not wanting to hurry their relationship. She finds much more enjoyment in a relationship by taking things slowly.
Our resident spunky party girl, a jokester that will bite back if you make fun of her short height. She is much smaller than the rest of the girls. Ironically she is introverted just like Techna, but she doesn't let that deter her from socialisation. She is the most low-income girl in the group, the only reason why she was admitted to Alfea was because her previous special education school noticed that her fairy magic was developing much faster than her peers and that she needed experienced mentors to help her learn how to control her magic before it could go awry and seriously harm her. She also likes dark magic... for some reason that would not be known untill much MUCH later in her life. She possibly has either or both anxiety and PTSD, and she is definitely neurodivergent. And it's not news that she is Asian, specifically Chinese.
Sexuality - pansexual
Gender - cisgender, demiboy, She/Her/He/Him, tomboy
She is the one who is most likely to not be serious about settling down with anyone, she generally dislikes the idea of choosing a parner for the rest of her life.
Later in her early adulthood she becomes Aishas "roommate", wink wink nudge nudge.
The most introverted of the group, a total homebody. She largely does her own thing, she studies a majority of her lessons in Alfea online, only coming out to lessons that require physical involvement. It is very logical and can be quite insensitive at times, it also has difficulty understanding sarcasm and humor. Although being very stoic and not understanding emotions she still gets upset from being misgendered, overwhelmed or generaly hurt in anyway. It either has autism, ADHD or both. Tecna is nonverbal most of the time and can use both the sign languages of Zenith and the common English, she also incorporates technology to help her have a voice whenever she can't speak and the other person doesn't know sign language, she can't lip read as faces scare her. It is mixed race but appears as caucasian, she is also a descendant of a extinct pixie species only native to Zenith. Except for its head and upper torso nearly 40% of its body is replaced with cyborg parts that she maintains by herself. Much like all other people on Zenith Tecna has a high tolerance for cold temperatures but has more difficulty in warm temperatures.
Sexuality - aroace
Gender - agender, possibly also transgender, She/Her/It/It's/use her name/don't refer to her
Even simply friendship is a difficult concept for her, she doesn't mind romance or trying it out but any close relationships die out as quickly as they come, except for the Winx group and Timmy. It also eventually figures out enough about romance to be wildly protective of Musa against Riven and understands Aishas sadness about Nabu.
Later in early adulthood Tecna lives with Musa and Aisha in a separate room where it can spend multiple days just doing whatever technology or programing stuff, and if she feels like it then she chats with Timmy, though more than likely they would just have a gaming session instead of having any conversation, though she doesn't mind just listening to him talk.
A sporty gym girl, she has also trained in some close combat fighting styles and incorporates this knowledge in her fairy-form battles. But most of her physical aptitude comes from more than excellent swimming capability. This has resulted in her being incredibly muscular at early age. Being a princess just like Stella and Bloom she can also be considered as the most diplomatic of the group and despite not exactly liking being a princess she understands her position well and knows her place on the grand scheme of things. She takes her princess status surprisingly seriously, caring immensely about her people. She is a siren descendant and has gills and retractable razor sharp claws. She also has fought some sea monsters native to Andros and is immensely proud of the scars gained in these battles. She is black but it must be remembered that on Andros being black is considered as Earths Albino, except on Andros these people are treated like royalty or just high status for their rarity.
Sexuality - Bisexual
Gender - Cisgender She/Her, intersex
She dislikes the concept of arranged marriages and plans to abolish this rule when she eventually gains reign on Andros.
In early adulthood she was engaged to Nabu and was halfway done with marriage planning when tragedy struck and Nabu fell into a coma with a high possibility of never waking up. Eventually after living with Musa for several years she gained some feelings for the smaller woman and started a queer relationship with her, not wanting to try settling down seriously with anyone as her heart is forever loyal to Nabu.
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I cannot stress this enough but - GO TO SCHOOL! If you fuck up and intentionally miss even just one day, the guilt of doing that would make you miss more and more days until you are unable to finish highschool because you would be unable to sit still in the classroom.
Shake off your current "friends", they are all just fake, you don't need to have friends, you'll be perfectly fine alone in the future. You can live a happy life alone with just having some acquittances for support.
Move out the first chance that you get to do so, don't listen to your family telling you that you can't live alone or that you need a partner to live seperately from your parents. Remember your grandmas sister? She lived in a rural area alone and was perfectly fine for like 20 years, and sure the loneliness was starting to get to her eventually, but she still stayed strong and was capable of pushing herself past her loneliness, so you definitely can do that as well.
You have had an adult mentality since you were 15, don't let the people around you treat you like a naive child when you know you are fully capable of deciding things about your own thoughts, feelings and body.
Also, go to the doctor and a psychiatrist while you still don't feel too nervous about doing it, you will thank yourself later for doing so.
If you met your younger self what would you say to him/her?
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Thinking about SBI borrowers au, where Phil and mumza buy an old house and eventually discover the three tiny mouse-sized guys live in their walls or on their property.
They find Tommy in the garden shed, poor boy is sick from pesticides and whatnot but pulls through and manages to thrive in the human pairs care.
They find wilbur in the attic, the little guy is starving so they help him get a nice meal everyday.
Techno is the third one, avoiding the pair by hiding in the walls and watching from the distance.
When they notice Techno they don't force contact, they just move to sit a little closer to Technos hiding spot and let Wilbur and Tommy help Techno feel more comfortable until the lil guy is able to trust them not to hurt him.
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Winx drink hc (I haven't slept for almost 24 hours now so this should be fun, also i may come back to this once in a while to expand on the hc)
bloom - coke or lemonade, she was introduced to boba by stella and likes it too, i can see her being a energy drink girl when she's a little older, one hundred percent drinks her coffee as espresso.
stella - on solaris she would love milk teas, 100% fruit taste or something classy and fancy like rooibos, on earth she discovered boba tea and has gone absolutely freaky about it, hates coffee bc it smells yucky, adores any lemonades, do not under any circumstances give her energy/sugary/soda drinks!
flora - oh absolutely only completely natural and vegan drink, teas, lemonades, smoothies, drinks her coffee with a bit of brown sugar and plantmilk from a nice handmade tea cup set her family gifted her (she shares it with the other girls).
Musa - sodas, usualy ones native to her home, she isn't a tea girl, however she doesn't mind basic black tea, drinks her coffee with flavor syrups and milk
Techna - oh absolutely a Pepsi girl or blue fanta, finds anything weird and odd to drink good, energy drink queen (knows nearly everything there is to know about energy drinks and can make her own (her hyperfixation sorta).
Aisha - wattteeer (duh), if she was made to be totally unlikable she would totally do anoying watertok videos, smoothies, natural energy/vitamin/mineral shots, juices, at the most sugary she doesn't mind watered down syrups, the only one out of her friends who would handle al//hol like its water when grown up (the token lightweight being stella).
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