#i might have over writen too much stuff lol
toxictac · 5 months
So been a bit, kinda laze around to upload this drawing but yeah
so i been playing fallout new vegas and having fun with it so i decided to draw my character (and weirdly put her an actual name, very unlike me fr)
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so here she is miss scar, gonna make a little section of her lore
So a little backstory, she was a small child from one of the trives caesar legion took over, she was taking very early from her mother (who would be used as slave) through out her young years her younger years, she struggle to fit into the legion, however with time she learn her natural way to lead people and her good luck in some scavenger runs she was foced into by the legion, gain her some favor with her legionare captors she usually was help and help people the legion may have consider weak or a waste of reasurces, like the sick, the old and the disable; often times taking reserves discritely from legioners to give to them or making sure to keep the legionare captors out of their bad side however even with what is far more "cozier" life than other slaves like her, she always took herself the desire to liberate her and her found family out of the reaches of their captors, often distracting the legionares as the more mecanicaly minded figured out how to take their collars off (eventually finding ways of turing them off) it however not be untill the battle of hoover damn with a far less guarded legionare camp, she and fellow slaves would resolute into a escape attempt, in which many slaves died but a small group with her was able to escape running off the legions reach they would find the remaince of what once was a circus, there they would burn their physical and mental ties with the legion, taking on new roles and names, becoming a caravan of traveling merchance with a circous astetic to protect their identeties and distance themself from the atrocities they linger while on the captivity of the legion after a long while they would travel toward west establishing many parnering trades with other caravans, as they eventually return many year after to the mohave dessert
so after all that backstory some final notes
most of my new vegas characters exist after the events of new vegas (around 20 year or so after), so similar to this scar would have been 14 or so when she fled the legion so she is a lot more older than my other characters
another thing, she calls herself scar but her original name with her captors "jokingly" called her was "Femela", mostly to ridiculise her, however she decided the name miss scar for two reasons, first because they are taking on roles she decided on a far more intemidating name than her companions that would also lead to intrigue for custumers (so like an easy conversation starter) but also secondly (and secretly) because the scars that she hides under her distint dress, almost as a reminder of what the legion did to her
distincly she would have a .44 pistol, and while not a fighter she is suprisingly lucky and even more charismatic often using her talk to command and missdirect others with little difficulty
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Someone take chapter summaries from me now – I'm having far too much fun with those:
Did I write chapter about AKs and called it All the Ways To Be Wicked? Yes I did.
Anyway, Audrey and Ben endure royal photoshot which they both hate, Lonnie discovers her hero-complex and Celia and Feddie get surprise-adopted. Don't worry though, it's... mostly consentual?
Oh, and the person that reads Mal's hate mail? They decide that they're not paid enough for this. And they are right. (Please, don't hate them too much)
Harriet, Uma, Dulcia Tremaine and Evie, pointing at the kids they've collected: „We are adopting them."
Harry, Anthony and Carlos: „Wait, we are?!"
Sammy Smee, who has given up at this point: „...Of course that we are. Just tell me what you need me to do, Captain."
Mal and Jay, wreaking havoc in the background: „Lol, have fun with that!"
The Hook siblings are chaotic drama queens together for solid 3k words and I love it.
I also think that Evie might have had mild anxiety attack?
What plot?
There was supposed to be one?!
*The author frantically scrambles throught their notes: A sheet of paper falls down from them. It has the word PIRATES!!! in increasingly bigger and more disshelved fonts writen all over it.*
Wait, where did the plot go? I swear there was some!
Claudine. She's a delight. She finally gets rid of the emblems Mal and Jay left in her kitchen.
Harriet holds a discussion with Sammy, Harry and Uma. No one knows what they were supposed to be talking about. No one knows how CJ got there.
And Carlos? Carlos manages to bribe them all with *Shiny stuff!*
Once again, the author attempts to hide their notes to this chapter, and once again, thy fail miserably. The sheet of paper is only marginally obscured, the word „CHAOS" written with glitter pen in its center. Other readable notes include: „Spray-painting," „That's not how death works!!" and „How the fuck did CJ get there?!"
...Yeah, that's the summary.
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fanfictin · 3 years
“nothing as of yet” “Only you could be worried about the ships i already shot down”
aw duel fights, anaking again weird sith lady and obiwan ofc against grevious
i love how they just fuckin kick each other. they have lightsabers and guns but they also hit. pfft. she just straight up kicked anakin in the face. nice.
“Should you really proceed without the council’s approval” padme “We do it all the time. Don’t we, Snips?”  “Yep.” padme, quieter “I can’t believe they let you teach” anaking looks so smug,, pfft
“Master obiwan caused trouble? that’s a first.” “ugh” (he just Does Not want to Talk  about it rip. dont make anakin talk abt it ahsoka) “Just give me the lightsaber”
“You’re lucky you didn’t get hurt” “Nothing you wouldn’t have done” ahshsjflfsj ahsoka you’re killing your master ahsoka
“If I’m not with you, who else will watch your back?” oh ahsoka she cares for her master
(anakin should go to hang out w obiwan like My wife took my padawan and i have nothing to do)
star fighting duo,, i love their red and yellow ships. “Anakin! I’m going to need help!!” yes for asking for help
yes for fighting ventrress together
“so much for not starting something” “Hey don’t look at me!” they’re so dumb i love them fighting together
did anakin just do the salute thing that obiwan does???
obiwan w the hand on anakin’s shoulder briefly,, pls
with the holding anakin back again--
didnt that thing just land on them-- okay i guess jedi are impervious to crush injuries
“We’ll take him together” “RIght.” crey
anakin is so fucking dramatic and petty i love it
all black out and all wake up. fun times. theyre just Who landed the ship
“we’ll be fine. as long as we stay together” thanks obiwan, now yu’re definitely not going to stay together
rockfall seperate! a favourite trope!!
anaking he’s just asking if youre alright and didnt get crushed by the rocks,, theyre no need to be so dramatic and angsty-- ankin pls obiwan just cares---
“is it true he is the chosen one” -activate obiwan protective mode- “What do YOU know of such things??” also why does ahsoka have 2 lightsabers--
lol he just turned into a bat. that’s pretty cool yo.
oh-- this is basically the crystal cave! hm. that’s not good. and a ghost quigon talking to obiwan? weird. “I’ve trained him as well as i could” bless
oooo they’re all having visions. nice.
“I think anakin may be in trouble” ahsoka i love you
eh that was pretty cool. many troubled anakin codas could be writen after that. nice.
oh it’s still them! anakin is sleepin,, bless him
oh nice. action. “was it a nightmare” oh ahsoka. love it. and yes it was but now it’s reality.
another crash landing, nice. “I didnt think you saw it” o “it was a GIANT TOWER of COURSE i SAW IT” a
the SHOULDER stop. nice. and he didnt listen. of course.
well yeah climbing is hard work. stop being so dramatic anakin.
“you might want to check up on him” thanks bad guy, obiwan will do just that
okay that was cool. asoshka is fine now, anakin is n’t glowing any more, they’re going to head off.
continuation? whoa
they’re just chillin in their ship. “You did well anakin. how do you feel?” thanks obiwan that helps 
whelp bye anakin
aw waking asokha and giving her tea,, bless obewan
“Wheres. anakin.” protective master mode activated
“Look after the ship, i’m going to find anakin” ahsokas just like well ok then bye obiwan
oh it’s literally just rots foreshadowing premonitions, cool.
“anakin. are you alright?” no definitely not, in the bad side rn, but we’ll catch up with your worried tone later
okay yeah just nake him collapse again that’s fine. you guys are worse than the angels in spn
“are you alright” yes thanks for asking again, fine now master
okay yeah just throw em away that’s fine. yknow getting thrown on the floor hurts more than you think in like real life
okay sure that’s fine. just white out and wake up on the ship. sure.
“You’re just being protective again” why yes, yes he is.
“you either Do or Die. and that’s not a risk i’m willing to share.” oh. anakin pls that’s such a good quote.
fucking incredible “I must have carbon sickness bc i could swear that’s Ahsoka” “Your eyes are fine. it’s ahsoka’s HEARING that needs helps”
also oh my GOSH this is that gifset i’ve had in my likes FOREVER. the one where obiwan just fuckin snaps his head around to listen to ahsoka and just goes “I see anakin’s new teaching method is to do as i say not as i do” fuckin savage
i also like the return of Snips as the nickname, and quite often too - i imagine in fic they must have had a talk from when possessed ahsoka said she hated the name
aw ahsoka being teensy. also that’s a very ellie and joel thing. opening the door from the other side and the mentor being grumpy. nice.
well that was fun. snakin got sucked to the roof as well bc of his mental arm pfffttt and got hismelf down while being elecetrocuted. cool.
“sorry I’m late” a “how nice of you to join us” o Anakin don’t smirk at that. don’t smirk like that at your master.
see i knew that would hit you. now youre hittign the ground again aniakin. that shit hurts you know
no-- this is not how you use grenades- you have to save them for the shield enemies-- have you never playyed unhcharted---
you cant just burn his body in lava-- okay you did it. well. at least you used the force together.
anyway this is a pretty cool episode i guess. continuation, less h/c but still good.
ahsoka and anakin mission!-- never mind they’re spitting up. sigh.
okay well this episode is called padawan lost so. i’m sure she’ll be found. also this is literally just the hunger games.
aww what a nice reunion, that was sweet
“Thank you, master.” “You’re welcome. My padawan” pls stop,, anakin and ahsoka are too cute
oh nakin got his helmet off underwater and snips got it for him just “you call for backup?” and he just “I HAD it under control snips” while he’s coughing up water still ah,, them. also “Ha! I knew you’d say that”
this water level has gone on for 3 episode so far,,,,
you can’t, electrocute someone underwater-- oh well fine. that’s just anakin’s luck isn’t it.
wow anakin’s so used to lightening that it takes quite a bit to knock him out rip
whoa will padme trade grevious for anakin? yes. probably. esp when he’s being lighteninged even when unconscious. that’s rude.
okay anakin yeah wake up just when padme pulls you into her arms. and then she helps him walk,, bless.
the duo are back! oh is this the one where obiwan fakes his death bc i know that’s coming and i am not enthused.
oh wow that was very sudden. Anger Anakin appears and obiwan tells him to CHILL basically then when ahsoka asks, obiwan admits anakin was a slave and ahsoka says she’ll keep an eye on him,, they love so much
hey dont throw obiwan around like that, he’s an old man
anakin and ahsoka duo lookin for bombs
that was fun. anakin almost fell out of the ship. always good.
anger anakin abt slaves. nice. even mentioning his mother.
“Looks like i have to rescue you again, old man.” “I knew you’d have a backup plan”
well they all got electrocuted to unconsciousness. good plan gang.
and there anakin goes getting electrified by dooku again. sigh.
“Anakin, i’m please to see you” aw even beatne down obiwan is there
that was a good mission.
4-15 ah this one is called Deception so i’m guessing it’s the deception arc where obiwan fakes his death. ouch. anger anakin is definitely going to be back.
yes ouch. that hurt. 
this is just fasttrack anikan to the dark side run by killing his master
“Everyone knows how close we are. it was his reaction that sold it” this is fucking rude. but true. still very rude.
“He killed my master. My best friend.” oh dear. ouchies.
anyway chancellor palpatine is here now to continue anakin’s fast  track to the darkside by killing his brother
well at least he went with ahsoka. ..how long does this arc last....
aw well at least he still cares. ha. accidently knocks anakin off then hurries off to make sure he’s okay, then chokes him out. just normal stuff.
ahsoka straight up standing over anakin soul eater maka and soul style ,,, oh my
“Obiwan is still alive” and ahsoka helps him back to the ship. good for them.
hey well THANKS for telling anakin that yoda. so useful. so great to know. nice how you all killed his master in front of him for a plan. cool. he’ll brush that off.
yep anakin’s still pissed. honestly good for him.
“Hopefully i’ll be where i always am” a “he means saving the day” ah no he means next to obiwan
obiwan watching over them from a sniper,, aw
“Mace, Anakin’s down” he’s still looking out,, crey
well that wasn’t a fyll on yell but it was a telling off. good foryou anakin. yelling at your oncedead master is fine for a bit.
oooo surprise end twist! anakin facing dooku
obiwan running to help anakin and stopping to make sure he’s alright,, but points lost for still being in disguise
anakin and ahsoka go to a diner. that’s it that’s this episode.
“Master? Anakin?” Ahsoka trying to get his attention when he’s worrying quiet :)
okay so darth maul is alive apparently
haha obiwan getting the shit beaten out of him and saved by ventress then using a red lightsaber. hilarious.
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