#paris special was a gift to all of humanity
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dear-buttercup · 1 year ago
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Oops, my hand slipped
(That's a lie. An utter lie. She has been plaguing all my free time for the past three days. Shady is so evil she refused to be linearted, colored and shadowed. So evil.
I will give my life for her)
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pkmndaisuki · 22 days ago
Here's some new guesses/hopes for Legends ZA following those new trailers in no particular order:
Inverse Battles return
Inverse Battles were battles where the entire type chart was reversed. Normal was Super-Effective against Ghost, Steel was weak to almost everything, it was so cool. But it was only available in one random house... right next to Terminus Cave. Where Zygarde was. (ORAS had them as well, but only in a specific place in Mauville.) They were such a unique gimmick, I would love to see at least one place where you can do them.
PokéDex can be completed single-player
Legends Arceus let the player finish the entire Dex without being forced to trade, so I get the feeling that's just gonna be a thing with Legends games going forward. Makes sense since there's only one version.
No multiplayer battles, but trading is allowed
Like the last point, Legends Arceus had no way to battle other players. Likely because of its battle system with the Strong and Agile Style moves. And now that we'll have full free movement in battle, I can see that being a logistical disaster between two human-controlled players. So the only major multiplayer thing will probably be trading.
Trainer Customization expands as the story progresses
Again, Legends Arceus did this with Anthe's store selection upgrading at certain milestones. So I could definitely see Boutique selections rotate as they did in X&Y, or just continually add more options. X&Y invented Boutiques and outfits and haircuts and all that, it would be criminal not to have extensive customization.
Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie will be Wild Encounters from the start; Chikorita, Tepig, and Totodile will be Gifted and/or Wild Encounters post-credits
This was the case with the Sinnoh starters and the Hisui starters, so it wouldn't surprise me if they did the same with both sets of Kalos starters. Bonus guess: each of the original Kalos starters will be in a different Plaza. Bleu for Froakie, Vert for Chespin, and Rouge for Fennekin.
More areas underground
Paris has famous catacombs beneath the city. Zygarde is a Ground-type typically found underground. One of its signature moves is Land's Wrath. Something's gotta happen down there. (Plus, we went under the city in X&Y already: Lysandre Labs just beneath Lysandre Café between Rouge and Magenta Plazas.)
Prism Tower is more of a Battle Tower than Gym
That little teaser at the end of the trailer had a logo of Prism Tower. Since we're confined to Lumiose, we're not taking on the Gym Challenge, so it being a Gym wouldn't make as much narrative sense. Instead, I can see it being a different kind of battle facility, and I hope it's still run by Clemont.
Roller Skates return
Roller Skating was so fun in X&Y and used to illustrate the full 3D movement on the 3DS, and you learned most of the techniques in Lumiose. There was even a café just for skating enthusiasts! I really hope it comes back, skating around Lumiose was so fun.
Emma will return
We saw a brief glimpse of the Looker Bureau. By the end of Looker's postgame story, he leaves the Bureau to Emma. I really really hope we get to see her she's such a fascinating character please let it happen
A special Legendary will be available postgame
Enamorous was introduced in Legends Arceus' postgame, so it could be that's just gonna be a feature of Legends games. Not saying something brand new like her is gonna show up for sure, but maybe something else that hadn't be easily available. Like Volcanion maybe? It seems, design-wise, associated with part of the Kalos Power Plant, which is just Northwest of Lumiose. It was distribution-only back then, it would be neat to have it available to battle and capture.
Who knows if any of this will be right, but I'm looking forward to PLZA!
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gabessquishytum · 2 years ago
So role reverse AU where Morpheus is the human and Hob is the Endless. Morpheus is a young scholar who wishes he had an eternity to study the arts and sciences. Hob is a hopeless romantic trying to find someone to love. They meet by happenstance while Morpheus is in the woods studying the foliage and Hob runs into him by happenstance. Hob shoots his shot and Morpheus turns him down sense he's pretty sure Hob is a fey trying to trick him. Hob doesn't press and just sits while Morpheus explains his studies. That's when the Idea hits Morpheus and he offers Hob a bet. Hob gets an eternity to seduce Morpheus. The rules being that Hob can not do anything without Morpheus' enthusiastic consent, and he only gets on shot every 100 years.
Hob Is pretty sure he can get Morpheus by the next century, so he agrees and gives Morpheus immortality.
the 1400 he shows up and offers Morpheus a book,a special one made with those new printing presses. If Dream ran away with him, there were plenty more where that came from. Dream is pretty sure the presses will go out of style soon enough, but it was a thoughtful gift.
the 1500s, Hob proves he's in it for the long game. He has no interest in that new play write, but Morpheus clearly has a fan girl crush on him, so Hob makes him a major play write for his lovely little Morpheus. And if Hob plays his cards right, Shakespeare's works will be imortilised for Morpheus to have for the rest of time. Morpheus would be lying if he said that didn't at least make him blush.
the 1600 prove to be rough as Morpheus turned to more "honest" ways of making a living. Hob doesn't like seeing someone he cares about like this, and for this century, he doesn't say anything to Morpheus about running away together to Hob's Realm. He just listens and lets Morpheus cry. Morpheus is grateful Hob didn't use the situation to his advantage, because Morpheus was so week he would have left his life as a human in a moment.
the 1700s prove to be better for Morpheus, but before Hob can go in for the kill, they're interrupted and have to fight to get out of the tavern alive. Hob attempts to get Morpheus elsewhere to finish the date, but Morpheus says it's getting late and he should get home. (Secretly, he's scared how well Hob's charm has worked on him)
in the 1800, Hob goes all out, he takes Morpheus to Paris and they have a wonderful night on top of the tower and even share a romantic Kiss. Hob asks the question, and Morpheus only smirks and says "I'll give you my answer next century."
in the 1900s, Morpheus is Ready. He has settled his affairs so He can Leave with Hob that night. He starts counting down the days in 1952. He excitedly waits for Hob to ask for his answer. And he waits. And he waits. He blames himself for making Hob wait so long, and figures Hob gave up on him. He asks about it to a few other people, but no one has seen a man matching that description.
Morpheus doesn't give up though. Hob waited centuries for Morpheus, Morpheus can wait centuries too.
And he waits for 33 years. He knows he's being foolish. Would Hob even know he was waiting for him?
But he waits. Every day, same time, same town. Just in case he catch Hob and can tell him his answer. And one say, he is rewarded.
He's sitting in a cafe near the Creek where they met. He's reading Shakespeare and he hears someone come up, he expects it's the coffee he ordered, but before he can look up, he hears someone say "So, Love, What's your answer, I was promised one?" And Morpheus looks up and has the biggest grin on his face.
God this is beautiful.
I wonder what happened to Hob when he didn’t show up? Was he also captured and imprisoned? I’m imagining that if he was imprisoned, he must have spent the whole time trying to escape, knowing that it would be ok if he could only get back to Morpheus, because Morpheus would definitely say yes this time, if Hob can just get to him.
When he does escape, he goes to Morpheus first. Before his realm, before anything. Morpheus is the one thing that’s kept him going. He’s not expecting to find him, really but he hopes…
And everything that was broken in his years of imprisonment suddenly knits back together at the sight of his love, waiting for him after all those years.
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not-goldy · 11 months ago
Maybe if you MF's stopped pairing Jikook with other members & stopped creating your own dating rumors with them & others outside of BTS, they wouldn't have to take matters into their own hands & take things public. And Why should all those in straight relationships get to have all the fun, anon? Why is it okay for Tae to walk in Paris holding his partners hand publicly, but Jikook can't show they get down & dirty with each other when they drunk and mark each other's necks & come to work and show it off? Jikook are very cautious of what they do and say, but they are also human & get these wild spur of the moments where they don't give a fuck & see how far they can push the boundaries or see how far Hybe will let them. Maybe Jk wants people to see he's Jimin's gift for his bday and wants Jimin to come unwap him. He could have just texted him happy bday in private, instead of sending that video or walked next door to Jimin's room & tell him in person, now couldn't he? And maybe Jimin wants you desperate fucks who keep asking Jk to marry you or asking Jk to marry other members, to see its Jk in his bed, coming to him all hours of the day, morning, noon and night, at 1 am with his special bootycall knock & not going to other members instead, like you hope. Don't play stupid anon. You know why jikook do it. Same reason Tae started wearing all those same clothes from his leaked pictures with Jennie, cause sometimes you just wanna tell people, you're in love and happy. And there is no shame in that.
Louder for the track girlies
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toxinellebug · 1 year ago
Paris and the World under The Supreme’s Rule Headcannons
Back during WW2, when Marianne suggested to Wang Fu they should use the Miraculous, she of course meant using them to fight. Wang Fu decided to use them to make a wish;
World Peace.
The price?
World freedom.
So there are SOME good things… No war in Vietnam, no war in Isreal, and good news Americans; 9/11 never happened and school shootings do not exist because it is impossible for anyone to get a gun, not even hunters!
On the downside, no guns for hunting means wildlife conservation is a thing of the past. Animal overpopulation in addition to human deforestation has led to a significant decrease in food sources for wildlife, many of which have gone extinct due to starvation. Another plus side is there are no “slap on the wrist” punishments for criminals who assault women and children. Death penalty is a very effective way to prevent recurring crimes.
Prisons are also no longer a multi-million dollar drain on tax-paying citizens; no free room and board for criminals. They all have to work in labor camps to earn every morsel of food and live in 15 square foot cells.
(Marinette’s Grandmother is currently serving time in a labor camp)
There aren’t really much in the way of trials either… You are arrested for a crime, presented with the facts/evidence, then sentenced.
There are no homeless wandering streets, begging for hand-outs. There are special labor camps for the impoverished where they are assigned tasks that meet their physical and mental abilities, snd are paid enough to afford them cheap living quarters, approximately 130 square feet in size, and the most basic of food stuffs and hygiene products to keep them alive. No, they cannot refuse.
Remember, the Supreme knows best.
Project Oxygen is a go- several small parks have been “re-habilitated” into giant filters and fresh air is beginning to be sold in fancy plastic bottles thanks to Bertrand King. He’s been trying for a while to convince Gabriel that Adrien should do commercials for Project Oxygen, as it would be great for the boy’s career…. But Gabriel always comes up with an excuse to get out of it. The latest being that it wouldn’t match with Adrien’s new look.
Audrey Bourgeois ADORES Adrien’s new look! It’s so much more bold and edgy! Also, the latest fashion trend is not glitter, it’s metal studs- industry and progress in a sleek, metallic form.
Audrey is home more often than Andre, who could be gone for months at a time working on one of his movies. But of course he still handles important paperwork and does video calls to check on hotel and sends lots of very expensive gifts to his little Princess.
Chloe is even more abusive and demanding of Sabrina, and poor Sabrina puts up with it for her father’s sake-
There has been a lot of vandalism lately (thanks to Shadybug and ClawNoir) and talk that Enforcers just aren’t as effective at keeping the order as they used to be. Word is that tech Giant Tsurugi is in the process of designing new automatons that will be more efficient (and less costly) than human Enforcers. Who knows? There may even be a surge of Enforcer lay-offs if the project becomes successful. Chloe has hinted that she MIGHT be willing to put in a good word with Daddy, should Mr. Raincomprix be one of the many Enforcers who finds himself out of a job. The Hotel could always use more security guards/bouncers. But since Daddy ONLY hires the most DEDICATED employees… Well, how can Chloe possibly make a recommendation if she’s not sure Sabrina’s dad would REALLY give it his all? So Sabrina bends over backwards until she breaks and then some to keep Chloe happy.
Officer Raincomprix is also uneasy about talks of future layoffs, and as such, has become harsh in Enforcing law and order. No little wrong doing goes unnoticed or forgiven. No leniency. (Think Roger-cop without the Akuma).
Rose is not that perky. Under the Supreme, there is no socialist nonsense like Universal Healthcare, so medicines, doctor visits, prescriptions, hospitals… it’s all crazy expensive just like in the USA. This means, in order for Rose to be able to attend a private school like Francois Dupont; her parents work a LOT of overtime and pinch pennies whenever they can. So it’s very lonely at home and in this universe, Rose has not (yet) met Juleka (as stated in previous headcannon). Instead of Unicorns, Rose’s favorite animal is the Caladrius, (a mythological bird that can heal any illness). Though unicorns and kittens are still in her top five favs.
Rose doesn’t see the word through rose-colored glasses. She can’t see the silver-lining in ever raincloud… Instead, she tries to make it herself; if there is no positive, she will just have to invent one! It’s more work, and exhausting, but she HAS to, otherwise she’d drown in depression. Rose’s illness is kept a secret, not because she fears people will treat her with pity, but that she fears people will look down on her; like she’s a burden on her parents, like it’s annoying to have to put up with her weakness.
(I’ve actually been sick myself, since xmas day in fact- perhaps as punishment from the universe for making ClawNoir cataclysm Santa Claus)
Penny is Bob Roth’s personal servant- er, I mean, assistant… which means she’s also gopher for XY. (There is no woman in Paris more miserable than Penny).
Jean-Pierre Monlataing is still an Art teacher at Francois Dupont… and he teaches traditional art styles. Helping students practice time-honored techniques through repetition and standardization. Graffiti is not art, so no spray-paint cans in his classroom! Alix Kubdel is his most troubled student. Marinette does not attend art club. Nathaniel shows great talent for portraits.
Jalil strives to be better than his father; he admire Nathalie Sancoeur and hopes to rise to her position of Director of the Louvre someday.
Directors of Museums are prestigious positions you have to work hard your whole life to even be considered for, as The Supreme appoints them. As far as the public knows, this is for the sake of preserving history as well as ensuring that dangerous ideas from the past do not repeat themselves and inspire anarchy in young, impressionable minds.
The reality is that they are searching for clues to missing Miraculous.
The Supreme has already taken steps to ensure the Prodigious will never pose a threat to his power (Temple and access to cave have been destroyed and the bracelet has been confiscated and placed in a secure location).
But there are still most likely Miraculous scattered across the earth. Gems that, if fallen into the “wrong hands” could disrupt the peace and order that the Supreme has worked hard to maintain.
Marianne intends to find these Miraculous first… if only she had the help of someone younger and more physically up to the challenge.
When Gabriel/Betterfly/Hesperia forms “The Resistance” and Marianne is introduced to their ranks, this is exactly the plan she suggests in order to take down The Supreme and give power back to all the people.
She only has a few clues on where to start searching though.
…Fun fact, if you were to unify the Ladybug miraculous of creation with the Eagle miraculous of freedom, you would get Ladybird- determined to create a new, free world.
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chroniclyst · 1 year ago
tvc masterpost
the venus cycle, lovingly nicknamed "vgb" (vee gets bitches) is the trilogy my wife @deadhorse77 and i are writing together. it centers on the town of halcyon's hythe where, when new people arrive, they completely forget that they were ever from anywhere else, and their history molds itself to fit the city. it's also about a bunch of trans people who all kinda suck in their own way and end up in the worlds worst polycule, with one shared daughter!
vee/venus | they/them
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one of the two narrating characters, they are the catalyst and the story begins with their arrival to the city. what they don't realize makes them special is that they remember their life beforehand, and instead they focus on situating themself in the lives of everyone they meet. with their arrival, the narrative dominos begin to fall. also, they're a whore and get involved with everyone else.
the chronicler | he/him
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immensely private, TC keeps his name hidden from everyone. the other narrating character, he seeks to puzzle out the mystery of the city. while he doesn't have any personal memory of his life before the city, he's aware of the effects it has on its inhabitants memory. additionally, he's prone to stalking the "people of interest" of the city, trying to figure out what their role in the story is. loserly academic vibes, like a jon sims who doesn't even have the archives going for him. he has the looks of a depressed english professor and the soul of a whore for fucking real.
paris | he or she (not simultaneously)
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titled the scholar by TC, paris is a nosy bitch who wants to know everything about everything and everyone--and knows pretty damn close to it. part fairy, and takes advantage of that extended lifespan to spend more time studying at the city college and to get into everyone's business. if you want to know something, paris is your fairy. also, he's genderfluid, swapping pronouns accordingly!
the oracle/sybil | fae/it
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while the most obvious trait about it is faer gift of prophecy, sybil has many other skills, like being a bitch to basically everyone it meets. fae're the other fairy in our main cast, and sick to death of humans who want to get their futures seen.
jax | they/them
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a member of the city police force, the detective is about as corrupt as it gets. they're violent, angry, and use their position of power to get away with everything. as an unfortunate blow to their credibility, they're also convinced that there's demons in the town, and that they'll be the one to catch one. also, they're down bad for the king.
the king | re/rem
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like TC, the king keeps rheir name close to rheir chest, as well as a plethora of other secrets. from any surface level perception, the only things re cares about is gaining more money and more power within the city, as well as a certain member of rheir staff. don't look deeper than that, you probably won't like what you find.
the ram | arieself
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part of what you'll find when you look deeper, the ram is the king's bodyguard. fully controlled by the king, air is rheir "pet project". immensely volatile and simultaneously a doormat in the face of the king's power. eventually, air will be able to come to terms with aries own power, but that time is far off still.
petra | they/them
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said certain member of the king's staff, petra generally does not give a shit about the situations unfolding around them. they view most people on a spectrum of neutrality to dislike, and are deeply apathetic. also they have low empathy autist swag!
mama/eudora | any (written with just they/he/she for convenience)
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eudora, fondly nicknamed "mama" by most, is the caretaker of the weeping girl, and a deeply caring person with a tendency to take lost souls under their wing. he's a mom friend to her core, and also? that's a fucking MILF babyyy!
the weeping girl | she/her
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the heart of the city, though most don't know it. a very long time ago, she was cursed into becoming a statue, forever crying. the fountain her tears create has healing properties, and her slumbering life force shields the city from outside forces.
while none of these characters know it yet, with vee's arrival everything they've known is on the brink of change. lives will be destroyed by their fun and flirty personality (joke + reference)
here's the relationship quilt, because everything is too complicated for a normal chart (it's read in rows, so the first row is how vee feels about the people in each column, second row is tc, etc) ("spade" refers to the concept of kismesis from homestuck)
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asked and answered
on the ram
on paris and tc
on tc
on vee as the catalyst
on tc
on paris and jax
on sybil and loneliness
more veeposting
on vee and guilt
on vee and tc
on tc and some of his struggles
on tc
on jax and vee
on the ram
more tc
the king
art nexus
reference masterpost
tc & vee
vee (color palette style)
tc & the king
anyways please ask the both of us about this. we love to talk about it and we have such a beautiful autism about our ocverse.
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feministsouthpark · 9 months ago
South Park Filler Guide - Season 8
Link for Seasons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
PLS my analysis will have spoilers, if you’re a first time viewer, just scroll to the bottom and read the list and only read full text if you are familiar with the content of the show already! S8E1 Good Times with Weapons is FILLER
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Yes! Everyone's favorite season premiere is a filler, baby! It was fun, we sang, we cried, in the end Butters never has a scar on his eye again. S8E2 Up the Down Steroid is LORE
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We have a new tradition, which is that after last season's Krazy Kripples, we'll have a new Jimmy episode every year! And this is the first time we meet Nathan and the rest of the special education kids. S8E3 The Passion of the Jew is FILLER
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I wanted to tell you this one was canon, because the season has constant mentions of Passion of the Christ so far, but in the end, it doesn't even matter. S8E4 AWESOM-O is FILLER
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Sooo if every anime filler was as good as these ones, the filler guides most likely wouldn't exist (or they would, because humans), but again, what we have is a self-contained story. S8E5 You Got F'd in the A is FILLER
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At one point I might have convinced myself that what I'm doing with this recap makes some kind of sense, but alas, it doesn't. This became an episodic show and we miss out on all the best episodes. Why am I lamenting at You Got F'd instead of Good Times with Weapons? Because I'm a loose cannon with no regard for the law. That may be true, but I get the job done, God damn it. S8E6 The Jeffersons is CANON
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No other Mr. Jefferson episode came out while Michael was still alive. As a hologram he later references his name being Jefferson again, but this one only ads a little more context to that. This one also pretty much introduced the new cops of South Park. S8E7 Goobacks is FILLER
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Yes, Darryl and the Took our jobs meme are here, but it will return in enough episodes to still be understood. S8E8 Douche and Turd is CANON
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What a great election episode! We get town lore (Stephen with the ram's horn again) and an allegory that will return in a big way later. S8E9 Something Walmart This Way Comes is FILLER
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I regularly forget this one exists and doesn't make a difference at all. Sorry, got too subjective. Objectively this is an episode with a simple message and without a larger scope for the show. S8E10 Pre-School is FILLER
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Trent Boyett never returned. But if you think about it, he is one of the boys' greatest foes. I wish one of the specials was a follow-up of the 15 year old versions of the characters meeting Trent again. If everything else fails, THAT would bring me back and change my classifications! S8E11 Quest for Ratings is FILLER
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One time the boys played cops. They even played musicians. Now they play newsreaders. Only Jimmy is in for the long-run and he will get episodes that focus on that individually. S8E12 Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset is CANON
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Not just because it's a follow-up to Death Camp of Tolerance, that in itself wouldn't be enough. But Paris also has an extended role in a specific later episode I mentioned a lot, but never dropped. It's 200 by the way. And 201. Now I am a bit picky of which ones to include if we got no other clue for an episode. The show never got to 200 celebrities at that point. Also, some of them were in that episode first. So only the most prominent ones get their debuts counted as canon ones by default. S8E13 Cartman's Incredible Gift is CANON
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A character dies. Harrison Yates gets more role here as a detective, slowly drifting away from Barbrady. S8E14 Woodland Critter Christmas is FILLER
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It's just in Eric's mind. Some of you are already mad at me for this. Some of you will only get it later and be mad at me in the season 11 post.
Again, CANON means you should watch it, FILLER means you can skip it, LORE is somewhere in-between, any episode with the LORE label will have an explanation that helps you decide if you should include it or not. S8E1 Good Times with Weapons is FILLER S8E2 Up the Down Steroid is LORE* S8E3 The Passion of the Jew is FILLER S8E4 AWESOM-O is FILLER S8E5 You Got F'd in the A is FILLER S8E6 The Jeffersons is CANON S8E7 Goobacks is FILLER S8E8 Douche and Turd is CANON S8E9 Something Walmart This Way Comes is FILLER S8E10 Pre-School is FILLER S8E11 Quest for Ratings is FILLER S8E12 Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset is CANON S8E13 Cartman's Incredible Gift is CANON S8E14 Woodland Critter Christmas is FILLER
*Casually introduces the special ED kids
CANON counter:
S1: 9 out of 13  S2: 3 out of 18  S3: 6 out of 18  S4: 10 out of 17  S5: 8 out of 14  S6: 11 out of 17 S7: 6 out of 15 S8: 4 out of 14
Overall: 57 out of 126
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nickeverdeen · 3 months ago
Hi! This is my first time requesting for anything ever on Tumblr, and I don't know how matchups work exactly, but I made sure to read your rules, so it is totally alright if you ignore this if I mess up or something XD (I'm also sorry if this is too long, I tried to make this as orderly as possible - I have OCD)
To start off, I would like to ask for a Romantic matchup, from MCU, Spider-Man Spiderverse, Hunger Games, and Detroit Become Human. If that is too many than my top two to either choose from are Spiderverse and Hunger Games (trilogy or BOSAS)
I am 23 years old. Bi and Ace. She/Her/Hers. And I am down for either male or female matchups (more into male though).
I am caring, especially for loved ones.
I am incredibly generous! I love buying things for people I care about, (like books, or things custom-made from Etsy.)
I am pretty loud and talkative when with someone I know.
I have ADHD and Autism, so I get distracted easily; sometimes when I talk I just go- Squirrel! Literally Doug from Up.
I hate when things change. Hate when schedules change, plans, or when books turn into movies (depending on the series).
It takes me a bit to get used to people, I am super shy and super awkward. But while I think I am just awkward, I've been told that I am intimidating. Huge RBF.
If someone talks to me first, I will reply, it's just hard to start conversations.
Stubborn, I like being right, and spontaneous.
I am emotional. I have RSD, (Rejection Sensitivity Disorder,) so I always think people dislike me, lol.
I love making sure the people that I am close to are okay.
I am so pretty optimistic, in certain situations.
I also get overwhelmed easily, and need time to cool down, and I like having my alone time, but I crave human interactions...
(I think I should continue with other stuff now, it's already getting long, so I apologize!)
Movies; ANYTHING in the Dreamworks Trolls Universe! I am obsessed with Trolls, it is my hyper fixation/special interest! I know everything about it. The Truman Show, Lord Of The Rings series, The Three Musketeers from 1994, National Treasure, The Barbie Movie, The Muppets, The Hobbit series, The Ash Lad series, and more!
TV; The Good Place, Futurama, Extraordinary Attorney Woo-Young-Woo, and Pride And Prejudice BBC
Books; Pride And Prejudice, anything Jane Austen honestly, Tim Burton, Edgar Allen Poe, William Shakespeare, The Phantom Of The Opera, and more!
My favorite colors; red, pink, and black
I love all animals, even the ugly ones, but I am very scared of horses (bad experience, lol)
Music; JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE and NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, Paris Paloma, Rachel Zegler, Sabrina Carpenter, Chappell Roan, The Trolls soundtrack, Twisters soundtrack, Poets Of The Fall, Snoop Dogg, Glass Animals, Troye Sivan and more! Current fav song is Say My Name from The Beetlejuice Musical (I am always listening to music, always have headphones on.)
This is maybe something to note, Idk, but I am a sometimes a hopeless romantic. I really wish for my life to be a fanfic or movie sometimes...
When someone says a fact, so confident that they are right, but they are not, you know?
People touching my stuff without permish
Noisy people in movie theaters
Loud noises, crowded places, touchy people, gross/rude people, idk
Oh, I also like drawing/painting, I am an artist :)
Thunderstorms, I can sit and watch one for hours, and have
Collecting; Rocks, Trolls merch, action figures, books, Barbies, Kens, pictures, stuffed animals, movies DVDs, music CDs, records, and cassettes
I love reading! SOOOO much! And I love writing too!
Video Games! FNAF, Minecraft, Uncharted 4, Baldur's Gate 3, Still Wakes The Deep, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Mario Kart, and more!
Love Lang - Giving; Gift-giving, acts of service, and words of affirmation
Love Lang - Receiving; Gift-giving, acts of service, words of affirmation, and some physical touch (hand-holding, forehead kisses are to die for, and hugs)
I am so sorry it is so long! You can ignore if this is too overwhelming! Thank you so much for your time! xoxoxo
You did it perfectly, but next time maybe make the letters bigger as I had to put on glasses for this
Your MCU match is…
Peter Parker 1
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Peter would adore your artistic talents, often asking for custom doodles or drawings to hang in his room
He’d join you in your hyperfixations, researching Trolls lore or quoting your favorite songs
Peter would never get tired of listening to your rants or tangents, often chiming in with his own random facts
He’d be amazed by your collection and always try to add unique items to it, like rare action figures or limited-edition Trolls merch
Peter would reassure you during moments of RSD, reminding you how loved and appreciated you are
He’d love playing games like FNAF or Mario Kart with you, often getting overly competitive in the best way
Peter would surprise you with small acts of service, like reorganizing your DVDs or cleaning your art supplies
He’d always remember little details about your favorite movies, songs, and books to bring them up in conversation
He’d hold your hand tightly during crowded places, always making sure you feel safe and comfortable
Your Spider-Man Spiderverse match is…
Miles Morales
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Miles would love your hyperfixations, often drawing Trolls characters for you to surprise you
He’d gently help you through moments of overwhelm, offering his quiet company and letting you recharge
Miles would absolutely geek out with you about your favorite movies and soundtracks, always ready to share music recommendations
He’d frequently gift you small trinkets like rocks or keychains he found, knowing how much you love collecting
Miles would admire your artistic talent and sometimes ask for tips to improve his graffiti work
He’d encourage your love of writing, often volunteering to brainstorm plot ideas or just listen to your stories
Miles would always check in to make sure you’re okay, knowing how important emotional safety is to you
He’d hold your hand or give you forehead kisses during thunderstorms while you both watch the rain
Miles would adore your RBF, often joking about how intimidating you look versus how kind you are
He’d get into your favorite games like Minecraft or Mario Kart just to spend more time with you
Your Hunger Games match is…
Peeta Mellark
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He’d understand your need for alone time, giving you space but always being ready with a warm hug when you’re ready to reconnect
Peeta would create quiet, romantic moments for you, like watching thunderstorms together or reading side by side
He’d encourage your optimism, reminding you to celebrate your wins and cherish small joys
Peeta would love listening to your music playlists and sometimes hum along to your favorite songs
He’d help you organize your collections, admiring each item and asking about their stories
Peeta would write sweet notes for you, slipping them into your art supplies or books for you to find
He’d always take your side when plans change, helping you adjust and ensuring you feel comfortable
Peeta would adore your hopeless romantic side, often surprising you with heartfelt gestures or recreating movie-like moments
He’d love cuddling during movie nights, always making sure your favorite snacks and DVDs are ready
Your Detroit Become Human match is…
Connor RK800
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Connor would meticulously research Trolls to understand your hyperfixation, often surprising you with fun facts or rare merch
He’d create a soothing environment for you during moments of overwhelm, dimming lights and playing calming music
Connor would help you organize your collections with precision, ensuring every item is displayed perfectly
He’d admire your art, often asking for pieces to keep in his workspace as a reminder of you
Connor would encourage your writing, always giving constructive feedback and cheering you on
He’d learn your favorite songs and subtly hum them when he notices you feeling stressed
Connor would protect you in crowded places, always staying close and ensuring your comfort
He’d create a log of all your favorite movies, books, and songs to never forget important details about you
Connor would be endlessly patient with your ADHD and Autism, always adapting to your needs without hesitation
He’d develop a fondness for thunderstorms because of how much you enjoy them, sitting with you for hours to watch the rain
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 years ago
Regarding that casting call, either way we are winning. If the date is a mistake and it's actually 1985, then it's yet another confirmation that Devil's Minion is happening. But if it is really 1785 *puts on clown face* then it's definitely a flashback to finally show us Nicolas (and Lestat) in the theatre. Like, narratively speaking it doesn't make any sense for the show to wait at least 3 or more years to cast someone as important as Nicolas, specially when he has aleady been hinted so many times in S1. Let's not forget that Lestat's first spoken words in the show are literally A DIREKT QUOTE FROM NICKI. The question is ofc who would be telling that part of the story. It would make sense for it to be Armand but I can't really see him sharing that information with Louis and he's very capable of keeping his mind shut. It could be Louis reading some member of the old troupe's mind though. Imagine someone who knew human Lestat first hand and then was turned and ended up working with Armand... Since Louis can read minds in this version it wouldn't be too far out of reach, wouldn't it?
If it was up to me (and given the beautiful way the show has been working with the concept of relics so far) I would just give Louis the Gift to see the past by touching objects (like that character from Mayfair Witches) and make him find the red velvet cloak hidden somewhere in the theatre 🥲
Ha, yeah I'd love that too (and have actually written about it in a fic^^). And yes, mistake or not, both years are "winning", agreed!
As you said - it is highly unlikely that Armand would volunteer that tidbit of information though... I cannot really think of who might do though (except if they massively changed a certain fact).
I just answered another ask, and theorized there that it might have to do with Marius and Bianca in Paris... and the fact that Les Innocents was closed in 1780, and that the bones were moved to the catacombs in 1786.
Which means Armand and his coven had to relocate sometime 1785. Which must have been, of course, a rather harrowing event for the Children of Satan, then.
So, while my first thought also jumped to Lestat and Nicki immediately (and I'll be very happy if they go this route, I hope that doesn't need to be said, because YES *laughs*)... my gut feeling does point more towards that now... ugh. We'll see.
But I love it either way, all the little tidbits of events and lore they use to tie this show in reality... they did it so wonderfully in season 1, I bet they'll be brilliant in season 2 as well.
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deathfavor · 2 years ago
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Erik, aka the Phantom of the Opera, is a phantom of many talents. While I don't know the full extent to which the series will take him and thus, this might be suspectible to change, I'm going to pull from aspects of the original book, the show of this version, the las vegas performance (since that's the one I saw), and the movie.
He is most well known for his singing that often draws people into an almost trance-like state. He's a master of manipulating his voice both as a singer, but also as a ventriloquist. He knows how to manipulate his voice to the fullest extent, and can often very quickly learn what soemone else's voice is capable of and what training could or could not achieve. ( And mimicry is also a skill, though one rarely used due to his own vocal range). He is a musical prodigy in all senses of the word. He can sing, he can compose, he can recognize songs by a few notes, as well as hear a piece and play it back. He's extraordinarily well versed in operas, but also in many classical pieces of various countries. It's the aspect of his knowledge that is quite well known.
As one might also expect, he is a master at evasion and stealth, but this primarily relies on his own awareness. He can be taken off guard, as Arsene literally picks him up and Erik doesn't even struggle out of shock. But when he is aware or plans for it, he's almost impossible to catch by natural human means. He's extremely acrobatic and has a high level of endurance and a higher than average stamina, though not higher than that of Arsene Lupin in terms of stamina.
Less known is Erik's genius when it comes to architecture. It is a KEY aspect to his ability to evade. Erik is extraordinarily well versed in various forms of architecture, being the mastermind various elaborate buildings. As such, he's often at home when on the run and will recognize hidden pathways/rooms/doors even if the blueprints don't share it. Erik was, once upon a time, under command of varios people to build them unique, one of a kind rooms, passages, etc. ( all of whom tried to kill him once he finished for knowing too much). These one of a kind builds and creations, as well as his own further learning and implimentation and building in the Paris Opera House, has gifted him an genius level of architectural understand and a near level for invention and engineering. He's put this to use in learning many kinds of stage magic as well, but it remains in practical uses rather than the type we see Aleister Crowley utilizing.
Finally, Erik is well versed with both swords and in strangulation tactics.. He prefers distance, namely either luring people into traps or by using what is commonly called a lasso. In all likelihood, this is a translation struggle. At the time of Leroux writing, a technique in Persia became known to the world where a rumāl was used with a coin knotted at one end so it would wrap around a victim's throat and strangle them to death. This news particularly fascinated the French, so it is likely this is Erik's speciality, though he can use a lasso as well. In swords, Erik is particularly skilled with a shamshir, a Persian style of sword used for attacking unarmed opponents on foot or horseback, as well as using sabers.
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rockislandadultreads · 2 years ago
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NoveList Combos: Character Driven & Thoughtful
Did you know NoveList is a database you can access with your library card to find reading recommendations? Find your next favorite read with this fantastic readers tool! Check it out on our website here.
Swing Time by Zadie Smith
Two brown girls dream of being dancers—but only one, Tracey, has talent. The other has ideas: about rhythm and time, about black bodies and black music, about what constitutes a tribe, or makes a person truly free. It's a close but complicated childhood friendship that ends abruptly in their early twenties, never to be revisited, but never quite forgotten, either.
Dazzlingly energetic and deeply human, Swing Time is a story about friendship and music and stubborn roots, about how we are shaped by these things and how we can survive them. Moving from northwest London to West Africa, it is an exuberant dance to the music of time.
Red at the Bone by Jacqueline Woodson
As the book opens in 2001, it is the evening of sixteen-year-old Melody's coming of age ceremony in her grandparents' Brooklyn brownstone. Watched lovingly by her relatives and friends, making her entrance to the music of Prince, she wears a special custom-made dress. But the event is not without poignancy. Sixteen years earlier, that very dress was measured and sewn for a different wearer: Melody's mother, for her own ceremony-- a celebration that ultimately never took place.
Unfurling the history of Melody's parents and grandparents to show how they all arrived at this moment, Woodson considers not just their ambitions and successes but also the costs, the tolls they've paid for striving to overcome expectations and escape the pull of history. As it explores sexual desire and identity, ambition, gentrification, education, class and status, and the life-altering facts of parenthood, Red at the Bone most strikingly looks at the ways in which young people must so often make long-lasting decisions about their lives--even before they have begun to figure out who they are and what they want to be.
Monogamy by Sue Miller
Graham and Annie have been married for nearly thirty years. A golden couple, their seemingly effortless devotion has long been the envy of their circle of friends and acquaintances. 
Graham is a bookseller, a big, gregarious man with large appetites—curious, eager to please, a lover of life, and the convivial host of frequent, lively parties at his and Annie’s comfortable house in Cambridge. Annie, more reserved and introspective, is a photographer. She is about to have her first gallery show after a six-year lull and is worried that the best years of her career may be behind her. They have two adult children; Lucas, Graham’s son with his first wife, Frieda, works in New York. Annie and Graham’s daughter, Sarah, lives in San Francisco. Though Frieda is an integral part of this far-flung, loving family, Annie feels confident in the knowledge that she is Graham’s last and greatest love.
When Graham suddenly dies—this man whose enormous presence has seemed to dominate their lives together—Annie is lost. What is the point of going on, she wonders, without him? 
Then, while she is still mourning him intensely, she discovers that Graham had been unfaithful to her; and she spirals into darkness, wondering if she ever truly knew the man who loved her.
The Great Believers by Rebecca Makkai
In 1985, Yale Tishman, the development director for an art gallery in Chicago, is about to pull off an amazing coup, bringing in an extraordinary collection of 1920s paintings as a gift to the gallery. Yet as his career begins to flourish, the carnage of the AIDS epidemic grows around him. One by one, his friends are dying and after his friend Nico's funeral, the virus circles closer and closer to Yale himself. Soon the only person he has left is Fiona, Nico's little sister.
Thirty years later, Fiona is in Paris tracking down her estranged daughter who disappeared into a cult. While staying with an old friend, a famous photographer who documented the Chicago crisis, she finds herself finally grappling with the devastating ways AIDS affected her life and her relationship with her daughter. The two intertwining stories take us through the heartbreak of the eighties and the chaos of the modern world, as both Yale and Fiona struggle to find goodness in the midst of disaster.
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thememoriesofaqueen · 2 years ago
Love Will Remember 4
[Chapter updated in June 2023] A/N: Hello & welcome back. Today is Katherine Pierce's 550th birthday, so I thought let's celebrate this special day by gifting you all the next chapter of 'Love Will Remember'. And as always I want to thank you for your continuous support and feedback. It means a lot to me ♥
English is not my first language    
→ I do not own anything of the TVD - Universe and I’m not affiliated or associated with the writers etc. This is only a headcanon/fanfiction.
Pairings: Kalijah (Katherine & Elijah), Klatherine (allies)
Rated: M
Read on: AO3 and / or FFnet
Word Count: 3.6k  // Masterlist (x)
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▬ New York City // Paris ▬
"You did what? You can't be serious, Nik! Have you lost your damn mind?"
Klaus rolled his eyes and was tempted to remove the phone from his ear to avoid getting tinnitus. "It will work, sister. Don't tell me you don't have a little faith in our new friend."
"Friend is hardly the right word, brother, and you know it. You entrusted that manipulative, lying, scheming, unworthy wench with this sensitive topic!"
"Poppycock! Don’t assume I don’t know what I’m doing!" Klaus raised his voice before he reminded himself to stay calm. Of course he still has doubts about the success of his mission but Katerina was desperate. If her life means something to her, she will make sure to make their deal work.
"And have you, omnificent brother, considered that she will use Elijah's weak spot to manipulate him against us? You are delusional to believe that this strumpet can mean anything to him IF she even gets a reaction out of him."
"Stop this nonsense, Rebekah! Of course I am aware of the risk but that's why I won't let her be unsupervised. And if there's anyone outside our family who might have a chance to get through his current lost condition, it's her. Don't believe I haven't noticed how our oh-so-noble brother lusted for her."
"Now you exaggerate, Nik. Elijah didn't lust after her, that hardly is what it was. He probably pitied her. And who can blame him? Elijah always was the one who makes himself strong for the weakest. Even if it happens to be for such a slut as Katherine Pierce. Or Katerina Petrova, doesn't make any difference if I'm honest."
"I hardly matter, does it, sister? As long as she fulfills her mission,  we don't need to get to the bottom of our brother's questionable taste. And if Katerina proves to be useless to us, I simply kill her. It's a win-win for both situations." The corner of his lips curled upwards, vividly imagining the downfall of Katherine Pierce.
"And what if she is successful? Do you simply pardon her?"
The grin on Klaus's lips fade and his expression grew stern.
"I'll see. It probably depends on our dear brother's view. Can't have him turning his back on us again if I kill his lover. Although it wouldn't be the first time." A shrug followed his words, although Klaus is aware this might be going to be a problem in the future. He can't picture Elijah having a serious interest in the doppelgänger but one never knows. Especially because he does remember the time in Mystic Falls, shortly after Elijah handed over the last white oak stake to him, where he asked him to pardon Katerina.
What were his words? 'As your family, as your only living brother, I would ask that you provide me with this opportunity to feel, to care. To love.' If Elijah truly meant what he was saying back then, if his supposed feelings for this horrible doppelgänger weren't a mere charade, then his plan should work out. One could believe him that he would welcome it if it were anyone else but Katerina Petrova. But unfortunately, Elijah had developed a pretty intense connection with her and still seemed to believe he could find the naive human girl somewhere inside her.
A fool, that's all he could say regarding this matter.
And a dangerous fool, Klaus thought to himself. If he doesn't have Katerina under absolute control, there is the risk that she'll make the situation worse. Elijah had already betrayed them once when it came to this horrible person.
"Don't worry, Rebekah. I'll have it under control and as soon as we have Elijah back, we will deal with the Hollow. I'm positive we will see each other soon. Until then, take care of you, little sister."
With that, Klaus ended the phone call and returned his attention to the small, French army that he has created.
Manosque, France
Katherine had been racking her brains over the last few days about how to proceed.
She couldn’t just talk to Elijah and say, 'Hey, your family is waiting for you, they really suck, but they also really miss you so it's still a win for you.'
She also could not try to break his neck and deliver him to Klaus. That was unfortunately not the goal of the task, even if that would have been probably the easiest variant as Elijah was apparently not in an alarm position at the moment.
What else was left? Flirting with him and turning his head? That felt wrong on so many levels.
They had been together once and had separated, or rather, he had separated. She refused to come anywhere close to flirting with him because although she is a great actress, deep down she cannot forget that he rejected her. Trying to force herself to flirt with him would make her feel cheap. Why did she still have to deal with it after all these years? She could have something so much better right now. Well, she could, but then Klaus would tear off her head. She still wonders how he managed to find her. She thought they were finally even...
So what was left? And above all, what would preserve her dignity?
Until further notice, she had limited herself to reluctantly going back to the pub. Reluctantly, because she didn’t want to be near him. Meanwhile, she had no doubt that he could not remember her (otherwise he would have reacted to her, right?), but it still caused her discomfort.
An Original that was potentially out of control was nothing she wanted to be close to. After all, one could not know what such memory loss could do. Although there were no signs of aggressive behavior, Elijah seemed exceptionally peaceful and at peace with herself every day she listened to him play.
Maybe her discomfort was just because she didn’t like looking at him. Not because he wasn’t a handsome man - because he is - but simply because it reminded her of what she had lost. Many years ago...
Apart from that, she had to admit that this new style of clothing, which had nothing to do with his usual formal appearance, looked forbiddenly sharp. The suits were incredibly sexy but these Henleys he apparently started liking to wear? It was a hot look on him. If they didn’t already know each other (or rather knew each other), he would definitely be the type of man she would appeal to.
Even now, when she currently sat in the pub again to watch Elijah play, she felt this feeling arise. It made her remember things she wanted to forget. Not because they were bad things, but because they were good memories; sometimes quite passionate memories.
What was that?
Is she starting to feel attracted to him and dwell in passionate and hot memories just because he looked different and she watched him play?
Please no, she can't have that.
Those were thoughts she felt ashamed of because she didn’t want to feel that way about him. In fact, she hated it. She didn’t want to adore a man, let alone someone who didn’t want her!
Katherine downed her drink and shook her head before she grabbed her purse and left the Pub in the middle of a song he was just playing.
It had been a few days before Katherine dared to go back to the pub. As if she were afraid of what awaited her there (which she certainly was not - at least not in that way).
The last few days she had spent on the Côte d'Azur, away and out of Manosque, switching off her head, enjoying life. Without thinking about Klaus, who probably had her followed. Without thinking about Elijah, her ex, who (fortunately) couldn’t remember her and who she was supposed to bring back to his family. They have been beautiful days. But somehow ..., maybe it was her paranoia, but at some point, she had started to get concerned. As if Klaus were stalking at every corner and waiting to put her to an end.
His appearance in Paris had completely ruined her inner peace. She would even go so far as to say that the fear of him was back. He had surprised her completely unexpectedly and she knew that he was not joking when it came to his brother. If she wasn’t successful then..., then she will have to run again, hide, and assume false identities. A terrible thought.
So before focusing on this disaster, she preferred to focus on the piano.
Admittedly, this activity here was a waste of his talent, his playing was a piece of background music. People listened to him and clapped when he finished his play, but basically, no one really appreciated it. At least not in a way that would have been appropriate.
Elijah had never shown his instrumental talent openly, or rather rarely. She didn’t know the exact reasons for this, but she could imagine that the Elijah she knew would never give his talent to something so inferior.
As in the days before, there were different glasses, empty and some with leftovers on the piano, people chatting while he was playing, toasting each other, laughing loudly, and leaving the building whenever they liked.
Normal behavior in a pub where nothing was out of the ordinary.
At least if you ignored Elijah’s presence - he was the one who didn't fit in there. And yet nothing disturbed him. He seemed like he didn't mind it. Again, the behavior of the people was normal for a pub but the way that Elijah seemed entirely unbothered by the lack of respect?
He, who expected and demanded respect from others, accepted this behavior.
Katherine was sure that - if this had been the normal Elijah - speeches would have been already held and heads would have rolled. Another proof that this man was a different person.
But she thought too much about it again. And thinking too much about the same things wasn't recommended.
Katherine, who was sitting at the bar as usual, emptied her glass and decided to devote herself to her book again. A book whose content she didn’t care about but which was a good cover.
She needed a reason to sit in a pub every night Elijah played there (which was actually not every day). Admittedly, reading was a strange reason to visit a pub, but at least it stopped people from addressing her. The French people are incredibly flirty and of course, tried their luck with any beautiful woman they believed are available. Of course, it was not surprising, but she had actually received several requests for more drinks, to trips, or other flirting attempts. She really preferred that boring book over those fruitless attempts of desperate men.
So that’s what Katherine did. She sat at the bar, ordered a drink from time to time, and also let her gaze wander to Elijah every now and then. Just to make sure that he was still there and that they hadn't switched the player.
She felt quite stupid about it, but she hoped to learn something about him by getting acquainted with this new Elijah. Who knows, maybe she recognized certain patterns?
Every now and then, although she thought it was impossible, she actually lost herself in the book she had procured. Not because it was interesting, but because she preferred to focus on something that had nothing to do with Elijah.
"Mademoiselle, voici un verre pour elle," First, Katherine did not feel addressed, but when the bartender pushed a glass of whiskey over the counter, she raised her head in amazement. She didn’t order anything? And she wouldn’t take a drink from a stranger, either. Precaution, if one so will. It’s nice that a stranger buys her a drink, but she really didn’t need that, especially if she hadn't supervised it.
Katherine closed her book and packed it back in her bag which was just big enough to fit it.
"Non, il doit y avoir un malentendu - no, that must be a misunderstanding. Please tell the person that it is nice, but he should not give his bought drink to me," Katherine retorted and was about to push the glass away from her when an all too familiar voice sounded behind her.
"Forgive me, I didn't intend to insult you."
Katherine turned and looked at Elijah’s face. How had she not noticed that he had stopped playing?
"Don't worry, I definitely didn’t take it as an insult," was all she could respond because she was ... puzzled. How did she end up in this situation where he buys her a drink? He doesn't even know her.
"Then I am reassured. It should actually be just a courtesy because I saw that your glass is empty and I know you're here often."
Did he? Katherine was surprised that he seemed to recognize her from her previous visits.
"That's really nice. Perhaps I should reconsider my initial aversion. Do you like to take a seat? Perhaps we can share a drink." Maybe she should really seize this opportunity, even if it was indeed unexpected. She didn’t expect him to talk to her.
Elijah accepted her invitation, sat down on the empty bar chair next to her, and ordered a beer.  A beer, not even a glass of whiskey, what an unusual choice for him.
"You seem to have had the right instinct, how did you know I liked whiskey?" she asked innocuously and politely, although it was hard to just have a casual conversation with him. He wasn't just anyone, after all.
"I deciphered it from the empty whiskey glass in front of you", he retorted and a tiny smile is playing along his lips. "You’re a tourist, right?"
"What gave me away?", she asked, seriously interested although she thought she knew the answer. She was also thankful that she was capable of coming up with a quick counter-question and not starting to stumble. That would have been embarrassing.
"You speak English and most French don’t speak English within their own country. Admittedly, many aren’t really skilled at it when they do."
"Hmm, can I assume you’re a tourist too? After all, your English is pretty good." A stupid question, after all, she knew that he was not French, but she wanted to keep the conversation going. She had to find out more about him, about this new version of Elijah.
"I wouldn’t call myself a tourist, I’ve lived here for some time."
"Interesting, where do you originally come from, may I ask?"
This question seemed to make him hesitate; she recognized it by the hint of a frown, which was really only slightly indicated.
Does that mean he didn’t know where he had lived before? As far as she knew, he had been living in New Orleans the entire time before this ... loss of memory happened. He couldn't have just woken up in France one day, could he? Why didn’t Klaus give her more information?
"I have lived in the United States before, but I have always felt a connection with France. Life here is simply more beautiful."
"I agree, it really is beautiful here." She could well imagine that the real Elijah would also like it here.
Before she could continue her conversation, Elijah got his beer, which he toasted to her.
"To a continued wonderful stay."
"To a continued wonderful stay," she repeated before she took a sip of her whiskey. Elijah did the same but with his beer which she noticed that he enjoyed. He wasn't grossed out by it - which obviously can be expected because if new Elijah didn't like beer, he wouldn't order it. But still, it was a fascinating discovery.
Katherine also knew that this was probably a unique opportunity that opened up for her here. How and where else would she have such a casual conversation with him? Especially because in this case, it hadn't been her who initiated it and therefore, it's impossible that he could grow suspicious of her.
"Did you ever thought of returning to your homeland?", Katherine finally questioned to keep the conversation going.
Elijah thought about it for a rather quick moment. "No, I don't think of moving away from here. At least not for the moment. I feel at home here, why trade this for something else?"
His question made Katherine wonder if he knows he has family in the United States. If he even misses them in case he knows of them.
"I think I can understand that pretty well. I rarely feel at home somewhere, so if I feel comfortable somewhere, I'm going to enjoy and appreciate it as long as it lasts." Katherine doesn't like to give such insights into her thoughts because it is the truth. Katherine rarely feels at home somewhere, no matter how generous and luxurious the accommodation or how beautiful the landscape is. She is used to not staying for too long; the price of being always on the run. Eventually, even if there's no such reason, she starts to feel uncomfortable. If she stays too long in one place, the risk of someone starting to notice her gets too high. One won't remember a random person but one certainly will remember a frequent guest. Isn't that why she's having this conversation with Elijah in the first place? Because he started to notice her frequent visits? 
It surprised her that she was so ... genuine with him but she assumed that despite everything, he’s still somehow ... him. Perhaps it is what she wanted to believe. In fact, she doesn’t know what she wanted to believe or not. She’s confused and still overtaxed by this surprising conversation. 
Katherine noticed that Elijah watched her with interest. As if he was analyzing something. Is he going to recognize her?
"So I assume you're returning soon to where you initially come from?" he choose to ask which caused her to shake her head with a smile.
"No, I'm on vacation. As I said, the south of France is a beautiful place. The chic beaches, picturesque places, unspoiled landscapes, idyllic mountain villages, and the impressive rocky coasts are definitely worth a visit." It's a shame that she cannot enjoy the beautiful landscape like a normal tourist. "I still have a lot planned and I think I can’t leave until I’ve done everything." 
How true. After all, she had a mission that was unfortunately not as beautiful and easy as marveling at picturesque places and beautiful beaches.
Klaus had ruined France for her. On the other hand..., if she were successful, she might actually be able to start a new chapter. She would be free, her main enemy would no longer be her problem. Anything else would be manageable then.
"That sounds like a very versatile program," said Elijah, bringing his beer to his lips.
Katherine nodded, "It is. It remains to be seen whether I will succeed."
"I keep my fingers crossed for you," he replied before he emptied the last sip of his beer and then conjured an apologetic smile on his lips.
"I have to say goodbye now, the duty calls," he glanced at the abandoned piano with a wink. "It was nice to talk to you and of course, I wish you a continued nice evening."
"Then of course I don’t want to stop you. Thanks again for the drink," she raised the glass a little bit and offered him a genuine smile. Elijah returned the smile, a slight hint of his dimples visible before he returned to the piano.
Now that there was some space between them, Katherine reviewed the conversation. Talking to Elijah was surprisingly easy as if there had never been a past connection between them. And, although she shouldn't interpret too much into it, she still wondered how he noticed her. Sure, the pub wasn't that big but there certainly were other guests who visit frequently as well. Did she feel flattered? Perhaps. But only a little bit. Right? Damn, Katherine!
Although she had sworn to herself that someone like Elijah, someone from the past, someone whose chapter has been closed years ago, had no influence over her anymore, he still seemed to hold some kind of power over her. The thing is ... it felt nice talking to him. So familiar. Like nothing bad ever happened between them. And in all honesty ... she missed these talks she used to have with him.
She knew it was wrong and against her principles. Gosh, she could slap herself for even feeling that way. She couldn’t even blame it on the alcohol or Elijah's new, very unexpected but still very fitting dress style. Only she is at fault and perhaps a cold shower is needed to get some sense back into her.
It really is for the best if she leaves now.
She took her purse and left the pub even before Elijah started to play again. If there’s one thing she’s really good at, it’s running away.
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A/N: Kalijah's first interaction after their breakup. Who would have thought that memory-less Elijah is going to buy her a drink?
Please consider leaving feedback as it keeps my muse for writing alive. ♥
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onmymasa22 · 4 months ago
When the guy whos like ur brother gets out of gaza and is in Jerusalem for two days and comes see you
Thank u hashem for the interview going well today. I want to give a lot of tzedaka this year. I will calculate the money i maje each month. I will relax today, hopefully just be ok.
When ur 9 and go to the school nurse because you're sick and they're pissed because u dont know the important phone numbers so they need to look it up themselves. All u know is the semi important telethon number for channel 11 and various carpet companies.
Having a bad day is like when ur prime time of the day is usually from 6am to midnight and today it was from 10am to 11am.
I dont know if israel is the most beautiful country. I think that amsterdam and chicago in the fall, paris, the countryside, beaches in greece. I think hashem created the whole world.
Hashem created the whole world. And to me, sunsets are sunsets, grass is grass, beauty is beauty. I think the goal is to see hashem everywhere. Its like explaining to someone why dogs are the best. To someone who loves
A part of me is a lover of the world. Ive always loved traveling. I like going to different countries for a day each, and experiencing it that way. Like meeting someone for the first time, and falling in love, and having a 24 hour mad love affair. Do i think israel is the most beautiful country? No. Because theres lots of beautiful countries, wonders of the world, lots of beach sunsets everywhere. Gd created all of it. Israel, like a spouse, is a gift of birthright. Its a yerusha, the place given to u to live. That makes it special. And we're still in galus.
40 shekel an hour, in the middle of the year, itll be 42
Morning 8-3, afternoon 12-, evening,
night- 10- 7
4pm yeshivat tzevet
Maybe humans have difficulty with timing. Adam and chava couldnt wait till shabbos. Kayin- bad timing. Noach saying to hashem what did u do- bad timing. Egel, bad timing. Maybe because the soul doesnt do anything according to time.
Something will always hit different u meet a nova survivor, listen to whatever they want to share, and give them a hug for as long as they want.
And hugging him, i really feel like im hugging his soul. Like one soul to another. Im just hugging a soul who went through pain, and when i went through pain, i just wanted for someone to say "im so sorry you went through that". Because i dont want u to feel any pain. I just want u to be happy. I just want for u to feel love. So here, feel my love.
Go to
I want sandwich club
י נ א ש י מ ר ה
Who else is partying on Wednesday night? And by partying, i mean enjoying a fabulous nyquil shot, many glasses of tea, and watching all the ryan reynoldss movies in existence... because we are fashionably late to the whole being sick party. If anyone has any funny movie recs, let me in on it
Im weird. Ill go to your house and do your dishes. Ill be the one who asks you how ur family is with rock music going when others are fine with the hey, hows it going. I know it probably doesmt fit, but i dont care. Ill show up in pajamas and a big red overcoat. If i could, id spend all my time with old people who have mental illnesses. I love that even though they act like a little kid sometimes, u still respect them.
Let me learn ur name before i learn my ur file.
I hate myself a little. Im too nice.
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spoilertv · 5 months ago
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toxinellebug · 1 year ago
Paris Special Alya Headcanons
Even without Marinette, I feel Alya would still stand up to Chloe, thus making her the blonde’s new target.
Also, because Alya’s mom works as chef in the Grand Paris Hotel that Chloe’s dad owns, it is easy to imagine Chloe hinting that her mom’s job could be on the line everytime she feels Alya getting too uppity.
Freedom of the Press is not a thing.
The News reports whatever the Supreme feels the people need to know.
The Supreme is the reason they have “world peace”, having ended the 2nd World War and uniting all nations.
But Alya is way into conspiracy theories… and the biggest one she’s keen on is the theory that the Supreme isn’t the wise diplomatic force that history books paint them as… Alya believes there is some darker force at work; some kind of puppet master pulling the strings of this Centralist society to keep people in line.
But when strange events cause the Le Grande Paris to close down, threatening her mom’s job, Alya believes there is a NEW conspiracy, and she is determined to uncover the truth!
Mysterious “disasters” keep happening in Paris, far too many to be brushed off as coincidence.
There are also wild rumors going around of instances of average citizens finding themselves in crazy and dangerous situations, yet coming out completely unscathed and in some cases, even saving others with unbelievable abilities.
But of course, the Enforcers can never find any trace of supernatural involvement, and it is believed that the adrenaline caused by the direness of the situation gave people a temporary boost of human strength, and no doubt the trauma and shock of such horrific events cause some people to have delusions and hallucinate, because there is NO WAY something like Superpowers actually exist!
But when Alya investigates when there are no Enforcers watching, those people will swear on their life that they weren’t hallucinating.
The only thing these people all have in common? They all claim they heard a soothing voice inside their head, offering them aid and gifts in the name of the greater good.
All these people, different ages, with seemingly no connection to one another, yet all claiming to have heard the same voice say the same thing? Oh yeah, something is definitely going on, something the Enforcers are trying to cover up, and Alya won’t rest until she finds the truth!
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educational-travel-blogs · 6 months ago
Ultimate Guide to Packing for a Winter Study Abroad Program
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When it comes to Winter Packing, layering is your best friend. Choose versatile layers that can handle fluctuating temperatures and heated indoor spaces. Start with thermal innerwear for those chilly days, add a cozy fleece or wool sweater, and finish with a waterproof, windproof jacket. This combination will have you covered from frosty mornings to warm, relaxing afternoons in a café.
Step Up Your Footwear Game
Navigating snowy streets or icy sidewalks calls for reliable, waterproof boots. Insulated boots with a strong grip will keep you steady and warm, reducing the risk of slipping. Don’t forget to pack moisture-wicking socks to keep your feet cozy and dry!
Explore the Arts and Humanities Programs: https://authentica.com/disciplines/arts-and-humanities/
Accessorize for Style and Warmth
The right accessories can make all the difference in winter. A stylish hat, scarf, and gloves not only enhance your look but also shield you from the cold. Opt for touchscreen-friendly gloves so you can stay connected without freezing your fingers.
Tech Must-Haves
Your phone will be your go-to tool for navigation, translation, and keeping in touch. Ensure all your devices stay charged with a universal adapter and a portable charger. Since daylight hours are shorter in winter, consider packing a compact flashlight or headlamp for added convenience.
Business related Programs: https://authentica.com/disciplines/business-study-abroad/
Prioritize Health and Well-being
Winter weather can be harsh on your skin, so pack moisturizers, lip balm, and sunscreen (yes, even in winter!). Staying hydrated is also key—bring a reusable water bottle to keep up your fluid intake.
Organize Your Important Documents
Keep all your essential paperwork—passport, visa, travel insurance, and prescriptions—organized in a folder for easy access. Having everything in one place will save you time and stress when you need it most.
Educational Study Abroad Programs: https://authentica.com/disciplines/short-term-educational-programs/
Comforts from Home
A soft blanket or throw can make your dorm or apartment feel much cozier. A travel mug is also a great addition for sipping hot drinks while exploring wintery landscapes.
Celebrate Local Traditions
One of the best parts of studying abroad during winter is experiencing local festivities. Be sure to pack a nice outfit for any special events—whether it’s a theater night in London, a fancy dinner in Paris, or a cultural celebration in India.
Be Ready for the Unexpected
Travel can be unpredictable, so it's smart to be prepared. Pack a basic first-aid kit, a few snacks, and a good book for downtime or unexpected delays.
Healthcare study abroad programs: https://authentica.com/disciplines/healthcare-study-abroad/
Travel Light
Since you’re only abroad for a short time, pack light. You’ll be grateful when moving through airports or hopping on public transport. Plus, packing light leaves room for souvenirs and gifts to bring home.
There you have it—a streamlined packing guide to ensure your winter study abroad is both enjoyable and stress-free. Travel smart, embrace new cultures, and enjoy every moment of your journey! Safe travels!
Check out our upcoming stem study abroad programs https://authentica.com/disciplines/stem-study-abroad-programs/
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