speakspeak · 8 months
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Montauk — Paravel
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sweetpandorabox · 1 year
Peter Pevensie as a Boyfriend ⚔️🛡️
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⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨sweetpandorabox୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎…⋙
Warnings ⚠️: Slight mentioned of sexual themes and some spicy stuff.
Dating this incredibly attractive, loyal protector and brave older Pevensie sibling could include:
He's really protective of you and often expresses how much he loves and cares for you, so much so that if anyone even tries to come close to hurting you by words or physically he won't hesitate to eliminate them.
He's quite a gentleman and believes that he has to take care of all the ladies in his life including his Mother, Susan, Lucy, and especially you. He would offer his arm when the two of you are waking together, he would bow to you when he greets you and he never lets you carry anything, Peter has that timeless chivalry personality about him.
Sword fighting lessons with him only for it to turn into an extremally spicy make-out session after, because of the build-up of sexual tension over time and the fact that he always wins with him pinning you down on the floor without even trying.
You are the only one that can calm him down after he blows up after fighting with his sibling or is stressing out about ruling Narnia.
He would see you falling asleep nearby the entrance of the castle waiting for him to return from a patrol ride around Narnia which he finds to be the most precious thing, then he'll pick you up in his arm and carry you to sleep in his bedroom and not your own one.
He calls you cute nicknames like Darling, Pretty, Lovely, or Princess.
Likes when you call him Pete, Darling, Sugar, or Your Highness (He likes when you call him that because it sounds so seductive coming from your mouth).
His love language is probably Acts of Services, sure he loves a good PDA once in a while and all the things you both did together as a date, but he's a natural server and protector. He shows his love by protecting you, making sure you're fed well and healthy, or the little things like helping you take off your gown, brushing your hair for you, or helping bathe you.
Ask for your input before making a big decision because he trusts you and relies on you for support especially if he has to debate it with his siblings first.
Horseback riding around the beach in Cair Paravel to watch the sunset, but the both of you would ride and share one horse with you sitting and wrapping your arm around his torso, while he leads the horse.
Whenever he sees you doing something and looks about busy he comes up behind you, and turns you to face him by spinning you around by the waist before caressing your cheek softly and then pulling you into a sweet yet passionate kiss.
He requests you specifically when he's hurt/injured after a battle or some tough fight training days to take care of him, like cleaning his wounds, being there to kiss him, holding his hand to lessen the pain, or performing some oral sex on him if he's in the mood (😏) instead of choosing his other loyal servants.
The two of you are always smiling around each other before it erupts into a fit of laughter out of nowhere ending up with you and Pete on the floor dying.
Lucy and Edmund would catch the both of you kissing or showing PDA somewhere then they'd look at each other and get grossed out saying "Eww" or "Get a room you two, there's a billion inside this castle", then you and Pete would somehow share the same mindset and start teasing them by kissing even more, or exaggerating the PDA until both Lucy and Edmund can't take anymore and run off, giving you and Pete a good laugh after.
When it comes to sex he's very gentle with you making sure to put you first before himself, despite how much you drive him crazy with lust because of how attractive you are to him, so it's mostly slow, passionate sex but he does love giving you a good hickey mark all over your neck and chest area or when you give him a bit of ear play to get him turned on.
He's actually quite funny intentionally most of the time and can be quite sassy as well which you find hilarious especially when he's annoyed, hungry, or frustrated.
Let's you wear and steal his white long-sleeve tunic for bed instead of proper pajamas because it looks adorable on you and fits slightly larger.
He falls for your cute puppy eyes every time, even if he says no multiple times or refuses your request at this moment it always works and he always says "Oh come on don't do this to me Darling" but then you'd plead and he would sigh before smiling and boom he says yes.
He never goes to sleep without solving a fight and he wouldn't let you sleep either until the both of you have a makeup kiss.
He doesn't seem to be the jealous type on the inside because he hides it so well from you, but when he sees someone staring at you for more than 5 seconds he rolls his eyes and kisses you out of nowhere.
@igncrantbliss @milivanili99 @thatdummy-girl @nighttimemoonlover
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aesthetic--mood · 2 months
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Narnia Summer Aesthetic
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ahjong · 4 months
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De Humani Corporis Fabrica (2022) dir. Véréna Paravel & Lucien Castaing-Taylor
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myfairkatiecat · 1 year
does anyone else ever really, really wish they could go to narnia?
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narnianskys · 2 years
The skills of a King or Queen
They had to rebuild a kingdom. In the aftermath of the war with the white witch the newly crowned Pevensies had a daunting task. Narnia was in shambles after the 100 year winter. With the help of many older Narnians they learn skills and helped their people. 
Peter learned the crafts. He was taught wood carving from the fawns and black smiting from the dwarves'. He worked with his hands to create things. To mold tools and weapons to help and defend his people. He would often forge swords for his allies as a sign of trust and comradery. 
Susan quickly took to the art of the hunt. Her skilled marksman ship added her well as she became an expert tracker. She learned trapping and enjoyed the solitude and peace the chase would provide. it was said she was so nimble of foot that even if she walked right behind you, not even the crunch of a leave would catch your attention. 
Edmond had a rudimentary knowledge of cooking from his mother both nothing comprehensive. He set his sights on learning the Narnian dishes that his people loved to dearly. As he did he learned to butcher and create serval herbal remedies. He excelled and it became quite the honor to have the young King hand craft meals for visitors in Care Parevel.
Lucy spent her time out doors in the gardens and fields. She loved to learn about each crop and tended to them with her hands and her heart. It wasn't uncommon for visitors when bowing to the young ruler to see her dust covered skirts and the dirt embedded in her nails. 
They worked together, forging a brighter future for their people. Nothing was easy after the war but in time Narnia thrived.
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fieriframes · 9 months
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[We sailed away on a winter's day. With fate as malleable as clay. But ships are fallible, I say. And the nautical, like all things, fades. And I can recall our caravel. A little wicker beetle shell. With four fine masts and lateen sails. Its bearings on Cair Paravel.]
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nightingale2004 · 3 months
Cair paravel was known as the kingdom of four thrones. It was also home to the two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve, the Kings and Queens of Narnia.
But Cair Paravel is not the only famous kingdom in Narnia known for its creatures and royalty.
In the western lands of Narnia stands the great kingdom of Terabithia, ruled by the great King Jesse Aarons and his beloved sister, princess May Belle Aarons
Terabithia was taken over by the dark master, who enslaved Terabithians for centuries. That was until young Jesse Aarons and his best friend Leslie Burke came and helped free all the slaves and started a great revolt against the dark master befriending the great Terabithian giants and recruiting the most mightiest and tiny of warriors to help with their cause including a little troll hunting companion Prince Terrian aka P.T
After the great battle, Jesse and the Terabithians won, but he lost his best friend Leslie and many warriors in the process, but those who fought and survived mourned with Jesse for the loss of their friends, family, brothers, and sisters including Leslie who they already considered their young Queen along with Jesse as their King.
Jesse helped rebuild Terabithia, and all Terabithians named Jesse their King despite him being young, but before he could do anything else, Jesse brought his little sister May Belle to become their princess and rule alongside him which brought great happiness to kingdom of Terabithia.
As the years went by, Jesse was known as King Jesse, the Visionary who was known for his bravery to protect his kingdom and family, his loyalty to his subjects, and his kindness. He was also known for his artistic painting abilities.
As for May Belle, she grew up beautiful both inside and out. Her kindness and generosity were known to all Terabithians (along with her love for purple flowers), and she was also known to be just as stubborn and protective of her kingdom just as much as her older brother. May Belle was known as Princess May Belle the Kind.
She and Jesse have ruled side by side, bringing prosperity and peace to their land and have even expanded their alliances to other kingdoms and lands. They even had the pleasure of meeting the Kings and Queens of Cair Paravel, building an alliance and sharing stories with each other.
King Jesse Aarons the Visionary
Faceclaim: Josh Hutcherson
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And his sister Princess May Belle Aarons the Kind
Faceclaim: Bailee Madison
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(Hope you all enjoy this little au I made.)
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thinkingimages · 9 months
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Leviathan. 2012. USA/France/Great Britain. Directed by Lucien Castaing-Taylor, Véréna Paravel. DCP. 87 min.
Without dialogue, and composed of visuals captured by a camera without boundaries, Leviathan is a completely immersive experience. Upon a fishing boat that has departed the port of New Bedford, Massachusetts, directors Lucien Castaing-Taylor and Véréna Paravel accompany a group of men—who remain nameless—out to sea. The rhythm of the film reflects that of the sea and the routine of the men on board the ship; days and nights become almost indistinguishable, as the punctuation of time passing becomes the suggestion of a man dozing off on his meal break or the brief respite of a cigarette in between slicing extraneous fins from the catch. The camera accompanies fish stolen from the sea in large nets, sloshes on deck with waste accumulated from the ocean, and careens to the heights at the top of the boat. An experimental style, combined with sheer technological inventiveness, results in a manipulation of the documentary form that inverts our very conceptions of what it can be.
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rainintheevening · 2 months
Envoys to Archenland
Rumours and stories had already come trickling and flying over the passes to Anvard, mostly through the Narnians who had once fled the Witch’s winter.
But still it was a surprise when a page came into breakfast with a letter of introduction from:
"Sir Renard and the raven Carrisol, Envoys of Their Majesties the Kings and Queens of Narnia."
King Lune raised his eyebrows at his wife. "Kings and queens? Whatever can they mean?"
"What sort of person is this Sir Renard?" Queen Celeste asked the page boy, still standing by the table.
"He is a fox, your majesty."
A fox he certainly was, when they met him in the throne room an hour later. Sleek and ruddy, keen eyes that surveyed the room, and a confident tilt to his head. The raven hopped beside him, as they both came forward and bowed.
"Your majesties," said the fox, "we come to you in Archenland as envoys sent from Narnia, from the High King Peter, the Queen Susan, the King Edmund, and the Queen Lucy."
"We come in peace and friendship," continued the raven, his croaking voice echoing in the high ceiling, "with hope for the renewal of old treaties, and the return of the goodwill that had long existed between our lands."
"So it is true then!" Queen Celeste leaned forward, her excitement drawing a smile from the king. "The Witch’s reign has ended and the winter is over?"
"Indeed, your majesty." Sir Renard smiled, white teeth gleaming. "Slain by Aslan Himself."
Just the name 'Aslan' caused a thrill to run through the room, and King Lune's heart beat quicker in his breast.
"It was He who called the Four from the Worlds Beyond, and crowned them Lords and Ladies of Cair Paravel, jewel above the eastern sea."
Carrisol hopped in place twice, excitement getting the better of him. "When Aslan bares His teeth, winter meets it's death! So it was written on the High King’s sword, and so it is! This, your majesties, is the age of restoration!"
"Astonishing," Queen Celeste murmured. "Can anyone here recall a time before the reign of the White Witch?"
"A hundred years, and the curse broken." King Lune shook his head in wonderment. He himself had only just reached 30, and his father had died not five years prior having seen less than 80 years. Lune had never visited Narnia, only heard the terrible stories from a handful of Narnian creatures who had escaped to join the Archen court.
"And so in peace and friendship we welcome you," he said aloud. "We will hear the whole story at luncheon, if you will take it with us."
"Certainly, your majesties." Both fox and raven bowed low.
"But briefly." Queen Celeste leaned forward, curiosity getting the better of her. "These kings and queens. There are four of them you said? How is this possible? Who are they? What are they like?"
A laugh from the fox, quickly stifled by a swift peck from the raven.
"Ah, pardon, your highness." Sir Renard regained his dignity with a quick shake of his body. "They are brothers and sisters, called from another world into this land to sit in the four thrones at Cair Paravel, and rule us by Aslan's decree."
"But what are they like?"
King Lune did not try to hide his own smile, but he too was eager for a clearer picture of these new monarchs.
Renard and Carrisol looked at one another for a moment, before the raven tilted his head.
"You have known them since the first days, Renard."
The fox sat back on his haunches, thoughtful. "They are young, your majesties. The eldest has seen but sixteen winters. They are not royalty in their own world, and have a lot to learn of rulership and courtly business. As do we all," he added, with a rueful grin. "So we learn together. And truly these half-grown cubs are... extraordinary.
"The High King Peter is a fierce protector, brave and quick to act. His heart is great, his sight is keen, and his sword is sharp. Even in these few months, he has loved us and our land with his sweat and his blood and his tears. He is one I would follow into the very fires of the Underworld."
"So would we all!" croaked Carrisol fervently.
"The Queen Susan, now," Renard went on. "Gentle Aslan called her, and gentle her hands can be. She is the motherly one, making sure all are heard and cared for, and very much the mistress of the castle. But she has no little skill with a bow, and does not hesitate to defend her family when her gentle words have failed."
He fell quiet then, eyes cast down for long enough to cause unease to creep into the room, but he raised his head as Queen Celeste drew in her breath to speak.
"His Majesty, King Edmund is wise beyond his years, swift to see that which is not shown, and hear that which is not said. His story is his own to tell, but I can say that though he followed after the Witch in the first days of their coming to Narnia, he learned the error of his way, and was restored by Aslan, showing great bravery in the Battle of Beruna against the Witch. He is his brother's beloved right hand, and shows mercy in ways I do not think I ever could. He too would I follow wherever he might ask."
There was something in the fox's tone that Celeste could not understand, something suggestive of far more than was said. But her heart squeezed with sympathy for a boy gone astray and brought back. She wondered who their parents were, and if they still lived in that other world.
"As for our Queen Lucy," and Renard's voice lightened, "why her laughter makes the trees dance. She is small, but strong in hope. She is like a light, and she brings healing wherever she goes. She cares for all, even the smallest, most forgotten creatures, and all love her in return."
"Indeed we do!" agreed Carrisol.
"They do sound extraordinary," said King Lune after a respectful pause. "We look forward to hearing more at the noon hour."
"Indeed, your majesties." Both bowed low again. "King Lune, Queen Celeste."
As they were shown out of the audience chamber to rejoin their centaur escorts in the courtyard, the raven Carrisol was heard to remark, "Very nice, decent people they are."
And Sir Renard answered, "Indeed. I think the Four will be very glad to know them."
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bloodybigwardrobe · 2 years
cair paravel going from grand splendor to filled with ghosts to being the ghost itself, though.
golden as the golden age, full of life after so much death, home to laughter and joy as well as its inhabitants. home of nightmares (full of battles and blood and families torn asunder) but also home of comfort after a harrowing night, the sun breaking through clouds again and again, a home of safe return and justice. a symbol of better times, of the seasons returning to grace the lands, of a bountiful harvest and many a feast in name of all that was lost. a place to seek shelter and be given hope once again.
and then the kings and queens disappear, and suddenly warm halls fill with a chill they only knew from jadis and her time. suddenly, light grows dull even in the reflections of the crystal chandeliers, suddenly there is more empty room than there should be. and time goes on, and cair paravel persists, but grows quiet and echoing, full of stories and people no longer living inside its walls, full of that what it knows it could be while festering in that what it is becoming, until a new war tears through its walls and buries the stories in rubble and forced amnesia, until its ghosts lie as covered in dust as its collapsing halls.
and it still exists, up in the cliffs above a sparkling and abandoned sea. there are columns and cracked stone floors and walls, overgrown but never gone. it stands like a skeleton of history that’s been forgotten, a memorial without visitors. bitter, abandoned, killed in the onslaught of violence its country was subjected to. a ghost, bound to haunting the green growing over its bones, bound to haunting itself in absence of its old ghosts. empty and broken into too many pieces to not be a corpse, rotting in its own unheard anger.
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"The great lion came back, but Susan never forgot that they had killed him. What certainty was there to be found if even gods could die? He came back, but surely nothing happens the same way twice."
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aesthetic--mood · 1 year
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Narnia Autumn Aesthetic
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ahjong · 4 months
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De Humani Corporis Fabrica (2022) dir. Véréna Paravel & Lucien Castaing-Taylor
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The castle of Cair Paravel on its little hill towered up above them; before them were the sands, with rocks and little pools of salt water, and seaweed, and the the smell of the sea and long miles of bluish-green waves breaking for ever and ever on the beach.
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"The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" - C. S. Lewis
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