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fondazione-m · 1 day ago
L'Opera Parallela
L’Opera Parallela: cinque volumi per la costruzione filosofica del paradigma del dissenso e l’invocazione di una vita normale di livello umano, partendo dall’assunto che la vita si svolge ordinariamente per consentire un livello subumano, dove nemmeno le cose più ovvie prendono significato, la sopraffazione ha il sopravvento e le guerre sono testimonianza di quest’era contemporanea così lontana…
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i-am-a-polpetta · 1 year ago
appena ricevuto lezione di vita dall'✨Esperta✨: per fare il cuoco/a basta avere passione per la cucina.
certo figlia mia e per fare il muratore ti basta 3 mattoni e una cazzuola.
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santae-salt · 2 months ago
Now that I think about it… can someone explain what part of Santae actually feels innovative to the petsite genre? The webpage layout is relatively uninspired, with a lot of features boiled down to “title - npc image - button beneath them” and the pet system not being any bit creative outside of just dust = paintbrush equivalence. The wardrobe is a significant mess with layers (the necklace layer sits over hair iirc and other weird choices). I don’t see what Santae really brings to the genre other than “our pets have 4 layers of shading now” even though the art doesn’t feel strikingly Better from a ton of already decade old petsites. Even the kickstarter proposals feel relatively lame, I don’t see how Santae brings anything new to the table other than a fresh coat of visual paint that used AI for the npcs anyways. It just feels like a rushed project and the events that don’t do anything but adding more items feel like there’s not really any plan to develop more mechanics outside of an already known formula, with the frequency to nearly weekly events feels rushing + strange for a website game that doesn’t need a competitive ccu to justify daily updates that aren’t actually testing anything. Like this isn’t roblox… you can slow down… It’s worrying for the beta state of the game to just be “we added an item, we added a pet, yay!” Instead of actual testing. I got bored of the site incredibly fast and I wouldn’t be surprised if cj decides to run off. I might just be incredibly negative about it but there’s just no pull or innovation behind the site to me to feel like I want to invest anything into it, especially after they used AI and didn’t disclose it until it blew up in their face. It just feels alike to shitty nft game projects that would pretend what they have is new and unique while being made with stolen or ai assets.
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blogbirdfeather · 1 year ago
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Xylographa parallela
Sintra/Portugal (23/11/2023)
[Nikon D850; AF 105mm Micro-Nikkor F2,8 with Circular Flash Nissin  MF 18; 1/250s; F14; 400 ISO]
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violeblanche · 6 months ago
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valentina-lauricella · 1 year ago
Stanotte ho sognato mia madre che mi parlava con voce carezzevole e confidenziale, attraendomi a sé con le braccia: con un lieve, ininterrotto sorriso, mi diceva che quando aveva capito di non essere morta, aveva "fatto rumore" e qualcuno era venuto a prenderla per portarla in un ospedale dove era rimasta solo pochi giorni. Io, nel sogno, prendevo il suo racconto alla lettera e mi allarmavo, pensando di averla fatta seppellire viva, ma lei sdrammatizzava dicendomi di non preoccuparmi e mi abbracciava. "Adesso che sono guarita posso tornare a casa," concludeva.
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sognosacro · 1 year ago
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A volte mentre faccio pipì mi sento come se una me parallela lo sta sognando e la fa nel letto
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marcopuggini-blog · 2 months ago
Naufragio del Bayesian: L'Inchiesta Parallela! Approfondimento Radio PugginiOnAir 07.11.2024
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sparkspropaganda · 4 months ago
And ik people talk about it a lot but I loveee that ada doesn't explain herself. She knows leon is misunderstanding her on some level- she knows that on many levels his idea of her is warped by his own perspective and feelings about her "betrayal"- but she doesn't try to give him the details. Can't give him the details, not with the job she has. But she doesn't lie. She just lets him fill in the gaps....
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permaculturaorganica · 6 months ago
Permacultura & Filosofia: un sogno procastinato genera mostri
Il vocabolario intellettuale in voga presso il City System, è: pagare, aspettare, temporeggiare, rimandare, rinviare, sognare, commerciare, pensare, dire, rimproverare, lavorare, vendere, comunicare, studiare, ballare, sperare. Si sottace spesso il più primitivo«fare». L’esistenza di questa generazioneè congelata Tutti i migliori propositi vengono sistematicamente messi in “stand-by” in attesa…
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mercuriicultores · 9 months ago
Plutarchus – Vitae prallelae, «Vita Alexandri», I, 2-3
Οὔτε γὰρ ἱστορίας γράφομεν, ἀλλὰ βίους, οὔτε ταῖς ἐπιφανεστάταις πράξεσι πάντως ἔνεστι δήλωσις ἀρετῆς ἢ κακίας, ἀλλὰ πρᾶγμα βραχὺ πολλάκις
καὶ ῥῆμα καὶ παιδιά τις ἔμφασιν ἤθους ἐποίησε μᾶλλον ἢ μάχαι μυριόνεκροι καὶ παρατάξεις αἱ μέγισται καὶ πολιορκίαι πό��εων. Ὥσπερ οὖν οἱ ζῳγράφοι τὰς ὁμοιότητας ἀπὸ τοῦ προσώπου καὶ τῶν περὶ τὴν ὄψιν εἰδῶν οἷς ἐμφαίνεται τὸ ἦθος ἀναλαμβάνουσιν, ἐλάχιστα τῶν λοιπῶν μερῶν φροντίζοντες, οὕτως ἡμῖν δοτέον εἰς τὰ τῆς ψυχῆς σημεῖα μᾶλλον ἐνδύεσθαι, καὶ διὰ τούτων εἰδοποιεῖν τὸν ἑκάστου βίον, ἐάσαντας ἑτέροις τὰ μεγέθη καὶ τοὺς ἀγῶνας.
[LAT] Non enim historias, sed vitas scribimus; neque semper clarissimis factis virtutis aut vitii insunt indicia, quia immo saepe exigua quaedam res dictumve aut iocus plus de ingenio alicuius documenti praebet, quam immensa hostium strages edita, maximae pugnae, urbiumve oppugnationes. Itaque sicuti pictores vultu et habitu externo faciei ex quibus potissimum natura hominis apparet similitudines exprimunt, minima reliquarum partium habita ratione; ita nobis quoque concedendum est, ut signa animi colligentes, iis vitam uniuscuiusque depingamus, aliis magnitudinem factorum et certamina relinquentes.
[HIS] No escribimos historias, sino vidas; no es en las acciones más ruidosas donde se manifiestan la virtud o el vicio, sino que muchas veces una situación pasajera, un dicho o una niñería sirven más para declarar un carácter que batallas en que mueren millares de hombres, numerosos ejércitos y sitios de ciudades. Por tanto, de la manera como los pintores toman para retratar las semejanzas del rostro y aquella expresión de ojos en que más se manifiestan la índole y el carácter cuidándose poco de todo lo demás, así debe a nosotros concedérsenos que atendamos más a los indicios del ánimo y que por ello dibujemos la vida de cada uno dejando a otros los hechos de gran apariencia y los combates.
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onryou-onryou · 10 months ago
Shohei Takagi Parallela Botanica 1st Album "Triptych" 【Official Trailer #1】
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embracedbythesea · 6 months ago
I just watch the episode and I was like NO WAY I'M BACK ON MY HILL WITH MORE THINGS
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I can't hear you from the top of my ship hill!
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iannozzigiuseppe · 2 years ago
Dimensione parallela di Giuseppe Iannozzi Foto di Jr Korpa su Unsplash Gli occhi mi cercano, come se non fossi, ora, veramente accanto a te Sempre quella paura di scorgermi malamente, da un momento all’altro, fantasma in una dimensione parallela Sul quadrante dispettose le lancette si ostinano su malinconie e grigie ombre segnandole lunghe
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byler-alarmist · 2 years ago
This picset reinforces my suspicions that Mike understood Will in the van. We know S2 and S4 mirror each other in many ways. That face of Will in the shed and Mike in the van are the same!! They were being given a veiled love confession by their best friend and got super emotional over it but couldn't openly reply how they wanted to (S2 Will because he was possessed, S4 Mike because they weren't alone in the van and he was still technically with El).
And I'm willing to bet both S2 Will and S4 Mike briefly got their hopes up that the feelings were mutual before it all came crashing down (S2 Will being pressured by Mike to dance with a girl, S4 Mike being pressured by Will to say ily to El), Then they each felt confused and crushed, realizing they wrongly interpreted the confession (even though they didn't!!)
if not endgame why????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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amostcuriousmythicist · 12 days ago
After the sack of Troy Diomedes was cast up on the Libyan coast where Lycus was king, whose custom it was to sacrifice strangers to his father Ares. But Callirrhoe, the king's daughter, fell in love with Diomedes and betrayed her father : loosing Diomedes from his bonds, she saved him. But he, without regard for his benefactor, sailed away, and she ended her life with a halter. So Juba in the third book of his Libyan History.
Pseudo Plutarch, Parallela Minora 23
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