#paradox magneton
retrogamingblog2 · 2 years
Magnetic Crochet Paradox Magneton made by MikasPatterns
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amfmrdo · 2 years
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trainerjoshie · 5 months
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Pokémon TCG SV Promo (2023), Paldea Evolved (2023), Obsidian Flames (2023), Paradox Rift (2023), Paldean Fates (2024) & Temporal Forces (2024) illustrations by kurumitsu
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front-facing-pokemon · 2 months
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kaos-mass · 10 months
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agentc0rn · 11 months
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Get sandy shocked
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ofdarkestdesires · 2 years
Paradox PokeDex Redux: The Scarlet Book
So, since the Scarlet and Violet PokeDex entries for the Paradox Pokemon are a bit…underwhelming from what I’ve seen, I’ve decided to go ahead and make a bunch of fake PokeDex entries for each of the Paradox Pokemon that give them a bit more value than just “hey this is a Pokemon from the past, and also it’s been mentioned in an occult magazine, crazy!”
We’re starting off with the Scarlet-exclusive Paradox Pokemon, since those are the ones that interest me, and are from the game I actually got. You’re welcome.
Violet Book entries found here
Great Tusk
“An ancient ancestor of Donphan, this Pokémon rushes headlong at opponents with its full weight. It is believed this method of combat eventually evolved into Donphan’s signature ability to curl up and roll into its foes.”
“This ancient ancestor of Donphan lacks the capability to curl its body into a ball—rather, it relies on its superior hide and unwieldy tusks to combat would-be predators.”
Brute Bonnet
“An expert ambush hunter, this ancient ancestor of Amoongus can effortlessly blend in with the forest foliage of its home. Once hidden, it lures in unwitting prey with the its swaying arms.”
“Lacking the toxic spores of its descendant Amoongus, this Pokémon appears to have been far more aggressive and actively hunted prey by ambushing them from the shadows.”
Sandy Shocks
“Ferromagnetic dust clings to its body, grounding it and giving it an aggressive demeanor. It does not appear to have the control of its magnetic properties that its descendant Magneton possesses.”
“Scientists theorize that the incorporation of the metal dust that clings to this Pokémon’s form is what gave its descendant Magneton its hardy nature and ability to freely float.”
Scream Tail
“Rather than lulling would-be opponents to sleep with a song, this ancient ancestor of Jigglypuff instead wards off predators with a deafening scream that can cause permanent hearing loss to anything within fifty feet.”
“Scientists believe that when intimidation wasn’t enough, this Pokémon began attempting to lull its opponents to sleep—the descendants that did so became Jigglypuff.”
Flutter Mane
“The flapping of its flowing locks mimics the sounds of a giant flying Pokémon, striking fear into the hearts of its victims. Like its distant descendant Misdreavus, it seems to do so for its own amusement.”
“A vindictive Pokémon, it appears that it lost its flowing mane and instead began to wail in the night to better terrorize humans as its descendant Misdreavus.”
Slither Wing
“An ancient ancestor of Volcorona, this Pokémon appears to have used its wings as a sail to absorb energy from the sun, regulating its body temperature and giving it the strength to challenge even the fiercest of foes.”
“Its wings are designed to soak in sunlight to store as energy. Scientists believe this stored energy was eventually repurposed by its descendant Volcorona to be its own sun.”
Roaring Moon
“The ancient ancestor of Salamence, this Pokémon was a truly ferocious creature in ancient times. Modern Salamence can only ever brush against its ferocity through a strange phenomenon from another region.”
“Due to its feathered features, agile body, and ferocious reputation, some speculate this ancestor of Salamence was the inspiration behind Flutter Mane’s mannerisms.”
“An ancient ancestor of Cyclizar, this Pokémon has been referred to as the Winged King. This is in reference to its feathered plumage, a mark of pride and power—the larger the plumage, the stronger the Koraidon.”
“It has been hypothesized that as humans succeeded in taming Pokemon, the more aggressive features of Koraidon were bred out, until the domesticated Cyclizar was born.”
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the1entirecircus · 4 months
The Dinosaur/Extinct/Ancient Thing each Scarlet Paradox Pokemon is based on imo
As a dinosaur and pokemon nerd, I am compelled by a greater force (autism) to explain away the inspirations to each scarlet pokemon even if they're just a stretch.
Great Tusk- It took me a minute to realize this, but Donphan's paradox counterpart is obviously an Ankylosaur. While not based on the Ankylosaurus itself, Great Tusk does share elements of the dinosaur family such with its back plates with spikes. And while the Ankylosaur family do not have fur/feathers, giant trunks, or tusks, it is still evident by those back plates, that they are an inspiration. It could be argued that the facial structure of Great Tusk is just an exagerated and heavily mishapened Ankylosaurus. Its dumb but still.
Scream Tail- While at first, you might think that Scream Tail isn't based on anything as it is just a wilder version of the Jigglypuff we all know and love, if we take its lore into consideration then we can see that there is something to see. Scream Tail is based on the single-celled organisms that existed in our world. Now this is seemingly a stretch until you consider that in the pokemon world, this might have been when Mew was first started to branch off and adapt. This can be evidenced by Scream Tail's psychic typing as why else would it have psychic powers unless if it is a very close descendent of Mew.
Brute Bonnet- Now this is a really big stretch so here me out. Brute Bonnet is based on Pachycephalosaurs, aka the dome-headed dinosaurs. I say this because A) the spikes on its head that remind me of the spikes that surround the skull. B) Its aggressive demonstrated within the game as well as its level-up moveset which is reminiscent of how Pachycephalosaurs are often portrayed as aggressive in media. and C) the shape of its mouth is similar, not the exactly the same, but similar to the mouth shape of a pachycephalosaurus. Yes it is a stretch, but it makes to me.
Flutter Mane- This is obvious as it is mentioned in its lore, but Flutter Mane is a pterosaur. Sure, it is just a Misdreavus with elements of a pterosaur. No obvious design elements are implanted into this pokemon to make it seem like a particular pterosaur, so I am not compelled to say either or. Its like with the others, its reminiscent of a type of dinosaur, but very vague on which one. And I think thats the point to this pokemon. Because I've seen that when refering to Pteranodon, people usually say Pteradactyl. They're not wrong, they just may not realize that they are saying frog. Yes, there is a pterodactylus, but it isn't what the common people think of when they say pterodactyl, they're thinking of pteranodon.
Slither Wing- No doubt about this one, this is definitely a Stegosaurus that would give people with insectophobia nightmares. From the way it doesn't use its wings like wings to how it swings its tail in certain attack animations, this pokemon is definitely reminiscent of Stegosaurs. Sure, it doesn't have the thagomizer aka the tail spikes Stegosaurus has, but it does have a very thick tail. Another good explanation as to why Slither Wing is based on a Stegosaur is because of the theories on what Stegosaurus' backplates can do. They weren't built for defense as they are very fragile, and I can imagine the same for Silther Wing's wings. Some believe that they were used to regulate body temperature or that they could move in flapping motions like as we see with Slither Wing. I mainly bring that up because of Slither Wing having the ability protosynthesis and how its the paradox form of Volcarona who is revered as a sun god by some. Sure, all of the Scarlet paradoxes have that ability, but its worth mentioning.
Sandy Shocks- This is the most vaguely dinosaur-inspired pokemon I have ever seen, mostly because its Magneton which is a magnet pokemon. I initially thought it would be some kind of magneton sauropod (the long-necked dinosaurs) but I'm not entirely sure. You could consider the the long magnets on its bottom side as two pairs of legs, but you can also consider the magnets on its top head as its own pair of arms and its a brute bonnet situation. Its very vague. I initially believed it to be a sauropod so I'm going to go with that.
Roaring Moon- When I first saw this pokemon, I wasn't sure what it was aside from Mega Salamence. I want to say its Quetzalcoatlus because it has feathers, it flies so pterosaur, and its the big boss of the regular scarlet paradox pokemon so obviously a famous "dinosaur" needs to be picked. And when I did some research on Quetzalcoatlus' namesake, the Quetzalcoatl, and I learned that is considered he was related to the sun. So maybe Roaring Moon is a reverse of that?
Winged King/Koraidon- One may look at Koraidon and think that it is just a basic dinosaur mixed with a dinosaur bike from the Flintstones cartoon and Toothless from HTTYD. However, my eyes sees differently. I see a combination of Iguanodon, Tyrannosaurus, and raptors as well as reptiles like the chameleon. I say this because The first drawings of Iguanodon appear similar to Koraidon. Its just a fatter and bulkier version of the same animal, but red, and with feathers. Iguanodon is also one of the first discovered dinosaurs, and its one of the first Paradox pokemon we meet. Its name, Winged King, is somewhat reminiscent of the Tyrannosaurus Rex's translated name "Tyrant Lizard King". Then theres raptors, specifically, Jurassic Park's Velociraptors. They are often depicted as incredibly smart and social, being able to form groups with each other and coordinate. There is also a distinct difference between the raptors of Jurassic Park and Jurassic World. In JP, they are more violent and predatory while in JW, they are considerably more domesticated as seen with Blue the Velociraptor. But they are still violent predators. I mention this because of the two Koraidon we see in Pokemon Scarlet. The one the player has is reminiscent of Blue the Velociraptor since its kinder while the other Koraidon is more equal to the Big One from Jurassic Park which is meaner. Also in Jurassic Park /// there are Velociraptors with sparce feathering which is akin to Koraidon's feathers which aren't as sparce but still.
Walking Wake- Visually, its a theropod version of suicune with a lion's mane. However, I think its a reference to both raptors and cryolophosaurus. Cryolophosaurus is a big meat-eating dinosaur with a crest on its head. There are also many other dinosaur species that have crests. Dilophosaurus and Monolophosaurus are just to name a few. But Cryolophosaurus is picked because of its name and origin. Its name means Ice-crested lizard and it was named that because its fossil was found around the antarctic. If we take a look at Walking Wake's crest, it is visually made of ice, or at least a hard rocky material thats blue. And Suicine has always been associated with the ice type being the associated with the Northwind and such, but it isn't actually ice type.
Gouging Fire- It is very obvious what type of dinosaur Gouging Fire is. It is a ceratopsian (The Triceratops family) like Styracosaurus and others similar to it. However, it isn't just a ceratopsian, in fact its arguable that it is part stegosaurus because of the plates on its backside. Thats right, Gouging Fire is kind of a hybrid dinosaur, referencing the Stegoceratops from Jurassic World's deleted content, Jurassic World the Game and Jurassic World: Evolution. Of course, this part is a stretch, but its notable to mention. Also, unrelated but I love how its smoke creates its tail. Very creative design choice.
Raging Bolt- Like before, it is very obvious that this pokemon is a sauropod, but unlike Gouging fire and Cryolophosaurus, it is mixed with elements of several sauropods. It was mainly a titanosaur, having the long front legs of brachiosaurus and looking like a giraffe which is in reference to Giraffetitan...and Raikou. I also feel like the choice to make raikou be the long-necked dinosaur was done because of Brontosaurus' history as a dinosaur. Brontosaurus has been accidentally mixed with Apatosaurus and I don't know if its still considered a valid species or not because I've heard it be said that Brontosaurus is a real dinosaur and then it isn't, its just apatosaurus, but then it is its own species. Its very confusing. And the reason why I say this is because its a paradox, its fitting, and because Bronto means thunder. Side note, I hate its tail, it does not balance its body unless that tail is really dense. New headcanon: Raging Bolt is a dwarf star.
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andrewberry · 6 months
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Pokemon #989: Sandy Shocks
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jack-shadow · 5 months
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Some future forms for pokemon that only got past versions (I might do Salamence and the legendary beast another time)
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+Paradox Keldeo
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fierykitten2 · 8 months
It must be really annoying to be obsessed with Donphan, Volcarona, Cyclizar, Jigglypuff, Delibird, Amoongus, Hariyama, Misdreavus, Hydreigon, Magneton, Tyranitar, Salamance, Gardevoir and Gallade or any of the Legendary Beasts or Swords of Justice (except Terrakion Keldeo) rn because of everyone tagging them in posts about their Paradox counterparts. About as annoying as being obsessed with Flapple and half the posts are about Applin, Appletun, Dipplin or Hydrapple but no Flapple
I mean if you’re that much of a Gardevoir fan the fandom probably doesn’t take you seriously anyway
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crittercreations · 2 years
I almost forgor
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Started school today so I almost forgot to post the start of Paradox forms!
I’m a big fan of Sandy Shocks, it’s a silly design that has a surprising amount of thought out into it, so it’s honestly just great.
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art-g0blin-draws · 8 months
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Ask and ye shall receive receive.
Iron Fingers
Electric/Normal type
Paradox pokemon
Height: 4’3
Weight: 160 lbs
Text 1: a strange magazine lists this creature as the result of a scientific experiment from the future gone horrendously wrong! It uses its many fingers to get a feel for its surroundings.
Text 2: how this thing remains afloat is a scientific mystery! It appears similar to an eldritch horror depicted in a violet book.
Text 3: be not afraid! Many believe this creature follows a higher power. Unfortunately, there’s no way to know for sure, as it has no mouth to communicate.
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ask-sada-and-turo · 2 years
[ Connection Terminated ]
.. .
Zzt zzt
Year 000009 zzt Year 80505
[ Living being detected ]
[ Dex entry 0082 the magnet Pokémon- Dex dex- Dex entry 0989 the paradox Pokémon ]
[ Dex entry 0225 the delivery Pokémon- Dex- dex- Dex entry 0991 the paradox Pokémon ]
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Sada: Aw great job socks you found it under all that rubble
Turo: looks pretty banged up
Link to poke ask discord server
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iowadream · 2 years
new Salamence form AND a new Gallade form (literally my 2 favorite pokemon since i was 10) and they're version exclusives. man
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