#parada LGBT
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hexagonaldecency · 8 months ago
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Wanted to share my drag again 🧡
I live where the world's biggest Pride Parade happens. When I was a kid, we used to live close to the avenue where they march, so my parents took me to see it every year.
In workshops, other people always have stories about when they found out drag was a thing. I have no idea when I did. I always knew drag queens! They're the ladies that march in the parade by my apartment!
One of my most vivid memories as a child, was walking under the giant flag, in my father's shoulders. I loved it, and looked forward to it every year.
I hadn't been able to do it since... I don't even know when. Since I was still a kid. I have wanted to be under that flag so badly since then.
I missed a couple of years living in another town, and managed to attend again last year.
This year, I could do it in drag!! And guess what!! I GOT UNDER THE FLAG.
I jumped and skipped under it like a little child, I had so much fun...
I think about what child me would think about that. That more than 10 years later, we're under that flag again. Literally, and metaphorically, as a bisexual and genderqueer person.
I think she wouldn't exactly understand the gender thing. But I think she would be thrilled about the drag. The little girl who dressed up as Minnie mouse that one pride, because everyone else was in costume, now made her own costume. Of her own persona. Skipping under that flag.
I think we would jump and skip under that flag with so much joy.
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d4rkvoid · 7 months ago
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28ª Parada LGBT+ de São Paulo
Avenida Paulista, São Paulo - Brasil
Tema: Basta de negligência e retrocesso no legislativo
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kanandaxavier · 2 years ago
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E essa aqui na parada 🏳️‍🌈🥴✨
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blogoslibertarios · 2 years ago
Parada LGBT tem bloco sobre ‘crianças trans’
  Imagens de um bloco com o tema “crianças trans” na Parada LGBT da cidade de São Paulo, realizada neste domingo, 11, na Avenida Paulista, provocaram polêmica nas redes sociais. Uma foto com uma criança segurando um estandarte com a frase “crianças trans existem” foi uma das imagens do evento que viralizou entre críticos da ação. No Instagram, o perfil da organização não governamental (ONG) Minha…
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emo-grrl · 9 months ago
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galak-pitca · 14 days ago
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serwerowe rysowanie
wykonane przez trzech kosmicznych kozaków @yaoxsblog @sramba2137 i @cynameru
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twinkstwunkstightsandtrunks · 7 months ago
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PARADA [2024]
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lenomcakes · 2 years ago
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Esteros (2016) dir. Papu Curotto
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jamnickowa · 2 years ago
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mondomoda · 8 months ago
Pabblo Vittar resgata camiseta verde e amarela na Parada do Orgulho LGBT+
Um mar de verde e amarelo tomou conta da Avenida Paulista, em São Paulo, neste domingo, 02 de junho na Parada do Orgulho LGBT+. Pabllo Vittar e sua equipe e ballet aderiram ao movimento de retomada da bandeira brasileira na maior parada do mundo com um look especial do Batidão Tropical Vol. 2. Pabllo na Parada do Orgulho LGBT+ 2024 @ Gabriel Renné E foi com um repertório recheado de sucessos do…
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d4rkvoid · 10 months ago
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Placa da 27ª Parada do orgulho LGBT+ de SP
Avenida Paulista, São Paulo.
Data da foto: 25/06/2023
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bitsmag · 8 months ago
Domingo tem Parada Orgulho LGBT+ em São Paulo
Neste domingo acontece na Avenida Paulista mais uma edição da Parada Orgulho LGBT+ de São Paulo. #ParadaSP
Desfile de trios elétricos pela Avenida Paulista. Foto: Jose Cordeiro/SPTuris Considerada umas das maiores do mundo, parada paulista volta a movimentar economia paulistana Neste domingo acontece na Avenida Paulista mais uma edição da Parada Orgulho LGBT+ de São Paulo. O evento é iniciativa da Associação da Parada do Orgulho LGBT de São Paulo (APOLGBT-SP). Este ano o tema é Basta de Negligência…
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revelstein · 2 years ago
Ordosiurny Elementarz
Prezes organizacji katolickich ultrasów występujących pod rynkową nazwą Ordo Siury, obwieścił oto początek sezonu na Parady Równości. Nie w tym sensie rzecz jasna, że namawia nas do jak najszerszego uczestnictwa w tego typu wydarzeniach,  ani też nie zapowiedział swojego osobistego udziału w którejś z nich. Co to, to nie, nic z tych rzeczy jeszcze, ale gdyby jednak zmienił plany, znalazł czas,…
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sovietyaoi · 2 years ago
Top 5 piosenek/utworów, które imo powinny być grane na marszach równości
Miejsce 5 - belgijka. Ok marsze równości były początkowo brutalnymi manifestacjami politycznymi, ale teraz wiele osób, które na nie chodzą, traktuje je bardziej jako okazje do celebracji i po prostu dobrej zabawy, a co jest lepszego niż belgijka z potężną ilością osób? I tak zdjae sobie sprawe, że to jest marsz/parada i trudno się tańczy jak się idzie ale można np.: przed wyjściem w miasteczku zrobić, może nawet udałoby się pobić rekord.
Miejsce 4 - Polonez z Pana Tadeusza. Ta sama sytuacja co z belgijką, I just wanna dance.
Miejsce 3 - "Wszystko mi mówi, że ktoś pokochał mnie". Ta piosenka ma po prostu mega pozytywny wydźwięk i myśle, że pasuje idealnie do takiego wydarzenia, w ogóle bardzo oddaje ducha społeczności LGBT+ i jest taka pocieszająca.
Miejsce 2 - "Pan Kmicic". Zdaje sobie sprawe, że wynika to z kompletnej desperacji gdy kontrmanifestacja doprowadza nas do granic, ale krzyczenie "wypierdalać" na nikim nie robi wrażenia i jedyne co nam daje to złą reputacje. O wiele bardziej poetycko by brzmiało "Hej, kto pedał - za Kmicicem!", ewentualnie Kmicica można zastąpić jakąś gej ikoną. Wgl cała piosenka ma potencjał żeby ją przerobić na coś dla ruchu lgbt.
Miejsce 1 - Pieśń wampiryczna - to już tak w ostateczności, kiedy kontrmanifestacja zacznie przesadzać, ale myśle, że nawet najbardziej oddany obrońca wartości chrześcijańskich pomyśli dwa razy zanim rzuci cegłą słysząc "ZEMSTA! ZEMNSTA! ZEMSTA NA WROGA! Z BOGIEM I CHODŹBY MIMO BOGA!"
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rodolfoparras · 8 months ago
You already answered that one ask beautifully but I'd like to add my piece briefly.
You might be able to just say you're gay and go about your day but so many of us can't. I'm only out to my few closest friends and online (and even here I have to be careful) because I am in very real danger if anyone finds out. I live in country where it's so so dangerous to stand out and be queer and I can't even be out of my family.
There are millions of people in same situation and worse situations even. I'm lucky to at least be able to have my best friend and this online community. Transition isn't something I can even think about if I want to still have my family and the best I can do is affirm my gender in small ways to make myself feel better about it.
There is a month dedicated to soldiers but this is tired old argument that only gets brought up when people want to hate on pride month. I'm happy for people who live in places where they can he free to live their truth (even if realistically, there isn't anywhere truly safe for us) but so many of us can't.
There is a Serbian movie called "Parada" and it should be on YouTube as well and it is a good little snippet in how dangerous it is to be queer or just different in Balkans.
We didn't have Stonewall, we are still fighting for our rights and if we want to vicariously live through pride parades and be silly on pride month, we should be able to. And people who can be free and go to these parades should be able to feel happy and celebrated at least for a bit. Recognise the privilege you have (if you are lucky to live in accepting country) and be thankful for queer people before you who have done the work and who had protested in past.
You don't have to celebrate Pride Month if you don't want to but you don't get to tell other people they can't or shouldn't.
I am very much in the same position sugar bee!!! I am only open to friends, my sister and cousin because I cant live life freely and a lot of times that has made me suicidal and like you I am not able to start t until I get my own job and move far away and even than I’d have to limit contact with my dad so he wouldn’t find out what’s happening on my end
I genuinely do not understand this soldier argument because it feels like it really is Americans speaking about it I don’t think I’ve ever heard a homophobic Swede pull this argument before it’s once again a tactic for the American propaganda to rule
And I definitely agree! I always indulge in reading queer literature straight from the Balkans during pride month because it’s so beautiful seeing yourself for once. While American lgbt films and series are great that’s not a presentation of me and the life I live. So yes celebrate pride learn about the history of this month and most importantly be gay !
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euphoricaa · 1 year ago
com certeza 2023 foi um ano entanto, conheci uns amigos virtuais, recebi meu primeiro buquê de girassóis, ganhei uma música (e ela está no spotify!!!), viajei pra alguns lugares muiiiito lindos, conheci algumas pessoas divertidas, fui na minha parada lgbt e em sp ainda, vi coldplay, vi the lumineers, vi terno rei, vi rebelde, fui até no show do lucas lucco KAKAKKAAKA, me apaixonei fortemente por alguém, me despedi de pessoas importantes, cortei laços com pessoas importantes, ri muito, chorei muito (eu sou chorona), eu ficaria horas falando o que 2023 foi importante pro meu crescimento, e puta que pariu, eu vivi e fui muito intensa, e espero que 2024 me surpreenda, ele está na porta e tô com um puta medo!!!
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