#paracosm: land of spirits
imstilldaydreaming · 2 years
Random question time! Which para cusses the most? When did they start cussing, what influenced the habit? Who cusses the least and why? Has the para who cussed the least heard the para who cussed the most cuss? What’s their reaction? Is there a compromise when it comes to communication between the two?
alright, I think I can do this with varying degrees of depth for my most active paracosms (warriors of halcyon, under the sakura trees and the to.uhou one), so buckle up, because this will be long!
everything is under the cut!
Warriors of Halcyon
The swears the most award goes to... Yuri!
When she started working as an idol, her agency had this rigid set of rules she had to follow all the time (just like what happens irl). and one of the rules is "don't swear". she really respected this rule everywhere but, with the decrease of overall care about everything, she started using cuss words. and now that's pretty much the way she normally talks (when she doesn't have her work facade on, of course).
The swears the least award goes to... Kagura!
I'm feeling like this was kind of expected lmao. anyway, she takes anything language very seriously. so, because of this and, y'know, the whole "having spent your whole life around a very formal atmosphere" thing, she not only doesn't cuss, but she hates it too!
as for communication between these two, I don't think they talk that much anyway, but if they did talk and Yuri was comfortable enough not to appear all happy go lucky, Kagura would probably end up correcting Yuri's speech and she, on the other hand, would tell her to shut the fuck up.
and I think that, if they reached a compromise, it'd most likely be Kagura not being annoying about Yuri's cussing habit.
Another para that doesn't cuss at all is Ririka.
she doesn't really know how to use those words and even has trouble with detecting them mid conversation. she doesn't mind Yuri or any other team member cussing, she's just confused by it. the rest of warriors of halcyon try to explain to her what those words mean and what they convey, in those cases.
Under the Sakura Trees
The swears the most award goes to... Yoshie!
this cast doesn't really have a lot to offer when it comes to regular cussers(?), but Yoshi probably takes the cake.
she didn't swear at all during her high school times (her attitude was like the one Kagura has lmao), but she did become more laid back when she got to college, so she tried cussing among friends. now, she does so regularly and effortlessly! it kinda gives her a sensation of freedom that her past self didn't have!
The swears the least award goes to... Nami!
oh wow, would you look at that, the two extremes are in the same family.
so, Nami doesn't like to cuss, but she doesn't hold a visceral hate towards it like Kagura does. she just doesn't like it, and finds it lowkey annoying. that's it.
Yoshi tries really hard not to cuss in front of Nami (cuz "oh no, I have to be a good role model for my younger sister"), but this isn't to say that it hasn't happened before.
the most likely scenario for this to happen is if something goes wrong (eg. forgetting something on the oven, stubbing your pinkie on a corner of furniture, that kind of stuff). in these cases, cue in Yoshi cussing the shit out of everything. then she realises Nami was, in fact, in the room, abruptly stops and starts apologizing. Nami, of course, doesn't think of the words are a problem (she's probably way more concerned about whatever went wrong lmao)
Land of Spirits (T.ouhou paracosm)
The swears the most award goes to... Marisa!
Easy choice. Marisa swears pretty much CONSTANTLY. I don't really have much of a clue as to why she does or when she started. I guess that's just the way she is.
The swears the least award goes to... Patchouli!
I guess she's a mix between Kagura and Nami on this. She doesn't like it, finds it annoying, but not that annoying. She spends her time reading instead of talking to others anyway, so there's that.
as the game shows, the ordinary magician profoundly annoys our sickly librarian. Patchy finds Marisa's cussing (and her way of talking in general) a nuisance. if there were to be a compromise between these two, maybe it would be Marisa toning down a bit.
and yeah, that's it!! thanks a lot for the ask and for your time reading this! I hope you're having a nice day!
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turn-to-unreality · 5 days
Intro, Paracosm and Story Intros
(To be formatted later)
💜 Forestwalk 💜 They/Them 💜 & 💜 Immersive Daydreamers 💜
Welcome to our daydream blog! We give updates on our paracosms and reblog things about daydreaming!
We have a lot of paracosms and stories. Way too many over the years, but rarely have we let them go; they evolve with us.
Our daydreaming is linked to our plurality and roleplaying. They're all heavily tied together. Headmates double as ocs and paras!
Anti-endos, radqueers, transIDs, usual DNI criteria
Seasonstruck - We daydream about this one the most alongside the Starverse. It was originally a Pikmin au but after some trauma in that community, we made it original. It's a goal in life to share this paracosm by doing something like a series (webseries, webcomic, video game, etc). The world is inhabited by creatures known as Seasonstrucken (or simply strucken for short) that are heavily connected to magic!
The Starverse - Our oldest paracosm of about 11 years. Started out as a crossover that featured child self's self-insert as our main para, turned into a royal drama with shapeshifters that reality shift! All citizens have Auras, a codeable magic power that lets you do anything! They're known for meddling around with universes (worlds).
Luminous - The world to a game project that's going to be on hiatus until we can get Adderall or something. It's a world that is dark in coloring with neon highlights, featuring lumarians, a little anthro species with neon hair, ears, tails, and sometimes wings! It recently got taken over by a virus and only a few survivors remain...
Heaven and Hell - A story that was once a fandom crossover that became original after reviving it in 2023. It is about a war that happens in a land of cats and dogs. Heaven and Hell attempt to stop it in their own selfish ways...
Runa's Story - The story of a prince of the Starverse royal family who got cursed with a corrupter for Auras, and has to live with it for the rest of his life.
Tavern Story - Our main story. It's about a family who runs a tavern-like business that have to go through several, several tragedies.
Ven's Tale - The perspective of the life of Ven, a royal prince of the Starverse royal family. He poses as a god of many worlds, works on Auras to improve them, and is the host of a system.
To The Lake - The main story of our game project. Fable wakes up after years in a coma to learn that a virus has taken over their world. A little spirit known as a Smallfire leads them to a safe haven where they meet new friends along the way.
Harvest's Story - Was heavily developed in an rp with an ex-friend, adapted to be its own story. Harvest sets out on a path with an unknown destination. Little does she know she will be on a journey to kill a god.
Azul/Snowy/Nova - A polycule of strucken that live in Junetide (town where the Tavern is). Snowy wants to help with the raids, but he's putting himself in danger as he is deaf.
Card and Cal - A strucken wakes up with no memories. She meets Card and they become fast friends, trying to figure out who Cal is and where to go from there. Based on a randomized playthrough of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.
Separated - Angelica and Lilith are conjoined twins (totally not a CatDog, guys!!! /hj) who survive a normal life until a train hits them. Split apart in death and now the leaders of heaven and hell respectively, they must stop the war the best they can.
Marbles and Kittycat - Born looking like a Shadow Child, Marbles is confronted by the Shadow God, offering to join it, but he rejects the offer. Now he is on a mission with his wife to kill it.
There's a few others that are fandom or RP blog related we won't list here. Sorry!
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foamyphilosophy · 5 years
My Paracosm
"A paracosm is a detailed imaginary world. Paracosms are thought generally to originate in childhood and to have one or numerous creators. The creator of a paracosm has a complex and deeply felt relationship with this subjective universe, which may incorporate real-world or imaginary characters and conventions. Commonly having its own geography, history, and language, it is an experience that is often developed during childhood and continues over a long period of time, months or even years, as a sophisticated reality that can last into adulthood."
I have had one that continues to this day as a a 24 year old man. I had no idea this was an actual thing, I thought it was just normal to create an imaginary universe in your free time. After learning that this is apparently a unique thing I wanted to share a peek into my universe.
It is a land parallel to our own, similar to how Heaven, and Hell exist in tandem with Earth but rest in different realities. I called it Dagorn. Time even ran differently while Adam and Eve existed on Earth without care and Lucifer existed in Heaven not yet fallen hundreds of years pass for each day that passes on Earth. Dagorn held all the magical and mythical creatures we know today. This was also the birth places of The First Ones. Beings that are the byproduct of creation. With each new element of the universe is made so too do the First Ones get born.
The first was a pair of Twins because their existence is intricately tied together. Yin and Yang. Yin looks like a woman dressed in a black formal dress like a womans business suit, with long white hair and red eyes. She's very cold and analytical and is the byproduct of Time's creation. Yang is a man with a white formal suit, with black hair and blue eyes and is very expressive compared to his sister and is the byproduct of Reality. Although they are the eldest and Yin's vast and seemingly endless knowledge and Yangs grounded realism neither of them rule over the other First's they leave that to Volcan the First of the Sun.
Volcan was made with the first star and Volcan's form is difficult to describe. He made the first Phoenix to represent him. He too has a Human shape but every hundred years he "dies" in a very dramatic way (with a lot of fire which typically reduces his room or the room he is in to ash) and rises from the ash in a new body the shape and gender are entirely random. To date he has been a woman 10 times ironically enough despite how long he has existed. Ironically I thought of this before I even knew about Doctor Who but included the firey explosion after witnessing it.
My two favorites, my first favorite was Anarchy the first of Chaos who was a town to the First of War, Pain. Anarchy true to her nature enjoyed pranking people and using her power to sow a little chaos into society. She looked like a woman with long wild red hair, sharp teeth and yellow pupils and the whites of her eyes were black. She could alter reality to a certain degree but couldn't outright change the universe. She was basically a really powerful summoner. She had desperately wanted people to enjoy her company and be respected but her nature was too unstable for many people to trust. Eventually Lucifer decided to take matters into his own hands and decided it was best to just kill her. He convinced her he needed her for a special mission and eager to show she could actually be helpful agreed. It was then he tried stabbing her in the heart and leaving the building she was in to burn to the ground. Unfortunately or fortunately (depending on how you look at it) she managed to survive and was simply in a magical coma reliving her worst moments. Her rage and spite got her to dig herself out of her unmarked grave and tried getting revenge by destroying every form of authority and attempted to destroy Heaven. Recruiting Mepheles (First of Fear) Sun Wu Kong (first of Anger) Miser (first of Sadness) and Pain (First of War) It took The forces of Heaven, Hell and the other good First Ones to take her down. Even then they failed. Putting her soul in her ring, and her spirit in her journal, her body turned to stone and waits for her "pieces" to reunite.
My second Favorite is Cannibal, called Cannie for short, she is the First of Hunger. She resembles an elven woman with wavey blood red hair and typically dresses like a Duke and is oddly skinny despite her affiliation with hunger. She came into existence during the first famine when the First of Destruction Hexus ravaged the land. The more force of nature First simply appear but the more personal First gain form from the first to experience it. Such is the case for Cannibal. When her village was being ravaged, and she was on the verge of starvation she was caught under rubble when trying to steal some food in the chaos. As she started to succumb to her injuries the last thought that crossed her mind was dying while starving. It was at that moment she was reborn as a First and her first action was to use her power to maul and eat Hexus, he escaped but barely. Earning her the name. Her power is similar to Alucard in Hellsing. In fact that is a huge inspiration for her. She lives in near eternal hunger and all living creatures become a part of her after being consumed. She holds the power to summon those she has eaten in the past and has a personal army loyal to her and will let her eat them if the succumb to sickness or crippling injury so they can serve her loyally as a part of her. She is the patron of Revenants, Zombies, and and Vampires. She is also one of the few people that seem themselves as a friend of Anarchy, lives among mortal beings instead of her own and she owns a mountain side castle ran by the undead that willingly serve her. Despite her destructive nature and what she represents she spends as much power as she can to help the world and is considered one of the Seven Pillars of Balance (the heroic First Ones)
I honestly could go on and on but I have struggled to turn this world into a cohesive story. It's such a fleshed out universe for me but maybe the detail is what makes it hard for me to create a story. I could spend chapters upon chapters doing world building but this was a peak into my brain world.
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penwrythe · 3 years
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Obnoxiously long post incoming!
I posted 84 times in 2021
37 posts created (44%)
47 posts reblogged (56%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.3 posts.
I added 226 tags in 2021
#objectshows - 28 posts
#themundanerealm - 26 posts
#worldofrelics - 26 posts
#my art - 23 posts
#riseofrelics - 22 posts
#fantasy objectoc - 21 posts
#characterdesign - 21 posts
#objectoc - 20 posts
#fantasy - 20 posts
#fantasy objectshow - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#that way they can just start over and actually focus on a younger audience without relying on old players to keep the game running this was about neopets oh my god
My Top Posts in 2021
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Cyprus and Pyrrhus!
Two paras/verits from my current paracosm!
See more about my paracosms at Penwrythe's Dream
9 notes • Posted 2021-06-19 20:40:38 GMT
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Apolle the Mage Cloak - Winged version
Detailed description and lore under the break!
See her normal variant here!
Also, I have been working on a few things for RFR including a World Anvil site for its lore and characters. I don't have Apolle on there yet, but here's a rough character description for her entry: Apolle is a young talented prodigy seeking to become an Iridescent. Her war-object form is a green mage cloak with golden trim and a mantle that sits below her hooded head. Her ichor hands are protected by cork leather gloves. With her base element, Earth, Apolle has a natural talent for healing, combat, and sealing magic. Her main weapons are flying daggers made from small leaves harvested from the land around her. Apolle is a highly intelligent cloak driven by a thirst for knowledge, but she is burdened by the fame of her deceased mother, Gwuenevere the Preeminent. Because of this, Apolle wants to carve her own legacy beyond what her mother left behind. Apolle was born at Claymore Castle at night, about a few months after her mother died during the Battle of Danvern Fields. Apolle's kernel was harvested from the remains of her mother's cloak core, somehow spared from what killed her.
9 notes • Posted 2021-04-14 01:29:25 GMT
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So these two images are explorations for plant object elementals. This design direction might take these characters out of what object characters usually look like, but I have an idea of a workaround...
So in the setting of my world building, living objects usually have a core (body) and ichor structure (external limbs like arms and legs). Some objects, like the plant elementals here, have a core but no external limbs. So instead, they have customizable external parts called chassis to house and protect their core.
Basically plant mechs!
Tiny note about object kernels:
The little ball in the "chest" of the plant core is a kernel. All living objects have kernels, but only elemental objects have visible kernels. Non-elemental objects only show their kernel upon death. When death occurs for any living object, they yield a kernel, a way for their ichor structure to protect itself from further damage. Their kernel is then taken to a revival ritual to revive a deceased object. If the revival ritual fails or the deceased object had died in their elder years, the kernel is cracked to reveal a germ to be used to create a new living object.
9 notes • Posted 2021-09-16 18:47:07 GMT
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Updating Beatrix Althea's Character Design! Her uniform here is the Forager/Traveler uniform. Below the turnaround are her old iterations. A Historical and Cultural Ambassador and Third Rank Scoutmaid, Beatrix Althea is a kind, shy, and modest Black woman, aged 30, from the Country Country of Fernweh. A well-read, trusting, curious, and kind-spirited lady droven by her work, love for her country, and a never-ceasing desire for discovery. She loves meeting new people, regardless of where they’re from or who they are, and enjoys the company of friends.
10 notes • Posted 2021-11-11 14:19:41 GMT
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Design notes on flying war-object polearms!
Finally getting to the part of my worldbuilding where I explore the concept of war-objects. Since weight distribution and material composition are important in my setting, I need to find ways to show how these affect how objects function. Like these flying polearms, they need a way to balance themselves in flight.
Thus, the primary and secondary wings. Primary powers flight, secondary helps with balance. Also, while I wrote that the brand is decorative, it's actually a counterweight and a weapon (depending on its shape).
For the war-torch, they use fire magic to turn their bristles into flames, temporarily. Fire magic uses a lot of energy, so to help offset this, fuel is often used. Fuel is also used to power flight for all flying polearms.
Quick note on war-objects:
All war-objects are refits, objects remade and modified for war and combat. It's highly rare for a natural war-object, or living weapons, to exist in the Mundane Realm. There were living weapons, but they all died out during the Relic wars thousands of years ago.
Also, when war-objects express their limbs, any accessories like metal or cloth wings, armored gloves, and so on, become disabled. In the case of the flying polearms above: to use their arms they must draw their ichor from their primary wings, then form that ichor into arms. Same with their legs, they must draw ichor from their secondary wings, then make that ichor into legs. Sometimes some polearms would keep their wings activated while their legs are expressed, useful for direct and hard-hitting talon-based attacks from the sky.
12 notes • Posted 2021-09-16 20:28:15 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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readingvocabulary · 3 years
festina lente
soodle - walk slowly
sargassum - seaweed
fane - temple, shrine
fictor - sculptor, carver
glabrous - smooth and hairless
crapulous - drunkenness
hymeneal - of marriage
ensilage (silage) - green fodder stored for animal feed
galactophilia - erotic  breastfeeding  or  sucking  on  a  woman's  breasts
gamin - street urchin
manumit - release from slavery
makar - poet or bard (Scot.)
nonnet - type of nine line poem
neap - a tide of minimum range occurring at the first and the third quarters of the moon
recusant - a person who refuses to do what a rule or person in authority says they should do
coir - coconut fibre
Alchera (Alcheringa) - aboriginal time when ancestral spirits created the land and the creatures within it
eructation - belching
uilleann pipes
messmate - an Australian hardwood
Natura naturans - ‘nature doing what it does’
interminate - limitless
ottavo (octavo) - printed book format
ritenuto - immediate reduction in speed
baresark - berserker/Norse warrior
eclat - ostentatious display
Beurre Bosc pear
schloss - castle
Kohlmeise - Great Tit
sic erat scriptum - so it was written
Aisling - Irish poetic genre
Walwalinj - Aboriginal mythic hill
Fasnet - a German carnival
riparian - of river banks
krait - type of snake
flyting - ritual insults
emollient - moisturizer
articulo mortis - point of death
paracosm - detailed imaginary world
orbuculum - crystal ball
mesothelioma - asbestos related cancer
raddled - showing age or fatigue
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wanderfm · 3 years
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introducing the lost soul .
FAMILIAL TIES: not applicable .
AGE: 27 .
OCCUPATION: fire fighter .
FACE CLAIM: ronen rubinstein .
if you get sleep ,
you were always popular in school , you were known for throwing huge parties and being the typical homecoming king , jock type . you didn’t really come into yourself till you left high school , but by then you’d already found yourself on a slippery slope . you partied a little too hard and it landed you in a rough place , a scary place , a place you never wanted to find yourself in a can . it put you on the straight and narrow and now you’re doing your best to keep your head above water , though you do find yourself turning to old , damaging habits when times get a little tough .
or if you get none .
THE CATACLYSMIC: what you had was toxic , you know it , they know it , everybody does and nobody approved of your relationship . you know they were no good for you but you couldn’t help but turn to them whenever you found yourself craving company , and then you fell into the same old pattern . you have no reason to believe that this time things would be the same , you may be broken up , but that never stopped the two of you before .
THE FREE SPIRIT: you two have been best friends for as long as you can remember , they’ve always been by your side and they’ve never let you down . you may not be able to see much of each other at the moment , but when you’re together , it’s like no time at all has passed .
THE PARACOSMIC & THE REVELER: you used to be friends , you loved to party once , but you can’t deny that your relationship has gotten worse as the years have passed you by . neither of them seem that willing to grow up and move on from their more reckless teenage years , but you’re not exactly the type of person to tell someone what to do .
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imstilldaydreaming · 2 years
this is what happens when you eat chips while daydreaming. you get an inside joke with the blorbos inside your head only you can understand.
Reimu, eating some pringles Sanae brought: Mhm, these are really delicious. Marisa: You sure look like a can of Pringles, Reimu!! Reimu: Marisa!! Marisa: Hahaha, Pringle Reimu!! Pringle Reimu!! Reimu: Come on, Sanae, say something!! Sanae, clearly amused by this convo: Pringle Reimu. Reimu: NOT YOU TOO!!
I bestow upon ye, pringle reimu.
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I am sorry.
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imstilldaydreaming · 2 years
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❝ Welcome to my world! ❞
Hi! I'm Rito/Doppo, and this is my blog for anything daydream related, including my characters! I'm an immersive daydreamer that's been using daydreams as a coping mechanism for a while.
I hope you enjoy your time here!
Anyway, I have more info about my paracosms under the cut.
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I have both original and fiction-based paracosms. Here's an overview of them! The link on the name is their tag on my blog, if you want to see more about them!
Warriors of Halcyon: My main paracosm and probably my biggest original work. It's a mahou shoujo insipred world where teams of magical warriors fight monsters that terrorise the city. You follow the story of two teams: Warriors of Halcyon and Ex Libris!
Under the Sakura Trees: My first paracosm. I haven't talked that much about them, but I definitely should. It follows the daily life of Maiko Kizaki and her friends as she begins to fall in love with Nami Kyoudo, her classmate.
A Diary of Research: It follows the adventures of Elizabeth Bell, a researcher, as she traverses a post apocalyptic world (kind of like fallen modern world overtaken by nature) and finds many curious people and creatures along the way.
Land of Spirits: To.uh.ou paracosm. I see everything from Re.im.u's POV. Basically I'm Re.im.u there. Fun fact: this paracosm has formed mainly because of my obsession with To.uh.ou OSTs and arrangements (and then with a lore deep dive lmao). [fanart tagged with #⛩️]
Assortment of fandom paracosms that aren't really talked about but exist: Re.vu.e St.ar.lig.ht, Gen.sh.in Im.pa.ct
And that covers it! Thank you so much for reading this until the end! If you'd like to have more info on any of my paras/paracosms, please ask and I'll gladly answer!
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imstilldaydreaming · 2 years
Alright, screw it, it's Gen.so.kyo paracosm infodump time! Except it's just thoughts about random people.
Funny how I got this paracosm just because of the amount of To.uhou soundtracks I listen to, which led me to take a lore deep dive and know a bit more about the setting (and somehow form a whole paracosm based on that limited knowledge)
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It's-a-me, Mario. But yeah, I somehow adopt the perspective and role of the almighty shrine maiden Re.imu Hak.urei in this paracosm. It's pretty fun, to be honest. Maybe I'm onto some sort of fictionkin thing here.
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You!!! Friend!! Bestie!! I love you!! So loud yet so fun to be around. Yup, that's you! Going on missions to deal with some youkai with you is so great! I'm glad you're around! Just try not to blow up everything you see with your master spark, alright? Or not to steal everything from everyone!! But yeah, love you!
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How can you be so calm?? What are your secrets??? Even when you just throw knives at people you do it with this calm and collected look (for the most part). Also, how did we end up in friendly terms again? Either way, you're pretty cool. And your tea tastes great!
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Yet another one who I don't know how we became friends. Share your advanced magic knowledge more often! It's interesting! Also, I'm sorry for you on Mar.isa's behalf.
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Annoying ice fairy. That's it that's the post. You're funny, but please don't always get in the way of my job!!! AND STOP YOUR PRANKS!!
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Re.mil.ia and Fla.ndre
Y'all are annoying. This is a joke (don't come after me). But I'm a bit torn between you both: on one hand, y'all are annoying, but, on the other hand, you also aren't..?? I don't know. You can keep coming to my shrine, but please don't destroy anything or keep the visitors away (this is more aimed at Fl.an)
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Your garden is so cool!!! I mean, it's not exactly yours, but, since you're the gardener and all... you get what I mean. We should drink tea more often there! Also, you're really nice too!
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I almost forgot about you!! How?? You're so cool! You have an energy very similar to Mar.isa, which is probably why you both joke with each other a lot whenever you're together.
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Ah yes, a rival. Except I'm better than you. Haha, just kidding, you're cool. You are fairly calm and curious, yet you are also a bit of a chaos enabler. I mean, you go on with Mar.isa's antics!! But yeah, despite the shrine competition between us, you're a great friend!! Also, you sure ask me a lot of questions about previous incidents, huh?
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Ayy reporter tengu person!! You seem to be everywhere, which is something. Also, I can see you hiding in a bush or behind a tree or whatever whenever you want to capture your articles live. But sure, ask me about the youkai stuff I'm up to.
[alright, this is already a bunch of people. perhaps I'll do more of these..? Idk, I just really wanted to talk about them and this paracosm. Also, the dots between some names are my attempt at stopping this from appearing on the regular tags (imagine talking about a fandom paracosm to said fandom). The names don't have dots originally, just to make it clear.]
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