#para: millie
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vikslotus · 4 months ago
lord have mercy
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oatmeal-coins · 1 year ago
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a transbody subterm for wanting to be/feeling as though you should be neutered
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thegillyxliang · 11 months ago
Gillian loved horror and sci fi movies (it was practically in her blood with how much her parents loved it as well) so meeting someone who worked directly in the industry was just...amazing. "Holy shit, really?" She asked, jaw dropping before she let out a laugh. "Dude, oh my god, seriously? Yes! Hell yes. And I don't think I'd ever hate it." She shook her head at the comment, a smile bright on her face before she nodded over to the display case beside her of all the various ice creams her shop had to offer. "You sure I don't have to like, bribe you with an extra scoop?"
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closed starter: @thegillyxliang
where: anywhere
"You should just let me do your makeup. If you hate it, you can just take it off and I won't ask again!"
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zeyneblerden1i · 2 months ago
Milli eğitime sesleniyorum.
Bana paramı ver.
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hotelboanova · 2 months ago
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pinkblazeplace · 1 year ago
Tava mechendo no computador da minha avó e olha o que eu fiz👇
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É a Milly de Ps-tale
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kazzwtora · 10 months ago
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Seven ✨
Feito em: 17.05.24
Pedido pessoal
Caso se inspire, não se esqueça dos créditos!
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thisismeracing · 2 years ago
TU É BRASILEIRA????? E eu aqui gastando meu broken English kkkajwuahwiahwuahwuahwuaaaaa
HAHAHAHA sim, nasci no Brasil!!!! 🥰😌 your english probbly great, stop ittt 😜
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rayhaber · 4 months ago
Erdoğan'dan BRICS Zirvesi Dönüşü Açıklamalar
Erdoğan’dan BRICS Açıklamaları AKP’li Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, BRICS Zirvesi dönüşü yaptığı açıklamalarla Türkiye’nin bu uluslararası platform ile ilişkilerini güçlendirme arzusunu net bir şekilde ifade etti. Erdoğan, “BRICS, yükselen ekonomilerin bir araya geldiği son derece önemli bir platformdur. Türkiye olarak bu yapı ile olan ilişkilerimizi ilerletmek ve derinleştirmek istiyoruz”…
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vikslotus · 7 months ago
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valkyrievanessa · 2 years ago
Helluva Boss hein... eu vi a primeira temporada inteira, começei o primeiro ep da segunda e não terminei e também não vi mais nada do desenho. A Sallie May sequer aparece nesse desenho de novo? Porque serio, varias artes oficiais, produtos oficiais, popularidade e o caralho a quatro para uma personagem que tem uma cena em um episodio e não é nem citada mais. Eu adoro o fato dela ser uma mulher trans confirmada, mas sequer dá para considerar representatividade boa? ELA MAL EXISTE NO DESENHO!!
Esse tipo de representatividade me frustra hahaha, mulheres trans quase não tem representatividade boa, passamos decadas sendo basicamente a piada de shows adultos, ai quando a comunidade LGBT começa a ganhar mais visibilidade e representatividade, basicamente não tem trans binarios nos shows... se tem é um personagem que mal existe no show e aparece bem rapido, salvo algumas excessões que eu sei que existem (E eu meio que já assisti também).
Ouvi falando que pretendem trabalhar mais com ela futuramente, mas eu honestamente estou duvidando disso e só vou acreditar quando acontecer mesmo. Assistam Helluva Boss, é muito bom, ele tem muitos outros tipos de representatividade também, principalmente no elenco principal, é muito bom o show mesmo que eu ainda não tenha visto a segunda temporada. Assistir pela representatividade trans por enquanto é frustrante, espero que trabalhem a personagem melhor.
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oatmeal-coins · 1 year ago
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a transid for wanting to be/feeling as though you should be someone's valentine
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pupsmailbox · 9 months ago
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NAMES ︰ acid. ada. alkali. amadeo. archaea. argon. atlas. atom. atomielle. atomiene. beryl. beryllium. billy. bon. boron. cadmium. caesium. cal. carson. catalyst. cecile. cell. celle. celline. charles. chem. chemesse. chemise. chemisette. chemist. chemistrine. chrome. claude. clumselle. cobalt. comet. copper. cosmic. curt. cypher. darwin. data. decora. dex. dexter. doc. doppler. edison. edward. egbert. elara. electra. element. ellie. enoxaparin. entropy. ester. ether. euclid. evo. evoliene. evoliette. evolune. experi. experielle. experiette. experimae. foggy. galileo. gamma. gibson. gizmo. gorgon. graham. graviette. gravitae. gravitine. halogen. hatchet. hazard. helix. henry. herbert. hypatia. ion. irvin. jekyll. julius. jupiter. kelvin. lab. lavoisier. lobotelle. logy. lumen. lymphoid. magnesium. magnus. mandi. mandible. marina. marrow. matter. medusa. mercury. millie. molly. monoxide. moon. neon. neuralgia. newton. nightingale.abacus. opaque. organelle. osmos. otto. ox. patchy. pathogenica. pearl. phosphorous. plasma. plasticulla. positron. posy. psych. psyche. psychielle. psychiette. quark. radia. radiatien. radiette. raymond. rocket. sagan. saturn. sci. science. sciencia. scieniette. scientist. selenium. silicona. solar. spectra. spore. staurozoa. tech. tesla. theorie. thomas. toxin. trojan. troubleshoot. valence. venus. victor. violet. volt. xen. zeke. zinc.
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PRONOUNS︰ abyss/abyss. acid/acid. actin/actinide. ae/atom. atom/atom. atomic/atomical. base/base. bea/beaker. beaker/beaker. beam/beam. bi/bio. bio/bio. bio/biochem. bio/biology. biology/biology. bone/bone. bub/bubble. bubs/bubble. catalyst/catalyst. ce/cell. cell/cell. che/chemistry. chem/chem. chem/chemical. chem/chemistry. chemical/chemical. chromosome/chromosome. da/data. danger/danger. data/data. decay/decay. dna/dna. e/evo. ele/element. elec/electric. elec/electron. electro/electro. electron/electron. entropy/entropy. enzyme. evo/evolve. evolution/evolution. evolve/evolve. ex/expert. exa/examine. exp/experiment. expe/experiment. experi/experi. explode/explode. fe/iron. fizz/fizz. flask/flask. geni/genius. glass/glass. goggle/goggle. gra/gravity. grav/gravity. halo/halogens. haz/hazard. hyp/sin. hypo/hypothesis. ion/ion. ion/ionization. iso/isotopic. isotope/isotope. kinetic/kinetic. know/knowledge. la/lab. lab/lab. mad/mad. magnet/magnet. mal/mal. mars/mar. mask/mask. merc/mercurys. met/metal. metal/metaloide. method/method. mi/microbe. min/mind. mol/molecule. mutant/mutant. mutate/mutate. needle/needle. neu/neucleus. neu/neutron. neuron/neuron. neutron/neutron. nu/nuclear. nucle/nucleus. nuclear/nuclear. nucleus/nuclei. orbit/orbit. organism/organism. pa/paradox. para/paradox. patch/patch. photon/photon. planet/planet. plant/plant. plat/platinum. poi/poison. pro/proton. pro/protron. psy/psycho. rad/radiation. radio/radiograph. rae/radiation. ribo/ribosome. rna/dna. sci/sci. sci/science. scien/scien. script/script. sick/sickness. spark/spark. spill/spill. star/star. study/study. subject/subject. tech/technician. test/test. theo/theory. theory/theory. tissue/tissue. tox/toxic. tri/trial. value/value. vi/viru. vial/vial. volt/volt. wave/wave. x-ray/x-ray. xyr/xyr. zip/zap. ⚗️/⚗️. 🔬/🔬. 🥼/🥼. 🧪/🧪. 🧫/🧫. 🧬/🧬. 🧮/🧮.
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okuryazarlar · 4 days ago
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İyi ki doğdun Sabahattin Ali!
Sabahattin Ali’nin ölümünden çok önceden başlayarak takip edildiği, her adımının izlendiği, görüştüğü herkesin isim isim bilindiği açığa çıkmıştı.
Emniyet sorgu tutanakları da Sabahattin Ali’nin öldürülmesiyle sonlanan yolculuktaki kamyon şoförünün konuşmaması için tehdit edildiğini, yazarın öldürüldüğünün devlet tarafından ilk andan itibaren bilindiğini gösteriyor. Resmi kayıtlarda ise devletin cinayeti aylar sonra, sınırda insan kaçakçılığı yapan Ali Ertekin’in Sabahattin Ali’yi öldürdüğünü söylemesiyle öğrendiği bilgisi yer alıyordu.
Ali Ertekin adlı ordudan atılan, daha önce de sınırdan Bulgaristan’a insan kaçırdığı anlaşılan kişi, Sabahattin Ali’nin ortadan kaybolmasından aylar sonra emniyete giderek, Sabahattin Ali'yi öldürdüğünü söyledi. Ertekin, Sabahattin Ali’yle, kendisini Bulgaristan sınırından geçirmek için para karşılığı anlaştığını ancak "komünist fikirlerini ve ülkeyi bölme arzusunu söylemesi üzerine milli hislerinin galeyana gelmesi" nedeniyle cinayeti işlediğini anlattı. Ertekin, yargılama sonrasında sadece dört yıl hapse mahkum edildi ve iki yıl cezaevinde yattıktan sonra serbest bırakıldı.
Ertekin’e verilen ceza, yargılama sırasında cinayetten yıllar öncesinden başlayarak, farklı nedenlerle, o zamanki ismiyle Milli Emniyet’ten para aldığının ortaya çıkması farklı iddiaların ortaya atılmasına yol açtı.
Sabahattin Ali’nin sınırda gözaltına alınarak bir karakola getirildiği, burada işkenceyle öldürüldüğü öne sürüldü. Dönemin önemli isimlerinin tanıklıkları bu iddiaya dayanak gösterildi.
Buna karşılık, Sabahattin Ali’nin nasıl öldürüldüğü aydınlatılamadı. Cinayetten yıllar sonra röportaj yapılan Ali Ertekin, iddialarını sürdürdü. Ertekin’in izi daha sonra kaybedildi. Ne zaman, nerede öldüğü konusunda kamuoyuna bilgi yansımadı.
Sabahattin Ali'nin naaşı bir dere yatağında bulundu. Naaşını eşi ve annesinin teşhis etmesine izin verilmedi. Daha sonra muayene edilmesi için defnedildiği yerden çıkarıldı. Bir torba içinde elden ele dolaşırken kayboldu. Bir mezarı olmayan yazar Sabahattin Ali, 118 yıl önce bugün dünyaya gelmişti.
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queen-of-reptiles · 1 year ago
description: In which one of Chelsea's defenders is sick of losing to her girlfriend and her girlfriend is sick of being blocked by her own lover...
athenea del castillo x female reader
disclaimer: I am in now way saying athenea is bi-sexual or lesbian, this is all fiction
warnings: language, bad google translation, angst, also just fluff
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y/n just posted on their story
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y/n just posted on their story
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atheeneeaa just posted on her story
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y/n huffed out a breath, begging for the half time whistle to blow as she chased down her girlfriend, quickly shoulder checking her from the ball.
Athenea rolls down, crying out in annoyance as y/n sends a quick pass to Niamh, watching as her team quickly work, Sam managing to sneak a goal just before the whistle blew.
y/n threw her hands up, cheering as Jess jumped on her back, yelling about her pass to Niamh. Emma sent y/n a thumbs up and a nod, the blonde manager the only one to know about her and Athenea, other than y/n's best friends Millie Bright and Rachel Daly.
y/n hadn't been able to sleep the night prior to this, nerves of facing her girlfriend for the first time since the world cup final haunted her. She was sat in the hotel garden, looking out when Emma saw her from her room.
The manager had gone down to tell her defender off, knowing how important the girl was defensively and with her set pieces, but stopped when she heard the girl speaking a language she didn't even know she could.
"Ambos somos demasiado leales para nuestro propio amor y no quiero que eso nos haga daño a largo plazo." She had whispered to her girlfriend, phone in her hand.
We are both too loyal for our own good love, and I don't want it to hurt us in the long run.
"Estaremos bien, sol, siempre lo estaremos." Athenea had promised her.
We'll be alright sunshine, we always are.
"Yeah, well. I'd much rather see you in a Chelsea shirt tomorrow." y/n had huffed to her girlfriend who let out a light laugh.
"Vamos Real Madrid." Athenea hummed and y/n chuckled.
"You Del Castillo are a fool if you think you will get past Chelsea." y/n chuckled.
"Si soy un tonto. Soy tu tonto." Athenea hummed.
If I am a fool, I am your fool.
"Será mejor que nos vayamos a la cama mi amor." y/n sighed into the phone.
We best get to bed, my love.
"Te veré mañana, te amo." Athenea had hummed.
I will see you tomorrow, I love you.
"Te amo." y/n had repeated.
I love you
Then the phone was off and y/n was once again left alone, or so she thought as she wondered why they were still hiding their love from the world.
"I didn't know you could speak Spanish." Emma stated and y/n froze, she turned and winced at her manager, sending her a sheepish wave.
Emma sighed, any annoyance at the 22 year old for being out of bed late left her when she had heard how heartbroken the girl sounded on the phone to her lover.
"How long?" Emma asked, nodding at the phone.
"Since we were 17." y/n answered her, not bothering to hide it now.
"5 years?" Emma asked in shock and y/n nodded. "No one knew for five years?" She asked again.
"Our families do, yeah, and Millie and Rachel on my side know. But that is it." y/n hummed.
"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Emma had asked confused.
"Because all people do is make up stories, rumours they can't do that to a relationship they don't know exists." y/n explained and Emma nodded.
"So, you lost to her at the world cup." Emma said. "Will you lose tomorrow?" She asked.
"No, not tomorrow. Vamos Chelsea." y/n had grinned at her manager who clapped her on the back.
"Come on kid, get some sleep." Emma hummed and the girl mock saluted and waddled away, leaving Emma shaking her head.
"5 years." She whispered incredulously as she followed the player inside.
Now, in game, with Emma's thumbs up, y/n knew she had done a good job. 2-1 up before half time and potential to extend that lead as they walked toward the tunnel.
Sam jumped onto y/n's back, smiling from her goal as she pinched y/n's cheek, Millie, currently unplaying, telling her to stop annoying the younger girl.
"Surprise mother fucker." y/n suddenly said, spinning wildly as Sam screamed in shock, the defender stopped and Sam jumped off, only to crash to the floor dizzy.
The locker-room erupted in laughter at the star striker who pouted as the defender helped her up and they waited for Emma and their team talk.
Ten minutes into the second half, something was clear. And that was that Athenea was gunning for her secret girlfriend. Any time y/n had the ball, Athenea would be over her, and not always in-line with the rules.
Chelsea currently had a corner, and as per set piece request, y/n waited patiently just outside the box, Athenea noticed her, looking back at Jess Carter and Niamh Charles who were still holding the back line.
Athenea ran forward, jostling her shoulder into y/n's back slightly, but the Chelsea player huffed and pushed her weight back, causing a small shoving fit to happen.
y/n let out a shout of annoyance at the ref, who seemed to finally notice the predicament. However, Athenea hadn't and shoved again, y/n rolled her eyes and keeled forward.
It was dramatic, y/n knew so, it was hard to knock her down, but as soon as she hit the grass the whistle was blown and a bright yellow card shown in her girlfriend's direction.
Athenea let out an annoyed call, but stalked away when the ref glared. The corner was finally taken, it bounced from a defender's head straight to the feet of y/n and she fired.
The ball seemed to ricochet at the back of the net as Athenea let out a curse in Spanish, but y/n ignored it as she raced to Sam and threw herself at her, the Australian catching her as she cheered.
It was y/n's tenth goal for Chelsea in one year and y/n cheered at the small amount of Chelsea fans who had followed them to Spain. She kissed her badge as she walked back, high fiving Jess and Niamh as she sent a thumbs up to Ann in goal.
The next fifteen minutes were filled with rough tackles and fast plays, y/n almost losing a limb at one point she felt. She could see Emma discussing about taking her off and as they lined up to another Chelsea corner, she wanted to make a difference.
Sam had directed her into the box this time, Niamh on the outside if needed. Athenea had followed and the two began jostling, the corner was taken, and before anyone could blink, it had bounced off y/n's head and into the net.
"Holy shit!" y/n yelled chasing after Sam who was screaming as well.
Athenea let out another curse, her team now 4-1 down and as they walked back, her girlfriend grinning made it worse. Play restarted and as minutes ticked by, the 78th minute almost done, Athenea ran at the goal.
y/n let out a sigh and chased after, making the decision and sliding down, her feet kicking the ball as Athenea fell on top of her. The Spanish lady groaned and stood up, shouting in annoyance.
"She got the ball, she got the ball." The ref denies and Athenea turns to shoulder barge y/n, but the English girl beats her too it and essentially shoulder checks her onto the ground.
"There's your foul." y/n hissed and Jess immediately pulled her away as a yellow was show in her direction. She was pulled off after, Emma telling her she was lucky it wasn't a red.
The game ended the way she left it. 4-1. And even though they had won, y/n was not in any way happy. Millie had wrapped her in a hug, knowing the upset that was coursing through her veins.
y/n went around, shaking a few players hands, conversing in their native language which shocked them. Finally she approached Athenea.
"Buen juego" y/n said, holding her hand out.
good game
Athenea looked like she was about to cry but y/n knew her well enough to know it wasn't about the game. She and Athenea were both loyal to a fault to their clubs, their countries, but they had never been like that.
They had known each other so long, understood so much of each other and yet were still learning things everyday and in that moment, the crowd, the game, the world no longer mattered, only their relationship.
"Lo siento, estaba tan enojada, y yo ..." Athenea began, but y/n hushed her.
I am so sorry, I just was so angry and I...
"It's okay. It's okay. I was an asshole too Thea." y/n promises, the nickname slipping from her lips before she had registered.
Athenea had always wondered what people would say if they were to find out about the two. They had been hidden for so long now, it seemed almost laughable.
"Lo siento." y/n repeated, holding her hand out.
Athenea had another idea however and tugged the taller girl in for a hug, the two hugging rather tightly as all their teams paused in shock.
Sam leaned over to Millie, the blonde not looking surprised like everyone else, she looked over to her manager who just continued talking with the Real Madrid Manager the two clearly aware also.
"That doesn't look like competitors." Sam says to Millie as the two pull away.
"Ya no me importa esconderme más." Athenea whispers to her lover, the girl watching her.
I do not care for hiding no more.
"Promise?" y/n asked and Athenea nodded and y/n grinned, leaning down to place a long kiss on her lover's lips.
It was almost comical, the reaction of shouts from the players and fans, trying to grasp what was going on as the two pulled away, swarmed by blue and white shirts.
"Ay!" Athenea called, her voice sharp as her team shut up.
"Yes, Athenea and I are together, no we didn't feel the need to share it." y/n explains as Sam stutters.
"How long?" Lauren asks confused and scratching her head.
"5 years." Athenea shrugs and once again it chaos descends.
"Surprise?" y/n says to them, before she grabs her girlfriend and runs off down the tunnel.
"Motherfucker!" Sam says before the group chase after.
y/n just posted
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liked by mbrighty04, samanthakerr20 and 490, 837 others
tagged atheeneeaa
y/n I supposeeeee 5 years is long enough...
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atheeneeaa just posted
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liked by alexiaputellas, lj10 and 298, 722 others
tagged y/n
atheeneeaa esperando seis
waiting for six
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samanthakerr20 just posted on her story
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username1: 5 YEARS?? 🤯🤯🤯
username3: this is why I have trust issues
username4: I'm just so confused on how they managed to hide a WHOLE ass relationship??? 😭
username6: they snogged on pitch? Not exactly Hard launch but more fucking get with it launch!
see more comments...
added a lil creative liberty and lengthened the time they had been dating to extend thy drama!
Hope you enjoyed !
also this was supposed to be up last night but ya girl went out and got drunk lmaoooo ! xx
Queenie ! x
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rayhaber · 5 months ago
Türkiye Wushu Kung Fu Federasyonu'nun 5. Seçimli Olağan Genel Kurulu ve Skandalları
Türkiye Wushu Kung Fu Federasyonu’nun 5. Seçimli Olağan Genel Kurulu Türkiye Wushu Kung Fu Federasyonu’nun 5. Seçimli Olağan Genel Kurulu, Ankara’daki Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan Kongre Merkezi’nde gerçekleştirildi. Bu önemli seçimde tek aday olarak yer alan Abdurrahman Akyüz, 145 delegenin oy kullandığı süreçte 144 oy alarak yeniden başkanlık görevine seçildi. Sadece 1 oy boş çıktı. Seçim…
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