#para: eilonwy
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marsdenlee · 1 year ago
Location: Sapphire Sea
With: @eilonwyj
The lake was so deep and saline that it rarely ever froze but that didn't stop the waters from reaching frigid temperatures, luckily it hardly phased the siren as he half lounged along the shoreline, looking like an aquatic creature from the depths that was emerging to bring terror to the town populace. He was not, at least not today it wasn't on his to-do list. He instead had his phone held in his hands, gray and black shifted skin smooth and gleaming like an oil slick along the exposed parts of his body, tattoos decorating his arms and torso, elbows dug into dark damp sand to support his weight as water lapped around the sides of his black tail, half submerged but the sharp points of his ruffle like fins directed upwards.
Gills on either sides of his neck revealed shallow dark slits that disturbed the images inked into his skin and no hair on his head, only more ruffle like fins held down by a black backwards baseball cap, the rest of the fins running down the back of his neck and along his spinal curve and his eyes, vibrantly blue against the surrounding black set of them, no whites at all, his siren appearance barely human at all, only the vaguest sense of the humanoid creature he normally was.
"Hey, come here," Mars gestured with a webbed hand, nails pointed sharp and translucent, not looking up at whoever it was that he was hearing walking by, his eyes still glued to his phone screen. An odd sight, such a creature like this holding a smart phone along a shoreline. "How many cats ya see in dis picture? I only see four. There's supposed to be seven?"
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wyatt-hennessy · 1 year ago
Location: Botanical Gardens With: @eilonwyj
Wyatt meandered slowly through the botanical gardens, having started at one end and began to make his way through it. The lawns were expensive, grass green and flecked with white dew, occasional pockets where snow decided to stick just a bit in patches here and there and despite the cold of the season that would have produced a bare looking garden of brown sticks and leafless shrubbery, everything was still very alive and vibrant. Magic kept these gardens flourishing, he could tell as he stooped low and rubbed calloused fingers across the waxy surface of a leaf, could feel the magic sticking to them in a way that almost made them shimmer.
There were a few others who were enjoying the gardens as well, passing couples and groups of friends, each chattering together softly and appreciating the garden, taking photos of themselves and each other. Wyatt took a moment just to watch them casually, his hands now in his coat pockets, breathing in the cold air that clung at the back of his throat and sent a shiver down his spine, his clothes thin and poorly insulated, mended and patched over the years. He noticed one other who had not left this particular section of the garden like the other passersby and so would give a nod in greeting to the woman, "Afternoon ma'am. Nice day out," there was a distinct drawl as he spoke, "You know what keeps this garden from dying?"
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min-ji-min · 1 year ago
Location: Acacia Heights Country Club - Afternoon Tea Service With: @eilonwyj
"Can you pass the... mm... is that one the strawberry jam near you or is it the rhubarb? I can't tell. That one though," she gestured with her cutely manicured nails which were rounded with a gradient of pale pink on some and clear with little flowers on the others. It matched with her outfit which was a fluttery white dress and thin pink cardigan for the days were still a little warm but had begun to grow chillier.
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"These are nice but I can tell they aren't fae made," Min-Ji asserted with every confidence in the world though though really she had no idea. "How's your tea? Which one did you pick again?" She brought up her own teacup which was meant to be caramel apple but she'd put enough sugar cubes inside that the delicate notes were overpowered.
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valentin-stjohn-archive · 2 years ago
The task now completed and both individuals risen to their feet and now exited the destroyed garden house, which he would need to have scheduled for repairs on a somewhat urgent basis since there was a private event on calendar but with magical assistance it should be restored in no time as long as the intruding tatzelwurm was properly removed as soon as possible. 
“No,” Valentin had produced his phone from his suit jacket pocket as he felt it vibrate within, rather timely that he was now being reminded of a business meeting in five minutes. He would have left then, just like that without another word, the simple response and the corresponding silence with his walking away a true enough indication that they were done with this endeavor but he halted, words that his personal assistant had said to him recalled now at the forefront of his mind which made him then say to Eilonwy, “Good job.” It was with that said that he then turned toward the garden path which would lead him back up toward the estate and leave her to resume her own usual tasks.
she repeated his words, coming out of her mouth in a hissing-hackling noise and a slight turn of her head. it seemed enough for the creature she held who immediately buried itself back under the earth, content to be there until it was time to be moved. eilonwy was quite the opposite ; while she held not much hope for humankind, beasts and animals were and entirely different and deserving of care and attention. they were pure in an impure world, she thought.
eilonwy brushed her palms on the leggings she’d worn to work, when a hand was outstretched towards her. the fae felt whatever she might’ve said about the whole situation vanish immediately at the idea that valentin had extended her such a curtesy. a voice in her head told her; you have been alone too long, el, these scraps excite you so.
the woman took it, noting how cold his own flesh was yet not flinching away nor finding it unpleasant. she rose, a gentle ‘thankyou’ said to him before leaving the wrecked area where the wurm now slept. eilonwy said little else as she did so, eventually coming up with a - “anything else you require assistance with today?”
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aldanrae · 3 months ago
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A NOITE DO INCÊNDIO: revelações.
No mês passado postamos nossa primeira task e como dito, haveria uma recompensa para todos aqueles que fizessem! Essa recompensa está especialmente entrelaçada com o plot central do rpg e vai ser uma surpresa para vocês e para os personagens. Então abaixo está a descrição do prêmio tanto para changelings como para os khajols.
Eldrathor guarda muitos lugares, mas especialmente uma imensa clareira próxima a um bosque, um círculo irregular cujo centro possui uma grande estátua de um homem desconhecido. Corroída pelo tempo e coberta de musgo, não é possível identificar de quem se trata, e os changelings sempre assumiram ser um antigo general esquecido pelo tempo. Os anos quase varreram por completo as runas entalhadas na estátua… algo que ninguém nunca percebeu… e que tampouco saberiam ler. Os símbolos parecem pertencer a um idioma esquecido, runas que ninguém é capaz de identificar.
Em um dia, durante o voo, o dragão subitamente muda de direção. Seu personagem é capaz de sentir o vento desarrumar os cabelos enquanto a criatura dá uma guinada drástica em outra direção, levando-o até um local conhecido: a ilha de Eldrathor. Ver Wülfhere destruída dá um aperto no coração, mas a ilha ainda resiste de pé, especialmente uma clareira próxima a um bosque úmido com uma antiga e desconhecida estátua. O dragão pousa ali, quase expulsando seu personagem da cela, que rola confuso pela relva fria. Ao se levantar, está ainda mais desorientado porque uma voz se faz presente no fundo de sua cabeça.
É como escutar alguém falar do fundo de um poço. O tom então vai se tornando mais alto e mais forte, subindo aos limites do consciente e de repente seu personagem é capaz de entender e ouvir tudo: um timbre claro e majestoso, carregado de um sotaque desconhecido e que combina perfeitamente com o dragão à frente, que pisca de forma ansiosa porém determinada.
O dragão está falando. Pela primeira vez, o dragão está literalmente falando, projetando sentenças completas na cabeça de seu personagem. Ele o levou para a clareira com dois objetivos: para que a estátua seja observada, e para contar que o roubo do cálice está além da compreensão e conhecimento de todos. Não foram os khajols.
Durante uma noite, seu personagem sonha com o deus que hospeda. É um espaço estranho, de pouca cor e iluminação. A princípio há a surpresa por achar que a divindade que hospeda está tentando se comunicar. Os passos lentos aproximam a figura do deus, a curiosidade falando mais alto. O deus fala e as palavras soam estranhas, quase afogadas, mas ainda assim o personagem é capaz de entender a mensagem: o roubo da pira não foi obra dos changelings.
A confusão toma conta do lugar, mas antes que perguntas possam ser feitas, o rosto do deus começa a mudar e assumindo outra forma, mudando do deus para uma figura desconhecida. Quando a divindade abre a boca, runas estranhas parecem tomar conta do lugar. Não são como os aons ou qualquer coisa que os khajols tenham visto antes. Então, como apenas um passe de mágica, a paisagem muda.
Seu personagem está em uma clareira, encarando uma estátua corroída pelo tempo. De alguma maneira eles sabem que pertence a Eldrathor, embora não conheçam nada mais a respeito. O rosto da estátua parece familiar, mas há muito está devastado pela passagem do tempo, com grama e musgo cobrindo tudo. A visão é apenas um mero segundo, rápida e confusa antes do despertar da manhã.
Essa é a recompensa para todos que fizeram a nossa primeira task, muito importante ao plot central, dentro do prazo de duas semanas desde o ingresso do rp.
Os recompensados são: Saija Havilliard, Morrigan Norrgard, Dahlia Dufour-Lapointe, Freyja Aksel Hrafnkel, Minah Zhao Slivka, Brianna Hirai, Gale Eilonwy-Walsh, Vincent Osíris Essaex, Kieran Aethor Essaex, Deirdre de Colmain, Kyrell Tsillah Vortirgern, Aleera Orianna Essaex, Aeolian Finarfin, Viserion Azad, Cillian Methusael, Tadhg Rami Barakat, Cadeyrn Zale Yilmaz, Zoya Mannerheim-Vyrkhandor.
Os personagens podem e devem compartilhar essa informação com amigos para que todos saibam, não há necessidade de segredo.
POVs são bem-vindos, mas não são obrigatórios; também seria interessante abordar as descobertas em interações. Esta recompensa é um novo conhecimento essencial sobre quem está por trás destes roubos.
Os dragões não passam a falar a partir de agora. É por apenas um dia. Changelings, o dragão de vocês vai repassar essa mensagem e então pode falar outras coisas. Hora de papear com os bichinhos se quiserem, porque depois disso eles vão se calar novamente!
Khajols, não vai ser possível reconhecer as runas do sonho ou da estátua caso seu personagem decida afastar a grama e musgo, mas está liberado fazer pesquisas a respeito para descobrir mais!
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harmonicabreeze · 3 months ago
navegar não é preciso; já viver...
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by basco | biografia,,, conexões,,, [working title],,,
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A altivez dos passos diz que é nobre o sangue que corre em GALE EILONWY-WALSH. Sendo CALMO e DESLEIXADO, ele foi escolhido como hospedeiro e protegido de MANNANÁN MAC LIR. Aos VINTE E SEIS ANOS, cursa o NÍVEL I: DIAMANTE, com extracurriculares em DUELO MÁGICO, CLUBE DE JARDINAGEM e NATAÇÃO. Sua reputação é conhecida além das fronteiras, e dizem que se parece com DARREN BARNET.
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RESUMO. background, personalidade, presente
Gale é o sétimo filho de uma longa linhagem de mulheres. Assim, sua gestação foi cercada de expectativas inicias; e seu nascimento, bom…, de desapontamentos póstumos. De infância marginal, quase esquecida e praticamente bastarda, ele se entregou à liberdade de se divertir nas cozinhas dos criados, de brincar com os animais da propriedade e de se encantar pelo mar.
Gale é uma pessoa calma, alegre, inclusive desleixada. Ele sabe se portar bem, ele sabe ser elegante, ele sabe ter responsabilidades. Ele só evita tomar isso como uma obrigação e mais como sugestões de seu comportamento. Em seu tempo livre (e mesmo no tempo ocupado), pode ser visto com uma gaita em forma de concha marinha, simplória à primeira vista, mas muito bem cuidada. Ele gosta de cozinhar e de contato com o mundo natural.
Após o primeiro ritual, Gale estabeleceu uma conexão com o deus Manannán mac Lir através de Tempestade, seu Seon. Normalmente, na bola de cristal, estão retratadas ondas revolvendo-se em si mesmas e raios cortando nuvens; curiosamente intensas, ainda que o semblante do khajol seja tranquilo. Para a surpresa de tantos (sua família principalmente), ele tem uma impressionante proeza em Duelos Mágicos, realizando tutorias individuais quando necessário. Junto dela, também vai ao Clube de Jardinagem e à equipe de Natação. Inicialmente, tentou realizar a extracurricular de Meditação e Harmonização Divina, mas acabou deixando-a por monotonia.
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EXTRAS. tramas, estatísticas, curiosidades
1. [working title] 2. [working list]
1. [working title] 2. [working list]
1. [working title] 2. [working list]
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lou-bonfightme · 6 months ago
One Foot in Sea and One on Shore || [Self-para]
thank you to @eilonwy-notjustgirl, @waitingona-mirabel, @sanmononoke, @veevacious,
@devyn-morey, @amelia-o-gabble, @oh-phineas, @ugly-drizella for letting me borrow your characters. 🧡
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July First The beginning of the month had started fresh and frenetic to Lou. The summer was in full swing now. He had never cared much for summers, but he could admit there was a liveliness to the air that filled his lungs with something light. The sun was golden, the water of the lake blue, and everything had taken on a shimmery, translucent quality. As if a very fine gossamer had been laid over everything. It was sweet and nostalgic and beautiful. 
Even the little problems that sprouted up like wildflowers at the theatre couldn’t touch his good mood. 
In fact, he loved all those little problems, as he plucked each one and made it disappear. It was satisfying to get his teeth into the meat of something he could solve. There was nothing he could do to solve Raksha’s predicament or Dhaumya’s illness. He could not give Hades a respite from MAFIA, or the situation at the Hauntley, or the other going ons about town. 
But he could fix the set pieces that sat too crooked or repaint the parts that someone had done poorly. Each of these little changes soothed that hungry, angry thing inside of him that had felt more awake the last few months. He stayed late, he came in early, chasing that next piece of rightness in the universe that would clear the clouds. 
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[link here]
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euterpe-of-hesiod · 21 days ago
Linnet blushed again and ducked her head.
She couldn't help but feel a little shame about this whole thing. She didn't understand the feeling. If she were on the other side of the table, she'd want to offer anything she could to someone who came to her in need. Yet asking and receiving made her feel powerless and embarrassed. Maybe that was her SAD talking too. Maybe it was just coming up the way she did, having to depend on others. Linnet thought being fully bloomed, coming to a new town, things would be different but...
Some days-- like today-- she just felt like that little girl tossed from foster home to foster home. Making trouble. Not fitting in. What a nuisance she was.
Eilonwy and Mim didn't say anything to make her feel that way, to be clear. Linnet knew that; she tried to force the feeling down as she nodded at both of them and put in her number in Eilonwy's phone. This was a blessing, not something to be embarrassed by. One day, when she felt more like herself, Linnet hoped she'd feel that too.
"Thank you, really. You don't got to do this when we hardly know each other so-- I really appreciate it," she said.
Sun Is Gonna Shine Again || Limit
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swynlake-rp · 6 months ago
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MUN: L  Members praised L’s complex and brilliant Hauntley Inn plot that reached its final chapter this month! As one member put it, “The whole Hauntley plot was beautiful and crafted so well that many people could get involved and show off their creations it was amazing to watch.” We couldn’t agree more! Kudos to L for some truly excellent plotting and writing. CHARACTER: WOLF! L wrote some truly beautiful self paras with Wolf recently, and we loved to see his unique role in the Hauntley Plot… and the spooky rom-com shenanigans of staying with the Qins (only in Swynlake, people!) Shoutout to our favorite baller #BallIsLife THREAD: TIPPING POINT! We loved to see how different characters jumped in and out of this thread, building up to the big moment of Vidia’s breakdown in front of Herc. A brought in so many characters and built up the stakes in such a compelling way– we love to see it! TASK: JASPER AND IAN’S POSTCARDS! Our members couldn’t pick just one! Both Jasper’s and Ian’s postcards got multiple noms, and we couldn’t agree more. We loved these peeks into the past, even if they tugged at the heartstrings a little :’)
PETITION: Harsher punishments for litterers
AUGUST ANNIVERSARY BIO: 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀  WHAT’S IN YOUR BAG?: Make an aesthetic or a graphic showcasing what’s in your character’s bag (beach bag? Gym bag? School bag? Designer purse from Queen Bee Boutique?). Write 200 words describing it.
AUG 1 - AUG. 7: ALANA AND JAKE’S ENGAGEMENT PARTY! Come out to the Triton House to celebrate Alana and Jake’s engagement! All are welcome! Dress in cocktail fab and be ready for a ton of Instagrammable moments. Canonically on Aug. 3. 
AUG. 12 25: ANNIVERSARY EVENT! 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
AUG. 28 - SEP. 4: MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING OPENING NIGHT! It’s the big night! Come out! Canonically on Aug. 30
Beck Brooks – August 3
Tony Rydinger – August 5
Jasper Badun – August 5
Hades Acheron – August 8
Eilonwy Llyr – August 8
Lightning McQueen – August 11
King Magnifico of Rosas (Salvador Sanchez) – August 13
Moon Yeongtae – August 20
Darius Deamonne – August 21
Vala “Vee” Carrero-Noceda – August 27
Phineas Flynn – August 28
Mason "Dipper" Pines – August 29
Aurora Briar – August 31
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gre4tpretender · 1 year ago
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 001. Manipula, usa y deshace a su antojo siempre que puede y le conviene. Ha demostrado ser la manera más efectiva de conseguir lo que quiere, cuando quiere y como quiere. Y él sólo quiere más. La máscara de niño bueno la usa frente a cualquiera, aunque Merlín tiene experiencia suficiente como para saber que su hijo ha roto más de un plato a sus espaldas.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀002. Su padre y él guardan una relación que, aunque antaño estrecha, actualmente está sujeta con pinzas tanto por la decepción como por la presión inconmensurable que le fue puesta sobre los hombros desde pequeño. Cualquier pequeña conversación entre ambos puede derivar en una discusión sobre ideales y responsabilidades, arrepentimientos y culpas, y aluviones de reproches. Esto, sin embargo, es guardado con recelo y no ha salido públicamente.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀003. Pese al punto anterior parece que la verdadera naturaleza de Rhysand es tabú para su padre, quien ya no sabe cómo intentar redirigir a su hijo más que tirándole (en palabras del joven) en la Academia a la espera de que todo se solucione, al parecer, con el poder de la amistad y la bondad.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀004. Su espíritu familiar ha adoptado la forma de una araña pequeña, una adorable evarcha jucunda de apenas 10 mms. Responde al nombre de Eilonwy. ¡Su pequeña princesa!
De color negra y con el lomo manchado de figuras marrones, sus patitas son tan minúscula y peludas que hacen cosquillitas. No es capaz de resistirse a mimarla con todas las comodidades que pueda darle. Le tiene mucho cariño desde pequeño y siempre va encima suya, sea escondida entre las mangas de su ropa, paseando entre sus dedos o en el cuello de su camisa. Además... es perfecta para escuchar sin ser visto todo lo que no debería llegar a sus oídos.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀005. Vive de libro en libro. Conversa con uno en las manos, come con otro al lado, duerme con uno arropándolo. Si pudiera, se ducharía leyendo.
Oh, está deseando poner sus zarpas en la biblioteca de Auradon...
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀006. Aunque nunca puesto porque el orgullo se lo come vivo, siempre carga consigo un talismán que su padre le regaló de pequeño. Se trata de una pequeña bola de cristal, no mayor de un centímetro de diámetro, envuelta en un tosco trozo de cuero. En su interior, si miras muy fijamente, parece moverse algún tipo de fuerza espesa y neblinosa, tiñendo la esfera de cambiantes tonos verdes.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀007. Muy a escondidas, y con su familiar como único y más fiel cómplice, puede que esté estudiando cierto tipo de cosas que no debería...
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀008. Merlín mantiene estrechas relaciones con una larga lista de brujas, magos y hechiceros, algo a lo que Rhysand lleva años intentando sacar tanto provecho como le es posible para su propio fin.
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waitingona-mirabel · 1 year ago
Rage | Self Para
Date: Autumn 2023 Featuring: The DnD crew (Dipper, Eilonwy, Ian, Tony, and an NPC) Warnings: Vague reference to fictional axe violence, extreme artistic liberties with the game Dungeons and Dragons, the author of this still doesn't really understand bonus actions but just go with it
Mirabel had been saving her rage for the entire session. She only had two slots for it at this point, as Ryna was still a first-level barbarian, and Mirabel was careful about not wasting those limited advantages that characters had at the beginning. She was also holding onto the bardic inspiration Apollo had given her— even though Dipper had encouraged her multiple times to use it. Mirabel just wanted it to be the right time.
Now, it seemed, was the right time. After a long battle with a group of mysterious tentacles, two members of the party were still grappled by one of the tentacles, while Val had to spend her turn trying to heal someone who was grievously injured. It was only Ryna, hacking away at the tentacle to little avail as Mirabel rolled nat one after nat one and holding onto just a few health points. Things were looking bleak.
And then the tentacle came for Ryna.
“I’m just saying, now would be a really good time to use a bonus action!” Dipper prompted, and Mirabel took a deep breath. She didn’t want to mess this up. What if she was the reason someone died!
(Okay, Dipper had said he probably wouldn’t let level one beginners die in such an early session, but still).
“I go into a rage!” Mirabel said, heart pounding as she could feel the pressure mounting. Dipper looked thrilled. Everyone else looked relieved. Finally, their faces seemed to say. But Mirabel did not feel relieved— she had two chances to get this right before she was out of rage slots. “Can you, uh, remind me what that does?”
“You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, you get advantage on strength checks, and you roll with advantage on saving throws. Like right now, since the tentacle is coming after you!”
“Okay! Okay,” Mirabel said, furrowing her eyebrows and rolling to dodge the tentacle. Once- no luck. But on the second try, she succeeded! Mirabel cheered and pumped her fist.
“Describe it!” encouraged another party member.
“What do you mean?”
“Describe the rage! What is Ryna doing?”
Mirabel looked down at the book that the group had been passing around. It was turned, not-so-subtly, to the Barbarian class page. Probably because Mirabel hadn’t used her bonus action all session.
This was the reason Mirabel had felt drawn to the barbarian class from the beginning. To Ryna. 
For every barbarian, rage is a power that fuels not just a battle frenzy but also uncanny reflexes, resilience, and feats of strength.
“She’s thinking about her home. It’s… it’s on an island, so she’s seen these tentacles before, she’s had to fight them before. That’s how she knows how to get away from them.” Mirabel had only written up a rudimentary biography for Ryna and it didn’t include tentacles or an island, but she had to make this make sense, right?
Plus, she liked the idea of Ryna as someone who had grown up on an island. For some reason.
“But sometimes she wishes she hadn’t gotten away. That she’d stayed and fought them, instead of just running off with the first caravan she could find. And now’s her chance to do it. She never got that chance before. She’s angry with herself for running the first time, but she’s even angrier at the tentacles, because somehow after all these years they’re still here and hurting the people she cares about and now things might be changing but she just doesn’t know, she can’t be sure, and she can’t even—” 
For some reason, Mirabel’s voice cracked.
And then she looked around the circle and saw that everyone looked a bit concerned. That was… probably not what they meant when they said to describe the rage, was it?
Her face turned red. 
“Um, I mean, Ryna’s gonna go in with the axe and try and cut the other two free,” she said, realizing that was probably, actually what the question was. She rolled twice. Thirteen. Then twenty.
Dipper still looked a bit dumbfounded. “That’ll crit… uh, do we want to take a break?”
There was no typical celebration of an enemy vanquished, just some sober looks exchanged. Mirabel stared at her character sheet, mortified. 
“I’m gonna, uh, get some water,” Mirabel said, just to spare everyone. Maybe they’d have questions. Probably. They were good friends, and good party members, and they looked out for one another. But Mirabel got the vibe that the tension in the room might dissipate a little if she stepped out. Also, because she was afraid she was going to cry. For some reason. 
She found herself, inexplicably, typing out a message to Elena, and then she felt very silly and deleted it. The princess of Avalor did not need to know about Mirabel's weird DnD outburst, especially not when she was about to go fight some tentacles— er, evil sorcerers— herself.
Mirabel splashed some water on her face and took a deep, shaky breath. Rage only lasted one minute. Which felt like an eternity in DnD time. You could do a lot in a minute, and then it went away as quickly as it had appeared. "You're fine," Mirabel muttered to herself in the mirror. That was what she had to tell herself. And everyone else, if they asked.
Or maybe Mamá was right. As usual.
Nah. The rage was over. Well, for now.
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uffdah-riley · 1 year ago
Resignation || Self Para
Date: 10/07/2023 Featuring: A letter to Eilonwy & the rest of the football team @eilonwy-notjustgirl @ianthedisastrous @jere-me--oh-my TW: Mental Health Summary: Riley resigns from the intramural football team via email & the aftermath
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [ooc: insert all the NPCs here] From: [email protected]; Subject: Resignation Hey Gang, I hate to do this to us in the middle of a good season but I am gonna have to resign from the team. Some issues in my personal life are just gonna have to put extracurriculars on the back burner my dudes. I apologize for the inconvenience this poses to you all and hope that I can at least make it to a few games to cheer you all on. I wish you all the luck coming forward in the season, Riley Anderson
Sending that email was one of the hardest things Riley had needed to do in awhile. Which was silly, right? Quitting an intramural sports team should be easy! It was intramural! The games were, like, so not serious, right? Well, not to Riley. These were the things that Riley took personally. Other people quitting the team had always felt like a punch to the gut, a blow that came across personal and pointed even when it fully wasn't.
Sports were important to Riley, that competitive spirit burning brightly below the surface. It was a core tenet to Riley's persona and they felt a tear in their chest as they stared at their Sent box in their university email.
Riley didn't even bother waiting for sleep to climb up onto the roof. It was a bit trickier climbing out of the dormitory window but Riley had their nimble reflexes to thank for not falling. The cold autumnal air created goosebumps to raise across their skin and Riley allowed for the glamor to fall from their appearance as they stared up at the stars above.
"What am I doing?" Riley sighed. Their eyes traced over Lacerta—The Lizard—and Pegasus newly returned to the Northern hemisphere's sights. They didn't answer Riley's question, not that Riley had expected them to. They were balls of gas an unfathomable distance away. They couldn't possibly understand the plight of one lost elf in a world they hadn't been meant for.
Maybe they should talk to someone who could actually speak, not ancient constellations that had no eyes or ears to understand their wishes and struggles. So Riley pulled out their phone, dialing Meg's familiar number.
It rang...
And rang...
And rang...
They tried again.
It rang...
And rang...
And rang...
Maybe Riley was too.
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brynnsx · 2 years ago
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O iniciar voo do dragão foi mais impactante do que o esperado; quando Lustray o fazia, era delicada. Não segurando forte o suficiente, para evitar cair, Brynn rapidamente passou os braços pela cintura masculina, notando apenas segundos depois o feitio. ❛ Me desculpe... eu só me desequilibrei. ❜ sentiu as bochechas corarem imediatamente, e apesar de estar envergonhada, acabou não se soltando até que o voo encontrasse um ritmo equilibrado e mais lento. Avisando Norvina de cima, a garota tinha um sorriso nos lábios. ❛ Como pode, não é? Um local dominado pelos vilões ser tão bonito? ❜ ela se referia às terras todas, pois dali conseguiam ver além da cidade e também além da Academia. Poder voar e ter aquela noção era sua parte preferida de ter ido para Tremerra, já que anteriormente, sua vida inteira era na floresta. Quando finalmente chegaram ao local específico, Brynn animou-se ao ver que realmente se tratava da construção abandonada antes escolhida na conta do evilgram. O dragão pousara no enorme gramado que existia em frente à construção, e a casa abandonada chamava atenção. ❛ O post dizia que uma vez pertenceu a uma princesa esquecida. Eilonwy, o nome dela, se não me esqueci... ❜ ela nem esperou por ele, tão curiosa que estava para adentrar o local. ❛ Dizem que ela foi sequestrada, outros dizem que ela sumiu por contra própria, outros dizem que ela virou uma vilã e carrega outro nome agora. Será que conseguimos encontrar pistas sobre aqui dentro? ❜ se perguntou, mas também deixando que ele respondesse, enquanto procurava uma abertura com a menor quantidade de cipós e galhos para que conseguissem entrar na construção.
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- Sõvës. - Com um único impulso e um grandioso bater de negras asas, Blacksun alçou vôo agitando a terra, poeira e folhas secas das árvores ao chão. Como a brisa da insurgência era refrescante ao rosto. Tinha um sorriso nos lábios, parte por estar voando e parte por deixar tudo para trás – ainda que no fundo o ato o incomodasse. A visão de Norvina vista do alto era magnífica em uma mistura de verde e concreto, mas seu destino era ainda mais bonito e com um bônus intrigante. Blacksun batia suas asas  egruinha como de costume, porém agora não mais por carregar duas pessoas já que a última missão exigiu este esforço. Desde a fatídica, Blacksun se tornou mais rápido e mais forte, suas escamas estavam ainda mais lustrosas, seus músculos mais evidentes e estava setornando, cada vez mais, um belo dragão saudável. Como de costume perdeu a noção do tempo junto de seu companheiro e finalmente chegaram a tal ruína. - ACHO QUE É AQUI. - Tentou falar por cima do barulho do vento nos ouvidos. A fera alada diminuiu a velocidade pousando vagarosamente sobre um pequeno mar de grama. 
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min-ji-min · 2 years ago
Location: St. John Museum Estate and Botanical Gardens With: @eilonwyj
It was a common occurrence for the young fae woman to be out when the day was nice and the sky lightly clouded but still allowing for a warm shine. With the dawning of the shift of season from winter to spring it meant more flowers were beginning to bud and some of the more special ones that could blossom during this transitional period were fragrant with their sweet scent and vibrant colours. So Min-Ji was there, ambling through the gardens, taking her time to enjoy being in nature because she often times spent so much of her days cooped up indoors either on her PC or babysitting that she relished these moments, a chance to disconnect from the buzz of electricity and really connect with her fae roots by being in nature. If it weren't still so chilly out, she might have even removed her shoes and traipsed through the paths barefoot, but since it was still considerably cold out for her, shoes remained on. Yet despite the cold, it didn't stop Min-Ji from wearing a skirt, she just paired her grey skirt with some nude leggings to give the appearance of being bare legged because for her, aesthetics were of the upmost importance.
So there she was, taking her time in the gardens, not paying much attention at all on where she was going or whether she'd already walked this way three or four times already until she realized she'd passed by the same woman about three or four times and that same woman hadn't seemed to have moved much at all. Min-Ji approached, her long black hair with the underlayer dyed red cascaded down over her shoulders as she leaned in, "What are you doing? Are you lost?" As if she herself hadn't been circling the same path.
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micah-weber · 2 years ago
Location: Maulform's Dark Apothecary With: @eilonwyj
"Were you able to get more of those red butterfly wings?" Micah asked as he looked up from the book that held all the special order requests. Maulform's Dark Apothecary supplied many of the town coven's and independent witches and so were often overcome with special requests during ritual heavy times of the year, which in this case coincided with the winter holidays and he had to reach out to various other suppliers in order to fulfill all the orders. It was lucky for him that he was on winter break from university so he could get more hours to help at the store and not worry so much about fitting in time to study.
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aldanrae · 23 days ago
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Boa tarde, Aldanrae! Como prometido, segue a lista de como ficaram os poderes e habilidades para saberem quais foram conseguidos. Conforme forem chegando mais, vamos atualizar por aqui, lembrando que a página também já está completa. Qualquer coisa é só nos chamar no chat!
Tadhg Barakat: intangibilidade
Cillian Methusael: atmocinese
Orpheu Emethys: memória viva
Gweyr Yllathana: manipulação de campo de força
Zagan Gunnhildr: transformar água em veneno
Maelisara Drankenviel: umbracinese
Davian Wyrmstone: invocação de criaturas literárias
Raewyn Olyrnn: manipulação da probabilidade
Dahlia Dufour-Lapointe: manipulação sensorial
Ethel Denholm: empatia
Rowena Llwelyn-Haynes: manipulação de terra
Zoya Mannerheim-Vyrkhandor: ilusionismo
Sota Margauth: combate precognitivo
Eirik Hrafnkel: lobo preto (1)
Freyja Hrafnkel: gato pescador
Delyth Essaex: onça albina (1)
Declan Colmain: urubu
Elewen Essaex: raposa-vermelha (1)
Deirdre de Colmain: lobo-vermelho (1)
Narcissa Essaex: caracal
Brianna Jiah Yi: gato
Aleera Orianna Essaex: falcão peregrino
Caelan Essaex: lobo (2)
Vincent Essaex: tigre
Gale Eilonwy-Walsh: onça-pintada (2)
Mikah Morningstar: cervo
Angus Delauney: lince
Lazuli Montelli: coruja das neves
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