#para: daddy
kenjicopy · 11 months
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oioi, anjoos !! estou aqui para doar capinhas para vocês, apesar de eu querer ter feito só com temas natalinos, deve ter apenas três com esse tema hehe
regrinhas .
1. Título: Pizza no Natal - Anime: Kuroko No Basket - Personagens: Aomine Daiki & Kagami Taiga - Credits: Official Arts . INDISPONÍVEL
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2. Título: Romântico Anônimo - Anime: Jujutsu Kaisen - Personagens: Gojo Satoru & Nanami Kento - Credits: Official Arts . INDISPONÍVEL
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3. Título: Close - Anime: Naruto - Personagens: Sakura Haruno & Hinata Hyuuga - Credits: Made by IA . INDISPONÍVEL
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4. Título: ? - Anime: Haikyuu - Personagens: Kageyama Tobio & Hinata Shoyo . Credits: Arts by @itswannysenpai INDISPONÍVEL
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5. Título: Ocean Eyes - Anime: Bungo Stray Dogs - Personagens: Dazai Osamu & Chuuya Nakahara - Credits: Official Arts . INDISPONÍVEL
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6. Título: ? - Anime: Buddy Daddies - Personagens: Suwa Rei & Kazuki Kurusu & Miri Unasaka - Credits: Official Arts . INDISPONÍVEL .
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7. Título: ? - Anime: Jujutsu Kaisen - Personagens: Nanami Kento & Gojo Satoru - Credits: Official Arts . INDISPONÍVEL
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8. Título: Fotos de Natal - Anime: Naruto - Personagens: Sakura Haruno & Hinata Hyuuga - Credits: Arts by IA . INDISPONÍVEL
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9. Título: ? - Anime: Blue Lock - Personagens: Bachira Meguru & Yoichi Isagi - Credits: Official Arts . INDISPONÍVEL
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10. Título: A mala é falsa - Anime: Naruto - Personagens: Naruto Uzumaki & Sasuke & Uchiha - Credits: Official Arts . INDISPONÍVEL
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sludgevomit · 4 months
Can u be my daddy
I can be your nasty Papa Bear that “picks you up” after a rough work shift. Grope your body as he listens to you complain about the lustful ways he touches you. Slapping you when you get too talky. A pervy Papa Bear only seeks to rape his Toy.
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preachereater · 5 months
the feminine urge to find an older man and run away with him to escape my misery
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ikarosx · 4 months
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Notes: Ikaros through the years. Little timestamps of visions, from his first to his most recent, and how he understands them. Mentions: @abelasx, @iskendcr, @faelortianyou, Titania, Yavanna, Oberon.
Timestamp: I was ten.
The sky was a mix of yellow and red. The light of the Laurelin was always bright, always mixing with what I could see.
“You were named after my grandmother,” Yavanna whispered in my ear, like it was some grand secret between the two of us. “Ikaria, she was called. Dark hair like yours, seemingly knowing everything and anything,” there was a lilt of amusement to her voice now, but still calming as the two of us sat within Mythal’s Glade.
I felt like there was a new piece to the puzzle of my history, to the idea that I could be named after a great queen of the past, someone I never would’ve met. “Was she a good queen?” I'm not sure why I wanted to know, it wasn't like I thought she possibly couldn't be, but my grandmother was always honest. I liked that.
Yavanna smiled down at me, “Yes, I like to think she was. She passed the crown to my father, her eldest.” The smile faded for a moment, and I wondered if I had said something wrong. I didn’t get to ask my other question, my father suddenly appearing and taking my short attention span away from my grandmother.
Oberon was tall, charming - the elvhen loved him. For what reason, I wouldn’t ask that question for decades. To me, he was larger than life. A brilliant warrior, one who held devotion to Titania, but there were flashes of imperfection, something I admired in secret. Things were done a certain way in Avalon, customs of the Elvhen, but I appreciated when things were messy. If only because it made me laugh.
It was that moment that Aravel appeared, and I was already moving to leave my grandmother’s lap. It was embarrassing, couldn't she see my friends were around? There was a group of children waiting, those who lived within Mythal’s Glade, “Can I go? Please? Aravel will start the game without me. He knows I hate it. He will-“ Yavanna’s hand stopped my complaints, but it didn’t stop my scowl.
“You may. But don’t be long,” it was her usual goodbye, though as she rose and she approached Oberon, the two falling in quiet conversation, she was the only one to glance back at me as I ran off with a wave.
“Ara!” I had to run to catch up, my best friend still slightly out of range. Everything looked wrong, however. One of the kids was towering, another looked unimpressed at Aravel. Only I was allowed to look at him like that. Aravel was weird, sure, but he was my only friend, taken into the palace two years ago when his father had died. It was a great sadness, to lose someone like that. I wasn't sure how to process it at first, but I'd tried my best to cheer up my friend.
Though time seemed to slow as I got closer. Like my legs were stuck in mud, and I couldn't move my arms. Panic would've overcome me if I could've felt my own emotions. I prayed for death to save me from the embarrassment of falling over, but the gods must've been busy because Aravel was talking to me. I couldn't hear him because everything felt red. Hot, red, red, red. "I was talking about you." Rage, an undercurrent of grey, of fear. A fist coming towards my face, and I was landing face first in the mud from the hit. Laughter. It was red, red, red. It was like an out of body experience, consuming me from the inside. I was watching, standing by, and then all of the sudden, it faded.
“What’s wrong with him?” Someone spoke, and I was pulled from my vision, Aravel holding on to my wrist like it would keep me from falling over. And it did, I was a scrawny thing anyway, that's what my father had said. Lanky, like one of those elk Aravel had mentioned once. Too big for my legs. Once I gathered myself, Aravel spoke.
“There are Owlbears we can talk to, Ikaros. It’s fine,” Aravel was the weird kid, and I loved him for it. I was about to answer him, but the words were dying on my tongue as the older kid that I'd just seen in my head stepped forward.
“Freak. Run home to mummy, she’ll fix it all.”
The tug from Aravel did nothing to stop me from turning back, some fierce streak of protectiveness running through me, “Don’t call him that.”
“I was talking about you.” The features on the other child’s face twisted, and in hindsight, it was all very dramatic for a few ten year olds. I knew it was coming, moving to watch as the older boy’s fist missed me and he slipped face first into the mud.
Laughter bubbled up from behind me, and I turned to see Aravel cover his mouth with his hand. His laugh was important to me, it had been so for two years now, though I stepped over the boy on the ground to follow my friend without a glance back. I was desperate to tell my mother, but for now, there were Owlbears to meet.
They'd hunted and brought us rabbits and gophers.
Aravel and I cooked the rabbits for them.
They were pleased.
We said we wouldn't touch the gophers.
They were less pleased.
It was only when it was time for me to sleep that I found my words again, my mother standing a few feet away. I didn't want to get in trouble, but what was the worse that could happen? The kid had tried to hit me, and I wasn't stupid. So I puffed out my chest, everything coming out at once as I continued my story. “I felt…red. Like it’s all I saw. And a little bit of pink. And grey, like I was mad and angry at the same time. And then he threw a punch and it hit me but then when he actually did it, it didn’t hit me. I moved. I was so good, you should’ve seen me. Aravel was there. He’d tell you the truth. He said I stared off like a cat-sith when they’re hunting. I don’t know what that means but it sounds pretty cool.”
Titania hushed me, and my chest deflated when she took my hands, only the two of us in her room. I idly wondered where my father was, but it was a distant thought as my mother met my gaze, “You’re upset with me," I couldn't tell what her expression was, and I was seconds from blaming the other kid. "Am I weird for seeing it?"
“I’m not, Ikaros. But what you’re seeing…it’s your gift.”
Timestamp: I was two hundred and fifty five.
It was blue. Of course it was. The ocean always was. It was vast and filled so deeply with melancholy that I thought I would choke on it.
That’s all I felt in my chest as a woman reached for my hand, the Moongate just a few steps away. She was Silver Elvhen, desperate to know what had happened to her child. I had told her it wasn’t like that, that I didn’t know what would come if I looked. Contact had almost come repulsive to me, and it had taken a while to understand what could possibly bring on a vision. It wasn't anything to do with objects, sometimes I could see something in the middle of the night, other times, I could attempt it with a little bit of contact. Maybe it was desperation, or something else, but she grabbed my hand to ask once again and it did exactly what I was hoping to avoid – it triggered me.
Blue, blue, blue.
Midnight blue.
The stars felt like ice along my skin, so deep was the ocean of her grief, like the expanse of dark midnight sky.
There was a body being lifted, a young man who looked no older than twenty, from the back of a horse. I saw the woman scream, her grief all encompassing as it passed through me. So blue. Always blue. Every vision was blue. Death and devastation, it was always Iskaldrik. Always taking from the Silverlands, all while the High Elvhen stayed hidden behind the Moongate offering support from behind a glass mirror. I wasn't a fool, but I also wasn't the King.
Our contact was broken, I felt a shudder run through me until I felt a strong hand on my chest. Grounding, always grounding – Tianyou. It steadied me, but I felt depressed and angry all at once. There was the beginning of a migraine, I could feel it, and I wasn't going to escape it this time. “He’s dead,” that was all I could get out, unable to really sugarcoat it like I would at another time. Her wail of grief followed me through the Moongate.
Echoing, blue, blue, blue.
Timestamp: I was almost four hundred.
It was yellow. It was orange. It was laughter, happiness, sunshine and grass and leaves.
It was love. It was what I felt, and I was sure that I hated it.
Not really, but it was close enough. I had to explain once that I wasn’t an empath, there were those that understood emotions way better than I did. They could manipulate them, understand them. For myself, the visions consumed me. I was never just a third party watching a scene play out, if anything, I wished I was. It was all encompassing. I could feel the anger in the air, red and red, or the sorrow of midnight blue. Or perhaps laughter, orange and yellow and sunshine. Other times, there was the blinding white light of peace.
This was different.
I was awake, for one, the Silver Elvhen laughing in front of me. For the longest time, I didn’t want to be touched. I didn’t think it would work out if I saw something in the future, immediate or not. But I could explain it to Abelas later, if I could even find my brother later. He was always off adventuring, and Deniz was unlike any I'd met. But there was always a catch. I'd come to expect that.
I'd also come to accept that some people, no matter how good their heart was, or how much love they had to give, they would always be alone. That was how I'd felt for so long. Some twisted isolation that was my fault, my prerogative, and I'd changed it to know Deniz. My mother had told me, not too soon after Oberon had been banished, that sometimes, you were able to choose the life you wanted. "And if you're lucky, sometimes that life chooses you back," she'd finished, and I'd only understood that she'd meant me. The rest would sting, but there was life to be lived, and she would continue on.
But all things ended, even myself and Deniz. My first great love, the one where I could put my hand on his and I could feel my own emotions. Deniz was that moment before a storm. Where the sky was grey and cloudy, where the electricity in the air made you shiver. All encompassing, and I was ready to wait it out.
Yet it was a horrible thing, to see the future and know that no matter what I did, what Deniz did, that I couldn't fix it no matter how much I wanted to. He'd said it before, how there wouldn't be a forever. Nothing lasted like that, I'd remind him, but there was that midnight blue sorrow I would feel. It would mix with the yellow and green of sunshine and grass, of rain and the sound the leaves made when the wind passed through them. But it wasn't enough.
I was like the sun, and he was the moon: always chasing.
Timestamp: Present Day
We all had monsters in our dreams. Some of us had just lived with them longer.
My head was pounding. I felt like I'd belonged at the bottom of one of those filthy gutters that I'd seen in Eterna, somewhere around the tower. The Tower itself was always pristine, as was Arvandoril, so it wasn't like it didn't feel more at home than usual.
I'd come a few days prior, Tianyou not far behind me, waiting for the healers of Ceres to once again give me something. It was magic, it was the mind, they'd remind me of that often.
One of the witches had looked at me the day before, saying it would be a shame if an oracle was to be lost. It'd taken me a moment to understand how far through the mud she was dragging me.
"I'm not depressed."
They'd looked me up and down, "You aren't? Why on earth not?"
That'd been the end of that conversatoin. I'd stormed off in a gloriously dramatic fashion, Tian laughing at me as I'd made it outside the door.
"I hate it here," I'd growled out, sounding more like my cat-sith every day. I'd even been accused of purring once, but when Saleba purred, it indicated devious plotting involving nefarious deeds. I didn't trust that cat, but I loved him. So there was that.
"You wanted to visit," Tianyou pointed out the obvious, and I had to refrain from being grouchy once more.
That was yesterday, and today, I'd only managed to drag myself out of bed after taking the herbs recommended to me. Magic couldn't fix everything. There were days where I felt lighter, this was not one of those days. It'd be nice if I could be paint on a wall, blending into the background, but I was always present. I had so many questions. To be a High Elvhen was to never be alone, but to see the future? It felt isolating. And time, it never stopped, but it often felt elastic.
I could feel another vision, edging at the back of my conscious. This one was dark again, relating to no one near me. My only contact was the desk I'd balanced myself against. Fear. Black, all consuming, darkness. A roar echoed in my head, but I was there. I could see it. Creatures of the blight, another blighted hand reaching forward. Was it mine? Flashes of yellow – deceit. I gasped as I was brought out of it by a banging on the door. A wave of desperation overtook me. I had to see more. I had to go back. But it never worked. Was it the future? Was it the current? It'd be someone I'd met before, had to be, but as I stumbled to the door, looking less like a prince with every stumbling step I took, I had little time to pull it open before I was looking into the eyes of one of the Queen's Court.
"Iskaldrik has fallen."
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lemecdlucas · 1 year
          ▐ ⦙ ❛ *   ♡ ·゚ Ꮺ ࣪˖ ᥫ᭡ 🦢ˎˊ˗   Magnus Bane / @lemecdeliott​​​​​ ❜  
                                  🌾 ❛❛🧙🏻‍♂️💙🐈‍⬛Definitivamente se estaba acostumbrando a esta vida, tal como se había acostumbrado a un inicio a vivir con Alec y todo lo que ello implicaba. Habían salido a dar un paseo al parque Max estaba en el carrito que era empujado por Alec, y a Magnus se le hizo fácil hacer aparecer con su magia un peluche para el pequeño.—Para ti, mi pequeño arándano—Era un arándano de peluche. Con el glamour que Magnus había puesto en el bebé nadie notaba que fuera azul, tanto como nadie notaba que los ojos de Magnus fueran gatunos. —Después mandare el dinero del peluche, Alexander—Aclaro mirando a su novio. Sabiendo se sobra que le había dicho que no tomara cosas de los almacenes sin pagar.—Pero, la ocasión lo amerita—Sonrió y dejo un beso en su mejilla.
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sludgevomit · 3 months
Sir! I had no idea today is Father’s Day! Where I’m from it was a few months ago!
Im really excited to be able to entice you today.
Fuck how I wish I could be there with you and serve you as the pet I am. Kneel in front of you while you hold my leash, quiet and silent until you allow me to move or make any sounds. Being walked around, my leash almost choking me making me crawl super close to your legs. Completely naked, plugged and leaking from the intense arousal I feel each time I’m near you, clamps so tight my nipples instantly turned purple and sting.
Then, feel the cold of you table and knowing what’s about to happen: once again, I’ll have the honor to feel your blade slicing my skin, opening new holes for you to fuck while already fucking my old ones. Making me cum relentlessly, non-stop, until I’m a begging mess for you to stop because I can’t take it no more, my body can’t take any more cuts or orgasms, everything in me hurts and it just makes me want you more, just makes me wanting to be fucked and sliced by you more.
Once you’re done with me, all my old holes filling with you cum and the new ones too; you make me crawl again to my spot in the corner, hold my leash there in place, tie me up to a bench and leave me there with a fuck machine completely destroying both my original holes at one time while I watch you use one of your other pets and telling me how much better they are, how much I sick at being yours, how much of a whore I was when you picked me up from the street and still am if not more; how much it disgusts you to fuck me, but what can you do I’m always willing. Just a whore for my Daddy.
Happy Father’s Day Daddy Bear
- 🔌
Mmm, why thank you sweet Toy. How your words and imagination brought a smirk upon Daddy Bear’s lips. How wonderful it is to know that you understand how to service your Sir. That all of the objectification and dehumanization matter at the end of the day. That treating you like worthless scum will bring me pleasure. To slap your mouth when your begs for Daddy Bear to stop just become too much of an annoyance. Displeasing me in the end and forcing you to watch me give another Pet their treatment.
You have permission to send Papa Bear private messages - if you have the courage.
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mubroom · 2 years
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sixk-mutt · 1 month
I want!! Gross and yucky asks in my inbox!! Ask me personal shit!! I need it!!!!
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ackrsays · 2 years
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🐕🐈› Como cães e gatos;
Doada para marichats.
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naviculariis · 2 months
No but actually Remy muse go CRAZY rn. So like. If you'd want a lil. Starter. From the Thieving Pirate himself...👀👀
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ricardolima · 1 year
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lrenesrv · 4 months
The Royals universe. @kariotp
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la rubia salió enojada del evento, dirigiéndose hasta los jardines del palacio, uno que no había visitado desde hace demasiado tiempo, pero ocupaba deshacerse de la compañía de su para nada amado prometido, fingir siquiera amabilidad con aquél hombre le parecía asqueroso. el problema no era tanto como se veía, pero era un completo patán, la idea de que tendría que vivir con él y darle herederos le daba nauseas. las cosas estaban tan mal que a pesar de que esta parte del palacio estaba prohibida al acceso esta noche, no le importó para nada, tampoco como si ella siguiera normalmente las reglas, pero esta noche le importaban aún menos. había sacado una botella de tequila del evento y traía cigarrillos en su cartera, así que pretendió pasar el resto de la velada escondida en aquél jardín. se encontraba tomando su primer sorbo de la botella con una mano mientras que la otra sostenida su cigarrillo cuando escuchó unos pasos detrás de ella, lo que la hizo girar para ver quién era su acompañante, mentalmente preparada para pelear por si venían a llevársela devuelta al evento, pero suspiró algo aliviada al ver al próximo rey del país ahí, al menos no era su futuro esposo. “¿me vas a regañar por estar aquí? porque debo decirte que no estoy de humor para que me importe.” advirtió, la única manera que sería sacada de ahí era siendo obligada, probablemente arrastrada por seguridad, y prefería ese escándalo antes de volver con aquél hombre que detestaba. “si no le dices a nadie, puedo compartir mi escondite secreto… porque no veo otra razón para que el futuro rey se retire de su propio evento a un lugar tan alejado, a menos que se esté escondiendo.” añade con gracia, alzando y bajando sus cejas un par de veces antes de tenderle la botella. estaba segura de que nunca antes habían hablado más que un par de palabras, pero ella recordaba que hace unos años le veía en las noticias y se le hacía extremadamente guapo, debía de admitir que los años nada más lo hacían verse mejor.
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sludgevomit · 3 months
Papa Bear will be answering his filthy Collection’s and anons’ erotic words and fantasies. As today is Father’s Day, submissions and private messages are open. Daddy Bear deserves to cum; the service of his Pets will make them favored in his eyes.
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mikrokosmcs · 4 months
7, 8, 14, 15, 20, 24, 25, 28 (Sanbaek, para irlo conociendo <3)
Easy Answer Smut
7. Ass or titties? 8. On the floor or against the wall?
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- —Trasero, definitivamente — -no encontraba mucha gracia en los senos, y cuando se trataba de un sujeto bisexual era más fácil encontrar hombres con un bonito trasero que tocar. - —Contra la pared, el piso me parece muy incómodo.
14. Daddy kink? 15. Funniest thing to happen during sex?
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No puede evitar reírse cuando escucha aquello, arqueando una ceja. - —Sería un delito federal si no me gustase que me llamasen daddy — -la gente tenía algo por los trajes, los hombres grandes y que protegen, él cumplía con los tres. - —El tener sexo y aparezca la mascota, ha sido la cosa más divertida del mundo y aunque no arruinó nada, prefiero que no estén los animalitos al tanto de nada — -es un hombre de corazón gentil, que tenía afinidad por todo lo pequeño y adorable.
20. Would you eat ass? 24. Kinkiest thing you’ve done?
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- —Lo hago y lo haré hasta que el mar de congele — -quien tuviese miedo de ser un poco “sucio” durante el sexo, no lo disfrutaba realmente. - —Supongo que ha sido este artista que me tocó cuidar, teníamos una relación más allá del trabajo y tenerlo con un vibrador en uno de estos fansings, ha sido lo más fuerte que hicimos. Fue la mejor noche de mi vida.
25. Describe the perfect scenario for sex. 28. How loud are you during sex?
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- —Para mi el perfecto escenario para tener sexo, es una cita planificada. No me interesa sonar cursi, para mi una cita, cena y una noche de hacer el amor es algo bonito y que llena. Sobre lo ruidoso, ¿lo normal? — -prefería que su pareja fuese vocal.
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degeneratewh0re · 5 months
we know each other and id honestly want to get fucked by you if you’d ever be so gracious
Thank you very much darlin. I’m currently single and not really searching for a partner, but don’t be shy if you want to reach out via dm or something.
Regardless, I’m glad you fantasize about me in such a way. I hope my blog can at least fulfill some of those desires <3
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forest-fire-555 · 11 months
Solíamos jugar ajedrez, ¿Recuerdas? Ahora el ajedrez me trae tu recuerdo, quizá por eso no lo juego...
Siempre me ganabas, siempre me hacías reír, ahora ya no lo hacemos, ya no jugamos juntos, ya no me haces reír, ahora me haces llorar, llorar por tu desinterés, llorar por tu falta de amar.
Podría escribirte un montón de cartas, que por supuesto, nunca te entregaré, ¿Por qué? Porque se supone que no me afecta, se supone que ya no te extraño, se supone que no anhelo tu cariño.
Pero lo hago tanto.
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