#para: blaine anderson
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Rain was lightly tapping overhead on their covered area on the resort's private beach. The sound of the ocean waves was still a calming presence, and Kurt has let himself slip into a state of total serene peace, gladly tangled up with Blaine on the large day bed. Even with the rain and cloud cover, he wouldn't rather be anywhere right now than right here. The tips of his fingers painting random patterns on Blaine's exposed shoulder and neck. The warm damp humidity in the air stuck to them with ease, and if anything the rain only made the tropical air more soup like then cooling it down at all.
But this was fine. Lounging after dark by overhanging soft warm lamp light, that swung lazily occasionally. Casting a perfect glow over him and Blaine being the only ones in the lounge area for now, making this intimate moment something out of a romantic movie.
Turning his head to press a kiss to Blaine's temple, Kurt gives a satisfied hum under his breath. "Any plans for the rest of the week?" He asks, finally breaking the comfortable silence. They had spent the first half talking between drinks - Kurt purposefully avoiding alcohol so not to make a fool out of himself and sticking to a virgin piña colada - and fell into this cuddle session. "Because I was thinking that maybe we could check out this horseback riding activity on the beach before the trip ends. Not because I like horses, but because it sounds picturesque and very sappy."
Honestly horses weirded him out. They were big, intimidating, unpredictable, and god knew that they weren't the best smelling animal on earth. But this was purely for aesthetics, nothing else. Another check off his hopeless romantic side of the bucket list. Something he wanted to do with his boyfriend now that it was available at their disposal. But...
"Unless you'd rather not do that. Then we can go do something way more out there, like zip lining? Or maybe snorkeling? ....four wheeling?" @wmublaine
#( ⤷ thread ; kurt writes )#( ⤷ f2f para ; kurt talks to you )#( && ft. blaine anderson )#( ⤷ event ; spring break )
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As promised, Sebastian set aside some time to go out for the night with Blaine. He wasn't just going to meet the other man at the club though, not in a city where driving worked the way it does in New York. Instead, he showed up in his own car to pick Blaine up with a paid driver so that he wouldn't have to worry about parking or driving back. When they arrived at the other man's home, he got out of the passenger seat and opened the back for the two of them to get in for the ride to the club. He'd already been texting Blaine with updates on his arrival time as they drove, so it shouldn't be long before the other man came out. He was dressed for the club, but he was still wearing a button-up shirt with nice pants though he had taken the time to go home and give himself a more free hairstyle than he wore at work.
"There you are, killer. It's good to see you with my own two eyes."
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Teddy had been waiting for the new Indiana Jones movie ever since it first was announced, he loved action and adventure movies almost as much as he loved musicals. And when it turned out that sadly none of his best friends seemed to want to see it with him, he was glad to have Blaine accompany them for a total bro's night out to the drive-in. Sure, that wasn't the most conventional way to have a 'bro's night', but that didn't matter to Teddy. What mattered was he got his own large popcorn and large blue raspberry slushie and a good friend to watch the movie with. Grabbing a handful of his popcorn he shoved it in his face, being careful not to drop any since even though it wasn't the movie theater, he didn't want to make a mess in the car. "This was honestly the best idea, I mean I love Ana, she's my best friend and Amber, too, she's one of my closest friends, my best theater friend if you will." He paused, holding a hand up quick. "No offence, you're like my best bro theater friend. But I like that I don't feel this need to be all extra, extra careful and proper or whatever, you know? I'm not trying to make a mess, but I can eat a mouthful of popcorn without feeling like I'm gonna look gross in front of you, cause we're like bros, you know?"
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Charlie was just glad that her costume wasn't as extravagant as some, although that wasn't to say she was about to run out and play every game that ran the risk of splashing her with some sort of alcoholic beverage. Tossing a glance behind her at the mention of the other activities, she gave a shake of her head, sure she'd make her way over to some of them eventually. "Yeah, the trivia doesn't really sound like my kind of thing. I don't know anything about scary movies, I don't think I'd get a single question right. The walkthrough is a maybe for me though. Jump scares aren't my thing either, so I've been waiting to see if it's really all that bad before I try to go through it."
Blaine let out a soft chuckle at Charlie's reaction and nodded. "Exactly. Finally someone who understands! The last thing I want is for my curls to rebel against me." Although he definitely didn't gel down his hair as much as he used to back in high school, he still liked to use a fair amount of product to tame his curls. "You should! I've played eyeball beer pong and flip cup so far, even though those were admittedly pretty dangerous for my outfit too, and I failed horribly at pin the tail on the werewolf. And while I don't watch scary movies very often, I'd love to try my hand at the scary movie trivia. The haunted walkthrough is still up for debate, as I really don't want to go through it alone. Have you gone through it yet?"
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«Excessive rain» Part II
Septiembre de 2023
-Llamaré a Blaine… —dijo Kurt sin despegar sus ojos del aparato electrónico.
-Yo yo iré a organizar a la gente para que no haya una estampida y posterior revuelta o algo… —respondió Lily también mirando la pantalla de su móvil mientras avanzaba hacia donde estaba el resto de la compañía— ¿tienes… como… irte?… — preguntó su amiga caminando hacia atrás.
-Si, es decir no… pero yo me las arreglo no te preocupes…
-Ok… llámame cuando llegues…
-Lo haré… —dijo Kurt llevándose el teléfono a la oreja— ¿Blaine?…
-Kurt… justo iba a llamarte… ¿me escuchas bien? —preguntó su esposo desde el otro lado del teléfono.
-Muy bien… aunque escucho mucho tráfico… ¿dónde estás?
-Aquí en Zabar’s con Lizzie… —contestó Blaine mirando a su hija cuando pronunciaba su nombre— en realidad estoy en la calle, llegó una alerta al teléfono y hubo un poco de conmoción allí dentro.. —añadió señalando hacia la tienda de conveniencia como si su esposo pudiera verlo.
-Te escuché, es solo que te maldije un par de veces en silencio…
-No importa… ¿recibiste la alerta dijiste? —pregunto Kurt mientras comenzaba a moverse por el backstage en busca de sus cosas, toda la compañía hacía lo mismo, hablaban por teléfono, entraban y salían de los vestidores, algunos ayudaban a los músicos con sus instrumentos y así, todos parecían querer salir pronto de donde estaban.
-La recibí… jamás pensé que era para tanto la lluvia… —respondió mirando el cielo refugiado en el alero de la tienda.
-Pues lo es… ¿estás bien?
-Con Lizzie estamos perfectos, de hecho iremos a la cafetería esa que nos gusta a…
-¡¿Estás bromeando conmigo Blaine Anderson-Hummel?!
-¿Que?, no… ¿por qué dices eso?
-Porque la ciudad esta en alerta no se que color y tu iras con mi hija a tomarte un café…
-La alerta es amarilla y nuestra hija… —Blaine hizo una pausa luego de poner especial acento cuando decía lo de “nuestra hija”— al parecer tiene hambre y pensé en que…
-Pues no pienses tanto y ve a nuestra casa… ¿tenías que salir a comprar con este clima?
-Tenía, porque una persona dejó una lista con el título de “algo útil para hacer en tu día libre” , seguido de 15 productos extremadamente bien descritos.
-Ok, reconozco lo de la lista pero no ese titular que dices… ahora, ¿puedes por favor tomar un taxi e irte a casa?
-Lo haremos, es más creo que allí… —Kurt alcanzo a escuchar un ruido fuerte como un golpe seco para luego solo oir estática en su teléfono.
-¿Allí?… ¿allí que?… ¿que ruido fue ese?… ¿Blaine?… ¡Blaine!… ¡con un demonio!… ¡maldito aparato de los demonios!… —exclamó Kurt seguido de un grito y un golpe a su teléfono, volvió a llamar a su esposo sin tener respuesta unas 10 veces.
-Señor Hummel…
-Disculpe, nombre es Matthew Wilson… y solo quería decirle que es un honor para mí conocerlo y tocar para usted… —dijo un chico joven, alto y fornido y que cargaba un gran violonchelo sobre uno de sus hombros.
-¿Cómo?… — dijo Kurt sin mirarlo ni poner atención al recién llegado.
-Le decía que..
-Si, si ,si… escuche eso… gracias… —agregó mirándolo de reojo para volver a lo de intentar de llamar de nuevo a su esposo, el chico murmuró un “Ok” e hizo ademán de irse por donde había venido
-Disculpa… —dijo Kurt dándose media vuelta y acercándose a él un par de pasos— ¿Matthew es tu nombre dijiste?…
-Si… Matthew Wilson… —respondió señalándose a sí mismo y poniéndose recto como si estuviera en una revisión militar de madrugada o algo así.
-Gusto en conocerte… —dijo Kurt estrechándole la mano, el chico hizo lo propio de vuelta riendo nervioso— disculpa lo de recién es solo que…
-¿Todo bien señor Hummel?… —preguntó el músico dejando su instrumento en el piso.
-Todo bien… es solo este aparato que … ¡uy!… —respondió dándole otro golpe.
-No es su teléfono, en realidad todas las señales están fallando, la señorita Stewart está hace bastante rato esperando poder hablar con el encargado del teatro para decir que nos vamos todos y no ha podido…
-¿De verdad?
-Si… yo quise llamar a mi compañera de piso pero tampoco pude… asumo que cuando me vea llegar sabrá que llegue… —respondió Matthew riendo su propio chiste.
-Lo mas probable… gracias Matthew…
-Por nada… pero si algo me ha enseñado el cine, es que los teléfonos públicos nunca fallan… hay uno en el lobby… —dijo el hombre señalando hacia donde dijera.
-eso es verdad… gracias de nuevo… —contestó Kurt tomando sus cosas y echándolas dentro de su bolso de cualquier forma— espero que llegues bien… —agregó ofreciendo su mano para despedirse.
-Igual usted Señor Hummel… —añadió el chico estrechándola de vuelta sin que se lo pidieran dos veces— Señor Hummel…
-¿Puedo pedirle un favor?, solo si quiere, no hay problema si me dice que no…
.Ok… —dijo el aludido frunciendo el ceño al pensar que le pedirian quizás que.
-¿Me puedo tomar una fotos con usted?, si no, nadie me creerá que pude hablar con Kurt Hummel… —explicó Matthew haciendo unos ademanes engreídos cuando decia lo de “Kurt Hummel”
-Claro… no se como interpretar esos gestos… —dijo de vuelta Kurt haciendo los mismos ademanes engreidos— y si no te importa que salga con cara de loco demente… no hay problema,…. —dijo acercándose a él, Matthew sacó su teléfono, abrió la aplicación de la cámara y tomó, lo que Kurt mentalmebte pudo contar, unas 363 fotos seguidas.
-Gracias Señor Hummel… —dijo el músico mientras miraba las fotos sin convencerse todavía.
-De nada y gracias a ti por el dato del teléfono… —terminó por decir Kurt intentando por última vez llamar a Blaine.
-Gracias Señor Hummel… —repitió el chico mientras se volvía a poner sobre el hombro su enorme violonchelo barroco, Kurt sonrió un segundo pensando que aquel consejo del teléfono tal vez no le servía para nada, tantos años de comunicación inalámbrica y digital lo habían hecho olvidar cómo se usaban ni cuántas monedas necesitaría para hacer una llamada, movió la cabeza como despejándose de todo y se encaminó a la salida, le ofreció ayuda a Lily con lo del encargado pero esta le insistió que mejor se fuera, que luego podía ponerse todo más feo. Kurt no esperó a que se lo repitieran y aceleró el tranco sin mirar atrás.
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Darren Criss celebra con los mejores fans
El cantante hizo una pausa para presentar a sus tres coristas, quienes colaboraron con él en el EP "Homework" | Foto: Liliana Estrada
*The singer paused to introduce his three backing vocalists, who collaborated with him on the "Homework" EP | Photo: Liliana Estrada
Darren Criss ama al público mexicano, debido a su buena vibra y el amor que le brindan en sus conciertos, y no dudó en demostrar ese cariño durante el concierto que ofreció esta noche en el Frontón México, ante mil 600 personas.
"Saben que México tiene los mejores fans del mundo, ¿verdad? Están locos, es increíble, si este show es increíble esta noche, es por ustedes hijos de perra. Vamos a opacar a los demás países del mundo", expresó el artista, luego de iniciar su repertorio con "I'm so excited" y "Fuckin around".
El cantante hizo una pausa para presentar a sus tres coristas, quienes colaboraron con él en el EP "Homework", y lo acompañaron durante todo el show de esta noche. El público no dejaba de gritar su nombre, aplaudirle cada que se acercaba a la orilla del escenario o les sonreía. Mientras tanto, el concierto continuaba con temas como "Somewhere only we know", "Cough syrup", "Hopelessly devoted to you" y "I can't dance".
Darren también recordó su paso por el teatro musical, al interpretar temas como "Granger danger" (al lado de sus coristas, Lauren y Joey) y "Goin' back to Howarts", los cuales forman parte de la banda sonora de la obra "A very Potter musical". "Hemos tocado un par de canciones que todos conocen, pero todavía tenemos algunas más. Quiero que sigan cantando conmigo", dijo en la recta final de la presentación.
El originario de San Francisco, California, incluyó "Torture me", un cover de los Red Hot Chilli Peppers, el cual aseguró es uno de sus temas favoritos. "Me hubiera gustado escribirla yo. No es un hit en la radio, pero chequenla, es maravillosa", comentó. Recordando su paso por la televisión, interpretó "Teenage dream" de Katy Perry, canción que formó parte del soundtrack de la serie "Glee", donde dio vida al personaje de "Blaine Anderson". "¿La están pasando bien? ¿Están aprendiendo algo? Espero que regresen a casa diciendo estuvo genial, quiero regresar a verlo pronto", expresó con alegría, y prometió visitar el interior de la República en su próxima gira.
El concierto finalizó con los temas "For a night like this" y "Day that the dance is over". Antes de despedirse, Darren reiteró su cariño hacia México, y externó su deseo de que todos los presentes hayan pasado una noche inolvidable. "Gracias por estar aquí está noche, los amamos. Gracias por su energía, vamos a terminar el show con alegría para que vayan a casa a decirles a sus amigos lo bien que la pasaron".
*Google Translate
*Darren Criss loves the Mexican public, due to his good vibes and the love they give him at his concerts, and he did not hesitate to show that affection during the concert he offered tonight at the Frontón México, in front of 1,600 people.
"You know that Mexico has the best fans in the world, right? They're crazy, it's incredible, if this show is incredible tonight, it's because of you sons of bitches. We're going to outshine other countries in the world," said the artist, after starting his repertoire with "I'm so excited" and "Fuckin around".
The singer paused to introduce his three backing vocalists, who collaborated with him on the "Homework" EP, and accompanied him throughout tonight's show. The public did not stop shouting his name, applauding him every time he approached the edge of the stage or smiled at them. Meanwhile, the concert continued with songs like "Somewhere only we know", "Cough syrup", "Hopelessly devoted to you" and "I can't dance".
Darren also recalled his time in musical theater, interpreting songs like "Granger danger" (alongside his backup singers, Lauren and Joey) and "Goin' back to Howarts", which are part of the soundtrack of the play " A very Potter musical". "We have played a couple of songs that everyone knows, but we still have some more. I want you to continue singing with me," he said in the final stretch of the presentation.
The San Francisco, California native included "Torture me," a Red Hot Chilli Peppers cover, which he said is one of his favorite songs. "I would have liked to write it myself. It's not a hit on the radio, but check it out, it's wonderful," he commented. Remembering his time on television, he performed Katy Perry's "Teenage dream", a song that was part of the soundtrack of the series "Glee", where he gave life to the character of "Blaine Anderson". "
Are you having a good time? Are you learning something? I hope you return home saying it was great, I want to return to see you soon," he said happily, and promised to visit the interior of the Republic on his next tour.
The concert ended with the songs "For a night like this" and "Day that the dance is over". Before saying goodbye to him, Darren reiterated his love for Mexico, and expressed his wish that everyone present had an unforgettable night. "Thank you for being here tonight, we love you. Thank you for your energy, we're going to end the show with joy so you can go home and tell your friends what a great time you had."
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Luz versus oscuridad
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3r9Yxsm by Soft_Kitty16 Nadie saber en que momento encontrará el amor. Para Blaine Anderson fue en medio de una misión que le había encomendado su padre. Sin embargo, no fue una de las mejores circunstancias... Words: 1392, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español Fandoms: Glee Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Additional Tags: Romance
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Glee (2009-2015)
Rachel, la protagonista, tiene dos padres, esto se muestra desde el primer capítulo, donde se introduce la chica. En un episodio una profesora sugiere que había estudios que justificaban el comportamiento indecente de los hijos con dos padres por la misma razón.
También un ex profesor, Sandy Ryerson, es confirmado gay, nunca se le ve ninguna relación romántica, pero si “coquetea” con algunos hombres.
En el tercer capítulo cuando Mercedes intenta salir con Kurt Hummel, al principio se insinúa que él es gay, lo que él intenta tapar diciendo que le gusta una chica, pero luego le confiesa a Mercedes que es gay y que aún no está listo para decirlo. Al siguiente capítulo no solo se insinúa algo entre él y Finn sino que Kurt sale del closet con su padre y amigos. Más adelante Kurt confirma que está enamorado de Finn.
En un capítulo Santana Lopez dice que “tener sexo no es salir” y Brittany Pierce agrega “si fuera así Santana y yo estaríamos saliendo”, también en otra ocasión Brittany dice haber besado a todos los chicos y chicas de su escuela. Muchas veces se hace referencia a que ellas están juntas de alguna manera, y en la segunda temporada lo hablan con la maestra Hopps y empiezan a cuestionarse su sexualidad y sentimientos la una por la otra, Santana admite que quiere estar juntas y ama a Brittany, pero le aterra lo que piense el resto y como las traten, y Brittany acepta amarla a ella y a su novio. Santana luego confirma que es “una lesbiana de closet”, y Britt que es bisexual.
Luego, por una campaña política, un adversario de su entrenadora revela que Santana es lesbiana públicamente, y sus amigxs intentan animarla y mostrarle que no tiene que avergonzarse por lo que es. Y cuando un chico intenta salir con ella para “enderezarla” y “hacerla normal” sus amigas la defienden, luego ella les cuenta que les contó a sus padres y lo tomaron bien. Pero cuando le cuenta a su abuela ella la hecha de su casa.
En la segunda temporada Kurt conoce a Blaine Anderson, quien le confirma que también es gay, y lo anima a enfrentarse a Dave Karofsky, un chico que lo molestaba reprimiendo que le gustaba. Kurt y Blaine se vuelven más cercanos, y Kurt se enamora de él, pero a Blaine le gusta otro chico, que lo rechaza. Kurt se declara y quedan como amigos, pero se van acercando y terminan saliendo orgullosa y públicamente. Su relación se muestra compleja desde el principio, se explora como una relación lgbt+ que lucha contra el odio, pero también que crece y tiene altibajos como cualquier relación.
Cuando Dave comprende el impacto que tenía su acoso se cambia de escuela y empieza su proceso de auto-aceptación, se cambia de escuela, y cuando se siente más o menos listo se le declara a Kurt, quien lo rechaza. A partir de eso lo descubren es su nueva escuela e inicia el acoso y ciberacoso, lo que termina en un intento de suicidio. Dave recibe una red de contención y apoyo, pero no vuelve a aparecer en la serie.
En la serie se hablaba directamente de la homofobia y el acoso que recibe Kurt por eso, también el papel que juega su padre, Burt, al defenderlo “Lucharé hasta la muerte por tu derecho a amar a quien quieras”. Burt inicia su carrera política con la idea de preservar las artes que refugiaron a su hijo y pelear por los derechos lgbt+. Hay un capítulo donde Kurt queda internado luego de defender a un chico de otros dos que lo estaban golpeando por ser gay, y retratan muy bien el sentimiento de inseguridad que sufre la comunidad al hablar de otros casos e intentar conmemorarlos, y también la preocupación y el miedo que tienen sus allegadxs (como el padre de Kurt).
Luego aparece “Unique”, Wade “único” Adams, una chica trans, que empiezan mostrando como un chico extra que le gusta disfrazarse de mujer, pero que cuando se internaliza más en la serie elije usar pronombres femeninos y ser llamada “Único (la traducción usada en masculino)”. Empezó como un chico que le pedía consejo y ayuda a Kurt y Mercedes porque lo inspiraban a mostrarse como era, y fue creciendo y buscando un lugar seguro que halló en un nuevo coro y escuela que fue aprendiendo a reconocerla y aceptarla. Cuando hacen un musical Unique audiciona para Rizzo (un personaje femenino), la entrenadora se escandaliza y niega rotundamente, y, aunque la chica está dispuesta a pesar de lo difícil que sabe que va a ser, sus xadres se lo prohíben (al igual que vestirse como mujer en la escuela) por miedo a cómo la van a tratar. En un episodio Unique pelea con Ryder, quien se niega a reconocerla como una chica, pero lo ayudan a ver que lo importante no es todas las dudas que él tiene si no la verdad de Unique, gracias a esa aceptación ella confiesa que la acosaron saliendo de la escuela, y se forma una red de apoyo que decide acompañarla a partir de ahí. En otro capítulo molestan a Unique porque no la dejan usar el baño de mujeres y la acosan en el de hombres, ella solicita un baño unisex y, a modo de burla, la directora instala un baño portátil pintado con signos de pregunta en el medio del salón del coro. Luego su profesor hace un trato para que le den la llave del baño de maestros y saquen el baño portátil.
Kurt, Blaine y Santana también tuvieron otros intereses románticos y relaciones.
Sheldon Blaiste fue un personaje recurrente por algunas temporadas que inicia su transición en secreto y luego le cuenta a sus compañeros y amigos, así se va por un tiempo y vuelve con su nuevo nombre y una imagen que lo hace sentir cómodo. Cuando regresa es atacado por unxs chicxs de otra escuela, y para mostrarle que no está solo Will y Unique reúnen un coro de 300 personas trans para inspirarlo.
Por último, en la sexta y última temporada Santana y Brittney se comprometen, y el día de su boda invitan a Kurt y Blaine a casarse también (puesto que ya se habían comprometido una vez), y ellos aceptan.
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It had been a long time since the two had seen each other, and the presence of that fact really hit when Blaine walked out and they were looking at each other face to face. Wow. A lot had changed, and a lot hadn't. They hugged and Sebastian took in the familiar raspberry scent before stepping back to usher Blaine into the car afterwards. Once the other man was in, he slid in behind him, closing the door and buckling himself in one smooth motion. Of course, Blaine made sure there was no silence and it would have been easy to forget that there had been so much time since the last time they had hung out.
"Got to keep the fantasy alive, don't I? And the anticipation, you're too fun to surprise so really it's your own fault," he chimed playfully, arching an eyebrow with a bemused smirk growing. With the both of them inside and buckled in, the driver carefully pulled out and started driving. "So tell me, what have you been up to outside of all of that professional success we've been talking about?"
Blaine looked at the message in his phone and smiled. Sebastian was downstairs waiting for him. One quick look on the full length mirror beside his door to make sure everything was in the right place, dark blue pants, light yellow shirt with the collar loose and no tie, casual, but still nice, and he was out the door, and down the stairs to the lobby. While he made his way down, he had a couple of seconds to consider what was happening. He was about to see Sebastian Smythe, in person, after a long, long time. It felt like a lifetime ago when they had last seen each other, and God knows it had happened enough to Blaine to make it feel that long. But none of that matter now, only the present. When he walked out the door and into the street, his face lit up when he saw the other man standing there.
"And there you are too, Sebastian" he said, then walked up to him and gave him a warm, soft hug. "It's good to see you again." He stood back and looked at the car behind the other man. "You got us our own carriage. I'm touched!" he said, then patted his shoulder and quickly got into the car, making room for Sebastian to sit beside him. "So? Are you going to tell me where are we going?"
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Llévame a casa sin tu moto y convertible
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/48217705
by Aisxly
Mientras Blaine, feliz de la vida, espera a su hermano en el estacionamiento, Kurt, chico malo, se le acerca para hablar con él, ¿o era para molestarlo?
Words: 1477, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español
Series: Part 1 of Te he visto antes, en mis sueños eres amable
Fandoms: Glee
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Sebastian Smythe, Cooper Anderson
Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, Bad Boy Kurt Hummel, Cheerio Blaine Anderson, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, algo así
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/73QXWMT This is an automatic feed of all new stories posted to the Kurt Hummel tag on AO3. Because of that, it is not guaranteed that Kurt is the main character in the story. There is also no judgment made as to ships, length, or warnings. Please verify content upon clicking through to AO3.
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TV: Personajes LGTBQ en “Glee”
Qué duda cabe que “Glee” (”Alegría”) fue una de las más maravillosas sorpresas de la televisión estadounidense. Creada por el incansable Ryan Murphy (junto a Brad Falchuk e Ian Brennan), esta serie aunó humor, drama, romanticismo, celebración y mucha, pero mucha buena música. Un soplo de aire fresco que fascinó tanto a espectadores adolescentes como a adultos y fue un verdadero fenómeno de masas. Exitazo de la cadena Fox, cuyas seis temporadas fueron emitidas entre 2009 y 2015, la historia se centraba en la lucha del Club Glee, establecido en el colegio McKinley de Lima (Ohio) por salir del estigma de perdedores que padecían en el instituto.
Un profesor bienintencionado, Will Schuester (Matthew Morrison) se pone al mando de la cruzada y recibe a un grupo variopinto de estudiantes con gran talento vocal, a quienes entrenará para competir en las diversas instancias que los enfrentará por la gloria con otros grupos corales escolares a nivel regional, estatal y nacional.
Entre los temas que la serie trata (embarazo adolescente, sexualidad, bullying), la temática LGBTQ tiene un lugar muy destacado con varios exponentes adolescentes y adultos (como la entrenadora Beiste, interpretado por Dot-Marie Jones, que surge como una mujer robusta y acaba adoptando una identidad masculina bajo el nombre de Sheldon, o los padres de Rachel Berry, otra estrella de New Directions).
He aquí un leve repaso de los memorables adolescentes gays, lesbianas, bisexuales y transexuales que la serie nos dejó. Omitiremos al más que importante dúo Brittana, compuesto por Brittany Pierce (Heather Morris) y Santana Lopez (Naya Rivera), por cuanto ya ha sido incluido en este blog:
Kurt Hummel (Chris Colfer)
Tuvo la suerte que no disfrutaron muchos jóvenes: la de ser aceptado por sus padres debido a su sexualidad. Y es que hasta su difunta madre supo siempre que fue especial: carismático y atento a sus sensibilidades artísticas. Ya desde el primer episodio le toca sufrir humillaciones de los patanes a cargo, entre los cuales están Finn Hudson (Corey Monteith), Noah Puckerman (Mark Salling) y, en especial, el peor de todos: el salvaje de David Karofsky. Desde luego, su talento como cantante no pasa desapercibido e ingresa al Club Glee, adonde se convierte en un miembro esencial, no solo del equipo coral sino también de la serie. Aquí vemos al actor que lo encarna junto al pequeño Adam Kolkin, que asombró por la impresionante similitud con su versión adolescente (rasgo aprovechado por el propio Colfer en la película “Struck By Lightning”, de 2012), Su romance con Blaine Anderson fue una de las fortalezas del show.
Blaine Anderson (Darren Criss)
Fue amor a primera vista. Una de las parejas más amadas de la serie surgió bajo los acordes de “Teenage Dream”, y eso fue: un sueño adolescente que, miembro de los Dalton Warblers (club rival de los chicos del McKinley), pasa a formar parte del Club Glee cuando cambia de escuela para estar junto a Kurt. No fue su primer chico (anduvo, por ejemplo, nada menos que con David Karofsky) e inclusive llegó a engañarle, pero la relación tuvo final feliz. A diferencia de Kurt, no hay divismo alguno en Blaine, que padeció la incomprensión de su padre y su hermano mayor, Cooper.
David Karofsky (Max Adler)
Acosador de la peor especie, la primera vez que lo vemos es lanzando a Kurt al basurero y lanzando improperios homofóbicos. Una constante en un personaje que, de verdad, se hace odiar: siempre violento, siempre prepotente, siempre homófobo. Hasta que, de forma sorpresiva, en la segunda temporada le roba un beso a su habitual víctima, que queda entre aturdida y aterrada. Casi tanto como el propio David, que intenta suicidarse, aterrado por la certeza de que es eso que tanto detesta: ser gay. La tragedia que no ocurrió despierta en Kurt tal compasión que acaba perdonándolo.
Sebastian Smythe (Grant Gustin)
Antes de convertirse en The Flash, el veloz superhéroe de DC Comics, Gustin interpretó al líder de The Warblers, un muchacho ambicioso e hiriente en completa guerra con New Directions. Chico malo y obviamente talentoso, no tiene ningún problema con su sexualidad: ni bien advierte la presencia de Blaine, decide coquetear con su compañero de grupo, a pesar de la presencia de Kurt.
Unique Adams (Alex Newell)
Newell tiene muchos puntos en común con Unique. Su rol es consecuencia de su desempeño en el reality show “The Glee Project” (2011-2012), en donde Murphy buscaba talentos para, claro, “Glee”. Su impacto aquí reside en ser el primer adolescente transexual de la serie además, desde luego, de formar parte del Club Glee del McKinley High School. En la serie, además, se contacta vía internet con el sobrenombre de Katie., y no será el único: Unique es el apodo recibido desde su paso por “Vocal Adrenaline”, antes de pasar a New Directions en la cuarta temporada.
Spencer Porter (Marshall Williams)
¿Quién dijo que un varón homosexual debía ser un chico afeminado, devoto de las chick flicks y los programas estilo “American´s Next Top Model” o “Keeping Up With The Kardashians”? Spencer no es así, en absoluto. Jugador del equipo de fútbol americano del McKinley, es un muchacho rudo, quizás antipático, que termina uniéndose a New Directions y formando noviazgo con Alistair.
Alistair (Finneas O´Connell)
O´Connell (sí, el hermano de la cantante Billie Eilish y futuro ganador del Oscar, el Globo de Oro y el Grammy por la canción “No Time To Die”, de la película homónima de James Bond) tenía diecisiete años cuando salió su debut en “Glee”. Allí es convencido por Spencer de unirse a New Directions... y a su vida.
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This was a first. A first he didn't even realize he would get to check off his list, not while living in Ohio of all places at the very least. He had imagined it would happen occasionally once he got to New York, but truly this had thrown him for a loop, having to stare at the texts shared between him and the upperclassmen Blaine Anderson for ten minutes longer after the conversation came to a halt. Leave it to Finn coming in for whatever reason to snap him back down to earth, dropping his phone in the process as if he had been caught in the act of doing something he shouldn't.
A date? This was a date, wasn't it? It involved duetting together, and it was after nightfall, and a restaurant. He had joked about it being one, but now he was completely unsure as Blaine hadn't confirmed nor denied it. Because he didn't go on dates. He had hookups, sure, which he picked up in the sleazy gay bar by himself with perfect strangers, for the most part. But this was Blaine Anderson. The Blaine Anderson, who had to be one of the most influential guys on campus and knew everyone. Or so it seemed, as Kurt still didn't know this guy very well. Still convinced he and that jock had something going on behind the scenes and weren't telling anyone - he had yet to be convinced of it otherwise.
So, no. This wasn't a date. Not if Blaine and that Sam guy were bound to the hip at all times. Although his shoulders sag while coming to this realization, he refuses to let it deter him. It was a platonic, friendly thing, nothing more, and at least he'd get something that wasn't the cafeteria food out of it. Like socialization. Something he wasn't used to letting himself do outside of school functions.
The outfit of choice was carefully styled to be simple, comfortable, but still original enough in his taste of fashion design to make it obvious that he knew how to layer, how to color coordinate, and put everyone else's clothing choice to shame in simple black and purple tones. Subtle enough not to stick out, but enough color that wouldn't fade him into the shadows.
Right at seven, Blaine's true to his word and the two of them set off in Kurt's car to the location. He does permit Blaine to choose the music of choice, even if it comes off of his Spotify playlist as he had to keep some limited control over what he was fine with listening to in an enclosed space for fifteen minutes with traffic. And once they managed to enter the Italian restaurant, Kurt requests a booth to the seating host, nearest the small stage. If he's going to be performing here, he wanted to ensure everyone knew he was here and who he was here with.
"Word of advice," he starts once he and Blaine are seated and accept menus, "avoid the garlic parmesan, because it won't leave your breath for hours afterwards. Yes, I'm speaking from experience." His tone is light, joking, but he still shoots Blaine a pointed brow raise while flipping the menu open. @wmublaine
#( ⤷ thread ; kurt writes )#( ⤷ f2f para ; kurt talks to you )#( && ft. blaine anderson )#// the title will disappear with all the cutting but whatever we'll know what it is
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Hi! Glee has a hold on me again so I’m looking for a Sam Evans to my Blaine Anderson.
*I’m not particularly Kurt friendly*
I have a couple plot ideas so I’ll list them below before I get into my info! I’m also open to other concepts asides from these so let’s plot together and get equally involved.
- Guilty Pleasures Era where Blaine’s crush isn’t entirely unreciprocated. Sam isn’t certain of his sexuality but he feels something got Blaine. Instead of letting him down gently, he explains his confusion and suggest they start something of a Friends With Benefits situation. Sam is certain Blaine will go back to Kurt anyway, so it won’t really matter.
- Famous Blaine & Wedding Event Owner Of Some Sort Same. Blaine and Kurt both made it big in different ways and Klaine became something of a brand. Despite his many concerns about their relationship, Blaine proposes when Kurt insists it’s the next step. A big wedding is planned, which is when Blaine meets Sam. He owns the venue, he runs some sort of business, he’s involved in some way. Him and Blaine start getting closer and closer until it spirals into an affair.
As I said, I am open to anything so share your own ideas!
Me: I’m 21+. I’m experienced and literate and more than comfortable with multi-para through to novella style roleplays. I am angst friendly, smut friendly and don’t have any real limits so I am fine with covering dark themes. I consider myself semi-regular and would like someone who feels the same, as I lose my muse if I am left waiting days at a time for a response. I’m off uni now so i’d love to match with someone available-ish!
I love writing side characters and would adore someone who feels the same. I’m OOC friendly and enjoy sharing memes, playlists, headcanons, etcetera. I really want someone to vibe with.
I write on discord but like this advert and I will reach out to you.
I won’t get into any conversations with vague intros. We want to write so I take introductions as a bit of a writing sample. Tell me about yourself and your thoughts on this.
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Almost is Never Enough [Part 2] | Self Para
TAGGING: Blaine Anderson and Eli, with mentions of Kurt Hummel.
LOCATION: Blaine’s apartment.
NOTES: A continuation of Part 1.
Only the sound of their breathing could be heard as silence descended between them, almost like a calm before the storm. Blaine could see the disbelief, anger, and hurt behind Eli’s eyes, staring down at him like he had just committed an unforgivable, traitorous act, which, he probably did, but it was now or never and he would much rather do this in person than over a call or a text. The silence between them seemed to last forever - so long that Blaine had begun to wonder if he should start first, but then a defeated sigh finally sounded across the room, and Eli’s expression was one of concede as he looked over at Blaine, shaking his head before saying, “So much for pretending to be missing just to fly all the way here to surprise you. For once, the joke’s on me, and it’s not very funny.”
Blaine’s chest was so tight he could barely draw in a full breath. He didn’t know what to say to that. Eli’s words reminded him of two things - the fact that Eli actually flew all the way here for him despite not liking the hustle and bustle of the city life, and just the idea of Eli putting in extra effort to make Blaine happy all because of that one phone call that they had on that fateful day, right before Blaine entered the coffee shop. Eli had been trying his best for Blaine while Blaine had been shamelessly spending most of his free time with Kurt - singing, snuggling, and even sleeping on his bed.
“I’m so sorry.” Blaine murmured, his throat closing up on him as his feelings of guilt flared. He wished he didn’t have to hurt anybody. He wished there was a better way to do this. He had been trying so desperately to do things the right way, but ironically enough, people still wound up getting hurt because of his own, foolish actions, and he hated that.
“I don’t want to hear that.”
“Okay.” Blaine answered quietly, watching as Eli slowly walked over to his couch, leaning against the back of it before turning his gaze to Blaine again.
“I kinda saw this coming, actually.”
Upon hearing that, Blaine’s head shot up from where he was still standing, giving Eli an incredulous look.
“You did?”
“But...ho- what do you mean?”
“You think you’re so good at hiding things, but you’re like, the easiest person to read.”
Blaine’s mouth opened and closed several times as he tried to deny, to deflect, but he just couldn’t get the words out. Throughout the time that they were together, Blaine had never intentionally kept things from Eli or lied about them before. Sure, there were things he didn’t mention, things he swept under the rug for fear of being judged or worse, ignored, but he had never once considered that as him ‘hiding’ things on purpose. Was it not a normal thing to only want to show the best version of yourself in front of someone you cared about?
“I don’t understand.”
“You like me, Blaine, but you don’t really love me.”
Blaine’s heart jolted painfully in his chest at the bluntness and trueness of it all, feeling, for the very first time, that Eli was really looking at him. He had bared his body to Eli before and they had had sex countless of times, but never had he felt so naked and transparent in front of him like he did now.
“I was the one who chased after you, so of course you said yes. And when I asked you to be my boyfriend, you said yes again. First date, first kiss, first time, sex and more sex - yes, and yes, and yes. I think you spent more time being a yes-man than an actual boyfriend. ...And I know you think that loving someone means saying yes and making them happy, but Blaine, you can’t call that a relationship if only one of us is happy.”
“But I am happy. I was happy.” Blaine insisted, feeling completely blindsided by the way this conversation was going. He was fully expecting Eli to be furious at him; to yell and throw things and maybe punch him in the face. He wanted him to be. He didn’t want this, whatever this was, because he wouldn’t be able to make his guilt go away with this. He should be heavily reprimanded and punished, like the way he exiled himself to Dalton after Sadie Hawkins.
“Maybe you were, but not enough for you to stay in Ohio with me, apparently. You still came here without me, and hey, what do you know, that was the one and only time you had told me ‘no’, now that i think about it.”
“I always thought that you were going to come over eventually.” Blaine countered, stubbornly.
“You know I would never, and I think that a small part of you were okay with that. So what does that tell you?”
“I don’t-”
“Let me just ask you this. If that someone you met had to move away and go somewhere else, would you still stay here?”
“No.” The answer slipped out of Blaine’s mouth before he even realized it and soon enough, a flush crept up his face as he blinked, looking like he had been caught red-handed.
“And there’s your answer. Mine too, actually.”
After a long moment of silence, Blaine finally pressed his lips together and nodded, knowing that Eli was right and the more they tried to hash it out, the worse it could get.
“I’m still sorry for hurting you.”
“Hey, I’m not going to lie and say this doesn’t hurt like hell, because it does. But...I still care about you, Blaine, so it’s okay that we don’t work out. It’s okay to go for what you want.”
“Thank you.” Blaine murmured, feeling tears stinging at his eyes as he moved forward to give Eli a grateful hug, pausing just for a moment to press one final kiss to his ex-boyfriend’s cheek before pulling away.
“Can I still crash for the night, though? I kinda have nowhere else to go.”
“Yeah, sure. Of course.” Blaine said with a nod of his head. Kicking Eli out just seemed like such a heartless thing to do, especially when he was the reason why Eli was even here in the first place.
“Your someone wouldn’t mind?”
“I...don’t think so. He’s really kind, so I’m sure he’ll understand.” Blaine answered, biting down on his lip to keep his smile from getting too wide.
“Okay, nevermind. Forget I asked.”
"Right, sorry.” Still biting his lip to stop himself from grinning, Blaine walked towards the window and looked out, his stomach doing a little flip as he noticed that the lights over at Kurt’s place were on. He could go over there right now and let Kurt know that he and Eli were finally done, but that didn’t seem right nor appropriate given that he had just broken up. Perhaps he should wait for the next day to tell Kurt, Blaine thought to himself as he closed the curtains.
Just one more day.
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"Right? Like, I'm definitely gonna have to enter for a few of these and then maybe just hope that lady luck is on my side and I win more than one," Carter let out a small laugh as he joked. He wasn't really that selfish, and if he wound up winning more than one basket he'd very much gift one to a friend. Nodding at Blaine's question, he stood back and gestured at the magnet with rubber ducks attached, to represent chicks. "Yeah, I mean, I couldn't go wrong with a great pun, right? Also was thinking it might be a great ice breaker with any cute ladies I come across," he added with a grin, knowing full well that he was usually a nervous wreck around a girl he liked.
At the sound of a familiar voice, Blaine looked up from where he'd been looking at the baskets too, and he couldn't help but let out a short laugh at the sight of Carter's costume. "Hey, no worries. Take your time," he said, smiling at Carter. "I actually haven't made a decision yet either. There are so many great options. A basket of goodies made by Daria is always a good choice, but I definitely like the sound of a spa day too. And now that you mention it, that pet basket looks pretty amazing. Look at the cute toy. You've officially just made this even harder..." He took a sip of his drink as he looked at the baskets once more, then looked back at Carter with a grin. "Are you entering the contest, by the way? I feel like you've got a pretty good chance of funniest costume."
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One, Two, Three || BlamOw
Who: Sam Evans, Blaine Evans and Owen Pierce
When: May 9th, 2020
Where: Sam Evans’ suite.
Notes: Owen and Blaine give Sam a birthday present. (Wanky) @submissivexblaine @sammythedominant
The party had been an overall success. They'd had a few close friends and family over for lunch, cake, and some heated Mario Kart tournaments. It was still only about 4pm when the last of the guests decided to head out, but everyone wants lots of time to prepare for Prom that night so it was understandable. The only one to stay behind was Owen, who had volunteered to help Blaine tidy up after. With two sets of hands, clean up when super quick. Blaine closed the dishwasher and pressed start while Owen finished wiping off the counter. "Thanks for all your help!" Blaine said to the other sub, smiling brightly.
It had been a fun night to say the very least. Not only was Owen happy to have gotten to spend time with Sam and Blaine, both of whom he was beginning to like a lot - but he got to meet other people in the process. He had only arrived a little over a month ago, but already he felt as though he was making a solid group of friends and that had always been a very important aspect of his life. Things had been pretty great for the blonde submissive for past week or so; between prom and all the new friends he was making, Owen was in a great mood which left him more than happy to stick around and help tidy up after the party. He felt it was the least he could do in return for being included in the festivities. Wiping the last bit of crumbs from the counter and into his open palm, he smiled back at Blaine. "Oh, don't sweat it! I'm happy to help. I mean - it's the least I can do since I didn't bring a present or anything..." He discarded the crumbs into the waste bin and turned around to wash his hands. "By the way? Me losing at Mario Kart tonight? Total fluke. I demand a rematch. Y'all didn't have Toadette unlocked and she's my lucky character. I totally would've won otherwise."
"I'm about to sound real corny here but I have to quote my amazing mother-in-law; Your presence is a present on its own."" Blaine smiled, "But still, thank you for the help. This went so much faster with you around." He turned his head and squinted at Owen, "You know your character choice has very little to do with it, right?" He teased, "But Daisy and I absolutely kicked your butt." He winked, "If you want to lose again though... be my guest."
Drying his hands, Owen nodded in mock agreement at the notion that he'd simply lose to the other submissive again. "Oh, I so look forward to proving you wrong, Blaine Evans." Moving to stand next to Blaine, he gave him a playful nudge with his shoulder. "You should know that I can be super, super competitive - so if you're really gonna challenge me you better be ready to bring it." Owen grinned at Blaine and looked around the kitchen, a part of him wanting to find something else to clean so that he wouldn't have to leave. He had been having way too much fun and the last thing he wanted to do was head back to his suite and the pile of homework that was waiting for him there
Sam walked into the kitchen, with a big smile on his face. He'd been able to overhear the submissives playfully arguing over their performances on Mario Kart, and he found that he really liked the sound of two subs in the suite, doing their chores. "First of all, you're both wrong. Me and Luigi would kick both your asses," he grinned as he stepped over to Blaine, and kissed his boy's lips softly. "Secondly, thank you for an awesome party. And you, Owen, I know you helped out, and I'm really grateful," he smiled, before reaching out and patting Owen on the arm.
Blaine turned when Sam entered the room. "You and Luigi only won as much as you did because somebody kept throwing blue shells all the way from ninth place." Blaine said with a pointed look at Owen. "I'm glad you had a good time at the party, Master." He said. "Owen was a big help." He added, smiling again at the blonde sub.
Owen smiled sweetly when Sam came in and kissed his submissive. It was uncharacteristic of him to not be immediately jealous seeing hot people in love if they weren't in love with him; but there was something positively adorable about this couple in particular. Their chemistry was natural and in many ways it resembled the love he grew up seeing between his own parents. Owen open his mouth and brought a hand to his chest in mock-offense when Blaine teased him about over-using blue shells. "I don't know what you're talking about..." he teased. The blonde quirked a brow at the use of the title 'Master' - that was a new one. He briefly wondered if it carried a different connotation for how they carried out the Dominant-submissive aspect of their relationship; but he left that thought to the wayside for now, smiling and shaking his head modestly at their gratitude. "It's no trouble at all, guys. Honestly. I'm just happy to have been invited. I had so much fun."
Sam chuckled at Blaine and Owen's playful bickering, and lightly goosed Blaine's ass. "Me and Luigi won because me and Luigi have years of experience playing together," Sam grinned, and then caught how Owen's brow quirked at Blaine's use of his new-ish title. He knew it could sometimes catch people off-guard, especially since Blaine had spent so long calling him Sir, but it felt so right to them both. He smiled over at Owen, and how sweetly he shook his head. "You really had fun?" Sam asked innocently, before he glanced over at Blaine with a little grin. They'd both talked about how they both found Owen ridiculously attractive, of course. Teasingly, Sam pulled off his t-shirt in front of them both, and laid down on the counter. "You said something a few days ago about liking me shirtless, right?" he teased.
Blaine couldn't help but facepalm a little when Sam's shirt came off. He knew it would cause an adorable reaction in Owen, and Sam was definitely having too much fun with that kind of power. "Careful, Master, I'm sure Owen doesn't want his eyeballs to fall out of his head before he gets crowned Prom King tonight." He teased.
Owen’s bright blue eyes followed Sam’s movements innocently; from his hands reaching for the bottom hem of his shirt, raking upwards as the Dominant pulled the fabric up and over his head. His jaw dropped ridiculously and his head went blank as he struggled to comprehend how one person could be so ridiculously attractive. Before he could regain what little composure he had left, Sam had laid himself on the counter, stretching out his adonis-like frame beautifully in front of him. It was almost too much for poor little Owen to handle. Almost. After a beat and all-too telling gulp, he regained his usual air of flirtatious confidence and smirked. "I sure did, sir. But it's not my birthday...so I don't really know why I'm the one getting a treat right now." He reluctantly tore his eyes away from Sam's ridiculously toned abdomen and gave Blaine a wink. "That's exactly what's keeping me together right now - the possibility of winning that title. I don't know how you function around this on a daily basis." He gestured teasingly to Sam with a light chuckle. "I'd be a mess and a half." He said earnestly, shaking his head as he turned to meet Sam's expression that demonstrated just how pleased he was with himself. It would be infuriating if it wasn't so damn adorable.(edited)
Sam couldn't help but grin as he saw Blaine's reaction. He knew Blaine still had moments where he reacted a little like Owen was reacting, to seeing Sam without a shirt on, or totally naked. It always did gave Sam a little boost in his ego. He laughed a little as Owen managed to get his confidence back and tease him right back, and grinned as Owen teased Blaine too. "Well, if you don't think you should be getting a treat right now," Sam said playfully, as he looked down at himself, "maybe the birthday boy should be getting a treat from both of you," Sam's smile took on a dirty quality as he looked between both submissives. He reached out with both hands, one hand resting on the collar around Blaine's neck, and one resting on Owen's shoulder. "I mean, you both want to make this a good day for me, right?" he asked, giving them a teasing pout.
Blaine blinked, looking at Sam's expression carefully to be sure he was understand his Dominant correctly. They hadn't really delved into play with other people much before, but they had talked about it. And Blaine liked Owen, so if ever there was a time and a person, it was now and with Owen. Blaine glanced over to the other submissive to try and see what his approximate feelings were, before looking back to Sam. "Really, Master?" He asked, also wanting to make sure Sam wasn't just teasing.
Biting down softly on his bottom lip in apprehension, Owen's gaze followed Sam's hand to his own shoulder, taking in a breath at the obvious implication of what the Dominant wanted before looked back at Sam, a teasing smile playing at the corners of his lips as his eyes darkened a bit with lust. It would come as no surprise that Owen would kill to make Sam's birthday one that he'd be replaying in his head for weeks on end - but the circumstances called for him to be a little more considerate than usual. As attracted as he was to Sam, Blaine was a new friend; one that he had every intention of keeping, so he wouldn't do anything without knowing for sure that Blaine was one hundred percent comfortable as well. He turned to Blaine, and spoke aloud to Sam but kept his eyes trained on the other submissive, looking to gauge a reaction. "Honestly? I'd like nothing more and I think that's pretty high-key obvious, sir... But, Blaine? I'm not gonna do anything if you're not cool with it..." His eyes darted downwards and back up to Blaine's face, wetting his lips as he worked to reign in his impulsive urges. There was a literal god, shirtless and asking for a blow-job in front of him and for Owen to be holding back at this point was an incredible feat. "It would be super hot..." He teased persuasively in a softer tone, smiling excitedly at the other submissive as he reached out and idly massaged Sam's shoulder as he awaited the verdict.
Sam could tell that both boys would were looking for reassurance here, and he knew that was the Dom in the mix, it was down to him to make sure everyone was happy and safe right now. He leaned in again, and kissed Blaine's lips softly. "I'm really good with this, but only if you are, sweetheart," Sam murmured. "You know I don't ever push for this kind of thing, so if you're both comfortable, I want you both to say so right now," he said, directing his last sentence to both of them in a slightly louder voice. He kept his hands where they were, but gently stroked Owen's shoulder and Blaine's neck.
Blaine offered a soft smile in Owen's direction, grateful that the other sub wasn't pushy about it, and was willing to respect his space if he needed it. Looking back to Sam he could tell that this was something the Dom wanted, and Blaine wanted it too, despite a small amount of nerves about it, but Sam would be there for him and would take care of him, he knew that. "I'm good with this, Master." He said, and turned to Owen. "I am, I promise." He assured the other sub.
It took everything Owen had to keep from squealing in excitement when Blaine assured him that he was alright with it. "Awesome. I'm totally fine with it too - like, one thousand percent okay with it." He said a little too eagerly. Gushing, he held out his hand for Blaine and pulled himself in a little closer. Closing his eyes, he leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to the other submissive's cheek, his other hand trailing idly along Sam's taut, muscled forearm. "If you're not okay with this even for a second...just say so, 'kay?" He said comfortingly to Blaine. "I mean...I know I don't have to say that, but I don't want you to feel like you'd bum me out if it gets to be too much. I'm cool either way." With that, he turned his gaze towards Sam, met his eyes and smiled mischievously as he took in Sam's bare torso once more. The blonde submissive sighed adoringly. "Fuck..." It wasn't like Owen to curse unless the situation really called for it - and this instance certainly did.
Sam smiled at Blaine and gently squeezed his boy's neck reassuringly. He watched as Owen and Blaine held hands, and grinned to himself. He really liked the idea of anyone they both played with being comfortable enough to do something like that, on a different level of intimacy and sweetness. "You're really kind, Owen. I like that," he said softly, patting Owen's cheek gently, before the blonde submissive started checking out his torso once again. Smiling, Sam took their hands and led them out of the kitchen, feeling fairly confident that Blaine wouldn't want to make a mess in the kitchen. Once he got them into the main room, Sam let go of their hands and moved ahead of them. Playfully, he began to pull his pants down and hopped out of them, leaving him in just his tight black briefs. "You boys can get as naked or stay as clothed as you want, whatever you both like," Sam smiled.
Blaine took Owen's hand and smiled. He kept holding it even as Sam led them out of the kitchen and to the main room, and as the Dom removed his pants Blaine licked his lips. He blinked at Sam when he gave the instruction about clothing though, and wasn't totally sure what to do. Normally, Sam was very clear about when he wanted Blaine to stay clothed and when he wanted him naked. Blaine wasn't sure what would be more comfortable for Owen either... He didn't want to make the other sub uncomfortable with his choice, not to mention, he himself was a little shy about showing his body to someone who had never seen it in full before.
Owen brought a hand to his mouth and giggled watching Sam adorably hop out of his pants and onto the couch. It was entirely unfair on literally all levels that someone could be so devastatingly sexy and ridiculously cute at the same time. Heaving an amused sigh, the blonde beamed at Sam's offer and gave Blaine's hand a little squeeze before dropping it. "I mean - normally I like to be a little tease, but it's your birthday sir - so I'll play nice this time." He winked cheekily and fluidly took his t-shirt off, revealing the relatively muscular frame underneath. He wasn't on Sam's level by any means - but his arms were swollen still from his workout earlier and his chest had been looking especially good. After his recent run-in with Karen, or whatever his name was, Owen was more than eager to show off the fact that he was not, in fact, a twink by any means. Without an ounce of hesitation the boy stripped off his pants to reveal the adorable pair of tight baby-blue briefs (a departure from his signature color - but a welcome one as it made his eyes pop...not that Owen's eyes are where he wanted Sam's attention to be directed, of course) Smiling cutely at the Dom, he toyed with the waistband and cast his lust-ridden gaze towards Blaine - hoping his own comfort with nudity would prove to be infectious.
Sam sat down on the sofa, and watched Owen strip. It felt a little strange to have someone who wasn’t Blaine strip in their suite. While Sam had a boyfriend in Nate, and still played with others subs like Silas every so often, it was usually somewhere else. This, somehow, felt more intimate, and Sam really liked it. But of course, Sam knew to keep an eye on Blaine. It didn’t pass him by that Blaine hadn’t moved to take his clothes off, and he knew that Blaine had body image issues that crept up every so often. He smiled at Owen, but he reached out to Blaine and ran his hand down his submissive’s clothed chest. “You’re beautiful,” he murmured, looking straight up at Blaine, “and I get to say that because I get to be the lucky guy who sees you naked every day. If you want to keep your clothes on, that’s okay, but I don’t want you thinking it’s because you don’t compare. You definitely do,” Sam said quietly, though he knew that Owen was close enough to overhear.
Owen definitely didn't have the same hang-ups about his body that Blaine did, that much was obvious immediately. And damn, the other sub had a nice body... very nice. Blaine's expression was rather similar to Owen's own expression the first time he'd seen Sam. Speaking of which, there Sam was, bringing him close and whispering words of encouragement. Blaine knew he was easily the least attractive person in the room, but he didn't want to be the only one wearing clothes either, so after Sam's gentle words he pulled the polo shirt off his body and then undid the belt of his bright red skinny jeans. He wiggled out of them, leaving him in just his tight navy underwear, biting his lip as he automatically knelt by Sam's feet.
Owen felt a pang of guilt in his gut when he realized Blaine hadn't shed a single article of clothing by the time he was down to his underwear. The blonde submissive wasn't exactly known for being very modest so it never occurred to him that Blaine might not be so quick to drop his pants - especially considering the fact that Owen found Blaine remarkably attractive. Smiling softly at Sam's words of encouragement, he felt for a moment like a bit of an outsider...which was, all things considered, accurate. Owen was used to being the star of the show, so to speak - and as a naturally jealous person his normal reaction to something like this was to get huffy and turned off. Oddly enough, that wasn't happening in this case. He was simply witnessing a caring Dominant, smartly noting his submissives hesitation and doing what he could to make him feel better. It was sweet to behold and Owen wanted to do his part to make Blaine comfortable too. Following the other's lead, Owen knelt next to Blaine and propped his head on Blaine's shoulder. "He's right, you know." He said with a grin. "You're ridiculously attractive... I'm like so down to make sure you know that when it's not a certain someone's birthday." He winked cutely and pressed another smooch to Blaine's cheek before clearing his throat and turning his attention back to Sam, looking up as prettily as he could from his position at his feet. Boldly, Owen scooted forward bit, intentionally resting against the inner side of Sam's leg, pushing his legs apart to make room for Blaine to join him.(edited)
It was times like this that Blaine was super grateful for the Fillipino half of his heritage because the white half of him was blushing like a schoolgirl. He was just dark enough though that aside from a slight tint of color to his cheeks no one would be the wiser. Except maybe Sam, who knew him inside and out. "Thanks, Owen." He said softly. He then scooted forward to join the other Sub between his Dominants legs and oh how weird it was to be sharing this space. But surprisingly... not a bad weird. He too, looked up at Sam, his eyes searching for guidance as he was definitely put of his element right now
Sam watched both submissives carefully, and felt a lot of gratitude towards Owen as he followed Sam's lead and reassured Blaine about how attractive he clearly was. He spread his legs a little more, giving both boys room to kneel as close to him as possible and then, smiling, he raised up off the sofa a little, and pulled his briefs down his legs. Still smiling, he began to stroke himself in front of both boys, his gaze moving from one, to another. "Both of you can touch yourselves, but Blaine, tell Owen whose pleasure comes first in this suite," Sam grinned, reaching out to stroke Blaine's cheek lightly. He knew not to push anything that might be humiliating, but he was hoping he could guide Blaine into speaking a little more openly, when it came to dirty talk.
Blaine leaned into Sam's hand against his cheek, the silent reassurance immensely helpful in this unfamiliar territory. He turned to Owen and with a smile, he stated the obvious. "Master's pleasure always comes first." He told the other sub, and even though Sam had given permission for him to touch himself, he made absolutely no motion to at all because he hadn't yet been given the go ahead to touch Sam.
Owen stayed where he was and made no movements to remove his underwear. He was sensitive to Blaine's feelings at the moment but that didn't take away from his own confidence. He squatted three times a week and had the bubble butt to end all bubble butts to show for it. Removing his underwear now would only make him want to prop that booty out - an action that would surely wrap up the festivities quicker than he'd like. So - he kept his garment on and simply leaned in, letting a breath of hot air fall from his slightly parted lips against Sam's semi-hard cock. He moved in just close enough so that if Sam decided to, he could take his mouth in a split second - but he kept his distance just enough so that the element of anticipation remained and with it, so did the tension in the room. Owen felt his own cock throb with desire. He licked his lips and cast his gaze up at Sam with an air of faux-innocent. "Don't you worry, sir - my priorities have been in order from the get-go."
Sam grinned as he saw Blaine's smile to Owen, and rewarded Blaine with a little ruffle of his hair. He turned his attention to Owen, and licked his lips as the submissive made sure Sam could feel his warm breath on his cock. He smirked a little. "You know I don't put that innocent look for a second, right?" Sam teased, as he gripped the base of his cock. He tapped his cock head against Owen's lips, before he turned back to Blaine. "You're going to show Owen how your Master likes to have his dick sucked, sweetheart," Sam told Blaine firmly, before winking at his submissive. "Show him everything you've learnt since we got together."
Blaine didn't need to be told twice. He didn't hesitate at all to take Sam's cock in his mouth. He started slow, aware that Owen was watching, but after a moment he began to forget about that and instead focused on the task at hand. The nice thing about this being a daily task, and one of Blaine's primary ways of submitting to Sam, is that it always put him into the first phase of subspace rather easily. Which was enough for Blaine to forget about being self conscious, so that he could do his best at showing Owen exactly how to move and suck and lick in all the ways Sam loved.
Owen graciously retracted a bit to grant Blaine the space he'd need to 'show' him how to suck Sam's cock. Internally he scoffed at the notion. It wasn't that he believed himself to be better than Blaine at oral sex, but he certainly wasn't worse. Owen didn't pride himself on a lot - but there were two things he knew he had on lock: 1. a great ass and 2. he was incredible with his mouth. Boys didn't cum in mere minutes with someone who wasn't. Still, Owen gave Blaine the floor, idly bringing a hand to Sam's muscular thigh, rubbing it gently as he watched Blaine work the dominant over.(edited)
Sam let out a long, content groan as Blaine started to suck him. He had Blaine do this at least once a day, and couldn't remember the last time his morning hadn't included a blowjob from his boy. He smiled as he watched Owen move back a little, and reached out to cup the submissive's cheek, as Blaine blew him. After a few long moments, Sam smiled fondly. "Blaine, we share our favourite toys in this house," he teased gently. "I want you both to work together, boys. Work it out," he ordered in a firmer voice, curious to see what the two subs would do.
Blaine reluctantly pulled off. Right, sharing. That would take a lot of getting used to. He looked at Owen, and shifted a little to let the other sub come closer. He ducked back in to lick at Sam's cock again, positioned as such that Owen had room to do the same. He'd never given a blowjob with someone else before... so he had no idea what the best way to wrok together on this was.
Up until this point Sam had been super casual and playful and Owen adored it - it kept things light and fun, but through it all he never let them forget that he was the one in charge. The renewed firmness in his order sent an immediate shiver of pleasure through the blonde submissive and sent him a little closer to getting into that state of mind in which he was less about the teasing and one hundred percent about the pleasing. Glancing at Blaine, Owen noted the others uncertainty and decided it was up to him to take the reins on this one. He took Blaine's hand and scooted in once more, keeping Blaine in tow. Grasping Sam's hard cock in one hand he pressed a gentle, yet searingly passionate kiss to the head, fluttering his blue eyes shut as he withdrew, a trail of pre-cum remaining to connect his lips to the other's member. Owen knew from experience that the visual was half the fun and made a good blowjob into an excellent one. Opening his yes once more he salivated the inside of his mouth and took Sam's head in through a suctioned parting of his lips, only holding it between them for a brief second. "I think Blaine and I'll make an awesome team, sir." The blonde said with a wink. Turning to Blaine, he gently urged the other in towards Sam's cock so that their lips were practically meeting at the head. Meeting Blaine's gaze he smirked. "Let's work together, B." With that, he boldly leaned forward and captured Blaine's lips in a heated, open-mouthed kiss, making sure to stroke Sam's hard cock with his free hand, keeping it hovered over them as they made out - giving the Dominant a view that he'd surely appreciate.
Sam watched both submissives closely. He was pretty sure the best part of blowjobs was watching how eager people could be, and Owen was proving to be very eager. Blaine had brought that same eagerness a lot in the past, and he couldn't wait to see his boy taking that eagerness, and sharing it with Owen. "I think you guys are definitely gonna make a fucking awesome team," Sam grinned, as he watched the beautiful mess Owen was making with his lips. He watched as Blaine moved forward, and as he watched Blaine getting kissed, with his cock head touching their lips, Sam groaned loudly and precum dripped from his cock, and against their lips. "Fuck," he whispered, his eyes wide as he watched Blaine and Owen together.
Blaine couldn't help but stare as Owen just straight up upstaged him in the blowjob department. Blaine had some more research to do, apparently. But his thoughts were instantly distracted by Owen's lips crashing against his and oh! Okay. That was happening. It helped that Owen already tasted a little bit like Sam's cock, but it was still a very different experience than kissing Sam was. It took him a moment, but once he had processed what was happening and the imaginary 'buffering' wheel disappeared from his mind he made sure to pay some attention to Sam's cock again with his mouth while Owen worked with his hand.
Pulling away teasing from the kiss with a little love-bite to Blaine's bottom lip, Owen gave him a quick wink and leaned back so that Blaine could suck at Sam's cock while he jerked it fluidly with his hand - the combination of both their saliva and the dominant's pre-ejaculatory fluid making for perfectly lubricated surface for Owen to pump his hand down while Blaine sucked at the head. Leaning forward, Owen kept his eyes locked on Sam and pressed a searing kiss to the inner side of his thigh. He smirked at the sight, proud of the mess both he and Blaine were successfully turning Sam into. Gracefully, he moved out from between Sam's legs, leaving the space for Blaine to occupy. He dropped his hand to fond the dominant's balls as Blaine sucked him before he leaned in and pressed another kiss against Sam's hipbone and then, raising himself up on his knees, he kissed his side, trailing kisses from point A to point B as he continued to massage Sam's balls, humming against the flushed, taut skin of his obliques all the while.(edited)May 9, 2020
Sam knew this was easily going to be one of the best blowjobs of his life, just seconds into it. He reached out and stroked his fingers through Owen's hair as the submissive played with Sam's balls, and dropped kisses along Sam's body. He loved that, it wasn't a regular thing that somebody would worship other parts of his body during a blowjob. "Fuck," he moaned softly, his free hand moving to Blaine, and stroking his submissive's cheek. He arched forward a little so he could lean further back on the sofa, inadvertently pushing his dick a little deeper into Blaine's mouth. "God, I definitely made a mistake here. You boys are gonna kill me," he said with a dopey grin on his face.
This teamwork thing was actually not a bad idea. By himself, Blaine could blow Sam, or tease other parts of his body, but not usually both at the same time. He only had one mouth after all... but with Owen, judging by the reactions coming from the Dominant, well... they were doing something right. Spurred on by Sam's noises he took his cock right down to the base as the Dom thrust upwards a little, swallowing around it and holding himself there for as long as he could before he needed to pull back to breathe.
Smirking knowingly against Sam's skin, Owen noted how Sam reacted to the attention he was paying to his body - body worship was probably one of his favorite kinks, so he'd have to keep that in mind for next time...and with the way this was turning out, the blonde was fairly certain there would absolutely be a 'next time'. Chuckling as he made his way up Sam's body, Owen stopped at the dominant's nipple and flicked it teasingly before he pressed a kiss against the side of his left pec, fluidly continuing his way upwards, kissing at his collar bone until he reached the crook of Sam's neck where he swiped his tongue against the searing, flushed skin he found there. "Mmm... Well I don't want you dying on us, sir... I guess now wouldn't be a great time to ask you to rip these briefs off me, huh?" Owen figured no birthday was complete without a healthy serving of cake - and he was more than happy to serve his up for Sam to enjoy.(edited)
"Fuck, Blaine!" Sam gasped out as Blaine took him right to the base, still grinning so sweetly. He ruffled Blaine's hair gently, and smirked down at his boy. "You always know how to make me feel amazing, sweetheart," Sam groaned, knowing that Blaine must be tasting his pre-cum now. He bit his lip as Owen flicked his nipple before kissing at his pec. His hand came up to entangle itself in Owen's hair as the boy moved further up his body. "Feeling like you need some attention on that ass of yours, Owen?" Sam asked teasingly, as his hand moved from the back of Owen's head, to trail down the submissive's chest.
Blaine pulled off Sam's cock for a moment to focus some attention on his balls with his mouth. After a moment he looked up, his big brown eyes taking in the sight of the two gorgeous men above him. He could get used to that, he decided. Blaine took Sam's cock back into his mouth again, slowly sucking it down deep into his throat.
Owen shrugged nonchalantly, a boyish, playful grin gracing his features until that smile was cut off by a groan at the sensation of Sam's fingers tangling themselves in his own blonde hair - a particular weakness of his that Sam would no doubt notice - "Mmf." He groaned out delightedly, his own cock throbbing underneath the fabric of his briefs. Moving to sit on the couch next to the Dominant he stretched out so that he was on his knees, propping his still-clothed booty in the air well within reach while his arms were brace on either side of Sam's lap, his head hovering just above the other blonde's cock that was still getting expertly worked over by Blaine. "Well - this def isn't about my needs, sir. Birthday or not - your pleasure comes first, remember." He said, his smile present enough to be heard through his playful tone. "But...if you wanted something to play with while Blaine's down here taking care of your cock so well, you can totally have at it. " Punctuated his offer with a little shake of his butt, a giggle escaping through his lips as he did so.(edited)
Sam grinned to himself, as he watched both boys. It wasn't hard at all to see the differences between them, but that just made it all the better. He smiled at Owen, his hand reaching down to grip at the waistband of Owen's briefs. "Oh, this is all for me? It's not something you're really eager for?" Sam smirked as Owen giggled, giving Owen's ass a little playful slap. "Aren't you so considerate?" he teased, before tugging hard and snapping the waistband and pulled the briefs away, letting them drop to the floor. "Cuddle up against me properly, with your head on my stomach so you're close to my cock. That way I can get to your ass, too," Sam grinned. "Blaine, give Owen a kiss. Let him taste your mouth right now."
Blaine looked up when he heard his name, he'd been really in the zone and honestly, had missed most of their conversation. But it wasn't hard to figure out what it was, based on what was happening in front of him. "Yes, Master." He replied automatically to the order, and when Owen was into position he pressed his lips against the other sub's. He liked kissing Owen, he decided.
Owen was thoroughly enjoying the dynamic he had going with Sam - it was easy to be playful with him. As hot as 'serious, strict' Dom attitudes could be, it was nice to be playing with one that seemed to have struck a good balance between having a good time and still maintaining control over the scenario. Humming happily at the slap to his ass, Owen arched his back, wordlessly pleading for more. "I aim to please, sir." He stated cheekily, biting down on his lip through a delighted moan when the waistband of his tight little briefs came smacking back against his taut skin. At Sam's direction, he kicked his briefs off and readjusted himself, leaning his cheek against the Dominants chiseled abdomen as he took in the sight of Blaine sucking Sam off from his new vantage point. When Sam addressed Blaine the blonde submissive found himself curious. Blaine was so focused - so intent sucking Sam off that he hadn't said a word; granted, talking with a mouth full of cock was no easy feat, nor was it suggested - but in Owen's experience, sex tended to be more playful and fun. From his perspective Blaine was really putting the 'job' in blowjob. When Blaine ceased sucking Sam's cock at his orders, Owen leaned in and pressed his lips to Blaine's parting his lips and slipping in a little tongue in an effort to elicit some playfulness from the other submissive as well.
Sam smiled at Owen's cheeky response, and watched as Blaine pulled away from his cock, so he and Owen could kiss. As their lips met, Sam reached down and ran a finger between Owen's cheeks, until he found Owen's hole. He teased his finger over it, intent on watching Owen's reaction. He gripped his own dick, and playfully rested it against Blaine's face, as the submissives kissed. "I could definitely jerk off to you guys just kissing, not gonna lie. I'm easy like that," Sam teased playfully.
Blaine's eyes looked up to meet Sam's when he spoke, and blushed at the comment. He was glad Sam was enjoying this so much. Blaine was too, but it was Sam's birthday after all, and that's why he was trying hard not to be jealous that Owen was getting played with when he was achingly hard in his underwear and a certain Iron Man plug was making its presence known once again. He hummed and kissed Owen again, this time making sure to catch Sam's cock in the middle.
Gasping out an elated sigh in reaction to Sam's finger toying teasingly at his tight, puckered hole - Owen put everything he had into kissing Blaine, flicking his tongue against the other's, even reaching out, entangling his fingers at the back of Blaine's head and pulling him desperately into the kiss as he pressed for more intensity. He pulled away only slightly to allow enough room for Sam's member to slip between their lips as the kissed around the head, their tongues touching lapping against each other as they greedily lavished the dominant's cock. Relishing the telling taste of pre-cum on his tongue, Owen dropped his hand from the base of Blaine's neck and repositioned it firmly around Sam's cock, pumping it expertly as they continued to kiss.
Sam wasn't sure how he'd gone so long without experiencing something like this already. Having two boys blowing him, kissing around his cock, was one of the hottest things ever, and Sam knew it was something he definitely wanted to make happen again. Grinning he reached forward with his foot, pressing gently against Blaine's erection. "Want to show us how hard you are, sweetheart?" Sam smiled, as he eased the tip of his finger into Owen. "You're both really familiar with how really hard I am," he grinned. His jokes always got a little more silly when he was horny.
Blaine moaned into Owen's mouth as Sam's foot made contact with his cock. He nodded in response to the question, sitting up a little so he could use one of his hands to pull his underwear down a bit. His cock sprung free, clearly quite desperate for attention.
Furrowing his brows as he focused on relaxing his muscles to allow Sam's finger proper entrance into his hole before he tightened around the calloused digit, Owen gritted his teeth and happily let out a sigh, pressing his ass eagerly higher into the air in a wordless plea for the Dominant to enter him further. At Sam's direction Owen trained his eyes on Blaine's newly freed cock and reached out without hesitation to start stroking it. While doing so, he returned to his previous station - making out heatedly with Blaine as he stroked both cocks and propped his ass out for Sam to play with. If nothing else, Owen was certainly proficient at multi-tasking, that was for sure.
Sam gave Owen's ass a little more attention, as he began to move his finger deeper into the submissive before beginning to fuck with him it. He grinned as he realised Blaine's cock had come free from his underwear, and then patted the sofa on his other side. "Come sit here, just like Owen is. I want access to both your asses, while you both do this," Sam smirked, punctuating his last word by pushing his finger deep into Owen. "Once I'm fingering both of you, I want you both working to make me cum, boys. No more teasing," he chuckled.
Blaine moved up onto the couch, copying Owen's position. The plug peeked out from between his buttcheeks as he settled into position. He looked over at Owen, flashing him a smile. Making Sam cum was something Blaine was very good at, and he knew it. But he was curious to see what Owen would bring to the table. He started by kissing Owen first, and then moving down to bring Sam's cock between their mouths.
Owen let out a little yelp that receded into an elongated moan when Sam pushed his finger into his ass even further. There was nothing he wouldn't give to have something else filling him up right now; but he knew well enough not to push his luck. It was incredible that he was even getting what he was getting. Asking for more could be saved for another time. Smiling at Blaine when the other submissive assumed the requested position, Owen happily kissed him again before he ducked down to take Sam's cock into his mouth, wetting the head expertly before he began to bob up and down, a crude slurping sound echoing off the walls as he breathed through his nose and worked happily to bring Sam closer to cumming.
Sam didn't hesitate for a moment to ease the Iron Man plug out of Blaine gently. He plugged Blaine most days, and most of their toys were Marvel themed, of course. Once he reached out to put the toy down on the sidetable, he replaced the plug with his finger, easing one into Blaine's ready hole at the same time that he pushed two fingers into Owen, halfway. "Fuck, I can't get enough of you boys kissing," Sam grinned, as he sat back and fingered the submissives.
Blaine let out a soft moan as the plug was removed and replaced by his Dominant's finger. "Mmf, Master..." He breathed, and after letting Owen have his fun for a moment Blaine dove right back in to make sure he got a chance at working Sam's cock to orgasm also. He wasn't about to let Owen take all the credit.
Releasing Sam's cock with a resounding 'pop' Owen pulled back and gave Blaine space to reclaim his position, feeling confident with the work he contributed. He glanced up at Sam with a confident smirk and gave his booty a playful little bounce against Sam's intruding fingers, groaning out happily as he did so. "Oof, fucking make that hole yours, sir..." Owen begged, pushing himself up on his arms so that he could plant a kiss on Sam's cheek, pulling back slightly to lock eyes with the Dominant. His gaze darted down momentarily to Sam's ridiculously kissable lips. His own set quirked upwards into a small smile before he leaned in and sealed the distance between them, moaning into the kiss with abandon.
Sam didn't hesitate to finger both boys hard and fast, wanting them both to feel just a little of the pleasure they were working hard to give him. Owen's begging turned him on even more, and as Blaine moved back to his cock, Sam knew his orgasm wasn't going to be far off now. "Fuck, you boys," Sam grunted, both Owen kissed him. It took him by surprise for a moment, but just for a moment, as Sam was kissing him back urgently. He let the kiss for a few seconds, before pulling back. "I want you both down at my cock," he ordered, grinning as he spoke. "Whoever gets my load, you're going to be a good boy and share it."
Blaine moaned around Sam's cock as the Dom's fingers worked at his hole. He looked up just in time to see Owen kissing Sam, and while the sight might have made him super jealous at one point in his life, right now it just really turned him on even more than he already was. And then Sam sent Owen back down, and Blaine graciously made room so that they could both work at the Dom's cock.
Letting out a harsh moan against Sam's lips as the dominant began to pummel his hole with his fingers, he reached up and braced himself on his shoulder to keep from falling over at the added stimulation. Making sure to nip at Sam's bottom lip as he pulled away, grinning back at Sam and doing as he was told immediately. The blonde ducked down, kissed Blaine first before taking it upon himself to lap desperately along the shaft of Sam's throbbing cock. "I want your cum so badly, sir..." Owen whispered against his member, surely adding a heated, vibrating sensation against his cock on top of all the other sensations he was surely coping with already.
Sam grinned as he watched Owen kiss Blaine, before watching both boys worship his cock. "God," he hissed out as he felt the extra sensations against his cock from Owen whispering against it, and knew he was done for now. "Fuck," he moaned, as he forced his fingers deep into both boys quickly one last time, before he shot his load into Blaine's mouth, pulse after pulse shooting up his shaft. "Oh, god, god, fuck," he babbled, as his balls emptied themselves.
Blaine knew all the signs of his Master on the brink, and made sure he was in position to catch his load. He had to fight every instinct he had to swallow it all, like he normally would have, but Sam had said to share. So with Sam's cum dribbling down his chin he pulled Owen in for a kiss, the taste of Sam heavy in their mouths.
Owen was a show-stealer, for sure - but he knew his place at least well enough. Blaine was Sam's submissive. At the moment, he was just the guest star. So, feeling Sam's abs clench against the side of his face as the dominant's climax grew nearer, Owen politely withdrew and gave Blaine the rightful opportunity to take Sam's load - and he did it with only the slightest twinge of jealousy. That twinge was practically eradicated completely though when Blaine almost instantly crashed his lips against his own. Moaning into the kiss, Owen's tongue swiped through their parted lips and greedily took what he could of Sam's load; tasting what he and Blaine had both worked for. Pulling away after a moment, Owen worried his swollen lips together - a dopey grin pulling at the corners of his lips. "Well. That was...like...awesome." He said breathlessly, glancing from Sam to Blaine and then back to Sam.
Sam panted as he watched the subs kiss and share his cum, and if it had been physically possible, he would've cum again just from the sight of it. He smiled at Owen, as he gently pulled his fingers from both boys, and chuckled at Owen's breathless words. "I'm the one who got to cum, I'm pretty sure that's my line," he teased. He gave Owen's ass a slap, and rubbed Blaine's ass with his other hand. "That might've been my favourite present, boys. You both did amazing." Blaine blinked as Owen pulled away, and after a moment he moved to snuggle up against Sam's chest. He was normally extremely cuddly after anything sexy. "Happy birthday, Master." He said softly, even though Sam's actual birthday had been days before. He smiled over at Owen and reached out to take the other sub's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. Owen followed suit without hesitation and cuddled into Sam on his other side. The three of them must made a pretty picture situated the way they were. Owen let out a yawn. It was typical for him to get drowzy after things like this. Just as his eyes were fluttering to a close, he took note of the time on a clock in the corner of the living room. "Crap." He said exasperatedly. "I can't stay too much longer. Prom starts in a few hours and I've gotta head to Alexis' to get ready for the dance." He sighed and nuzzled sweetly against Sam, squeezing Blaine's hand right back as he did so. "A few more minutes couldn't hurt, though..."
Sam smiled down at Blaine, and leaned down to kiss his boy's cheek. "Thank you, sweetheart," he murmured back. He grinned as he heard Owen yawn, and sat back a little. "Isn't it supposed to be me that's yawning?" he teased. He shrugged his shoulders, though he was smiling as Owen nuzzled against him and squeezed Blaine's hand. "A few minutes is good," he nodded, as he held both boys against him.
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