#para alex
gothghostiie · 23 days
More oviposition..?🥹
cw: ovipostion, afab!reader, ambiguous partner
mmm them rubbing your poor belly, swollen with eggs. kissing the sweaty skin of your neck while you try to push them all out, but it's so hard:( they massage your tits, playing with your nipples to make you wet and give you some distraction from your poor cunt and womb being stretched like that with their eggs:( cooing and crooning at you, acting like they feel so sorry for you; but they can't wait to put their next batch into you.
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argentinagp · 13 days
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baku stars | alex piece commissioned by @latelovings | redbubble
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mahgi · 6 months
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ㅤ𖣠 ICONS TOTALLY SPIES (120X120) . • °
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Like ou reblog se usar! Créditos não são obrigatórios, mas sempre apreciados.
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nottherealyves · 28 days
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∆ ᴄᴏꜱᴍᴏꜱ
em caso de inspiração, credite!
não reposte 🚫
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jt1674 · 11 days
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icebluecyanide · 4 months
John/Yassen/Alex parallels
Rereading some Snakehead scenes and loving this parallel between John, Yassen, and Alex:
From inside the bungalow, Colonel Mike Abbott watched them go. He had an uneasy feeling in his stomach. He was married with three children, and the eldest was only a few years younger than the boy he had just met. He had been impressed. After all he had been through, Alex had a sort of inner calm. Abbott didn’t doubt that he could look after himself. (Snakehead, p. 45)
“Well, as it turned out, the whole thing was a shambles. It wasn’t John’s fault. Sometimes it just happens that way. But afterwards, at the debriefing, I met him properly for the first time, and you know what I liked most about him? It was how calm he was. We had three agents dead - not ours, thank God. The Czech police were going crazy. And the Museum of East European Folk Art and Antiquities had burnt down. Actually, it wasn’t really a museum, but that’s another story. Your dad wasn’t much older than me and he wasn’t even worried. He didn’t shout at anyone. He never lost his temper. He just got on with it." (Snakehead, p. 187)
He looked up just as a complete stranger shot him in the heart. Yassen didn’t do it quickly. I remember thinking that I’d never seen anyone so relaxed. (Snakehead, p. 200)
All three of them keep their calm even in situations where other people would likely be agitated or nervous. As Ash puts it in the book: "In a way, the two of you and Yassen had a lot in common."
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yutallery · 10 months
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ㅤ ★ nicholas galitzine & taylor perez icons.
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moviestarmartini · 1 month
what the FUCK is going on in the house of williams
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3,10,13 please
ohh ookii hehe
3 is Vienna! Funfacts, she's based on a very distant relative of mine, like a younger different version of her, which is also why I know how she looks when she's older! She's french and Italian, she was raised in france but would often visit family in Italy over the holidays, hence her speaking three languages fluently by the time she was 14 (English, french and italian). She also speaks Greek very well! And she's a butch bi lesbian! She's also Phillippas best friend
10 is Camilla, omgg i love herrr. She is Phillippa's and Alex's older sister, she and Phillippa are two years apart and she and Alex are three and a half years apart. She is queer and uses she/her pronouns. She basically raised Alex not really on her own but when it came to emotional things or helping him figure out stuff it was always her cus their parents are a bit shit. Shes so pretty too hehe
13 is Charles!! Ahhh yay! Charles is Alex's best friend, they met in college in some universes and in some others they met in school or somewhere else. He's spanish/belgium and everyone always makes fun of Belgium roads when he's there (tbf they do suck) and he's also fucking buff like that man has muscles as hell lol. Oh also he's gay and him and Alex were friends with benefits for a very long time cus Alex made it clear that he didn't and couldn't want anything romantic from him (Charles assumed he was aro but it was just that he had found the loves of his life already and he didn't love anyone more than them)
thanks for the ask hehe!
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woojiniepk · 1 year
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Have you seen this man? [30/08]
— adotada por @.astarion no spirit
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dollieour · 5 months
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en   el   momento   justo   en   que   kai   se   sentía   listo   para   dar   el   próximo   paso   con   cheonkyu,   el   destino   jugó   en   su   contra.   el   sonido   de   la   campana   resonó,   marcando   el   final   del   momento   que   había   estado   esperando.   con   un   suspiro   frustrado,   kai   se   vio   obligado   a   separarse   de   cheonkyu   con   un   beso   rápido   en   los   labios.   otra   clase   perdida   significaría   una   llamada   del   director   a   sus   padres,   lo   que   solo   empeoraría   las   cosas. y   para   colmo   de   males,   no   había   tenido   la   oportunidad   de   ver   a   cheonkyu   durante   la   tarde.   ser   hijo   de   uno   de   los   principales   benefactores   de   la   escuela   tenía   sus   desventajas,   como   la   obligación   de   asistir   a   cada   reunión   y   evento   innecesario   y   soportar   la   atención   no   deseada.   sin   embargo,   kai   no   iba   a   quedarse   de   brazos   cruzados.   sin   embargo,   kai   no   iba   a   quedarse   de   brazos   cruzados. cuando   cayó   la   noche   y   las   últimas   monjas   se   retiraron   a   sus   dependencias,   kai   salió   de   su   habitación   y   caminó   por   los   pasillos   en   penumbra,   envuelto   en   un   largo   abrigo   negro.   asegurándose   de   que   nadie   merodeara   por   los   corredores,   se   encaminó   sigilosamente   hacia   el   cuarto   de   cheonkyu.   esta   no   era   la   primera   vez   que   lo   hacía,   así   que   sacar   la   cerradura   con   uno   de   sus   hábiles   trucos   no   representó   un   desafío. con   paso   silente,   cerró   la   puerta   tras   de   sí   y   se   despojó   del   abrigo   y   los   pantalones   de   pijama,   dejando   al   descubierto   solo   la   sudadera   que   había   tomado   prestada   de   cheonkyu   y   su   ropa   interior.      se   deslizó   bajo   las   sábanas   hasta   encontrarse   con   el   rostro   de   cheonkyu,   y   una   sonrisa   se   dibujó      en   sus   labios   al   contemplarlo.   tan   hermoso,   tan   sereno . . .   ajeno   al   peligro   que   se   cernía   sobre   su   sueño.    con   delicadeza,   se   montó   sobre   su   cuerpo,   apoyando   sus   piernas   a   ambos   lados,   y   se   inclinó   sobre   él   para   besar   suavemente   a   lo   largo   de   su   mandíbula   hasta   llegar   a   su   oreja.   " despierta. "   susurró,   continuando   con   los   besos.   " no   puedes   permitirte   dormir   cuando   tienes   a   tu   hyung   encima   de   ti. "   añadió   con   una   sonrisa   traviesa,   acunando   el   rostro   de   cheonkyu   en   su   mano   y   girándolo   hacia   él.
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lemecdeliott · 1 year
happiness is a butterfly.
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👑. La idea de una vida alejada de Alex le parecía inimaginable. Incluso más aún al saber que ahora lo sabía todo el mundo. Vaya, el príncipe Henry en una relación no tradicional. No podía decir que ya no temía. Lo hacía a diario. A cada segundo. Sonrió cuando el de rulos se colocó a su lado mientras tocaba el piano. Era lo único que lograba relajarlo. —Lamento decir que la etiqueta en el castillo es diferente. ¿Debería llamar al sastre? —Apuntó a modo de broma. Nadie era más feliz que él de tenerlo aquí.
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hrh-henrywales · 1 year
Team Work || Henlex (August 16)
After almost a month since classes started, Henry found himself going into a nice, comfortable sense of healthy routine, that reminded him a lot to his days at St. Andrews, which were ones of the most enjoyable he had in his life, so far. He liked putting his most on every class he got to attend, to keep his work updated, and what makes him the happiest was that, in that place, he was just another student, and that relaxed him a great deal, to be considered like a regular, annonymous person, even if, the moment he stepped outside the campus gates, he went back to being this public person, whose home, Kensington Palace, was always surrounded by papparazzi, always hungry to get some news on him, or anyone from the Royal Family.
On the other hand, his interaction with Alex had reduced to basic greetings whenever they happened to run into each other at some point, and when they did, he could feel the dislike pouring from his eyes when he looked at him, as if he was this awful person, who had done him the greatest harm. Many times did Henry feel the urge to grab Alex by the shoulder and ask him what the hell was his problem with him, but he feared he would only make things worst. So he let it be. Day in, day out.
On that day, they had History of Politics class, and it was one of Henry's favorite units. He had devoured every book of history he had back home, and now it was time to make the most of that. The professor in charge of that unit entered the classroom and went straight to his desk. "Good morning, students. Today, we're doing class a little bit different. You will all be paired up with a fellow classmate, and you will be spending the next hour planning what will become your essay for the end of the term. The subject will be based on the politics that surrounded the time of World War II. We will be drawing your names, which are written on these pieces of papers, and luck will decide who will be your partner for this project."
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kevotsuka · 10 months
Alex te amo pero...
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Te dejas en evidencia solo hermano 💀
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chicagosfinest2021 · 1 year
I'm 100% down for Alex being comfortable enough in his masculinity to wear whatever he wants/adorn himself however he wants...but what's with the one lonely box braid my guy? 😅
I'm not even going to address the jacket that makes him look like the bougie auntie at the cookout...
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weirdlittlegirl · 6 months
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