Explore tagged Tumblr posts
foodweate · 2 years ago
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orimqo · 2 years ago
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bearbench-img · 8 months ago
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bunsicalcrossing · 2 years ago
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paralien · 1 year ago
barely any guests at the hotel tonight—most just being workers that have stayed asleep all night—and we're quickly running out of fruit in the walk in fridge for breakfast and I had a lot of time to spare tonight so,
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unnecessarily fancy fruit plate be upon ye. new hobby when I work nights, making them fancy for no reason.
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oldtvandcomics · 1 year ago
People are weirdly romanticizing your country or some city that is close enough for you to have been there multiple times.
Alternatively, you find something that has a recognizable link to your own culture. Which is new. Only that it is presented as this scary exotic thing.
You try to look for something in your own language. You can't. You find maybe three posts that are not relevant to your experience, then things automatically turn back to English (YouTube is really bad at this).
You know how to find cool media in English, but not in your own language. Eventually, you stop looking.
Everything is in English anyway. You don't even try to write in a different language. No, not even shitposts.
You spend literal years trying to play catch-up with US pop culture. Then you are made to feel stupid because there is this one thing that you don't know about.
You find a cool piece of media that is not in English. You are now faced with a whole row of horrible choices. Should you post about it or not? Which language should your post be in? Either way, you can't win.
Americans on here sometimes only speak one language (English)???? Is that even possible???????
People are constantly romanticizing the communist regimes of last century. You are from an Eastern country. You know that communism wasn't a fun time.
People learn about the concept of a basic dish from some form of media, and are now explaining it to each other as if it wasn't common knowledge.
Please tell me that the US healthcare system is a joke!!!
Idem for their neighborhood structures and zoning laws.
Sometimes there is some really weird controversy like the bike helmet one. As far as you know, bike helmets are legally required???
Anyway if you’re from the US and you ever wanted to know what tumblr feels like from a non-USAmerican perspective (please note that the rest of the world is not a monolith either and none of these apply without exception):
Everybody’s talking about brands and stores you’ve never seen in real life. You generally assume they exist, but they might as well be one giant prank the rest of the internet is in on.
You find a post that just sounds wrong. It makes no sense. It’s like OP lives in a weird alternate reality. 9/10 times, it’s just some USAmerican Thing.
You’re still not entirely sure how much an inch is. Or a foot. Or even how many of the former there are in the latter. You maybe know your height in feet and inches.
You have no idea how much a pound is. You’d also like to know how the fuck pound shortens to lbs.
What the fuck is “military time”
Somebody talks about some legal process or something similar. They don’t mention which country’s legal system this pertains to. You know anyway.
People talk about politics. None of it pertains to you. Many posts contain guilt tripping. “How can you not care about this?? Why won’t you reblog this?? People need to know this about x candidate for y position!” You’re busy trying to stay on top of the political landscape in your own country.
You pick up some random slang from the internet. Monkey see monkey do. You’re called racist. You didn’t know it was AAVE. You learnt it from black letters on white background, not from the mouths of people whose faces you could see. How would you have known? You try to unlearn it.
People tell you that you must publicly denounce Chick-fil-A or you’re homophobic. You don’t even know what a Chick-fil-A is.
People say you don’t know LGBTQ+ history. What they mean is you don’t know USAmerican LGBTQ+ history. Nobody cares about your country’s history.
You’re “called out” on using an “offensive” term. It’s (a direct translation of) a completely harmless word where you live.
People expect you to have an idea of how far apart 2 USAmerican states are. You barely know geography past your country’s immediate neighbors.
You randomly switch between British and American spellings. Nothing’s real and there are no rules.
People talk about multiple hour car rides and you get twitchy just thinking about it. You suddenly understand why USAmerican cars are so big.
Somebody talks about school shooting drills. You only ever had fire alarm drills.
You see a cool statistic. The study’s only about the US. It’s unfortunately of no use to you.
People misuse/misspell words and names from your native language. It’s tiring.
(You feel sorry for the French. Nobody should be allowed to mangle the word déjà vu like that.)
You’re still not over the fact that USAmerican school children are supposed to say that pledge thing every morning. You’re never getting over that.
You still don’t know why the men are fresh or what the fuck a sophomore is.
Who the fuck pays up first and then fills up gas??? That’s made up, right??
Everybody has a weird obsession with some comfort food you’d never even heard of before you signed up here.
Fellow non-USAmericans, please add anything else you can think of.
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kitchenknickers · 4 months ago
when it’s time to refill all your shit at once and you’re too tires so you’re just using them right out of the fucking bag
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somehow didn’t accidentally pour a quarter of the whole thing in so it’s a win
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kneebie · 1 year ago
my fucking god i love popcorn
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selfcaredicas · 2 years ago
utilizando feijão branco como base e com gostinho defumado ✨🌭 INGREDIENTES:- 3 xícaras de feijão branco cozido;- 1/2 cebola;- 2 dentes de alho;- 1 pedaço pequeno de beterraba crua sem casca;- 1/4 de xícara de cebolinha picada;- Sal e pimenta do reino a gosto;- 1 colher de sopa de azeite;- 2 colheres de sopa de páprica defumada;- 1 colher de sopa de fumaça em pó;- 2 colheres de sopa de amido de milho;- 8 colheres de sopa de farinha de trigo;🌭 MODO DE PREPARO:- Bata todos os ingredientes (exceto a farinha e o amido) no processador ou liquidificador;- Depois que virar uma pasta, acrescente o amido de milho e a farinha de trigo e bata novamente até misturar;- Corte um pedaço de papel alumínio e coloque um pouco da massa;- Enrole o papel e vá ajeitando a massa para que fique no formato de salsicha;- Aperte as m extremidades do papel para que massa fique bem firme lá dentro;- Coloque as salsichas em cima de uma panela com água e cozinhe no vapor, você pode usar uma panela própria pra isso ou improvisar com um escorredor de macarrão ou grelha por cima da panela;- Cozinhe no vapor por aproximadamente 1 hora, se quiser, faça o teste furando a salsicha com o garfo e verificando se está firme;- Retire do fogo e deixe esfriar completamente;- Retire as salsichas do papel alumínio e finalize selando em uma frigideira com um pouco de azeite até dourar;- Você também pode armazenar em um recipiente no congelador e utilizar quando quiser ✨
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icryyoumercy · 8 months ago
i have. a slightly odd question, if you have time and inclination to answer
i am currently going through all the cooking books on librivox, among them tom bullock's 'the ideal bartender'. and while i may take issue with his idea of how to serve absinthe, most of the cocktails sound like reasonable drinks to my ignorant ears.
but then, there is one called 'bombay cocktail'. its receipe, it its entirety, reads as follows:
use a claret glass.
1/2 pony olive oil.
1/2 pony vinegar.
1/2 pony worcestershire sauce.
break one ice cold egg into glass.
add salt and spanish paprica and serve.
which strikes me as a fairly odd thing to drink. would you happen to have any insight as to the drinkability, purpose, history, or naming of this concoction?
(as you can probably guess, googling 'bombay cocktail' has not been helpful, and any ideas i can think of that remove bombay sapphire from the search results leave me with the ideal bartender in various formats and restaurants serving shrimp cocktails)
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allpeko · 2 months ago
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Her name is Paprica, because she can be sweet or spicy.
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rosiespinkiepies · 1 year ago
AAAAAA FIZ A SOPINHA ANOREXICA DO @lucca-strange mds ameiiii delicia
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N tinha cheiro verde e nem pimenta do reino , ent usei paprica picante e cebolinha e mds como amo cebolinha aaa
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Paprica: Do you know how to kiss a girl?
W: Well, first: grab her waist.
W: Next, slip your hand in her pocket.
W: Then steal her wallet!
W: Don’t even kiss her. Just run.
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sparkles-oflight · 1 year ago
"whAt's pAprIcA fOr?"
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fiorescente · 1 year ago
Oggi a pranzo mangio il miglio con la zucca e i ceci marinati nella salsa di soia con la paprica
E a colazione ho mangiato la torta al cacao con le mele cotogne cotte sopraaaa
Che bello mangiare le cose buone mi rende troppo felice
In più domani c'è sciopero e mi hanno annullato delle lezioni quindi ho il pomeriggio libero e posso studiare
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artiecharlie · 4 months ago
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Just a couple drawings of 2 of my ocs, Blair and Paprica, + hand
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