#paper flowers mastery
Simple Paper Flowers Mastery | Easy Paper Flowers Revealed || Aklima Crafts And Journals
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splosh-crime · 4 months
Demigod Kids Always Win
Some demigods have godlike power or mastery over the mind, but others have more subtle abilities. These understated skills are among the first to present among demigod children.
And what do these divine young ones do with these blessings?
Whether it’s competitions, bets, or just a game, very few demigods lack a competitive spirit.
⚡️Zeus: best jump-roper, longest breath-holder, highest jumper
🌊Poseidon: best sandcastle builder, best paper boat-maker, fastest swimmer, deepest diver, best fisherman
🌾Demeter: most berries picked, prettiest flower crown-maker, coolest stick-finder
💀Hades: coolest rock-finder, deepest digger, scariest storyteller, hide n seek champion, mafia winner
☀️Apollo: Angry Birds winner, Quack/Clap Dilly Oso champion, loudest voice, longest sun-stare, best singer
🍇Dionysus: funniest Mad Lib, staring contest champion (credit: @king-zacharyy ), fastest tree-climber, best storyteller, best party-thrower
🕊️Aphrodite: best braid/hairstyle, prettiest nail polish, best makeup
📦Hermes: Mario Kart winner, Duck Duck Goose champion (credit: @king-zacharyy ), fastest runner, best pickpocket, best prankster
🧠Athena: prettiest friendship bracelet, rock paper scissors & Evolution game champion, chess champion, ninja game champion
🧨Ares: thumb war champion, arm-wrestling champion
🔥Hephaestus: best Minecraft builder, best Lego builder, Jenga champion, most jalapeños eaten
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Firework Technician (Pathfinder 2nd Edition Archetype)
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(art by Tacit Sign Studio on Artstation)
When it comes to applied chemistry, is there any spectacle more wondrous than a fireworks display? Ever since humanity invented gunpowder, they’ve been mixing things into it to change the color, how it burns, and so on, and even arranging the paper tubes and materials so that they explode in certain, dazzling ways.
It would only make sense that this would carry over into fantasy gaming. Hell, I even did a fireworks-themed archetype for First Edition alchemist over on my Patreon!
Second Edition finally gave us an official pyrotechnic specialist though, in the form of today’s subject, the Firework Technician!
Hailing from Tian Xia or Vudra, where gunpowder has been used in fireworks for hundreds of years, these specialists might be wandering salesmen looking to sell their fiery wonders to those in need of a special celebration, particularly nobles needing custom displays, or common folk desiring dazzling trinkets… or they might be part of long lineages of pyrotechnists who have been perfecting the art for generations for their rulers or even just their home town and the festivals and celebrations they may be famous for.
Many are alchemists drawing upon that discipline to develop impressive wonders using nothing but chemistry, but others may be mages that add the power of magic for even more wild and amazing displays. Others may have developed their pyrotechnic skills on the side, either as a side job, to enhance their own work with fiery displays (such as fuse-timed distractions for a rogue, or long-distance signals for guards, scouts, and sentries, and the like), or simply to give them an extra tool in their arsenal.
 To start with, these pyrotechnists have a supply of reagents they mix each day, which they can use to make either basic fireworks or the special ones associated with this line of work. If they are also an alchemist, they will use whichever source offers the greater number of reagents, rather than both. At this most basic level, they can launch simple comets to create illumination, create dazzling flowers of fire in the air, or loud bangs that can snap others out of their reverie.
With a bit more training and work they can create a coughing dragon display, which either emits loud booms or streams of colored streaks, (or both if they add a bit more to the mix) which can drown out audio or visual effects respectively, effectively ending them as they simply cannot compare.
While a firework technician starts with only minimal supplies and mastery, a bit more training lets them moderately keep up with their training in other areas.
Consisting of multi-stage rockets and explosions of confetti, jumping jennies were originally meant for children, but they also prove quite useful against flying foes, potentially knocking them out of the air.
With a name like “Goblin Jubilee”, such a display must be fiery, deafeningly loud, and chaotic, and indeed they are. No matter the form they take, these displays go off in a large explosion that burns and shakes foes to their core, to say nothing of the potential blinding and deafening effects.
Named for their high-pitched shriek, a banshee’s cry is a firework that is guaranteed to draw attention, and more importantly, drown out the words of anyone trying to speak, making it the perfect tool for inhibiting or outright preventing spellcasting and the use of command words.
A fairly simple archetype that can add flavor to an alchemist or any other character, there is one problem weighing this archetype down: There are hardly any actual fireworks in Second Edition!! Yes, the archetype grants you an arsenal of abilities that don’t require any specific item, but it also gives you alchemical reagents and the ability to create daily fireworks with them similar to an alchemist, but there are barely any, heavily limiting what this archetype can do. Hopefully this will change when a Tian Xia or Vudra lorebook comes out, but until then, you’re stuck with sparklers, dwarven daisies, and certain snare items. That might turn you off of this archetype, but it still does have plenty to offer if you’re interested in abilities to disrupt and debilitate foes with light and sound.
 I know I say it a lot, but an archetype like this is a perfect example of why getting to describe your abilities is so important. Fireworks are all about the razzle-dazzle, the wonder and surprise that they invoke, and I know the Paizo staff agrees with me here because they put in an entire sidebar in this archetype talking about describing your displays. If you take this archetype, please take a moment to do your research on firework terminology so that you can better describe the wonders you unleash. And if you happen to also be a spellcasting character, think about how you might use magic to improve those displays, or even incorporate firework motifs into your fire, light, and sonic spells!
  Always the curious sort, Ipa was smitten with the pyrotechnics she saw while visiting the city of Bosha during the summer festival. So she immediately sought out the master crafter behind them, hounding him with so many questions that the old man told the young catfolk to either leave him alone or get busy carrying crates. And that is how she gained her apprenticeship as a pyrotechnic technician.
 It is said that fireworks gained popularity in Kazgaard after a foreign visitor turned his selection of pyrotechnics against an invading army of trolls. Now, there are many performers and warriors that stand by the devices as a way to strike fear into normally fearless foes. However, not even they can dissuade a mighty jotund troll when it is on the hunt.
 The centennial celebration of their home nation is next year, and the king commissions the party to travel across the sea and secure the service of a fireworks master from across the sea. However, upon arriving at their destination, they discover that the secrets of gunpowder are tightly guarded, and securing a willing pyrotechnist will be much harder than it seems.
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aikoiya · 1 year
LoZ - The Sheikah's Ancient Task
I've talked quite a bit about who I think the Fierce Deity is as well as what I think his role was when he was at his peak.
In a lot of ways, I see him as the Soul of the Hero. The central identity at the core of every Link.
As well as the figure that the Bargainer Statues were based on. (Meaning he has 4 eyes.) Him having been the Hyrule Death God among other things. And creator of the Sheikah.
Now, I want to talk about the Sheikah & what their task was after the Fierce Deity became mortal.
I think that the Sheikah were tasked with more than just serving the Royal Family. Rather, to protect Hyruleans in-general. The Hylians especially as they were the Sheikah's sister people. They were also tasked with not only bringing spirits (non-combative poes) to the Bargainer Statues, but also with fighting the Poe enemies on the Surface.
My theory is that the symbols on the Depths Set & the Dark Clumps are ancient Sheikah script, which the Fierce Deity taught them & the strips of paper wrapped around the Dark Clumps are talismans meant to keep malicious intent or On'nenryoku (怨念魔力, magic fueled by malicious intent) simply from leaking out or reforming. Created using Sheishin Fūinjutsu, which is a type of forgotten, sacred runic magic that the Sheikah practiced long ago.
In a lot of ways, I believe that the Dark Clumps are parts from an enemy Poe, which are in many ways like Japanese Yūrei (幽霊, Ghost, Phantom, Specter, or Apparition; from the Kanji Kasoke for Ghost & Rei for Spirit, Soul, Ghost, or Departed Soul). Poe Souls become enemy Poes when their negative emotions build up too much, at which point, they rise to the Surface & create pseudo-flesh bodies to inhabit. The Dark Clumps being pieces of that pseudo-flesh created via hatred, resentment, vengeance, jealousy, & pure will.
One of the Sheikah's roles was to go out & either soothe those Poes (whether via music or reasoning) or, failing that, "kill" them, as well as other undead monsters, & return the spirit to the Bargainers, who would then send the spirits on to the afterlife. In this way, they were quite similar to Miko & Kanuushi in Japanese Shintoism.
They are able to "kill" these entities by using either Light, Twilight, or Spirit Magic & fighting them with weapons forged using ancient weaponsmithing techniques taught by Sheikaku (the Fierce Deity). Part of that process involved engraving Sheishin Fūinjutsu into the metal. Once that's done, the Sheikah is to preform a sacred ritual on the night of either the New Moon, the Full Moon, or the Waning Crescent Moon or Waxing Gibbous Moon, that should bestow Sheikaku's blessing upon it. Sheishin Fūinjutsu, the sacred forging techniques, & even the ritual have all been forgotten to time.
These weapons were also fairly strong against Akuma. Or evil beings possessed by On'nen.
This is why the Sheikah were always so heavily associated with death, spirits, & graveyards.
The Sheikah are simply naturally intune with the world of the spirits, but in order to fully unlock it, they are traditionally taught to open their Mind's Eye (originally passed down to them by the Fierce Deity & the mastery of which turns one's eyes ruby red), which allows them to actually see spirits.
The reason that some Yiga can hear the voice of the Bargainers is because those specific Yiga are of Sheikah descent. They are likely being called to complete the task that their ancestors were assigned.
The Sheikah who were tasked with gathering non-combative spirits wore robes very similar to the Depths Set & carried shepherd crooks made of dark wood. From a hook on those crooks hung black steel lanterns with green flame candles & from the bottom of those lanterns hung a flower-shaped silver bell. These lanterns were known as Lanterns of the Lost & the sound of the bell would draw spirits to it. The spirits would then gather inside the flame.
Sheikah who were tasked with the Surface also carried these Lanterns, but instead of crooks, they were simply carried in their hand. Ringing the bell would still draw out Poes, only then the Sheikah expected to either negotiate with the Poe & find a way to sooth them enough that their darkened flesh dissipated or sever the spirit's connection to the darkened flesh via their own hand using specialized weapons made to banish cursed flesh or the use of light, twilight, or spirit magic.
LoZ Cultural Masterlist 2
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dragonologist-phd · 2 years
7 and 8 for Piper
7. Describe the shoes they’re wearing.
Piper loves fancy, impractical shoes. Strappy heels and heeled boots her her favorites, and she uses her Terrain Mastery feature to wear them everywhere, even on missions and while fighting, without immediately breaking an ankle
8. Describe the place where they sleep.
Piper's bedroom in Drezen is very cozy. She really appreciates a comfy bed, so she splurges on soft silk sheets and lots of blankets, and of course there's a spot for Aivu to snuggle up as well (while she can still fit in a bed, at least). There's lots of flowers placed in the room to make it smell nice, and Pipe typically keeps at least one instrument within arm's reach along with some paper to take notes in case inspiration strikes late at night
Ask Game
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omegasomeone · 4 months
I’d started to write a story a while ago, but I wasn’t very happy with how I had written some of it, noticed stupid stuff I did (like forget like half a paragraph), so I rewrote it (also, this post is the “remaster” of like 5 different ones so long post ahead)
I wake up, still not used to being alone in a small bed. I get up, then make my way to the living room, where I am greeted by.. nobody. I grab a few copper coins, I’m gonna go buy some flowers later.
I’m in the middle of making myself breakfast when I hear a knock at my door. I can’t really answer, I have to watch my fried eggs to not burn them. It’s 6 in the morning, and I am not expecting anyone, much less at this hour. After a dozen seconds, another knock, this one louder. I continue ignoring them: if they wanted to see me, they could just have come later. “Guards here! Ingrid Desne, open this door or we will have to break it open!”
Ugh. That’s a name I hadn’t heard in a long time, kinda hoped I would never hear it again. Can’t help it, I guess. Though, this just made my day even worse in less time than it would take to say “bookworm”. “Wait a sec”, I yell, “I’m coming!” I turn off the stove, then note on a sheet of paper: “restock on fire stones”. I place my eggs on a plate. Perfectly cooked! You’re an egg master, Gri! Finally a good note to start today on! I go to the door, and open it, before firmly telling them no never ever dare call me that name again unless they had a death wish.
The guard promptly announces: “You are under arrest for suspected attempt of deicide.”
Oh, my runes. Oh, my fucking runes. And I thought this day couldn’t get any worse. I answer that this case was closed exactly 324 years, 2 months and 9 days ago, and that I was condemned to have my magic sealed off for stabbing a god with a non magical weapon because that asshole killed my partner over losing fucking 20 copper in poker, and that I would go enjoy my breakfast and to come back later with concrete proof but to not bother me before that pretty please, then close the door and come back to my eggs that, of course, are now cold. I haven’t swallowed a single mouthful of eggs when my door suddenly shatters. Half a dozen people burst into my living room. Someone raises their hand, and my mind goes blank.
I feel… weird. I think I’ve blacked out, but I am at least half conscious now, even though I can’t move, my body feels like a ragdoll, I can barely see anything, and most importantly, my head is in my plate. At least I can smell the odour of my mastery in cooking eggs better. Yay.
I hear muffled voices, saying something about evidence. My mind is cloudy. I feel like falling asleep. So much for a day where I had planned to bring flowers to a tomb then go to sleep. Someone grabs me. I struggle not to lose consciousness again. Someone puts me on their shoulder. I feel like I’m gonna black out a second time.
I wake up. I smell faintly like rotten eggs. I look around, to see where I am: no windows, damp walls and floor, bars.. yup, that’s a cell. Ooo, a plate! I chow down on the stale bread that was probably supposed to be my sustenance for the week in less than ten seconds, before noticing someone seemingly sleeping in a chair on the other side of the bars.
I call: “Hey, what the hell is happening?” Startled, the guard falls down from their chair, stands back up and picks up their staff. “Since when are mages prison guards, I ask, and why am I here?” The mage casts a fireball, and slowly approaches me. I couldn’t clearly see them beforehand, but the light of their spell makes me able to notice their face and clothes: with light blue eyes, and a small, slightly pointy nose, a bright pink and white dress, looking like they have never been hurt a single time in their life, their appearance startles me.
“Wait, if you aren’t a guard, then who are you?” I shout at them, before realising that my aggression was not at all helping the situation, as they were trembling. I sigh: “Listen, kid, it’s not against you. I woke up in a cell after being abducted during my breakfast when my day was already ruined, and the people that took me didn’t even bother cleaning me when they made me faceplant into it. I am in a pretty bad mood right now, but I shouldn’t have lashed out at you like this. What’s happening to me is not your fault, as far as I’m aware, so I’m sorry. So, why don’t you tell me who you are and what is going on?”
“Come on, I don’t bite! I am just trying to get answers, and you happen to be the only one I can get them from. So please, give me some explanations.”
The person on the other side scrambles for something in their pockets, before pulling out a pen and a small book. They write something on it, before showing it to me. In a full-of-loops handwriting, there is noted: “is it true that you stabbed a god?” “Yes”, I answer, surprised. “I used to count the amount of days had passed since I had done so, but now, I don’t really know anymore. I only just woke up and it could have been 10 minutes just as well as ten centuries since last time I was conscious! Why do you ask? And I don’t remember knowing who you are?”
My interlocutor promptly shows me their book, in which I read: “I need your help! Order from the daughter of the King!” Wait, what? That old fart has a daughter? I still remember how much of an event it was when his first son was born, which was…10~ish years ago? How didn’t I hear about a daughter? Oh well, might be a touchy subject, if true. She didn’t specify her princess rank, just said she was his daughter.
Might also be a lie, but at this point I don’t care anymore, at least I got an answer.
“So, what do you want from me? It’s not like I’ll be of much help without magic anyway, I’m pretty sure.” She writes: “please help me escape.” Confused, I ask her what she need to escape from; she then answers, in a slightly hesitant writing: “this country. My father. Everything.” On the next page, there is written: “I was fleeing the castle when I heard guards talking about the incarcerated god killer, and when I found this prison, nobody was guarding it. I thought you could help me.”
She takes a keyring out of her pocket as I accept, and inserts a key in my cell’s door. Nothing. She tries with another one. No success either. She removes it. Pick up the one next to it. Still no progress.
After what felt like years, she finally finds the right one. I step out of my cell, and we make our way out, without encountering any guards, nor any prisoners for that matter.
Before opening the jail’s gate, I turn to my newly found adventuring companion, and ask her: “by the way, you can call me Gri. What about you, what’s your name, Princess?”
“You don’t want to tell me? Well, I’ll just refer to you as Princess, I guess?”
As we open the doors, I realise the streets are empty. The sky is pitch black, but nobody turned the streetlights on. Even then, there is still light some light, almost as much as if it were late afternoon. No shop is open, and even the inn is closed. Carriages are few and most of them are broken, no horse attached to any of them.
I trip on something. A guard. Or more like half of one: their lower body has been ripped off, and judging by the state of decomposition of the body, they’ve been here for a few days at least. In their hand, a fancy but broken sword. I pick it up: it’s better than nothing, and it’s not like they’re going to need it. I notice a few arms on the floor. A leg there. Yeesh.
I turn to the princess, and before I even ask her if the city was already in this state when she entered the jail, her horrified expression gives the answer away. She starts pointing at the sun. Crimson. …Just like last time a god had been attacked. I would know, I’m the one who stabbed that sucker.
Is this why I was arrested? Was it already like this when I got arrested? No. It can’t be. I’m pretty sure the sky was blue then. What do I do? What do I do? What do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do wh-
Something grabs my arm. It startles me, and I only recognise the princess after a solid five seconds. I take her by the hand, and ask her to follow me: we either have to flee, or hide. The panic that must have caused the city to be in such a terrible state can’t have only been the result of the red sun, something -or someone- must have been at least part of the reason for such a chaos. And if whatever came to this place and killed all those guards is still here, we’re in deep trouble.
Through narrow streets, we make our way to a house: run down, with ivy growing on the walls: the only reason I recognise my house is because all my furniture can be seen in the living room, through the broken door. Everything is ruined inside, like it had been left to mould for years. All of my food has gone bad, and there are cracks on the wooden floor.
After asking the princess to wait for me, I make my way to my room. Except for the musty bed and the occasional worm-eaten wooden board in the flooring, everything seems about fine. I grab the little box under the bed: still intact! A small wooden box with a silver lining, and protective runes carved on the sides. Inside, a small crossbow, a dagger and a pocket watch, all lined with silver just like the box they’re in. I still remember when I got these as if it were yesterday. I guess you were right: “a silver lining to see hope in tomorrow”, huh? I wish you could tell me what to do, you’ve always been the one guiding me. I miss you so bad, Leon, you have no idea. But it’s too late, I know. You’ll never be able to come back. Your soul might not even exist anymore. I am so sorry for not being able to bring you back. If only I could have done some-WAIT I DON’T HAVE TIME TO GRIEVE LOVED ONES WE HAVE TO GO NOW
I rush into the living room with the box, put it in my bag. Ew, moss grew inside of one of the pockets! We make our way out of the city through small alleys. Nobody is even guarding the city gates anymore. The sun looks to be setting in a few hours: we’d better get to the nearest town before sundown.
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thelensofyashunews · 8 months
SNUPE BANDZ Beats the Odds in “Scarred” Video
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Driven by a hustler mentality as deeply ingrained as his Memphis roots, SNUPE BANDZ makes his own luck. Reflecting on the tremendous odds he overcame to earn the respect of his city, the Paper Route Empire artist shares “Scarred.” Over a bouncy, booming piano instrumental, SNUPE approaches the track with an introspective flow-of-consciousness as he confronts his turbulent past and the toll it took on him: “Sippin’ on some twisted, smokin’ on some za/Sit back reminiscing, like damn, I made it far/My n**** had it hard, I made it out the jungle with them tigers I was scarred.”
The video for “Scarred” opens on SNUPE in rest and relaxation mode, rolling himself a joint on a table filled with turkey bags of flower. Soaking in the comfort of his luxury home while reminiscing on a much less cushy past, SNUPE makes his way back to the streets as his train of thought shifts from the past toward the future. Soon, SNUPE finds himself seated curbside in front of a mural memorializing his late mentor Young Dolph, reminding SNUPE of the greatness he was destined for. 
“Scarred” arrives as SNUPE’s first new music since the release of BOYZ IN THE HOOD, the 2022 collaborative project between SNUPE and fellow PRE hotshot PaperRoute Woo. With high-energy features from Arkansas rapper Bankroll Freddie and the crunkstar himself, Duke Deuce, BOYZ N THE HOOD built on the duo’s long history of collaborations, dating back to 2020's "In My Bag" and continuing through 2021's "Pop Out," which drew 2 million YouTube views. Both SNUPE and Woo joined their mentor Young Dolph on "Nothing To Me," a standout single from the 2021 PAPER ROUTE iLLUMINATi mixtape, generating over 10 million views, and they later took the stage in remembrance of their role model during a tribute set at Rolling Loud California 2021. The two Memphis natives made memorable appearances on Paper Route Empire Presents: Long Live Dolph, the 2022 PRE compilation tape: SNUPE shined on his solo showcase "I Know Why," and connected with Joddy Badass for the sensual "I Like," while Woo flashed his mastery of flow in "Fully Equipt."
Stay tuned for more from SNUPE and Paper Route Empire as the year progresses.
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Discovering the Top 10 Watercolor Artists
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Watercolor art is one of the most beautiful and popular forms of artistic expression. With the use of water-based paints and special brushes, artists are able to create vibrant and captivating images on paper. In this article, we will explore the works of the top 10 watercolor artists who have made a significant impact on the art world with their talent and creativity.
1. John Singer Sargent
John Singer Sargent is renowned for his mastery of watercolor techniques. His ability to capture light and atmosphere in his paintings is truly remarkable. Sargent's landscapes and portraits are characterized by their loose brushwork and delicate color transitions, making his artwork truly captivating.
2. Winslow Homer
Winslow Homer is another prominent watercolor artist known for his unique style. His marine-themed paintings are particularly famous, showcasing his ability to capture the essence of water and its ever-changing moods. Homer's use of bold brush strokes and vibrant colors adds a sense of dynamism to his artworks.
3. J.M.W. Turner
J.M.W. Turner, an English Romantic painter, is known for his ethereal and atmospheric watercolor landscapes. His paintings often depict nature in its raw and dramatic form, with a focus on the interplay of light and shadow. Turner's ability to evoke emotion through his use of color and texture is truly remarkable.
4. Mary Cassatt
Mary Cassatt was an American painter and printmaker who played a significant role in the Impressionist movement. Her watercolor portraits, particularly those depicting women and children, are celebrated for their tender and intimate portrayal. Cassatt's use of pastel colors and soft brushwork adds a sense of warmth and gentleness to her artworks.
5. Paul Klee
Paul Klee, a Swiss-German artist, brought a unique and abstract perspective to watercolor painting. His artworks often incorporate geometric shapes and symbols, creating a harmonious blend of color and form. Klee's imaginative and playful style continues to inspire artists around the world.
6. Albrecht Dürer
Albrecht Dürer, a German Renaissance artist, is not only known for his expertise in printmaking but also for his exceptional watercolor paintings. Dürer's attention to detail and precise technique make his artworks truly breathtaking. His landscapes and nature studies showcase his ability to capture intricate textures and subtle tonal variations.
7. Georgia O'Keeffe
Georgia O'Keeffe, an American artist, is renowned for her larger-than-life floral watercolor paintings. Her unique perspective and attention to detail bring out the beauty and intricacy of flowers. O'Keeffe's use of bold and vibrant colors adds a sense of vibrancy and energy to her artworks.
8. Thomas Moran
Thomas Moran was an American landscape artist who made significant contributions to the watercolor medium. His stunning depictions of the American West, particularly Yellowstone National Park, showcase his ability to capture the grandeur and majesty of nature. Moran's use of light and color creates a sense of awe and wonder in his artworks.
9. Emil Nolde
Emil Nolde, a German-Danish painter, was known for his expressive and vibrant watercolor paintings. His use of bold and intense colors adds a sense of drama and emotion to his artworks. Nolde's landscapes and floral studies are characterized by their dynamic brushwork and powerful use of color.
10. Charles Reid
Charles Reid is a contemporary watercolor artist known for his loose and expressive style. His figurative paintings, often depicting everyday scenes and portraits, capture the essence and personality of his subjects. Reid's use of spontaneous brushwork and limited color palette creates a sense of freshness and immediacy in his artworks.
The world of watercolor art is filled with talented and visionary artists who have left an indelible mark on the art world. From the delicate brushwork of John Singer Sargent to the bold and expressive style of Charles Reid, each artist brings their unique perspective and artistic vision to the medium. Exploring the works of these top 10 watercolor artists allows us to appreciate the beauty, versatility, and limitless possibilities of this captivating art form.
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iljada · 11 months
Mini-Research Paper
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Joel Meyerowitz is an influential American photographer known for his mastery of color photography. He has most definitely created several compelling bodies of work throughout his career. I picked two distinct projects by Meyerowitz: "Cape Light" and "Wild Flowers." These projects showcase his amazing observational skills and unique perspective in capturing the essence of his subjects. "Cape Light" is a series of photographs taken in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, between 1978 and 1981. This project captures the ethereal quality of light on the Cape. Here he is emphasizing serene coastal scenes, vibrant sunsets, and the intimate moments of the local community. Meyerowitz's choice of Cape Cod as his subject matter allowed him to explore the interplay of light, landscape, and sometimes human presence. The photographs aren't individually named, but the first two pictures displayed are part of this project. In the first photograph we see a balcony bathed in the soft, golden/orange light coming within the house, contrasting the cold hues outside and the lightning strike. In the second picture we see two cars parked in front of a food store. Here we have a combination of artificial and natural lights, soft and colorful, creating a sense of tranquility and nostalgia, inviting us to immerse ourselves in the coastal atmosphere.
"Cape Light" resonates with a profound sense of serenity and introspection. Meyerowitz's ability to capture the landscapes elevates the ordinary to the extraordinary, inviting us viewers to experience the Cape Cod environment in a deeply emotional way. In "Wild Flowers," Meyerowitz shifts his focus from urban and coastal landscapes to the delicate beauty of wildflowers. This series, created between 1983 and 1987, showcases Meyerowitz's fascination with the intricate details and vibrant colors of various wildflower species. Through wonderful compositions, Meyerowitz invites us to appreciate the ephemeral beauty of these flowers. In the third picture we see a boy laying down in a garden surrounded by different plants, but it's the yellow wild flowers capturing most of our attention. The boy is holding a cross made out of wood sticks and looks somewhat stressed or upset and yet this image gives me a warm comforting feeling. This picture has so many details that every time you look at it you'll find something new. In the fourth picture we see a portrait of a woman wearing a hat made out of different flowers. This image portrays such beauty and delicacy from her expression to the composition of the flowers on her head. Behind her we see a chaotic noisy environment and when I look at her I get a sense of quiet and peace. "Wild Flowers" captivates us with its attention to detail and vibrant color palette. Meyerowitz's ability to convey the essence of each flower reflects his deep appreciation for the natural world through the presence of humans in his photographs.
While "Cape Light" and "Wild Flowers" differ in subject matter, they share a common thread in Meyerowitz's meticulous attention to light and composition. In "Cape Light," Meyerowitz skillfully captures the interplay of natural light and the coastal environment, creating images that evoke a sense of tranquility and introspection. In contrast, "Wild Flowers" showcases Meyerowitz's ability to find beauty in the delicate details of nature, highlighting the vibrant colors and textures of wildflowers.
Both series exhibit Meyerowitz's technical expertise in capturing the subtleties of light and form. His use of natural light and careful composition enhances the visual impact of each photograph, whether it's the soft glow of a Cape Cod sunset or the patterns of a wildflower petal. Additionally, Meyerowitz's choice of perspective and framing allows viewers to connect intimately with the subjects, whether human or botanical. Joel Meyerowitz's "Cape Light" and "Wild Flowers" demonstrate his unparalleled ability to find beauty in the ordinary and create interesting and captivating narratives through photography. Through these projects, Meyerowitz invites viewers to explore the nuances of light, form, and emotion, showcasing his mastery of the medium. Bibliography
Meyerowitz, Joel. Cape Light. New York: Aperture, 1979.
Meyerowitz, Joel. Wild Flowers. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 1983.
Joel Meyerowitz, American Photographer and Filmmaker https://www.theartstory.org/artist/meyerowitz-joel/
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Maxulu, has there been a feat you've tried to accomplish, but couldn't for some reason?
When your mind has achieved full transcendence, nothing is truly impossible, but I was indeed a student before mastery beckoned its embrace to me.
The tailor reaches into the drawer of an old bureau and pulls out a crumpled piece of lined paper. Unfurling it, he shows it to you. The design is of a strapless dress that ends at the knees, but the fabric is stitched to look like a bouquet of flowers, with the gaps in the flower-heads exposing skin. It's surprisingly modern for this desert dwelling troll.
In defiance of the Highabove voices, I sought to imbue perfection into tangibility....but I was a novice, made roughly of clay! It does not appease my spirit to fail, yet my destiny became a closed loop of endless misconfiguration! Do you understand??
His voice rose for a moment, then fell into a whimper, and he balled and mashed the paper in dismay and put it back in the drawer. When he spoke again, his voice was lower and more unsettled.
The wyvern is unappeased. Please don't ask me about that again. Now, stranger - are you interested in my wares?
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DIY Hibiscus Paper Mastery | The Art Of Making Hibiscus Paper Flowers || Aklima Crafts And Journals
#hibiscuspaperflowers #aklimacraftsandjournals #aklimacrafts #aklima #aklimajournals #painterly #easytutorial #paperflowerart #handmade #diy #craftingmastery #hibiscuscraft #diyartistry #diyhibiscuspaper #creativeblooms #craftingexcellence #paperflowertutorial #artisticjourney #floralcrafting #hibiscuspapermastery #trending #trendingvideo #paperblooms #diyhibiscus #paperflowers #floralcraft #craftycommunity #handmadeflowers #tropicalvibes #creativehomedecor #bloomwithme #subscribe #subscribetomychannel #thanksforwatching
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whatsonmedia · 1 year
Explore the World of Art with These Upcoming Exhibitions!
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Summer is a great time to explore the world of art. There are many exciting exhibitions opening in July and August, from major retrospectives of famous artists to new and innovative work from up-and-coming talent. Whether you're interested in classic masters or contemporary trends, there's something for everyone. So get out there and explore the world of art this summer! Ramble in the Cosmos When: 28 July, 2023 and runs until 29 January, 2024. Where: The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City From Primeval Fireball Onward by Cai Guo-Qiang is a large-scale exhibition that traces the artist's career from his early days as a performance artist to his more recent work with gunpowder and fireworks. The exhibition includes paintings, sculptures, installations, and videos that explore themes of chaos, destruction, and rebirth. Matisse When: 17 July, 2023 and runs until 29 January, 2024. Where: The Tate Modern in London. The Cut-Outs is a comprehensive exhibition of Matisse's work in paper. The exhibition includes over 200 works, from early experiments with paper cutouts to large-scale installations. The cut-outs are some of Matisse's most famous and beloved works, and they demonstrate his mastery of color, form, and composition. Lee Krasner When: 15 July, 2023 and runs until 22 January, 2024. Where: The Museum of Modern Art in New York City. Living Color is a survey of Krasner's career, from her early days as an Abstract Expressionist painter to her later work in collage and sculpture. The exhibition includes over 100 works, and it shows the development of Krasner's unique artistic vision. Theaster Gates When: 16 July, 2023 and runs until 29 January, 2024. Where: The Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City. Black Image, Black Futures is a multi-media exhibition that explores the intersection of race, identity, and community. The exhibition includes Gates's work in sculpture, installation, and performance, as well as photographs, films, and music. Gates's work challenges us to think about the ways in which black people are represented in the world, and it offers a vision of a more just and equitable future. Georgia O'Keeffe at MoMA When: 9 April to 12 August, 2023 Where: Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) Experience the extraordinary artistic journey of Georgia O'Keeffe at MoMA, New York. While famous for her vivid flower and landscape images, this exhibition shines a spotlight on her often-overlooked works in charcoal, pencil, watercolor, and pastel. By showcasing her landmark pieces alongside these paper-based creations, visitors gain insight into the creative processes of one of the most significant painters of the twentieth century. Unveiling Georgia O'Keeffe: A Journey Through Art allows you to witness the evolution of her genius, from bold strokes to delicate nuances. Immerse yourself in the timeless allure of an exceptional artist's mind. Read the full article
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Welcome to my watercolor art blog!
Welcome to our watercolor art blog, where we delve into the enchanting world of watercolor painting. From the vibrant hues to the gentle flow of water, watercolor art has a unique charm that captures the essence of nature like no other medium. Join us on this artistic journey as we dive into the techniques, inspiration, and beauty of watercolor painting.
The Magic of Watercolor:
Watercolor art is known for its translucent, ethereal quality that brings life to a painting. The interplay between pigments and water creates captivating effects, ranging from delicate washes to intricate details. This fluid medium encourages artists to embrace spontaneity and embrace the unexpected, making each artwork a journey of exploration and discovery
Essential Techniques:
Watercolor techniques are essential for creating stunning artworks. Explore various techniques such as wet-on-wet, wet-on-dry, glazing, and dry brushing. Experimenting with these techniques allows you to achieve different textures, gradients, and levels of transparency, enhancing the expressiveness of your paintings.
Colors of Nature:
Watercolor art allows you to capture the colors of nature in all their glory. From the vivid hues of a sunrise to the soft pastels of a flower garden, watercolor paints can mimic the natural world with stunning accuracy. Learn how to mix and blend colors effectively, and discover the joy of capturing the beauty of landscapes, seascapes, and botanical wonders.
Painting En Plein Air:
One of the most enchanting aspects of watercolor art is its compatibility with plein air painting. Grab your brushes, palette, and sketchbook, and venture outdoors to capture the essence of a scene in real-time. Experience the play of light, the changing colors of the sky, and the textures of nature while immersing yourself in the joy of plein air watercolor painting.
Exploring Different Subjects:
Watercolor art is incredibly versatile, allowing artists to explore a wide range of subjects. Whether you're captivated by landscapes, portraits, still life, or abstract art, watercolors can adapt to your creative vision. Dive into the depths of your imagination and express yourself through the vibrant and expressive nature of watercolor paints.
Tips for Beginners:
Are you new to watercolor painting? Fear not! We provide helpful tips and tricks for beginners to kickstart their artistic journey. From selecting the right brushes and paper to mastering basic techniques, our tips will empower you to create beautiful watercolor artworks right from the start.
Inspiration from Master Watercolorists:
Discover the works of renowned watercolor artists who have left an indelible mark on the art world. Explore the distinctive styles and techniques of luminaries such as Winslow Homer, John Singer Sargent, and Mary Cassatt. Their mastery of watercolor will inspire you to push your boundaries and develop your unique artistic voice. Conclusion: Watercolor art is a captivating medium that invites you to explore the beauty of the natural world and express your creativity in stunning ways. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist, watercolor painting offers endless possibilities for experimentation, self-expression, and artistic growth. So grab your brushes, embrace the fluidity of watercolors, and embark on a journey that celebrates the harmony between art and nature.
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ryancrossfield · 1 year
40 Things I Wish I’d Known at 40
That family, flowers and walks in the woods would bring me more happiness than cars, watches and houses ever would.
That getting super-fit would multiply my creativity, productivity and prosperity considerably.
That your choice of relationship partner is one of the main sources of your success (or failure), joy (or misery) and tranquility (or worry).
That I’d do my finest work when I’d be working in hotel rooms and flying on airplanes rather than when chained to an office desk.
That good friendships are priceless treasures. And that old friends are the most precious ones.
That heaven helps those who help themselves. So do your best and let your higher power do the rest.
That people putting you down is a sign of your increasing success.
That the priorities I thought were most important in my youth are actually the pursuits I’m least interested in as I mature.
That silence, stillness and solitude form the sweet song that most attracts the Muse.
That small daily victories, performed with disciplined consistency over extended periods of time, lead to revolutionary results.
That when I didn’t get what I desired it was because the universe had something a whole lot better in mind.
That being scared just means you’re about to grow. And that frequent discomfort is the price of accelerated progress.
That if you risk all for love and it doesn’t work out, there is no failure because all love stories are, in truth, hero tales. And no growth of the heart is a waste. Ever.
That working diligently without concern for the rewards is the very behavior that brings the rewards.
That just because someone is aging doesn’t mean they are growing.
That life has a fabulous feedback system showing you what you are doing right by where you are winning (and what you need to improve by where you’re frustrated).
That it usually takes twenty years of working anonymously before you acquire the wisdom and expertise required to know what to leave out of a piece of work so it becomes extraordinary.
That the humbler the person, the stronger the character.
That your income will never exceed your self-identity. And your impact will never be larger than your personal story.
That we get what we settle for. (So stop settling for what you don’t want.)
That sometimes silence is the loudest reply you can give.
That the way people make you feel when you interact with them tells you everything you need to know about them.
That taking a lot of time off would make me twice as productive.
That feeding the trolls is a waste of your time. Most critics are jealous because you did what they couldn’t do. Ignore them. And allow mastery to be your response.
That bullies become cowards once you stand up to them.
That journaling is praying on paper. And every prayer is heard.
That a genuinely rich life costs a lot less than you think.
That some people in business will tell you they’ll do amazing things for you, but once the deal is signed, they’ll end up doing nothing for you.
That the activities and places that fill you with joy are the activities and places where your wisdom wishes you to be.
That the best use of money is to create experiences and memories and not to secure objects and possessions.
That willpower is built by doing difficult things. So do more difficult things. (Daily.)
That it’s better to read a few books deeply than consume many books lightly.
That hardship is the birthplace of heroism. Honor your scars as they have made you you.
That the majority of human beings have wonderful hearts and they’ll show them to you if you make them feel safe.
That elderly people have the best stories. And deserve the highest respect.
That all life has huge value. Don’t ever step on a spider.
That when you feel most alone, your higher power is closest to you.
That not every hour of the day and not every day of the week needs to be used “productively” and “grinding.” Taking naps, staring at the stars and, sometimes, doing nothing are pursuits absolutely necessary for a life of unlimited beauty.
That respecting yourself is vastly more important than being liked by others.
That life’s too short to play small with your highness.
- from The Everyday Hero Manifesto
(the bold ones are the ones I like the most)
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jeongvision · 3 years
pairing. history teacher! seo johnny ✗ english teacher! fem! reader (ft. english teacher! mark lee)
genre. fluff, slight humor, high school teacher au, non idol au
warnings. some cursing and super soft hours after this huhu <3 and not proofread but we can discuss that later
author’s note. this is an continuation to this blurb! this could be read as a standalone but regardless i hope this brought a smile to your face bc it certainly did for me <3
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You should’ve seen it coming. Damn it, it was right in front of you all along, so why didn’t you see it in the first place?
You and your students have been grinding nonstop for the past couple weeks to prep them for the AP English IV exam. There was a time where you requested two days off from work for emergency purposes (thankfully it was nothing too major) leaving you to ask your coworker- Mark, another teacher in your department -to help fill in your students on materials needed for the exam.
Everything was perfectly fine when you came back, your coworker going beyond your expectations in taking care of your students. However, one thing you failed to take notice of is the recent changes the college board made in their AP exams, including the course you teach. After reviewing some of the revisions they made, you felt your heart drop.
They’ve added three additional sections to the exam, meaning an additional two weeks is needed to cover the materials for your students to grasp some sort of mastery on those concepts.
You have four weeks left until the exam, and you’re already compacted those remaining weeks with other necessary materials for the exam.
“Fucking hell,” you murmured under your breath.
Running your hand through your hair, you let out a tired sigh. It’s already bad enough that you have to work overtime in making revisions to your lesson plans. However, it’s worse to see the crestfallen looks on your students’ faces when you dropped the news on them. They’re already tired enough from dealing with other classes and extracurricular activities. On top of that, you know most of them are stressing about their acceptance letters from their colleges.
You dropped the pen in your hand and rubbed both of your eyelids. Relax, y/n you told yourself. Don’t worry, you can do this. You heard the door behind you open, meaning someone walked inside the teacher’s lounge.
“Hey, y/n. What’s up- Woah, woah, WOAH! What do we have here?” the person exclaimed. You let out a chortle. You could distinctively point that voice out from anywhere, and you’re sure as hell that the state of your workspace is nothing short of hell. Taking your hands away from your face, you crossed your arms and leaned back a little in your seat to look up at the latter.
“Well, hello to you too, Mark,” you chuckled. You both gave each a fist bump before he sits down in the empty chair beside you.
“What the hell happened here?” He grabs some of the documents splayed out before you, eyes scanning through the materials that you’ve scribbled on in the past hour. “Wait, what? They added new things to the AP exam?”
You sighed and nodded dejectedly. “Yep. And somehow, I gotta squeeze all those materials into my lesson plans before they take it next month.” You rested your arms on the table and rested your head on top of them. “At this point, I just want to light myself on fire and call it a day.”
Mark lets out a cackle besides you, prompting you to smile. You’ll never mention it to him, but his laughs and smiles are always infectious. It’s what makes him so well-known and loved in the English department in the first place, both faculties and students.
“Please don’t do that. We love you too much to let you do that to yourself,” he responded.
Sitting back up in your seat, you take a glance at the clock. Just four minutes before the section ends and you have to go back to teaching your classes again. You heard your coworker clear his throat, bringing you to face him.
“Do you need help with any of this?” he offered.
You shook your head. “No, it’s fine, Mark. I appreciate the offer but I don’t want to bother you with my workload.”
“No, really. It’s fine, y/n. I only teach honors and they’re all pretty ahead in their assignments, so I have some free time if you’d like.”
Just like that, you swear you could see a halo shining above his figure, your world much brighter and clearer than it was this morning. “Oh my god, yes please.” You shifted through your papers, searching the remnants of the piles before handing it over to him. “Can you please go through these and grade them for me? Here are the answer keys for them.” After debriefing him for that stack of papers, you gave him another one. “And for these, can you make some copies for me? I need them tonight so I can plan for tomorrow’s class.”
He listened attentively to your commands, taking a mental note and nodding each instruction given to him. “Okay, got it, y/n. I’ll get these done and hand them over by the end of the day.”
You’re gawking at him, surprised that your coworker is willing to lend you a helping hand. You could honestly cry out tears of joy right now, but timing refuses to let you do so as the bell rings, marking the end of a period. You both stood up in your seats and grabbed the papers on the table into a neat pile. You let out a content sigh as you both walked out the teacher’s lounge.
“Thank you so much, Mark. You’re the best,” you exhaled. Outside your classroom, you already see some students entering inside as you left it unlocked, free for them or your coworkers to enter as they pleased. You both stood next to its entrance before he shrugs his shoulders at you.
“Hey, I mean it’s what I do best, right? Being the best.”
You rolled your eyes and gave him a playful shove, earning a laugh from him. Saying goodbyes to one another, you walked inside your classroom. You nodded to the students present. “Afternoon, class,” you greeted.
“Good afternoon, Miss y/n!”
“Miss Y/n, there’s a bouquet of flowers on your desk,” one of your students called out. You raised an eyebrow. Flowers? Looking over to your desk, your student was certainly not lying and neither are your eyes. Perched in the middle of your desk lies a vase filled with varying colors of tulips. Petals are in full bloom and the stems are clipped uniformly. You walked over and saw a notecard attached to one of the flowers.
“Who is it from, Miss Y/n?”
“Yeah! Who got you flowers?”
You looked up and realized more of your students are present, capacity almost at its max. Class was starting soon so more and more are rushing in to see the surprise gift settled on your desk.
“Is it Mr. Kim in the science department? I saw you two walking together in the hallways last week.”
That assumption piqued your interest. “Wait, Mr. Kim? The physics teacher?” you asked. The student, Krystal, nodded, causing you to huff incredulously. “Krystal, please. We’re merely just friends.”
Another student chimes in. “Friends don’t lock arms with each other at work.”
“Jongin, please. Your last girlfriend only stayed with you for a month and she started dating an upperclassman a week later.”
“Guys, calm down,” you interjected. “As much as I love you crazy bunch, I am still your teacher. Therefore, what occurs in my personal life stays private, and how much I am willing to share with you all lies in my discretion.” But unbeknownst to you, one of your students sneaks behind you to get a glance of the card, discreetly reading the contents:
‘The best deserves nothing less than the best.
Yours truly.’
The student, Luna, almost lets out a squeal. “Guys! Guys!” You jumped in shock, startled by her sudden presence and her high-pitched voice. “I think it’s Mr. Lee! The other English teacher!”
All attention is now on her, excitement filled in the air.
“Mr. Lee? The one that teaches honors?”
“The one with boba eyes?”
“The one that laughs at everything?”
Luna nods to each question, visibly thrilled with the subtle jump in her steps as she walked towards her classmates. “Yes! I heard Miss y/n calling him the best earlier and Mr. Lee joked about being the best! And in the card, it said ‘the best deserves nothing less than the best’.” The bell rang, marking the beginning of the period, but that didn’t stop your students from chattering with happiness, faces completely wiped from fatigue and stress of the upcoming exams. Some students entered your classroom late to the discussion, prompting other students to fill them in only to also be electrified by the ‘news’.
You run a hand through your hair again and sighed. Not this again, you thought to yourself. But just before you could jump in to stop all this chaos, you heard someone knock on your open door, diverting your attention and your class’ to the intruder.
“Well, good afternoon, class,” the person chuckled. “Why’s it so boisterous here? Did I miss a party or something?”
Of course, what better person to appear now of all times? It was none other than the infamous history teacher, Johnny Seo. You rolled your eyes before laughing. Coincidence, my ass.
“Mr. Seo! Someone gave Miss Y/n a bouquet of tulips! She has a secret admirer!” Luna stated.
He raised an eyebrow at her direction. “Oh, does she now?” He looks back at you with a grin. “Did Miss Y/n find out who this secret admirer is?”
“We think it’s Mr. Lee from honors English.”
“And what makes you think so?”
“Because we heard her call him the best earlier before class started, and the notecard called her the best.”
“Coincidence? I think not,” Jongin nodded.
All of the students followed along in unison, profoundly proud of their assumptions that left you shaking your head in disbelief. Surely, you had a smile on your face, but it’s surprising to know how your students are able to make such large assumptions based on groundless evidence. You sat down in your chair and turned on your computer, getting your lesson plan ready for the period as your students entertained themselves with Mr. Seo.
Johnny takes it all in, nodding to all of them before walking up behind your desk. “Well, I think it’s safe to say that you don’t pester too much to Miss y/n about it. You know how much she likes to keep her life private.” While you were browsing through your saved files and pulling up powerpoints, you felt the latter tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “Right, Mrs. Seo?”
And just like that, your hands stilled. Wait, did he just—
“Hold up..”
“Did you just—”
“Mrs. Seo?”
You squeezed your eyelids shut. Oh my god, here we go again—
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jeongvision’s milestone event!
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shirtlesssammy · 3 years
6x17: My Heart Will Go On
And this is all folks...
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You never really die on Supernatural
Chester, Pennsylvania
In a Rube Goldberg-esque bit of murder mastery, a man fumbles his way around his garage, nearly dying several times, only to finally get taken out by his falling garage door. What a ride. 
Meanwhile, in Bobby’s neater than normal home, Sam and Dean watch him open another bottle of booze. They silently egg each other on to talk and finally decide on Rock-Paper-Scissors. Oop, it looks like you’re going to have to do the talking, Dean. 
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Only, wait, Dean won! They think he should take some time and sleep, and process losing Rufus. Bobby’s DOING FINE. He just needs some Irish coffee. Sam suggests taking him on a hunt. Seems like different family members are dying in Chester, Pennsylvania. Bobby kicks them out of the house, so they decide to head out alone. 
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They get in their trusty Mustang, and hit the road. 
Bobby keeps drinking until Ellen (!) shows up. 
She consoles him about Rufus and tells him to get ready for dinner. 
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And she’s his wife. 
At the garage of horror, Sam finds a thread of gold. 
They split up. Dean interviews next of kin. He first meets with a Saul Goodman wannabe Shawn Russo. The guy isn’t too upset by his family members dying --he wasn’t too close with them. He also doesn’t have a lot of time for Dean’s genealogy questions. 
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Dean tries sussing out any past family curse --poorly.  Shawn wants Dean to go, so Dean just comes out and tells him, “Your life is in danger.” Shawn thinks Dean’s threatening him. 
He connects with Sam who can’t find a single thing wrong with the family. 
At a travel agency, we watch Anne Witting chat on the phone, and time suddenly stops. Another woman, looking like Sam’s kind of librarian, takes Anne’s keys from her purse and throws them on the floor next to the copier. She leaves and time starts again. 
The woman gets off the phone and notices her keys are on the floor. Grabbing for them knocks a vase of flowers onto the copiers, which creates an electrical nightmare, which causes her to start slapping at it and finally reaching behind it to turn it off, which then causes her scarf to get stuck in the autofeeder, which the copier then tries to make a copy of, which strangles her. (Note to self: BE NICER TO THE COPY MACHINE.) 
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The blonde woman comes back and marks a name off in a book, and drops a gold thread. 
The brothers check out the travel agency that night. It turns out that Anne isn’t part of the Russo family --so they’re not dealing with a family curse. Dean wonders what then. He then finds another gold thread. 
He calls Ellen, who reports there’s been about 75 deaths associated with this across the nation. The only thing Ellen has that connects the people is that their ancestors all immigrated to the US in the same year, on the same boat: The Titanic. Neither Dean nor Ellen had ever heard of it. 
Sam either. (And that’s when I call bull --unless this Sam isn’t a history nerd-- because the Titanic was a BIG deal before it became a BIGGER deal. It was the largest ship of its time. But as I typed this out, I feel like I should eat my words because there was another sister boat built with the Titanic, and I can’t for the life of me remember its name, so, yeah, chances are good it would have been lost to history for most people.) 
During their research, Sam notes that the ship almost hit an iceberg, but the First Mate, I.P. Freely saw it in time. 
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They summon Balthazar for answers about the boat. “It was meant to sink, and I saved it.” He hated the movie. (Boris is still one of the few and proud that’s never seen it --I cheered SO hard for Balthazar here.) (Natasha: I saw it six times in the theater! Two kinds of people.) He hated the Celine Dion song. Sam doesn’t even know who that is (HIS FAVORITE SINGER!) Sam points out that he thought that history can’t be changed. Balthazar points out that there’s no more rules. Anyway, only minor details have been changed --like no Impala. 
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More importantly, Ellen and Jo are alive. They are supposed to be dead.
Dean and Sam focus on the here and now and point out that something is killing the descendants of the Titanic travelers. They need to find out who. Balthazar drops a truth bomb out of nowhere --pointing out that Cas is in love with Dean. Sigh. Also, he doesn’t care, and flaps away. 
They talk with Bobby on the phone and he thinks they’re dealing with Fate. How do they stop fate? Bobby suggests that they get Balthazar to re-sink the boat, but Dean nixes that idea instantly. Bobby wants to know what set him off --Dean tells him that if the boat sinks, Ellen and Jo die. Yeah, no way is that boat sinking. 
The boys lurk in their iconic, uh, Mustang to follow Russo. 
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They follow Russo in an attempt to keep him safe from Fate’s machinations. They manage to save him from one deadly accident, only for the guy to die under the wheels of a bus seconds later. 
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Sam notices a woman watching over the accident. She looked kind of like a librarian. “Your kind of librarian or my kind of librarian?” Dean asks. Oh, Dean, why does it have to be a binary choice? Eyebrow waggle. Dean decides to head over and confront Fate in a shadowy building. 
Inside the vacant restaurant the clock ticks menacingly, and then stops - even MORE menacingly. While the clock is stopped, Fate smugly turns on all the gas burners in the kitchen. When Dean’s flashlight starts to crap out on him, he asks Sam for a lighter. The lighter similarly fails until the very moment they open the doors to the kitchen. The flame kisses the cloud of gas and erupts into a massive fireball which--
Cas flaps in and saves the Winchesters. (I will never not be able to watch this scene without thinking of the gag reel and Misha stag leaping around the woods.) 
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Cas reports that they’ve arrived safely in Belarus. He tells them that Fate has a beef with the Winchesters. Why? Well, he conveys this sarcastically - “Nothing of import – just the tiny matter of averting the Apocalypse and rendering her obsolete. I think maybe she's a little irritated about that.”
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Fate won’t stop pursuing them until they’re dead (lol, like that’ll stick) so they’re better off killing her now. Cas comes up with a plan. They’re going to tempt fate.
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Ellen tries to talk through the case with Bobby after Jo reports more and more dead on the West coast. Ellen suggests that the best solution would be to re-sink the Titanic, a suggestion towards which Bobby reacts...poorly. Bobby’s horrified at her casual suggestion. Ellen senses something is off with Bobby. Over drinks, Bobby spills everything to Ellen. He tells her that he needs her. 
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After that solemn, emotional scene, we cut to Dean and Sam experiencing wacky near-misses. Cue the comic near-death montage! This montage has everything! Rogue teens! Angry dogs! (Extreme close of up Dean for extra sad jokes.) 
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People juggling knives and hatchets! And fire! “Can’t avoid Fate,” Sam says before walking DIRECTLY THROUGH the jugglers with Dean. Lol, that sure is tempting fate!
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They successfully make it through the flaming weapons and past a construction worker with a malfunctioning nail gun, only for a huge appliance to fall on them, Looney Tunes style. Or rather, it ALMOST fridges them. The world freezes and Castiel approaches like a character gently walking onstage to address the audience in a Shakespeare play. Fate - Atropos - confronts him.
For the Looney Tunes / Shakespeare Mashup That Lives in My Head Science
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She’s angry with him and his two human buds for dismantling millennia of work. “God gave me a job,” she spits. “We all had a script.” But once the apocalypse was averted she was left purposeless.
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“Freedom is more preferable,” Cas insists. Atropos hates it and nobody in Heaven has a plan anymore. She tells him the last straw for her was unsinking the Titanic. When Cas tries to fob it off on Balthazar being…Balthazar, she refutes it. Balthazar is operating under CAS’S ORDERS. 
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She’ll make Cas a bargain: if the boat stays un-sunk, then she’ll kill his “two favorite pets.” She may not be strong enough to escape Cas’s retribution, but her sisters will take the Winchesters down after she dies. Cas contemplates Sam and Dean.
Balthazar shows up, ready to kill Atropos, when Cas stops him. 
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Cas gives a nod to Balthazar and it’s all he needs to do - Balthazar understands his new orders and announces resignedly that he’s heading back in time to sink the Titanic. 
Sam and Dean wake to Celine Dion belting out “My heart will go on” - crucially, they’re again in the Impala. They were sleeping in the car at Bobby’s garage and realize they were dreaming the same thing.
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Cas flaps in to greet them. He confirms that their dream was actually real - the Titanic DID cause some titanic problems for the Winchesters. Crucially, Cas tells them that he insisted Balthazar go back and fix it as though he was simply correcting a foolish prank. We don’t care about any of this right now, because Cas plainly tells them that sinking the Titanic was the ONLY WAY to be sure that the Winchesters were safe. 
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Sam and Dean try to process the balancing equation Cas dealt with, where their lives were more important than 50,000 people (who were never born, Cas hastily points out). Dean asks about Ellen and Jo, and the answer is NOT GOOD. What could have been!
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Dean asks if that whole alternate timeline was erased when the boat sank again. Cas indicates that the alternate timeline gets erased “more or less.” Lol, okay Season 15 Supernatural. Cas wanted Sam and Dean to remember what happened, so that they remember that fate is cruel and capricious. (As are television executives.) “You can make your own destiny. You don’t have to be ruled by fate. I still believe that’s something worth fighting for,” Cas tells them. Can I get a HELL YEAH? 
While it seems for a short while like Cas is edging towards telling them the truth of his war, he ultimately plays off the Titanic as only stemming from Balthazar’s hatred of the movie. “Titanic didn’t suck THAT bad,” Dean says. There’s my soft boy. Cas flaps out, and the Winchesters head inside to check on Bobby. His house is back to cluttered, gloomy chaos. Bobby’s asleep on the couch. Sam and Dean vow never to tell Bobby what he could have had.
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Natasha: This episode has everything! Alternate timelines! Fate! Jensen Ackles’ most ridiculous expressions! Free will! Castiel! As soon as we got the season 15 news, we realized that the show would end before we could finish up our older recaps. This episode seemed like the perfect way to cap off the show from the remaining episodes, since it deals with themes of loss, what Castiel would sacrifice to save the Winchesters, alternate timelines, and the overarching exploration of fate/narrative versus free will.
Nice Quotestache:
Accidents don't just happen accidentally
No, no. I'm not threatening you. I'm just simply saying that if you don't watch your back, you're gonna die
"What's an Impala?" Trust me, it's not important
You have me confused with the other angel. You know, the one in the dirty trenchcoat who's in love with you
Can’t avoid fate
Who do we gotta kill to get killed around here?
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