#pants saga tag
obsessedwithegos · 1 year
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You all are trying to make me wear pants, meanwhile they rarely wear clothes!
With the pants saga being brought back by this anon, it felt only fitting that Dor tries to drag Vrex into this jkdfsghdfgkj
Dor uses they/it Vrex uses they/them
general: @emmettnet @blackberry-nightingale
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akai-anna · 1 year
i am intoxicated and i connected the dots that shinichi wears the same outfit as in desperate revival in the case with heiji & jodie-sensei
i’m fckin dyin and the world is spinning
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xplrvibes · 9 months
I'm sorry, I know this causes trauma for some people...
...but few things give me as much joy as the joy I get when everyone gets together and decides Colby is dating a girl based on nothing but unbelievably paper thin "evidence."
It always, ALWAYS, follows the same series of stages:
Honeymoon stage: Happy "omg is it Colby? It's Colby, isn't it? Colby and xx are together!" Comments
Tides are Turning Stage: Angry "guys, don't ship him with his friends, he said he hates it" and "GUYS AND GIRLS CAN BE JUST FRIENDS GUYS," comments
Into the Thick of It Stage: The shipping commences anyway; weird rumors start abounding about the girl and/or Colby; everyone starts getting really embarrassed and angry
End Stage: Colby gets canceled
Every. Time.
I love it.
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shinjisdone · 6 months
To Soften a Warrior’s Heart (Vinland Saga; Thorfinn; Part 10, Finale of S1)
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In which you have joined Askeladd’s band…and grow closer to the Son of Thors. Though it is more difficult than anyone can could ever imagine…
[Headcanons of how it would be like to meet and crawl your way into Thorfinn’s heart (based on season 1; both platonic and romantic)]
Part 1 is here - meeting Thorfinn at the age of 14 and how he is at that age
Part 2 is here - meeting Thorfinn at the age of 16/17 + headcanons of growing closer (slightly following s1 story)
Part 3 is here - blooming friendship with Thorfinn (slightly following s1 story)
Part 4 is here - Thorfinn unwittingly opening his heart as he realizes he does not want you to die
Part 5.1 is here - sweet things Thorfinn would do for you (headcanons)
Part 5.2 is here - other sweet things Thorfinn would do for you (headcanons)
Part 6 is here - meeting Canute and becoming his guard - Thorfinn accepts your relationship and bond
Part 7 is here - Canute grieving over Ragnar and Thorkell catching up; Thorfinn leaves you alone for revenge
Part 8 is here - Thorfinn wins against Thorkell; Questioning your bond with Thorfinn
Part 9 is here - Meeting Leif and Thorfinn dueling Askeladd; Losing while Askeladd told him the truth of his constant losses
Tag list:
@luopenis , @jinsecho , @mitsureigen , @theknightssecrets
Mentions of murder, death, war, slave trade, harrasment against women and whatever awful things happened in the viking era. Only mentioned and used as examples. Mostly gender-neutral examples but female-leaning ones are there, too.]
[This part will specifically mention: Lost Thorfinn, you snapping, confrontation, crying and screaming, Thorfinn kinda losing it, depressive vibes, Thorfinn thinking about death, mentions of blood and snot, zombie Thorfinn, longing, abandonment]
It's Just Like A Burning Torch In A Storm, Like A Little Flower Blooming In A Home...
The weather has worsened as Askeladd predicted.
Even as it was past noon, the sky darkened in a warning as if it were the middle of the deadly night. Snowflakes that started out so lovely of how light they were, were now raining down like arrows and blurring the sight. You could barely see any light come from York and simply trotted after the footsteps your 'leaders' and 'liege' left behind.
You scoffed at the fear of the trails being hidden away by the upcoming storm at this pace, however. Dragging Thorfinn by his wrist would take forever until you'd find shelter.
You had told him to rest his broken arm in the sling but he let it swing with every little limp he managed after you. His good arm was just as lax and he barely let out any signs of pain of how utterly and crushingly tight you gripped his wrist as you dragged him after you. Hunched like a bell ringer, his pants and groans were as quiet as a mouse.
You bit your tongue. He barely paid any attention and just let you haul you around like a dog-
A thump. Thankfully you did not let your grip falter on him as he fell to his knees. Swallowing down a sigh, you turned around and tugged on his wrist. "C'mon. The snow is getting heavier."
Thorfinn hung his head.
"C'mon." You called out louder, tugging at him again. With a dreadfully slow pace, Thorfinn managed to lift one leg after another. After helping him up, you turned around to lead the way.
The same song all over again. The scenery did not seem to change, Askeladd and friends having vanished right under your nose. It felt like you were stranded on a place familiar yet far away. Freezing snowscapes weren't an ucommon sight and they surely were not with only Thorfinn as your company but this caving, this sharp chilliness that felt paralyzing as your heart seemed to give in the longer you dwelled here - as if this place was cursed - it was a first. It was all a first, daunting and frightening. Although, you doubted you could really pinpoint your feelings right now.
You let yourself sigh in frustration as Thorfinn fell once again. The crunching of the snow has become irritating and you snapped towards him. "Thorfinn. I know you can stand. You were running towards Askeladd just moments ago," You hoped it was 'just' moments ago, "Stand up already, don't have me haul you."
All you received was another groan. Another attempt but he kept on slipping. With a growl of your own you kneeled down to hold him under his arms. Heaving him with great effort, you almost slipped yourself as the blonde stayed limb, letting you lift him up with all your might. You felt like a mother with an grown man.
You scolded him again as he simply let himself lean on you once you were up on your feet - before pushing him away and giving him a good shake.
Still, he almsot tumbled down again.
"Thorfinn!" Yelling did not seem to effect him as well as his eyes, black and blue, narrow and swollen from the one-sided brawl, barely took in your figure. His brown eyes looked like they saw right through you, not even on eye level as he still did not walk straight, and it pissed you off.
Even breathing for air was painful, the sharp coldness of this barren, damned place wanting to cut into your lungs with each inhale as if taunting you, knowing that you rely on it now. Now, stuck in this forgotten land as the snow lies down on your shoulders. It's getting heavier and heavier, ringing in your ears as even they felt like falling off your head at any moment. They might as well. The biting wind, though gentle as it was, stealing any feeling you had in your bones.
Sniffing and swallowing your snot, you yanked at his arm again, swiftly turning around and trying to march after the fading footsteps as Thorfinn limped after.
The mere sound of crunching snapped the last strand of patience you so miraciously found within you and before the young man could completely slip again, he fell on his side instead as your fist collided with his face.
"You're a complete idiot!"
Thorfinn barely let out a sound. It made the fire within you rise.
"Askeladd was damn right! You're a moron! A godsforsaken fool! Idiot! Idiot, idiot, idiot!"
You stomped your foot, akin to a child, and Thorfinn wondered why you did not let him feel your ire instead, as he gazed up at you through lidded, swollen eyes. Though he did shakily gasp as you bent down and grabbed ahold of his shirt, holding him up to your level.
"The hell do you think you're doing here?! Huh?! What the hell are you doing here?! Answer me!" You threw him to the ground just as quickly. "You have people here that want you back to a home and you are crawling back to damn Askeladd out of all people! Vile, disgusting, bastard Askeladd!"
Your pants grew louder and louder, hands on your head, as they quickly snapped from brainless inhales to a growling, longing shriek - an animal squealing in pain.
"Do you have any idea - no, 'course you don't! You're a stupid mutt! You never think, never had any brains up there, did you?!" Piles of snow were thrown left and right, partly falling on Thorfinn, on his beaten body and face. He flinched at the contact. You kept on screeching. "You always end up like this. On the ground. Like a dog!" Again, you kicked snow his way, "When you could be somewhere else, somewhere far away that isn't here!"
You snapped your arm back to a direction you believed York was, distressed glare still on your friend, "What the hell was this Leif person talking about?! Iceland?! Helga and Ylva?! They're your family, aren't they?! You have family, Thorfinn, family that is alive and well and in Iceland and they want you back! They love you, Thorfinn!" Retreating your arm, you brought your hands back to your head, pulling on your hair, pulling on the last strand of sanity this man left you. Though you desperately were scowling, you wanted to scowl, your eyes were only wide. Wide and big, distress shining in them as tears welled up in the corners. A choked sob escaped you.
"Anyone would jump up in joy hearing that their family is still alive but you didn't give a damn about what that man had to say. He said he'd wait for you. Maybe he's still there."
The screeching softened the more you talked, misty-eyed as you gazed at anything but him. Lamenting to yourself at this predicament he found himself in. Thorfinn's own eyes widened as best as they could as he managed to sit up. A breathy gasp escaped him. He's never seen you like this.
"Do you have," Sobbing, you wiped your nose, "Any idea how lucky you are to have people in this world...that want you?"
The breathy gasp morphed into sharp inhales, greedily gulping in the painful air as Thorfinn kept staring and staring at you, wide-eyed and afraid. He barely could breath.
"You could be there...but you're not. So answer me when I ask you what the hell you are doing here."
Something...something he reckoned to be akin to ringing wormed its way in his ears alongside your sobs. He saw you hiding your eyes as tears fell down your face - but he wasn't sure, the heavy snow and his lidded eyes made it difficult to truly see you. Thorfinn was not certain if he stooped this low that he had begun seeing things.
Tilting his head down to the snow - his neck couldn't find any strength anymore - he startled at the face his father's dagger reflected. Swollen and broken...dark and bruised, blood and snot oozing out of his bent nose with one of his eye hardly visible and of course, barely able to see with it anyway. Maybe it wasn't the trick of the weather but just his swollen face.
He had seen this face time and time again.
It whined and fussed whenever he looked at it, leaving him no choice but to see its pain and its borderline stupidity. The blood coated on the blade as it cut the guards.
The broken arm that almost earned worse by Thorkell's duel.
The stomach that churned whenever he trotted away like a corpse out of sheer hunger. Looking for anything he could gnaw between his teeth.
The hand that held the torch to the woman's demise. The hair she groomed was soaked in blood later, he recalled.
All that gruesome work...all the murders and the guts on the floor, the stolen goods and impaled heads...all those errands.
It was all this ugly face that he sees.
He sucked in air only to let them out in a wail. He wailed and wailed, louder and louder, his voice cracking as his tongue was tied and not able to form any words. He stared at you as you kept on sobbing.
Thorfinn's scream pierced through the heavy snow and the deafening silence. The cold, the snow, the dark, thunderous sky was nothing compared to this might, to this pathetic pain. It was louder than anything else you'd ever heard, both from the people you've killed and their pleas for mercy, and from the amount of grief he so sparingly shared with you, here and there.
Wiping your tears, you grimaced. Even through this wail that teared your heart apart, you could not help but think back on Askeladd. Oh, how wretched he'd feel this sight would be.
It hurt even more that you'd even agree.
It's Just Like A Lighthouse In Your Hands, Like A Little Flag Flapping In The Sands...
Misty-eyed, you looked down on the mutt wreathing in the snow. In his beaten state he could no longer look down at his dagger, could not form any words of remorse, imploration or grief. It was animalistic braying, as Askeladd described, howling at a moon that won't ever rise. You observed for some more, drying your face completely before falling onto your knees before Thorfinn.
His brown eyes struggled to follow your movements but that did not bother you. Watching him twitch and turn, you scooted closer and opened your arms. Arms that felt to heavy to share any burden.
Your limbs were slow, so woefully slow and heavy as they wrapped around his hunched body. Even as you gently and gingerly pressed him against you, Thorfinn continued to cry out, seeming to not have even noticed your gesture. He seemed to only gulp back for air when the side of his head was pressed against your chest.
This cringing feeling only grew worse at the rapid speed of his heart pounding against you. It was akin a bird's panicked flappings as it tried to misguidedly escape the cage it's been put in. However, you still tried to focus on the lightening aspects. How his gasps ceased and he himself tried to take deep breaths. Your hand found the crown of his head, stroking his grimy hair.
Thorfinn jumped. These calm breaths of yours tickled his head, leaving him shuddering. Gazing into the empty, barren snowscape he pondered if - maybe if, as long as he's not mistaken - you had ever done something so comforting to him before. He thought of it to be comforting at least. The familiarity of it all left him stumped as well as equally frightened. He did not know what to make of it.
Were you always like this? You have never...embraced him like this before. Was it because of him? Did he put a distance between you? Were you hesitant, perhaps reluctant to offer him soothing solace such as this? Thorfinn did not know and he did not remember.
Letting out a confused groan, he ever so tediously turned his head and gazed up to you. Chin resting on your chest as he looked up at you like an intriguied animal.
You cringed slightly at the face before you. No longer stroking his hair, you grabbed a fistful of snow and gently rubbed it against his dark blue cheek. Thorfinn did not resist but only let out a soft croak of pain. Still, his eyes never left you. "I'm sorry. I made the bruise worse." You spoke under your breath. The snow dissolved and fell apart, leaving only your reddened palm to cup and carress his face. You hoped it would soothe the injury.
Wordlessly, you continued to graze the bruises on his face with your cold hand in an attempt to lighten the pain. The blonde, as beaten and silent as he was, fluttered his eyes close whenever your fingers touched the swollen lumps nearby. He'd croak and sigh at the lightest of touches, leaning on you on his knees and face tilted up to look at you. Wiping the blood under his nose caused him to sneeze and you ripped a handful of your cloak off, offering for him to sneeze into it.
"One more time. The blood might dry and clump up your nose." He did so as told, clumps of snot and blood pulled out of his nostrills. He sniffed, inhaling the air. You threw the blood-soaked cloth away. Wiping your hand, your brought it back up to press his head against you, hesitant, but deciding to squeeze him ever so gently. Your face grimaced but you did not want to let him know.
It was almost on command. How he let his head turn around again, his ear leaning against your chest to listen to your heartbeat. His own pounded against his chest, calmly yet alone. Lonely and longingly. Aside from it, he was empty. So, so empty he would have loved nothing more than to just lean against you and sleep. Sleep forever.
"...C'mon, Thorfinn. Let's get ourselves somewhere warm." Obeying your command once again, he looked back up at you with big eyes, before lifitng himself up. You tucked a few loose strands of unruly hair behind his ears before slinging the good arm around your shoulder, with your face close to one another, you marched back to York.
A Floating Moon...You Still Croon?
He still leaned against you, that fool.
It nearly made you smile how he almost snuggled. Yet it was just as pathetic. Pathetic and ironic like the sun that decided to bless you the moment you found York again. The snow below you all but melted away by its rays and left nothing but filthy, grimy roads. You prefered it over the slippery ice.
The town was rather crowded. Carts filled with many goods pulled by healthy, decorated horses and men with respectable blades passed by. The meeting is soon to begin, you believed.
Still, it only made you more hesitant to ask for any help. Anyone you turn to could be some high and mighty ruler of a region or worse, their vessels and guards. The many swinging scabbards at their hips did not ease your anxiety.
The side of the road it was. Better behind some stables in the shadows and out of the sight of the many servants. Thorfinn looked worse for wear and a youngling like you would definitely not be welcomed with open arms. Oh, how awfully right you were.
With another person's weight on your side, you accidentaly bumped into another. Praying they'd simply scoff or ignore you, you immediately bowed your head and apologized once they argued with you.
"Hey, hey, hey! What do you think you're doing? Bumping into me, eh? Causing an accident only to rob me from my goods, eh? I know that trick." One approached while you stepped back with Thorfinn in tow, head hanging low. You shake your head, trying to explain that it was indeed a mere accident-
"Don't pull that on me. Look at you, beaten and cold. You two must be poor beggars. C'mere, we know what to do with lot like you." As soon as you were cornered and one pulled his arm back for a punch, Thorfinn snapped his arm forward and shoved the man out of the way. He shrieked, alerting the others. "Hey, now-!" The second one grabbed your shoulder, however, he was swiftly kicked off, legs sweeped under his and falling into the manure below. Thorfinn let out something of an scoff despite his unreadable gaze.
Just as your friend was ready to bash the third man out of the trio, you made a run for it. There was no time to scold Thorfinn - you couldn't afford to earn the anger of some ruler's servant!
A mere barn was found and you snuck Thorfinn to the back behind a few bundles of hay. That certainly was close...but you didn't have the strength to berate him any more.
Instead, you tended to him some more, the best that you could as beggars. The man wasn't nearly wrong. Even now Thorfinn only let out a few hums at each action and touch, nodding meekly at each of your words. It was pitiful and equally heartbreaking.
Only to you though, it seemed.
You gently placed your hand to his forehead and sighed in relieve when not detecting a fever. It didn't appear that he had any symptoms either.
The blonde just leaned into your touch, tired.
You tucked a few unruly locks away. "I have to fetch something...I'll be right back." You snapped up only to be tugged down abruptly. Widened eyes looked down to find Thorfinn grabbing your wrist, stopping you and pulling you down. His swollen lips parted for air and eyes were still unreadable. Lying a hand on his, you tried to offer a smile, "I'll be right back, it won't take long. Just stay here and don't move from your spot."
The grip on your wrist was tight enough that you had to shake it off and leave before he could jump after you.
You missed the way his hand reached for your vanishing figure.
The port was even busier, making your heart race.
It was a mystery to you how you managed to find the short, unassuming man within the crowd of bellowing merchants and sailing boats but there he was, staring at you with wide, big eyes. He blinked a few times; Not quite certain if he should even be speaking to you - with that glare you were offering him.
"I don't know any details," You began, "But I have a request. I'll do what it takes for you to accept it." The man let out a nervous, brief chortle before taking a step forward. His hand scratched the back of his neck. The best he could was bear a crooked grin. "Now, hold on, little one. You, ah," He hesitated, blinked and took a breath, "I saw you with Thorfinn the other day. You are a friend of his, no?"
The man did not miss the way you avoided his gaze.
"And you are a relative of his, right? Uncle...Leif, it was?"
The merchant laughed and his nervous tone quickly shifted to a carefree one. It startled you yet that did not stop him from explaining his situation.
That was all nice and dandy...but you did not have time to listen to old tales.
"Listen, I know where he is. I'll take you to him but for that...you have to take him back to Iceland."
Leif could not deny that your request intriguided him. After all, just like Thorfinn you seemed to be a viking despite being his friend. He never had a viking ask him for a favour.
"I'll do whatever it takes to get him there. I'll personally drag him to your boat if I must, beat him black and blue and throw him into it." Again, Leif waved his hands and hoped his awkward laughter would ease the tension...and make you realize how dramatic your solutions were. It was not neccessary, he'd say, all that was needed was a good talk and listening to each other. To follow one's heart...and he's sure Thorfinn would choose the right answer.
That was enough for you to consider it a deal. Hurrying the older man, you were suddenly stopped as he tapped your shoulder. "I wanted to thank you, young one."
Raising a brow, it only made Leif grin.
"Thank you for being a friend to Thorfinn. He used to be such a sweet and hopeful kid...but now, he'd been through hell. I don't know all of the details but I am certain his life would have been more miserable if it weren't for you. Thank you for always staying by his side."
He continued to speak. You listened attentively, your eyes widened and fearing to tear up yet again at these kind words of this kind man.
Thorfinn could count himself lucky to have people who love him.
Listen To Me, Cleave Your Way Again, Again...
The floor was cold but thank the gods not as cold as the snow outside.
Lonely droplets of water fell down one after another and another and another; Like a melody to the puddle below. Thorfinn would have liked to thank to be alone right now. Alone and with not another soul as his company, as the trio of men chased after him and handed him over to the town's guards. With no resistance, he let himself be thrown into the dungeon.
But he could not find any gratitude in his empty heart to any gods right now.
You weren't back. You said you would be but when he looked up to the shadows hovering over him, he was met with three disgusting grins and not your smile. Bitter, bewitching, bland - it did not matter, he just needed to see your smile again.
You...held him. As if he deserved it.
You deserve to be looked for right now but he could not find any strength nor vigor to get up and escape, as easily as he was capable of it. All his head was filled of where questions on your whereabouts as his heart yearned for your presence.
A guard called out to him, speaking of an visitor. His first thought was you and how you returned to him. As best as he could, he crooked his neck and uttered your name.
Yet you weren't back still. There, sitting on the ground with the brightest smile he could muster was the man who used to tell him stories as a child. He prepared himself before he spoke. "Thorfinn. I've been told of an rowdy beggar being locked up. My gut feeling told me that might have been you, my boy."
Thorfinn sighed in disappointment and laid back down.
Leif licked his lips, taking a deep breath. "...You told me how you suffered for the past eleven years since we lost you, Thorfinn. You spoke of how I wouldn't understand, and I might not, and how...you couldn't find any peace within you as long as that man was still alive."
"...That...has nothing to do with you."
Nevertheless, the man persisted, believing it to be of concern to him. The fighting, the wars, the pain - and of how he swore it to himself to bring an end to it all by bringing him home.
A home filled with warmth and people. Of stories, some true and some silly, of food and water. Of no fear for your life and your future. A place where there was love.
"I swore an oath, you know? To myself and to Thors...that I would bring you back to Iceland. Bringing you back home where you belong, Thorfinn. That is the honor I want to uphold and the least I owe to Thors."
At the utter of his father's name, Thorfinn found the fortitude to sit up. Leif's grin was even more radiant than he remembered as a child. "So, Thorfinn...let us go back home. To Iceland!"
Home...how tempting that word was. How it rolled off his tongue like stenching poison.
Home...after all this time? Why? Why would he, why should he?
Could he even?
"My boy, you said it yourself!" Leif scooted closer, his grin rivaling the sun, his eyes shining like a jewel. "So we can go to Vinland!"
Thorfinn could barely catch his breath, his empty chest that barely could hold his caving heart now rising. Rising, as he remembered the tale of old times.
A land far in the west, beyond the ocean...a land so warm and fruitful and so far away that no slave drives nor wars could reach it...
"Thors wished to go there, too...and I am sure - no, certain! Certain that if he was still alve, he would have loved nothing more than to travel to Vinland!"
Thorfinn hung his head. Was he...even allowed to hear such things, let alone do them? Take action?
"Home...and Vinland..."
Not being able to hold off his quivering smile, Leif dusted himself off as he got up on his feet. He walked slightly to the end of the bars. "And if you allowed it too, Thorfinn...I invited another companion to join us."
Now standing near the end, Leif opened his palm. Squinting his eyes, Thorfinn made out an hesitant, shaking hand peeking out from behind the wall and gingerly taking Leif's own outstretching one. He gladly wrapped his fingers around it, while the other shyly wrapped theirs around him, after a good while.
Following him, behind the wall your figure appeared - and the young blonde wasted no time to jump to his knees. You turned to him, looking down with a bittersweet smile. Thank the gods, he could see your smile that he so wished for.
Voice shaking with disbelief he called out your name.
"You gave me an heart attack."
My, did you tell him of how he did give you an heart attack when you returned to the spot with Leif and found him to be gone. Of how you told the man that he must be arrested and locked up, like the idiot that he was, and that he'd best be bribed free. Leif took the initiative and kindly asked you to wait.
Grey eyes glanced between the two of you and Leif let out a sigh of relieve, his hands on his hips. Even in this odd, ridicilous and hopeful situation that you wanted nothing more than to put your faith into, you approached the bars and looked down at your friend with the sweetest smile you could muster.
"After all this...could you take me to Vinland?"
Listen To Me, Sail Away Again, Again...A Misty Moon
I'm Missing You...
For the first time since today, you could feel the breeze.
No longer was it biting or howling but simply soothing.
This road, dirty and muddy and the chants of the people going their merry way felt like a dream.
Stepping inside Leif's humble, little boat felt like a dream.
The mention of other possibly kind merchants joining as Thorfinn held your hand - it was wonderful. Once he was out, he embraced you tight, not saying a word. He worsened his broken arm with the never-ending squeeze he gave you and definitely smeared snot and blood on your neck when he buried his head in there, but you did not dare to complain. Your arms wrapped around his body, silently grateful to have him back.
In this mess that you were and the mess that you are, you felt like the luckiest person alive. You, bewtiched by the bliss, did not complain as Thorfinn let go of your hand.
He was as quiet as a mouse, anyway. You let him ponder, you let him pout to himself. But what you could not let happen was him vanishing once again.
As he did on that snowy hill to fight Thorkell.
"Thorfinn!" Yours and Leif's scream aligning with a bird's shriek. The man just got this little boy back and now you were running off as well, searching for him. He thought he finally found Vinland. Finally could honor his own oath and quench this sadness in his heart.
It was all for nothing.
The searching, the bribing, the empty promises on his behalf...your fighting, your murders, tending his wounds and holding him in your heart. All for nothing.
Yells echoed within the meeting hall. You caught a glimpse of brown and yellow make a sharp turn for it. "Thorfinn!" Yet as men tried to flee the hall, you only struggled to get inside, hearing Thorfinn's screams for Askeladd.
He seemed to have gotten in as his figure vanished from your sight and you hardly could hear him. The yelling and screaming ceased - what had happened in there?
"Thorfinn! Thorfinn, come back! Please!"
Not a reply, not a bellow of utter agony either. It was only you, screeching out his name, screeching out to be let go as the many servants and guards dragged you out. Pulling on your cloak, pulling on your hair, your arms, your face.
You could not see beyond the crowd. It was eerie to not hear anything from him. Now you wished he hadn't been so quiet.
"...What...? You, are dying? You...?"
The men reckoned you to be a beggar, wondering what you are doing here. Breaking into the king's meeting.
"...Don't be so foolish...and stop this nonsense. I give you my life...but...what will you do with your life...after you've taken mine...?"
Your screaming only convinced them of your madness. A mere, hysterical beggar breaking into the king's murder.
"...Will you take your friend with you...? Or will you do as I did to Björn...you should go, Thorfinn. Go far, far away from here. Somewhere that isn't here..."
You shall be taken away. Hysterical but maybe useful.
"Damn it, come back! Go back to Iceland, Thorfinn! GO BACK TO ICELAND!"
Iceland is not a fruitful or promising land...you shall be useful somewhere else. Somewhere that isn't here.
"...Go, Son of Thors...become a true warrior..."
Do Good, To Be Good...Do Good, To Be Good...You're Not Alone...
For the first time today, you felt the agony that dwelled within your heart, boiling there, wating for this moment.
The faces of the people, the mud of the road pressed into your face, the cuffs on your hands. It was a true nightmare.
Ripped away from the second Thorfinn let go of your hand and did not return to you. You still missed his silhouette. It was gone the moment you were hauled out of the place and thrown into the sea.
Thorfinn did not even answer your cires.
No one would now to a slave.
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twstfanblog · 2 months
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*~Period Drama~* Romance Era
A/n: It took me a bit to think of how to like...structure this but by dorm, by boy, and bullet-pointed was the best way to get this out. Hehehe. You guys enjoy these cursed Headcanons!
(Should I add the Period Saga tag list to this???)
||Heartslabyul|| Savanaclaw || Octavinelle || Scarabia || Pomefiore + Ignihyde ||Diasomnia||
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It started off as a normal afternoon. You and your boyfriend just laid down for an impromptu nap, cuddled close together and safe in each other's arms. So you can imagine their surprise when they wake up to find the bed spotted with blood. Pulling the blankets back, they see the blood coming from you...
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Freaks out. Just, he's trying to call an ambulance, he's ready to rain hell fire, he will actually chop someone's head off. He is honestly hyperventilating, just TEARS. How could this HAPPEN!?
The freak out was so intense that it freaks you out too until you catch back up mentally and realize, 'Oh wait, it's just my period.'
You'll have to calm him down before you start explaining because he's ready to commit murder and combust all at once. Just hold him and cuddle for a minute, he needs it.
So many fucking questions. For both of your sakes, let's hope you have a deep medical understanding of your period because he will accept nothing less in your answers.
Freak Out pt 2
Much less than Riddle, but man is CONCERNED. What do you MEAN you're bleeding out of your pussy and it's NORMAL???
Asks questions but keeps interrupting to be like 'What???'. Is trying his best but it's very clear he's having some type of internal crisis that's barely contained.
Once you've explained, he'll be pretty normal about it. You will catch him sending your crotch worried glances, but he will ignore you pointing it out.
He was .2 seconds away from calling the police and an ambulance and the National Guard and starting a live stream to call his followers to do a manhunt-
Does NOT believe you saying a period was normal. It is so out of the REALM of normal, this is not a funny joke. Oh Seven, you're SERIOUS.
You telling him about periods is lowkey destroying his world. Every little fact you give he's kinda just pacing the room giving you YouTuber reaction faces. Keeps repeating his questions because he hopes so badly you're joking and he's trying to trip you up.
Once he's accepted that this is just a THING YOU DO??? he's so tired. Just takes a moment to sit with his head in his hands. Let him just stew for a bit. He'll pop back up and ask if you need anything or if you want him to even be there. He will leave if you tell him to but he will then spiral when he gets back to his room.
What the FUCK!?
Thinks you somehow fell and just started bleeding. Literally so scared and freaked out that it looped into him just calling you a fucking dumbass while he tries to take your pants off to help.
He thinks you're lying. You're either lying to protect whoever hurt you or you're lying to keep him from ripping you a new asshole for hurting yourself this badly somehow. Takes a few tries for him to finally accept that you're telling him the truth.
'What the fuck, that's so fucking weird.' Lowkey grossed out, asks you WHY YOU DO IT (Like you can control it, dumbass)
You got a grace period of about 20 seconds to explain before he just goes out to beat the shit out of some random NRC NPC who's been eyeing you up. His brain will fill in the blanks and he will act accordingly to whatever horror story he comes up with.
If you manage to explain in time, he is just CONCERNED. Asks if you're in pain, can he hug you? Wait do you want to be hugged? Should he leave? Wait are you just bleeding right now???
You could be talking and trying to explain more or try to calm him down but his eyes keep drifting to your crotch in minor horror. His brain is his own greatest enemy at that moment.
Lowkey he is scared, but very willing to be helpful.
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Once he's had a good cry and cuddle, he is like the most annoying nursemaid.
He will order you to go to bed and STAY THERE until you've stopped bleeding.
It's a hard learning curve on what you really need to make your period comfortable, but give him a loose idea of what you want and he will do his best to get it for you. Loves having a nice cup of tea with you at night to help with your cramps.
He will collect all your homework and ask Ace and Deuce to take very good notes for you because he better not see you out of bed during this.
Once he's done with classes, he comes straight to Ramshackle to do chores and sit with you. Helps you do homework in bed, hand feeds you tarts that he had Trey make.
All-in-all, once he's out of class, you've got him all to yourself as a little butler.
If you have PMS irritability, though, watch out he will debate back with you and you'll have a screaming match.
Was really concerned about the blood mainly the blood getting on him, but give him one good puppy dog look and he's in the bed with you to cuddle.
This man is catering you your whole period. You don't even need to look at the kitchen because Trey is already putting food in your mouth.
A worrier, so the second he sees you in pain he's gonna try to give you something to eat, be it sweets or a nice soup.
Is fine with you walking around but if you do get really bad cramps, he'll try to convince you to stay home.
This man is large and his hands are big. Ask him and he will massage your back for you. Kneads you like dough.
Starts carrying little pain potions for quick relief but doesn't want to give you too many of them over the course of the week.
Super good at handling you if you have PMS mood swings since he's used to keeping Riddle from killing Ace and Deuce. Could possibly backfire though because sometimes you just wanna be angry and he's ruining that by being so helpful and understanding.
He was more concerned about your comfort but once he knows you WANT to cuddle he will be right in the bed with you until you kick him out.
Help him. He's trying to be fun-loving Cay-Cay but then he'll see you in the distance and he cant even pretend to be ok.
Kinda hovers but doesn't say anything until you do.
You've thrown him out of his element, and he's not even sure how to approach you.
Starts to manage when he approaches it like when his sisters would fight each other. Only it's you just fighting with your own body.
Best cuddler. He gets the pillows, the blankets, the candles you like. Turns his phone off and just HOLDS YOU. The phone comes back when you've fallen asleep so he can watch videos.
God, PMS emotions are a whole new battlefield that he's barely surviving. If you get it please warn him. He has his methods but he's gotta KNOW he needs to prep them.
Are you still doing that bleeding thing?
Acts like your period is the most annoying thing you decided to do.
Fucking protective as fuck. Will bully the other first years if they crowd around you in worry.
Though he acts inconvenienced, he will do whatever you ask of him with minimal whining.
Pretends you're begging him to cuddle with you when he's just crawling into the bed with you. Lowkey very nice to cuddle with because he normally has very warm hands.
The cause of the PMS anger like 4/5 times...
He will carry everything for you. Is that actually helping? Not really but he's doing what feels right.
Tell him you want anything and he will get it. He has taken food out of Ace’s hands and given it to you.
It's kinda hilarious because he'll be going about his day normally, but then you'll call him and everyone watches this man drop EVERYTHING to see what you need.
Buys whatever you asked for in bulk, even if he doesn't need to. He thinks he's being helpful by buying you 5 bags of party-sized chips and 10 2-liters of the drink you wanted when you only asked for one of each.
He has just given in to the fact his hoodies are yours now. Wonders if he'll get them back once the period is over...
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He's now got your period placed on a calendar. Down to the day.
He's very proud that he already has your next period marked down on his schedule, everything is set
What do you MEAN you're not on your period? What do you MEAN your period came early!? He had a perfectly balanced schedule, what do you MEAN IT'S NOT ALWAYS 28 DAYS APART!?
Very upset if your period ever dares to 'go off schedule'. Manages to properly track it after a few months. Normally tells you when you're alone that your period is coming up.
He will ask you if you're on your period if he sees it coming up and you're upset. Please don't hit him, he's honestly asking.
WOW, that was...something...and it's gonna happen again huh???
Man's kinda dreading the next period but he does spend his downtime thinking up new recipes to give you during it.
Actually really thinks about the fruit and sugar content and how it could affect you, which fruits are good for cramping. Can he make something chilled for the headaches?
Doesn't really track your period but he will be extra conscious on your mood changes and then backtrack the days in his head to see if what he thinks is happening is.
Asks if you're ok instead if he thinks you're on your period; like a fucking decent human being.
Jesus fucking Christ, 28 days? Yeah, he'll manage to think up an actual game plan to deal with this by then. He doesn't, he fumbles through your period for a good few more times before he becomes well-versed.
He has an alarm set for the next 28 days. Lowkey forgot about your period until it happens again or when his alarm goes off for it.
Starts carrying extra pairs of your underwear and keeps one of his hoodies on him during your period. For emergencies.
Once he KNOWS you're on your period he will show up with a gift basket he put together of all your favorite things.
Wants to ask so fucking bad if you're on your period when your mood is weird, but knows better and likes not getting the spit slapped out of his mouth.
Complained more than you did during the whole thing. Acts like he isn't making the most deeply engrained mental reminder of everything that happened.
Doesn't so much as track it as he's now more aware of your mood changes during the month.
He normally asks if 'You're doing that thing again...' when he sees you kinda just lounging around miserable.
Still a brat but if you're actually having a tough period he will cuddle up and be your hot water bottle until the real one heats up.
Surprisingly doesn't ask if you're on your period during arguments. He knows next to nothing about periods but knows he will get his neck snapped if he asked that while you were already mad at him.
So seriously asks you if you have to do that again.
Doesn't want to potentially embarrass you so he helps in tracking it by putting a red dot in his calendar for his own peace of mind. Forgets what the fuck it means after seeing it come up three weeks later.
Weirdly becomes able to sense when you start your period. Like to the minute.
You'll be in Ramshackle and your period starts. Deuce just suddenly stops at track practice like 'Something just happened...'
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You want him to WHAT?
Getting Riddle to fuck is hard enough as it is. You want him to do it while you're BLEEDING???
It takes a lot of talking and actually telling him the orgasms help with the cramping for him to agree. But even then he's very embarrassed and you can only do it in the shower together.
He'll act scandalized for an hour afterward but he is happy he helped ease your pain a bit.
Like you both have sex regularly, he didn't think you'd...want to...while...okay...
Kinda awkward with it starting out but slowly gets more used to the idea.
He's gotta be extra cautious with cleanup since the blood is everywhere, but if it means you gotta take one less pain potion he'll do his part.
Not really into period sex, but if you ask he will help you. He just starts investing in some thick towels because he likes doing it on the bed with you.
...Yeah, Okay
Lowkey so confused but if you say it'll help, he'll help.
Really likes to finger you. Fucking paints his nails red during your period so no one makes a single comment on why his fingertips look pinkish.
Will get his clones involved if you ask him to/let him. Makes it a fun game on what's most sensitive, your pussy or your nipples?
"Gross, sure."
Literally what he says while already undoing his pants.
Like he flip-flops through your period as either being very supportive or the literal reason you're about to knock his teeth out. You have not been fucking.
So him hearing that orgasms help during this??? He's saying yes every time you ask and even offering when he sees you cramping.
Does make a comment on the period blood making it super easy to slide in. Lowkey kinda looks forward to period sex now.
Is that...Safe???
Takes a bit of talking since, as far as he's seen, everything is achy and sensitive and you are very not in the mood like that. Not really the right setting for sex...
But once he's assured, he goes at it like getting you to orgasm is his fucking job.
Be warned, he will get into it and do his best to give you back-to-back orgasms. Overstimulation be damned.
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peachy-panic · 4 months
Companion, pt. 1
New Do No Harm content? In the current timeline? In 2024 the year of our lord? Could it be?
Here's part 1 of a couple-part saga in the Sebastian contract, which I lightly foreshadowed here.
WARNINGS: Not much outside the usual BBU tag and the uncomfortable power dynamics that come with it.
The house is warm when Sebastian gets home, in every sense of the word. A candle flickers an inviting glow on the coffee table, and the smell of garlic and onions rushes to greet him. As expected, he finds Jaime posted in the kitchen, tending to his latest creation on the stovetop. On the small bluetooth radio beside the toaster, a song he doesn’t recognize is playing.
It’s taking some time for Sebastian to get used to coming home to someone. For so long, for most of this adult life, it has been dark, empty apartments or cold, distant roommates, never allowed past arm’s length. And now, there’s Jaime, who has entered his life like a bullet and smiles over his shoulder when Sebastian walks into the room. 
He is getting better these days at reading his smiles, and this one, at least, appears to be genuine. Relieved, almost, that he is home. 
“Hi,” Jaime says first.
“Hello,” Sebastian echoes, dropping his coat over the back of a barstool. “What are we making?”
“It’s an Ezra recipe,” Jaime says, wiping his palms on his pants. “Is soup okay tonight? If that’s not substantial enough, I am happy to make something else with it.”
Sebastian does not let his smile drop or fade, no matter how desperately uncertain Jaime sounds. “Soup sounds great, Jaime. It smells amazing.”
It’s the truth, too. It’s a difficult balance, wanting to compliment his prowess in the kitchen and appreciate the genuine joy he seems to derive from it, while also trying not to think of the how and why. Sebastian doesn’t know much about what “training” looks like inside the facility, especially for the specialized domestic tasks that would have been assigned to Jaime, and he doesn’t particularly like speculating on the details. From everything he’s seen in the clinic, he knows that none of it is pleasant.
“How was work?’ Jaime asks, then seems to catch himself. He stiffens, looking sheepishly away. “Sorry. You probably aren’t allowed to talk about that.”
Sebastian snorts. “If only doctor-patient confidentiality applied in a place like that.” The words come out before he can consider the significance they carry to the person he’s speaking to. Guilt spikes sharp in his chest. “Sorry, that wasn’t…”
“It’s okay.” Jaime smiles, but it’s a tense, brittle line. 
“Um.” Sebastian clears his throat, trying to get their conversation back on the rails before he ruins the evening completely. “My day was okay. It was fine.” He shakes his head, pressing his fingers briefly to his eyes. “That was a lie. It was terrible, as usual. I don’t think I need to convince you that having a good day in that building would be a poor reflection of one’s character.” 
So much for salvaging the conversation, Tate. 
“Anyway, how was your day?” 
Jaime pulls the hand towel down from his shoulder and begins wiping at an invisible spot on the counter. “It was fine, thank you.”
Sebastian watches him, trying hard not to scrutinize the pre-packaged reply. His answer is always something of the same tune when Sebastian inquires about his day, never anything less than “fine,” never forthcoming on the details. It’s not the first time it’s sent Sebastian into a bit of a spiral about a concern he’s had from the very beginning: how does Jaime spend his days? Is he happy here? Has Sebastian provided him with enough resources to carve out some semblance of a life here?
He has tried. He has provided him access to the internet and all the movies streaming had to offer, he bought Jaime a reading tablet and granted blanket permission to fill it with as many books as he wants, he has given enthusiastic encouragement for Jaime to go for runs or walks whenever he’d like. It doesn’t feel like enough. He still ends up spending his long days at work wondering if Jaime is at home feeling like a prisoner. 
Sebastian pushes the thought away for now. 
“Is there anything I can help with?” He asks.
“It’s almost done, actually.” Jaime taps the excess liquid from the wood spoon and lays it on a ceramic dish. “Just needs a few more minutes to simmer. Sorry, I hoped it would be ready by the time you got home.”
Sebastian gives him a look. “You don’t have to cook at all,” he says. “Let alone have it hot and waiting at the table. You’re aware of my microwave burrito phase? My standards are low.”
“I remember.” Jaime assures him.  “I don’t mind, though. I like trying new recipes. Ezra lent me a cookbook. I tabbed a few that look interesting. If they look good to you, that is.”
“You have yet to steer me wrong. I’m starting to think it’s impossible for you to cook anything less than a masterpiece.”
The slight stutter in Jaime’s stirring is quick enough that Sebastian can brush it off as his imagination. 
“It passes the time,” Jaime says, a bit quieter. 
“Cooking. Planning the meals, ordering the ingredients. Prep and cook time,” he elaborates. “It’s productive, is all I mean.” Jaime has gone tense, the way he does when he seems to say more than he means to, but he recovers quickly. 
The soup is ready shortly after, and dinner is delicious as always, but Sebastian can’t get out of his own head enough to really enjoy it. Jaime’s words—it passes the time—bounce around inside his skull, breaking open all sorts of subtext and confirming all of Sebastian’s fears. 
They’re cleaning up afterward, Sebastian scrubbing the dishes while Jaime dries, when a thought that’s been brewing spills out of his mouth. 
“Have you ever had any pets?” Sebastian asks, apropos of absolutely nothing. Jaime shoots him a quick side glance without pausing in his work. 
“Once,” he says after a beat. 
Sebastian knows it’s tricky ground, getting too close to details from Jaime’s past. He knows the rules he is bound by and how closely Jaime tries to follow them, even if sometimes Sebastian thinks he might be getting more and more comfortable with little rebellions. Sebastian is still riding the high from a couple weeks prior when Jaime had gifted him and Ezra the small nugget of truth that he used to play soccer, in his life before the system. What might have been an insignificant detail to anyone else was such a fragile, entrusted thing.
Sebastian doesn’t want to pry, though. He decides to keep his questions more general. 
“Do you like animals?”
“Yes.” That answer comes much quicker. 
“Would you…” Sebastian pauses, making sure he’s positive about the proposition he is making before he makes it. He is. “Tell me honestly if this isn’t something you’re interested in, and I won’t be offended in the slightest. I was wondering… if that might be something you would be interested in. Having a pet here.”
Jaime takes a minute to answer, like he’s choosing each word carefully. “Would it be solely for my benefit?”
“No,” Sebastian assures him, and it’s not a lie. “It’s something I’ve thought about before, but I don’t have a lot of experience with pets. Zero, to be exact, unless you count a goldfish that lived for under a week when I was seven.” He pauses. “I do worry about you getting lonely, though. Staying here by yourself all the time.”
“I don’t mind being alone.”
“I know. I just wonder if it might be nice to have some company. Something to look after.” Something to bring you comfort. Anything to make you happy here. 
A quiet falls over them, interspersed with the sound of running water and dishes clanking around in the sink, and Sebastian starts to think of how to walk this back. Because clearly this is something that gives Jaime pause. 
“What about…” Jaime starts, then stops. Sebastian puts down the dish he is working on and looks at him. Jaime meets his eyes for a split second and then averts them again. “Would you keep it, even after I’m gone?”
And shit. Maybe it’s a good thing he put the cup down in the sink, because Sebastian is pretty sure it would have shattered in his hand from the force of his grip. And he realizes, not for the first time, that the longevity of this… arrangement is something they need to talk about. In detail. At length. Soon. But now doesn’t seem like the right time. 
“If I brought a living creature into my home,” he starts carefully, “then this would become its home, too. It will be here for the long haul.”
After a long, weighty silence, he sees Jaime nod in his periphery. 
“I think I’d like that.”
@whumpervescence @shiningstarofwinter @distinctlywhumpthing @whumptywhumpdump @nicolepascaline @anotherbluntpencil @hold-him-down @crystalquartzwhump @maracujatangerine @batfacedliar-yetagain @thecyrulik @pumpkin-spice-whump @finder-of-rings @melancholy-in-the-morning @insaneinthepaingame @skyhawkwolf @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @mylifeisonthebookshelf @dont-touch-my-soup @whump-world @inpainandsuffering @cicatrix-energy @quietly-by-myself @whumpsday @extemporary-whump @the-whumpers-grimm @thebirdsofgay @firewheeesky @whumperfully @hold-back-on-the-comfort @termsnconditions-apply  @cyborg0109  @whumplr-reader  @pinkraindropsfell  @whatwhumpcomments @honeycollectswhump @pirefyrelight @handsinmotion @alexmundaythrufriday @scoundrelwithboba
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mint-ty · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
gosh I love these love spams so much 😭💚
I'm still chilling in Bojere tag so I'll list 5 my personal happiest Bojere moments :D (might get long 🫡)
My Happiest Bojere moments:
The Laundry Saga. Did it make me happy? Was my scream happy? I dunno but I sure hyperfixated on it SO HARD 😬 because just.. why?.. how?? And I still have so many questions like did Jere really return all the underwear? Did Bojan leave anything other behind when he collected it? Did Jere wear anything? 😳 And when Bojan went out on stage with the slutshirt and Damon's broken heart belt.. 👁👄👁 look how he's feeling the returned shirt 🥹 (Vita's photo)
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2. This recent smiling Bojan's face on the setlist because how cute is that! 😭 and everyone already told everything about how the bojere brainrot is not leaving neither us nor them 🥹
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3. this photo 💔💔💔 just how they FIT 🧩together is pure art. Soulmates. Soulmates in every AU 😭 this is perfect in every pixel💔
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4. this moment (that we just celebrated an anniversary :D) How touchy they both are 😬 I'm having cuteness aggression every time I look at them here 😬😬😬 Both of them trying to get inside of each other's pants pockets... ARGH! BITING THEIR CHEEKS!
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5. and this one is very small moment from one of last year's JO gig after the esc ended, but I watched that few sec clip for comfort so many times 🥹 Bojan and fans were singing a bit of cha cha cha, LOOK AT HIS SMILE 😭 the man is smitten to his fucking core😭 He couldn't smile more even if he wanted 😭 he's still so high on jeretonin 🥹💚🩷
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baka-bakeneko · 11 months
Keeps - Goro Takemura
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Goro Takemura x Fem! V Reader
tags: V breaks in (not really), stubborn Goro Takemura, sexually frustrated Goro Takemura, somno, CNC, gropes/body admiration, body appreciation, fingering, dry humping a/n: no notes. (@almightywdm sleep saga, y'know) synopsis: Goro comes home to V sleeping in his bed. wc: 954
Goro Takemura was not the type of man to invite himself over on a whim. He was stubborn in that way, even after you extended the invitation for him to come over any time he pleased.
So, it surprised Takemura that you were asleep in his bed. He figured it was due to you wanting him to sleep over but never doing so. He stared at you curled up in his bedsheets, making a mess of his previously made bed.
Goro stood at the edge, hands bracing his hips before reaching to tug at your foot. "V."
You groaned, pulling your leg further up to fold over the mass of sheets you accumulated in your hold. Takemura tilted his head at you, noticed you in a pair of his briefs.
He knelt onto the bed, his fingers tentatively grabbing onto your brief leg and peeling it back curiously. They didn't fit you the same him, not tight on you.
Goro walked his fingers up to your hip, then traced along your bare back. He hummed, finding his place behind you in bed. Curling his arm around, Takemura pulled you into his hold with a few kisses to your naked shoulder.
"You're a pain in my ass," Takemura whispered against your skin with a chuckle. "My stubbornness does not constitute your breaking in."
You backed further into Goro's hold, let his arms snake you in. He brought his face up, rested his cheek over yours. "But I admit I am happy to see you."
Takemura's hands roamed the front of your body, admiring your soft clean skin. He inhaled your scent, realizing you'd taken a shower before getting in bed.
He glanced over his shoulder towards his bathroom, listening for the overhead fan releasing the fog from the shower walls. "I like that you have made yourself home, V."
You smiled, turning into Goro's cheek. "I missed you."
With a chuckle, Goro returned to your body, forcing your frame further into him. If he'd be able to melt into you, he would for the soft feeling of being closer.
Carefully, he reached behind you and undid his pants, wiggling them down his legs. Kicking them to his ankles, he popped off his shoes and offered his legs to tangle with yours.
Goro attempted to ignore the throb of his cock against your backside, how the more he touched your skin the more he wanted to bite into you. His stubborness proved to be his downfall, remembering the last time he had touched every part of you.
Takemura breathed out, shutting his eyes as his hand gently slipped down the front of your borrowed briefs to pet your pubic bone. His lips betrayed his entertainment, your hair grown in and soft.
He admired your fur with a hum, petting through the soft hair before dipping a finger at the opening seam of your slit. You exhaled deeply, feeling Takemura's arm wedged into the bed crossing over your chest like a bandeau.
"Clean girl," Takemura complimented, his heavy fingers, rough yet manicured, sinking further to pet at your lips.
You smiled, fluttering your eyes in response. Goro rolled his hips against your backside, slotting his cock between your cheeks to gain friction.
"I would like to dirty you," he whispered, his middle finger parting your lips to feel your wet.
And you were wet, so hot and open for him even when it wasn't promised he'd return overnight. He nuzzled into you, rutting his hips harder against your backside for you to feel his want.
Still, Goro didn't want to wake you for you to coddle him with your carnal love. He rested his forehead to your shoulder, chastizing himself for wanting this so badly of you.
But the hunger in him remained, his middle finger swirling at your entrance before sinking in. You cried out, eyes barely gaining traction. He growled down your back, feeling your soft nipples perk at the intrusion of his finger.
Goro righted his face over your shoulder, holding his lips against your skin as his fingers imitated the same thrusts as him against your ass. His thumb pressed at your clit, his hand cramping.
"Goro," you whined sleepily, your legs shifting apart for his finger to push deeper into you.
"I know," Goro replied in a low tone. "I should let you sleep."
That didn't stop him, however. He picked up his pace until you hands woke and folded over his. Takemura groaned at the feeling of your touch, reminded further on how much he missed.
He separated his fingers, allowed yours to slip between, then clamped them back. You were so desperately warm, so deliciously pliant.
Soon, you were waking to your orgasm tearing through you; Goro's fingers only pumping into you harder as your hand gripped his wrist and you writhed back into his throbbing cock.
Goro forced his palm to your pubic bone, pushing you further into him as he gained the final traction and came in his briefs. He hissed, bowing his head to the back of your neck.
"I apologize." He whispered, pulling his fingers out of your dripping cunt.
You pouted at Goro's hand retreating from your body; you turned to face him, catching his lips with yours as you hitched a leg over his waist.
"I should've let you sleep," Goro offered, the red on his cheeks flaring embarrassed rather than relieved.
"Well," you began, stifling a yawn against his mouth. "I'm awake now. How about another round?"
Goro hid a grin on his lips, feiging his own yawn. "I am tired, V. I would like to shower and sleep."
You nodded, curling more of your body onto him. "I could take another shower."
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lemondemonpickuplines · 4 months
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you, yes YOU could become the next greatest LD pickup artist! that is, if you have a couple free minutes and are a fucking loser. just like me! submit your pickup lines today!
to jumpstart your beautiful and creative minds, I've made a list of songs that are yet to have a line under the cutoff. Remember, though, we're only Lemon Demon in name - you're also welcome to post about a Mouth song, a YouTube video, or anything else that speaks to you and that Neil Cicierega is a part of. GOOD LUCK!
Bowling Alley
Hazel's Modus Operandi
Idiot Control Now
Pepper and Salt
Holy Bison Beaks
Fire Motif
Hydroelectric Viking
The Saga of You
Mr Wolfgang
Fly Straight
Oz Explodes
Booja Jabooja
Chu Chu Rocket
Birdhouse In Your Soul
Mold en Mono
What's In The Toaster
Sunbeam Light Show Flower Seed
Musical Chairs
Matches and Nails**
Fancy Pants Manifesto
Go To Hollywood
Sick Puppy**
Bad Idea
Behold the FUTURE
Not Applicable
Roman Robot Statues
Run, Harry, Run
Take a Picture
There's a Robot in My Head
Dead Sea Monkeys
What Will Happen Will Happen
Subtle Oddities
Gonna Dig up Alec Guinness**
Smell Like a Cookie All Day
March of the Living Figments
Bicycle Race
Bottom Line
Sky Blue Up
I Want to Wake Up
Zero Gravity
Mothers All Over the World
Pirate in a Box
How To Poop
Dinosaurchestra Part One
This Hyper World
The Too Much Song
Stick Stickly
Princess Unicorn Bunny Kitten Angel
Abraham Lincoln's Head
Snakes On a Plane
The Afternoon**
Nightmare Fuel
The Wiggles Hate Each Other In Real Life
You Got a Toothache
Today's Secret Word
While My Keytar Gently Weeps
Treasure Map
Super Hey Ya
Prelude to Presents
Spiral of Ants
Moon's Request
Cat Hacks
Kubrick and the Beast
Everybody Likes You
Christmas Dog
Clark Kent
eBaum's World Dot Com
Fly Away
Happiest Shit Ever
Sorry For the Text Posts
Experiments in VOPM
Happy Songs
Hydoelectric Viking Funeral
It's Gonna Get Weird
Illemonama Polkarama
Magic Dance
Prince Ali
Wiry Song
Wolfden Radio
Zip-up Rap
**the songs with asterisks may or may not already have lines. my blog is old enough now that I struggle to comb through the whole thing, and tagging isn't always perfect. don't worry about re-using a song, though; as long as it's not an egregious duplication of an existing post, you're alright.
also, I only post every few days, so forgive me if it takes a while to get to your submission. sometimes I don't post lines until months after they've been sent in, so if you've submitted and I haven't posted, it may just be lost in my ass-long queue. or i just don't think it's very good. but you have no way of knowing, do you.
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It's Always Been Us - Michael Kinsella x Reader (Chapter 1 - Michael)
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Michael Kinsella x F!Reader
Story Summary: The continuing saga of Michael and Reader from Michael's PoV, starting with the morning after It's Always Been You.
Warnings/Tags for entire story: S2E7 & S2E8 AU, Oral sex (m & f receiving), p in v sex (like... a lot of it -- these two have 20 years to make up for), non-graphic allusions to attempted non-con (if you've seen S2 you know what's up), other additional tags to be added as we go along.
Word Count: ~2950 for this chapter
A/N: Welcome to the sequel to It's Always Been You! This will be told from Michael's PoV and will follow the morning after IABY until the end of season 2 and possibly slightly beyond (with certain plot details being changed/eliminated, of course).
Fuck, wha' an amazin' dream, Michael Kinsella thought as he woke up.
He blinked his eyes open and smiled to himself. 
He was naked in his best friend's bed, Y/N's fast asleep in his arms with her back pressed to his front. Not a dream, then.
The previous night had actually happened -- what had started out as Michael simply needing some comfort from his best friend of more than 20 years had turned into a night of passion. He and Y/N had finally confessed the feelings they had both felt towards each other since they had met as teenagers, and what followed had definitely been the best sex Michael had ever had. After they had made love for the very first time, they had taken a shower together, during which Michael had fucked Y/N up against the shower wall, and after they had returned to bed, Y/N had returned Michael's earlier oral favor before he had fucked her again.
He grinned at the memory.
"Fuckin' hell, feels so fuckin' amazin', love," Michael had groaned out as Y/N had licked and sucked at him. "Thought about havin' those pretty lips of yers on me fer years, Y/N, suckin' my cock like it was yer fuckin' job. Fuckin' perfect, ya are."
He had hissed in a breath as Y/N had hummed around him, his hand snaking into her hair and gripping it tightly. "Gonna fuckin' cum, pet," he had warned, trying to pull her off of him. 
Y/N had shaken her head and taken him as deep as she possibly could, swallowing around him as he had come down her throat.
"Fuckin' hell, love," Michael had groaned after he was spent. "I think ya sucked me soul out'a me cock."
Y/N had giggled, kissing her way back up his body before lying next to him. "Jus' wanted ta take care of ya, Mikey."
Michael had shaken his head. "It's goin' ta take me a bit to get goin' again, so in tha meantime yer gonna sit on my face until ya can't remember anythin' except fer my name."
Michael had kept his word, repeatedly teasing her to the edge with his mouth before fucking her until she came screaming his name. 
He couldn't help but wonder if Y/N had also fantasized about him and wondered if her fantasies had been similar to his own -- sneaking off to his bedroom at a family event, not even making it to the bed before Y/N was dropping to her knees, her hands frantically working at Michael's belt in order to shove his pants and boxers down to his ankles, Michael gripping her hair as he watched her swallow him down and work him to the edge before pulling her off of him with a groan and helping her stand so he could hike her dress up and pull her underwear to the side, testing her readiness with his fingers before sliding his bare cock into her, his hands gripping her thighs tightly as he fucked her up against the door until they were both spent, then heading back downstairs together, Y/N's cunt still stuffed full of his cum…
He bit his lip, cock starting to stir. There was something about the knowledge that he was the only man who had ever been allowed inside Y/N without a barrier -- and furthermore, being the only man who had ever been allowed to come inside Y/N without a barrier (and multiple times, at that) -- that awakened something primal in him. He wanted to press his lips to every inch of Y/N's skin, marking her as his. 
He slowly ground his hips against her, hissing in a breath as his rapidly hardening cock slotted between her ass cheeks. Fuck. 
His arms tightened around her as he carefully slid his cock between the soft, round globes of her ass, the feel of her smooth skin making him groan quietly in pleasure.
"Ya gonna keep humpin' my arse or are ya actually plannin' ta fuck me?"
Michael froze, cheeks flaming as Y/N turned in his arms.
She blinked at him sleepily, a soft smile on her face. "Mmm. Good mornin', love."
Michael smiled back, relieved that Y/N didn't seem to be annoyed with him for waking her. "Good mornin' ta you too."
Y/N gave him a kiss. "Wha' time is it?"
Michael turned and reached for his phone to check. "About 6:30."
"Mmm. 'Kay."
"Are ya workin' today?"
Y/N shook her head. "Nah, I don' go back in until tomorrow evenin'."
Michael grinned. "Good, 'cause I'd like ta take ya out tonight, ya know, all proper like ya deserve."
Y/N let out a light laugh. "Wha', do ya wan' ta court me, Michael Kinsella?"
Michael smiled nervously. That wasn't exactly the terminology he had in mind, but yeah, he did want to date and eventually marry Y/N. "If tha's what it takes fer ya ta be mine."
Y/N hummed playfully. "Mmm, I believe tha' we already established tha fact tha' I'm yers, didn' we? Or were the marks ya left on me last night not proof enough?"
A smirk flitted across Michael's face. "Mmm, I might need ta leave a few more, ya know, jus' fer good measure."
Y/N hissed in a breath as he gently pressed his thumb against one of the marks he had left on her hip. "Can't say I'd mind tha' too terribly."
Michael reached up and caressed her face. "I just wan' ta do this right, Y/N. I've loved ya fer so long, and now tha' I finally got a chance ta be with ya I don' wan' ta fuck it up."
Y/N shook her head. "There are very few ways ya could fuck this up, Michael Kinsella. I know who ya are and wha' ya've done, and I love and accept ya not because of or in spite of any of it, but because a' this."
She pressed a hand to Michael's chest. "This is wha' I fell in love with."
Michael placed his hand on top of hers. More than once she had taken his heart -- bloody, bruised, and broken -- and mended it back together with surgically skilled precision, leaving her name stitched in multiple places along the seams. "It's yers, ya know. Always has been."
Y/N nodded. "If ya really want ta take me out tonight, then I would love ta go on a date with ya." 
Michael smiled in relief. Since he never got his chance to have a normal relationship with Y/N when they were younger he wasn't going to squander his chance now. "Grand."
Y/N leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Of course, tha's as long as ya take me back ta yer place fer a 'nightcap' afterwards."
Michael huffed out a laugh, his cock stirring once again at Y/N's insinuation. "Ya drive a hard bargain, pet, but I think I can agree ta tha'."
Y/N leaned in to give him a soft kiss, cupping his cheeks in her hands. "Good. Now, why don' we continue wha' ya had started when ya woke me up this mornin'?"
Michael trailed one hand up her bare back as he wrapped the other around her waist. "Mmm, gladly, love."
He pulled her in for another kiss.
Y/N slid her hands from his cheeks to his neck as she wrapped a leg around his, rolling her hips upwards.
Michael groaned as her cunt slid along his cock, coating him in her wetness. "Fuckin' hell, wet fer me already, pet?"
Y/N nodded as she reached down and lined him up with her entrance. "Want ya inside me, Mikey."
Michael hissed in a breath as he sank his cock into Y/N's warm, wet core. As many times as they would make love (and he hoped it would be thousands, if not tens of thousands more in his lifetime), he figured he'd never get used to the feeling of being buried deep inside Y/N, hearing her breathy moans in his ear as he claimed her over and over, the way his name sounded on her lips while he spilled inside her trembling cunt…
He withdrew until just his tip remained, then pushed back in. "Christ, love, yer cunt feels fuckin' incredible. Wish I could spend all day buried inside ya. Ya'd like tha', wouldn' ya, pet?"
Y/N nodded. "Mmhmm. Want ya ta keep fuckin' me until I'm full of yer cum, Mikey."
Jesus. Michael's hands made their way to Y/N's pert ass so he could drive even deeper into her. "Oh really? Wan' me ta fill this sweet cunt up, love? Wan' me ta pump ya so full of my cum tha' it's leakin' out around my cock?"
Y/N whimpered. "Uh huh. Wan' ya ta keep fillin' me 'till I can't take anymore, Mikey." 
Michael growled. "Ya wan' ta be my little fucktoy, is tha' it, Y/N? Wan' ta be used for my pleasure, fer me ta come in whenever I wan'?"
Y/N gasped. "Yes, Michael, please. Use me however you want, love, I'm yers."
"Fuckin' right, yer' mine." Michael pulled out of her. "Turn around and lean into me, pet."
He waited as Y/N turned facing away from him, then he lined his cock back up and pushed inside her, hands grasping her hips as he rolled them onto their backs. 
"Oh, fuck, Michael," Y/N gasped as he continued fucking into her, his balls slapping up against her cunt with every thrust. "So good, love."
Michael hissed. He had learned very quickly the previous night that Y/N was close to an orgasm when she started using his given name rather than his nickname. "So fuckin' beautiful, pet, look at yerself takin' me so well. Ya gonna come for me, love? Gonna take my seed deep inside ya, show who ya belong ta?"
One of Y/N's hands gripped the sheets tightly while the other reached up to grab her headboard.
She nodded.
"Ah ah ah." Michael gave a gentle slap to her cunt. "Use yer words, pet. Let me hear tha' pretty voice of yers."
Y/N huffed out a breath. "Yes, fuck, yes, gonna come, Mikey, please don' stop."
"Tha's it." Michael sucked a mark on her neck as he began to thrust even harder, one hand snaking down her torso to rub her clit while the other wrapped around her waist. "So fuckin' lucky yer mine, love, gonna spend every day showing ya just how much ya mean ta me, how much I cherish ya."
Y/N whimpered, the sound sending shockwaves straight to Michael's cock. "Michael --"
Michael hummed, his own release quickly approaching. "Tha's right, darlin', let go fer me. I'm righ' behind ya."
He placed another kiss to Y/N's neck. "I love ya so much, Y/N."
Y/N came around him with a cry, the hand that had been clutching the headboard suddenly burying itself into Michael's hair.
Michael thrust into her a half-dozen more times before emptying himself into her quivering cunt, relishing in the feel of Y/N's body taking everything he had to give her.
Y/N relaxed against him, her hand loosening its grip in his hair in order to caress his face. "I love ya too, Mikey."
Michael eased his way out of her. "Mmm. I'm glad ta hear tha'."
Y/N shifted to lie next to him, then turned and snuggled into his side.
Michael turned to face her and pulled her to him, tangling his legs with hers.
Y/N buried her face in his chest, nose nuzzling right where Michael's heart was. "Mmm, wha' a way ta wake up. I could get used ta tha'."
Michael chuckled, running his fingers up and down Y/N's bare back. He wanted to wake up next to her every morning for the rest of his life. "Mmhmm. Me too."
Y/N pressed a kiss to his chest. "Have ya figured out wha' yer' gonna do about Bren?"
Michael sighed. He had honestly hoped to avoid that conversation altogether. "Yes, but yer' not gonna like it."
Y/N shook her head and leaned back to look up at him. "Actually if yer' thinkin' about gettin' rid of him, I agree tha' he needs ta go."
Michael looked at her in surprise. "Are ya serious? Wha' happened to savin' lives?"
Y/N sighed. "I am savin' lives by agreein' ta this. Bren's done caused too much hurt and pain ta be allowed ta continue unchecked, and besides, I'd kill the bastard myself if I ever found out he had actually touched Anna."
She bit her lip. "Maybe it won' hafta come down ta tha', but if it does, jus'... Be careful, okay? I can' lose ya."
Michael nodded. "I will."
Y/N cupped his cheek in her hand. "And I'll talk ta Anna today."
Michael nodded again and softly pressed his lips to hers. "Actually, can we talk ta her together? I owe her an apology fer shoutin' at her."
Y/N smiled softly at him. "Of course, love. I'm sure she'd appreciate tha'."
"...And while we're a' it maybe we can tell her about us, too?" Michael bit his lip. "I don' wan' ta hide our relationship and I think Anna might handle it better if we tell her ourselves rather than her havin' ta hear about it from Anthony or someone else."
The bright grin that bloomed on Y/N's face was enough to power all of Dublin. "Yeah. Yeah, I'd like tha'."
Michael leaned in to kiss her again. "I got ta get goin' in a bit. We're all meetin' ta talk about what ta do about Bren and after tha' we're meetin' with a new supplier, so I got ta get home ta shower and change."
Y/N nodded. "Got time for some breakfast before ya need ta leave?" 
Michael nodded. "Mmm. With you? Of course."
"Sounds perfect." Michael could picture future mornings waking up next to Y/N -- carefully climbing out of bed in order to not disturb her while he snuck off to the kitchen to make her breakfast in bed, returning to wake her up with gentle kisses and caresses, basking in the warmth of Y/N's sleepy smile as she roused, laughing as she pulled him to her and pressed her lips to his, Michael's hands wandering across her bare skin, breakfast be damned…
Y/N stretched. "Okay, I'll get tha' goin' then."
Michael watched as she got up and pulled on the robe he had bought her as a Christmas gift the previous year, the Japanese silk gliding smoothly over her shoulders. 
"Mmm," he said, climbing out of bed and walking over to her. "Never thought I'd actually get ta see ya in tha'. Ya look beautiful in it."
Y/N smiled. "Keep playin' yer cards right and ya jus' might see me in it more often… or out, as tha case may be."
Michael chuckled as he wrapped his hands around her waist. "Oh I definitely plan on it, love."
Y/N gave him a kiss. "I'll go get breakfast started while ya get dressed."
Michael pulled his boxers and jeans back on, then fetched his shirt and shoes from Y/N's living room before joining her in the kitchen. "Need any help?"
Y/N looked over at him from her stove. "Actually, if ya want ta bring tha plates over and fix some juice that'd be grand."
Michael nodded. "Sure thing, love."
He grabbed the plates that Y/N had set out on her kitchen island, setting them near Y/N so she could plate their eggs before pouring them each a glass of juice from the bottle in Y/N's refrigerator.
They sat down at Y/N's island to eat. "Mmm. Amazin', as always, love," Michael said after his eggs were cool enough to take a bite. "Even better considerin' the circumstances of me bein' here durin' breakfast."
Y/N leaned over and gave Michael a kiss on the cheek. "Thank ya. And I agree, I definitely like the circumstances of ya joinin' me fer breakfast."
She took a bite of her own eggs. "So I was thinkin', maybe I can text Anna and ask her ta meet us around lunchtime at tha park near her grandmother's house? Think ya will be done with yer meetin's by then?"
Michael nodded. "I'll let ya know if something changes but yeah, tha' should work."
"Okay, grand."
Y/N picked up her phone and sent Anna a text, waiting a moment before her phone chimed with a response. "She said okay."
Michael nodded. "Grand."
They finished eating, then Michael stood and put his plate in Y/N's sink. "I should get goin'. We're supposed ta be at Amanda's in an hour."
Y/N nodded, standing up as well. "Here, I'll walk ya out."
They walked to Y/N's front door.
Y/N reached out and gave Michael's hand a squeeze. "Got everythin'?"
Michael checked his pockets for his phone, wallet, and house keys. "Yeah, I think so."
He cupped her face in his hands and gave her a soft, slow kiss, still unable to believe that he was now allowed to do that. "I'll call ya later?"
Y/N nodded. "I love ya, ya know tha'?"
Michael grinned, pressing another kiss to her lips. "I love ya too."
He opened the door and walked out, turning to look at Y/N standing in the doorway one more time before heading back home, smiling softly to himself.
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atonalginger · 7 months
Snippet Sunday
thank you for tagging me, @eridanidreams ! You've already tags all the usual suspects so I extend my tag to anyone who reads this far and has something they want to share!
This is from my starborn WIP I've come to call the Starborn Saga which sounds maybe too dramatic but it's what I got. lol.
Warnings: explicit language, suggestive themes (thoughts and implications of sex) With that this snippet is best suited for 18+ audiences.
“You really mad about the shipping crates?” Sam asked Lila as he settled on the couch in their room.
She stood next to the big picture windows watching the security bots patrolling the grounds. Two kept bumping into one another while a third harassed a small genophage minding its business. She’d need to upgrade their programming. She smiled at his question, “What do you think?” She asked.
“I don’t know what to think anymore. I figured you’d cool off when you saw everything I ordered but then you’ve been distant all fuckin’ evening,” there was heat in his words but he stayed relatively calm. She turned to look at him, “I haven’t been distant, I’ve been thinking.”
“Could have fooled us,” Sam tossed his red flannel shirt into a basket near the door, “Goose’s been teasing me all evening.”
She laughed, “Oh no, teen razzing.”
“Oh, fuck off,” he waved her off and bit back a smile.
“Oh?” she raised an eyebrow in feigned shock. An impish smile curled her lip, “In that case I guess I won’t give you that gift.”
Sam looked up, curious. He narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips. Then mouthed the word ‘gift’ to himself.
“I’m still not thrilled you volunteered our outpost, because even the most discreet crews can slip up, but I’m not a fool: Del would have found us eventually.” Lila sauntered over to the couch, “I just wish you would have told me.”
“I wanted to surprise you,” he sounded tired. She wondered how many times he’d said these words today, “I wanted to do something nice for you and Goose. A gift. Being King of the Crimson Fleet comes with perks I like to use.”
“King?” Lila stood in front of him, her knees touching his, “Does Del know that?”
Sam flashed his signature smile and shrugged, “Don’t see how it matters. He still gets to manage the crews and that keeps him happy.”
“He’d try to kill you if he heard that,” she tapped the bottom of his chin with her index finger. He just laughed and took her hand, pulled her in and kissed her. She caught herself with a hand to his chest and clawed at the fabric of his shirt. With his other hand he snatched her waist and yanked her onto his lap.
“Maybe I should build myself a throne. Have my queen sit pretty on my lap.” He looked her over and bit his lip.
“Your queen,” she touched her chest in faux shock, “What an honor.” He ran his fingers up the back of her neck and took a fist full of hair, pulling her in for another kiss. She let out a small squeal and pushed back on his chest. He let her go and stared at her with hungry eyes.
“Aren’t I supposed to be fucking off?” she tilted her head to the side. He trailed his eyes down her front and squeezed her ass, rocking up at her, “you can fuck something.”
“Mmm, I could,” She pushed on his chest and forced herself up to her feet, “You really don’t want your gift?”
Lila could see the wheels turn in his mind. His eyes focused on her cleavage, a finger hooking the neck of her tank top and pulling it down further. He bit his bottom lip and looked up at her, “color me curious, I do.”
She reached down and worked his belt and pants open, her eyes never leaving his face, “just sit back, your Highness,” she said playfully.
“I prefer your Greatness, thank you,” He leaned back and draped his arms over the top of the couch cushions.
She grabbed the sides of his pants and shorts and pulled them down, Sam lifting himself to help, and knelt in front of him, “Don’t push it, cowboy.”
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obsessedwithegos · 2 years
I have given Dor several pair of magic pants.
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"What am I supposed to do with these?" Dor asks from the counter they're sitting on with 4 pairs of the magic pants and at least 8 more on the floor below them, which was why they were on the counter for now.
The look down at the ones they're holding "They're cool but I have no idea what do to with them. It's not like I need them."
general content tag: @emmettnet
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blessedpictures · 7 months
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Alan Wake (Video Games), Alan Wake 2 (Video Games) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Mr. Scratch/Alan Wake, Alex Casey/Alan Wake Characters: Alan Wake, Mr. Scratch (Alan Wake), Alex Casey (Alan Wake), Saga Anderson, Mentions of Alice, Scratch!Casey Additional Tags: Extremely Dubious Consent, Dubiously Consensual Blow Jobs, Dubious Morality, Dubious Consent Due to Possession, Possession, Blow Jobs, Crying, Fantasizing, Coming In Pants, Come Swallowing, throatfucking, Possessive Behavior, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat Summary: Heavy Alan Wake 2 Spoilers. Wake stalls Scratch for time.
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hornystorage · 10 months
Some tags for better organization
I'm going through all the posts I can in the blog, tagging them so as to find them easier. To help with that, I'm also writing the tags here, what do they mean, and using them to tag this pinned post. To see any of the tags, just tap/click on it (on the tags section under the post).
The tags are not mutually exclusive. A post can (and will probably) have more than one tag.
(All the tags begin with CHS: meaning Curio's Horny Storage:)
CHS: picture Given to posts where the focus is the picture, rather than anything else that may or may not be written.
CHS: drawn This one is for drawing and paintings and that kind of art.
CHS: audio Posts where the main focus is the audio. My favourite kind of post.
CHS: written The biggest group of posts. They mostly have pictures, but the main point of them is what's written: captions and stories are tagged this.
CHS: caption The kind of written content added to an existing picture. Sometimes is hard to tell what's a story and what's a caption, so I went with my gut instinct.
CHS: story The kind of written content that doesn't necessarily have a picture attached. Sometimes is hard to tell what's a story and what's a caption, so I went with my gut instinct.
CHS: concepts Little ideas for stories and fictional products.
CHS: guidelines Guides, tutorials, and tips. From the classic "become a bedwetter" guides to how to fluff up a diaper.
CHS: games and challenges Some fun little activities to have some diapered (or not) fun.
CHS: diaper peak For those pictures where a bit (or a lot) of diaper peaks out of a buy's pants ;P
CHS: wet spot For the pictures where the focus is the big, wet patch on a guy's crotch.
CHS: wetting There are some videos and gifs where you can see the wetting happening, instead of a still of before or after.
CHS: humping Used for diapered boys humping their wet diapers in pictures and gifs.
CHS: chastity Sometimes explicitly included, sometimes just alluded to, so I tag it because I enjoy it.
CHS: magic wand Used for those posts that have those magic wand vibrators. I hear they feel very good on a wet diaper...
CHS: less kinky Some less kinky pictures that I just find hot.
CHS: bulge A tag for the hot bulges and packages of men (non-diaper bulges).
CHS: bedwetting A main kink for this blogger, so I tag the pics and stories that focus on the subject.
CHS: POV For the posts that put you on a POV (Point Of View). Also a favourite of mine.
CHS: furry Posts that have furries. Sometimes in diapers, sometimes just big and hot.
CHS: hypno Images that depict someone getting hypnotized, usually drawings.
CHS: rubberpupthoughts rubberpupthoughts wrote some very good stories and captions, but all his stuff seems to have disappeared from the internet. I'm reposting the few ones I have saved, and if you have some others, I'd be grateful if you could share them.
CHS: Mark and Luke A nice little story, contained in a single post.
CHS: the briefs saga Two captions that may not actually be related, but share a similar subject.
CHS: Diapers for my Boyfriend A story in 11 parts, of which I’m missing the first 3 parts.
CHS: Heath A four-parts story about a guy named Heath and how he ends in diapers. Sadly, I am missing the first part.
CHS: Josh and Mikey A series of captions with the recurring characters Mikey (who's becoming incontinent) and Josh (who's making it happen).
CHS: Tim and Joe A seemingly 4-parts story, of which I only have the last two parts. Gotta find the other two.
CHS: Tricked and Treated A two-part story involving lots of humiliation about a boy and his daddy on halloween (and after).
CHS: Remote Work Bullying A two-parter about a guy with an online dom working from home. Padded, of course.
CHS: Billy and Timmy's Rough Days One (technically two) of the more rough stories in the blog. While usually not my style, I find it particularly hot. (unofficial title, as I didn't see any in the posts themselves, which are form different people).
CHS: a favourite Some personal favourites of mine.
CHS: to find As blogs come and go, some stories that require access to deactivated blogs cannot be read anymore. I'd like to complete them where possible, so any clues as to where to find a complete version for archiving purposes are welcome.
CHS: tags Other blogs have their own tags. I reblog them so as to have easy access to the posts I like. Recommended to check out.
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toribookworm22 · 6 months
Find The Word (×3)
Thank you @axl-ul , @autumnalwalker , @elizaellwrites
No pressure tagging: @kirsten-is-writing @pluttskutt @jaimistoryteller @hrmkingizzy & my open tag!
Your words are: QUIET, DARE, & TOKEN
My words were: tear, wood, fire, duck, connection, recommendation, wake, later, instant, moment, chance, current. Origin under except. Hidden under the cut.
Looking down, my entire right leg has turned a dark shade of red, dress split up the side to reveal the gash in my thigh staining my tights. “Yikes. Think it looks worse than it is, actually,” I tell her, slipping a finger over the tear in the fabric. “Hardly even hurts.”
Secondary Series
Nia pants at my side and just a little behind us, I can hear Anny still crying between breaths. Our feet dig into the ground in clunky, rather loud steps, but Paolo said we should be safe in these woods. At least as long as the sun hadn’t risen. 
Queer Superhero Story
But I had to wonder if maybe the alternative was better? Instead of instantaneous fire and death, however, I was met with enduring horrific… well, really shitty pain. More than I’d thought was previously possible. Each finger and joint and eyelash scream even though I couldn’t force the sound past my mouth. And, with the pain, came the more recent memories: a flash, a color, a face. Me. Falling.
Animatronic Saga
Merieh and Daran are hot on my heels, flashes of lightning blazing across the sky. There’s no need to count for Merieh; the thunder rumbles immediately. At each flash, everyone in our district that followed me ducks instinctively, getting to the lowest point they can. No one wants to be fried today or any other day, for that matter. 
The tingling starts under my ribcage, a pulse completely separate from my own. From there, it seeks out the foreign connection, this time running down my arm and pushing into the boy’s jaw. In the glow of the last candle, the tendrils connecting us look deceivingly orange, but I know better.
Queer Superhero Story
Something about those dark dark eyes. “I recommend you keep your station private, Haryl. And if you need, I can put in a good word to the Commanders."
Animatronic Saga
Because I don’t miss it. I love the life I’ve built here and the family I’ve created in the wake of the death of my old one and the person I’ve had to become.
Secondary Series
“What, Edward?” She asked weakly. “What do you want from me?”
“You didn’t hurt me. It wasn’t you.”
Inch by inch, she relaxed her face and shoulders, even giving me a soft smile. “I’ll see you later, Edward. Okay?”
Animatronic Saga
Not her telling me it was almost instant.
I wish I had something else to tell her.
Secondary Series
The moment my hand loosens around the knife, Roldan’s pulling something from his belt and tossing it at our feet. Nia yells, “Don’t breathe!” but it’s too late.
White smoke puffs up around us as I fall to my knees. Roldan catches me by my shoulders and eases me onto the ground, eyes soft. “I’m sorry,” he says. “I’ll explain everything when you wake up.”
Queer Superhero Story
I used to, but that’s the thing about loving something. You can’t turn it off. Love is all about second chances.”
Animatronic Saga
The Beggar’s Laws are under update as well.”
A groan slips through my lips. Everybody’s eyes are suddenly on me and I can’t help but feel defensive. “What? That was probably what I missed the least about Earth.”
“Unfortaunte as they are,” Edward tell sme with a sigh. “They’re also the least of our current concern.”
Secondary Series
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Teen Wolf New Moon
https://archiveofourown.org/works/55455991 by zzeacat Preface Stiles was living a nightmare. One of the ones that he had awoken from screaming night after night these past months. One of those nightmares where you awake still panting and sweating from all the running dream you had been doing. Running for your life even though you can never seem to run fast enough. But Stiles wasn’t running for his life. His life was of little consequence to himself right now. The thought of the enemies he was about to face alone was more comforting than frightening. He was glad to know failure would most definitely end in his death. Because if he failed in this, he would lose that which gave him the will to live. So with false confidence, Stile strode into the harsh light and out from the shadows. Aka part 2 of my Twilight rewrite but Sterek. New Moon addition. Featuring Stiles being left by Derek because of plot reasons plenty of angst NO love triangle. I took New Moon and gave it my own twist to fit these two. Words: 3377, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Twilight saga Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Allison Argent, Lydia Martin, Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Isaac Lahey, Vernon Boyd, Talia Hale, Cora Hale Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Feels, Angst with a Happy Ending, Twilight AU, New Moon AU, Werewolves, Mates, Spark Stiles Stilinski, BAMF Stiles Stilinski, Depression, stiles gets sad, But then you knew that, because New Moon, It Gets Better, Scott is suipid, Kidnapping, Protective Stiles Stilinski, The red hoodie tm, Temporary Amnesia, Hospitals, Panic Attacks read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/55455991
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