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tractim · 17 days ago
question not related to art (yet):
lately i have been reading the dionysiaca by nonnus and just yesterday i have reached the part in which actaeon's myth is told. nonnus makes acteaeon climb a tree in order to spy on artemis, and i wanted to ask - how popular is this element in this myth? because it is very clear that here nonnus intends to draw as many parallels between actaeon and pentheus as possible (as he should) and if i remember correctly in ovid there are no mentions of actaeon climbing a tree. does someone knows any other classical versions in which this element is present?
thank you in advance
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asdaricus · 7 months ago
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Zosimos of Panopolis, portrayed as an Alexandrian Scholar-Alchemist
by Midjourney v6
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brauronia · 1 year ago
‘Let Atlas join the fight / let him break off mountains / launch them against the sphere of stars / he once carried on his shoulders / let the Seasons run in panic […] / Zeus son of Cronus / will heft the spinning mass of heaven / onto his own shoulders / the load of Atlas / and there he will stand / biting back his rancor.’
Tales of Dionysus, book 2, by Nonnus of Panopolis (tr. by William Levitan).
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corvidonia · 1 year ago
i both love and hate nonnus. i dont know why he counts as a "classical source" when he's closer to medieval greece than he is to classical greece. hes from the 5th century common era. not before common era. hes literally from imperial rome... scholars love him and hate him. some people like him and some dont. most people do not. did you know that nonnus is the only source (that i could find) in which dionysus sexually assaults someone? yeah 💀 all him!
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therhetoricofmagic · 2 years ago
The Philosophers of Fire
One of the central concepts in alchemy was the idea of the four elements: earth, air, water, and fire, which were believed to be the basic constituents of all matter. Among the alchemists, there were those who specialized in the element of fire, and they were known as the philosophers of fire. These alchemists believed that fire was the primary agent of change and transformation, and that it had…
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coinandcandle · 11 months ago
Timeline of Occult Figures
Here is a non-exhaustive list of people you will likely come across in researching anything under Occultism.
These dates are not going to be 100% accurate because many of these folks have either lied about their age or for some reason or another we don't have solid records of them.
Pythagoras 570-490 BCE
Socrates 470-399 BCE
Plato 424/5-348/7 BCE
Aristotle 384-322 BCE
Apollonius of Tyana 15-97 CE
Pliny the Elder 23/24AD-79CE
Ptolemy 100CE-170CE
Galen 129-216CE
Zosimos of Panopolis ~beginning of the 4th century
Roger Bacon 1220-1292
Henry Agrippa 1486-1535
Nostradamus 1503-1566
John Dee 1527-1608
Paracelsus 1593-1608
Jacob Grimm 1785-1863
Eliphas Levi 1810-1875
Helena Blavatsky 1831-1891
A. E. Waite 1857-1942
Margaret Murray 1863-1963
Aleister Crowley 1875-1947
Gerald Gardner 1890-1946
Robert Graves 1895-1985
Austin Osman Spare 1886-1956
Scott Cunningham 1956-1993
This is a re-upload because I can't find the original post I made so any additions made on that post have been lost. Please let me know if you have suggestions!
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the-banks-of-lethe · 4 days ago
˚ʚ♡ Hypnos & the Erotes ♡ɞ˚
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I'm sure you're all familar with Hypnos and the Erotes, respectively. But it's not as common to hear about them working together. Although, it is quite logical when you put some thought to it;  "Sleep and Love, after all, are activities that both have the bed in common." - Sleep and Death
Unfortunately, most of what we know about Hypnos' association with love and the Erotes comes from Nonnus.
"Nonnus (flourished 5th century ad, b. Panopolis, Egypt) was the most notable Greek epic poet of the Roman period. His chief work is the Dionysiaca, a hexameter poem in 48 books" - Britannica
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Here are a few quotes from 'Nonnus, Dionysiaca' [theoi.com]
Nonnus, Dionysiaca 31. 103 ff : ". . . Then Hypnos as one obeying a mother started up, and swore to charm the eyes of unresting Zeus even until the third dawn should come; but Iris begged him to fasten Kronion (Cronion) with slumber for the course of one day only. There Hypnos remained, awaiting the happy season of marriage. Then goddess Iris returned flying at speed and hastened to deliver her welcome message to her queen."
Nonnus, Dionysiaca 32. 95 ff : ". . . [and after their lovemaking] Hypnos (Sleep) the servant of the Erotes (Loves) had charmed the eyes of Zeus . . . Zeus slept delicately charmed among the flowers, holding his wife in his arms on that bed unseen."
Nonnus, Dionysiaca 42. 336 ff : "He [Dionysos in love] sorrowfully prayed to Hypnos (Sleep) and Eros (Love) and Aphrodite of the Evening [the star Venus], all at once, to let him see the same vision [of his love] once more, longing for the deceptive phantom of an embrace."
Nonnus, Dionysiaca 47. 345 ff : "[Ariadne laments her fate after being abandoned in her sleep by Theseus on Naxos :] ‘Give me again, Hypnos (Sleep), your empty boon, so pleasant; send me another delectable dream like that, so that I may know the sweet bed of love in a deceptive dream! Only linger upon my eyes, that I may know the unreal passion of married love in a dream!’"
Nonnus, Dionysiaca 48. 264 ff : "The maiden [the virgin Aura] awoke . . . [and] bold Hypnos (Sleep) she reproached more than all and threatening the Oneiros (Dream) [i.e. for sending her a prophetic dream in which she loses her virginity to Dionysos]."
! CW : rape ! Nonnus, Dionysiaca 48. 621 ff : "Iobakkhos (Iobacchus) [Dionysos] seeing her [Aura asleep] on the bare earth, plucking the Lethaean (Forgetful) feather of bridal Hypnos (Sleep), he crept up noiseless, unshod, on tiptoe, and approached Aura where she lay without voice or hearing. With gentle hand he put away the girl's neat quiver and hid the bow in a hole in the rock, that she might not shake off Hypnos' (Sleep's) wing and shoot him . . . On the ground that hapless girl heavy with wine, unmoving, was wedded to Dionysos; Hypnos (Sleep) embraced the body of Aura with overshadowing wings, and he was marshal of the wedding for Bakkhos (Bacchus), for he also had experience of love, he is yokefellow of Selene (the Moon), he is companion of the Erotes (Loves) in nightly caresses."
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And some non-Nonnus ones
Greek Lyric V Anonymous, Fragment 929g (Rainer papyrus) (trans. Campbell) : "Soft-eyed Hypnos (Sleep) came, embracing all his limbs, as a mother on seeing her dear son after a long absence folds him with her wings to her loving breast."
Licymnius, Fragment 771 (from Athenaeus, Scholars at Dinner) (trans. Campbell, Vol. Greek Lyric V) (Greek lyric C4th B.C.) : "[Endymion was a handsome youth loved by the moon-goddess Selene. He was granted immortality in a state of eternal slumber :] Likymnios of Khios (Licymnius of Chios) says the Hypnos (Sleep) loves Endymion and does not close they eyes of his beloved boy even while he is asleep, but lulls him to rest with eyes wide open so that he may without interruption enjoy the pleasure of gazing at them. His words are ‘And Hypnos (Sleep), rejoicing in the rays of his eyes, would lull the boy to rest with eyes wide open.’"
^^ I understand that this one can simply be interpreted as one of his 'love stories' as most of the Theoi have them. However I thought it nice that it was said that He loved Endymion so much that He (Sleep) stayed with him forever; being forever in slumber.
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Cult images depicting Him with the Mousai (Muses) and Aphrodite
Pausanias, Description of Greece 2. 31. 3 : "Not far from the Mousai's (Muses') hall [at Troizenos (Troezen) in Argolis] is an old altar, which also, according to report, was dedicated by Ardalos. Upon it they sacrifice to the Mousai and to Hypnos (Sleep), saying that Hypnos is the god that is dearest to the Mousai."
Pausanias, Description of Greece 2. 31. 5 : "[At Troizenos (Troezen) in Argolis there is] an ancient altar . . . they sacrifice on it to Hypnos (Sleep) and the Mousai (Muses); who they say are particular friends."
Pausanias, Description of Greece 3. 18. 1 : "[Beside the temple of Athena of the Bronze House in Sparta :] Near the statues of Pausanias is an image of Aphrodite Ambologera (Postponer of Old Age), which was set up in accordance with an oracle; there are also images of Hypnos (Sleep) and of Thanatos (Death). They think them brothers, in accordance with the verses in the Iliad."
Little other bits!
Hypnos is married to Pasithea, one of the Charites, which slightly solidifies his association with 'love-like', good feelings; as the Charites presided over "grace, beauty, adornment, joy, mirth, festivity, dance and song."
His role in the myth of Endymion in which, depending on the version, was in love with Endymion himself or acted as a 'wing-man' for Selene in a way. <- linked a previous post of mine about the variations of the myth!
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And yes, at the end there I did include his (more well-known) affiliation with the Mousai; I did this because, although not romantic (with exception for Erato), the Mousai can represent to some extent the love we feel for ourselves, for friends, the passion of a new hobby, the love of happiness, and really just a love for life. Since the Greeks didn't view love as a catch-all-term and had specific names for each type of love, I though it was fitting to also include his beloved friends, the Mousai.
Although we have little information on Hypnos' depiction as an Erote / companion to the Erotes. We can make the connection that the role of sleep and the role of love have much in common.
The bedroom, a holy place for sleep and love. Where intimacy and dreams mingle together. Dreaming about your lover, or of a friend (philia). Waking up next to someone, their arms around you as you remember the previous night (doesn't have to be sex, you could have just embraced each other in your sleep). Winding down after a long day by laying down and reading in bed, your partner joining you, just laying in silence. The giggles of a sleepover. The comfort of your pet snuggling up next to you. The solace you feel when your head hits the pillow, loving yourself and treating you to an early sleep. Anything!
Do I personally regard Hypnos as a love god? Yes and no. My perspective lies within the wording of it; and since this is purely my opinion, I will label this next part as !UPG! Okay, so. I think it would be wrong to say that Hypnos is a 'love god' or a 'god of love', because he is not, he's the god and daimon of sleep; with dreams, altered consciousness, and relaxation / wellbeings being under this domain as well - notice, love is not listed. However, would I ever reach out to Lord Hypnos concerning love? Personally, yes. I don't believe love to ultimately fall under his domains, but he can assist. I sometimes call him an 'assistant to Aphrodite' [or an 'assistant to love'], because that is how I personally view his role regarding love, assisting. To put it into a lil metaphor; Think of Aphrodite as a full-time, dedicated, expert-in-the-field person for Love - and Hypnos as a Casual-worker, called in when needed, knows how to work in the department but doesn't specialise there. Does that make sense? It does to me. Either way, this paragraph was just my personal view on it, if yours doesn't match mine that is totally fine. This aspect of Hypnos is nuanced and gives a huge allowance for UPG.
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Anyway, let me know if I missed anything or you'd like to share your own interpretation of Hypnos' love aspect! I'd love to hear them! [heh]
May Hypnos bless you, and sweet dreams ♡
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-> heart divider made by @/strangergraphics -> sleep [zzzz] divider made by @/sisterlucifergraphics
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deathlessathanasia · 28 days ago
What on earth made me start reading a 900 page book about Nonnos of Panopolis?
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artifacts-archive · 1 year ago
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Ivory Pyx with the Triumph of Dionysos in India
Syria, Byzantine, mid-500s
Dionysos, a son of Zeus, rides in his chariot overseeing his conquest of India as described by the fifth-century Egyptian poet Nonnos of Panopolis: "Lord Bacchus [Dionysos] spoke…Indian slaying servants of invincible Dionysos! Bind them all fast unresisting, the sons of the Indians, take them all prisoners in bloodless conflict."
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fairyhagmother · 5 months ago
still thinking abt the concept of panopoly (panem monopoly)
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just collecting data- please spread this for a larger sample size 😊😊😊
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brauronia · 2 years ago
‘—But Zeus? / Sitting in silence, no cloud to call his own, and twiddling / His thunderless thumbs, completely deprived of his natural noise.’
Nonnus of Panopolis, Dionysiaca, book 1 (trans. Douglass Parker).
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nysus-temple · 2 years ago
I think there was a myth of Dionysus
At the direction of Hera, the infant Zagreus/Dionysus was torn to pieces, cooked, and eaten by the evil Titans. But his heart was saved by Athena, and he (now Dionysus) was resurrected by Zeus through Semele. Zeus struck the Titans with lightning, and they were consumed by fire.
Like i know there are many myths of him but damn that was brutal and Dionysus had it rough from the start 😅
Yes, that myth is described in the Dionysias by Nonnus of Panopolis and the Orphic Hymns. And some other anonymous Orphic texts. Zagreus is Dionysus' Orphic name, kind of. There's a very little tiny evidence that Zagreus could have been a different god instead of just another name for Dionysus, but honestly, it's not as strong.
In the Dionysias, Nonnus' expands the Orphic story by saying that Zagreus was meant to dethrone Zeus, that he was capable of even using his lightning bolts, and of course, Hera did not like this occuring.
Hera distracted the infant Zagreus with toys and the titans (or, as other say, the giants) murdered him. Zagreus turned into different animals in a way to escape, but he was still dismembered and eaten by them. I wouldn't call them evil, though, they kind of... Just obeyed orders.
Some say it was Apollo, others Athena, the one who was able to save his heart and resurrect him. Some say Zeus put him on his leg directly (which would make Semele kind of irrelevant) and others, such as Nonnus, say that Zeus gave the heart to Semele.
I talk a bit about that myth here.
And yes, Dionysus didn't have a normal childhood (or, well, no god did, I suppose). Regardless of which myths we read, even if we throw away all of his reincarnation shenanigans, he had it rough.
He was never with Persephone nor Semele, his moms. But at least he spends some time in the Underworld with the first one, it's better than nothing. Semele, on the other hand... Yeah, I don't think her soul would recognize him in Hades but, those are just my thoughts.
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caviarkitty · 8 months ago
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Sofia Coppola by Andrew Durham for the New York Times
Clockwise from top left, the taxidermy shop Deyrolle; strolling on Rue Jacob; confections at Gerard Mulot
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Clockwise from top left: Bouquets on Rue de Tournon; Sofia Coppola on a shopping break; the Fontaine de Medicis, designed in 1624, in the Jardin du Luxembourg; Azzedine Alaïa's boutique
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Clockwise from top left, at Goyard; in the Jardin du Luxembourg; a panopoly of shirting fabric at Charvet; an artwork by Lotta Hannerz in the Fontaine de Medicis; at the Clignancourt flea market
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Being fitted for a dress by Azzedine Alaïa; at Le Voltaire; perusing the menu at Le Castiglione
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Andrew Durham for The New York Times Clockwise from top left: Flowers at Odorantes; Lanvin; fresh pastries at Ladurée; Sofia in a contemplative moment.
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coldalbion · 2 years ago
Goêtic Atavisms (pre-order)
It's hardback pre-order day, folks! If you want in on one of the 500 fine edition hardbacks, head over to Hadean Press and pre-order here. Now, for non UK folks, I suspect shipping may be pricey but keep an eye on folks like Miskatonic Books or similar if your're in NA. (I'll post here if I spot any) Shipping in July, and I suspect the paperback, which will also be available then may end up available through the Great Horror that is Amazon. Until then, click through the links or enjoy this sneaky peek at the paperback cover, blurb and video!
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"Goêtic Atavisms is designed to be an uncompromising and challenging book.
Written in mutual exchange between practitioners Frater Acher and Craig Slee, two radical views and explorations of applied goêteia emerge. This tête-bêche book can be read from both sides; behind one cover containing the chapters by Acher, behind the other those by Craig Slee, and where they meet in the middle a preface by none other than Frater U∴D∴.
In their own unique voices, the authors draw the reader in and call on them to bring goêteia to life in their own flesh. Over twelve chapters, packed with historic detail and practical experimentations, the reader is guided to take a fresh look at such diverse bodies of goêtic work as Zosimos of Panopolis, Germanic and Old Iranian folklore, Goethe’s Faust and the Earth Spirit, Austin Osman Spare's œuvre, as well as modern forms of corporeality such as pornography, tattoo culture, and bodily disability. Goêtic Atavisms was written not only to be a sensual experience, but to facilitate magical touch."
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st-just · 1 year ago
Continuing on the POI rewatch (halfway through season 2!)
I absolutely forgot Greer showed up this early. The cyberpunk really does start from the word go.
Also I really thought Kara had longer before getting blown up.
You could write an essay, uh, irony(?) of the CIA plotline/Reese's unfinished business as a war-on-terror triggerman being tied off via suicide bombing.
Speaking of essay topics - this show really does make a fetish object of mens' suits as, like, iconic panopolies of professional-class masculinity.
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